Crafts from straw in the fields. Straw crafts: how to make interesting and simple decorations and toys with your own hands. What are the benefits of straw crafts

Natalia Shibaeva

Autumn is a wonderful time! What bright colors around! So I want to keep them in memory. And they help to do it, crafts from natural materials Luckily there are a lot of them at this time of the year. They are right around us and above and below our feet. This time I turned my attention to a harvested field of rye.

I remembered a poem:

Saddened compressed fields,

The blasted earth dozed off.

Do not hear the usual fuss,

Only the bushes whisper about something.

Autumn is gloomy again, alas,

It crumples the gold of foliage through the groves.

Pavel Mikhalev (Veles)

I do not want to be sad in the fall. And I thought, if you put your hands and diligence, you can get something extraordinary. It will definitely cheer you up and those around you. Worth a try!

Let's start with the rest straw to take home, take it carefully so that the stems do not crumple and do not bend.

We are at home let's sort the straw, we will warm it up and not just warm it up, but arrange a bath for it, boil it in water.

There is a secret if you boil straws with the addition of vinegar, it will acquire a light shade, and if with soda, it will become golden.

Now straw need to be ironed and an iron is useful for this. We work carefully so as not to get burned!

Well, now the most interesting thing is choosing a plot, drawing a sketch and proceeding to applications.

My favorite story is my hometown, and especially our attraction is the bell tower of the Resurrection Cathedral. I have already depicted her many times in my works, and now I decided to try to make her out of straws.

We cut the drawn sketch into templates. Glue strips on the templates straw. The angle of the stripes will allow you to create a unique pattern.

We lay out the image from the finished parts.

The base is tinted black. So applique, it will be more profitable to shade.

Everything can be pasted. Children can also be involved in this work.

And that's what happened.

This type applications we really liked it, and the next creation was born.

Try and you are simple straw create your masterpiece! Good luck!

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A variety of golden tones and shades has a natural material that has absorbed the energy of the sun and the power of the earth - an ordinary straw.
For the manufacture of such straw products, oat, barley, and wheat straw is suitable. It must be carefully prepared for this: cut each stalk into pieces near the rings, peel off the upper covering leaves, cut the resulting golden tubes again lengthwise, soak in water for several hours and then smooth with an iron.

Manufacturing technique

Products are especially beautiful if the base is colored velvet paper, or fabric. The base can be anything. The basis of my designs is fabric.

We transfer the drawing chosen at will to tracing paper and cut out the details in parts. (If there are a lot of parts and they are different, you need to number them.) The main thing is to choose the right direction for the location of the straw in advance, the brilliance of the picture and the expressiveness of the finished product depend on this.

Matched in tone, the straws are carefully glued onto the details of the pattern with ordinary PVA glue. It is important to accurately glue the straws to each other and follow the direction. The glued parts are dried, ironed and carefully, very carefully cut out.

If all the details are translated correctly and cut exactly along the lines, it will be easy to fold the complete drawing. First lay out all the details on the background, carefully check the correct location of all the lines, and then the main thing - gluing.

Step by step: the partially glued area is pressed down with a load (for a short time).

Then we glue the details of the picture again and press down again ...

It is imperative to put a load on the already finished work until the glue is completely dry. Manufactured in this way, the resulting product looks very beautiful in a frame under glass, retaining shine and brightness for a longer time under such conditions.

I remember my handmade straw paintings from my childhood. Then - it was the most affordable material for making beautiful man-made things. Indeed, with good threads, paints, high-quality clay and even plasticine, there was tension in the country. And the pictures, I must say, turned out to be quite decent even for us - the students elementary school. And how mothers were happy with such gifts - not to convey.

Of course, when I saw the straw paintings of real masters, I realized that mine are just handicrafts. But everyone starts somewhere. The main thing is to have a desire. After all, handmade is the kind of creativity in which experience is achieved only after the tenth, twentieth or even hundredth work has been made.

And the main thing is to start ... So, where does the straw art begin?

Field work

Straw paintings, in my opinion, have as much warmth and light as plants receive from the sun. Some works seem to glow from within - it is so alive and warm material. Yes, this is not surprising. After all, what is straw? These are naturally dried plant stems. Well, scientifically speaking, straw has a definition.

Straw is the dried stalks of legumes and cereals that remain after threshing. Straw is also considered the stems of hemp, flax, kenaf and other plants, without leaves and inflorescences.

So, for straw crafts, we need, oddly enough, straw. You can take dried stems of plants. Sometimes leaves are used, as well as other parts. The main requirement is that they must be dense enough not to tear. For example, excellent material is corn leaves or marsh reeds.

To prepare the material on their own, the inhabitants of the city will have to seriously break their brains: where in a big city can you find cereals or even dense grass? Virtually nowhere. Therefore, one day we are going to and leave the countryside.

Preparations for the winter

Straws can be harvested from June to August. Look for where the most "bread" places. And in August, mowed stems and other parts of plants often remain in the fields. In late autumn and winter, as well as in spring, straw craftsmen have nothing to do in the field.

If you have not harvested your straw crop, you will have to wait for the next summer, since in any case I have not seen this material for sale.

For paintings, straw of such cereals as rye, wheat, barley, oats, rice, buckwheat is most often used. All of them differ in color and structure.

Rye is thick and dark. It is suitable for images of details of churches and buildings, as well as other large objects.

Wheat is similar to rye, but light, so it is also used to lay out details of architecture images to contrast with dark rye.

Oatmeal is perhaps the most elegant straw, it is thin, shiny and can be of different shades. It is used for laying out flower pictures.

Rice is white, cream, in a word, light shades. You can also find greenish rice straw - it is also convenient to use it in flower arrangements.

Buckwheat is distinguished by its original reddish-brown hues. You can even find cherry straws made from buckwheat. In addition, it is shiny and even - an excellent material for paintings with flowers and berries.

Straw processing - cook, iron

Since in straw, as in any grass, there are knots and internodes, they need to be cut out so as not to interfere with work. It is also necessary to clean it from the remnants of the leaves.

To do this, carefully cut the tube from one edge along the entire stem. Unfold the edges in both directions and iron on the front side. This is a cold processing method. At the same time, the straw retains its natural luster.

There is also a hot method for processing straws. We put it in water, pour it hot water and boil for 20 minutes. And then we cut the already boiled straw along the stem and smooth it with a hot iron from the inside. When the tape dries, iron it off the face. With this method, it smoothes out faster, as the material becomes softer.

Material shading

Of course, straw paintings are valuable precisely for their natural shades, so it is not necessary to tint the material. It is enough to pick up the straw of different cereals. But you can give straw and more dark shade by tinting or firing. Then the straw picture will be brighter and more colorful.

Straws are fired in the oven or with a hot iron.

Sometimes, to achieve a shade, the straw is boiled with some additives. 1 tsp drinking soda per 1 liter of water will give a yellow tint when boiled. And if you add vinegar, the material will turn white.

Also, some modern masters of handmade straws are tinted with chemical dyes. For example, aniline paints, ink, ink, stain, potassium permanganate

Posting a picture

In order to lay out the picture with straws, you should first make a sketch and mark the canvas.

Can be used as a background thick paper as well as fabric. Straw details on a dark background look very nice, so almost all paintings are made using black fabric or paper

Straw paintings are most often flower arrangements. But images of churches, huts are also popular. After all, this work has been popular in Rus' for a long time. Masters who could make such beauty with their own hands were very respected and appreciated.

The plot everyday paintings depicting the life of the people are also popular.

Details of the picture are also cut out of paper. Each, even small, detail is separate. So that later the paper pattern can be attached to the straw and cut out.

Creating paintings from straw is a rather painstaking process. After all, the material is delusional, brittle and torn.

the straw is glued to the canvas using ordinary PVA glue. Lubricate the part with glue and press it tightly to the pattern. Make sure that the edges of the parts fit snugly against each other. And it is also important to choose the right direction for the location of the elements. After all, a part turned on one side can shine, and on the other - not to give this luxurious shine.

Coating the painting

After gluing the picture, you need to put it under the press: a stack of magazines will do. This is necessary so that all the details stick, and the image is even.

At the final stage, the picture is varnished. When it dries, close ready product glass. So the straw will not fall down with dust and will retain its natural luster for a long time. Such a picture of straw, created by yourself, will warm you with its warmth and light on long winter evenings.

Straw is a simple and affordable material for making items. Straw crafts are a true activity folk art. Today, do-it-yourself straw crafts are very popular among hand-made lovers and there are many master classes. Toys, hats, boxes, paintings, various paintings are made from it using a special technique called straw weaving, kitchen utensils, etc.

The raw materials for crafts are straight pieces of stems from the middle of the plant. With the help of leaves, a background is formed, and the knees are cut off. Ribbons are created from the stems, which are used for crafts. Straws can be dyed in different colors using fabric dyes.

Folk techniques can give the material beautiful shades. For example, using an iron, you can change the color of the straw to brown, and hydrogen peroxide will give a silver tint. If the straw is boiled in manganese, then it will take on a pink color.

There are two methods for making straw ribbons: hot and cold. To apply cold reception, you can cut the stems along and smooth them with scissor rings. This method allows the ribbons to remain shiny and elastic for a long time.

Hot reception consists in steaming the stalks at t -80°C. After boiling, the stems are cut lengthwise and ironed with a hot iron. Ribbons are wide, bright, ready to go.

Features of the stems

Straw crafts for beginners are popular around the world where cereals are grown. After harvesting, there is a lot of straw left. Straw products are made large and small, flat and voluminous. Dried stems are the material that a child of any age can do.

This material is characterized by such qualities:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • availability;
  • elasticity;
  • form stability;
  • ease of processing.

It is necessary to take into account the moment that the straw is different. Different cereal grains have stalks of different qualities and characteristics. Barley has a light shade with a bright surface. It is flexible and easy to process. It is good to make voluminous objects from it.

Rye straw has dark color. Its fibers are very strong, which makes it possible to use it for the manufacture of large structures. This material is used to create figures of people and animals.

Wheat straw is more durable, it is wide and shortened. The stems have a pleasant golden hue. This material is used to make beautiful voluminous objects.

Multifunctional blanks are made from oat straw. When dried, it has a bright yellow color. It bends well and has a wide range of applications.

To create different compositions use different kinds straws. This will give the product volume and expressiveness. In addition, the raw material does not need to be dyed to highlight certain elements.

Straw weaving for beginners is creative process beneficial to the overall development of the individual. The process should begin with good planning for future work.

Rules for working with material

The success of any business depends on the quality of the preparation of the place for work. Straw weaving for beginners is best done at a large, wide table, it’s good if it stands near the window. It will not be superfluous to have a table lamp with a good light source. The table must be covered with oilcloth or cellophane.

It is required to provide areas for placing tools, raw materials and craft parts . To work with straws will be needed the following tools and fixtures:

It is required to prepare the base on which the straw will subsequently be glued. For flat crafts, matter, cardboard, plywood or leather is suitable.

To perform bulk objects, a frame is first made. It is made from wood or wire. To make the straw soft and elastic, it is pre-steamed in hot water. To do this, use a pelvis of the required size. As soon as the straw has become soft, it must be wrapped in a wet cloth.

Before the material is glued, it is straightened and dried with an iron. When everything is ready, they get to work.

Popular crafts

From this amazing simple material You can make a wide variety of products. In a straw basket made by yourself, it is nice to keep fruits, threads and various household trifles.

flower scheme

To make a flower you will need: straws, fabric of purple or other shade, threads, ribbon yellow color, wire, thin paper and cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, knife, large capacity, ammonia 10%, nine tablets of hydrogen peroxide, half a liter of water.

Flower making scheme:

That's all, our flower is ready. To make a bouquet, you need to make several flowers, tie them beautiful ribbon and put in a vase.

straw doll

You need to cut the straw into equal pieces. We bend them in half. Using a wire or rope, we make a head, while not forgetting to stick a toothpick or skewer into the knot.

We divide the body into two parts, tie it with twine and insert straw handles. Weave the handles with a pigtail or wrap them with straws. The ends of the hands can be tied to the belt, thereby highlighting the doll's waist.

Unusual paintings

Pictures from this material are very beautiful and unusual. It is not difficult to perform this work, the main thing is to follow the basic rules.

To make a picture of straw, you will need:

  • straw;
  • scissors;
  • thick sheet of paper;
  • glue;
  • iron;
  • brush.

To make a picture, you need a preliminary sketch. To do this, on the landscape sheet, we draw our future picture with pencils. Before starting work on the picture, it is required to prepare straws with hot or cold reception.

We prepare the basis for the picture from a thick sheet of paper. Using a pencil, draw the outlines of the elements on the cardboard. With scissors, we cut out the required pieces of straw according to the size of the elements of the picture.

We smear the back side of the straw with glue and carefully press it to the base in the place where it is necessary. The main thing is not to rush, so as not to spoil the picture.

We are waiting for the elements to stick well to the base. So gradually glue element by element until you get a picture. In conclusion, you can decorate the product with paints and place it in a frame behind glass.

From the straw you can make a picture in the form of a butterfly. For this, wings, the body and elements of the pattern on the wings are made from straw plates. It must be remembered that the wings of a butterfly must be symmetrical.

The head and mustache can be cut from a wide strip. We draw a picture on cardboard and gradually glue all the elements of the picture to the right place. First, the wings are glued, the body, head and mustache are placed on top. With the help of paints decorate a butterfly.

Straw is an ideal raw material for crafts. When working with her, a person gets a lot of pleasure. You can decorate an apartment, house with straw figurines or give souvenirs to your friends for the holiday. You can be sure that such a gift will not go unnoticed.

If you decide to learn how to create original crafts with your own hands, you can start by weaving straws. There is a desire to make something unique that will interest and attract the attention of guests. Someone wants to change the atmosphere of a house or apartment, add a twist to the interior. Wall decorations or souvenirs bought in the store will not bring as much pleasure as hand-made straw crafts. It is pleasant and useful to work with natural material, it will decorate the interior. The transformation of the room is suitable for any style.

vintage crafts

Dry stems are an ornamental material that is indispensable when weaving straws for beginners. Many exhibits are made from it. IN ancient history needlework was the main occupation. Made from straw:

In ancient times, the manufacture of such items was a way to make a living, now they do it as a hobby. By the way, this hobby is still profitable. Many needlewomen make products to order for a lot of money.

Material preparation

For needlework, it is better to use rye straw. The stalk of rye is long, in comparison with other cereal plants and durable. The soaked straw is plastic and soft. Wheat material is also used for weaving, but it is coarser, shorter and thicker than rye.

Rye straw is harvested from late July to early August, during this period the spikelet begins to ripen:

Before making crafts, dry straws are soaked or steamed. The required amount of material is lowered into a container with water. For fresh straws, half an hour in water of 20 degrees is enough. The old material is poured with hot water and oppression is set, held until elastic, but not for long so that the material does not darken.

Steamed stems are wrapped in polyethylene so that they do not dry out during needlework. If after completion of the work a wet straw remains, it is dried and used later.

Technique and types of weaving

Before work, you need to practice on paper straws. Four types of rye straw weaving are known:

  • straight weaving;
  • spiral;
  • flat braids;
  • voluminous braids.

spiral braid

The principle of operation is that the twisted flagellum is wrapped around with a strong thread, ribbon, spine, bast, birch bark and laid out in a spiral with tight curls. The thickness of the flagellum depends on the dimensions of the future product, the shape is given during weaving. The tourniquet is folded in a spiral, increase the volume in height, if necessary, narrow or expand it. Products from spiral weaving are cylindrical or spherical.

Crafts of any size begin to weave from the middle of the bottom. A bunch of thin stems is wrapped with a strong rope, rolled into a tight ring. The thread is wrapped around the ring and the remaining part of the flagellum is gradually wound. With each turn, the needle is threaded under the next turn of the rope on the previous spiral. With an increase in the diameter of the circle, the distance between the turns of the thread increases, and therefore, in order for the step between the turns to be uniform, idle turns of the thread around the flagellum are made.

To make the snail from the bundle strong, it is constantly twisted in one direction. They make sure that the tourniquet is of the same thickness, this is controlled by a plastic or other tube. At the end of work on each snail, the end of the bundle is cut so that it goes to a thin ring. In the same way, they are wrapped with a thread - and the connection will become invisible.

To weave an openwork gap in a vessel or handles, the tourniquet is wrapped with a 7 cm ribbon and attached to the previous line, forming an arc. The last spiral curl is wrapped around with a ribbon and, returning back, close up the gaps. If thin threads are used for winding, then they work with a wooden shuttle instead of a needle. It is made independently from hardwood apple, pear. There should be a lot of twine on the shuttle; when weaving, this makes it possible to continuously wrap around a bundle of straw.

Spiral bundles of different diameters, laid horizontally, can act as rugs and coasters. If a basket or a vase is made, then during the weaving on the next circle, the coil of the bundle is increased or decreased. For a cylindrical vessel, identical bundles are built up vertically. With the expansion or contraction of the vessel, the number of turns of the straw bundle is increased or decreased.

Straight bindings

The straight weaving process is similar to work loom. For straw crafts for beginners, you will need flattened or flattened ribbons of straw. The steamed straw is cut along the length of the stem with a blade and smoothed with the butt of a knife. The manipulation is repeated until the straw tape becomes straight. Sequencing:

Pressing down with a load, dry the braid. To get a diagonal weave, you need to shift the horizontal straw ribbons through two vertical ones, and not through one, and shift the weaving in each row by one straw. Braided fabric with straight weave creates a play of light and shadow, emphasizes the texture and pattern. Such canvases are suitable as a background for napkins, paintings, panels.

At flat weave straw ribbons differ in density, pattern, width, which increases the possibility of making an unusual specimen. strength, ductility and appearance The fabric depends on the number of straws, their thickness and weaving methods. By connecting flat canvases, decorative items and household items are made. According to the number of straws, the products are divided into 2, 3, 4-endings. The widest canvas is considered to be a braid with eleven ends.

Flat finishing whip

To make a flat whip, you will need 4 stems, which are firmly tied at one end. Two are left in the middle for the base, the other two braid the edges. Under the main straws, one straw is brought in, and then the second. The first is laid on top of the base, the second is attracted and brought into reverse side over the base. On the other side, the first straw is again attracted to the second one. Continue with the rest of the work. The width of the finished lash will depend on the number and thickness of the straws in the base.

twisted pigtail

For weaving a spiral pigtail, a tourniquet is fixed in the same way as for a flat one, and weaving begins. The right straw is threaded between the left and the two main ones. The second straw is circled around the end of the first and placed on top of the core. The end is pushed into the loop formed on the right. The resulting knot is pulled together and continued to weave. Each time the first and second straws change places. Now the second straw is brought between the first and the base, and the first, circle the end of the second, and thread it into the loop on the right. Also tighten the knot.

The whip will twist in one direction. To add length to the old straw, weave in a new one. Not very elastic straws are chosen for the core, and highly plastic straws are needed for the sides. The test for plasticity is quite simple: take a soaked straw and tie it in a knot. If the knot is round, without cracks and chips, then do-it-yourself straw crafts are suitable.

straw flowers

Flowers are very beautifully made from straws. They are unlike the real ones, but they will decorate any interior and can rightly be called flowers.

Material for work:

Making crafts:

To collect a bouquet of several flowers, repeat all the steps.

Christmas toys made of straw

If you turn on fantasy, then from rye straws based on squares and polygons you can create Christmas decorations. Weaving principle geometric shapes is the same and therefore it is enough to learn how to weave a square.

Work begins with the frame. Two straw sticks are placed crosswise and tightly tied together. At the same time attach the straw tape. The sticks of the cross are sequentially tied to it - the first curl of the square is obtained, they continue to twist the cross posts to the end. Having finished weaving, the tip is closed under the straw from the opposite side.

The shape of the future polygon depends on the shape of the cross: for a hexagon you will need a cross of three straws, and for an octagon - of four. The frame can be made of copper wire, because it is braided with straw and the wire is not visible. The design will be stronger, and it can be used for the walls of boxes. Use straw bands different color, in weaving they emphasize the natural beauty of the product.

straw basket

Making a straw basket is very easy. The main thing is to decide on the shape and size of the future basket. To make it easier to weave straw, for beginner craftsmen, you can take a shoe box as a basis. The bottom of the box will serve as the bottom of the basket. Straw stalks are glued to cardboard and weaving begins. Raise all stems except one. With the remaining straw, gently wrap the vertical straws around. To build up the braided stem, the next straw is taken, applied to the first one and smeared with PVA glue. The finished basket is decorated with ribbons. Make a basket handle from a twisted pigtail.

coquettish hat

Of the four straws, a ribbon braid is woven. When gluing the following straws, the length is added, since the tape is needed 15 meters for an average hat size of 57 cm. The braided braid is moistened in small sections.

In the process of stitching the hat: it is important to highlight the fields, the bottom and the tulle. Sew a hat from the bottom. A well-moistened pigtail is folded 6 cm from the end, the bent end is sewn with a needle and thread. Sew from the wrong side so that the front stitches are small, inconspicuous. The tape is bent again and stitched again. The bottom is sewn round, in a spiral. A well-moistened braid will not crack when stitched, and the hat is easy to shape into any shape.

From the bottom smoothly pass to the walls of the hat. From the walls to the fields they pass forming a right angle. The approximate width of the fields is 10 cm. A hot iron is used to shape and smooth out irregularities. The end of the ribbon is sewn with a few stitches. The excess is cut off.

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