Direct and oblique weaving of baubles. How to weave floss baubles: diagrams and instructions for beginners. Video lessons. What do the corner arrows mean?

Became very controversial. Not everyone is completely clear and questions sometimes arise. Let's try to analyze everything in as much detail as possible in this master class.

So, first, let's look at the diagrams. They can be with a full cycle of weaving, or not. This scheme is full cycle. This can be understood by the placement of threads at the beginning and end of the pattern. Here, and there, and there, the sequence of colors is the same - black, purple, black, purple, purple, black, purple, black. This means that after we have woven the part shown in the diagram, we begin to weave it again and all the threads match in color.

And this scheme with an incomplete cycle. Here, the sequence of threads is different at the top and bottom. Above - pink, yellow, blue, green, white, orange, red, purple. And below - blue, pink, white, yellow, red, green, purple, orange. In such schemes, you need to look at the weaving sequence. Here we weave knots in the same way in a cycle, only our threads will not match in color. So sometimes it is given if the principle of weaving is clear in a short part. The full cycle of this scheme is possible.

There are also schemes with a paired number of threads and unpaired. We will weave a bauble according to this pattern. She has a pair of threads - four black and four purple.

This means that we can take 2 black, 2 purple threads and fold them in half. In this case, the length must be doubled. As for the choice of thread length, this is an ongoing issue. Here you need to look at the scheme itself and how many knots you need to make with a particular thread. It comes with experience. In most cases, one and a half meters of thread is enough.

After we have folded the threads, we tie them, leaving a loop. We fix the bauble so that it is convenient to weave it. We used a paper clip, you can fasten the bauble with a pin to the sofa or pillow.

You need to weave a bauble in rows. The numbers on the sides of the diagram show the row numbers. You can weave from left to right, you can vice versa. There is no difference, the main thing is that you do not get confused. We will weave constantly from left to right. Let's start weaving baubles with this knot.

The arrow shows which knot you need to weave. The base of the arrow shows with which thread we make knots (the circle is colored in the same color), the tip of the arrow shows where this thread will move after the knot. Each knot consists of two knots. We start the first knot like this, bend the black thread over the blue one (we took blue instead of purple) in the form of a four. Then we thread the black thread inward and tighten the knot by pulling it firmly up. We have made half of the first knot.

We do the second half like this. We bend the black thread in the shape of a four in a mirror image, thread the black thread inward and tighten. We have completed the first knot. After it, the black thread will be on the left, and the blue one on the right - this can also be seen from the diagram. Now you know how to weave a knot in the shape of such a curved arrow.

Let's move on to the second node. This is a node with an arrow from left to right. Like the previous one, like all subsequent ones, it consists of two nodules.

Since the base of the arrow is at the black thread, then we will braid it. If the arrow is from left to right, then we put the black thread in the form of a regular four. We sell and tighten.

We also make the second knot of this knot in the form of a regular four and tighten it. Here we have finished the second knot.

We pass to the third node, this is an arrow from right to left.

The base of the arrow is at the black thread, we begin to braid it. The arrow from right to left is two knots with a mirrored four. We make the first knot.

And the second knot is the same. The third node is finished.

We proceed to the fourth knot of the bauble. This is a curved arrow from right to left and right. If you have not yet understood the trend, then we pay attention to how to weave baubles without peeping into the master class. We mentally divide the arrow that we weave into two parts. Each part is one knot. If the part is directed from left to right, then we braid with the correct four, if from right to left, we braid with a mirror four. This is also true for straight arrows and for curved ones.

So this knot is the first part in the form of a mirror four.

The second part is in the form of a regular four. Remember this, and you will not have to peek into the cheat sheet :-).

Here we have finished the first row, and besides, we have sorted out all the knots that can be found in any baubles schemes. We begin to weave the second row of baubles. In this row, extreme black threads are not used, we put them aside. We need to tie three knots.

The first knot from left to right on blue threads.

Second from left to right on black threads.

And the third from right to left on blue threads.

Here is the second row. As you can see, the nodes are the same and everything is simple. In the third row, all threads are used. We braid black threads with blue threads. Knots look at the arrows.

We wove the third row, set aside the extreme blue threads on the sides. In the fourth row, as we see, they are not used.

The fourth row is ready.

The fifth row was woven, we put the extreme black threads to the sides, they are not used in the sixth row.

The sixth row is ready.

If someone wants to learn how to weave floss baubles, then first for beginners it is worth mastering the technique of creating “masterpieces” from 2, 3, 4, 6 threads. At the same time, it is necessary to learn how to “read” ready-made patterns of various thread ornaments and, of course, practice in this matter.

First, the threads are fixed in any of 4 ways:

  • A wide clip on a cardboard, book or notebook.
  • With an ordinary pin, tying knots on it, and then attaching it to a pillow or any fabric.
  • Sticky tape to a table or other hard surface.
  • Using a special tablet with a clip (sold in stores).

It should be remembered that the threads when fastening must be arranged according to the color scheme of weaving. When the floss is securely fixed, they begin to study the main knots.

Technique for performing the main nodes

When weaving baubles, only four basic knots are used:

Baubles are made very simply if you follow the weaving technique.

Baubles from 2 threads

The simplest bracelet can be woven from two threads.

To make it easier to navigate and not confuse the sequence of steps, use 2 colors of floss threads, for example, red and blue:

After you have learned to weave floss baubles with two threads, you can move on to more complicated patterns. For beginners, it is worth mastering the manufacture of baubles with a pigtail from a different number of threads.

4-strand pigtail or other even number

Weaving baubles with a pigtail of an even number and an odd number has slight differences.

First, it matters to disassemble the 4-strand pigtail pattern:

For a pigtail of 6 threads, the knitting sequence is the same as for 4:

The principle of weaving a product from an even number of fibers is as follows: the leftmost fibers of the floss are placed to the right, first above the next fiber, and then under the next. And the extreme right fiber, on the contrary, is first shifted to the left under the next fiber, only then above the other. Such weaving is used in the manufacture of wicker baskets.

3-strand pigtail or other odd number

The easiest way to make a bauble is to weave a 3-strand braid.

To do this, take 3 threads (can be of different colors):

Weaving jewelry from 7 threads:

The principle of weaving baubles with a pigtail of an odd number of fibers is that the left and right extreme threads are always first shifted in the opposite direction above the first nearest fiber, and then under the next two fibers.

Direct weaving instruction

One of the popular ways to make baubles is straight weaving. With its help, interesting drawings, patterns, names and paintings are obtained. Straight weaving is a little more complicated than oblique. However, this technique will more fully reveal the topic of how to weave floss baubles for beginners. Allocate some threads for the background and others for a specific pattern.

At the beginning of the work, all other threads are tied with the extreme leading thread in one direction and the other. Looks like zigzags. This is the background color.

When knitting a pattern, its thread ties around the leading thread and goes in the other direction, while the leading thread is free.

It's best to start with a simple two-color pattern:

In the technique of oblique weaving floss baubles, the same basic left and right knots are used.

Bias instructions

Oblique weaving is considered classic. It most simply reveals the question of how to weave floss baubles for beginners. There are 2 options for performing oblique weaving.

First option

This weaving includes only one base knot - the main left or the main right. This knot is repeated on all rows to the end of the product. For clarity, consider oblique weaving main left node. Take 2 threads, for example pink and blue color 100 cm long.


Second option

Fenechka arrow or “on the corner”, she is also “braid”. In this version of oblique weaving, both main knots are used - left and right. The result is an arrow-shaped pattern.


  1. Fasten with a paper clip on the book the connected ends of six threads of 3 colors. The colors are arranged in the following sequence: along the edges 2 blue, then 2 red and 2 yellow floss threads.
  2. The left extreme thread (blue) braids the left main knot in sequence with the red and yellow threads on the left. The right extreme (blue) is tied with the right main knot to the right red and yellow threads. Two blue threads are knitted together with the left or right main knot. Now the blue fibers have become central, and the red ones are extreme.
  3. Repeat all actions, as in paragraph B, only with the extreme leading red fibers. After this step, the red fibers become central.
  4. Left outer thread yellow color knit with the left main knot two threads on the left, blue and red. With the right extreme yellow thread, two threads on the right of blue and red are tied. Yellow threads are woven in the center between themselves with the left or right main knot.

So sequentially knit a bauble to the required length. At the end, a regular knot is tied, removed from the base. Connect the ends of the baubles together, carefully cut off the excess material. On the bauble, a pattern in the form of an arrow turned out.

Two-tone weave

Take an even number of meter floss threads, 4 blue and 4 pink:

This version of two-color floss weaving is very easy, because there is no need to count the number of knots. The fenichka is dense. It can be used as a watch strap.

How to weave baubles with names

Before you start weaving baubles with a name, draw up a diagram. To do this, all the letters of the required name from the proposed letter schemes on the Internet are entered on a sheet in a box.

The cell corresponds to one knot.


Patterned bracelet

When some skills have been gained in how to weave floss baubles for beginners, they proceed to more complex weaving patterns.

First, you can make a bracelet with a simple pattern, for example, a two-tone one with hearts:

  1. Learn the weaving pattern.
  2. Take 4 threads of red and black, 1 meter long. Recede from the end of 8 cm and tie a knot.
  3. Fasten the short part with a wide clamp on a flat surface. Lay out the fibers by color, as shown in the diagram.
  4. Weaving is carried out in pairs. In the first row, the left half knot is made with the first black and second red threads. The black thread is placed in the left corner above the red thread, brought inside the corner and tightened the knot. Then the black thread is placed with the right corner over the red thread, brought inside the corner and tightened the knot. The couple is set aside.
  5. The second pair, black and red threads, are woven with the left knot (as indicated in the diagram). Set aside a couple.
  6. The third pair of red and black threads is woven with the right knot according to the scheme and also set aside.
  7. The fourth pair of red and black threads according to the scheme is performed with the right half knot.
  8. Row 2. Black extreme threads on the left and right are removed to the side. They are not woven, as in the subsequent even rows of baubles. Red threads 2 and 3 are knitted with the left knot and set aside.
  9. Black fibers 4 and 5 are knitted with a left knot and set aside.
  10. Red fibers 6 and 7 are knitted with the right knot and set aside.
  11. Row 3. Knitting also begins from left to right. The first black and second red threads are knitted with the right knot and set aside.
  12. Red 3 and black 4 are knitted with a left knot and left.
  13. Black 5 and red 6 are tied with a right knot and set aside.
  14. Red 7 and black 8 are woven with the left knot, set aside.

Ways of weaving with rhinestones and beads

Any bauble will look more spectacular if you decorate it with additional beads or rhinestones. The easiest way is to sew beads or rhinestones with matching threads to the finished baubles as your imagination allows.
In the second way, beads are woven in the process of making baubles with a flat knot. As a base, take 2 threads of the same color as 2 leading threads.


  • The first 3-4 cm weave a bauble with a flat knot without beads. Next, add 1 pc to each node. beads on each side of the base.
  • The last 3-4 cm of the baubles are made without beads.
  • Fasteners are made with two simple pigtails.

What to do if the thread runs out

During the weaving of floss jewelry, one of the threads may break, or it may end, and work must be continued.

In this case:

  • Bring the finished thread to the wrong side.
  • They take a thread of the same color and put it in place of the previous one.
  • The upper end of the new thread is tucked into the wrong side and tied with two knots of the leading thread.
  • On the wrong side, knot the old and new thread.
  • Continue weaving on the front side of the baubles according to the chosen pattern.

How to make a clasp

There are several options for fasteners baubles.

Option 1 - braid clasp:

Option 2 - tying the two ends of the braids with a separate thread:

Option 3 - Velcro, button, button:

After the necessary basics have been mastered, it will not be difficult for beginners to weave simple floss baubles for beginners, as well as draw their own drawing schemes on their own. On the Internet you can find complex drawings of baubles on different topics: emoticons, New Year, sweets, plants, Halloween, flags, etc.

Video: how to weave floss baubles

How to weave floss baubles, see the video clip:

How to weave an arrow bauble from floss, find out in the video:

Today I will show you the main types of baubles patterns that are found on the Internet, and tell you how to weave them.

So, let's start with the patterns of oblique weaving. This is their most common type. The colored lines represent the threads, and the circles with arrows represent the knots between the two threads included in them.

Further. There are only two nodes in the second row - one to the right and one to the left. The first (black) thread is laid aside, and starting from the second, two knots are woven according to the pattern. The last black thread in this row is also left aside. This is how the chess order of nodes is obtained and the canvas becomes a single whole.

The third and subsequent rows are woven in the same way. A broken arrow means the “tatting” knot, read about this in the lesson about the main knots.

When you get to the end of the pattern, just start it from the beginning. In some schemes, the colors in each next repetition (report) are distributed differently, this is normal. You need to continue to follow the scheme, not paying attention to the fact that the colors have changed. As a rule, this situation occurs in the schemes of geysers.

The second version of the oblique weaving patterns is the patterns from the Renyxa program.

It's scary only at first glance 🙂 In fact, everything here is the same and the same principle, just instead of an arrow, the direction of the node is shown by a line inside the circle. For example, the first row here is four nodes to the left, three to the right, and again one to the left.

Now let's talk about direct weaving patterns. More often it's just a drawing drawn in the cells. Here you will not be shown with arrows which knots to weave.

Another type of direct weaving patterns is below.

The main thread here is yellow, the rest are purple. The horizontal line inside the circle means that the knot is woven with the main thread, and the vertical one, on the contrary, with the warp thread around the main thread.

These were the most common types of patterns that are found in weaving baubles. If something is still not clear, or you have found another scheme and do not know how to figure it out, send it to me by mail or write in the comments under this entry.