How to introduce a new knitting thread. How to join threads when knitting: basic techniques. Invisible Russian thread joining, step by step guide

How to unnoticeably join knitting threads - 2 ways

So, to connect the threads when knitting without a knot, take an embroidery needle or any other with a wide eye. Thread the end of the yarn into the eye.
Then you need to slightly loosen the twisting tension of the thread; to do this, you need to twist the thread a little against the twist. Let's pass the needle between the threads. The needle should go inside the twisted threads of our yarn and not pierce them.
Pull the end of the thread, leaving a loop.
In this loop we insert another thread that needs to be attached to our yarn.
We thread the end of the new thread in the same way as the first.

So we connected the threads without a knot

Invisible knot for tying threads ("Weaver's knot")

In addition, I would like to introduce you to the so-called “weaving knot”. There are many ways to tie thread in weaving. The main advantage of the weaving knot is the speed with which it can be tied and its compactness, which ensures the free passage of the thread through the loom. These conditions suit us, so we will use the “weaving knot” in the process of our work - knitting.

Fig. 1 - we make a loop of red thread, so that the running end is on top.
Fig. 2 - we thread the running end of the blue thread into the loop from below and pull it under the root end of the red thread.
Fig. 3 - stretch the running end of the blue thread over the loop.
Fig. 4 - we pass the end of the blue thread into the loop.
Fig. 5 - tighten the knot. We have a “weaving knot”.
Fig. 6 - cut off the ends and continue knitting. It's simple!

Every knitting lover periodically faces a problem called “The thread has run out.” And then another problem arises: how to connect the threads so that it is neat on both the front side and the back. Craftswomen are also looking for ways to join threads when they need to switch from one color to another.

We offer you two interesting ways, which will help you deal with the above problems.

WAY 1. How to connect threads when knitting with a strong mini-knot

It is also called an industrial hub. The knot turns out to be very small, one might say miniature, and perfectly connects any yarn.

This method can be used for both knitting and crocheting. The connection of the threads is practically invisible and there are no ends of the threads left, which then need to be threaded.

For clarity, here is another video tutorial: how to tie a weaving knot in as many as 3 ways.

METHOD 2. How to connect threads when knitting securely, quickly and without a knot

This method is perfect for regular yarn and simple, tight knits.

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When knitting a jacquard pattern with knitting needles, you need to constantly change the thread of one color to a thread of another color. You should not only know how to change colors correctly, but also pay attention to the quality so that the tension of the threads is uniform and the design does not lose its shape.

Knitting jacquard with broaches or How to pull the thread when knitting small jacquard patterns

As a rule, thread pulling is resorted to when threads need to be changed frequently. In such cases, the colored areas are small, consist of no more than 5 loops and are arranged in even rows or in a geometric pattern.

Threads of colors that are not used are pulled along the wrong side from one section to another. It is imperative to monitor the uniform tension of the thread: if you pull the thread of a color you are not using too loosely, the thread will sag and the loops will increase over time and fall out of the pattern; if the thread in the broaches is pulled too tightly, this will lead to folds in the drawing.

To avoid this, change colors as follows: straighten the knitted stitches on the right needle, pull the broach thread along the knitted loops, and then with the index finger of your right hand in the knit rows, press the broach thread to the last knitted loop on the right knitting needle. And in purl rows it is more convenient to press the drawing thread with the thumb of your right hand. The pulling thread is usually pulled freely along the loops of no more than 4-5 loops. If you need to make the broach longer, then you need to cross it with the working thread, and then continue knitting.

You can change colors on any side of the work: both on the back and on the front; one thread is held on the index finger of the right hand, the other on the index finger of the left hand. The loops are knitted with the right hand, and the unused thread is transferred with the left hand.

On the right side of the work, knit with knit stitches and pull the thread of the unused color so that it remains under the right knitting needle. On the wrong side of the work, knit with purl stitches and with your left hand, pull the other thread in front of the work and under the right knitting needle. From the wrong side: the threads are pulled in front of the loops.

Be sure to remember that the broaches must run from edge to edge. To do this, always knit the last edge loop in the row with the thread that was used to knit the last loop of the row. At the beginning of a row, you should always secure the thread of the previous row. Therefore, always knit the first edge loop with the thread from the previous row.

Make sure the thread tension is even, so that the pattern does not become deformed.

Video tutorial from Dasha: How to knit jacquard with broaches

I also really liked the video from Drops studio:

how to fasten a new thread

Jacquard patterns knitted in two colors in one row

This technique is used in large patterns. In this case, the main thread passing from the wrong side is pressed in, and it passes like a wave along the pattern, but is not visible from the front side.

Insert a thread of the second color into the work, passing it all the time above and below each loop.

On the front side, knit with the right needle and hold the thread of the second color in your left hand. Enter right knitting needle into the loop and pass the thread under the knitting needle.

On the wrong side, continue in the same way: hold the thread of the second color before working and pass it 1 time under the knitting needle and 1 time above the knitting needle. Wrap the knitting needle (knit loops) only with the working thread.

How to knit multicolor jacquard patterns

To knit patterns consisting of small colored sections, special spools are used, onto which the required amount of yarn is wound. When changing colors on the front side, the threads cross in the same way as when knitting jacquard patterns of two colors. To change colors on the back side, do the same as on the front side, just hold the spools of thread BEFORE working.

The use of spools significantly speeds up the process of knitting with threads different colors. In order not to drag a whole ball of thread with you, it is better to prepare several spools in advance and wind the required amount of yarn on them to knit a colored section.

There is also such a simple device as a thimble-separator. It is placed on the index finger of the left hand and threads are pulled through it. Thus, the threads do not get tangled during operation and have a constant, uniform tension.

From time to time there is a need to connect draws: in the case of moving from a thread of one color to another and in the case of the end of a thread of one color.
The connection must meet two conditions:
1) be durable,
2) there should be no knots on the wrong side.
There are several ways to connect draws; for each case you should choose the most suitable one.

1st method

If the product is knitted from separate parts, it is better to tie the threads with a weaver's knot. To avoid knots on the wrong side, it is necessary to tie the threads at the beginning or end of the row, tuck the tails into the edge loops. The thread doesn't always end at edge loop, in this case it needs to be cut off.

To make the connection, take the end of one thread in your right hand, the end of the other thread in your left hand, place the drink in right hand, on top of the thread in the left hand,

wrap the end of the thread held in your right hand around the end of the thread held in your left hand.

2nd method

In cases where the product is knitted in the round, without seams, or there is a limited amount of yarn, you can join using a needle. Thread the end of one thread into the eye of the needle, pass the needle through the other thread in the direction from the end to the ball, and pull the end of the first thread.

Fine yarn to match, secure the threads with a needle at the ends of the double fold.

3rd method

In cases where the product is knitted in the round, without seams, and it is necessary to switch from a thread of one color to a thread of another color with a clear color border, connect as follows: knit stitches to the color border,

bend the thread in the marked place, stepping back 5 mm from the bend, drag the free end through the thread, as in the second method, using a needle.

Insert the end of a thread of a different color into the loop formed,

The simplest and effective ways attach a new thread when knitting - an invisible connection without knots.

Method one - tie in the ends. We overlap the thread from the product and from the ball and knit 3-4 loops with double thread, then continue to knit with one thread, this time from the new ball. On the English-speaking Internet this method is called Overlap join(Attachment by overlap). See photos of what this method looks like in finished product You can . And for those who prefer videos - the Knit-in Join video.

This is the simplest and quick way, but due to the fact that the ends of the yarn remain outside, it is not very suitable for double-sided products (scarves, stoles).

Method two - Felted Join. Unwind a few centimeters of the ending thread and the new one, tear it off (namely tear it off, not cut it off), and then roll them together, making one whole thread out of them. It’s similar to how in felting you get something homogeneous from scraps of yarn, which is how it got its name. Watch the video master class at the link.

It is better to introduce a new thread into knitting at the beginning of the row, this will make it easier to tuck the ends of the threads into the seam. For tricks on how to calculate whether there is enough thread from the ending ball to complete a row, read on the website