Russian felt boots: choose, buy and wear. Detailed instructions. What types of felt boots are there: models, brands, manufacturers How to choose quality felt boots

The production of felt boots has remained unchanged for several hundred years. The raw material is natural wool, which shrinks greatly during the manufacturing process, resulting in the best winter shoes for frosty and dry winters.

What are felt boots

Felt boots are a type of winter footwear made from tightly knit natural wool. In the most severe frosts, they retain heat and save the legs from frostbite, and the whole body from hypothermia, even in conditions Far North. The material for shoes is sheep's wool, which is felted (rolled). The wool processing technology goes through the stage of simultaneous steaming and shrinking into a dense material from which the product is molded. The name of shoes, so common in the past, comes from the name of the production process - felting.

Felt boots are produced in many types. Classic models are made of tightly knitted thick wool with a medium-height shaft. They are comfortable, lightweight, durable. They are worn in the cold season in dry weather. In autumn or slushy winters Rubber galoshes are put on the felt boots. Natural wool gets trampled quite quickly, so the sole used to be often hemmed with leather. In urban conditions, felt boots were in little demand, but in the vast expanses of the province they are still relevant.

Until recently, traditional shoes were not of interest to the majority of the population; felt boots were worn only by small children. Now fashion has begun to return to natural materials and traditional crafts, which is associated with new opportunities and design discoveries.

History of felt boots

There were times when felt boots were considered a symbol of prosperity and great wealth, and shoe sellers were subject to heavy taxes. The production of felt boots was a secret for most mortals, and master felters kept their secrets secret, preferring to pass them on only to family members. It is assumed that the prototype of felt boots was pima, the footwear of nomads.

It is believed that felted shoes appeared at the end of the 18th century in the town of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province. Peter I introduced the fashion for felt boots at court; he put them on after a bath or wore them in winter. Empress Catherine the Great used felt boots to treat foot disease, and Elizabeth, by decree, allowed court ladies to wear these shoes, complete with lush dresses. Stormy innovations in Rus' were periodic, some of them were provoked by Peter I, who was distinguished by his broad-mindedness and practicality; under his rule, felt boots became available to all segments of the population.

The production of felted shoes on an industrial scale began in the 19th century. Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev were lovers of felt boots. During the war years, felt boots were part of the winter uniform for soldiers and senior officers. Today, mandatory equipment with traditional shoes remains relevant for special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The production of felt boots is experiencing a renaissance today; they are becoming favorite objects for the application of strength and imagination among designers, which resonates with the buyer. Decorated with skillful embroidery, ribbons, and natural fur, felt boots, as in ancient times, create comfortable conditions for their owner, fulfilling the main purpose of keeping warm in cold weather.

Types of wool

To make the best felt boots in Rus', sheep wool was most often used, but goat, dog, and rabbit wool were also used. Sheep's wool was valued for its high wearability and healing qualities. The wool was carded, compacted (felted) and a durable material was obtained. Further shaping manipulations were carried out manually.

The final color of the product depended on the raw materials, white ones were considered the most luxurious, they were produced using the wool of Mongolian fine-wool sheep, gray felt boots were made from sheep wool imported from Central Asia or the Caucasus. Sometimes shoes were made from materials that were not inferior in quality to their analogues, but felt boots made from them were fluffier and not as light.

Types of felt boots

Modern models are made from rabbit, sheep, goat wool, and there are products made from mohair and felt. Felt boots are divided into several types, depending on the materials and models used:

  • Classic felt boots made of 100% wool, made by padding the material.
  • Shoes with soles.
  • Classic felt boots with welded rubber soles.
  • Felt boots with fur. Such models are made of thin felt, insulated with several layers of batting, and the inside is lined with flannelette lining. The sole is rubber. This is a more modern option that appeals to city dwellers and can be worn in any weather.

Technological process

One of best options shoes for winter cold felt boots remain. Production (Russia) is based on old principles that have not changed since the 19th century. The technology looks schematically like this:

  • The wool obtained in rolls is torn into small fibers and dried, for this it is sent to a carding machine. The material used is not washed, which is important for compliance with the technology.
  • The dried raw materials are sent for processing to a wool carding machine, where the material receives a single structure. After which the products are cut to size. At this stage, the felt boots are four times larger than they should be.
  • The tailored parts are sent to a rolling machine, where they are subjected to steam treatment and mechanical shrinkage, after which they are boiled in hot water. At this stage, compaction occurs, the wool shrinks to 80% of the original workpiece. Then they put it on the block, stretching it and giving it its final shape, and then dry it.
  • Dried shoes are additionally beaten with birch mallets to give greater density.
  • In the finishing shop, in classic models, the upper part of the shaft is cut off to obtain a smooth edge. But modernity has made its own adjustments, and now felt boots are embroidered with threads, beads, and rhinestones. Frequent finishing has become the use of the technique of artistic drawing with felt, adding natural fur and other design finds.


Today many have opened small companies, where felt boots are made. Production (Russia) was previously divided into industrial and handicraft. The equipment needed for a small and large workshop is the same, the only difference is in scale and productivity. What equipment is required for the production of felt boots?

  • Industrial or household carding machine.
  • Vibropress with steam supply.
  • Industrial washing machine.
  • Drying chamber.
  • if the model range is represented not only by classics (semi-automatic press for vulcanizing rubber soles, etc.).
  • Equipment: pads, beaters, etc.

Industrial and handicraft production

The industrial production of felt boots allows the production of up to 60 pairs of shoes per day, the artisanal version - up to 2-3 pairs. Any factory producing felt boots produces not only shoes, but related products: blankets, pillows, slippers, rugs and much more.

Products are popular today self made, including felt boots. U experienced craftsmen they turn out aesthetically pleasing, with a modern model range. But no amount of manual effort can felt the wool to the desired state described in GOST standards. The factory for the production of felt boots will always provide its products with a certificate of conformity and useful tips for caring for the purchased pair.

Factories for the production of felted shoes

In the old days, entire volosts were engaged in felting; the occupation was difficult, but brought sufficient income to the artels. Now in Russia such shoes are produced industrially. Factories for the production of felt boots are located in several regions, there are about fifteen of them in total, the top five are as follows:

  • The largest player in this market is the Yaroslavl felted shoe factory, which produces up to 600 thousand pairs of shoes per year.
  • One of the oldest factories, the Kukmor Felting and Felting Plant, is not losing its position; the annual production of felt boots here is up to 900 thousand pairs.
  • Elvi-Plus company, production volume - 300 thousand pairs of felt boots per year.
  • The Omsk plant of felted shoes produces 170 thousand pairs per year.

Other enterprises produce a much smaller volume of felt boots, from 45 to 150 thousand pairs per year. Russian-made felt boots have become a successful alternative to foreign shoes called uggs. Each buyer has his own tastes, preferences and scale of values ​​by which this or that product is selected. But as for felt boots, in comparison with foreign analogues, in many respects this ancient Russian invention demonstrates best characteristics for our latitudes.

The production of felt boots in Moscow is established at the Bitsevskaya Factory, which has been making shoes for more than 150 years. The retail network of stores is spread throughout the country, and Muscovites can purchase their favorite pair without leaving the capital at the address: Stroiteley Street, building 6, building 4 (University metro station).

How to choose felt boots

A successful pair of felt boots will last for many years and will keep the owner warm in the most severe frosts. Selection of shoes from felted wool carried out according to the following principles:

  • Real felt boots are 100% wool. The material must be dense and homogeneous in composition. If there are bald spots, thickening, or lumps, the shoes will quickly tear.
  • Felt boots are not divided into right and left, they are produced the same. Shoes take on their shape as they are worn. When buying a pair, make sure that both felt boots are the same in shape, toe height, inner and outer length of the foot, and boot size.
  • Smell. The only smell that felt boots may have is the smell of burnt wool; it will quickly disappear. If there is a smell of wet wool, this means a violation of the technological process; at some stage the product was poorly washed or dried, and it is impossible to get rid of it.
  • In a real felt boot, the sole and heel are made with a noticeable thickening, since in these places the shoe wears out faster and loses its shape. To determine it, just feel it.
  • Elasticity. Shoes made of wool should not be too soft (underfelt) or too dense. To evaluate this quality, it is enough to bend the boot a little; under your hands, high-quality wool will spring a little and quickly unbend.
  • Size. Felt boots can be trampled in width, but they shrink in length, so you need to buy a pair 1-2 sizes larger. To determine what is necessary, there is a table of correspondence between the size of the foot and felt boots.
  • The most natural ones are felt boots made from undyed wool, even natural dyes reduce the medicinal qualities of sheep wool.

In recent years, traditional Russian shoes - felt boots - have been gaining more and more popularity in fashion circles. Top models, at the suggestion of well-known couturiers, flaunt them on the main catwalks of the largest countries in the world. Of course, the appearance of such “new fashion items” has been somewhat modified to make it easier to fit into the everyday life of megacities. But nothing can change the very essence of this type of shoe: they are very warm, natural and smell of the Russian spirit in a good way.

Traditionally, such shoes are made from felted wool (in fact, the manufacturing process itself gave the name to the universally recognizable symbol of Russian culture), often from sheep, but in our time there are exceptions. For example, no one can be surprised by a product made from camel wool, the use of which adds lightness and fluffiness to the familiar appearance of felted wool boots.

When did felt boots appear in Rus'?

Scientists and archaeologists agree that Our usual winter footwear begins its history even before our era. Something resembling material from modern specimens was found during excavations on the territory of the Altai Mountains in one of the Pazyryk mounds.

Essentially, felt boots are shoes made of felt., and at one time many household items were made from it: bedding, bedspreads, carpets, some items of clothing (even linings for chain mail), blankets for horses and much more. The most important advantage of using felt products is the versatility of this material: it is not hot in summer and not cold in winter, and it also perfectly removes moisture.

They are even mentioned in the famous “Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, and this, for a minute, is the 12th century. Of course, there is no need to talk about external similarity with the modern version, because the solid felt boot appeared in Russian Empire only at the beginning of the 19th century. By the way, this pleasure was not cheap, and not every peasant in the country could afford such shoes. Of course, with the development of production, felt boots fell in price and became more accessible, but brides had a special interest in the groom who owned such a dowry.

Reference! To make one pair of felt boots you need about 1 kg of wool. Approximately this amount of material can be obtained by shearing one sheep of an ordinary breed and thoroughly cleaning the wool.

It's already in times Soviet Union felt boots have become generally available, and even today such shoes can be purchased at a fairly low price. In some northern regions of Russia they are still widely used in severe frosts.

Who invented felt boots

No matter how firmly boots in our perception are strongly associated with Russia, historians still believe that the prototype of this seemingly 100% domestic footwear came to us along with the legendary Golden Horde. Naturally, they looked different from the current ones, but the idea of ​​​​creation is attributed specifically to nomadic tribes of Turkic or Mongolian origin.

It seems impossible to associate the very name “felt boots” with any specific historical figure, because, as in the case of the main centuries-old heritage of our nation, this word came from the people. It sounded, however, somewhat differently and varied from felt boots to wire rods. In any case, the name of these shoes reflects the manufacturing method.

The main producers in pre-revolutionary Russia were factories located in Kalyazinsky, Semyonovsky and Kineshma districts, as well as in the village. Kukmor.

Over the entire history of the existence of such boots, the essence of production has not changed; only recently have electric machines come to the aid of people for some stages of production. Basically, making felt boots is manual labor, and it consists of several stages.

  • Cleaning and washing. Sheep wool should be separated from various debris. Afterwards, washing occurs in various solutions, washing and drying of the starting material.
  • Combing. It is at this stage that machines are often used, since clean wool is loosened and rewound on rollers to form spools.
  • Giving the future felt boots a shape. With the help exclusively manual labor wool boots are formed: they are given a shape similar to the finished product, but much larger in size.
  • Felting and drying. In a special machine or manually under the influence of steam and hot water The felt boots are processed to the required size, reduced, and put on the last. In this form, the shoes are dried for 6 hours under high temperature.

Modern manufacturing process

Nowadays, felt boots with soles are usually produced in order to make these shoes more versatile. And yet, in areas where winter is mainly accompanied by slush on the roads, it is better to give preference to models with a surface specially treated for such cases.

Why do these unique boots surprise curious minds to this day? Below we will present some fascinating facts, and you will understand that felt boots are truly unusual shoes, which have no analogues in the whole world.

  • Fact 1. Felt boots, like fins, are not right or left (provided that we are talking about a model without a sole). They also fit evenly on your feet over time, so you need to purchase these shoes a size larger.
  • Fact 2. Due to the material and manufacturing method, felt boots retain healing properties, like many natural wool products. They warm up the joints well and accelerate the blood, which is most important for the older generation.
  • Fact 3. The largest felt boots about three years ago appeared in St. Petersburg, his foot length is 5 m. In the heel area there is a door through which anyone can go inside in the harsh winter and warm up. The smallest specimens in the world appeared in Omsk in 2012; the length of the sole does not exceed 3 mm.

  • Fact 4. Making felt boots on your own is quite possible. After all, felting wool has recently become a very popular activity, and there is quite a lot of information about making felt boots at home on the Internet.

Fashion tends to come back. So, recently felt boots have been experiencing a revival, which are no longer perceived as country shoes. Today it is fashion trend, in demand among modern women.

History of origin

The prototype of these felt shoes made of felted wool were pimas, which were worn by Eurasian nomads one and a half thousand years ago. IN Ancient Rus' felt boots appeared during the period of the Golden Horde - they were brought by the Mongolian and Turkic peoples.

Until the 19th century, these were shoes exclusively for wealthy people, and there was usually only one pair for the whole family, which was used in turns. Let us note that Tsar Peter 1 himself loved to wear felt boots. The nineteenth century was the time of mass distribution of these products. It is interesting that by the beginning of the 20th century, a pair of factory felt boots could be bought for just two rubles, but during the revolutionary period their cost increased significantly (to about 15 rubles).

The main centers of the fulling industry were located in the Yaroslavl and Kostroma, Tver and Nizhny Novgorod provinces. By the way, in Yaroslavl now, as before, they are breeding a special breed of Romanov sheep, it is distinguished by thick, warm wool and rolls very well.

In the town of Vyshny Volochek there is a museum that tells the history of the Russian felt boot; here you can see the first domestic models of these shoes, the Tsar felt boot (two meters in height), a carding machine, as well as other interesting exhibits.

Valenki are the most practical and comfortable shoes for a real Russian winter. In addition, sheep's wool is famous medicinal properties: provides a light foot massage, improves blood circulation. Its main advantage is the ability to retain heat even in severe frosts.

Modern felt boots are an interesting topic for design development, and foreign fashion specialists are also involved in this. These shoes today are no longer associated with rough designs and gloomy colors. The ability to retain heat is successfully combined with elegance, an example of this is the Finnish Kuoma felt boots.


There are various types of these shoes. Classic felt boots- These are simple models, with no decorative ornaments. They leave a lot of room for creative imagination to decorate the product to your liking.

Author's boots– items decorated with embroidery, rhinestones, and decorative braid. For example, models from Vyacheslav Zaitsev are very popular among bohemians. Designer felt boots can be made to order, and then the product will be truly exclusive.

Felt boots with lacing in sporty style– an ideal solution for winter walks and trips to nature. Laces make it possible to securely fix the shoes on the foot.

Burki– a men’s version of felt boots: the leather bottom of such shoes is combined with a white felt upper.

Homemade felt boots– special models for indoor wear, a more comfortable alternative to warm socks, fabric slippers and rubber flip-flops. This item will be a wonderful gift for children and adults, for example, on New Year or Christmas.

Souvenir felt boots– lovely miniature-sized products with a wide variety of decor, which are bought as souvenirs.

Wedding boots purchased specifically for newlyweds. They are decorated with embroidery typical for the celebration, elegant lace, etc. Paired models designed for the bride and groom complement each other.

Paired options for a mother and little daughter also look cute. This style called Family-look very popular today.

Fashion models

Today there are three types of felt boots:

  • Classic all-wool items (broken).
  • Options with rubber or polyurethane sole.
  • Models made of woolen cloth, but with insulation - batting, flannel or fur, as well as a sewn-in sole. Such products will come in handy during the thaw.

Finnish felt boots are popular. These models are equipped with a thermally insulating polyurethane sole that prevents slipping on ice. The top of such models is treated with a special compound that prevents the adhesion of dirt and dust, and the inside has high-quality pile.

Fashionable felt boots for the 2016-2017 season are richly decorated with rhinestones and fringe, embroidery and painting, as well as other spectacular details.

Felt boots today are produced both in a traditional shape with a flat sole, and in a more intricate one, for example, with a heel, platform, or wedge. Designers even offer stylish felt boots with stiletto heels that will create a feminine look even in severe frost. But still, products with a wider, stable heel or wedge are more practical and stable.

The top of felt boots can be long or short, loose or tight. Also, the upper part can be tightened with laces, fastened with a zipper or Velcro, and secured with an elastic band.

The polyurethane sole of felt boots (this is especially common in models with heels) does not wear out and does not slip. As a rule, it is ribbed and drains water. It is preferable to choose options with thick soles, which will more reliably protect the wool from dirt.

Various manufacturers In a competitive environment, they equip their felt boots with various useful elements:

  • Removable insoles, including embossed ones.
  • Padded back.
  • Knitted cuffs protect against snow and wind.
  • Additional taping of seams.
  • Reflective elements ensure safety in the dark and in bad weather.

What are they made of?

Initially, felt boots were made exclusively by hand from sheep’s wool, with the white versions coming from the Mongolian breed, and the gray ones from Caucasian and Central Asian sheep. However, there were isolated samples made from the hair of goats and dogs.

Let us note that the manufacturing technology has, in principle, not changed over several centuries. This process is not difficult, but it requires physical strength as well as patience. The cut wool must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of impurities. Then it is weighed and the required proportion of “autumn” and “spring” raw materials is formed: it is this that determines the color and softness of the finished shoes. Afterwards, the wool is sent to machines, where it is loosened and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The raw material is aged for 24 hours, and then goes to the next workshop where finished products are formed from it.

Today, elite felt boots are made from camel wool; it is much lighter than sheep’s wool, but just as warm and strong. Designers also insert leather, felt, satin, and lace fragments into ordinary felt boots. These shoes are often decorated with fur details, such as playful pom-poms.

Color and print

Today, felt boots are produced not only in the traditional subdued colors. Every fashionista can find a color to suit her taste.

Winter is the time to please yourself with catchy tones that will cheer up everyone around you. Fashion designers offer options for purple, raspberry, orange, bright blue, mint color. Of course, the classic white and black are still present.

Felt boots in metallic shades and gradient models with a transition from light to rich colors, additionally decorated with embroidery, look original. Smoky gray options with an elegant ornament on the upper part are in demand.

In the winter season of 2017, the trend is folklore style - embroidery and painting in the traditional Russian folk style (flowers and berries). These shoes are a wonderful means of self-expression. Northern ethnic motifs also look interesting.

Brands and factories

Finnish brand Kuoma produces lightweight felt boots with excellent water-repellent properties and durable soles. These models are distinguished by their bright color scheme, suitable for everyday wear and for a business wardrobe. Unlike their felted counterparts, they can be machine washed without damaging their appearance.

British designers of felt boots mainly focus on the youth environment and are characterized by the “urban chic” trend. These are options with eye-catching embroidery and original prints. However Keddo brand offers felt boots in a classic style in calm colors.

Produces stylish and elegant felt boots Cooper company(Slovenia). Many models are decorated with elegant perforation and embroidery. Many options with a quilted textile upper.

Domestic manufacturer of felt boots presented big amount factories One of the leaders is Yaroslavl factory for the production of felted shoes. The company offers both traditional products and felt boots with rubber and polyurethane soles, with various types finishing. In addition, the assortment includes homemade felt slippers. Souvenir products are also produced, including to order, with the logo of the customer organization.

Factory "Kalyaev" sews felt boots with different shaft lengths and heels. The range of models, decor and colors is amazing in its diversity.

Among the others Russian manufacturers Let's call the companies "Tofa", "Kotofey", "Zebra".

How to choose?

When choosing felt boots, take into account the manufacturing method. Take handmade products strictly according to your size. Machine-made models, as a rule, shrink, so their size should be two units larger (for versions with rubber soles, buy only one size larger).

Shoes should not be too hard– otherwise you will feel uncomfortable walking. But even a very soft felt boot is a sign of under-rolled raw materials; it will not hold its shape. Try squeezing the product - good wool is slightly springy.

Also pay attention to the smell: if it is unpleasant, the wool is poorly washed. This smell will not disappear over time. High-quality felt fabric is uniform, without lumps or thickenings. Please note that the inside of the felt boots must also be smooth; a hole may gradually appear in thin places.

How to care?

At proper care These shoes can last at least 7 years.

  1. When you come from the street, immediately shake off the snow from your felt boots so that it does not melt on them. And in wet weather, it is better to prefer rubber boots or put on special galoshes over felt boots (there are now transparent options, which do not affect the attractive appearance).
  2. Remember that felt boots never need to be washed. After all, a raw canvas will definitely become deformed and lose its presentable appearance. When it is necessary to clean dirt, use a brush with natural bristles, or, in extreme cases, a slightly damp cloth.
  3. It is also unacceptable to dry wet felt boots on a radiator or heater. After this procedure, the wool will harden. Felt boots will dry perfectly even at room temperature.
  4. These shoes must be carefully stored, since natural wool is a magnet for moths. Place the felt boots in a plastic bag, not forgetting to put an insect repellent tablet in there. Periodically check the condition of the product.

The question of what felt boots are made of is very interesting. But first, let's figure out what it is? Felt boots are made from felted sheep wool. The prototype for this was the felt boots of the nomads of the Great Steppe, which they began to wear one and a half thousand years ago. Only in the first half of the last century did this type of footwear gain popularity, and it was then that they began to be produced industrially. This type of shoe is still widely known to many Russians.

Very often, the very name “felt boots” causes a smile and tenderness in most people, as it is associated with something outdated and funny. However, modern manufacturers make them so comfortable that your feet will be warm even in the most severe frosts. Parents, concerned about the health of their children, buy them children's felt boots for the winter, which are not only very warm, but also beautiful, as they are decorated with interesting designs and ornaments. Understanding the question of what felt boots are made from, you can tell that they were once called cats or wire rods, which is why many are convinced that their roots are far from Russian. The thing is that felt boots were first invented by nomadic steppe peoples; they decided to roll wool, making shoes from this material. At that time, the purpose of creating felt boots was not only to keep feet warm, but also to save them from thorns, of which there were a lot in the steppe. In Rus', this idea spread from the steppe nomads.

What are felt boots made of? It was already said earlier that this type Shoes are made from animal wool, and most often sheep. Color finished product depends on the color of the raw material. For example, to obtain white felt boots, you need to use sheep wool from Mongolia, and for gray boots, wool from the Caucasus or Central Asia is suitable. The production process begins with the preparation of raw materials. The wool is passed through a special apparatus, after which it is oiled and then placed in a container. In this form, the raw material enters the carding shop. The wool is placed in special units. The raw material is combed in a device using prickly rollers, and then wound onto a reel. Then they begin to make the base for the felt boots, rubbing the wool in with steam, and after that the head of the felt boot is shaped by hand. Steam grinding is carried out again. After this, all workpieces are sent to a specialized rolling machine.

So, you already understand what felt boots are made of, and now you should figure out what they do with them next? After all these operations, the wool is stretched to obtain the required shape, however, it must be twice as large as the future product. After this, the blanks go to the fulling shop. And now they are all placed in a large wooden drum, which is filled with water, to make the first felting. It was the name of this process that became the basis for the name of the product itself. Then the blanks begin to be beaten with wooden devices, and then they are stretched again on the unit. Again, the felt boots are wetted, they are given the required shape and size using special lasts, and at the end the shoes are dried in a special oven. Modern felt boots are made this way. At the end they are tapped with a block, giving the final size and shape to the products. Next, the excess wool is ground off, a rubber sole is glued on, and tags are attached. Felt boots are ready.

It is important to note that this type of footwear is truly indispensable for residents of areas with very harsh climates; this is the only way to escape the cold. Modifications, for example, Finnish felt boots, make it possible to make this type of footwear more modern by gluing it on top of a variety of materials and equipping the product with a durable sole with a tractor pattern.

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to wear the clothes and shoes of our great-grandfathers. Old traditions are returning and taking root in modern style. An example is felt boots, which we will talk about in this article.

How to choose quality felt boots

Soft winter shoes should be natural and the warmest. To distinguish real sheep's insulated felt boots from production stamped ones with additives, you need to know what to look for when choosing. This:

What types of felt boots are there: shapes, brands, country of origin

Thanks to new features and technologies, felt boots are becoming more and more beautiful. Stylish boots with embroidery, Velcro, and rhinestones from designers are the ideal companions for fashionistas in the cold, harsh winter.

To choose the right felt boots, you need to know how they differ:

Modern felt boots have the shape of a rounded toe without sharp corners, just like in the old days. This classic shape, which is used by many manufacturers. Now there are many varieties of these shoes, such as sports, folk, glamorous, which have different shape, different toe and height.

Felt boots with fur trim

Felt boots with embroidery

Decoration with fur and stones unusual shape product. But this is for those who love experiments. Classic felt boots will not go out of style, thanks to their simplicity, comfortable shape and pleasant, discreet appearance.

Now the production of these shoes has only begun to gain momentum. Creating a practical and ultra fashionable shoes struck the minds of many entrepreneurs, as a result of which small firms and large industries appeared. High-quality boots can be found in every corner of Russia. Australian felt boots are famous for their unusual nature. Countries such as Latvia, USA, Kazakhstan are also keeping up with fashion trends, producing high-quality winter shoes for adults and children.

How to determine size

When purchasing in a store, you can try on felt boots and buy the appropriate size. But when choosing on the Internet, there is no such option. Now many people make their purchases remotely, so it is important to know which pair will fit your child or you personally.

Need to know: Any felt boots never expand in length: on the contrary, over time they can shrink and “spread” in width.

Alternatively, you can calculate the required size of felt boots from your size by subtracting the number 13. But it is best to use the size chart, which already has all the data from which it will be easy to choose the right option for yourself. There are separate sizes for adults and children.

Felt boots size chart

How to wear felt boots correctly

Felt boots are designed for severe frosts, as they are able to warm the foot without pinching the foot and allowing blood to naturally circulate in the limbs. But many doctors are opposed to the idea of ​​buying such shoes for children under 6 years old. They claim that a flat sole develops flat feet. Alternatively, you can purchase one specifically for them. orthopedic insoles that will support small feet correct form.

Felt boots embroidered with beads

Anyone who has come across felt boots knows that when purchased, they have the same shape and do not differ for the right and left feet. Only after wearing them do they look like regular shoes. In order for the boots to take the correct shape, you must initially designate them for yourself and wear them exclusively on a specific leg, without changing them every time. Adults can also develop flat feet if they wear such shoes all the time. Doctors recommend wearing these shoes only in severe frosts.

Felt boots under a dress

Felt boots are universal shoes that can be worn with anything. They will look great with outerwear made of natural fur or leather. This style looks great both in the village and in the center of a big city.

  • Felt boots will go well with down jackets, but you need to be careful to choose shoes that suit your style.
  • Sports winter jackets They will look funny with overly feminine felt boots with a lot of rhinestones and decorations. The ideal option is simple felt boots without stickers or additions.
  • An elegant down jacket, on the contrary, requires the same shoes. Here you can choose products in glamorous colors, with low heels or with very long tops, which completely breaks all the old traditions of wearing felted boots. But fashion should not stand still, so in our time any experiments are acceptable!
  • For a classic coat, it is advisable to choose felt boots with a more folkloric look, perhaps with hand embroidery and tassels. An addition to the look will be a scarf decorated in an ancient pattern for the neck or head.
  • Felt boots look good with any knitted items, especially those made in a slightly rough, simple chunky knit.

    Caring for felt boots: can they be cleaned and washed?

    Such shoes should not be worn in wet damp weather. Unless you can buy galoshes for felt boots so that they don’t get wet. Wet material may change shape or shrink. This means that washing them is not recommended.

    After a long walk in the snow at home, you need to immediately shake off all the snow before it melts. And then dry it in a warm place: you can put it on a radiator, which is not too hot. Heat may ruin felt boots. The sole will become hard, shrink and lose its desired size.

    As a drying option, you can line the inside of the shoes with newsprint, which will quickly absorb all the dampness and allow the felt boots to dry. Rubber galoshes should also be dried in a warm place and avoid hot surfaces that can distort their shape.

    If the felt boots are very dirty or get in the mud, it doesn’t matter: it is forbidden to wash them. To clean the surface, you just need to wait until the dirt dries. And then it will be easy to chicken out and clean the felt from dry dirt.

    Felt boots for home, indoors

    On a note: In summer, you can dry your felt boots in the sun and air them from time to time: by winter they will be in perfect condition. To protect natural wool from moths, you should store shoes in a sealed bag in a warm place, protected from dampness.

    Where can I buy or order felt boots?

    It is better to buy felt boots not on the market, where they can sell something that is not of very high quality, deceive you and take a lot of money for next to nothing. Popular shoe stores usually provide a guarantee and stock the best, branded and natural products. Now it has become fashionable and popular to order shoes from online stores that provide a complete catalog for children and adults with the selection of the right size and prices for every taste. There are often sales there that allow you to buy your favorite shoes inexpensively.

    Stores such as, have many models of Finnish felt boots, Siberian boots, fur boots, Slavs and other varieties of popular shoes. Here samples of children's shoes are provided, so there are a lot of options where you can buy high-quality boots.

    How much do felt boots cost?

    They cost no more than regular boots, with or without heels, with platforms or straight soles. If you wish, you can buy not classic boots for the season, but soft, comfortable felt boots that will last for several years with proper and constant care. Natural shoes cannot be too cheap, but their price is reasonable and affordable for everyone.

    On Avito you can buy felt boots from the manufacturer. They will cost much less, since they are sold immediately at first hand without resellers. This guarantees that the shoes are created according to the best traditions, have a natural composition and will be worn for a long time.

    Children's felt boots

    You should not buy shoes at very low prices, as they may be of poor quality and short-lived. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition, quality and, of course, customer reviews in order to draw your own conclusions about the product being offered.