Felted cats from wool. We roll cats from wool master class. Step-by-step master class on felting toys

It's great and incredibly amazing how something special can be made from a simple woolen ball - a woolen friend. Just look at these kittens, kitties and cats! They seem to be alive. These toys are made in the technique of dry felting by the author Natalya Kuznetsova. And I invite you to be inspired by the works of Natalia and watch the author's master class.

And a few more topics on felting toys:

Step-by-step master class on felting toys

But you can make such a kitten yourself, following the steps of the master class.

Required for work: wool different colors, felting needles No. 36 triangular and No. 38 “asterisk”, multi-needle felting device, sponge, brush-mat for felting, air bubble film, crayons, polymer clay, glossy varnish for plastics, PVA glue. We will also draw a sketch that conveys the proportions and pose of the future toy.

We start felting, starting with the head. We take coarse wool, form it with our fingers round billet and with a coarse needle we roll away so that the ball decreases by about a third and becomes dense. We wrap this blank with white wool and roll it with a thin needle so that the base wool is not visible on the surface of the future head.

At this stage, we create reliefs on the head - cheeks, muzzle, adding additional clouds of wool in the right places

We make a nose. To do this, we take pink wool and give it a shape on the sponge and transfer it to the muzzle, where we finally add it.

Having twisted a thin strand of pink wool into a thin flagellum with your fingers, we roll it along the line of the mouth.

Now, we add red wool - we “draw” the color of the head. Our kitten is sleeping and his eyes are closed, so we add red wool in the places of the eye sockets to form closed eyelids and brow ridges.

The kitten's ears will be red with a white inner insert. We take two identical clouds of red wool and on a felting brush using a multi-needle device (I have 3 needles) we perform two triangles at the same time so that the ears are the same.

We make hands from cat hair

I have been looking for such a thread for a long time http://www.coonplace.ru/articles/cat_coat.htm

Making medical belts from cat hair
November 4, 2012 | Author: catmaster
To make a belt from cat hair, it is best to use felt. The belt can be tied. It does not have to be tight, in the event that you put it on under clothes, it will be fixed by the belt of your clothes.
A more practical belt design - which itself is fixed at the waist. You can always put it on and fasten it, even under a nightgown. But in this case, it should fit snugly and stay on the body, not depend on being additionally tied. Make a fastener with hooks or Velcro. The front of the belt should be somewhat narrower than the back. The back part needs to be strengthened and shaped by sewing on a dense braid. It will work especially well if you attach rigid elements in the vertical direction, like the ribs of a corset. To make the product safe to wear, it is best to take strips of dense rubber or plastic for this - dense enough, but not hard, without sharp edges. For example, old rubber strips from car wipers. Sew on the back of the waistband in a vertical direction a simple cotton ribbon, like a drawstring, and insert a rigid element into it. When you wash the product, simply remove the ribs from the drawstring, and then reinsert.
Socks made of murka wool also heal
So many diseases are associated with hypothermia of the feet - from simple respiratory diseases to serious inflammation. Due to this reason, Moiyr appendages hurt, joints - anything! Especially unpleasant cystitis - inflammation of the bladder.
The best remedy- socks knitted from the wool of your cat. Socks made of cat hair save from diseases, improve blood microcirculation. Cat wool socks are especially useful for those who are forced to stay outdoors or in cold rooms for a long time in winter (fishermen, builders, security guards, etc.). These socks will be a great help for the elderly, whose feet are constantly cold in winter.
If you use cat hair socks for treatment, you can enhance their effect by putting them inside other socks made of any natural wool, and between the two layers of socks (in the part that is adjacent to the foot) sprinkle dry mustard.
One of effective ways use of cat hair - felting. In addition to long wool fibers, substandard, shorter hairs will also be rolled into felt. Medical socks, hats can be felt from cat felt, but the most popular products, as practice shows, are a belt for the treatment of the lower back and cuffs for the treatment of diseased joints.

As a test, try felting a small piece of cat felt. The result of your work will not be in vain! You will be able to apply this flap to the affected area, and later turn it into a larger form.

To make felt from cat hair you will need (except for cat hair, of course):

Two pieces of polyethylene film, its size should be at least a third larger than the estimated size of the sample flap;

Laundry soap;

Old terry towel.

Lay the film on a flat surface. Take a skein of wool in one hand (the hands should be dry while doing this) and with the other hand pull out separate thin flat strands from it. Lay the elongated strands on polyethylene in one direction overlapping each other. The strands usually turn out to be of uneven thickness, so don’t be scared and don’t redo the work, if somewhere you get a sparse place, just add another thin strand on top.

The next layer is laid in the same way, but in the opposite direction.

The number of layers may vary, depending on how thin the strands you are pulling. For a sample, stop at 4-6 layers.

Strictly uniform laying is not required. On the contrary, in artworks, the effect of a special texture is specially used, which is obtained with uneven laying.

The resulting “whatnot” of wool should be moistened with water, best of all with a spray bottle (wool should be sprayed, but not wet!). From above, cover with a second piece of polyethylene, lightly greased with soap, gently press and smooth so that all layers of wool are evenly saturated with water. If there is not enough water, add.

Remove the polyethylene. If there is hair stuck to the film, peel it off and lay it in place.

Wash your hands. Place your palms on the wool, start to lightly press and slap. Rubbing is not recommended. When the soap is distributed over the wool, cover the work with a film and turn it over like a pancake.

Lather your hands again and repeat the same steps on the other side. Add rotational pressing movements with your palms. Strong pressure and rubbing is not worth it, since in this case the fibers will move, and they need to be linked together, as if rubbed into each other.

Then go over to the other side again. So, in turn, each time lathering your hands, continue to rub on both sides.

If you overmoistened the sample and the wool “floated”, cover the work with a terry towel, roll it up together with the film and gently wring it out without twisting it.

When you see that the fibers no longer lie freely, that is, they do not move relative to each other, but are linked to each other, proceed to the next step. Cover the work with plastic wrap on both sides, roll it up quite tightly. Roll this roll like a rolling pin, with an effort of 2-3 minutes. Then unroll, roll up again, now in the opposite direction and roll. Then collect the sample in a ball and crush, but do not twist.

Felt is ready if:

The direction in which the very first layer was laid out is not visible,

The fibers are interconnected and do not move separately,

The fibers are rolled into the fabric and do not separate from it,

There was some uniformity of weaving.

The finished sample should be rinsed several times in cool water, the last time with the addition of vinegar. Good squeeze. To do this, it is best to wrap the sample in a terry towel and squeeze it into washing machine. Dry flat on a flat surface.

The texture of the felt is visible only after the final drying. If you don’t like something, you can wet the felt again and continue felting.

Caring for things made of natural cat felt, in fact, does not differ from caring for woolen things. Wash things by hand in warm water (up to 30 ° C), with a special powder for wool. Dry, straightening on a flat surface.

Wool spinning

Few people practice hand spinning, but nowadays it is becoming an increasingly fashionable hobby. Electric spinning wheels are even on sale. In general, it is very good that this skill has not yet been forgotten, there are still craftswomen who use the manual method of making yarn. Resurgent interest in folk traditions, the desire not to break away from the roots, sits women at the spinning wheels even today. Sometimes the ability to spin is necessary: ​​if you have a cat in your house, you are provided with raw materials for making simply magical, healing yarn, you just need to learn how to spin it.

The ability to spin, like any other skill, does not come immediately, patience and skill are needed here. Wool must be sorted before spinning. Use a comb with large, sparse and blunt teeth, attach it to the table with a clamp, teeth up - it will be more convenient. Take a small piece of wool with both hands and move it from top to bottom through the teeth of the comb, spreading your arms in different directions. A piece of wool is divided into parts. Refold the wool and run it through the teeth of the comb. So repeat 5-6 times, and the hairs of wool will lie in one direction.

Tie the disassembled wool in several places with a thread and attach it to the back of the chair at the back. The wool you will be spinning should be under your left arm. Pull out with your left hand a strip of wool 5 mm wide (for an average thread thickness) and long

2 cm, twist it on the toe of the spindle. Right hand start turning the spindle by the toe clockwise, make 5-6 turns. Pull the strip of wool again with your left hand, twisting the spindle away from you. When the length of the spun thread is about a meter, wind it around the end of the spindle near the heel and make a slip knot at the toe. The thread will not fall off the spindle. Slip knot: turn the thread clockwise, put the loop formed on the toe of the spindle.

Keep spinning.

Down and sometimes wool are spun onto a thread. Things knitted from hand-spun yarn are almost impossible to unravel.

In the process of wearing, cat hair, like any other, falls off, but medicinal properties while not losing.

One can only envy the owners of long-haired and semi-long-haired cats (Persians, Angora, Siberian)! Although most often during the shedding of their pets, they simply suffer - cat hair is everywhere: on furniture, clothes! This is only out of ignorance - this is the most valuable medicinal raw material!

Master Class. Dry felting from wool "Cat Ginger"

Nedopekina Antonina Viktorovna, educator, GBOU Kindergarten No. 1524 Moscow.

Material Description: The master class is designed for older children school age, their parents, teachers additional education, educators, for all creative people ready to create gifts and interior decorations with their own hands.
Purpose: Can serve as a gift.
Target: Making toys from wool using the technique of dry felting.
- Introduce the history of dry felting.
- teach how to use the tool for dry felting;
- develop spatial imagination, the ability to combine colors and shapes;
- develop fine motor skills hands;
- develop creative imagination, fantasy and sense of taste;
- to consolidate the ability to bring the work started to the end.
Safety precautions:
The felting needles are very sharp. Rubber thimbles will help protect your fingers from pricks. You should also use special substrates for felting, a regular foam rubber sponge will do. All of this will help protect your fingers from needle pricks, as well as keep your table from scratches if you place your work on the table.
The history of dry felting.
Felting from wool (feeling) is a special process, as a result of which voluminous toys, clothes, accessories, and other useful and beautiful things are created from wool. The history of wool felting is connected, first of all, with nomads who domesticated sheep. Natural wool has the ability to fall off, that is, to form felt. This is a manufacturing process using special needles that repeatedly pierce the wool, mix and tangle the fibers to a state of matting. Which leads to the formation of a dense and homogeneous material. As a result, dry felting is suitable for creating: toys, designer dolls, jewelry.
Materials and tools:
Unspun wool: orange, white color, black color.
Needles for felting No. 36,38.
Ready-made eyes bought in a store (or beads).
Foam sponge.
Glue "Moment"

The wire is thin, white (for mustaches).

Let's start by felting the body of the cat. Take a fairly large bundle of orange wool. Slightly dump the bundle in your hands, tangle the fibers.

We take needle No. 36 and start felting the body of the cat.

We stick the needle deep into the wool until the preparation of the body becomes dense.

We try to do the work carefully, to felt the part with high quality, so that it is dense and keeps its shape. The preparation of the torso is a little like a pear from top to bottom more. At the bottom, you need to form a plane so that the cat can sit.

The body is ready, we move on to felting the head.
To do this, we take a piece of wool smaller than we took for the body.

We also dump the bundle in our hands, tangle the wool fibers.

We take a needle, roll the cat's head in the shape of a ball. We stick it as deep as possible so that the wool falls off. We work with a needle carefully, we observe safety precautions.

It turned out the head of a cat.

We take the blanks of the torso and the heads we connect them. We start rolling in a circle.

Dumped the head and body together. But the place of their connection is very noticeable. Tear off a piece of orange wool.

We roll a piece of wool at the junction of the head and torso. To hide flaws and smooth transitions of the workpiece.

We begin to roll the muzzle of the cat, first we form the eye sockets. Repeatedly work with a needle and create depressions for the desired size of the eyes.

Repeatedly, pointwise and deeply we work through the nose and cavity for the mouth with a needle.

Take glue and put it in the eye sockets. Let's wait a second for it to soak in.

We smear the edges of the eye with glue.

With pressure, glue the eyes of the cat in their place.

The cat is missing ears. Tear off two identical pieces of wool for the ears. Since the ears are small details, we will roll them on a sponge.

We put the wool on a sponge and roll the ears in the form of triangles

We take the ears and attach them to the head of the cat. First one ear, then the other.

So that the junction of the ears with the head is not visible. Take a piece of wool, roll it and smooth out the transitions.

Our cat has ears.

We decorate the ears of our cat. Take some white wool. We roll it inside the ears. We make two small balls from white wool and attach an eye on top, these are the cat's eyebrows. We also make a breast for a cat from white wool.

To highlight the cat's nose. Take quite a bit of white wool and red.

Let's mix them. Let's make a ball with our hands.

And we roll the resulting ball in place of the nose of the cat.

Select the cat's mouth. We take quite a bit of black wool. We form a flagellum with our hands.

We attach to the place where the mouth is formed.

Our cat needs to make paws. Let's start making the front paws.
We tear off two pieces of wool of the same length. Put it on a sponge and dump it.

They need to be piled about this length, when you put the workpiece on the table, they reach the table so that the cat sits and leans on its front paws.

We attach them with a needle to the body of the cat.

We take pieces of wool for the hind legs. Two larger pieces of wool, two smaller pieces of wool.

From those pieces of wool that are bigger. On the sponge with a needle we roll flattened balls. We roll ovals from small pieces of wool.

We roll to the bottom of the cat's body. Flattened balls, and to them from below we attach ovals prepared from wool.

We begin to roll the cat's tail. Take a long piece of wool.

We roll the tail on the sponge.

We decorate the tip of the tail with white wool. We take white wool and roll it on the tip of the tail.

The tail of the cat is ready.

Do you love cats the way the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun love them? Cat cafes, the famous Hello Kitty brand are all their inventions. And now here's another one - felting cats!

"Cats-valyashki" of the Japanese spill

Soranosuke's artist Akemi has already purred all her friends, as well as her own cats, Sora and Riku. And now he works for the general public.

Just do not suspect the girl of sadism. She purrs not on the floor, not on the ground, but from felt. Customer reviews are overflowing with enthusiasm, and in every second sentence there are the words "unbearably cute."

Before starting work, the master asks to send her a few photos of the pet. As a result of felting from wool, the cat turns out like a real one! Of course, Akemi modestly warns: you should not expect an exact copy, but some similarity is guaranteed.

As a bonus, customers receive little pussies with wishes. And you can also order a three-dimensional panel.

Wool cat - a work of art

They say that the craftswoman has no end to customers, and this despite the presence of serious competitors. For example, this phlegmatic Scot is made by Nekolabo.

And this is the head of Professor Housetu Sato and his students. I mean, their handiwork. The work was created specifically for display at the Tokyo Museum of Art.

One can only guess where else their great love for cats will lead the inventive Japanese ...

However, why don't you and I try something like that, especially since not so much is required: felting wool, a cat-sitter and a good mood.

Tatyana Larionova

What canned food is best for cats?

ATTENTION, RESEARCH! Together with your cat you can participate in it! If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region and are ready to regularly observe how and how much your cat eats, and also do not forget to write it all down, they will bring you FREE WET FOOD KITS.

Project for 3-4 months. Organizer - Petkorm LLC.

This is a special needlework technique, during which a pattern on fabric or felt, voluminous toys, panels, decorative elements, garments or accessories. Only natural wool has the ability to fall off. We represent detailed master class with step by step interesting photos on felting a cute kitten, which is suitable even for beginners. Great experience and patience require only those wool cats that are 1 in 1 similar to real ones. And even a beginner can make such a cute and frisky kitten from natural wool, as in the photo. The main desire!

There are two types of wool felting - dry and wet.

In dry felting, the wool is repeatedly pierced with a special needle until it becomes felted. During this process, the fibers interlock with each other, forming a dense and homogeneous material. It is used to create three-dimensional products, jewelry, figurines, designer dolls, as well as applying drawings and patterns to felt, felt and previously knitted crafts.

Wet felting is carried out using a soap or a special solution. First, a wool product is laid out, wetted with a solution, and with the help of friction, a felting process is carried out, which is suitable for the manufacture of panels, clothes, canvases, in a word, flat products.

We select the necessary materials and tools

We will need:

  • wool of a suitable color;
  • needles for felting (very different, including gypsy ones);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads.

For eyes:

  • polymer clay;
  • acrylic paints;
  • tassel;
  • dry pastel;
  • felting substrate (brush or sponge).

We hope that you liked the video lesson about felting a Schnapps kitten.

A step-by-step master class on creating a kitten from wool using the felting technique

In order to make a kitten using the felting technique, we take a synthetic winterizer for the base. Using a gypsy needle and thread, we form an egg-shaped blank from a synthetic winterizer as in the photo below:

Then we fluff the wool well with our hands.

We put fluffy wool on an egg-shaped blank and begin to roll it with a coarse needle No. 36 (it can be replaced with a toothpick or sharpened wire - whoever comes up with what). At the same time, remember that the needle should be stuck as deep as possible so that the wool stretches to the central part of the workpiece. If everything is done correctly, then a density is formed inside, and the surface remains loose. Let's focus on the photo.

Let's prepare blanks for the paws. We carefully dump each of them to the desired state - they should be loose. At one end, we leave the wool in a free state.

Slowly, gently, helping with a needle, we attach the paws to the blank of the body with free wool (as in the photo).

We add a little wool to the junction of the paw with the body, thereby strengthening the “grip”.

We set the necessary bends for the kitten's paws, fixing them with our fingers. Then we fix the result with a needle.

After that, you need to add some wool to the muzzle area and increase the volume under the eye sockets.

Then we fail the recesses for the eye of the cat of the desired size.

Then you should form a small triangular plane (the place where the spout will be attached), as well as two small identical balls - these are the cheek-pads.

You can also easily make and - this is a cute cute creature that can be a wonderful New Year's gift for someone!

After that, we roll the cheek balls just below the formed plane for the nose. In the same way, we perform the chin.

Now let's add some fur to the feet of the cat's feet, and at the same time form small volumes on them.

Partially, you can start to perform the "polishing" of the product. We grind with a needle No. 38 - piercing each section many times. It should be noted that grinding is possible only in those places that will no longer be finalized.

Now you can carefully dump the tail and give it the necessary bends. At one end, we leave the wool in a free state. Before attaching the kitten's tail to the body, it must also be carefully sanded, as in the photo.

Then, carefully attach the tail, while trying to stick the needle as deep as possible, thereby carefully attaching the tail to the cat's body.

Now you need to strengthen the junction of the tail with the body and then "grind" the resulting joint. Repeatedly poking in the same place with a needle, we gradually form the kitten's ass out of wool.

And now we're sculpting from polymer clay eyes of the correct size. Then we dry the eyes, grind them with emery and glue them on the Moment Crystal glue.

Now we are working on the smile line again. This time as clearly as possible. And after that, between the fingers we dump a small flagellum and roll it on the bridge of the nose, forming wrinkles.

We dump a small triangle-nose made of wool of a different color and roll it onto the previously formed triangular plane.

Carefully mark the kitten's nostrils with a needle.

We proceed to the final stage of felting a kitten from wool - on a foam rubber sponge or felting brush we dump two identical triangles under the ears. We periodically turn the blanks over, otherwise they really “like” to tumble into the structure of the sponge.