Protecting your face from the cold: masks in the winter season. Face masks: what to choose in winter? Winter face mask

A winter face mask made from natural ingredients will protect your skin from frost. healthy products. Such a product will not only provide reliable protection against peeling, redness, and other visible changes, but will also nourish the dermis from the inside, enriching it with vitamins that are missing during the winter.

What happens to our skin in winter

Already in the second half of autumn, a noticeable change in the weather is felt, which means that you slowly need to prepare your face for the approaching frosts. And in sub-zero temperatures, the face especially needs protection from negative weather conditions and stress.

Every girl needs face masks prepared at home, since the dermis undergoes the following changes during the winter season:

  • oily epithelium can acquire all the signs of dry dermis: tightness, flaking appear due to the fact that at low temperatures the secretion of sebum is reduced;
  • low air humidity leads to evaporation of moisture from the upper layers of the epithelium, which leads to dehydration;
  • sudden changes in temperature lead to redness of the face or rosacea - this indicates a deterioration in blood circulation and stress on the blood vessels;
  • most of the time, being indoors, you can forget about your natural blush, so your complexion also worsens;
  • due to improper care, inflammation often appears, from which a winter mask applied to the face can help;
  • cold wind, especially a blizzard, provokes hypothermia, as a result of which microcracks appear.

It is important to know! The action of cold winds and sub-zero temperatures leads to thickening of the stratum corneum and premature aging.

Regardless of the type of epithelium, winter leaves imprints of lethargy on the face and makes the mucous membranes more sensitive to action. external factors. A face mask applied regularly throughout the winter will help your skin feel more “insulated.”

Pros and cons of using winter masks

Face masks in winter are a must-have product for caring for any dermis. Their importance is determined by undeniable advantages:

  • sensitive epithelium will receive protection from aggressive weather conditions and temperature changes;
  • you can forget about flaking and dryness;
  • products tighten microcracks on the surface of the epidermis;
  • the need for vitamins and minerals is satisfied, the shortage of which is especially noticeable in winter;
  • the problematic epithelium will receive “preparation” for the spring period and will be protected from vitamin deficiency;
  • A properly prepared complex of beneficial substances moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

There are no downsides to using such funds. Only if the composition is prepared incorrectly can you end up with a dense, “heavy” mask that clogs the pores.

We invite you to look at the recipes for the best face masks in winter time:

Contraindications for use

If everything is clear about the indications for use, then a logical question arises: are there any contraindications to the use of winter cosmetic mixtures. Since homemade winter masks are natural base to protect and preserve the original appearance of the face, they have no contraindications for use.

Girls want to solve the problems of oily and problematic dermis in the shortest possible time; for this they buy drying creams with active substances. The epithelium perceives excessive “drying” as a negative factor, to which it gives an immediate response in the form of “throwing in” sebum. Therefore, cosmetologists prohibit the use of such products in winter; instead, it is worth choosing sebum-regulating complexes with plant acids.

Winter face masks at home are the key to healthy, beautiful skin throughout all year round. The variety of possible compositions allows you to choose the best option for any type of epithelium. Not only to protect the face from the negative effects of frost, but also to solve a number of individual problems characteristic of certain types of epidermis will help with correctly selected ingredients.

Most Popular effective recipes winter face masks can be prepared from ordinary products that won’t break the bank. You can verify this yourself:

  • nutritional mass for dry epidermis is prepared from protein, lemon juice, honey, bran. Beat the protein into a container, pour in tsp. juice, 2 tbsp. l. bran, 1 tsp. liquid honey. Mix with a mixer until foam forms, apply to the surface, rinse off after a quarter of an hour. For washing, it is advisable to use a herbal decoction;
  • For oily skin It is appropriate to use orange juice (or any other citrus fruit) with aloe extract, 10 drops olive oil. All this needs to be added to your daily nourishing cream. The application and removal algorithm is similar to the previous recipe;
  • A banana face mask will help protect your sensitive dermis in winter. It’s easy to prepare: add 20 g of avocado and yolk to the main ingredient. Mix everything until creamy and apply to face. Cosmetologists recommend adding vitamin A and E to any recipe, ampoules of which are sold in every pharmacy;
  • For dry skin, winter face masks at home based on milk (25 ml), yeast (15 g), and a couple of drops of your favorite oil are suitable. Heat the milk in a water bath, add aroma drops, yeast, and bring until smooth. The milk mask will restore pH balance, nourish with vitamins, moisturize, and protect against premature aging;
  • fruit bases – best helper in removing the stratum corneum, restoring healthy color epidermis. And the mask with persimmon additionally tones and reduces wrinkles. To prepare, you will need 1 persimmon, 10 g of wheat flour and kefir. Distribute the homogeneous mass evenly along the massage lines and remove after half an hour. The recipe is suitable for all skin types, especially for dry, tight dermis;
  • The curd mask is suitable for all types, as it nourishes the skin with amino acids and minerals. For a vitamin mix, 5-9% cottage cheese (2 tbsp), olive oil (1 tsp), 1 yolk are better suited. Rinse off after 20 minutes after application with warm water;
  • A carrot mask for combination skin is prepared from grated carrots and ground oatmeal. If desired, you can supplement with liquid vitamins and your favorite essential oil. This option will improve blood circulation and give the face a healthy, fresh look;
  • the sensitive epithelium, which suffers more than others from the vicissitudes of winter weather, will be saved by a herbal remedy of chamomile and mint. Add a spoonful of honey and protein to the crushed dried flowers. Rinse off with clean water.

All useful masks Apply to a clean face, it is better to carry out the procedure before bed. To obtain, and most importantly, maintain a stable effect, it is necessary to regularly apply home care products throughout the winter.

Note! The frequency of application is 2-3 times a week, it is advisable to alternate several recipes.

The effect of face masks will be noticeable to the naked eye: the skin will become clean, velvety, healthy. And unique recipes can be prepared from affordable, and most importantly, natural products.

Winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year, all this incredible fabulous atmosphere, a brilliant snowball covering everything around. The only drawback for most women is that their skin is not in very good condition. Do you want to walk outside and enjoy life this winter, but are you afraid that your facial skin will deteriorate due to the weather and this time of year in general? Then be sure to try making winter face masks at home. After all, they are able to take excellent care of your delicate skin.

What are the benefits of skin care in winter?

Winter masks are a must for everyone, regardless of skin type or other factors. They have a positive effect even on skin that, in fact, has no problems.

It is very difficult for women with sensitive skin. A properly selected mask will make this time somewhat easier, as it can improve the condition of the skin by nourishing it with all kinds of vitamins. The skin will become protected from any unpleasant influences.

For dry skin types, there are also special masks that can tidy it up. The mask will moisturize the skin, make it incredibly soft and pleasant. Dry skin is said to be the hardest skin to deal with, so it's important to do everything you can to improve its condition during the winter.

Oily skin will become healthier thanks to winter masks. Masks nourish oily skin with vitamins, allowing it to look better and prepare for a more difficult period for it.

As it turned out, taking care of your skin in the winter season is very, very important. But, in addition to all kinds of masks, which we will talk about later, there are also basic rules, following which the skin will look a little better. In this case, masks are still required for comprehensive care, but, nevertheless, it is worth listening to simple advice.

  1. Before going out into cold air, be sure to apply special protective creams, these can be purchased anywhere. Before going out, you should not apply masks or products that are not intended for protection in the freezing cold. This will only make your skin worse.
  2. Be sure to cleanse your skin regularly. It is advisable to use products for cleansing that increase the level of certain vitamins. This will make your skin even healthier.
  3. Watch your diet. In winter, you should eat even more healthy foods than, for example, in summer, when there are plenty of fruits and vegetables around. Take nutrition very seriously, because the condition of our skin directly depends on it.
  4. Perform a variety of actions that will help take care of your skin. This includes not only face masks, but also other products.
  5. Everyone spends a lot of time at home in winter. It is very important that the home air is normal and not dry, as is often the case. Then the skin will not be like that either.
  6. For oily skin, you should not use moisturizers in winter.

Features of homemade masks

As you know, masks made by yourself are the best means. This also applies to masks for the winter season. But homemade masks have characteristic features, without paying attention to which you may not achieve the desired result.

  1. This applies to any masks and winter ones are no exception. It is imperative to prepare a mask only from the freshest ingredients. This will ensure that the mask is most saturated with beneficial properties that your facial skin needs so much in winter. It is also worth noting that you do not need to “stock up” on a mask for a long time in advance. It is better to prepare one serving at a time, otherwise you may again find yourself without a sufficient amount of useful elements in it.
  2. What ingredients can be the main ones in a mask? Everything is very simple, for a winter mask the best options are honey, some dairy products, various oils, and, of course, vegetables and fruits. By preparing a mask from these elements, you will provide yourself and your skin with excellent vitamin tone for the winter.
  3. In addition to all these homemade ingredients, which every lady is sure to have, you can use something else. These are special vitamins in ampoules. You can purchase the vitamins you need and add them to the mask to enhance its effect. This is a huge plus.
  4. Apply prepared masks to the face only in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime. The frequency of using the mask is approximately three times a week. But this number may vary depending on the composition of the mask you have prepared.
  5. Be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to any component of the mask. Everyone knows that you can check this by applying a small amount of the mask to your wrist. Then you just need to monitor the skin reaction in this area. If the skin is no different from its previous condition, then the mask can be placed on your beautiful face without any problems.

Hi all!

Do you know that cold and winter wind have a very negative impact on the condition of facial skin if you do not nourish it correctly? This is a proven fact. But don't panic. In this article we will help you figure it all out.

Recipes for the best nourishing face masks in winter will help smooth out the effects of cold, wind, and temperature changes characteristic of unstable climate zones.

What are the dangers for facial skin during the winter season?

There is an opinion that a cold climate is favorable for preserving youthful skin, in contrast to the summer heat. This is partly true - the processes of moisture loss and aging slow down, and metabolism stabilizes. However, this was true in times of a “natural” climate, devoid of the products of technological progress.

Modern winter can harm the face for the following reasons:

  1. Environmental pollution. She is active at any time of the year. Car exhaust, chlorine water, apartment heating that dries out the air, food products with a high content of nitrates and food additives.
  2. Ultraviolet. In winter, the sun's rays have a stronger effect on the skin. The negative is the active radiation background, and White color time of year increases the reflection and influence of harmful glare several times.
  3. Cold and wind. Despite statements from world leaders about global warming, the average winter temperature is getting lower every year. This fact cannot but be reflected on the skin of the face. A chapped face flakes off, the skin loses collagen and, as a result, elasticity.

Nourishing masks for the face in winter - a salvation for the skin.

The benefits of winter masks

A kind of “shield” solves the following problems:

  • Stimulation of natural regeneration processes.
  • Hydration.
  • Cleansing.
  • Improved blood circulation.

The combination of all points will allow the skin of the face to remain youthful longer and will provide its owner with great mood and self-confidence.

Compositions of masks

Knowing the beneficial properties of natural or pharmaceutical ingredients, choose best option It’s not difficult to prepare a miraculous composition.


It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of vegetable oils. Olive, castor, squeezed from fruit seeds or germs - wheat or flax, has the ability to maintain skin elasticity, eliminate flaking, and eliminate dryness. Oils are suitable for all skin types. But fatty women need less.

Dairy products

Sour cream, heavy cream, whey - stimulate blood circulation, trigger cell renewal, nourish the skin with vitamins A and C. The latter are important for the treatment of acne and healing of small cracks. The components are recommended for oily or combination skin.

Berry, fruit and vegetable extracts

A storehouse of useful elements that can preserve or improve complexion, tighten pores, and retain moisture. Despite the fact that berries are usually sold frozen in winter, the value of the components of a winter mask practically does not decrease. Extracts, decoctions or juices are suitable for all skin types.

Crushed grain, oatmeal, honey

These components will play the role of a scrub that is gentle on delicate facial skin. It is necessary to prepare the face before applying a winter mask.

Pharmacy products

Most often they are used for aging skin, when natural ingredients have little or no effect. Among them the simplest ones are activated charcoal, aspirin (cleansing), vitamins E and A (nutrition), glycerin (protection and lifting).

Rules for applying winter masks

To ensure the full effect of a nourishing face mask in winter, you need to know the rules for preparing the skin before application. Some masks require rinsing off: it is better to apply them when you do not plan to leave the house immediately. Others are absorbed and allow you not to disturb the pace of life. The general algorithm is as follows:


After washing your face in the morning or freeing your face of makeup, clean it with a scrub homemade. There is no need to try hard to once again do not stretch the skin. The recipe for a winter scrub is as follows:

  • A tablespoon of oatmeal is mixed with cream heated in a water bath. The consistency of thick sour cream is achieved.
  • After cleansing, wash your face with warm water.

The skin is allowed to rest for half an hour.

Nutrition and hydration

Now it’s the turn of the masks themselves. First you need to determine what you need - formulations containing oils are used at night, and nutritious ones in the morning. Cosmetologists do not recommend using moisturizing masks in winter, before going outside. The reason is easy to explain - wet skin reacts more sharply to cold and, at a minimum, discomfort is guaranteed to the face.


Special creams are used for this purpose. It is difficult to prepare them at home, so you should choose products from the cosmetic industry that have been tested and offered by pharmacies or salon consultants.

Winter mask recipes

Create your own cosmetical tools- Can. Natural products, in the absence of allergies to certain elements, are mixed in the required proportions. Perhaps this is how grandmother's secrets are born. The usual recipes are as follows:

  1. Winter face mask against cold. Day cream (1 tsp) + the same amount of sour cream and lemon juice. The paste is applied to the face and décolleté. After 15 minutes, remove the composition with a cotton pad with micellar water and apply protective cream.
  2. Warm face mask for the winter made of fabric. Cottage cheese in an amount of 100 grams is mixed with a teaspoon of thick natural honey. The ingredients should be heated in a water bath and placed on a clean cotton napkin. Keep the cloth on your face for 15 minutes, then cleanse the skin and apply a night or day protective cream, depending on the situation.
  3. Olive oil and yolk are whipped and applied to the face. The standard period is no more than 15 minutes. Cleansing and protection after washing off the mask is mandatory. By the way, the egg has a tightening effect.
  4. Warm face mask for the winter made of gelatin. To swell 2 teaspoons of gelatin, 1/3 cup of warm water is enough. A vitamin E capsule is added to it. The gel-like mass is applied in a thick layer to the face. It can be easily removed entirely after 15–20 minutes.
  5. Yeast face masks in winter for oily skin. This type of skin secretes more sebum during the onset of cold weather - a protective mechanism is triggered. To reduce the appearance of blackheads and clogged pores, you should prepare a paste from a packet of dry yeast and fresh milk. It is best to wash off this composition with chamomile infusion.

There are many components - the number of methods for preparing the compositions will not fit into a thick book. One advantage that all of these recipes have in common is that they are not inferior to any salon product.

As a result

It is important to remember that care will not give results, even if natural raw materials are used or the procedures are carried out by a cosmetology guru. It is important to take care of yourself as a whole - to give up everything bad habits, conduct a complete health examination with a doctor internal organs. And then cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing face masks in winter will undoubtedly be effective.

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In winter, our skin doesn't look its best. This is especially true for the face – pale, dry, flabby and tired skin, which often appears red. This is why experts advise making nourishing masks much more often in winter than in spring, summer and autumn. Naturally, today the fashion industry offers a lot of options, but many modern beauties avoid commercial cosmetics - they prefer grandmother’s advice, rather than products from a jar or tube, which sometimes contain “chemicals” along with useful substances.

In general, face masks have been known since ancient times. Each nation had its own secrets and recipes - they were passed down from generation to generation from one woman to another and thus reached our times. To prepare the most popular and effective face masks in winter, fruit pulp, honey, oil vitamins, gelatin, cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs, as well as vegetable or essential oils. Basically, anything in your fridge or pantry can help your skin survive the stress it experiences during the winter. So if you have the following products, you can set up a beauty salon at home right now!

1. Bananas

A mask made from these fruits perfectly nourishes the skin, since bananas contain a large amount of vitamin A - such masks will be especially useful for dry skin or those prone to irritation.

For dry skin, mash a quarter of a banana, add half a tablespoon of any nourishing cream, a few drops of lemon and olive oil. Apply to the face and leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse.

For combination skin, mash a quarter of a banana and mix in a 1:1 ratio with cream. Apply for half an hour, then rinse.

2. Sour cream (kefir, yogurt or buttermilk)

A mask made from fermented milk products not only softens, but also rejuvenates the skin, restoring its balance. It is also excellent protection against frost and cold air.

The simplest and most convenient recipe: apply sour cream, kefir, yogurt (without additives) or buttermilk on the face and hold for at least 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

3. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese masks perfectly saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals, giving it smoothness and elasticity. What is noteworthy is that there are masks that require fatty cottage cheese, and there are those that require its low-fat analogue.

Mix a few tablespoons of homemade cottage cheese (high fat content) with an egg yolk and a spoonful of olive oil. Stir until smooth. The mask is applied for a quarter of an hour and then washed off with water.

Mix a few tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, a spoonful of strong tea, a spoonful of linseed oil, and orange (lemon) zest. Apply the mask to your face, leave for at least 15 minutes, then rinse.

4 eggs

A whole egg is not always used to make face masks. Basically, separately - the yolk, separately - the white. Egg white masks are useful for oily skin with enlarged pores, as the protein can refresh and tighten the skin, making it healthy and providing protection from frost and wind. But the yolk is useful for dry skin.

Beat the egg whites lightly, but until completely smooth, and then apply to your face. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Beat the egg whites until foamy, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, lemon zest and a teaspoon of bran. Keep the mask on your face for about 10 minutes, then wash it off.

Grind the yolk with a spoon vegetable oil, then add a spoonful of chamomile (extract). Apply to skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm tea, then lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

5. Avocado

This tropical fruit is a unique remedy for dry skin prone to frequent irritation in winter. Thanks to its composition, this mask can not only nourish the skin, but also saturate it with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Mash the avocado pulp into a puree, add a couple of drops of olive oil, mix thoroughly and apply to the skin. Leave on for half an hour and then rinse off.

6. Oatmeal

An oatmeal mask is a natural remedy for skin that suffers from cold and wind in winter. It can soothe the skin and also softens it perfectly.

Mix oatmeal, honey and egg yolk in a 1:1:1 ratio and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse well.

7. Gelatin

Gelatin masks are known for their excellent whitening and tightening of sagging and tired skin. In addition, they can improve blood circulation.

10 grams of gelatin pour 40 grams cold water, stir and leave for an hour. Grind 40 grams of glycerin and 10 grams of zinc oxide and mix with the gelatin that has swollen by this time. Heat the mixture over a fire, then cool to a syrup-like consistency. This mask can be stored for several days; before use, you just need to warm it up a little. Soak gauze in the gelatin mass and place it on your face. Leave for half an hour. After the mask is removed, your face must be lubricated with cream.

8. Honey

Today there are a huge number of masks, where one of the components is honey. How could it be otherwise, because it perfectly moisturizes and perfectly nourishes the skin with vitamins, giving it youth and, most importantly, beauty.

Mix a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of white clay and 35 drops of lemon juice until smooth, then apply to the skin. Rinse off after 25 minutes, then apply cream.

Mix a tablespoon of honey, half a tablespoon of tea (strong) and a tablespoon of oatmeal, add a little water and heat. The mask is applied warm, and the face is covered from above paper napkin and a cotton towel. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

9. Carrots

This mask can significantly improve your complexion, moreover, due to the fact that carrots contain large quantities vitamin A, your skin will receive a good vitamin charge.

Grate the carrots, add a couple of drops of olive oil, mix and apply to the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

10. Lemon

Lemon is rich in vitamins, in addition, it can cleanse and strengthen the skin, shrink pores and improve appearance faces.

Mix the fat cream with a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of sour cream. Apply the mask to the skin for 25 minutes. Remove with lotion.

All women know that facial care in winter at home requires a special approach, since this season is not the best time for our skin.

The two most negative factors that affect the condition of the skin are sudden changes in air temperature when we leave a warm house outside and return back, and dry air in rooms where we feel so warm and cozy.

How to protect your skin in winter? How does it change during the cold season? What cosmetic products should you use, and what should you give up before the weather warms up? Of course, you need to reconsider your usual techniques and choose those that will protect your face, exposed to all winds and frosts, from dermatological problems.

Winter skin care program

    • Washing your face in winter should be radically reconsidered. No cream soap or alcohol lotion! In winter, the skin needs to maintain its protection (hydrolipid mantle), which it forms itself, and there is no need to remove it with these means. You shouldn’t even wash your face with plain water in cold weather, especially before going outside soon.
    • For washing, it is better to use cosmetic milk, mousses and tonics, lotions that do not contain alcohol. These products are not aggressive and do not dry out the skin. The most gentle effects are those prepared at home with your own hands.
    • You also need to be very careful when moisturizing your skin in cold weather. It is better to apply moisturizer in the evening, about an hour before bedtime. If you apply moisturizer before going out into the air, the moisture from the cream that gets into the pores will simply freeze and nothing good can be expected from this process: your skin will receive micro injuries.
    • In dry rooms, such moisturizing also does not bring much benefit, since many ingredients of moisturizing creams are configured to absorb moisture, and if the air is dry, then they begin to absorb it from the deeper layers of the dermis. And instead of hydration, it becomes dehydrated.
    • If you stay indoors for a long time, then spray your face with a spray bottle directly over your makeup with thermal or mineral (non-carbonated) water.
    • There are excellent moisturizers with chitosan and hyaluronic acid, which protect the skin from such drying, but they should be applied an hour before going out into the cold.

What mistakes should be avoided when caring for your skin in winter and how to adjust your facial care - listen to the advice of the famous cosmetologist Olga Fem:

What to feed your skin in the cold?

In winter, the skin especially needs good nutrition. Despite the fact that the skin itself protects itself from frost and wind by producing an increased amount of sebum, this is not enough. Your skin will receive additional nutrition from nourishing creams and masks. Make sure they are rich in active vitamins, oils and minerals.

It is recommended to include astringents that are present in tea tree oil, pine needles, birch buds, lavender, rosemary, propolis, and cucumbers.
For dry skin, you must add ingredients containing fats to masks: avocado, agave oil, wheat germ, cedar, almond and Peach oil, lecithin.

Recipes for facial skin care in cold weather

Wash and compresses, lotions and masks prepared at home have a gentle effect on the skin in winter and moisturize it well. Here are some simple but effective recipes.

Use a recipe with almond bran: pour a tablespoon of bran hot water and stir until it becomes a thin paste. Apply the cooled mixture onto your face with light movements and rinse off after 5 minutes. Proceed with further cosmetic procedures.

If you come from a severe frost, make a lotion for your frozen skin from a decoction of oak bark: steam a dessert spoon of bark in a glass of boiling water and hold for half an hour in a water bath. If your skin peels and turns red in winter, compresses made from green tea or calendula infusion (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water) will help you. Soak a napkin in tea leaves or infusion and place on your face for 15 minutes. To make it easier for the skin to tolerate low temperatures, try warm baths with milk and olive oil: for 2 tablespoons of dry milk you need to take 1 tablespoon of olive or corn oil. Do these baths 2 times a week.

Masks during cold weather They are used in a variety of ways, depending on the skin type and its problems. Choose to your taste, most importantly, use them regularly: 1-2 times a week an hour before bedtime and be sure to apply night cream after the procedure.

Recipe for a nourishing winter mask made from oatmeal and honey. Whisk the egg yolk with ½ teaspoon of honey and add 5 drops each of lemon juice and olive oil. Add chopped rolled oats or oatmeal to the resulting mixture. Mix the ingredients to a thick paste and apply to your face for 15-20 minutes. It’s good to slightly warm up the composition first – this will make it easier for the beneficial substances to penetrate the skin. It is better to wash your face after the mask with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Preparing a winter mask from sprouted wheat grains requires preliminary preparation: the wheat grains need to be sprouted. To do this, soak the wheat in a small amount of water and leave for several days until it germinates. After the sprouts appear, grind the grains with sprouts in a blender and add beaten chicken yolk and a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the resulting mass. This mask is rich in active nutrients. Apply it to cleansed facial skin for 20-30 minutes and get a wonderful result. Suitable for any skin type. A simple, effective winter mask made from olive oil will not take much time, but after applying it, the skin looks just perfect. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a water bath and apply a thin layer to a cleansed face. Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with chamomile infusion. Thus, take care of your face once a week. In winter, we enjoy such a delicacy as persimmon. Don't miss this time to prepare a wonderful face mask from this fruit.
Persimmon wonderfully moisturizes, nourishes and tightens the skin. For the mask, take a little pulp and mash it to a paste. Add ½ teaspoon of olive oil or a spoonful of low-fat sour cream to the persimmons. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. A simple potato mask softens the skin well. To retain more vitamins, boil the potatoes directly in the skins and then peel them. Mash the vegetable until puree and add a tablespoon of sour cream to it. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
If you do not have vascular formations on your face, you can easily use a hot compress after returning from a frosty walk. Soak a linen or cotton napkin in a warm infusion of chamomile and mint, wring it out and hold it on your face for 3-5 minutes. After this, apply the mixture prepared in advance from egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. After half an hour, rinse your skin with cool water. A mask with pharmaceutical vitamins A and E is suitable for those with dry, wrinkle-prone skin. Such skin needs to be nourished and moisturized all year round, and especially in winter. Buy pharmacy liquid vitamins for this purpose and add them a little to the masks. The simplest mask recipe: slightly heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil and add a few drops of vitamins A and E to it (3-4 drops are enough). Make a gauze face mask, not forgetting to cut out holes for the mouth and eyes, soak it in a warm solution of oil with vitamins and place it on your face. If the gauze dries out, you can soak it again in the oil mixture and repeat the procedure. After 20-30 minutes, blot the residue with a dry cloth and lightly wipe your face with toner. Winter and glycerin will improve blood circulation in the skin and give the skin tone. Take 2 tablespoons of edible gelatin and warm water, mix and let it swell. Pour a tablespoon of glycerin into this composition, which you can always buy at the pharmacy. Soak the gauze mask with the resulting mixture of gelatin and glycerin and apply it to your face. After a 15-20 minute procedure, wipe your face with tonic and apply nutritious cream according to your skin type. In the cold, porous, acne-prone facial skin suffers greatly. Therefore in winter care simply irreplaceable yeast mask. To prepare it, take about 20 g of raw yeast and dilute it in a small amount of milk. Apply the resulting mixture onto your face with a cotton pad and leave it until it dries. Application can be repeated. While the mask is in effect, prepare an infusion of anti-inflammatory herbs for washing from chamomile, birch leaves, nettle or calendula and rinse your face when completing the procedure. A mixture of any herbal and castor oil. Take them in one tablespoon at a time and warm them slightly. Apply to skin and leave on face for half an hour for absorption. Wash your face after oil mask decoction of herbs or boiled water.

Remember that in the cold our facial skin is especially vulnerable, so careful care is vital. DIY masks made at home from natural ingredients will perfectly protect your face from cold wind, bitter frost and prickly snow.
Nourishing masks for skin care in winter:

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