Kefir oil hair mask. Homemade recipes for kefir hair masks. Mask with kefir for oily hair

The beneficial properties of kefir are a symbiosis of protein and calcium, gently affecting the hair structure and restoring it.

Kefir is especially useful for dry hair that is prone to brittleness; thanks to its properties, it will become more moisturized, softened, and the process of hair loss will decrease.

Let's figure out what kind of kefir we need? What other ingredients should be added to kefir masks? How to cook them?

For maximum efficiency We recommend choosing masks and helping your hair "homemade" kefir.

It could be:

  • purchased from grandmothers or farmers, homemade milk kefir;
  • kefir homemade from quality milk(it’s easy to check, just look at the finished kefir in the jar, if it’s dense and there’s little liquid, it’s excellent);
  • store-bought kefir from 2.5–3.2% fat content;
  • kefir with 1% fat, if there is no other option.

Of course, the list is built from the most useful to the least useful. Availability of homemade milk in the city is possible only through a trip to the market. We recommend purchasing milk 2.5% fat and make kefir yourself and use it for masks.

The best version of kefir would be:

Absent a large number of liquid, does not taste bitter or stink, it is easy to eat with a spoon, as it is quite dense.

How to prepare this kefir?

  1. Buy 2.5% fat milk at the store.
  2. Pour into a jar and leave on the table or in any other warm place, but not in the sun.
  3. After 24-48 hours, the kefir is ready. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

2nd method of making kefir

To prepare kefir you will need: milk, starter culture or kefir made with starter culture from kefir grains.

  1. Boil milk, cool to room temperature.
  2. Skim off the foam.
  3. Pour 100 ml of kefir or starter into 900 ml of milk, mix and heat to a temperature of 37C.
  4. Leave overnight in a warm place in a liter jar. At the same time, wrap the jar in a blanket.
    You can use prepared kefir as a starter 9 times.

Useful video on how to make kefir at home:

How is any kefir hair mask beneficial?

The main component is kefir:

  1. He envelops and protects from harmful environmental influences.
  2. Strengthens hair follicle.
  3. For dry we use kefir from 2.5 - 3.2% fat content, for fatty people 1% or low fat.
  4. Lightening.
  5. Shine and flowing effect, due to hydration and nutrition.
  6. Curls become like waterfall, easily crumble, comb like after an expensive balm.

Useful video about the benefits of kefir and the simplest use of the mask:

How to store kefir for a long time?

Keep in the refrigerator in a sealed jar plastic cover , but after 2-3 weeks an unpleasant specific smell will appear, which will later appear on your hair. Therefore we recommend Avoid long-term storage and limit it to 1-2 weeks.

How much kefir is needed for a mask?

Depends on the length, thickness of your hair and additional ingredients.

For middle length curls use 100-400 ml of kefir, use the rest to make yoghurts or drink kefir itself.

  1. Then prepare everything for preparing and applying the mask.
  2. Ingredients for mixing.
  3. Place an empty basin or bowl in the bathroom or apply it with a brush in front of a mirror, depending on your comfort and convenience.
  4. The first time, try using a coloring brush in front of a mirror to carefully apply it to the roots, and then dip the curls in the mixture and twist.

What is needed to apply the mask?

  1. Prepared mask.
  2. No clothes needed and something to wrap around your neck in case there is a leak.
  3. A cap or cling film for wrapping.
  4. Brush for painting.
  5. Insulating cap or towel.
  6. Mirror.
  7. Newspapers or film so as not to stain the floor.

Question: what kind of kefir hair mask? for lightening hair fits best?

Any, except for the cocoa mask.

How to apply kefir masks?

Apply kefir to your hair in 2 stages: 1 roots and 2 ends.

Kefir temperature from 30 – 37 or at room temperature, so as not to catch a cold.

Apply to clean or dirty surfaces, there are 2 recommendations.

Supporters of wearing masks on your hair for a long time say that it is better to wash it, so dirt, dust and other harmful substances will not be absorbed into your skin along with the mask. And washing off with shampoo negates the entire effect of the mask.

Long-haired women who like to keep things simple think that everything will be fine anyway. And washing your hair twice a day is also not very useful.

Choose the option that suits you.

  1. Once your hair is soaked in the mask, lightly squeeze it to remove excess liquid.
  2. For long ones, it is recommended to wrap them in a bun or a shell.
  3. Then wrap it with cling film that fits more tightly to the back of the head so that the cap holds on and does not fall.
  4. We insulate the top with a towel for 1 hour or less, but it’s better longer for contact between the mask and hair.

Rinse off after applying to dirty hair

We wash off with shampoo, if the hair has not been washed beforehand, if desired, use conditioners or infusions of herbs or vinegar or lemon juice.

Rinse off clean hair

For better rinsability, drop the juice of half a lemon into water or 1 tsp. vinegar per 3-5 liters of water. Herbal decoctions are also suitable.

What is important to remember about preparing masks?

  1. Vegetable oils lose their beneficial properties when heated, so it’s logical to put them last if the mask will be heat treated.
  2. Kefir and eggs do not tolerate heat well, they will curl or cook. Therefore, heat in a water bath, if necessary, gradually, without sudden transitions to boiling.
  3. Some the ingredients of the masks do not tolerate long-term contact: with light, air, iron objects.

    For example, vitamins.

    Therefore, reading mask recipes pay attention to temperature regime , shelf life and compatibility of ingredients, how to stir it and in what container.

  4. Give up the idea of ​​pouring all the vitamins or oils into the mask at once. for better effect, it can be reversed.

Let's look at the composition options and ingredients for hair masks made from kefir or yogurt.

Universal kefir mask from Olga Seymour

This mask is 3 in 1, at any stage you can stop and add more ingredients to the already prepared composition.

  1. We use only kefir. Apply it to your hair with a cap and a towel, keep it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.
  2. Kefir + 1 tsp. cinnamon for sensitive skin(diluted with warm water only so that it disperses), for thick water we take 2 tsp.

    Rub into the roots and leave for 30 minutes to 2-3 hours.

  3. Heat kefir, honey slightly in a water bath, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp. cardamom, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. ginger powder, 1 tsp. ground red pepper, 1 tbsp. olive and burdock oil, 1 tsp. cognac

Choosing cardamom, cloves and grinding them or grinding them in a coffee grinder. If you have oils, then take 3-4 drops.

Cognac and pepper are a mask option for very thick scalps; for sensitive scalps, it is better not to add cognac.
Mix everything and combine with 1 yolk.

Mix without lumps, add to kefir with cinnamon and apply to the scalp and lightly massage. It is also advisable to process the ends.

Keep this mask on for as long as you can stand it, from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo or soda 1 tbsp. per cup of warm boiled water.

We do it once a week for 2-3 months if you have hair loss or bald spots.

Video on making a kefir hair mask at home:

This mask helps to grow quickly, makes them thicker, stronger, more voluminous and shiny.

Question: can I leave the mask on overnight?

It depends on the mask, if it contains oils and its purpose is to intensively nourish the hair, then this is possible.

Although not a single mask in its recipe prescribes leaving it on for more than 3-4 hours. This is due to the fluidity of the mask, bed sheets will get dirty, so limit the time the mask and your curls come into contact.

Kefir mask recipe for oily hair

Necessary for the mask: 150 ml kefir, 1 tbsp dry mustard, 1 tsp. almond oil, yolk, about 1 tsp honey, we recommend choosing a few drops of essential oil (rosemary, lemon, etc.).

Mix thoroughly until smooth and apply the resulting mixture to your hair. The contact time between the mask and curls is at least 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Hair growth mask with kefir and onion

Prepare the components of the mask. To do this, use a garlic press or grater to chop the onion, then put it in a bandage in 2 layers and squeeze out the juice.

Mix the juice with 1 glass - 200 grams of kefir. If desired, add the yolk of one egg to the mixture and Burr oil–1 tsp

Then we apply the mask to the hair using a brush at the roots and wet the ends; for long hair, we recommend dipping strands into the mixture and twisting them over a basin or bathtub.

Place the dampened curls in a bun or shell and put on an insulating cap for 60 minutes.

Then wash it off with shampoo and warm water in the usual way.

For those who are worried that the smell of onions will remain in the stack, we want to reassure you; there will be no unpleasant aroma, since kefir neutralizes it.

Kefir and egg hair mask

Prepare the following composition for the mask: 0.5 cups of kefir, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. castor oil. Mix all the ingredients of the mask thoroughly.

Apply the mask with a brush or over the basin with your hands, distributing the mixture throughout your hair. Insulate the applied composition with a cap or warm towel. Recommended contact time is at least 60 minutes.

Hair mask with nettle and burdock

Buy burdock root or dried nettle leaves at the pharmacy. How to brew is indicated on the packaging itself.

For cooking, you can use nettles and burdock that you have harvested yourself, just follow the collection time and storage rules.

Prepare a decoction of no more than 1 glass; for a mask, 100 ml will be enough. Add the same amount of kefir to the finished broth.

Apply the resulting composition to your hair and relax or watch a movie for 1 hour.

This simple composition has a beneficial effect on the scalp and eliminates dandruff and accelerates hair growth.

Tip: It will turn out liquid, so it’s better to apply it over a basin or in the bathtub. The broth will turn out to be dark in color.

Universal hair mask for roots (clean)

Mask of kefir and butter for growth and volume

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. kefir, 1 tbsp. butter.

Heat oil in a water bath, 1 tbsp. and add to warm kefir.

Apply to the roots, and the remainder along the entire length, hide the hair under a cap for 30 minutes.

To eliminate the unpleasant aroma of kefir, add a couple of drops to the mask. essential oil, which you love, if you don’t have it at home, rinse your hair after rinsing with water and vinegar, 1 cap per 1 liter of water.

Rinse with warm water using shampoo and balm.

Video on preparation and application, as well as a review:

Review: Kefir hair mask is easy to prepare at home. The hair is voluminous and shiny, fits well, the mask is great, it takes time to determine the growth of curls to determine exactly how much it helps.

One application for such masks is not enough, so we recommend that you do it regularly for 1-2 months.

Kefir mask against hair loss

Ingredients of the mask: kefir, brewer's yeast, essential oils, mustard powder.

To make the kefir mask more effective, add 1 of the following components: yolk, mustard, honey, burdock oil, pepper tincture, onion juice, cognac, herbal decoction, etc.

Use well-known poisons: burdock, nettle, oak, chamomile.

Essential oils are here to eliminate bad smell from hair

Kefir mask with mustard and vitamins in ampoules A and E

The mask nourishes and warms the scalp, improves blood circulation. Hair is saturated with moisture and grows better, becomes thicker and healthy looking.

Ingredients: 0.5 cups of kefir, 2 tbsp. mustard, 1 tsp. E and A. If you only have dry mustard, we recommend dissolving it in 2 tbsp. water.

Beware of burns: if you feel an unbearable burning sensation, wash it off big amount water. For sensitive skin, use less mustard.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing a mask:
First mix mustard with vitamins, then add kefir. Rub the mask into the scalp and distribute along the entire length of the hair, wrap it in cling film or put on a bag, and insulate it with a towel on top.

Video on how to prepare a kefir mask and recipe

Kefir and henna hair mask: enhances hair growth and helps against hair loss

Ingredients: colorless henna - 1 packet, kefir - 1 tbsp. and castor oil -1 tsp, hot water.

  1. Pour 1 packet of henna into a glass bowl and pour hot water, better than a temperature of 70-80 degrees, boiling water will not work.
  2. Stir well and wait until the henna cools slightly.
  3. Then add 1 tablespoon of kefir and 1 teaspoon of castor oil, mix everything.
  4. Apply the mask to the hair roots, rubbing well, then distribute over the entire length.
  5. Roll it up into a bun or shell, put on a cap, wrap it in a towel and leave it to act for 40-45 minutes.
  6. Wash off using shampoo and warm running water.

The video will help you prepare, apply and learn about the benefits of this mask:

Kefir mask, black bread and castor oil

Recipe: 1 package of kefir (500 ml), 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, rye bread (Borodinsky, cut off the crust and cut 3 slices 1 cm thick, crumble into small pieces into a bowl).
It is recommended to do a course of 1-1.5 months before each shampoo.

The video will help you prepare the mask the first time and apply it to your hair

Kefir hair mask: recipe for dry hair

Kefir is especially good for dry hair; it will help cope with the problem of hair loss, because... nourishes the bulbs, restores structure and eliminates fragility, making them more shiny.

To prepare the mask, we take kefir with a fat content of 2.5%; if you are very dry, choose homemade kefir or 3.2% - this will allow you to more abundantly nourish and moisturize your hair.

For oily roots and dry ends, it is also suitable, just leave the root zone without application.

Burdock and castor are witchcraft oils that eliminate dryness and split ends, so they will also be present in our mask.

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. kefir (60 gr.), 1 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 tbsp. castor oil, yolk.

Mix all the ingredients, starting with the eggs and kefir, and then adding the oils.

This mask is a real salvation for long hair, because... restores the structure, showing itself perfectly in solving the problem of dry ends, which is familiar to all long-haired people.

Apply to the head in any way, then put on a plastic cap or plastic bag and leave for 1 hour.

A detailed video will help you prepare a mask for dry hair and apply it to your hair.

Mask with cocoa and kefir

Ingredients: 100 g kefir, 3 tbsp. cocoa.

Stir until the consistency is homogeneous so that there are no black spots - this is not dissolved cocoa.

Except magical properties kefir and cocoa, this mask also has a chocolate aroma that your hair will take on.

After applying it, put on a shower cap or p/e bag and hold for 1 hour.

Detailed video on how to prepare a hair mask from kefir and cocoa:

Review: Olga, 38 years old, Ukraine.
I love this mask for the effect of flowing hair and the aroma. Those who have lost weight and tried to limit themselves to sweets for quite a long time will understand me, so the aroma of chocolate is especially pleasant.

I have long hair, but due to heavy weight loss, my hair began to fall out and fade. I included kefir and cocoa masks in my weekly routine, and added sunflower seeds and flax seeds to my diet. The condition of the hair has improved significantly. I recommend this mask as a magic one for dull or split hair, it nourishes and revitalizes it, and the shine is so pleasing to the eye.

Volumizing hair mask with kefir and cocoa

Ingredients: 0.5 tbsp. kefir, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. cocoa.

This mask is suitable for any hair type. Preheat the kefir to a pleasant skin temperature.

Stir the yolk and kefir in a separate glass bowl, then add cocoa. Apply hair to the roots, then along the entire length.

After the mask has dried for about 10-15 minutes (depending on the length and thickness), repeat application 2 more times.

The mask is runny, so wear unnecessary clothing or use a dye cape. We hold it only 3 times for 15 minutes, in total the mask requires from 60 to 12 minutes, so it is recommended to do it when you have enough time.

Video about proper preparation of the mask and application with step-by-step instructions:

Review from Beauty Ksyu:
The mask is very effective, rinses off easily and really adds volume to the hair. Ideal for use at home, it will receive the most positive reviews, because it will help add volume even to curls that are not prone to volume. Its only disadvantage is its duration, i.e. It will take about 1-2 hours to complete all procedures.

Kefir hair mask: reviews with before and after photos (video) from Olga Sumskaya

Ingredients: warm kefir, pea flour, rye flour, vitamin E.

Mask recipe: add all ingredients to heated kefir, stirring thoroughly.

Apply the prepared solution to the roots of the head, then distribute along the entire length.

Shower cap or plastic bag, insulate the top with a towel.

For a therapeutic and restorative effect, use 2 times a week for 1-2 months.

If you cannot find rye or pea flour, then grind the peas in a coffee grinder and replace the rye flour with rye bread.

Video on how to prepare and apply the magic protein mask:

Feedback from Natalia Kholodenko after using the Sumskaya mask:

A noticeable effect on the hair even after one use. They begin to crumble, become voluminous, you just want to bury yourself in them, flowing through your fingers like water. They become soft and comb well.

    I love the kefir mask and use it often, I also like the ultra regenerating mask with grape seed extract, my hair has become shiny, smooth, and healthier.

Leave your comment

Every woman strives to have healthy and beautiful hair. In addition to expensive cosmetics for hair care, you can use regular kefir, which is considered the most common folk remedy treatment and strengthening of hair. Kefir masks have a softening and moisturizing effect, prevent their fragility and loss, and, when adding certain ingredients, can improve their growth.

Since ancient times, women have used sour milk as nourishing masks for hair. In the countries of Central Asia, where fermented milk products (kefir, whey, katyk) are especially popular, the hair of the local population has always been shiny and thick. It is known that oriental women a week before washing your hair, apply a thick layer of katyk to your hair. ethnoscience recommends washing your hair with serum to maintain healthy hair. And in Rus', women used kvass and sour milk for this purpose.

Kefir contains a large amount of protein and calcium, which restores hair structure. In addition, it contains yeast, vitamins B and E, lactic acid bacilli, acetic acid bacteria, streptococci, proteins and biocultures - all this combined is an excellent nutrition for hair. Kefir moisturizes and supplies dry hair with useful substances, degreases, fights dandruff, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

To prepare nourishing masks, you must use only fresh kefir. It is easy to purchase in a store, or make it yourself at home. To do this, add four teaspoons of store-bought kefir to 200 g of warm boiled milk (temperature 20 degrees) and place in a warm place for one or two days. After this, kefir is ready for use. To prepare the next portion, you can use homemade kefir as a starter.

To increase the effectiveness of masks, kefir should be used warm, and essential and cosmetic oils (in particular, burdock oil), brewer's yeast, mustard powder, which dissolve perfectly in it, as well as yolk, cognac, honey, pepper should be added to the mask composition. tincture, onion juice, a decoction of medicinal herbs (nettle, burdock, calamus) and some other ingredients. After applying the mask, it is recommended to cover your head with polyethylene and wrap it with a towel on top.

Kefir-based masks can be made for owners of any hair type, but they are especially recommended for oily hair ah, which is due to the drying and disinfecting effect of kefir. For mixed hair types, it is recommended to apply kefir masks to oilier roots. The use of such masks for normal type makes hair voluminous and manageable. But if you have dry hair, in addition to kefir, it is recommended to include in the mask egg yolk, butter and vegetable oil, mayonnaise and other nutritional ingredients. It should be noted that if you have oily hair, you should choose kefir with a small percentage of fat content, and, conversely, if you have dry hair, you should choose kefir with a higher fat content.

Instead of kefir, you can use yogurt in homemade masks for hair growth and strengthening, which is easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to put the milk in a warm place to sour. For prevention purposes, a kefir hair mask should be used once a month, and medicinal purposes This procedure should be carried out once a week for two to three months.

Recipes for kefir hair masks.
The simplest use of kefir as a mask for any hair type is as follows: slightly warm a glass of kefir or yogurt to room temperature in a water bath, without allowing it to curdle. Immediately before washing your hair, apply kefir to the scalp and roots with massaging movements, then distribute it evenly over the entire length of the hair. The top of the head should be covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel. Leave the mask in this form for one to two hours. After the specified time, wash off the kefir using shampoo. You can use acidified water as a rinse aid (add the juice of one lemon or a tablespoon of vinegar to two liters of water). After rinsing, be sure to apply conditioner to your hair. This kefir mask helps improve the hair structure, strengthen it, and also create a thin protective film on the scalp that prevents various damage and negative influences. After several procedures, hair acquires shine, volume and a fresh look. It is recommended to do this mask once a week for two months.

Kefir can also be used as a shampoo, but this method is recommended for dry hair types, since kefir makes the hair heavier and gets dirty more quickly.

Combine 150 ml of kefir with a tablespoon of dry mustard. Then, if you have oily hair, you should add one beaten egg white; in all other cases, add one beaten yolk. Next, for dry hair type, two teaspoons of burdock (almond or castor) oil should be added to the mixture, for normal hair type – a tablespoon of any of the listed oils. Mix the mixture well and add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Lastly, enrich the mixture with a few drops of essential oil (lavender, rosemary, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, lemon, etc.). Apply the composition to the roots and scalp, wrap the head with film and a towel on top. Leave the composition for at least half an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

To strengthen and restore stained and damaged perm hair, as well as preventing hair loss, this mask is great: infuse two tablespoons of dried flowers (you can use nettle and calendula) in a glass of boiling water, strain the infusion and add three tablespoons of kefir and one beaten egg yolk. Apply the composition evenly to the hair and roots and leave for forty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

In a glass of kefir, dilute a tablespoon of blue clay powder until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting mass should be rubbed into the hair roots and left for half an hour. Then rinse off the composition with warm water and shampoo. This procedure absorbs excess oil, perfectly cleanses and strengthens hair, adding volume and restoring natural shine. Regular use activates the hair growth process and also prevents hair loss. This recipe is ideal for oily and combination hair types.

The following kefir-based product stimulates hair growth: add freshly squeezed juice from one medium-sized onion to 200 ml of kefir. If desired, you can add beaten yolk and a teaspoon of burdock oil. Distribute the resulting mixture evenly over all hair. Leave the mask on for an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. The smell of onions in kefir is almost imperceptible.

Combine 100 ml of kefir with a teaspoon of burdock or castor oil, then add the beaten yolk. Leave the mask on for an hour. Rinse off the composition with regular warm water and shampoo. This product can be used without the yolk.

Pour boiling water over a small amount of washed burdock roots or nettle leaves, put on fire and simmer over low heat for thirty minutes from the moment of boiling. Then the broth must be filtered. Next, take the resulting decoction and kefir in equal proportions, mix them, and then apply to your hair. Leave the mask on for an hour. This procedure eliminates dry dandruff and stimulates hair growth.

Or this recipe: burdock root, previously washed and dried, chop. Then take two tablespoons of the resulting powder and combine with warm kefir and apply to your hair. After two hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

The following mask will strengthen your hair and give it shine, as well as degrease oily hair: first you need to prepare the serum, for which you put kefir on the fire and wait until it curdles. Then it should be strained. The resulting water is whey. Now you should make a decoction of burdock, for which pour two tablespoons of crushed burdock roots with a glass of water, simmer for fifteen minutes and strain. Then combine whey and burdock decoction in equal proportions. The composition should be rubbed into the roots of the hair before each shampoo. The treatment course is three weeks.

Stimulates hair growth, the following composition for the mask: mix 200 ml of kefir with four tablespoons olive oil, a teaspoon of honey, after which you should add a beaten egg and add a teaspoon of oil vitamin E. Distribute the composition throughout the hair, paying attention to the roots, and leave for forty minutes, then rinse with warm water and a small amount of shampoo.

A kefir-oil mask is perfect for dry hair: add two tablespoons of any oil (olive, peach, almond, etc.) and three to four drops of any essential oil to 200 ml of kefir. Apply the composition to your hair, rubbing into the roots and leave for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

Dilute two tablespoons of yeast in a small amount of kefir, let stand for half an hour, then apply the mixture to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. After an hour and a half, wash off the composition.

Add two teaspoons of honey to a glass of warm kefir. Apply the mixture to your hair and wash your hair after half an hour.

In addition, for oily hair types, you can add three tablespoons to half a glass of kefir lemon juice(this will add shine to the hair and cleanse it of fat) or three tablespoons of black bread crumb (it also perfectly degreases and cleanses the hair). For drier hair types, to half a glass of kefir, you can add a tablespoon of mayonnaise and a tablespoon of crushed rolled oats to nourish and cleanse the hair, and another option, a tablespoon of heavy cream, or two tablespoons of fruit pulp (banana or melon) or 50 ml fruit juice (banana or melon).

To lighten hair (lightly lighten the natural shade), this kefir-based mask is effective: add two tablespoons of cognac to 50 ml of kefir, add a beaten egg, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of shampoo. Apply the composition to your hair (do not rub it into the scalp or roots), cover your head with film and a towel on top. It is recommended to keep the composition for at least eight hours, so it is recommended to do the procedure on a day off. Then rinse the mask with shampoo, and then apply the balm.

Before using any of the recipes presented, you should test it on the back of your hand. If no reactions occur within fifteen minutes, then the mixture is suitable for you.

Finally, I would like to note that the beauty of hair, like skin, depends on our internal state. That is why take care of your health, get enough sleep, eat healthy foods (fish, seafood, vegetables, herbs, lean meats, natural juices, dairy products) and don’t forget about walks in the fresh air. Your hair will thank you. Well, today’s tips will help you maintain healthy and beautiful hair.

It turns out that regular kefir can save your curls from many problems. Kefir hair mask – effective remedy to combat dandruff, dry scalp, dry ends and lifeless curls. These masks can contain a variety of ingredients: mustard, eggs, essential and vegetable oils, even bread. It all depends on what result you want to get.

The benefits of kefir masks

After reading the reviews, you will understand how effective this product is. In the old days, girls washed their braids with sour milk and had gorgeous curls below the waist.

Benefits of the product for your curls:

  1. The rich composition of the product saturates the scalp with useful substances.
  2. Such masks relieve various redness, peeling, and skin irritations.
  3. Helps get rid of dandruff.
  4. Strengthens hair and makes it shiny.
  5. Milk fungi and bacteria effectively cleanse the skin and curls of greasy shine and restore the original structure of the hair.

Kefir mask for hair growth


  • 150 ml kefir,
  • spoon of honey (liquid),
  • spoon of dry yeast.

Heat the kefir and dissolve the yeast in it. Leave them to swell for 15 minutes. Add all remaining ingredients, stir thoroughly. Apply to curls and leave for half an hour. For visible results, do the procedure twice a week for 2 months.

Strengthening hair mask recipe

In addition to the main component, this mask will contain cocoa - an amazing product containing a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition and health of the hair. Prepare:

  • kefir (half a glass),
  • cocoa (2 tablespoons),
  • yolk.

Beat the yolk, add cocoa and half of the kefir, beat again until smooth. Pour in the remaining kefir and stir thoroughly. To do this, use a mixer or blender, so the mass will turn out without lumps.

The mask should be applied as follows:

  • Using a brush, apply the mixture to the roots of your hair, comb your hair thoroughly,
  • Use your fingertips to lightly massage your head,
  • put on a shower cap,
  • wrap a towel around it,
  • The duration of the mask is at least 30 minutes,
  • It is necessary to wash off with warm water.

Benefit: this procedure moisturizes the scalp, perfectly nourishes the curls along the entire length, stimulates hair growth, and gives it a magical cocoa aroma.

Please note: the mask perfectly cleanses hair of dirt, so there is no need to use shampoo after the procedure. But the product weighs down the curls a little and leaves a characteristic sour smell on them. To eliminate the unpleasant aroma, rinse your hair with any herbal decoction after the procedure. A decoction of chamomile and sage gives a wonderful aroma.

Mask recipe for dry curls

Mix honey and vegetable oil in heated kefir. Apply to curls along their entire length. Be sure to massage your head. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and wash it off with water and shampoo, as the oil will make your hair very greasy.

Benefit: Your locks will become silky and soft to the touch, they will become stronger and healthier.

Brightening kefir mask: recipe

It turns out that kefir can lighten curls. Of course, it won’t radically change the hair color, but it can lighten it by half a tone.


  • ¼ cup kefir,
  • lemon juice,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac,
  • egg,
  • a teaspoon of shampoo.

Apply the mixture to your hair, keep it on for as long as possible - the longer, the better the effect. You can wash it off without shampoo, just with warm water. After the procedure, rinse your curls with chamomile infusion.

Kefir mask for oily hair (kefir + mustard): recipe


  • 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard,
  • 150 ml kefir,
  • yolk,
  • spoon of liquid honey,
  • spoon of burdock oil.

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture for scent. Distribute the mask evenly, leave for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Benefit: mustard will stimulate the hair follicles, increasing blood flow to them. As a result, hair will grow better and become thicker. Please note that mustard may tingle your scalp a little, but it is quite tolerable.

Kefir mask with onions: recipe

  1. Take 1 onion and squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. Mix onion juice with a glass of kefir.
  3. Add the yolk and 1 teaspoon of burdock oil.
  4. Distribute the mixture throughout your curls.
  5. Leave for an hour.
  6. Rinse off with warm water.

Important: don’t worry about the onion aroma, it will be overpowered by the sourish smell of kefir.

Anti-dandruff mask


  • kefir – 100 ml,
  • crumb of black bread,
  • spoon of olive oil.

Mash the bread in heated kefir, add butter. Distribute the mixture over your curls and leave for half an hour. Reviews indicate that after 2 months of use, hair begins to grow better and looks much healthier.

Kefir hair masks have been in great demand for quite a long time, and there are a huge number of recipes using it for any hair type.

The benefits of kefir masks

The use of such masks in the shortest possible time will give no worse effect than expensive means:

  1. Nutrition.
  2. Filling hair with vitamins.
  3. Improving the structure.
  4. Deep cleansing from regular use of products containing silicones.
  5. Saturation of hair with protective components.

There are no contraindications found for kefir masks, with the exception of individual allergies to the product; the only disadvantage can be that it is too liquid, so it is preferable to choose a product with a higher fat content. It nourishes not only the hair, but also the scalp, removes dead particles from it, and eliminates dryness. Improves hair growth and forms an invisible protective film on it, protecting it from the harmful effects of the external environment. A huge plus is also the availability of kefir and the absence of the need to have any special skills to use.

How to properly prepare kefir for a mask

You can only apply fresh kefir, preferably homemade, but in the absence of it, using store-bought kefir is acceptable. Do not use the product too cold, wait until it warms up to room temperature. Under no circumstances should you wash it off with too hot water, otherwise it will curl into lumps.

Kefir mask recipes

There are many recipes for such masks, let’s look at the most accessible ones.

Kefir-yeast mask

Is the best mask to prevent weakened hair loss. Thanks to the active action of yeast, it heals hair follicles and stimulates growth:

  • stir one package of dry yeast in a quarter glass of warm water, add three tablespoons of kefir and 20 grams of sugar;
  • cover, place in a dark place for ten minutes, then pour in a teaspoon of melted honey and mustard powder;
  • mix, apply to dirty hair, rinse with cool water.

IMPORTANT! Kefir has lightening properties, so it is recommended that girls with colored hair be extremely careful when using it. dark color hair.

Kefir mask with added herbs

Returns shine to hair, strengthens hair follicles and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Collect fresh nettles, mint leaves, dandelions and plantains, and rowan berries in a small plastic bag. Place everything in a blender, grind to a pulp and stir with half a glass of kefir. Massage the mixture onto the scalp and rinse after one hour.

It is not necessary to add all of the above leaves; leaves from two or three different plants are enough.

Blue powder clay mask

Perfectly nourishes the hair and scalp, which is perfect during periods of vitamin deficiency:

  • half a glass full fat kefir pour a tablespoon of powdered blue clay, stir until the lumps are completely dissolved;
  • Apply from the roots, rubbing well, rinse after half an hour with shampoo.

To increase hair growth rate

Try the following mask with the addition of any essential oil and vitamin. The preparation is simple: for half a cup of kefir, take two capsules of vitamin A and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Stir, spread on roots and entire length of hair, warm, rinse after an hour.

Kefir and chicken egg mask

  • pour one yolk of a fresh egg, three to four full spoons of kefir and half a tablespoon of castor oil into a glass container;
  • apply to the entire length of the hair, tie a plastic bag on the head and tie a pre-heated towel;
  • rinse off after one hour, making sure that the castor oil is completely washed out.

If there is no castor oil, replace it with olive or burdock.

Kefir and cocoa

The following mask will not only significantly improve appearance and hair health, but also gives it a pleasant cocoa smell:

  • dilute ten grams of cocoa powder with a small amount of water to a paste, beat one egg yolk and combine with the previous mixture;
  • stir, add half a glass of fresh kefir, apply from the roots of the hair, combing along the entire length using a wide-toothed comb;
  • insulate with a bag or bath cap, leave for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Kefir mask with added nettle

It will give the greatest effect when using young leaves. Hair becomes several times stronger, dandruff is eliminated.

Fill fresh leaves with half a liter of water, place in a thermos, close and leave for an hour. Add a glass of full-fat kefir to the slightly cooled mixture, apply to clean, wet hair and wash off after an hour.

The drier your hair, the higher the fat percentage of kefir you choose when mixing any mask.

Honey and kefir

The use of honey and kefir in a mask is especially beneficial for hair due to the compound useful properties. This mask is suitable for absolutely any hair type:

  • For half a cup of kefir, take a full spoon of fresh, natural liquid honey;
  • if you want to speed up hair growth, add a teaspoon of castor oil or burdock oil;
  • Apply all over your hair, leave for half an hour, then rinse.

Mask with added vegetable oils

A mask containing only castor oil or burdock oil strengthens the bulbs, stimulates growth, and gives them shine.

For half a glass of kefir, take one large spoon of oils, then pour in the yolk of one egg. Mix, apply the mixture all over your hair and rinse after an hour and a half.

Instead of castor or burdock oil, it is also acceptable to use olive oil.

The following mask is designed specifically for dry and damaged hair, made with the addition of the above-mentioned olive oil:

  • heat one glass of fresh, full-fat kefir, add a full spoon of melted honey and heated olive oil;
  • stir, apply to all hair, wrap with a bag, rinse after one to two hours.

Kefir mask with lemon

Aimed at eliminating excess sebum production from the scalp.

To prepare, you need to squeeze half a medium lemon into one glass of fresh kefir. Then apply to hair, rubbing especially hard into the scalp, and tie a towel. Wash off after half an hour.

Kefir mask using gelatin

With regular use, it perfectly eliminates split ends and prevents delamination of healthy hair:

  • pour one spoon of gelatin with three spoons of kefir heated in a water bath, beat until smooth;
  • add twenty grams of any vegetable oil, stir the mixture, apply to hair, starting from the middle of the length;
  • insulate with a towel, keep the mask on for about half an hour, then rinse off.

Green clay with kefir

The mask gently cleanses the scalp of accumulated impurities and nourishes the roots. useful minerals and adds volume. In combination with kefir, its beneficial effects are only enhanced.

It’s simple to prepare: dilute one tablespoon of clay powder in a medium glass of full-fat kefir, thoroughly rub the mixture into the roots and comb along the remaining length. Rinse off after half an hour with not too hot water and shampoo.

Cognac and kefir

The last mask will be useful for girls who want to carefully remove the consequences of unsuccessful dyeing in any dark color. Since kefir has lightening properties, regular use of this mask will help you make your hair one or two shades lighter:

  • in half a glass of fresh kefir, add two tablespoons of high-quality cognac, one chicken egg, squeezed juice of one medium lemon and just a little shampoo;
  • apply the mixture over the entire length, keep it on for as long as possible, it is acceptable to leave the mask on all night;

Rinse your hair with plenty of shampoo and water.

Do not apply kefir masks to dry hair, only to damp hair, and if used regularly, sometimes take a month-long break to avoid your hair getting used to this product.

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Kefir masks for hair

By nature, women always try to be beautiful and attractive. Hair is an integral part of this beauty. However, they so often suffer from various styling products, such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, hairsprays, and fixatives. Having seen that your hair has lost its former shine or, worse, has begun to fall out, and the ends have become split, we suggest you remember your grandmother’s recipe for restoring it -.

What are the benefits of kefir for hair?

Natural kefir is a product that contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins. Among them are vitamins such as vitamin A, C, vitamin PP and, in addition, the entire group of vitamins B. It also contains useful microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, chlorine, iodine and others. Store-bought kefir may not always contain all these useful components. If you are not sure of the quality of such kefir, then prepare it yourself. To prepare it at home, you just need to ferment fresh milk with yogurt or pharmacy starter.

A kefir mask will make your hair strong, restore its structure, and restore its former healthy appearance. Beneficial substances quickly penetrate the root system and scalp, so the result will be visible after just a few uses.

Kefir for hair is quite often used as the main component for preparing masks. As for auxiliary products, their choice is strictly individual and depends on the existing problem and hair type.

Recipes for kefir hair masks

Kefir mask for dry hair

Mix in one container:

1 egg yolk;
3 tbsp. spoons of kefir with at least 3.2% fat content;
1 tbsp. a spoonful of linseed oil.

The resulting composition should be applied evenly from the roots to the ends of the hair. Leave the mask on for an hour under a warm scarf, then wash off with shampoo. A kefir mask for dry hair is made once a week, and the oil added to the mixture is periodically changed, using either flaxseed, castor or burdock.

Kefir mask for oily hair

Oily sheen appears as a result of abundant secretion of subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous glands. This kind of hair doesn't look well-groomed. Unfortunately, frequent washing cannot help resolve the problem. Here you can call for help with a kefir mask for oily hair. It is able to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

We prepare such a mask as follows:

125 gr. low-fat kefir
1 tbsp. l. dry mustard
one egg white

Beat the egg white and pour kefir into it. Next, add mustard to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The treatment mask should be rubbed in, starting from the roots, evenly distributed along the length of all curls. After an hour, rinse your hair with water and rinse with chamomile infusion. In this case, shampoo may not be used. A mask with kefir for oily hair is performed once a week.

Kefir mask for normal hair

Even if you have normal hair, this does not mean that you do not need to take care of it. Vitamin support is also important for such hair. However, in this case, only a fermented milk product of medium fat content is sufficient and no additional components are required. The procedure should be carried out before washing your hair by applying warm kefir all over your hair.

Rub the kefir mask into the roots using massaging movements, then wrap your head. 40-50 minutes after application, wash off the mask using shampoo. After this procedure, curls become lush and silky.

Kefir mask for hair growth

Improper care, poor nutrition, and constant stress adversely affect hair growth. A kefir mask for hair growth can help them.

We will need the following components:

0.3 tbsp. kefir 2.5% fat;
1 tbsp. l. honey (preferably not candied);
1 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical pepper tincture.

Mix all ingredients. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots of the scalp and leave for 30 minutes, without covering your head with anything. Then rinse with shampoo and rinse with nettle infusion. A mask with kefir for hair growth is performed 1-2 times a week.

Kefir mask for hair loss

Nothing is more frustrating than thinning or thinning hair. Why they fall out is not always clear, and to find out these reasons, a series of tests should be carried out. Quite often, hair falls out due to vitamin deficiency or it may be a consequence of some disease.

The mask we offer is an aid. However, the vitamins and minerals contained in kefir can help fight hair loss. Kefir for hair loss is used with additional vitamins.

Mask ingredients:

4 tbsp. l. medium fat kefir
1 ampoule each, A and vitamin C;

Mix all ingredients and rub in massage movements into the hair roots, wrap with a towel. After one hour, wash off the mask with shampoo. A kefir mask against hair loss is done before each hair wash.

Lightening hair with kefir

In this case, we are not talking about a radically dark color. Kefir mask perfectly refreshes hair color and lightens it by several tones. This natural mask affects curls more gently.


50 gr. kefir;
juice of half a lemon;
1 egg yolk;
3 tbsp. l. cognac;
1 tsp. shampoo

Mix all components and distribute along the length of all strands from roots to ends. Put a plastic cap on your head and insulate it with a towel. The time for this procedure depends on how much you want to lighten your hair. The longer you leave the mask on, the lighter they will become, you can even leave it on all night.
It is important that your hair is dry and clean. The mixture contains shampoo, so just rinse off the mask with warm water and rinse your hair with chamomile.
Please note that kefir must be at room temperature and preferably homemade. Hair lightening with kefir and lemon should be done once a week.

Hair mask with kefir and egg

This mask is suitable for any hair type, its composition is very simple:

60 gr. kefir;
1 egg.

Mix kefir with beaten egg and apply to the roots, then distribute throughout the hair. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. A hair mask made from kefir and eggs is performed 1-2 times a week.

Hair mask with kefir and yeast

This kefir yeast mask for hair it helps with hair loss. To prepare it you will need:

100 gr. kefir;
brewer's yeast - 1 tbsp. l.;
mustard powder - 1 tsp.
chamomile essential oil - 5 drops.

Pour brewer's yeast with kefir and leave for 15-20 minutes in a warm place, then add mustard and chamomile essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. A hair mask made from kefir and yeast is performed once every 10 days.

Hair mask with kefir and mustard


100 ml. kefir,
1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard,
1 yolk,
1 teaspoon almond oil,
1 teaspoon honey,
a few drops of basil, grapefruit, petitgrain or chamomile essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the roots and all hair, warm and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with shampoo. A hair mask made from kefir and mustard is performed once a week.

Hair mask with onion and kefir


1 glass of kefir
1 onion
burdock oil - 2 tsp.

Squeeze the juice from the onion and add it to kefir, as well as burdock oil. Apply to all hair and roots and warm, rinse after 40-50 minutes. Kefir hair mask is performed 1-2 times a week.

Hair mask with honey and kefir

half a glass of kefir,
honey - 2 tbsp. l.
castor oil - 1 teaspoon
1 yolk.

Mix everything and apply to hair, warm and leave for 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. A hair mask made from kefir and honey is performed 2 times a week. Suitable for dry hair.

Hair mask with kefir and cocoa

A hair mask made of kefir and cocoa moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, and the smell of cocoa lifts your mood.


half a glass of kefir,
cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
1 yolk.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to roots and all hair, wrap with a towel and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. A mask of kefir, eggs and cocoa for hair is performed 2 times a week.

Hair mask with nettle kefir and burdock

Prepare a decoction of nettle and burdock (1 tablespoon of herbs per 200 ml of water), cool and strain, add half a glass of kefir, apply the resulting mixture to the hair and leave for 60 minutes. Can be used 2 times a week. This kefir hair mask accelerates hair growth and gets rid of dandruff.

Hair mask with cinnamon and kefir


80 ml. kefir,
1 teaspoon cinnamon,
1 teaspoon olive oil,
1 teaspoon of honey.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the roots and hair, warm and rinse after 20 minutes. Performed once a week.

Hair mask with kefir and henna


half a glass of warm kefir,
henna - 1 pack,
1 yolk.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, you should get a creamy mixture; if it’s too thick, you can add a little warm water. Apply to roots and hair, wrap in a towel and wait 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. A hair mask made from kefir and henna makes hair thicker, reduces hair loss and fights dandruff. Performed once a week.

Hair mask with kefir and salt


200 ml fat kefir
4 tbsp. spoons of sea salt

Mix everything and massage into the hair roots, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. A mask with kefir and salt for hair is done once every 10 days.

The benefits of kefir for hair are undeniable, use masks with kefir for hair regularly, and you will notice how your hair will change for the better.

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