To avoid getting your feet wet, it is better not to go to the river. How not to get your feet wet in our slushy winter and other shoe tricks How not to get your feet wet in the rain

Our winter has always been original. It starts raining in the morning, and by lunchtime it changes to snow, which slowly turns into puddles. You feel like you’re in the “12 Months” fairy tale, only they don’t give out gifts.

What shoes to choose for this weather to keep you dry and warm, and how to save them in extreme conditions? This is not an easy task.

What shoes to wear in winter

I had to experience all the dampness and cold of the coming winter when I returned from my grandmother. She lived in a small village, and you can only get there by commuter train. Events turned out in such a way that the train left without me. But tomorrow there was work, and the nearest transport was 7 kilometers from the station, and you had to walk to the highway! Outside the window, rain and snow competed to see who would leave the biggest puddle.

There was nothing to do, I looked at my heels, winked sadly at the cashier and got ready to leave. Suddenly she stopped me and handed me two huge pads with the words: “Don’t laugh, put them in your boots instead of insoles. You won't get out of this swamp with dry feet. I don’t go to work without them, and I can’t get sick—I’m 67 years old, after all.”

A few minutes of resistance, and I gave in to my sweet granny. How I thanked her all 7 kilometers! Jokes aside, this is the greatest find for winter slush! Without hesitation, I recommend this to everyone who is going on a trip, fishing, or generally going to the market for food!
Moving around the city in winter is always accompanied by risks both for the shoes themselves and for their wearer. Salt, ice, snow and puddles - all this is displayed on our legs. There are several secrets to keeping your boots in their original condition and your feet dry and warm. In this article I will tell you my shoe tricks that make winter walks safe and keep your boots safe and sound.
As you may have guessed, the first one will be my “railway life hack”: your feet will remain dry in slushy weather if you use regular women’s pads instead of insoles. In summer, such a device will help against excessive sweating and eliminate unpleasant odor!
To prevent shoes from slipping in winter, glue the pieces with double-sided tape sandpaper on the sole. You can take them off near the office entrance without damaging your shoes. For longer use, use superglue instead of tape. If you don’t have sandpaper, stick on a regular adhesive plaster, it will last for 3-4 days.
Shoe stores sell winter ice shoes - stretchable rubber devices with metal spikes. They are easy to put on and take off and are sold different sizes, there are children's rooms. They last for several seasons, the main thing is not to walk on asphalt. I have a couple for each family member in case of ice.

Sometimes, to make shoes slip less, it is recommended to rub the shoes with raw potatoes. I haven’t tried it personally, but I really want to check it out.
If the sole is smeared with superglue and sprinkled with sand, this coating will protect against ice for at least four weeks. However, this method can damage the sole.
A radical solution is to screw small screws into the sole. Excellent option for trekking boots, eternal protection!

A simple method will help you get rid of salt on leather shoes: 3 tsp. Dissolve vinegar with a teaspoon of water, wipe the salt stains with this solution. You can use half a lemon instead of vinegar. Afterwards, clean thoroughly with shoe polish.

Castor oil does an excellent job of removing salt stains; you need to wipe your shoes with it several times until the stains disappear completely.
On suede boots Traces of salt are more difficult to remove. Boil water and hold the boot over the steam for several minutes, then comb the suede with a special brush. If the steam does not work, wipe the contaminated areas ammonia and sprinkle with semolina. Let sit for a few minutes so that the cereal absorbs the salt and then brush.
On nubuck shoes, salt is removed with a soap solution. After the procedure, be sure to dry your shoes, but not near the heating elements!
For prevention, before each time you go outside, use a special water-repellent product that is sold in shoe stores. After a walk, be sure to clean your boots from dirt. Warm shoes for the winter it should be on a thick sole or on a platform, so the likelihood of salt getting on the surface is minimal.

Wash leather shoes Absolutely not under running water. It is better to wipe off dirt with a wet cloth or wet wipes. Be sure to apply cream after washing and rub it well with a brush. Buy a shoe dryer, they come different types. Wet boots will dry overnight.
Your feet deserve only careful care, choose high-quality and comfortable shoes for them! How do you deal with ice in winter? What method of protection against salt do you think is the most effective?

Shoes for fishing require a careful approach when choosing. In the summer you just have to knead the mud on the coastal area, and go into shallow water only occasionally. Here you need ordinary waders without any frills, and the main requirement is that they do not allow water to pass through. Although sales consultants note that Tyumen residents, who are passionate about fishing, do not think much about the choice of specialized shoes and prefer to go out into nature “in whatever is comfortable,” even sneakers.

Nevertheless, classic rubber boots remain the undisputed favorite. Today this product is undergoing major changes - innovative technologies touched him too. Modern materials are used, the developers are experimenting with the shape of the soles and tops. But the essence of the rubber boot remains the same, and no one has yet come up with more suitable shoes for fishing.

Of course, you can dry your rubber boots by the fire. But these shoes are, by definition, waterproof, so the “greenhouse effect” in the boot is inevitable and drying will take a very long time.

So you should have a supply of newspaper sheets or toilet paper: A lump placed inside the boot will quickly absorb moisture. By the way, it is better to burn the paper itself later so as not to litter the forest.

But even with the most thorough drying, it will not be possible to completely remove the water. You can be consoled by the fact that when you walk, the moisture in your shoes tends to heat up and this even creates a certain comfort. It’s another matter if you have to stay in place, in a boat, for example.

Experts from Tyumen equipment stores for fishermen and hunters say that a second set of shoes taken in reserve would be an ideal solution. But not every fisherman will agree to carry an extra load with him into the distance.

Which boots to choose?

The disadvantage of rubber shoes is that the angler’s feet inevitably begin to sweat, since they “do not breathe” in these shoes. That is why during long fishing, give your legs a rest, remove the waders for ten minutes, especially in hot weather. In cold weather, be sure to wear warm wool socks.

From the very beginning, neoprene “waders” were intended for anglers who like to fish in rivers with cold water. Their prices are high, but a person feels very comfortable in cold water. But both in rubber shoes and in these, the fisherman’s feet “do not breathe”; they should also be given rest. Neoprene boots must be worn very carefully so as not to cut them, as they are very difficult to repair.

If we compare “waders” made of Gore-Tex with neoprene and rubber ones, then Gore-Tex has more advantages. Firstly, this material is “breathable”. However, in cold weather, such boots will not protect your feet well from the cold, so you should wear warm socks and warm underwear on your feet in winter. But in summer, Gore-Tex shoes will provide the angler’s feet with maximum comfort both when fishing on the shore and in the water. But they are also very expensive.

Trouser boots should be so elastic that you can overcome all obstacles in the water without any fear. But such fishing shoes have a big drawback: they have very unreliable soles. It would be all right if they are equipped with profiled marks, spikes, or lined with felt.

Socks or foot wraps?

Opinions on this issue are traditionally opposite. But still, most specialized stores note that foot wraps are already “yesterday.” And it’s not surprising, because socks made from modern materials perfectly remove moisture from the foot, and most importantly, they are extremely comfortable and do not require a lot of time to put on. Winding a footcloth quickly and correctly is not an easy task and requires special skill.

But supporters of foot wraps are confident that they are right. Firstly, the footcloth can be wound exactly as many turns as necessary to hold shoes of any size. Secondly, a footcloth wound in several layers blocks the access of sand and debris to your feet. Thirdly, footcloths still absorb moisture. To dry a footcloth, you can simply wrap it around your leg, for example, around your thigh. Two sets - and your feet are always dry. It is almost impossible to wipe the footcloth, but if it does get worn out, you can rewind it at a different angle. And the main argument: in field conditions You can make a foot wrap, but you can’t knit a sock.

Answering the question of how to choose the right shoes for fishing, we can list the following parameters that good shoes should satisfy:

Shoes should be convenient and comfortable, and should not cause discomfort during long walks;

Shoes must be waterproof and heat insulating;

Shoes should be cold-proof to prevent your feet from getting too cold;

Shoes should not cause your feet to sweat.

Failure to meet at least one of these requirements can turn your fishing from pleasure into real torture. There is no point in saving on fishing shoes; here, as nowhere else, the statement is true that the stingy pays twice. First of all, you should think about health and maximum comfort during outdoor activities. High-quality shoes will contribute to positive emotions and impressions from your vacation.

What to do if your feet get wet? Autumn and spring are not always rainbows and sunshine.

Often these seasons are accompanied by rainy days. If there is rain outside, even an ordinary walk or the need to go to work will lead to your feet getting wet.

This phenomenon is not pleasant. In addition to feeling bad, this can also lead to other consequences that affect your health.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the necessary measures in a timely and correct manner. Let's try to figure out what these measures should be first of all and list the most effective and simple methods.

If such a nuisance as wet feet has overtaken you, then you should eliminate this embarrassment as quickly as possible. Because this leads to a list of negative consequences.

The most common of them are the following:

1) runny nose, colds, sore throat, cough. With the onset of cold weather, a person’s immune system is already weakened, and wet feet will only speed up the process of getting the flu;

2) inflammation of the bladder, which entails other unpleasant consequences;

3) kidney disease, which is accompanied by lower back pain;

4) cystitis in women and prostatitis in men;

5) fungal infections. It is known that in a wet environment various microbes multiply and spread very quickly and easily, which leads to the appearance of fungus;

This can manifest itself in various ways - redness, itching, burning, rashes.

6) wet feet are a particularly undesirable phenomenon for people who suffer from arthritis or osteochondrosis. Because the diseases will only worsen and can develop into more serious forms.

There is no need to explain the importance of any precautions. No matter how hard a person tries, but it is impossible to completely avoid getting your feet wet.

And interpret that the consequences can be different, from a slight runny nose to serious problems with internal organs, not really worth it. Since every person knows and understands this himself.

My feet got wet. What do we have to do?

Take into account several rules that you should resort to if your lower extremities get wet.

1. Remove wet shoes as quickly as possible. If possible, wear clean, dry socks and dry boots.

If this is not possible, find a way to dry these shoes - place them near a heat source. If you are at work, then move the heater to your feet or warm yourself near the radiator.

2. Be sure to massage your feet before putting on dry boots. This will improve blood flow, warm up your legs, and help warm up your entire body. If possible, use warming rubs during the massage.

They'll even do alcoholic drinks– cognac, vodka, alcohol tinctures. From good massage your skin will turn pink, your legs will warm up and you will feel an influx of strength.

3. In addition to massaging your feet, you need to thoroughly warm and insulate them.. To avoid getting cold and subsequently catching a cold, apply a warm compress to your feet.

You can use mustard or pepper tincture, which should be thoroughly rubbed into your feet, and then put on warm socks.

4. Tea or other warming drinks will also help you warm up. Make yourself a cup of linden or ginger tea with a few spoons of honey. This is a great way to warm up your entire body and prevent the flu.

During cold seasons, a person’s immune system weakens; such teas will help strengthen it. You can also drink mulled wine or similar warming drinks.

5. In addition to drinking, food will also help. If you get your feet wet, eat well. A hearty meat dish with hot spices will do. This will warm you up, strengthen your immune system and drive away stress.

6. If you got your feet wet on the way to work, and now there is no way to warm up with a bath, then essential oils will come to the rescue.

Eucalyptus, fir, pine, citrus will help prevent colds essential oil. Place it open near your work area or rub it on your chest.

7. If your feet are wet and you won’t get home soon, then use disposable bags. Take off your shoes and put them on your feet. This, of course, won’t help much, but at least your feet will sweat and be warmer.

8. When you come home, be sure to take a warm, warming bath. It’s good if you add chamomile or lavender infusion to it. This will help you relax, relieve tension, and rest.

After such water procedures put on warm pajamas with socks and go to bed. Good rest and pleasant dreams are guaranteed.

9. Effective way Baths can be used to prevent the unpleasant consequences of wet feet. The most simple option is a hot water bath.

It is enough just to immerse your feet in liquid with a temperature of at least forty-one degrees.

To enhance the effect, add a little mustard powder there. Instead of mustard, you can use salt, both regular and sea. Only with this ingredient the water temperature should be slightly lower. You can also add herbal infusions to this foot bath.

10. Hand baths are also effective for warming. This is an indispensable method at work where there is no opportunity to take a bath. It is enough to place your hands up to your elbows under a fairly warm stream of water.

Do the procedure for at least five minutes, gradually increasing the water temperature.

You can see for yourself that there are enough ways. Just don't overdo it with them. The main thing to remember is that when getting wet feet it is important how you can warm up faster with tea, massage,bathroom, dry clothes. Well, ideally it is better to avoid such situations altogether.

This year, autumn is in no hurry to give up its positions. Outdoor temperatures range from 8-15 degrees, which is not typical for November. A gusty wind is blowing, and cold rain periodically pours down on us. The most pleasant thing is to sit at home in this weather. But we all work, go to school, and have errands to run. But how can you go outside in this weather without getting your feet wet? If it’s pouring from above, and our roads are covered with large puddles, sometimes this is simply an impossible task.

Dear readers, today let’s talk about how to put on shoes so as not to get your feet wet, how to take care of wet shoes later, and what to do after returning home and not get sick.

What shoes are best to wear?

In rainy weather it is difficult to put on your shoes without getting your shoes wet. The best option: buy rubber boots and wear them when it’s rainy outside. Buying rubber boots now is not a problem. Trade offers us rubber boots various models and colors. At the time of buying rubber boots choose boots that have a lining, and it is better if it is made of natural fabrics. In such shoes, your feet will not swell and get cold. When trying on boots, make sure that there are no folds inside, otherwise they may callus your foot. If you like boots without lining, then buy a size larger so that you can put socks on your feet.

Before you put it away rubber shoes for storage in winter, it must be lubricated with glycerin and only then removed for storage.

But not everyone likes rubber boots and wears leather or leatherette boots in the slush. Such boots, of course, quickly get wet and wet. And, as a result, your feet are wet. And this can lead to colds.

To prevent this from happening, shoes must be prepared in advance for going outside and prevented from getting wet. To prevent shoes from getting wet and losing their appearance in wet weather, it should be treated with a cream containing wax. You can buy this cream in a store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, mix 1 part castor oil, 3 parts wax, 4 parts turpentine.

After returning home, leather shoes must be washed with a cloth soaked in water, wiped with a dry cloth, and then apply the above composition and thoroughly wipe the surface, paying attention Special attention on the connection of the skin with the sole. You can wipe such shoes with another composition. To do this, you need to thoroughly beat the egg white, moisten a piece of flannel in it and wipe the shoes.

It is not recommended to dry leather shoes on heating devices; for this it is better to purchase special shoe dryers. You can stuff the inside of your boots tightly with newsprint or, as a last resort, place it next to a radiator or stove.

My feet were still wet. What to do?

The drink of Hippocrates helps well in such cases. During the times of Ancient Greece, warriors drank this drink when it rained and it was cold. To prepare this drink, you need to add 2 slices of lemon or orange, a pinch of cinnamon, 2 cloves, 1 teaspoon of honey to two glasses of red wine, bring it all to a boil and drink before bed. This drink will definitely help you and you won’t get sick.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to take a steam bath or drink alcohol in such situations and in the presence of elevated temperature. If you have a runny nose the next day, this does not mean that you have a cold. This could very well be allergic reaction to the cold.

Hypothermia, which occurs as a result of getting your feet wet, is not a cold. Colds are mainly caused by viruses. The fact of hypothermia in your feet reduces your immunity. Therefore, when your feet are wet, it is better not to go to places where there are large crowds of people. It is very likely that there are sick people there and the likelihood of catching viruses will be high.

And in conclusion, I would also like to note that there is currently a competition on my blog “ Folk recipes cold treatment." Come in and you will find many recipes for yourself, as you can with the help folk remedies cure colds, flu and coughs and boost your immunity.

But how to go outside in this weather without getting your feet wet and remaining fashionable can be seen in this video.

Be healthy!

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