Project "Birthday of the Perm Region". project (senior group) on the topic. Project “Acquaintance with the city of Perm through innovative technologies Children's project peoples of the Perm region

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 369", Perm


"Natural wonders of the Perm region."


Redkina S.L.



Information card

Redkina Svetlana Leonidovna

Project Manager

Zobacheva Irina Aleksandrovna: head of structural unit

Personnel implementing the project

Teachers, music director.

City, district

Perm, Sverdlovsk district

Organization address

Perm, 614083, st. Balkhashskaya, 203


Tel. 241-91-84


Institution website


Type, type of project

Cognitive – research, short-term, creative.

Purpose, areas of activity of the project

(rivers, mountains, reserves, caves) of the Perm region.

Summary project

Selection methodological material. Manufacturing didactic games. Collaboration children, parents and teachers to create and design exhibitions of joint works.


MADO "Kindergarten No. 369" Perm, st. Balkhashskaya, 203


September, October, November -2017

Number of participants

Children - 32, parents, teachers - 3

Children's age

From 3 to 4 years

Form of conduct

Educational conversations, watching videos, creative activities for children, reading fiction, viewing albums with illustrations of the natural landscape of the Perm region.

Project product

Project, card index of poems about the Perm region; notes of educational conversations, practical classes with children, video files, photographic materials. Didactic games: “Cut pictures”, “Loto”, album “My Perm Region”.

Relevance of the project:

Studying native land, the education of patriotic feelings remains always relevant. Getting acquainted with the natural resources of the Perm region, children form an idea of ​​mountains, rivers, forests, lakes, caves, and basic geographical concepts are laid down. The project is aimed at developing the cognitive and research sphere in children.

Problem: Often, preschoolers do not know about the sights and features of their native land. Without studying the landscape, history, and nature of the Perm region, it is impossible to talk about patriotic education in general. Its foundations are laid precisely in preschool age. Therefore, it is so necessary to develop a child’s interest in research activities, which contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and lay the foundations for his knowledge of the world around him, the formation of ideas about his native land.

Objective of the project:

Introducing children to natural landscapes

(rivers, mountains, nature reserves, caves) of the Perm region.

Project objectives:

    Shapeelementary ideas about the landscape of the Perm region;

    Fill the developing subject-spatial environment of the group with photographic materials, albums for viewing, didactic games, fiction;

    Organize joint activities of children and parents to implement the project theme;

    To instill in children respect and interest in their homeland.

Regulatory framework:

    the federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation",

    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 N 996-r, Moscow “Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”,

    Strategy for the development of the education system of the city of Perm until 2030.,

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education"(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14, 2013 N 30384)

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2016 No. 7 “On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation (as amended on September 3, 2016)

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 1, 2015 No. 392 “On holding the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in the Russian Federation»

Possible risks and ways to overcome them:

1.Lack of visual material.

Solutions: acquisition required material in specialized stores, on Internet sites;

2. Quarantine measures.

Solutions:increased level of sanitation, prevention, quartz treatment, ventilation.

3Parents' passivity.

Solutions:usage active forms working with parents – conversations, consultations.

Planning work to implement the project.

I stage – preparatory


    identify problems, formulate goals and objectives;

    develop a project;

    create conditions for the implementation of the project, the formation of a group;

    replenish the developing subject-spatial environment (albums, didactic games, fiction, event notes).


Forms of work




Identifying the problem, forming goals and objectives.


Problem, goals, objectives of the project


Project development




Searching for ideas for group design


Design ideas


Group registration


Registration in a group


Filling RPPS


Albums for viewing, video materials, photographic materials, fiction, educational games


II stage – the main stage of the project implementation

  • To form an idea in children about the nature of the Perm region;

    To develop interest in cognitive and research activities in children;

    Organize joint activities between children and parents


Forms of work




Conversation about the nature of the Perm region with illustrations





Conversation “The largest rivers and lakes of the Perm region”


Children's knowledge of the names of rivers in the Perm region.


CHHL:Vladimir Tyaptin

“Oh, Perm region!”,

"Kama-pebble"Strunova Daria « About the Chusovaya River."


Assimilation of the content of fairy tales by children


Drawing: "River"


Children's drawings


Conversation “High in the Mountains”


Children's knowledge of the names of the mountains of the Perm region.


CHHL: “Land of Malachite”


Content Mastery


applique "Mountain"




Conversation “Basegi Nature Reserve”


Children's knowledge of the Perm region reserve.



"Kungur Ice Cave"



children of the content of the work


Modeling: “Magic pebble from the cave”




Watch the video “Natural Wonders of the Perm Region”. Discussion of the film we watched.


Children’s generalized idea of ​​the natural landscapes of the Perm region.


III stage – control and evaluation


Forms of work




Album design “Perm Region”




Photo exhibition: “My beloved Perm region”



Teachers, parents

Final event

Kungur Ice Cave -
You are the only beauty in the world!
You are the decoration of the city! You are our pride!
You are forever young. It only gets more beautiful over the years!

In the Kungur Ice Cave
Miracles live...
You can plunge into winter there
In the heat of the moment...

Maybe a stone rat
And in pitch darkness
A wish to make...

Stalactites... Stalagmites...
Columns of ice.
And underground lakes -
Mirror water...

At Sinyushkin's well
Like a Bazhov tale...
Oh! No wonder they call it the Cave
An icy fairy tale!

We're going on a tour

My spiritual delight
It's hard to describe...
Must visit...

Basegi Nature Reserve

There is probably no more picturesque place!
Among the mountain taiga, full of mystery and bliss,
A beautiful ridge stretched out into the afternoon -
That’s why it was once called Basegi*!

The mountain slopes are rocky and very steep,
Streams and rivulets flow from them into the lowlands,
The silvery waters are crystal clear
And they feed the Chusovaya River with themselves.

Here the fir-spruce taiga sleeps,
Fills hollows, grows at the foot;
Subalpine, closer to the peaks, meadows,
And on the slopes there is a dwarf forest.

Rocky placers of fairy mountains
Entirely covered with lichens or mosses.
Here you can find a wolf, an ermine, a dark polecat,
And the forests are full of hazel grouse and wood grouse.

Wolverine, roe deer, bear and deer,
Mink, elk, weasel and pine marten.
Grayling or taimen are caught in rivers,
And the white-tailed** or golden eagle nests in the mountains.

The Middle Urals attracts us with beauty -
Centuries-old taiga, clear waters of rivers!
Having created the firmament of the earth, the Lord God created
For people this is a wonderful miracle of nature!

Petrova Tatyana
Project "Perm Region"

Passport of the project “Fauna of the Perm Region”

Objective of the project:

Formation of knowledge in children 4-5 years old about the wildlife of the Perm region.

Project objectives:

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about animals and birds.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Develop observation skills. cognitive activity, initiative.

Develop creative abilities.

Promote cooperation in parent-child relationships.

Project type:

Cognitive, creative, group. Short.

Relevance of the project:

Our region is our Motherland and every person living in it must treat it with care and respect, preserving all its traditions, values ​​and riches.

Analyzing children's knowledge about the animal world of the Perm region, it was revealed that children do not have enough knowledge. To form ideas about the nature of the native region, it was decided to organize the project “Fauna of the Perm Region”, the result of which could be the acquisition of knowledge about the animals of the Perm region and the ability to use knowledge in independent activities.

Purpose of the project:

Collection, study, preservation of materials about the life of animals in the region.

Timing and stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage

Setting goals and objectives.

Studying methodological literature.

Project development

Selection of methodological literature.

Choosing forms of work with children and parents.

Selection of main activities.

Determining the scope and content of work for project implementation.

Definition and formulation of expected results.

Project implementation

Conducting classes, conversations, reading books, search and research activities with children with the participation of parents.

Making baby books for parents and children.

Making stencils depicting animals and birds.

Purchasing albums of animals and birds of the Perm region.

Making models of “Heron and Beaver Habitat”

Making albums about heron, squirrel, stork, raccoon, beaver, moose and other animals.

Purchase and production of educational games about animals.

Final stage.

A joint holiday with children and parents - a quiz.

Project implementers and main participants:

Group teachers, children, parents.

Expected results: formation in children of comprehensive knowledge about the living nature of the Perm region.

Fostering respect for nature

Involving parents of students in cooperation and interaction.

Strengthening the resource provision of the group.

Scope and content of work:

Area of ​​activity Performers

Cognition “Wild animals of our forests”, “Teremok” (retelling of a fairy tale and dramatization, “composing descriptive stories about animals” Educators, children

Finger game “Squirrel stock”, “Squirrel sitting on a cart”, “Teddy bear”, “Gift for a bunny”. Teachers, children

D/games “Who’s where?”, “Who’s eating what?”, “Who’s hiding?” “Name the dwelling.” “Who lives where?”, “Who was who?”, “Whose baby?”, “Find out by the outline” Educators, children, parents

P/game “Homeless Hare”, “At the Bear in the Forest”. “Hares and the Wolf” Teachers, children

Guest of the group: lynx, raccoon, owl, stork, beaver. Elk, squirrel and others. Teachers, parents, children

Role-playing game “Building a house for a bunny” Teachers, children

Reading fiction by V. Bianchi “How animals prepare for winter”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Brave Hare” Educators, children, parents

Construction of a “Teremok for all animals” Teachers and children

Modeling “Mushrooms and nuts for a squirrel” Teachers and children

Drawing “Bear Cubs” Teachers and children

Application “In the forest” ( teamwork) Teachers and children

Exhibition “Wild Animals of the Forest” Teachers

Life safety “How to behave in the forest” Teachers and children

Making baby books Parents and children

Making albums about animals and birds of the Perm region Parents and children

Purchasing albums and educational games Parents

Making models of animal and bird habitats Parents and children

Making stencils depicting animals and birds Parents and children

Presentation “Animals and birds of the Perm region” Educator

Celebrating the holiday with parents and children. Teachers, children, parents

Relevance of the project:

Problem patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most relevant today. Recently, the work of researchers and preschool educational institutions: competitions began to be held for grants to organize work on patriotic education, conferences, and a variety of methodological literature on moral and patriotic education in preschool educational institutions appeared.

Research in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology indicates that it is in preschool age that the basic foundations of personality are laid, the process of formation and formation of sociocultural experience begins, and a person “takes shape.”

Cultivating patriotic feelings in modern stage development of society oblige preschool institutions to develop cognitive interest, love for the Motherland, its historical and cultural heritage.

An ancient wisdom reminds us: “A man who does not know his past knows nothing.”

Today there are many concepts, technologies, and partial programs in which civic and patriotic education, including a regional component, is presented in different formulations and volumes. However, none of the programs makes it possible to fully solve the problems of introducing children to their native land, so teachers independently develop and systematize practical material.

In order to ensure the moral and patriotic education of preschool children in our preschool institution work is carried out on the basis of a regional component. The activities of teachers in the patriotic education of children include the joint activities of teachers, children and their parents.

The “My Favorite City” project helped us organize work in this area.

Problems that the project was aimed at solving:

Introduce children to the city - as the cultural capital of the Kama region;

Give an idea of ​​the sights of your hometown;

Involve parents to participate, promote the formation of cultural family values and traditions.

Use new forms of interaction with children and parents when implementing the project. Therefore, there was a need to change the forms of organizing the pedagogical process to familiarize children with the features of the city and the region. In our opinion, the solution to this problem was the implementation of the project: “My Favorite City!”

We believe that the project method allows children to learn complex local history material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activities develops the creative abilities of preschoolers, helps the teacher himself develop as a creative person.

Project participants: children of preparatory group No. 11 MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 415", teacher Marina Vladimirovna Ostryakova, parents of pupils.

Project type:group, short-term.

Project implementation timeline: October 2013 - January 2014

Directions of project activity:

  • Information block: Processing theoretical materials, writing educational stories
  • Technological block: Development of lesson notes using developmental education
  • Organizational block: Creation of a subject-development environment

Main section of the program: cognitive development

Sections of the program, the content of which is included in the project: speech development, visual activity, play activity, musical activities, classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world.

Objective of the project:V nurturing civic feelings, feelings of love for the Motherland, native land; development of abilities for practical and mental experimentation, speech planning, logical operations.

Project objectives:

  • Continue to introduce children to their hometown, the Perm region; give an idea that the city of Perm is part of the Perm region.
  • Continue to introduce children to the history of the city. Perm, its founder, main cultural and historical attractions.
  • Consolidate knowledge about the symbolism of Perm.
  • Cultivate an interest in the history of your region, a feeling of love and pride in your native land.

Resource support:

Personnel: teacher with special pedagogical education, music director of a preschool educational institution.

Methodological: program L.V. Kolomiychenko “Program of patriotic education of children” preschool age", Gorbatsevich N.P. , Shatrova N.V. “Prikamye: pages of distant and near times”, “Your Kama region - take care of your home” compiled by E.A. Black.

Informational: video film “My City”, photo presentation “Perm”, booklets, postcards about the city, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, excursion programs.

Stages of the project:

I. Information-cumulative:

  • Studying children's interests to determine project goals.
  • Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.
  • Contacting specialists.

II. Organizational and practical


Collaborative activities between teachers and children

Working with parents

Organization of a development environment

Exhibition of drawings “Happy Birthday to my favorite city”

Exhibition of drawings in the kindergarten hall.

Presentation of mini-projects “My favorite place in the city"

Assistance in preparing presentations, photo reports, information search

Selection of materials about the city, photo albums, favorite places in Perm

Viewing booklets and photographs “My City”

Help in selecting materials

Exhibition of booklets and photographs

A series of “virtual” city tours.

Central streets of the city;

Parks and squares of Perm;

The gates of our city (railway station, river station, bus station, airport);

Perm theater

Monuments and museums of the city.

Historical buildings of the city.

Assistance in selecting materials for excursions.

Photo reports

Search activity with children “History of the city” (symbols, founder)

Help in selecting information.

Video and photo presentation.

Conducting didactic games on local history “My city of Perm”, “Find out where I am?”, “Collect a picture”, “Grandma’s chest”, “Map of my city”, City of the future”, “My native land”, “I am a photographer ", "Here is my street, here is my home", "Associations - city"

Selection of didactic games on local history in the cognitive-speech corner.

City tours

- “My city is Perm” (past, present, future)

Visit to the local history museum

Learning songs and poems about Perm

Selection of materials

Design of layouts “Favorite building of my city”

Assistance in production, description and design.

Design of the exhibition “Our Beloved City”

V. Stepanov “What we call Motherland”, “Our Home”, N. Kurtog “Fairy Tales”.

Design of an exhibition of books about the city, homeland, country in the book corner.

Compiling stories on the topic: “What would I tell the guests of my city”

Book page design.

Design of a book of stories about the city.

Visit to the puppet theater.

Historical quiz “Hometown Experts”

III. Presentation - final

Open final event“My homeland is the city of Perm!”

Exhibition of children's activity products.

Assessment of the stages of project implementation by children.

IV. Control-reflexive


Conversation “What did we want to know, what did we learn, why did we learn?”

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:

  1. 1.interest of children and parents;
  2. 2.methodological developments,
  3. 3.integration with kindergarten specialists.

Possible risks:

  1. 1.parents' reluctance to participate in the project;
  2. 2.low resource provision;
  3. 3.low cognitive activity of participants.

Expected result:

  1. 1.The final result is monitoring, where children will show their knowledge about their hometown, its history, and culture. The active participation of children in exhibitions, competitions, sports and patriotic events, discussions, and other activities is taken into account.
  2. 2.The ability to express one’s own opinion, analyze, react quickly to what is happening, and provide all possible assistance.

Monitoring aimed at identifying older preschool children’s ideas about their hometown.

  1. 1.What is the name of our city?
  2. 2.Who is the founder of our city?
  3. 3.What animal is depicted on the coat of arms of the Perm region?
  4. 4.What is Perm land famous for?
  5. 5.What is your home address?
  6. 6.What other streets do you know?
  7. 7.Name and tell about the sights of the city of Perm.
  8. 8.What train stations are there in Perm?
  9. 9.Name the theaters in our city?

This monitoring is carried out at the beginning and end of the project.



Resource support

Quantity per unit/amount

Number of pieces, amount

Laptop "Packard-bell" »



Canon camera »



Wall screen “Pro-mega office” »



MFP "Canon pizma mg2240/mg3240"



Consumables (black cartridge, color cartridge)




Memory card for camera



USB device


Magnetic holders

1pack - 567


Wireless mouse

A set of posters on the theme “City of Perm” on various topics



A set of videos on the theme “City of Perm”



Wall system « durable Sherpa style 5844"



Plastic covers

1pack - 950

Total: 40,014 rubles.

Direct educational activities in the educational field “Cognition”, “Socialization”.

Visiting Grandfather the local historian

Target:contribute to the formation in children of a sense of patriotism towards their hometown.


1. Introduce children to the history of the city of Perm and its main attractions.

2. Consolidate knowledge about the symbolism of Perm.

3. Develop coherent, dialogical speech in children.

4. Cultivate an interest in the history of your region, a feeling of love and pride in your native land.

Preliminary work:

Examination of booklets, symbols of the city of Perm (coat of arms), a trip to the circus, a tour along the street of Perm, games “Collect pictures”, writing stories about places in the city of Perm.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello children, hello guests! I am Grandfather the local historian - I know everything, I know everything about my native land. I heard that you are studying the history of your native land and I want to help you with this today. But first I will test your knowledge. Guys, Grandfather the local historian sent us postcards (postcards are shown on the screen).

Please take a look and tell me if you recognize any familiar places?

What is the name of our region?

Grandfather the local historian also sent me the game “Collect a picture.” Let's divide into three groups and quickly gather them. Whose team is ahead? (we collect the coat of arms of Russia, the coat of arms of Perm, the coat of arms of Moscow). What kind of symbols did you get? On the screen the symbol of Perm is the coat of arms.

What do the elements of this symbol represent?

The bear is the strength and wealth of the region, the cross and the book are Christianity.

What do you guys think, do you need knowledge about the history of our country, our Perm region? What for? Grandfather, a local historian, really wants you to be smart and know everything, so he also sent a historical book about the city of Perm. After reading it, I invite you to learn about the origins of Perm.

Would you like to listen to my story? A long time ago, when there was no city of Perm yet, the taiga roared in this place. What is the forest rich in? A small river, Yegoshikha, flowed through the taiga and was in a hurry to meet the big river Kama! What is the river rich in? And people liked this place and began to build houses. What kind of houses were there before? And then people found the mineral “copper ore” in the ground and built a plant. Copper was smelted at the plant; Russia needed it. A village grew up around the plant; it was called Yegoshikha, just like the river. The village grew. Many, many years passed and it turned into a city. And the Queen of Russia Catherine II issued a decree to name this city Perm.

What kind of houses were built in Perm?

What are the streets in Perm?

What else have you seen in Perm?

Look at the screen (slides from Perm)

What has the city become in our time?

What kind of houses were built?

What streets? (wide, long)

Perm is a large and beautiful city. It has many temples, theaters, museums, and libraries.

Guys, did you go with your parents to Perm? Where have you been? What have you seen? Maybe tell us?

Thank you for the interesting stories.

Guys, what new did you learn in class?

We need to tell Grandfather the local historian.

Grandfather grandfather-local historian

You sent a parcel

You showed us a lot


Tell me what you learned!


Guys, I propose to create a mood flag - a symbol of our activity. Look what we have. The flag turned out to be bright and colorful. This means that your mood from the activity is cheerful and joyful.

Best teaching practices in preschool kindergarten

Patriotic project for children of senior preschool age “Getting to know your hometown - Perm”

Chupina V.E., teacher at Perm Regional Preschool Educational Institution No. 4

Relevance of the project

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people, since turning to the national heritage fosters respect and pride for the land on which you live. Therefore, children need to know and study the culture of their ancestors. It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people and their culture that will help in the future to treat cultural traditions with respect and interest.

Everyone has it happy person have your favorite city. Most often, a favorite city, town, or region is the place where a person was born or spent a lot of time, where a person’s childhood passed, because it is with childhood, unless, of course, it was difficult, that most people have the kindest memories. No matter how old a person is, he always remembers some moments from his childhood, and with them the places where they happened, that is, in his favorite city. Moreover, this city does not necessarily have to be a capital or a millionaire city. It can be a quiet, abandoned town and at the same time be the most beloved city, as many pleasant impressions are associated with it. Everyone's love for the city manifests itself differently. For example, poets write poems about their favorite city, composers write music, artists draw pictures, thereby glorifying the city and perpetuating its memory for many years. I want the kids to love the city they live in! This project is dedicated to Kungur - the city that is the homeland of my students.

In this project we will talk about the significance of the history of our native city and its influence on the patriotic education of preschool children. The successful development of preschoolers when getting to know their hometown is possible only if they actively interact with the outside world in an emotionally practical way, i.e. through play, subject activity, communication, work, training, different types activities typical of preschool age.

Target: Education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country, formation of moral values.

Project objectives:

Fostering a child’s love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

Formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things;

Fostering respect for work;

Development of interest in Russian folk traditions and crafts;

Formation of basic knowledge about human rights;

Expanding ideas about Russian cities;

Introducing children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

Developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the country’s achievements;

Formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

The moral and patriotic education of a child is a complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings. The feeling of the Motherland... It begins in a child with the relationship to the family, to the closest people - to the mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, they are passed through children's perception, they play a huge role in the development of the personality of a patriot.

Resource support:

  • Illustrations of exhibits from the Perm Local History Museum
  • books,
  • magazines,
  • postcards of the sights of our city
  • artwork and materials
  • Watching a film about the nature of the Perm region
  • Thematic folders “photos of famous people of Perm, writers, artists, writers, composers”, “fauna and flora of the Perm region”, “Sights of the Kirov region”
  • Layout "The street where I live"
  • Presentations “attractions of the city of Perm”, “History of the emergence of the city of Perm”, “Kirov region”, “Perm Museum of Local Lore”.

Project participants:

  • educator;
  • children of the preparatory group for school;
  • parents of pupils.

Predicted result.

  • Enriched and systematized children's knowledge about the history of the city and its cultural values. A steady interest in studying this problem has been formed.
  • Increasing parental competence on the presented problem.
  • Participation of families of pupils in the educational process.
  • Developed methodological and didactic support for this section.
  • The implementation of the project will improve children's, parental and pedagogical competence in matters of history and culture of the city of Kungur, and will help to form a caring attitude towards their hometown.

Consequently, this project contributes to the formation of not only cognitive interest, but also has social significance.


Living in the city of Perm, in the territory of unique places, we not only do not visit them, but also know little about them. During the project, children will gain knowledge about beautiful places known throughout the world. You should not expect children to show adult forms of love for their hometown, but if during the implementation of the project children acquire knowledge about the history of the city, symbols, attractions, know the names of those who founded and glorified the city, begin to show interest in the events of city life and reflect your impressions in productive activity, then we can assume that the goal and objectives of the project have been fulfilled.

Expected results:

  • Children should know and name their city, hometown enterprises and their significance; symbols of the city, attractions, climatic conditions; flora and fauna
  • Children should develop a sense of pride in their city and a desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

Project: long-term, group, creative and exploratory.

Forms and methods of project implementation:

Program section

Types of children's activities

Speech and speech development

1. Cognitive activities:

- “My city on the Kama”

- “Through the streets of the city”

- “The Urals are my native land”

- “Flora world of the native land”

- “Fauna of the Perm region”

- “Hometown Enterprises”

- “River Kama”

- “Peoples of the Kama region”

- “Travel to the cities of the Perm region”

- “Our defenders”

2. Creative stories:

- “The city where I live”

- “I am the master of the city”

3. Word creation between children and parents: write poems, a fairy tale about the city of Perm

4. Compiling crossword puzzles about birds and plants: “What is this?”

5. Reading fiction.

6. Competition of proverbs and sayings. “There is time for business, an hour for fun.”

7. An evening of riddles about plants, animals, birds, insects of the native land.

8. Memorizing poetry.

Play activity

1. Design of a library of educational games

What tree is the leaf from?

Name the friends of the forest.

Who is the odd one out?

Find the animals of our region.

When does this happen?

Who lives in the river.

Who needs what for work.

Games with a model of a street in the Kirovsky district of Perm

Peoples of the Urals.

D/i “collect the symbols of Perm”

What should we take on a hike?

What did the artist get wrong?

2. Plot-role-playing games:


Defenders of the Motherland

Excursions around Perm “Sights of the city”

Excursions to the Children's Library named after. Krylova

Excursion to the Kirov Palace of Culture

Excursion to the exhibition hall of the Kirovsky district

Excursion to the monument to Home Front Workers

Labor activity

- “Labor landing” of children and parents (tree planting, pruning, garbage collection in spring, autumn on the site)

Competition for the best bird feeder

Summer assignment: collect a herbarium of plants of the Urals

Involvement of children by parents to work in the countryside

Manual labor:

Crafts made from natural materials

Making models of city buildings

Making city symbols

Visual activities


Animals, birds, plants of the Urals

Streets of my hometown

Where did I rest

Drawing national costumes peoples of the Perm region

I want to draw about good things

The area where I live

Modeling: animals, birds

Construction material: city ​​buildings.

Health and physical development


- “Good habits”

- “Healing tea”

Health Day.

Sports events, entertainment

Environmental education

Conversation about the climatic conditions of the city and region.

Design of albums with species diversity of flora and fauna, their habitat.

Environmental protection measures.

Social development

Meetings with honorary people of the city

Hometown tours

Excursions to the forest

Excursion to the library

Visiting exhibitions of artists of the city and region

Excursions to the palace named after. Kirov

Historical Perm

Musical activities

Learning poems and songs about Perm

Design of the stand “Artists of the Perm Region”

Interaction with parents

- “Nature of Perm” - gatherings with mothers

Photo albums “How I rested on the Kama River”

Compiling an eco-fairy tale about the city of Perm and the Kama River.

Help in organizing excursions

Participation in exhibitions of posters, drawings, photo compositions, making mock-ups

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Development center kindergarten No. 378, Perm

“Perm region is my homeland”

for children of senior preschool age



Grunina Marina Nikolaevna

"I found out that I have

There is a huge relative:

And the path and the forest,

In the field - every spikelet,

River, the sky is above me -

This is all mine, dear!”

V. Orlov

Project: long-term, group, creative - search.

Implementation deadlines: 2012 -2013 and 2013 – 2014 academic years

Relevance of the project:

Nowadays they often talk about moral and patriotic education of the younger generation. I think it is important to start working on patriotic education of children in kindergarten because in the family parents pay little attention this issue. Modern children know little about their hometown, region, country, folk traditions. But the Motherland begins from the place where he was born. In order to raise a worthy citizen of your country, it is necessary to awaken love and respect for your small homeland as early as possible. So that he can feel and realize himself as a part of his homeland. Therefore, the child needs to be helped to learn as much as possible about the family, city and region where he was born.

Target: Formation of the foundations of patriotic education in preschool children.

Project objectives:

    Introduce children to the history, culture, industry, and nature of the Ordzhonikidze district.

    Expand your knowledge about the streets and attractions of the Ordzhonikidze district.

    To form in children an interest in their hometown, streets, attractions, and cultural centers.

    Introduce children to the state symbols of the Perm region.

    Introduce children to famous compatriots of the Perm region: writers, artists, musicians. Encourage children to admire their creativity.

    Expand children's understanding of the nature of the Perm region: plants, animals, fossils. Encourage children to admire the beauty of their native nature.

    Introduce the Basegi Nature Reserve.

    Introduce maps of the city of Perm and the Perm region.

    Give an idea about people different nationalities living on the territory of the Perm region (Tatars, Komi), their household items, national clothes, tongue.

    To develop a sense of respect for the defenders of the Motherland. Develop patriotic feelings.

    Learn to protect and preserve the wealth of the Perm region.

    Instill love and pride for your homeland.

    Help you feel like a part of your small Motherland.

    Involve parents in active work.

Resource support:

    Postcards, booklets, photographs about your hometown, region

    Photos of the streets of your hometown

    Albums with views of streets containing familiar buildings, architectural ensembles, factories, monuments, theaters, and museums.

    Maps of the city of Perm and the Perm region

    Video films about the city of Perm and the Perm region.

    Books of Perm writers and poets

    Music, songs of Perm composers

    Paintings and illustrations by Perm artists

    Didactic and outdoor games

    Dolls in national costumes

Project participants:


    Children of senior and preparatory groups

    Parents of pupils

Expected results:

    Children should know and name their city, region, district, nearby streets; sights of the city, Perm region; flora and fauna

    Children should develop a sense of pride in their city and a desire to keep it clean and beautiful

    Involve families of pupils in the educational process

    Develop methodological and didactic manuals on patriotic education

    To intensify parents' knowledge on the issue of patriotic education in preschool children.

Three Question Model

What do we know and can do?

What do we want to know?

What do you need to do to find out?

That we live in the city of Perm;

We know our street;

— children's theaters in Perm;

That the Kama River flows in Perm;

What trees grow in our forest;

What kind of animals and birds are there?

Who founded the city of Perm and what it was called before;

Get acquainted with the symbols of the city of Perm;

Sights of the city of Perm;

What streets are there in our city;

What factories are there in Perm and the Perm region;

Find out the writers and artists of the Perm region;

— learn about outstanding people of the city of Perm;

Find out more about the flora and fauna of the Perm region;

Find out what minerals there are in the Perm region and how they are mined;

Understand why people living in the city of Perm are proud of their Motherland.

Look at illustrations about Perm and the Perm region;

Watch documentaries about Perm;

Talk about Perm;

Hold exhibitions of drawings about Perm;

Conduct quizzes about Perm and the Perm region;

Create newspapers about Perm and its inhabitants;





My little homeland

Conversation about the area (streets, buildings, cultural and industrial centers)

Looking at a map of the area

Creation of the photo album “The District Before and Now”

Compilation of stories “The House Where I Live”

Excursion along Vedeneeva Street

Construction from Lego "My District"


History of the city

The story “How the city of Perm arose”

Creation of the photo album “History of Perm”


Traveling around your hometown"

Conversation “Sights of Perm”

Creation of the photo album “Cultural centers of Perm”

Making a model of the city of Perm

Modeling “Who Lives in the Zoo”

Sir game "Circus"

D/i "Tour Guide"



They glorified our city

Conversation about outstanding people of the city of Perm

Creation of a photo album “Famous people of our city”

Publication of the newspaper “What do my parents do?”

Writing “What I Want to Become” Stories



Writers, poets, artists of the Perm region

Organize an exhibition of books by writers of the Perm region

Reading fairy tales different nations Perm region

Reading Bazhov's fairy tales

Reading poems and listening to songs about the city of Perm

Examination of reproductions of paintings by Perm artists

Creation of a gallery of drawings “My Favorite City”


Battle glory of the city

- manufacturing holiday cards,

— meeting with veterans(great-grandfather of one of the children) ,

- conversation about the exploits of soldiers in the Great Patriotic War

Conversation “Monuments of the city of Perm”

Quiz “What do we know about Perm”

A long-term work plan to familiarize senior children with their hometown for the 2012-2013 academic year.



Relationship with other activities


Getting to know the symbols of the city of Perm and the Perm region

Getting to know the flag and coat of arms of the Perm region

Painting the coat of arms of the city of Perm

Drawing "Family Coat of Arms"



Nature of the Perm region

Looking at a map of the Perm region

Conversation “Plants of the Perm Region”

Creation of the album “Medicinal Herbs of the Kama Region”

A story about the Basegi reserve

Examination of booklets, magazines, demonstration of slides about the nature of the Kama region

Drawing “The forest is like a painted tower”


Fauna of the Perm region

Viewing and reading books, encyclopedias, magazines about the animal world of the Perm region

Creation of the album “Animals listed in the Red Book”

Modeling “Animals of our forest”

Creation of the model “Nature of the Kama region”


Fossils of the Perm region

Examination of the fossil collection of the Perm region

Creation of a mini-museum “Products made of stones from the Kama region”

Conversation “Kungur Cave”

Reading P. Bazhov “The Mistress copper mountain»


Peoples of the Perm region

Meeting people of different nationalities living in the Perm region

Exhibition of clothing and household items of the Komi and Tatar peoples. Russians

P/s of different nations

Listening to poems, songs


Conversation about the rules of behavior in nature

Exhibition of posters “Take care of your native land”


Perm region is my homeland

Creation of mini-projects “Why I love my city”

KVN “Perm region is my homeland”


Aleshina N.V. We introduce preschoolers to relatives city, M.: Sphere shopping center, 1999

Bazhov P. Silver hoof, Rech publishing house, 2015

Bazhov P. Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Dragonfly-Press, 2007

Borodinskikh G.A. Perm Great Solikamsk, 1994

Vorobiev V.I. About the black stork and the white snowdrop, Perm. Book Publishing house, 1987

Vorobiev V.I. Kaprizka: Rosman-Press, 2013

Kuzmin L.I. One eccentric walked: Perm: Perm. Book publishing house, 1988

Kuzmin L.I. Captain Coco and the green glass: Perm. Book Ed., 1968

Melchakova S.S. A city in the depths of Russia. Perm: Pushka, 2010

Permyak E.A. Chizhik-fawn, Swallowtail, 2013

Permyak E.A. Grandfather's piggy bank, M.: EKSMO, 2009

Perm from its foundation to the present day. Historical essays. Perm: Pushka, 2000

Perm: 280 steps around the city, Perm: Press center, 2003

Pyankov B. Forest Soul, Perm: Zvezda, 2003

Trutneva E.F. Lights - bullfinches, poems, Children's literature, 1974

Trutneva E.F. Golden Rain, poetry, Perm: Book. From-in, 1984

Trutneva E.F. Thawed patches, poetry, M.: Detgiz, 1958

Trutneva E.F. Motherland, Perm: Permgiz, 1945

Fedin S.N. Games of our childhood, Iris-Press, 2006

Chernykh E.A. , Pokhozhaeva T.V. Your Prikamye. Take care of your home. Perm, Cannon, 2001

Fairy tales of the Kama region, Perm book edition, 1972.

Names of heroes on the map Perm region, brochure, Perm, 2012.