Long-term planning of work on the moral and patriotic education of children in the preparatory group. Work plan for patriotic education in kindergarten Methodology for planning patriotic education in the preparatory group

Ready-made event plans, including within theme weeks and months on moral patriotic education. Samples of complex thematic planning educational work with kids of various ages. Development of content, methods, techniques, forms of organization of cognitive activity that contribute to achieving the goals of moral and patriotic education. Specific examples of teachers’ systematic approach to solving this important problem.

We cultivate respect and pride for our country through generalizing and consolidating knowledge about the state and unofficial symbols of Russia, familiarizing children with the historical, cultural, geographical, natural and environmental uniqueness of our Motherland.

Specific assistance in planning patriotic activities with children.

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All sections | Patriotic education. Plans, planning

Software tasks: 1) Educational tasks: Continue to develop children’s interest in their small homeland through educational activities. Expand children’s ideas about their native village, about life and the peculiarities of work in rural areas, and its attractions. 2) Developmental...

Lesson plan for the world around us in 4th grade “Patriots of Russia” Plan– lesson notes on the world around us « Patriots of Russia» City: Magnitogorsk Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8" Teacher: Kulikova Raisa Valentinovna, teacher primary classes Class: 4 Training topic classes: Patriots of Russia. Duration of training classes: 45 min. (1 lesson) Goals...

Patriotic education. Plans, planning - Thematic planning in the preparatory group “New Year in Russia and not only”

Publication “Thematic planning in the preparatory group “New Year in...” Thematic planning preparatory group on the topic " New Year in Russia and beyond." Monday Morning Situational conversations"Who is the most important New Year's holiday? Practice making sentences based on a set of words. Looking at the illustrations “New...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Explanatory note “A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart.” K. Paustovsky Homeland, Fatherland. ...The roots of these words contain images close to everyone: mother and father, parents, those who give life to a new being. Cultivating a sense of patriotism in preschoolers -...

“Your native land is North Ossetia.” Planning for every day in the senior group. October, 2 week October 2nd week “Yours” motherland- -North Ossetia» Morning Walk Afternoon Monday 7 1. Morning exercises. 2. Conversation “Multi-ethnic hometown.” 3. Observation of grass and flowers (flowers are fading) 4. Consider the symbols of the republic (flag, coat of arms) 5. K.G.N....

Comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities for the 1st week of November “My Small Motherland” in the middle group Topic: “My small homeland” Purpose: To educate children patriotic feelings, pride in the place where they live, in their small homeland. Expand and deepen knowledge about the history of the emergence of your hometown, its past and present. Final event: compiling an album about my native...

Patriotic education. Plans, planning - Leisure plan “Russia Day” for all groups on the territory of the kindergarten

State budget preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 37, Pushkinsky district Plan - summary Activities - entertainment with children of all preschool ages (2 - 7 years old) “Russia Day” Prepared by: instructor physical culture Pribilova Lyubov Yurievna St. –...

Lydia Budaragina
Long-term plan work on moral and patriotic education of older preschoolers

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 28 "Firefly"


Prepared teacher Budaragina L. M.


Bring up the child has a feeling of love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city.

Develop a caring attitude towards nature and all living things.

Cultivate respect for work.

Develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts.

To develop basic knowledge about human rights.

Expand your understanding of Russian cities.

Introduce children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

Develop a sense of responsibility and pride for the country's achievements.

To develop tolerance and a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

System and consistency work on moral and patriotic education children are presented as follows way:


Native street, district;


Country, its capital, symbols;

Rights and obligations (Constitution);

Child's rights (convention).

Solving problems moral and patriotic education, we are building our own work, taking into account the following principles:

"Positive Centrism" (selection of knowledge most relevant for a child of a given age);

Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;

Differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of him psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests;

Rational combination different types activities, age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor stress;

Activity approach;

Developmental nature of education based on children's activity.




"My favorite kindergarten"

1. Entertainment "Day of Knowledge".

Target: To give children the idea that everyone needs knowledge, the source of knowledge is books, older generation , school.

2. A tour of the kindergarten and an introduction to the work of the employees.

Target: introduce children to the premises and staff of the kindergarten, deepen children’s knowledge of what is in kindergarten a lot of people work who care about them, make them want to help them, bring them joy.

3. Lesson "Our kindergarten"

Target: consolidate, deepen, expand knowledge about teacher's work, assistant teacher, cook, doctor.

4. Conversation: “Where there is neatness, there is neatness”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge and skills about etiquette.

5. Ecological excursion to the autumn forest.

Target: Contribute to deepening children's understanding of forest: to identify children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of the forest, to develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest.

6. Lesson “We will play together”

Target: to clarify children’s knowledge about a friendly attitude towards peers, about the need to play together.

6. Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic "My favorite kindergarten".

Target: to arouse in children the desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing, bring up love for your kindergarten; friendly attitude towards peers; bring up respect for kindergarten staff.

"My family"

1. Lesson "Our friendly family".

Target: to form an idea of ​​the composition of the family, bring up love and respect for close family people.

2. Lesson "Journey through my native village"

Target: Bring up Children have a feeling of love for their small homeland, their native village, systematize knowledge about the sights of the village, the nature of their native land.

3. Competitive and sports program "Colors of Autumn" among seniors groups of two kindergartens on the base "Children and Youth Center"

Target; systematize children's knowledge about autumn, evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities.

4. Children's stories about family members based on personal experience.

Target: instill love and respect for close relatives, respect for their work.

5. Conversation “Respect your father and mother - there will be grace in life”.

Target: bring up love and respect for parents.

6. Drawing on a theme "My family"

Target: to arouse in children the desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing. Bring up love and respect for your family members.

7. Lesson “I’m baking, I’m baking bread”.

Target: introduce children to the process of growing bread; give an idea of ​​how bread came to our table; bring up careful attitude to bread, respect for human labor, understanding that everyone’s work makes our life, our country better and richer.

8. Folklore holiday "Oseniny"

Target: to form children’s knowledge about autumn natural phenomena, to develop curiosity, the desire to learn something new, bring up interest and love for folklore, to have an emotional impact on children.

9. Excursion to the mini-museum "Russian hut"

Target: Arouse interest in the history and culture of the Russian people. Introduce household items, the Russian stove, the purpose of its individual parts (stove, stove bench, pipe, damper, valve, step, stove, mouth). Bring up interest in Russians folk tales, riddles.

"Our Motherland-Russia".

1. Conversation "Our Motherland-Russia".

Target: clarify, deepen knowledge and ideas about Russia (territory, president, capital, language).

2. Conversation "Nature of Russia". Target: to form children’s idea of ​​the beauty of Russian nature, bring up a feeling of pride that they live in such a beautiful country.

3. Conversation "The birch tree is a symbol of Russia."

Target. Bring up a desire to learn more about the symbol of Russia - the Russian birch tree, to learn poems and songs about the birch tree, to awaken interest in nature through artistic and poetic creativity. Instill love for the Motherland.

4. Applique lesson “I love Russian birch”

Target: to cause a desire to reflect in one’s work impressions and ideas about your small homeland, bring up love and respect for her.

5. Integrated lesson "State symbols of Russia".

Target: introduce the State flag and coat of arms of Russia, the purpose, symbolism of flowers and their relative positions.

6. Conversation “Whoever wishes good for people gets it himself”

Target: teach to understand yourself through knowledge of your feelings, promote the development of the ability to guess the feelings and mood of another person, cultivate a sense of compassion, mercy.

7. Reading competition "Poems about Mom".

Target: cultivate feelings of love, respect and care for mom.

8. Lesson "National Anthem of Russia"

Target: introduce the national anthem of Russia and the rules for its use, talk about its origin, purpose, content; identify its characteristics that are similar to those of others musical works and different from them, communication skills.

9. Lesson “All kinds of mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed”

Target: consolidate knowledge about mother’s work at home and at work, cultivate feelings of love, respect and care for women; expand ideas about professions.

10. Mother's Day Celebration “Mom, my dear!”

Target: to instill feelings of love and care for mom.”

11. Entertainment “A child’s heart is open to friendship”

Target: Continue to consolidate children’s ideas about friendship, form concepts "Friends", "comrades". Teach to be attentive, friendly to peers, and take care of younger ones. Reinforce the rules of true friendship.

"New Year at the Gate"

1. Conversation: "What is good and what is bad?"

Target: reveal to children the meaning of words "it is forbidden", "Can", "necessary"; learn to evaluate actions and correlate them with words good and bad.

2. Lesson “My native country!”.

Target: continue to introduce your home country (city, anthem, flag of Russia); develop a sense of pride for the country. Create a desire to learn more about Russia.

3. Making an album "Native side".

Target: instill love and respect for nature, expand children’s knowledge about their native land.

4. Entertainment "About the rights of playing".

Target: expand children’s knowledge about child rights in a form accessible to them.

5. Conversation "Fauna of our region".

Target: to form an idea of ​​the environmental conditions to which animals and plants have adapted in our region; develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in our region; bring up caring attitude towards animals.

6. Lesson: “What kind of holiday is New Year?”

Target: expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the New Year holiday, family, kind, fun.

7. Conducting a competition “Christmas tree - a prickly needle”.

Target: bring up Children have a desire to invent and create something together with their parents.

8. Holiday "Visiting a New Year's fairy tale".

Target: create a joyful mood in children.

"Folk Holidays"

1. Lesson “Folk holidays in Rus'. Christmas, holy week"

Target: Continue to introduce children to the Russian folk holiday - Christmas, "Christmas time", traditions of mumming and caroling. Arouse interest in learning and playing carols - songs of praise to the owner and his entire family. Foster hospitality, the ability to be grateful. Expand children's knowledge about folk holidays in Rus'.

2. Entertainment “The carol has come to visit”.

Target: bring up interest in Russian folk holidays.

3. Exhibition of children's drawings "My angel is always with me".

Target: to arouse in children the desire to reflect in the drawing their ideas and impressions of the holiday.

4. Conversation "Winter - winter".

Target. Expand children's knowledge about winter seasonal changes and winter fun.

5. Lesson "Get the job done".

Target: teach children to finish what they start and not give up halfway work, learn to anticipate the result.

6. Conversation “Our village, its past and present”.

Target: introduce children to the history of the origin of their native village, develop the ability to understand the inextricable connection "past""the present".

7. Looking at photographs depicting familiar places in the village or region.

Target: instill interest and love for one’s native village, region.

8. Applique lesson "Houses of our village"

Target: Summarize children’s ideas about houses (their similarities and differences, the shape and structure of rural and urban houses, bring up love for my native village.

9. Conversation "Folk crafts."

Target. To form a concept about Russian folk toys; instill interest in Russian applied art; create and create based on Russian folk art.

“Strong and mighty are the heroes of glorious Rus'” (for Defender of the Fatherland Day).

1. Examination of Vasnetsov’s painting "Three heroes".

Target: broadening your horizons.

2. Listening to the recording of epics about Ilya Muromets, Mikita Selyaninovich, Nikita Kozhemyak.

Target: introduce the exploits of heroes.

3. Conversation about the traditions and rituals of the holiday - Maslenitsa.

Target: increasing interest in the traditions of the Russian people, introducing children to the tradition of holding national holiday– Maslenitsa through empathy and their direct participation in the common action

4. Lesson "My pedigree".

Target. Teach children to love their family, arouse interest in their ancestry, a desire to talk about their dads, grandfathers, older brothers, uncles.

5. Conversation “We are all different, but we are all equal.”

Target: to form in children the concept that people are not alike, but they are all equal; bring up Children have respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, appearance, or physical disabilities.

6. Holiday "Maslenitsa".

Target: bring up interest in Russian folk holidays, interest in Russian history, national pride.

7. Making gifts for fathers and grandfathers.

Target: instill a desire to take care of your close relatives.

8. Lesson “Who guards the silence?” (with a presentation about the branches of the Russian Army)

Target: expand children’s understanding of the Russian army, consolidate knowledge about various military professions and branches of the military; talk about the people who glorified our country during the war years, about how people honor their memory.

9. Competitive sports and game program "Happy Defender's Day, hero".

Target: to form ideas about one of the main holidays of the country - Defenders of the Fatherland Day, to develop speed, endurance, strength in children,

develop respect for older family members, to people who served in the army, love and pride for their country.

10. Russian folk games according to the folk calendar.

"My mom"

1. Game activity “A mother’s heart warms better than the sun”.

Target: to develop in children kindness of heart, sensitivity of soul, effective love for their mother - for themselves to a loved one, respect for her work. Introduce to fiction.

2. Making a gift for mothers and grandmothers.

Target: bring up desire to please mothers and grandmothers.

Target: To introduce children and parents to Russian folk crafts, to consolidate children’s knowledge about types of paintings, folk dances and folk musical instruments, bring up love and respect for your loved ones, the desire to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, and take care of them.

4. The game is a journey "Moscow is capital of Russia".

Target: introduce children to the sights of Moscow. To form in children the concept of Moscow - the capital, the main city of Russia; educate patriotic, civic feelings.

5. Plot - role-playing game "Daughters - Mothers".

Target: promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life, develop the ability to get along with each other in joint play.

6. Game - get-togethers “Ladushki visiting grandma”.

Target: to form in children the concept of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes, bring up love for oral folk art.

7. Exhibition of children's drawings “I love my mother very much”

Target: instill feelings of love for mother and care for her.

8. Lesson "Walk in the spring park."

Target. Cultivate a love for nature, to the birds; desire to take care of them

"Our Cosmonauts"

1. Lesson "Conquest of Space".

Target: give an idea of ​​outer space; about the nearest star - the Sun, about the earth's satellite - the Moon; bring up respect for the difficult and dangerous profession astronaut Learn to fantasize and dream

2. Lesson “The Earth is our common home.”

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the concept “Earth is our common home”, with the fact that there are many countries and many different nations that we all need to live in peace and harmony.

3. Entertainment “Fast rockets are waiting for us”.

Target: to consolidate children’s knowledge about space, about the first astronauts, to develop children’s agility, speed, strength, endurance, bring up feeling of respect for people.

4. Conversation "Me and my name".

Target: introduce the meaning of the names of children and parents; explain the concept of first name, patronymic, last name; consolidate the ability to understand and explain the meaning of Russian proverbs about family.

5. Drawing lesson "Decorating Easter eggs"

Target: Introduce children to the history of Easter, the features of preparation for it, and methods of painting Easter eggs.

6. Festive gaming activity "Easter meetings".

Target: Continue to introduce children to the holiday Happy Easter, games and entertainment for Easter. Develop interest in the traditions and customs of the people: painting eggs and baking Easter cakes. Foster hospitality, the desire to be kind, generous.

7. Conversation "Victory Banner".

Target: to form elementary representation about the history of the Fatherland, consolidate and generalize knowledge about the types of flags, their purpose; give brief information on the history of banners.

8. Lesson "This Victory Day".

Target: introduce children to life during the Great Patriotic War; to form patriotic feelings and interest in Russia’s past.

"Spring Festival"

1. Entertainment "Vesnyanka".

Target: clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring; develop interest in the culture of your people.

2. Excursion to eternal flame with the laying of flowers at the obelisk of fallen soldiers.

Target: to convey to children the idea that after many years people remember the events of the terrible war and honor the memory of the dead.

3. Festive thematic lesson “Let us bow to those great years”

Target: Introduce children to the feat of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Introduce musical and aesthetic creativity for the military subject matter: proverbs and sayings, songs. Bring up respect and feelings of gratitude to the defenders of the Fatherland.

4. Stand design “My dad and grandfather are defenders of the Fatherland”.

Target: bring up love and respect for close relatives, as defenders of the Motherland.

5. Joint entertainment with 1st grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 “A Fun Journey of Friends.”

Target. Instill interest in school, a desire to study at school

6. Conversation "Grandma and Grandpa Together". Target: expand the idea of ​​family, teach how to navigate family relationships, educate children to be kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards senior, the desire to help them.

7. Drawing competition "My native land". (Together with parents).

Target: bring up love and respect for our small Motherland.

8. Entertainment "Children Protection Day"

Target: Continue to make the Convention on the Rights of the Child accessible to everyone preschoolers uniform.

List of used literature:

1. V. N. Vishnevskaya Program of spiritual and patriotic raising children 5-7 years old, "Light of Rus'", N. A. Arapova-Piskareva,

2. Program moral and patriotic education of preschool children"My native home» , L. V. Kokueva

3. Toolkit"Spiritually moral education of preschoolers on the cultural traditions of their people,” E. Yu. Alexandrova,

4. Yu. P. Gordeeva "The system of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions» .

5. Vetokhina A. Ya. Moral and patriotic education of children preschool age

6. Makhaneva M. D. Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age. – M: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2004.

7. Mosalova L. L. I and the world. Lesson notes on social – moral education preschool children. – St. Petersburg, Childhood – Press, 2010.

8. Program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A Vasilyeva – M.: Mozaika – Synthesis, 2010

Open event on patriotic education in preparatory group

« Csymbols of Russia –

coat of arms, anthem, flag"

MDOU Kindergarten No. 28 “Teremok”

Educator: Kuznetsova T. A.

Program content:

  • To acquaint children with the symbols of Russia - the anthem and coat of arms, to form initial ideas about the origin of the modern state emblem and its functional purpose
  • Strengthen your knowledge of names different countries, about the name of the native country.
  • Foster love and respect for the Motherland


  • globe, world map, pointer;
  • tape recorder, audio recordings of the Russian national anthem
  • coat of arms of the USSR, coat of arms of Russia;
  • coins with the coat of arms of Russia for each child;
  • Flag of Russia;
  • portrait of Russian President D. A. Medvedev;

Vocabulary work:

  • hymn;
  • state;
  • Events;
  • symbol of St. George the Victorious;
  • a spear;
  • rider;
  • banner;
  • the president;
  • standard.

Preliminary work:

  • conversation about the countries of the world;
  • looking at a world map and globe;
  • Conversations about Russian symbols;
  • reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland
  • working with a map of Russia.


  • story
  • conversations
  • reading poems, proverbs and sayings

Progress of the event

Children are sitting at tables. The teacher spins the globe and says:

– Look how many different countries there are on our globe. What countries do you know? (Children's answers.) But there is only one country on it, which we love, which we call our Motherland. Guys, what is this country called? (Children's answers.)

- That's right, this is Russia. Who wants to show our country on the map? (Demonstration by a child.)

What is our Russia like? ( Big, beloved, beautiful, huge, rich, strong.)

– Russia is our Motherland. Guys, explain how you understand what “Motherland” is? (Motherland is the place where we were born; the country in which we live. Each person has one homeland.)

Educator: Guys, who knows a poem about the Motherland?


Great land
Beloved land
Where we were born and live,
We are the bright homeland,
We are the dear Motherland,
We call it our Motherland

Educator: The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland. Remember them.

(To live is to serve the Motherland. The Motherland teaches - the Motherland helps out. He who fights hard for his homeland is a true hero, etc.)– All these proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, the ability to protect it from enemies

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb: He who fights hard for his homeland is a true hero. (Children’s answers)

– That’s right, everyone should defend their homeland from enemies. And of course, such a person who gives his life is a real hero. All these proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, and the ability to defend it from enemies.

Now let's come to the map.

– No country in the world has such a huge territory as Russia. Look at the map. ( The teacher shows the children a map of Russia.) This is how much space the territory of Russia occupies. When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. It may be snowing at one end of our country, but the sun may be blazing hot at the other. To get from one end to the other by train you need to travel 7 days - a week, and fly by plane for almost a day.

– Name the capital of Russia. (Moscow.) Look at this Red Square (show illustration)

– Who will tell a poem about Moscow?


Moscow is Red Square,
Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,
Moscow is the heart of Russia,
who loves you

– Every country on earth, every state has its own symbols. Who knows what they are? What are they needed for? How do you think? (Children's answers.)

Today we will talk to you again about our anthem, coat of arms and flag.

Guys, the anthem is the most important music in our country. This is a song about our country, about how we love it. When the Russian anthem plays, you need to stand up and listen to it while standing. When we stand during the anthem, we express our respect for our state, our country. Our anthem was written by composer Alexandrov and poet Sergei Mikhalkov.

Now I suggest you listen to the Russian anthem.

(Anthem plays.)

– What feelings did you have when you listened to the Russian anthem? Where else have you heard it? (Children's answers.)

The anthem is played at special events and competitions.

And now I want to tell you about our other symbol - about the coat of arms of Russia.

Educator: Now find the coat of arms of our country. (Images are laid out, children choose from the proposed coat of arms of Russia

Previously, our country had such a coat of arms (display). Our country was called the USSR. What is our country called now? (Russia.) And our country’s coat of arms is like this. Look what you see on the coat of arms of Russia, let's look at it. (Examination.) On our coat of arms you see a bird - it’s an eagle, an eagle with two heads, which means that we are an independent state, that people of different nationalities live in our country. For example, like in our group. What nationalities do the children in our group have? That's right, Russians and Tatars. But we are all connected by one Motherland, we have a common homeland. This tape just talks about this, connects two different heads. Pay attention to the icon in the center of the eagles - this rider is called St. George the Victorious. He sits on a white horse, holding a spear in his hands. With this spear he kills the snake. This whole picture symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Our coat of arms is an emblem, a symbol of Russia. The state emblem is installed on special border posts and in places intended for passage into the territory of our country. The country's coat of arms is printed on Russian coins. Why do you think? You have coins on your tables, look at them carefully, what is printed on them? The double-headed eagle symbolizes the power and might of our state. What does horseman mean? Put the coins in place. The coat of arms of our country is used on seals that confirm the authenticity of documents.

– Who knows a poem about the coat of arms?


Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west, to the east
He could look right away
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is Russia's free spirit.

– Guys, another symbol of Russia is the birch tree. This is the most favorite tree among the Russian people. Many poets wrote their poems about her. Now let's do a warm-up.

Physical education minute:

Hands raised and shook
These are birch trees in the forest,
Arms bent, hands shaken -
The wind blows away the dew.
Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly,
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll also show you how they sit down.
Arms bent back

Look what a beautiful flag our country has. Let's remember where we often see the flag? (They are hung at serious state events, on buildings, at competitions. The flag of our country is also a distinctive sign. Many years, centuries ago, instead of a flag, they used a pole, tied a bunch of grass and a horse’s tail to it. Troops were drawn to this flag - and they were called banners. Then banners began to be made of fabric, most often red. And under Tsar Peter I, this tricolor flag appeared. What do the colors on our flag mean? (Listen to the children’s answers.) Let’s repeat: White color means peace and purity of conscience; blue – sky, loyalty and truth; red – fire and courage. The flag is a sign of power. The head of our state also has it. Who is the head of our state? (President.) What is the name of our president? The flag carried by the president is called a standard. Let's repeat this name. The standard has a square shape, in the center there is a double-headed eagle, the edges are decorated with gold fringe.

- Well done! Who will recite a poem about the flag?


White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky,
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn

– Children, you have rectangles of colored paper on your tables. I would like you to make a Russian flag as a souvenir of this lesson. Get to work. (Children make applique)

– Guys, what new and interesting things did you learn in this lesson? What stood out to you or what stood out to you. (Children's answers) Please think at home and draw where the symbols of our state are found. Now raise the sun if you enjoyed studying today. Or a cloud if you didn't like it. Well done guys today in class the children (I call them children) did a good job. I would like to present you with these medals with the Russian flag.

Page views: 245

Organization: GBDOU kindergarten No. 63

Locality: St. Petersburg

Objectives of moral and patriotic education:

*To instill in children love and affection for family, home, small homeland.

*To form basic knowledge about human rights, to cultivate high moral feelings, humanism, and respect for the traditions of other peoples.

*Consolidate knowledge about the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

*Develop interest in Russian traditions.

*develop a caring attitude towards nature and all living things.

*Expand children's knowledge about Russia, develop a sense of pride in their Motherland and people.

*Cultivate respect for work.

*Expand your understanding of Russian cities.


1. Entertainment “Day of Knowledge”

Goal: to give children the idea that everyone needs knowledge, a book is a source of knowledge, school.

2.Lesson “Me and my rights”

Goal: continue to introduce children to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (in an accessible form)

3.Drawing “The house where I live”

Goal: to make children want to reflect in their drawings their love for their home and respect for family members.

4. Conversations with children about household responsibilities, about family traditions and holidays.

Goal: to form ideas about family traditions and holidays, to develop a sense of pride in your family.

5. Role-playing game “Family”

Goal: to develop the ability to play in joint activities.

6. Lesson “My Family”

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the composition of the family, to cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

7. Exhibition of drawings on the theme “My small Motherland”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about the sights of the city, cultivate love for your hometown.

8. Conversation “Calling Mom at Work”

Goal: to form the basics of etiquette.

1. Tour of the kindergarten.

Goal: to introduce children to the premises and staff of the kindergarten.

2. A conversation about the importance of the work of all people working in kindergarten.

Goal: to deepen children’s knowledge that there are many people working in kindergarten who care about them, to cultivate respect for kindergarten employees.

3. Lesson “Our kindergarten”

Goal: to consolidate, deepen, expand knowledge about the work of a teacher. Assistant teacher, cook, doctor.

4. Exhibition of joint creativity of parents and children on the theme “Autumn Fantasy”

Goal: to cultivate in children and parents a desire to invent and create something together.

5. Lesson “Let’s play together”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about a friendly attitude towards peers, about the need to play together.

6.Singing songs and reading poems about kindergarten.

Goal: to develop children's memory and speech.

7. Conversation “Gifts of Nature”

Goal: expand children's understanding of the benefits of vegetables and fruits; show the importance of bread in people's lives; cultivate respect for work.

8. Entertainment “Autumn Gatherings”

Goal: fostering a love for Russian culture, developing an interest in peasant life and Russian folklore.

1. Conversation “Tell me where you live”

Goal: expand children’s knowledge about their hometown, develop communication skills.

2. Lesson “Russian Independence Day”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of the holiday; introduce monuments dedicated to these events; foster a sense of pride in your people.

3. Conversation “Whoever wishes good for people gets it himself”

Goal: to promote the development of the ability to guess the feelings and mood of another person.

4. Lesson “National Flag of the Russian Federation”.

Purpose: to introduce the state flag, the purpose, symbolism of colors and their relative positions.

5. Conversation “Nature of Russia”.

Goal: to form children’s understanding of the beauty of Russia’s nature, to cultivate a sense of pride that they live in such a beautiful country.

6. Lesson “National Anthem of Russia”

Purpose: to introduce the Russian national anthem. Tell about its origin and content.

7. Entertainment “Mom, you are the best in the world”

Goal: to instill a feeling of love and care for mother.

8. Photo exhibition “I love my grandmother very much, I love my mother’s mother”

Goal: to cultivate a desire to take care of your grandmother, be proud of and love her.

1. Conversation “The laws by which we live.”

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the concept of the “Constitution”, expand their knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of the child.

2. Reading the fairy tale “The Adventures of Chipolino” by D. Rodari.

Goal: talk with children about the fairness of the fairy-tale state.

3. Conversation “What is good and what is bad”

Goal: to reveal to children the meaning of the words “impossible”, “possible”, “must”, and teach them to evaluate actions.

4. The teacher’s story about the New Year’s Eve and an imaginary journey on the map.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about New Year’s symbols and New Year’s customs.

5 Conducting the “Winter Craft” competition

Goal: to encourage children and parents to invent and create something together.

6.Designing the group for the holiday.

Goal: To create a desire for everyone to decorate the group together and work together.

7.Making New Year's gifts

Goal: to instill a desire to take care of family and friends.

8. Holiday "New Year's Carnival"

Goal: to make children want to celebrate together, to create a joyful mood.

1. Lesson “Folk holidays in Rus'. Christmas"

Purpose: to introduce the tradition of celebration Orthodox holiday Nativity; cultivate interest in national traditions; expand children's knowledge about folk holidays in Rus'.

2. Entertainment “Carol has come to visit”

Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays.

3. Lesson “School of Green Light”

Goal: to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

4. Conversation “Winter-winter”.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about winter seasonal changes and winter fun.

5. Exhibition of drawings “Winter Holidays”.

Goal: to arouse in children a desire to reflect their impressions in drawings, to cultivate love and respect for national holidays.

6. Conversation “Birch tree - a symbol of Russia”

Goal: to cultivate a desire to learn more about the symbol of Russia, the Russian birch, to instill love for the Motherland.

7. Conversation “Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the heroic victory of Leningraders during the days of the siege.

1. Conversation “We are all different, but we are all equal.”

Goal: expand children's knowledge about people different nationalities living in Russia; work on the concept of “citizen”, introduce national holidays different peoples.

2. Examination of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”

Goal: broadening your horizons.

3. Listening to the recording of epics about Ilya Muromets, Nikita Kozhemyak.

Goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the exploits of Russian heroes.

4. Conversation “My friends”

Goal: to form in children the concept that people are not alike, but are all equal; to instill in children respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, appearance, or physical disabilities.

5. Lesson “Our Army”.

Goal: to continue to expand children's understanding of the Russian army; consolidate knowledge about military professions, instill respect for people of these professions.

6. Entertainment “Dad and I are Russian heroes”

Goal: develop speed, strength, endurance, attention.

7. Making gifts for fathers and grandfathers.

Goal: to instill an attentive, caring attitude towards loved ones.

8.Photo exhibition “Portrait of the Pope.”

Goal: to give a good mood.

1. Maslenitsa holiday.

Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays, interest in the history of Russia, and national pride.

2. Lesson “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important.”

Goal: to cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother, the desire to help her.

3. Exhibition of children's drawings “Beloved Mommy, My Mommy.”

Goal: to instill a feeling of love for mother, taking care of her.

4. Making gifts for mothers and grandmothers.

Goal: to instill a desire to give gifts to family and friends.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to congratulate all women on this wonderful holiday.

6. The plot-role-playing game “Daughters and Mothers”.

Goal: to promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life, the ability to play in a team, and distribute roles.

7.Russian folk game “Ladushki visiting grandma.”

Goal: to continue to form in children the concept of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes; cultivate interest in oral folk art.

8. Lesson “Walk through the spring forest.”

Goal: to cultivate a love for nature, for birds, and a desire to take care of it.

1. Lesson “Conquest of space”.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​outer space, about the star - the Sun, about the earth's satellite - the Moon, to teach to fantasize and dream.

2. Conversation “Our cosmonauts.”

Goal: to continue to introduce the profession of an astronaut (watching a video), to cultivate love and respect for this dangerous and difficult profession.

3. Sports entertainment “We are astronauts.”

Goal: to develop children's agility, speed and endurance.

4. Lesson “The Earth is our common home.”

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the fact that there are many countries and many different peoples on Earth, that everyone should live in peace and harmony.

5. Entertainment “Spring gatherings”.

Goal: to develop interest in the culture and folklore of the Russian people.

6. Conversation about school, excursion to school.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about school, to create a desire to learn.

7. Lesson “Easter Holiday”.

Goal: to develop interest in the culture of your people; develop the ability to apply knowledge about national culture in various activities.

1. Conversation “Feast of Spring and Labor”.
Goal: expand and deepen knowledge about this holiday.

2.Thematic lesson “Victory Day”

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the exploits of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War; to form patriotic feelings, remember which streets in St. Petersburg are named in honor of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

3.Excursion and laying flowers at the memorial.

Purpose: memory and respect.

4. Conversation “Russia is united and invincible”

Goal: to cultivate interest and respect for the historical past.

5. Lesson “City Day”.

Purpose: to introduce the history of the city; develop the ability to understand the connection between “past and present”.

6.Looking at illustrations depicting the most famous places in the city or region.

Goal: to instill interest and love for one’s hometown and region.

7. Exhibition of children's drawings “My favorite place in the city"

8. Graduation party “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Goal: to cultivate in children a desire to play and have fun with their peers and parents.

List of used literature:

1. The program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

2.A.Ya. Vetokhina “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children”

3. L.P. Ushakova “Patriotic education of preschool children. Familiarization with the events of V.O. wars of 1941-1945"

4.I.A.Lykova " Visual activities in kindergarten" (preparatory group)

5. O.A. Skorolupova “Conquest of Space”

6.I.Yu.Kupersky “St. Petersburg”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 "Firefly"

Prepared by teacher Budaragina L.M.


  • To cultivate in a child a feeling of love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city.
  • Develop a caring attitude towards nature and all living things.
  • Foster respect for work.
  • Develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts.
  • To develop basic knowledge about human rights.
  • Expand your understanding of Russian cities.
  • Introduce children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).
  • Develop a sense of responsibility and pride for the country's achievements.
  • To develop tolerance and a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

The system and sequence of work on moral and patriotic education of children is presented as follows:

  • Kindergarten;
  • Family;
  • Native street, district;
  • Hometown;
  • Country, its capital, symbols;
  • Rights and obligations (Constitution);
  • Child's rights (convention).

When solving the problems of moral and patriotic education, we build our work taking into account the following principles:

  • "Positive Centrism" (selection of knowledge most relevant for a child of a given age);
  • Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;
  • A differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of his psychological characteristics, capabilities and interests;
  • A rational combination of different types of activities, an age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor stress;
  • Activity approach;
  • Developmental nature of education based on children's activity.




"My favorite kindergarten"

1. Entertainment "Day of Knowledge".

Goal: To give children the idea that everyone needs knowledge; the source of knowledge is books, the older generation, and school.

2. A tour of the kindergarten and an introduction to the work of the employees.

Goal: to introduce children to the premises and staff of the kindergarten, to deepen children’s knowledge that there are many people working in the kindergarten who care about them, to create a desire to help them, to bring joy.

3. Lesson "Our kindergarten"

Goal: to consolidate, deepen, expand knowledge about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, doctor.

4. Conversation: “Where there is neatness, there is neatness”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge and skills about etiquette.

5. Ecological excursion to the autumn forest.

Goal: To help deepen children’s understanding of the forest: to identify children’s knowledge of the flora and fauna of the forest, to develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest.

6. Lesson “We will play together”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about a friendly attitude towards peers, about the need to play together.

6. Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic "My favorite kindergarten" .

Goal: to arouse in children a desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in drawings, to cultivate love for their kindergarten; friendly attitude towards peers; develop respect for kindergarten staff.

"My family"

1. Lesson "Our friendly family" .

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the composition of the family, to cultivate love and respect for close relatives.

2. Lesson "Journey through my native village"

Goal: To instill in children a feeling of love for their small Motherland, their native village, to systematize knowledge about the sights of the village, the nature of their native land.

3. Competitive and sports program "Colors of Autumn" among the older groups of two kindergartens on the base "Children and Youth Center"

Target; systematize children's knowledge about autumn, evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities.

4. Children's stories about family members based on personal experience.

Goal: to instill love and respect for close relatives, respect for their work.

5. Conversation “Respect your father and mother - there will be grace in life” .

Goal: to cultivate love and respect for parents.

6. Drawing on a theme "My family"

Goal: to arouse in children the desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing. Cultivate love and respect for your family members.

7. Lesson “I’m baking, I’m baking bread” .

Goal: to introduce children to the process of growing bread; give an idea of ​​how bread came to our table; to cultivate a caring attitude toward bread, respect for human labor, and an understanding that everyone’s work makes our life and country better and richer.

8. Folklore festival "Oseniny"

Goal: to form children’s knowledge about autumn natural phenomena, to develop curiosity, the desire to learn something new, to cultivate interest and love for folklore, to have an emotional impact on children.

9. Excursion to the mini-museum "Russian hut"

Goal: To arouse interest in the history and culture of the Russian people. Introduce household items, the Russian stove, the purpose of its individual parts (furnace, stove bench, pipe, damper, valve, step, stove, mouth). Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales and riddles.

"Our Motherland-Russia" .

1. Conversation "Our Motherland-Russia" .

Goal: to clarify, deepen knowledge and ideas about Russia (territory, president, capital, language).

2. Conversation "Nature of Russia" . Goal: to form children’s understanding of the beauty of Russia’s nature, to cultivate a sense of pride that they live in such a beautiful country.

3. Conversation "The birch tree is a symbol of Russia."

Target. To cultivate a desire to learn more about the symbol of Russia - the Russian birch tree, to learn poems and songs about the birch tree, to awaken interest in nature through artistic and poetic creativity. Instill love for the Motherland.

4. Applique lesson “I love Russian birch”

Goal: to create a desire to reflect in your work impressions and ideas about your small homeland, to cultivate love and respect for it.

5. Integrated lesson "State symbols of Russia" .

Purpose: to introduce the State flag and coat of arms of Russia, the purpose, symbolism of flowers and their relative positions.

6. Conversation “Whoever wishes good for people gets it himself”

Goal: to teach to understand oneself through knowledge of one’s feelings, to promote the development of the ability to guess the feelings and mood of another person, to cultivate a sense of compassion and mercy.

7. Reading competition "Poems about Mom" .

Goal: to cultivate feelings of love, respect and care for mother.

8. Lesson "National Anthem of Russia"

Purpose: to introduce the national anthem of Russia and the rules for its use, talk about its origin, purpose, content; determine its features, similar to those of other musical works and different from them, communication skills.

9. Lesson “All kinds of mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the work of a mother at home and at work, to cultivate feelings of love, respect and care for women; expand ideas about professions.

10. Mother's Day Celebration “Mom, my dear!”

Goal: to instill feelings of love and care for mom.”

11. Entertainment “A child’s heart is open to friendship”

Goal: Continue to consolidate children’s ideas about friendship, form concepts "Friends" , "comrades" . Teach to be attentive, friendly to peers, and take care of younger ones. Reinforce the rules of true friendship.

"New Year at the Gate"

1. Conversation: "What is good and what is bad?"

Goal: to reveal to children the meaning of words "it is forbidden" , "Can" , "necessary" ; learn to evaluate actions and correlate them with words good and bad.

2. Lesson “My native country!” .

Goal: continue to introduce people to their native country (city, anthem, flag of Russia); develop a sense of pride for the country. Create a desire to learn more about Russia.

3. Making an album "Native side" .

Goal: to instill love and respect for nature, to expand children’s knowledge about their native land.

4. Entertainment "About the rights of playing" .

Goal: to expand children's knowledge about child rights in a form accessible to them.

5. Conversation "Fauna of our region" .

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the environmental conditions to which animals and plants have adapted in our region; develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in our region; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

6. Lesson: “What kind of holiday is New Year?”

Goal: to expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the New Year holiday, family, kind, fun.

7. Conducting a competition “Christmas tree - a prickly needle” .

Goal: to cultivate in children a desire to invent and create something together with their parents.

8. Holiday "Visiting a New Year's fairy tale" .

Goal: to create a joyful mood in children.

"Folk Holidays"

1. Lesson “Folk holidays in Rus'. Christmas, holy week"

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the Russian folk holiday - Christmas, "Christmas time" , traditions of mumming and caroling. Arouse interest in learning and playing carols - songs of praise to the owner and his entire family. Cultivate hospitality and the ability to be grateful. Expand children's knowledge about folk holidays in Rus'.

2. Entertainment “The carol has come to visit” .

Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays.

3. Exhibition of children's drawings "My angel is always with me" .

Goal: to make children want to reflect their ideas and impressions of the holiday in a drawing.

4. Conversation "Winter - winter".

Target. Expand children's knowledge about winter seasonal changes and winter fun.

5. Lesson "Get the job done" .

Goal: to teach children to finish what they start, not to quit their work halfway, to teach them to foresee the result.

6. Conversation “Our village, its past and present” .

Goal: to introduce children to the history of the origin of their native village, to develop the ability to understand the inextricable connection "past" "the present" .

7. Looking at photographs depicting familiar places in the village or region.

Goal: to instill interest and love for one’s native village and region.

8. Applique lesson "Houses of our village"

Purpose: To summarize children’s ideas about houses (their similarities and differences, the shape and structure of rural and urban houses), cultivate love for your native village.

9. Conversation "Folk crafts."

Target. To form a concept about Russian folk toys; instill interest in Russian applied art; create and create based on Russian folk art.

“Strong and mighty are the heroes of glorious Rus'” (for Defender of the Fatherland Day).

1. Examination of Vasnetsov’s painting "Three heroes" .

Goal: broadening your horizons.

2. Listening to the recording of epics about Ilya Muromets, Mikita Selyaninovich, Nikita Kozhemyak.

Purpose: to introduce the exploits of heroes.

3. Conversation about the traditions and rituals of the holiday - Maslenitsa.

Goal: increasing interest in the traditions of the Russian people, introducing children to the tradition of the national holiday - Maslenitsa through empathy and their direct participation in the common action

4. Lesson "My pedigree".

Target. Teach children to love their family, arouse interest in their ancestry, a desire to talk about their dads, grandfathers, older brothers, uncles.

5. Conversation “We are all different, but we are all equal.”

Goal: to form in children the concept that people are not alike, but they are all equal; to instill in children respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, appearance, or physical disabilities.

6. Holiday "Maslenitsa" .

Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays, interest in the history of Russia, and national pride.

7. Making gifts for fathers and grandfathers.

Goal: to instill a desire to take care of your close relatives.

8. Lesson “Who guards the silence?” (with a presentation about the branches of the Russian Army)

Goal: expand children’s understanding of the Russian army, consolidate knowledge about various military professions and branches of the military; talk about the people who glorified our country during the war years, about how people honor their memory.

9. Competitive sports and game program "Happy Defender's Day, hero" .

Goal: to form ideas about one of the main holidays of the country - Defenders of the Fatherland Day, to develop in children speed, endurance, strength,

to cultivate respect for older family members, people who served in the army, love and pride for their country.

10. Russian folk games according to the folk calendar.

"My mom"

1. Game activity “A mother’s heart warms better than the sun” .

Goal: to develop in children kindness of heart, sensitivity of soul, effective love for their mother - the dearest person, respect for her work. Introduce to fiction.

2. Making a gift for mothers and grandmothers.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to please mothers and grandmothers.

Goal: To introduce children and parents to Russian folk arts and crafts, to consolidate children’s knowledge of types of paintings, folk dances and folk musical instruments, to cultivate love and respect for their loved ones, a desire to congratulate mothers and grandmothers, and take care of them.

4. The game is a journey "Moscow is capital of Russia" .

Goal: to introduce children to the sights of Moscow. To form in children the concept of Moscow - the capital, the main city of Russia; cultivate patriotic and civic feelings.

5. Story-based role-playing game "Daughters - Mothers" .

Goal: to promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life, to develop the ability to get along with each other in a joint game.

6. Game - get-togethers “Ladushki visiting grandma” .

Goal: to form in children an understanding of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes, and to cultivate a love for oral folk art.

7. Exhibition of children's drawings “I love my mother very much”

Goal: to instill feelings of love for mother and care for her.

8. Lesson "Walk in the spring park."

Target. Foster a love of nature and birds; desire to take care of them

"Our Cosmonauts"

1. Lesson "Conquest of Space" .

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​outer space; about the nearest star - the Sun, about the earth's satellite - the Moon; to cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of astronaut. Learn to fantasize and dream

2. Lesson “The Earth is our common home.”

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the concept “Earth is our common home”, with the fact that there are many countries and many different peoples on Earth, that we all need to live in peace and harmony.

3. Entertainment “Fast rockets are waiting for us” .

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about space, about the first astronauts, to develop children’s agility, speed, strength, endurance, and to cultivate a sense of respect for people.

4. Conversation "Me and my name" .

Purpose: to introduce the meaning of the names of children and parents; explain the concept of first name, patronymic, last name; consolidate the ability to understand and explain the meaning of Russian proverbs about family.

5. Drawing lesson "Decorating Easter eggs"

Goal: To acquaint children with the history of Easter, the features of preparation for it, and methods of painting Easter eggs.

6. Festive gaming activity "Easter meetings" .

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the holiday of Easter, games and entertainment on Easter. Develop interest in the traditions and customs of the people: painting eggs and baking Easter cakes. Cultivate hospitality, the desire to be kind and generous.

7. Conversation "Victory Banner" .

Goal: to form a basic understanding of the history of the Fatherland, consolidate and generalize knowledge about the types of flags and their purpose; give brief information on the history of banners.

8. Lesson "This Victory Day" .

Goal: to introduce children to life during the Great Patriotic War; to form patriotic feelings and interest in Russia’s past.

"Spring Festival"

1. Entertainment "Vesnyanka" .

Goal: to clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring; develop interest in the culture of your people.

2. Excursion to the eternal flame with laying flowers at the obelisk of fallen soldiers.

Goal: to convey to children the idea that after many years people remember the events of the terrible war and honor the memory of those who died.

3. Holiday themed activity “Let us bow to those great years”

Goal: To acquaint children with the feat of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Introduce musical and aesthetic creativity on military topics: proverbs and sayings, songs. To cultivate respect and feelings of gratitude for the defenders of the Fatherland.

4. Stand design “My dad and grandfather are defenders of the Fatherland” .

Goal: to cultivate love and respect for close relatives as defenders of the Motherland.

5. Joint entertainment with 1st grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 “A Fun Journey of Friends.”

Target. Instill interest in school, a desire to study at school

6. Conversation "Grandma and Grandpa Together" . Goal: to expand the idea of ​​family, to teach how to navigate family relationships, to cultivate in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders, and a desire to help them.

7. Drawing competition "My native land" . (Together with parents).

Goal: to cultivate love and respect for our small Motherland.

8. Entertainment "Children Protection Day"

Goal: to continue to introduce the Convention on the Rights of the Child in a form accessible to preschoolers.

List of used literature:

  1. V.N. Vishnevskaya Program for spiritual and patriotic education of children 5-7 years old, "Light of Rus'" , ON THE. Arapova-Piskareva,
  2. Program for moral and patriotic education of preschool children "My home" , L.V. Kokueva
  3. Toolkit “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children based on the cultural traditions of their people” , E.Yu. Alexandrova,
  4. Yu.P. Gordeeva “The system of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions” .
  5. Vetokhina A.Ya. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. – St. Petersburg, Childhood – Press, 2010.
  6. Makhaneva M.D. Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age. – M: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2004.
  7. Mosalova L.L. Me and the world. Lesson notes on social and moral education of preschool children. – St. Petersburg, Childhood – Press, 2010.
  8. The program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2010