When is diver's day? Diver's Day. The history of diving into one of the most dangerous professions Diver's Day is celebrated

Every year May 5th is celebrated in Russia Diver's Day. This holiday was established as a professional holiday in 2002 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin at the request of representatives of diving organizations, services and structural divisions of various ministries and departments.

The date for the establishment of this holiday was an important historical event - (April 23) May 5, 1882, by Decree of Alexander III, the world's first diving school was founded in Kronstadt. The Emperor's Decree stated that the diving school should train “officers and lower ranks experienced in diving for shipboard needs and underwater mine work.”

Back in the mid-19th century, after the end of the Crimean War and the liberation of Sevastopol, there was an urgent need for divers to lift guns from sunken ships and clear the fairway. Although, according to contemporaries, there were similar specialists in the navy at that time, “they were sometimes poorly trained, but they valued their work dearly.” In addition, the development of diving in our country of that period was due to the development navy and mine affairs. Already in 1861, divers were introduced into the crews of warships of the Russian fleet, and diving equipment became service property.

The opening of a diving school in Kronstadt in 1882 put an end to the artisanal training of specialists. Now the training of specialists in this profile has been put on a scientific and methodological basis. Its founder and enlightened leader was captain 1st rank (later admiral) V.P. Verkhovsky, and captain-lieutenant A.G. was appointed head of the diving school. Leontyev.

By the end of the 19th century, the school had significant groundwork in the theory and practice of diving and enjoyed fame and respect in the world. At that time in Europe it was considered an honor to go to study in Kronstadt. The whole world knows the Russian diving school. “We are from Kronstadt” - this is becoming global recognition of professional training. The undoubted credit for this belongs to all its personnel, who were painstakingly selected by the command in the fleet and in the country's institutions.

In addition, the creation of this educational institution marked a new stage in the development of diving in our country. The diving school became a center that united scientific thought in the field of diving and underwater physiology.

For a long time, the training center remained the only one in the world where diving specialists were trained. Today, the heir to the Kronstadt diving school is the Naval Engineering Institute, formed in 1998 as a result of the merger of the VVMIU named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky and VVMIU named after V.I. Lenin. This St. Petersburg naval technical university worthily bears the high title of one of the best educational institutions in Russia that train divers.

Specialists of this profession today work in many departments and structures, industries and spheres of life. modern society. But until now, diving remains a rather complex and dangerous profession. Therefore, serious demands are placed on a person engaged in this activity - in addition to professional skills, the diver must have stress resistance, a calm and balanced character, good hearing, intelligible speech and, of course, physical endurance. And everything cannot but command respect.

Diver's Day is a professional holiday for divers. The celebrations are attended by divers, diving equipment manufacturers, diving instructors, diving enthusiasts, teachers, students and graduates of the Naval Engineering Institute.

Significance: the holiday is dedicated to the founding of the first diving school in Kronstadt on May 5, 1882.

Traditionally on this day divers are awarded certificates of honor, diplomas, orders, medals, make notes of gratitude in personal files.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

Diver Day was established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation V. Putin dated May 5, 2002. The date of the holiday coincides with the founding of the first diving school in the city of Kronstadt on May 5, 1882 by order of the All-Russian Emperor Alexander III.

Holiday traditions

On Diver's Day, the leadership of the units of the Russian Navy and the Ministry emergency situations(Ministry of Emergency Situations) presents certificates and diplomas to divers, makes notes of gratitude in personal files, awards medals and orders for outstanding services, heroism and courage. On this professional holiday, sports competitions and competitions for putting on underwater equipment among divers are organized.

Daily task

Watch a documentary or feature film about the work of divers.

  • On May 4, 2012, the Kronstadt Maritime Museum opened. It is dedicated to the history of diving in Russia and the history of Kronstadt.
  • The diving suit was invented by the English designer August Siebe in 1819.
  • Scuba diving was invented by the French J.-I. Cousteau and E. Gagnan in 1943.
  • There is a search and rescue dog breed - “diver”, or “Newfoundland”. The animal swims and dives well. The diver has a water-repellent double coat.
  • The most common disease among divers is decompression sickness. It occurs when diving to depth due to a rapid decrease in the pressure of the inhaled gas mixture. This leads to the formation of gas bubbles in the blood, which destroy cells and the walls of blood vessels. In its severe form, decompression sickness leads to paralysis and death.


"Dear Guys! We sincerely congratulate you on professional holiday- Diver's Day. Your service is a dangerous, but necessary task for society, which you perform with dignity. We express our gratitude, appreciation and respect to you for not looking for easy ways and choosing truly important and serious work that benefits people. You are real men who risk themselves for the benefit of others. We love you, we appreciate you, we congratulate you!

“Water is an alien element for us, but sometimes someone has to go down into it. Then you, the divers, come to the rescue, and we can say with confidence that there are no secrets for you under the water column, and even if the work is difficult, you can handle it! Please accept our congratulations on Diver’s Day and good luck, because you need it so much!”

“Congratulations to all those who, without fear, plunge into the endless seas and oceans, exploring the bottom and performing other difficult tasks. We wish you calmness and determination in your dives, may all dangers pass you by.”


Antifog. Antifog - a special gel that eliminates fogging of the mask - will serve as a pleasant and a useful gift to someone whose work or hobby involves deep diving.

Hermetic case. A sealed waterproof case will allow you to take gadgets or things with you and keep them dry during a dive.

Underwater camera. An underwater camera will serve as an unexpected and pleasant surprise that will allow you to film the inhabitants underwater world.

Equipment. Diving equipment makes excellent thematic and a practical gift. The diver will be glad to have a new wetsuit, mask, fins or rock shoes.


Fastest diver
Participants of the competition are given fins and masks for scuba diving. Contestants are asked to put on props and walk along a given route. The route can be depicted with arrows on the floor, and improvised obstacles will be placed along the way. The winner is the participant who orients himself best and gets to the finish line the fastest.

Sunken treasure
For the competition it is necessary to prepare a chest in which the treasure is placed. This could be some unusual item or souvenir: a figurine, a chocolate figurine, a tin can, etc. Guests of the competition are invited to guess what treasure was found on the sunken ship and take turns asking questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No”. The winner is the one who names the hidden object first.

Underwater dancing
Participants of the competition are given equipment: masks, fins, wetsuits, life jackets, inflatable children's rings. Having put on the props, the contestants line up and begin to dance to the music provided. To complicate the task, you can replace fast melodies with slow ones. At the end of the competition, the winner is determined by audience voting.

About the diver's profession

Divers examine the bottom, conduct search and rescue operations, repair diving equipment, maintain underwater structures, repair ships underwater, and protect ships from the actions of sabotage groups.

They serve in units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the Navy. In Russia, such specialists are trained by the Naval Engineering Institute in St. Petersburg.

The diver must be resilient, stress-resistant, able to act in extreme situations and provide first aid.

A rare profession that requires endurance, excellent health, and good psyche is divers. This professional holiday is dedicated to such brave people.


The history of the holiday dates back to the reign of Alexander III. In 1882, on April 28 (May 5, new style), the ruler issued a decree on the creation of the world's first diving school. A school was opened in the city of Kronstadt. The main task of the institution was to train specialists to carry out work on the installation of underwater mines and other ship matters.

After the liberation of the hero city of Sevastopol and the end of the Crimean War, the profession of divers became in great demand. It was necessary to retrieve the submerged gun from the bottom. The divers valued their work, although they were poorly trained at that time. The school in Kronstadt was considered not prestigious; the level of training of specialists was low. By the end of the 19th century, good specialists were found to solve this problem. Admiral V.P. Verkhovsky was appointed director of the school, and Lieutenant Commander A.G. Leontyev was appointed head. After the change of personnel, the school began to work in accordance with scientific and methodological instructions. The institution acquired prestige, everyone who wanted to devote their professional activity diving, I dreamed of studying here. The Russian school has won worldwide recognition. For a long time it remained the only one in Russia.

Today there is a military-technical university in St. Petersburg, which continues the work of the Kronstadt school. University graduates work in various departments and structures of our state. Divers work at hydroelectric power plants, oil platforms, ships, survey natural bodies of water, and work as rescuers.

The work of a diver is difficult and dangerous. Previously, specialists had difficulty moving in their suit; today, equipment has been created that is more comfortable and lighter in weight. But the working conditions cannot be changed - these are cold and pressure changes.


On the day of the celebration, ceremonial meetings of veterans are held. Management rewards employees for high achievements, presents awards, medals and bonuses. Newcomers undergo a “baptism of fire.” Sports competitions are held on this day and the winners are awarded valuable gifts. When meeting, experienced divers share their experiences with university graduates and tell interesting stories that happen on almost every dive.

Divers who conquer the depths and enjoy themselves consider Diver's Day as their holiday and also celebrate it on a considerable scale.

What do we know about such a profession as a diver? Probably only that this is a rather rare dangerous profession. Only strong-willed people can devote their lives to such hard work. But the areas where the labor of divers is used are very diverse - this is the maintenance of underwater structures, hydroelectric power stations, oil platforms, ship repair work, inspection of natural reservoirs, rescue work. And if you add to this work in any weather conditions, pressure changes during diving, cold...

In order to adequately appreciate the work of divers, May 5, 2002 was officially proclaimed Diver's Day. This date was not chosen by chance. On May 5, 1882, the world's first and only diving school was opened in Kronstadt, and divers all over the world considered it an honor to study at this school. The well-known words “we are from Kronstadt” came from there.

Conquerors of the depths
Glorious heights of life!
I can handle this job
Only the best of men.

We want to wish you
Never lose heart.
Both on land and at sea
Know neither trouble nor grief.

And on the path of life
Find a treasure trove.

Happy Diver's Day!
Good luck with everything,
I wish you good health
And my soul felt light.

Let love surround you everywhere,
Let the joy of the eyes never leave,
Let the waves of happiness cover you.
Well, in general, congratulations, diver!

Congratulations on Diver's Day. I wish to be a real king of the underwater world and a true king of a wealthy life. May all the secrets of the sea and not only the depths be revealed to you, may all the secrets of great success and happiness be known to you. Health to the diver, good strength and good luck!

Divers are not afraid
Depths and dives,
We congratulate them today
And we wish them good luck,
Their work is dangerous, and
It is very important and needed
May it always be without incident
They get out onto land!

Congratulations, divers,
Congratulations on your holiday,
May luck be with you,
Happiness will be endless.

You to explore the depths
With great zeal I wish,
Your courage, resilience, will
On this glorious holiday I glorify.

May your work be appreciated
Let life be joyful.
For a bottle of love and passion,
Diver, always hold on.

Diver's Day - best holiday in the world,
To all conquerors of the deep sea,
I want to say that you are my idols,
I don’t know if I’m braver than men!

May you feel comfortable in the depths,
Success always accompanies everything,
And you were agile like fish,
We worked without stress or interference.

Let the sun shine and warm you,
And at home they wait with hope, lovingly,
May you have enough kindness and happiness,
Take care of yourself, dears!

I wish on Diver's Day
Only successful dives to you,
And always look into both eyes,
Carrying out a hundred assignments!

I wish this job
Appreciated by a good salary,
So that when you dive under water,
I was happy with my rich life!

Excellent job -
Dive to the bottom of the lake,
All underwater beauties
Study with interest.

I wish the diver
More joyful moments.
New and different impressions
Let the reservoirs carry them!

You often visit the depths of the underwater,
You know all the fish by species and names.
What family and what subclass,
In short, you are a wonderful diver.

With love, I congratulate you on your triumph,
I wish you success underwater and on land!
Let everything go well that you think of,
Let a sea of ​​love splash around the area.

You are not afraid of the depth,
Blue, azure and even darkness.
You will bravely step towards her,
You will swim underwater
Meters, distances, kilometers
And you will discover moments
That no one can see.
Joy to you and more than one!
So that you live happily,
The days pass by stormily,
Fun, light and gentle,
Find a valuable find.

The surface of the waters is above now.
We go from the side down to the bottom.
Everything is serious here - believe me.
Yes, it’s not like it’s time to rest.
Work is often exhausting...
And a reward is a reward.
Water and blood through the nose,
Your answer is the word “need”!
Don't give decompression sickness time.
... you don’t feel the disease right away.
Be reasonable - and it will be good
The destiny of a brave diver...

Post Views: 347

Main historical milestones in the development of diving in Russia

May 5th is Diver's Day for a reason. It was on this day in 1882 on the territory Russian Empire The world's first diving school was created. Alexander 3 had a hand in opening the school, who opened it in Kronstadt. For that time, this was an unprecedented event, the expediency of which not everyone could understand. Over the years, of course, opening a school justified itself, but that's a completely different story.

Combat swimmers

The main task of training at the school was to train cadets in mining at various depths, as well as to learn how to carry out some repair work also under water. Not every cadet was able to complete the entire course, which indicated high quality preparation. People came from all over the world to study at the diving school, but not everyone managed to get there.

Over time, the role of divers during wars has increased. Among other things, they were tasked with raising guns from sunken ships from the bottom, which had a positive effect on the military equipment of the Russian Empire. It was not difficult for them to carry out these duties, due to the excellent training received at the diving school.

Today in Russia there are a number of units within the special forces of the GRU, Marine Corps and other branches of the military that perform sabotage, engineering and reconnaissance functions using underwater special means:

  • 311 OSpNB PDSS;
  • 159 OSpNB PDSS;
  • 102 OOB PDSS;
  • 269 ​​OOB PDSS;
  • 160 OOB PDSS and a number of other units.

Rescue divers

Currently, the role of divers in peacetime and war has only increased. It is already difficult to imagine a modern fleet without a group of sea or river divers. As for the Russian Federation, here too we can note positive dynamics in the development of diving. Today, not only men, but also girls work as rescue divers.

So in 2015, a new modern rescue ship joined the Navy. To assess the scale of the event, we will tell you that before this, the last time ships of this purpose were purchased more than 25 years ago.

The realization that it was necessary to purchase a new diving and rescue vessel came after the tragic events on board the Kursk submarine. It was then that it became clear that it was impossible to do without being equipped with a modern rescue vessel.

“Igor Belousov”, this is the name of the modern rescue ship. Sailors and divers on a given vessel may perform many duties. For example, it will not be difficult for them to help the sunken crew of a submarine, or save the crew of a sunken ship. But not only this limits the range of responsibilities of the ship’s employees, they also need to quickly resolve smaller tasks.

Currently, the total number of divers in Russia reaches 8,000 people and they represent approximately 250 various organizations. Above in the text we were talking about professional divers.

Also, in recent years, about 1,000 diving clubs have been organized in various parts of our vast homeland, where, in a fairly short period of time, about 100,000 amateur divers were trained, who, upon passing accreditation, have every chance of receiving professional status. As you can see, the development of diving is taking huge steps, which is not encouraging.

Diving technologies are actively used in various spheres of life. For example, it is impossible to imagine the modern Ministry of Defense without divers. Rescue and search services are also equipped with a team of divers who can come to the rescue at any time. This is just a small part of what these brave divers can do.

Divers perform many jobs at various depths that are not advertised to the general public. Sometimes media representatives manage to find out some details. For example, recently, at the cost of incredible efforts, divers of the Northern Fleet were able to lift a hundred-ton steam locomotive from the Second World War from the bottom of the Barents Sea.

At first glance, it may seem that this is not so difficult to do, but it is not so. This operation was carried out for the first time in history and required everyone involved in it to expend an incredible amount of effort.

Congratulations and gifts on Diver's Day

“Voenpro” is ready to offer you a wide selection of flags and divers’ badges. In stock are various paraphernalia with the symbols of special units of combat swimmers and water divers of various countries - Russia, USA, France, South Africa, Great Britain and others.

The medal “135 years of diving” will be a pleasant addition to the list of awards for veterans, both military and civilian. This medal will please your loved ones, because they deserve it! Everyone who has dedicated their life to such a difficult task should receive awards - for some who are just starting their journey as a diver, this award will be the first, and for others it will add to the collection of awards.

Everyone who has connected their life with diving will, without a doubt, celebrate this day on May 5th. significant date among friends, or with your relatives. They deserve this holiday, but it is in your interests, dear friends, to make their holiday even brighter. Thanks to Voentorg Voentpro, you can buy many themed gifts for your loved ones, which they will be delighted with. The quality of the product and the speed of delivery will delight you and your loved ones. Voentorg “Voenpro” works for you, dear friends!

Reconnaissance divers on the fronts of World War II

There are at least two “true” stories about how the naval special forces of the USSR-Russia arose.

First. In 1954, on the beach near one of the Crimean sanatoriums of the Soviet party and state elite, traces of scuba divers were discovered.

The panic of the country's top leadership at that time prompted the leadership of the Armed Forces to decide to form units of combat swimmers - naval special forces.

Another version is “completely different.” In April 1956, the Soviet cruiser Ordzhonikidze, on which a unique rudder group was installed, arrived on a friendship visit to Great Britain.

Sources of this information claim that it was then that the Royal Navy combat swimmer Captain 2nd Rank Krebs descended into the waters of the Thames to secretly study new Soviet technology. From the same sources it is known that during the repeated dive, the ship’s propeller of our cruiser turned…”suddenly.” The English officer died.

The Soviet side apologized and expressed regret about what happened. It was precisely after this advent, informants say, that a corresponding unit was urgently organized in the USSR Navy. Later they began to call it “naval special forces”.

From the history of the issue. Back in 1938, enthusiastic commanders of the RKKF Savichev, Krivosheenko and Krol expressed the idea of ​​using a submariner’s personal breathing apparatus (IBA) for reconnaissance and sabotage activities. The proposal to create a special diving unit was expressed by senior lieutenant Afanasyev, an agent intelligence officer of the RO ShBF, in July 1941. At the end of July of this year, the head of EPRON, Rear Admiral Krylov, reported to the representative of the Supreme Command Headquarters, Admiral Isakov, on the advisability of creating a special purpose company (RON). The final result resulted in the following order from the People's Commissariat of the USSR Navy dated August 11, 1941: “To form a special-purpose company consisting of 146 staff units under the Intelligence Department of the Baltic Fleet... I appoint Lieutenant I.V. Prokhvatilov as the company commander.”

RON personnel received their first baptism of fire when the bridge over the Narva River was blown up in August 1941. At night, two scouts swam, the eldest of whom was Senior Lieutenant Pupkov (the name of the second was not preserved in the archival materials), towed a sea mine with a temporary fuse downstream to the bridge and secured it on a support. The bridge collapsed, and the saboteurs quietly returned to the base.

A special page in the activities of RON is the work of personnel in conducting ice reconnaissance on Lake Ladoga during the siege of Leningrad. It was based on the results of this reconnaissance that the famous “Road of Life” was laid. The operation was led by the RON commander himself, Lieutenant Prokhvatilov.

The search and examination of sunken ships is the most mysterious activity of RON. On July 30, 1944, a hunting boat under the command of Senior Lieutenant Kolenko sank a German submarine in the Vyborg Bay, which sank at a depth of 30 m. The German command immediately began to show a strange and unusual interest in the place of its death. Enemy aircraft repeatedly intensively bombed the supposed area where the submarine was located, and enemy torpedo boats that broke through dropped several dozen depth charges.

The commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Tributs, ordered RON reconnaissance officers to locate and examine the sunken submarine.

16 divers, led by the company commander, Captain 3rd Rank Prokhvatilov, worked for three days at depths exceeding the maximum permissible for the light diving equipment in service. constant shelling and stormy weather. The task was completed.

It turned out that the submarine was carrying a new German weapon - two electric, acoustically homing T-5 torpedoes with proximity fuses. With their help, the leadership of Nazi Germany intended to defeat the Western allies of the USSR in the Battle of the Atlantic.

The Soviet leadership notified London about the discovery. During personal confidential correspondence between Stalin and Churchill, an agreement was reached on the urgent dispatch of British specialists to the USSR to study the German torpedo on the spot.

Somewhat later, in accordance with the instructions of the Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow General Staff, units of reconnaissance divers similar to the Baltic RON are formed in other fleets.

During the war years, the RON company conducted more than 200 reconnaissance and sabotage operations, half of them using diving equipment. (IAA In Okiyane-Sea)