Comic birthday greetings to a woman 50. Beautiful congratulations to your sister on her birthday in verse. Serpentine of original ideas for women's anniversary

What does a person who celebrates his fiftieth birthday need? Quite a bit, just a little bit of inspiration and positive. And what can give more, a wonderful positive, than a cool congratulation on this date. So cool that it shakes all stereotypes about age, about old age. Such a cool thing to charge the hero of the day at least until the next anniversary. On our site you will find maximum congratulations on the fiftieth anniversary! This cool congratulations you will not only give joy to the hero of the occasion, but also charge with positive for the whole year! After all, laughter is wonderful!

Today we are solemnly prepared
Get drunk in the state of pigs -
We have an important reason for this:
You are now fifty!
The number indicating the capacity,
Accompanies you today not in vain:
After all, with each toast, the volume is more powerful
Toasting ... But, frankly,
It's time for us to drink again for the hero of the day -
So that his spirit and our ardor does not dry out!
Let it be strong, seasoned, old
And he is noble - like this cognac!

We were told that you are 50!
It's all true, but you can't tell!
Eyes glow and burn with fire
And the heart loves and beats
As in youth, even stronger!
Health faithful and strong always!
And everything else will be applied, not the main thing!
After all, 50 is still such a trifle
And life is so smooth and glorious!

Half a century, fifty, fifty dollars.
There are no more honorable and round dates.
Congratulations, (name),
Nose up and look more fun!
Let the anniversary please with gifts,
And the phone rings, does not stop.
You are fifty, there is no more beautiful date.
The whole Earth congratulates you today!

50 is the time for smiles
Not crying and not laughing with tears.
50 is the error time
For which there is no punishment.
50 is the sea and rocks,
50 are songs and thoughts,
50 is a search for meaning
50 is still not enough.

Today is the anniversary - you are fifty,
Half measured from life.
And you can stand, look back,
To move to new heights tomorrow.
On the approaches to the tops of the bumps, ditches,
But we managed to overcome all obstacles,
And now you have achieved a lot,
Confidently in life you went to the goal.
IN family life You are our example.
Family support you need
You are a faithful husband, a caring father,
The family is waiting for you, and you are always loved.
I raise this humble toast
For you, so that you are always healthy,
So that you reach the heights and stars,
Which have not yet conquered!

What is fifty?
This is the age of those guys
What is wise already immensely,
The kids must have grown up.
They have a position
And the pockets don't shrink.
This is the time,
When plans mature
When you want to fly
There's a lot more to see.
Birthday boy be more cheerful
Move your body faster
Accept congratulations!
Have some fun! Let's! Let's!

The only time, in ten years,
There is a round date.
As is customary, they give a bouquet,
Read poetry and quotes.
Let the years fly like birds
They carry bad weather on their wings.
May the future fifty
Give health and happiness!

"Fifty kopecks" years ... This is the date -
Other valuable and other dates:
Light, bright ... But-bearded.
Life enclosed in a square.
There is wisdom in the soul, an early song
Calling: "Hurry, come, peace!"
But in the body a million desires -
What a happy age!
And you are on the eve of the anniversary.
Another fifty years later
Live without getting sick in general
With a spouse, taken for the whole century!

Fifty dollars knocking on the door -
Nowhere to run away.
So you get ready today
Accept congratulations.

good luck wishes,
Deliverance from troubles
And love (and how else),
And, of course, many more years!

Round half a hundred, only a hundred. But the point is
That a hundred is nothing, but a fifty dollars is obvious!
Let gray hair not grieve
Let year by year we are older
But still, just as young
And we have to wish
To live sweetly, so as not to know troubles
Accept the bouquet, accept our verse!
Your friendly, loyal team!

Half a century - it sounds proud!
Not everyone is given to live.
With just a look and a walk
You can charm everyone.

Let the path lie by your side
From clinics and pharmacies!
We wish you good health
For many, many years!

Truly a wonderful number
For an anniversary it is better not to find!
You are only half a century old, but you live 100%
And of course the best is yet to come.
You have achieved quite a bit
Yes, and there are many advantages, there is no you rather.
And we will drink bitter with you to the bottom,
To gather us for the hundredth anniversary!

Fifty is not too much and not too little!
Round date is an eternal couple.
So why rush to start over?
We'll try to live to a hundred.
Appreciate life even in bad weather.
After all, there is no other like it!
God bless you and happiness and the way,
And wonderful spring for many years.

Happy birthday to you, happy anniversary
We are honored to congratulate
We love you very much, we believe in you,
All kind words about you do not count.

You are fifty, but that's a little,
We wish you to live up to a hundred years!
We wish you that happiness, joy
They gave you the strength to love life!

Lived a lot different days,
Days of bitter, joyful, happy.
And now your anniversary has come -
One of the most beautiful days.
And congratulating you, we ask:
There is no reason to give up for years,
After all, fifty is not yet autumn,
But only the velvet season.

We congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary!
Fifty years is a round date on the calendar.
We wish you good health, spiritual joy.
May success await in everything and everywhere.

Long life, prosperity,
Family happiness and love.
Universal respect and recognition,
So much more that they could.

Let difficulties be left behind
Great luck in fate.
Hope, Faith and glorious wisdom,
Careful attitude towards yourself.

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You recently became a berry again at forty-five.
Berry is already 5 years old - but beautiful, no doubt!
Congratulations on your anniversary and wish from the bottom of our hearts
Become juicier, every year brighter to live!
Be easy-going, cheerful, gentle sweetheart!
Let trouble not come to the house.
And most importantly, be healthy, my love!
And do not be sad and do not cry, you never!

One beauty works with us.
All better and more beautiful, and brighter she is!
And even though today she is fifty,
How much will they give her? - ask guys!
Is she eighteen? - lie without blushing ...
You can't give her more than 17.
We congratulate her on her anniversary!
This is an example of our eternal youth.

Half a century. ... A lot or a little?
You have an anniversary today.
And life is just the beginning for you!
And ahead of a hundred thousand days!
Be cheerful, curious, mischievous.
Let fate sparkle with joy!
We wish you life forever young
Love, health, happiness bird!

The empress lives in our office.
Seeing her - smiling faces!
Cheerful, kind, our best friend!
Today we will stand next to you in a circle.
Let's raise our glasses, Happy Birthday!
And we will leave many sincere wishes.
Today is your holiday, you are fifty,
And the world has not seen more beautiful girls!

Congratulations on your anniversary, a wonderful age - fifty!
Life is filled with wisdom, and eyes with fun.
Colleague, we declare together from all the guys,
You are beautiful, dear, happy birthday!
We see the beauty in your shining eyes
It flows generously from a kind heart.
What has always been like this, let the excitement into your life.
For happiness, you just open the door in your soul!

The girl (name) came today,
Working with her turned into a bright holiday!
Today is fifty, but the soul is young.
We wish you good health and gifts!

Only your passport gives out your age.
It's fun to work with you!
We have known you for more than a year now.
What is the secret of youth? - In a smile, probably ...
Happy Anniversary
Health, happiness and success!
We will cherish and cherish
Rejoice us more often with laughter!

Colleague, woman and just our friend!
Look how many of us are around today.
Everyone is happy to congratulate you on fifty dollars!
Quietly ... After all, you will only give eighteen!

Happy birthday, happy anniversary, you turned fifty.
We wish that life is only filled with happiness.
Let there be din and noise, fun
On your bright holiday - Birthday!

You already have fifty dollars (or more - decide for yourself).
Be young always in your soul, and the rest is nonsense!
It's time to live, dream, go somewhere, win.
After all, you will do it from your wise height.

Beauty, we wish that happiness sparks in your eyes.
And so that a smile flickers every minute on your sweet lips.
And even if you are no longer eighteen (but you can’t give more than twenty),
Fifty you boldly, joyfully meet, and bloom like a scarlet bright summer poppy!

Dear colleague! At first you were a flower, at 45 you became a “berry again”, who to be at 50 is up to you. The main thing is not to become a dried fruit! Therefore, youth to you, love and kindness! Fulfillment of desires, bold decisions and a caring environment! Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday! Do not think that you have lived half a century. Squeeze experience, wisdom and positive impressions out of this. And do not take away diseases and wrinkles! Be forever young and very happy!

Life rushes like a hurricane, years fly by, everything changes rapidly and quickly. We wish you that only sadness changes into joy, poverty into wealth, tears into a smile, loneliness into a cheerful noisy company! Happy birthday!

Bouquets of chic, wealth, love, crazy deeds and drive to you! Well, let you be 50 - in your heart you are still a girl! You come to work - and immediately warms and brightens in the soul. Happy Holidays!

You have a warm soul and a hot heart. Of course, our company will now have to buy an additional air conditioner, as it will be very warm. But we are grateful to you for the wonderful emotions, friendship and your always valuable advice. Congratulations!

Today the sun is clearly shining brighter and the sky is especially saturated blue! All because this is a special day - your anniversary. Expensive dear colleague, we wish you good health, well-being, perfection, good friends! Stay the same graceful and gentle at least until your sixtieth birthday. Better yet, forever!

Happy Birthday! Never stop dreaming, believe in the best, achieve all your goals and conquer new heights with ease! You are a great role model for us. And for male half- an object of adoration!

What do you wish, colleague, our dear and exemplary employee? We wish that you never have to carry loads like an ox, so that you don’t have to plow like horses and don’t spin like a squirrel in a wheel! Only feline grace, leonine calmness and a little fox resourcefulness!

Look how many people are here! And the reason is not the height of the working day (although it could not have done without it). Because today is your anniversary. May you always, as today, be surrounded by a crowd of devoted people who love you and who sail with you on the same wave! Happy birthday!

Today we congratulate you on this pleasant day in the calendar - your anniversary. And we give you: a calculator to calculate your huge wealth; a compass to draw a circle into which you will let only your closest and most faithful friends; a pen - to cross out enemies and ill-wishers from your fate; file - to protect your life from troubles and sorrows! We give a sea of ​​flowers to these symbolic gifts - so that in life there will be trips to the sea and bouquets from a loved one!

Girlfriend, I wish you all the best. Namely, so that the stockings do not tear, the nails do not break, the weight does not gain, and the men do not offend. Blossom and smell, regardless of weather conditions and everyday hardships.

  • Funny birthday greetings to a friend

    I want an elite house, A beautiful wife to live in it, A Maybach stood in the garage, A cottage to be on the islands. Let millions lie in the bank, And your income only grows.

  • Your life is rich in experience and wisdom,
    Today confirms this is your date,
    In life flashed ten five-year plans,
    But in your soul continuous summer!
    Hot age! There is a desire to create
    There is a desire to live for yourself,
    After all, children are adults, you can breathe freely,
    And enjoy your journey of life!

    50 years! Bolder into battle! Only forward!
    An exciting life calls you to have fun,
    And there is nothing to sit on the bench, go to pharmacies,
    You are only 50! You are just getting started!
    Throw away doubts, meet a new round,
    Take a fresh sip of personal freedom
    Your time! Fireworks of your life!
    And even time will stop running for you!

    50 – cool age! Well, what can I say?
    It's time to change something in life
    It's time for freedom to take a sip
    And forget that 50 is a decent life span!
    Second youth! Soul wants to dance
    And you will not be able to stop her in this matter,
    The soul has no age, it is always young,
    And don't forget that you only have one life!

    Fifty happy years, that's great!
    Everything that is done in life is not in vain,
    Adult children, independent grandchildren,
    Life is full of interests, and you are not bored!
    Work, friends, hobbies, decent income,
    Life is just beginning, not the other way around
    around you with new force the planet turned
    And the coin fell out on the lucky side!

    This anniversary is gorgeous - exactly fifty!
    Raindrops don't drizzle in your life
    The rainbow is out! Greet her with a smile!
    And happy birthday congratulations!
    After all, there are from whom, more than a hundred guests,
    With every moment of acquaintance, remember
    With each drink a glass, another,
    Happy anniversary, dear birthday boy!

    On this date I will bake you a birthday cake,
    So that in one breath I could blow out all the candles,
    And there will be a lot of them, exactly fifty,
    And each reflects your wise look!
    And let your eyes keep on shining
    And let your soul want to dance
    And let this evening turn out to be cool,
    And may you be happy with your holiday!

    We are celebrating your fiftieth birthday today!
    Don't think about the years, don't think about anything, don't regret
    Remember only the good things in your life
    And keep being young at heart!
    Don't listen to what people say about old age
    That time is merciless, that years fly by,
    These are fairy tales! Life is different!
    Your soul becomes younger and richer!

    May your life have no end
    Let deep wrinkles not touch the face,
    Let gray hair not creep into the hair,
    May your soul remain young!
    Let you be fifty, but only conditionally,
    Let everything in life be amicable,
    May the sunrise of your life not be changed by sunset,
    Let the river of fate flow with sweet "muscat"!

    Well? Did you live to be fifty? Congratulations! Cool!
    From life, the order came to you: At ease!
    Relax, live light and don't worry!
    Your lucky tram hasn't left yet!
    And a happy ticket is ready for you from life,
    And there are no sworn enemies in your life,
    There is only family, wealth, friends and success,
    After fifty you will live better than anyone!

    May the years of life be warmed with warmth,
    Native hearts filled with love and kindness,
    Let the family be proud and cherish you,
    May life forgive you all your mistakes!
    May you suddenly look younger at fifty,
    You will never be sad and you will never get sick,
    Here is such a gift to you from fate,
    This anniversary will make your dreams come true!

    Congratulations! 50 years! Your life is good!
    Your youth in captivity of old age did not give up,
    The soul sings and dances, the heart rejoices,
    And the beloved family hugs and kisses!
    And if there is a family, it means that he did not live in vain,
    And now you can live a little for yourself,
    Buy a plane ticket soon
    And go on a free life flight!

    Fifty years old! No reason to be sad!
    Valuable life baggage is behind you,
    Experience, wisdom, soul wealth and beauty,
    Victory, achievements, merit! Yes, not alone!
    You are happy, contented, free soul,
    Children and grandchildren are immensely proud of you,
    The heyday of your age, your life is a start,
    In your own happiness, you personally are to blame!

    Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years:

    A lot of round dates in life,
    You are 50 today!
    Sincerely, dear,
    Congratulations on your anniversary!
    Forget the years, don't lose heart
    Drink a little, sing songs.
    You are not old at all
    And stay young.
    Among friends, family and loved ones
    Celebrate your bright anniversary.
    We bow low to you
    Live, dear, do not be sick.
    The years fly fast
    It is not in our power to keep them,
    And may it always be so:
    How more years the more happiness.

    Let Nice words my soul
    They will take you to the very liver:
    fiftieth anniversary,
    Believe me, the best age for a girl!
    So don't you dare to mope
    Do not multiply either gray hair or wrinkles.
    And let them try to bestow more often
    You tenderly beloved men.
    Stay healthy young
    Fair-haired and brown-eyed,
    Hospitable, kind, unearthly,
    Able to make everyone happy at once.

    The number is fifty
    Shouldn't be embarrassing!
    That means five and zero!
    On the "excellent" to live if you please!
    There is so much more ahead!
    And the way is open to you:
    To new feelings and dreams:
    Stay here and there!
    Travel everywhere:
    There is room in the world for miracles!
    Enjoy the sun in the morning!
    And everything will be on "Hurrah"!

    Today you have a good anniversary
    Yes, not simple, but golden!
    We could believe soon
    That he is rather the fortieth.
    Pretty in appearance, gentle,
    Well, how not to fall in love with this?
    You are good in everything
    And be proud of your life.
    Achieved in it only "five"
    And keep striving
    To be an example, to radiate light,
    In business, be the first master.
    Too early to draw conclusions
    They let us down more and more...
    And you just need to live brightly!
    You manage it like.
    May you continue to be happy
    In friends, work, longevity,
    To wipe the nose of all enemies
    And, as always, be a Lady in everything!

    Fifty years go by
    He knocks on the door with his boots.
    Murzilka he will give you
    With funny pictures
    Where is the plot
    For a fairy tale is presented
    About how fifty already
    And the demon asks under the ribs.
    Trust me it won't hurt you
    A little bit of hell.
    Oh, how they love you ahead,
    How do you get wrinkles?
    They come to you a lot of piss,
    After all, you are only fifty!

    Yes, if not a girl, but not a youngster,
    But mysterious, beautiful and smart,
    Beauty and wisdom in women are rare,
    But in you they united and wholly.
    And always be as sweet and beautiful,
    Always please us with a happy look,
    And for your beloved, you will always be loved,
    And if tears - then from happiness sometimes.

    You are fifty today
    And you can't tell,
    Eyes, as in youth burn,
    And not even a wrinkle.
    Your sonorous laughter caresses the ear,
    There is no kinder nature
    And you will definitely not meet with everyone,
    Such a charming figure.
    Live and hello up to a hundred years,
    Maybe more, but not less
    And let beauty not fade
    After all, women have no age!

    At 50 a woman is a ripe berry,
    Stay the same forever!
    May the years that pass so quickly
    Leave no marks on your face!
    I wish you more female happiness,
    And health such that "Wow!"
    And the fire that burns in the soul with joy,
    Never faded for anything.

    Happy birthday
    We'll bring a jar of jam
    At this very moment,
    We will read you a poem:
    Happy anniversary, happy anniversary
    Congratulations soon
    You have become a year wiser,
    Life is getting brighter!
    Fifty is not much
    And let them not judge strictly
    Children, grandchildren and family
    Surround, and friends.

    Fifty for a woman is not a problem,
    Fifty for a woman is nonsense.
    Let her not be a girl, but not an old woman,
    Let not a sweet donut, but not yet drying.
    Let him not believe in the prince, believe in the king.
    After all, the earth revolves around it now.
    50 for a woman is very important,
    After all, half a century ladies celebrate only once.

    They say that at forty-five -
    Baba berry again.
    But I will say, at fifty -
    Baba is a real treasure!
    Knows how to build a husband
    Prepare a delicious dinner
    Children will give sensible advice,
    The house is like new in her hands.
    May your family take care of you
    And respect all friends.

    It was just twenty-five
    Here you are already celebrating "fifty kopecks".
    Accumulated full of good:
    Car, house, fridge...
    You be young at heart
    Both cheerful and talkative.
    Let trouble bypass you
    The years fly by slowly.
    Let the children, grandchildren, dear husband
    Protect and cherish.
    And if someone offended suddenly,
    Then he regrets it for the rest of his life.

    Let skeptics forgive us -
    We count birthdays!
    You are 50 today
    And this is a reason for fun.
    10 glorious five-year plans -
    This is a whole era!
    We wish without pills
    You have another half century to live.
    Whether in snow, heat or bad weather -
    With joy to meet the dawn.
    Cry - only from happiness
    Many springs, winters and summers!

    That's it, it's time for you, like Milyavskaya,
    Complexes put everything in a bunch
    And without them, under a full hall
    On the central, on the channel.
    Wag your hips,
    Hair not braided
    And tell them all
    About the sauna, vulgarity, intimacy.
    It's time to release all the brakes
    And do not look who is "against", "for".
    And make faces to all passers-by:
    “But I’m half a century old, doesn’t it look like it?”

    Who is the cutest in the world
    All blush and whiter?
    Anniversary - no doubt
    Here is our answer.
    Always be so beautiful
    Sweet but a little dangerous
    Drive all men crazy
    And forget to count the years.
    We take an example from you.
    Let's call it "primadonna"
    50 don't notice
    And welcome your guests.

    Today you are fifty
    Fires in the eyes are burning
    Holiday fairy tale around
    Wraps around. And suddenly
    Children, grandchildren, uncles, aunts -
    Everyone who was at work
    Congratulate and shout.
    They want to wish good
    And health and wealth,
    And the boundless kingdom of love.
    And a little hassle
    Let's add another year.

    Fifty dollars - it sounds proud!
    Not everyone is given to live.
    With just a look and a walk
    You can charm everyone.
    Let the path lie by your side
    From clinics and pharmacies!
    We wish you good health
    For many, many years!

    You remain the same as before
    Young and cheerful, as in twenty!
    With its witchcraft without any falsehood
    Time won you, to admit!
    What are you half a century? - quarter of century!
    Like a witch - you play with time!
    And a man humble before the sorceress
    I congratulate you today!

    Fifty is a wonderful age!
    Many paths have been traveled
    Lots of plans, lots of power
    There are grandchildren and children.
    A lot of time - for the husband,
    To make him feel comfortable
    To always hurry from work
    To a sweet home, where they are waiting for you!
    To forget your problems
    With energy, debts,
    Your Spouse rather rushed
    To the birthday girl with flowers!
    Like a boy, gently, gently
    He looked lovingly into your eyes.
    Helped with everything, of course,
    Surprised by myself!
    So that work is not a burden for you,
    And all the problems - down with!
    Every day was just a joy
    In the heart - happiness and peace.
    To daughters, like flowers,
    Gently pleasing to the eye.
    For the granddaughter to grow up
    And I called you "grandmother"!
    So that health grows only
    So that friends, gathered together,
    You are now shouting "Bitter!"
    Like a bride and groom!