If you love, let go author of the quote. Let go, yours will come back. “A husband does not leave a good wife”

If you love it, let it go; if it’s yours, it will definitely come back; if not, then it was never yours in the first place. and got the best answer

Answer from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST[guru]
The phrase may be wonderful, but in my life I have rarely seen someone holding someone or trying to hold them. And why, exactly, if people have become strangers, and if they have not yet managed to become strangers... while they have only just seen that they are completely different and strive to keep... who, why and who will be better off from this... I don’t think anyone. So why waste time and fool each other... or even worse... one fools, and the other... it’s inconvenient to say... ENOUGH, DON’T fool me, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
Source: Dobry))

Answer from Georg Makarov[active]
Of course of course. Dear ladies! To whom, to whom, as you know, “wooing” you is a lost cause. I’ll write my favorite “quote”: “oh girls, Vovka is such a bastard, I cry constantly because of him, but I forgive him all the time... what should I do. And Vasechka is such a good, decent boy, he doesn’t drink and works... he loves me, but I don’t love him...” Who's wooing who here? ;))

Answer from Devaluy[expert]
Still, this is a consolation for a broken heart. When they leave, you really want to believe it.

Answer from ADIDAS[active]
If the girl you FAVORITE left a guy for another, then came back and he accepted her - he is the last weak-willed schmuck. And whoever says that you can forgive is either a desperate old man or that amoeba about which I wrote. You need to remain a maximalist. If Juliet left Romeo and then returned, would their love be considered so high???? IMHO

Answer from Irony[guru]
The words belong to the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez.
And this is not a method, but the art of love, because true love knows how to let go of a loved one without sticky attachment and dependence, allowing him to be free in his choice and happy, even without us...

Answer from Igor[active]
When you truly love, you really wish happiness for your loved one and are ready to let go... And you yourself confuse the bliss of that. that he is happy. It is written: And as you want to be treated, so do you.... “How would you like him to act in such a situation? Accordingly, and...

Answer from Yeerenky[active]
It all depends on who you love. If you let go of your partner, if you let go of yourself, then no.

Answer from Victor Prokopyev[newbie]
Golden quote! How many times did he break up with his girlfriend because of her fault, forgive her and start all over again. Well, we live with her for a while and again she leaves, then everything repeats again. And so on for a year and a half. Moreover, every time it gets worse and worse relationship became. Naturally, I loved her very much, but she apparently didn’t, or perhaps only at first. She essentially took advantage of my feelings for her, and nothing more. I think you need to let them go and keep your door closed. Otherwise, it turns out that we are both fooling each other. The last time after she left, I quarreled with her so that she would forget about me and where I live. Although I still love her, I know that nothing will work out with her attitude towards everything.
When you love, women think that you are weak and consider your love for them as your humiliation. Like running after her, doing everything for her, here and there with her, etc., etc. That's why they act so carelessly towards you.
As the famous poet said:
"How smaller woman we love,
The easier it is for her to like us."

Answer from Just Irina))[guru]
The method is nonsense.
Only those who give up let everything take its course... in general, only losers do this.

Answer from --_-- [active]
Here she left... it hurts so much. I let go... It hurt, but it was impossible to continue. She got up, decided, and left. Everything was beautiful and tender. sensual...

Answer from Larisa Lo[guru]
This phrase contains life-tested wisdom.

Answer from Yergey[guru]
You have to fight for love, don’t give up loving)

Answer from User deleted[guru]
I came to this decision. She let me go, it was necessary and now we are together.
He can't live without me, and I can't live without him.
But situations in life are different and people are also different.
Maybe someone won't be able to let go...
Or maybe he just doesn’t want to...
In each of our lives there is that person whom we can never let go and there is that person who will never let us go.

Answer from Orange Paradise[guru]
It’s nonsense, I tried it, I came back, but just as I wasn’t mine, I didn’t become it...

Answer from Yoovushka[guru]
Actually, this is my motto...
I'm serious...

For some reason, many people, as soon as you mention the beginning of a new relationship, immediately activate an amazing ability to give all kinds of advice. A woman who has been single for ten years can stubbornly ignore this factor, handing out “secrets”, “advice” and “worldly wisdom” right and left, designed to preserve and improve the relationship.

And if it’s not difficult to brush aside such advice (after all, you never know who talks), then it can be difficult to get rid of “folk wisdom” that seems to have been formed over generations. For some reason, some people tend to consider long-established postulates to be an immutable truth, even if in reality they are, pardon the pun, the most ordinary “stupid wisdom.”

Resist this layer " bad advice"It is possible and necessary. We have collected information and made a selection of three “wisdoms” that you should never believe in: learn about them and don’t let them ruin your relationship.

“A husband does not leave a good wife”

Most likely, this formulation is intended to cultivate a feeling of guilt and a whole bunch of complexes in a woman who, for some personal reason, was abandoned by her husband. Many women try to please their spouses, but, unfortunately, few people understand one simple thing: it is impossible to please everyone. With “pleasing your husband” it’s exactly the same story: there are husbands who can find fault even with an ideal woman.

If, after breaking up with your husband, you often hear such statements, you need to stop this behavior in the bud: it’s not enough for you to worry and blame yourself for the divorce. Believe me: even a husband will leave a good wife if he really wants to. You don’t need to spend your whole life adapting to other people’s tastes and expectations.

“If you love, let go”

This phrase is used by both ordinary people and bad screenwriters, trying to come up with a reason for the next (tenth in a row) separation of characters in a series or film. The idea contained in this phrase, of course, sounds noble and logical: to hold by force a partner who is trying to leave is unthinkable for loving person act.

Nevertheless, this phrase cannot always be used as a guide: letting a person go in peace is only a small part of what you can do if your relationship is in danger of an imminent separation. Letting go, of course, is easier, but whether it’s better is the question. We believe that for true love You should at least try to fight. Only if nothing worked out for you, you should admit your defeat with dignity and let your loved one go.

“It’s my own fault for getting into trouble”

The top three most absurd “wisdoms” are completed by this magnificent justification for violence in a couple: it’s her own fault for getting under the “hot” hand, next time you’ll be more careful and don’t meddle if your husband or boyfriend is not in a good mood.

It is not entirely clear why “wisdom” in this case justifies the fighter, placing all the blame on the woman who unsuccessfully appeared nearby: this is at least illogical. You need to understand that such “wisdom” simply contradicts common sense. So if you are faced with violence in a relationship, you should not blame yourself, but run away from such a “gift of fate” as far as possible before it does something irreparable.

As you can see, the “folk wisdom” that people have been repeating for centuries is not always true: in some cases, it can turn out to be not only useless and wrong, but also destroy your relationship if you follow it.

If you still want happy relationship, stop listening to other people's advice: someone else's experience is unlikely to suit you, because every situation is unique. But it’s definitely worth getting acquainted with the 10 secrets of strong love: most likely, at least something from our universal list will work in your case.

Tell us what you think about such “wisdom”: have you ever encountered similar statements from others? Could they ruin your relationship?

Love is in the heart, in the soul. To open up to her, it is not necessary to keep the object on a leash, nearby. Pure, sincere love only intensifies at a distance, because it is unconditional and not tied to any words or actions.

There is an underrated type of love that requires great courage, self-honesty and inner maturity. True love is about letting go in time. Release those who have gone to Better World loved ones, yesterday's lovers, friends, children, students, a favorite activity that you have already outgrown, or even a thing that no longer carries anything for you.

If you love, let go

Year after year, we cling to outdated relationships, causing suffering to ourselves and our partners. y, and for some reason calling it all love.

In such situations, everything holds us back, just not love.! This is basically selfishness, the habit of satisfying one’s needs with the help of another, a comfort zone in which it is no longer comfortable at all, but everything is known, which means it is familiar and safe, it is clear how to interact with it.

It takes a very wise, pure and determined heart to one day look at the situation and understand that the relationship has already outlived its usefulness. Take on all the pain from such a discovery, cry, grieve over it. Calm yourself and your panicky thoughts: “What will I do without this relationship? What will happen to ME?”....

I've been on both sides of protracted relationships many times, but mostly the one who kept... Who did not want to see that with my “pseudo-love” I only bring torment to a person who is ready to go further along the path of his destiny, but lingers next to me only out of the feeling of guilt imposed on him and “responsibility for those who have been tamed.”

Not always and not immediately, I was able to appreciate the wisdom of those people who did not hold me back, but sincerely wishing me happiness, let me go on time, without showing me that their heart was bleeding at that moment - so as not to awaken in me a feeling of guilt and not interfere with being happy.

Now I understand how much pure Love and inner strength there actually was in this!

Love is in the heart, in the soul. To open up to her, it is not necessary to keep the object on a leash, nearby. Pure, sincere love only intensifies at a distance, because it is unconditional and not tied to any words or actions.

You need to believe in the wisdom of fate, which sometimes is precisely why people are divorced - to teach them to love, overcoming the childish possessive attitude: I love you, that means you are only mine!

Like in a children's joke:

Mashenka, who do you love?
- Mom, dad, grandma and a chicken leg!

If you love, let go. During. After all, the further you go, the more tortuous and painful the twists of fate, the more suffering the separation will go through.

Love is possible beyond time and distance, it is a manifestation of the energy of the Creator, something much greater than this World. And no physical measurements have power over it.

Let go - loved ones, friends, children, girlfriends. Let them live their own lives - with joy and gratitude.

This is the great Feat of Love - Letting go, just as the Creator himself once released us into this World...published.

Tamara Arkhipova

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Any person in life is bound to have either very good events that you want to relive again and again, or very bad events that you want to forget about, but resentment or shame does not allow you to do this.

If the events are pleasant, then the memories will be warm, but they may cause a feeling of regret that the past cannot be returned or repeated. But it’s much worse if you had troubles that really hurt you, offended you, and that cause feelings of bitterness and annoyance...

If you are an assertive person, purposefully moving towards achieving certain heights (even if you just strive for homeliness and comfort), then you will often encounter causticism, envy, lack of understanding and support. Or maybe you will even encounter meanness and setups.

These are extremely unpleasant things in life, but they are eternal companions successful people and you need to take this calmly.

Why am I all this? The fact is that any events, both good and bad, influence our actions. Subconsciously or consciously, but somehow you naturally manage to “replay” the events of past days in your head. And if these are also bad events, then emotions can greatly interfere with normal life, thinking, carrying out planned tasks, and simply affect performance.

For example, problems in your personal life can unsettle you for quite a long period of time. In addition, priorities, values ​​and desires may change because of this. And it’s not a fact that everything will be fine; sometimes, under the influence of emotions, you can do things that will be excruciatingly painful to remember in the future.

Our life in the present time is more often perceived by past experience, which is the main error of perception and gives rise to many limitations, stereotypes and beliefs that prevent us from achieving success. Only those who live in the present tense truly live.

Why are we so attached to the past? Because it was good there? Who told you that it can’t be better? Why is it so difficult to live in the present and shape your future according to your own discretion and desire?

Your past is an untold treasure of learning material. Experience cannot be bad or good, it is part of your life. Based on past experience, it is necessary to draw conclusions about what to do in order to get desired result, what you should not do under any circumstances, and so on. The present is formed today and does not depend on what happened yesterday. We make both the past and the present ourselves, even if someone does not treat us as we would like.

You decide for yourself which memories you keep and which ones you delete from the archives of your memory. Do not try to forcefully forget your past, this way you can only escape from yourself for a while, but sooner or later it will make itself felt. Believe me, it is impossible to force yourself to perceive the world differently. Even if there is an effect, it will be temporary and not what we would like.

Try to accept what has happened as a fact. Yes, it was. Yes, that was good (or bad). But life goes on. Goals, plans, job responsibilities, responsibilities, in the end, have not gone away. Perhaps you will meet people who participated in those events, but perceive them as acquaintances and nothing more. Don’t try to start a conversation with them about the past, don’t. Perhaps the memories will give a positive charge of energy, but not for long, but a feeling of regret may appear later. And it will last much longer than the positive emotional charge from the memories.

Let go of the past. If it’s yours, it means it will come back to you.

Realize your importance. Understand that no one knows more about you than yourself. Who else but you should let go of the past and use it for your own purposes. Memories are only yours, thoughts are also yours, you make choices and actions yourself.

Go forward, don’t drag an anchor behind you, which collects unnecessary rubbish along the way. One day, you will not have enough strength, and you will stop along with this anchor and will not be able to move forward. It is about such people that they say: he died at 30 and was buried at 76.

If you are destined to encounter events from your past again, then you will. Yours will return. Like a boomerang.

Don't drag the past behind you, give circumstances the opportunity to change. Then you will have the opportunity to relive important events again with exactly the result you planned. Remember: if it’s yours, it will come back!

By the way, a couple of tips on how you can let go of your past:

1. Remove everything that reminds you of those events out of sight. I'm not saying throw it away, I'm asking you to put it away. Further away.

2. The following exercises help a lot: daily ask yourself questions that torment you and answer them honestly. Better in writing.

3. Try to remember what you can learn from what happened. There was at least something that could be changed and improved.

4. Try to find something useful and good in the fact that everything happened. After all, if you hold on to the past, you miss your present and future. You can mentally, but it is advisable to write down in writing all the advantages of the fact that these events are already in the past.

5. For someone who is upset by past events, the following option can help - relive everything again. Just survive. To do this, take a piece of paper with a pen and start writing down all your mistakes, humiliations, insults, misunderstandings and so on, so on, so on. Of course, you won’t remember everything at once, but, having grabbed one offense by the tail, another will pop up, then a third. And having experienced everything again on paper, it can be easier to cope with the memory, forgive and let go of everything. This method doesn’t help everyone, but what if it helps you?

Remember, your life is in your hands.

Let go of the past, become better, more productive, and if something long gone is yours, it will return and you can take the situation into your own hands.

Be successful!