Poems about true love. Loving with all my heart - how is it Because you are a miracle, and I am ready to exchange heaven for hell, just to be near you

Love cannot make life easier, but it gives meaning to existence. And it is much easier to go through life with a goal in front of you. Then, when this goal is achieved, it is much easier to walk through life hand in hand with your soulmate, with the person you love and who loves you.

When you take a person by the hand and feel his heart beating, this is a manifestation of love. Loving with all your heart is a normal state. To love with all your heart means to love truly, truly. Love gives a person knowledge of what he should be. loving person trying to become better. A loving person tries to make the world a better place.

To love with all your heart means...

A person who loves with all his heart will never laugh at the weaknesses of another, he will support and help. True love inspires, it can illuminate sunlight even the cloudiest day.

True love never fails. She can only freeze for a while and then wake up again. True love happens only once in a lifetime, and many people are not given even this happiness.

To love with all your heart means to love life. The ability to love does not come with age; it is either there or it is not. The ability to love lies in tenderness and care, respect and understanding. If a person loves with all his heart, then he is happy because he loves.

To love with all your heart means to be capable of self-sacrifice. Love does not tolerate selfishness. A selfish person who is unable to let go of love does not truly love. For true love, the main thing is not personal happiness, but the happiness of the loved one.

So a mother, loving her child with all her heart, gives her life for him without any doubt. For true love does not tolerate doubt. If you have met your true love, then take care of it, do not let fear settle in your heart. The smallest doubt - to love or not - kills love. Yes, actually, if there are doubts, then there is no love.

Love and fate

If you have met your true love, loved with all your heart, then everything around you is transformed. True love will never fade. She will come back again and again. In a crowd of faces, in a series of events, you will definitely pass your loved one. No matter what, you will eventually be able to discern that this is true love.

To love with this heart means to see the signs. If you look closely, you will see the connection between your destinies. Similar dates or events are sure to be discovered.

But even true love is not immune to mistakes. Sometimes something happens that makes a person blind and deaf to others. At such moments, you can inflict deep wounds on the souls of people who love you.

To love with all your heart means to forgive all mistakes. True love makes you rise again and go towards your happiness, overcoming all fears and doubts.

9 ½ weeks, 1986

This was a rare phenomenon - the Summer effect. And yet every man has encountered it at least once in his life. There can only be one explanation for the fact that Tom Henson encountered him in a city where there are 400 thousand offices and where 3 million 800 thousand people live - fate.

500 days of summer, 2009


Love is when you don't need to ask for forgiveness.

Love Story, 1970

Happiness is reaching that fine line madness, when the line between consciousness and the real world has already been erased, when you wake up and fall asleep with thoughts of Her, when you want to smile and live, only remembering the smile of your dearest, most beloved person, when you don’t need anyone and nothing without Her, when for every breath , every glance of Her, every moment next to you, you are ready to give everything.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2004

- I really love it when you sing.
“You’re just being biased towards me.”
- And how. How biased.

The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!, 1975

I wanted to say that I love you. Without knowing it, you became my guiding star. And no one can take this love away. Please promise me that you will not grieve for me, no matter what happens, because life is so beautiful. I don't regret anything, and neither do you. It is most important!

Meet Joe Black, 1998

Because you are a miracle, and I am ready to trade heaven for hell just to be near you.

What Dreams May Come, 1998

Something stirred at the bottom of the soul, something hidden deep began to break through the offended pride and cold prudence. Scarlett was becoming an adult, and a new feeling was born in her heart, a feeling stronger than vanity and selfishness.

Gone with the Wind, 1939

This is how it happens: you live your life, and it would seem that you don’t need anything, that you have everything. But when you meet her, you think: damn... how did I ever live without her?

Removal Rules: Hitch Method, 2005

-Where to, miss?
- To the stars!

Titanic, 1995

Sometimes the last person you want to be with is the person you can't live without.

Pride and Prejudice, 2005

Success is a myth. Love is the only thing worth living for. When life ends, all that matters is who and how you loved.

It's about you, 2013

Through good times. Through bad times.
When a man loves a woman, it is for all time.

When a man loves a woman, 1994

I love that you're freezing when it's 22 degrees outside. I like that you spend an hour and a half ordering a sandwich. I love that wrinkle that appears on the bridge of your nose when you look at me like I'm crazy. I love that even at the end of the day my suit smells like your perfume. I like that before going to bed I want to talk to you.

When Harry Met Sally, 1989

You can often hear the word "love". Everyone wants to be loved. What does this word even mean? Wikipedia “says” that this is a feeling that is inherent only to humans. It is also a deep affection and sympathy for another. Love is also considered as a philosophical category, in the form of a subjective attitude, that is, a selective feeling aimed at the object of love.

How does this happen

A person begins to show signs of attention to the object of his sympathy. He tries to be as often as possible, and as close as possible, to the person “dear” to himself. Always be there. Not for surveillance, but in order not to lose sight of those who are near and dear to you.

If a person is lonely, then he says: The heart wants to love! Because it is important for us to be with someone. To live not alone, but to take care of someone or know that someone needs you. Young boys and girls often wonder: How to love with your heart? At school they are taught that the heart is only a muscular organ. And, naturally, a muscle cannot love.

What do they love?

There are many possible explanations. Just like the choice is huge. Someone says that you need to love with your head. Because otherwise you will be left without everything (including your head). That there should only be cold calculation. Otherwise, your place is on the “fool’s bench.” After all, love, first of all, means giving yourself, your strength and your time (for some, your whole life).

Again, there are many explanations that love does not tolerate lies and deception. What you need to love with your heart! Only it is capable of feeling, since our soul lives in it. Here, the main thing is not to think that the heart is a muscle. After all, it is the soul that strives to meet an understanding or, as they say, kindred spirit. You just need to love with your heart!

How to love with your heart

To love with your heart means to love not for yourself! The desire for the object of your feelings to be happy is what should prevail. This is the highest expression of love. Every loving heart strives to bring as much joy and pleasure to another as possible. And the more selfless our feeling is, the more we will receive in return.

Waiting for love will only push you further away from receiving it. Start giving love yourself. And you will see that it will not keep you waiting. And it will last you for many years (maybe not only years). Be happy!

“A few years before the Second World War, there lived a wonderful married couple. They loved each other very much. At every possible opportunity, the husband tried to express his feelings to his wife. And she was beautiful, sensitive and had fragile health.

But then the war began, and the husband had to go to the front. There he had to go through many difficult trials, but each time he miraculously survived. And every day he prayed to God to help him survive so that he could return home to the wife he loved so much. The thought that he would hug her again warmed his soul and helped him endure hunger, cold and wounds.

When the war ended, he, happier than ever, rushed home as if on wings. Now the village is already visible, and a friend is coming towards him! When the joy of seeing each other alive and unharmed subsided, his friend began to console him, talking about some test that had befallen him.

-What test are you talking about? – the husband asks with a sinking heart.

- Don’t you know anything? Your wife was seriously ill. She survived, of course, but only her face is now disfigured,” the friend answered sympathetically.

The husband, as if knocked down, sank to the ground and cried bitterly.

And in the evening he approaches his house. When his wife sees him, she cannot get enough of it and keeps thanking God for the miracle that he returned home alive! And then they sit down at the table... and she suddenly realizes that her husband, so beloved, lost his sight in the war! Thinking that he was blind as a result of his wound, she did not ask him anything, so as not to cause him unnecessary suffering. I started to take care of him as before loving wife, and they lived happily for another 15 years.

Then, after these 15 years of complete happiness, but also secret suffering, since she was terminally ill, the wife gave up her soul to God. A loving husband closed her eyes... and opened his own! All these years he pretended to be blind so as not to increase her suffering.”

This is what it means to love! Become blind so as not to hurt someone else

This is what it means to love! To become blind so as not to injure another.

It would often be better for us to close our eyes, too, because our gaze can be much heavier than we think, and the one we are looking at can feel even worse from this reproachful gaze. Many people lose the strength to fight themselves or the trials they go through simply because we didn’t look at them the way we should! Because of us, their life can become even harder, because we do not see how their soul hurts, hidden in this disabled body, or covered by ugliness, or some kind of ugliness, or a vice that has taken power over them, or depression, which they are fighting...

But to close your eyes to this, you have to love! We cannot stop seeing the ugliness of others when we have indifference, or stupidity, or the desire to marginalize a person, but only when we show sensitivity, delicacy and generosity.

You need to love in order to prevent others from feeling insulted or reproached.

Is love needed to behave simply and naturally? Obviously yes! You need to love so as not to let the other feel insulted or reproached. So that we do not become the reason why he suffers, but, on the contrary, help him, quench his pain as much as we can.

Isn't this what Christ does in our lives? It seems to me that He is looking at us eyes closed, because otherwise we would not be able to even look at Him, feeling so guilty before Him.

And I also thought: how rarely do we hear about cases like this these days! Love seems to have cooled now, it’s as if we no longer have the strength to love, or maybe we’ve just become too selfish?

Previously relationships between lovers were much more durable, more beautiful, happier. There used to be beauty and the sacred love of two. One simple gesture, a small flower, one look already became a source of joy, heart trembling and happy tears. And now... All you hear about partings and sadness. Scandals and accusations.

We are so enslaved by self-love that our neighbor becomes a burden to us

Everyone is complaining about someone. Everyone blames someone. There are very few who would take the blame and responsibility for the breakup upon themselves. Maybe we can't love anymore? Can't we forgive anymore? Does love no longer matter to us? Or are we simply so enslaved by self-love that our neighbor becomes a burden to us?

We all know that relationships family life get along, it is necessary for one to increase with his love the happiness and beauty of the other’s life. It has long been known that “love is a fire, but it burns when you add more wood,” and then you can love unceasingly.

None of the books says or anyone said that to love only means to experience happiness, no, to love means to wish goodness and happiness to another. This means - to give up your selfishness and pride, to humble yourself so that peace reigns, to pray in hope, to be content with the little that you have and to give thanks for it, to be happy, seeing that another is happy, and to live elevatingly...

To love is the wisdom of life. To love means to have a wise heart. To love means to possess a science that heals, and does not kill, comforts, and does not destroy!

Maybe those reading these lines have a different opinion, they think that it’s not appropriate for me to write about love relationships, because I don’t know “how hard it is.” Perhaps they are right, but like every priest, I suffer much more than you can imagine when I see a tormented heart, tears on the beautiful face of another. But it’s so hard for love to see this...

To love is first of all to give.

To love means your feelings are like a river,

Splash with spring generosity

To the delight of a loved one.

Loving is just opening your eyes

And immediately think at dawn:

Well, what to please, give

The one you love with all your soul?!

To love means to fight passionately

For loyalty both in word and in every glance,

So that your hearts remain to the end

Both in sorrow and in joy, always there.

Is love still waiting? Well, of course he’s waiting!

And tenderness and warmth awaits, but only

Does not keep accounting calculations:

So much was given, so much was taken.

Love is not a piggy bank in the darkness behind the closet.

The song does not tend to close itself off.

To love is to respond with joy

For everything good on earth!

To love is to see any object,

Feeling a kindred spirit nearby:

Here is a book - has he read it or not?

Pear... How does he like this pear?

Trifle? From what? Why a trifle?!

Sometimes even a drop saves a life.

Love is a cherry banner of happiness,

And in happiness there are no trifles!

Love is not a complete fireworks display of passions.

Love is the faithful hands in life,

She is not afraid of dark days,

No seduction and no separation.

To love means to defend the truth,

Even rebelling against the entire universe.

To love is to be able to forgive in grief

Everything except meanness and betrayal.

To love means as many times as you like

To endure all hardships with pride,

But never, even in the hour of death,

Do not agree to humiliation!

Love is not a cheerful thoughtless bow

And not reproaches that hit you in the ribs.

To love means to have talent,

Maybe the biggest and kindest.

And to hell with pathetic reasoning,

All feelings will disappear like water into sand.

Only hobbies are temporary.

Love, like the sun, always lives!

And I don't care about cynical laughter

The one for whom stellar heights cannot be measured.

After all, these poems are mine only for those

Who is capable of loving and believing with his heart!

Eduard Asadov

Love is long-suffering, forgiving insults...

LOVE is long-suffering, forgiving offenses.
LOVE IS merciful, giving its own.
LOVE DOES NOT JEALOUS, no matter who you are,

LOVE IS NOT PROUD of important successes.
DOES NOT THINK EVIL, and does not cause harm.

LOVE COVERS your shortcomings,
AND BELIEVE EVERYTHING you say in response;
FORGIVING MISTAKES, does not grumble on the sly,

LOVE WILL NOT JUDGE, rejoicing in the truth,
FROM THE JOY OF TRUTH it blooms like in paradise.
LOVE IS SELF-SACRIFICING - everything is for you.
LOVE WILL NOT disdain your weakness...

LOVE ONLY HOPES in the best moments.
LOVE AWAITS, rejoices, sings,
AND ALWAYS BELIEVES that someone needs you;

Lyudmila Larkina


Know how to cherish love,
Over the years it will be doubly valuable.
Love doesn't sigh on the bench
and not walks in the moonlight.
Everything will be: slush and powder.
After all, we need to live life together.
Love is like a good song
and the song is not easy to put together.

Stepan Shchipachev

I wish you well

I smile but my heart cries
on lonely evenings.
I love you.
This means -
I wish you well.
This means my joy
no words are needed and no meetings are needed,
and don't need my sadness,
and don't need my anxiety,
and there is no need to be on the road
We met the sunrises with you.
So old age looms in the distance,
and it's time to forget about a lot of things...
I love you.
This means -
I wish you well.
So how can I leave you?
How can I take the memory out of my heart?
how not to warm your cold hands,
those who took on an unbearable burden?
Who will say, my joy,
what do we need,
and what is not necessary,
will advise what to do?
Nobody will tell us about this,
and no one will show the way,
and no one will untie the knot...
Who said it's easy to love?

Veronica Tushnova


No need to give away your loved ones
Neither those who are nearby, nor those
Who are far away, almost invisible.
But often the closest!

When everything is built perfectly
And life burns like a banner,
Why worry about happiness?!
After all, everything comes true just like that!

When from evil or caustic words
The soul sometimes hurts and breaks -
Don't frown in irritation.
Be strong! Let's say again and again:
You should fight for happiness!

And in the storms of sharp explanations
God bless us every time
From nervously heated phrases
And ill-considered decisions.

It has been known almost since ancient times:
It is not possible to love dishonestly,
And therefore, no revenge of jealousy,
No entertainment of any kind,
Neither drunkenness nor secret infidelities
Love is not worth it anyway!

So, fight and decide:
Let there be joy, let there be trouble,
Fight, argue, attack,
And just don’t give away love,
Never give it away!

Eduard Asadov


Love endures without measure
And full of mercy
Without envy, exaltation
She's always beyond pride
She is not familiar with the darkness of chaos
She's not looking for hers
Doesn't get annoyed by evil
Even evil itself does not think
Love doesn't laugh at lies
But I'm always glad for the truth
Covers everything, believes everything,
She hopes everything
She endures everything in life,
Though the image of the world passes away,
Love takes away everything sad
And it never stops

(1 Corinth. Ch. 13)


She was treated with respect everywhere:
And a hard worker and a good wife.
And life suddenly ended without regret:
Her husband was nearby - and now she was alone...

Everyday life passed in an even sequence.
And the same friends and the same respect,
But something suddenly arose,
What you sometimes don’t immediately understand:

Friends, young at heart,
Sometimes visiting her out of friendship,
Already joked like in the days of yore
They never decided to do it in front of my husband.

And saying that life is almost nothing,
If the heart is not warmed by affection,
Sometimes they hinted to her that
Sometimes they hinted at this to her...

Otherwise, when they meet, they will predict boredom for her
And they will even get irritated in the heat of the moment,
If someone's too gentle hand
She will shake it off her knee or shoulder.

They didn’t believe it: it breaks, plays,
Tell me what honor preserves!
One of two things: or he drives up the price,
Or there has been someone for a long time.

And it was unclear to anyone
That alone, she is faithful to him!

Eduard Asadov


Don't rush to leave!
Wait at the open door!
You can't easily forget
Those who love you, who believe you!
Don't rush to reject
When they open their soul to you...
Get the seal of wisdom,
Just be able to remain silent!
You can do it, I know.
Don't rush to fall out of love,
Immediately rejecting all feelings,
You may not have enough warmth
So that the ice of alienation melts.
Don't rush to keep up
Find a moment to stop!
What if I find out
And appear where necessary...
Don't rush to forget everything,
To brush aside the nonsense thought...
How difficult it is to return everything!
How difficult it is to go back!

Igor Fedoseev


I’m not sorry that I wasn’t loved by you, -
I'm not worthy of your love!
I’m not sorry that now I’m tormented by separation, -
I love hot when I'm apart;

I'm not sorry that I poured and drank it myself
Humiliation cup to the bottom,
What about my curses and tears and prayers?
You remained cold;

I'm not sorry that the fire that boiled in the blood
My heart burned and tormented, -
But I'm sorry that I once lived without love,
But I'm sorry that I loved little!

Alexey Apukhtin


You and I are stupid people:
In just a minute, the flash is ready!
Relief for a troubled chest
An unreasonable, harsh word, -

Speak up when you're angry
Everything that excites and torments the soul!
Let us, my friend, be openly angry:
The world is easier and more likely to get boring.

If prose in love is inevitable,
So let's take a share of happiness from her:
After a quarrel, so full, so tender
Return of love and participation...

Nikolay Nekrasov


Whatever life teaches us,
But the heart believes in miracles:
There is endless strength
There is also imperishable beauty.

And the withering of the earth
He will not touch unearthly flowers,
And from the midday heat
The dew will not dry on them.

And this faith will not deceive
The one who only lives by it,
Not everything that bloomed here will fade,
Not everything that was here will pass!

But this faith is for few
Grace is available only to those
Who is in the strict temptations of life,
How you knew how to suffer, lovingly.

Healing the ailments of others
With his suffering he was able to
Who laid down his soul for others
And he endured everything to the end.

Fedor Tyutchev


Dear friend, don’t you see,
That everything we see is
Only a reflection, only shadows
From the invisible with your eyes?

Dear friend, don’t you hear?
That everyday noise is crackling -
Only the response is distorted
Triumphant harmonies?

Dear friend, don’t you hear,
What is one thing in the whole world -
Only what is heart to heart
Says in a silent hello?

Vladimir Soloviev


As soon as people don't call Love -
Poison, poison, witch's drink.

But for Love this meaning is unknown -
She has a Meaning of a Different Nature.

Madness, fever, obsession -
There is no way a person will guess.

She, “only” is a blessing to us,
In a cruel age, in a crazy age.

Run, run - like escaping from the plague,
God forbid us such pleasures!

But for Love your words are in vain -
After all, GOD is Love, oh, man...

Who told you that, supposedly, Love is subject to jurisdiction?
What will God condemn and never forgive?

The Law of Love brings misfortune to the “legalists” -
She covers sin with herself!

How can it be?! Blasphemy again!
Well, knit it, cross it! To the cross!

This is how it was with the Lord - he did not judge for feelings.
But you judge. So who are you, man?