Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Not everything is Maslenitsa (Scenes from Moscow life). Why Maslenitsa is so good for a cat: about the meaning of the proverb What is interesting about the meaning of the proverb “Not everything is Maslenitsa for a cat”


Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Not everything is Maslenitsa (Scenes from Moscow life)

Scene one


Daria Fedoseevna Kruglova, widow of a merchant, 40 years old.

Agnia, her daughter, 20 years old.

Ermil Zotych Akhov, wealthy merchant, 60 years old.

Ippolit, his clerk, about 27 years old.

Malanya, Kruglova's cook.

Poor but clean room. In the back is the door to the hallway; to the left of the spectators is a door to the inner rooms; on the same side, closer to the audience, there is a sofa; in front of him is a table covered with a colored tablecloth; two armchairs. On right side two windows with clean white curtains; there are flowers on the windows, a mirror between the windows, a hoop closer to the audience.

First appearance

Kruglova (on the sofa); Agnia (gnaws pine nuts at the window).

Agnia. The weather! Even surprising! And we are sitting. At least somewhere to go for a walk, or something!

Kruglova. But wait, give me some time, I’ll sleep for half an hour, maybe we’ll go for a walk.

Agnia. We have only one gentleman, the other is missing, there’s no one to go out with.

Kruglova. And who is to blame? It’s not for me to catch gentlemen for you! Shouldn't we place nets along the streets?

Agnia. Perhaps Ippolit will come in?

Kruglova. And then, lo and behold, it will come; Today is a holiday, what should he do at home? Here's your gentleman; I didn’t look for it, I found it myself. I have you freely. How did you pick him up?

Agnia. Very simple. I was walking out of town one day, he caught up with me and walked me home. I thanked him.

Kruglova. And called?

Agnia. Why on earth?

Kruglova. How did he show up with us?

Agnia. I called him, and then. He began to walk past the windows ten times a day; Well, what's good, it's better to let him into the house. Only glory.

Kruglova. By itself.

Agnia. Should I say everything?

Kruglova. Yes, speak at the same time.

Agnia (indifferently and gnawing nuts). Then he wrote me a letter with different feelings, only very awkwardly...

Kruglova. Well? Did you answer him?

Agnia. She answered only in words. Why, I say, do you write letters if you don’t know how? If you need to tell me something, it’s better to say it directly than to mess up the paper.

Kruglova. That's all?

Agnia. That's all. What else?

Kruglova. You took a lot of will.

Agnia. Lock it up.

Kruglova. Talk more.

Malanya enters.

Second phenomenon

Kruglova, Agnia, Malanya.

Malanya (speaks slowly). I was walking along the street...

Kruglova. So what?

Malanya. So he... What's his name?

Kruglova. Who is he?

Malanya. How the hell is he?.. As neighbors...

Kruglova. What?

Malanya. Yes, there are a lot of them here... There are a lot of them. So black...

Kruglova. Gray-haired, or what?

Malanya. Yes, gray-haired. What am I!.. And I’m blackish...

Kruglova. Akhov, or what?

Malanya. It must be that he... Akhov him... or something. So big...

Kruglova. Average height?

Malanya. Yes, perhaps so.

Kruglova. Well, what is he? Wake up, do me a favor!

Malanya. Why wake up!.. I don’t sleep casually, but when it’s time... so who cares! Bow down, he says.

Kruglova. You didn't say much.

Malanya. What else should I say? (He leaves and immediately returns.) Yes, I forgot... I’ll come in, he says.

Kruglova. When?

Malanya. Who is he... How should I know? (Leaves and returns.) Yes! Out of my head... Today, he says, I’ll come in. Is he called Akhov? So blackish...

Kruglova. All grey?

Malanya. And even then gray-haired. What a memory! God! (Leaves.)

The third phenomenon

Kruglova and Agnia.

Kruglova. Our servant Licharda should only be sent as an ambassador. He will explain the matter as it is written. As soon as she begins to interpret, it’s as if the millstones are turning in her head.

Agnia. Is this your Akhov uncle to Ippolit?

Kruglova. Yes, uncle.

Agnia. He'll come and stop us from going for a walk. Why is he doing this?

Kruglova. Who knows! This is what a rich man means! He is disgusting to me, disgusting, but still a guest. I don’t get any profit from him, and I don’t expect him to; But how do you tell him, the millionaire: get out! What a deal! And what meanness it is in people who have started such a custom of bowing to money! Here you go. Take the money from him, the whole price is worthless to him; and everywhere he is respected, and not just out of self-interest, but as if he were really worthwhile. Why don’t they tell such people that, they say, we don’t need you and all your money, because you are an insensitive beast. But they won’t say it to your face. Women are quick to do this; If only we had more sense. And why did he come to us?

Agnia. Must be in love.

Kruglova. In whom?

Agnia. Yes, I think so, in you.

Kruglova. Isn't it in you?

Agnia. Well, what a match I am for him! And you, Mama, are just right. Well, you will be a rich merchant's wife. What's even nicer?

Kruglova. And it seems... God save me! I saw it, daughter, I saw this pleasantness. And now, whenever I remember, I shudder at night. And when I used to dream, at first, about your late father, I was thrown into hysterics so many times. Do you believe how angry I am with them, with these damned tyrants! And my father was like that, and my husband was even worse, and his friends were all the same; They've drained me of my entire life. Yes, it seems that if only I had been brought, I would have taken it out on my own for everyone.

Agnia. As if?

Kruglova. I would have amused my darling; no need to. And even then I’ll say: what’s the point of bragging! Our souls are short, and you’ll probably melt in front of money. They're damned.

Agnia. Especially if they are not there.

Kruglova. Well, I went to bed.

Agnia. With God blessing.

Kruglova leaves.

The fourth phenomenon

Agnia, then Ippolit.

Agnia (looking out the window). He walks by again. What kind of manner do they have? (Opens the window and bows.) What, have you lost something?

Ippolit outside the window: “Nothing other than the heart, sir.”

Why are you walking back and forth? Why don't you come right in?

Ippolit outside the window: “I don’t dare, sir.”

Who are you afraid of?

Hippolyte outside the window: “To your mother.”

Why be afraid of her? She is sleeping.

Ippolit outside the window: “In that case, now, sir.”

Agnia. Such a prominent, handsome young man, and so timid.

Hippolytus enters. He is dressed cleanly and modernly: with a small beard, quite handsome.

Hello again!

Hippolytus. Our respect, sir.

Agnia. And we were waiting for you; we want to go for a walk together. You will go?

Hippolytus. Even with my great pleasure, sir. (Looks around.)

Agnia. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid; I'm telling you that he's sleeping.

Hippolytus. It’s not that I was afraid, but how, actually, without their invitation.

Agnia. Anyway, I invited you.

Hippolytus. All the same, it’s not the same, sir. What if she comes out and says: “Uninvited guests, get out!” Such and such times have happened to me. However, it is quite embarrassing, sir.

Agnia. Is it really possible? What do you!

Hippolytus. Very possible, sir; especially if the owner or hostess has character. And you will go as if you had not eaten salt; and you still look around to see if they are escorting you to the back of your head.

Agnia (laughs). Did they see you off?

Hippolytus. If they hadn’t seen me off, I wouldn’t have known about this very delicacy.

Agnia. Are you kidding.

Hippolytus. Of course, you can’t expect anything from educated people, but on our side you can expect everything. What kind of ignorance is rampant around us - passion! Every master in his own house is like Sultan Makhnut-Turkish; He just doesn’t cut heads.

Agnia. You must be a coward.

Hippolytus. Why such criticism?

Agnia. You are afraid of everything.

Hippolytus. Quite the opposite, sir; I feel so bad that I even have enough despair.

Agnia. Against who?

Hippolytus. Against everyone, sir.

Agnia. And against the owner?

Hippolytus. And the owner too, if something doesn’t matter, he’ll take a little from me. I will also besiege you in at its best.

Agnia. Is it true?

Hippolytus. Take it with that.

Agnia. Well, look! I don’t like cowards, I’m telling you in advance.

Hippolytus. Why, sir! Of course, I was born in the wrong rank, we are not taught heroism from an early age, but if we take the courage...

Agnia. So take it more often.

Hippolytus. Is this your advice, sir?

Agnia. Yes, that's my advice. And don't be afraid of my mom.

Hippolytus. So everything will definitely be done exactly, sir.

Agnia. Very well. And listen to me in everything.

Hippolytus. Yes, now is the time for you to teach me.

Agnia. Why?

Hippolytus. I feel like I’m completely lost, and even in my thoughts I’m splitting apart.

Agnia. What happened to you?

Hippolytus. From feelings.

Agnia. Please tell me how sensitive you are!

Hippolytus. Me? I’m not happy with myself, that’s how it is! I just don’t know how to put it into words, that’s one thing.

Agnia. What would have happened then?

Hippolytus. Now everything would be in verse.

Agnia. Well, you can do without them.

Hippolyte (takes an embroidered ribbon from the hoop for bookmarking a book). Who are you for, sir?

Agnia. What do you care?

Hippolytus. So, we will confiscate now.

Agnia. Who else will let you?

Hippolytus. What if without permission, sir?

Agnia. How, without permission? For this to the world.

Hippolytus. And I will tell the world that it is a sign of memory.

Agnia. As a sign of remembrance they ask, but do not take it themselves.

Hippolytus. What if you don’t get it, sir?

Agnia. So you're not worth it. Put it back in place.

Hippolytus. Let me use it for one day.

Agnia. Not for one hour.

Hippolytus. The cruelty has begun.

Agnia. But for these words, now put it in its place and don’t dare touch it. I embroidered it for you, but now I won’t give it back.

Hippolytus. And as long as it’s for me, I have every right.

Agnia. You have no right. Serve it up! (He wants to take the ribbon.)

Hippolytus (raising his hand). You won't get it.

Agnia. Do you think I have no strength? (He wants to bend his hand. Ippolit kisses it.) What else is this? How dare you?

Hippolytus. As it is, everyone is to blame, sir.

Agnia. Shame on you! (Sits at the embroidery hoop and lowers his head.)

Hippolytus. It's definitely a shame; Of course, that is ignorance on my part, but only if there is no way to endure it... Although I am not quite a person now, because I live among people and am dependent on everything, but with all that, if you don’t dislike me in any way, I am your mother I can open up in everything as I should.

Agnia is silent.

Over time, I too can be a person, and in my own business I even have a lot of ideas against others.

Agnia is silent.

Now, if there’s anything I’m afraid of, it’s actually what decision you’ll give me.

Agnia is silent and lowers her head even more.

At least one word.

Agnia is silent.

Are you really going to leave me without attention? Have some mercy! Maybe you don't believe my feelings? I can assure you with all my soul. If I didn’t feel it, would I dare...

Agnia (looking down). Well, okay, I believe you. How long will it take until you are fully human?

Hippolytus. When the owner puts in a real salary.

Agnia. Well, then you’ll tell mommy; I'll talk to you too. (Herly.) But still give me the ribbon!

Hippolytus. No, it's property now.

Agnia. Well, if not property! I'll take it away. Just look, if again...

Hippolytus. How is it possible, sir!

Agnia takes the ribbon. Hippolyte kisses her. Kruglova enters.

Fifth appearance

Kruglova, Agnia, Ippolit.

Kruglova. What a fuss is this! There is no peace. That's great!

Agnia (quietly screams). Oh! (Sits on a chair behind the hoop.)

Hippolyte retreats to the depths of the room and stands timidly at the ceiling.

Kruglova. What is this?

Agnia. What? Nothing.

Kruglova. Like nothing? I saw with my own eyes how he kissed you.

Agnia. Eka importance, kissed!

Kruglova. Don't you think this is important?

Agnia. Yes, sure. Now, if he bit, it’s not good.

Kruglova. Are you sane or crazy? And shame, then, is nothing?

Agnia. What a shame! There is shame among the rich; and no matter how we live, no one cares about that. Both good and bad, all for yourself, not for people. Live well, people won’t praise you, and live poorly, you won’t surprise anyone.

Kruglova. Please think about what she does!

Agnia. Did you think I was still playing with dolls?

Kruglova. Little by little from my mother...

Agnia. Yes, I’m with you, too, perhaps.

Kruglova. There was, therefore, a little shame.

Agnia. Whatever it is needed for, it is there.

Kruglova. Still, it’s not good that the mother doesn’t know.

Agnia. You have nothing to know; Nothing is certain yet. The time will come, don't worry, let's say; we know this order.

Kruglova. Talking to you, whatever is more is worse. It's better to quit; Otherwise, perhaps, you’ll still have yourself to blame. And what’s true is true: you started to take Christ at the wrong time.

Agnia. Read ahead. Of course, you can restrain yourself; Yes for what? Our youth is not red anyway; how will she be remembered?

Kruglova (to Ippolit). Well, what about you? Do I really let you into the house for this? Good, good!

Hippolytus. You won't hear any excuses from me.

Kruglova. You are the kind of people to be trusted! Let the goat into the garden!

Hippolytus. I am speechless now, everything is as if I was dead. Everything is your will.

Kruglova. Pretend you're an orphan. So I’ll see what happens from you, or even turn around, brother.

Agnia. May it be for you!

Kruglova. Don't like to listen?

Agnia. Let's go for a walk.

Kruglova. Is partying on your mind?

Agnia. Yes, that's enough, mummy. They corrected their case, scolded them, and so be it.

Kruglova. Well, you're a fool, let's just say that. Apparently, get ready and go for a walk.

Akhov enters.

Appearance Six

Kruglova, Agnia, Ippolit, Akhov.

Akhov. So I wandered into your miserable hut.

Kruglova. Welcome! Thank you for not disdaining.

Akhov. I don’t disdain, I don’t disdain, Fedosevna; Appreciate it! Were you expecting such a guest? (Looks sideways at Hippolytus.)

Kruglova. And they waited, and they didn’t.

Akhov. How? After all, I and your fool ordered you to wait.

Kruglova. But our servant is antique; You won’t wait for her until her tongue turns.

Akhov (Agnii). Are you having fun jumping?

Agnia. Little by little.

Akhov. So what? And you live more fun! If your mother hurts you, then complain to me about her.

Kruglova. Please sit down obediently.

Akhov (looking askance at Hippolytus). I’ll sit, I’ll sit, don’t ask. (Sits on the sofa.)

Kruglova. What would you like to serve, Ermil Zotych?

Akhov. Wait a little longer to treat the guests, let the guests sit down properly.

Kruglova. Take a seat.

Akhov. Take a seat! Look around you first! I sat down, but there is no order in your house; that's what!

Kruglova. I don’t know, father, what you are saying.

Akhov (to Hippolytus). Well!

Hippolytus. What, uncle, do you order?

Akhov. Do not you know?

Hippolytus. What would you like, sir?

Akhov. Come to your senses! Where are you?

Hippolytus. At Daria Fedosevna's, sir.

Akhov (imitating him). At Daria Fedosevna's! I know what Daria Fedosevna has. So, in your opinion, this is where you should be?

Hippolytus. I came to visit, sir.

Akhov. Why me?

Hippolytus. So I assume, uncle, that you too, sir.

Akhov. Well, are you my company or not? Have you figured it out now?

Hippolytus. What should I guess, sir?

Akhov. That where the owner is, there is no place for you. Understood?

Hippolytus. I understand, sir.

Akhov. Well, that means, get out!

Kruglova. Why are you persecuting him?

Agnia. For us, guests are all equal.

Akhov. You know a lot! It's none of your business! (To Hippolyte.) As soon as you see the owner, you must run; I didn’t have time to grab my hat, so run without a hat. There was, but the trace disappeared, as if the wind had blown you off the face of the earth. Well, who am I telling?

Hippolytus. But let me...

Akhov. Should I drag you out of here by the hair?

Hippolytus. How is this possible, sir? Even in front of the ladies...

Akhov. In front of the ladies! I really need it. I'll pull it out, and that's it.

Hippolytus. Why such an insult, sir? I'm on a noble account here, sir.

Akhov (gets up). Get out, they tell you.

Hippolytus (takes his hat). If you absolutely want it...

Agnia (to Hippolyta). Got cold feet?

Akhov (stomping his feet). Out without talking, out!

Hippolyte leaves.

Agnia (following him). It's a shame, a shame to be a coward!

Seventh Appearance

Akhov, Kruglova, Agnia.

Akhov. I'll get cold feet; I don’t even have someone like him who will chicken out.

Agnia. What, are you very scary?

Akhov. I'm not scary; The devil is scary, and they also put a scary scarecrow in the garden to scare the crows. You don't know how to speak! I'm not scary, but formidable. (Kruglova.) And you still sit him down and treat him in front of the boy!

Kruglova. I don’t understand how he bothered you.

Akhov. It's time to understand; I wasn’t married to a man. Order was also established in the house; tea, studying is your husband’s and now you remember? What ignorance!

Kruglova. There is no ignorance here. Why did you really start teaching me! It's too late, and I don't need it.

Akhov. What do I need? Live as you want; It's worse for you.

Kruglova. She somehow lived a century, now she only has a little time left to live.

Akhov. Just think about how he and the owner are in the same room? Maybe I’ll talk to you; Maybe I’ll want to joke with you; and he, his mouth open, will listen? In his life he never heard anything from me except orders and scolding. What fear will he have after this? He will say that our master says the same nonsense as all other people. And he shouldn't know this.

Kruglova. Well, how can we understand this policy of yours!

Akhov. Sometimes we get together, owners, and we get into such mischief that we can’t even say it in a fairy tale or write it with a pen! So should we let clerks into our company so that they can admire us?

Kruglova. It's up to you.

Akhov. That's what I'm saying. Now, as soon as you saw me, before you sat me down and treated me to food, you would have pushed him out the door; and it’s good for him, and it’s more pleasant for me too.

Kruglova. Would you like to ask for some tea?

Akhov. I don’t want to, they offended me. I felt for you with all my heart, but you didn’t want to respect me.

Kruglova. It's hard to please you.

Akhov. No, you wait! We really need to be respected. We must especially respect other people. And why? I'll tell you if you don't know.

Kruglova. Tell me, let's listen.

Akhov. You are a rich man, if he is merciful to you, watch over him more than your eye. Because you don’t have your own wealth: need or what, who should you rush to? And secondly: do you know, is someone else’s soul open to you, why a rich man is merciful to you? Maybe he’s only giving himself courage, or maybe he’s being serious!! Because for our brother, if he wants anything, there is nothing expensive; but you, poor brethren, have nothing cherished; everything is corrupt. And suddenly, out of a penny, a ruble. Understood?

Kruglova. Well, not suddenly.

Akhov. But now for you... (Agnia.) Can you kiss me now, in front of your mother?

Agnia. I can if I want.

Akhov. Well, whatever you want, you won’t be at a loss.

Agnia. And I don’t need any profit; but just to avoid starting unnecessary conversations out of trifles, if you please. (Kisses him.)

Akhov (Kruglovoy). Did you see it?

Kruglova. What to see? I didn’t even see that. Smacking your lips is no big deal! I wish she had you now! What's this! It’s like pot against pot; No matter how much you hit it, there will be no oil. But then there is a matter of a completely different kind; Then mother, just look.

Akhov. No, listen! After all, what is wealth flattering? Here's what: whatever you wanted, whatever you had in mind - it's all yours.

Agnia. Well, if I had known that you would understand my condescension so much, I would never have kissed you.

Akhov. You shut up, you shut up! You didn't do anything bad. No, I’m saying, if the whole life... maybe of more than one hundred people is in our hands, how can we not exalt ourselves? Everyone also wants a sweet pie... And what about those who have nothing to eat at all! Oh, they bought people cheap, oh, cheap! Would you believe it, sometimes you even feel sorry for yourself.

Kruglova. What capital is something to be proud of!

Akhov. And then what? (With a sigh.) Strength, Fedosevna, strength!

Kruglova. Well, what can I say!

Akhov. Well, so you discuss it, and think about it alone at your leisure, with a pillow; Maybe things will go better. (Gets up.) Well, goodbye for now. It's okay, I'm not angry.

Kruglova. Well, fine, if you're not angry. What good is it to be angry!

Akhov. Of course, no matter how long you have been in poverty, you have become unaccustomed to the real order; but give you the money, and then you go again.

Kruglova. Still would.

Akhov. So, look into it, Daria Fedosevna! (Significantly.) I recommend it. Remember one thing: no one like God! (Agniya.) Goodbye, dragonfly!

Agnia. Farewell, Ermil Zotych.

Akhov. I'll probably be there again soon. I am exactly drawn to you... Of course, what is needed on your part... Well, so be it. Should I come tomorrow, or what?

Kruglova. What kind of demand? Yes, whenever you want!

Akhov. OK OK. (Quietly to Kruglova.) I’ll come tomorrow.

Kruglova. What a secret!

Akhov (pushes her with his elbow). Talk to you. (Leaves.)

The eighth phenomenon

Kruglova, Agnia.

Agnia. Mama, when Hippolytus comes, drive him away without mercy.

Kruglova. Shouldn't Ermila be driven away?

Agnia. What is it for? Is he to blame? How can he not be exalted when everyone submits to him?

Kruglova. Whatever you say, I feel sorry for Ippolit.

Agnia. Why feel sorry for him? he's not small. If he had a conscience, he himself would be ashamed that they were feeling sorry for him. What little one was offended! I can't see him.

Kruglova. Why is it so menacing?

Agnia. Well, if he were married, and with his wife here, what a poor thing it would be like for her!

Kruglova. Try talking to Yermil.

Agnia. It’s not like he’s tied to Yermil by a rope, he just threw it away and went. And I almost fell in love with him, the crybaby.

Kruglova. You can see how many days there are in the week, so many Fridays. I didn’t have time to fall in love, and I fell out of love.

Agnia. Yes, I fell out of love.

Kruglova. And I fell in love with it more.

Agnia. Well, congratulations.

Kruglova. And I recommend it to you too.

Agnia. Well, it’s in vain.

Kruglova. Because he is kind.

Agnia. Nasty, disgusting.

Kruglova. Is Akhov better?

Agnia. And there is no comparison.

Kruglova. How good it is! Well, kiss your Akhov.

Agnia. Yes, of course, better than with Hippolytus.

Kruglova. You should have guessed this before.

Agnia. Don’t reproach, don’t reproach, I’m already cursing myself.

Kruglova. I don't blame you; and, in my opinion, if you like a person, stick to one.

Agnia. How could it not be so; he's worth it! I’ll do one more thing: I’ll write to him so that he doesn’t dare show himself to us. (Goes to another room.)

Kruglova. It’s in vain to write; It's just a waste of time to get your hands dirty!

Agnia. Not at all in vain. (Leaves.)

Kruglova. It’s not in vain; after all, after a little while, you’ll start writing another letter, telling you to come quickly.

Agnia (from another room). No way, no way in the world.

Kruglova. I'll believe it, of course.

Agnia. And don't say better! The end of the acquaintance - that's all.

Kruglova. Let's see, said the blind man. (Leaves.)

Scene two



Feona, Akhov's housekeeper and distant relative.

Decoration of the first scene.

First appearance

Kruglova (on the sofa), Feona (on the armchair) are drinking tea. There is a samovar on the table. Malanya is standing at the door (with his hand on his cheek).

Kruglova. Are you, Feonushka, from mass?

Feona. From mass, mother.

Kruglova. Where was it?

Feona. In Khamovniki.

Kruglova. How far is it?

Feona. Of course, it wouldn’t be for my legs, just diligence, so... (Puts down the cup.)

Kruglova (pouring). Drink some more!

Feona. I'll have a drink, don't blame me.

Malanya. But... everything is hard for those who live in laziness, if they let themselves down. Another time in the morning... you feel so undead and tormented... they gave you something to drink, this very flesh seems to be growing, there’s a slight buzzing through your joints... Not just because what a great thing is that according to Christianity you should, but the samovar , and that laziness to put... everything would lie.

Feona. And you, girl, shake off your whims and try! Strive to keep yourself on track... otherwise it won’t take long and you’ll become completely stupefied. We had something like this with one of us - she looked like she was filled with lead. Neither concept, he says, nor pity in me became of any use.

Malanya. It goes without saying that the sins... are ours; otherwise I...what am I talking about!

Feona. If only you could live with our Ermil Zotych. He drank some tea before morning.

Malanya. Look, what's his name...

Kruglova. What kind of business does he have - urgent?

Feona. Who cares, besides walking around grumbling and not sleeping? Hater! He’s such a big offender for his bread and salt! You might choke on a piece of it; he will reproach you with it ten times a day. He shouts: “I feed you and pay you a salary,” but he doesn’t consider other people’s work. It seems to him that if he could get two things done out of a working day, he would be so happy. So he wanders around early in the morning, wandering around the yard, wandering around the garden, wandering around the barns, wandering around the stables. Then he will go to the factory, there, too, he only disturbs people: a person is running about something, and he will stop him and begin to scold him for nothing; says: good for the front. And he comes home from the factory and fights with the children - that’s all our business.

Kruglova. Don't tell me; he had his own child. One, apparently, is cut by a tailor. One difference: mine tortured us, tormented us, and almost left us with nothing; But yours was buried up to its neck in money, and lost count, and got stuck there.

Feona. What about money? There is only one sin. It’s good how he gets his hands on it, but who knows what’s on his mind. One son ran away from home, Nikolai Ermilych.

Kruglova. How long ago?

Feona. He ran, mother; ran to his mother-in-law. I moved out last week. And a meek man, but did not endure. Believe it or not, he’s become all thin, he walks, and his whole body shudders. And his wife, a young woman, was completely exhausted; he gets up in tears, and lies down in tears. The old man keeps reproaching them for their inheritance. “You want my death,” he says, “are you waiting for money, is your will not enough? Wait, he says, wait; I won’t soon part with my savings; First I will teach you how to live, I will show you off for my goodness so much that you won’t even be happy about the money.”

Malanya. And you also have an asp.

Feona. Asp, as there is an asp. (Places the cup on the table.) Thank you humbly.

Kruglova. And what else?

Feona. No, I drank as much as I wanted. I’ll come home and have a drink. What can you do out of boredom? Why don’t you drink yourself?

Kruglova. Agnichka and I were already drunk. This is me, spoiling you. Malanya, put away the tea!

Malanya takes the samovar and a tray of cups and leaves.

Feona. But we have Grisha, a different one, mother...

Kruglova. I know I know.

Feona. Not like that, mischievous; apparently he succeeded as a priest.

Kruglova. Does he even love him?

Feona. There’s no way you can love him, mother; very awkward, and so stupid that God forbid! He knows only one thing: to bow at his father’s feet, and to drink and get rowdy - you won’t find another. As a result of this, his vision was dulled. When a drunk arrives from somewhere or is brought in, his eyes widen like a sheep, stare in one direction and start hitting the floor with his forehead in front of his father. He will forgive him, but he will go downhill again. What complaints were there against him, that money was paid for him! Just recently I fooled around; they brought him from what warm places, I don’t know, just tied up. And two of those who were beaten with him, and one, they say, was drowned in the Moscow River. Well, there is nothing to be done, the father paid the beaten man for the flaw, and the drowning man, and those who dragged him from the water, also gave him wine to drink, in addition to the money. And his father sent him to the factory to keep him locked up there until he was pacified.

Kruglova. What's going on! How rich merchants live! You won’t envy their wealth either.

Feona. What, mother, is there anything envious about him! In this wealth there are too many other people's tears, so they respond - up to the seventh generation, they say.

Kruglova. This means that the old man is now alone; That’s why he got into the habit of visiting me.

Feona. Consider that one. Our house is an old princely one, forty rooms - so empty; if you say a word, there’s even a buzz; So he wanders around the rooms alone. Yesterday I went out at dusk and got lost in my house; the guard shouts in unkind obscenities. I found him by force and brought him out. It is he who wanders towards you out of boredom. They brought Grisha back from the factory again, mother, but he was sick. The doctor drives, and even the old dissenter walks around, applying live lines to his soles. At the factory we have a German elechtor, Vander, and such and such an evil drinker that, it seems, as soon as the human womb fits; and no matter what he drinks, it’s all right for him, only it’s even better, he becomes more colorful and bright-eyed. Well, ours is still young, and he couldn’t bear it, and a cloud of mind came over him. He began to run out onto the balcony and shoot at the men with a gun. It goes without saying that he did not do this of his own free will. Maybe they had already started it in Moscow, but we had no idea. They began to fly around him, he says, at first like bumblebees, and then they showed themselves in their form, as they should be. And yet he is now hiding from them. Oh, go! Otherwise he himself will probably quarrel.

Kruglova. Sit down. Who is in charge of your business?

Feona. Nephew, mother.

Kruglova. Hippolytus?

Feona. He, mother, he, Apolit. And in the office and in the factory - all of him.

Kruglova. What kind of guy is he, I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time.

Feona. Martyr, mother, one word. Passion-bearer. One does the work for all, knows no peace; but apart from scolding, he sees nothing for himself.

Kruglova. Doesn't he drink?

Feona. And what are you saying, mother! Not a drop of poppy dew. And he must drink, I suppose, he must be fast.

Kruglova. Why is this so?

Feona. It won’t stand, it’s impossible. With us, everything is the same: whether you maintain yourself honestly or whether you get drunk, it’s all the same price; from the owner kind words You will not get it; So what kind of misfortune is there to cut yourself short of? Before, Apolit still walked around more cheerfully, but now he’s so gloomy, from everything it’s clear that he’s getting ready to drink. Well, he struggles with money, poor thing; He has no position, but what will the owner give out of mercy?

Kruglova. Eko, poor thing!

Feona. What are you asking about him? Who are you wooing?

Kruglova. And even if I’m a matchmaker; is it a bad thing?

Feona. Who's talking? Are you not one of us?

Kruglova. Well, so does my fiancée.

Feona. Well, I found a fool; I'll believe it, of course! What kind of hunt for a subordinate person are you in!

Kruglova. I was behind the owner, but I saw the grief. Of course, if we come across a wealthy person, we will not disdain.

Feona. Why bother! Yes, it’s obvious from everything that your bird will be in a golden cage.

Kruglova. Ah, Feonushka, a cage is still a cage, no matter how you gild it.

Feona. For some reason, our old man has begun to praise your daughter very much.

Kruglova. Let him praise him, there is no loss for us.

Feona. Why not praise! And everyone will praise. Yes, he is a blessed old man; says things he shouldn't. After all, he is well over sixty, she is old enough to be his granddaughter. And he is, after all, exactly young.

Kruglova. What are you saying?

Feona. As if you don't know him? Everything will happen from him.

Kruglova. Well, where is it!

Feona. Yes, that's right, if I say so. This is not the first time he has embarrassed Moscow. He even took on rich people, he was smart enough, and in three places they gave him a carriage; Now he’s dreaming something else. “I’ll choose one of the poor,” he says, “one who’s better off.” She will never forget my good deed all her life, and I will also see prostrations from her relatives! The girl is a girl, and I’ll break to my heart’s content.”

Kruglova. But these old rich people only dream a lot about themselves, but they have no intelligence.

Feona. No, mother, no, one force. And if they knock off this very force from him, he’s like your crow is wet. Ay, fathers! I stayed too long.

Kruglova. Goodbye, Feonushka!

Feona. Is this my daughter, tea?

Kruglova. Agnikka.

Feona. What a cheerful girl, God bless her.

Agnia enters.

Second phenomenon

Kruglova, Feona, Agnia.

Agnia. Hello, grandma.

Feona. Hello, dear! Why did you keep silent? Sing, the day is yours. Do you know what sings in you?

Agnia. What?

Feona. Will. But when the time comes, you’ll give up the songs.

Agnia. Yes, I won’t go into captivity.

Feona. And I wouldn’t be glad to go, if it was so provided. Happy Stay! Why don't you drive me away! Farewell! (Leaves.)

Agnia sits down at the embroidery frame and thinks.

Kruglova. Consult your mother! Why are you still sighing alone? I'm your friend, not your enemy.

Agnia. No, mummy, I’m afraid I’ll cry; What's good about crying? (Works.)

Kruglova. Should I tell you the news?

Agnia. Tell!

Kruglova. Yermil Zotych really liked you.

Agnia. Oh! Killed!

Kruglova (smiles). My business is to tell you; and there it is, as you wish.

Agnia. Well, yes, of course.

Kruglova. I am not taking away your freedom.

Agnia (working). I humbly thank you.

Kruglova. No one in the world is ever tired of money.

Agnia. Still would!

Kruglova. And if they don’t exist, that’s even more so.

Agnia. What can I say!

Kruglova. Well, honor also means something.

Agnia. By itself.

Kruglova. An enviable groom.

Agnia. There is no point in arguing.

Kruglova. Only old.

Agnia. Nothing.

Kruglova. Yes, they have a fierce temper.

Agnia. God be merciful, this will pass for him.

Kruglova. Why are you crazy, or what?

Agnia. And what?

Kruglova. I have never heard such speeches from you before.

Agnia. And I haven't heard from you. If you're joking, well, I'm joking; if you are serious, and I am serious.

Kruglova. I joked, but I wasn’t happy about it. Who knows you, you are some kind of tricky one!

Agnia. Don't joke another time.

Kruglova. Well, how does he actually get married?

Agnia. It’s as if you can’t find words?

Kruglova. It’s impossible to find words!

Agnia. So what else do you need?

Kruglova. And if he asks you, what will you say?

Agnia. I’m an angel girl, I’ll say: “as mother pleases!”

Kruglova. Well, okay.

Hippolytus enters.

The third phenomenon

Kruglova, Agnia, Ippolit.

Hippolytus. Our respect to you, sir.

Kruglova. Hello, my dear.

Agnia silently bows slightly.

Sit down!

Hippolytus (sitting down). Actually, I don’t have time, sir; You have to be on the job at the moment. For getting food.

Kruglova. They'll wait.

Hippolytus. They are waiting with bills, not with money, sir. He waited half an hour, and catch him in Krasnoyarsk.

Kruglova. In my opinion, it’s better not to come in if you don’t have time. What kind of order: he turned and left. Hate.

Hippolytus. In the direction of the path I should have passed you, so I considered it ignorant not to go in.

Kruglova. Well, thanks for that too. What's new?

Hippolytus. The old is the same, but nothing again, sir.

Kruglova. Are you going to ask for your salary soon?

Hippolytus. How to ask him, if he was not told to stutter. I'll see what happens next.

Hippolytus. I am not based on such rules, sir.

Kruglova. As you wish! I wish you well.

Hippolytus. And with all that, I’ll think about your conversation, sir.

Kruglova. Think! You can't all be underage! What do you have ahead?

Hippolytus. Promises a big reward. Only, if you hope for it, you will have to remain a big fool with your dream.

Kruglova. There would be nothing wrong with fools, no matter how worse it would be!

Hippolytus. Of course, I observe myself as much as I have strength and opportunity; and another, in my place, would have fallen into weakness long ago and now has become one of the people not worthy of attention. In infancy, there is tolerance for swearing and hair violence; all this seems to be appropriate for this age. And if you think about your respectability and want to keep yourself visible among people, and suddenly they push you back, almost right into your face! It's a shame!

Kruglova. Of course it's a shame.

Hippolytus. You, according to your labors, want to be respected and a full citizen with all rights, and suddenly you are again turned back to a boyish position, then in your soul there are great upheavals for the bad.

Kruglova. Who's holding you? You are not his serf.

Hippolytus. Where am I going to go, sir? Three hundred rubles a year and a shop? And I have to struggle for five years in the most insignificant position. When will I be a man in full form? Now, after all, it’s flattering that I’m in a big business, with a rich uncle among my nephews. Still, I appreciate it.

Kruglova. Where? In a tavern?

Hippolytus. Hosha and in the tavern.

Kruglova. Well, it’s your own fault, there’s no need to feel sorry for you!

Hippolytus. Maybe he'll come to his senses someday.

Kruglova. Wait for him to feel something!

Hippolytus. As I understand it, I should get fifteen thousand from him by all rights.

Kruglova. Understand what you want, but listening to you is boring. Go get a job. (Leaves.)

The fourth phenomenon

Agnia and Hippolytus.

Agnia. Why did you lie to me yesterday that you are not afraid of the owner?

Hippolytus. Yes, it’s very offensive to admit, sir. Well, you talk to yourself about how best to be considered a human being.

Agnia. You are a coward, and also a liar. According to your character, you will not get money from the owner, and most likely, he will drive you away himself.

Hippolytus. For mercy's sake, why? In this case, you can be impolite against his ignorance.

Agnia. You should have guessed it a long time ago.

Hippolytus. Something to arm yourself with!

Agnia. Arm yourself!

Hippolytus. If you approve, so be it, sir. Since a person does not understand his due and does not feel the words, it is necessary to prove to him in practice so that he can feel some sense of his lack of education.

Agnia. How will you prove it to him?

Hippolytus. Even very few, sir. And now he is in my hands. (Shows the bills.) The whole thing just stops, because I have quite enough conscience.

Agnia. And it’s good that there is enough of it. You cannot love an unscrupulous person.

Hippolytus. It’s good that you told me this in advance, sir.

Agnia. Didn't you know?

Hippolytus. Why can I character know sir! Usually women have more of a concept, sir, that even if you go for robbery, be a getter only for her and for the house.

Agnia. I don’t like thieves, but what others want is none of my business.

Hippolytus. So, just to earn your love?

Agnia. Don't talk to me about love, please!

Hippolytus. Why is this so, sir?

Agnia. I don't want to love a boy. What kind of man are you?

Hippolytus. According to you, I am the most insignificant person, sir...

Agnia. It's up to you.

Hippolytus. From everyone in contempt.

Agnia. Who is to blame?

Hippolytus. Instead of giving me comfort from you...

Agnia. They will beat you like a boy, and I have to console you! Why did you come up with this idea?

Hippolytus. Who will feel sorry for me, sir?

Agnia. What do I care? Laugh at you, not feel sorry for you.

Hippolytus. After this, all that remains is to die in my place.

Agnia. Of course better.

Hippolytus. So, you have a very low opinion of me?

Agnia. Very.

Hippolytus. However, such a blow from you! I don’t even know how to move it.

Agnia. I am very happy.

Hippolytus. And no condescension towards humanity, then?

Agnia. And don't wait.

Hippolytus. However, I flew in deftly! What a deception for my feelings! I've made mistakes in my life...

Agnia (wiping away tears). It wasn't you who made a mistake, it was I who made a mistake. Please go away! Leave, they tell you. It’s a shame for me, an adult girl, not to be able to sort people out. Nobody pulled me towards you.

Hippolytus. But let me in my defense...

Agnia. Come on, come on!

Hippolytus. But, however, at least have a little pity!

Agnia. Listen! Now, beg your owner for a good salary or leave him and look for another place! If you don’t do this, it’s better not to know me at all, and don’t show your face to me!

Hippolytus. This is from you last word, sir?

Agnia. Last thing.

Hippolytus. Well, so I know what to do, sir. I've had this thing in my mind for a long time.

Agnia. Do what you want, just honestly.

Hippolytus. I don’t know, judge for yourself. Afterwards, even if you take my head off, I won’t give up on what I have.

Agnia. Your business.

Hippolytus. So goodbye, sir!

Agnia (bowing). Farewell.

Hippolytus. So it will be a dry farewell?

Agnia. What else is this?

Hippolytus. I'd like a pen, sir.

Agnia. Not a single finger.

Kruglova enters.

Fifth appearance

Kruglova, Agnia, Ippolit, then Malanya.

Ippolit (Kruglovoy). Support me!

Kruglova. What?

Hippolytus. I want to start a war with the owner.

Agnia. Don't cry in front of the owner, instead of war!

Hippolytus. What kind of ridicule, sir! No, now my soul is on fire.

Kruglova. What do I have to do with it? I don't understand, my dear.

Hippolytus. In half an hour I will explain it to you exactly.

Malanya enters and sighs silently.

Agnia. What miracles don't happen!

Hippolytus. Yes, I will prove myself to you.

Malanya. Grandfather is coming.

Kruglova. What grandfather?

Malanya (sighing). Sedinky.

Hippolytus. Isn't it the owner?

Malanya. It must be the owner. Yes he is; what am I saying? (Leaves.)

Hippolytus. I was caught.

Kruglova. Walk through my room and you won't meet.

Ippolit goes to Kruglova’s room. Kruglova meets Akhov in the hallway and enters with him.

Appearance Six

Kruglova, Agnia, Akhov.

Kruglova. Welcome, Ermil Zotych! Welcome!

Agnia bows.

Akhov. Yes! Welcome! Welcome! Why are we loved everywhere? Everywhere: “You’re welcome!”

Kruglova. Do you think that wealth is yours?

Akhov. Pretend some more! No matter what you say, Fedosevna, is there any difference against others?

Kruglova. Well, of course.

Akhov. A poor man came, if you want, you deal with him, if you want, you will drive him away, but a rich man would even do ignorance, you honor him. (Pointing to Agnia.) Does it work?

Kruglova. Works.

Akhov. Yes! This is good.

Kruglova. For boredom.

Akhov. How old is she? I won't ask you everything.

Kruglova. Twenty years.

Akhov. Not old yet. (Quietly.) Does he think about suitors?

Kruglova. Well, what are grooms without a dowry?

Akhov. God sends them this way invisibly.

Kruglova. Something can't be heard.

Akhov. No, don’t say it, it happens... for virtue. Especially those who are meek, submissive, suddenly a person will appear out of nowhere, something that was not even on their minds, something they did not dare to think about.

Kruglova. It happens, it happens, but very rarely.

Akhov. You need to pray well, and it will happen.

Kruglova. And even then we pray.

Akhov. Did you go to Friday Paraskova?

Kruglova. I went.

Akhov. Well, just wait. Only you with humility; If a person wooes you, especially one with wealth, give it now. So this is the definition. And don’t give it for the poor.

Kruglova. What an extreme!

Akhov. You never know how stupid it is! It won’t take long to give it out, but what’s the point! There are also those who do not understand their happiness at all through their pride.

Kruglova. We are not proud.

Akhov. What should you be proud of! Rich man, well, be proud, exalt yourself: but your job, Fedosevna, just bow. Bow to everyone, and bow for everything, you bow to something, and it’s more pleasant for everyone to look at you.

Kruglova. Thanks for the advice! God grant you health.

Akhov. What I say is true. You are an orphan and your daughter is an orphan; whoever looks after you, well, a benefactor, and a dear father, well, bow at his feet. And it’s not that, like others, out of excessive stupidity, one turns one’s nose away from the benefactors.

Kruglova. Don't teach me, I know.

Akhov. You know, it’s time for you to know; I also saw the school with the deceased. Fear is good for every person; that's why you're smart. But young people these days are getting away with it. Did you raise your daughter in fear?

Kruglova. In fear, Ermil Zotych, in fear. Yes, talk to her; I’ll go and get Malanya and see what she’s doing there. (Leaves.)

Seventh Appearance

Agnia, Akhov.

Akhov. Well, what are we going to talk about?

Agnia. Anything you want.

Akhov. Do you know the law?

Agnia. What law?

Akhov. Usually, how should we honor our parents as our elders?

Agnia. I know.

Akhov. It’s not enough to know it; you have to implement it.

Agnia. I fulfill: I do everything that my mother wants, I don’t go out of her will.

Akhov. That's it, that's it. What your mother will tell you, from the smallest to the largest...

Agnia. Yes, from the smallest to the largest...

Akhov. That's why I love it.

Agnia. I humbly thank you.

Akhov. And how I love it! Don't look that I'm old! Wow! You see me in modesty, maybe that’s what you think of me; We have something else too. As I please, I will turn myself that way; I can do anything, I am a powerful person.

Agnia. Nice to hear.

Akhov. Have you heard that there are such old prosecutors who marry young people?

Agnia. How can you not hear! I heard that there are girls who marry old men.

Akhov. Well, that's all the same.

Agnia. No, not all the same. It’s nice for an old man to marry a young girl, but what’s the point of a young girl?

Akhov. Don't you understand this?

Agnia. I don't understand.

Akhov. Well, I'll explain it to you.

Agnia. Explain!

Akhov. For example, you are poor, but you want to live; Well, is it like yours, feminine? A salop, or something, or a hat, to ride on good horses, in a fashionable carriage.

Agnia. Yes Yes. Oh, how good!

Akhov. Well, that's it! I see right through your entire soul; I know everything that’s on your mind. So you think: “I’ll marry a poor man, I’ll live in oblivion all my life; young and rich will not take me; Let me listen to smart people and marry an old man with money.” Is that how you reason?

Agnia. So-so.

Akhov. “The old man says to me, for my love of both this and that.” (Very seriously.) What gifts they give! Passion!

Agnia. Really?

Akhov. Thousands, I tell you, thousand! Even as grooms, every evening they carry and carry!

Agnia. This is life!

Akhov. Yes, that's what! And when he gets married, this is where the wife lives, this is where she has fun!

Agnia. Yes Yes.

Akhov. What? flattering?

Agnia. How not flattering! No grief, no worries, just dress up.

Akhov. Is it fun?

Agnia. Very funny. And even then, it’s still nice to think that in a year, in two years, the husband will die, but he won’t live for two centuries; you will remain a young widow with money in complete freedom, whatever your soul wants.

Akhov. Well, you're the one lying; You yourself may die first.

Agnia. Ah, sorry!

Akhov. You said everything well, but the last thing you screwed up was. Don’t ever think about it or keep it in your mind. This is a sin, a great sin! Do you hear?

Agnia. I will never think; it just rolled off the tongue. I will begin to think that the young die first.

Akhov. Yes, well, that’s better.

Agnia. Please don't tell mommy this.

Akhov. What, are you afraid?

Agnia. Afraid.

Akhov. This is good. Having fear is the best thing for a person.

Agnia. Do you have?

Akhov. Who am I in front of? No need, I’m already smart. Fear is good for a man if he is subordinate; and to the woman - everyone and always. Be afraid of your mother and be afraid of your husband, so you will receive praise from smart people.

Agnia. What's better?

Kruglova enters.

The eighth phenomenon

Agnia, Akhov, Kruglova.

Akhov. Well, now I understand both of you, what kind of people you are.

Kruglova. And thank God, Ermil Zotych.

Akhov (stands up). Now I’m with you easily; and by evening expect me as a guest, a great guest.

Kruglova. Will wait.

Akhov. Don't bother too much! For what?

Kruglova. That's my business.

Akhov. Did you think, did you imagine that I would love you so much?

Kruglova. And I didn’t dream about it.

Akhov. Well, goodbye! As long as there's nothing to talk about! There will be time. (Agniya.) Goodbye, dear!

Agnia. Farewell, Ermil Zotych!

Akhov and Kruglova approach the door.

Akhov. And your daughter is smart.

Kruglova. And I praise her.

Akhov. But there are others... punishment! Mother is hers, she is hers. It's not nice for anyone to watch. (Agniya.) Listen to me! When your mother orders you to do something, there’s a visible finger!

Agnia. Certainly.

Akhov. Well, goodbye! (He leaves and returns.) What saints did you pray to that brought you such happiness?

Kruglova. For my simplicity.

Akhov leaves.

Appearance Ninth

Kruglova and Agnia.

Kruglova. Whether I was alive, I don’t know.

Agnia. If only you would listen, he promised me mountains of gold here.

Kruglova. He’s a master at talking about mountains of gold, but he didn’t say anything about tears. How long did his late wife cry?

Agnia. No, he said nothing.

Kruglova. And there is something to listen to. I didn’t dare cry at home, so I went to people to cry. It’s as if she’s going to go on a visit, and then she’ll go to one or the other, to cry in freedom. It used to be that she would come to me, throw herself into bed and flood for three hours, and I wouldn’t see her; With that he will leave, just hello and goodbye. As if she came for business. Let it work for you!

Agnia. And then she finished. (She covers the work and leaves.)

Hippolytus enters.

The tenth phenomenon

Kruglova, Ippolit, then Malanya.

Hippolytus. Will I be leaving soon? And he also ran into Moskovsky and smuggled two one-and-a-half cognacs.

Kruglova. Why is this?

Hippolytus. For courage, sir. In your opinion, is nothing noticeable?

Kruglova. Nothing.

Hippolytus. Well, okay. And the courage is great! I drank half a piece of silver, but I gained about ten rubles worth of courage, if not more.

Kruglova. Bought courage is unreliable.

Hippolytus. If you don’t have enough of your own, you have to buy it for bondage. Let me look in the mirror. (Corrects himself in front of the mirror.) Nothing, everything is neat. Farewell! Maybe there will be something wrong with me, so don’t worry about it!

Kruglova. Really, don't do anything stupid!

Hippolytus. No nonsense! However, you can’t live like that. I have your daughter’s recent words here! (Hits himself in the chest.) That's it! Save this for now! (Hands over a thick bag.)

Kruglova. What is this? Money?

Hippolytus. Money, sir.

Kruglova. I won’t take it, I won’t take it! Maybe these are the owner's?

Hippolytus. It's none of your business, sir! My own.

Kruglova. You'll still get into trouble.

Hippolytus. Yes, have mercy, there is something in my spirit that will bother you to do something unpleasant to you! I don’t rely on myself, I’m a drunk man, I’ll give it to you for safekeeping for one hour. Whether it’s mine or the owner’s, it’s all the same to you.

Kruglova. I won't take it.

Hippolytus. Eh! You don't understand me. I’ll leave the money with you now and go to the owner: so and so, I lost it drunk. What will he do to me?

Kruglova. Look what you came up with! No, don't confuse me!

Hippolytus. So, won't you take it?

Kruglova. No way.

Hippolytus. And if so... (Loudly.) Malanya, knife!

Kruglova. What you! What you!

Malanya hands over the knife and leaves.

Hippolytus (takes a knife). Nothing, don't be afraid! (Puts the knife in his side pocket.) That's all, sir.

Kruglova. I'll see what happens from you.

Hippolytus. But what, sir! Are your hands light?

Kruglova. Easy.

Hippolytus. Welcome to happiness! (Takes Kruglova’s hand.) That’s all, sir. We ask for forgiveness. (Leaves.)

Kruglova. It was in vain that we egged him on against the owner just now. These heads don’t know limits: either he’s silent, even if you hit him, or he’ll do something that will make you cry with him. This proverb says about them: make a fool pray to God, and he will break his forehead. (Leaves.)

Scene three


A small room in Akhov’s house, like an office, the furniture is expensive and durable.

First appearance

Feona, Hippolytus.

Feona. Come in, Apolit, come in!

Hippolytus. And then I’ll come in. What is the owner doing?

Feona. He's sleeping for now. Even if you don't sleep, he won't eat you.

Hippolytus. I know he won't eat it. Explain again!

Feona (peering). What are you like...

Hippolytus. And what?

Feona. Out of your mind?

Hippolytus. There is no tricky thing; because I started drinking.

Feona. God bless! Something to brag about.

Hippolytus. Just wait until it comes from me.

Feona. You won't surprise anyone, brother. I should have expected this from you a long time ago.

Hippolytus. By what signs?

Feona. That’s why you started thinking too much.

Hippolytus. This is me out of love, out of extreme love.

Feona. But don’t you drink from love, especially if there’s failure, brother?

Hippolytus. Am I a failure? I don't hope; because, on these matters...

Feona. Well, of course! Keep your pocket wider! And it’s not fellows like you who are led by the nose.

Hippolytus. I won’t even bother talking to you about this.

Feona. How can you talk to me! He became painfully tall. What rank did you receive, haven’t you heard?

Hippolytus. With the rank I am still the same; but I won’t explain my love to anyone; Let this remain in the secret of my heart. If anyone can understand, the article is high.

Feona. Well, yes. Some princess, look. Certainly no less. And this is what I believe: the rich will disperse from the rich, the smart from the smart; and your brother will be left to pick up the dead wood.

Hippolytus. Neither the rich nor the smart will leave us.

Feona. Where to go! They will all be yours, you will overwhelm them all. Your only problem is that you have lost your mind.

Hippolytus. Is it me?

Feona. You.

Hippolytus. I believe that I am no more stupid than anyone in the world.

Feona. Well, what kind of mind are you? You need to do business, but you keep love in your head. And all this dream of yours does not lead to anything good, except for drunkenness. How much more of this stupidity, passion, remains in you, Apolitka! They teach you and teach you, but it still doesn’t come out of you.

Hippolytus. Well, have I heard all your instructions for life now, or what else do you have left?

Feona. But it’s all the same; so it’s no use wagging your tongue.

Hippolytus. And it's quite stupid what you're saying. What did you see in the world? Around yourself an arshin. And I know the whole circle of the matter. What are your concepts of life or love? None. Do you have any education or these very feelings? What do you have in you? Just inveterateness, that's all. And you also teach me to live when I am in complete perfection now, both years and everything.

Feona. Yours will remain with you.

Hippolytus. This means that all this matter is finished; let's start a new one! Is uncle angry?

Feona. No, who knows, something is cheerful, brother. Everyone walks around and laughs.

Hippolytus. What miracles!

Feona. And even those are miracles. Today I caught up with the painters and upholsterers from the city; the whole house wants to be redone. He trimmed his beard and put on a short frock coat.

Hippolytus. Well, is he crazy, or what? In old age, they say, they get mad.

Feona. There is something on his mind; only who will understand it! He's a dark man.

Hippolytus. Who needs to understand him! Let him create whatever is more wonderful. An intelligent person can understand anything, because he has a reason for everything; and if a person’s everything is based on lack of education alone, then he is like in a dream, who will understand him! Yes, now it’s all the same to me, no matter how strange he is.

Feona. Why is this so?

Hippolytus. It's all over - goodbye forever!

Feona. Do you really want to leave us?

Hippolytus. And even so that your eyes will close forever and your heart will stop beating.

Feona. What are you saying? Clumsy!

Hippolytus (sadly shaking his head). Black raven, why are you hovering over my head!

Feona. Yes, fathers! Are you sane?

Hippolytus. It's all over, forgive me forever.

Feona. Oh, Apolitka, Apolitka, you’re a good guy, but why are you breaking down like that? Why are you speaking out of your own mind, why are you assuming this importance on yourself?

Hippolytus. This is way beyond your comprehension. There are people who are stupid and closed-minded; while others wish, in their concepts and feelings, to be higher.

Feona. You’ve fallen behind the stupid ones, but you haven’t stuck with the smart ones, so you just wander around.

Hippolytus. Anyway. When uncle wakes up, tell me. It's all over, forgive me forever! (Leaves.)

Second phenomenon

Feona, then Akhov.

Feona. Grisha has gone completely crazy, this one is on the line, and the old man is furious. He dresses up himself, decorates the house, if not today, then tomorrow, the next thing you know, the rooster will crow or the dog will bark. What a nice family! Place them in a chain in different rooms, and walk around admiring them. At the very least, there will be a menagerie at home; You can show it for money.

Well, I got lost again! Here.

Akhov comes out.

Akhov. What are you doing here?

Feona. I have one thing to do: sit and stare into an empty corner.

Akhov. Well, I'll find you something else.

Feona. Find it, do me a favor; you'll go crazy.

Akhov. And for now, one leg is here and the other is there. You take this very present to Daria Fedosevna and say: they say, Yermil Zotych ordered you to give it as a sign of your affection! Do you hear? Just say so: as a sign of your affection! Well, what do you say, old man?

Feona. Young! Perhaps this is not a sermon! I can say something!

Akhov. Yes, maybe they will take it without attention, so you make them take a good look.

Feona. Let's look at it, let's look at it; just come on!

Akhov (gives the box). You poke them with your nose well, so that they feel that this is worth the money.

Feona. Of course.

Akhov. Worth thousands. You yourself, they say, are not worth what they give you.

Feona. Well, sure!

Akhov. It seems like you can feel it! Maybe they won’t feel it, so you explain to them: what did I buy, I spent a lot of money, so that they know... That you can give them some kind of rubbish, and they will be very happy, but what am I doing... So that... well, at the feet, not at the feet, but so that there is this feeling in them: what, they say, how are we... what are we not worth! You understand! So that it’s not for nothing that I threw the money away, so that I can see from them, from their faces, that I seem to pity them beyond all measure. Otherwise, it’s a pity for the money, if so, without attention. Maybe they will feel it in their souls, but if they don’t show it, then it’s all the same, it’s nothing. And so that I can see in them this self-awareness, that they are worthless people, and that I give it to whomever I want, regardless.

Feona. Yes, we will understand, we will understand.

Akhov. And if they start asking you about me, finding out what, then it’s all for the better, and recommend me that I’m very kind. And if they know anything about the family, then say that everything is from children, that robbers, they say, were born; character, they say, not like his father, but like his mother, the deceased.

Feona. Well, not like my mother.

Akhov. Whose bread are you eating? What kind of reasoning do you dare have? If I give you an order, must you carry it out?

Feona. Yeah, that's good.

Akhov. Well, that's it, go!

Feona. Our apolite was damaged.

Akhov. Who cares? Let him go. Why are you telling me about him if I don’t ask you? Maybe I don’t even want to keep him in my thoughts? I don't need him at all right now. I’m finishing up all my work, I’m handing over the factory to a steward, so what do I need Ippolit for? I'll drive him away, that's the end. Am I going to talk to him for a long time? How great is your bird Ippolit! I really need him! You do your job as you are ordered, but don’t bother talking to the owner unless you are asked to do so. I'm very interested! Talking to you can even hit you in the back of the head. Let's go!

Feona. I'm coming.

Feona. I'm listening. (Leaves.)

Akhov. Hippolyta, I’m out of the yard right now. That’s why I don’t have to keep such horses in the house now. They are painful, scoundrels, they are affectionate with women. And he speaks to a young woman or girl differently than to other people. It’s as if your tongue will make a loop—it entangles you, it overwhelms you, the swindler. But women love it; and they grin and bare their teeth at their tales. I won’t let Hippolyta come close to the courtyard. After all, they, the catechumens, don’t understand benefactors, it’s all the same to them. And here this distant relationship, the tenth water on jelly, is even worse. If she were just his mistress, he wouldn’t even dare to approach him another time; and then “auntie” and “auntie”. Yes, just looking at them will make you go into consumption. No, it's a coven! Get him out of the yard!

Hippolytus enters.

The third phenomenon

Akhov, Ippolit.

Akhov. Why are you there?

Hippolytus. To you, uncle, sir.

Akhov. How dare you, if I didn’t call you!

Hippolytus. So, I need it.

Akhov (strictly). But I don’t need it, so get out!

Hippolytus. But, however, I wish...

Akhov. Get out, they tell you!

Hippolytus. But, excuse me! As soon as I arrived...

Akhov. Once you come, you will leave soon.

Hippolytus. I’m not with the fact that... but how actually...

Akhov. How long will you talk? Know your place, office! How dare you interfere with the owner! Do I just have the same business as you? I saw your image today, and it will be from me! So, get out without talking!

Hippolytus. No, this needs to be left behind. Since I came soon, I won’t go away.

Akhov. But I’ll grab you by the cowlick.

Hippolytus. Not to mention the cowlick, I won’t allow you to touch it with a finger.

Akhov. How! Are you rebelling?

Hippolytus. I would like to rebel. Because, the main reason, there is now a law and rights for this.

Akhov. What law is written for you, fool? Who needs to write laws for you, for the rubbish? What rights do you have if you are a boy and all your worth is worthless? You've started to think a lot about yourself! Laws have been written, and you think it’s about you. You swim shallowly so that laws can be written for you. The laws will show you! For you, the law is the master’s will, and especially when you are a relative. Have you come to talk, dear? Well, speak, speak, I’m listening; Just don’t blame me later if you have to. What do you want?

Hippolytus. I'm talking about the salary.

Akhov. What salary? What agreement did you live by?

Hippolytus. Who is his own enemy now, so that he would serve for nothing?

Akhov. So don't serve whoever holds you. It would be better for you to get out yourself before they drive you away.

Hippolytus. Does it mean that I lived in vain?

Akhov. Did you really live for money? You lived like a relative.

Hippolytus. Did you work?

Akhov. You shouldn't be working! Lying on the stove, perhaps? You served like a relative, I helped you like a relative, how much mercy I had for you. What else do you need?

Hippolytus. But for now, I don’t agree to live in this situation.

Akhov. Yes, I don’t need you in advance. Give your report tomorrow and get out.

Hippolytus. Throughout my entire service, I have to hear one thing from you: get out.

Akhov. If you don’t want to clean up, just wait until they drive you away with brooms. It's your will.

Hippolytus. And what about the award?

Akhov. Well, that's just me thinking about it. What is this award for? For rudeness? They invite you, uncle over there, but you don’t come. And for this you are rewarded?

Hippolytus. However, they promised.

Akhov. He promised to make a promise, but now he changed his mind. Have you stolen enough that you are asking for a reward?

Hippolytus. I am not subject to this and I don’t want to take on morality.

Akhov. I contacted you to talk; but I'm sick of talking. Either you are stupid or you are deceiving me. You don’t know the Russian proverb: steal and bury everything? Do not you know? I'll believe you, of course! And if, in fact, you didn’t gain anything while living with me, then who’s to blame! Your price, brother, is the same for everyone, don’t pretend to be Lazarus to me! I won’t be moved by your honesty, brother, because you won’t do anything to assure me of it. Why do your employers give you little salary? Because no matter how much you give, you will steal everything; So at least the owner’s salary will provide some benefit. And with rewards they entice you, fools, to remember at least a little conscience and rob less.

Hippolytus. So, uncle, you are deceiving yourself and want to be deceived? Sorry, they said it too late. But I had completely different rules and for that reason I count you at least fifteen thousand.

Akhov. Count more, count more, it’s all the same. I won’t give you two copper pennies, my dear. What a fool I am!

Hippolytus. For all my service, have you given me this result?

Akhov. What a stupid word this is! You won't surprise me with words!

Hippolytus. Not with words, I will prove to you with deeds how much more noble I am than you. (Gives money to Akhov.)

Akhov. Did you receive this on bills?

Hippolytus. On bills, sir.

Akhov. What is your nobility here, if this is your duty?

Hippolytus. It’s your duty to pay me for my service, but you don’t pay, it’s all the same and I have the same rights. The money is hidden, and I must report to you that I lost it while drunk...

Akhov. Are you talking about two heads, or what?

Hippolytus. The matter has been thought through, there is nothing terrible, sir. There may even have been consultations with lawyers. Take action, they say, we’ll fix it. But don’t worry, I’ve now decided that the time is not right for me to get the money. Because everything is decay. I don’t need anything from you now; If you force it on me, I won’t take it. Now there is only desperation in me. There was a man, and suddenly the earth became... so what is the money for? You can't take them there with you.

Akhov. It's true that you won't take it. Only if I tie you up now, I think things will be more certain.

Hippolytus. Now it's too late to knit me.

Akhov. No, I think it's time.

Hippolytus. You'll be wrong.

Akhov. Really? What will you do?

Hippolyte (takes a knife out of his pocket). But now - once! (Points to his neck.) Chick - and the ground.

Akhov (in fright). What are you doing, fraudster! What are you, what are you! (Stamps his feet in one place.)

Hippolytus. The eyes will close forever, and the heart will stop beating.

Akhov. Here I am! Here I am! (Stomps.)

Hippolytus. How can you scare me, uncle, if I myself am not happy with my life. My hope has died, and my love has died - that means everything is over. Ha ha ha! I am now sacrificing my life so that only people know how much of a tyrant you are for your loved ones.

Akhov. But I’ll call people and send for the police.

Hippolytus. Impossible. Therefore, if you move from your place or even say one word, I’ll be gone now, and that’s the end.

Akhov. What are you doing to me, robber? Hippolytus, listen! Listen to me: go take a walk, maybe the wind will blow over you. (To himself.) Sell it from the yard, and then cut to your heart's content!

Hippolytus. No, uncle, you should leave these jokes; things have gone seriously wrong with you and me.

Akhov. Seriously?

Hippolytus. Seriously.

Akhov. Well, if you’re being serious, then let’s be serious. I thought you were joking.

Hippolytus. Therefore, I have no time for jokes when the damask steel trembles in my hand.

Akhov. What do you need from me?

Hippolytus. Read it properly.

Akhov. Properly? Is it enough that you should? Speak clearly.

Hippolytus. That will be all that matters! (Takes paper out of his pocket.) Sign!

Akhov. What kind of paper is this? What is this for?

Hippolytus. Certificate.

Akhov. What kind of certificate is this?

Hippolytus. But this: when I lived as your clerk, I knew the matter exactly, I behaved honestly and nobly even beyond the limits.

Akhov. Is all this spelled out here?

Hippolytus. Everything is spelled out. He received a salary of two thousand a year.

Akhov. When is this?

Hippolytus. So just for appearances. If I go to another place...

Akhov. Yes? To deceive people? Well, let me go. Nothing - it’s possible.

Hippolytus. And at the end, for his zeal, beyond measure, he received a reward of fifteen thousand...

Akhov. Also for visibility?

Hippolytus. No, it's authentic.

Akhov. What's the point of authenticity? Five hundred rubles, tea, for your eyes?

Hippolytus. All in full, sir.

Akhov. No, brother, you're being naughty!

Hippolytus. If you are again for your politics, then here he is! (Shows a knife.) Now - chik, and it’s over!

Akhov. Why are you all - chick and chick! Got it fixed!

Hippolytus. Despair!

Akhov. A thousand rubles - and the Sabbath! Let me sign.

Hippolytus. If my life is not sweet to me, will a thousand rubles make it more pleasant for me? I’m sick of living, I reported to you: now, in order to come back to real feelings, it’s impossible for me to take less than fifteen thousand; therefore I will need to amuse myself in all sorts of manners.

Akhov. Well, it's a shame! Give me your hand!

Hippolytus. Let's give fifteen thousand without a dime, and I won't take it.

Akhov. A sort of power of money? For what?

Hippolytus. In ten years. Someone else would have been paid more.

Akhov. Of course, it’s more, but not suddenly. And suddenly it’s a pity. Understand! Understand!

Hippolytus. Sorry, uncle! Now I’m out of my mind, I can’t understand anything.

Akhov. Well, take half and the rest tomorrow. I suddenly feel sorry. Understood?

Hippolytus. I’m telling you that I’m not able to understand anything, so please do it all now!

Akhov. Well, what to do with you! Give me some paper!

Ippolit hands over the paper. Akhov signs.

Take the money! Just feel it! (Counts from the money brought by Hippolytus.)

Hippolytus (takes money and paper). I humbly thank you.

Akhov. Thank you very much!

Hippolytus. I am most grateful to you.

Akhov. Bow at your feet, brother!

Hippolytus. Why is this, sir?

Akhov. Do me the favor of bowing down and amusing the old man! After all, what an insult you have caused me, what an illness you have caused me! If you bow, everything will be easier for me.

Hippolytus. I bow down for my own sake, where has this been seen?

Akhov. Well, I ask you, do me this respect! Maybe your back won't break?

Hippolytus. No, really, uncle, I began to feel something; Depending on the weather, the crowbar is worth it, you can’t bend in any way.

Akhov. You are a robber, you are a robber! You're lying! It's worse for you; Don’t bow to your relatives, and there will be no happiness in anything.

Hippolytus. Well, it’s my sin, I’ll cry at myself.

Akhov. You will, you will. Your disobedience is heavier to me than these same fifteen thousand.

Hippolytus. What can I do, uncle, I’m not happy myself, but I can’t, sir, because of the weather, or something...

Akhov. Well, tell me now, what do you need this money for? After all, they will go to waste, you will waste it.

Hippolytus. We made a lot of mistakes, I want to get married.

Akhov. It's not a bad thing; But they won’t give you a good one for you. Is it for me? That your uncle is famous everywhere...

Hippolytus. You have to think that it's for you.

Akhov. Where are you thinking of getting married?

Hippolytus. So as not to go far, here, in the neighborhood, sir.

Akhov. Not here, next door.

Hippolytus. If you look hard enough, you will find it. Here is Kruglova Agnitchka... But what a sweet girl!

Akhov. Oh you monkey! Who did you ask?

Hippolytus. What should I ask if I'm on my own?

Akhov. Yes, she is not on her own. Oh you monkey.

Feona enters.

The fourth phenomenon

Akhov, Hippolytus, Feona.

Akhov. Well?

Feona. They accepted and ordered to thank me.

Akhov. Are you glad?

Feona. Still would! After all, it costs money. When you come, look how they will thank you. The little lamb is jumping around like a goat.

Hippolytus (Feone). Why do they do such exercise, sir?

Feona. You jump, as Yermil Zotych gave her a gift of five thousand.

Hippolytus. If they only used money, there are no words, I’m killed.

Akhov (Feone). Give me your hat!

Feona (giving her hat). You are not killed, but damaged in your mind.

Akhov (to Hippolytus). Grab your hat, let's go! I will show you all your stupidity, what it is, right in the palm of your hand.

Hippolytus. Uncle! But where are you taking me?

Akhov. To Kruglova.

Hippolytus. This means severe execution. Better tell me here; but don't be afraid.

Akhov (takes him by the hand). No, let's go, let's go!

Everyone leaves.

Scene four



Decoration of the first scene.

First appearance

Kruglova, Agnia (leave from another room).

Kruglova. However, things have come to a head. Here's what he's throwing away; This doesn't smell like a joke.

Agnia. There is no time to think for a long time; we must decide now.

Kruglova. It's easy to say: decide! After all, this is for life. Well, we’ll miss this case, and you won’t be happy in the future; After all, then I’m tormented, I’m humbled to hear from people. They say money doesn't buy happiness. Oh, really? There are few happy people even without money. And even then you’ll think: how can I give you away for torment? Another might have doubted: “maybe, they say, it will be good for her after him, - maybe he and his young wife will change.” But I don’t have such doubts, I’ll know in advance that I’m giving you faithful flour. What should we do, Agnitka?

Agnia. How do I know! What in the world have I seen!

Kruglova. But it's your business. What is your heart telling you?

Agnia. What is our heart! What is it good for? For pranks. But here it’s an age-old matter, here it’s either happiness or grief for life. For me, as before some kind of trouble, I don’t know where my heart hid, where to look for it now. No, mommy! Apparently, here, in addition to the heart, the mind is needed; where can I get it?

Kruglova. Oh, and I don’t have much of it.

Agnia. Here's what, mommy! I never flattered you, I never showed my love for you; so now I will prove it to you in practice. Whatever you do is fine.

Kruglova. What are you doing, daughter! So you won't tell me anything?

Agnia. What should I say? Only to confuse you! You have lived more, you know more.

Kruglova. Aren't you going to scold your mother afterwards?

Agnia. You won't hear the words.

Kruglova. Oh, my golden one! Well, I’ll tell you what: how do I get here? I prayed in my bedroom, just in case; So, after I’ve prayed, I’ll think about it.

Agnia. Think, think; and I will wait for myself...

Kruglova. Why do you have to wait so long and suffer?..

Agnia. Wait, wait, I'll close my eyes. (Closes his eyes.)

Kruglova. Even though the whole world judges me, this is what I think: it won’t be enough to kill me if I give you up for him.

Agnia. Oh, it relieved my heart.

Kruglova. Because no matter how little I myself suffered, and again, if you take the old or the young, what’s the difference!.. It’s one thing...

Agnia. Well, enough, enough! I already know what you will say. (Kisses mother.)

Kruglova. But still, I’m glad that he... At least I’ll laugh to my heart’s content.

Malanya enters.

Second phenomenon

Kruglova, Agnia, Malanya.

Malanya. Dedinka is gray and with him this... what's his name, I mean... whitish?

Agnia. Isn't it black?

Malanya. And then; not black at all.

Kruglova. Who is this? Is it really Hippolytus?

Malanya. Yes, he is... the most... I suddenly... eclipsed...

Kruglova. What a miracle! Together?

Agnia. But we'll see.

Malanya leaves. Akhov and Hippolytus enter.

The third phenomenon

Kruglova, Agnia, Akhov, Ippolit.

Akhov (bowing decorously). Hello! Hello again!

Kruglova. Please, please!

Akhov. Got?

Kruglova. We humbly thank you, Ermil Zotych.

Agnia bows silently.

We humbly thank you! You're so generous! For us it’s too expensive, it seems. (Bows.) We worried in vain.

Akhov (very pleased). Heh, heh, heh! How is it so vain?

Kruglova. But, boy, did you pay dearly?

Akhov. What are you singing to me? Some people value it, but not me. I didn’t ruin myself, I didn’t give you a stone house! He sent some rubbish, and you’re already tired of it, which is expensive.

Kruglova. And if it’s rubbish for you, it’s better for us; I’m not so ashamed to accept from you.

Akhov. I've found some kind of conscience! It’s wonderful for me to see you! (Pointing to Hippolytus.) Don’t complain that I drove him away just now, I brought him myself.

Kruglova. Thank you very much! Please sit down!

Akhov. He is now important person became; has its own capital.

Kruglova. Yes, it’s about time.

Akhov. What did you think of him? After all, you guys are the same as everyone else good people, thought that he was a boy, not worth any attention? No, now raise it higher!

Kruglova. Let it be for you!.. What really!

Akhov. Why did I take it with me? It's boring without fools. In the old days, at least there were jesters, but they disappeared. Well, let him amuse us instead of a jester. And if he didn’t want to be in this position, why did he go? Who's keeping him here?

Hippolytus. I have nowhere to go, sir. Offense from you is not unusual for me. And I’ll wait until the local housewives make a complete fool of me, so that my soul will suffer enough.

Akhov. Well, do you hear? But if you want to laugh, then I won’t make you laugh like that. He wants to get married. Do you have a fiancee, Daria Fedosevna?

Kruglova. One is my fiancée, the other is not.

Akhov. Shouldn't we plant them next to each other?

Kruglova. Why not plant it?

Hippolytus. For mercy's sake, why such ridicule?

Agnia (quietly). Sit down, there's no need.

They sit next to each other.

Akhov. Why not a couple?

Kruglova. And even then.

Akhov (to Hippolytus). Did you sit with the bride? Well, it will be, it’s time to know the honor.

Hippolytus. Why is this so?

Akhov. Because this bride is too good for you, it will be fat.

Hippolytus. Nothing is greasy, sir; according to my feelings, just right.

Akhov. And first of all, ask her: does she have a better groom than you! (Agniya.) Speak up, don’t be ashamed!

Agnia. It's whatever mom wants.

Akhov. What's going on here, mommy! She, the old one, has tea and her ears are on top of her head with joy.

Kruglova. I don’t know, father, Ermil Zotych, what you’re talking about.

Akhov. How you do not know? Just put on a mask, come on! (Pointing to Hippolytus.) Are you ashamed of him? So he is his own man; and whether he is here or not, it’s all the same, due to his insignificance. Take a mask! You've been wanting to bow at my feet for a long time, but you still don't move.

Kruglova. Why not bow! Why? For what are your favors?

Akhov (angrily). Your jokes are out of place and out of place. Have you lost your mind with joy? I'm too old to joke about me.

Kruglova. We're not kidding.

Akhov. You expect a bow from me, but you won’t get it. Why are you standing like statues! You have no head in the house, no one to cheer you up so that you turn more quickly. If your husband were alive, you would have been running around the house like mad cats long ago. Why are you shifting? It’s a shame to bow to you, so don’t bow: but still bless us properly. If you hold the icon in your hands, I will bow to you and wait for this honor.

Kruglova. It won’t take long to bless: just ask if my hands will rise! This is how I reasoned, Ermil Zotych; If you give me a signature that you will die a week after the wedding, then I will also think about giving my daughter to you.

Akhov. What do you! Beggars, beggars, come to your senses! After all, as soon as I get angry and leave you, you’ll start wiping away the tears with your fist. Don't make me angry!

Kruglova. Whether you are angry or not is your choice.

Akhov. What happened to you? Is there some kind of miracle here? Didn't a million fall from the sky? Do you have a fiancé richer than me? There's only one thing.

Kruglova. No, not one. We don't have any grooms. There is one guy in mind; only he, poor thing, has nothing to get up with. If he had the right thing to do, I would have given it away without thinking twice about it.

Ippolit (gives money to Kruglova). But let me leave it to you for safekeeping. Today I received a lot of it for my entire service, sir. Now I can start my own business, sir.

Kruglova. Well, what’s even better! Yes, there's a lot here.

Hippolytus. A penny to a penny fifteen thousand.

Agnia. Now we can make peace with you.

Akhov. So this is the money you are going to feast with! That's what money we were flattered by! This money was almost stolen. He cried and bowed to me today.

Hippolytus. He didn’t bow out, but demanded that he was due for his service.

Akhov. You wouldn't even be alive. I saved you from a vain death. I see a man wants to cut himself...

Hippolytus. For mercy, uncle, what are you doing! How can you cut yourself?

Akhov. I would have stabbed myself to death. You've become crazy, you scared me to death.

Hippolytus. What are you talking about, uncle! What reason do I have to cut myself in these blooming summers?

Akhov. Why did you have a knife? Why did you put it to your throat?

Hippolytus. Mind game.

Akhov. Robber! (He wants to take him by the collar.)

Hippolytus (putting him aside). Excuse me, sir! Why am I a robber? I don't own a penny. It’s not my fault that you can’t get anything good out of you!

Akhov. You won't be happy, you won't be.

Hippolytus. What to do! Somehow we’ll live without happiness on skill alone, uncle.

Akhov. You won't live! You won't live! You have neither father nor mother, I am your elder; I will curse you; will respond to grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Kruglova. Enough! Why are you angering God!

Akhov (Agnii). Give it up! What's good about it? Your mother is stupid, she can’t explain it to you. I'm better than him; I'm kind, affectionate. I don’t have enough money for your outfits. What a house I have! Big, stone, strong.

Agnia. And the prison is strong, but who is happy about it!

Akhov. You, too, apparently took after your mother! You have as much intelligence as she does. (Kruglova through tears.) Fedosevna, have pity on me! After all, I’m an orphan, in this house alone I get confused, even fear comes over me.

Kruglova. Why feel sorry for you! With money, you can always find company for yourself if you want.

Akhov. You will find company! Thank you for giving me the idea! I know I will find it. There is no match for her, and I will find her more beautiful. Do you think I'm really, well, in love? Ugh. One thing hurts me, one thing offends me: your disobedience. After all, I am honorable, first-class, because everyone bows to me; and in such a shack I have no honor! To me!! From you!! Disobedience!! Chickens laugh! Have you seen or heard? Did you do well? Fine? Feel it! Shake your head! After all, it’s your stupidity, not your intelligence. You all live in the forest and don’t see the light. If our brother, an eminent man, came into such a shack, he would feel at home there; otherwise he has no need to go; and the master is like a servant: “whatever; what do you want?" This is how it has been since the beginning of the world, this is how it is with all good people in the world! It's all the same as the law. And you, unenlightened fools, went wild while living here. (Kruglova.) And it’s impossible to be angry with you and there’s nothing to exact from you; because you don’t know any real rules. How do you live! Day and night, and a day away. You have everything the same: whether you are rich, whether you are poor, whether you are a manufactory or whether you are a crank! Ignorance! You have one reason for everyone, one conversation! And just take what education means: yesterday a noble woman came to me to ask for poverty; She used her tongue like she was playing the harp. She called me Excellency and made me cry. What about you? Oak. There is no charge against you. It's my own fault. If only you knew what respect is, what honor is...

Kruglova. How honorable it is not to know.

Akhov. It's obvious that you know her! You had honor and lost it. I did you the honor of visiting you; so it was brighter in your rooms, just because I was here. It would be an honor for you if your daughter were called merchant Akhova. What an honor! I will abandon you, and you will live in the dark again. It's an honor! Yes, you will never find out what she wears for the rest of your life.

Kruglova. Well, you've sung enough. Now listen to me. If you want to be our guest, then sit down; otherwise don’t bother us. Don't spoil our poor, pure joy with your rich mind!

Akhov. Yes, you definitely forgot! Guest! What kind of company are you to me? I don’t allow people like you to come past my gates. And then still a guest! Didn't know how to good people to live, blame yourself! It’s close to the elbow, but you won’t bite! (He goes into the hall and is now returning.) No, wait! You've got me confused. How can I show people my eyes now? What will good people say about me?..

Kruglova. We shouldn’t cry about this, Father Ermil Zotych.

Akhov. No; It's your fault, you should correct it.

Kruglova. I won’t lift a finger for you, Father Yermil Zotych. That's how sweet you are to me.

Akhov. Yes, not for nothing - for money, for a lot of money. You'll burn out.

Kruglova. What is your business? What kind of divination will it be?

Akhov. I don't want to talk to them. I despised them. Below my heel I think, that’s where. And we'll start a conversation with you. After all, tea, you also need a dowry? Won't you give it away, what is it in? Need a dowry?

Kruglova. No matter how necessary, of course it is necessary.

Akhov. So listen! To break this conversation, that you, insignificant people, have wiped my nose, we will get along with such an article that I will marry Ippolitka.

Kruglova. Well, that's probably it.

Akhov. I have a dinner after the wedding that is unheard of. I’ll rob Fomin and everyone with flowers, there will be staging in all the rooms. Two music, one in the rooms, the other on the balcony for the audience. Waiters in boots. Effect?

Kruglova. Effect.

Akhov. After all, Ippolitka received a reward beyond measure. If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you my hands... And forward to your dowry...

Akhov. But what a deal! The bride and groom, as if from the church, the whole gray gear, as if to the gate - stop! And don’t drive through the gate! And now they have a janitor with a broom; and so that they sweep up to the porch... Don’t be afraid, it will be clean, everything will be swept away before them. And they just showed an example. And I will stand on the balcony with the guests. Then I will forgive you and honor you. And you will be among all my guests as equals.

Kruglova. Yes, if you shower me with gold from head to toe, I still won’t hand over my daughter to disgrace.

Akhov. Won't you give it back?

Kruglova. Will not give it back.

Akhov. Well, dirt will remain dirt; and be damned from now on and forever! How to live? How to live? People don’t respect kinship, they dare to be rude to wealth! Uncle says: bow like a relative! Don't want. Well, bow down, beggar, even for money! Don't want. It’s better to die quickly, ahead of time. All the same, after all, will the light last long on such orders? How did the fathers live? Where did they go, those old, strong orders? Is there debauchery in the world? There was probably even more of it before! What kind of demon walks among people and confuses them? Why don’t you lie at my feet now as before? and I’m standing in front of you all cursed, without any fault of mine?

Kruglova. That’s why, Ermil Zotych, the Russian proverb says, that not everything is Maslenitsa, there is also Lent. (Hugs Hippolytus and Agnia.)

  • Scene one
  • First appearance
  • Second phenomenon
  • The third phenomenon
  • The fourth phenomenon
  • Fifth appearance
  • Appearance Six
  • Seventh Appearance
  • The eighth phenomenon
  • Scene two
  • First appearance
  • Second phenomenon
  • The third phenomenon
  • The fourth phenomenon
  • Fifth appearance
  • Appearance Six
  • Seventh Appearance
  • The eighth phenomenon
  • Appearance Ninth
  • The tenth phenomenon
  • Scene three
  • First appearance
  • Second phenomenon
  • The third phenomenon
  • The fourth phenomenon
  • Scene four
  • First appearance
  • Second phenomenon
  • The third phenomenon
  • Daria Fedoseevna Kruglova, widow of a merchant, 40 years old.

    Agnia, her daughter, 20 years old.

    Ermil Zotych Akhov, wealthy merchant, 60 years old.

    Hippolytus, his clerk, about 27 years old.

    Malanya, cook Kruglova.

    Poor but clean room. In the back is the door to the hallway; to the left of the spectators is a door to the inner rooms; on the same side, closer to the audience, there is a sofa; in front of him is a table covered with a colored tablecloth; two armchairs. On the right side are two windows with clean white curtains; there are flowers on the windows, a mirror between the windows, a hoop closer to the audience.

    First appearance

    Kruglova(on the couch); Agnia(gnaws pine nuts by the window).

    Agnia. The weather! Even surprising! And we are sitting. At least somewhere to go for a walk, or something!

    Kruglova. But wait, give me some time, I’ll sleep for half an hour, maybe we’ll go for a walk.

    Agnia. We have one gentleman, the other is missing, there is no one to go out with.

    Kruglova. And who is to blame? It’s not for me to catch gentlemen for you! Shouldn't we place nets along the streets?

    Agnia. Perhaps Ippolit will come in?

    Kruglova. And then, lo and behold, it will come; Today is a holiday, what should he do at home? Here's your gentleman; I didn’t look for it, I found it myself. I have you freely. How did you pick him up?

    Agnia. Very simple. I was walking out of town one day, he caught up with me and walked me home. I thanked him.

    Kruglova. And called?

    Agnia. Why on earth?

    Kruglova. How did he show up with us?

    Agnia. I called him, and then. He began to walk past the windows ten times a day; Well, what's good, it's better to let him into the house. Only glory.

    Kruglova. By itself.

    Agnia. Should I say everything?

    Kruglova. Yes, speak at the same time.

    Agnia (indifferently and gnawing nuts). Then he wrote me a letter with different feelings, only very awkwardly...

    Kruglova. Well? Did you answer him?

    Agnia. She answered only in words. Why, I say, do you write letters if you don’t know how? If you need to tell me something, it’s better to say it directly than to mess up the paper.

    Kruglova. That's all?

    Agnia. That's all. What else?

    Kruglova. You took a lot of will.

    Agnia. Lock it up.

    Kruglova. Talk more.

    Included Malanya.

    Second phenomenon

    Kruglova, Agnia, Malanya.

    Malanya (speaks slowly). I was walking along the street...

    Kruglova. So what?

    Malanya. So he... What's his name?

    Kruglova. Who is he?

    Malanya. How the hell is he?.. As neighbors...

    Kruglova. What?

    Malanya. Yes, there are a lot of them here... There are a lot of them. So black...

    Kruglova. Gray-haired, or what?

    Malanya. Yes, gray-haired. What am I!.. And I’m blackish...

    Kruglova. Akhov, or what?

    Malanya. It must be that he... Akhov him... or something. So big...

    Kruglova. Average height?

    Malanya. Yes, perhaps so.

    Kruglova. Well, what is he? Wake up, do me a favor!

    Malanya. Why wake up!.. I don’t sleep casually, but when it’s time... so who cares! Bow down, he says.

    Kruglova. You didn't say much.

    Malanya. What else should I say? (He leaves and returns immediately.) Yes, I forgot... I’ll come in, he says.

    Kruglova. When?

    Malanya. Who is he... How should I know? (Leaves and returns.) Yes! Out of my head... Today, he says, I’ll come in. Is he called Akhov? So blackish...

    Kruglova. All grey?

    Malanya. And even then gray-haired. What a memory! God! (Leaves.)

    The third phenomenon

    Kruglova And Agnia.

    Kruglova. Our servant Licharda should only be sent as an ambassador. He will explain the matter as it is written. As soon as she begins to interpret, it’s as if the millstones are turning in her head.

    Agnia. Is this your Akhov uncle to Ippolit?

    Kruglova. Yes, uncle.

    Agnia. He'll come and stop us from going for a walk. Why is he doing this?

    Kruglova. Who knows! This is what a rich man means! He is disgusting to me, disgusting, but still a guest. I don’t get any profit from him, and I don’t expect him to; But how do you tell him, the millionaire: get out! What a deal! And what meanness it is in people who have started such a custom - bowing to money! Here you go. Take the money from him, the whole price is worthless to him; and everywhere he is respected, and not just out of self-interest, but as if he were really worthwhile. Why don’t they tell such people that, they say, we don’t need you and all your money, because you are an insensitive beast. But they won’t say it to your face. Women are quick to do this; If only we had more sense. And why did he come to us?

    Agnia. Must be in love.

    Kruglova. In whom?

    Agnia. Yes, I think so, in you.

    Kruglova. Isn't it in you?

    Agnia. Well, what a match I am for him! And you, Mama, are just right. Well, you will be a rich merchant's wife. What's even nicer?

    Kruglova. And it seems... God save me! I saw it, daughter, I saw this pleasantness. And now, whenever I remember, I shudder at night. And when I used to dream, at first, about your late father, I was thrown into hysterics so many times. Do you believe how angry I am with them, with these damned tyrants! And my father was like that, and my husband was even worse, and his friends were all the same; They've drained me of my entire life. Yes, it seems that if only I had been brought, I would have taken it out on my own for everyone.

    Ippolit, the clerk of the rich merchant Akhov, walks quietly around the house, looking into the windows. Agnia, the daughter of the impoverished merchant Kruglova, impatiently asks him to enter. Hippolyte looks around to see if Agnia’s mother will hear him, and confesses his love to the girl. He then tells her that he will soon force the owner to pay him a salary so that he can become a normal person. Out of excess feelings, the guy kisses the girl, and then Daria Kruglova enters. Having caught the young people, she first gets angry, and then takes the side of the lovers.

    Here the merchant Akhov appears, all dressed up. Seeing Hippolytus, he frowned and ordered him to leave in a rude manner. Agnia was left disappointed that Ippolit chickened out and left.

    The girl was left alone and began to embroider. Kruglova approached her daughter, and seeing that the girl was upset, she decided to cheer her up with interesting news. It turned out that Akhov allegedly decided to woo Agnia.

    Hippolyte came again, and the girl showed her indignation in his face; she didn’t like that Hippolyte was afraid of his master. After her words, the young man left, and Akhov came to Agnia with greetings. He began to tell her that many young girls marry elderly merchants in order to secure a rich future for themselves.

    Later, Akhov sent the girl expensive jewelry so that she would bow deeply to him and be grateful that he had condescended to her so much. Agnia, twirling the decoration in her hands, became thoughtful and relied entirely on her mother’s decision.

    Daria Kruglova said that this marriage would not bring anything good, and the girl sighed with relief.

    Meanwhile, Ippolit still demanded his salary and came to the Kruglovs’ house. Soon Akhov also arrived. Laughing at the clerk, he began to tell that he was not a match for Agnia. The girl interrupted the rich and noble groom, saying that she chooses Hippolytus.

    The story teaches that marriage without love cannot bring happiness.

    Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

    • Summary of Therese Raquin Zola

      The action of the work takes place in the house of Therese Raquin, who lived there with her husband and elderly aunt. The woman ran a shop that sold dry goods.

    • Summary Soloukhin Black boards

      Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich (1924-1997) - The brightest representative of village prose, author of many poems and poems. Recipient of such orders as the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples and several others. Well, just a good man.

    • Summary of Alisa Bulychev's birthday

      Professor Seleznev, shortly before his daughter’s birthday, thinks about a gift for her. At this time, the famous space archaeologist Gromozeka comes to visit the Seleznevs

    • Summary of Ibsen's Ghosts

      Frau Alving's estate is a very beautiful building, around which everything looks green and very nice. It is located on the westernmost side of the coast of the country in Norway.

    • Summary of the Extraordinary Adventure of Mayakovsky

      This work talks about the dialogue between the great Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky and the celestial body the Sun. Mayakovsky was at the dacha, working tirelessly as always, working on a new work


    D a r i a F e d o s e
    Evna Kruglova, widow of a merchant, 40 years old.
    Agniya, her daughter, 20
    Ermil Zotych Akhov, rich merchant, 60 years old.
    I p p
    o l i t, his clerk, about 27 years old.
    Malanya, Kruglova’s cook.

    Poor but clean room. In the back is the door to the hallway; left
    from the audience there is a door to the inner rooms; on the same side, closer to the audience,
    sofa; in front of him is a table covered with a colored tablecloth; two armchairs. On the right side
    two windows with clean white curtains; there are flowers on the windows, a mirror between the windows, closer
    hoop towards the audience.


    Kruglova (on the sofa); Agnia
    (gnaws pine nuts by the window).
    A Mr. I. The weather! Even surprising! And we
    We're sitting. At least somewhere to go for a walk, or something!
    K r u g l o v a. But wait, let me
    It's time, I'll take a pine tree for half an hour, maybe we'll go for a walk.
    A Mr. I. We have only one gentleman,
    the other one is miscalculated, there is no one to go out with.
    K r u g l o v a. And who is to blame? Not for me
    catch gentlemen for you! Shouldn't we place nets along the streets?
    A Mr. I.
    Perhaps Ippolit will come in?
    K r u g l o v a. And then, lo and behold, it will come; day today
    It’s festive, what should he do at home! Here's your gentleman; I wasn't looking for it, I was looking for it myself
    discovered. I have you freely. How did you pick him up?
    A Mr. I. Very
    Just. I was walking out of town one day, he caught up with me and walked me home. I him
    thanked you.
    K r u g l o v a. And called?
    A Mr. I. Why on earth?
    r u g l o v a. How did he show up with us?
    A Mr. I. I called him, and then.
    He began to walk past the windows ten times a day; Well, what's good, it's better to go home
    let in. Only glory.
    K r u g l o v a. By itself.
    A Mr. I. All
    K r u g l o v a. Yes, speak at the same time.
    A G N I (indifferently and
    gnawing nuts). Then he wrote me a letter with different feelings, only awkwardly
    K r u g l o v a. Well? Did you answer him?
    A Mr. I. Answered:
    only in words. Why, I say, do you write letters if you don’t know how? What if you
    I need to tell you, it’s better to speak directly than to dirty the paper.
    C r u g l
    o in a. That's all?
    A Mr. I. That's all. What else?
    l about in a. You took a lot of will.
    A Mr. I. Lock it up.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Talk more.

    Malanya enters.


    Agnia, Malanya.
    M alanya (speaks slowly). I was walking here
    K r u g l o v a. So what?
    M a l a n i. So he... How
    K r u g l o v a. Who is he?
    M a l a n i. What the hell is it?..
    K r u g l o v a. What?
    M a l a n i. There are quite a few of them here
    everyone... There are many of them. So black...
    K r u g l o v a. Gray-haired, or what?
    M a
    la nya. Yes, gray-haired. What am I!.. And I’m blackish...
    K r u g l o v a. Ahov, what
    is it?
    M a l a n i. It must be that he... Akhov him... or something. So big...
    r u g l o v a. Average height?
    M a l a n i. Yes, perhaps so.
    K r
    at g about in and. Well, what is he? Wake up, do me a favor!
    M a l a n i. What
    wake up!.. I don’t sleep casually, but when it’s time... so who cares! Take a bow
    K r u g l o v a. You didn't say much.
    M a l a n i. What should I do
    more to say? (He leaves and immediately returns.) Yes, I forgot... I’ll come in,
    K r u g l o v a. When?
    M a l a n i. Who the hell... How much do I need it?
    know? (Leaves and returns.) Yes! Out of my head... Today, he says, I’ll come in. Akhov
    Is that what his nickname is? So blackish...
    K r u g l o v a. Gray-haired
    M a l a n i. And even then gray-haired. What a memory! God!


    Kruglova and Agnia.
    K r u g l o v a. Our
    Lichard's servant should only be sent as an ambassador. He will explain the matter as it is written. How
    will begin to interpret, as if the millstones are turning in her head.
    A g n i
    I. Is this your Akhov uncle to Ippolit?
    K r u g l o v a. Yes, uncle.
    A Mr. I. Here
    will come and stop us from going for a walk. Why is he doing this?
    K r u g l o v a. Who is it
    knows! This is what a rich man means! He is hateful to me, hateful, but
    still a guest. I don’t get any profit from him, and I don’t expect him to; how are you doing to him?
    you say to the millionaire: get out! What a deal! And what kind of meanness this is in people,
    that they started such a custom - to bow to money! Here you go. Take his money
    the whole price is nothing to him; and everywhere he is respected, and not just out of self-interest, but as if he
    really worthwhile. Why don’t they tell such people that we don’t need you?
    and with all your money, because you are an insensitive beast. No, they won't say
    in the eyes. Women are quick to do this; If only we had more sense. And what is he doing
    Are we in the habit?
    A Mr. I. Must be in love.
    K r u g l o v a. IN
    A Mr. I. Yes, I think so, in you.
    K r u g l o v a. Not into you
    is it?
    A Mr. I. Well, what a match I am for him! And you, Mama, are just right. Well,
    You will be a rich merchant's wife. What's even nicer?
    K r u g l o v a. Yes, and it seems...
    Lord save me! I saw it, daughter, I saw this pleasantness. And now
    Even when I remember, I shudder at night. And how it happened in a dream,
    At the beginning, your late father, I was thrown into hysterics so many times. Do you believe
    You, how angry I am with them, with these damned tyrants! And my father was like that, and
    My husband was even worse, and his friends were still the same; all their lives they have been from
    I was exhausted. Yes, it seems, if only I were brought, then I would be one for all
    took it out.
    A Mr. I. As if?
    K r u g l o v a. I'd like to amuse myself
    darling; no need to. And even then I’ll say: what’s the point of bragging! We have a soul
    short, you’ll probably melt in front of money. They're damned.
    A g n i
    I. Especially if they are not there.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, I went to bed.
    A Mr. I. WITH

    Kruglova leaves.


    then Hippolytus.
    Agniya (looking out the window). He walks by again. What do they have?
    for the manner. (Opens the window and bows.) What, have you lost something?

    Ippolit outside the window: “Nothing other than the heart, sir.”
    Why are you walking?
    back and forth? Why don't you come right in?

    Ippolit outside the window: “I don’t dare, sir.”
    Who are you afraid of?

    Hippolyte outside the window: “To your mother.”
    Why be afraid of her? She

    Ippolit outside the window: “In that case, now, sir.”
    A Mr. I.
    Such a prominent, handsome young man, and so timid.

    Hippolytus enters. He is dressed cleanly and modernly: with a small
    bearded, quite handsome.
    Hello again!
    I p p o l i t. Our
    respect, sir.
    A Mr. I. And we were waiting for you; we want to go for a walk together. You
    will you go?
    And p o l i t. Even with my great pleasure, sir. (Looks around
    A Mr. I. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid; I'm telling you that he's sleeping.
    p p o l i t. It’s not that I was afraid, but how, in fact, that without them
    A Mr. I. Anyway, I invited you.
    I p p o l i t. All
    anyway, but not the same, sir. What if she comes out and says: “Uninvited guests, get out!” Co
    such and such times have happened to me. However, it is quite embarrassing, sir.
    A Mr. I. Yes
    Is it possible to? What do you!
    And p about l and so on. It’s very possible, sir; especially if the owner or
    a housewife with character. And you will go as if you had not eaten salt; and you're still looking around
    The back of the head isn't being escorted.
    Agn and I (laughs). Did they see you off?
    I p o l i
    t. If they hadn’t seen me off, I wouldn’t have known about this very delicacy.
    A g n i
    I. Are you kidding.
    And p about l etc. From educated people, of course, expect
    You can’t, but on our side you’ll get everything. There is such ignorance around us
    passion is rampant! Every master in his own house is like Sultan Makhnut-Turkish;
    He just doesn’t cut heads.
    A Mr. I. You must be a coward.
    I p o l i
    t. Why such criticism?
    A Mr. I. You are afraid of everything.
    I p p o l e t.
    Quite the opposite, sir; I feel so bad that I’m even desperate
    A Mr. I. Against who?
    And p o l and t. Against everyone, sir.
    A Mr.
    and I. And against the owner?
    And p o l and t. And the owner too, if something is not the case, then
    He'll take a little from me. I’ll also put you in the best possible way.
    A Mr. I. Yes its true
    is it?
    And p about l and t. Take it with that.
    A Mr. I. Well, look! I'm not a coward
    I love you, I tell you in advance.
    And p o l and t. Why, sir! Of course that's not what I mean
    born with the title, we are not taught heroism from an early age, but if we take it upon ourselves
    A Mr. I. So take it more often.
    I p p o l i t. So yours
    advice, sir?
    A Mr. I. Yes, that's my advice. And don't be afraid of my mom.
    I p o l i
    t. So everything will definitely be done exactly, sir.
    A Mr. I. Very well.
    And listen to me in everything.
    And p o l e t. Yes, now is the time for you
    teach me.
    A Mr. I. Why?
    I p o l i t. I feel that I am completely
    lost, and even in my thoughts the breakdown went, apart.
    A Mr. I. What's wrong with you
    I p o l i t. From feelings.
    A Mr. I. Please tell me which one
    you are sensitive!
    I p p o l i t. Me? I’m not happy with myself, that’s how it is! Only
    I don’t know what the words are like, that’s one thing.
    A Mr. I. What would have happened then?
    And p
    p o l and t. Now everything would be in verse.
    A Mr. I. Well, you can do without them
    make do.
    I p p o l i t (takes an embroidered ribbon from the hoop for bookmarking
    books). Who are you for, sir?
    A Mr. I. What do you care?
    I p p o
    l, etc. So, we will confiscate now.
    A Mr. I. Who else will let you?
    And p
    p o l and t. What if without permission, sir?
    A Mr. I. How, without permission? For this to
    And p about l and t. And I will tell the world that it is a sign of memory.
    A g n i
    I. As a sign of remembrance they ask, but do not take it themselves.
    And p about l and t. And if, in the case,
    Can't wait from you, sir?
    A Mr. I. So you're not worth it. Put it back on
    And p o l i t. Hosha, let me use it for one day.
    A g n i
    I. Not for one hour.
    And p o l and t. Cruelty has begun.
    A Mr. I. But for
    Now put these words in their place and don’t dare touch them. I embroidered for you, and
    I won't give it back now.
    And p about l and t. And since it’s for me, I have my complete
    A Mr. I. You have no right. Serve it up! (Wants to take away
    I p p o l i t (raising his hand). You won't get it.
    A Mr. I. You
    Do you think I have no strength? (He wants to bend his hand. Ippolit kisses it.) What is this?
    more? How dare you?
    And p about l and so on. As it is, everyone is to blame, sir.
    A Mr. I.
    Shame on you! (Sits at the embroidery hoop and lowers his head.)
    And p o l and t. It’s accurate,
    what a shame; Of course, that's ignorance on my part, but only if I can't stand it
    no possibility... I'm not quite a person right now, because I live in
    people and I am dependent on everything, but despite all that, if I don’t help you in any way
    disgusting, I can open up to your mother about everything as I should.

    Agnia is silent.
    Over time, too, I can be a person, and
    I even have a lot of ideas about my business that are against others.

    Agnia is silent.
    Now if there's anything I'm scared of, it's this...
    Actually, what decision will you give me?

    Agnia is silent and lowers her head even more.
    At least one

    Agnia is silent.
    Are you really going to leave me without attention? Have
    some leniency! Maybe you don't believe my feelings? Assure with all my soul
    I can help you. If I didn't feel it, would I dare...
    A G N I
    (looking down). Well, okay, I believe you. It's a long wait until you're completely
    will you be a man?
    I p o l e t. When the owner gives a real salary
    A Mr. I. Well, then you’ll tell mommy; I'll talk to you too.
    (Herly.) But still give me the ribbon!
    And p o l and t. No, now
    A Mr. I. Well, if not property! I'll take it away. Only you
    look, if again...
    And p o l and t. How is it possible, sir!

    Agnia takes the ribbon. Hippolyte kisses her. Included


    Kruglova, Agnia, Ippolit.
    C r u g l
    o in a. What a fuss is this! There is no peace. That's great!
    A G N I (screams quietly).
    Oh! (Sits on a chair behind the hoop.)

    Hippolyte retreats to the depths of the room and stands timidly at the ceiling.
    r u g l o v a. What is this?
    A Mr. I. What? Nothing.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Like nothing? I saw with my own eyes how he kissed you.
    A Mr. I. Eka
    importance, kissed!
    K r u g l o v a. Don't you think this is important?
    A g n i
    I. Yes, sure. Now, if he bit, it’s not good.
    K r u g l o v a. You're in your
    sane or crazy? And shame, then, is nothing?
    A Mr. I. What a shame!
    There is shame among the rich; and no matter how we live, no one cares about that. Both good and
    It’s bad, everything is for yourself, not for people. Live well, people will not praise you, and live badly,
    you won't surprise anyone.
    K r u g l o v a. Please think about what she
    is doing!
    A Mr. I. Did you think I was still playing with dolls?
    R u g l o v
    A. Little by little from my mother...
    A Mr. I. Yes, I’m with you, too, perhaps.
    l about in a. There was, therefore, a little shame.
    A Mr. I. What is it needed for?
    he is.
    K r u g l o v a. Still, it’s not good that the mother doesn’t know.
    A Mr.
    and I. You have nothing to know; Nothing is certain yet. The time will come, no
    worry, let's say; we know this order.
    K r u g l o v a. With you
    to say that more is worse. It's better to quit; and then, perhaps, you have it yourself
    you will remain guilty. And what’s true is true: it’s not time for you to take Christ
    A Mr. I. Read ahead. Of course, you can restrain yourself; Yes for what?
    Our youth is not red anyway; how will she be remembered?
    R u g l a
    (Hippolytus). Well, what about you? Do I really let you into the house for this? Good, good!
    And p
    p o l i t. You won’t hear any excuses from me.
    K r u g l o v a. You people are like that
    so that I can believe you, of course! Let the goat into the garden!
    I p o l i t. I am now without
    words, everything is the same, as if killed. Everything is your will.
    K r u g l o v a. Pretend
    an orphan. So I’ll see what happens from you, or even turn around, brother.
    A Mr. I.
    May it be for you!
    K r u g l o v a. Don't like to listen?
    A Mr. I. Walk
    let's go.
    K r u g l o v a. Is partying on your mind?
    A Mr. I. Yeah that's enough
    mummy. They corrected their case, scolded them, and so be it.
    K r u g l o v a. Well,
    Fool take you and say that. Apparently, get ready and go for a walk.

    Akhov enters.


    Kruglova, Agnia,
    Ippolit, Akhov.
    A x o v. So I wandered into your miserable hut.
    K r u
    g l o v a. Welcome! Thank you for not disdaining.
    A x o v. Not
    I abhor, I do not disdain, Fedosevna; Appreciate it! Were you expecting such a guest?
    (Looks sideways at Hippolytus.)
    K r u g l o v a. And they waited, and they didn’t.
    A x o v.
    How? After all, I and your fool ordered you to wait.
    K r u g l o v a.
    But our servant is antique; you won't wait for her until she has a tongue
    will turn.
    A x about in (Agniya). Are you having fun jumping?
    A Mr. I.
    Little by little.
    A x o v. So what? And you live more fun! If the mother is offended,
    so you complain to me about her.
    K r u g l o v a. Please sit down obediently.
    Ah x o
    in (looking askance at Hippolytus). I’ll sit, I’ll sit, don’t ask. (Sits on the sofa.)
    R u g l o
    in a. What would you like to serve, Ermil Zotych?
    A x o v. Wait a little longer to treat me,
    let the guests be seated properly.
    K r u g l o v a. Take a seat.
    A x o v.
    Take a seat! Look around you first! I sat down, let your house be in order
    No; that's what!
    K r u g l o v a. I don’t know, father, what you are saying.
    A x o v
    (Hippolytus). Well!
    And p o l i t. What, uncle, do you order?
    A x o v. Not
    You know?
    I p p o l i t. What would you like, sir?
    A x o v. Yes you come to
    myself! Where are you?
    And p about l and t. At Daria Fedosevna, sir.
    A x o v (mimicking
    his). At Daria Fedosevna's! I know what Daria Fedosevna has. So, in your opinion, you
    Is this where you should be?
    And p o l i t. I came to visit, sir.
    A x o v. And I
    For what?
    And p o l i t. So I assume, uncle, that you too, sir.
    A x o v. Well,
    so are you company for me or not? Have you figured it out now?
    I p p o l i t. What am I
    I have to guess, sir?
    A x o v. That where the owner is, there is no place for you. Understood?
    p p o l i t. I understand, sir.
    A x o v. Well, that means, get out!
    K r u g l o v a.
    Why are you persecuting him?
    A Mr. I. For us, guests are all equal.
    A x o v. A lot of
    You know! It's none of your business! (To Hippolyte.) When you see the owner, run away
    must; I didn’t have time to grab my hat, so run without a hat. There was, but there is no trace,
    as if you were blown off the face of the earth by the wind. Well, who am I telling?
    I p p o l e t.
    But let me...
    A x o v. Should I drag you out of here by the hair?
    I p p
    o l, etc. How is this possible, sir? Even in front of the ladies...
    A x o v. In front of the ladies! Very
    I need. I'll pull it out, and that's it.
    I p p o l i t. Why such an insult, sir? I
    here on a noble account, sir.
    A xo (gets up). Get out, they say
    IPPOLIT (takes his hat). If you absolutely want it...
    A g
    n and I (to Hippolytus). Got cold feet?
    A x o v (stomping his feet). No talking,

    Hippolyte leaves.
    Agniya (following him). It's a shame, it's a shame
    be a coward!


    Akhov, Kruglova, Agnia.
    A x o v. I have
    you'll be chicken; I don’t even have someone like him who will chicken out.
    A Mr. I. Why are you scary?
    A x o v. I'm not scary; scary, damn it, and even a scary scarecrow
    They put it in the garden to scare the crows. You don't know how to speak! I'm not scary, but
    menacing. (Kruglova.) And you still sit him down and treat him in front of the boy!
    K r u
    g l o v a. I don’t understand how he bothered you.
    A x o v. It's time to understand; not for
    I was married to a man. Order was also established in the house; tea, study
    husband, do you remember now? What ignorance!
    K r u g l o v a. None here
    there is no ignorance. Why did you really start teaching me! It's too late, and it's not
    I need.
    A x o v. What do I need? Live as you want; It's worse for you.
    C r u g l
    o in a. She somehow lived a century, now she only has a little time left to live.
    Ah x o
    V. Just think about how he and the owner are in the same room? Maybe I
    I’ll talk to you; Maybe I’ll want to joke with you; and he, his mouth open, listens
    will it happen? In his life he never heard anything from me except orders and scolding. What kind
    Will he be afraid after this? He will say, our master is the same nonsense
    speaks like all other people. And he shouldn't know this.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Well, how can we understand this policy of yours!
    A x o v. We'll get together sometimes
    the owners are so outrageous that we can’t even say it in a fairy tale or write it with a pen! So
    should we let clerks into our company so that they can admire us?
    K r
    at g about in and. It's up to you.
    A x o v. That's what I'm saying. Here you are as soon as
    If she saw me, before she sat me down and treated me, she would have pushed him out
    door; and it’s good for him, and it’s more pleasant for me too.
    K r u g l o v a. Ask for tea
    will you order?
    A x o v. I don’t want to, they offended me. I felt for you with all my heart, and you for me
    They didn’t want to respect.
    K r u g l o v a. It's hard to please you.
    A x o v.
    No, you wait! We really need to be respected. We owe special respect
    against other people. And why? I'll tell you if you don't know.
    C r u g l
    o in a. Tell me, let's listen.
    A x o v. You're a rich man if he's up to you
    You are merciful, watch more than your eye. Because you don’t have your own wealth: need or
    what, who should you rush to? And secondly: do you know, is your soul someone else’s?
    open, why is a rich man being merciful to you? Maybe he's just doing it to himself
    gives courage, or maybe seriousness!! Because for our brother, if anything
    I wanted it, but there is nothing expensive; but you, poor brethren, have nothing cherished; All
    corrupt. And suddenly, out of a penny, a ruble. Understood?
    K r u g l o v a. Well no
    A x o v. But now you... (Agnia.) Can you kiss me
    now, with your mother?
    A Mr. I. I can if I want.
    A x o v. Well, whatever you want,
    you won't be at a loss.
    A Mr. I. And I don’t need any profit; and so that only from
    Don't start a conversation about unnecessary things, if you please. (Kisses him.)
    A x o v
    (Kruglovoy). Did you see it?
    K r u g l o v a. What to see? I didn’t even see that.
    Smacking your lips is no big deal! I wish she had you now! What's this! Doesn't matter,
    that pot is about pot; No matter how much you hit it, there will be no oil. And then there is a matter that
    of a completely different kind; Then mother, just look.
    A x o v. No, listen!
    After all, what is wealth flattering? Here's what: what you wanted, what you had in mind - everything
    A Mr. I. Well, if I knew that you would be like that, my indulgence
    I understand, I would never kiss you.
    A x o v. You shut up, you shut up! Thin
    you didn't. No, I say, if your whole life... maybe not even one hundred
    people in our hands, so how can we not exalt ourselves? A pie for everyone too
    I want something sweet... And what about those who have nothing to eat at all! Oh,
    They bought people cheap, oh, cheap! Would you believe it, sometimes you even feel sorry for yourself
    will become.
    K r u g l o v a. What capital is something to be proud of!
    A x o v. And then what?
    (With a sigh.) Strength, Fedosevna, strength!
    K r u g l o v a. Well, yeah what
    A x o v. Well, so you discuss it, and think about it alone at your leisure, with
    pillow; Maybe things will go better. (Gets up.) Well, goodbye for now. And you
    nothing, I'm not angry.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, fine, if you're not angry. What
    good to be angry!
    A x o v. Of course, no matter how long you have been poor, so
    lost the habit of real order; but give you the money, and then you go again.
    R u g l o v
    A. Still would.
    A x o v. So, look into it, Daria Fedosevna! (Significantly.) I recommend it.
    Remember one thing: no one like God! (Agniya.) Goodbye, dragonfly!
    A Mr. I. Farewell,
    Ermil Zotych.
    A x o v. I'll probably be there again soon. I don't care about you
    pulls... Of course, what is needed on your part... Well, so be it. Coming tomorrow
    K r u g l o v a. What kind of demand? Yes, whenever you want!
    Ah x o
    V. OK OK. (Quietly to Kruglova.) I’ll come tomorrow.
    K r u g l o v a. What the hell
    Akhov (pushes her with his elbow). Talk to you. (Leaves.)


    Kruglova, Agnia.
    A Mr. I. Mama,
    when Hippolytus comes, drive him away without mercy.
    K r u g l o v a. Not Ermila
    should we drive?
    A Mr. I. What is it for? Is he to blame? How can he not
    to ascend when everyone submits to him.
    K r u g l o v a. Whatever you say, but
    I feel sorry for Hippolytus.
    A Mr. I. Why feel sorry for him? he's not small. If only
    his conscience, he himself would be ashamed of being pitied. What little one was offended!
    I can't see him.
    K r u g l o v a. Why is it so menacing?
    A Mr. I. Well, be
    he is married, and with his wife here, how poor it would be for her!
    K r u g l o v a. Try it
    I should talk to Yermil.
    A Mr. I. He is not tied to Yermil by a rope, he abandoned
    yes and went. And I almost fell in love with him, the crybaby.
    K r u g l o v a. At your place,
    you can see how many days there are in the week, so many Fridays. I didn’t have time to fall in love, and
    fell out of love.
    A Mr. I. Yes, I fell out of love.
    K r u g l o v a. And I do it more
    fell in love.
    A Mr. I. Well, congratulations.
    K r u g l o v a. And you
    I advise.
    A Mr. I. Well, it’s in vain.
    K r u g l o v a. Because he
    A Mr. I. Nasty, disgusting.
    K r u g l o v a. Akhov
    A Mr. I. And there is no comparison.
    K r u g l o v a. How good it is! Well,
    and kiss your Akhov.
    A Mr. I. Yes, of course, better than with
    K r u g l o v a. You should have guessed this before.
    A Mr. I.
    Don’t reproach, don’t reproach, I’m already cursing myself.
    K r u g l o v a. I
    I don’t reproach you; and, in my opinion, if you like a person, stick with it
    A Mr. I. How could it not be so; he's worth it! I'll do one more thing, I'll write
    him, so that he does not dare to show himself to us. (Goes to another room.)
    C r u g l
    o in a. It’s in vain to write; It's just a waste of time to get your hands dirty!
    A Mr. I. Absolutely not
    in vain. (Leaves.)
    K r u g l o v a. It’s not in vain; after all, after a while
    a little, you’ll start writing another letter, that you come as soon as possible.
    A G N I
    (from another room). No way, no way in the world.
    K r u g l o v a.
    I'll believe it, of course.
    A Mr. I. And don't say better! The end of acquaintance - here it is
    K r u g l o v a. Let's see, said the blind man. (Leaves.)


    K r u g l o v a.
    A g n i
    A x o v.
    I p p o l e t.
    Feona, Akhov's housekeeper and distant
    M a l a n i.

    Decoration of the first scene.


    Kruglova (on the sofa), Feona (on the armchair) are drinking tea. On the table
    Malanya is standing at the door (with his hand on his cheek).
    K r u g l o v a. You,
    Feonushka, from mass?
    F e o n a. From mass, mother.
    K r u g l o v a. Where
    F e o n a. In Khamovniki.
    K r u g l o v a. How far is it?
    F e o
    on the. Of course, what would not be for my legs, just diligence, so... (Puts
    R u g l o v a (pouring). Drink some more!
    F e o n a. I'll drink, no
    M a l a n i. But... everything is hard for those living in laziness, who if
    they let themselves down. Another time in the morning... you feel so sick and tormented... they just drugged you,
    this flesh is definitely growing, there’s a slight buzzing through the joints... No
    Tokma, so that what great thing is that according to Christianity you should, but the samovar, and
    I'm too lazy to put it up... it would all be lying there.
    F e o n a. And you, girl, are a whim
    shake yourself off - try! Strive to keep yourself in line... otherwise, for a long time, and not at all
    you'll be stunned. We had something like this with one of us - she looked like she was filled with lead. Neither
    concept, he says, nor pity in me became of any use.
    M a l a n i. Self
    ourselves that the sins... are ours; otherwise I...what am I talking about!
    F e o n a. Would you like to live with
    our Ermil Zotych. He drank some tea before morning.
    M a l a n i. Look
    what's his name...
    K r u g l o v a. What kind of business is he doing - urgent?
    F e o n a.
    Who cares, besides walking around grumbling and not sleeping? Hater! Already
    He is a very offensive person for his bread and salt! You might choke on a piece of it; he will tell you once
    Ten a day will be reproached. He shouts: “I feed you and pay you a salary,” and the stranger
    doesn't count work. It seems to him that if he could get two out of a working day, then
    he would be delighted. So he wanders around early in the morning, and wanders around the yard, and in the garden
    wanders around the barns, wanders around the stables. Then he will go to the factory, there too only
    interferes with people: a person is running about something, but he stops him, starts scolding him for no reason
    What; says: good for the front. And he comes from the factory, he’s fighting with the children - so
    and all our affairs.
    K r u g l o v a. Don't tell me; he had his own child.
    One, apparently, is cut by a tailor. One difference: mine tormented us, tormented us, and almost
    left with the bag; but yours is buried up to its neck in money, and has lost count, so
    stuck there.
    F e o n a. What about money? There is only one sin. Okay, as in
    his hands will fall, but who knows what’s on his mind. One son ran away from home
    Nikolai Ermilych.
    K r u g l o v a. How long ago?
    F e o n a. He ran, mother;
    ran to his mother-in-law. I moved out last week. And a meek man, but did not endure. Do you believe
    You're all thin, you walk, and your whole body shudders. And his wife, a woman
    young, completely exhausted; he gets up in tears, and lies down in tears. All the old man them
    reproaches with inheritance. “You wish for my death,” he says, “you are waiting for money, for freedom
    isn't enough for you? Wait, he says, wait; I won’t be with my savings soon
    I will part; first I will teach you how to live, I will show you off for my goodness so much that
    You won’t even be happy with the money.”
    M a l a n i. And you also have an asp.
    F e o
    on the. Asp, as there is an asp. (Places the cup on the table.) Thank you humbly.
    K r u
    g l o v a. And what else?
    F e o n a. No, I drank as much as I wanted.
    I’ll come home and have a drink. What can you do out of boredom? Why not
    do you drink?
    K r u g l o v a. Agnichka and I were already drunk. This is me, spoiling you.
    Malanya, put away the tea!

    Malanya takes the samovar and a tray of cups and leaves.
    F e o n
    A. But we have Grisha, a different one, mother...
    K r u g l o v a. I know I know.
    e o na. Not like that, mischievous; apparently he succeeded as a priest.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Does he even love him?
    F e o n a. There’s no way you can love him, mother; Very
    too awkward, and so stupid that God forbid! Only one thing he knows
    Why bow at your father’s feet, let alone drink and row - you won’t find anyone else. From this
    As a result, his vision became dull. How will someone come from where he’s drunk or
    they will bring him, his eyes will go wide like a ram, he will stare in one direction and let's go ahead
    father hitting the floor with his forehead. He will forgive him, but he will go downhill again. What complaints about
    it was like they paid money for it! Just recently I fooled around; they brought him from
    I don’t know what warm places, just connected. And two beaten with him, yeah
    they say he drowned one in the Moscow River. Well, there's nothing to do, the father paid the beaten man
    for a flaw, and the drowning man, and those who dragged him out of the water, also gave him wine to drink, in addition to
    money. And his father sent him to the factory to keep him locked up there until
    K r u g l o v a. What's going on! How rich merchants live! Not
    you will envy their wealth.
    F e o n a. What, mother, is there anything envious about him! IN
    There are too many other people's tears in this wealth, so they respond - until the seventh
    knees, they say.
    K r u g l o v a. This means that the old man is now alone; that's what he
    got into the habit of visiting me.
    F e o n a. Consider that one. Our house is old
    princely, forty rooms - so empty; if you say a word, there’s even a buzz; here he is
    and wanders around the rooms alone. Yesterday I went at dusk and got lost in my own
    home; the guard shouts in unkind obscenities. I found him by force and brought him out. This is him with
    boredom wanders towards you. They brought Grisha back from the factory again, mother, only
    sick. The doctor travels, and even the old schismatic man walks around, bringing live lines to him
    applies to the soles. At the factory we have a German elechtor, Vander, and such and such
    an evil drink that seems as soon as the human womb contains; and no matter what he drinks,
    Everything is fine for him, only it’s even better, he’s becoming more colorful and bright-eyed.
    Well, ours is still young, and he couldn’t bear it, and a cloud of mind came over him. Became
    run out onto the balcony and shoot at the men with a gun. It goes without saying that it’s not yours
    he did it by will. Maybe they’ve already started working on it in Moscow, but for us
    it was unknown. They began to fly around him, he says, first like bumblebees, and then
    already in their form they seemed to be how they should be. And yet he is now away from them
    hiding. Oh, go! Otherwise he himself will probably quarrel.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Sit down. Who is in charge of your business?
    F e o n a. Nephew, mother.
    K r u
    g l o v a. Hippolytus?
    F e o n a. He, mother, he, Apolit. Both in the office and
    factory - all of him.
    K r u g l o v a. What is he like, boy, I've been wanting to see you for a long time
    F e o n a. Martyr, mother, one word. Passion-bearer. One for
    He does everyone’s work, he knows no peace; but apart from scolding, he sees nothing for himself.
    K r u
    g l o v a. Doesn't he drink?
    F e o n a. And what are you saying, mother! Not a drop of poppy dew. A
    He must drink, I suppose, he must be fast.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Why is this so?
    F e o n a. It won’t stand, it’s impossible. We all have one thing: what is fair
    support yourself, get drunk - it’s all the same price; no kind words from the owner
    wait; So what kind of misfortune is there to cut yourself short of? Before Apolit after all
    he walked around more cheerfully, but now he’s so gloomy, it’s clear from everything that he’s getting ready to drink.
    Well, he struggles with money, poor thing; he has no position, and what will the owner give from
    K r u g l o v a. Eko, poor thing!
    F e o n a. What are you talking about him?
    are you asking? Who are you wooing?
    K r u g l o v a. And even if I’m a matchmaker; isn't it
    bad thing?
    F e o n a. Who's talking? Are you not one of us?
    K r u g l o v a.
    Well, so does my fiancée.
    F e o n a. Well, I found a fool; I'll believe it, of course! What
    why are you hunting for a subordinate person!
    K r u g l o v a. Me and the owner
    I was there, but I saw grief. Of course, if we come across a wealthy person, we
    We won’t disdain.
    F e o n a. Why bother! Yes, it is obvious from everything that
    your bird will be in a golden cage.
    K r u g l o v a. Ah, Feonushka, cage -
    everything is a cage, no matter how you gild it.
    F e o n a. Somehow our old man has become very
    to praise your daughter.
    K r u g l o v a. Let him praise him, we will lose
    F e o n a. Why not praise! And everyone will praise. Yes, he is blessed
    old man; says things he shouldn't. After all, he is well over sixty,
    she's good enough to be his granddaughter. And he is, after all, exactly young.
    R u g l o v
    A. What are you saying?
    F e o n a. As if you don't know him? Everything comes from him
    it will happen.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, where is it!
    F e o n a. Yes, that's right, if I
    I say. This is not the first time he has embarrassed Moscow. He was also for the rich
    he took it, he was smart enough, but in three places the carriage was delivered; now it's already
    another is dreaming. “I will choose for myself from among the poor,” he says, “the one who knows best.
    I won’t forget it all my life, and I’ll see prostrations from her relatives too! Girl
    a girl, and I’ll spoil myself to my heart’s content.”
    K r u g l o v a. But these old people are rich
    Only they dream a lot about themselves, but they have no intelligence.
    F e o n a. No, mother,
    no, one force. And they knock off this very force from him, so he’s like your crow
    wet. Ay, fathers! I stayed too long.
    K r u g l o v a. Goodbye, Feonushka!

    Agnia enters.


    Kruglova, Feona,
    A Mr. I. Hello, grandma.
    F e o n a. Hello, dear! What
    did you shut up? Sing, the day is yours. Do you know what sings in you?
    A Mr. I.
    F e o n a. Will. But when the time comes, you’ll give up the songs.
    A Mr. I.
    Yes, I won’t go into captivity.
    F e o n a. And I wouldn’t be glad to go, but if so
    provided. Happy Stay! Why don't you drive me away! Farewell!

    Agnia sits down at the embroidery frame and thinks.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Consult your mother! Why are you still sighing alone? I'm your friend, not
    A Mr. I. No, mummy, I’m afraid I’ll cry; What's good about crying?
    K r u g l o v a. Should I tell you the news?
    A Mr. I.
    K r u g l o v a. Yermil Zotych really liked you.
    A Mr. I.
    Oh! Killed!
    Kruglova (smiles). My business is to tell you; and then how
    A Mr. I. Well, yes, of course.
    K r u g l o v a. I don't want you to
    I'm filming.
    Agniya (working). I humbly thank you.
    K r u g l o v a.
    No one in the world is ever tired of money.
    A Mr. I. Still would!
    K r u g l o v a.
    And if they don’t exist, that’s even more so.
    A Mr. I. What can I say!
    K r u g l o v a.
    Well, honor also means something.
    A Mr. I. By itself.
    R u g l o
    in a. An enviable groom.
    A Mr. I. There is no point in arguing.
    K r u g l o v a. Star
    A Mr. I. Nothing.
    K r u g l o v a. Yes, they have a fierce temper.
    A Mr. I.
    God be merciful, this will pass for him.
    K r u g l o v a. Why are you crazy?
    is it?
    A Mr. I. And what?
    K r u g l o v a. I haven't heard such speeches from you before
    I heard.
    A Mr. I. And I haven't heard from you. If you're joking, well, I'm joking;
    if you are serious, and I am serious.
    K r u g l o v a. I was joking, but I’m not happy
    became. Who knows you, you are some kind of tricky one!
    A Mr. I. And you're not kidding
    another time.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, how does he actually get married?
    A g
    n and i. It’s as if you can’t find words?
    K r u g l o v a. There are no words
    A Mr. I. So what else do you need?
    K r u g l o v a. And if he
    He will ask, what do you say?
    A Mr. I. I'm an angel girl, I'll say: "like mommy
    K r u g l o v a. Well, okay.

    Hippolytus enters.


    Agnia, Ippolit.
    I p o l i t. Our respect to you, sir.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Hello, my dear.

    Agnia silently bows slightly.
    Sit down!
    I p p o
    l and t (sitting down). Actually, I don’t have time, sir; You have to be on the job at the moment. Behind
    getting food.
    K r u g l o v a. They'll wait.
    I p o l and t. With bills
    they are waiting, not with money, sir. He waited half an hour, and catch him in Krasnoyarsk.
    K r
    at g about in and. In my opinion, it’s better not to come in if you don’t have time. What's the order:
    turned around and left. Hate.
    I p p o l i t. In the direction of the path
    I was supposed to be driving past you, so I considered it ignorant not to come in.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Well, thanks for that too. What's new?
    I p p o l i t. The old is the same, and
    nothing again, sir.
    K r u g l o v a. Are you going to ask for your salary soon?
    I p p o l
    etc. How to ask him, if he was not told to stutter. This is what will happen next
    I'll take a look.
    K r u g l o v a. And then the same thing will happen if you yawn.
    Stick to your throat - that's all here.
    And p o l and t. I don’t follow these rules
    founded, sir.
    K r u g l o v a. As you wish! I wish you well.
    I p p o l e t.
    And with all that, I’ll think about your conversation, sir.
    K r u g l o v a. Think! Not
    you should all be underage! What do you have ahead?
    And p o l and t. Promises great
    rewarding Only, if you hope for it, you will have to, with your dream,
    big fools to remain.
    K r u g l o v a. There would be nothing in fools, as it were
    it couldn't have been worse!
    And p about l etc. Of course, I watch myself, as much as there is
    strengths-opportunities; and another, in my place, would have fallen into weakness long ago and now
    I fell into the list of people not worth attention. In infancy, to scold and
    there is tolerance for hair massacres, all this seems to be decent to this
    age. And if you think about your credibility and want to be among people
    keep it in sight, and suddenly they push you back, almost right in your face!
    It's a shame!
    K r u g l o v a. Of course it's a shame.
    I p p o l i t. You, in your own way
    labors, you want to be respected and a full citizen with all rights, and suddenly you
    again they turn to a boyish position, then there are great upheavals in the soul
    bad things happen.
    K r u g l o v a. Who's holding you? You're not a serf
    I p p o l i t. Where am I going, sir? Three hundred rubles a year and a shop? AND
    I must struggle for five years in the most insignificant position. When will I be a man
    in all its form? Now it’s still flattering that I’m in a big business, with a rich
    uncle as nephews. Still, I appreciate it.
    K r u g l o v a. Where? IN
    And p about l and t. Khosh and in the tavern.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, just like that
    It’s your fault, there’s no point in feeling sorry for you!
    And p o l e t. Maybe someday he will enter
    K r u g l o v a. Wait for him to feel something!
    I p p o l i t. I
    I understand that he owes me fifteen thousand by all rights.
    l about in a. Understand what you want, but listening to you is boring. Go get a job.


    Agnia and Hippolytus.
    A Mr. I. Why
    did you lie to me yesterday that you are not afraid of the owner?
    I p p o l e t. Yes, very much
    It's a shame to admit it, sir. Well, and you say to yourself what’s best, so that for you
    people were considered.
    A Mr. I. You are a coward, and also a liar. According to your character,
    You won’t get any money from the owner, and most likely, he will drive you away himself.
    P P O L Etc. For mercy's sake, why? In this case, against his ignorance one can
    to be impolite.
    A Mr. I. You should have guessed it a long time ago.
    I p p o l e t.
    Something to arm yourself with!
    A Mr. I. Arm yourself!
    I p o l and t. If you
    If you approve, so it will be, sir. As soon as a person does not understand his due, even the words
    doesn’t feel it, we need to prove it to him in practice so that from his lack of education
    felt some sense.
    A Mr. I. How will you prove it to him?
    I p p o l
    etc. Even very few, sir. And now he is in my hands. (Shows bills.)
    The whole thing just stops, I have enough conscience.
    A g n i
    I. And it’s good that there is enough of it. You cannot love an unscrupulous person.
    I p p o
    l, etc. It’s good that you told me this in advance, sir.
    A Mr. I. And you don't
    did you know?
    And p o l and t. How can I know your character, sir! Usually
    women have more of a concept, sir, that at least go for robbery, only for her and for
    Be a miner at home.
    A Mr. I. I don’t like thieves, but others, whatever they want is not mine
    And p o l and t. So, only from one thing, so that your love
    deserve it?
    A Mr. I. Don't talk to me about love, please!
    I p p o l e t.
    Why is this so, sir?
    A Mr. I. I don't want to love a boy. What kind of man are you?
    p p o l i t. According to you, I am the most insignificant person, s...
    A Mr. I. This
    Your business.
    And p about l and t. From everyone in contempt.
    A Mr. I. Who
    And p o l e t. Instead of receiving consolation from you...
    A g n i
    I. They will beat you like a boy, and I have to console you! Yes, why are you
    you thought?
    And p o l i t. Who will pity me, sir?
    A Mr. I. What the hell do I care?
    case! Laugh at you, not feel sorry for you.
    And p o l e t. After that, only
    to die remains in my place.
    A Mr. I. Of course better.
    I p p o l e t.
    So, you have a very low opinion of me?
    A Mr. I. Very.
    I p p o l
    etc. However, such a blow from you! I don’t even know how to move it.
    A g n i
    I. I am very happy.
    And p about l and t. And no, that means, to humanity
    A Mr. I. And don't wait.
    And p o l e t. However, I flew in
    clever! What a deception for my feelings! I've made mistakes in my life...
    A G N I
    (wiping away tears). It wasn't you who made a mistake, it was I who made a mistake. Please go away! Go away, they say
    to you. It’s a shame for me, an adult girl, not to be able to sort people out. Nobody pulled me
    to you.
    And p o l i t. But allow me in my defense...
    A Mr. I.
    Come on, come on!
    And p o l i t. But, however, at least have a little pity!
    A g n i
    I. Listen! Now, beg yourself from the owner for a good salary or leave
    away from him and look for another place! If you don't do this, you better not know me
    at all, and don’t show yourself to me!
    And p o l e t. This is the last from you
    word, sir?
    A Mr. I. Last thing.
    I p p o l i t. Well, so I know what I need
    to do, sir. I've had this thing in my mind for a long time.
    A Mr. I. Do what you want,
    just honestly.
    And p o l i t. I don’t know, judge for yourself. Afterwards, at least
    Take my head off, but I won’t give up on mine.
    A Mr. I. Yours
    And p o l and t. So goodbye, sir!
    A. (bowing). Farewell.
    p p o l and t. So, it will be a dry farewell?
    A Mr. I. What else is this?
    And p
    p about l and t. Hosha pen, sir.
    A Mr. I. Not a single finger.

    Kruglova enters.


    Agnia, Ippolit, then Malanya.
    I p p o l i t (Kruglova). Support me!
    r u g l o v a. What?
    I p o l e t. I want to start a war with the owner.
    A Mr.
    and I. Don't cry in front of the owner, instead of war!
    I p p o l i t. What the
    ridicule, sir! No, now my soul is on fire.
    Kruglova, Yes, I’m here
    how? I don't understand, my dear.
    And p o l i t t. In half an hour I will explain to you in

    Malanya enters and sighs silently.
    A Mr. I. What miracles
    It happens!
    And p o l e t. Yes, I’ll prove myself to you.
    M a l a n i.
    Grandfather is coming.
    K r u g l o v a. What grandfather?
    M alanya (sighing).
    And p o l and t. Isn’t it the owner?
    M a l a n i. It must be that
    master. Yes he is; what am I saying? (Leaves.)
    And p about l and t. That was
    K r u g l o v a. Walk through my room and you won't meet.

    Ippolit goes to Kruglova’s room. Kruglova meets in
    front of Akhov and enters with him.


    Agnia, Akhov.
    K r u g l o v a. Welcome, Ermil Zotych! Welcome!

    Agnia bows.
    A x o v. Yes! Welcome! Welcome!
    Why are we loved everywhere? Everywhere: “You’re welcome!”
    K r u g l o v a. You think,
    for your wealth?
    A x o v. Pretend some more! No matter what you say, Fedosevna,
    Is there any difference against others?
    K r u g l o v a. Well, of course.
    A x o v.
    A poor man comes, if you want, you take care of him, if you want, you drive him away, but the rich man
    Even if you did ignorance, you honor it. (Pointing to Agnia.)
    K r u g l o v a. Works.
    A x o v. Yes! This is good.
    C r u g l
    o in a. For boredom.
    A x o v. How old is she? I won't ask you everything.
    r u g l o v a. Twenty years.
    A x o v. Not old yet. (Quietly.) About the suitors
    K r u g l o v a. Well, what are grooms without a dowry?
    A x o v. So
    God sends invisibly.
    K r u g l o v a. Something can't be heard.
    A x o v. No,
    Don't tell me, it happens... for virtue. Especially those who are meek, submissive,
    suddenly, out of nowhere, a person will appear, something that was not even on his mind, something that he cannot even think about
    K r u g l o v a. It happens, it happens, but very rarely.
    A x o v.
    You need to pray well, and it will happen.
    K r u g l o v a. Yes and even then
    we pray.
    A x o v. Did you go to Friday Paraskova?
    K r u g l o v a.
    I went.
    A x o v. Well, just wait. Only you with humility; a man will woo
    especially with abundance, give now. So this is the definition. And for the poor
    don't give it away.
    K r u g l o v a. What an extreme!
    A x o v. You never know how stupid it is!
    It won’t take long to give it out, but what’s the point! There are also those who are not at all happy
    understand through their pride.
    K r u g l o v a. We are not proud.
    A x o v.
    What should you be proud of! Rich man, well, be proud, exalt yourself: a
    your business, Fedosevna, just bow. Bow to everyone, and bow for everything,
    You bow out to something, and it’s more pleasant for everyone to look at you.
    C r u g l
    o in a. Thanks for the advice! God grant you health.
    A x o v. What I say is true. You
    an orphan and your daughter an orphan; who will look after you, well, both a benefactor and a dear father,
    Well, bow at his feet. And not that, like others, from excessive stupidity,
    nose away from benefactors.
    K r u g l o v a. Don't teach me, I know.
    Ah x o
    V. You know, it’s time for you to know; I also saw the school with the deceased. Fear
    for the benefit of every person; that's why you're smart. But young people today are at the hands
    fight back. Did you raise your daughter in fear?
    K r u g l o v a. In fear,
    Ermil Zotych, in fear. Yes, talk to her; I’ll go and look for Malanya,
    what is she doing there. (Leaves.)


    Agnia, Akhov.
    A x o v. Well, what are we talking about?
    Shall we talk to you?
    A Mr. I. Anything you want.
    A x o v. You are the law
    You know?
    A Mr. I. What law?
    A x o v. Usually, what, like parents
    honor like elders?
    A Mr. I. I know.
    A x o v. Yes, it’s not enough to know him,
    must be fulfilled.
    A Mr. I. I fulfill: I do everything that mummy wants,
    I don’t leave her will.
    A x o v. That's it, that's it. What will your mother tell you?
    from the smallest to the largest...
    A Mr. I. Yes, from the smallest to
    the biggest...
    A x o v. That's why I love it.
    A Mr. I. Yours truly
    Thank you.
    A x o v. And how I love it! Don't look that I'm old! Wow!
    You see me in modesty, maybe that’s what you think of me; We have something else too.
    As I please, I will turn myself that way; I can do anything, I am powerful
    A Mr. I. Nice to hear.
    A x o v. Have you heard that there is
    Such old prosecutors that they marry young people?
    A Mr. I. How not
    hear! I heard that there are girls who marry old men.
    x o v. Well, that's all the same.
    A Mr. I. No, not all the same. The old man is pleased
    marry a young girl, but what kind of thing is a young girl?
    A x o v. You don't
    A Mr. I. I don't understand.
    A x o v. Well, I'll explain it to you.
    A Mr.
    and I. Explain!
    A x o v. For example, you are poor, but you want to live;
    Well, is it like yours, feminine? A salop, or something, or a hat, on horseback
    good ride, in a fashionable stroller.
    A Mr. I. Yes Yes. Oh, how
    A x o v. Well, that's it! I see right through your entire soul; What's on
    I know everything about your mind. So you think: “I’ll marry a poor man, I’ll be in poverty all my life.”
    to live in oblivion; young and rich will not take me; let me listen to smart people
    Yes, I’ll marry an old man with money.” Isn’t that what you’re thinking?
    A Mr. I. So,
    A x o v. “The old man says to me, for my love of both this and that.” (Very
    seriously.) What gifts they give! Passion!
    A Mr. I. Really?
    A x o v.
    Thousands, I tell you, thousand! While still grooms, it’s like this every evening
    They carry and carry!
    A Mr. I. This is life!
    A x o v. Yes, that's what! But as
    he gets married, this is where the wife lives, this is where she has fun!
    A Mr. I. Yes Yes.
    A x
    about v. What? flattering?
    A Mr. I. How not flattering! No grief, no worries, just
    dress up.
    A x o v. Is it fun?
    A Mr. I. Very funny. And even then
    It’s nice to think that in a year or two my husband will die, but he won’t live for two centuries;
    you will remain a young widow with money in complete freedom, whatever your soul wants.
    x o v. Well, you're the one lying; You yourself may die first.
    A Mr. I. Oh,
    A x o v. You said everything well, but the last thing you screwed up was. You
    Never think about it or keep it in mind. This is a sin, a great sin! Do you hear?
    Mr. I. I will never think; it just rolled off the tongue. I'll start thinking
    that the young die first.
    A x o v. Yes, well, that’s better.
    A Mr. I.
    Please don't tell mommy this.
    A x o v. What, are you afraid?
    A g n i
    I. Afraid.
    A x o v. This is good. Fear of having is everything for a person
    A Mr. I. Do you have?
    A x o v. Who am I in front of? No need, I
    and so smart. Fear is good for a man if he is subordinate; and to the woman - everyone and
    Always. Be afraid of your mother and be afraid of your husband, that’s what you’ll get from smart people
    A Mr. I. What's better?

    Kruglova enters.


    Agnia, Akhov,
    A x o v. Well, now I understand both of you, what kind of people you are.
    C r u g l
    o in a. And thank God, Ermil Zotych.
    A xo (stands up). Now I’m with you easily;
    and by evening expect me as a guest, a great guest.
    K r u g l o v a. We will
    A x o v. Don't bother too much! For what?
    K r u g l o v a. This is already mine
    A x o v. Did you think, did you imagine that I would love you so much?
    C r u g l
    o in a. And I didn’t dream about it.
    A x o v. Well, goodbye! As long as there's nothing to talk about!
    There will be time. (Agniya.) Goodbye, dear!
    A Mr. I. Goodbye, Ermil

    Akhov and Kruglova approach the door.
    A x o v. And you have a daughter
    K r u g l o v a. And I praise her.
    A x o v. But there are others...
    punishment! Mother is hers, she is hers. It's not nice for anyone to watch. (Agnia.) Listen
    me! If your mother orders you to do anything, then the finger is visible!
    A Mr. I.
    A x o v. Well, goodbye! (Leaves and returns.) What are you like?
    I prayed to the saints, what brought you such happiness?
    K r u g l o v a. Behind
    my simplicity.

    Akhov leaves.


    Kruglova and
    K r u g l o v a. Whether I was alive, I don’t know.
    A Mr. I. If only you
    Listen, he promised me mountains of gold here.
    K r u g l o v a. About the mountains
    he is a master at telling stories about gold, but he didn’t say anything about tears, how much is his wife
    Did the deceased cry?
    A Mr. I. No, he said nothing.
    K r u g l o v a. Is there something
    listen. I didn’t dare cry at home, so I went to people to cry. It seems to gather in
    guests, and she herself will go to one or the other, to cry in freedom. It happened
    she’ll come to me, throw herself into bed and start pouring for three hours, and I still don’t see her; With
    So he will leave, just hello and goodbye. As if she came for business. Yes it will be
    you have to work!
    A Mr. I. And then she finished. (Covers work and

    Hippolytus enters.


    Ippolit, then Malanya.
    I p o l e t. Did I fly off soon, sir? And also in Moscow
    he ran in and snatched two one-and-a-half cognacs.
    K r u g l o v a. Why is this?
    p p o l and t. For courage, sir. In your opinion, is nothing noticeable?
    C r u g l
    o in a. Nothing.
    And p o l and t. Well, okay. And the courage is great! I drank half a drink
    silver, but I gained ten rubles worth of courage, if not more.
    l about in a. Bought courage is unreliable.
    And p o l and so on. If your own is not enough, then
    you have to buy it for bondage. Let me look in the mirror. (Recovering
    in front of the mirror.) Nothing, everything is neat. Farewell! Maybe there's something wrong with me
    it will happen, so don’t remember it badly!
    K r u g l o v a. You really
    Don't do anything stupid!
    I p o l e t. No nonsense! However, and so
    you can't live. I have your daughter’s recent words here! (Hits himself in the chest.)
    Yes, that's it! Save this for now! (Hands over a thick bag.)
    K r u g l o v a.
    What is this? Money?
    I p o l e t. Money, sir.
    K r u g l o v a. I won't take it, no
    I'll take what you have! Maybe these are the owner's?
    And p o l and t. It’s none of your business, sir! My
    K r u g l o v a. You'll still get into trouble.
    I p p o l e t.
    Yes, have mercy, there is something in my spirit that will bother you to do something unpleasant to you! I'm not on myself
    I hope the man is drunk, I’ll give it to you for safekeeping for one hour. And there are mine
    Whether it's the owner's, it's all the same to you.
    K r u g l o v a. I won't take it.
    I p p o l e t.
    Eh! You don't understand me. I’ll leave the money with you now and go to the owner: and so
    So, lost drunk. What will he do to me?
    K r u g l o v a. Look what
    invented! No, don't confuse me!
    And p o l and t. So, won’t you take it?
    K r u
    g l o v a. No way.
    And p p o l and t. And if so, sir... (Loudly.)
    Malanya, knife!
    K r u g l o v a. What you! What you!

    Malanya hands over the knife and leaves.
    I p p o l i t (takes a knife).
    Nothing, don't be afraid! (Puts the knife in his side pocket.) That's all, sir.
    l about in a. I'll see what happens from you.
    And p p o l and t. But that’s it! You have a hand
    K r u g l o v a. Easy.
    And p o l and t. Welcome to happiness! (Beret
    Kruglova’s hand.) Just everything, sir. We ask for forgiveness. (Leaves.)
    K r u g l o v a.
    It was in vain that we egged him on against the owner just now. These heads don’t know the limits: either
    he is silent, you want to beat him, or he will do something that will make you cry with him.
    This proverb says about them: make a fool pray to God, so he will
    your forehead will break. (Leaves.)


    A x o v.
    I p o l i
    F e o n a.

    A small room in Akhov’s house, like an office, the furniture is expensive and


    Feona, Hippolytus.
    F e o n a. Come in
    Apolit, come in!
    And p about l and t. And then I will come in. What is the owner doing?
    F e o n a.
    He's sleeping for now. Even if you don't sleep, he won't eat you.
    I p o l i t. I know that
    won't eat. Explain again!
    Feona (peering). What are you like...
    I p p
    o l, etc. What?
    F e o n a. Out of your mind?
    I p p o l i t. Wise
    No; because I started drinking.
    F e o n a. God bless! Something to brag about.
    I p p
    o l, etc. You just wait, or it will come from me.
    F e o n a. You won't be surprised, brother,
    no one. I should have expected this from you a long time ago.
    And p about l and t. According to what
    such signs?
    F e o n a. That’s why you started thinking too much.
    I p p o
    l and t. This is me out of love, out of extreme love.
    F e o n a. But isn't it from love?
    drink, especially if there is failure, brother?
    I p p o l i t. Am I unlucky? Not
    Hope; because, on these matters...
    F e o n a. Well, of course! Hold
    the pocket is wider! And it’s not fellows like you who are led by the nose.
    I p p o l i t. I
    I won’t even bother talking to you about this.
    F e o n a. What do you think
    you can talk to me! He became painfully tall. By what rank you were granted, not
    have you heard?
    And p o l i t t. For the same reason; and about your love
    I won’t explain it to anyone; Let this remain in the secret of my heart. If anyone can
    understand, the article is high.
    F e o n a. Well, yes. Some princess, look.
    Certainly no less. And this is what I believe: the rich will go their separate ways, the smart will go their separate ways.
    smart; and your brother will be left to pick up the dead wood.
    I p p o l i t. Neither
    The rich and the smart will not leave us.
    F e o n a. Where to go! All will be yours, you
    You'll overwhelm everyone. Your only problem is that you have lost your mind.
    I p p o l e t.
    Is it me?
    F e o n a. You.
    And p o l i t. I guess that I'm not on anyone
    no stupider in the world.
    F e o n a. Well, what kind of mind are you? You need to get busy,
    and you keep it in your head about love. And all this dream of yours is not good for anything
    leads, in addition to drunkenness. How much more of this stupidity is there in you, Apolitka,
    passion! They teach you and teach you, but it still doesn’t come out of you.
    I p p o l e t.
    Well, now I’ve heard all your instructions for life or whatever you have
    F e o n a. But it’s all the same; So
    that it’s useless to wag your tongue.
    And p o l i t. And how quite stupid it is that
    you say. What did you see in the world? Around yourself an arshin. And I'm doing the whole thing
    I know. What are your concepts of life or love? None. Do you have it in you?
    education or these very feelings? What do you have in you? Just inveterateness, that's all.
    Total. And you also teach me to live when I am in complete perfection now, both years and
    F e o n a. Yours will remain with you.
    And p p o l and t. So, all
    this matter is finished; let's start a new one! Is uncle angry?
    F e o n a. No,
    who knows, something is cheerful, brother. Everyone walks around and laughs.
    I p p o l i t. What
    for miracles!
    F e o n a. And even those are miracles. Caught this from the city today
    painters, upholsterers; the whole house wants to be redone. I trimmed my beard,
    put on a short frock coat.
    And p o l i t. Well, he’s gone crazy, or what? Under
    old age, they say, makes people angry.
    F e o n a. There is something on his mind; only
    who will understand him! He's a dark man.
    I p p o l e t. Who needs it?
    understand him! Let him create whatever is more wonderful. A smart person can understand anything
    business, because he has a reason for everything; and if a person has everything based on one thing
    only lack of education, which means he is like in a dream, who will understand him! Yes I do now
    it’s all the same, no matter how strange he is.
    F e o n a. Why is this so?
    I p o l e t. To everything
    the end - goodbye forever!
    F e o n a. Do you really want to leave us?
    I p o l i
    etc. And even so that the eyes close forever and the heart stops beating.
    F e o
    on the. What are you saying? Clumsy!
    I p p o l i t (sadly rocking
    head). Black raven, why are you hovering over my head!
    F e o n a. Yes
    Fathers! Are you sane?
    And p o l e t. It’s all over, forgive me forever.
    F e o n a.
    Oh, Apolitka, Apolitka, you’re a good guy, but why are you breaking down like that?
    Why are you speaking words that are not from your own mind? - this importance is placed on yourself
    are you letting on?
    I p o l i t. This is much beyond your understanding. There are people who are stupid and
    obdurate; while others wish, in their concepts and feelings, to be higher.
    F e o n
    A. You’ve fallen behind the stupid ones, but you haven’t stuck with the smart ones, so you just wander around.
    And p
    p o l and t. Well, oh well. When uncle wakes up, tell me. It's all over
    forgive me forever! (Leaves.)


    Feona, then Akhov.
    F e o n a. Grisha
    He’s completely crazy, this one is on the line, and the old man is furious. Dressing up himself, home
    finishes off, if not today, then tomorrow, just look, he’ll crow like a rooster or a dog
    barks. What a nice family! Place them in a chain in different rooms, and
    walk and admire them. At the very least, there will be a menagerie at home; for money
    can be shown.

    Akhov comes out.
    A x o v. What are you doing here?
    F e o n a.
    I have one thing to do: sit and stare into an empty corner.
    A x o v. Well, then I tell you
    I'll find another one.
    F e o n a. Find it, do me a favor; you'll go crazy.
    A x o v.
    And for now, one leg is here and the other is there. Take it to Daria Fedosevna
    this very present and say: they say, Yermil Zotych ordered you to give it as a sign of your
    caresses! Do you hear? Just say so: as a sign of your affection! Well, what do you say?
    F e o n a. Young! Perhaps this is not a sermon! I can say something!
    A x
    about v. Yes, maybe they will take it without attention, so you make them look
    F e o n a. Let's look at it, let's look at it; just come on!
    A x o v
    (gives the box). You poke them with your nose well, so that they feel what it is,
    they say it's worth the money.
    F e o n a. Of course.
    A x o v. Worth thousands. You yourself
    They say, you’re not worth what they give you.
    F e o n a. Well, sure!
    A x o v.
    It seems like you can feel it! Maybe they won’t feel it, so you explain to them: what
    So I bought it, threw a lot of money, so that they knew... That they can use rubbish
    which one to give, and then they will be very happy, but what am I doing... So...
    well, not in the legs, but so that there is this feeling in them: what, they say, how are we...
    what we are not worth! You understand! So that it’s not for nothing that I threw money away, so that I can see from
    them, from their faces, that I seem to pity them beyond all measure. Otherwise
    It’s a pity for the money, if so, without attention. Maybe they will feel something in their souls, yes
    If they don’t show it, then it’s all the same, it’s nothing. And so that I can see this in them
    self-awareness that they are worthless people, and that I give it to whoever I want, not
    F e o n a. Yes, we will understand, we will understand.
    A x o v. And if they start at your place
    ask about me, find out what, so you are all for the better, and so me
    recommend that I am very kind. And if they know anything about the family, then say that everyone
    from children that robbers, they say, were born; character, they say, not like his father, but like
    mother, deceased.
    F e o n a. Well, not like my mother.
    A x o v. Whose bread are you eating?
    What kind of reasoning do you dare have? If I give you an order, you must
    F e o n a. Yeah, that's good.
    A x o v. Well, that's it, go!
    F e o
    on the. Our apolite was damaged.
    A x o v. Who cares? Let him go. What do you mean to me
    do you talk about him when I don’t ask you? Maybe I don't even want him in my thoughts
    hold? I don't need him at all right now. I'm finishing up all my work, I'm renting out the factory.
    Canpanion, so what do I need Ippolit for? I'll drive him away, that's the end. Somehow I
    Will I talk to him for a long time? How great is your bird Ippolit! I really need it
    before him! You do your job, as you are ordered, and don’t talk to the owner
    climb, why don’t they ask you. I'm very interested! Talking about you
    the back of the head is possible. Let's go!
    F e o n a. I'm coming.
    A x o v. Stop! Can you hear me! If
    they will ask, recommend me so that I am the kindest person.
    F e o n a. I'm listening.
    A x o v. Hippolyta, I’m out of the yard right now. Because now I'm in
    There is no need to keep such horses at home. They hurt, scoundrels, with women
    affectionate. And he speaks to a young woman or girl differently than to other people.
    It’s as if your tongue makes a loop, it entangles you, it overwhelms you,
    scammer. But women love it; and they grin and bare their teeth at their tales. I
    I won’t let Hippolyta come close to the yard. After all, they, the catechumens, are not benefactors
    they sort it out, it’s all the same to them. And here this distant relationship, tenth water on jelly, yet
    worse. If she were just his mistress, he wouldn’t even dare to approach him another time; and here
    "aunty" yes "aunty". Yes, just looking at them will make you go into consumption. No, it's a coven!
    Get him out of the yard!

    Hippolytus enters.


    A x o v. Why are you there?
    And p o l and t. To you, uncle, sir.
    A x o v.
    How dare you, if I didn’t call you!
    And p o l and t. Therefore, I
    need to.
    A x o v (strictly). But I don’t need it, so get out!
    I p p o l i t. But,
    however, I wish...
    A x o v. Get out, they tell you!
    I p p o l i t. But,
    allow me, sir! As soon as I arrived...
    A x o v. As soon as you come, only soon
    and you will leave.
    And p about l and t. I’m not so that... but how actually...
    A x o v.
    How long will you talk? Know your place, office! How dare you climb to
    to the owner! Do I just have the same business as you? I saw your image today, and
    it will be with me! So, get out without talking!
    And p o l and t. No, this is necessary
    leave. Since I came soon, I won’t go away.
    A x o v. But I'm here for you
    And p o l i t. Let alone the cowlick, I won’t allow you to lay a finger on it.
    A x
    about v. How! Are you rebelling?
    I p p o l i t. I would like to rebel. Because, main
    reason, there is now a law and rights for this.
    A x o v. What is your law?
    written, fool? Who needs to write laws for you, for the rubbish? What are yours?
    right, if you are a boy, and all your worth is a penny? You think too much about yourself
    become! Laws have been written, and you think it’s about you. You swim shallowly for you
    write laws. The laws will show you! For you, the law is the master’s will alone, and
    especially when you are related. Have you come to talk, dear? Well, tell me
    speak I'm listening; Just don’t blame me later if you have to. What do you want
    I p o l i t. I'm talking about the salary.
    A x o v. What salary? Are you on
    What agreement did you live by?
    And p o l t. Who is now his own enemy, so that he becomes a gift?
    A x o v. So don't serve whoever holds you. It will be more suitable for you
    get out yourself before they chase you away.
    I p p o l i t. And this is what I
    did you live in vain?
    A x o v. Did you really live for money? You lived
    in a family way.
    I p p o l i t. Did you work?
    A x o v. You better not
    work! Lying on the stove, perhaps? You served like a relative, I served like a relative
    helped you, how much mercy I had for you. What else do you need?
    I p o l i
    etc. But for now, I don’t agree to live in this situation.
    A x o v. Yes in advance
    I don't need you. Give your report tomorrow and get out.
    And p about l and t. For all my
    I have to hear one thing from you: get out.
    A x o v. Do not want
    clean up, then wait until they drive you away with brooms. It's your will.
    I p p o l i t. A
    rewarding, sir?
    A x o v. Well, that's just me thinking about it. What is this award for? Behind
    rudeness? They invite you, uncle over there, but you don’t come. And for this you
    And p about l etc. However, they promised.
    A x o v. He promised to promise, yes
    Now I've changed my mind. Have you stolen enough that you are asking for a reward?
    I p o l i
    t. I am not subject to this and I don’t want to take on morality.
    A x o v. I contacted
    speak with you; but I'm sick of talking. Either you are stupid or you are deceiving me.
    You don’t know the Russian proverb: steal and bury everything? Do not you know? I'll believe you
    of course! And if, in fact, you didn’t gain anything while living with me, then who
    guilty! Your price, brother, is the same for everyone, don’t pretend to be Lazarus to me! To be honest
    I won’t be moved by yours, brother, because you won’t convince me of it in any way. From what
    Do your owners give you little salary? Because no matter how much you give, you are everything
    you will steal; So at least the owner’s salary will provide some benefit. A
    They entice you, fools, with rewards, so that you remember at least a little conscience,
    robbed less.
    And p o l and t. So, you, uncle, are deceiving yourself and
    do you want to be deceived? Sorry, they said it too late. But I was completely different
    rules and for that very reason I count for you, at the very least, fifteen thousand.
    A x
    about v. Count more, count more, it’s all the same. I'll give you two copper pennies,
    honey, I won't. What a fool I am!
    And p o l i t. For all my service to me from you
    is this the result?
    A x o v. What a stupid word this is! You don't tell me with words
    you'll surprise!
    And p o l i t. I will not prove in words, I will prove to you in deeds how much I
    against you is nobler. (Gives money to Akhov.)
    A x o v. You are on bills
    And p about l and so on. According to bills, sir.
    A x o v. What is yours?
    nobility, if this is your duty?
    I p p o l i t. Your duty is to me
    pay for the service, but you don’t pay, everything is the same and I have the same rights. Money under
    concealment, and to report to you that I lost them, drunk...
    A x o v. About two you
    heads, or what?
    And p about l and so on. The matter has been thought out, there is nothing terrible, sir. Even,
    Maybe there was some advice with the lawyers. Take action, they say, we’ll fix it. But don't worry, I
    Now I’ve decided that it’s not the right time for me to get the money. Because everything is decay. I now
    nothing is needed from you; If you force it on me, I won’t take it. In me now
    only desperation works. There was a man, and suddenly the earth became... so what?
    is it money? You can't take them there with you.
    A x o v. It's true that you won't take it.
    Only if I tie you up now, I think things will be more certain.
    And p
    p o l and t. Now it’s too late to knit me.
    A x o v. No, I think the most
    I p p o l i t. You will be mistaken.
    A x o v. Really? What about you
    will you do it?
    I p p o l i t (takes out a knife from his pocket). But now - once again!
    (Points to his neck.) Chick - and the ground.
    A xo (in fright). What are you doing,
    scammer! What are you, what are you! (Stamps his feet in one place.)
    I p p o l e t.
    The eyes will close forever, and the heart will stop beating.
    A x o v. Here I am! Here I am
    you! (Stomps.)
    And p o l e t. How can you scare me, uncle, if I
    I'm not happy with my life. My hope died, and love died - that means everything
    end. Ha ha ha! I am now sacrificing my life so that only people know how much
    you are a tyrant for your family.
    A x o v. But I’ll call people, but for the police
    I'll send it.
    I p o l e t. Impossible. Therefore, if you move from your place or even
    one word, I’m a chick now, and that’s the end.
    A x o v. What are you doing to me?
    robber? Hippolytus, listen! Listen to me: go take a walk, maybe you'll
    the wind will blow. (To himself.) Sell it from the yard, and then cut to your heart's content.
    And p o l e t. No, uncle, you should leave these jokes to you; we have
    You've gone seriously wrong.
    A x o v. Seriously?
    I p p o l i t. Seriously.
    A x o v.
    Well, if you’re being serious, then let’s be serious. I thought you were joking.
    And p
    p o l and t. Therefore, I have no time for jokes when the damask steel trembles in my hand.
    Ah x o
    V. What do you need from me?
    And p about l and t. Dishonor as it should.
    Ah x o
    V. Properly? Is it enough that you should? Speak clearly.
    I p p o l e t.
    That will be all that matters! (Takes paper out of his pocket.) Sign!
    A x o v. What
    what kind of paper is this? What is this for?
    I p o l i t. Certificate.
    A x o v. What kind of
    And p o l i t. But this: having lived with you as a clerk, I knew the matter
    accuracy, behaved honestly and nobly even beyond boundaries.
    A x o v. All this
    Is it written down here?
    And p o l and t. Everything is spelled out. He received a salary of two thousand
    in year.
    A x o v. When is this?
    And p o l and so on. So only for appearances.
    If I go to another place...
    A x o v. Yes? To deceive people? Well, let me go. Nothing -
    And p about l and t. And at the end, for your zeal, beyond measure, reward
    received fifteen thousand...
    A x o v. Also for visibility?
    I p p o l e t.
    No, it's authentic.
    A x o v. What's the point of authenticity? Rublev five hundred,
    tea for your eyes?
    And p about l and so on. All in full, sir.
    A x o v. No, that's it
    brother, you're naughty!
    And p o l and t. If you are again for your politics, then
    He! (Shows a knife.) Now - chik, and it’s over!
    A x o v. What are you all about - chick yeah
    chick! Got it fixed!
    I p p o l i t. Despair!
    A x o v. A thousand rubles - and
    Sabbath! Let me sign.
    And p o l and t. If my life is not sweet to me, is it
    a thousand rubles will make her more pleasant to me? I'm sick of living, I reported to you: I
    now, in order to come back to real feelings, take less than fifteen thousand
    absolutely impossible; therefore I will need to amuse myself in all sorts of manners.
    x o v. Well, it's a shame! Give me your hand!
    And p o l e t. Let's fifteen thousand
    I won’t take it without a dime.
    A x o v. A sort of power of money? For what?
    I p p
    o l and t. For ten years. Someone else would have been paid more.
    A x o v. It goes without saying that
    more, but not suddenly. And suddenly it’s a pity. Understand! Understand!
    I p o l i t. Sorry,
    uncle! Now I’m out of my mind, I can’t understand anything.
    A x o v. Well, take it
    half, and the rest tomorrow. I suddenly feel sorry. Understood?
    I p o l i t. I will tell you
    I’m saying that I’m not able to understand anything, so please do it all now!
    x o v. Well, what to do with you! Give me some paper!

    Ippolit hands over the paper. Akhov signs.
    Take the money! Yes
    only you feel it! (Counts from the money brought by Hippolytus.)
    I p p
    o l i t (takes money and paper). I humbly thank you.
    A x o v. Thank you
    I p o l i t. I am most grateful to you.
    A x o v.
    Bow at your feet, brother!
    And p o l and t. Why is that, sir?
    A x o v.
    Do me the favor of bowing down and amusing the old man! After all, what kind of offense do you give me, what
    made the disease! If you bow, everything will be easier for me.
    I p o l i t. For my own
    bow, where have you seen this?
    A x o v. Well, I beg you, do this for me
    respect! Maybe your back won't break?
    I p o l and t. No, really,
    Uncle, I began to feel something; depending on the weather, or something, it’s worth the crowbar, there’s no way
    you'll bend over.
    A x o v. You are a robber, you are a robber! You're lying! It's worse for you; Not
    bow to your family, and there will be no happiness in anything.
    And p o l and t. Well, really
    It’s my sin, I’ll cry at myself.
    A x o v. You will, you will. This one is yours for me
    disobedience is heavier than these same fifteen thousand.
    I p p o l i t. Well
    I’m not happy to do it, uncle, I myself am not happy, but I can’t, sir, because of the weather, or something...
    x o v. Well, tell me now, what do you need this money for? After all, they will go to dust,
    you'll waste it.
    And p o l t. We made a lot of mistakes, I want to get married.
    Ah x o
    V. It's not a bad thing; But they won’t give you a good one for you. Is it for me? What uncle
    you are famous everywhere...
    And p o l and t. We must think that it’s for you.
    A x o v.
    Where are you thinking of getting married?
    And p about l etc. In order not to go far, here, by
    next door, s.
    A x o v. Not here, next door.
    I p p o l i t. If
    search well, you will find it. Here is Kruglova Agnitchka... But how sweet
    young woman!
    A x o v. Oh you monkey! Who did you ask?
    I p p o l e t.
    What should I ask if I'm on my own?
    A x o v. Yes, she is not on her own.
    Oh you monkey.

    Feona enters.


    Akhov, Ippolit,
    A x o v. Well?
    F e o n a. They accepted and ordered to thank me.
    A x
    about v. Are you glad?
    F e o n a. Still would! After all, it costs money. You will come, yes
    look how they will thank you. The little lamb is jumping around like a goat.
    I p o l i
    t (Feone). Why do they do such exercise, sir?
    F e o n a. You jump like
    Yermil Zotych gave her a gift worth five thousand.
    And p o l and t. If only they
    go for the money, there are no words, I'm killed.
    A x o in (Feon). Give me your hat!
    F e o n a
    (giving his hat). You are not killed, but damaged in your mind.
    A x o v (to Hippolytus). Take it
    hat, let's go! I'll tell you all your stupidity, what it is, right in the palm of your hand.
    I'll show you.
    I p p o l e t. Uncle! But where are you taking me?
    A x o v. TO
    And p o l i t. This means severe execution. Better tell me
    Here; but don't be afraid.
    A xo (takes his hand). No, let's go
    let's go to!

    Everyone leaves.


    K r u g l o v a.
    A Mr. I.
    A x o v.
    And p
    p o l etc.
    M a l a n i.

    Decoration of the first scene.


    Kruglova, Agnia (leave from another room).
    K r u g l o v a.
    However, things have come to a head. Here's what he's throwing away; this is no joke
    A Mr. I. There is no time to think for a long time; we must decide now.
    R u g l o v
    A. It's easy to say: decide! After all, this is for life. Well, we'll skip this case,
    but happiness will not come to you; because then I should be tormented, I should be tormented by people
    It's good to hear. They say money doesn't buy happiness. Oh, really? Something without
    money, there are few happy people to be seen. And even then you’ll think: how can I torture you?
    give it away? Another might have doubted: “maybe, they say, she’s after him and
    it will be good - maybe he and his young wife will change." And I already have such
    There is no doubt, I will know in advance that I am giving you faithful flour. How can we
    maybe Agnitka?
    A Mr. I. How do I know! What in the world have I seen!
    l about in a. But it's your business. What is your heart telling you?
    A Mr. I. What
    our little heart! What is it good for? For pranks. And here it’s an age-old matter, here either
    happiness or sorrow for life. For me, I don’t know what kind of trouble I’m facing,
    where the heart hid, where to look for it now. No, mommy! It is seen,
    here, in addition to the heart, you need the mind; where can I get it?
    K r u g l o v a. Oh,
    And I don’t have much of it.
    A Mr. I. Here's what, mommy! I'll never come to you
    flattered, never showed her love for you; so I'll give it to you now
    I'll prove it. Whatever you do is fine.
    K r u g l o v a. What are you doing, daughter! That's it
    won't you tell me anything?
    A Mr. I. What should I say? Only to confuse you!
    You have lived more, you know more.
    K r u g l o v a. Don’t scold your mother afterwards
    will you?
    A Mr. I. You won't hear the words.
    K r u g l o v a. Oh, my golden one!
    Well, I’ll tell you what: how do I get here? I prayed in my bedroom,
    just in case; So, after I’ve prayed, I’ll think about it.
    A Mr. I. Think
    think; and I will wait for myself...
    K r u g l o v a. Why do you have to wait so long?
    A Mr. I. Wait, wait, I'll close my eyes. (Closes his eyes
    K r u g l o v a. Even if the whole world judges me, this is what I think: not enough
    will kill me if I give you for him.
    A Mr. I. Oh, I'm relieved
    K r u g l o v a. Because no matter how little I myself suffered, and again, if
    take old or young, what's the difference!.. It's one thing...
    A Mr. I. Well,
    enough, enough! I already know what you will say. (Kisses mother.)
    R u g l o v
    A. But still, I’m glad that he... At least I’ll laugh to my heart’s content.

    Malanya enters.


    Agnia, Malanya.
    M a l a n i. Gray-haired Dedinka and with him this... what’s his name,
    I mean... whitish?
    A Mr. I. Isn't it black?
    M a l a n i. And then; no way
    K r u g l o v a. Who is this? Is it really Hippolytus?
    M a l a n i. Yes he
    and there is... the very... I suddenly... eclipsed...
    K r u g l o v a. What a miracle!
    A Mr. I. But we'll see.

    Malanya leaves. Akhov and Hippolytus enter.


    Kruglova, Agnia, Akhov, Ippolit.
    Akhov (bowing decorously).
    Hello! Hello again!
    K r u g l o v a. Please, please!
    x o v. Got?
    K r u g l o v a. We humbly thank you, Ermil Zotych.

    Agnia bows silently.
    We humbly thank you! You're too painful
    got generous! For us it’s too expensive, it seems. (Bows.) In vain
    were worried.
    A x o v (very pleased). Heh, heh, heh! How is it so vain?
    K r
    at g about in and. But, boy, did you pay dearly?
    A x o v. What are you singing to me? To whom
    expensive, but not for me. I didn’t ruin myself, I didn’t give you a stone house! Fleabag
    I sent some, and you’re already tired of how expensive it is.
    K r u g l o v a. And if
    rubbish for you, it’s better for us; I’m not so ashamed to accept from you.
    A x o v.
    I've found some kind of conscience! It’s wonderful for me to see you! (Pointing to Hippolytus.) No
    complain that I drove him away just now, I brought him myself.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Thank you very much! Please sit down!
    A x o v. He has now become an important person;
    has its own capital.
    K r u g l o v a. Yes, it’s about time.
    A x o v. And how are you
    have you thought about him? You guys, guess what, the same as all good people, thought that he
    a boy not worth any attention? No, now raise it higher!
    l about in a. Let it be for you!.. What really!
    A x o v. Why am I with him?
    I took it with me! It's boring without fools. In the old days, at least there were jesters, but they disappeared.
    Well, let him amuse us instead of a jester. And if he doesn’t want to be in this position,
    why did you go? Who's keeping him here?
    I p p o l i t. I have nowhere to go, sir. From you
    Offense is nothing new to me. And I’ll wait until the local housewives complete me
    They will make you look like a fool so that your soul will be tormented enough.
    A x o v. Well, do you hear?
    But if you want to laugh, then I won’t make you laugh like that. He wants to get married. Isn't it
    Do you have a bride, Daria Fedosevna?
    K r u g l o v a. One is my fiancée, the other
    A x o v. Shouldn't we plant them next to each other?
    K r u g l o v a. Why not
    And p o l e t. For mercy, why such ridicule, sir?
    A G N I
    (quiet). Sit down, there's no need.

    They sit next to each other.
    A x o v. Why not a couple?
    K r u g l o v a. Yes and
    A x o v (to Hippolytus). Did you sit with the bride? Well, it will be, it's time for honor
    And p p o l i t. Why is this so, sir?
    A x o v. Because this bride
    too good for you, it will be fat.
    And p about l and so on. Nothing is greasy, sir; By
    just right for my feelings.
    A x o v. And first of all, ask her: does she have
    a better groom than you! (Agniya.) Speak up, don’t be ashamed!
    A Mr. I. It's like mommy
    A x o v. What's going on here, mommy! She, the old one, has tea, her ears are filled with joy
    top of the head.
    K r u g l o v a. I don’t know, father, Ermil Zotych, what are you talking about
    you say.
    A x o v. How you do not know? Just put on a mask, come on! (Pointing to
    Hippolyta.) Are you ashamed of him? So he is his own man; yes he is here
    or not, it is all the same, due to his insignificance. Take a mask! It's been a long time since you
    I want to bow at my feet, but you still don’t move.
    K r u g l o v a.
    Why not bow! Why? For what are your favors?
    A x o v (angrily). Not
    on time, and your jokes are out of place. Have you lost your mind with joy? I'm too old
    kidding me.
    K r u g l o v a. We're not kidding.
    A x o v. From me
    You’re waiting for a bow, but you won’t get it. Why are you standing like statues! Heads in your house
    no, there is no one to cheer you up so that you turn more quickly.
    If your husband were alive, you would have been running around the house like cats long ago.
    crazy. Why are you shifting? It’s a shame to bow to you, so don’t bow: but still
    bless us well. If you hold the icon in your hands, I will do the same for you
    I bow, wait for this honor.
    K r u g l o v a. It doesn’t take long to bless:
    Just ask me if my hands will rise! This is how I reasoned, Ermil Zotych;
    if you give me a signature that you will die a week after the wedding, then I will
    I'll think about giving my daughter to you.
    A x o v. What do you! Beggars, beggars, come to your senses! After all
    All I have to do is get angry and leave you, but after tears you punch me with your fist
    you will begin to wipe. Don't make me angry!
    K r u g l o v a. Whether you're angry or not
    be angry - your will.
    A x o v. What happened to you? Is there some kind of miracle here? Didn't fall
    do you need a million from heaven? Do you have a fiancé richer than me? There's only one thing.
    r u g l o v a. No, not one. We don't have any grooms. There is one guy in mind;
    only he, poor thing, has nothing to get up with. If only he had the right thing to do, I would have given it to him
    I wouldn't think so.
    I p p o l i t (gives Kruglova the money). But let me
    to be provided to you for safekeeping. Today I received a lot of it for my entire service, sir. Now
    I can start my own business, sir.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, what’s even better! Yes
    there's a lot of something here.
    And p about l and t. A penny to a penny fifteen thousand.
    A Mr.
    and I. Now we can make peace with you.
    A x o v. So this is what money you have
    you're going to feast! That's what money we were flattered by! This money is almost
    stolen. He cried and bowed to me today.
    I p p o l i t. Not
    bowed, but demanded that he was due for his service.
    A x o v. Yes, you should
    not to be alive. I saved you from a vain death. I see a man cutting himself
    And p o l and t. Have mercy, uncle, what are you doing! How can you cut yourself?
    x o v. I would have stabbed myself to death. You've become crazy, you scared me to death.
    And p
    p about l and t. What are you doing, uncle! What reason do I have to cut myself in my such blooming
    A x o v. Why did you have a knife? Why are you putting it to my throat?
    put it on?
    I p o l i t. Mind game.
    A x o v. Robber! (Wants to take it
    behind the gate.)
    Ippolit (shooing him away). Excuse me, sir! Why am I a robber? I
    someone else's not a penny. It’s not my fault that you can’t get anything good out of you!
    Ah x o
    V. You won't be happy, you won't be.
    I p p o l i t. What to do! Somehow and
    We can live without happiness on skill alone, uncle.
    A x o v. You won't live! Not
    you will live! You have neither father nor mother, I am your elder; I will curse you; on
    grandchildren and great-grandchildren will respond.
    K r u g l o v a. Enough! What are you doing to God?
    you make me angry!
    A x about in (Agniya). Give it up! What's good about it? You have a mother
    Stupid, she can’t explain it to you. I'm better than him; I'm kind, affectionate. I have some money
    me for your outfits. What a house I have! Big, stone, strong.
    A g
    n and i. And the prison is strong, but who is happy about it!
    A x o v. You too, apparently, are like your mother
    born! You have as much intelligence as she does. (Kruglovoy through tears.)
    Fedosevna, have pity on me! After all, I’m an orphan, in this house alone I get confused, even
    fear finds.
    K r u g l o v a. Why feel sorry for you! You always have money for yourself
    you will find company if you want.
    A x o v. You will find company! Thanks that
    I thought of it! I know I will find it. There is no match for her, and I will find her more beautiful. Do you think I'm in
    really, what, in love? Ugh. One thing hurts me, one thing offends me: disobedience
    yours. After all, I am honorable, first-class, because everyone bows to me; and in this
    I have no respect for the shack! To me!! From you!! Disobedience!! Chickens laugh! Have you seen
    have you heard? Did you do well? Fine? Feel it! Shake your head! After all
    It's your stupidity, not your intelligence. You are all the same, you live in the forest, there is no light
    see. If our brother, an eminent man, came into such a shack, then he would be there
    Houses; otherwise he has no need to go; and the master is like a servant: “whatever; whatever
    will you order?" That’s how it’s been done since the beginning of the world, that’s how it’s done with everyone in the world
    good people! It's all the same as the law. And you, unenlightened fools, have gone wild, here
    having lived. (Kruglova.) And it’s impossible to be angry with you and exact something from you
    nothing; because you don’t know any real rules. How do you live! Day yes
    night, and a day away. You have everything the same: whether you are rich, whether you are poor, whether you are a manufacturer,
    what a connecting rod! Ignorance! You have one reason for everyone, one conversation! And you take it
    what does education mean: yesterday a noble lady came to me to ask for poverty
    came; She used her tongue like she was playing the harp. Excellency me
    called, brought me to tears. What about you? Oak. There is no charge against you. It's my own fault. If only you
    knew what respect was, what honor was...
    K r u g l o v a. How honorable is it not
    A x o v. It's obvious that you know her! You had honor and lost it.
    I did you the honor of visiting you; so it was brighter in your rooms, that’s why
    just that I'm here. It would be an honor for you if your daughter were called merchant Akhova.
    What an honor! I will abandon you, and you will live in the dark again. It's an honor! Yes to you
    You won't know for the rest of your life what she wears.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, that's enough of you
    sang Now listen to me. If you want to be our guest, then sit down; otherwise so for us
    don't interfere. Don't spoil our poor, pure joy with your rich mind!
    Ah x o
    V. Yes, you definitely forgot! Guest! What kind of company are you to me? I'm like you, to
    I won’t let you go further than the gate. And then still a guest! Didn't know how to deal with good people
    to live, blame yourself! It’s close to the elbow, but you won’t bite! (He goes into the hall and
    He’s coming back now.) No, wait! You've got me confused. How can I now
    show people your eyes? What will good people say about me?..
    K r u g l o v a. Not
    We should cry about this, Father Ermil Zotych.
    A x o v. No; it's your fault, you and
    correct it.
    K r u g l o v a. I won’t lift a finger for you, Father Yermil
    Zotych. That's how sweet you are to me.
    A x o v. Yes, not for nothing - for money, for big money
    money. You'll burn out.
    K r u g l o v a. What is your business? What kind of fortune telling
    A x o v. I don't want to talk to them. I despised them. Below your heel
    I think that's where. And we'll start a conversation with you. After all, tea, you also need a dowry?
    Won't you give it away, what is it in? Need a dowry?
    K r u g l o v a. No matter how necessary
    Of course it is necessary.
    A x o v. So listen! To disrupt this conversation, what
    you insignificant people have wiped your nose to me, we will get along such an article that I
    I'll marry Hippolyta.
    K r u g l o v a. Well, that's probably it.
    A x o v. Lunch is at my place
    after a wedding, such as has never been heard of. I’ll rob Fomin and everyone with flowers, for everyone
    There will be staging in the rooms. Two music, one in the rooms, the other on the balcony for
    spectators Waiters in boots. Effect?
    K r u g l o v a. Effect.
    A x o v.
    After all, Ippolitka received a reward beyond measure. If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you my hands... And
    forward to your dowry...
    K r u g l o v a. What's next?
    A x o v. A
    what a deal! The bride and groom look like they're from a church, the whole gear is gray, like
    gate - stop! And don’t drive through the gate! And now they have a janitor with a broom; And
    so that they sweep it all the way to the porch... Don’t be afraid, it will be clean, everything will be swept before them.
    And they just showed an example. And I will stand on the balcony with the guests. Here
    then I will forgive you and honor you. And you will be among me among everyone
    guests are equal.
    K r u g l o v a. Yes, shower me with gold
    toe to head, so I still won’t give up my daughter to disgrace.
    A x o v. Not
    will you give it back?
    K r u g l o v a. Will not give it back.
    A x o v. Well, dirt is dirt and
    will remain; and be damned from now on and forever! How to live? How to live? Kinships
    people do not respect, they dare to be rude to wealth! Uncle says: bow down
    like a relative! Don't want. Well, bow down, beggar, even for money! Don't want.
    It’s better to die quickly, ahead of time. All the same, isn’t there light on such people?
    will remain in order for a long time. How did the fathers live? Where did they go, those orders,
    old, strong? Is there debauchery in the world? So it was before, perhaps still
    there was more! What kind of demon walks among people and confuses them? Why are you
    Don’t lie at my feet now in the old way; and I’m standing in front of you all
    cursed, without any fault of mine?
    K r u g l o v a. That’s why, Ermil Zotych,
    The Russian proverb says that not everything is Maslenitsa, there is also Lent.
    (Hugs Hippolytus and Agnia.)