Creative scenario for the Maslenitsa holiday in elementary school. Scenario of Maslenitsa at school Opening of Maslenitsa at school

Holiday "Maslenitsa"
Cheerful music sounds and buffoons run out.
4th buffoon:
- All! All! All! On holiday! We celebrate Maslenitsa, say goodbye to winter, and ring in spring!
1st buffoon:
- Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up best places borrow!
2nd buffoon:
- If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!
3rd buffoon:
- Come in without hesitation! You don't need a ticket - just show your good mood!
4th buffoon:
- Come, mash the bones! Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!
1st buffoon:
- Hurry up! Hurry up! There is no more joyful holiday for us.
- Hello, dear, long-awaited guests!

Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa! Wide Maslenitsa!
The guest visited, said goodbye to the winter,
There were drops from the roof, rooks flew in,
Sparrows are chirping, they are calling for spring!
The fun is over - get down to business!

- Our dear Maslenitsa Avdotyushka Izotovna! White Dunya, rosy Dunya! The braid is long, three arshins! Eyebrows black, pointed!

Setting up the Maslenitsa effigy
2nd buffoon:
- Eh, I could eat a pancake by the inch!

3rd buffoon:
- Look, there’s a bag in the corner!
4th buffoon:
- Tell me, buffoon, what are the beans and peas in the bag?
1st buffoon:
- I brought it in honor of the holiday
Various treats:
Gingerbread, candies, bagels
For the benefit of our audience.
2nd buffoon:
- There is no better joy for me than sweets.
(the bag waddles)
3rd buffoon:
- What a miracle!
Look, the bag has moved!
Hey, grab him, catch him,
Hurry up and grab the bag!
(The buffoons catch the bag)
4th buffoon:
- Come on, let’s cut the bag and treat all the honest people, stroke it, and we’ll get a pretzel each.
1st buffoon:
- Or maybe he’ll get a blink.
(they untie the bag, and there is Baba Yaga, dressed for Maslenitsa
eats the last gingerbread)

Baba Yaga:
- Great, guys! And children too, hello! Bow to you, good people! Greetings from Leshy! Ugh! From summer! I met him in the swamp! Ugh! In flight! When, then, I was in a hurry to see you! It's time for me to fulfill my responsibilities!
- Wait, there’s something wrong here! Hey, Maslenitsa! Do you have a passport?
Baba Yaga:
- Is this what I have? I have a passport, yes. Wow, look!
(The buffoons read)
2nd buffoon:
- “Designated as the long-awaited Maslenitsa for 2011”
and there is a seal, look!
3rd buffoon:
- And the signature is tricky at the bottom!
4th buffoon:
- Come on, come on, what kind of signature is there?

Buffoons(together) :
- “Koshey immortal! (disappointed) Ah-ah-ah.
We cannot accept you at Maslenitsa!
Baba Yaga:
- How so? I prepared all winter, didn’t eat enough, didn’t get enough sleep... I prepared such a menu for you - you’ll lick your fingers!
On the first - sap-sante on cold water. For the second course - frog leg pie. On the third, it means it’s sweet, but to tell the truth, it’s so disgusting: It’s not like jelly, it’s not like cake, But they sent me to hell for it!
- We cannot accept you at Maslenitsa. And you can stay at our holiday.
1st skomorokh.
Are there any craftswomen among you who know how to bake pancakes?
2nd skomorokh.
Craftswomen - anywhere!
Here's your oven and frying pan!
Let's get down to business
Feel free to treat everyone with pancakes.

Game "Bake pancakes." The game involves 2 people or 2 teams of 4 people.
For the game, prepare 2 stoves made of plywood, 2 frying pans or 2 tennis rackets, “pancakes” made of paper, real pancakes, 2 pots or bowls and 2 plates.
The participants' task is to quickly “bake” pancakes. To do this, they need to put a “frying pan” with a paper “pancake” in the “oven”, then turn it over and put it on a plate that stands on a chair, the distance to which is 4-5 meters.

3rd buffoon.
Well, what would a holiday be without a Russian fair?
4th buffoon.
There's a fair and sale everywhere!
Here is everything you need - and even what is unnecessary.
Folk music is playing. Peddlers come out with trays.
1st peddler.
Get trinkets
Homemade toys,
For a smile and a joke,
For any joke.
Come and fly -
Whatever you want, choose!
2nd peddler.
Who can guess the riddle -
All my goods are taken away.
A riddle competition is being held. The peddlers give out a prize for the correct answer.
Will dress everyone
But never yourself. (Needle and thread).
In one place about two hundred meters. (Tangle).
Four fours,
Two spreaders,
One spinner
And two are like yachts. (Cat).
Enough for the whole world
And it crawls into all the cracks. (Light).
A lonely fiery eye wanders,
Everywhere he goes, he warms you with his gaze. (Sun).

Nobody sees him, but everyone hears him,
It has no wings but flies, no tongue but speaks. (Echo).

The annual bush drops a leaf every day.
A year will pass and the entire leaf will fall off. (Calendar).

It's raining, I'm right there
Many people are waiting for me here:
Little frogs and guys
Pigeons and piglets.
I look like a mirror
And a little bit to the lake.
Well, you didn't want to
Should you come visit me? (Puddle).

Red maiden,
Releases the grass
Spreads the dew.
Rides sideways
With a plow, a harrow,
With spring water. (Spring).
They traded and traded and even got tired.
The peddlers leave to the music.

3rd buffoon.
Now, friends, let's begin
The competition is a two-person run.
Let's tie the couple's legs deftly
Let's go on our way!
The first one to come to the line,
He will take that gift.

The competition “Running in Pairs” is held
4th buffoon.
Oh, it was, it was a long time ago. And it still remains to this day. Good fellows gathered in the square to measure their strength and start fist fights, or even watch cockfights.
1st buffoon.
We invite the strongest to compete.

Game "Cockfight"" A circle is drawn on the court, in which 2 participants stand, you need to hold your left leg with your left hand, and with your right shoulder, without using your hands, push the opponent out of the circle.
2nd Buffoon.
It's an old game -
Glory awaits the winner!
Who will win the sack race?
The buffoon will reward him.
The game "Sack Run" begins.
1st Buffoon.
Our holiday is moving forward, and the people are not decreasing!
2nd Buffoon.
Another gift awaits those who play with us.
3rd Buffoon.
We call men, guys, guys to the rope.
4th Buffoon.
10 on the left, 10 on the right, only the muscles are cracking!

Game "Tug of War".

1st skomorokh.
Oh yes, Maslenitsa is fun! She made everyone laugh and amused!
2nd skomorokh.
In the old days, a tall pillar was placed in the square. And at the top they hung all sorts of prizes: a rooster in a cage, boots and other expensive goods. Many daredevils tried to climb it. Whoever made it to the top received a rich prize. And how many onlookers were gathered - apparently and invisible!
3rd skomorokh.
Which of you is the bravest and most dexterous? Come out - show some skill!
Game "Rope"
IN game one person attends. There is a long rope on the platform, and at the end of the rope there is a prize. You need to walk along a tightrope blindfolded, without slipping even once. Whoever reaches the end receives a prize.

4th skomorokh.
Shrovetide week
Arrived in Novosibirsk.
Sat down on a stump,
Ate some pancakes
The other one had a bite -
I trotted home.
1st skomorokh.
And on Shrovetide week
They invite each other to visit,
Everyone is treated to food.
2nd skomorokh.
Here's the challenge: eat food
And without much difficulty
You just need a little bit
Feed your nesting doll.
Competition “Feed the Matryoshka”.

The competition involves 2 people or 2 teams of 4 people. For the competition, you need to make 2 matryoshka dolls from hard cardboard or plywood, about 1 meter high, with a bag glued to the hole in the “mouth”. On the chairs, which are located at a distance of about 4-5 meters from the nesting dolls, there are bags of peas and wooden spoons.
Participants need to scoop up peas with a spoon and feed them to the nesting doll. Whoever completes this task faster without spilling the peas wins a prize.
3rd buffoon.
In the old days they used to say: “Maslenitsa -
I'm going around, I'm saving money."
4th buffoon.
Try to continue the sayings.

There are sayings and proverbs about Maslenitsa

1st buffoon.
Our holiday is walking freely
Everyone is happy about Maslenitsa.
2nd buffoon.
Let it be fun and free
Russian songs are heard.
3rd buffoon.
Rus' is rich in talents,
Rus' is strong in talents.
4th buffoon.
If the boys sing,
So she will live!
Sing Russian folk songs 1st skomorokh .
Have you been to the fair?
Have you heard ditties there? Haven't you heard?
What a problem... Guys, come out here.
There is a ditty competition.

Children (singing).

Here comes the Oil Can,
A fun party.
Soon, soon it will play
Cheerful little girl.

Girls, Oiler is coming.
Who will take us for a ride?
In Alyosha's yard
Sivka disappears.

I rode on Maslenka,
He broke three sledges,
The crow tortured the horse,
But he took the girls for a ride.

I sewed a dress from cabbage,
Finished with cucumber.
She got angry and ate the dress!
What have I done?

You, Alyosha, you, Alyosha,
Your accordion is good!
Put on your boots
Come for the pies!

I'll harness the black one
In painted sleighs,
Who wants to dance?
Come out yourself.

Mom, put on the samovar,
The cheese maker is coming to see me,
Young cheese maker
His name is Volodenkoy.

I have four shawls
The fifth is downy.
I'm not the only one fighting,
We're all miserable here.

Walk, hut, walk, stove,
There is nowhere for the young lady to lie down,
I will dance "Lady"
I will beat off the fractions.

Oh, we've sung enough
Give me a new change.
Oh, thanks to the accordion player
For a fun game.

2nd skomorokh.
We have a large supply of ideas.
And who are they for?
For you.
Well, where should we start:
Should I sing songs or dance?

3rd Buffoon.
And now the dance competition.
4th Buffoon.
Come here, people, the one who dances goes ahead.
1st Buffoon.
The cheerful dancing warmed us many times.
Dance melodies “Barynya”, “Lezginka”, “Yablochko” are played. Those who wish to dance, the best ones receive prizes.

2nd buffoon.
According to the old Russian custom, they said goodbye to winter - they burned Maslenitsa Winter. Let's stand in a friendly round dance and say goodbye to winter with honor.
Everyone stands in a round dance around the Maslenitsa effigy and sings.

3rd buffoon

Maslenitsa, goodbye!
Come again next year
4th buffoon.
Ride down the hill
Overeat on pancakes.
1st buffoon.
We will be waiting for you
Meet in the yard.
2nd buffoon
We will praise with songs,
Interesting poems.

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out,
So that all the snowstorms
They flew away at once.
For the birds to sing
The skies turned blue.
Well, all the troubles
Cold, bad weather,
Winter frosts,
Failures, tears -
Let them burn.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!

They burn the effigy of Maslenitsa.

Scenario for Maslenitsa, grades 1 – 11


1 ved –

2 ved –

Father Frost -

Winter -

Spring -

Baba Yaga -

Goblin -

(music from presenters)

1st Vedas - good afternoon sir and madam

Beautiful girls, kind fellows

We invite guests from all parishes

Sing until you get tired, dance until you drop

2 Vedas - have fun, honest people

The holiday is coming to us

More jokes, more laughter

The weather is not a problem for us.

1st Vedas – hey people, don’t be sad

The common holiday begins

Come on, come on, have fun

Don't regret your smile

2 Vedas - for those who don’t know, we inform:

We are celebrating Maslenitsa!

Let's say goodbye to our beauty!

(music comes out Winter)

Winter - who's making noise here? Who disturbed my icy peace?

Oh, and how many guests came to me, and how beautiful they all were, and ruddy, no way

Are you going to the holiday?

(children's answers)

What kind of holiday is it today? New Year we met a long time ago, the Light has passed

Christmas of Christ, there was Epiphany with severe frosts, remember guys, you are still

We stayed at home and didn’t go to school, remember?

(children's answers)

And everyone’s favorite Valentine’s Day has passed, and now what holiday are you on?

Are you ready?

1st Vedas - yes, we are here to see you off...

Winter - what kind of farewell is it? What kind of news is this, you came to see me off early, I’m still

I don't want to leave, where is your hospitality?

2 ved - Dear winter, don’t be offended by us, let’s better ask the guys if this is good

Whether it’s news for the guys or bad, we’ll ask them questions, and they’ll answer us,

If it’s good, we clap our hands; if it’s bad, we stomp our feet.

So, are you ready?

(play with children)

1st Vedas - we gathered to spend the winter with dignity

2 Vedas - drink tea and pancakes, snack on pies

1 ved - play, sing, ride a sled

2 Vedas - and also have a big fight with your neighbor

1 ved - get such a huge gift for playing the game

2 ved - but it turns out that it is filled with straw

1st Vedas - today is such a festive day, great

2 Vedas - you will lose your foreign passport in the crowd

1 ved - now winter won’t go away so easily

2 Vedas - every resident will find a huge treasure

1 lead - now you will be required to pay

2 Vedas - and your parents’ salary will increase to a million

1st Vedas – it will rain all summer long

2 Vedas - every teaching - let him buy a personal plane

1 ved - and everyone has excellent health all year round

2 Vedas - instead of tea, everyone will drink cow's milk!

Well done boys!

(music comes out from Santa Claus)

D.M. - hello guys! Hello all honest people, what are you making noise here?

Winter - yes, everyone came to see me off

D, M. - well, what about you?

Winter - I don’t want to be seen off, it’s too early for me to leave, I just have so much strength

I showed it, but they wanted to see me out.

D.M. - Winter, everything has its time, the guys hold MF in high esteem with you, it’s time to think about the report, oh

The work done.

Did you spend enough snow on the bedspreads?

Winter - a lot

D.M. - good, or didn’t you give stuska to everyone?

Winter - it happened

D.M - well, now we’ll ask all the guests, was there enough snow for skiing?

(children's answers)

D.M. – Was the water tightly bound on the lakes?

Winter - yes

D.M. – Is everyone happy this winter or not everyone?

(children's answers)

D.M - well, you Zimushka did everything right, but it’s time for you and me to leave, Spring is red

On the porg, and if you don't leave, kids summer holidays they won’t wait, but their children are so

They're waiting, right guys?

(children's answers)

D.M. - so it’s time for you and me to rest too, and get drunk. Do you agree with me?

Winter - of course, you convinced me Grandfather Frost

D.M. - well done for understanding me, guys, and now we need to invite Vesna and

Solemnly announce her time.

(music Baba Yaga rides in on a sleigh and is driven by Leshy)

Goblin - trrrr, it seems that we have arrived!

(to the audience)

Are you waiting for spring here? Were you invited?

D.M. - We invited you, we are waiting.

Leshy – receive it, sign for it

D.M. – what should I sign for? I don't see spring.

Baba Yaga - you old man is stunned, maybe you’re blind, can’t you see the beauty of Spring?

Recognized me? Were you invited? Meet as expected!


Hello guys - bros! I was in such a hurry to get to you, I was in such a hurry that all the words

Lost on the way.

(To the goblin)

(The goblin says something in her ear)

Ah - ah - but I remembered, it’s time to start your duties, you can still be a grandfather

Free, with your Winter, everyone stomp away, I have no time to chat with you here, I

I have to work, I may have been preparing for this role for 100 years, I was undernourished, didn’t get enough sleep -

Poor thing!

D.M - so you let it slip, which means you’re not a real spring

Leshy - how is this not real? The most real thing, I even have a certificate


(gives the piece of paper to D.M.)

D.M - (reads) - appointed in the spring for the whole year! Gee, how's it going for the whole year?

Leshy - there is a seal, and a signature, and not one, but two, and what else is needed, there is a document


D.M. – signature is illegible

Baba Yaga - well, grandpa, you’ve become quite old, have you forgotten how to read? (reads by herself, far away

Moving my hand away)

Two signatures of the most important leaders: Koshchei the Immortal and Zmey Gorynych.

D.M. - yes, everything is clear to me! WE will not be able to take you Yaga to the position of Vesna.

Baba Yaga - why is this? I was preparing, I almost didn’t harm anyone, just a little bit

I was naughty and that's it, take me Grandfather!

D, M. - no, sorry, I can’t! Children, can you imagine what kind of spring this candidate is waking us up with?

(children's answers)

I can only ask you, Yagusenka, to stay with us as guests.

Baba Yaga - do they treat guests to tea, pies, pancakes? And the children?

(children's answers)

Then we will stay, but we won’t start fighting with you.


Winter - and this is probably the real Spring that has come to us

(Spring comes out)

Spring - hello guys, have you been waiting for me? Finally I got to you. Well, what about me?

You met, but don’t offend Zimushka, we’ll see her off today cheerfully, amicably,

Do you agree with me? Guys, what is our holiday today?

(children's answers)

That's right, how many days does Maslenitsa last?

(children's answers)

Well done guys, you know everything.

Well, let's have fun with you.

(games, competitions)

1st Vedas - according to the old Russian custom - We say goodbye to winter, burn everything bad and evil

2 Vedas - turn around the sun, light up the red one, hit the road with the red sun, winter

Say goodbye to the cold!

1st Vedas - according to the ancient tradition of round dancing, we are now celebrating Winter together.

(burn the effigy)

1 buffoon.

Well, it’s time to tell a fairy tale, but my friend is not there. Haven't the guys seen him? He probably fell asleep somewhere again. Well, it’s okay, we’ll wake him up now. Guys, let's all shout together:

Fedul the buffoon, a cap of two peas,

Well, get up, get dressed, don’t lie on the bed.

The hostess cooked cabbage soup, fed all the guests,

He's just waiting for you, calling you to dinner.

2 buffoons.

Hey hey guys

Listen to me!

What do we have here today?

For fun - freedom:

There will be music and singing,

Dancing, games, entertainment

Very interesting,

Simply wonderful!

Today the law here is simple:

"Sing and dance, dance and sing!"

Let's forgive all mistakes today,

But not the lack of a smile!

1 buffoon.

2 buffoons.

Guys, do you know what holiday it is today? Children ( answer

). Maslenitsa!

1 buffoon.

Right! Maslenitsa will come to us today! We must meet her properly.

2 buffoons.

How is Maslenitsa celebrated?

1 buffoon.

Young girls in festive clothes go outside the outskirts with a song: “But Maslenitsa is coming into the yard, the girls are celebrating it...”

Oh yes, Maslenitsa is moving into the yard,

The wide one is moving into the yard!

And we girls meet her,

And we, the Reds, will meet her!

Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,

Broad, stay with another!

Maslenitsa: “I’m afraid of fasting!”

Broad: “I’m afraid of fasting!”

“Oh yes Maslenitsa, fasting is still far away,

Wide, the post is still far away!

Our Madam Maslenitsa! Reach out until the Great Day, From Great Day

Until Peter's day! 1 buffoon. and wear masks. Mummers walk around, have fun and amuse the people...

1 buffoon.

And now the mummers have come to us!

2 buffoons. Receive guests from all parishes!

Costumed boy. We heard that you are going to see off the winter here - to celebrate Maslenitsa?!

2 buffoons. Costumed girl.

Costumed boy. We came to your holiday, but we barely found you!

We heard friendly laughter, which means the holiday is here for everyone!

Does it smell like pies and fragrant pancakes here?

1 buffoon. Come here, of course!).

2 buffoons.

Dance with us and show off your prowess.

Mummers (


We come to you with music

And they brought fun!

In the upper room in the new

Yes, there is an oak table.


Give me the balalaika, give me the balalaika,

Give me the balalaika here!

There is an oak table,

Yes, the legs are chiseled.

Like at this table

Three daughters-in-law are sitting.

Three daughters-in-law are sitting

They eat bread and salt.

They eat bread and salt

Yes, they say about Vanyusha:

"At Vanyusha-curly

I don't have a penny of money.

They eat bread and salt

I don't have a penny of money

One linden hut. One linden hut It was uncovered.

Yes, the gait is good!”

2 buffoons.

1 buffoon.

But the real fun begins on the third and fourth days, Wednesday and Thursday. That’s why these days got the name “

Wide Maslenitsa

" These days they invited “guests from all the volosts” or visited the guests themselves. They dressed in the best outfits, everything edible was put on the tables with the words “What is in the oven, all swords on the table!” And after a hearty meal, the guests thanked the hosts with the following words: “Thank you for the bread. For salt and cabbage soup, we’ll dance; For porridge we’ll sing a song, and for sour milk we’ll jump high!”

Well, after such a rich feast, everyone went skating. On these days, it was better not to go out on foot - the streets in villages and towns were full of horsemen: men on horseback, and women riding in sleighs. Well, the kids were having more and more fun on the sleds, playing merrily.

Now I ask for your attention!

I invite you to the competition!

Who wants - old and young -

Tug of war?

2 buffoons.

The last day of Maslenitsa is called “the kissing day”. It is also called “Forgiveness” Sunday. Why "forgiven"? Since ancient times, there has been a good custom: together with the passing winter, let go of all the grievances that have accumulated over the year; cleanse your soul, forgive everyone and receive forgiveness for yourself.

1 buffoon.

On this day we said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring.


I came to you with the sun

On the plow, on the harrow! Come here, of course! Waders fly to Odontsy,

1 buffoon.

Hello, Spring girl! We're glad you're alive!

I invite you to the competition!

2 buffoons.

We have been waiting for you for a long time, we rejoice at your arrival! It’s immediately warm, it’s time to take off your fur coats!

I bow to everyone.

I wish you a red summer,

Rich harvest

Abundance and pleasures, All the best!)

Help yourself to pancakes. (

Gives it to everyone.

Winter. It’s too early for you to decide to shed your fur coats, good fellows! I will not give up my right so early!

Spring. Better give in, sister! People were waiting for me, they missed the warm sun. Winter. Go away, sister, I’ll pick you up and say hello! Your time has not come yet! Come on, my blizzards and blizzards! Cover the ground with snow, cover the paths, notice the thawed patches! Winter (

addressing the spectators and participants of the festival

). And now my blizzards will carry you all over and freeze you all!

1 buffoon.

Come on guys, show them what you can do! Don't let yourself get frozen.

2 buffoons.

1 buffoon.

That's it, Mother Winter! It's not so easy to defeat us. And now it’s time for you to know the honor. Make way for Spring.

1 buffoon.

Well, we spent the Winter, we can continue the holiday. The last day of Maslenitsa is the noisiest and most eventful. Competitions are held for strength and agility: “one on one” or “wall to wall”.

2 buffoons.

2 buffoons.

Let's play too!

1 buffoon.

And now it’s time to say goodbye to Maslenitsa. On the last day of the festive week of Maslenitsa, they take it outside the outskirts and burn it with the words: “The milk and butter have burned, only the radish tail remains for Lent”...

Pancake-eating Maslenitsa,



1 buffoon.

Maslenitsa is a hoax!

Deceived, deceived,

Made it to the post!

Gave a radish tail

For Lent!

1 buffoon.

We ate it -

Belly sick!

Bucket sun,

Look out, red,

2 buffoons.

Because of the mountains

Until spring!

2 buffoons.

And now I suggest you guys write on a piece of paper what you would like to leave in the past, for example, bad grades, laziness, illness... We will give all your wishes to Maslenitsa and spend them with it. This will give you the opportunity to celebrate this spring in a new way.

So the sun has set, Our Maslena has closed. Come visit us again We are always glad to have guests!

We invite everyone to pancakes,- People believed that by celebrating Maslenitsa, they were helping the sun to defeat winter. Hence the special meaning of the symbols used during the holiday: the image of the Sun in the form of a rolling burning wheel, pancakes, each of which looks like a small sun.

Leading-. The first day of Maslenitsa week - Monday – Maslenitsa meeting.

We invite everyone to pancakes,

Monday - on this day

We are not too lazy to meet Maslyana.

The day is called “meeting”

All day from morning to evening.

Buffoon. It's coming! It's coming! Maslenitsa is coming! The wide one is coming!

(The music intensifies. Buffoons, merchants, peddlers, etc. appear.

They dance, make faces, amuse the people, sprinkle them with confetti and snowflakes. Maslenitsa floats out with them - a huge scarecrow. The buffoons shout invitations, move around Maslenitsa, bow to it, praise it, tease it.)


Buffoon .

Oh Maslenitsa - torticollis

We'll see you well!

Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg!

And we met Maslenitsa

They filled the bag with cheese,

They poured oil on the mountain,

They were inviting people into the wide yard.

Like on Shrovetide

Pancakes were flying from the table,

And cheese and cottage cheese -

Everything flew under the threshold.

Attention attention!

Folk festival!

Hurry up honest people -

Maslenitsa is calling everyone!

People are honest and lucky,

Come to our clearing.

All rows have been captured in the morning

There are all sorts of goodies on the shelves.

Hurry up, hurry up quickly,

Hurry up to take the best seats,

If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it.

Go ahead without hesitation,

No tickets or rubles needed -

Only great mood!

Run, jump, stretch your bones,

Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit.

Maslenitsa, darling,

You are welcome, make yourself at home -

The whole territory is familiar to you

Together . Hello Maslenitsa!

We invite everyone to pancakes, Tuesday is a time for games and entertainment.

We'll play on Tuesday

Let's play before the post.

Show yourself to us Maslyana,

Shanga, pancake, pie.

At Vanyusha Gate

The round dance winds and winds.

People gather at Vanyusha's gate.

Buffoons. Wow, you Vanya - simplicity.

Opening the gate.

A chest.

Silver patch.

A poker and a rolling pin.

With a grip and a spinning wheel.

A new thread under the gate.

(Games, round dance “Ant and Dragonfly”.)

We invite everyone to pancakes, Wednesday has a sweet tooth, a gourmand.

Wednesday is reputed to be delicious:

Cook it, bake it!

Maslenitsa pleases,

He seats all the guests at the table.

So the sun has set, . They indulge in pancakes all week, and especially on this day. And they serve sour cream, jam, honey, fish caviar, and melted butter with the pancakes.

Eat, enjoy, and don’t offend the hostess - praise her.

When you hear the good news -

Clap your hands.

And if not very good -

Stomp your feet.

It's Spring's birthday today! (claps)

Let's enjoy pancakes and cookies! (claps)

We ask you to leave winter quickly! (claps)

Here they are ready to spend their last ruble! (Stomp)

I'll give you a box of chocolates for playing! (claps)

You open it, and there’s nothing there! (Stomp)

Women and girls have lit all the fires! (claps)

Pancakes for everyone, pancakes baked for everyone! (claps)

Pancakes with honey and jam! (claps)

Not pancakes, but delicious food! (claps)

Sweet pancakes with filling! (claps)

All with down feathers! (Stomp)

And others even with pillows! (Stomp)

And others with shells! (Stomp)

Folk song "Pancakes".

We invite everyone to pancakes,

Here are the pancakes!

Baked in the oven

And juicy and milky,

And grainy

And crumbly

With smoke, with steam,

With a headache!

(Treats everyone with pancakes)

So the sun has set, . Thursday is a riot, a turning point, the most fun day.

Take a walk - Thursday has come,

I set the table in the morning.

Pancake-eating Maslenitsa

Everyone will be fed until lunch.

We invite everyone to pancakes, This day marks the middle of the butter gulba. They celebrated the revival of sunny days. On the eel, behind the village, they stuck a long pole with tied rags. And starting from that day, the peasants demolished all the rubbish there. This continued until Sunday.

(A group in Russian folk costumes comes out. The sound is “Barynya”)

How to dance let's go - put on your heels!

Go out in a circle and dance a little!

(They sing ditties to the melody of “Kalinka”)


How early I got up,

She cleaned up quickly.

Chorus. (everyone sings)

Maslenitsa has come to us,

She brought pancakes and butter.

How I stood by the hot stove,

I baked pretzels and rolls.

Chorus. (everyone sings)

Pancakes with pretzels

For my dear friend Vanyushka,

For beloved Pakhomushka

Hit the head with a ladle

(Everyone laughs and dances)


She was white and gray

She came green and young.

(Winter and Spring)

What grows upside down?


A peahen flew in and sat on the lava,

I loosened the feather, everything became green.


The old grandfather will shake his beard,

Everything will be covered with snow.

(Father Frost)


Oh look where the fly comes from!

Aims Vanka right in the ear!

And what a crocodile

As if she didn’t kill Vanka!

So in winter where does the fly come from?

Look, he's aiming for Styopka's belly!

And what a hippopotamus!

I want to kill her!

Does a fly understand

What is the Oil Can in front of her?

It's stuck, nowhere!

I clicked it then-

Oh no way, no way again!

Hey, motherfucker, is that so!

Let me tell you, it doesn’t work...

The fly seems to be laughing!

I'm her pillow now!

What's missing, you evil fly!?

Here you go again, get it!

It will be summer - come.

In the meantime, we are waiting for spring,

I'll eat on Thursday.


So the sun has set, . Friday - mother-in-law's evening (sons-in-law go to visit their mothers-in-law for pancakes)


Mother-in-law runs in . Mother-in-law. Vanka!

Son-in-law. What is mother-in-law?

mother-in-law . What are you Vanyusha, thin and skinny! And you can’t see your cheeks at all from the back. Well, let's go to my place for pancakes!

Son-in-law Guard, save! They'll feed you to death! (Tries to run away, but his mother-in-law intercepts him and throws him backstage, and she goes to the front of the stage)

Mother-in-law. I baked a cake for my son-in-law

There are three octopus flour in that pie,

Four rubles worth of salt and cereals!

Luchka and flour for seven rubles

Butter with eggs for eight rubles!

Is this the twenty ruble pie!

The son-in-law sat down... Ate it in a sitting!

(The pot-bellied son-in-law appears)

mother-in-law . How did your son-in-law not get torn apart?

Son-in-law. (pats himself on the stomach) and I have a rubber stomach. Give me the same amount and half as much, I’ll sweep that too!

mother-in-law. I’ll take a brand new baton, a velvet baton! (The mother-in-law is chasing the son-in-law with a club. The son-in-law pulls out a pillow from his bosom and fights off the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law leaves)

Son-in-law. Let me mother-in-law get home. I'll give my wife all these beatings!

mother-in-law .(Appearing unnoticed) What you said!

Son-in-law. Ah-ah-ah! (runs away)

We invite everyone to pancakes, Saturday is a sister-in-law’s gathering, but also a parent’s Saturday called.

Wide Maslenitsa helps daughters-in-law,

The sister-in-law collects, treats her to pancakes,

Gives gifts.

(The girls sit on benches, everyone has spinning wheels in their hands, either knitting or embroidering. They do needlework and sing.)

Once upon a time there was Dunya, Dunya the fine weaver

Lyuli - lyuli, Dunya, Dunya the fine weaver.

Our Dunya spun neither thick nor thin,

Neither thick nor thin, thicker than a rope,

Thicker than a rope, thinner than a shaft.

Our Dunya began to wear little canvas,

She went back and forth and broke the stakes.

Our Dunya began to weave canvas,

She walked through seven villages and didn’t get a reed.

In the garden I wove and nailed it with a stake.

The boyars were driving

God help us - they said -

God help me they said -

Did you weave a horn?

Your face is lying -

This is not matting -

Thin canvas -


Buffoon . Hey daughters-in-law, come forward! Maslenitsa is calling you!

Sisters-in-law. We are listening to you Maslenitsa!

Maslenitsa . Oh, what beauties! The sixth day of Maslenitsa is “sister-in-law’s gatherings.” Are you young daughters-in-law?

Sisters-in-law. Young!

Maslenitsa. Unmarried life, perhaps, haven’t you forgotten?

Sisters-in-law. (Sigh) How can you forget it - your unmarried life?!

Maslenitsa. And then invite your family - friends and relatives - to your place.

In the house of your father-in-law and mother-in-law today you are the mistress!

Sisters-in-law. Thank you Maslenitsa! (Run away)

So the sun has set, . Sunday – Forgiveness Sunday, farewell, kissing day.

Sunday - farewell, and also forgiveness of all!

We will ask for forgiveness and kiss you last.

So the sun has set, . For their guilt on the eve of the Monday of Lent, with a pure soul they asked each other for forgiveness, begged to forget the insults, and not to keep the evil in their minds. This usually happened in the evening, before bed after dinner. Forgiveness was concluded with a kiss and a low bow, and before dinner they burned

Maslenitsa outside the outskirts:

Goodbye Maslenitsa.

Goodbye, my dear.


Goodbye, Maslenitsa, our guest,

Great Lent is coming.

Everyone in the village has eaten up.

Herring tail is served.

Lent is coming

They will give us radish tail.

But we don’t take radishes,

We pull the cat's ears.

Maslenitsa - Erzovka, the cheat deceived us!

She left us with sour kvass.

For empty cabbage soup, for hungry grub.

Oh Maslenitsa - beauty, left us with half a piece,

She brought me to the point of fasting - she ran away herself!

Oh Maslenitsa come back!

Show yourself to us again!

Take the cold winter away from us,

Don't leave hungry for grub!

Maslenitsa is gone, goodbye!

Come visit us next year.


Goodbye Maslenitsa, goodbye!

Come visit us all again.

(The Maslenitsa effigy is taken out and burned in the yard)

Options for activities for Maslenitsa in the classroom. Thematic lesson, making a Maslenitsa doll, holiday festivities, lectures and excursions about the history of the holiday.

Maslenitsa is an Eastern Slavic traditional holiday celebrated during the week before Lent. This is one of the most happy Holidays in the year, marking the farewell of winter and the welcome of spring. The main attributes of the holiday: festivities, pancakes, burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa.

What activities to do in the classroom on Maslenitsa? There are many options, the choice depends on how much effort you are willing to spend on giving your children a holiday. Let us list several examples of the organization of Maslenitsa. You can choose only one option, or combine several events.

  • invite animators, discuss what competitions will be held;
  • order a scarecrow (you don’t have to burn it, you can leave it in the classroom until next year);
  • think about how to organize musical accompaniment on the street and microphones for presenters;
  • ask the children to bring some holiday attribute for clothing: a red sash for boys, a scarf for girls, a bundle of bagels for their necks.
  1. Look at the offers of city companies for organizing Maslenitsa: themed trips to other cities, comprehensive offers for classes to celebrate the holiday.
  2. Take a themed tour to a museum.

For example, at the Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum, it used to offer an interactive program for schoolchildren about the peculiarities of welcoming spring in the countries of Europe and Russia. Current programs can be viewed on the museum’s website or you can find out by phone whether there is the possibility of an excursion on the topic of interest.

  1. Check with the children's library in your area about the possibility of holding a themed lecture.

For example, the Nizhny Novgorod State Regional Children's Library organizes lectures and interactive lessons on different topics. You can come to the library as a class, or you can invite them to school. http://ngodb.rf/?cat=48. Details and applications by phone 8314379149
Tatyana Nikolaevna Petruk, deputy. Director of the NGODB.

The museum holds folklore and ethnographic meetings with game program, dedicated national holidays and master classes on different types folk art.

  • "Making a Russian traditional rag doll."
  • “Making a toy from bast.”
  • “Artistic modeling (making a whistle, tile, bell).”
  • “Felting felt boots” (making a souvenir felt boot).
  • "Painting a nesting doll."
  • "Painting easter eggs- “Easter eggs”.
  • "Gorodets painting"

Organizing Maslenitsa in the classroom depends on your time and financial capabilities. In any case, children will not only receive positive emotions, but also learn about the traditions of the country in which they live.