If the shoes are one size too small, what should you do? How to quickly break in tight or new shoes. Care after stretching

Many people know what it’s like to buy shoes that fit perfectly on your feet in the store when you tried them on, but when you first went out, they caused a lot of inconvenience and pain. To the question “What to do?” There is always one answer - spread it.

I wonder what happens if your feet are chafed, with dropsies and wounds? We suggest you consider some of the tricks that we have collected for you in one article.

What to do if your shoes are too tight?

New shoes often chafe and can pinch your feet in a variety of places. And it’s not surprising, because everyone has different instep, width and other parameters of the foot, and shoes are made in production according to standard measurements.

There are three ways to deal with the problem:

  • Contact specialists- hand over your shoes for stretching. But you also need to take into account the professionalism of the chosen master. It turns out that not everyone can handle patent or suede leather, and besides, special equipment is needed to stretch such a delicate material. Before handing over your new item, ask the technician where and how he plans to solve your problem.

  • Go to the store for special means, which helps soften shoes in areas of rubbing and stretch them a little. The inconvenience of this method is that you need to find a suitable composition for the material of your shoes, and no one can guarantee that it will work exactly as you need. It may be a waste of money and time.

  • Contact people for advice. For a long time, people have figured out how, with the help of objects and things that are in every home, they can stretch their shoes and not suffer from wounds and dropsy.

Is it possible to stretch shoes at home?

You can stretch shoes, boots or sandals at home in the most unusual ways. But best advice- do not wear shoes for the first time on a long working day or take a spare pair with you. Walking for 12 hours in new shoes without chafing is very difficult and not everyone can do it.

The easiest way to deal with natural leather. It stretches easily when exposed to moisture and contracts when exposed to heat. It is for this reason that you should not leave boots or shoes near a radiator or heater, unless you are interested in the opposite effect.

Suede and artificial leather are not so easy to adjust, so when experimenting with such shoes you need to be as careful as possible so as not to spoil the new thing.

Oddly enough, but fabric shoes It can also be stretched, but with drastic measures you can easily damage the texture of the fabric, which will lead to torn areas over time.

Home Remedies for Shoe Stretching

Can be useful for stretching shoes

  • just water;
  • freezer;
  • socks (wet);
  • socks (dry thick);
  • paper;
  • alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • and, of course, your readiness for any action.

How to stretch shoes width and length by size?

It is quite possible to stretch your shoes wider. Length is a controversial issue; you can make them a little looser, but you won’t be able to stretch the shoes to size even with drastic methods.

One of the most popular ways to stretch your shoes is to walk around the house in shoes and thick (usually wool) socks. There will be no immediate results, but a week of walking around the apartment may be enough. In fact, the method is so-so, but you don’t need to “bother” - put on your socks and go ahead and drive around the expanses of your home.

How to stretch leather shoes to size?

Leather shoes stretch when wet, but it is very important not to dry them out afterwards, because everything will return to normal.

  1. Prepare enough material (fabric, paper).
  2. Wet the selected material.
  3. Pack your shoes.
  4. Let sit until the material is damp but not wet.
  5. Then try on the shoes with socks.
  6. If you don’t feel tight anywhere, you can walk around the house a little more (socks will absorb the remaining moisture).
  7. If the shoes are tight, repeat the procedure.
  8. Let it dry and test the shoes again.

How to stretch faux leather shoes?

  • You can stretch your shoes with alcohol. Cologne, moonshine, vodka or alcohol will do. Apply the liquid to areas causing discomfort, put on socks (preferably cotton) and walk around in your shoes at home until they dry.
  • Put on wet socks and tight shoes and walk around the house until they are dry.
  • Just use a hairdryer, but you need to do this carefully, as artificial leather can crack if overheated. Heat your shoes with a hairdryer to keep them warm, put on your socks and walk around the house. Can be repeated several times.

How to stretch patent leather shoes?

Patent leather shoes are the most difficult option in terms of stretching, so try to provide for all the nuances when purchasing. You can stretch patent leather shoes only in width and provided that they are made of natural soft leather.

It is better to use the services of specialists, since there is no guarantee that stretching at home will be successful, but it is worth a try.

  1. Wet socks and walking around the house.
  2. A friend with a leg a little bigger than yours . It’s not very pleasant to give away a new thing for a couple of days, but if it’s too tight, you still won’t be able to wear it. Therefore, choose a friend and ask her for a favor - to wear your brand new shoes at home for a couple of days; it is unlikely that anyone will refuse such an offer.
  3. This option is for shoes only High Quality! Shoes must be placed in a tight bag, sealed tightly and put in hot water . Hold for about 10 - 15 minutes, remove from the water, untie the bag and put it on your sock. Walk until the shoes cool down.
  4. Stretch with steam - hold it over the steam with the sole up until it warms up. Then put it on and walk until it cools completely.
  5. Alcohol or vodka wipe the entire inner surface of the shoe and walk for 20-30 minutes. You need to wipe it very carefully so that the liquid does not get on the varnish coating.

How to stretch suede shoes?

Suede is a very delicate material, so you need to handle it very carefully. All stretching methods remain the same, but with a shorter period of exposure.

  1. Moisture. Wet cotton socks and walking around the house - no more than 1 hour. It is better to repeat the procedure again if necessary.
  2. Steam. Hold your shoes over the kettle spout for no more than 5-10 minutes. Then you need to put on a sock, shoes and do household chores.
  3. The most radical way is the freezer. Pour water into the bag, lower the bag of water into the shoe and put it in the freezer until the water freezes completely. If you are not sure about the quality of your shoes, it is better not to use this method.

Is it possible to stretch rubber shoes?

Real rubber is a very durable material and it is impossible to stretch it, but shoes are not made from it at all, despite the name. So called rubber boots made mainly from polyvinyl chloride. It is this material that can be stretched a little.

The first thing to do is check if it is really polyvinyl chloride. Heat the needle and touch the boot (choose the top edge, where minor damage will not be noticeable). If the material begins to melt, then you will definitely be able to stretch the boots.

As you already understand, this material can change its shape from heating - hot water or steam.

  1. Pour hot water into the shoes and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then put on thick socks and walk around the house until it cools down completely.
  2. Steam is more often used to stretch the shins of boots. From scrap materials you need to build shin struts, and together with them, hold the boots over the steam. After that, hot stretched boots need to be put on your feet (preferably over jeans or thick tights) and sit in them until they cool completely.

Sprays and impregnations for stretching shoes

On store shelves there is a wide range of not only aerosols, but also creams that can be used to stretch shoes made of any material.

When selling branded shoes, sellers usually offer to buy stretching agents of the same brand for a new pair of shoes or boots, manipulating what the manufacturer invented unique composition, ideal for this type of material. Based on customer reviews, it became clear that there is nothing special about such sprays; they are no better or worse than other brands, which are also suitable for shoes of any brand.

Top most popular aerosols and impregnations

  • Salamander - universal foam is suitable for all types of leather, except for varnish coating, as it is not absorbed.
  • Kiwi - Suitable for both leather and suede.
  • Stretcher - German impregnation is suitable for natural and artificial leather.
  • Tarado - softens and promotes stretching of leather and suede.
  • Twist - suitable for leather, suede and even velor.

How to stretch textile shoes?

  1. Tear down houseswithout using any secrets . It will take a couple of days, but the fabric will eventually take the shape of your foot.
  2. Hairdryer treatment . Put on thick socks, then shoes and apply hot air for about a minute. Make circular movements with your feet and wear for 5 minutes as you walk normally.
  3. Large peeled potatoes Leave them in your shoes overnight and try them on in the morning. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  4. Groats . Take any cereal that swells, wet it and compact it into your shoes (you can put it in a bag), leave it for 12 hours.

How to quickly break in shoes in other ways?

There are many ways to stretch and adjust shoes to fit your feet. Let's look at the most famous of them.

How to stretch shoes using newspaper?

The newspaper must be wetted and placed tightly in the shoes until completely dry. It doesn’t always work out the first time, you can repeat the procedure or not wait for it to dry completely, and after 5-6 hours put wet shoes on your socks and walk around the house.

How to stretch shoes using alcohol or vodka?

Rub the inner surface of the product with alcohol or vodka, then put your new thing on your sock and walk around the house until it dries completely.

If we are talking about leather, then you can use both alcohol and vodka in their pure form. If you want to stretch artificial material, then it is better to dilute the liquid with water 1:2.

How to break in shoes with ice?

When water freezes, it expands and takes up more space, so you can stretch your shoes by placing them with a bag filled with water in the freezer. Remove when the water turns to ice.

You shouldn’t take out the ice packs right away; you need to let them sit for about 15-20 minutes in a warm place and only then take them out.

Stretching shoes in the refrigerator suitable only for winter shoes and products from genuine leather. If you are not confident in the quality of your shoes or sandals, then it is better not to take risks using this method.

How to wear shoes with wet socks?

Breaking in your shoes with wet socks is not a pleasant way, but if there are no other options, then go for it.

  • Wet cotton socks.
  • Squeeze them thoroughly.
  • Put on socks, then shoes.
  • You can put a second pair on top of the shoes so that there is simultaneous exposure from both the inside and the outside.
  • Walk until dry, at least partially.

Important! After this, the shoes will be damp and cannot be left to dry in the sun or near a heating element. This way you will only achieve the opposite effect.

The main secrets of breaking in tight shoes

  • Break in your shoes gradually, 2-3 hours a day.
  • It is better to cover areas that may rub in advance with a band-aid.
  • The backdrop can be lubricated with alcohol, Vaseline or castor oil. These compounds will make it softer.
  • For stretching suede and patent leather, it is better not to use options with hot water, steam and freezing.
  • Alcohol for breaking in shoes can replace table vinegar.
  • Instead of boiling water, you can use beer, which is no less effective at softening the skin and stretching the shoes.
  • After rain, do not place shoes on the radiator. It is better to dry it with a hairdryer (cold air).
  • The wet socks method will work better if you don't wet them. cold water, but hot.
  • Buy shoes after lunch, when your feet are already a little full and tired.

Sometimes we have to face the need to stretch new shoes, if shoes were purchased in the wrong size, or expand old shoes that have dried out during long-term storage. There are many ways to deal with this problem. First of all, you need to find out where to stretch shoes and how much it costs to stretch shoes in a workshop. In any workshop, using special equipment and lasts selected for your foot size, specialists will stretch your shoes in length, width, instep or shaft. You can stretch your shoes one size in a workshop, or even two sizes - it depends on what you are used to and what is comfortable for you. The price of such a procedure in Moscow and other cities will not differ much. In addition, you can find addresses and reviews of workshops on the Internet if you cannot stretch the shoes yourself.

What should you do to stretch your shoes?

In a shoe workshop, any stretching of shoes can be done, and it should be noted that such a process will take into account not only the quality of the material. All the features of the location of accessories and seams also matter, because not every shoe can be stretched without problems, and the price does not matter here.

If you don’t want to look for a shoemaker and be puzzled by how much it costs to stretch shoes in a workshop, then you can try breaking in and stretching uncomfortable products yourself at home. But to do this, you need to choose the most suitable method for stretching shoes.

Important! You can stretch new shoes only made of genuine leather, nubuck or. Shoes made of artificial leather (leatherette) or fabric, as well as rubber, cannot be stretched. Even a specialist shoemaker will not undertake such a procedure.

How to stretch leather shoes?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to stretch shoes in length? You can only stretch your shoes in width on your own. We offer you several ways to do this.

Method number 1. Use of special means

To stretch tight shoes, use special sprays and aerosols for stretching shoes.

For example, buy a special Oke stretcher in the store, which not only effectively softens all types of skin, but also gives it elasticity without leaving any marks or contours on it.

Apply the product directly to the problem area that requires stretching:

  • For leather shoes - from the outside.
  • For patent and suede shoes - on the inside.

After applying the product, put on your shoes and walk around in them for 7-10 minutes.

Important! Using special means, you can stretch your shoes using last-shaped devices made of natural wood. These products allow you to stretch your shoes as efficiently as possible without disturbing the shape of your shoes. This adjustable stretch fits all types of shoes.

Method number 2. Alcohol treatment

Pour a little alcohol (or vodka) or, in extreme cases, cologne into tight shoes. After this, put the shoes on your feet and wet the top of the shoes. The skin will soften, stretch to the desired size and take the shape of the leg. Walk around the house in your shoes until you feel comfortable. BUT! You shouldn’t walk like this all day; as a rule, the shoes will stretch well within a few hours.

Important! If the hard heels of new shoes rub your feet, also moisten them with alcohol.

Method No. 3. Boiling water treatment

This method, in some cases, is even more effective than using alcohol. The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. Cover the problematic surface of the product with a cloth.
  2. Take a kettle of boiling water.
  3. Slowly pour boiling water over the top of the stretched surface.
  4. Put a sock on your foot and walk around the house for about an hour until the shoes take the desired shape.

Important! High-quality leather can withstand temperatures up to 300 C, so nothing will happen to such shoes, but this method will not work for patent leather products.

Method number 4. We use wool socks

This method of how to stretch shoes not in a workshop, but at home, is suitable even for winter boots with fur:

  1. Put thick socks on your feet and squeeze into tight shoes.
  2. Use a hair dryer to heat the pressure, tight areas of the boot.
  3. When the problem areas are thoroughly heated, begin to bend your feet as much as possible for 30 seconds.
  4. Walk around the house in your shoes until they cool down.
  5. Try on the shoes with thin socks to see if you managed to achieve desired result.
  6. If not, repeat the procedure several more times.

Method No. 5. Stuffing with wet newspapers

To stretch your shoes to size, use a damp newspaper:

  1. Squeeze several newspapers into a tight ball.
  2. Hold the tight boots over the steam.
  3. Wet a newspaper ball thoroughly with cold water and insert it into the shoe.
  4. Leave the shoes to dry completely.
  5. Take out the newspapers and try on the shoes. They should become looser when exposed to moisture.

Important! Dry your shoes naturally, away from heating devices, otherwise the shoes may become deformed.

Method number 6. Freezing

You will need 2 bags ¼ filled with water (if both shoes are too tight):

  1. Place water bags inside your shoes. The bags should evenly fill the stretchable shoes.
  2. Place your shoes in the freezer overnight to freeze the water.
  3. Remove the shoes from the refrigerator and wait until the ice melts (about 20 minutes).
  4. Remove the packages.
  5. Try on the shoes. If you do not achieve the desired result, then repeat the procedure again.

Important! Do not use this method for patent leather shoes.

Method No. 7. Use of cereals

To stretch leather shoes, as well as shoes made of synthetic materials, use the old American method:

  1. Fill the boots with any cereal that can swell when exposed to moisture.
  2. Pour into the cereal a large number of water.
  3. Leave the shoes on overnight. Under the influence of water, the grain will swell and stretch the problem areas of the shoe.
  4. After the stretching procedure, wear your shoes around the apartment for several days so that they dry and take the shape of your feet.

Important! Surely you have a couple sports shoes, which is also not always immediately convenient and requires appropriate care. So find out and...

  1. Stretch any shoes gradually so as not to make them too loose.
  2. In order for the skin to acquire its original appearance after stretching, at the end of this procedure, be sure to apply a special cream to the outer surface. By doing this you will not only protect the products from the influence of negative stretching factors, but also give the shoes an ideal appearance.
  3. Do not subject expensive shoes made of thin leather to such harsh methods as treatment with boiling water and freezing.
  4. Don’t rush to break in new shoes using harsh methods. Maybe after a couple of days they will stretch to the desired size, because natural stretching is, although not the fastest, but the most effective way stretch marks. In this case, the shoes do not become deformed and fit exactly according to the shape of the foot.
  5. Treat hard shoes fish oil or castor oil, and then clean with a woolen rag or brush.
  6. If the shoe pinches in a certain place, then drop wax or paraffin from a burning candle onto this area and place the shoe on the last. After a few days, the shoes will stretch in the right place.
  7. Before stretching your shoes, inspect them, clean them, remove the insoles and, if possible, remove all accessories and decorative elements (laces, buckles). Also determine what material the shoes are made of to help you figure out which method you should use.

Important! There is another innovative solution that will allow you to stretch shoes without harm to your feet, not in a workshop, but at home. At the same time, you don’t even have to limit yourself in wearing products. Buy special silicone stickers - they are presented at different manufacturers different shapes and sizes:

  • in the form of small drops for point stretching of shoes;
    in the form of strips that are convenient to place on the backs and front;
  • in the form of large elements suitable for lining under the sole of the foot.

Having pasted such pads, you can absolutely safely walk down the street in new shoes, and after a week, take them off and continue wearing shoes that are already suitable in shape and size.

How long can shoes be stretched in a workshop?

Stretching shoes in a workshop is a simpler and more trouble-free way for the simple reason that you, in fact, do not have to do anything, but just find a suitable shoemaker.

Stretching shoes in a workshop is completely different from the methods that many people use at home:

  1. Before starting work, the master shoemaker will take detailed measurements of the foot and determine the amount of work required for a particular pair.
  2. Masters perform the complex modern methods adjusting shoes to the individual size of the foot and lower leg, and to carefully change the shape of the shoes, as well as its surface, specialists use related products.

Professionals often use several types of stretching in combination, so if you don’t want unnecessary problems and costs, then give your problematic shoes for stretching to specialists from a shoe workshop.

Important! The workshop will increase the width of the shoes (stretch them in width), increase the tops of the boots, and also increase the volume, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change the length of the footprint due to the design of the shoe model.

Stretching technology

Having your shoes professionally stretched in a shoe shop takes many measures to fit your shoes. Typically, hot stretching of shoes is performed on special machines that have special attachments different sizes. They allow you to stretch any men's, women's and children's shoes, as well as high-heeled shoes.

Shoes are put on these attachments, and special “bumps” inserted on the attachment stretch the shoes exactly in those places where it is tight. Due to a special attachment on the heel, the special shape of this part is corrected. Therefore, when handing over your shoes to the workshop, be sure to tell the master about all problem areas.

We hope that you have chosen the necessary method and method of stretching for your favorite shoes. In the case of expensive shoes or shoes made of thin leather, contact specialist shoe workshops. Let your “clothes for legs” please you for many years and create coziness and comfort for you.

Many people periodically face the problem of narrow and tight shoes. As a result, there is a risk of serious discomfort. Therefore, the question of how to stretch leather shoes at home is extremely relevant. There are many professional techniques and folk ways to achieve the desired effect.

Models made from high-quality natural material have the best stretch. They are able to withstand adverse influences external factors and not lose your shape. You should not use such methods - they can only ruin your shoes.

So, how to break in leather shoes that are too tight? It is recommended to resort to the following means:

  1. Ice. To implement the technique, you need to put bags in your shoes and fill them about a quarter with liquid. Place in the freezer and keep there overnight. When the liquid freezes, the material will expand, which will help adjust the size of the product. When the ice melts slightly, it is recommended to remove it from the shoes.
  2. Boiling water. Influenced hot water the product softens quickly, which helps to stretch leather shoes. It is recommended to fill the boots with enough water to fill the inside. Then it is recommended to immediately pour out the boiling water. The product needs to be slightly cooled and then put on. Walk in such shoes until the model is completely dry. If there are concerns that the model will not withstand exposure to moisture, you should place bags inside before filling it with water.
  3. Warm socks. This is an old method that allows you to increase your shoe size. To do this, you should wear thick, wet socks under your shoes for several days - woolen or terry products will do. This method will help increase a tight model by half a size.
  4. Alcohol. Vodka or cologne also works great. It is quite acceptable to use the solution for cleaning windows. Combine the composition with water in equal parts, and then lubricate or spray on shoes. It is processed from all sides - outside and inside. Particular attention should be paid to the heel. If you lubricate the model from behind, it will become much softer and will not rub. After which the shoes should be put on with warm socks and worn for a couple of hours.
  5. Castor oil and Vaseline. This technique is suitable for stretching shoes a size larger. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to combine the products in equal proportions, and then treat the product well from the inside. Then place a special block in the product. It is sold at hardware or specialty shoe stores. This procedure will help increase the size narrow shoes, but will not lead to its deformation. After a day, it is recommended to remove the remaining product with a sponge.

Home remedies to soften shoes made from natural materials

Note: Alcohol can dry out natural material. Therefore, it is recommended to treat it with warm Vaseline. This will help wear shoes made of genuine leather and maintain their impeccable appearance.

The listed methods are suitable for different models - winter and summer. However, it must be remembered that it is not recommended to wet warm items too much. After processing, they should be dried thoroughly. If you need to slightly increase the size of boots with fur, just remove the insole.

To stretch genuine leather shoes at home without negative consequences, it is best to turn to professionals. Typically, workshops have devices that provide heat and pressure. It is worth considering that the process of stretching the model can take approximately 1 day.

Mechanical action from the inside will help not only stretch narrow shoes, but also soften hard areas that rub the skin of the feet

Recipes for varnished models

Increasing the size of patent leather shoes is much more difficult than ordinary leather models. This can be done exclusively in width, provided that there is thin and soft material under the varnish layer. In any case, it is important to exercise extreme caution. Otherwise, the product may lose its shine or even crack.

To stretch your shoes wider, you should use the following recipes:

  1. Alcohol and water. It is recommended to combine these components in a 2:1 ratio. Soak thick socks in the liquid. It is recommended to wear them on your feet under shoes. Wear the shoes until they are completely dry - this will take about 2 hours.
  2. Spacer and cream. This effective method increase in tight shoes. At the beginning thick cream you need to process the model from the inside. Then you need to place a special block in it. When applying the cream, you should pay attention to the roughest areas - the hard heel, toe. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the manipulation. The effectiveness of the technique depends on the softness of the skin.
  3. Hairdryer. To enlarge a new lacquered model, it should be exposed to elevated temperatures. First, the shoes should be thoroughly warmed from the inside, then put on warm socks. When using this method, it is worth considering certain features. If you leave the hairdryer on too long or the temperature is very high, the polish may become less shiny. In addition, the manipulation must be repeated periodically.
  4. Terry towel. It is recommended to moisten it with hot water and squeeze it out. Wrap the product in a towel and put it in a bag. Dry the next day at room temperature.
  5. Steam or boiling water. This method should not be the main one, since the influence of high temperatures will cause damage to the varnish. If other methods do not help, you need to pour boiling water into the shoes and leave them there. After a few minutes, pour out the water and place the product under a stream of steam. It is important to protect the varnished surface. Immediately after completing the manipulation, you need to put on warm socks and walk around a little.

To avoid damaging the varnish surface, lubricate your shoes with a thick layer of cream or Vaseline before handling.

Important: To quickly and effectively stretch such shoes, you should resort to special means. If you follow the instructions on the packaging, you will be able to achieve good results and not damage the product.

How to widen different parts of a shoe

In some cases, it is not necessary to stretch the entire product, but only a certain part that causes the greatest discomfort. In most situations, the problem is the toe or heel. Also, the cause of discomfort is often the boot or instep.

Narrow toe

The front of the shoes should be treated with cream or Vaseline. After which you need to put them on your socks and walk for several hours. You can also place bags of water in a sock and put them in the freezer. No less in an effective way will be the use of newspapers (paper) or boiling water.

You can put a small flat bottle in your socks. Leather shoes should be wetted first. It is better to lubricate patent leather shoes with paraffin or soap.

Tight ass

An effective method for breaking in shoes is to use freezing. To do this, stuff the sock with dry newspapers and place a bag of water in the heel area. When frozen, the heel will become wider, and the toe area will not be deformed.

An effective expansion method is to use a regular solid deodorant. You need to treat the heel from the inside with this product, then put on socks and move around in the shoes until the heel is free.

Special gel pads for softening backs


To increase the product in this zone, it is worth stocking up on cereal. First, socks and heels should be stuffed with plastic bags, and in between, pour in cereal and add a little water. Place the product in the freezer. Then it can be taken out, when the ice thaws slightly, the contents of the shoe can be pulled out.

Please note: We have information about the features of stretching sneakers and sneakers.

Boot top

If your boots put too much pressure on your calves, it may be difficult to zip up. To solve this problem, you should use damp newspapers. They stuff the boot tightly.

It is best to stretch the boot on a professional machine; at home it can be replaced with small logs and wood chips, which should be added to the boot one by one

Features of stretching textiles

Increasing the size of rag shoes is very problematic. Textiles are not afraid of moisture and getting wet. Therefore, using only water for a denim or fabric model will not give results. To get a good effect, you should freeze your shoes.

The product can also be washed or simply wet thoroughly. After this, you should put the model on your socks and walk until the product dries. With the high elasticity of the fibers of the material, small shoes can be increased by half a size.

If the model is made of natural material, it should be moistened from the inside with vinegar. It is not recommended to dry shoes after stretching. It is especially harmful to leave it in the sun. It is best to wear fabric shoes on your feet to give them the desired shape. To speed up the procedure, you should use a hairdryer.

To increase your shoe size at home and not damage it, you must follow certain recommendations:

  1. The first time you don't need to stretch it too much. expensive shoes. It’s worth experimenting with such a pair and choosing the most effective method.
  2. In some situations, it is much easier to return shoes to the store, because many of them provide the opportunity to exchange the model for the product bigger size. This is especially true for children's shoes. Sometimes specialists even stretch the model to order.
  3. It is worth remembering that after experimenting with shoes, you will not be able to return them to the store. The difference will be too obvious.
  4. Under the influence of heat or water, ice, cheap products can rupture. Therefore, such techniques are recommended to be used only for high-quality models.
  5. Shoes with plastic elements should not be exposed to elevated temperatures. Under the influence of heat, such parts can simply melt.
  6. If you use a hairdryer and do not have a special conditioner, it is enough to rub your shoes with ordinary cream. This will help achieve recovery water balance in fabric.

Now you know how to widen your shoes. For this purpose it is worth using by professional means or folk recipes. It is not recommended to neglect such opportunities. If the shoes are too tight, this will lead to leg deformation and other unpleasant health consequences.


The problem with new shoes in most cases is that they are a little tight. Stretching such a pair will not be difficult. The same procedure may be required if the shoes become stiff after cleaning.

When can you stretch your shoes?

There are many ways that tell you how quickly you can increase your shoe size. It is worth remembering that shoes can only be spread in width, but not in length. This option can be provided in the workshop, but only for certain materials.

Synthetic materials do not stretch well due to their composition. Some materials do not react at all to hot air. Natural compositions are more susceptible to such effects. If the material of the boots is made of dense and thick enough leather, then you don’t have to worry about the product being damaged.

With expensive products made of thin leather and suede, you need to be more careful, since in this case the material can be damaged as a result of mechanical stress. You can stretch the material if the product rubs your feet, as well as if there is some discomfort when wearing it.

However, you should not take on such an event if your shoes are simply too small. It will not be possible to stretch it to the size required. In this case, the skin may simply lose the fats contained in it. This will cause the material to become drier and more brittle. Therefore, after stretching, it is necessary to treat the product with cream.

Genuine leather and suede

Natural materials, such as leather and suede, are quite soft and elastic, and therefore you can stretch shoes made from them even to size at home. Moreover, means such as boiling water and a hair dryer work much better than others, since exposure to heat makes the material more pliable.

Medical alcohol

In addition to alcohol, you can use triple cologne. To apply the method, you need to treat the inner surface of the product with the selected product and then wear it for a couple of hours. You must first test the solution on an inconspicuous area.

Boiling water

This product must be applied quickly. In order for it to take effect, a few seconds are enough, and therefore the event will need to be carried out quite quickly. You should pour boiling water inside the steam and immediately pour it out. Then wait a while, allowing them to cool a little. After this, you need to start breaking in your shoes, not forgetting to first protect the skin of your feet with thick socks.


You need to insert bags of cereal into the shoes and fill the cereal with water. After this, you need to wait about 8 hours until the cereal swells and acts on the material.


This remedy is no less effective than boiling water. You need to soften the leather on your shoes with hot water. You can do this as follows: fill out plastic bags hot water up to a quarter, and then put in the freezer. After complete hardening, you can take out the shoes, wait until the ice begins to melt, and only then take out the bags.

Moisturizing with a towel

You need to soak a towel in boiling water and wrap it around a pair of shoes. In this state, you need to leave the shoes for up to 5 hours, regularly moistening the material.

Cowboy method

This method states that you will need to put plastic bags in the boots and pour bran inside, and then fill them with water. After some time, the mixture will swell and the pressure will increase the size of the vapor.

Farmer's way

This method is similar to some previous ones: you need to replace the cereal and bran with oats and other types of grain that are available on any farm, and then also add water. The grain will begin to swell, making it easy to increase the size of the product.

Patent leather shoes

This procedure is over patent leather shoes must be done as carefully as possible, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the top coating. This material can only be stretched if the bottom layer is made of thin natural or artificial leather.

Once you are convinced that this is in fact the case, you can proceed with the operation to increase the size of the pair. This will require the use of an alcohol solution. The main active ingredient must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. This event is not a pleasant one, and therefore you should be sure that the shoes cannot be expanded in other ways.

  • You need to soak the socks in the resulting solution, put them on and start wearing the pair for an hour or two, depending on how quickly the socks dry. After this, you need to take care of your feet, since alcohol dries out the skin quite strongly.
  • You can also use another method. It will require either special pads or your own legs. It is necessary to lubricate the inner surface of the shoes with greasy cream or Vaseline, and then put on the shoes, having previously protected the feet with thick socks. Special attention When processing, it is necessary to focus on the most rigid and hard areas that need to be stretched more than others.

Rubber Shoes

Rubber shoes can be made from different materials. Classic - durable rubber that will be impossible to stretch. The situation is much better when it comes to shoes made from PVC. This material is easily deformable, and therefore increasing the size of such a pair will be quite simple.

First you need to check what the boots or boots are made of. For this you will not need many materials: a lighter or match, a needle, an awl or a knife. The metal object must be held over the fire until it heats up. Then you can try to melt the shoes. This must be done in an inconspicuous area so that no traces of such vandalism remain later.

However, you should not pierce your shoes right through. If the operation is successful, then the stretching procedure can begin. You can stretch tight shoes by using boiling water. You need to pour water into the boots and wait up to five minutes. This time will make the shoes noticeably softer, allowing them to stretch.

It is necessary to put on thick socks made of wool or mohair in advance to protect your feet. Then you need to pour boiling water and thoroughly wipe the inside of the boots with a towel. This is required to avoid getting your feet wet. Subsequently, it’s worth stomping around and walking around in this pair for a while to adjust the size. Then you need to put the shoes in cold water and leave them there for a while. However, you should not wear this pair for the next couple of days so that the material hardens as best as possible.

Nubuck shoes

Nubuck shoes are quite picky in terms of the means that can be used to properly stretch them at home. First of all, you cannot use any greasy creams or Vaseline for this material, since in this case there will be stains and stains on it that will be impossible to remove.

You should also make sure that the pair is made of natural material and not artificial. First of all, you will need to wear the product on your own every day for some time. In most cases this should help. But if a miracle does not happen, then you should resort to other tricks.

In a shoe store you need to purchase special foam, which is designed to stretch narrow shoes. At the same time, you should ensure that it is suitable for this material. Usage is extremely simple: you just need to spread the product over the inner surface of the product, put on thick socks and walk around the house in pairs for several hours.

Children's shoes should be taken to a workshop, where craftsmen will do everything better using the wooden lasts they have in stock. They can also offer another level of service: lengthening, which is quite difficult to do at home.

Faux leather

Faux leather is a rather complex material that must be worn in a certain way. Faux leather stretches quite weakly, and then cracks begin to appear on it, and therefore shoes made from it are quite cheap.

Boiling water

Tight shoes spoil your mood, and to soften artificial leather you need to use regular boiling water. It is worth pouring boiling water into a container and putting the shoes in there, and then stretching them using pads or your own feet. But the method must be used with caution, since not every couple can withstand such violence.


In most cases, a hair dryer is used if you need to stretch a certain area of ​​your shoes. You can try to heat the steam completely, but in this case the success of the event is less likely, since certain areas will have time to cool down, while others will remain hot.

Therefore, it is necessary to distribute the heat to the tight areas, then put on the shoes with thick socks and wear them until the shoes cool completely.

Cereal products

Depending on the height of the shoes, we can talk about the amount of costs for implementing the method. You need to insert a couple of plastic bags, pour cereal into them and fill them with water. You will need to spend about half a day on stretching, since during this time the cereal will swell and enlarge certain areas.


This method can also be used to widen shoes. However, you should not be too zealous when performing it, since in this case you can deform the shoes rather than stretch them. It is worth putting wet, crumpled sheets of paper inside the pair and letting them dry.

Cream or Vaseline

You can stretch your shoes using these means. However, the method of application is somewhat different from that used for the varnished product. After careful processing, you need to wait until the component is absorbed into the material. This can take up to 3 hours, so be patient. After a long wait, you should wear your shoes for half an hour.


Tight textile shoes can be worn at home. You will only need to stretch them if they are only a little tight, since in other situations nothing can be done with them.

Since this material is still artificial, it is quite difficult to do anything significant with it. Typically, sneakers and sneakers are made from textiles. The easiest way would be to simply distribute them in the usual way. If this does not help, you need to help in more serious ways.

It is quite easy to deform such shoes, and therefore you should ensure that the product stretches evenly. It is recommended to use newspapers for this. More precisely, you should wet the product in water and stuff it tightly with newspaper. At the same time, you should worry about paint imprinting on the inner lining. There is also another disadvantage of this method - the product may come unstuck, and therefore will need to be glued in the future.

General methods

There are ways that may work for various types products, and therefore require special attention.

Water packs

If your shoes are tight, the easiest way to stretch them is this way. To do this, you need to insert bags with the required amount of water inside the product and place them in the freezer so that the bag does not change shape. Leave until frozen, then defrost and remove the bags of newly melted water.


This method is the most gentle, inexpensive, and also time-saving, since you only need to stuff previously moistened shoes with newspapers, evenly distributing them throughout the insides of the product so as not to deform it where it is not required.

Soap and paraffin

Paraffin can be rubbed onto hard areas, left for several hours, and then removed. You can take the shavings laundry soap, add water to form a paste, which needs to be placed on problem areas, and after a few hours, wash off.

Fat cream

This product will help soften your shoes so they don't rub. To do this, it is recommended to thoroughly lubricate the insides of the product, and then wear it for a while to increase the shoe size.


Steam has a gentle effect, and therefore it is easy to stretch your shoes. To do this, you can use a steam generator, an iron or a pan of boiling water. You need to slightly dampen your shoes and walk around in them at home.

Special means

The market offers a large number of means with which you can easily break in your shoes so that they no longer feel too tight. At the same time, they will sit exactly on the leg, since after treatment with the chosen product you will have to wear them in yourself, adjusting them to the size and shape.

Stretch individual parts

It often happens that only a certain area rubs. For example, if the shoes are true to size, but narrower than required. In this case, it is necessary to stretch certain places so that the pair does not rub.

Narrow and hard heel

It is recommended to soften the backdrop with soap or a candle. Also, for this purpose, you can gently and easily tap the back with a hammer. Before using other methods, it is recommended to try to stretch the product by walking in shoes with a woolen or any other thick sock. If it doesn’t help, then after wearing it in like this, you should stuff the product in this place using sock balls or paper and leave it overnight.

Narrow toe

Breaking in shoes that pinch your toes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Leather and suede shoes You can put it in the freezer with bags of water in the sock area. It is better to moisten varnished and leatherette shoes with alcohol, soap or paraffin in the toe area, and then wear them for a while. You can use a hairdryer to heat the toe of the product and wear the shoes until they cool down.

Stretch the boot

The easiest way to stretch a boot is using the cowboy or farmer method. A freezer will also help, in which you can put your boots with a bag of water in the boot. If the material allows it, then it is better to use boiling water and carry the steam on your own feet.

Depending on the material and type of shoes you need to use various methods. How far can shoes stretch? Not significant. In the case of natural compositions, it is possible to add up to one full size. The best way to do this stretching is in a workshop.

When buying shoes in a store, we are often guided not by the practicality of the product, but by originality, style and beauty. We buy shoes one size smaller because you like them and you want to own them. And if your finger is a little tight or your shoes are too narrow, it’s not a problem, they wear out.

But time passes, and the shoes remain in the closet after you walked one day in new shoes and rubbed blisters, barely crawled home, wanting to take them off on the way and go barefoot. But prestige. intelligence did not allow you to commit such stupidity.

So they stand in the closet, you just have to admire them. And I feel sorry for the money, the purchase turned out to be expensive, and so were the legs. And sometimes, when you buy shoes in a store or at the market, after trying them on, you think that they fit, but at home it turns out that they are too small.

What to do? What should I do? Don't worry, we will teach you how to break in tight shoes correctly at home.

How to quickly break in tight shoes?

Water tends to expand when it freezes. Turning into ice, it will press in different directions, stretching the shoes in length and width. Remove the shoes and wait for the bag to thaw.

Do not suddenly tear the ice pack out of your shoes to avoid scratching or tearing them. If it didn’t work the first time, try stretching the shoes a second time.

How to wear shoes made of genuine leather

Leather shoes are the fastest to break in because they are soft and flexible.

First of all, wrap the shoe box with a wet towel and leave for 4-5 hours

Use soapy water. For this colorless liquid soap dilute with water 1:4, mix well, pour into a spray bottle and spray inside the shoes. Then put on thick socks. Wear it around the room for 2 hours.

Take vinegar, smear the inside of your shoes, put on a thick sock and wear for about an hour. Unpleasant smell remove vinegar with soap solution.

Another way is to break in leather shoes using boiling water. Pour boiling water into your shoes and pour them out immediately. Don't be afraid that your shoes will get damaged; leather goods can withstand high temperatures.

You shouldn’t do such tricks with leatherette, because the artificial leather can get damaged. Put on socks and wear for 20 minutes. The cooled skin will take the shape of the leg.

Put on wool socks, bend your foot and heat the bend with a hairdryer. Put away the hairdryer. Do not take off your shoes until they cool down. Repeat until the skin is soft and stretched. Apply conditioner to moisturize the shoes.

Pour grain into shoes and pour water, leave overnight. The grain will swell and stretch your shoes. Then remove the grain, wipe the shoes and wear them until they are dry.

How to break in faux leather shoes

It is very difficult to break in leatherette shoes. If you try very hard to stretch it, trying after attempt, it can crack and lose its aesthetic appearance. But this is no reason to despair.

It is still possible to stretch it. To stretch it, put on socks soaked in cologne and walk around the room for 20 minutes. Wear 10 times a day, and so on every day until worn out.

Another effective way to help make faux leather shoes bigger is by hammering artificial shoes newspaper, cut into small pieces. When you place the paper inside the shoes, make sure that the product does not lose its shape.

Scraps of newspaper, filled with water and placed inside shoes, will swell and stretch the shoes, both in length and width. Then dry naturally.

Breaking in suede shoes

Suede is an elastic and soft material. It takes the shape of a leg. To break in suede shoes, put on damp socks and walk around in them for a while.

Just be careful. Suede is afraid of water. Try not to get it on the outside of the product so as not to spoil the attractive appearance of the product.

An excellent means for breaking in is beer, which should be poured inside the shoes. Wear thick woolen socks and wear the shoes for several hours.

How to break in tight patent leather shoes

Patent leather shoes also wear out. But this is much more difficult to do than breaking in leather shoes. You can only increase the size of patent leather shoes in width if the leather underneath the patent leather is soft and thin.

To wear patent leather shoes, you need to soak woolen socks with vodka and wear the shoes until they dry. You can use alcohol by diluting it with water: one third alcohol two thirds water. Vodka and alcohol are safe for patent leather shoes.

When breaking in patent leather shoes, handle them delicately, because they are very fragile, and if handled carelessly, they can crack and lose their shine.

You can also stretch patent leather shoes using a hairdryer. Warm up the inner surface of the shoes until high temperature, and then put on your socks and put your feet in your shoes. Be careful not to overheat your shoes with a hairdryer; the polish may stop shining. This procedure should be repeated from time to time.

Patent leather shoes can be smeared with rich cream or Vaseline, carefully treating the toe and heel, and then put on the last. If there are no lasts, then put on a sock and wear the shoes for 2 hours, moving around the room.

How to break in tight textile shoes?

You can use the solution with boiling water, which we have already mentioned. The socks should dry on your feet. You can fill your shoes with wet paper so that it swells and stretches the shoes. The paper dries in the shoes. Newspaper should not be used, because it can ruin the fabric and stain it.

We told you about how to break in tight shoes. Breaking shoes in to size is very difficult, sometimes impossible. Be careful when buying shoes so as not to waste time and nerves on breaking in tight things.

It's better to shop in the afternoon, when your foot is a little swollen. When stretching, handle your shoes carefully, do not overdo it, so as not to tear them or wear them out more than expected and then not suffer from loose shoes.

Don't forget to wash your shoes and lubricate them with cream. Dry it away from heating appliances. It is better to use shoe mold holders.

Careful care of your shoes will allow you to wear them for a long time and enjoy such beautiful comfortable shoes, boots, and sandals that already fit your feet exactly and match the size of your feet.