Features of children from mixed marriages: the influence of “fresh blood” on the appearance and development of the child. Interethnic marriages

If good interethnic relations at the level of friendship are still at least somehow possible for the majority, then interethnic relations at the level of marriage are a rather difficult test for weak believers, which not everyone can pass with dignity.

The phrase is often heard: “Parents are against our wedding.” The reason is the bride (groom) of another nation. Reasons - everything else: from another city, age difference, not beautiful, not rich, parents are not ministers, no dowry in the form of apartments or cars, cannot pay a good price, higher education no, another religion, etc. Although reasons can become additional reasons.

This is an indicator of the lack of fear of God, the ignorance of these parents. They simply became proud and followed the lead of Satan, observing pagan customs, while condemning the laws of the Creator! The danger of such pride, such non-acceptance of a person of another nation into one’s family, is that it can lead a person out of Islam altogether, making a kafir out of a Muslim.

If someone prohibits what the Almighty has made free, then he equates himself to Allah himself, since this person takes on the function of God! Prohibiting what Allah has permitted is minor shirk! Allah says in the Quran (meaning): “ Those who suffered loss were those who killed their children out of stupidity, without any knowledge, and forbade what Allah had endowed them with, making a slander against Allah. They went astray and did not follow the straight path "(sura 6, verse 140); " O believers! Do not forbid the blessings that Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress the boundaries of what is permitted (do not sin) "(Surah al-Maida, verse 87).

Parents largely care about what relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances will say. They are afraid of gossip, ridicule. While true Muslims should fear only the Almighty and follow His laws. " Whoever achieves the pleasure of Allah by causing the indignation of people, Allah will deliver him from people; and whoever achieves the pleasure of people by angering Allah, they will not deliver anything from Allah "(at-Tirmidhi and Abu Naim in al-Hilya").

Parents selfishly and prudently marry off their daughters against their will; their sons marry the one they themselves chose for them. And then they wonder why there is no warmth and love in this marriage, why their son begins to “walk”, becomes joyless and spends more time anywhere, but not with his wife; happily chooses a job in another city, leaving his wife to guard his house. And the whole point of a relationship comes down to the birth of children and material support. And that's the best case scenario. At worst - endless scandals, assault, addiction to alcohol, lack of desire to do anything for the family, marrying a second woman as a way to drown out one’s unhappiness, divorce.

« If a man whose religion and character pleases you is wooed to your daughter, do not reject this offer, so that unrest and immorality do not spread on earth. "(at-Tirmidhi). This hadith clearly states that the main reason for refusing a marriage proposal may be lack of religiosity. young man and bad character. True Muslims have never suffered from ancient prejudices that run counter to Islam. It is clearly clear to them that marriages between Muslims of different nations are the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and barakah from the Almighty. As is known, the Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings be upon him) showed the permissibility mixed marriages: He himself was married to a Jewish woman, Safiya.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Everything worldly is just things, matter. And the best creature in it (worldly life) is a pious woman ».

A good wife is half of iman (faith). After all, it is said in the hadith: “ To the one to whom the Almighty gave a pious woman as a wife, he helped him to stand on his feet and completed half of the (entire) religion assigned to him. Let him preserve the second part of it, trying himself, and fear Allah ».

Another hadith says: “ He who is given four things in this worldly life is given the blessings of this life and eternal life. And this is a grateful heart, a tongue that remembers Allah, a body that patiently endures troubles and adversity, and a devoted wife who will not deceive him either in regard to honor or in regard to his property ».

As you can see, the Prophet advises choosing a spouse based on her religiosity and good character, and not on her nationality or anything else. And even if a Muslim liked a girl of a different religion, this is also not an obstacle. There are no hopeless situations in Islam. On the contrary, there is a great opportunity to invite her to study Islam, show her the beauty of religion, show her the true path. Perhaps, due to the fact that the girl has feelings for this guy, she will listen to his every word and eventually understand that Islam is the true path. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ If Allah guides one person through you, then it is better for you than this world and everything in it. " So don't miss this opportunity!

Of course, it cannot be said that mixed marriages are suitable for absolutely everyone. Before making a final decision, you need to weigh everything soberly, turn off your heart and turn on your mind: are you two capable of making compromises, how much respect do you have in general for each other’s nation, are you ready to study and respect the customs, traditions, cuisine of another nation, study the language of your fiance’s nation, and perhaps also the language of the country of his residence, do you both have sufficient patience, fortitude, flexibility of character, is the climate of the country to which you are moving suitable for you (if you are from different countries) and much more. And, of course, the most important thing, whether it is a marriage within one nation or a mixed marriage, these are the same spiritual and moral values.

The Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): “ Bad women are for bad men, and bad men are for bad women, and good women are for good men, and good men- For good women. They are not involved in what they (the slanderers) say. They are destined for forgiveness and a generous lot "(Surah 24, verse 26).

According to statistics, the number of interethnic marriages is growing from year to year. For example, in Moscow the share of mixed marriages is more than 50%. Such marriages are not only popular, but also the strongest and most durable; they teach people to respect and treat representatives of other nations with equal respect, teach tolerance, contribute to improving relations between nations and countries, and social cooperation.

So, let's summarize:

Nationalism (pride, arrogance) is the first sin in the Universe committed by Iblis, for which he will burn forever in Hell;

Nationalism is a sign of an infidel, it can lead a person out of Islam, it leads a person to Hell;

The Almighty and his prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) do not like nationalism and nationalists;

We are all of one nation - Muslims, and before God we are all equal, except in fear of God;

True love for the Almighty and his Messenger should be expressed not in words, but in deeds.

In conclusion, I would like to wish that our society becomes more religious, more God-fearing and, as a result, happy!

Veronica Chernomorskaya

Some will look at the contrasting couple with curiosity, and others with condemnation. The only feeling that such unions do not evoke in others is indifference.

What problems do those who decide to join, face, and what advantages do they gain?

Disadvantages of interracial unions

The main problem of interethnic marriages is misunderstanding, disapproval, and total rejection on the part of loved ones. Conservative parents of the bride or groom may oppose such a decision for various reasons.

Obstacles to happiness can be: a different skin color of the chosen one, a different religion, the need to move to a foreign country, an imaginary interest in registration, and so on.

There are nations that carefully preserve the purity of their blood (Jews, Armenians) and protest against mixing it with foreign blood.

Therefore, if you decide to enter into an interethnic union, you risk facing rejection from your relatives – yours or your partner’s.

In addition, having married a Turk, a German or, for example, a Japanese, a girl will certainly encounter strange nuances of a foreign culture and revered traditions.

Unusual life, foreign language, original requirements new family, a different approach to raising children, peculiarities of the legal framework and banal misunderstanding play a cruel joke on a strong union.

It’s a completely different story if the marriage is between people who originally grew up in the same country. It’s not for nothing that America is considered a “melting pot”, mixing races and nationalities into a bizarre vinaigrette.

US citizens are fluent English language, and their culture is very similar, even if their skin color is different. Therefore, such couples have fewer difficulties.

A Russian girl can quite successfully marry a person from any country former USSR– Armenia, Georgia, Latvia, Estonia. The language barrier in this case is not so high, and the cultures, due to past interaction, are not too contradictory.

What to do if you are attracted to more exotic partners - Africans, Asians, Latin Americans?

Our advice is to look for a life partner within your country or your hobby. This could be a student from the Peoples' Friendship University who has improved your language to an acceptable level.

Are there any advantages to mixed marriages?

There are a number of bonuses that you purchase along with the international union. Let's talk about some of them.

1. Children in such families are more erudite, adapt more easily to different realities, and respect other cultures. They are often bilingual - that is, they speak several languages ​​as their mother tongues.

They absorb the traditions and worldviews of both parents, and become true “people of the world.” They are also distinguished by their visual appeal and interesting features.

2. Spouses get a chance to get to know another culture from the inside, to be imbued with respect and love for it. Such traits as tolerance and tact towards another religion appear in the character.

3. For many girls, the dream of “marrying a foreigner” can come true. Peers and fellow citizens manage to get bored, but someone else's huge world always beckons. Living together It will definitely be full of impressions, interesting and exciting.

4. You can expect an improved quality of life, learn a second language and expand your horizons after moving to another country.

5. In such a marriage, you have to work harder on the relationship, which only makes it stronger. Having given a lot in order to be with your loved one (including severing ties with family, country, friends), you begin to appreciate the family union more.

Sometimes fascination with another country and its culture may look like a youthful whim, but if a person confirms his decision for years, then even strict relatives agree to make concessions.

Successful mixed marriages: famous examples

It is believed that an interethnic union has one undeniable advantage. Such couples produce incredibly beautiful children. But the couple themselves look original and attractive together.

Social life knows many examples when a happy union was concluded between representatives of different races.

Nicolas Cage married an Asian woman, Alice Kim, who worked as a waitress - by all measures an unequal marriage, which, however, lasted about 12 years.

Director Woody Allen managed to lead his own adopted daughter, Korean Soon-I, down the aisle, and has been living with her for 20 years.

Colorful duets were created by Heidi Klum and the black singer Seal, David Bowie and the luxurious Iman. Senegalese beauty Karine Sylla was married to Gerard Depardieu and Vincent Perez.

Well, Marlon Brando managed to add an Indian, Vietnamese, Tahitian, Guatemalan and Puerto Rican woman to his “collection of exotic girlfriends”.

Priscilla Chan, an American with Vietnamese-Chinese roots, was able to steal the heart of the Jew Mark Zuckerberg (which caused the indignation of his relatives).

Robert De Niro is a well-known fan of the Black Panthers, and Wesley Snipes is a true international: his resume includes natives of Puerto Rico, China and South Korea.

Many of the marriages mentioned failed, but none of the spouses ever claimed that the reason for this was skin color or cultural differences.

Everything is as always: quarrels, betrayals, fights, different interests, nervous breakdowns and new loves. Therefore, when concluding an interethnic union, you should be prepared for the same difficulties as in ordinary families.

“Marry a foreigner,” the advertisements beckon to us. Almost every woman at least once followed the link and leafed through the catalog of overseas grooms. There are plenty of options, and everyone seems to want to create a good family. Friends talk about positive examples, newspapers scare us with negative ones. Is it possible to say that interethnic marriages are a recipe for personal happiness?

Many people married citizens of other countries and are quite happy. However, interethnic marriages in Russia are often condemned. Especially men. Their position is understandable - after all, women are leaving who could be included in their unofficial harem. The notorious demographic indicators allow many men to have parallel relationships with more than one woman. In addition, it is no secret that young and beautiful women who can even be candidates for wives, and not just mistresses.

In fact, you don't have to be beautiful. Foreigners often make proposals to the brightest girls that are not at all the kind that spectacular ladies would like to hear. And to whom do foreigners propose marriage most often? Ladies who are characterized by emphasized femininity and caring. And it is not true that they are only looking for servants - life in developed countries is as easy as possible, so they do not put it at the forefront. I need a friend and ally who will always listen and support. Many of them are simply tired of the selfish behavior of their compatriots, who are ready to break off relations at the slightest inconvenience.

Are there clear “contraindications” to entering into interethnic marriages? There is only one thing - conservatism and reluctance to change habitual behavior. Moreover, this is not always related to age; there are examples when women after 60 married peers and were cloudlessly happy.

Are children an obstacle? For many men, yes, but there are still many good candidates for whom your children from a previous marriage will not be a hindrance. Usually these are men belonging to the middle class, who do not have children of their own or have adult offspring. Even women with two children receive letters. But it is clear that the requirements for men will have to be reduced. You may need to come to terms with bigger difference aged.

Most often, interethnic marriages are concluded between people aged 12-15 years; 10 years or less is very rare. So, if you have found a young man, consider yourself very lucky. Although, after all, overseas grooms under 30 years old are very unreliable. Also, you should not give hope to men more than 15-17 years older than you. Such marriages are most often doomed, and you will feel like a liar and be tormented by guilt when you want to leave him. After all, the years go by, and young people are drawn to their peers.

You should be mentally prepared for the fact that professionally you will have to start all over again. Many professions that require more talent than skill, such as hairdressing, are only available abroad after special training and certification. Easier for business women who know foreign languages: Business skills are relevant everywhere. Lawyers will have to completely retrain themselves. If you are not ready to sacrifice your established career for the sake of your personal life, then it is better to look for a sweetheart in your home country.

A separate conversation - interracial from a developed state. Is it worth joining? If you like people of a different race, feel free to get married. But try not to have children until you receive permanent documents. Because in Russia you will not have a peaceful life with a child of a different race. So interracial marriage is for extreme sports fans, although it can also turn out happily.

So that the acquaintance develops and turns into serious relationship, you should treat the search no differently than work. Study foreign languages ​​and do not be lazy to answer all incoming letters. Relationships often develop in couples where the man took the initiative, but there are exceptions. So, if they don’t write enough, write yourself. Don't give up, try - and everything will turn out better than you think.

Question: I have a question about interethnic marriages. Young people in our republic often marry people of other nationalities. Elderly people condemn such unions, believing that in such marriages there is often a loss of national identity and native language. What does Islam say about such marriages?

Answer: Assalamualaikumvarahmatullahivabarakatuh! One of the keys to a successful marriage is compatibility (kafaat), when young people match each other in terms of religiosity, social status, level of education, including nationality and culture. Sharia emphasizes that without such compatibility, it will be difficult to maintain stable and harmonious relationships in marriage.

Of course, a situation may arise when young people from different nations(it is clear that in this case we are talking about Muslims) have serious intentions and are firmly decided to start a family. In this case, they can enter into marriage with the consent of their relatives, but they must understand from the very beginning possible difficulties such a marriage and be willing to make compromises regarding their cultures, lifestyle, etc. In particular, women should consider the following things before accepting proposals from men of other nationalities:

1. The young man must strictly follow religion and have good character.

2. He must be ready to put up with some differences that may arise due to differences in culture, and the girl must also be ready for such differences.

3. If a young man comes from another country, his goal should not be simply to obtain citizenship or some other benefit from such a marriage.

If it happens that young people marry girls of a different nationality, and the girls also have to look for grooms among men of a different nationality; in this case, we advise their parents and guardians not to immediately reject such offers (from men of other nations), but to consider it with positive side. Perhaps such a marriage will also be successful, and this will be a means of protection from unrest and various sins. The hadith warns against rejecting a marriage proposal unless there is some serious reason for the refusal:

عن أبي هريرة قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم إذا خطب إليكم من ترضون دينه وخلقه فزوجوه إلا تفعلوا تكن فتنة في الأرض وفساد عريض

“If a man whose religion and character pleases you is wooed to your daughter, do not reject this proposal, so that unrest and immorality do not spread in the land” (Tirmidhi, hadith 1084, narrated by Abu Hurairah).

This hadith indicates that the main reason for refusing a marriage proposal may be the young man’s lack of religiosity and bad character. You should not reject an offer just because of a different nationality or culture. As a result, it may happen that girls will remain unmarried for a long time, and unrest and various sins, social and moral degeneration, and the like will spread on earth.

And Allah knows best.