Educational lessons for children 4-5 years old. Development of thinking in four- to five-year-old children. Transition to a foreign language

Four-year-old children seem to be adults, but they are still very small. At this age, the development of the child’s personality and character continues, which must be gently corrected by the parents. What skills has a child already mastered by his 4th birthday and what activities are suitable for the development of children 4-5 years old?

Features of age

  • The baby is still active and energetic, but has already become more diligent and is able to do one thing for about 20 minutes. Fine motor skills are constantly improving. Most four-year-olds especially enjoy drawing.
  • After 4 and a half years, the child changes in appearance, as he begins to actively develop muscle and bone tissue.
  • For a child over 4 years old, the social component of development is very important. The kid makes friends among other children, trying to find with them " mutual language" The child notices well the feelings of other people and knows how to empathize. The baby learned to formulate his own thoughts in words. Many 4-year-olds have imaginary friends.
  • A 4-year-old child continues to master his native speech. For many children of this age A slight lisp is characteristic. The vocabulary of a four-year-old child grows very rapidly (up to 2500-3000 words by the age of 5). The toddler's speech is enriched with expression and intonation. The baby voices his own actions and everything he sees, and also constantly asks a large number of questions. Approximately 5% of children develop speech at initial stages accompanied by stuttering.
  • The intellectual capabilities of a 4-4.5 year old child increase significantly. The baby is ready to learn letters and numbers.

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What should a child be able to do?

Height and weight

Compared to the indicators at 3 years, by the age of 4, the baby’s weight increases by approximately 2000-2200 grams, and height - by 7-8 centimeters. To get an idea of ​​the pace at which it goes physical development child, doctors and parents compare the baby’s indicators with the norms established for children of this age category of a certain gender (girls, as a rule, have lower indicators). We presented the average values ​​and normal limits in the following table:

Types of child development


A child at the age of four should move sufficiently, increase his agility, coordination and endurance. This is the goal of the baby’s physical development, including gymnastics, dancing, physical exercise with mom, swimming, cycling, outdoor games and many other activity options.

It is important to do gymnastics, including dynamic exercises, at least 2 times a week. It is performed during the day, long before bedtime, in a ventilated room and preferably in a group of children. The optimal duration of such gymnastics is 20-25 minutes.


The psyche of a four-year-old child develops very actively and the range of emotions of the baby expands. In addition, children aged 4-5 years are very susceptible to the reaction of an adult. If parents or caregivers treat the child with approval and respect, this helps in developing a positive self-image for the child.

Classes for mental development children 4-4.5 years old include exercises that affect the baby’s attention, as well as memory and thinking. The child is offered:

  • Summarize objects based on some characteristic.
  • Collect a picture consisting of 3-4 parts.
  • Identify similarities and differences in drawings and toys.
  • Choose identical items from a group.
  • Repeat a certain sequence of movements shown by an adult.
  • Assemble buildings from the construction kit, focusing on the sample.
  • Identify the odd one out in a group of items, and then explain your choice.
  • Find antonyms for words.
  • Remember the plot of the drawing.
  • Retell a fairy tale.
  • Recite nursery rhymes and poems by heart.
  • Describe a significant event that happened recently.

To train your memory, do the exercises with your baby shown in the following video from SovaFilmProduction.


The development of emotions in a 4-year-old child is an important part of the full development of the baby. A child of this age begins to understand the relationships between people, may notice that the person next to him has changed his mood, and is able to express his own emotions.

A four-year-old knows how to sympathize and show attention. The child feels how he is treated.

Sensory and musical

The sensory development of a child affects the baby’s sensory organs responsible for hearing, smell, and touch. The child is asked to determine the characteristics of objects by touch. This is how the baby learns that objects are hard or soft, rough or smooth, warm or cold. Also included in classes for sensory development include games related to smells and tastes.

By the age of four, a child is already familiar with some musical instruments, small works, and music with different rhythms. The child already has his favorite melodies, and when he hears them, the baby will sing along.


Speech development is extremely important for every 4-year-old child. First of all, it is influenced by the baby’s communication with adults, as well as with other children. This increases the toddler's vocabulary, teaches him to construct sentences and express his opinions in words. At the age of 4, many children do not yet pronounce hissing sounds and “r”, so lessons are often conducted with four-year-olds in the form of games on the pronunciation of these sounds.

To stimulate the speech development of children 4-4.5 years old, you can:

  • Learn rhymes and songs with them.
  • Look at pictures with plots and discuss them.
  • Consider the fairy tale in pictures and reproduce its plot.
  • Read stories with your mother and discuss them.
  • Listen to fairy tales in audio recordings.
  • Solve riddles.
  • Before going to bed, discuss how your day went.
  • Do articulation gymnastics.
  • Learn letters and sounds.
  • Determine the first letter in a word, divide words into syllables.

Sing the following nursery rhyme song from the Lyulyabi TV channel with your child.

If a child at 4 years old has a small vocabulary or formulates sentences with complexity, it is necessary to evaluate the dynamics of his speech development. For more details, see the video by E. Komarovsky.

Fine motor skills

Motor development is considered a very important point in a child’s development plan. younger age. Classes for fine motor skills stimulate speech development by influencing the area of ​​the brain responsible for speech. Such activities include games with sand, cubes, construction sets, beads, cereals, and beans. Do it with your baby finger gymnastics, tie knots on the cord, fasten and unfasten zippers, buttons, buttons, hooks. At the age of 4, in addition to modeling and drawing, add crafts that require cutting something out with scissors and gluing it on.

To develop a child's fine motor skills, you can use regular cereal. How to conduct such a lesson, see the video of the TSV channel “Mom’s School”.


A four-year-old child actively explores the world, and his development cognitive sphere should be aimed at improving memory, thinking, logic, attention.

Usually classes for cognitive development 4 year old child has a certain theme, such as "pets", "spring", "water", " ground transport", "professions", "night" and others. On this topic, games are organized with the child, during which the baby will identify colors, shadows, shapes, differences and similar elements, parts of the whole, generalizing properties, excess, opposites, missing elements and much more.

To develop attention

It is important for a 4-5 year old child to learn to focus on a specific task, as well as notice small details. He will need these skills in the future to be successful in school.

To develop the attention of a 4-year-old baby, you can offer your child:

  • Repeat the actions after your mother, for example, sit down - stand up - close your eyes - touch your ear - open your eyes - move your hand to the side.
  • Play “edible-inedible”, “flying-non-flying” with a ball.
  • Cross out a specific letter in the printed text. To complicate this task, you can cross out one letter and underline the second.
  • The mother touches the parts of the face and names them, the child must repeat her actions. Then mom starts making “mistakes.”


For a 4-year-old child, learning math should be fun and fun game. It is convenient to teach your baby mathematics while walking, for example, counting steps, passing cars, houses, birds. For explanation simple examples You can use your fingers or special sticks for counting.


Activities aimed at developing a child’s creative abilities are enjoyed by most children. These include drawing, creating various crafts and appliqués, modeling classes from salt dough or plasticine, as well as role-playing games.

Diagnostics of development

Parents should be alert if, at 4 years old, their child:

  • Cannot walk down stairs in alternating steps.
  • Doesn't say his first and last name, or his gender.
  • Cannot summarize several subjects in one word.
  • Unable to learn a short verse.
  • Doesn't remember the plot of a story.
  • Can't count to 5.
  • Doesn't know simple geometric shapes.
  • Doesn't know primary colors.
  • Cannot build a bridge using bricks according to the model.
  • Cannot assemble a pyramid of 5 parts.
  • Shows cruelty to an animal, toy, or other child.
  • Lethargic and apathetic during the day, or, on the contrary, often agitated.

Games for speech development

  1. Game "what happens". Ask your child what objects can be long, sharp, round, hard, fragrant, blue, liquid, and so on.
  2. A “what happens if” game. We discuss given situations with the child, for example, “what will happen if a ball falls into the water,” “what will happen if I fall in the snow.”
  3. Game "what can be done." We ask the child what can be done with an apple, a ball, water, cookies, sand, and so on. Another option for such a game would be to discuss “what you can do with” - drink, eat, sew, pour, buy.
  4. Game "what's where". We ask the little one what is in the hallway, in the nursery, in the kitchen. Then we ask you to say in which room there is a frying pan, a wardrobe, a TV, and so on.
  5. Guess who game. We describe the animal in a few words and ask the little one to guess. For example, “guess who is fluffy, red and cunning.”
  6. We stimulate the pronunciation of hissing words. We hiss like a snake, chase away the sparrow “shoo-shoo”, pronounce pure sayings with “sh”, buzz like a fly, repeat pure sayings with “w”, alternately buzzing and hissing. In order for the child to distinguish “s” from “sh”, we pronounce them in turn. To distinguish “w” from “z”, imagine yourself as a fly, and then as a mosquito. To pronounce the sound “h” we invite the child to imagine himself as a train.
  7. We perform gymnastics for the tongue and lips. We smile with a silent pronunciation of “i” (like a frog), stretch our lips forward with a silent “u” (like an elephant), open and close our mouth without sounds (like a fish), open our mouth, move our tongue up and down (like a swing) and side to each corner of the mouth (like a clock), keep your tongue relaxed lower lip(like a shovel), pull the tongue forward (like a needle).

To make the sound “R”, do the “Snake” exercise, shown by speech therapist Yulia Orlova.

Articulation gymnastics will help the child speak sounds more clearly. Complete the tasks from the following videos with your little one, shown by speech therapist Tatyana Lazareva.

Sample exercise program for a week

Activities for the development of a 4-year-old child should be planned in advance, and best of all - for a week. This way you won’t miss out on important developments for your baby, won’t overload your baby, and will be able to prepare all the materials in advance. When drawing up a weekly plan for developmental activities at the age of 4-4.5 years, they first take into account whether the child attends kindergarten. If the baby is in the garden all day, then you need to understand the following points:

  • A child in kindergarten already has daily developmental activities and regular physical activity.
  • You can only work with your baby at home in the evenings and on weekends.
  • You should not plan vigorous activities in the evening.
  • After returning from kindergarten there is not much time left for classes, so, as a rule, only 1-2 classes are planned.
  • It is worth finding out what program the child is taught in the kindergarten, so as not to duplicate classes, but to supplement them.

For a child who is not yet attending childcare facility, the lesson plan will be more extensive. When compiling it, the child’s interests, existing skills, and attendance at a development school or sports section are taken into account.

We offer the following approximate weekly program of developmental activities for a 4-year-old child:








Physical development

Charging with music

Outdoor games

Ball game


Playing with fitball

Charging according to the video lesson

Cognitive development

Learning colors

Finding an extra item

Studying domestic animals

Looking for differences

Studying plants

Sensory and musical development

Studying smells

Guessing objects by touch

Sensory bag play

Studying tastes

Learning Musical Instruments

Fine motor skills

Playing with water

Finger gymnastics

Game with beads

Game with cereal

Game with clothespins

Playing with sand

Speech development

Learning a verse

Listen to an audio fairy tale

Retelling a fairy tale

Articulation gymnastics

Learning letters

Reading with mom

Guessing riddles

Creative development



Puppet show


Crafts made from natural materials

Games with a constructor

How to raise a child from 3 to 6 years old, watch the video of the Education channel. TV.

  • At the age of 4, a child can be enrolled in some sports sections. Attending sports classes will not only provide an opportunity to expend energy, but will also help you learn new skills and understand what discipline is.
  • Praise your child often and give him enough attention. The baby has become more mature, but still needs his parents.
  • From the age of 4, a child can be taken to the cinema, circus and similar places. To make your acquaintance with this type of pastime successful, do not immediately take tickets to the first row.
  • Hearing hundreds of children's questions every day, it is important to remain a patient and wise parent. Don’t refuse to answer your little one, even if you don’t know what to say. Find the answer together and satisfy children's curiosity.
  • You can start teaching foreign languages ​​to a 4-5 year old child. Classes, of course, should be in the form of a game.

Care and regimen

For the normal development of a four-year-old child, it is important to maintain his health, so parents should pay attention to the toddler’s daily routine and caring for the baby:

  • The child should be provided with adequate rest. 4-year-old children sleep on average 11-12 hours per day. Many four-year-olds protest against daytime sleep, but doctors emphasize that children of this age still need rest during the day.
  • Every morning, a 4-year-old child’s routine includes the usual hygiene procedures. The baby washes himself, brushes his teeth, goes to the toilet, and combs his hair. Four-year-olds still often have to be reminded to wash their hands after walking and before eating.
  • The child should have daily walks that allow the four-year-old to get enough exercise. In addition, you can go for walks with friends, inventing active and exciting games.
  • If parents are hardening their child with early age, but such procedures are continued and carried out systematically.
  • 4-year-old children are walked twice a day, choosing clothes according to the weather.
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The development of a child at 4 years old is associated with his further maturation. The baby has grown up, you have already changed clothing sizes more than once. He is active and inquisitive, speaks well and expresses his thoughts. The child begins to show character and establishes himself as an individual. He can do many things and actively learns new things. Some children at this age know all the letters, count to ten, and begin to read syllables.

Physical development of a four-year-old child

The height of a four-year-old boy reaches 98.3-105.5 cm, girls - 98.5-104.1 cm. A boy weighs 15.1-17.8 kg, a girl - 14.8-17.7 kg. By the age of four, the genetic characteristics of children appear; with parents of short stature, the child will most likely also be small. With a tall father and mother, babies grow taller faster. Height and weight also depend on activity, nutrition, and living conditions. A special table with normal indicators helps to establish developmental delays. If a child’s readings are significantly underestimated or overestimated, he may need to consult an endocrinologist.

Motor skills in preschoolers become more perfect. They are extremely active, constantly running, jumping, and never sit still for a minute. Children can go up and down stairs without support, at a calm pace and at a run. They climb the wall bars and overcome obstacles. They ride a tricycle well and play with a ball. They can stand on one leg for about nine seconds. They somersault over their heads and are able to perform complex gymnastic exercises. True, they have problems with balance, so it needs to be developed.

Fine motor skills of the hands also reach great development. Children can accurately draw different shapes, triangles, circles, squares. They manage to depict some animals, flowers, trees, little people. Some begin to write elements of letters in copybook. In coloring they hardly go beyond the lines. A four-year-old child can string beads and buttons on a thread. He builds tall towers from cubes and stacks construction sets.

In everyday life, children by the age of four are very independent. They drink well from a mug, eat with a spoon, fork, and some even use a table knife. They know how to wash themselves and brush their teeth. Putting on clothes is not a problem for them, except that it is not always possible to cope with buttons and laces. It is very important at this time to instill in the child hygiene skills, remind them to brush their teeth and wash their hands. It is necessary to teach the child to fold toys after class, which is very important for the development of accuracy.

Child's mental and speech development

By the age of four, a child’s thinking is actively developing. The thousands of questions he asks are precisely a manifestation of this development. At three years old, the baby mainly used a practical, visual and effective type of thinking. He independently tried to figure out the structure of objects, pressing buttons, levers, breaking toys. Now visual-figurative is joining this type. The baby learns to perceive images and patterns of objects, and to use their individual properties. This perception manifests itself very clearly when drawing. The child depicts only the most important details. For example, to picture a house, he just needs to draw a square with a roof; he draws a cat on four legs with a tail and whiskers.

The development of a more complex type of thinking, logical, is just beginning by the age of four. It manifests itself in the ability to generalize the properties of things, find identical features in them and group objects according to these features. It is still difficult for a child to understand abstract things. Move from specific images associated with words to general ones. To stimulate mental development, you need to work with the child, teach him what “time”, “number”, “measure” are.

By the age of four, a child’s speech becomes more complex. He speaks more than a thousand words, pronounces almost all sounds and letters. Knows how to correctly compose sentences of 4-6 words, use verbs, adjectives, objects, conjugate nouns according to cases. Sometimes he makes grammatical mistakes in conversations, but this happens less and less often. The preschooler is able to quite coherently retell the events and content of the book he read. A four-year-old child likes to create new words; they seem more suitable to him for naming certain objects. The baby already clearly answers questions and can carry out 3-4 instructions from adults. He knows his name, the names of his mother and father, and his grandparents. Can give his address, the address of a friend, or grandparents.

Children's imagination actively develops. They write fairy tales and play complex role-playing games. Sometimes they come up with monsters and monsters, and then they are afraid of them. You need to patiently explain to the child that his fears are in vain. Under no circumstances should you frighten children yourself; this is far from The best way obtain obedience from them. Preschoolers' memory improves; they accumulate the results of their cognitive activity in their heads. They already know several colors and quickly remember new ones. Up to 4-5 figures are named, including three-dimensional ones. They learn by heart and recite poems of 4-8 stanzas. Children who have good hearing sing songs and remember melodies well.

Child's emotional and social development

The psycho-emotional development of children at four years of age is no less intense than their intellectual development. The child learned to cope with his feelings and mastered the basic rules of behavior. He can still be capricious, but not aggressive. Although new problems appear at this age, the baby suddenly becomes withdrawn, sad, and does not show interest in his peers. He is going through another transitional period, a new stage of awareness of himself as an individual. He has already learned to evaluate his actions and understands perfectly well when he acts well and when he acts badly. If a child is often punished for wrong actions, but successes and good behavior ignore, he develops complexes. The child thinks that no one loves him, that he is bad. When a preschooler is hyperactive, such problems result in uncontrollable behavior. In calm children, they are more likely to manifest themselves as depression.

In order to avoid emotional problems, you need to create a favorable atmosphere in the family. It is important for a child not only how he is addressed, but also the parents’ relationship with each other. Adults need to take seriously the age-related characteristics of a preschooler’s psyche and pay attention to his mood.

Try to understand why he is sad. Perhaps the baby has problems communicating with other children. Maybe the problem is you, you scold him too often, overload him with training. It is worth contacting a specialist when a bad mood is not a random episode, but a constant condition for 2-3 weeks or a month. Parents should be wary if a preschooler suddenly becomes very aggressive, begins to stutter, or stops making contact with you or with peers.

Social contacts become a necessity for a four-year-old child. He has already mastered the first lessons of communicating with children. Now he is actively mastering his role in games and takes a certain place in the children's team. The child makes friends and enemies, he begins to quarrel and make peace with them. Four-year-old children are less selfish than before, they know how to share toys and treats. Although it happens that a child is greedy and hides his things from others. Try to gently explain that this is not necessary. After all, no one wants to be friends with greedy people. And if today he shares with others, tomorrow they will share with him.

Child's regimen and nutrition

In the period from three to four years, the child completely switches to the table that adults eat. This does not mean that you don’t need to pay attention to his nutrition. After all, the baby is growing and actively developing, he needs energy. Many children at this age lose their appetite and the mother has to be very inventive in order to prepare something for the baby. By the age of four, children eat 4 times a day. Half of the total amount of food should be for breakfast and dinner, a little more than a third for lunch and about 15% for an afternoon snack. The baby’s diet should be complete, including all the main ingredients, vitamins and microelements. Here are the recommended products to use for cooking (also their daily volume):

  • Meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef, lean pork) – 120-130 grams.
  • Fish, preferably sea fish
  • Any cereals – 60-70 grams
  • Vegetable oil and butter 10 g and 25 g, respectively
  • Curd – 50 g, milk – 500 g
  • Various vegetables – 220-260 grams
  • Fruits and berries – 220-260 grams
  • Bread (white and rye) – 120-150 grams.

For breakfast, your baby can make casseroles from vegetables, cottage cheese with sour cream, porridge with milk, an omelet or a boiled egg. For lunch, the baby must eat soup, fresh salad, vegetable puree, meat or fish, juice or compote. For an afternoon snack, you can give your child fruit, cookies, and yogurt. Dinner should not be too dense. Prepare vegetable stew, pancakes, pasta casserole with fish or chicken. Before going to bed, the baby can drink a glass of milk or kefir. Do not have snacks between meals, otherwise your child’s appetite will spoil.

As before, at the age of four it is necessary to follow a daily routine. The child should do meals, walks, homework and activities at the same time. This is especially important for children who go to kindergarten. If during the holidays you wean him off the regime, it will be physically difficult for him to get used to it again. The baby now sleeps once a day for 1-2 hours. Some children gradually begin to give up daytime sleep; by the age of 6-7 years this will be the majority. At night, a healthy baby practically does not wake up, does not cry, unless he has experienced an emotional shock during the day or is scared loud sounds. He sleeps at night for about 9-10 hours, wakes up at 7-8 in the morning, and should fall asleep at 9 in the evening.

Sports activities with a four-year-old child

By the age of four, the baby is already well physically strengthened. He is very active, but his balance is still poorly developed, try to improve it. Exercises on the crossbar, walking on a beam, along a curb or at home on the carpet on tiptoes and on tiptoes will help with this. Try to show how to do a swallow, stand on one leg like a heron.

Age 4 is the time to send your baby to sports section. Do not set yourself the task of making him an outstanding athlete; the child should play sports with pleasure, and not under duress. Do regular exercises with your preschooler, buy him rings, a crossbar, a wall bars, if you haven’t purchased these exercise machines yet.

Teaching language and logical thinking

At four years old, the child learns well. You can start learning a foreign language with him. If you speak it yourself, try studying the language at home. This video, special materials and educational literature, and educational cards will help you with this. Native speech also needs to be improved. Read books together, learn poems, sayings, riddles. It is also worth paying attention to how the child speaks, gently and unobtrusively correcting his mistakes. If he has trouble pronouncing some letters and sounds, he may need to see a speech therapist. There are different methods for correcting speech; a specialist will help you choose the most suitable one.

    Child development at 4 years old. Game "At the doctor's appointment"

    Classes for a 4 year old child: Reading, writing, mathematics

    Speech development in a 3-4 year old child



The child needs classes to develop logic. Prepare cards with pictures of various objects. Let the child choose from them images with the same properties, eliminating unnecessary ones. They develop logic and various labyrinths from which you need to find a way out. They can be drawn on paper or made from three-dimensional materials. Master counting with your child; he is already able to operate with numbers within ten. To study arithmetic, you can use pictures in a special textbook, counting sticks or regular pencils. Children quickly grasp the alphabet by the age of four. Preschoolers whose parents practice early development, already know how to read. If you haven't taught letters with your baby yet, now is the time to start. Be sure to buy a notebook in which your child will learn to write. Many children dream of becoming adults and going to school. They may like the game of teacher and student, and they will be more willing to master the material.

Creative development of the child

Don't forget about creative activities. They are necessary for harmonic psychological development child. Buy him various educational toys and coloring books, try to keep the baby engaged visual activities on one's own. Lay out the cards in front of him and let him draw whatever he wants on them. It is also not necessary to paint with the colors that are on the sample; it is better when the child shows imagination. Motor skills are improved by modeling; children at the age of 4 can already make quite complex objects, birds, animals, cars, people, and entire compositions from plasticine. In addition, the child must be able to hold scissors in his hands, cut out pictures along the contours, and make appliqués. Creative activities should include dancing and learning songs. Gymnastics should also be done to music, so it will be more interesting and fun for the child.

By the age of four, developmental levels vary from child to child. Some are more creative, others are better at math. Some speak beautifully, recite poetry, while others prefer sports. That is why it is so important to take into account their individual characteristics when raising children. If the child's development and behavior do not go beyond the norm, parents have nothing to worry about. Your baby’s development plan should be his own; you should not compare him with other children. In no case should you overload children with activities, give them endless tests and checks, or force them to develop perseverance. If you overdo it, your child’s interest in learning can be discouraged forever.

Sometimes it seems to a mother that all the games with the child have been replayed, and all the activities have been redone, and it is difficult to think of something else to keep the child occupied at home. We have made this selection especially for such cases.

Ideas for educational games and activities for children 2 - 3 years old

From the age of one to three to four years, the main activity of the child is play. Through play, a child learns the world. Therefore, any educational activity with a 2-3 year old child should be organized in the form of a game.

Games aimed at physical development and release of children's energy

Some of the games can be played at home, and some are perfect for children's outings.

  • Walking along a curved path, log, hill or bumps;
  • Running - catch-up, tag, running with obstacles or along a given route;
  • Jumping rope, obstacles, an imaginary stream or hopscotch;
  • Climbing through improvised tunnels, on a sofa or on a sports wall;
  • Round dances and dances;
  • Game of hide and seek or blind man's buff;
  • Exercises for games or with poems;
  • Riding a bicycle, scooter or balance bike;

Games to develop fine motor skills

We already have a separate article on our blog - so here we present just a few of the main and most simple options games.

All these games must be played under the supervision of adults!

  • We touch and sort through various objects - buttons, fasteners, pebbles, shells, natural materials. Children really enjoy playing with sensory boxes.
  • We learn to fasten and unfasten buttons, fasteners, zippers, buttons, loops;
  • We play with various inserts and sorters;
  • We're tearing something up. You can try to tear colored paper, and then make an applique from the pieces;
  • We play with beans, pasta, and cereals. You can sprinkle them, pour them with your hands or a spoon, and also scatter them into jars using funnels and make crafts;
  • It can also become a good base for sensory boxes;
  • We prepare various dishes together - pastries, salads, sandwiches, tea;
  • We play with cubes, blocks, ;
  • Let's play finger games- contribute to both the development of motor skills and speech development.

Creative activities for children from one to three years old

  • We draw - with watercolors, gouache, finger paints, wax crayons;
  • We sculpt from plasticine or dough;
  • We make various applications - from cut out pictures and figures, torn pieces, cereals and pasta;
  • We learn to hold and draw with felt-tip pens, pencils, and pens;
  • We learn to hold children's scissors in our hands and cut paper in a straight line, in smooth arcs, in complex shapes;
  • We collect and make crafts from natural materials;
  • We learn to trace various objects and shapes;
  • We make “crafts” from scrap materials - doll houses, garages for cars, papier-mâché.

We teach children to play simple role-playing games

  • Mothers and daughters - feed, dress, bathe, put to bed, treat. The objects of the game can be dolls, Stuffed Toys, and for boys and cars;
  • Let's play shop;
  • Let's play hairdresser;
  • Let's play doctor;
  • We play with cars and other types of transport - racing, transporting passengers, transporting goods, etc.

We train memory and logic, learn colors, shapes, volume

  • Games with cards and objects: what is superfluous, what has been added, what is different, what has been removed, what has changed, find a pair, find a similar one, feed the animals, distribute the houses;
  • We make sequences of cubes, beads, cards;
  • We play dominoes and lotto;
  • We collect puzzles and cut-out pictures;
  • We learn to compare according to different criteria. We look for objects in the house that are similar to certain shapes or a certain color.

Reading, counting and developing speech

  • We learn numbers, letters, syllables. We try to write them on a piece of paper or a board;
  • We count objects, compare numbers with quantities;
  • We read and learn children's poems;
  • We read stories with errors and leading questions and encourage the child to continue the story;
  • We make and guess riddles. For the little ones, this could be a request to find some object in the room that matches the description;
  • We look at books with pictures, read stories and poems, listen to audio stories, watch filmstrips.

Exploring the world around us with kids

  • We study the family - who is who, who is related to whom, look at photographs, talk about family members, communicate by phone or video call on a computer;
  • We study animals, what animals are, what the babies are called, where they live, what they eat, what they give, what sounds they make, what they look like (pictures, presentations, fairy tales, performances);
  • We look at the Calendar, study time, discuss the weather and weather phenomena, seasons, days of the week, holidays;
  • Grow plants in the garden or on the windowsill at home;
  • We go for walks and feed the birds;
  • We study light and shadows, you can try to arrange a shadow theater at home;
  • We organize a puppet theater and a table theater based on fairy tales;
  • Together we wash the dishes, the floor, sweep or vacuum, wipe off the dust;
  • We study various objects and their purpose in the house and on the street;
  • We study the properties of objects: edible - not edible, heavy - light, large - small, hard - soft, etc.;
  • We study opposites: wet-dry, cold-hot, long-short;
  • We carry out simple home experiments: we turn water into ice, watch how ice melts in water, how salt and sugar dissolve in water, ice in water, sugar in water, what happens when mixing different colors of paints;
  • We study maps, talk about other cities, countries, planets and space;
  • We take various measurements together: height, length, weight, volume.

We have collected more than 50 games and activities that will help develop a child in 7 different directions. If you choose and organize at least 1 lesson a day from each direction for 10-20 minutes, then your day with your child will become much more varied and fun. And you will also be surprised when you start to discover something new for yourself :)

At 4 years old, children are very active, mobile, inquisitive, they really love when they are given attention, so it’s time to engage in developmental activities with them. Get your child interested in interesting things, so you will attract him to knowledge, develop his logic, thinking, and speech. In this article we will present several types of developmental activities that you can offer.

Classes for children 4 years old:

1. . Develops spatial and creative thinking, imagination, taste in the child. Make sure your child holds a pen or pencil correctly. You can draw with felt-tip pens, paints, pencils, and wax crayons. Show your child how drawing techniques differ and what kind of picture he can get by choosing one of the means. Come up with creative techniques: drawing with stencils, printing pictures. Try this method: apply thick gouache of several colors to the glass, attach a sheet of paper to it, the paints will be imprinted - forming a unique color pattern. You can then fantasize, come up with what you got, you can finish drawing some shapes just with paints and a brush. At 4 years old, children love to trace a picture; this activity also prepares the child’s hand for writing.

2. . Develops fine motor skills of the hands, and, as you know, the speech and mental development of children is at their fingertips. You can sculpt from plasticine, clay, special modeling mass, or salt dough. Offer your child topics for crafts: forest, New Year, flower meadow, undersea world etc. Then compose a fairy tale for the resulting characters. In crafts, in addition to modeling mass, use buttons, natural material, toothpicks, beads, etc.

3. . 4 years - best time to start working with scissors and colored paper. Of course, we are not yet talking about finely cutting out pictures, but you can try original appliqué methods. Let the baby cut small figures from colored paper, which can be obtained by simply “chipping” with scissors (triangles, rectangles, etc.), now draw some figures on a sheet of paper, spread them with glue and glue the cut pieces. You can try to make an applique by filling the pictures with colored sand (it can be purchased at stationery stores), beads, bugles, semolina, and buckwheat. For this purpose, you can even use illustrations cut out from magazines and fill some parts of the drawing with bulk material. This activity will also develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Learning to read and write. 4 years is already a good age to learn to read. The method of teaching reading using Zaitsev's cubes or warehouses works very well. If you cannot purchase these cubes, then you can try a more conservative, but now most popular method - reading by syllables. It is precisely by this method that Zhukova’s famous primer was written. Its essence is that the child is taught to form a syllable of 2 letters at once, thus reading occurs immediately in syllables: ta-ra, ra-ma, pa-na-ma. You can master one vowel and then learn all the consonants, memorizing all the syllables with that vowel at once. Having understood the essence of syllable formation, the baby will quickly learn to compose and read them with other vowels. At the same time, teach your baby to write letters; of course, they will still be clumsy, but the main thing is that the baby remembers how a letter is written and how a syllable or word is composed. If your baby doesn’t want to write letters, then make words with him using a magnetic alphabet or cubes with letters. If a child does not want to read, it is better not to force him, so as not to discourage him from this activity.

5. Learning to count. First, teach your child to count up to 10, then you can master counting up to 20. Count everything that comes to hand: fruits, spoons in the kitchen, steps in the entrance. Then study the numbers. To help you will be educational games with puzzles, which are made up of two parts: on one there is a number, and on the other there are objects of the required quantity. It would be nice to master the game of dominoes and lotto with numbers. Then you can begin to do simple mathematical operations: addition and subtraction; the easiest way to explain this topic is with your fingers or counting sticks.

6. Folding puzzles. This is a favorite and very useful activity for all children.

7. . Develop spatial and logical thinking baby, awaken design skills in him. Nowadays there are quite a lot of varieties of this product on sale. popular toy, you can assemble entire ships, castles, houses, using several types of construction sets at once.

Whatever you do with your baby, the main thing for him is your attention. Do not force him to do any activities; if the child does not like something, he is capricious, put it aside and just play with the baby the games that he likes most.

Svetlana Cherednichenko
Summary of correctional and developmental classes for children 4–5 years old

Target: Correction of fine motor skills, formation of ideas about color, shape, size. Tasks: Learn to distinguish between right and left hand, vertical, horizontal arrangement of objects. Development of logical thinking.

Duration classes: 25 minutes

Group capacity: no more than 10-12 people

Materials: set of geometric shapes, toy car, labyrinth drawing

Age: 4-5 years

Move Lessons I.Organizational moment Opening speech by teacher psychologist:

Everyone, everyone, good afternoon!

Get out of the way, our laziness!

Don't bother me working

Don't interfere with your studies!

Educational psychologist - What is it like now? class?

Pupils: - Corrective lesson . II. Topic message classes Educational psychologist: - Children, today is class we'll go to fairyland "Geometric Shapes" where various geometric figures, shapes and colors live. We will not go there alone, but a faithful assistant will help us. And who will be! Now you will find out for yourself by guessing mine riddle:

“I am cheerful, mischievous, simple and colorful!”


Educational psychologist - Who are these children?

Pupils: - Pencil!

II. Physical moment

Target: activate the activity of the brain, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

How are you? - Like this!

How are you going? - Like this!

Are you running? - Like this!

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

How do you give? - Like this!

Do you take it? - Like this!

How are you being naughty? - Like this!

Are you threatening? - Like this!

III. Finger and palm massage exercise

Target: activate brain activity, stimulate the development of speech skills, activate memory, attention, develop creative imagination.

Educational psychologist: - And so that they are mobile, write and draw well, we will now stretch our fingers. Massage.

So that our finger is healthy,

Let's give him a massage.

Let's rub it harder

And let's move on to the next one.

Rubbing the back of the fingers

We're on the other side

You have to rub your finger

To make him happy

He was healthy and not sick.

Rubbing fingers from the inside

To keep your palm strong -

Let's massage it a little:

Press ten times

And let's change palms.

Massage the back of the hand

Here are the funny chickens

They came to the vegetable garden.

They walk joyfully

They peck the grains quickly.

Palm massage from the inside (picture)

Now friends are chickens

They climbed into another bed.

There are kids pecking at grain

Also bold and agile.

Tapping the palm with the fingertips on both sides

VI. Didactic game house.

Target: Formation of ideas about shape, size. Vertical, horizontal arrangement of objects.

Materials: set of geometric shapes.

We'll build a house now


It won't be made of bricks

But not paper either.

It's high, there's a garage below.

What is our house made of?

Children, let's build a house together! Take geometric shapes - these are our building materials and let's start construction. Where the triangle and cone are is the roof.

V. Labyrinth with a secret

Target: correction of fine motor skills, develop clear coordinated actions in conjunction with speech; training speed skills in performing mental operations.

Materials: toy car, maze drawing

The labyrinth has an entrance and an exit, between which you first need to find the shortest path by drawing it with a simple pencil. After going through the labyrinth, you will get a colorful picture. Having painted the entire route different colors, you will get a colorful picture. Squares that do not fall on the line do not need to be painted.

VI. Bottom line classes

Educational psychologist: - With which geometric shapes we met on class?

Pupils: – Square, circle, triangle, rectangle, cylinder.

Educational psychologist: - Who was on today occupation as our assistant?

Pupils: - Pencil!

Educational psychologist: - Why do we do finger exercises?

Pupils: - To make your fingers write, draw, etc. better.

Educational psychologist: - Well done! You all did well today.

When compiling classes used literature:

1. Bityanova M. R. "Child's adaptation at school" correctively-developmental training M., “Ped. Search", 2008

2. LavrentievaG. P. "Practical psychology for educators" collection of tests, Kyiv, 2002.

3. Vasilyeva N. N. and Novotortseva N. V. "Educational games for schoolchildren", Yaroslavl, 2006

4. Vasilieva S.V. “Diagnostics mental states children preschool age", S. -P. "Speech", 2005

5. Volkov B. S. “Tasks and exercises in child psychology”, M. "Education",

6. Collection psychological games and exercises "The Edge of Success", /comp.: V. N. Nokhrina, N. A. Uvarova, N. A. Shtyrts; - - Ect. GOU DOD CDOD "Youth Palace" 2006.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an individual correctional and developmental lesson on the development of mental processes for children 5–6 years old Goal: development and correction of mental processes in children of senior preschool age Objectives: Educational: - continue to develop the skill.

Goal: formation of correct, clear speech Tasks: activate the processes of perception, attention, memory; increase.

Objectives of the lesson: 1. Development of fine motor skills. 2. Speech development: learning to understand addressed speech, speech motivation. 3. Learn to show parts.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate existing knowledge about the seasons, in particular autumn. 2. Clarify and consolidate knowledge about vegetables. 3. Development and correction.