A squirrel sits on a cart and sells nuts. Finger gymnastics. “a squirrel sits on a cart” a squirrel sits on a cart, selling nuts. (claps palms and strikes fists against each other alternately.). Grandfather planted a turnip and said

Children cannot decide on a leader for the game or choose one item from several? Teach them the funny rhyme “Luntik was riding on a cart”!

The history of the rhyme “Luntik was riding on a cart”

Counting books - form children's folklore. Since time immemorial, children have used short rhythmic rhymes and songs in games. To make it easier to make a choice, children recite little rhymes.

Counting books have been used in children's play activities since ancient times.

The popular rhyme among children, “Luntik rode on a cart,” has a historical source. This is a modern version of the Russian folk nursery rhyme “A squirrel is sitting on a cart.” The mother reads nursery rhymes to the baby and uses them in classes. nursery group kindergarten.

  • A squirrel sits on a cart
    She sells nuts:
    To my little fox sister,
    Sparrow, titmouse,
    To the fat-fifted bear,
    Bunny with a mustache,
    Who cares,
    Who needs a scarf?
    Who cares?

Nursery rhyme “A squirrel is sitting...” - the original source of the rhyme about Luntik

The text about the squirrel and the cart was included in the gaming experience of older children with changes. The children remade a rhyme they knew from childhood in their own way:

  • replaced the squirrel with the favorite cartoon character Luntik,
  • added humorous elements.

Unlike the nursery rhyme about a squirrel, the rhyme “Luntik is coming” is funny. When children listen to this rhyme for the first time, they are genuinely happy. And what caused positive emotions, the guys try to remember and repeat in games.

Luntik himself is a funny character, and the counting rhyme about him is even funnier

In what situations should I use the rhyme about Luntik?

Examples of using the rhyme “Luntik is riding on a cart”:

  • Children are going to play tag/hide-and-seek/Cossacks-robbers, and no one wants to be the leader.
  • Children argue about what to play or what to do.
  • The child finds it difficult to choose: eat an apple or a pear, or draw pink flower or blue, wear a Panama hat or cap.

Important! If within a group or two children cannot agree on something among themselves, then it is recommended to set the condition for drawing lots with a counting rhyme: “Let’s count which game we will play first, and the other we will play after.”

There was a case. My children, 5 and 6 years old, were arguing: my daughter wanted to play dominoes, and my son wanted to play a board game. I offered to count on “Luntik is coming.” It turned out that they were going to play dominoes, and such immeasurable frustration was reflected on my son’s face. In such a situation, it is necessary to stipulate that both options are possible and good; we will only determine the sequence of games with a counting rhyme.

The reading book “Roading Luntik” will be a positive solution to children’s disputes

Variants of rhymes about Luntik

The peculiarity of children's folklore is its variety of options. Children change or add to the text to their liking. At the same time, the rhythm of the counting rhyme, rhyming and simple plot are preserved.

The beginning of the rhyme about Luntik is preserved in all versions. The form of the verb changes - “Luntik was riding”, “Luntik was riding”.

  • Luntik rode on a cart,
    He distributed nuts to everyone.
    Some are two, some are three -
    You will be the director!
  • Luntik rides on a cart,
    He distributes nuts to everyone.
    Some are two, some are three -
    And you will be the one to drive!

Long versions of the rhyme about Luntik:

In the summer, at the dacha, children played with friends. One evening my daughter ran into the house and shouted: “Mom! Stesha told a continuation about Luntik!” And she rattled off a familiar rhyme with the ending “And the wife is eating boogers on the bench.” What a delight the child was caused by the discovery that the rhyme had a continuation, and such a funny one at that. I don't like the edible boogers. She suggested that her daughter choose her own version to rhyme: “sells pins/ticks/sticks.” No way, Luntik and the boogers are a hit with preschoolers.

Counting books are brought good mood and unite the children's team

Video: a boy tells a rhyme about Luntik

The funny counting rhyme “Luntik was riding on a cart” will enrich children’s gaming experience and create a good mood!

Squirrel sitting on a cart

She sells nuts:
(we bend our fingers)
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
The mustachioed bunny...
Who needs a scarf?
Who cares,
Who cares?

Dropped a squirrel

The squirrel dropped a cone

The cone hit the bunny.

He took off running.

Almost knocked the bear off his feet...

Under the roots of an old spruce

The bear thought for half a day:

“Somehow the hares have become bolder...

They're attacking me."

Finger games

Outdoor game "Hedgehogs":

Along a dry forest path - Walking in place.


These are whose feet are trampling -


Two slams, Let's clap our hands.

Two floods Stomp our feet

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs. Bend and spread your fingers ki.

Forged, forged We cross and spread our bent arms.

Knives, knives. We move up and down with straight palms.

Let's run, let's run We pretend to run.

Bunnies, bunnies... Fingers to the head - “ears”

Come on together, come on together:

Girls! Boys! We raise our hands up.

Finger games

Finger game

Fox cubs walked along the path,

(Bend your fingers at the same time.)

In patent leather boots,
Up the hill - top-top,

(Clap their hands forcefully.)

And down the hill - top, top, top!

Squatted while exercising,

(They rhythmically clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

They squatted in order.
Top-top for charging,

(Clap their hands forcefully.)

And from charging - top, top, top!

(Lightly shake hands.)

Forest lullaby for a moose calf"

Sleep, thin-legged elk calf,
Night has already come.
On a hill by the road
The Dream has blossomed.
From the rotten things there is a weak light,
There is a bear track on the grass.
Sleepy pine trees repeat
One song.
Stars dive from the clouds
Straight into the depths.
The hay is swept into stacks.
You're growing horns.
The month of hide and seek is starting,
Looked out and disappeared...
Animals are not killed here,
This is a good forest!
Early tomorrow morning
Get up and go.
No traps, no snares
Not on the way.
It will be as usual.
Sleep, my boy. Sleep.


If you meet a lynx,
You won’t have time to shout “Scram!” -
After all, forest pussies
Don't eat from a bowl.
S. Korkin

What kind of cat? Come on, shoot!
Don't swear - it's a lynx.
There are the tassels on the ears
Only this is not a toy.
The cat is strong and angry
And a big prankster.
As soon as you can, fight right away...
It's better not to meet her!
V. Gvozdev

Finger games


Goal: introduce children to vegetables

1. Learn to distinguish vegetables by type.

2. Memorize the names of vegetables and learn to recognize them by appearance.

3.Develop observation and curiosity.

Grandfather planted a turnip and said:

- Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!

Organized educational activities for speech development.

Introducing the nursery rhyme “A squirrel sits on a cart”

Target: Expand your understanding of wild animals and birds (sparrow, tit, fox, hare, bear, squirrel) appearance and way of life. Introduce children to a new nursery rhyme, develop the ability to understand its content, and arouse interest in it. Introduce new words into speech; thick-fifted, goiter. Develop attention to others, the desire to care. Cultivate interest in Russian folk art.

Material: toys: fox, hare, bear, squirrel, cart, basket, nuts; pictures: tree, sparrow, tit.

Progress of the lesson

- Guys, today we will go with you for a walk in the forest, to a forest clearing. There is a lot of snow in the forest. Stand up one after another and show how children can walk and step over snowdrifts.

So we came to a forest clearing. Look, guys, what a beautiful tree. Who's sitting on the tree?


Dima, what birds are sitting on the tree?


Egor, what other bird is sitting on the tree?


The guys correctly named the birds Dima and Egor.

Yes, right.

Summer, what birds are sitting on the tree?

Sparrow and tit.

That's right Leta.

Look, guys, who is this sitting under the tree?

That's right Marina, this is a fox, a little fox is a sister.

What kind of fox is she?

Redhead, that's right Makar.

Tricky, well done Vanya.

Fluffy, smart Marina.

Look guys, there's someone else hiding behind the tree.

Oh yes, it's a bear.

Guys, what bear?

The bear is big, well done Leta.

He's clubfooted, that's right Yegor.

Guys, look at how thick the bear’s heels are, he can also be called a thick-heeled bear.

Let's say together - thick-footed.

Let's say it again - thick-fisted.

Guys, you don’t see anything, there’s someone else hiding in the clearing. Whose ears are these peeking out from under the stump?

That's right, bunny.

Look what a bunny he is.

What kind of fur coat does he have?

That's right, Vanya's fur coat is white.

Makar, what kind of ears does a bunny have?

The ears are long.

Oh, and guys, the hare has a mustache.

If a bunny has a mustache, what kind of bunny is it?

Mustachioed, that's right Leta.

Guys, our bunny is very smart and loves to play, and he asks you to play with him. Let's play the game "Jump - Jump" with the bunny

Physical education minute.

It's nice and quiet in the forest. What is this noise? Somewhere a bell is ringing. Let's listen to where the bell rings. It looks like it's on the other side, I'll go take a look.

Who came to us?

Belka, that's right guys.

Look how beautiful the squirrel is.

What kind of coat does a squirrel have?

Red-haired, that's right Vanya.

What kind of tail does a squirrel have?

Big and fluffy, well done guys.

What did the squirrel arrive on?

Yes, Ilya is on a cart.

The squirrel's cart is large and beautiful.

What did the squirrel bring on the cart?

A basket of nuts.

Guys, who do you think the squirrel brought a basket of nuts to?

Of course, guys, little fox-sister, fat-footed bear, mustachioed bunny, sparrow and titmouse. This means they were waiting not only for us, but also for the squirrel.

Do you want to know why they were waiting for the squirrel?

Sit comfortably on the stumps and listen. I'll tell you about the squirrel.

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts

Little fox-sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

Who needs a scarf?

Who cares,

Who cares?

What a caring squirrel.

Tell me, who did the squirrel sell the nuts to in a scarf?

To my little fox sister, Leta thinks.

Who cares?

To the mustachioed bunny, Dima thinks.

Who cares?

Who do you think has goiter?

Guys, a goiter is the neck of a sparrow and a titmouse.

Who's sitting on the cart?

Well done, Dima the squirrel.

What does the squirrel sell?

Squirrel sells nuts, smart Marina.

Who does the squirrel sell nuts to?

Sparrow, titmouse, right Egor.

To the fat-fifted bear, to the mustachioed bunny, to the little fox-sister.

Now guys, let's talk about the squirrel together. (re-reading the nursery rhyme)

Well done guys, the squirrel liked the way you told it, she also prepared nuts for you, only they spilled out of her basket in the clearing.

Let's help the squirrel collect nuts?

Under. game “Collect nuts in a basket”

Look how many nuts we collected. Show the nuts to the squirrel.

Guys, the squirrel says that she tried to collect nuts in the forest for you. Let's say “Thank you” to the squirrel for the nuts and “Goodbye”, it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten.

Did you like it in the forest?


Who did we meet in the forest?

A bear, a bunny, a fox, a squirrel, a sparrow and a titmouse.

Who did we play with? (with a bunny)

Who gave us nuts? (squirrel)

Since the squirrel treated us to nuts, let's try them.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Master class for teachers "Implementation of organized educational activities on speech development in younger groups during cognitive and research joint activities of an adult and a child, its integration with other types of activities"

Presentation "Implementation of organized educational activities on speech development in younger groups during cognitive and research joint activities of an adult and a child, its integration with other types of activities"

Work on the development of children's speech occupies one of the central places in preschool educational institution, this is explained by the importance of the period preschool childhood in the child’s speech development. Significance...

A very important part of the work on health improvement child's body are finger games.

IN finger games In exercises and exercises, dynamic movements are practiced.

These games are emotional and exciting.

During finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. This develops dexterity and the ability to control one’s movements; fingers and hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, and stiffness of movements disappears.



"Palm - fist - rib"

I name what the pen should turn into and do it. When the children have learned to cope with one hand, we try to do the exercise with both hands at the same time.

"Fingers - say hello"

At the count of “one-two-three-four-five”, connect the fingers of both hands: thumb to thumb, index to index, etc.

"Little Man"

The index and middle fingers of the right and then the left hand run across the table. And if you do it with two handles at once, you get “Distillations.”


Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers spread wide.

In autumn, the north wind blew and blew away all the leaves (move your fingers and blow on them).

The rain began to knock on them: drip-drip-drip (tap your fingers on the table).

The snow then powdered (smooth movements of the hands back and forth).

I covered them with a blanket (press my palms firmly to the table).


We bend our hands into a fist, and then straighten our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb: “This finger is “grandfather”, this finger is “grandmother”, this finger is “daddy”, this finger is “mommy”, this finger is “me”. That's my whole family."


There is a lock on the door. (Ask the baby to clench his hand into a fist)

Who could open it? (Turn the cams in different directions)

Turned, twisted, (quietly knock on fists)

They knocked and opened it. (Ask the child to unclench his fists)


We chop and chop cabbage. (Together with the child, hit the table top with the edges of your palms)

We three, three carrots. (Clench your hands into fists and rub them together)

We salt the cabbage, salt it. (Make movements simulating sprinkling salt)

And then we press and press. (Clench and unclench your fists)


The spider ran along the branch, (Cross your arms at chest level. Fingers right hand run along the left forearm, and then vice versa)

And the children ran after him.

The rain poured down: oh - e - her! (Press your palms to your face and shake your head sadly)

The spiders were washed away with water. (Wave your hands as if shaking off spiders and water)

"How are you? »

How are you?

Like this! (The teacher clenches his fist and raises thumb up)

Are you swimming?

Like this! (Stretches his arms forward, pressing his fingers together, and makes circular movements with his hands)

Are you waving after me?

Like this! (Waves his hands)

Are you looking forward to lunch?

Like this! (Rests his chin on his fist)

Are you naughty?

Like this! (Puffs out his cheeks and hits them with his palms)

"Our Baby"

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is our baby. (Bend your fingers into a fist, then straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb)


Fingering fingers

And we get a chain. (The thumb and index fingers of the left hand form a ring. Rings from the fingers of the right hand are alternately passed through it: thumb - index, thumb - middle, etc. This exercise can be varied by changing the position of the fingers)

"The Bunny and the Drum"

Bunny took his drum

And he hit: tram - tram - tram. (The fingers are clenched into a fist. The index and middle fingers are extended upward and pressed one against the other. The ring and little fingers tap the thumb)


We shared the orange, (Fold the fingers of both hands to form a ball: thumb with thumb, index with index, etc.)

There are many of us, but he is one, (We alternately clench and unclench our fists)

This slice is for siskin, (Using the fingers of your right hand, clasp the thumb of your left hand in a ring and twist)

This slice is for a hedgehog, (Use the fingers of your right hand to clasp the index finger of your left hand into a ring and twist)

This slice is for rabbits, (Use the fingers of your right hand to clasp the middle finger of your left hand into a ring and twist)

This slice is for beavers, (Grip the fingers of your right hand ring finger left hand into the ring and twist)

This slice is for baby squirrels, (Use the fingers of your right hand to clasp the little finger of your left hand into a ring and twist)

And for the wolf - the peel. (Put your hands to your head and shake)

Trouble - they ran away in all directions. (Draw fingers running along the legs)

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart"

A squirrel is sitting on a cart (Ask the child to prop his head up with his fist)

She sells nuts:

To the fox-sister, (The baby bends his fingers)

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache

Who needs a scarf?

Who cares,

Who cares? (Baby's fist is clenched)

"New house"

To build a new house, (Draw the roof of the house with your hands)

They stock up on oak wood, (Ask the baby to bend his fingers on his hand)

Bricks, iron, paint,

Nails, tow and putty.

And then, then, then...

They begin to build a house.

Counting books

The squirrel was riding on a cart,
I sold nuts to everyone,
Some are two, some are three,
Get out of the circle.
Glass, lemon - get out.
A glass of water - come out.
The car was driving through a dark forest
For some interest,
Inti, inti, interest -
Come out with the letter "es".
A crocodile was walking
smoked a pipe
The phone fell and wrote:
This one came out.
The counting begins
There was a jackdaw sitting on the shore,
Two crows, a sparrow,
Three magpies, a nightingale.
One two three four five -
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang! Pow! Oh oh oh,
My little bunny is running away.

One two three four five -
Let's start the games.
The bees flew into the field.
They buzzed and buzzed.
The bees sat on the flowers.
We play - you drive.
The turtle tucked its tail,
And she ran after the hare.
Got ahead
If you don't believe it, come out.
The dragonfly has arrived
Like pea eyes
And she herself is like a helicopter,
Left, right, back, forward.
In the morning grandma woke up
She smiled, stretched,
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully,
Three - bent down and sat down,
And four - flew away.
One, two, one, two,
Here is a birch tree, here is grass,
Here is a clearing, here is a meadow -
Come out, my friend.
One two three four five,
We'll play hide and seek.
Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -
Get out of the circle.
One two three four,
Five, six, seven,
Eight nine ten.
The white moon floats out.
Who will reach the month?
He will go to hide.
The cuckoo walked past the net,
And behind her are small children,
The cuckoos are asked to drink.
Come out - you can drive.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
A bunny jumps - gray side.
Jump, jump, jump along the woods,
On a snowball - poke, poke, poke.
I sat down under a bush,
I wanted to hide.
Whoever catches it drives it.
Bells, bells,
The little pigeons were flying
By the morning dew,
Along the green line
We sat down on the barn.
Run, catch up.
One two three four five,
Six seven eight nine ten,
A clear month emerged all round,
And behind the month is the moon,
The boy is the girl's servant.
You, servant, hand me the broom,
And I'll sweep the carriage.

One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -
The mice ran away.
Tomorrow a blue-blue-blue whale will fly from the sky,
If you believe, stand and wait,
If you don't believe me, come out!
They sat on the golden porch
Tsar. prince
King, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor,
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't detain honest and kind people!
The orange rolled to the city of Berlin,
Didn't study my lessons
And I got a two.
They sat on the golden porch
Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,
Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings
Come out, you'll be Ponca!
If Ponochka leaves,
Scrooge McDuck will go crazy!
A German came out of the fog and took a knife out of his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat
You still have to drive.
- Stork is a stork, a stork is a bird,
What do you dream about at night?
I want the swamp edges,
- And what else?
More frogs.
You can't catch them, you can't catch them.
That's it, you drive!
A ram walked along steep mountains,
He tore out the grass and put it on the bench.
Whoever takes it will go out.
We had kittens
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
Look and count.
Once the kitten is the whitest
Two kittens - the bravest
Three kittens - the smartest
And four is the noisiest
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a spot on the back
Also sleeps all day in a basket.
Our kittens are nice
One two three four five
Come join us guys
Look and count!
We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is alone.
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for the swift,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for the wolf - the peel.
He is angry with us - trouble!
Run away somewhere!
Tryntsy, bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils rang,
Digi, digi, digi, don,
Get out quickly!
A hare was running through the swamp,
He was looking for a job
Yes, I didn’t find a job,
He cried and left.
There are cars in the garage -
Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli,
Which one do you get the keys from?
An apple rolled past the orchard,
past the garden, past the hail,
Whoever picks it up will come out.
Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There's a lock on the door,
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.
Bunny - coward
He ran across the field,
Ran into the garden
I found a carrot
I found cabbage
Sits, gnawing,
Go away - the owner is coming!
He took it and left.
Kady, buds, pour water.
The cow should drink, you should drive.
The fox walked through the forest,
The fox screamed.
The fox tore the stripes,
The fox weaved bast shoes -
Two for my husband, three for myself,
And some bast shoes for the kids!
Who will find the bast shoes?
He will drive.
One two three four,
Mice lived in an apartment.
A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them
The cross spider is a large spider.
Five, six, seven, eight,
We'll ask the spider:
"You glutton, don't go!"
Come on, Mashenka, drive!
Among the white doves
A nimble sparrow jumps,
Sparrow is a bird,
Gray shirt,
Respond, sparrow,
Fly out, don't be shy!
"Tili - teli" -
The birds were singing.
They took off and flew towards the forest.
The birds began to build nests.
Whoever doesn't howl should drive.
One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four -
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound,
The mice ran away.
The apple was rolling
Past the garden
Past the garden
Past the hail.
Who will raise
He will come out.
Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There's a lock on the door,
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.
One two three four five,
There is no place for a bunny to jump;
There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf,
He uses his teeth - click, click!
And we'll hide in the bushes,
Hide, bunny, and you too.
You wolf, wait!
The pig walks through the forest,
Plucks quinoa - grass,
She tears, doesn't take,
Places it under a birch tree.
Once - a Christmas tree,
Two is an oak tree,
Three - birch nut
And four is grass,
Five - the bee is working again,
Six - a prickly hedgehog under a stump.
Seven - a mushroom has grown under the oak tree.
One, two - trees
Three, four - the animals came out
Five, six - a leaf falls
Seven, eight - birds in the forest
Nine, ten - the titmice raised their red faces.
Our Masha got up early
I counted all the dolls:
Two nesting dolls on the window,
Two Tanyas on the pillow,
Two Irinkas on a feather bed,
And Parsley in a cap
on a green chest.
High, very high I threw my ball easily.
But my ball fell from heaven
Rolled into the dark forest.
One two three four five,
I'm going to look for him.
We're going to play
Well, who should start?
One two Three,
You start.
Sharaga, baraga, By the bush, by the crust,
By swan, winch,
Thing, whip,
Sokolik, out.
- Hare, white,
Where did you run?
- Into the green forest.
- What were you doing there?
- I tore the tusks.
- Where did you put it?
- Under the deck.
- Who stole it?
- Rodion.
- Get out!
The gray bunny pulled out the grass.
He put it on the bench.
Who will take the weed?
That one will go too.
The apple rolled across the dish,
I won't drive.
The king was sitting on a bench,
Counted my pins:
One two Three,
You will be the queen!
The squirrel was collecting pine cones,
For the raccoon and for the mouse.
One two three four five,
I'll find the bump again.
Three for a raccoon and three for a mouse,
Who cares about the rest?
The forest river runs into the distance,
Bushes grow along it.
I invite everyone to the game,
We play - you drive!
One two three four five,
We go out to play.
We need to choose water
Then we will count.
Stomp, stomp, stomp,
You will definitely be water.
One two three four five.
We decided to play
But we don’t know what to do
Nobody wanted to drive!
We will point you to:
That's right it will be you!
Masha ate porridge,
I didn’t finish the porridge.
“One, two, three,” she said
And I ate the potatoes.
Who will take three spoons?
That one will go too.
One two Three.
Come out into the clearing
Round dances of the backwaters,
Who's left
That one drives.
Aty-baty chum-chum
Acherepa atambum
Bumafera ataras
It's evening time on the mountain.
Pigs danced in the bathhouse
All the cushions were broken.
Chicky-bricky ladle.
We gathered in the yard
It was in September.
One two three four five,
We decided to play.
How much is two plus three?
If you know, then drive!
Turtle and snail
They ran very quickly.
Keep up with them
Fly out of the counting rhyme.
They say at dawn
Gathered on the mountain
Pigeon, goose and jackdaw
That's the whole counting rhyme.
The seven crows sat quietly
The elephant flew up to them
And how he shouts: “Kar-kar-kar!”
If you don't believe it, come out yourself.
Cook, scullion,
Pussy and kitten.
We played merrily
Jumped, galloped
One two three four five.
Let's count again.
We will imagine that we are squirrels;
We will play burners;
We collected a pile of leaves,
I won't drive anymore!
I'm playing hide and seek with you
I count to five.
Who do I fall for?
Come out, let's drive.
One two three four five,
The mice went out for a walk -
We went to the garden, we went to the forest,
And they came to the river.
We shopped a little -
Suddenly a cat comes to meet you
The mice say to the cat:
"Stand in a row with us,
We will now count
You still have to look!"
One two three four five,
We will search in a row:
Ball, apple, cookies,
Toothpicks and jam.
We will search everywhere -
Both in the sky and in the water,
Under the mountain and under the sofa,
In the stables, and under the bathtub,
But if you don't find it,
Then you will go out.
One two three four.
The cat lives in our apartment.
Five, six, seven, eight,
He carries mice for lunch.
Nine, ten, five and five
I managed to count you
One two three four five
I want to play with you.
Come quickly into the circle
Let's have fun, friend.
Six, seven, eight,
We'll ask the guys:
"Who is faster and more agile,
He will come out soon."
One two three four five,
We're going to play.
Suddenly the little goat runs out,
And he runs up to the guys,
And who is the goat going to butt?
So that one will be water.
Ears, eyes, nose, tail,
It turned out to be a good cat,
He counts to five
The one who is fifth come out.

One two three four five,
At number twenty-five
Had a blast
And they said: “We have to go!”
The ant came out first
The second nightingale came out,
The third parrot came out
And the fourth: “Catch up!”

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