How to enroll a child in clubs or a sports section online through government services? Registration for a kindergarten: detailed instructions on how to register a child for a kindergarten Registration for a kindergarten via the Internet

Residents living in the Moscow region have the opportunity to register online for clubs and sections through the Public Services Portal of the Moscow Mayor. In order to log into, you must have a registered account on the State Services portal.

After logging into your personal account, the user must go through:

  • Facilities and services;
  • Education;

  • Additional.

This section has many branches that will be of interest to parents. However, some sections have similar themes. For example, “Enroll in a sports school”, “Enroll in an art school” and “Enroll in sections, clubs and creative houses” - have a common goal - to occupy children’s out-of-school time, as well as to develop certain qualities in them. There is also a section for searching for free sections.

If a parent does not want to send their child to a sports school or art school, you can find clubs with similar directions or completely different ones. To do this, you need to select “Get a service” in the “Register in sections, clubs and creative houses” section and in the “Search” field indicate what the child will do, as well as his level. For example, gymnastics marked “Beginners”. The mark is not written in the column, but is indicated by a tick above it. After this, upon request, a list of establishments that offer employment in this direction will be provided.

The list that appears during a search has a visible header with information about:

  • Address;
  • Location on the map;
  • Name of the institution;
  • Costs per month or for a one-time visit.

You can search not only in certain directions, but also by location. To do this, select “Advanced Search”. The nearest metro station is indicated here, and the system gives the nearest extracurricular activities. The search can also be carried out taking into account the age of the child.

After selecting a section, you must click the “Select” button and then “Continue”, after which the system will redirect you to fill out the contract form.

The details of the parent or guardian and the child are indicated here. After submitting such an application, you will only need to pay for the classes in order for the child to begin attending the courses.

How to pay for clubs and sections?

Payment is made through the portal in the “Education” section. The list will contain a separate item “Payment for kindergartens, clubs, sections.” When you select this item, a form will open to fill out. Here you will need to indicate the card number for online payment, as well as some additional details, including the name of the card owner.

After filling in all empty fields, you must click “Pay” and confirm the payment. The payment confirmation code is sent to mobile phone, and should be entered into the empty column that opens within a few minutes. Usually up to 15 minutes are given, after which the session will expire and another verification code will be required. After payment, the system will generate a receipt and save it in your personal account on If necessary, the user can save it to a computer and print it for presentation.

If a circle or section was found in the “Free” section, no payment is required. And filling out the agreement is the right to visit the selected circle. Please note that enrolling your child in a paid or free group only possible if it is open for admission. Information about the set will be highlighted in the header with information about the circle.

In this article we will tell you how to enroll your child in kindergarten through MFC. Unfortunately, simply taking your child to the kindergarten of your choice at a time appropriate for his age will not work, because there are not enough public kindergartens yet. It is necessary to register in advance in order to get a place in kindergarten at the right time. This can (and is recommended) be done immediately after the birth of the child, as soon as you have his birth certificate in your hands.

Queue for kindergarten: how to get into it

The parents (or legal representatives) of the child have the right to enroll their child in the queue for kindergarten. preschool age. There are different ways to enroll your child in kindergarten:

  1. submit an application and the necessary documents to the Administration department at your place of residence;
  2. through the State Services portal by submitting an electronic application;
  3. submit an application through the multifunctional center (MFC) “My Documents”.

Please note: some categories of citizens have priority (benefits) when applying to kindergarten. These categories are listed below (click to enlarge).

How to submit an application through the MFC

Getting in line for kindergarten through the MFC is no problem. This is often more convenient than contacting the administration of your district directly, since the MFC has more convenient work hours and.

You just need to complete the following 4 steps.

Please note: this service is free of charge.

STEP 1. Appear in person at the Multifunctional Center, if you are one of the child’s parents or his legal representative, taking with you the documents necessary for registration.
List of documents:

  • application for registration, in which you can indicate 3 preschool institutions (by priority) to which you want to enroll your child; You can fill out this application right on the spot with the help of an MFC employee and confirm it with your signature. In your application, indicate the date from which you plan to send your child to kindergarten.
    Download a sample application for placing a child on a waiting list for kindergarten
  • document confirming the identity of the applicant (usually a passport). If you are permanently registered in another region, you may need proof of your residence in the municipality where you are submitting your application (for example, a rental agreement)
  • a document confirming the right to represent the interests of the child if the applicant is not a parent
  • child's birth certificate
  • if you have benefits on the basis of which the child has the right to priority or extraordinary enrollment in kindergarten, then bring supporting documents
  • if a child requires enrollment in a compensatory group (for example, speech therapy group kindergarten), then bring the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

STEP 2. Take a coupon electronic queue in the terminal. Full official name of the service: “Accepting applications, registering and enrolling children in educational institutions implementing the basic general education program preschool education(kindergartens)". In many MFCs you can make an appointment through.

STEP 3. Go to the indicated window with the electronic queue coupon and hand over the documents an MFC employee who will check them, help you fill out and sign the application and give you a receipt.

STEP 4. After 3-10 working days, come to the MFC and receive a certificate of registration of your child with a queue number.

You can then check the progress of your queue by calling the Administration at your place of residence. If you submitted an application through the portal, you can also view the queue through the website using the link, after logging into your personal account.

When the desired date for enrolling your child in kindergarten, indicated in the application, approaches, you will receive a notification from the administration about which date. preschool he is enrolled. You should contact this institution and prepare the following documents:

  • if it is necessary to enroll in compensatory and combined groups - the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.
  • minor residents of Moscow who have reached the age of 14;
  • parents (legal representatives) on behalf of Moscow residents under 14 years of age.

Where is the service located?

To access the recording, you must register (see section “Registration on the Moscow City Services Portal”). Or, to register, you can contact any universal specialist at the State Services Center, who will issue a login and password to access the City Services Portal.

After registration, you must select the “Education, Study” or “Family, Children” section. Next, select “Enroll in clubs, creative studios, sports sections”:

After reading the information about the service and the list necessary documents Click the “Get service” button located in the upper right corner:

How to fill out an application?

Step 1. Enter parameters to search for a service

To search for suitable circles (sections), you must enter the following parameters:

1. Gender and age of the child.

2. Moscow area or the nearest metro station.

3. In the classifier, select the appropriate direction by clicking on it. A list of available clubs (sections) in this direction will open.

4. If desired, you can set additional parameters: program level, class time, paid or budget clubs (sections).

5. To search for a specific institution, you need to use the search bar, indicating in it the name of the circle (section).

Step 2. Select a service

All selected circles (sections) open according to the previously specified parameters. Search results are displayed in a list and also on an interactive map. If in the found circle (section) there is now a reception (green inscription: “ Reception in progress"), then you can submit .

If an appointment is not taking place, you can subscribe to a notification about the start of an appointment (the “Notify about the opening of an appointment” button), which will be sent to your email address specified in your Personal Account of the Portal PGU.MOS.RU.

Step 3. Selecting the start date of classes, as well as the date and time of entrance examinations(if any are provided in the selected circle or section)

By clicking the “Continue” button, you can pre-book a time to sign up for the service. From the moment you click this button, the time to fill out the rest of the form will be limited to 15 minutes.

Step 4. Filling out the application form

1. Indicate who the applicant is:

  • legal representative of the child;
  • future student (over 14 years old).

2. Provide information about the applicant: full name, gender, date of birth.

3. Fill in the data from the child’s identity document. After this, an automatic check will occur to ensure that the child’s gender and age meet the conditions of the selected service.

Step 5. Confirm your selection

Check information about the selected club (section), information about the applicant and the child.

If everything is correct, then you need to click the “Submit” button and the application will be submitted.

Where can I view my application and find out its status?

This information will be available in the user’s Personal Account.

Messages about changes in the status of the application will be sent to the e-mail address of the user of the PGU.MOS.RU Portal and to his Personal Account.


  • Almost 700 thousand applications to clubs and sections at PGU

Surely every parent, immediately after the birth of their first child, thinks about how and when to become a child.

What options exist today? Is it possible to record via the Internet, and most importantly, how? What documents may be needed?

Let's consider all these questions in more detail.

Recording options

In 2018 you can get on the waiting list for kindergarten in several ways:

  • using the Multifunctional Center;
  • with the help of the district department for staffing preschool institutions;
  • via the Internet (using the State Services portal).

If we talk about MFC, then everything is quite simple here - the registration algorithm is as follows:

It is worth noting that every parent must keep this voucher until their child is enrolled in a preschool institution (kindergarten).

Speaking of queuing through the district office, then the algorithm of actions is the same as when contacting the MFC.

But how can parents get on the waiting list through the State Services portal? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Rules for queuing through the State Services portal

Like any other website on the Internet, the State Services portal can fail. In order to minimize the likelihood of getting into such an awkward situation, the portal developers recommend:

Often parents, for some reason, refuse the application, and then submit it again. To avoid a system error, it is recommended to check whether the previous application has been deleted or is in execution.

Such rules for using the portal, including placing a child in a queue for enrollment in a preschool institution, help prevent possible misunderstandings among parents about why the system does not allow them to submit a request.

Step-by-step instruction

Due to their busy schedule, many parents do not have time to go to the MFC and other organizations to register their child in a preschool institution.

In such a situation, there is a way out - to register through the State Services portal.

Staging algorithm registration with the help of State Services is as follows:

In the event that parents do not have a personal account, just go through small registration procedure. It is as follows:

  1. Click on “Register your personal account”.
  2. Provide information about who is registering.
  3. Confirm email.
  4. Wait for data verification.
  5. Log in to your personal account on the State Services portal.

The registration procedure itself takes no more than 5 minutes, but data verification can take up to 7 calendar days.

Step-by-step installation instructions registered with kindergarten looks like this:

  1. We go to the personal account of the portal.
  2. Next, you need to select “Enroll in kindergarten.”
  3. Then you need to provide the personal information of one of the parents.
    It must be remembered that personal information includes instruction:
    • full initials (abbreviations are not allowed);
    • dates of birth;
    • passport data;
    • contact phone number;
    • information about the degree of relationship.
  4. After this, it is necessary to indicate information about the child himself, namely:
    • initials (full initials, without any abbreviations);
    • date of birth;
    • series and number of the birth certificate;
    • gender of the child (in the format “husband” or “female”).
  5. It is necessary to fill out information about the place of residence (you must indicate the address where the child himself is registered).
  6. From the map built into the State Services portal, you should select the preschool institution to which parents want to send their child. In the event that all the places there are already occupied, you can choose another kindergarten.
  7. At the end, you must indicate the year when the child plans to start attending kindergarten. If parents have any government benefits, this must also be indicated.

It may be noted that this process of filling out information is considered the application itself, or, as many say, a questionnaire.

After specifying all the necessary documentation, you must download necessary list documents.

Advantages of this method

We can say with confidence that there is many benefits this system:

  • it is possible to send several applications via the Internet to different preschool institutions;
  • lack of influence of government bodies on the progress of the queue (everything is transparent and fair);
  • there is an option online;
  • minimal influence of bureaucratic subtleties.

It is also necessary to remember that with this method of registration there is no need to stand in long queues.


Any registration method has its drawbacks.

If we talk about the State Services portal, then minuses are as follows:

  • there is a possibility that the portal may malfunction, which may lead to the need to wait for it to be repaired by specialists;
  • the portal operates exclusively according to the law, and therefore the queue may be pushed back for the reason that beneficiaries are always allowed to go ahead;
  • If you incorrectly provide information about yourself, your profile may be blocked.

Despite this, the popularity of recording through the State Services portal is high and the number of its users is only increasing every year.

List of documentation

After completing the survey, you must upload scanned copies of all necessary documentation.

Documents must be uploaded in JPEG format.

Myself list of documents includes:

After all documents have been uploaded to the portal, parents must once again check all the information provided and, if necessary, correct errors. To increase your chances, experts recommend registering with several preschool institutions.

After submitting a request and placing it in the queue, each parent can then track the progress of the queue.

Possibility to check the queue

Verification algorithm queue progression is quite simple and consists of the following:

  1. Log in to your personal account on the portal.
  2. Go to the “Registration for kindergarten” section.
  3. After this, you need to click on “Check application”.

After this, you will be able to find out how the queue has progressed since the application was submitted. It is worth noting that this request is duplicated in the email that the owner of the personal account receives.

It is worth noting important information: citizens who live in Sevastopol or can register instead of the State Services portal on the portals and, respectively. The State Services portal is not available to them in this direction.

How to use the State Services portal to register a child for kindergarten is described in the following video: