VK group gifts. Free gifts on VKontakte. Sending a gift to a friend

Today you and I will learn to give each other something in social network In contact with. I think there is no need to explain to anyone what a gift is, but what it means on VKontakte is an ordinary picture that is placed in a special “Gifts” section on the page of the person to whom it was sent.

There is no need to equate such surprises with real ones and there is no need to replace them either. Otherwise, we’ll get to the point where, instead of going to cinemas, we’ll start throwing films on each other’s walls and that’s it)))

Usually gifts are paid, that is, in order to send someone something on VK you must give a certain number of votes (a kind of social network currency). This has always amazed me, giving virtual ones instead of real ones and also paying money for it)))

Let's, dear friends, move on to practice.

How to give a gift in the full version

This is done very simply. You need to go to the page of the person you want to send a gift to and click on the button under the avatar (next to “Write a message”).

Now we have a window opening with a huge number of gifts that we can give. Right next to them it is written how many votes they are worth. Click on the one you want:

A window opens with detailed description"surprise".

  1. Do you see how much it costs and how much this moment you have votes.
  2. See who the recipient is. You can add a few more or remove them.
  3. You can insert a message that will be displayed along with the gift.
  4. You can hide your name and the text you send together from everyone except the recipient. To do this, you need to place a bird near the corresponding point.

After filling out all the fields, feel free to click on the “Submit” button.

That's basically all, after payment all this will be sent to the recipient.

How to send a free gift

They are absolutely free only on holidays. Then several of the same theme for a particular holiday are selected and you can send them absolutely free to some of your friends.

For example, these could be given for free to New Year.

If you are offered to download some software that will help you give free gifts, then know that this is a scam. There is a high probability that after installing such a program, your VK page will be hacked.

I also came across articles on the Internet on various sites that suggest simply sending pictures to friends and this will be considered as free gifts. No, friends, pictures are pictures.

If you send a picture to a friend, it will not appear in his gifts section. And so, of course, you could open any paid one, save it in the browser as a picture and send it to a friend. But this will be a little different.

Gift anonymously

It will not be possible to send completely anonymously. All the same, the recipient will know who it is from. You can only hide your name for all other users of the social network, who will view the gifts of the person to whom the surprise was actually sent.

I have already shown you how this is done in this article. You just need to check the box on the sending page next to the item “Show the text and my name only to the recipient.”

A gift to myself

Personally, I couldn’t do this and it’s hardly possible. If you find a working way, please share it. I doubt that he exists, of course, but still.

Send from your phone

If you use the VK mobile application for smartphones and tablets, now I will show you how gifts are sent there.

We go to the page of the person we want to surprise, and in the upper right corner click on the box icon with a bow. See screenshot:

We choose what we want to send. In my case there are 5 free gifts. I click on them:

After all the settings are made, you can click on the “Send a gift” button:

That's it, dear friends, we have sorted out all the basic questions about gifts on the VKontakte social network. If you have any left, then ask them in the comments.

In this article I will share two interesting “tricks” related to VKontakte gifts. The first allows you to send up to 5 gifts to VKontakte for free. The second allows you to send gifts to yourself.

Free gifts on VKontakte

The method is based on the operating features of the vk api system for developers. Most likely, this opportunity was given to test the function of sending gifts by developers. As a result, you can send 5 paid gifts to VKontakte completely free of charge. Moreover, you can send them either to yourself or to any user.

Here are the gifts you can send for free:

The method itself:

  • Follow the link – https://goo.gl/h47w7U
  • At the bottom of the page there will be the following code (if it is not there, paste it)

var gift = 823; return API.gifts.send((user_ids:API.users.get()@.id, gift_id:gift, guid:API.apps.getRandomInt((max:99999))));

  • Instead of 823, substitute the code of the desired gift (from the picture above)
  • Instead of API.users.get()@.id, insert the Id of the user to whom you want to send a gift, or leave the default value if you want to send a gift to yourself
  • Click Run. Be careful - each free gift can only be sent once.

Sending a VKontakte gift to yourself

The second trick is to send a gift to yourself. Unlike the previous method, here you can send yourself any gift, both free (for example, now it’s a Telegram dog) and paid.

  1. Follow the link to send a gift https://m.vk.com/gifts1?act=send
  2. Instead of 1, insert your VK account ID and refresh the page
  3. Send

As a result, you will send a gift to yourself.

The method of sending 5 gifts on VKontakte for free is relevant at the time of writing - 05/03/18, it can be closed at any time, so hurry up to use it 😉

upd 05/08/18 you can get 8 free VKontakte gifts when you change the interface language to Ukrainian (at the bottom of the site under the More button), or change the country in the settings

On the VKontakte social network, among many different functions, there is a rather important opportunity to give gifts, which will subsequently be displayed on the user’s page in a special block. Despite the fact that most of all existing features are paid, and the main payment is the internal currency - votes, there are still several free elements available to every VK.com user.

Before moving on to a detailed analysis of the free options for donating VK, it is worth clarifying that not all of the following aspects are official. That is, some free postcards are not the development of the VK administration and will not be displayed in a special block of the social network site.

Today there are only two ways to give free greeting pictures:

  • official;
  • unofficial.

We will consider both options in detail below, however, keep in mind that despite the general attitude towards the functionality of gifts, you, as a user, get a completely different result, which sometimes does not quite meet expectations. Moreover, it is recommended to use standard VK functions to avoid all possible child problems.

Site features

The most relevant is the basic feature of the site, thanks to which you can give a gift to absolutely any VK user, subject to blacklist restrictions and other similar blocking, by paying a certain amount of money. However, for the purposes of this review, we are only interested in free features.

The administration of the VKontakte site, under some circumstances, provides its users with the opportunity to give special pictures for next to nothing. Usually, this phenomenon has a direct relationship with some important events, in the opinion of the administration, for example, due to holidays.

Opportunities are relevant only in cases where VK.com celebrates an important event. Otherwise, the once available opportunity to give free gifts is blocked due to the irrelevance of the event.

To find out about the possibility of a free gift, you should open directly the window of the corresponding functionality.

When donating free postcards There are no restrictions on users, that is, you can give the same gift multiple times to one or several users of the social network.

If you currently don’t have any free items in the corresponding section, don’t worry. To always be aware of the availability of free congratulatory pictures, it is recommended to subscribe to one or more on the VK.com website.

Also carefully follow VK news in your activity feed in the section "News", since the administration quite often mentions the emergence of new opportunities in such a way that it is simply impossible not to notice them. Of course, this only happens in case of extremely important events, and not because of every single free gift.

Please note that free gift items include some stickers, the appearance of which can also be monitored using special public pages.

Internal Applications

The second method of receiving free gifts is more of an additional feature than a full-fledged functionality, since in this case the postcard will not be presented in the corresponding block. However, you can easily place the necessary picture and the necessary signature on the wall of any site user.

When using special applications, you can send free gifts or just postcards only to those people who are on the list of your friends and do not block the ability to publish posts on the wall. In any other case this method won't suit you.

In the vastness of the section "Games" VKontakte has a huge number of different applications aimed at sending gifts. In this article, we will only touch on one of the most popular and fairly secure applications in order to clearly show how it all works and what you will get by using such features.

  1. Through the main menu of the VKontakte website, go to the section "Games".
  2. Scroll the page and use the search field to find applications by word "Postcards".
  3. It is possible to search applications by word "Present", however, in this case the functionality remains the same, but the choice of add-ons presented is significantly reduced.

  4. Open the application and familiarize yourself with the interface (in this case, the application is used « » ).
  5. You can use one of several sections presented for quick access to gifts according to your requirements.
  6. It is also possible to search using keywords.
  7. After you have selected a suitable picture, left-click on it to open a special window for sending a gift.
  8. Here you are given the opportunity to configure the mailing in detail, regarding the selection of people with the available option of sending a postcard and writing an original message supplied with the picture. In addition, thanks to additional sorting, you can automatically send messages to all birthday boys, girls or boys.
  9. After detailed settings, click the button "Send" to send a postcard to a friend’s wall.
  10. As soon as the postcard is sent, the application will post a corresponding post on the user’s wall with a picture and your personal signature.

Apart from this feature, the application does not perform any other functions. Thus, the problem of sending free gifts through applications can be considered solved.

In addition to the basic information, it is worth considering that the standard functionality of VK allows you to send not only pictures with captions, but also stickers. Applications, unfortunately, do not have this feature, but despite this, VKontakte also has a number of solutions regarding the process of receiving free stickers.

Don't trust scammers. We wish you to receive more gifts!

So, my friends, today we will talk about such an important topic as sending a gift to VKontakte. Let's start with the fact that gifts on this social network can be paid or free. Free gifts You can send it on any holiday - New Year, February 14, February 23, March 8, May 9. On all other days, a gift can only be sent if there are Votes. The voice on VKontakte is something like money; it is a universal currency for all applications. First you buy a gift, and then you send it to the person for whom it was intended.

The steps to send a gift are the same for both paid and free gifts.

So, to send a gift, we do the following. First, go to the page of the person we want to please. On the page of this lucky person, right under his Avatar, find the Send a gift function and click on it.

A window will appear in front of you with gifts that you can give. Gifts are divided into categories, and each gift has its own price: from 1 to 10 votes. Price necessary gift you can find out if you hover your mouse over it. Also in the upper right corner you can see how many Votes you already have at the moment. If there are not enough votes for the right gift, then these Voices can be purchased in several ways.

First, let's choose the gift we like. In the window that appears, you can add several more recipients (note that for each added recipient you will have to pay for the gift again), you can write a message (to congratulate you on the holiday or just leave a comment on the gift), and you can make sure that the recipient’s friends do not know who I sent him a gift, that is, send it anonymously. Click Send.

If you initially had the required number of Votes, the gift will simply appear on the recipient’s page. If there are not enough Votes for the gift, a window will appear asking you to receive Votes in various ways.

Here we learn how to download music on VKontakte.


How to send a gift to VKontakte?

Now I will show you how to send a gift on VKontakte.

Sending a birthday gift

Contact kindly reminds us which of our friends was born on this day (see how to find out when a friend’s birthday is on VKontakte). Let's go to the page for such a user. A window will automatically appear asking you to send a gift. Click on the "Show all gifts" link.

Find a suitable gift from the list. If you hover your mouse over it, you can see how much it costs. You must have enough money in your account (see how to deposit money in VK).

Now click on the desired gift. Write accompanying text on the next page. If necessary, you can send anonymously, hiding the text and your name from other users. To do this, click the corresponding checkbox. Now click the “Submit” button.

The user will receive your gift, and it will be displayed on his page.

How to send a free gift to VKontakte

Video lesson: how to send a gift on VKontakte

Read also:

Using this method, you can show other users small signs of attention.

In contact with


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How to send a gift on VKontakte

A gift in any form is an opportunity to please a loved one or express your sympathy. On the VKontakte social network, you can also give a virtual gift that will decorate the user’s page.

In order to use the VKontakte gift system, you first need to be registered in this network. Next, you should go to the page of the user to whom you plan to give a virtual gift, and go to the “Gifts” section. Then you will see a list of gifts that can be filtered by theme: friendship, romance, birthday, etc. Having chosen the gift you like, you need to go to purchase it.

Payment for gifts on VKontakte takes place through a special virtual currency, which is called “voice”. “Voices” are purchased as bonuses for certain actions, as well as by several types of payment systems. Each gift has its own value, equivalent to a certain number of “votes”. When you select a gift, the price will be indicated directly above it. If your account has a zero balance of “votes”, then you can purchase them in several ways.

You can top up your “votes” balance through your mobile phone account, electronic payment systems (webmoney, Yandex-money, qiwi) or directly from your bank card. After replenishing the balance, you can pay for the selected gift.

Before the gift reaches the recipient, it is necessary to indicate whether it will be personal, public or anonymous. Also, before sending a gift, you can add a congratulatory message or some other message related to the gift.

Please loved one very easy, especially through the social network VKontakte. A large list of cute, funny, romantic or cool gifts will please any user, especially for a small amount. The gift given will remain on your loved one’s personal page for a long time.


How to send a VKontakte gift to a user?

The number of users of the VKontakte website today totals over 190 million people. According to the bit.ly laboratory, this site is one of the most frequently visited in the CIS countries. With its help, people every day find old friends, classmates, make new acquaintances, communicate, congratulate each other on any occasion. significant dates. Thanks to the VKontakte website, it is very simple and convenient to surprise someone for a special occasion today. You can send a message to a friend with congratulations completely free of charge and see how the user reacted to pleasant words. Today, many network users, in order to congratulate a person on some event, choose the “send a gift” function on VKontakte. This service is very popular now.

For those who don't know how to do this

So, how to send a gift to VKontakte? It will only take you a few seconds to do this. The user needs to select the desired person and click on the “send a gift” option, which is displayed under the avatar. Then you will need to choose a surprise and send it to the right person. You can write congratulations with the gift or send it without them. After this, the surprise will be displayed to the user in the special “My Gifts” section. This service is mainly paid, and in order for the user to be able to use it, he must have a certain number of votes on his account. Free gifts are only available on certain holidays, such as May 9, February 23, February 14, and international holidays such as March 8 and New Year. If you want, for example, to congratulate a person on his birthday, then you will need to first purchase votes in order to pay for your surprise.

Comfort should be in everything

When sending a gift, you can select multiple recipients. The fee for congratulating each new user will be summed up. If you don't want the recipient to know that you sent the gift, you can send it anonymously.

If your account does not have the required number of votes, the site will offer you to top up your balance in a new window that opens, in any way convenient for you. For example, using a mobile phone, bank card, payment system or through payment terminals.

VKontakte gifts are divided into several thematic blocks, which greatly simplifies the search. The cost of each of them can be checked by hovering the cursor over it.

Free cheese comes in a mousetrap

Many users of the social network today are interested in the question of whether it is possible to somehow send a gift to VKontakte for free. After all, circumstances are different, but you really want to give a friend a pleasant surprise. Today there are a huge number of sites that can offer you so-called free VKontakte gifts.
For the most part, all of these resources prompt the user to first enter their credentials: login and password. And only after this a person will be able to send a gift to VKontakte for free. However, there is a high probability of credential theft. Some sites ask you to send an SMS to a short number to activate an account on it, the cost of which is supposedly a small amount. But after sending the request, tens of times more funds are debited from the subscriber’s account than was indicated. The user receives nothing in return. In order to avoid such a situation, the cost of sending a message to a specific number can be checked in advance.

Unlimited gifts

As you can see, today there is no service that could offer truly free VKontakte gifts. However, you can use a service that offers an unlimited number of gifts per day, but not more than 100.
This pleasure will be available for 7 days for 10 votes or 30 days for 20 votes. However, this service is not available to all VKontakte users, as it may still be in beta version. So, in order for you to avail this offer, your id must be even and be in the range of 1 to 5000000 or in the range of 195000000-210000000. If your account matches this data, then you can use the service of unlimited sending of surprises for 7 or 30 days. To do this, you select the user to whom you want to send a VKontakte gift. Click “send” and in the window that appears, select a tariff that is convenient for you. You can also choose to send one selected surprise. Maybe you don't need a hundred? Thus, you can please your friends every day using the VKontakte network. Sent gifts will certainly cheer you up, but you should remember that their number should not exceed 100 pieces per day.

The VKontakte network is quite popular and has a huge number of registered users. You can easily find “old” friends and make new friends online. Users communicate on all sorts of topics and share their thoughts with each other. Playing various games You can get a high rating in VKontakte, which will allow you to please your friends by sending them pleasant virtual gifts. Let's look at how to send a gift to VKontakte.

Sending a gift to a friend

Sending a gift to a friend via VKontakte is quite simple. To do this you need:

  • Go to a friend's page.
  • Click on the “send a gift” link.
  • Various gifts will appear on the page that opens. You can choose any of them, but you must pay a cost for it, which is usually expressed in votes, which are considered a universal currency.
  • There are several ways to receive votes: through mobile phone, using a bank card or payment system, through terminals. You can also go to the "Special Offers" section and get free votes by playing games.

Free gift sending

In VKontakte you can send gifts to friends for free. Let's look at how to send a gift to VKontakte for free. To do this, you need to download a free program that will allow you to do cool gifts. By inviting your friends, you will receive additional points to your rating, which means you will be able to give more exquisite gifts. In VKontakte, the crocodile game gives out free gifts. To do this you need:

  • Add the user "crocodile" to your friends.
  • The status needs to mention the game.
  • After the “crocodile” checks your status, you will receive a gift.

Send a gift to yourself

Many users are interested in how to send a gift to themselves on VKontakte. Such methods exist:

  • You can create a second account and add your first account as a friend. And give gifts to yourself.
  • You need to know your id and paste it into the link. Go to your wall and copy the numbers in the address bar. You will see these numbers after the inscription: vk.com/wall.
  • Insert these numbers by following the link http://vk.com/gifts.php?to=XXXXXX.
  • We select a gift and see our name in the recipient field.

Anonymous gift sending

Let's look at how to send a gift to VKontakte anonymously. To do anonymous gift you need to click on the gift block in your profile, and to make it anonymous, scroll down on the “Send gift” button in the profile of the user for whom this gift is intended. In the page that opens, select the appropriate setting.