When a child cries, the chin trembles. Why does a newborn baby’s chin and lower lip shake, and his arms and legs tremble: all about tremor in babies. The causes of the pathology may be

Every mother knows that a newborn baby is different from those babies that are shown to us in television advertising. Babies have wrinkled skin and hair may grow on their body. The eyes of such babies are unfocused, and their legs and arms are very thin. Sometimes they make various strange movements.

After giving birth, young parents are very worried about the baby and look closely at him. They take care of his well-being, nutrition, and health. When a child begins to make any strange movements, this can seriously frighten unknowing young parents. One of the common causes of concern is when the baby's chin is shaking. Is this a deviation or is this phenomenon not outside the norm?

Trembling chin in a newborn

From the moment of birth to one month, a child is not yet a fully formed person. This also applies to those children whose mothers carried them to term.

All his organ systems are in an immature state. They will continue to develop throughout the year. During 2-3 weeks of life, the baby's limbs may shake. This phenomenon is a sign that the nervous system has not yet fully formed. This is not a deviation.

This means that the baby’s centers that control movements have not yet been activated. He may involuntarily twitch both his arms and legs. This is not outside the norm.

Sometimes not only the limbs shake, but also the chin or the whole body. What should parents do in this case?

  • You need to monitor the situation in which the trembling begins. Is the child calm or excited?
  • Does the baby exhibit other factors related to the nervous system? Maybe he doesn’t sleep well, his whole body begins to tremble, and at the same time his arms and legs are shaking from his chin?

If there are no other warning signs, then a trembling chin should not cause concern.

If, when exerting or crying, a baby under 3 months of age still has chin trembling, this is not a pathology, but a consequence of nervous excitement, which is normal at this age. But you still need to consult with a neurologist, give the baby a massage and baths with relaxing herbs.

If trembling is observed even when the child is calm, this may be caused by hypertonicity. This is a deviation that requires timely treatment.

Head tremors

If the baby is shaking not only his chin, but his whole head, this should cause concern among parents. This phenomenon may be a consequence of the manifestation of a neurological disease, which could be caused by asphyxia during childbirth or any other reasons. In this case, the child needs the help of a neurologist.

As a rule, chin trembling goes away in infants before the age of 2-3 months. But in about 10% of children this phenomenon persists. If the baby is already 3 months old, but there is still trembling of the chin during nervous overexcitation and even when the child is in a calm state, this is a serious reason to contact a specialist. There is no need to delay this.

Young parents should closely monitor the health and general condition of their baby. If any phenomena cause concern, it is better to seek advice so as not to trigger the problem.

Tremor in infants (video)

Quite often, young parents wonder why their child’s chin is trembling and his hands are trembling. This involuntary twitching is noticeable most of all when crying (the lower lip, chin, and arms tremble), and at the age of up to 3 months, this is a completely normal phenomenon.

The baby's chin is trembling: why?

When a baby is born, it undergoes a kind of stress, because the familiar warm and calm environment of the mother’s womb has been replaced by a large open space that needs to get used to. In addition, newborn babies do not have strong immunity; each system in their small and fragile body has not yet formed and become stronger; moreover, children need some time to adapt to external conditions.

This addiction is accompanied by certain side effects, including trembling of the chin. This phenomenon occurs for the reason that the baby is not yet able to fully control muscle functions, as adults successfully do; their nervous system is immature.

Of course, the baby is constantly developing, and every such “strangeness” leaves no trace.

It must be remembered that trembling of the chin in a child up to three months of age is normal, so there is no reason to worry, much less panic.

Physiology of tremor

Thus, newborns undergo a process of muscle strengthening, that is, in most cases this is a normal physiological process. However, chin trembling can also occur under the influence of another factor - insufficient formation of the endocrine system.

This system is responsible for creating hormonal balance in the body. It keeps under control every release of a particular hormone by certain glands located throughout the body. When your chin begins to tremble, this is due to the excess content of norepinephrine in the blood, the production of which is responsible for the adrenal gland. A similar hormone is released into the blood when the baby is overly excited.

Simply put, when he:

  • makes active movements;
  • shows loud joy;
  • screams;
  • crying.

You need to understand that this is quite normal for a child, and there is no need to worry about it.

Under what circumstances is caution warranted?

There are circumstances in which the appearance of a shaky chin in a baby is a signal to parents to sound the alarm. In this case, you should immediately contact a pediatrician or neurologist.

What are these circumstances?

  • The child continues to experience chin tremor even after three months;
  • Excessive shaking appears;
  • The chin trembles regardless of the condition of the baby.

Why should you be concerned? The thing is that each of these symptoms indicates disturbances in the normal functioning of the body systems (endocrine or nervous). This may be a pathology, and here time plays an important role.

Each of the violations in children's body it is possible to stop, unless, of course, the disease has had time to develop irreversibly. Therefore, in such cases there is no need to wait, consulting with relatives and friends.

Sometimes the reason for such symptoms may lie in an unsuccessful birth process.


  • polyhydramnios;
  • brain hypoxia;
  • rapid or sluggish labor;
  • umbilical cord entanglement;
  • placental disorders.

However, such a number of reasons still does not indicate significant harm to the child; in such cases, the tremor will go away in the future. It is much worse if the problem is neurological in nature. This kind of pathology is difficult to cure, because it is not some kind of common cold.


If the baby is not even one month old, let alone three, and sometimes his chin trembles, there is no need to create panic. However, there is no need to forget about such a problem, because the continuation of symptoms is a signal of active action.

There is a separate complex preventive measures, which can reduce or even completely rid the baby of such an unpleasant and alarming symptom.

The following procedures can be performed for the child:

  • bathe him using a collection of medicinal herbs;
  • practice chin massage.

These two actions can be successfully combined. You need to know that in some cases, baths with herbs can cause the baby to develop allergic reaction. That is, first you need to make sure that the herbs are safe for the baby. The face should be massaged on the child's chin with gentle movements so that he feels joy.

The baby's chin shakes when he cries

Even taking into account the fact that a born baby is fully capable of “independently” existing (he can perform certain natural actions: drink milk, breathe, defecate, etc.), all of his biological systems and functioning organs are not fully formed and continue to improve for quite a long time. time period from the moment of birth. For this reason, a small child develops many conditions that would be considered clear signs of a health disorder in an adult. But for a child, this can only mean that he continues to develop normally.

These conditions can be called transient, i.e. they can go away on their own, without the use of special therapy. Physiologically they are completely normal and do not require medical intervention. Such natural conditions include: diarrhea, constipation, jaundice, weight loss, rash, fever and much more. This also includes the tremor observed in infants, which is characteristic of many babies. It is characterized by trembling (twitching) of individual muscles of the child. If a baby's leg, arm, chin or lower lip begins to shake, then this is a tremor.

This phenomenon at the physiological level is explained by the fact that the baby’s endocrine and nervous systems are not fully formed:

  • the nerve centers in the baby’s brain are not yet properly able to coordinate some movements, performing functions at the usual level, for this reason the baby has quite sensitive manifestations to many stimuli;
  • The adrenal glands produce excess amounts of the “stress hormone,” also called norepinephrine. When a baby experiences any emotional state, such signs may stand out more than necessary.

This means that the baby, experiencing even the slightest amount of physical or emotional stress, shudders, or some parts of his small body begin to tremble, for example, lips, legs, arms, and even a combination. A similar tremor appears when the baby is excited, when something frightens him, if he laughs, or, conversely, cries, while feeding, raising his hand, etc.

In this case, anything can act as irritation factors. This may occur from loud noises, sudden movements, bright lights, feelings of thirst or hunger, sensations unpleasant odor, during joy, during colic and other pain, during any actions that entail stimulation of the baby’s nervous system. Sometimes the baby’s chin begins to tremble even in a calm state.

Children born before 9 months are especially susceptible to such symptoms, since their biological systems are even weaker than those of babies born on time. But even then, this does not mean that any special treatment is required. It is quite possible that in such a baby all body systems will return to normal and be properly formed a little later than this should usually happen.

According to experts, upon reaching a year, such manifestations will disappear, gradually fading away. Twitching is most noticeable in the first period of a baby’s life – from three to four months.

Baby's chin shakes while feeding

Body systems infant(in particular the endocrine and nervous ones) are not sufficiently formed. Whenever a person experiences any emotion, the hormone norepinephrine is released into the blood. It happens that children secrete it in significant quantities. This leads to the fact that, influencing the incompletely formed nervous system, the hormone causes trembling in the baby.

It is considered normal for a small baby to react when, during rapid sleep, crying, fear, or other emotional experience, his lower jaw trembles. These natural twitches are observed for up to three to four months. Sometimes a tremor on the chin can be observed while feeding the baby, which is not a reason to fear something serious, of course, if the baby is eating quite normally and there are no other symptoms of NS diseases.

However, sometimes chin tremor in an infant occurs when the nervous system is disturbed and the brain is hypoxic. The reasons for this lack of oxygen can lie in many ways, mostly due to the presence of anemia during pregnancy, birth trauma, or infection in the child’s body in the womb.

It is necessary to visit a doctor for consultation when:

  • Bottom part the baby’s jaw trembles even when he is calm and not emotionally active;
  • tremor affects not only the lower jaw, but also the head as a whole;
  • the child is more than three months old, but the tremor does not stop;

Of course, each baby develops differently, but there is no need to panic if there is tremor of the lower jaw. A visit to the pediatrician will not be unnecessary.

The baby's chin and legs are shaking

From the moment children are born, stabilization of the system that is responsible for the production of individual hormones does not occur immediately. An excess of such substances in a child’s body can itself cause slight trembling in the hands. This is quite a common occurrence; after three months such signs will disappear without a trace.

When the baby is more than 90 days old, and his hands continue to shake, this can be considered a reason to consult a doctor, since in such cases, delays can be fraught. It's better to play it safe and find out what the reason is. Under such circumstances, trembling may be a sign of a serious illness or abnormal condition.

Some of the serious causes of tremor include the following:

  • Various neurological disorders. Such disorders can very often cause such uncontrolled movements of the baby. In this case, it is imperative to be treated by a neurologist, who will find out why the deviations appeared and determine the necessary therapeutic therapy;
  • Hypoxia is when the normal flow of oxygen through the blood to the baby’s brain is disrupted. The main consequence of hypoxia is impaired fetal development, birth injuries and severe labor.

Safe deviations include: hyperglycemia, blood pressure disorders, etc. You should definitely take into account that if the tremor does not stop before the baby reaches the age of three months, you should immediately seek medical help. This is the only way to promptly, if the symptoms are unnatural, identify the disease and prescribe a set of treatment procedures.

The baby's chin is shaking: Komarovsky

If in general the baby behaves quite normally, eats and sleeps, and apart from this symptom there are no other noticeable “oddities”, then there is no reason to worry. At first, there is no need to pay excessive attention to such natural moments, as the qualified pediatrician Komarovsky advises. The latter suggests that chin trembling in young children in an isolated form (if it is not combined with other clinical signs) cannot be regarded as a sign of increased intracranial pressure. To all other, high blood pressure inside the skull is a rather dangerous phenomenon; in such cases, patients should undergo hospital treatment rather than be treated at home.

For this reason, if a neurologist prescribes treatment for a child only because the child’s sponge is trembling, then it is better to find another specialist and determine why the child has tremor and whether treatment should be taken.

In the forums, many mothers complain that their children’s sponges are trembling or there is a tremor in the lower jaw. However, they immediately say that around the age of five months such signs completely disappear, without consequences for the baby.

If mom thinks that at least some measures need to be taken in this case, it is quite safe to start practicing soothing herbal baths. Another important factor that can directly affect the baby’s condition is the emotional state in which his mother is, both during the feeding period and in general. If something is constantly bothering the mother and she walks around irritated, then the corresponding substances (along with stress hormones) are transferred to the baby through the milk.

We can make a clear conclusion that the calmness of the mother is the calmness of the child. You need to give your growing baby a little time, and all the “unusualities” will eventually simply disappear as they grow older, however, you need to keep your eyes open.

Trembling of any part of the body in a newborn frightens and alarms parents. Most often, in infants under one year of age, the chin twitches when crying or nervous tension. Let's figure out together when it's worth sounding the alarm and showing the child to the doctor, and in what cases there is no point in worrying for mothers.

From this article you will learn


Provoking factors for tremor in infants are divided into physiological (normal) and pathological (painful, unhealthy). If a child’s chin, arms, legs, and head shake from birth to 3–4 months, this is normal; the symptoms do not require treatment.

Over time, the nervous system will learn to control movements, control emotions, and the tremor will pass. The persistence of twitching in a later period and tremors at rest signal pathological causes that require diagnosis.


A baby's chin sometimes shakes when he cries if he hears sharp sound, feels hungry, touched something hot or too cold water, the parents made a sudden movement. The reasons for this reaction of the facial muscles to stimuli are:

  • Instability of the newborn's central nervous system. The baby cannot control emotions. Trembling of the chin or lower lip occurs due to stress or as preparation for crying; from harsh light or sound, the baby may still blink frequently and shake his lips. This symptom is also typical for adults who have experienced shock, great joy or grief.
  • Immaturity of the endocrine system. Any emotional overexcitation provokes the release of hormones into the blood. Norepinephrine causes muscle tremors. By the age of one year, the functioning of the adrenal glands is normalized.
  • Prematurity. In children born ahead of schedule, tremor is observed more often. If development proceeds at a normal pace, the trembling will stop by 6–12 months.
  • Muscle trembling from tension, sucking. When a baby yawns heavily or sucks on a breast or bottle for a long time, the facial muscles tense and a short tremor may occur. This does not mean that the child is sick.

On a note! Cramps of the lips and chin are common in absolutely healthy children after sleep. Infant may awaken abruptly from noise or colic, or be frightened by something during sleep. This is a normal phenomenon; if the tremor goes away after 20–30 seconds, the condition is not regular.

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With pathological tremor in newborns, the chin, head and limbs tremble. The totality of symptoms, their intensity, duration, twitching for no apparent reason is a serious reason to consult a neurologist at any age. TO pathological reasons Tremors include:

  • intrauterine infections;
  • threats of miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • sepsis;
  • placental abruption;
  • prolonged labor;
  • intoxication in the womb;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • birth injuries;
  • intracranial hemorrhage due to trauma;
  • vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium, glucose, magnesium;
  • withdrawal syndrome in a pregnant woman after withdrawal from alcohol and drugs;
  • blood poisoning;
  • muscle hypertonicity.

The disease develops in a baby immediately after birth or in the womb. You cannot cure tremor on your own; seek medical help.

On a note! It is interesting that the chin and limbs of 2-3 month old children can shake not only from negative emotions, but also from joy, delight and interest.

When to see a doctor

Medical attention is required for children with trembling of the chin and other parts of the body if the culprits of the tremor are diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. The mother needs to carefully observe the child, even make notes about the time and cause of the chin trembling.

To understand what nature the tremor has (physiological or pathological), answer 5 questions based on observations of the baby:

  1. Child's age? Tremor up to 3-4 months is not diagnosed as a disease. You should consult a doctor after this age, if you regularly observe a pathological symptom, an increase in the number of causeless tremors and their intensity.
  2. How long does the tremor last? If the shaking is intense, lasts more than 30 seconds, the symptom repeats daily, the baby needs the help of a specialist.
  3. What's trembling? If in the first months of life only the chin shakes from stress, while other parts of the face and limbs remain calm, parents should not be nervous. Closer to the year, the unpleasant symptom for mom will pass. If a two-month-old baby shakes his entire head, chin and limbs at the same time, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.
  4. Is there a reason for chin trembling? Anxiety should be caused by tremor at rest, for no apparent reason (fright, crying, hunger, bathing, etc.). If the tremors have provoking factors, the attack does not last long and is repeated less frequently with age, the help of a pediatrician will not be required.
  5. Is trembling accompanied by other signs of illness? Contact a neurologist or pediatrician if, during tremors, the baby's facial skin turns blue and becomes covered with perspiration, twitching begins immediately after feedings, tremors of the head and limbs are asymmetrical, and the baby has large tremors.

In this video, you will learn even more about chin tremors from your pediatrician.

What can be done

When the baby's chin and limbs shake, and his lips tremble, frightened mothers forget what to do in this situation. Parents themselves experience stress and panic. In fact preventive measures for muscle spasms are simple.

If your baby has been twitching his head and chin since birth, but most of the time he is calm and happy with life, you need to minimize the number of shocks. At the same time, keep in mind that the child experiences stress from negative and positive emotions. The task of parents is to create a harmonious, calm environment in the house, to protect the baby from provocateurs of an outburst of feelings of a different nature.

Proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Analyze to what everyday moments the baby reacts violently (cries, is very happy, is afraid) and why this happens. Perhaps the cause of stress is the presentation new toy, too violent emotions of the mother, loud laughter of parents or screams.
  2. Carry out daily hygiene procedures and get ready for a walk calmly. Take your time and don't stress yourself out first. If possible, minimize the number of nervous breakdowns and disputes with relatives. Remember that the mood of the family is transmitted to the baby.
  3. Do not breastfeed when your baby is excited. At breastfeeding the mother passes on her hormones to the child, including norepinephrine. Increased levels of this substance in the blood provoke nervous movements of the chin and head in infants.
  4. Create a daily routine and strictly follow the plan.
  5. Give your child a relaxing massage and exercises to relieve hypertension.
  6. Bathe with soothing herbs. Add decoctions of chamomile, string, and oregano to the water.
  7. After six months, if the tremors have not stopped, consult a doctor. A neurologist will make a diagnosis based on examination and hardware studies. Will write out if necessary medicinal preparations: “Pantogam”, “Glycine”, “Mydocalm”.

What if your chin and legs tremble?

The famous pediatrician and teledoctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky is often asked what to do if a baby’s chin is shaking and an arm or leg is connected to the tremor? Children's doctor advises not to worry if the baby otherwise behaves normally: sleeps well, eats, smiles, and develops correctly in basic indicators.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on one symptom - irregular tremor of parts of the body or face - in a young child. To suspect a pathology, more compelling reasons and regular manifestations of symptoms of the disease are required.

If you do not observe other signs of central nervous system diseases, except for tremor from fear or joy, and the neurologist has prescribed medication, contact another doctor. If trembling of the lips, chin, or limbs is combined with other clinical symptoms of neurological pathologies, appears at rest, and does not disappear after 4–6 months, hesitate to seek help. medical care it is forbidden.

Relaxing massage

Kneading and stroking the body is beneficial for all infants. Massage helps relieve colic, improves the baby's immunity, and brings mother and child closer together emotionally. You can carry out the procedure yourself or invite a specialist.


Massage should be a source of positive emotions. During the kneading process, muscles relax and nerves calm down. The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the preparatory stage.

  1. Ventilate the room. The temperature should be at least 24°C so that the crumbs do not freeze.
  2. Remove from your hands long nails, hangnails so as not to scratch the baby’s body.
  3. Remove rings and bracelets.
  4. Wash your palms with soap and warm them.
  5. Place a thick blanket on the changing table and crib.
  6. During the massage, talk tenderly to the baby and sing.
  7. Carry out the procedure before bed, after a bath.
  8. Do not massage if the baby is in a bad mood or is sick.
  9. Strip the baby naked.
  10. Use oil (vaseline or massage oil).
  11. Continue the procedure for 10–15 minutes.

Relaxation massage techniques

For effective massage at home, master a few simple movements: stroking, vibration, rubbing and kneading. Start the procedure with light stroking touches, in the middle - knead and tap with little effort. Use the following techniques:

  • Hand massage. Rub your fingers, palms, then rise to your shoulder. Don't concentrate on the elbow bend.
  • Stroking chest. Gently move your hands from your neck to your armpits. Move from top to bottom, herringbone.
  • Rubbing the belly. Move your palms over the entire surface of the tummy to the pubis. Rub your body with little effort, make circular movements.
  • Foot massage. Rub your legs from your feet to your hips. To knead the foot, firmly grasp the child’s foot and draw a figure eight, six, seven on the sole with your fingers. This stage gives the baby maximum pleasure.
  • Back massage. Place the baby on your tummy. Make vibration movements in a herringbone pattern, from neck to butt.
  • Stroking the facial muscles. Can be done 3-4 times a day. Movements should be very light. Stroke the sides of the nose, jaw area, forehead and cheeks 5-7 times.

Important! If you have pathological tremor, seek help from an osteopath. The doctor will prescribe a course of relaxing procedures that will affect the specific muscle group where the spasm is recorded.

Newborns have many oddities that worry parents. Most of them go away with age, closer to a year. Tremor of the facial muscles and chin is included in the list of normal physiological processes for infants.

If non-standard behavior greatly worries the mother, it is better to ask the pediatrician during a preventive examination, make an appointment with a neurologist, than to be tormented by doubts and self-medicate.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Good day, dear readers! I remembered an incident from my life - I went to the clinic with my baby for a routine examination. I go into the office to get a card and see my mother: pale, frightened. Through tears, she asks the pediatrician: “What should I do if my newborn’s chin is shaking? How do I know? I thought it was normal!”

A little person in the house is a joy. But all women who have experienced the joy of motherhood will confirm my words: along with happiness in the form of a beloved baby comes fear and anxiety. Parents notice strange actions in the child: he is clumsy, smiles with one corner of his lips, eats awkwardly, etc. It is not always possible to understand whether a child’s behavior is justified by his age or whether he is behaving somehow suspiciously.

In newborns, absolutely any action can be either physiological or pathological.

Let's look at the example of a shaky chin.

1.1. Physiology

  • The body is at the stage of development. It is quite normal if the baby’s lower lip trembles (in medical parlance, trembling is called “tremor”) when crying. Internal organs They are just beginning to function fully, but the baby is not yet able to control himself and his behavior. Everything in this world is new to him - he’s so used to living in his mother’s womb!
  • Stress. Since the baby is not yet strong and has not mastered his new role, he begins to get nervous. Parents may notice that a loud sound causes the baby's lower lip to tremble: the baby has not yet understood whether it is worth crying in this case - or whether such a sound is quite normal in this world (different from womb life).

1.2. Pathology

Here everything is much more serious; it is likely that the child was injured during birth or while “living in the tummy.”

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The following can harm the unborn baby:

  • Excessive amount of amniotic fluid.
  • Difficult labor (weak labor), sudden birth, caesarean section.
  • Entwining the baby with the umbilical cord.
  • Infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy.
  • Severe stress suffered by the parent during pregnancy.
  • Trauma during childbirth itself.

Such reasons can lead to disruption of the nervous system (already unstable). Hence the chin tremor.

2. Characteristics of physiological tremor

Moms, don’t panic prematurely; at the initial stage (up to three months of age), babies often experience trembling of the lower lip. This phenomenon is influenced by various factors. The baby reacts to any actions and manipulations from the parents. Perhaps your little one is just trying to smile - and it’s not coming out! Well, or cry...

Please note that the child responds to your “lisping” and his chin begins to twitch. Have you noticed? Or after water procedures when you take your beloved baby out of the bathroom and wrap it in a towel? Yes, even when feeding! Is the sponge shaking? That's the same!

Or another example: a parent decided to watch the news on TV, and they were broadcasting about a fallen plane. The presenter speaks sharply and somewhat rudely. Loud sounds of fire can be heard in the background. The baby may get scared, which is why a tremor of the chin will appear. That is, it turns out that the child is trying not to cry and is holding back his emotions, because such a plot does not frighten mom and dad at all (and therefore, it has a place to happen).

Well, or a more direct example: a baby has a stomach ache or is suffering from gas - the results are obvious!

Do you get the connection? The child simply responds to external factors, which evoke either positive or negative emotions in him. Since the baby does not speak yet, but communicates only with gestures and facial expressions, he shows you his reaction to the actions taking place by trembling his sponge.

Monitor your newborn if:

  • the chin trembles for no more than 30 seconds;
  • does not cause concern in terms of severe tremor;
  • trembling is caused by negative actions;
    - This is fine.

We calm down the panic and wait for the moment when the chin stops shaking for physiological reasons.

3. Characteristics of pathological tremor

Suppose you notice that your child’s chin is twitching due to the influence of external factors on his body. Now you need to pay attention to other symptoms in the baby.

  1. If the shaking does not stop during more than six months, you need to see a doctor. By this time, the baby should already have adapted and processes such as bathing, dressing, feeding and communicating with parents (grandmothers and other relatives) should not cause tremors.
  2. If the child has sponges hands are shaking, and the head begins to twitch unnaturally - we also go to the doctor. The child probably has serious disorders of the nervous system or another disease.
  3. The baby begins to have a chin tremor, even if he is absolutely relaxed and calm. Even worse, if a child experiences such a symptom during sleep, we immediately go to the doctor.
  4. If a child's trembling is not fleeting, but lasts for a minute or more– there is reason to be wary. This phenomenon is not considered normal.
  5. If a child literally “sausages”, he all shaking and twitching– we don’t just go to the doctor, but urgently call ambulance at home.

If you understand that your child is suffering from one or another sign of unnatural chin trembling, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. Tremor of the lower lip may indicate diseases that do not go away over time, but require medical intervention

4. How to help your baby cope with chin tremors

So, you notice that the child's chin is really twitching. On your part, you need to carefully monitor your baby and inform your pediatrician of any changes in the newborn’s behavior.

Any actions that cause you a number of questions should be asked to the doctor during a consultation or routine examination.

If your baby has been given a terrible diagnosis, where tremor was only a symptom of the disease, do not self-medicate, trust the doctor. If you think that the diagnosis has been made incorrectly, you should not cancel treatment altogether, contact another specialist to confirm or refute the diagnosed disease.

Help the baby adapt faster, carry out procedures so that the child quickly gets used to the new world:

  1. From a month of age, a child can (and even needs) Do massage. It will help your baby cope with muscle tone and learn to feel his body. Perform the massage technique strictly following the doctor's recommendations.
  2. Newborn babies feel great in water (before birth, they were essentially in water). Give your baby a bath more often. And to consolidate the effect, you can add soothing herbs to the bath (but do not overuse, 1-2 times a week is more than enough).

And remember, dear mothers, that the “weather in the house” is very important for a child, because the home atmosphere is the best medicine for our children. Newborns are very attached to their parents; it is important for them to feel their mother’s warmth. Children growing up in love grow up calm and healthy.

More information about neurological diagnoses in children can be found in the video from Dr. Komarovsky:

Did your friends have a similar situation associated with tremor of the lower lip? Encourage them to read this article. And subscribe to my blog, I will tell you about many life situations that a young mother may face. Bye bye!

In the first days and even weeks, every mother carefully monitors the baby, because he is so defenseless that it is scary to miss some signals about poor health, problems that can be corrected in early age. Parents consider situations when the baby's chin is shaking to be one of the warning signs. But if in some cases this is not even a symptom, then in others it can be a sign of a rather serious disease. The attending pediatrician will tell you how to recognize and contact a neurologist in time, so parents just have to be careful.

Infant chin tremor is primarily a signal of an immature nervous system. In newborns, the adrenal glands are not yet mature and do not work effectively enough. That is, there are two main reasons for this “symptom”:

  1. it is neurological immaturity;
  2. hormonal immaturity (the adrenal glands release excessive amounts of norepinephrine into the blood, which is a response to stressful situations, and this in turn excites the nervous system.

Hypertonicity is an additional burden on the baby’s body, so muscles and organs simply cannot work fully yet.

There are other reasons that doctors associate with a trembling chin:

  • difficult childbirth and any birth trauma can cause oxygen starvation, resulting in problems in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • overexertion may occur due to the fact that the baby is hungry or cold;
  • Mom's stress during pregnancy also leads to instability of the nervous system after childbirth;
  • A difficult pregnancy can also lead to complications.

Problem or not

Doctors believe that up to 3 months of age, chin tremor in newborns is normal. Both arms and legs may tremble. But most often it is the lower part of the face that shakes. All this only means that the baby’s nervous system is just developing.

In order to understand whether tremors are really a symptom of any disease, you should closely monitor the baby.

  1. You should understand exactly when the chin is shaking: when overexcited, this is the norm, but if tremors occur in a calm state, it is worth checking whether the baby is cold or hungry. In absolute rest, without any reasons for stress and physical tension, without hypertonicity, it is difficult to call trembling normal, but this sometimes happens.
  2. The chin can shake during physical stress, and this is the case with feeding, because the baby intensively sucks milk, and during a tonic massage.
  3. When a baby cries, the lower part of the face may also shake quite violently.

In any case, babies are regularly examined by a neurologist, to whom you must report tremors. And it’s up to the doctor to decide whether there is a problem or not. You should really be concerned if the trembling continues after the child reaches 3 months or longer.

Symptoms that, together with a shaking chin, indicate the presence of diseases and problems include:

  • tremor in infants, not only of the lower part of the face, but also of the entire head;
  • when shaking, the baby turns blue and sweats;
  • If the birth was quite difficult, it is imperative to be examined by a neurologist.


First of all, you should make the environment around the baby calm and the daily routine stable. If tremor is observed only during stress, then there is no need to worry too much, but you need to arrange your life in such a way as to reduce the impact of stressful situations on the baby.

If doctors indicate hypertension, you should do a relaxing massage. It is not necessary to call a specialist for this - several simple exercises The pediatrician will also show you. Baths with herbs that calm the nervous system will help if the baby is not allergic to the selected plants.

If necessary, a neurologist will prescribe more serious treatment, depending on what specific problems are diagnosed during the examination. One of the most common causes of this condition is called oxygen starvation, then doctors prescribe drugs that improve the supply of oxygen to brain cells, stimulate its rapid maturation and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Whatever the treatment prescribed by doctors, many still consider the most important factor to be the calmness of the mother, because her condition is transmitted to the baby, who is sensitive to the stress, anxiety, and tension of the mother in labor. However, older children always feel their mother even from a distance, so it is important for the parents to first put their nervous system in order.