Is it possible to change washing powder? Handy products that can replace washing powder. Borax, soda and soap shavings

What to replace washing powder Description
Homemade washing gel Many people are accustomed to using gels for automatic machines. Instead of ready-made product You can use homemade washing gel from the store.

Thanks to the addition of soda ash, the amount of foam is reduced, but in an automatic machine this product should be used in small quantities.

Homemade gel is more suitable for hand wash.

Everyone knows that laundry soap removes dirt of various types well.
Composed of laundry soap and soda ash You can use a mixture of crushed laundry soap and soda ash for washing, but only washing machine it should not be added automatically.

The soap solution settles quite quickly on the tank, drain filter, and pipe. This leads to clogging of the holes through which water should exit after washing.

Such a replacement can remove stains, but it is important to consider the possible harm to household appliances. It is better to use this composition instead of washing powder when washing by hand.

Mustard powder perfectly helps to cope with many contaminants. If you are allergic to washing powders, you can use this replacement.
Salt should be used instead of washing powder when washing linen and chintz.
Mylyanka Few people know that this plant can replace washing powder. It is sold in pharmacies, at the market, and you can even grow it on your own plot.

Only the root of the plant is used for washing.

Soap solution is most suitable for washing silk and wool towels.

Washing powder has long become a familiar thing, without which it is hard to imagine your life and clean things. In some cases, this product may not be at hand, and to give things a neat look you need to use what is at hand.

People who are allergic to individual components present in its composition are also trying to find a replacement for this product.

There are several affordable and effective options for replacing washing powder, making things clean and without spending a lot of effort.

Homemade washing gel

A liquid gel made at home can be considered a complete replacement for washing powder. It helps to get rid of even stubborn stains on things. You can use such a gel in a washing machine, but you should remember that quite a lot is formed in the process. a large number of foam.

Many people prefer to use gel for hand washing. To make it yourself you need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 g baking soda;
  • 100 g of laundry soap.

The soap must first be grated. Pour water into a saucepan, pour in the prepared shavings, and heat over low heat. The solution must be constantly stirred until the soap dissolves. Then add soda and stir.

When the soda has completely dissolved, turn off the heat, cover the container with a lid, leave for a day, pour into a container of a suitable size and use for washing.

Laundry soap

Everyone knows that soap removes dirt well. It is not worth using it often in an automatic machine. It can settle on the walls of hoses and pipes.

Because of this, the water does not drain well. A mixture of baking soda and soap has good cleaning properties. 5 bars of soap require 5 tsp. soda This mixture removes dirt well. It is best used for hand washing.


Mustard powder helps restore cleanliness to things. For 1 wash in an automatic machine, 40-60 g of this product are required. Be sure to keep in mind that you can only wash with mustard at a temperature of 40 degrees. If the water is hotter, the powder will simply brew.

If the stain is very large, before washing, apply a paste of mustard powder and water to the fabric and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that you can wash everything.


Salt quickly and without a trace removes dirt from linen and chintz. The advantage of using such an alternative product is that the fabric does not lose color after washing.

Keep in mind that salt may not be able to deal with complex stains in the first wash. Additionally, you can soak the item by rubbing the stain with laundry soap.


A plant with white and pink flowers is called soapwort. It fully lives up to its name and helps deal with stains well. Only the root of the plant is used for washing. Necessary:

  • grind 50 g of soap root;
  • add 0.5 boiled water;
  • leave for a day, stirring occasionally;
  • after 24 hours, put on the stove, simmer over low heat for 1 hour;
  • cool, strain;
  • Pour the resulting soap solution into a basin and you can start washing.

1 portion of the solution is enough to wash 2 very dirty items. The remaining grounds can be refilled with the same amount of water, repeat the procedure, receiving another 1 portion of the cleaning composition. It can be used to wash lightly soiled items.

There are several options for replacing washing powder. Focus on your needs and the degree of contamination of things. Use natural ingredients that do not cause allergies and can even replace children's washing powder.


Washing powder contains a lot of components that can harm the skin and internal organs person. Therefore, housewives who are concerned about the health of their relatives at some point face the question of what can be used instead.

Powder harm

Thanks to the surfactants contained in the washing powder, redox processes slow down. Protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism are also carried out with disturbances. Harmful components accumulate on the surface of cell membranes, which can lead to serious disruptions in biochemical processes in the human body.

  • Anionic surfactants included in laundry detergents are especially dangerous, as they lead to damage to the lungs, liver, kidneys, and brain. They can provoke allergic reactions and negatively affect the immune system.
  • Phosphates enhance the effects of surfactants, as a result of which the latter quickly penetrate into the human blood, disrupt its composition, and cause serious disruptions in immune system. Thanks to phosphates, powder particles accumulate in fabric fibers, resulting in all things being impregnated with a chemical composition.

You don’t want to experience the negative effects of such substances on yourself, so people began to look for something to replace washing powder with. There were many options.

Alternative to laundry detergent

In every home there are products that can easily be used as an environmental detergent; they can easily replace washing powder.


This product is unique. Mustard works great for dirty dishes, oily hair, old oil stains. It is also suitable as a substitute. Silk and wool items are especially good for washing in mustard water.

To prepare the product, you will need 1 liter of warm water, into which pour 3 small spoons (with top) of mustard. Mix everything until completely dissolved. Set aside the resulting composition for 2 hours, after which the contents should be slowly, without stirring, poured into a container with hot water. The remaining grounds can be reused. Clothes are washed in this composition 1-2 times. During the washing process, fresh mustard liquid must be constantly added. Finally, the laundry is thoroughly rinsed in clean water and dries.

When wool fabrics are rinsed for the last time, add 1 small spoon to the water ammonia for every liter of water. For silk fabrics - 2 teaspoons per liter of water.


Not everyone knows this, however, salt is also an excellent alternative to washing powder. She washes linen and cotton clothes especially carefully. Both white and colored clothes are suitable for washing in salt.

Things are placed in a deep basin, and water is poured into it, the volume of which must be measured accurately. After this, the clothes are thoroughly wrung out. Salt dissolves in the remaining liquid; there should be 1 large spoon for each liter. Things are placed in the resulting solution for an hour. After the time has passed, the clothes need to be wrung out and rinsed.

Soap root

Soap root is a special remedy that can be freely purchased on the market or in pharmacies. An excellent alternative to washing powder. To wash 1 kg. 50 grams of linen will be required. root This component is crushed with a hammer and poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water and leave for 24 hours. While the composition is infused, it must be stirred periodically. The resulting mass should be boiled over low heat for an hour, stirring constantly. The slightly cooled solution is filtered through cheesecloth. The residue remaining on the fabric can be used again for the same procedure.

Half of the soap solution formed initially should be poured into a bowl of warm water and whisked until a fluffy foam forms. The second part will be used for washing the next load of laundry or re-washing heavily soiled ones.

horse chestnut

Horse chestnut can also replace washing powder. A detergent prepared on the basis of this component is equally suitable for both hand washing and automatic washing.

The outer brown shell is removed from the collected chestnut fruits (it can stain clothes), after which the product is ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is placed in a bowl and filled with hot water. This composition should be thoroughly beaten until foam is obtained.

Homemade washing gel recipe

For those who don’t know how to replace washing powder, but really want to do it, a special washing gel is suitable, which can be easily prepared at home.

To prepare it, you need to pour 50 grams into 1 liter of boiled water. any soap, previously crushed on a coarse grater. The soap should dissolve. After this, the pan is removed from the heat and 45 grams are added to the mixture. soda ash. The composition is thoroughly mixed and cooled.

This kind of washing powder does not produce foam at all and washes things perfectly, especially if they are pre-soaked. The consumption of the resulting product is approximately the same as washing powder.

Natural bleach

Light colored items need bleaching. Only this method can give your laundry a snow-white appearance and get rid of stubborn stains.

But bleaching at home does not necessarily require chlorine. You can use the following recipe. To 10 liters hot water add 2 large spoons of peroxide and 1 same spoon of ammonia. This solution can bleach any fabric without any problems.

Modern chemicals for washing and scenting clothes contain a high level of harmful compounds, and do not always wash the item completely. Washing powders are not suitable for allergy sufferers - the active substances in the composition most often cause severe allergies.
The safest and effective method wash things without powder - use regular laundry soap. With it, no more allergies - even the most sensitive skin will remain clean and will not peel off like after washing powder.

What can replace washing powder?

A recipe ideal for washing both white and colored fabrics:
For five pieces of laundry soap (three per grater), take sodium or soda ash - five teaspoons, add 2-3 drops of any essential oil for scent. Mix the composition thoroughly and store in a large glass container. The composition ideally removes any stains and does not contain harmful chemical additives.

How to use:

Pour the mixture into the washing tank;
The proportion is two tablespoons per four liters of water.
There is no need to rinse the laundry - the essential oil gives a pleasant and lasting aroma.
For those who don’t want to waste time, a simplified option is to throw whole remnants into the powder compartment, along with 30 grams. baking soda.

Little secrets:

Use a fine grater - it’s easier to dissolve in hot water;
There is no need to add a lot of mixture so that soap stains do not remain on the fabric;
After such washing, the fabrics retain their structure and color brightness for a long time.
These and other tricks and secrets can be read on the women's website
You can replace expensive bleach with a simple and cheap product that will whiten towels with traces of grease. This is regular mustard powder. Amazing effect for a minimal amount and no chemicals.

The recipe is simple:

  • For a liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved;
  • Leave for 20 minutes;
  • Strain the solution through cheesecloth;
  • Dilute with water in the required volume;
  • Soak towels overnight.
  • Then wash as usual. The towels will become snow-white, and the fabric will retain its original appearance. You can make washed clothes white without bleach by adding 100 ml of ammonia to the washing powder.
You can bleach fabrics made of silk or wool by adding 2 tablespoons of powder, 150 grams of table salt, 20 ml of ammonia and 3% hydrogen peroxide per ten liters of liquid. Soak the items in this composition for six hours, then wash on the “delicate wash” setting.

You can easily restore the whiteness of yellowed sheets using ordinary potassium permanganate and laundry soap. In two basins, separately dissolve potassium permanganate (two or three crystals) and a tablespoon of soap shavings. Pour one solution into another and soak the sheets in it for 12 hours. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

You can wash children's socks and stockings by soaking them in cool water and adding 40 grams of boric acid. This way the socks will not only be bleached, but also disinfected - boric acid kills all germs and bacteria. After soaking, machine wash as usual.
Excellent for washing linen and chintz fabrics plain salt which is used for food. To remove light stains, just take a tablespoon of salt per liter of water (hot). Soak things in the solution for an hour or two. Then lightly shake the items in water, rub and rinse thoroughly in warm water.

You can scent things using essential oils lavender, orange mint. Just a couple of drops and things will retain a pleasant aroma for a long time.

Industrial laundry detergents often have adverse effects on people with allergies and small children. Many people do not want to use them so as not to pollute the environment, especially if it is a country laundry or near a pond. If you are interested in the question of how to replace washing powder, use natural by safe means, suitable for both hand and machine wash.

Alternative washing without using washing powder

To remove residual industrial detergents and ensure a favorable transition to a harmless alternative, you need to wash items in hot water with the addition of 50 ml of washing soda. The temperature regime is selected depending on the type of fabric.

For environmental washing, it is easy to prepare a special gel. To do this, dissolve 50 g of soap shavings in 1 liter of boiling water, then remove the container from the heat and add 50 g of soda ash, let cool. This gel perfectly washes any type of laundry and does not produce foam; it is recommended for pre-soaking. Everything is very simple!

There is an affordable recipe for washing powder. Take 250 ml of coarsely grated soap, 125 g of borax and washing soda each, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Store the resulting composition in a special container and use 125 g per machine wash.


Mustard powder has long been used as alternative remedy for removing grease stains, washing dishes, washing silk and woolen items. In addition, its bactericidal properties help in the fight against diseases of various plants.

Mustard laundry detergent

The product performed well when machine washed. 50 g of mustard is poured into a container for powder so that it does not brew, use temperature regime no more than 40 degrees.

Important information! If there are strong and old stains, it is recommended to first apply a mushy mixture of mustard powder and heated water to the problem areas, and after 20-30 minutes, send the item to the wash.

Salt for washing linen and chintz items

This option is suitable for washing lightly soiled items. At the same time, they do not lose their brightness and last much longer. To use the tool, follow these steps:

  • prepare a saline solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. salts for every liter of liquid;
  • soak things in it for 1-2 hours, then wash;
  • rinse and dry.

Important! Before washing, be sure to assess the degree of contamination, put heavily soiled items aside and wash them with a more effective detergent in the future.

Beans - how to wash

You can replace the powder with bean broth; it is used for washing items made from woolen fabrics. Boil 200 g of beans in 1 liter of water, strain the broth, pour into a container with heated water and stir. Wash the product in it, then rinse in vinegar solution and dry.

horse chestnut

Another option for natural washing is to use horse chestnut. The brown skin is removed from the collected fruits, dried and ground in a coffee grinder.

Horse chestnut for washing

The resulting composition is poured with well-heated water and stirred, a foam is formed no worse than from the usual powder. For greater effect, the product is first soaked in chestnut water and then washed in it. The product can also be added during machine washing.

Soap nuts

This recently appeared product has already gained popularity. It is suitable for any fabrics, just put them in a canvas bag and throw them into the washing machine along with your dirty clothes.

Soap nuts

There are many ways of washing without the use of industrial compounds that help us live in harmony with nature, take care of our own health and our children.

During any tourist trip It often happens that you need to wash things, but you don’t have any washing powder or any other suitable modern product at hand - in this case, there are natural substitutes that will help you temporarily get out of the situation. But if you live in the city and no longer want to use washing powder, then you are wondering how to replace the washing powder in your automatic machine? The topic is worthy of discussion, so we will consider it in this article.

How to replace washing powder in an automatic washing machine?

In the event that you need to wash urgently, but there is not a single ounce of washing chemicals at home or nothing at all, try to solve the problem in the easiest way. Just put things in the washing machine without using powder. But this option is not suitable for heavily soiled items.

You can also use baking soda or laundry soap:

  1. The soap must be grated on a fine grater and thrown directly into the inside of the machine drum.
  2. A couple of tablespoons of soda are poured into the usual detergent compartment.

Important! If we talk about substitutes for washing powder in general, then there are soap nuts. Soap nuts is a natural herbal detergent without chemicals. You can buy them in hardware stores or order them online.

Ecological washing: alternative washing methods without using washing powder

The question of what to replace washing powder with is faced by many conscious housewives quite often. Because no matter how much anyone advertises modern chemical laundry detergents, synthesized surfactants, phosphates, optical brighteners, and other overly active components of washing powder do not leave housewives alone.

I really don’t want to experience the negative impact of these chemicals on myself. And that is why we enter the world famous search engine Google and try to find a revolutionary product that will replace washing powder. But the question is, why invent something new when everything was invented long before you and me.

Don't know what you can replace washing powder with? Replace it with natural laundry detergents that our ancestors used in their everyday life.

Here is a list of those natural remedies, which can safely replace washing powder, and they will not be inferior to it in terms of efficiency.

Mustard powder, table vinegar, ammonia

Mustard has proven itself to be excellent detergent: starting from washing hair, continuing as dish soap and ending with washing clothes. Mustard powder is especially suitable for gently washing woolen and silk products - after it they become pleasant to the touch, soft, and also smell fresh.

Important! Before replacing washing powder with this product, keep in mind that mustard cannot wash cotton.

To wash one load of laundry in an automatic washing machine:

  1. Take 40-60 g of mustard powder.
  2. Pour them directly into the machine drum itself after you load the laundry.
  3. Set the washing temperature to no more than 40 degrees, otherwise the mustard will boil.

Important! If the contamination is severe, first apply a slurry consisting of mustard powder and water directly to the stained area of ​​​​the fabric and leave for 10-15 minutes, then immediately put it to wash.

If you decide to wash by hand and replace the washing powder with such affordable folk remedies, That:

  1. For 1 liter of hot water, take 10-15 g of mustard powder.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours to dissolve.
  4. Then drain the liquid without leaving any sediment into a container of hot water.
  5. Refill the sediment that remains in the container with water, stir thoroughly and after a short amount of time carefully pour it again into an empty basin or bucket.
  6. Lightly soiled items should be washed once, heavily soiled items should be washed twice, adding fresh mustard tincture each time.
  7. Upon completion of washing, rinse thoroughly several times in regular clean water.

Important! During the final rinse for wool, add 1 tsp to the solution. ammonia, and for silk - 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar per 1 liter of water.Remember that wool and silk do not like sudden changes in temperature, so wash and rinse them better in water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees.


Ordinary table salt, which we are used to using in the kitchen as a seasoning, turns out to be an excellent help in removing stains from chintz and linen. In addition, colored fabrics do not lose their bright appearance at all, even after repeated washing.


This washing option is suitable for those items that are slightly soiled and have simply lost their former freshness from everyday wear. Advantages of your decision if you decide to replace washing powder with salt:

  1. All clothing will be washed with care. Thanks to this, it will be preserved and will serve you longer.
  2. Saving on laundry detergents.
  3. Caring for the environment, since you do not pour chemical reagents into sewer channels that negatively affect the atmosphere, as well as the life of water bodies.

To use this particular tool:

  1. Take dirty things.
  2. Place them in a bowl.
  3. Using a measuring cup, fill the items with warm water and note the volume.
  4. Afterwards, take it out of the bowl, squeeze it thoroughly and put it in another container.
  5. In the available water, make a solution of 1 tbsp. l. with a heap of salt per 1 liter of water.
  6. Stir until the salt dissolves as quickly as possible.
  7. Place wet items in a basin and leave them to soak for 1 hour.
  8. At the end of the specified time, remember the clothes a little, wring them out in a saline solution, and rinse them after such procedures.

All washed laundry is clean and smelling nice again!

Soap root or soapwort

Soapwort or soap root - this plant has pretty white and pink flowers that can be purchased at many markets, in pharmacies, and also grown with my own hands on your own plot of land.

Important! For washing, it is necessary to use not the top, but the root of this plant. Its solution does an excellent job of washing silk and woolen fabrics.

The recipe you propose below is most suitable either for a large volume of laundry or for heavily soiled items. So, how to replace washing powder with soapwort to get excellent results:

  1. Grind 50 g of soapwort.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of fresh boiled water.
  3. Leave to infuse for 24 hours - during the specified time it is necessary to periodically stir the solution.
  4. After the time has passed, place it on the stove and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour.
  5. Cool and strain through cheesecloth.
  6. You can fill the remaining grounds with hot water again and perform a similar operation again - this solution is quite suitable for washing not very dirty things.
  7. Pour the first soap solution into a bowl of warm water and whip up the foam with your hands. Divide the resulting volume into 2 parts - this way you can wash things twice if they are heavily soiled, or 2 batches of different laundry.
  8. When finished washing, rinse all washed clothes with normal warm water.
  9. During the last rinse of white wool, you can add 2 tsp. ammonia - this additive will make the fabric soft and pleasant to the touch.

Important! Please note that the soapwort solution cannot be stored; it instantly turns sour. The entire prepared volume of solution must be used at one time.

horse chestnut

This option is an alternative to chemical washing powder, but it is quite troublesome in terms of preparing raw materials. At the same time, the recipe is suitable for hand washing, as well as to replace automatic washing powder:

  1. Collect chestnut fruits.
  2. Dry and grind with a coffee grinder, but do not forget to remove the brown outer shell - it can dye the fabric of things.
  3. Pour ground chestnut powder into a bowl and fill with hot water.
  4. Whisk the foam - it will resemble the foam from regular washing powder.
  5. If you wash by hand, to make the task easier, pre-soak the laundry for 1 hour in this water.
  6. When you have finished washing, rinse your items in regular clean water.

Important! If you decide to machine wash your clothes with this detergent, add the resulting powder to the standard detergent compartment.


An unexpected product that has replaced harmful washing powder is beans. However, beans are exactly what you need for quick and effective washing woolen products.

At the same time, the possibilities of waste-free production are attractive: use beans as a side dish for the main dish on the table, and wash them in the remaining water.

To wash by hand:

  1. Pour 200 g of beans into 1 liter of water.
  2. Cook in a saucepan.
  3. Let cool slightly and strain the broth using gauze.
  4. After this, pour it into a basin into which you have previously poured hot water.
  5. Use your hands to whip up the foam.
  6. After washing, the items must be rinsed thoroughly, and during the last rinse, add 1 tbsp to the basin. l. table vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Important! Do not forget that, regardless of the detergents used, you must follow other rules for caring for things. All the nuances of each stage are covered in more detail in our following articles:

We hope that we were able to help you in deciding what to replace washing powder with. Apply our tips, save your family budget, get excellent results in the form of crystal clear clothes and be healthy!