Hiking trips with children 8 years old. Family hikes with children. Hiking routes for the next month

Giving freedom, respecting boundaries, helping to grow

The PIK tourist club is happy to organize family trips in which the youngest tourists can participate. Hiking with children is an opportunity to keep your child engaged in a healthy way life, give him impressions that will be remembered for a long time. In addition, family hikes allow all members of your family to bond together. After all, a single goal is the best opportunity to become friendlier and more responsive, to get to know your loved ones more deeply, their needs, strengths and weaknesses.

Organizing trips with children

The tourist club "PIK" conducts organized trips with children and parents according to the most different corners of our planet. We have extensive experience in organizing children's hikes, and therefore we know what kind of trip a child of a particular age category can undertake.

Camping life is interesting and useful not only for adults, but also for children of any age. Whether it’s a one-year-old toddler learning the world from a sling on his mother’s back, or a 3-4 year old serious person, the number of “why?” who exceeds the limits of reason, or 7-12 year old teenager, expanding the boundaries of the world day by day...

Tourism for children is an opportunity to learn about themselves, their capabilities and the world around them.

We know how to organize hikes with small children or even mountain trips with the whole family. If you are still afraid to go into nature with your children for a long time, we also organize weekend trips with your child. It's interesting, useful and safe!

Why is it worth going camping with children?

A children's hike teaches a lot to all its participants. Everyday difficulties - a fire, setting up tents, cooking, searching for firewood under the strict guidance of experienced instructors - bring the whole family together and makes you look at simple things with different eyes. While traveling, with the help of adults, children learn the skills of camping life, become more independent and attentive. In addition, children's tourism over time can become an important hobby for your child.

Family camping with kids is a lot of fun! Lots of camping team games, gatherings around the fire, swimming with the whole group, new like-minded friends that you will definitely make on the hike. All this is something new and priceless that will give you a family trip with children.

Camping with children with tents is a unique opportunity for little travelers to see a large and diverse world. Communication and vivid impressions on joint trips bring parents and children emotionally closer. Pleasant moments about the vacation spent together remain in the memory for a long time.

There is a lot of debate about when to start taking your child camping with the family. Every parent has the answer to this question: when you feel good yourself, and you are able to help in camp conditions little man. IN modern world diapers, ergo backpacks, baby monitors and warm, light, quick-drying clothes, it has become much easier to go hiking with children, even the tiniest ones! So it’s time right now to discover for yourself and your child amazing world hiking romance and family tourism.

Traveling with the whole family to places that attract the unknown, pristine nature, and history is a way not only to relax and satisfy curiosity. Family hikes with children is an excellent opportunity to open up the diversity of the world to young tourists, to become emotionally close, and to retain in their memory the vivid emotions from communication in the travel format. For the Transition club team, organizing hikes with children is one of their most favorite activities.

Family Hiking Options

We invite you to spend an unforgettable weekend with us, going on unforgettable hikes for several days. Get a lot of impressions, give yourself the opportunity to take a break from the hectic and routine life of the city. Allow yourself to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of nature, rivers and lakes, clean air and, of course, pleasant company.

The main advantage of weekend hikes is that you can give yourself an amazing vacation without any difficulty or difficulty, without having to take time off from work, and you don’t need to take a vacation.

From our routes you can choose a weekend hike that is more suitable for you: an active extreme educational hike through cave labyrinths; trekking to caves; river rafting on pellafjord rowboats; river rafting on kayaks along the Vuoksa, the Kirzhach River, and the Nerskaya River; exciting cycling route along the coast Lake Ladoga; the unique Kuznechnoye-Losevo bicycle route; trekking underground (with elements of speleology) and above ( Tula region); forest hike in the Moscow region; Hiking in the Moscow region.

The choice is yours, and we, in turn, will help you choose the appropriate route! We hope you enjoy your weekend hikes too!

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Polbina, 6

Different types of tourism for the whole family

Sports, mountain, hiking, water and ski tourism - for families with children of any age. Children under 10 years old go with their parents on weekend hikes - they put up tents and make fires, teenagers from 11 to 12 years old do orienteering in parks, train at a climbing wall and learn to provide first aid. Children over 13 years of age are prepared to participate in tourist all-around events, where all the skills of a tourist are used. In the summer, the club's teams go hiking in the Caucasus, Crimea, the subpolar Urals, raft on catamarans in Karelia and overcome snowy passes on the Kola Peninsula.

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lane Angelov, 2, bldg. 2, DTDM “Undiscovered Islands”

Mountain tourism and trips to Altai and Kyrgyzstan

Classes are held at the Khoroshevo Art House and the Undiscovered Islands Art House. Theory, practice (working with equipment and rope, orienteering, belaying a partner), physical training. Absence from classes without a good reason is not welcome - the one who skipped classes will not be able to go on a real hike. On weekends - trips to the Moscow region, on holidays - hikes, in the summer - trips to the mountains: Altai, Kyrgyzstan, Krasnodar and Perm region. The club accepts children from 12 years of age. Classes are free, and summer trips, as a rule, are also free.

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Volokolamskoe highway, 102

Mountaineering, rock climbing and skiing

Children from 9 years old are invited to classes, children from 10 years old are taken on multi-day hikes. The training schedule is very tight, with many trips to the Moscow region and competitions. On weekdays, there are courses on working with rope and classes in topography and orienteering, first aid, and the ability to use special communications equipment and GPS. During the holidays there are trips to the Caucasus, Karelia, Finland, Spain and France. Every year in September, Moomintroll holds a tourist rally in which everyone can take part: overcoming obstacle courses, rope crossings, relay races and much more. A similar rally, only skiing, is held in winter.

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Kosygina, 17, bldg. 8

Mountaineering, cycling and skiing

Here they teach the basics of orienteering, cartography, first aid rules, the technique of moving in a rope, the ability to belay and work with a rope. In good weather, cycling training is organized on Vorobyovy Gory. Weekend hikes with real river crossings and orienteering take place several times a month. In winter - one-day ski trips. Summer hikes are held in Crimea, on the Karelian Isthmus and in the Caucasus. Parents are also invited there - however, on the condition that their children do not object to this. Everything is built on mutual assistance and team strategy; long hikes are accompanied by a psychologist. Everyone from 12 to 17 years old is accepted, training is free, but part of the expenses for trips must be paid independently.

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Mokhovaya, 11, building 11

All kinds of hikes for families and children of all ages

Jeeping, bicycles, water and hiking trips, walking tours in Georgia, Armenia, Europe and much more. Schoolchildren from 7 to 14 years old study in groups of the tourist club: theory, practice and weekend trips. For children from 4 to 6 years old, master classes and short hiking trips are held. On the first trips, in addition to the instructor, an adult always goes with the child - dad, mom or another relative - and the trip itself is accompanied by a gaming legend: children don’t just carry backpacks, but fight dragons, look for treasures or help someone out of trouble - and during games work with a map and compass, make river crossings, set up a camp site. Gadgets are not prohibited here - on the contrary, during the hike you can conduct an online report and post selfies on Instagram.