Going on a hike with a child. Family hikes with children

Many parents have at least once wondered how to save their child from the concrete jungle. Why not go overnight camping with children in a tent? Of course, a lot of questions immediately arise: how to improve everyday life, what to take with you on a hike with a small child, how to entertain children on a hike... And most importantly, is it worth the “risk” and going? Don’t hesitate – it’s definitely worth going!

I won’t tell you how to choose a tent, sleeping bag, mosquito spray, etc. There are a lot of articles on this topic on the Internet. Based own experience of camping with two children I will share with you some tips about those things that you don’t think about right away, but that make your vacation with your child calmer and more comfortable.

By the way, many people are interested in At what age can you take your child with you to the forest overnight?
There are parents so experienced in tourism that they take their baby into a tent almost from birth. To be fair, I will say that a healthy baby will sleep most of the time in a stroller, he eats breast milk, and sleeps in the same sleeping bag with his parent. So it’s not difficult to travel with a baby. It becomes difficult when the child does not walk yet, but he is already interested in everything. This is somewhere from six months to one and a half years. You will have to be with the baby in your arms all the time. You can only dream about relaxation. But, based on my experience of hiking with small children, I can say that a child is ready for a hike from the age of 2.5-3 years. From this age, the child, as a rule, does not wear diapers (which means he will not need to wash the child all the time), eats from the common table (no need to take special food with him), already fully understands speech addressed to him and can tell himself if he is not comfortable. But, of course, the most important thing is that the child is completely healthy at the time of the trip.

Now I’ll tell you what you need to have with you.

What to take on a hike with children

Firstly, we remember that nature does not have bad weather, we do not believe the forecast and take clothes"for all occasions". Raincoat and boots, a hat and a warm jacket (even if it’s hot outside, it can be very cold in the mornings and evenings), a windbreaker, a Panama hat, shorts and sandals. If there is such an opportunity, then take all the clothes for the child in double quantities. When it rained, my little ones enjoyed walking in their raincoats. The boots had already gotten wet. Then the rain stopped, but the grass was still wet. And I have never regretted that I took two pairs of boots for the children. Even extra clothes will save you from a scandal with your child. Don’t go there - it’s muddy, don’t climb into the grass - it’s wet, don’t go near the river - you’ll get wet, etc. Let him walk, let him climb, let him get dirty - this is how a child learns about the world. Just give your child clothes that you won't mind ruining.

The second, probably the most obvious, is first aid kit. Even if you only eat for a day, the first aid kit should be like a doctor’s. Unfortunately, an unforeseen event is just that: unforeseen. And it is not always possible to quickly get to the nearest medical center, and the mobile network in the forest does not always work to call an ambulance medical care. In addition to regular medications, do not forget insect repellents, as well as plenty of adhesive plasters and bandages, and antihistamines. The most common injuries among children in the forest are scratches, abrasions, burns and bites. But you need to be ready for anything. And your tummy may hurt, your head may ache, and your temperature may rise. The main thing is not to panic!

Third is water. Yes, just ordinary tap water. Even if there is a river nearby, it is still better to cook with your own water (unless, of course, it is some time-tested source). It’s also better to rinse dishes and wash your child’s face with your own water. Well, there should be a lot of drinking water. I can only say from my own experience that for three days, for 6 people, it took us about 50 liters. Keep in mind - everyone's expenses are different.

The fourth is probably no less important. leave all the gadgets at home. Laptops, tablets, e-readers and smartphones - let them rest. They also need peace. Bring a couple of phones with you that are fully charged. Preferably old mobile phones without games and with a reliable battery. Unfortunately, many children, knowing that the treasured tablet is in their backpack, do not want to play anything else. And the whole trip turns into a game - persuade your mother to give you the tablet. As a result, figure out what to do with your child. You should not take toys that can be damaged by dust and moisture. This Stuffed Toys(with the exception of toys that the child will sleep with), all games with complex mechanisms, toys with collapsible and very small parts, expensive books. What then is possible? I will tell you an example of games that my children love to play, and you decide what your children will be occupied with.

What to do with your child on a hike: games and fun in nature
So. Of course you need to take balls with you. In addition to classic volleyball and football, children will not refuse to simply throw the ball into a bucket or into a tree from different distances, or throw it to a high branch, or maybe play, who will throw the ball further? You can have a competition. After all, there are no parked cars or strangers in the forest. Take buckets and scoops with you. But there is no sandbox in the forest! - you object. Let them collect the cones. And if it’s warm and there’s an opportunity to play with water, let them water the trees. And the children are busy and doing such useful work! You can also count the cones, or throw them into a bucket. Using sticks you can lay out various figures. ABOUT! Stick! She is a pistol, she is a sword, she is a painter... Turn on your imagination, and the child will pick up this game. Try making a slingshot or a bow with arrows. Or maybe a boat made of bark and birch bark? (just not made of plastic and paper).

But what to do with a child in the rain? The tent is cramped. The tent helped us out. We placed a huge air mattress in the middle of the tent, covered the mosquito walls with polyethylene and played. Children enjoy playing dominoes, checkers or major designer. There are games in which you don’t need to take anything with you at all. These are word games. Playing cities with younger children simply turns into a game - what do I see around (It seems easy, but try it!), the game “I know 5 trees, cities, etc.” And many other games.

Children love to have books read to them. Especially if it’s raining outside, reading is a wonderful pastime. In order not to spoil printed publications, I print fairy tales on plain sheets and sew them together. And we get it - a hiking book that is not afraid of rain, dirt and the smell of smoke. I also print out coloring books, mazes and other educational games. Many children love to play games where there are different cards or playing fields. I scan this material and also print it out. And you don’t mind spoiling it, and the originals are safe and sound. This option is also suitable for travel, for example on a train.

Household issues when camping with children
While playing games, you and I forgot about everyday issues. There are only two of them - hygiene and food. As for cleanliness, we took water, let’s take another bar of soap. That's it - the children are clean! We took extra clothes - the children are dry! There are a lot now various napkins, antiseptic gels. So the hygiene problem has disappeared.
Now food. If the child is small, then everything is simple with him. Mix mixtures and porridges with boiling water. Very much on sale big choice various ready-made purees. Older children love potatoes baked in ash. The kebabs can be made from chicken or even from vegetables. In the morning - porridge from the pot - absolutely delightful! (We cook porridge with dry milk). All children love campfire crackers very much. And, of course, fresh vegetables and fruits, and no harmful chips or lemonades! In the fresh air, your appetite will wake up quickly. The child will not go hungry. Most importantly, do not take perishable foods. That's the whole secret.

A strange question, especially if it arose from a person who, before the birth of his baby, went out into nature every year for a week or two. Nevertheless, I will try to answer it.

In my opinion, modern urban children have a syndrome of acute lack of communication with nature. They do not climb trees, do not build huts, do not play with twigs, leaves, etc. natural material, do not look at ants and earthworms, do not tell fortunes with daisies, do not weave wreaths and - as a result - get sick more, are more capricious, sleep worse, know less about the world around them. And if earlier, in order to be in nature, it was enough to go out into the yard, today it is possible to release the child “to freedom” only by leaving the city. Even a dacha is not an alternative: don’t go there - you’ll fall, don’t run there - you’ll trample it, don’t climb here - you’ll break it. And a child, especially a small one, needs this experience: he needs to play with water and sand, he needs to find out what this or that flower smells like, he needs to make his own “discovery,” he needs to “give birth” to questions that he can then ask mom and dad, he needs to understand How does the life of an ant differ from his life? And most importantly, the child is still interested in it! Try asking parents whose children early age travel, what changes do they most often notice in their children after the trip? I am sure that the majority will note the following: the child’s vocabulary and horizons have significantly expanded, he has become calmer, his sleep and appetite have normalized. In my opinion, this is convincing evidence that you should go hiking with kids. Another thing is that those who themselves have experience of camping should walk, because...

Hiking is the ultimate responsibility

In life little man in nature, every detail of tourist life must not only be thought out as much as possible, it must necessarily obey certain laws, which under no circumstances should be violated. By the way, perhaps it is precisely the reluctance to think through everything in advance and be a “responsible” parent on a trip that forces many men, despite the requests of their spouse to go on a trip with friends, to hide behind the phrase: “He’s still small.”

But let's get back to preparing for the trip. First of all, plan your route in detail (whether you will stand in one place or have transitions, and how frequent they will be); think over your trip so that from any point on your route you have the opportunity to get to the doctor within an hour or two; prepare everything necessary to outfit your child; decide what and how you will feed, how to bathe, what to do, make a list of necessary products and medications. I will not give a detailed list of things here, because, firstly, depending on the type of trip, everyone will have their own list, and, secondly, approximate lists of necessary things can be easily found on the Internet.

"No" means "no"

If democracy reigns in your family and you always try to take into account the child’s opinion, that’s great. But when getting ready to go on a hike, find time to talk with your child: he should know that in the forest, in the mountains, on the water, mom’s or dad’s “no” is a very serious word, which must be responded to immediately, without wrangling or discussion. A young tourist should be puzzled by a certain list of prohibitions even before the start of the trip: you can’t try any fruits, berries, mushrooms without the permission of adults, you can’t come close to a fire, you can’t drink water from streams and reservoirs, you can’t go anywhere without warning your elders.

In addition, I strongly advise (and this applies not only to hiking) to have the following rule for children: if you want to go somewhere, do something, then first explain to me WHY you need it, and if I consider your reasons convincing, then do as you decide. Firstly, compliance with this rule disciplines especially capricious children well, and, secondly, it works great for the future: the child himself will not notice how, before going somewhere, getting involved in some dubious adventure, he will begin to ask himself the question "why". You will clearly feel the effectiveness of this method when your child enters adolescence.

You must present yourself with a separate list of prohibitions. In particular, you should never leave pots with hot water and food where they can roll over onto the baby. You should not throw axes, saws, fishing gear and other similar objects anywhere. You should never choose a place for camping where there is vehicular traffic (on the banks of lakes and rivers this, alas, is not uncommon).

Admit that you are a slowdown

This advice will be especially relevant for those who are going on a hike with their child as part of a group. Golden Rule any movement in a group - focus on the slowest one, moving at a pace that is comfortable for him. If there are no elderly people in the group, then your child will certainly be this brake for everyone, but this is not a reason to urge your child on catching someone’s dissatisfied glance. Remember that even a trained 4-5 year old child cannot reach a speed of more than 3 km/h. Therefore, when planning a route with your friends, immediately warn that you will cover no more than 6 km per day, and if such a snail’s speed does not suit them, then it is better to refuse to travel in a group and choose a route on which your child will feel comfortable. Otherwise, he would rather hate this type of vacation than get the thrill of traveling even along the most fantastic routes. Be realistic, avoid unnecessary extremes.

The most dangerous thing in a journey is the halt

As a rule, most injuries and troubles with children occur on hikes when they seem to be in front of everyone. Therefore, when setting up a camp, you should not only organize everything wisely (reliably strengthen the tent pegs, stretch the ropes so that they do not intersect the paths along which people most often move, make garbage pits in places inaccessible to children, fence off the fireplace with wide logs, make sure that a hammock and similar entertainment attributes in your parking lot), but also make sure that the child is in front of you all the time. Of course, as a rule, in a large company, small children become “sons and daughters of the regiment” already on the first day of travel, but parents should not shift the responsibility for the safe pastime of their baby onto their even very good friends, much less older children. Therefore, agree with your spouse about who takes care of the child and when.

It’s even better if you think in advance about what to do with your child while the food is being prepared or the camp is getting ready/disassembled. After all, boredom is the main friend of trouble. If there are several children in the company, then it will be extremely useful to conduct some kind of game, competition, or treasure hunt for them every day. Therefore, during your hike, stock up on enough paper, felt-tip pens, soft tape measures, magnifying glasses, and sporting goods, thanks to which you can arrange more than one interesting game. It’s not bad if among your company there is a sincere lover and connoisseur of nature: as a rule, children love to listen to stories about birds and plants that can be easily seen in the forest, conduct experiments (for example, to find out at what speed mushrooms grow, how sunlight affects the color of plant leaves). If there is no such person, then it is enough to stock up on some book describing such experiences - fortunately, such literature is not uncommon today. We should not forget that children extremely willingly respond to requests to help adults, even in those everyday matters in which they showed no interest at home. Therefore, involve children in washing cups after dinner and in setting your “camping” table.

Think in advance about what to do with your child on a rainy day: take a couple of compact toys or board games, a notebook and a pen for drawing (or a travel diary!).

I hope my tips will help you avoid bumps during your hike and get the most out of your date with nature.


Going camping with a child is cool, but unfortunately it doesn’t always work out. When things don't work out, he goes with the class, they have a special program there additional education who organizes this whole thing. Economical and affordable![link-1]

10/11/2015 15:02:48, Sanya Che

In general, the idea of ​​​​the article is good)) I personally cannot be lured into going on a hike by any means. We experience nature wherever there is nature)

At our dacha everything is possible)))

in general, everything seems to be true, but the fact that communication with nature causes a leap in development is not true;) Doctors say that any stress (both bad and good) can cause this. As a rule, this stress is associated with traveling somewhere, not necessarily into nature.
Well, it seems that the author has a vague idea of ​​life in the country. Or maybe he had such a strange dacha;)
And the rest is correct.

Hi-i-i *-))
In principle, everything in the article is correct. But the author writes (and, apparently, other cases are not considered) about the father-mother-baby family. Other cases are not considered, apparently it doesn’t occur to me...
I’ve never walked like this, eh *-)))) our dad needs to be pulled out with a crane on any trip, even the most comfortable one *-)

Comment on the article “Hike with a child”

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Hiking with children

TOsomehow during a hike, I became my friend the creator of such a scene. Was in our groupnot a married couple. And then one day, ohmaidens of turs with young animals (and they are in paradisethere is a lot), the wife started crying and blamingto her husband: “Here, even the goats of children are with youThey’re driving, but we left our house!”A typical situation is when, with the appearancewith a child, lovers of hiking on timeI give up my hobby.

But “there are no reasons not to joininto the game” - this is what many tourists thinkand most often during this period transplantstake the children into kayaks,lowering the bar on their sportsclaims. But by lowering it? In my opinion,instead of traditional difficulties -crossings, passes, rapids and waterwaysfishing - appears on hikes with childrenno less sporty (and also funnaya) difficulty to overcome anothernatural elements - childish inexperiencespontaneity and spontaneity.

And in poho dah appears "extra kate"gorge of difficulty."In my opinion, a hike is the most necessaryimperative of all possible waysdog education. After all, travel isthis is a natural game situation,confronting the need “beforebe fire" (light a fire and keep it goinglive it), “build a house” (fastingpitch a tent), arrange everyday life and evensometimes “kill a mammoth” (catch a fish,pick mushrooms or go to the store for 10 km).

And on a water trip you still needbut “make a raft” (assemble a kayak,inflate a catamaran or boat) tohim to overcome the infinitetravel and explore the world. All this onso obvious and understandable to a child,what can we say: a traveling situationis already raising itself. Ourthe task is to create it and provide it to everyonesafety. The most comforta white hike for a little boybenka is traditionally considered aquatic(on a kayak, catamaran), becauserequires minimal physical activity from the child what load?

WITHwhat to start? Of course, with a soberevaluation of your experience. After all, youyou don’t want to turn it into torture, not onlyto your own vacation, but also severalto the weeks of life of your beloved child!I think you can start swimming witha 3-4 year old child (although I havemeet groups with 9 month olds children).

It’s better to choose a river easilynew, with a calm flow, desiredespecially with a sandy bottom and forests alongshores. It would be nice if she had it onfewer populated areas, especiallybut large (there is more guarantee that the waterIt will be clean, and there will be fewer punks).Such a “cozy” river for our laneThe first trip with the child was Ugra inKaluga region, “native” river mohis husband, who spent his childhood yearsvacation on its shores. Familiarthe river is the best option.

Then we began to choose rivers on the advice of othersZey, studying books with descriptions of aquatic routes, often black We receive information from the Internet.For a hike with a baby, it is advisableso that the entrances are not too bigtedious and were obviously shorterroute part. It's clear you're not youtake for a hike in the national zoneconflicts, environmentally unfavorablearchery areas or places where halfsalaries have not been paid for years, so frombreathers are perceived by the localpopulation as world eaters (there are creaturesThere is also a danger of being robbed).

On case if the planned route is onin fact it will be more difficult, we must warnlook at options for simplifying it orshortening; for an emergency(on a hike with a baby - this is even withoutslightly rainy weather) a mustconsider emergency evacuation routes.In what composition should we go? I think onyou have to start with your family. Although youit will be a little yellowish for dad - the main oneto the cargo carrier, but you willfavorable psychology providedgreat atmosphere, parents for the tripwill have time to develop a general pedagogicalwhat line of behavior. And having it, we canbut unite with friendly families.

Such a union for common similaritiesit is advisable to start with “society”military agreement" when it is announced in advanceall questions are spoken: from the goal toprogress and pedagogical principles tonature of nutrition. There are two typesmulti-family groups: “coalition” (whenYes, each family has a separate camp,they go to visit people to communicate, and on the routeback up each other) and “communa" - a single team.

Tourists with experience of “pre-baby” jointwalking prefer the last oneriant. Moreover, in the “commune” you havethe child will have comrades (as, in fact,than, and you yourself). Already in the secondprogress along the river Medveditsa (Don basin) in in our group we had 5 families, friends mountain section of MAI, in this or almostwe swim and walk a lot with the same compositionthese years. This number of people per teamwhere, probably, optimally, in every casecase, in a larger team whythen various problems arise. Finally, all preliminary questions the dew has been resolved and you are out on the march Ruth.

It would be nice to agree right away: maLysh is also a member of the group, “tourist”nok,” and he will have his responsibilities.Of course, he, like dad and mom, will bearbackpack (usual simple formulaweight: how many years, so many kilogramsmov - used up to 16 years). At 3-4I won't be able to row for a year yetdark, but there’s a little tourist in the bivouaccan become an indispensable “Chief”collector of firewood", "General bowl cleaner", "Answerpersonal assistant in production tents."

The main thing is not to make it out of rebaby boy convenient for adultsrunning errands,” he must know andfulfill your OWN obligationszest. The problem of naturalskidding can be solved simply: firstwe all do things together - then everythingrelax together (then any helpthe comrade will be brought closer by the desiredrest). Is it worth talking about the needthe ability to play up boring ones for ma Do you hear any tasks?

In our collectiveOn campaigns we were always on duty alone,including children from 10 years old. Many yearsnew habit of cooking better and tasteher (we had such an unspoken rivalryinnovation) once led to an incident:the group had lunch at dinner becauseLoda the duty officer cut the pestilence for two hoursforging for soup with stars.It is clear that the baby shouldbut be interesting. This question is relevantflax not only in the bivouac, but also in the boat.

Usually adults succeed without stoppingIt takes an hour or two to swim. With a child atyou will have to shake more often: about onceIn half an hour you need to let the baby run.Moreover, the most interesting thing forhim on the shore: grass, flowers, kabags, twigs... So that on a ship fromescape unpleasant situations (“Don’t crusit down, sit down - you’ll fall out!”), equipgive the baby a “house”: enough aboutstorage space in luggage compartmentlay carpets in the center of the kayak com "foam".

It is possible with the help of ivoto build a canopy from the suntsa made of gauze. In its place, childwill play unhinderedshalt your “artistic” readingtheir favorite books, communicate with you and even sleep. Toys from home are usuallythey finish their food on the first day - that’s how it is in the foresta lot of interesting! To our dad, oncorrect, you can assign the title “Zastinned gunsmith of Russia", so muchhe made it for the boys on hikesswords, bows and arrows, there was even one machine gun.

Everyone made hutsmale kagal. Already grown up16 year old children built everything themselvesgroup baths (and this, I tell you, is not easywhat a lot of work - to put it together correctlymoon stove with draft!). Long-term uvtreatments with different games were “launched”thanks to books - we took them inmoves always. First - every familyyours (in the evening, at bedtimehey, only the dads remained by the fire:mothers read). Once upon a timeovernight, the children began to insist onpitching tents closer to one, Zhu equal.

We figured it out: they have a bookturned out to be very interesting. Since thenthe group took one common book (awhat it will be was discussed during preparationke for the hike along with a list of equipmentfood and layout of products). Readmeeting in the evenings turned into a collectiontive pleasure. Reseeding on katamarans began to be prescribed in everythe reader's crew. We read to children on our hikesRussian adventure classic, StruGatskikh, Weller... So this is the game of Indiansstarted with Seton Thompson's book"Little Savages", which containsla, perhaps the most productive ideas,"working" for many years.

Headed club "Young Indian" our dad, semireceived from children the Indian name Vyaleny Bison. Later came the passionMine Reed and cowboys, wigwamiceLashes were replaced by forts...As you can see, boys in natureexpanse (I'm not even talking about fishing -this is worth a separate story), and dadAlways happy to fall back into childhood. With girlsKami is simpler: they are more and more in chargestu. And they are also capable of very longand persistently collect berries for compote forthe whole group. Children are a mustintroduce edible and inediblefresh mushrooms and berries.

Agree about how the guys should definitely byethey called you the entire harvest.By the way, this is another plus for childrenhikes: we have been bringing them for many yearswhether to take home fish, jams and mushrooms (they are onlearned to dry even in the rainiestconditions). Thanks to these forestMany grandmothers replaced “souvenirs”anger at mercy and became the most paingreat defenders of our travelsstiy. (Note: those were the times aboutduct deficiency.) Amusing and Sensentimental photographs and slides(later cinema and video films) alsocould have campaigned, because no one likechildren, don’t give so many reasons to mindpour out and laugh.

TO I once heard one instructive history. On a hike, in a parking lot,adults, wishing to be left alone,acted responsibly from their ranksgo for the children by the fire. He delegatedit's up to the oldest child andjoined comrades. Children continued pressed "football" "honorable" duty ity down to the very bottom link. Whenafter a while the parents revealedthey said it was suspicious in the campquietly and alarmed, they stood by the firewalked the youngest child, whosaid that he is responsible, and the rest went for a walk in the forest...

It's me - about the need for vigilant attentiontion, and the more, the more in the groupno children. Don't forget the famousdagogical paradox: while the children shumint - everything is calm, but when it becomeshovering quietly, the most dangerous things are happeningno. Once on dad's "smoke break"glued kayaks, mothers knitted, underputting their faces to the Karelian sun, and the childrenput the oar on the stone and arrangedswing. And they didn’t shout, they didn’t make noise -swayed silently! Oar - in half. Hisrepaired, and the instigator of the outrages rowedthem for the rest of the trip.

Another time in in complete secrecy one of the children lappedthrough the hole half a can of condensed milk (for dadsthen there was “Putin”, mom came againrala). Only after many years we find outwho was the author of Skoda, and then everyonechildren choked on semolina cooked onwater, but were silent, like partisans.Both cases are our punctures (rasweakened, to be honest). More often it wasanother: a “responsible forchildren" (depending on talents andlania - without “obligation”).

Someone in recruited boys into “intelligence” (for the neardeep hill, into a forest or a cave), and someonetaught how to navigate (for example,roll the “treasure” along the lines). Among adultsthere were always “experts” in genderobstacle course and water competitionniam, on the release of “Combat Leaflets” andwriting songs or poems... Usuallymarked the middle of the hike - “equaThor", the holiday of Neptune, and, of course, birthdays. By the way, children's party- Forsome adults have a legal reasondrink (which in itself is not pedagogicalBut). In this regard, I remember a terrible happening.

My son brings me back from fishingon Akhtuba (this is not a hike - purely husbandIt's a big deal, they didn't take women) overweightpockets of dirty and wrinkled horsesfat bars. Surprised (sweet-it is always eaten in no time), it has becomefigure it out and found out: dads, drinkWell, they gave the children candy, so thosethen they followed their fathers’ tail: “Don’tDo you want to “wave”?” Judging by the numberthe supply of bars, just as you wanted!The guys are famous manipulators ry and blackmailers.

Keep your ear to them vostro Here's another instructive case.When leaving the parking lot, they always escortedOperation Keen Eye, removed murubbish Our boys, using habitsku smoking with parents, began to exchangestoke the cigarette butts found in the clearing onmatches (which were always in short supply for"Indian" needs, because withthe adults' side has always been in thisthe issue of accounting and control, especiallyLe two extinguished fires).

Eventually taught to order: since then the “bulls”throw only into a jar or fire. Sothat the upbringing took place mutually.XOrosha “romance of huts”, whenYes, there is a comfortable tent nearby. AIt is better to fry mushrooms and fish in a saucepanrode than on a stick in the fire (althoughkids like it this way more).So finally let’s talk about whoforte on a hike with a child.To the main place in the list of “children”"sky" equipment for the first expeditionyes, of course, I will put the means “notfloodability" for a baby - savedvest or inflatable ring.

But according to then it will be written there: “pot”.Better plastic and with a lid.The second time he may not be for you.you'll need it, but you'll avoid it the first timemany inconveniences and temptationsdecide for the baby to “pee in the water withboats." Stock up on harmlesschildren with repellent or mosquito repellentcom, "nurse" (a piece of travelingrug with an elastic band) so that the childnever sat directly onground (possibly cold, damp).And two more purely female pieces of advice.

Not take your child tights, onlyniches and socks. Practice showsIt seems that feet often get wet near water,It’s more convenient to change socks. Refusefrom easily soiled colors in children's clotheska - all kinds of shades are bettergreen, brown and black. Allequal to the knees and elbows will be coloredhowl, there is always sand and clay near the water(it’s so cool to sculpt from them andbuild cities!). And don't forget the pololive in a camping kit somenumber of patches (along with rubberkami, buttons and at least one lightning).

In recent years we have been up torolled" to a small chainsaw inequipment list and thinking aboutmeat grinder for fish cutlets. Pizhous? No, we're just used to itto bark to your children (and at the same time to yourself) good and convenient. Once upon a time we went to the mountain “fives”ki", and with the advent of the heirs he carried awaywent on kayak trips. And insteadthose with children gradually “grew up” towater "fives". Is it lowermeeting the bar?.. And our children are alreadytake their friends on hikes. And to the mountainswe are back too: someone - with undergrowing children, and some seriouslynew sports trips. But this is already

Trekking in Crimea - route 22

From Bakhchisarai to Yalta - there is no such density of tourist sites as in the Bakhchisarai region anywhere in the world! Mountains and the sea, rare landscapes and cave cities, lakes and waterfalls, secrets of nature and historical mysteries, discoveries and the spirit of adventure await you... Mountain tourism here is not at all difficult, but any trail will surprise you.

Now that parents are constantly working and children live in virtual world, high-quality joint outdoor recreation is more a necessity than an option. There is such a crowd and prices on the beaches in summer that a holiday at sea is gradually becoming far from the ultimate dream. And it’s not very interesting there either for the kids or for them active parents. Here we will look at an alternative way of family tourism - hiking with children in the mountains, answer basic questions about choosing a route, age restrictions, dispel the most popular myths and tell you where to go.

How to plan a hiking route with children?

If you go to the mountain camping with children for the first time and if you are worried, follow these principles:

1. Short transitions. Children tolerate physical activity in the mountains very well, but long, monotonous ascents and descents are psychological torment for them. Parents, additionally loaded with children's things, are by no means sprinters either. Considering the regularity of force majeure events, in the end you may simply not have time to cover several tens of kilometers in a day.

2. Interesting stops. It is worth choosing an educational, intense trekking, where each day has a specific goal: a waterfall, a lake, a peak, a cave, a rock monastery... It is immeasurably easier for children to go somewhere than to walk for several hours in a row. Prizes at rest stops, drill songs and constant chatter about interesting things greatly increase the speed of movement. Your offspring will continuously listen to you for more hours on a hike than, probably, in six months of normal life (which can be very useful for both sides :). Here is an example of a route around Cyprus, where points 1. and 2 are ideally taken into account.

3. Descent to civilization. Ideally, the track passes through villages, towns, and places of heavy tourist traffic. This makes the backpack much lighter - you can shop on the go and not carry groceries for the whole day, and the proximity of civilization (and doctors) calms your nerves. For example, such tracking in the Carpathians.

4. Safe trails. Still, it is better to go around rocky peaks or cornices above an abyss, especially for the first time. After all, there are a lot of interesting and reliable options for grass.

5. Alternative ways out of the route. Be prepared to change plans, shorten or end trekking early, because both children and weather are unpredictable. Calculate your escape routes, just in case.

6. Availability of running water Necessarily.

At what age can you go hiking with children?

From anyone. You need to make a hiking plan taking into account the child’s age, and not sit at home, because the child will not withstand this or that transition.

Small up to a year- the most golden tourists. They are light and sleep almost all the time. Fresh air and new impressions turn children into real marmots, resurrected exclusively at rest stops. At breastfeeding you don’t have to carry extra food (except maybe dry formula just in case), his things weigh little. You can carry such babies only in a sling; they do not interfere with seeing the path under your feet. Keep in mind that on steep slopes it is safer to carry a grown baby on your back. If such descents are planned, the mother’s backpack should be oversized in order to fit in the front and not interfere when the baby moves behind the back. Thus, a family with a baby can go on an almost full-fledged “adult” trek, but the stops will be longer.

1- 2 yearlingse - they weigh more, want to run more often and eat everything you take with you, just in smaller quantities. It will be easier for mom to carry it behind her back than in front, since the child’s head makes it difficult to see. A dad should be prepared to replace his beloved in his post, but taller dads usually don’t have problems with visibility. Children over 1.5 can already be placed in branded travel backpacks with a special design (like a chair with straps for fastening), and a small storage compartment at the bottom. To sleep you will have to either stop or put him in a sling.

2-4 years old. A physically difficult but very emotional case. Kids understand everything, ride with pleasure high above their parents’ heads, never get bored, try to run part of the way themselves and enjoy new things like... well, like children :) You’ll have to take a supply of food, taking into account the changing children’s tastes, a bunch of clothes, because the child will definitely go where... it will climb in, get wet, and get dirty. Ideal if the ascents are radial(without backpacks) - then you will only have to carry a small backpack and a cub. You will see a lot and won’t get too tired. There will be frequent stops, including for naps, so choose an easier hike, this is how you get to know the Caucasus.

4-6 years. This is the period when your dear little man becomes an independent walker, conqueror, explorer and firewood getter, he gets his own backpack. The travel plan is drawn up taking into account the interests of both parties, solving the only problem: it must be INTERESTING. It’s better not to plan a long and difficult hike with children of this age, but you have to go, because preschoolers are just trying to learn Big world and form a system of personal values ​​- it would be nice to include trust, love of nature and a sense of beauty in it. Georgia, for example, would be perfect.

7-12 years old ki may be slow complete any route of medium difficulty (are designated as 1, 2 or short 3), if that will occupy their inquisitive minds. Attract more peers , come up with games, competitions, grab it incentive treats - and even a two-week tracking will fly by unnoticed. Choose together where you want to go: V The weight of the baby's backpack will be 3-9 kg, the rest will be borne by you,therefore, the group will be physically homogeneous.With 7 you can go to Cyprus, with 8-9 - Carpathian waterfalls, with 11 - Borzhava, with 12 you can go to the Lycian Trail in Turkey and trekking in Madeira.

Teenagers in the mountains they differ from adults only in lesser navigation skills and an immeasurably greater appetite. Take care of food- and everything will be fine :)

Dangers on children's hikes

The most dangerous - RESTS when mom a and dad relaxed, because there seemed to be harmless. There are cliffs in the mountains , rocks, lakes, poisonous plants, mushrooms, animals, insects...Practice shows that most accidents happen in bivouacs.But forewarned is forearmed, just doubled please attention during stops.

TO Of course, children are different, but they usually tolerate hiking well, especially if there is company, A adults calm down confident and confident. Train with older people relax walk ahead of time, practicing long walks. WITH O younger ones - learn to use slings, ergo backpacks or testbackpack, For example, on a picnic in the forest.

Climatic factors greatly influence the complexity of the trip.Avoid too hot x and cold x seasons , because a sudden blizzard or drought will complicate and without that difficult traveling life.

If possible use transfers, they will help you cover a greater distance, see new places and save energy.

Not a single person under eight years old mi not able to overcomemore than 6 kilometers of mountain track per day(if he walks on his own, of course) . Demanding the impossible from him is a futile and harmful activity that will only lead to mutual frustration of feelings and a shortening of the distance traveled. In the worst case, it is fraught with the development of hatred towardsthis kind of vacation in general :) Stock and Be patient, understanding and love, do not put pressure on your offspring, because he is still far from the CMS,teach him to walk again, but this time in the mountains.

If you are worried, worried, if you don’t have company or don’t have enough experience - go camping with your children with us! We will help, teach, advise and make your stay comfortable and safe. Lists of family hikes with Pohod-V-Gory.

P Traveling with children: myths of our time

Until six months - not possible This myth made sense when there were no special ergons O portable carriers, safe from birth - slings. Now the baby can sleep for hours“in your bosom” in warmth, comfort and with an unlimited supply of food. Kids o They really love such close contact, they are rocked by measured walking and fresh air.They rarely act up or cry. The main thing is yours and confidence and calm.

The younger they are, the more difficult it is ♦ A relic of the times of gauze diapers and the absence of Primus stoves. The lighter it is, baby, the easier it is to go. Complementary feeding already has long existed in the form of dry mixtures and sealed tubes, water can be boiled in any conditions using a good gas burner. The hardest part is probably from 3 to 5 years old, when the toddler andcan't stomp for long, and it is difficult to carry.Force majeure happens more often to little ones, but oh quickly decide: to eat, sleep, poop,give medicine for gas. Unhealthy and useless kangaroo: it puts pressure on the baby's groin, there is not enough support for the back, babies They are often capricious, sleep poorly, and cannot be carried on your back. U Thick and hard (compared to scarf slings) kangaroo harnesses will not distribute the load evenly across mom's back and can rub your shoulders.

Rthe backpack will be too heavy to lift ♦ The weight will undoubtedly increase. N o if because of this you do not go camping with your children, it is better to compensate for the difference using the achievements of science and technology: materialsUltralight, membranes, fleece and thermal clothing instead of cotton,freeze-dried rations, etc. will reduce the difference in weight to a minimum. There would be a desire!An alternative could be attraction animals to transport things, and you will just walk alongside. Here's an example.

It is impossible to provide a healthy diet ♦ Given modern accessto dried fruits and whole grains, nutritional issue no longer worth it. Just thinkabout the number of berries, new fruits and vegetables, What will you try on your trip? L lightweight thermoses and sealed containers will allow you to take with myself yoghurts, juices and vegetables for the first few days.Broccoli, greens, wilted carrots, green beans weigh little and do not spoil for a long time. IN mountain regions local often graze livestock along tourist paths and are happy to share milk m and cheese om. If fermented milk products are especially important to you, grab your starters and make yoghurts on the run . Even with a plan of 500g of food per day for person , there will be soup every day, and believe me - the guys will eat him up like no other more than at home for that same period .

What if he gets sick? ♦ Children in the mountains get sick no more often than in the city, and even less often - active recreation in nature has never harmed anyone.Of course, there are such chances. Then everything depends on the experience of the elders and the safe route.Not confident in your abilities? Ask for help! Ask in the comments, write instructors, take a look at our routes or come with us - we are experienced and will help in any situation.

Why do you need to take children to the mountains at all?

Sincere delight, burning in my dear eyes- already sufficient reasons and rewards. Children They are so happy about new things, they discover so many amazing things!You will gain invaluable joint experience, you will experience what they are talking about dreamed. What could be better than evening gatherings around the fire? Imagine: spending the night in a tent under a crystal clear starry sky, cooking in a cauldron, making a fire, fresh sweet berries right on the path,unprecedented animals and plants, maps and compasses, real peaks, rocks, waterfalls... Will your child like this? Certainly! And you will like it!

See new countries, try exotic cuisine, study local life, expand your family horizon. And most importantly, do it together. Unlimited close communication and such a rich program is only possible in trekking; not a single resort offers yeah nothing like it even for all the money in the world.Stop lying on the couchchanging it to sand on holiday ! D Children will not discover the world on their own, they need your attention, they need your help...

First, a small digression.
While preparing this material, we leafed through books on tourism published in the 80s and came across a unanimous opinion about the age of children on a hike. Hiking, according to the authors of these books, You can bring children over two years old. Children can participate in water, mountain and ski trips starting from the age of 5.
“How can this be?”, you say, “there are many examples of families who successfully go on hikes, including water trips, with one-year-olds and even infants.” Well, apparently, this restriction is simply outdated, because a lot has changed since then.

  • Firstly, the market for children's products has grown rapidly: the very appearance of disposable diapers played an important role.
  • Secondly, the market for camping equipment, including children’s, is now quite well developed.
  • Thirdly, this is simply a time factor: over the years, the categorization of routes even decreases. Although the age limit of 5 years for mountain and ski routes seems to be relevant to this day.

So, as it became clear to you from the title, you can start taking (carrying) children camping almost from birth, taking into account the following considerations:

  • The hiking experience of an adult tourist taking a child with him should be greater than what is usually required for a given route as part of an adult group.
  • The weight of backpacks for adults on a hike with children is noticeably greater than on the same hike as part of an adult group. Specific figures depend greatly on the duration of the hike, the weight of the layout (g/person per day) and the route.
    Most often, this is a minimum of 60 kg for a family with one child for a walk or a simple mountain hike of medium duration.
  • To go or not to go on water trips (mountain hikes, bike trips) with a very small child?
    Each family must decide this question for themselves, weighing the responsibility and their own hiking experience in this type of tourism.
  • If your infant- the only one in the group, or the only one so small, be prepared to be the “regular brake” of the group.
    Parents who have been in this situation note that they were too busy caring for the child to notice what was happening on the hike.
  • It is also worth considering that up to two years of age, a child may also not understand where he is and what is happening around him.

If your baby is under 2.5-3 years old, you will need a device to carry him while hiking. Few people decide to take their baby on a hike in the first months of life, but there are still some. For such kids it may be kangaroo backpack or sling(aka patchwork holder, sling). Well, for older kids (from 1 to 3 years old) there is a special baby carrying backpack .

Sling, kangaroo or backpack? Some mothers are accustomed to carrying their baby in a sling. It is convenient for nursing mothers: you can literally feed your baby on the go, plus your baby is always happy and calm. As for the balance of benefit/harm of a sling for a child, there is no clear opinion among pediatricians yet, so we will leave this issue “overboard.” Vertical kangaroo backpacks, especially cheap and outdated models, definitely cannot be called useful. Mothers who are supporters of slings and have gone on hikes agree that ring slings (which are used to carry very tiny babies) are not a thing for camping. An alternative is a kangaroo or horizontal carrier. Although it seems that there are no absolutely safe and harmless means for carrying a child of this age, so you have to be content with what is available, or wait until the child is a little older. Some other types of slings ("scarf", "may", etc.) turn out to be very practical for long hikes with children several months old, because they also allow you to put on a backpack, and the child is in a position that is presumably comfortable for him, facing his mother. However, it is worth noting that its use requires certain practical skills and if you have never used a sling before, learn before starting the hike.
Particularly talented tourists take infants on water trips. In principle, you can get by with a sling: at bivouacs, carry the baby in a sling, and during the rafting, comfortably put him to sleep right in the kayak. It is strictly forbidden to board any rafting device while carrying a child in a sling or kangaroo (!), just as you should not secure a child in a kayak in any way. A child, regardless of age, must wear a life jacket in a kayak (on a catamaran, etc.) - see the article on safety.
If a child has overgrown the 8-9 kg mark, carrying him in front in a sling or kangaroo can develop into a form of self-abuse. This is where a special children's backpack will come to the rescue, which will be discussed below. Carrying a baby in such a backpack is much more comfortable, but you won’t be able to wear a regular hiking backpack at the same time. Therefore, for long hiking and mountain hikes, we choose a backpack-carrying bag with a maximum capacity of the luggage compartment.

2-4 years

Somewhere around two years old, the baby is already “mentally” ready for small trips - for one, two or three days.

Even for a two-year-old child who is used to walking a lot, we recommend taking a backpack to carry him - see the children's backpack section. If you decide not to take such a backpack with you, it is better not to plan hiking trips longer than one and a half to two kilometers.

However, it is worth considering that Children of this age generally prefer frequent “changes of scenery”. It will also be difficult for a two-year-old fidget to ride on the parents' shoulders for a long time - just like it will be difficult to travel for a long time by transport. Therefore, when camping with such children, you should often give them the opportunity to frolic.

It’s important to keep an eye on such small children while hiking so that they don’t quietly run away into the forest/go into the entrance/stick themselves into the fire. Although most kids themselves are afraid to move further than 10-20 meters from the camp, remember: children are unpredictable - curiosity can take over at any moment. We will tell you more about the rules of behavior on the route and during stops in the safety section.

And one more thing: of course, it’s too early for such kids to go on a ski trip, but now is the time for their first ski trips with their parents! Parents, again, can take a backpack with them to carry the child - it will be very useful.

Starting from about 3-4 years old, the baby can already make quite long transitions. In addition, he already tolerates driving well.
Hiking with children of this age It is recommended to set the driving mode to 20-30 minutes. transition/20-30 min rest. Often, towards the end of the hike, children adapt and can make quite long treks. Then the driving mode can be shifted slightly depending on the activity of the children. On water trips, sitting motionless in a kayak is even more tiring for children, so here the movement mode is similar: 30 minutes of movement/30 minutes. - “warm-up” (games, picking mushrooms, berries).

5-7 years

Children of this age already feel great on a hike. They can participate in watches and help adults set up a camp or prepare firewood (for example, carry chopped branches to the fire).

Let's repeat: The main problem for a child while moving along a route is not fatigue, but the monotony of movement. This fully applies to water and other types of tourism. If a child says “I’m tired” 15 minutes after starting to move, he means “I’m tired of walking along this asphalt road with an unchanging landscape.” It is clear that it is difficult to find a route with a continuous change of scenery, but you can plan frequent stops and “fill them up”.

While children are passively participating in the hike, it is necessary to organize their “leisure”, because what attracts an adult on a hike (sportsmanship, views of nature, songs around the fire, etc.) will not be as interesting for a child. Before going on a trip, you need to think about what you can do with your children. You can entrust them with certain tasks, for example, entrusting them with a camera. Sports equipment (balls, badminton) is also appropriate for a hike.

As mentioned above, from the age of 5-6 years you can try to take your child on a simple mountain or ski trip.

Schoolchildren find it much more interesting on a hike. It is good to teach children of this age the basics of “social” behavior while camping.(look around and check if the person walking behind you is not lagging behind; on the rise, walk carefully so as not to drop a stone on the person walking behind; do not suddenly let go of a branch if a person is walking right behind you; your friend has fallen - give your hand, help him up, etc. .P.). On water trips, children from about 8 years of age can be allowed to row. During halts, we also recommend organizing outdoor games, etc. (see the article Hiking Tactics with Children). The duration of transitions for schoolchildren is 40-50 minutes, intervals should be about 10-20 minutes, depending on the age of the children. From the age of 8-9, children can already cook their own food over a fire (under adult supervision).

Starting from 9-10 years of age, experienced tourists (that is, those who have already participated in hikes) can be taken on hikes of the 2nd difficulty category, and from about 12 years old - on hikes of the 3rd difficulty category. Teenagers over 13-14 years old can take part in hikes almost equally with adults. They, of course, will have less load where physical strength is needed.