Congratulations on the gift of cake. Poems and traditions of taking out the wedding cake - wedding cakes, loaves - wedding - holidays in the Tula region We light candles for congratulatory speeches script


16.00. The guests gathered in the restaurant hall. Everyone took their places at the tables

Light music sounds, a violin and a piano are playing...



Where does life begin?

Natasha.Life begins from the day when we first opened our small, swollen eyes, looked at the world around us, saw for the first time sunlight and let out the first cry in their life, thus declaring their coming into this world.

Paul. This day is called Birthday.

Natasha. What a unique chance fate gave us: millions of random fragments came together into a picture, billions of roads converged at one point...


Man, like a star is born

Among the vague, foggy milkiness,

At infinity it begins

And it ends in infinity...

Created by generations

Century after century, the Earth is imperishable...

Man, like a star is born,

So that the Universe becomes brighter!

Natasha. Exactly years ago, in the February sky, which is famous for the twinkling of stars, a new star was born and illuminated the Earth with light.

Paul. No one will dispute the truth that every time gives birth to its heroes, of whom the land that gave birth to them has the right to be proud. From time immemorial, the Slobozhansky land has nurtured and continues to nurture wonderful people, whose hands and work are worthy of honor and respect. They never allow themselves to do “hack work”, do not look for easy ways, are not afraid of difficulties, and do not try to live at random. They just know their stuff! They just work! Honestly! Tense! And Worthy!

Natasha. Let us applaud such a person and express admiration for our hero of the day and hero of this evening!


A man whose whole life was spent with love for his profession,

FULL NAME. position and regalia of the hero of the day

Applause. THE JUBILEE gets up from his seat and approaches the leader in the center of the hall

Natasha. (addressing the hero of the day)

Nature quietly flips through the calendar:

The summer thunderstorm has broken out,

Snow has already covered the whole earth, and to the people

February has arrived. And we are FOR it with all our hearts!

We have our own motives for this -

Marked beginning of February

Your birth! Because it's beautiful

And it’s festive in the soul! Yes and around for good reason

The sky is turning blue, the colors are white...

And we believe - all this is in your honor!

The words today are so simple and short:

“It’s so good that you exist in the world!”


Dear JUBILER! One of the eastern sages said about human life like this:

Look at the world with a reasonable eye,

Not the way you looked before.

The world is a sea. Do you want to swim?

Build a ship out of good deeds!

In my opinion, judging by how many people gathered in this large hall to celebrate your anniversary with you, you managed to create such a ship and achieve an important life milestone on it!

Natasha. Dear hero of the day, dear __________! Let me give you the floor to greet the guests and open the anniversary evening!

Jubilee:"Friends! I'm glad to see you all! Thank you for finding the time and opportunity to come to my anniversary! Now I’m thinking about one thing - making the holiday a success! Let's be cheerful, lively, witty and reckless today, let there be jokes and laughter, let the music not stop and the dance floor not be empty. Thank you for coming to share my holiday with me!”

The celebrant goes to his place.

Natasha. Let me sincerely wish you a great evening and unforgettable moments of joy from the meeting!

Guests applaud, light music sounds

The host asks everyone to fill their glasses. Glasses are being filled

Paul.: We don't have enough days -

Everyone would like eternity...

We miss so much in our whole life

Just heartfelt...

Let hearts now open for good -

For a good, cordial meeting.

Let there be no end to joy -

And we open the evening with the first toast!

Applause from the guests. The hero of the day gets up.

Natasha. The right to make the first anniversary toast at our evening is granted Toast ______________

Applause The song by V. Kikabidze “Wish” is played


And outside the window it’s raining, then snowing,

Winter is gaining strength faster and faster.

Well, today everyone is happy here -

We are celebrating a wonderful anniversary.

So let the hero of the occasion

Will rejoice at this moment -

And words are useless now -

Let the guests resound with applause!

Natasha. the floor is given ____________Toast

Taking out the first hot item

Paul. I understand that maybe not everyone in this room knows each other, but believe me, after 2-3 toasts the atmosphere will be as good as ever. hot-air balloon, - easily, freely and naturally we will soar with you along the waves of our memory, helping each other with wit, saying beautiful words in honor of the hero of the occasion!

Natasha. There is a wonderful tradition - summing up a person’s life path, telling him good words recognition and admiration. And the anniversary is a wonderful occasion to support this tradition!

Paul. Where did the tradition of celebrating birthdays come from? No one can answer this question for sure. But it is known for sure that the tradition of inviting only close people and friends to a birthday party is very ancient. Among wild tribes there were beliefs that on the day of his birth a person became especially vulnerable to evil spirits, and his fellow tribesmen surrounded and protected him with their wishes, and then with offerings. And the most important tradition - giving gifts to the hero of the occasion - dates back to biblical times, when the Magi came to the newborn Jesus with gifts.

Natasha. The tradition of having fun on your birthday is also a long one and was invented for a reason. This is a kind of pagan dance that is supposed to attract good luck and prosperity, and scare away evil spirits. It has also been noticed that as you celebrate your birthday, next year you'll spend it. Oddly enough, this sign “works”, just as in the case of the New Year. If a person is happy with everything on his birthday, he is surrounded by friends, he is shown respect, and given gifts, then the next year will be generous with good events, family and friends will be nearby, and luck will accompany the person at every step. Therefore, let's celebrate this holiday cheerfully, noisily and in such a way that there is something to remember.

Paul: As the poet accurately wrote:

How important it is to be on time

Say a kind word to someone

So that your heart trembles with excitement

After all, everything can change in a moment!

How important it is to be on time

To applaud or congratulate

A reliable shoulder to lend

And know that it will continue to be so!

Half a century is noon for a man,

For the birthday boy - flourishing,

On a long journey - a big milestone -

The pinnacle of youth.

The host asks everyone to fill their glasses.

Natasha.the floor is given ___________ Toast

Paul. Let's take a brief excursion into history to once again appreciate how lucky we are today to have such an opportunity to celebrate our birthday. In the old days in Rus', our ancestors not only did not celebrate their birthday, but sometimes they did not even know the date of their birth, since in the parish books of that time a note was made about baptism, and not about birth. In Russia, name days began to be celebrated only in the 17th century, but birthdays became holidays only in the 19th century - and then among nobles and wealthy merchants. The day before they brewed beer, baked a loaf of bread and sang songs about it. By the way, in Russia after the revolution, an ideological struggle began with name days. In the 1920s, censorship banned Korney Chukovsky’s “The Tsokotukha Fly” for promoting name days.

Natasha. The royal name days were celebrated especially magnificently. Sometimes the tsar personally distributed birthday cakes, and large celebrations with treats were organized for the people. So much money was spent on Elizabeth Petrovna’s name day alone that they could have built three royal palaces and fully provided them with furniture and curtains.

Paul. African birthdays are celebrated in interesting ways. In North Africa, it is customary to celebrate your birthday only twice in your life: once at birth, and the second time at 52 years old, because this is the age of the Prophet Mohammed.

Natasha. But in some Indian tribes, as well as in rural areas of China, in addition to birthdays, stages of human development are also celebrated: “sidin” - when he began to sit, “hodin” - he began to walk, etc.

Paul. And in England, the Queen personally sends congratulations to everyone who has lived to be 80, 90, and 100 years old.

Natasha. In Ukraine, there was once a custom on their birthday to take children out into the field and flog them at the boundary line so that the child knew exactly where the boundary line was drawn.

Paul. Well, perhaps the most unfortunate birthday people live in Japan. Birthdays are not celebrated there at all. Only parents are congratulated on the anniversary of the feat they accomplished - the birth of a child. For children, there are only holidays for three, five and seven years old - “City-Go-San”, and then there is one for all children and is celebrated on certain days, which may not coincide with your personal birthday. In Japan, it is customary to give gifts only on 60th, 70th, 79th, 88th, 99th birthdays.

Natasha. Let's thank fate for the fact that we have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy all the delights of celebrating a birthday and, of course, the hero of the day, who invited us to his anniversary evening!


The host asks everyone to fill their glasses.

Paul. the floor is given to the guest of our evening

The best of the ensemble's repertoire sounds

Natasha.: Dear friends! Singer and composer Pavel Dolya and the band play and sing for you all eveningFUNNU PEOPLE.

(invited for musical service)

Paul. : Today is a wonderful day. We honor our hero of the day - ________________ - an excellent leader, colleague, professional in his specialty. JUBILAR dedicated more than _____ years of his life to his specialty


An example to all employees -

This is the chief engineer!

He will check everyone, he will tell you everything,

He won't say rude words

And help without any words

He is always ready everywhere.

We would like to communicate

Wish him patience

And refined manners -

He's the chief engineer!


At our evening there are _______________ and Toasts from guests

Paul. :, addressing his work colleagues, he says:

(You can find a verse about the profession of the hero of the day)

Energy is the most important industry,

Without her, nothing will spin,

The smartest people have been here for centuries,

The most obliging ones work!

What is civilization?

That’s not a question for a long time - nonsense:

“People’s labor plus electrification

All processes of human labor!”

And today how will we live in the world?

Without victories and miracles of electricity?

The food of the world is energy

With a plus of quality and quantity!

Let my arithmetic be naive,

Smile! It's time today!

Happiness to you - energy!

Health, good luck and goodness!

Paul. And now, dear DEAR COLLEAGUES, this song sounds for you, for the workers of the Northern Electric Power System and the National Energy Company Ukrenergo!

A song or anthem of the industry or profession that the hero of the day owns is played.

For example: The anthem of energy workers sounds .

After the end of the anthem

Taking out the second hot one

Natasha. Now let's mentally transport ourselves to the distant 60s of the twentieth century... (An example of the events of that year in the history of the country, the planet WHICH became the year of the BIRTH of the hero of the day)

The year 1962 has forever gone down in the history of not only our country, the USSR, but also the entire globe, thanks to the fact that by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 12, 1962, a memorable day was established in the Soviet Union called “Cosmonautics Day.” This became possible thanks to the fact that a year earlier in 1961, on April 12, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on the Vostok spacecraft and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around planet Earth. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes. This grandiose event in the life of our planet influenced the entire subsequent history of human development and opened a new Cosmic Age of our planet.

Paul. And in 1962, in a strong unit of Soviet society, a child was born into the family, a boy. What doubts could there be about the name of the newborn? Well, of course, they named their son the most fashionable name at that time ____________

Natasha.turns to the hall. Question. Can someone explain what the name of the hero of the day means? Are there any other ________ in the hall – namesakes of the hero of the day? Raise a hand. (You can, if you want to be a guest, give him the floor.)

Paul. The name “VASILIY” comes from the ancient Greek “jurius”, which means “hero”. The name “VASILY” is also a variant of the name__________, which translated from ancient Greek means “______________”. In Russia, until the 19th century, the name “VASILY” was found only among the nobility and educated classes.

What the stars say about the name “VASILY”:

  • Character traits: Firmness, confidence, determination, independence
  • Patron planet: Jupiter
  • Patron Saints: St. George the Victorious
  • Lucky colors: Green
  • Happiest day: Wednesday (by the way, please note, today is Wednesday)
  • Good luck stone: Emerald

The host asks the audience to fill the glasses.


Anniversaries are like birds

At dawn there is a knock on the window.

This night we dream of childhood,

Mom, dad, house and garden.

Protected by the omnipotent

God-given star to us,

We walk through life boldly,

Carried away by fate.

Let it burn without going out

Your bright star

Saving from bad weather

Through years and centuries.

We wish you success,

Compliments and flowers,

Bright meetings, smiles, laughter,

Sweet dreams and kind words.

Natasha.Word for a congratulatory toast ____________ Toast

Paul. . Let us remember what other events the year 1962 will be remembered for. Can anyone tell? (addresses the hall)

Paul. . In 1962:

  • The legendary youth radio station “Youth” went on air for the first time.
  • On November 18, the magazine “ New world"with Alexander Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"
  • the millionth resident was officially registered in Novosibirsk

Natasha. These are the events that made 1962 go down in history. Well, we return to our anniversary. And so, on February 8, a baby was born into the Redko family. Let's remember which of the personalities we know were also born on the date of birth of the ANNIVERSARY———

So, can anyone answer?

Paul. . ——- February was born:

  • in 1828, the great French writer, a classic of the genres of science fiction and adventure literature - pause ... (can anyone tell?) Yes, this is the great Jules VERNE.
  • The events of this day and the names of prominent personalities born on this day are given.

The host asks to fill the glasses for the next toast.

While the glasses are filling


In the prime of life, at the peak of glory

Your glorious anniversary has arrived.

He added warmth to you,

Made him more beautiful and wiser.

And let the crazy years rush by,

Let them hurry -

Down with sadness and away with despondency!

Life is wonderful, my friends!

We cordially congratulate you

Happy date, bright day!

We wish you good health,

We solemnly present flowers,

We dedicate poetry and prose,


. The floor is given to the deputy ___________Toast

The song “Moon Melody” or any favorite song plays


That's what it is - 50!

Wife's love, children's love,

Respect to colleagues and loved ones!

And meeting good friends,

Success in work, position!

The soul sings, the eyes burn -

That's what it is - 50!

So, for your 50...

Guests want to raise a glass!

Everyone is ready for a long time, it’s time...

To you, the hero of the day, from all the guests - hurray!

. The floor is given ___________________toast

The song “Happy Birthday” is playing from Allegrova or Kadyshnikova or any one on this topic

After the end of the toast, there is a short pause, then the host announces:

Paul. says in a very serious voice:

Before the break is announced: Dear guests, I would like to ask if we have any smokers? Raise your hand who smokes.

Attention! Information for smokers!

Recent studies have found that one act of love prolongs life by 10 minutes. At the same time, it is known that smoking a cigarette shortens life by 7 minutes. Therefore, if you perform an act of love after every cigarette you smoke, you can maintain your health at the proper level. Have a nice smoke break!

A break of 20 minutes is announced. Everyone is welcometo the dance floor


Everyone takes their seats.

Paul. asks everyone to fill their glasses.

An anniversary is not just a date,

And the lucky certificate:

Your years are like soldiers,

Lined up for the parade.

Your years are behind you

Tall, slender, young,

Each one means something

Every year you are in love.

This is news from childhood,

This is the first kiss

This one is girlish coquetry,

This one - mom don't worry!

What kind of relatives are:

They smile, they are sad.

So let's have fun!

Open your parade!

Natasha. The floor is given to relatives

A toast is made.

They bring out the third hot dish

The song “Shores” by Alexander Malinin sounds,

or any favorite song of the hero of the day

Paul. Once we fly out of our parents’ nest, we try to live independently, study, work, and sometimes we don’t notice that such glorious anniversaries come along. And, no matter what heights in life we ​​reach, vivid pictures of childhood remain in our memory forever: the first parental parting words and instructions, the first tests of strength. So, that's how the story goes, childhood and teenage years hero of the day _______________________________________________A brief excursion into the biography and memorable dates

Natasha. Here is an excursion into the biography of our respected hero of the day. But as popular wisdom says, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Dear friends, we have a premiere!

Screening of a film dedicated to the life and work of the hero of the day

At the end, the presenter hands the hero of the day a disc.

The song "Parent's House" is playing

Natasha. Dear friends, just like you, the celebrant of the anniversary is seeing this film for the first time. Did the celebrant of the anniversary like the gift?

Paul. Dear JUBILER! As you know, victories are forged in the rear. And as we see, your rear is reliable! You've probably heard the following aphorism: “Everything beautiful in life comes from a woman!” And indeed it is. Nature has endowed women with the ability to create real miracles. Accept congratulations from the family home front worker, spouse, girlfriend, housewife and housewife in general, beloved woman and wife.

The host asks the guests to fill their glasses for the next toast.

While the glasses are fillingPaul. (addressing his wife):

From “husband” and “rank”

Consists of a “man”.

The man is real

Giving us joy.

And your beloved man

Today, Irina, congratulations to you.

And the guests today have a reason -

Raise a glass to the birthday boy!

Congratulations to the wife.

Spouse's toast:

Let's raise our cups for love!

Friends, I’ll tell you honestly, without embellishment:

Love knocks you down like

The strongest hops,

But it also puts us on our feet!

I feel so bright next to you -

Is it blooming in May, is it snowing?

You are my joy and reward -

My closest person!

Paul. A wonderful toast to love! Invites men to drink while standing.

While the guests are drinking, Paul.

There are a lot of ringing words about her

Said the wise poets.

For eternally young love -

Source of joy and light!

The song “Why is the heart so disturbed” sounds?

Or " Eternal love" and so on.

Natasha., ELENA, please tell me, is your husband attentive? Spouse answers: Yes

Natasha., ELENA, please tell me, does your husband remember your birthday? Spouse answers: Yes

Natasha. addresses the hero of the day : VASILY, can you remember ? The hero of the day answers: ———-

Natasha., ELENA, please tell me, does your husband remember the day of your wedding? Spouse answers: Yes

Natasha. addresses the hero of the day . VASILY, can you answer ? The hero of the day answers: ———–

Natasha. How wonderful. Take her beloved woman as your wife on her birthday. And by the way, it’s very convenient to remember for sure - your wife’s birthday and wedding day on the same day. But if he forgets, it’s even scary to imagine!!! There is a joke: in order to remember your spouse’s birthday forever, you only have to forget it once.

Paul. . Yes, _________, your husband is really attentive. And then I remembered one story about an attentive husband.

Paul. tells a story:

A husband and wife standing at the window are having the following conversation with each other: “You see what a caring husband someone has - he even takes the laundry off the line himself,” said the wife.

“Caring, caring,” the husband answers, and, by the way, he takes off our underwear.

Paul. So an attentive husband brings not only joy to his wife, but also prosperity to the family!

Paul. asks to fill the glasses for the next toast.

Paul. What is fifty?..

From the point of view of young people,

Time to sum up life

And raise chickens.

If the highlanders, whitened

Gray hair, ask about that -

Then you are still a newborn,

Just right to wear diapers.

Only we, perhaps, know:

This is the golden age.

It reliably combines

Maturity with a young soul,

If suddenly it’s not according to science

The autumn garden will bloom,

If children are younger than grandchildren,

So dad is fifty!

Wise experience with youthful fervor,

Together we stood in ranks...

We wish the hero of the day

Strengthen this union!

Paul. gives the floor to congratulate the birthday boy’s son

Son's toast………..

The song “Dear People” or any song of gratitude to a parent is played.

Paul. Friends! As you know, there is wisdom in wine, strength in cognac, fun in vodka, strength in beer, and only in water - microbes! Therefore, I suggest filling the glasses once again.


I mean nothing without friends.

When I laugh, when I'm sad and cry.

I live for them and it’s clear from that

That without friends I mean nothing.

I'm spinning, spinning in my own affairs,

Meeting success with failure,

I'm not mistaken in the friends I chose,

After all, without friends I mean nothing.

Paul. : His friends congratulate him on a wonderful milestone in the life of the hero of the day.

Paul. Toast from Friends

The song “For Friends” is playing

Musical intro “WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?"

Paul. : Dear friends! Our hero of the day loves all the guests present at the evening very much and therefore has prepared an exclusive gift for you. Well, since there are many guests in the hall, and this gift is exclusive and therefore, as you understand, in the singular, then let it go to the one who most wants this gift to go to him. Well, how can we find out which of you most wants to receive a gift from the hero of the day? A The best way To determine who wants it most, it’s to hold an auction.

They take it out to a musical background BLACK BOX.

Paul. : The gift is in a black box. This is the personal, favorite thing of the hero of the day. They were together for so many long years and winters and she served him faithfully all these years. It was thanks to her that our birthday boy became what we know him now. She brought him into the public eye, gave him a path in life and inspired him to choose a future profession. And today the ANNIVERSARY_____ is parting with her in order to give her to one of you, so that, just like him, she gives her love to the one to whom she will now belong.

So, let the starting price be symbolic for our evening - 50 hryvnia!

Paul. Conducts an AUCTION.

During the auction leading speaks:

Gently and carefully, this item stimulates creativity, allows you to focus on the problem at hand, without being distracted by unimportant matters.

She can change your life in the most magical way, since this is destined for her by fate itself.

Talented writers and scientists, successful businessmen and managers cannot imagine their work without this subject.

The presenter gives a gift to the winner of the auction.

Paul. addressing the auction winner: This is the hero’s favorite table lamp since childhood, by the light of which he read his first books, learned the multiplication tables, thought, created, dreamed! May your nights be bright! And as the most persistent excise participant, you will be awarded an incentive prize! (bottle of champagne)

If such a situation occurs : Paul. addressing the winner's opponent: You were close to victory, but last night you almost didn’t reach the final. You are awarded the People's Choice Award for gambling (a bottle of vodka 0.2 Nemirov is awarded)

Musical program “BRAVE HUSSARS” or invited SHOW number

AfterPaul. announces a break. The presenter says: Our hero of the day and his wife invite everyone to the dance floor

The hero of the day and his wife go to the dance floor

Dance break 20 minutes

IIIpart Entertainment

Everyone takes their seats.

Natasha.,. As the perspicacious Japanese say: “He who knows how to work, knows how to rest!” Speaking about work, we can safely say that the second family of the hero of the day is Friendly family energy workers. Today, those who spend the most time with the hero of the day, who know his working life best, and who are closest to him in location, have yet to be named.

Natasha., asks to fill the glasses for the next toast


Here's the rationale -

The deputy deputy sees from afar.

Would you like to listen now?

How do you like your colleague, deputy,

Rising boldly to his full height,

Will raise a toast on your anniversary!

Natasha.,: word for a congratulatory toast


The ants gathered to hunt.

The leader admonishes his troops:

We knock down the elephant with a friendly crowd!

Then we’ll trample - that’s all we need!

Yes, the team can handle any task!

For this I suggest you drink with confidence!

Natasha., the floor for a congratulatory toast is given

Natasha., Today, respected and adored friends and colleagues gathered in our hall. There were many wonderful toasts. And now cheerful fairy-tale, not quite ordinary, heroes have come to congratulate our birthday boy. Meet! Grandmothers Yozhki-Elektroshki!

Ditties of Experienced Grandmothers-Hedgehogs-Electroshkas!

Props: 3 sundresses, 3 scarves, 3 brooms (brooms are better), 1 accordion (you can use a child’s one). The most active guests are selected cheerful men, dress them in sundresses, give them props and the text of ditties written on postcards. It is advisable to conduct a rehearsal before the performance itself. ThenNatasha. , asks the hero of the day to accept congratulations from the fabulous, mysterious old ladies. And Babok Ezhek invites him to the hall. The ideal option would be if you have an accordion player who can play Babok Ezhek’s ditties from the film “ flying ship”, or you will have a phonogram recorded without vote. « Advice from experienced Babok-Yozhek-Elektroshka" come up with your own professional ditties for the ANNIVERSARY

Stretch the bellows, accordion, Eh, play, play!

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka, Sing, don’t talk!

Then Grandmas Hedgehogs perform a small impromptu dance and leave.Under "LADY"

Taking out the final 4th hot signature dish for “Lezginka” if it is kebabs or grilled meat dish

In 10-15 minutes Natasha., conducts "Cowboy Competition"

After the competition the cowboys are taken out Money Cow

Musical and entertainment program VESELA DIKANKA

Background music (actors changing clothes)

Musical and entertainment program ODESSA MAMA

Anniversary cake – 22h.00 min.

Lyrical music sounds.

Natasha., The tradition of lighting candles on a birthday cake comes from ancient times, and takes us back to ancient centuries, when the altar was lit in honor of the pagan gods. They say that along with the light smoke from the candles, our wish goes straight to heaven, to the angels, who are especially attentive to the wishes of children and birthday people.

The light is dimming. A cake with lit candles is brought in to the accompaniment of lyrical music.

Natasha., :

They say when a candle burns,

This moment gives me peace.

While she is bright and hot,

The light of its burning gives us joy.

The hero of the day goes to the center of the hall to the host and says the final toast.

Toast to the hero of the day:

After the toast of the hero of the dayNatasha., :

Let me wish you on this holiday,

So that happiness can help you,

So that luck awaits you along the way

And every evening was joyful.

Well, we’ll ask you in addition:

Blow out these candles!

The hero of the day blows out the candles.


The song “Candle Burned” by Noskov or Candle by A. Makarevich is played

The cake is cut and distributed (with the help of waiters) to the guests

Natasha., For joy, for love, for friendship, a bridge!

We'll make a toast to the birthday boy!

May the hero of the day have a happy life

Pour your glasses fuller, every guest!

Natasha., : Each of the guests can stand up and say wishes to the birthday boy!

When everyone has said their wishes, the song “How we baked a loaf on our name day” begins to sound. Guests are invited to the dance floor to dance around the birthday boy. The hero of the day is the first to leave the table on the dance floor (if desired, he can go with his wife). The guests lead a round dance, with the birthday boy in the center of the round dance.

Guests lead a round dance .

After the song “How we baked a loaf of bread on Vasya’s name day,” the song “Let the blue nights flutter with bonfires” sounds and begins

Paul: music and dance program “I was made in the USSR”

Natasha., :: Dear JUBILER! Let there be not only everyday life in your life, but also holidays; not only business problems, but also joys; not only work, but also warmth family hearth, not only winter, but also spring. For you_________________, for and love in your life!

Music and dance program MELODIES AND RHYTHMS of foreign pop music

Dear newlyweds, dear guests! Most of the holiday is already over. We are approaching one of the most beautiful and sweet moments of the wedding.

Today is the family's birthday. And what would a birthday be without a cake? Greet with thunderous applause

On our menu

The most important chord

To surprise, to delight

We bring in, solemnly,

Wedding (celebration) cake!

Young people, make your first family wish.

From this sweetest moment of the holiday, the newlyweds begin their honeymoon and sweet life. So look at it all beautiful creation art! The cake consists of three (two, four) tiers:

The 1st upper tier is the tier of love

Since the first tier symbolizes LOVE for us, the young people keep this tier for themselves so that their love will always be as sweet and as sublime as this tier of love

Dear Bride and Groom, you have every right, be the first to taste this delicacy. Take spoons and feed each other as a sign of love and harmony. Sweet? We wish that your entire future family life will be as sweet as this wedding cake!

2nd tier, middle – tier of happiness

3rd lower tier – tier of wealth

And now, precisely at this solemn moment, to your applause, the newlyweds will perform the first joint action in their lives - cutting the wedding cake!

Dear young people, according to tradition, the Bride and Groom must cut off the first piece together, together, so that their life is sweet-sweet and happy-happy, so that they always do everything... together and together!

And you treat your parents with the first two pieces of cake as a sign of gratitude and love for them.

The Groom treats the Bride's parents, his newly-made mother-in-law and father-in-law with cake!

The Bride treats the Groom's parents, her father-in-law and mother-in-law!

A wedding cake is a symbol of great family happiness.

And happiness cannot be enjoyed alone; it must be shared with friends. That's why,

Young people, take the knife together, Let there be sweet moments more often, You will treat every guest here... The cake is cut. Applause!

Dear guests, accept these little symbols of happiness from the hands of the bride and groom and be happy with them.

In 9-10 months this family will have a boy or a girl? Guests, what do you think?" And the guests begin to shout: "Boy! Girl! Twins!".

“Do you know what diapers are expensive these days? And a piece of wedding cake costs quite a bit, as much as you wouldn’t mind. The bride cuts the cake and gives the pieces to the witness. The groom gives the pieces to the witness. Those who want their first-born to be a boy take pieces from the witness, the girl— from the witness." Witnesses, accompanied by cheerful music, run around the hall with pieces and shout: “Who wants the boy? Who wants the girl?” At the end, they counted the money and announced: a boy or a girl. Those who disagree, add.

The wedding celebration traditionally ends with all present guests being treated to a sweet wedding cake. The roots of this action go back to Ancient Rome. During wedding ceremony the groom had to break the cake over the bride's head.

This tradition is based on the belief of our ancestors that breaking bread cements friendships. In modern times, it is displayed by the bride and groom cutting the cake together. After which the guests are treated to it. Often there is a comic sale of a cake at a wedding, the scenario of which can be viewed in this article.

The tradition of selling the wedding cake, which is cut by the newlyweds, takes place in a fun way through competitions or exchange for money. There are several options for implementing this idea.

Guests mostly perceive this idea as an additional way to congratulate the newlyweds and give them a gift. This tradition is interpreted as a symbol of prosperity, happy family life just created new family. Let's imagine several options for taking out and selling a wedding cake:

  • the first option is classic. In this case, the newlyweds themselves are engaged in the sale. The tradition begins with cutting the cake together and choosing one for yourself. best first piece. Usually they start from the top tier. The bride holds a knife, and the groom holds his beloved's hand. His hand easily rests on top of the bride's hand. After the first piece, which traditionally remains with the newlyweds, the next ones are praised by the newlyweds and offered for sale to the guests, and the groom, in addition to the cake, offers a glass of cognac;
  • The next version of the process of treating guests to a wedding cake differs from the previous one only in that for each piece the newlyweds accept not money, but original congratulations. And these are not necessarily verbal congratulations. Guests can give the newlyweds a dance, a song or a comic story. There are no special restrictions. The main thing is fun and active participation of guests;
  • the next option is carried out by the presenters or toastmaster. Often this event takes place in the form of an auction. All pieces of treats become lots. In turn, the ways of carrying it out are also varied. Each professional has his own secrets, methods and methods that are taken into account when writing a script.

There is no need to delay the tradition of selling the cake. It is enough to play a few pieces. Very rarely do they sell the whole cake.

Script in verse

A traditional wedding cake sale is interesting and exciting if the script is written in verse. Usually it happens in a certain order. The newlyweds begin to cut the cake. This procedure can be accompanied by the following words:

What a wonderful cake for the newlyweds:

The bride put her hand to him,

And the groom made jam for the layer,

Then they baked and decorated -

for treating other people.

In our country, cake is considered the key to a sweet life,

Let's invite the young people to cut it for us now.

So that they have a long family life

Troubles, no sorrows, do not know.

Today they were “bitter” all evening,

And we need to somehow sweeten their lives.

A piece of wedding cake

We will treat the young ones.

Feed the bride and groom tenderly,

Life is beautiful and easy.

The second piece of cake is for the parents.

How quickly time has flown by

And we’re already walking at a children’s wedding,

For the sweet moments in life,

Young people, we treat our parents to cake.

After attention has been paid to the parents, the auction begins - selling the cake to the guests.

Surprisingly, dear guests,

Today our cake is asking for a compliment.

He will make all the plump ones skinny,

And the old will become young,

Those who are under the steward will make those more sober

And whoever is grumpy will become a little kinder.

He will find a lonely couple,

The bald man will gain hair.

Oh, this miracle cake,

Eat everything with your mouth full.

But the first piece is for the young,

For happiness and joy in their life.

The second piece is a sign of love

Don't just take it.

Who will pay more for it

He will burn with love.

Third award for happiness

Let all bad weather go away

Great days are coming

Buy it quickly.

And the fourth will bring us health,

Whoever takes it will immediately understand everything.

No matter how hard I force it,

We need male strength.

What about a woman's dream?

We need eternal beauty!

We buy the fifth piece -

We make all dreams come true.

Any problem can be solved

If there is luck nearby.

Who will buy the sixth piece?

Tom will be lucky in everything from now on.

We will give the seventh to a student,

After all, the student has no money.

Hurry up and run here

And get a piece.

And so that you always glow in love,

We must wish happiness to the young.

The eighth piece is almost the rest -

For great family wealth.

The more you pay for it,

The more young people will earn.

Take more piece

Young people, prepare a deep bag for money.

The ninth piece for a sweet life,

So that happiness can be shoveled.

Worth nothing at all

But the benefits from it are enormous.

For sweet days and sweet nights

So that sons and daughters are born.

The kids waited the whole wedding for a cake,

But so far they have not been given anything.

We are correcting a serious mistake

Why aren't you guys happy?

And they hung their noses.

Behind sweet life and family happiness,

So that bad weather avoids the young,

Give me the money, don’t be sorry -

100 rubles per piece.

At the end, the cake is simply handed out. You can call for this using the following verse.

Friends! Native! Dear guests.

Ears wider, arms higher,

Announcement for those who haven't heard.

Come and run up

Take the cake for free.

We congratulate the young

So that we can live together until our hair turns gray.

Script in prose

Nowadays, no matter what the wedding is, lush and crowded or modest, only with close people, it always ends with a wedding cake. You should take a responsible approach to ordering the main delicacy for the celebration. The fact that it is served at the end of the event, when the guests are full, is taken into account.

What should a wedding cake be like?

  • contain few calories. In this case, even those who strictly watch their figure will try it;
  • do not contain allergenic substances, dyes, etc.;
  • It is considered bad form if the cake is decorated with artificial elements;
  • The newlyweds choose the shape of the cake based on their own preferences.

Not all newlyweds are of the opinion that the wedding cake should be sold.

Be that as it may, the first piece cut off by the bride and groom is always played out.

We will provide several options for conducting the auction of the first piece:

  • classic. For the first piece of cake, a price is set in money and bidding is announced. They give the cake to the highest bidder;
  • the next option is called a “last money” auction. The newlyweds pass with the first piece on a tray among the guests. Those who wish to do so place banknotes of the same denomination on the tray. Whoever puts down the last bill will get a treat;
  • Auction with return of change. But in this case, the newlyweds themselves or the host may get confused. Bargaining begins with your own banknote. For example, 1000 rubles are placed on a tray. The next participant’s task is to put a larger amount on the tray and take the previous money as change. The game continues until the last person wishes. The auction can be held by agreeing in advance on the increment of the amount to be contributed.
  • During the auction, in addition to the deposited amount, guests voice their wishes to the newlyweds or other conditions that should be humorous. Then the bidding procedure will be fun and exciting. Also, the first piece, like the subsequent ones, is assigned a certain significance - “For happiness”, “For prosperity” and so on. For motivation, guests can be given another prize along with a piece: a certificate, calendars with photos of the newlyweds, a bottle of champagne with the signatures of the newlyweds. You can come up with quite a lot of such tricks;
  • themed cake sale. This procedure is carried out in the case when young people do not recognize normal bargaining, but the desire to receive a certain amount remains. Then you can come up with an exciting story. For example, the wedding cake is on a beautiful cloud. The bride and groom really want to treat everyone to a sweet work of art. But there is no way to get to the cloud. Although there is a way out of every situation. In this case, a rainbow will help. As you know, it is colorful. You can build such a rainbow for young people from colored banknotes.

What size to build a rainbow is decided in each case individually, depending on the activity of the guests and their capabilities.

This video will tell you how to hold an auction for selling a wedding cake:

Don't demand the impossible from your guests. Otherwise fun game risks turning into an intrusive event, and the guests will not have a very good impression.

The tradition, which originated in ancient times, is gradually turning into a means of obtaining additional funds at a wedding. Is it really necessary to do this? Maybe it’s better to just ceremoniously cut the wedding cake and treat your loved ones and guests with all your heart?

When preparing the room for the anniversary, prepare bouquets of flowers, both live and artificial, balloons inflated with helium and attach to each chair where guests will sit (balloons can be used in competitions). Print out the prepared poster and hang it above the hero of the day’s head.

Guests gather indoors to celebrate the anniversary, some time before the anniversary begins. To avoid boredom, you can offer fill out the wish book. Having prepared an album, old postcards, markers, glue, scissors in advance. Guests can decorate a colorful page in the congratulatory album, which will later remain as a keepsake for the hero of the day. During the entire anniversary, everyone, without exception, will write a wish.

At a certain time, the presenter offers to line up a living corridor for the hero of the day to pass through it. To the applause of the guests, the hero of the day enters the room and walks along a lively corridor.

The presenter begins with words.

Meet, ladies, gentlemen,
The hero of the day is coming to us now,
Applause with a bang,
He passes among his guests!
And how many of you have gathered here,
I don't even know these numbers
It's a great honor for everyone
And everyone shouts out loud: “Congratulations!”

For a greater impression, you can turn on music or light candles, throw streamers at the top, or shoot firecrackers into the air.
Everyone takes their seats.
The host begins the feast with words.
Successful, cool person,
Today he celebrates his holiday,
Everywhere, loud laughter everywhere,
Champagne in glasses teases!
Well, let's celebrate
After all, Anniversary is wonderful,
I also want to say,
That this is definitely not in vain!
We have already achieved a lot,
Great success, not small income,
Even then, on a bend,
And this year will be a great one!

Then everyone, one by one, guests are invited to congratulate the hero of the day and present the prepared gifts.

After all the toasts, you can sing congratulatory remade song:

To the tune of the song "Black Cat".
Today we are gathered at the table,
To congratulate you on such a day,
To wish you happiness,
And of course talk about it!
Anniversary, idle day,
And it should be celebrated more cheerfully,
And for this, friends,

More joy, and more love,
To make your wishes come true,
So that wealth always comes,
And in everything, there would always be an ideal!
Anniversary, idle day,
And it should be celebrated more cheerfully,
And for this, friends,
Everyone gathered today like never before!

Competitions can also be held during breaks between musical breaks.

Poster - Puzzle - Congratulations - Game. "Super detective"

An interesting congratulation for the hero of the day, man or woman.
Details, attributes: Whatman paper, a lot of old postcards, paints - gouache, brush, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, glue glitter. Very good poems suitable for your favorite hero of the day.

The poster must be designed, cut out and pasted postcards, written congratulations, decorated with sparkles, and decorated. And cut it into pieces like a puzzle. Sign the parts in order on the back and hide them all over
Task: Whoever finds the puzzle the most wins a prize and a comic medal
"Super detective"

Cool competition for the anniversary of "Catering"

Props, attributes: two saucers for two players, items with which food will be taken (iron forks, baby spoons, disposable spoons, toothpicks)

The saucer contains food that is not so easy to eat without a spoon (ice cream, jelly, pasta, yogurt)
Iron forks, baby spoons, disposable spoons, toothpicks are put into a bag and the players, on command, pull out the object without looking and start eating.
The first player to finish eating the food wins.

Competition for luck. "With Balls"

Details, attributes: you will need inflated balloons, very small size, as large a flat large plate as possible, and four basins or boxes, two for the finish with balls and two empty ones, where the balls will be transferred in the plate.
Players are called, any number. Divided into two teams.
Each team gets a plate and the same number of balls.
You need to take the balls with a plate, as many as will fit, and run them to another box, returning the plate is passed on in a relay race.
The team that moved all the balls faster wins and receives the 1st place medal.

Competition "Bank Account"
"Bank account"

This competition will decorate any anniversary evening, creating an atmosphere of fun and friendly atmosphere.

Required for the competition:
A glass jar with a “BANK” sticker, filled with paper money, small change, tightly closed with a lid, can be rolled up with an iron lid.
Whoever names the most accurate amount in the “BANK” takes the contents. You can pick up the “BANK” for closer examination.

Typically the end of the evening involves bringing in the cake and drinking tea, lighting candles and placing the cake on a table on wheels.
The cake comes out according to the host's words.

Verse before bringing in the cake

The sweetest and most desirable
Now is the moment
Very tasty and elegant,
Birthday component!
Here it is, baked for you,
This delicious, idle cake,
He called it Jubilee,
And not the other way around!
Okay, we won't wait long,
You need to blow out the candles
And solemnly, with a smile,
Congratulations to the hero of the day!

Traditional ceremony of cutting the wedding cake
Modern weddings cannot do without traditional rituals, one of which is cutting the wedding cake: this is the first joint action of the newly-made husband and wife, so it must be approached so responsibly. This ritual is very sweet and solemn, when all the guests hold their breath and watch how the newlyweds will cut the wedding cake.
The wedding cake usually appears at the end of the celebration and is its culmination. To serve it, a table on wheels is used, on which the cake itself is located, and on the shelves the required number of plates, napkins and a cutting knife.
For spectacular presentation, special culinary sparklers are often used. But do not confuse them with New Year's ones; they have a significant difference, which lies in the safety of guests and the treat itself. When using them, you need to dim the lights, you can light candles. The music can be solemn or, conversely, romantic. Don’t forget to check the readiness of the photographer and videographer so that they are not distracted at the most crucial moment.

Words for taking out a wedding cake
That's it, the evening is over,
That's it, the candles went out.
It's time to cut the cake
Why unnecessary words?
The newlyweds take a knife together
- Cutting the cake is a joint effort...
Remember this moment -
The first piece is for the two of you.
And you will treat each other to cake,
Reliable friend and faithful girlfriend.
Now wait a minute,
- It's time to cut the second piece
Remember this moment too
And treat your parents to cake
Look into mom and dad's eyes,
- Has a tear rolled down again?
However, a tear without a doubt
This is from happiness and excitement... .
And the rest of the cake is for the guests,
- Smile at them more cheerfully
After all, there are sweet tooths here and there
A piece of cake is expected from you
Well, guests, don’t be shy,
Take a cake, help yourself,
And young again
We will all shout “Bitterly” now...
Let your eyes glow with happiness
How beautiful is the wedding hour
Before the honeymoon
A surprise has been prepared for you
May the roads all be smooth
May happiness create comfort for you
May all your days be sweet
Take your wedding cake!!!

Before cutting the cake, you need to take a photo with it: you can call all the guests and take a group photo, which can become the most favorite one in the wedding album, because all friends and relatives will be relaxed enough to take relaxed poses.
- If the young people want to take the upper tier home, then it remains untouched;
- Before cutting, all plastic figures and lights are removed;
- The tradition of cutting a wedding cake involves the newlyweds taking the knife together, with the groom placing his hand on top, and the bride managing the process.
- The newly-made husband and wife cut off two pieces, which they put on plates: they treat each other with them, as in the case of a loaf;
- The next four pieces are cut specially for the parents and are given to them by the young themselves;
- To prevent pieces of cake from sticking to the knife, it is periodically moistened in warm water, the container with which should be nearby;
- The size of the pieces should be such that each guest gets at least one.