A funny scenario for a man's 30th birthday. Squeezing the air out of the empty bottle

The thirtieth birthday is perhaps the most long-awaited and memorable anniversary in everyone’s life. If you, your husband, son, father or other loved one will soon have such a holiday, you simply need a competent script for a man’s 30th anniversary. Such an event should be epic for the hero of the day. Only an enchanting mood, pleasant memories, the best treats and the most interesting entertainment!

Creating a festive atmosphere

First of all, you should pay attention to the hobbies of the birthday boy. For example, if he collects something (medals, coins, photos, stamps, etc.), then why not put his trophies under glass. Let the guests admire and sigh in admiration. Buy helium balloons and hang them from the ceiling, and on ribbons attach photographs of the hero of the day where he is at different ages. You can also set up a wish board, decorating it with gold glitter. Everyone will be able to come up and leave a few lines there with warm wishes.

Let the number “30” flaunt everywhere. Order a personalized cake with the date of birth, decorate the walls with posters with “30” depicted on them, and you can also give the birthday boy a football jersey with this number.

Don't forget to make a good music selection to set the maximum good mood. It has long become a tradition to include the famous song of the group “Sector Gaza” on the 30th anniversary. Make sure she is on the playlist. Take care of festive table, invitations and outfits. And don't miss the program key - a script ready for execution. Everything must be carefully thought out, competitions are selected taking into account the wishes of the guests and the hero of the day. Much depends on the character of the participants. Some people like active games, others are more interested in quizzes, and for others, serve it hot. If in your case everyone’s moods are different, try to organically combine the necessary entertainment into one scenario.

Where to spend a man's 30th birthday?

  • Outdoors. Many men are very close to this way of celebrating. They are literally attracted by the harsh natural realities! Go deeper into the forest, breathe in the freshness, get firewood, fry juicy meat, set up a tent and dismantle your backpack. And there, to each his own. Some go to the river with fishing rods, some take a guitar, and some just have a hearty chat and laugh around the fire! True, if your anniversary is in winter, you will have to postpone this idea.
  • Bars, clubs. If you are a child of the city and are demanding of amenities, and also do not want to celebrate, burdening yourself with festive troubles, your option is an entertainment establishment. Loud music, delicacies, exciting show program, dancing and full service.
  • Karaoke. This option is ideal for those who were born musically gifted with a sonorous voice. Why not celebrate your 30th anniversary at a karaoke bar?! The main thing is to make sure that there is really high-quality sound equipment there.
  • Big party. To hold it you will have to rent a room or go to a country house. Firstly, to celebrate in a big way and not be crowded, and secondly, so as not to disturb the neighbors. And then arrange an enchanting show, invite your favorite performers, invite dozens of guests and walk with all the breadth of the Russian soul!
  • Frosty anniversary. If your birthday is in winter, we offer you a special holiday experience. Skating, skiing, snowboarding - have fun! Well, if the winter is not snowy, go to the ice arena!

Script for a man's 30th birthday. Battle for prizes!

To simplify preparations for the holiday, we have developed for you a neutral scenario for a man’s 30th birthday, which should be perfect for celebrating such an anniversary. It is designed for a number of guests of 6 or more people. It is ideal if you celebrate in the most spacious room possible.


Hello, guests and our dear birthday boy! I congratulate you all on this significant event and invite you to raise a glass to our hero of the day! Today he is 30 years old! And this is a great reason to have a lot of fun! And now I encourage the bravest to start our program!

Competition “Lion – King of Beasts”

The king of beasts, or lion, is chosen from among those present, but, of course, most often it becomes the hero of the day himself. He occupies a place of honor - a makeshift throne. After this, the lion chooses one of the guests and, without words, tries to explain to him the role of which animal he should play. The guest’s task is to understand the king of beasts and approach him in such a way that it is clear what kind of animal he is. So, the hare should gallop, the snake should crawl, and so on. After all the players gather at the feet of the lion, the most intelligent and artistic of them receives a prize.


While our “king” is happy with his retinue, I suggest not stopping and continuing in the same spirit to maintain a cheerful mood. Do we already have the next contenders?

Nomination game “Who is the best?”

The essence of the competition is to highlight some bright and original feature in each of the guests. Usually young and interesting people are invited to 30 years, and each of them is pleased to emphasize their merits. Examples of nominations: “The Most original hairstyle", "The shortest skirt", "The most high heel", "The most gorgeous beard" and so on.

Competition “Find thirty!”

For this competition you will need to prepare several types of items (usually 3-4), each in the amount of 30 pieces. The presenter must arrange them in the room in such a way that several objects are in plain sight, and the rest are hidden. Players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal for the start of the competition, each of them takes for herself those items that are in sight. The task of each team is to find the same hidden objects. The one who collects 30 identical things faster wins a prize.


Let's take a little break and once again raise our glasses to the birthday boy! And we will all say a few warm words to the hero of the occasion! Just look at the kind of guy my parents raised me! Complete advantages! And then we’ll continue!

Game “What is thirty?”

The players sit in a circle and begin to say the composition of the number 30. The first says: 30 is 1+29, the second: 30 is 2+28, the third: 30 is 3+27 and so on. For each guest, the host assigns an action for the largest of his numbers. They can be like this: 29 jumps, 28 squats, 27 compliments to the birthday boy, 10 associations with him and so on, depending on the presenter’s imagination.


Have you heard the tale of the princess and the pea? Remember how the poor thing didn't sleep all night? But we are not princesses here, but real men! Let's see which of you can quickly get rid of peas. The fastest one will receive a medal “For saving the dreams of all princesses”! Will there be any nominees?

Competition "Catch a Pea"

Each participant in the competition receives a small saucer and fork. Each saucer contains 30 pieces of canned green peas. After the “start” command, the participants begin to eat them. You can prick only 1 pea on a fork at a time. The winner is the one who can empty his saucer the fastest.


Yes, you look like me, those are still heroes! Well, shall we take a break? I'll prepare some more interesting entertainment for now.

Competition "Cinderella's Share"

2 people take part in this competition. They must arrange piles of different objects on 2 sides. The composition of the piles can be different: glasses and mugs, pencils and pens, and so on. The difficulty is that sorting is carried out with eyes closed. The prize is given to the one who completes the task faster.

Competition "Guess the Artist"

This competition requires preparation. The presenter should have printed reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Painters should be famous and well recognizable: Van Gogh, Aivazovsky, Dali, Shishkin, Levitan and so on. Reproductions are shown to guests one by one. The one who was able to correctly name the painting and the author receives a prize. But in case of a mistake, the participant must fulfill the wish of the birthday boy.

Game “And a dog’s sense of smell...”

The presenter prepares in advance several jars of substances that have a distinct odor. This can be shampoo, perfume, ammonia, valerian, mint, laurel and others. The task of each participant is to guess the substance by smell, blindfolded. The one who succeeds receives a prize, and the one who fails performs a number for the hero of the day: reads a poem, sings a song, and so on.


Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye, but I've saved one more competition for last. Let's compete for the last prize!

Competition “Getting rid of knots”

The festival participants are divided into teams. Each of them is given a rope or cord with the same number of knots. At the command of the presenter, the competition participants must untangle the knots on the rope as quickly as possible. Each player unties only one knot. If there are fewer participants than nodes, the remaining node is untied by the first guest to become free. The team that frees the rope from the knots first wins and receives a prize.

A man's birthday is an important holiday. And the anniversary in this case is doubly important. And it is celebrated on a special scale. And in order for such an event to go smoothly and interestingly, this needs to be taken care of in advance. Many birthday people with round dates prefer not to bother themselves with pre-holiday chores, but simply transfer all organization issues to professionals.

In terms of the scope of the celebration, anniversaries are sometimes not inferior to weddings. An abundance of guests, an extensive entertainment program, a professional toastmaster, toasts and congratulations - this day simply must remain in the memory.

But instead of a bright celebration, it can turn out to be a rather banal event if nothing dilutes the abundance of toasts with wishes and memories. Summing up is an integral part of anniversaries. But just no surprises, fun competitions and bright entertainment program nothing good will come of it. Everyone present will die of boredom. The birthday boy, of course, is a good person and remembering his achievements and merits is not only possible, but also necessary. But not throughout the evening. And a detailed and lengthy excursion into the past, right up to childhood, would also be unnecessary.

Right organized event will be remembered by all guests for a long time. Recipe for success - good script. But you just need to take into account such factors as the age of the birthday boy, as well as his gender. So, 30th anniversary script for a man will differ from that of women. But for those who are in their seventies, such an event program will not be suitable.

30 years is considered half of life, the age when a person is in the prime of life and has already achieved a lot. A little solemnity, enthusiasm, optimistic notes and good wishes for the future - all this should be present at the anniversary.

Scenario for celebrating a man's 30th birthday must be very competently and thoughtfully composed. It is necessary to take into account all the little things. Such an event should be carried out as well as possible, without serious failures or delays.

The venue can be either night club or a restaurant, or a forest lawn. It all depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion and, of course, financial capabilities.

But don't lose sight of all the little things. Even if you have prepared a thousand competitions, but if, in the case of a picnic, transport is poorly taken care of, the overall impression will be spoiled. So, careful preparation and attention to detail in this matter are also important.

Before moving on to the scenario, we suggest ordering a congratulation by phone. You can select the sending date and voice greeting will arrive exactly on your birthday.

Voice greetings to your phone

Right now, choose the congratulation option and send it directly to mobile phone to the hero of the day.

Script theme for a man's 30th birthday

A funny script, classic style, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary. The room in which the celebration will take place needs to be decorated with dignity: balloons, holiday ribbons, all kinds of thematic posters. Tablecloths and napkins should also be in bright colors so that the holiday can be felt in everything. You can also hang up photographs of the hero of the day, from childhood onwards.

Turning 30 is already quite a bold and decisive date for a man, because he has already achieved a lot - a career, a family, and true friends. This means that there are definitely people with whom you can celebrate this wonderful holiday. So it’s imperative to celebrate, and of course it’s best to celebrate according to the script.

Today is not an easy day,
Anniversary, golden,
Very festive in everything
This holiday is in full swing!
You are the guests passing by,
Look at the gorgeous table,
Take your places behind him,
And wait for the hero of the day,
He has been rushing to us for a long time,
But he’s just not there,
Perhaps I should call
One-two-three, let's scream!
(the guests, at the command of the presenter, call the hero of the day, he comes out, solemn music and applause sounds)

We welcome him with joy,
And congratulations on your anniversary,
But it took you a long time to come to us,
Did you find an apology?!
But if not, I will give you a task:
How old are you, so many push-ups from the floor!
(The hero of the day does thirty push-ups to the applause)

For push-ups like these,
You are worthy of charm
I am happy to present you with a medal,
And I announce the next task!
(the presenter gives the Jubilee a gold medal with the inscription “Happy 30th anniversary!”, can be purchased at the gift shop)

And now to go to your place,
You need to walk thirty steps!
(the presenter goes to his place at the table, but he must walk exactly thirty steps)

You did everything right,
Now hurry up and get your Jubilee Diploma!
(the presenter presents the hero of the day with a Diploma of a real hero of the day, can be bought in the gift shop)

Presenter (toast):
For three dozen dear,
And what were they like?!
Both with joy and with sorrow,
With passivity and surprise!
On the whole, we lived them with dignity,
We deserve applause!
(guests applaud)
(musical break, meal)

And now the first congratulations,
Amazing musical performance!
(the song is rehearsed in advance, can be performed by several people at the same time, preferably by friends)

Song-remake based on gr. Gas sector "30 years"

Verse No. 1

Today we gathered at your table,
To wish you happiness home,
So that this holiday rejoices,
So that he surprises in many ways,
Because it happens once
Thirty years have come to you now,
And in their honor today we sing,
To be lucky in everything!


So that your wife bakes pies for you,
So that children always make you happy,
So that the family hearth is always hot,
And if something goes wrong, just don’t cry,
After all, we will hold you forever,
After all, we are always friends for you,
And today just relax,
Celebrate thirty years of glory!

Chorus 2 times.

The artists sang their song,
But the guests were still sitting,
Now their turn has come,
So that everyone can congratulate the hero of the day!
(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day, giving him their gifts and wishes)

Well, now, for congratulations,
Let's drink without delay
So let's open the bottles
We fill our glasses,
And to our dear, to our beloved hero of the day – let’s drink!
(musical break, meal)

Now let's hold a competition,
You will like everything about him!

Competition "Winter Party"

Everyone is welcome to participate; we are divided into two teams. Each team is placed at a distance of 5 five meters with a chair on which lies: a pea coat, a hat with earflaps, a bottle of vodka (mineral water) and a shot glass. Task: at the command of the leader, each member of his team runs up to his chair, puts on a pea coat, a hat with earflaps, opens a bottle, pours a glass, drinks, undresses and returns to the team. And so, the team that empties the bottle the fastest wins. Prizes: each bottle of mineral water, with parting words for tomorrow.

Let's play, well done
We drank everything from our hearts,
And now let's pour the real wine,
And we drink to the family of the hero of the day!
(musical break, meal)

Now it's time for everyone to stand up,
And with joy, dance!
(good cheerful music sounds, guests dance if they wish)

And now I ask you to light the sparkler candle,
Look at the hero of the day with a smile,
And of course, drink to him,
After all, this day is everything for him!
(guests light sparklers, a good birthday song plays, a meal takes place)

I hasten to tell you, friends,
That, alas, it’s time for me,
So please forgive me
But I'll have to leave
And you all are having fun here,
And enjoy this holiday to the fullest!
(the host leaves the holiday, but the guests continue to have fun)

If you want to celebrate your anniversary or a friend, beloved husband, brother (and your other dear men) in a fun and unforgettable way, then our website offers you an Anniversary Scenario for a 30-year-old man with interesting competitions with the assignment of cool titles and the presentation of medals.

Also, this scenario is suitable not only for anniversaries, but also for a man’s birthday.

What you need for the holiday:

- “The most eloquent guest”

- "The most inquisitive guest"

- "The most fun guest"

- “The most persistent man”

- “Best Dancer”

Poster with the inscription “I know everything about him!”

Gypsy costume

Songs for fortune telling

14. Favorite dish.

15. Favorite hobby.

16. What is the height and weight of the hero of the day?

17. How many acres does the hero of the day have?

18 . What trees and shrubs grow in his dacha?

19. What brand of car does the hero of the day want?

20. Make and number of the car the hero of the day drives.

A song dedicated to the hero of the day, to the tune of “Let them run clumsily...”.

1. We didn’t come in vain,

This is clear to everyone -

And we sat down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave it as a memory

This song that we will sing.

Let the years not age you,

In life, be visible.

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year!

2. The hero of the day, our friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us some stronger wine.

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

On your solemn anniversary!

3. We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same:

Modest, kind and sweet,

Patient, beautiful.

We cannot count all your merits.

Scene with a fortune teller.

A “gypsy woman” appears in front of the guests. She proposes to the hero of the day. “Give me your hand, my golden one! I’ll tell you your fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth.

Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big man. Oh, women will love you, but you will be unshakable, like a rock. You will also have a car, but I can’t tell - a white Mercedes or a green Moskvich. And some beauty along the line of your life, well, doesn’t retreat a single step.

Oh, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, you will celebrate your anniversaries there, you will invite all the guests to your place for every holiday, and now - give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen for the fact that I told you fortune.”

Don’t spare money, my hundred-dollar one, I’ll tell you now what your guests think about you, I’ll read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!”

The gypsy woman approaches the guests, raises her hands above their heads, as if reading their thoughts. At this time a melody sounds.

The cuts were made in advance, knowing approximately the guest list. It is advisable to select melodies individually for each person. For example:

The wife of the hero of the day - an excerpt from Tutsi’s song “The Most Dear Man,” for best friend chorus from a children's song about friendship "Strong friendship will not break...", for a cheerful female guest an excerpt from the song "Well, little girls...", etc. The main thing is to use your imagination

To make it easier to choose songs, you need to know the guests, their occupation, their attitude towards the birthday person... and some fun music.

Ditty competition

Then the presenter begins the next competition:

"Oh, dear guests,

Sing, have fun,

Well, who came not in good spirits,

Better leave."

A competition of funny, mischievous ditties for the anniversary script is one of the most memorable moments of the holiday, especially if there is an accordion player in your company. To make it happen in an orderly manner, the host passes a special stick around in a circle, which the guests pass to each other to the music. As soon as the music dies down, a member of the company who has a stick in his hands performs a ditty.

The guest whose ditty caused the biggest burst of laughter receives a commemorative medal “The Funniest Guest” and a kiss from the birthday boy. If you know that guests practically do not know ditties, you can write the texts on cards and distribute them to the invitees in advance.

A small scene in which the birthday boy’s wife participates.

Princess from fairyland Vera Nadezhda Love (it just so happened that the hero of the day’s wife’s name was Vera)

Leading: The news of your anniversary has reached the lands of the distant kingdom. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the thirtieth state.

A melody sounds. Vera comes in dressed as a princess - crown, cape. A page follows her—if there are children at the party—carrying the end of her cloak. We also had a girl who carried a pillow on which lay copper for the hero of the day and instructions for it.

Vera (wife): I am a princess from the fairy-tale land of Faith, Hope and Love. Having learned about your holiday, I put on my best outfit and flying ship quickly brought me to the shores of Vokhna.

(The princess turns to the hero of the day, opens her scroll of paper and begins to read.)

Oh, tireless Denis! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your brow, in your words and actions, O priest of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that my words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who came into the world, gave life to your son and raised him to be a worthy and respected naughty boy. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. Don't look to your left, for the sky sees everything. Accept this medal in honor of the occasion.

Instructions for the medal:

1. Medals are allocated the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased, where the medal is hung, so that all the neighbors can see the medal.

2. The recipient of this medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old and use the medal to make teeth.

3. The recipient wears the medal, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.

The princess puts a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day.

Friends' competition for "The most persistent man"

Tied to chair seats air balloons. You need to sit on the ball and crush it. This is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and causes a lot of laughter among both participants and spectators of the competition. The most persistent man receives a balloon as a prize.

Dance competition

The celebration continues and the host announces new competition- dance. Guests who express a desire to demonstrate their dancing abilities go to the center. Dance melodies familiar to everyone sound - waltz, gypsy, tango, dance of little ducklings, swan lake, Russian, twist, shake, rock and roll, lezginka, etc., 15-20 seconds each. Guests show their dancing skills. The audience's applause is a reward for the participants of the dance competition, and the most temperamental one receives the "Best Dancer" medal and a gift - a hug from the hero of the day.

Scenario for a man's 30th anniversary - holidays from otkritka.com

To the clink of glasses and the laughter of friends

Let me take the floor today!

We gathered for the anniversary

A dear person to you!

So we wish you many years to come,

Love, health and good luck,

Fate that will take you away from troubles

And ours will solve the problems!

Let all your dreams come true

Believe me, they are achievable!

And as a source of kindness,

Give warmth to your loved ones!

May the days, intertwined in a round dance,

They always bring happiness to your home!

And every year that comes

Will add more tender passion!

So, friends, here's to the anniversary!

That everything came true and everything happened!

Years make us wiser -

Out of spite for enemies, out of mercy for friends!

As you already understand, I am spending this evening. But I need an assistant. Try, everyone, under your chair - on the bottom side - to find the attached whistle. Whoever has a whistle under his chair must whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order.

Nothing happened

Just in the atomic age

Under the shining sky

A man is born!

He's more than a year old

30 April exactly,

he lives in the world

Nothing happened

With best wishes

We wish you

Always be young

And it's not a sin on this day

Raise our glasses

Wish you happiness

All friends rush to congratulate

And wherever fate takes them -

Everyone came here today.

We wish you health

And a long life without worries,

Good luck, happiness and luck!

The time has come for big victories!

Let's all fill our glasses and drink to the happiness of our birthday boy!

Wow, I see you moved something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter states:

1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.

2. It is announced that 2010 Ivan's anniversary is not cancelled.

3. Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to start having a glass.

4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.

5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and cannot be returned.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on this significant event,

Today is your legal anniversary,

We wish you great health,

And many sincere friends.

We do not give to the birthday boy

No headsets, no rings,

You'll probably receive it warmer

Greetings from friendly hearts.

I offer the floor to friends.

Dear guests, dear birthday boy, the children’s nursery group “Mouse” has come to your holiday!

Congratulates Uncle Vanya

Our favorite kindergarten,

Sends greetings to you dear,

Junior nursery team.

We promise to listen to Vanya,

Always go to the potty

When everyone has eaten the porridge,

We'll take the cups away.

Be healthy Uncle Vanya!

Many many more days

We promise that we will come

To your hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drop some red into your glasses.

Believe it if you want

If you want, don't believe it

There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.

Doesn't live in the dense forest,

In Russian mighty.

This animal is called "moose"

This has been the case for a long time.

Let "ELK" be with you,

To eat ELK and sleep ELK,

For three to drink ELK,

So that an ELK would like an ELK

So that happiness does not end,

About the good, so that the dream is ELK, So that the business of the boa ELK

So that everything always comes true MOOSE!

We want to congratulate you

Happy birthday - thirty years.

You have already achieved a lot,

But now all the strength has begun to flourish.

Let hope never

Your earthly one will not leave the path.

May he be full of success!

We don’t want to turn away from it!

In the Canary Islands, out of 365 days a year, only 350 are sunny.

So we wish you, Vanya, that there will be a balance of joyful and sad days in your life.

But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid.

During those 15 days when there is no sun, they all gather together in their large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mangoes.

And again they are in a good mood, again the sun is shining in their souls.

And you, Vanya, on gloomy and stormy days, do not forget to take mango fruits.

And if you don’t have juice on hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!

Thirty years is a special age.

Life leads us forward slowly,

We want to wish you that

The soul did not grow old over the years.

So that creativity does not leave,

So that the table is wide with wine,

To make music sound in the house,

To make your wife love you more.

Birthday is a responsible step,

Thirty years in life means something.

Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.

May luck not leave you!

Listen, Ivan, this is the thing -

Vodka began to boil in the glasses,

So that she doesn't run out of steam,

We need to sip a little.

For a reason like this

Let's say a small toast.

Masha and Glasha meet.

Masha, how is your husband Misha?

As he drank, so he drinks, as he beat, so he hits.

Well, thank God, if only he didn’t get sick!

For the health of everyone present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We had a great time on your holiday

Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday

So be healthy, live richly,

And we are leaving for the house and the hut!

The evening ends with songs and dances.

Anniversary script - script, skits, funny, new, new year 2013

The scene is good if the hero of the day is a hunter or fisherman. 4 men come out to congratulate (3 hunters and one traffic police officer), all dressed as expected: hunters with guns, in bandoliers, an inspector in uniform. The guard seemed to stop them when they were going hunting and broke the rules before picking up the birthday boy. So he brought them to the hall (they wanted... Read more "

The first truly significant anniversary for most people is the birthday on which a person turns 30 years old. Upon reaching this age, a person passes a certain psychological line that separates youth and adult life. At 30, a person becomes wiser, more experienced and more serious. But at the same time, the person still has youthful fervor and energy. Therefore, it is not surprising that most people at this age want to celebrate their anniversary in a truly fun, enthusiastic and memorable way. Anyone can be helped in this matter funny Games and competitions for 30th birthdays.


Thirty is the age when you can safely play the most popular youth game, which has conquered corporate parties, birthdays and anniversaries. If your guests are 25-35 years old, then you can safely invite them to have fun at their birthday with this game, which is now being considered a cult game. The rules of the game are known to everyone. The task of one player is to demonstrate, with the help of his acting skills, the word that was given to him by another participant. Everyone else must guess what was hidden. You can play as a team or individually.

"Corrupted MMS"

People who are thirty years old remember the famous game “broken phone”. At one time it was so popular that a television show was created based on it. For a little nostalgia, you can invite guests to play this game at your thirtieth birthday party. However, this game could use a little makeover to make it more modern.

The host asks the guests to line up in two columns with an equal number of players (at least four participants in each team). The first participants in each column are given a piece of paper and a pencil. After this, the leader goes to the back of the column and, in turn, shows each extreme participant a simple drawing. The task of the outer players is to draw with their fingers the picture that was demonstrated to them on the backs of the people in front. Thus, the pattern is transferred from the tail of the column to its beginning. The first participants who were initially given pieces of paper will have to draw the drawing given to them across the entire column. The team that draws a drawing more similar to the original will win.

Since after completing the circle the last person draws and does not say words, this is why the game got its name.


At the age of thirty, people want to have fun no less than twenty-year-old guys and girls. Therefore, for the 30th anniversary, you can hold truly fun and incendiary competitions.

One of the most fun competitions that fits perfectly into the celebration is the popular dance game limbo. To carry it out, you do not need any special devices that are shown in films. In order to play it, you just need to prepare a rope middle length and music to which participants will overcome the obstacle.

Two assistant presenters raise the rope to a height of one and a half meters, and the participants begin to walk under it, while actively dancing. You need to walk in such a way as not to catch the rope on parts of your body. In addition, it is necessary to maintain balance so as not to fall. After each circle, the rope is lowered, making it more difficult to overcome the obstacle.

This competition is best held outdoors or on the beach, but also in indoors you can do this. However, in this case you need to be careful not to get injured.

Armless scrambled eggs

For this competition you need to boil a few eggs. The presenter calls two participants and ties their hands behind their backs. After this, he places eggs on the table in front of them and asks them to break them and then peel them. This is not an easy task, so the competition will certainly cause a storm of emotions among all guests of the anniversary.


If the anniversary is celebrated in the company of good friends whom you want to amuse, then you can hold this competition. To carry it out, you need to call eight people among those who wish and ask them to stand in a circle and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. After this, the presenter whispers in each participant’s ear “eagle” and “rhino.” Then the presenter explains to the contestants that the “eagles,” when they hear their name, should tuck their legs in, hanging on the rhinoceroses. Rhinoceroses should do the same when they hear their word. There are no winners in this competition, but it looks fun.

"A Gift from the Past"

To hold a competition, you need to find last year's newspapers that were published on the birthday of the hero of the day. There should be a lot of such newspapers, since they will need to be distributed to all guests. The guests' task is that they need to cut out any gift for the hero of the day from these newspapers, for example, an image of a car or cars. Moreover, you can cut out certain words from the text of the newspaper and assemble a congratulation from them to the hero of the day. The winner is the one who managed to cut out the most original greeting.

"Guess who"

People of all ages love to play association games. Considering this fact, you can hold a fun competition for your 30th birthday, which will appeal to all the guests and the hero of the day. The essence of this competition is that the host takes the hero of the occasion out of the room, and the guests must make a wish for one of the guests. After this, the hero of the day returns and begins to guess who the mystery was. Leading questions should help him in this matter. For example, he might ask, “If a person were a fruit, what kind of fruit would he be?” Although there is no correct answer to this question, guests can make an association between the mystery person and a certain fruit. After the answer received, the hero of the day can ask a few more questions in order to confirm his guesses and name the person.

This competition is quite difficult, but fun. With him, laughter at your 30th birthday will be guaranteed.

"Gentle Pencil"

This competition is only suitable for guests who know each other well. The host asks the guests to divide into two teams with an equal number of men and women. The teams line up in two lines, and the leader gives each of them a simple pencil. The first participant holds the pencil between his nose and lip and passes it to the second participant, who must accept it in the same way. The winner is the team that was able to pass the pencil faster without dropping it.


Another great contest to celebrate a man or woman's thirtieth birthday. The essence of the competition is that one person is selected and blindfolded. The presenter gives the rest of the participants pieces of paper on which this or that part of the musculoskeletal system is written. The “chiropractor” stretches his hands forward, and the participants take turns approaching him. The presenter tells the chiropractor which part of the body he needs to examine, and the participant presents this part to the therapist. After conducting the inspection, the driver must guess to whom he provided services. If he is lucky enough to guess correctly, then the “chiropractor” changes places with the “patient”, and the competition continues. From the outside, everything looks extremely fun and cheerful, which is what you need to celebrate your 30th birthday.

When choosing games and competitions for a 30th birthday, you need to give preference only to really fun activities so that the hero of the day does not have thoughts that he is getting old.

Hares song:
Every year on this day
Let's get together.
Not then again
Sit at the table:
On your birthday
We are without falsehood and flattery
From the heart and with the mood
Let's sing about it...

We do not care,
We do not care,
What will we eat?
What will we drink?
We've known for a long time
That's the way it is.
It's your birthday
Must be kind.

We have come to you
Not for dinner at all
The generosity of a kind soul
We managed to find out
It's your birthday
That's why we need
So that you can be congratulated
And tell you...

Host: Yes, indeed, that grass is not easy,
Over the summer it has grown thickly green.
You should have bunnies, mow all the greens,
Put it in the pockets of our hero of the day. –
Are you ready? Let's start!

(“The hares” are offered a bush of “grass” hung with dollars. Their task: cut off all the bills with scissors and put them in the basket. Who is faster?)

Presenter: Dear hero of the day! The “hares” and I wish you to always have a light heart and heavy pockets. Let's drink to that!


A remake of the song “Autumn”, a motorcycle cake is awarded.

Who is this….. - this is the leader!
…. - this is happiness and a tsunami
The happiness from which
We are so warm and tender
In general, Zaha stay with us!

….., …… – you are the best of all!
……,…… - you are a joy for everyone!
You are wonderful, so kind
….., you are simply a hero!


1.Dance competition:

Gypsy - tambourine, scarf, earring
Russian - kokoshnik, flower
Chukotka - hat, mittens, ribbon with ornament
Lezginka - burqa, saber
Eastern - turban, monist scarf

Couples (man, woman) participate, draw out an envelope, it contains half a word, you need to find the other half, and this will be considered a pair.

2. Obstacle course

One participant from two teams leaves. Participants remember the route, their eyes and legs are blindfolded. The commands say the way. Whoever is faster will hear the route more accurately.

3. Matchbox
Couples participate by placing boxes on each other's noses to the music, to see which of the couples can do it faster.

4. Children's
sleeveless shirt
October icon

Four teams each have something for the birthday boy. Exercise:
At what age did the birthday boy wear and use the item?
How can it be used in real life?

5. Scene “Turnip”
Seven players-characters from the fairy tale Repka take part. The presenter distributes roles.

1. Turnip - every time it is mentioned, he raises his hands above his head in a ring and says: “Both-on.”
2. Grandfather rubs his hands and says: “Well, well.”
3. Grandma waves her fist at grandfather and says: “I would kill him.”
4. Granddaughter - rests her hands on her sides and says: “I’m ready.”
5. Bug - "Woof-woof."
6. Cat - “Pshsh-meow.”
7. Mouse - "Pee-pee."
8. The sun - stands on a chair and looks, and as the story progresses, it moves to the other side of the “stage.”

The fairy tale has begun.....

Grandfather "Tak-tak" planted the "Oba-na" turnip. The "Oba-na" turnip grew big and big.
Grandfather “Tak-tak” began to drag the “Oba-na” turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out.

The grandfather called, “Well, well,” the grandmother, “I would kill you.” Grandma “I would kill” for grandpa “Tak-tak”, grandfather “Tak-tak” for the turnip “Both-on” - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out.

The grandmother called “I would kill” her granddaughter “I’m ready.” The granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so”, the grandfather “So-so” for the turnip “Both-on” - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out.

The granddaughter clicked “I’m ready” to the bug “Woof-woof”.. The bug “Woof-woof” for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so” ", old man, "Well, well," by the turnip, "Both, on" - they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The bug called "Woof-woof" to the cat "Pshsh-meow." Cat "Pshsh-meow" for Bug "Woof-woof"., Bug "Woof-woof". for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so”, the grandfather “So-so” for the turnip “Both-on” – pull and pull, They can’t pull it out.

The cat clicked “Pshsh-meow” on the mouse. Mouse for the cat "Pshsh-meow", Cat "Pshsh-meow" for the Bug "Woof-woof", Bug "Woof-woof". for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “Tak-tak”, the grandfather “Tak-tak” for the turnip “Both-on”. They pull and pull, they pull and pull... They pulled out the turnip!

Roles: Curtain, Throne, Princess, Prince, Kiss, Window, Dragon, Dragon Heads, Dragon Tail, Horse, Clouds, Sun, Trees, Wind.

The curtain opens...

Castle. In the palace, the Princess sits on the Throne... A handsome Prince enters... Sends an Air Kiss to the Princess... They begin to be polite... At this time, an evil Dragon flies into the Window... with three Heads and a huge Tail..., grabs The princess... and flies away... The prince sets off to save the bride... Saddles up his Horse... and rushes like an arrow to the Dragon's cave... Clouds cover the sun..., Trees creak alarmingly..., The wind knocks the Horse off his feet ... and prevents the Prince from approaching the cave... The Dragon appears... Its three Heads spew out flames and smoke... The battle begins... The Prince cuts off the first Head..., the second and the third... The Dragon's body beats in convulsions..., The tail shakes from side to side... The Princess runs out..., trips over the Tail... and almost falls... The Prince picks her up... They kiss... The tail continues to swing...
The curtain is closing...