Summer city camp for teenagers. City camp. Moscow summer camp in Masterslavl

To reveal the talents of children, to create, communicate and develop together with counselors - this is the task of the city camp in the Smart Environment ®.

Smart Environment ® invites children aged 7 to 11 years(maximum group size 12 people) spend your holidays exciting and active!

Outdoor group classes

Chess club with professional coach and champion

Delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners. We have our own chef!

Cooking lessons

Outdoor games

Shift in a Smart Environment ® is a separate adventure with a unique theme and atmosphere, where the child discovers the world from different sides every day.

The cost of a place in a group for 1 shift (2 working weeks) is 18,800 rubles.
One-time visit per day - 2,600 rubles.

Our discounts for you:

When booking and paying for a place before July 7 inclusive for the 4th shift, you will be given a 10% discount on the cost of the shift.
When booking and paying for a place before July 21 inclusive for the 5th shift, you will be given a 10% discount on the cost of the shift.
When purchasing two shifts or more - a total discount of 15%.
15% discount for the second child from the same family.
Dear parents, discounts cannot be combined with each other.

Detailed program and schedule can be checked with the administrator!

City camp opening hours:
From 09/00 to 17/00 from Monday to Friday.
It is possible to leave the child until 19/00.
The cost of services beyond visiting hours is paid additionally at the rate of 300 rubles per hour.
The program will be sent upon request by email or WhatsApp.
Summer shifts " Discovery Planet" - "Planet of Discovery"!

The city camp program necessarily includes fun, active recreation and not only that:

Also, the camp program will include:

  • Creative workshops/Art studio;
  • Chess;
  • Board games;
  • Thematic master classes;
  • Trips to museums;
  • Yoga;
  • Daily gaming English!

And of course, homemade, tasty and healthy, nutritious food from the Smart Environment Chef!
During the day we have 4 meals planned:

  • breakfast.
  • second breakfast (fruit).
  • lunch (3 courses).
  • afternoon snack (baked goods).

If your child has allergies to certain foods or other food substitution needs, then menu changes for your child can be agreed upon.

You can get acquainted with our counselors and teachers in absentia on the page dedicated to the direct teaching staff of our club!


  1. Certificate of epidemiological situation at the place of residence (3 days before the camp);
  2. A copy of the birth certificate;
  3. A copy of the health insurance policy (compulsory health insurance).

Limited number of seats! Hurry up to reserve a place for your child!
Your children will never be bored!

Camp center focused primarily on infants and preschoolers

Photo: Lena Tsibizova

What do they do It happens in the Bauman Garden, kids from 1.5 to 3 dig in the local garden, sculpt, paint T-shirts, and children from 3 to 6 years old study world culture from Asian to African: they play folk tales, learn songs and make crafts. Children from 7 to 14 have a choice between a theater and a film studio, where, under the guidance of professionals, they will stage a play and shoot a film, respectively.

What to pay attention to You can bring children from 1.5 years old, which is unique for Moscow. But for children over 7 years old, the camp is only open in the afternoon.

Where In the center of the Garden named after. Bauman

St. Basmannaya, 15, metro station "Krasnye Vorota", "Baumanskaya", "Kurskaya"

  • Age 1.5–14 years
  • Price one week - 15,000 rub., two weeks - 25,000 rub., for a group of 7–14 years: 1 week - 7,500 rub., 2 weeks - 15,000 rub.
  • Shifts 11 shifts of 10-12 days from June 2 to August 25
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

Children's camp ZIL

Professional curators lead shifts at the constructivist cultural center


What do they do During the “Travel” shift, they learn how to properly navigate an unfamiliar city and choose places to visit; in “Urban Studies” - understand the functioning of the urban system and solve its problems at the level of your yard and district; on “Science” - conduct experiments together with the “Scientific Laboratories” of the Polytechnic Museum; at “Design” - to analyze the key concepts for the field of fine art and prepare your own art project, be it an installation or theatrical performance; in “English” - communicate with Americans and watch films, and in “Illustration” - invent characters and develop your own style with illustrator-blogger Fevrony (Tatyana Zadorozhnaya).

What to pay attention to You can get into each shift for free if you pass a creative competition.

Where Cultural center ZIL Vostochnaya, 4, bldg. 1, metro station "Avtozavodskaya"


Summer program of the studio “Mom’s kindergarten” from Seasons


What do they do Make a magazine about summer fun with an agricultural bias - without the help of a computer: they learn to draw, decorate, write comics and illustrations. In addition, they have picnics and play in the park. Cafe “32.05” is responsible for breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks.

What to pay attention to For an additional fee, you can ask to babysit for longer.

Where Pavilion in the Hermitage Garden

Karetny Ryad, 3, metro stations "Mayakovskaya", "Tverskaya", "Pushkinskaya", "Chekhovskaya"


Camp at the children's science center

Photo: courtesy of Innopark

What do they do For six different thematic shifts - approximately the following: they organize robot battles, make GIFs in Photoshop, find out what is inside a battery or a sunbeam, study astrophysics, observe moving plants through a microscope and grow crystals.

What to pay attention to There are no more places available for the first two shifts, so you should hurry up and make a decision.

Where Main circle of Sokolniki Park

Sokolnichesky Krug Ave., 9, Sokolniki metro station

Summer camp at the Jewish Museum

Children's center camp in a museum that does not focus on its theme

Photo: Courtesy of the Jewish Museum

What do they do Together they read and analyze good children’s books: “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Hobbit”, “Hello, Let’s Talk” by Sharon Draper about customs different nations and tolerance, “George and the Big Bang” by Stephen and Lucy Hawking about the natural sciences, “Impatient Stories” by Bernard Friot about the world around through the eyes of children - and, inspired by the plots of the books, they are engaged in creativity and exploration of the world.

What to pay attention to So far, only shifts for June have been announced; the program and schedule for July and August will be announced later.

Where Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

Obraztsova, 11, building 1a, metro station "Maryina Roshcha"

  • Ages 7–12 years
  • Price half day - 3500 rub. for 6 days, 650 rub. for 1 day, full day - 7500 rub. for 6 days, 1300 rub. in 1 day
  • Shifts 5 shifts of 5-6 days from June 1 to June 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–17.00
  • Website


Camp in Neskuchny Garden with good master classes

Photo: courtesy of the Shardam Theater

What do they do About the same as in traditional Shardam master classes: they draw, sculpt, felt, learn to cook all sorts of goodies, watch cartoons and, of course, explore the Neskuchny Garden.

What to pay attention to: Separate master classes at the Shardama branch in Neskuchny Garden, except in English, there are none left, so it will be possible to visit them only as part of the camp.

Where In Neskuchny Garden next to the Leninsky Prospekt metro station and next to Panda Park

Leninsky Prospekt, 30a, metro station "Leninsky Prospekt"

  • Ages 7–12 years
  • Price 3500 rub. 1 day, 16,000 rub. for 1 week, 28,000 rub. for 2 weeks, 45,000 rub. in 3 weeks
  • Shifts 3 shifts of 3 weeks from June 2 to July 28
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

"Pampa Green"

Camp in an elegant club with master classes and parties

What do they do Each week-long shift is dedicated to the culture of a specific country: Italy, Spain, USA, France, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, England, Mexico, Turkey, Germany, Belarus, Poland, China, Japan. In addition to studying national culture, children will be engaged in a lot of other things, from modeling to television journalism and animation.

What to pay attention to For now, it is impossible to understand exactly when which country will be, but they promise to take into account the wishes of those who have signed up for the camp.

Where Children's studio in the apartment building of Serafima Spiridonova

Myasnitskaya, 13; Barvikha, 85/1, Dream House shopping center

  • Ages 3–14 years
  • Price (for the branch on Myasnitskaya) part-time - 6200 rub. per week, full day - 12,000 rub. during the week
  • Shifts every week from June 2 to August 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

"While mom is at work"

A camp from a worthy club with a 20-year history, especially strong in sports


What do they do Under the guidance of professional trainers, they go roller skating (can be rented for an additional fee), learn how to do tricks on a skateboard, and practice modern dance, tennis and martial arts. Children aged 3–6 years old are engaged in creative workshops in the afternoon instead of sports.

What to pay attention to Discipline is taken seriously here, so you won’t be able to shirk the coach’s assignments.

Where Sports club "Kant"

Electrolitny pr., 7, building 2, Nagornaya metro station


Camp in the extremely picturesque garden at the S.A.D. Theater

What do they do Younger children are busy with master classes from clay and porcelain modeling to cooking, plus they read books and walk in the garden. The senior group puts on a new play every week under the direction of the S.A.D. theater troupe.

What to pay attention to The camp ends at 16:00, but you can leave your child longer for an additional hourly fee.

Where Tropical greenhouse in the “Apothecary Garden”

ave. Mira, 26, metro station "Prospekt Mira"

"Creative workshops"

One of the proven options for the summer

What do they do Each session will have its own theme: children will build cities from plastic packaging, shoot cartoons with a camera, do ceramics on a potter's wheel, organize a shadow theater, design ships from wood, paint in oils, go to exhibitions and get acquainted with the works of artists of the 20th century.

What to pay attention to This camp has the longest working day - working parents will definitely have time to finish their work.

Where At Winzavod and Flacon. The program and prices for both camps are the same

"Winzavod", 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8, building 6, entrance 6, metro station "Kurskaya"

“Flacon”, B. Novodmitrovskaya, 36, metro station “Dmitrovskaya”

  • Age 6-15 years
  • Price month - 29,000 rub.; week - 8000 rub.; day - 1700 rub.; half day - 900 rub., or 250 rub. at one o'clock
  • Shifts every week from May 26 to August 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–21.00
  • Website

"Joyful discoveries"

Socially responsible camp at Flacon

What do they do During the first shift, “Games and Experiments,” children will be shown in every possible way that the world is full of games and entertainment that are much more exciting than those offered by gadgets. In the second - “Sherlock Holmes and the Great Scientific Discoveries” - children, using the deductive method, will be able to make discoveries about the world around them and scientific phenomena in the same way as scientists did in different eras.

What to pay attention to The camp has only two shifts (maybe there will be more in August) of 10 people each, so there are very few places left.

Where Resource Saving Center at Flacon, where lectures are usually held on proper nutrition, healthy herbs and waste recycling

"Living watercolors"

The life of real artists: a lot of creativity and little food

Photo: courtesy of Living Watercolors studio

What do they do Creativity in a variety of ways, including decoupage, soap making, floristry, scrapbooking, packaging and much more. In addition, they walk around the estate and learn its history, play outdoor games aimed at team building.

What to pay attention to The cost of the shift includes only tea with bagels. Lunch is paid separately, or the counselors can warm up in the microwave the food that the child brought with him.

Where In a three-story tower of the 19th century, in the Bratsevo park of the Stroganov estate

Svetlogorsky pr., 13, building 7, metro station "Skhodnenskaya", "Mitino"


Traditional classes at the Jewish Cultural Center


What do they do Every week in the younger group, children study one of the episodes of the Tanakh in game form- becoming participants in events, much like in the “Superbook”, and also practice Hebrew, ceramics, origami, go on an excursion to the dolphinarium, and so on. U senior group other thematic shifts: dance (Israeli dances and hip-hop), music and theater (excursions to Moscow theaters, a master class with Chekhov Moscow Art Theater artist Oleg Topolyansky), theater in English led by British theater director Martin Cook, cooking with Vika Boyarskaya from Delicatessen and “Gifts of Nature”, animation (creating cartoons in different techniques, meeting with Alexey Turkus and other animators), art and tolerance (study of world art, creative master classes, trainings).

What to pay attention to Despite the fact that the camp does not require any confirmation of national identity, traditions are observed here: for example, on Friday evening the daily routine includes preparation for Shabbat.

Where Jewish Cultural Center on Nikitskaya

B. Nikitskaya, 47/3, metro station "Barrikadnaya"

  • Age 8 months –14 years
  • Price junior group- 8900–14 000 rub. per week depending on the visiting mode, adult group 16,500 rub. for two weeks part-time, 27,800 for 2 weeks full-time
  • Shifts every week from June 2 to August 29
  • Opening hours 8.30–20.00
  • Website

Summer is ahead, and many parents are concerned about where their children will spend the summer. Free trips to summer camps for Moscow children in 2019 were already issued to 34 thousand schoolchildren. We are talking about preferential categories of citizens who submitted applications before March 10.

In 2018, these applications began to be accepted in advance so that everyone could collect necessary documents and submit your application on time.

Attention! Applications for discounted vouchers and compensation for independently organizing children's holidays for the summer of 2020 can be submitted from November 4 to December 12, 2019! Deadlines may vary. Check the information on the website.

According to Vladimir Filippov, who is the deputy head of the Department of Culture, this year 44% of children in preferential categories will go to free camps. Parents were able to save on booking trips because they did it in advance. And, of course, it’s encouraging that 97% of all trips were received online, thanks to the service

Where will children go on free trips?

In 2019, children who received preferential vouchers will be able to go to summer health camps in the Moscow region, on the Azov and Black Seas, in the Volga region, and in various regions Russian Federation, to Belarus, to Mineralnye Vody to the Caucasus.

There are camps that have gone through a full security system and are tested in three stages. In addition, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be involved in ensuring security.

Report of the Moscow Government on planning free holidays for children in 2019

More than one hundred thousand children had the opportunity to relax during the summer holidays, thanks to the care of the Moscow Government.

Here are statistics that will help you see this concern:

  • 34,110 children were given free vouchers to children's camps, sanatoriums, and rest homes;
  • 19,410 children were issued certificates for the opportunity to independently organize children's recreation;
  • 44,000 schoolchildren will vacation in health camps from the Federation of Trade Unions of Moscow;
  • 8,000 young athletes will have the opportunity to train at summer camps;
  • 3,000 families - compensation will be issued for independently organizing children's recreation.

Who will accompany the children during the trip to summer camp?

Many parents are worried and ask the same questions: “is it safe to send children alone to summer camp?”, “Who will be responsible for their behavior and health?”, “Is it possible to accompany the child and go to the camp with him?”

The children will be accompanied by university and college students specially trained at the Central School of Moscow counselors. They are taught lessons that will help them cope even with difficult teenagers and children from orphanages. The counselors learn the techniques of playing games, entertainment events, difficulties adolescence, gain communication skills with children of different ages.

If children need accompanying persons for health reasons, then parents or guardians will be able to go with them.

What documents are needed to apply for a free children's holiday?

You can see the list necessary documents and submit an application yourself through the portal

If you didn't have time to do this this year, don't be upset, just prepare all the documents in advance to send an application for children's summer camp in 2019.

Preferential categories of children who are entitled to receive free vouchers to summer camps

Check if your child is eligible for benefits:

What to do for those who cannot leave Moscow

Of course, not everyone received vouchers. Some did not have time to submit an application, others are not entitled to benefits. But the children, whose parents will not be able to take them out on summer vacation or send them to summer camps in 2019 on their own, will still not be left without attention. It is necessary to take care of organizing children's holidays now, and for this there isextensive free program “Moscow Shift”

Children from 7 to 14 years old will be able to take part in it and will be able to attend the following institutions;

  • 28 sports schools in Moscow;
  • 132 secondary schools have prepared sites for summer recreation;
  • 87 social institutions organize groups for children.

All these institutions are waiting for your children and you need to sign up as early as possible so as not to miss this opportunity. All institutions will receive children from 9 am to 7 pm on weekdays, which will give parents the opportunity to calmly leave and come home from work, without worrying about whether the child has eaten, whether something has happened to him, or whether he has gotten in touch with bad company.

How children's holidays for Moscow schoolchildren will be organized

Summer day camps will provide three meals a day, planned excursions, trips to museums and cinemas. Such an organized vacation will allow your children not to hang out on the street all day, but to find new friends, learn about and visit many interesting places in the capital.

The Moscow Shift program plans to organize a lot of events, including:

  • master classes on various topics;
  • sports competitions;
  • excursions to interesting places;
  • visiting museums, the zoo, the Darwin Museum, the Moscow Kremlin, the planetarium;
  • the guys will be taken to Yuri Kuklachev’s cat art, to Moskvarium;
  • They will conduct classes where children will learn to solve problems;
  • They will organize competitions, quizzes, and entertaining lessons.

As you can see, the summer camp program is really extensive, and children will certainly find it much more beneficial to spend summer holidays in the company of the same schoolchildren under the supervision of experienced teachers, rather than in the yard or in the apartment. Every day at the summer camp will be full of interesting events and will be remembered by the children for a long time!

When will registration of children for summer school camps in Moscow begin in 2019?

Registration for the first shift begins on May 25, 2019. Don't miss the beginning, because there will be a lot of people interested. Children's summer camps in Moscow in 2019 will be open an hour longer than in the past - from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. In some camps, check-in will begin as early as May 31. All parents will be able to follow the schedule in in social networks. A special shift diary will allow you to monitor the events taking place in the camps online.

Summer camp shift schedule

In the Department of Sports and Tourism:

  • 1 shift from June 1 to June 29;
  • 2nd shift from July 2 to July 30.

In the institutions of the Department of Labor and Social Protection:

  • 1 shift from June 1 to June 29;
  • 2nd shift from July 2 to July 30;
  • 3rd shift from August 1 to August 28.

The holiday will be completely free, and all children will be provided with three hot meals a day. The children will be looked after by 4,000 teachers and 400 medical workers.

Project for schoolchildren “Kultleto”

Among other things, the “Kultleto” project will be organized for all Moscow students. Over two thousand different clubs, sections, and seven hundred intensive courses for the development of creativity are being opened in cultural centers. Every student can try his hand, develop his talents, meet like-minded people, and learn something new. In May, you will be able to find information on our portal about the start of classes and how to register for clubs.

The data will also appear in the Moscow Directorate for the Development of Cultural Centers. If you have any questions, you can call

8 800 301 17 70 and get clarification.

Why does a person need a vacation? To relax, of course! And also to learn new things, make friends, run around, jump and spend time on your favorite activities without looking at the clock. How do you like the idea of ​​inviting your child to spend part of the holidays in a city camp? There are many advantages to this form of relaxation.

Firstly, this is an excellent “trial balloon” for those who have never been to a summer camp before. And psychologically the child will be more comfortable returning home in the evening.

Secondly, the city camp implies a flexible payment system. You don't have to pay for the whole week or two at once. You can try to spend a couple of days in the camp, and then pay the rest.

And thirdly, a city camp is an excellent “backup option” plus diversity and a new environment. If you have a couple of free days or a week when you literally have nowhere to take your child, a city camp is perfect in such a situation!

We have selected five interesting projects in Moscow with different educational programs. Choose!

Every week at the School of Professions camp is an exciting educational adventure, and each week has its own color: Week of White, Red, Yellow, Orange and others. Favorite children's themes are organically combined - space, animals, travel, games, food, music. During the day, children sculpt, play, build, and communicate. There are no grades or competitions, all shift participants act together, trying to surpass only themselves in success!

At the summer day camp at the MARS Station in the Moscow Planetarium, children spend the summer having fun and learning! Shifts in the camp are thematic: biological, engineering and medical. The crew of the Martian station - engineers, doctors, biologists - work with children in their chosen specialty, and also walk with the children around the zoo and visit the Moscow Planetarium once a week. Parents can evaluate their children's achievements every Friday at a reporting event.

“Weekend Tale” is a family studio for the study of children's literature at the State Literary Museum. From June 18 to 29, the studio space will turn into a pirate ship, on which the guys will go on a new adventure every day. The camp program is based on James Barrie's Peter Pan stories. Children will play, read, invent their own stories, draw, make crafts, paint, stage plays, make films. And a plus: they will learn to tie strong sea knots, study shipbuilding, expand their vocabulary with maritime terms and “visit” London.

It only seems like last call school year all the guys will happily throw their backpacks into the far corners and forget about textbooks and assignments. Not at all! There are many boys and girls for whom the holidays are just extra time to solve intellectual problems and immerse themselves in the sweet world of logic, numbers and mind games. It is in games that the mental abilities of shift participants are activated. Go, Renju, Reversi, speed reading, spatial puzzles, physical laws and much more, which will certainly be of interest to young intellectuals.

“Patagonia” is a country of mysteries, an amazing place where talents are revealed, friendships are strengthened, independence and courage are gained. They believe in individuality and freedom of choice. Every day discoveries are made here, and participants undergo difficult tests, which can only be overcome in a close-knit team. Those who inhabit "Patagonia" come from different countries Therefore, a single language is adopted here - English. This is an unusual city camp; it is a truly interesting project with an exciting entertainment and educational program. Come to Patagonia!