In which countries do they celebrate the New Year? New Year in countries around the world: how the holiday is celebrated in different parts of the world. France: goose for some, scones for others

Very soon, as the chimes strike, we will open champagne, raise our glasses and make a wish. The smell of tangerines, fireworks on the street, sparklers, the president's speech - these are the typical attributes of the Russian New Year.

Let's take a trip to other countries of the world and get to know the local traditions of the most beloved holiday of Russians, find out how they celebrate New Year V different countries peace
So, let's go.

How to celebrate New Year in Australia

New Year comes early to Australia. Australians are among the first in the world to welcome the New Year.

At this time, the hot summer is raging here, because December and January are the summer months. All kinds of free shows and concerts are held here. In Sydney, one of the largest fireworks displays in the world is launched at midnight in Sydney Harbor.

And at exactly midnight, all the parties are interrupted and people honk, whistle, and ring bells. This is how you are invited to visit the New Year.

How to celebrate New Year in England

In England, it is customary to order gifts from Father Christmas (literally - Father of Christmas). In order for the letter to reach, it must be burned in the fireplace; it is the smoke that will deliver all the wishes to their intended destination.

This is the magical side of the issue, but let's not forget that the British are very scrupulous and balanced people, so real gifts are chosen with great care. As a rule, lots are drawn in the family - who will give what to whom. The cost of the gifts should be approximately the same.

Despite the fact that people all over the world have begun to write letters on paper much less often, nevertheless, in England there is still a wonderful tradition of congratulating all friends and acquaintances with Christmas and New Year cards sent by mail.

How to celebrate New Year in Burma (Myanmar)

Between April 12 and 17, on the hottest days of the year, the New Year begins in this state.
The celebration lasts three days, and the start date is announced by the government in the New Year's message.
We believe in Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and the Burmese believe in the rain gods. To attract the attention of the gods, the inhabitants of the country organize competitions, and women and children try to make as much noise as possible.

In another way, this holiday is called the festival of water. All residents go out into the streets and pour water on each other.

How to celebrate New Year in Bulgaria

This holiday is often called Vasily’s Day; it received its name in honor of St. Basil. New Year seems not as significant as Christmas and is not celebrated as magnificently and cheerfully. Nevertheless, New Year's table must be bursting with food so that the coming year will be richer.

After the New Year's feast, children, teenagers and young people make “survachki”. These are dogwood sticks decorated with red thread, heads of garlic, nuts, and coins. They should be knocked on the backs of family members so that there will be health and well-being in the coming year.

Also on New Year's Eve, firecrackers are set off and fireworks are set off.

How to celebrate New Year in Brazil

New Year in Brazil is summer holiday, because At this time the weather is hot and the sun is shining brightly.
If we are used to the fact that New Year is family celebration, then in Brazil everything is exactly the opposite. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in noisy companies in clubs, bars, and on the beach.

Gifts are usually given purely symbolically, because... The time for large and significant gifts falls on Christmas. And our traditional chime has been replaced by a countdown of the seconds remaining until the new year, after which there is general rejoicing.

African pagan traditions are also found in Brazilian culture, for example, it is customary to throw white flowers and candles across the water and make wishes.

How to celebrate New Year in Vietnam

Instead of a Christmas tree, they decorate tangerine trees, apricot and peach branches. It is at this time that most fruit trees bloom, so many people associate the holiday itself with flowers and fragrance.
Traditionally, the New Year falls on floating dates between January 20 and the end of February, when flowering is in full swing. Streets and houses are decorated with flowering branches.

New Year is considered a family holiday and is always celebrated with family. Children are the first to congratulate older generation, and parents, in turn, give their children money in bags. Banknotes and coins must be new.

Before the New Year, it is customary to collect rich gifts for Buddha and bring them to the temple. Various events take place on the streets over the course of three days. entertainment activities, which end with the nightly bright, magnificent procession of the dragon.

How to celebrate New Year in India

There are many dates for celebrating the New Year in India. It all depends on the region. But there is an official date, it is March 22. Traditionally, the Indian New Year is a family holiday, which brings together all family members, all distant relatives.

However, Western influence is making itself felt. And more and more young people take to the streets, singing funny songs and drinking alcohol. By the way, New Year is the official day of the year on which even police officers are allowed to drink a little alcohol.

Instead of spruce, Hindus decorate a mango tree, and decorate their houses with palm branches and garlands.

How to celebrate New Year in the USA

In America, the main attention is paid not to the gift itself, but to its packaging - boxes and boxes, a pile of multi-colored paper and various cases. After all, the pleasure lies in unwrapping the gift. By the way, most gifts are then joyfully returned to the store, so it is customary to give gifts with a receipt.

New Year is celebrated much more calmly than Christmas, most often in the family circle.

How to celebrate New Year in Japan

Once upon a time, the Japanese celebrated New Year in Chinese lunar calendar. But from the 19th century they began to celebrate according to the generally accepted Gregorian calendar.

Preparations for the holiday take a long time and carefully.

In modern Japan, the team takes first place, so corporate parties are very popular among the Japanese. Celebrating the New Year with colleagues is everyone’s responsibility.

There is also a tradition of "greeting card" in Japan. Such congratulations are necessarily sent to all friends and acquaintances. Moreover, if a Japanese person has ever written a postcard, he is obliged to do so every year. Also in primary school Japanese children are taught the craft of signing cards. Wishes are written 2-3 weeks before the New Year, but they are always dated January 1st. Postmen try to deliver the postcard on the 1st.

Back in the late 80s, the Chinese custom came to us to associate the arrival of the New Year with one of the animals eastern calendar. A little later, traditional European figures of Santa Claus and deer appeared, Russians began to decorate their houses with Christmas wreaths, and from the beginning of the 21st century it became customary to set off fireworks.

I wouldn’t be surprised if in the near future we start beating each other with “survaks” or dousing ourselves with water.

Germany. Santa Claus comes to the Germans on a donkey.

From Germany, the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree to celebrate the New Year has spread throughout the world. It appeared back in the distant times of the Middle Ages. The Germans believe that Santa Claus rides on a donkey, so children put hay in their shoes to treat him.

Italy. On New Year's Day, irons and old chairs fly from the windows.

Italian Santa Claus - Babbo Natale. In Italy, it is believed that the New Year should begin, freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to throw old things out of windows: old irons, chairs and other rubbish fly out the window. According to signs, new things will certainly take the vacated space.

Sweden. New Year is a holiday of light.

Sweden gave the world the first glassware in the 19th century. Christmas decorations. There, on New Year's Day, it is customary to keep the lights on in the houses and brightly illuminate the streets - this is a real holiday of light.

In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed up in White dress, a crown with lit candles is put on the head. Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, sugar bone for the dog. On a festive night, the lights in the houses do not go out, the streets are brightly lit.

England. To be together for a whole year, lovers must kiss.

In England, it is customary to stage performances based on the plots of old English fairy tales on New Year's Day. Lord Mess leads a merry carnival procession in which fairy tale characters: Hobby Horse, March Hare, Humpty Dumpty, Punch and others. Throughout New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, and balloons.

It was in England that the custom of exchanging for the New Year arose greeting cards. First New Year card was printed in London in 1843.

The bell heralds the arrival of the New Year. True, he starts calling a little earlier than midnight and does it in a “whisper” - the blanket with which he is wrapped prevents him from demonstrating all his power. But at exactly twelve the bells are stripped and they begin to ring loudly in honor of the New Year.

At these moments, lovers, in order not to separate next year, must kiss.


For Americans, the New Year begins when the huge luminous clock in New York's Times Square shows 00:00. At this moment, thousands of people gathered in the square begin to kiss and press the car horn with all their might.

In the USA in 1895 The world's first glowing electric garland was hung near the White House.

Scotland. You need to set fire to a tar barrel and roll it down the street.

In Scotland, New Year's Day is called Hogmany. According to custom, on New Year's Eve, barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets, thus burning the Old Year and inviting the New.

Guests should definitely bring a piece of coal with them to throw into the New Year's fireplace. At exactly midnight, the doors swing wide open to let out the old one and let in the New Year.

Australia. Santa Claus in a bathing suit.

New Year in Australia begins on the first of January. But just at this time it is so hot there that Father Frost and Snow Maiden deliver gifts in swimsuits.

Nepal. Colorful holiday.

In Nepal, New Year is celebrated at sunrise. At night, Nepalese light huge fires and throw unnecessary things into the fire. The next day the Festival of Colors begins. People paint their faces, arms, and chests with unusual patterns, and then dance and sing songs in the streets.

France. Bean King.

French Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked into the New Year's pie receives the title of “bean king” and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders.

Japan. Best gift- a rake to rake in happiness.

Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's Eve, they hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness.

Ice palaces and castles, huge snow sculptures fairy-tale heroes Northern Japanese cities are decorated for the New Year.

108 strikes of the bell herald the arrival of the New Year in Japan. According to a long-standing belief, each ringing “kills” one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only six of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy). But each of the vices has 18 different shades - that’s why the Japanese bell tolls.

In the first seconds of the New Year, you should laugh - this should bring good luck. And so that happiness comes into the house, the Japanese decorate it, or rather the front door, with branches of bamboo and pine - symbols of longevity and fidelity.

The food on the table is also symbolic: long pasta is a sign of longevity, rice is a sign of prosperity, carp is a sign of strength, beans are a sign of health. Every family prepares a New Year's treat called mochi - koloboks, flatbreads, rolls made from rice flour...

Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san - Mr. New Year.

The most popular New Year's accessory- rake. Every Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them in order to have something to rake in happiness for the New Year. Bamboo rakes - kumade - are made from 10 centimeters to 1.5 meters in size and are decorated with a variety of designs and talismans.

China. You need to douse yourself with water while they congratulate you.

In China, people douse themselves with water when others say new year wishes happiness. Therefore, on this holiday, everyone walks the streets in thoroughly wet clothes.


And the last people on the planet to celebrate the New Year are the residents of Bora Bora in Oceania. The holiday here takes place on the sea coast, and at exactly midnight candles are lit and colorful fireworks are launched. There is a belief: if you make a wish a minute before the rising sun appears from under the mountain, it will definitely come true.

New Year- magical holiday, celebrated all over the world. We all know and honor the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country, but other countries of the world have their own traditions, many of which are very unusual and interesting, and we will tell you about them.


Very beautiful rituals of celebrating the New Year in India. The people of northern India decorate themselves with white, pink, red and purple flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with multi-colored, mostly orange, flags. In western India, small lights are lit on the roofs of houses. Hindus have their own rules for giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and are brought to this tray.


In Ireland, on the evening before the New Year, the doors of houses open wide; anyone who wishes can enter any house and become a welcome guest there. He will be seated in a place of honor, treated to a glass of good wine, not forgetting to say: “For peace in this house and in the whole world!” At half past twelve, the Irish go out to the central square, sing, dance, and have fun.


In Italy, on New Year's Eve, no one is surprised if someone gets rid of unnecessary things. Old ones are flying straight out of the window flower pots, unnecessary furniture, clothes and trinkets. Italians believe that the more things left on the street, the more luck and money a generous New Year will bring.


In Cuba, before the New Year, everyone fills glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they splash it through the open windows onto the street. This means that the old New Year has ended happily and Cubans wish each other that the new year will be as clear and pure as water. And of course, happy! The clock in Cuba only strikes 11 times on New Year's Day. Since the 12th strike falls just on the New Year, the clock is allowed to rest and calmly celebrate the holiday with everyone.


The “face of the holiday” in Finland is represented by old man Frost, or, as the Finns themselves call him, Joulupukki. According to Finnish tradition, this winter old man brings rods to naughty children and gifts to obedient children. In addition, housewives cook festive plum jelly. Unmarried girls throw a shoe over their shoulder on New Year's Day. If he falls with his toe towards the door, there will be a wedding.


In the Netherlands and Belgium, the first day of the new year is taken very seriously. People try to behave correctly, not borrow money and wear only new things. It is believed that a person himself determines his future for the entire next year. If you spend the first day of the New Year having fun, then the whole year will be like that.
Another tradition that the residents of these countries adhere to is the election of the king of the holiday. Women prepare a cake in which a bean or pea is placed. It is the person who gets a piece of baked goods with a bean who becomes king for the entire New Year's Eve, then chooses the queen and retinue.


Since the New Year is at its hottest time in Burma, its arrival is celebrated with a water festival. The spectacle, I must say, is very funny: when people meet, they pour water on each other from different dishes. But pouring water does not offend anyone, because this ritual is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.


In Denmark, on New Year's Day, it is customary to protect the forest from poachers. On the eve of the holiday, foresters treat forest spruce trees with a special composition, which has absolutely no odor in the cold. and at room temperature it emits a suffocating odor.


In Austria, it is considered an unwritten commandment to hear the solemn sound of the “Peace Bell” installed on St. Stephen’s Cathedral on New Year’s Day in Vienna. Thousands of people gather on Cathedral Square on December 31. In the old days, in this country it was considered a good omen to meet a chimney sweep, touch him and get dirty. This was believed to bring great happiness and good luck.


Very exotic new year celebrations take place in Australia. Due to the lack of snow, Christmas trees, deer and other usual attributes of the holiday, Father Frost appears in a swimming suit, on a special brightly decorated surfboard on the beaches of Sydney. Moreover, observing the traditions of the Old World, his clothes always include a white beard and a red cap with a pompom at the end.


In Bulgaria, on New Year's Eve, dogwood sticks are purchased - an indispensable attribute of the New Year's holiday. On the first of January, children approach their family and friends, lightly hitting them with chopsticks, and congratulate them on the holiday. With the last stroke of the clock of the passing year, the lights in all houses go out for 3 minutes: these are the minutes of New Year's kisses that replace toasts. Bulgarians are happy if someone sneezes at the table. They say it brings good luck.


In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. The Japanese are afraid that along with happiness and wealth, evil spirits will enter the house. To protect themselves from troubles, people hang bundles of straw in front of the entrance to their houses. As soon as the New Year comes, the Japanese laugh joyfully.


On New Year's Eve in Brazil, thousands of candles light up on the sand on the ocean beach. Women in long dresses they go into the water and throw flower petals into the ocean surf.


On New Year's Eve in Vietnam, it is customary to release live carp into rivers and ponds. According to legend, a god swims on the back of a carp, who goes to heaven on New Year’s Day to tell how people live on Earth.


In Greece, there is a custom according to which, at the stroke of midnight, the head of the family goes out into the yard and breaks a pomegranate fruit against the wall. If its grains scatter throughout the yard, the family will live happily in the New Year. When going to visit, the Greeks bring with them a mossy stone as a gift and leave it in the hosts’ room. They say: "Let the owners' money be as heavy as this stone."


In Portugal, on the eve of Christmas, it is customary to give a “Christmas cake” with almonds and candied fruits. By the way, surprises are also baked into such baked goods - a figurine or a medal. The finder will have good luck all year, peace and tranquility will reign in the house!


In Spain, before the New Year, boys and girls draw lots - the names of people of both sexes are written on pieces of paper. Girls learn the names of their “grooms,” and young men learn the names of their “brides.” Sometimes the drawing of lots is done near churches, and the resulting couples behave like lovers until the end of Christmastide.


In Sweden, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to break dishes at your neighbors' doors.

In which countries do they celebrate New Year at what time? This is discussed in detail in the article.

Many years ago ago

The founder of this holiday is Gaius Julius Caesar. In 46 BC. e. The Roman ruler established the beginning of the year on January 1st. The first day of this month in the empire was dedicated to the god Janus. The first month of the year is named after him: Januarius/January. Sacrifices were made to the two-faced god, the patron of everything new, and important events were celebrated. It was customary on this day to give gifts and celebrate the beginning of the year magnificently. Previously, it was celebrated in the Roman Empire on the first day of spring.

And today in many countries the tradition of celebrating the beginning of the year holiday has been preserved on the first day of January according to the Julian calendar, compiled back in those distant times. Which countries celebrate New Year on January 1? These include all those who live according to the Gregorian calendar. That is, the countries of Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Japan, Greece, Turkey, Egypt. In addition, the official New Year in Mongolia is the first of January, but there is also another date for celebrating this holiday. In Thailand and India, New Year also falls on January 1st. But in these countries there are also celebrations according to the Buddhist calendar.

Holiday dates in Russia

Like the ancient Romans, until the 15th century in Rus', the New Year was celebrated at the beginning of spring. This was due to nature and the beginning of agricultural work. At the end of the 15th century, and according to some sources a little earlier, the church, whose influence had greatly increased, moved the beginning of the year to September 1. The last changes to this date were carried out by the reformer and lover of everything European, Peter the Great. In 1699 he signed a decree. It said January 1 was the beginning of the year. ordered to decorate streets and houses with pine and juniper branches, just as it was done in the German Settlement.

Time Zones

Which country celebrates the New Year first? Let's figure it out now. New Year's Eve on planet Earth lasts 25 hours, starting and ending in the Pacific Ocean. The inhabitants of Oceania are the first to open the celebration. And the procession of the holiday ends on the Polynesian Islands.

Which country is the first to celebrate the New Year? Residents of the Kingdom of Tonga are the first to begin celebrating. After 2 hours, the holiday comes to the residents of Kamchatka. After another 2 years it is celebrated in Vladivostok. In Siberia, the celebration begins 6 hours later. An hour later, Yekaterinburg and Ufa join the New Year's celebration, after Samara. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, New Year begins after another 2 hours. Next comes the turn for the countries of South America, Canada and the USA.

Last at the party

Which country is the last to celebrate New Year? In 23 hours, the holiday will come to the residents of Alaska and the Marquesas Islands.

The last people on earth to celebrate the New Year are the residents of Hawaii and the Samoan Islands, where the holiday arrives in 25 hours.

Just like in Russia, the New Year's celebration on the night from December 31 to January 1 is not celebrated everywhere. In some countries, according to European customs, it is customary to decorate the city for this date and hold events in large shopping centers. But there is no holiday familiar to Russians and there are no public holidays. In these countries, on the first of January it is customary to go to work as usual.

Now that we know in which country the New Year is celebrated first and who is the last to sit down festive table, let’s take a closer look at where the New Year is celebrated on the last day of the year.

Where are they celebrating?

  1. Canada and the United States of America.
  2. United Arab Emirates.
  3. Australia.
  4. Scotland.
  5. Austria.
  6. Romania.
  7. Ukraine.
  8. Belarus.
  9. Moldova.

In Scandinavian countries, this celebration is also not paid much attention. Lush celebrations are held at Christmas, and on the first day of January they go to work.

The situation is the same in countries where most of the inhabitants are Catholic. The New Year begins there, as everywhere else. But it is not particularly noted. In Western European countries the main winter holiday- it's Christmas. In the Baltic countries, for example, Christmas and New Year celebrations are celebrated equally magnificently.

In Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, Sylvester is celebrated on the last day of the year - a holiday dedicated to Pope Sylvester I and the beginning of the New Year. Legend has it that Sylvester I killed the biblical monster, Leviothan, which could have destroyed the entire world. He died on New Year's Eve on December 31st. Every year on this day people celebrate the Feast of St. Silvestr. The holiday is celebrated with street celebrations and fireworks, people have fun, drink, eat, sing songs and wait for the New Year.

According to the tradition that has developed over an entire era, celebrating this holiday on December 31st, people are accustomed to in all countries that were part of Soviet Union.

Asian CIS countries

In the Asian countries of the CIS, as elsewhere, the arrival of the New Year is celebrated. But most of these countries preach Islam. And the arrival of the new year according to Islamic chronology is not in January, but in March. Currently in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan New Year's celebration noted twice. There are probably no countries in the world where the celebration is celebrated once.

Spring Summer Autumn

Which countries celebrate New Year at a different time? Now let's figure it out:

  1. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the New Year occurs from January 21 to February 22. This happens every year in different time. Celebrations last up to two weeks. There is also a traditional holiday in China. It is celebrated on December 31st. However, this tradition is quite young. It appeared when the Communist Party came to power. January 1 is a day off in the country. The Chinese do not attach much importance to this date. Chinese New Year is more important for them.
  2. Vietnam and Mongolia also celebrate the New Year according to the calendar, which coincides with the Chinese one, with the exception of rare discrepancies. Recently, it has become common to celebrate the European one. On New Year's Eve, entertainment programs and shows are held for tourists.
  3. Thai National holiday, dedicated to the new year, comes in mid-April.
  4. In the Muslim religion, the first day of the year occurs in November, the first month of the Islamic calendar, Muharram. In most Middle Eastern countries, the year begins in November. But in some of them the official celebration of European celebrations is also accepted.
  5. In Israel, the festival is celebrated at the beginning of autumn. Native Israelis send congratulations to family and friends before the start of the holiday, which takes place on September 1, and not at the end of December, as is customary almost throughout the world. Since 2017, celebrations of the holiday according to Russian traditions have been allowed. That is, on the night from 31 to 1. This means that you can celebrate without fear of getting a fine for breaking the silence. This was done for immigrants from Russia living in Israel. Previously, the traditional New Year was not celebrated in Israel. And there were no days off then, except when January 1 fell on a Saturday. It is customary for Jews to rest on this day.
  6. In September, another country located on the African continent celebrates the New Year. This is Ethiopia. At this time, the rainy season ends there, which marks the arrival of the new year.
  7. The already familiar holiday of Halloween, which is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. For the Celts, this date is considered the beginning of the year. It is important to the native people of Ireland and Scotland.
  8. According to the calendar, residents of the Hawaiian Islands celebrate their holiday at the beginning of the year later than everyone else. For them, it begins when other parts of the land are already thinking about the next holiday, namely November 18th.

In India

Which country celebrates New Year most often? India. The arrival of the New Year is celebrated here up to four times a year. In multinational India there are more than one or two calendars, so in different parts of the country this holiday is celebrated at different times of the year. In the south this happens in March, in the north in April. Western provinces celebrate in October, in the southeast sometimes in July, sometimes in August.

Where is it not celebrated?

In Saudi Arabia, the first day of the month of Muharram is celebrated, which is considered the beginning of the year. In principle, it is not customary to celebrate the traditional New Year here. And in general it is not welcome, since it does not correspond to Islamic traditions.

South Korea on the first day of January, like many countries in the world, they rest. The usual holiday is not celebrated here special attention. It’s more like a long-awaited and extra day off that you can spend at home with your family. But the New Year is celebrated on a grand scale according to the lunar calendar, which falls at the end of January - mid-February. The celebration lasts up to two weeks; Koreans strive to spend this time with their families and visit older relatives.

In Bangladesh, New Year falls on April 14th. But among public holidays There is a European New Year's holiday on January 1st.

Turkey, which everyone knows well from its summer resorts, like all Muslim countries, does not organize magnificent celebrations on the occasion of the New Year. It is customary to decorate large cities with festive symbols. Large markets and shops have pre-New Year sales. January 1st becomes a holiday only if it falls on a weekday. It is not customary for Turkish families to install a Christmas tree at home and celebrate the holiday. New Year in Turkey can be spent in Istanbul or at the ski resorts of the country, where an appropriate holiday atmosphere is created for tourists. On the southern coasts of the country and in winter time a lot of tourists. On the eve of the holiday, instead of a Christmas tree, palm trees are decorated, night festivities are held and fireworks are set off.


Now it’s clear in which countries they celebrate it and when. It is also clear that this cheerful and noisy holiday, so beloved by both children and adults, is actually worldwide. And if it is not celebrated somewhere else, then very soon this day will become part of the state celebrations of that country. Happy New Year, people all over the world!

For all people. Each region has its own customs and traditions associated with this celebration.

It is also noteworthy that in each state the New Year is celebrated at its own time. Many peoples, including Russians, live according to the Gregorian calendar. They celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31st to January 1st. Taking into account standard time, the first to celebrate here are the inhabitants of the island of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean. But in Europe, the main holiday is considered to be Christmas, which is celebrated on the night of December 24-25. In China, the holiday coincides with the winter new moon, which occurs between January 21 and February 21. The traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries are very interesting. Next we will talk about them.

New Year - a holiday from ancient times

No one can say for sure how old this holiday is. But it is known that it existed already in the 3rd millennium BC. The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar. In those days in Ancient Rome, on this day the god Janus, the lord of choice, doors and all beginnings, was especially revered. He was depicted with two faces: one was turned back (the past year), and the other was turned forward (the new year). As now, different countries around the world have had their own traditions of celebrating the New Year many centuries ago. Then people firmly believed that their lives were controlled by higher powers. This is reflected in traditions and customs. So, in our country, Santa Claus had predecessors - the spirit Zimnik, the evil deity Karachun, the Slavic god of bad weather and storms Pozvizd. As a rule, they were feared. They brought with them hail, blizzards, destruction and death. The ancient Celts celebrated Samhain on the night of October 31st. This day was considered mystical. People believed that the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead was being erased at this time. A horde of evil is falling upon the earth. On Samhain it was necessary to light bonfires, sing, walk and have fun. Then devilry doesn't dare go outside. Later, this holiday replaced the well-known Halloween.

New year in Russia

Residents of our country love this holiday. After all, he is the kindest, cheerful, bright. It is noteworthy that on January 1 in Russia it began to be celebrated in 1700. Then Tsar Peter 1 issued a corresponding decree. True, our country then lived according to the Julian calendar. Since 1919, Russia began to be celebrated in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. The most important attribute of our celebration is a dressed-up Christmas tree. In the evening of December 31st, all relatives and friends in many families gather to celebrate old year and meet a new one. Traditional dishes on the table this holiday: Olivier salads and herring under a fur coat, cabbage rolls, dumplings, fried chicken and, of course, tangerines. On this day, kind Grandfather Frost comes to the children. He is dressed in a red, blue or silver fur coat with patterns, a hat and large mittens. A long, gray beard, shaggy eyebrows whitened by frost, rosy cheeks... Who doesn’t recognize Santa Claus? He has a staff in his hand and a large bag of gifts behind his back. Sometimes he is accompanied by his granddaughter, the beautiful Snow Maiden.

All the children wait for this event all year, sending wishes for future gifts and gifts. These are the traditions we have for celebrating the New Year. It has its own meaning for children in different countries.


If in Russia the New Year holiday is associated with winter cold, snow, frost, then in other countries it has a different meaning. So, in China it is called the Spring Festival and is celebrated between January 21 and February 21, when the moon completes its full cycle and the new moon occurs. The celebrations here last 15 days and end. Both adults and children participate in the events. From the very morning, people clean their houses because they believe that cleanliness is not a place for evil spirits. At this time, the streets are dazzling with bright festive clothes, fair goods and lights. In the evening, people gather in a close family circle for dinner, where they often give each other not gifts, but red envelopes with money. It is customary to give such gifts even to children and work colleagues. When it gets dark, people go out into the streets to set off fireworks, fireworks, and burn incense. Interesting Chinese unusual traditions New Year celebrations. In different countries of the world, customs are usually associated with folk epic. China is no exception. Residents of this country believe in the ancient legend about the terrible monster Nian, who came on New Year's Eve to eat all the people's livestock, supplies and grain, and sometimes even children. One day people saw how Nian was afraid of a child dressed in red clothes.

Since then, they began to hang red lanterns and scrolls near their homes on New Year’s Eve to scare away the beast. Festive fireworks and incense are also considered good repellers of this monster.

Vibrant India

The traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries of the world are original and mysterious. In India main holiday year is called Diwali, or the Festival of Lights. It is celebrated at the end of October or beginning of November. What can you see on this day on the streets of Indian cities? All houses and statues of gods and animals are decorated with bright flowers, lights, lanterns and lit candles. The holiday is dedicated to the goddess Lakshmi - the embodiment of wealth, abundance, prosperity, good luck and happiness. On this day, it is customary to give everyone interesting gifts. Gifts for children are placed on a special tray intended for this purpose, and then they are brought to it with eyes closed. In the evening, when it gets dark, people go out into the streets to set off festive fireworks and firecrackers.

Land of the Rising Sun

Japan also has its own traditions of celebrating the New Year. In different countries of the world, treats are prepared for children on this day. Japan is no exception. Both children and adults adore the sweet delicacy mochi. These are round small loaves or cakes made of rice flour, decorated with orange fruit on top. Giving mochi means wishing a person prosperity and wealth in the coming year.

On this day, the Japanese also eat boiled seaweed, fish pie, sweet potato puree with chestnuts, and sweet soybeans. And, of course, the New Year celebration is not complete without songs and dances. In Japan, there is a tradition of everyone getting together and playing games: hanetsuki (shuttlecock game), board game with chips sugoroku, uta-garuta and others. The streets are crowded on holiday. The shops are full of New Year's souvenirs: hamaimi (arrows that drive away evil spirits from the house), kumade (bamboo rakes like a bear's paw), takarabune (boats with rice for good luck). As a rule, on holidays, children here, as well as in China, are given not gifts, but money placed in a special envelope called potibukuro.

In France and England

We look at what traditions exist for celebrating the New Year in different countries. I wonder how this day is celebrated in Europe? For example, in England, houses are decorated not only with Christmas trees, but also with mistletoe branches. They are hung everywhere, even on lamps and chandeliers. The front door is also decorated with a mistletoe wreath. It is believed that this plant brings happiness to the house and protects its inhabitants from diseases. In France, it is not Santa Claus who comes to children, but old man Père Noel in a fur coat, a red cap and wooden shoes. He moves on a donkey. Children believe that Père Noel climbs into the chimney and puts gifts for them in shoes specially prepared for this in front of the fireplace.

On this day, adults dance in red caps, fool around, have fun, joke, and sprinkle confetti on each other. As you can see, the traditions of celebrating the New Year are similar in Europe. In different countries on English language the most short congratulations sounds like this: “Happy New Year!”, which means: “Happy New Year!”


In this country, the celebration begins on January 6th. On the eve of the holiday, children hang stockings near the fireplace. They hope to receive many delicious and wonderful gifts. Only they are given here not by Santa Claus, as with us, but by a kind and affectionate fairy named Befana. The children believe that she flies in on her broom at night, opens all the doors in the house with a special golden key and fills their stockings with all kinds of gifts. Befana loves obedient and well-mannered children. The one who spent a whole goal just being naughty and playing pranks will receive only a black coal and a handful of ash as a reward. Adult Italians don't believe in witches. But they are convinced that the New Year is a time to pay tribute to centuries-old traditions. For example, residents of this country throw out old and unnecessary things from the house when the clock strikes, thus getting rid of the problems of the old year. They believe that new items purchased to replace those thrown away will bring them good luck and happiness. Here, as in many countries, on the eve of the holiday people give each other gifts. In the provinces you may be presented with an olive sprig in water taken from a spring. It is believed that such a symbolic gift brings happiness. Every family must have lentils, nuts and grapes on the table on this day. In order for good luck to accompany you in all matters throughout the year, you must eat them. It is also worth noting that Italians are very superstitious people. They believe in all sorts of omens. For example, it is believed that if in the morning after New Year's Eve If you meet a priest first on the way, then the year will be unlucky. If a child gets in the way, that’s also not good. But the hunchbacked grandfather, who comes to the meeting, promises health and good luck for the whole next year.

In Ireland

We continue to travel around Europe. The traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries have a lot in common. In English, congratulations on the occasion can also be heard in Ireland. Here this holiday is considered not only a family one. On the eve of it, the doors of all houses open wide. Anyone can enter any of them and join the celebration. The guest will definitely be seated in the place of honor, the best delicacies will be placed in front of him and toasts will be made to “World Peace!” It’s hard to imagine the Irish New Year without the traditional treat here, called seed cake. This is a cumin cake. Local housewives also prepare a special pudding for the festive table. After a rich feast, everyone goes for a walk outside. By half past eleven, the Irish gather in the central square of the city, where there is a large Christmas tree. The real fun begins with songs, dances, and jokes.


There are traditions for celebrating the New Year here. In different countries, treats are prepared for children on this day. In Bulgaria it could be candied pumpkin, caramel apples or homemade marmalade. A traditional New Year's dish is bannitsa. This is a puff pastry. And in Bulgaria there is a tradition of placing a loaf of bread with a coin in it on the festive table. After the loaf is cut, everyone looks for a coin in their piece. After the feast, both adults and children here make dogwood sticks, decorating them with dried fruits, nuts, heads of garlic, coins and tying them with red thread. They are called suruvachki. This item must be hit on everyone in the family to bring them health and good luck. Sometimes they go to their neighbors with suruvachki to wish them all the best. And then the young people pour out into the street singing and dancing.

When the clock on the city tower strikes midnight, marking the beginning of the year, the entire city turns off the kissing lights for three minutes. There are even competitions to see who can kiss the most.

In Cuba

We are used to celebrating the New Year with snow and frost. I wonder how this holiday is celebrated where it is always summer? The customs of celebrating the New Year in different countries of the tropical zone, such as, for example, Cuba, are unique. Here on this day they decorate an araucaria coniferous tree or even just a palm tree. Instead of champagne, people drink rum, diluting it with orange juice, liqueur and adding ice. In Cuba, there is an interesting tradition on the eve of the celebration to fill all the buckets, jugs and basins in the house with water. At midnight this water is poured out of the windows. It is believed that in this way people protect their home from adversity and misfortune. Before the clock strikes 12, everyone must have time to eat twelve grapes and make a wish. Then you can be sure that good luck and peace and prosperity will accompany you all year. There is also a Santa Claus here. Only he is not alone, like with us. There are three of them in Cuba: Balthasar, Gaspar and Melchior.

On the eve of the holiday, the child writes notes to them with wishes about what gifts they would like to receive from them. All night Cubans walk and have fun, sing, joke and throw water on each other. Here they believe that this brings happiness to a person and charges him with positive energy.

Sultry Brazil

The life of this country has always been closely connected with the ocean. For many centuries, the goddess of the seas, Iemanja, played a leading role in local folklore. It is with her that the local customs of celebrating the New Year are associated. In different countries of the world on this day people cast magic spells and perform ritual ceremonies. In Brazil, on the eve of the holiday, residents try to appease the goddess Iemanja so that she will show favor and patience to them throughout the next year. She is depicted as a beautiful woman in long blue clothes with flowing hair the color of lunar silver paths. Many Brazilians try to dress the same way on this day. Iemanja is very fond of fun and dancing. Therefore, people go to the beach in the evening, sing, walk, congratulate each other and perform magic ritual for luck. It consists of sending small rafts with fruits, rice, sweets, mirrors, scallops and lit candles into the ocean. While doing this, people pray and sing ritual songs, trying to appease the formidable goddess. Women in long clothes thrown into the ocean waters bright flowers, making wishes. The action ends with a half-hour fireworks display. These are the unusual traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries, where there is eternal summer.

In Australia

Tired of snow and cold? Where to go We continue to look at the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries. Comic performances are usually staged everywhere. Australians celebrate this holiday among the first on the planet. The celebration here, as a rule, takes place in the open air. Beach parties, loud songs, fun dancing, fantastic fireworks, music festivals with the participation of world stars: all this can be seen in Melbourne and Sydney on New Year's Eve. Santa Claus in a red cap and pants on a surfboard on the beach... You can only see this in Australia.

At exactly midnight, city streets are filled with the sounds of car horns and the ringing of bells. This is how Australians try to ring in the New Year for their visit. As you can see, the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries are very different.


To remember summer and enjoy its beauty in winter, let's go to Colombia. It has its own interesting customs for celebrating the New Year. In different countries of the world, the main character is Santa Claus, whose arrival marks the beginning of the new year. And in Colombia, the main hero of the holiday is the Old Year, who walks the streets and amuses the local children. Often his role is played by a scarecrow on a long stick, which is burned on the beach at midnight. It is believed that after this the old year left the country forever and gave way to the new one. There is also a Santa Claus here. His name is Papa Pasquale. He is dressed in a red fur coat and hat, just like ours main character holiday. Only he walks on long stilts, which makes both adults and children incredibly funny.

Seeing him, the city residents begin to whistle, throw firecrackers and fire guns into the air. He doesn't bring gifts. But everyone knows that Papa Pasquale is a master at arranging fireworks. It is believed that it is he who decorates the New Year's sky with multi-colored fireworks and lights.

New Year in Africa

The traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries are interesting. Curious, how is the celebration celebrated in African countries? After all, this continent is considered the birthplace of this holiday. If we decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, palm trees are often decorated here, not only with toys, but also with fresh fruits

In many African countries, there is a tradition of scattering green nuts along the streets. It is believed that whoever finds such a nut will definitely be happy this year. As a rule, this holiday in the countries of the “black” continent is celebrated on January 1. But there are exceptions, for example, Ethiopia. The celebration takes place here on September 1st. This time in the country is marked by the end of the rainy period and the beginning of the ripening of fruits. On the eve of the main holiday of the year, young and old try to swim in the river. People believe that in this way they leave all sins in the past and enter the New Year with a pure soul. The holiday itself takes place with songs, celebrations and dances around a set fire to a sheaf of palm branches, decorated with yellow flowers.

Different countries have their own traditions of celebrating the New Year. Photo, Interesting Facts from many corners of the planet: everything can be found in our article.