How to use the shaving head of an epilator. Epilators for home use: types and features of use. No ingrown hairs

For removing unwanted hair from the bikini area and women's legs more and more often. The procedure has become popular due to its hygiene and long-lasting effect. To achieve maximum results and extend the life of the device, you need to know how to use the epilator correctly.

is a special device that removes hairs from the roots. The procedure using this device is quite painful, but very effective. Many women find this method of combating unwanted hair one of the most effective.

There are many devices for hair removal. Mostly all of them are mechanical, but there are also laser ones.

Mechanical epilators are divided according to their operating principle into:

  • needle-shaped (intended exclusively for salon use);
  • spring;
  • disk;

Note! Today, tweezer and disk type attachments are mainly used.

According to the type of power supply, they are distinguished: from a battery, from a network, mixed type - from a battery and a network. Also, each device differs in its configuration (the number of different attachments).

Additional functions may include backlighting. Some models have a pain relief system - skin stretching, cooling, massage function.

How the device works

Almost all modern ones work on the principle of a multi-tweezers or disk system. Upon contact with the skin, metal tweezers/rotating discs grab the hairs and pull them out by the roots.

Depending on the model, a different number of hairs are plucked at a time. The system can pull out vegetation as long as 0.5 mm. The speed of the procedure is affected by the number of capture points.

Many modern devices have a two-speed or three-speed mode. At the first speed, the device is able to capture and remove thin and short hair. It is considered more delicate than subsequent ones. The second and third are for longer and tougher vegetation.

The operating principle of a portable laser epilator differs from a mechanical one. Its action is based on the destruction of the bulb itself. The beam passes through the entire hair, heats it up in a matter of seconds and destroys it along with the root. The skin is not damaged.

Pros and cons of using

Epilation with an epilator at home has both positive sides, and negative. The advantages include:

  • the result lasts 3 weeks;
  • absence of inflammation and cuts in the bikini area, which often occur when shaving;
  • with prolonged use, hairs become lighter, thinner, and grow less frequently;
  • Over the course of its operation, the device will justify its cost - there is no need to periodically waste time on wax, sugar paste, or a razor.

The disadvantages of using an epilator include the following:

  • pain is the main disadvantage, despite attachments to reduce discomfort;
  • sometimes bruising may occur;
  • possible trauma to the vessels that feed the hair follicles;
  • appearance;
  • After the procedure, individual hairs remain that have to be plucked out with tweezers.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to use an epilator during pregnancy? There are no direct contraindications. Restrictions for use include varicose veins, open wounds of various types, inflammatory processes on the skin, and diabetes.

How to use the epilator

An ideal result is only possible if correct use device. This will take some time to adapt to. To ensure that the treatment is comfortable and the effect of the epilator is at a high level, it is recommended to adhere to the following operating rules:

Note! Many manufacturers note that hair removal can be carried out with hair lengths of 0.5 mm or more. Despite these instructions, it is better to wait until they grow to 2 mm. Also, the first procedures after purchase should be carried out at minimum speed.

Proper preparation and conduct of hair removal

There are preparation rules that allow you to carry out the procedure efficiently without damaging the device. How to properly epilate with an epilator:

Maintenance and cleaning rules

Cleaning the device is the main point of use. The service life of the device and the quality of hair removal in the bikini area and legs depend on the cleanliness of the blades. It should be carried out after each procedure. If you neglect this rule, the mechanism may become clogged, which will lead to loss of power and deterioration in the operation of the device itself.

To clean the disk or tweezer element, first turn off the device, remove the nozzle and carry out the procedure using a special brush. The body of the device itself is cleaned, and visible dirt is removed from the space in which the nozzle is located.

I use water for cleaning only if the instruction manual allows the use of cleaning liquid. Otherwise, it may damage the main mechanism. For hard to reach places use a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle.

If problems are detected, the connection must be checked and cleaned. This often causes problems with the operation of the device. If the measures taken did not affect the situation, then you need to contact service center. As a rule, well-known manufacturing companies provide a guarantee for their products. In such cases, it is better to contact an official representative to resolve the problem.


When using the device, you must take into account the rules of hair removal and operation. Special attention is paid to cleaning it after each procedure. The above recommendations will allow you to perform hair removal correctly and extend the life of the device.

In contact with

Hair removal with an epilator is one of the effective methods of complete hair removal available at home. The result lasts about 2 – 3 weeks, but the process itself cannot be called gentle. Today, there are quite a lot of different models from simple to top-end, but their general principle of operation is similar and the result is the same as the basic rules. consequences such as ingrown hairs and unpleasant pain. Due to the peculiarities of the epilator mechanism, it is not experienced users after using the device, you may experience consequences such as ingrown hairs, unpleasant pain, irritation or unsatisfactory results. If you master the basic rules of how to use an epilator, the procedure will become as comfortable and high-quality as possible.

Unlike depilation, which involves removing only the outer part of the hair (shaving), epilation means completely getting rid of the hairs along with the root. The principle of operation of the epilator is simple, but differs depending on the modification.

There are various modifications of devices equipped with useful options. Epilation of the bikini area or armpits can be very painful, especially for users with sensitive skin. To make the session easier, models with cooling heads.

The presence of such a head is an important criterion for choosing a device.

Some parts of the devices must be forced to cool, after which hair removal can begin immediately. In addition to them, soothing and cooling gloves are often used; they are applied to the treated area before and after the procedure.

Another type of device for painless hair removal with an epilator at home is devices with massage heads. They fit securely to the skin, eliminating its stretching, and it is this nuance that brings acute pain.

Why are replacement nozzles needed?

Epilation with any type of epilator will be more comfortable if you use additional features - various replaceable attachments. You should not ignore, sometimes, not the cheapest accessories or multifunctional models.

Pain will be much lower if you use blower block epilated area with cold air. Skin peeling attachments are very useful; the results from their use are simply excellent: no peeling, light massage. The most important thing is that such attachments help fight the problem of ingrown hairs.

It is better to use an epilator in the bikini area using an attachment specially designed for this purpose.

Trimmer attachment for the epilator is intended for depilation of the bikini area and preparing hair for epilation. According to the rules, the length of each individual hair before epilation should be 0.5 mm; the trimmer is able to cut off the excess length. There are also replaceable blocks for removing individual, missed hairs.

Can I shave with an epilator? It turns out that with the help of a special razor head You can quickly and effectively shave any area of ​​skin if you don’t have time for a full procedure. Unlike any machine, an epilator with a razor attachment depilates the intimate area and shaves arms and legs much better.

General rules for the procedure

All requirements, rules and recommendations on how to use the epilator correctly are aimed at achieving maximum effect with minimal pain. Those who are doing hair removal for the first time should especially listen to them. So, what do experienced users and cosmetologists advise?

The manufacturer writes in the user manual about how to properly perform hair removal with an epilator yourself. It is important to take all precautions and do not use the device on areas of the skin where varicose veins veins or other vascular diseases. Before doing hair removal, you should carefully read all the information provided.

Ingrown hair problem

With any type of hair removal or depilation, the problem of ingrown hair remains. Among epilators there are models with replaceable attachments for skin exfoliation after the session, but this is a separate procedure to combat ingrown hairs on different areas of the skin.

Hair grows into the skin in three cases:

  • when the hair grows and bends, passes through the top layer of skin and grows in;
  • if the hair follicle is injured or the hair shaft is broken off at the root, it continues to grow sideways and not upwards;
  • after epilation, the hairs become thin and weak, they are not able to penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis, after which they grow under the skin.

How to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon? A common solution to the problem is the active use of various abrasive scrubs based on ground coffee or crushed apricot kernels. These manipulations can easily be replaced by a peeling attachment, which is really worth having with your epilator. Treat your legs regularly after epilation, and the problem of ingrown hairs will not bother you. To inexperienced users, the problem of hair growing into the skin may seem insignificant, but prevention methods should not be neglected.

It is worth noting that after using an epilator, hair grows in the armpits and legs, and after treating the bikini area at home.

Treatment of selected skin areas

Depending on the chosen epilator model, the user can epilate or depilate almost any area of ​​hair on the body:

  • armpit hair removal;
  • deep bikini epilation;
  • hair removal of arms and legs;
  • shaving legs with an epilator;
  • shaving armpits and bikini area.

The most difficult part will be epilation of the armpits, bikini and deep bikini areas, and the area under the knees. The principle of hair removal on all selected areas of the body is the same: the device is placed against the surface of the skin at an angle of 90°. The procedure begins with processing small areas of skin. But before you start the procedure, you need to know how to prepare your skin for hair removal.

How to prepare for the procedure

To prepare the skin means, first of all, to degrease it. How exactly to do this? The day before the session and for 24 hours after it, you should avoid using nourishing, greasy creams or lotions. The absence of fatty or creamy film is one of the important conditions for preparing the skin for hair removal.

Some experts advise wiping the skin with alcohol before treatment.

It is necessary to thoroughly treat the skin with a scrub, peeling or a hard washcloth two days before the procedure. The manufacturer always states in the instructions what is possible hair length. Obviously, the mechanism will not be captured if it is too short, but if it is too long, it will become an obstacle to achieving the desired effect. This is especially important when performing depilation of intimate areas, because... the hairs there are very hard.

If the selected model is not designed for wet hair removal, the area to be treated should be thoroughly dried. Before the procedure, be sure to steam the skin and then wipe it dry with a towel.

How to reduce pain

Many people are interested in whether it is painful to remove hair with an electric epilator in the deep bikini area and armpits. As practice shows, yes, in sensitive areas the procedure will be painful and uncomfortable, and such areas include all areas of the skin with the exception of the legs. How to anesthetize epilation or at least reduce pain? There are special techniques that will help make hair removal less painful and achieve the desired result.

The question of how to reduce pain when epilating with an epilator in intimate places has remained relevant since the first days of the appearance of this device. Since then, the recommendations of manufacturers and the experience of many users have helped to figure out how to conduct a session so that it does not hurt.

  1. It is allowed to use various cooling accessories: anesthetic lotions, cooling mittens. If you don't have what you need, ice cubes will do. cold water. Users with particularly sensitive skin are advised to pay attention to waterproof models; such devices can remove vegetation under water.
  2. It is not recommended to intensively treat large areas of skin; the procedure should be approached with patience and methodically epilate selected areas.
  3. The first time you use an epilator, you should be careful; you should not remove hair at high speeds; it is better to start with the first one and gradually increase. Over time, the follicles will become weaker, the skin will get used to the procedure and using the epilator will become completely familiar, without pain.
  4. When depilating (before shaving your legs, armpits, or arms) with a shaving head, you should use lotions, creams, or gels that increasing slip– this reduces the likelihood of irritation.
  5. The skin after hair removal can be “calmed” with the same cooling pad or special cosmetics (creams, gels, lotions after hair removal).

For very sensitive skin, especially in the deep bikini area, you can purchase a delicate epilator attachment. The size of such an accessory is much smaller, the processing speed will also be lower, but this will minimize pain.

In conclusion, we can add only one piece of advice from cosmetologists: do not use an epilator if the pain or consequences of epilation cause serious discomfort. Each organism is individual and there are cases when this method of hair removal is not acceptable.

  • 1. Which epilator is better to choose for leg depilation?
  • 2. Rules for high-quality depilation at home
  • 3. How to prepare for hair removal with an epilator
  • 3.1. Preparing the machine
  • 3.2. Skin preparation
  • 3.3. Anesthesia
  • 4. Painless hair removal, instructions
  • 4.1. How to do leg hair removal, step by step steps:
  • 5. Skin care after the procedure
  • 5.1. To prevent ingrown hairs
  • 6. Pros and cons of using an epilator for legs
  • 7. Contraindications
  • 8. Questions and answers
  • 8.1. Why are my legs not smooth after using an epilator?
  • 8.2. How to epilate your legs with an epilator correctly: wet skin or dry?
  • 8.3. Does hair grow back after hair removal?

Which epilator is best for leg depilation?

The most popular and proven products on the market are epilators from Braun, Philips and Rowenta. It is advisable to take a machine with at least 25 tweezers, with two speed modes. The attachments do not affect the quality of depilation, but simply make the procedure more comfortable for some areas.

Rules for high-quality depilation at home

Depilation with a mechanical device is a serious matter: hairs are pulled out from the roots, which can lead to inflammation and severe irritation. It is especially important to know the rules for those who plan to use the method for the first time.

  1. The length of the hairs must be at least 5-6 mm, otherwise tweezers will have difficulty grasping them, and the procedure will take a lot of time.
  2. At the time of hair removal, there should be no inflammatory processes in the body, otherwise the risk of irritation of the epidermis greatly increases.
  3. Today there are machine models that allow you to remove hair directly in water. Both types of devices have both positive and negative sides.
  4. The device should be held perpendicular to the skin or at a slight angle of inclination.
  5. The epilator head is always positioned against hair growth.
  6. At minimum speed, tweezers grip hair better.

An epilator is a personal hygiene device. It should not be given to relatives, friends or anyone else.

How to prepare for hair removal with an epilator

Before epilating your legs with an epilator, you must properly prepare the device and skin for the process.

Preparing the machine

Before each procedure, the head with tweezers must be treated with an antiseptic (regular alcohol can be used). If depilation is being done for the first time, it is advisable to “play” with the device, move it over an area of ​​the body where there is no hair, in order to get a feel for the device and learn how to hold it correctly. Some people find it painful to shave their legs with a clipper, but the process is often less responsive with pain-relieving methods.

Skin preparation

Everyone's sensitivity level is different. Much depends on the structure of the hair: the stiffer and thicker it is, the more painful depilation promises to be. But you can significantly reduce the discomfort from epilating your legs with an epilator by knowing simple rules.

  • Scrub your skin well shortly before the procedure. The scrub perfectly removes dead particles of epithelium, making it easier for hairs to come out.
  • Immediately before hair removal, your legs should be steamed to open the pores as much as possible. It will be useful to massage with a rough washcloth, this will reduce the pain.
  • Before shaving your legs with a clipper, dry the skin with a towel and lightly powder it with talcum powder.


The volume of the epilated area on the legs is quite large. Not every woman is ready to endure the pain of hair being pulled out from the roots for 15–25 minutes. If the pain threshold is high, you can take a tablet of any suitable analgesic 20 minutes before the process.

Pieces of ice, Menovazine solution or Lidocaine in spray form will help reduce skin sensitivity.

Painless hair removal, instructions

After preparing your legs for depilation and choosing suitable option pain relief, you can begin the procedure. It is better to do it sitting in the bath itself (without water), so as not to pollute the floor with stray hairs.

How to do leg hair removal, step by step steps:

  1. The epilator is taken in the working hand, and the skin is slightly stretched with the other hand.
  2. The procedure begins by driving the head of the device against the height hair light touching the skin (no need to put pressure on it). It is recommended to gradually move from bottom to top.
  3. Movements should be light, fast, jerky. Often, to remove all the hair, you need to run tweezers over the same area several times.

These are the basic tips on how to properly shave your legs with an epilator for beginners. After just a couple of depilations, everything will happen automatically. The hair gradually becomes thin and weak, and pain is significantly reduced. Most women who regularly practice mechanical hair removal do not use any painkillers.

Skin care after the procedure

To prevent irritation and infection in injured open follicles, it is recommended to treat the skin with an antiseptic immediately after the session. After an hour, it is advisable to lubricate your feet cosmetic oil or emollient cream.

If irritation does occur and the skin turns red, ointments/creams will help: Panthenol, Bepanten, Pantenstin, Radevit.

In case of inflammation of the leg, you need to treat it 2-3 times a day with the following drugs: Levomekol, Sinaflan, Syntomycin ointment, Miramistin.

For 2–3 days after depilation, you should not take hot baths, visit saunas, swimming pools, or sunbathe.

Girls with skin that is not prone to inflammation do not need special foot care - just treat the skin with an antiseptic, and the next day you can lead a normal life.

To prevent ingrown hairs

Ingrown hair under the skin is a major problem for those who constantly epilate. To prevent trouble, you should use a hard scrub or rough washcloth. It is allowed to begin exfoliation of the epithelium no earlier than 5–7 days after the procedure; then you can scrub your legs every 3–4 days.

Those who intend to shave their legs with a clipper constantly will have to get used to such care, since it is unlikely that ingrown hairs will be completely prevented.

Pros and cons of using an epilator for legs

Any procedure for removing unwanted hair on the body has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • affordable (the machines are not that expensive);
  • economical (no need to pay for the service in the salon every time);
  • hair does not grow for 2–4 weeks;
  • No special skills are required, just follow simple instructions.
  • painful;
  • hair grows in;
  • Inflammation and skin irritation may occur.


Mechanical hair removal of legs is unacceptable for girls suffering from skin diseases. The procedure cannot be performed when large quantities moles, papillomas, warts in the depilated area. It is worth postponing the session if there are inflammatory processes in the body or infectious diseases.

Pregnant women and those who have previously resorted to this method can use the machine, but with great caution and in the most comfortable position.

If you shave your legs during or before your period, the pain will be higher.

Questions and answers

Why are my legs not smooth after using an epilator?

Body hair grows unevenly: some are longer, others are shorter. Tweezers cannot catch hairs that are too short, and they do not allow the skin to remain smooth.

How to epilate your legs with an epilator correctly: wet skin or dry?

On a dry body, the machine shaves much better. You can depilate your legs on damp skin, but it will take longer.

Does hair grow back after hair removal?

Yes, more often hair after a machine begins to grow into the epidermis layer, but this can be dealt with by regularly scrubbing your legs.

Every girl dreams of beautiful and smooth skin, free of inflamed areas and ingrown hairs. But not only your legs, but your whole body should look ideal. An epilator can help solve this issue. To become the owner of perfectly smooth skin, it is very important to follow some rules and recommendations on how to use an epilator.

What types of epilators are there for home use?

The stores offer a huge amount of different equipment and devices for making the skin smooth. First of all, you should pay attention to modern epilators. They come in two types:

  • Tweezers. Gently and thoroughly pulls out every hair on the desired area of ​​the body. At first it may cause a little discomfort, but after a few procedures everything will be absolutely painless.

Tweezer epilator

To optimize the shaving process, manufacturers provide their models with additional attachments that not only speed up, but also significantly improve the entire procedure, making it comfortable and painless. The main nozzles can be of the following types:

Peeling device

Eyebrow attachment

In addition, epilators may contain additional functions that will make the overall hair removal process easier and reduce pain. For example, wet shaving, a massager, and the rotation speed is also regulated using a special toggle switch. If loud noise annoys you, you can opt for a quiet model. To do this, you need to pay attention to the decibel level. It should range from 55 to 76.

Set of nozzles

If the lighting in the bathroom is not bright enough, then you should choose an epilator with backlight.

To decide which is better - , .


The main advantages of the epilator include:

  1. Simplicity. To make the skin smooth and remove all hairs, you do not need to have special skills. The device will do this perfectly at home.
  2. Compactness. The device does not take up much space, you can take it with you on a trip.
  3. A wide range of. There are a huge number of models on the market. Any girl can choose the optimal device for herself.
  4. Economical. With constant use of the device, the hair becomes thin and grows slower, which will reduce the time for hair removal.
  5. Efficiency. The epilator will not only remove all hair, but also make the skin smooth and soft. The result will remain for two to three weeks.

If you use the device constantly, then over time the intervals between epilations will increase to one month.

How to use it correctly?

In order for the procedure to take place with the least pain, but with maximum benefit, you need to adhere to some rules on how to properly use the epilator for the first time. It is imperative to set the speed to the lowest possible speed, since the hairs are still too dense and thick in structure. Their removal is possible only at low speeds.

In addition, hair removal rules consist of the following recommendations:

  • Before the procedure, you must take a hot bath. This will help open the pores;
  • If hair removal will take place in the bikini area or armpit, it is best to apply talc or baby powder to these areas before starting to degrease the surface. It is also recommended to slightly stretch the skin in these places to reduce pain and discomfort;
  • Before the first use, sensitive areas should be treated with an anesthetic cream containing lidocaine;
  • Before starting the procedure, you can give a light massage to the area where hairs will be removed. To do this, lightly pat the skin for several minutes and then rub the area in a circular motion;
  • The device should only be directed against hair growth;
  • During the first procedure, it is recommended to grow hairs of at least five millimeters.

Some women have a very low pain threshold, and epilation at home seems too painful a procedure. To reduce discomfort, you can pause several times during the procedure for a cold shower. Water reduces the sensation of pain. Before continuing to use the epilator, the skin should be thoroughly dried.

Possible consequences

Very often, negative aspects may arise during the first procedures. This usually happens for the following reasons:

  1. There are still no specific skills to carry out the procedure correctly.
  2. Too sensitive skin.
  3. Safety precautions are not followed.

As a result, such side effects, How:

  • dry and dehydrated skin;
  • irritation;
  • ingrown hair;
  • burns;
  • excessive hair growth.

To prevent any of these negative situations from occurring, it is important to follow all the rules. Only proper preparation before the hair removal procedure and timely and thorough skin care after guarantee smoothness and absence of irritation.

Tips to make the hair removal process easy and comfortable

To prevent the process from causing discomfort and ending in negative consequences, you need to remember simple tips by use:

  1. The length of the hair during the first procedure should not be less than five millimeters. If you start epilating hairs that are too short, it will be difficult for the device to capture them. As a result, it will not be possible to achieve smooth skin. If the hair on your legs or other parts of the body is longer than five millimeters, the epilator will tear them out too painfully. This can lead to the formation of wounds.
  2. The device must be held against growth, so as not to break the hairs, but to tear them out and destroy the bulbs.
  3. When epilating, it is not recommended to press the head too close to the skin or put pressure on it. Because of this, scratches may remain on the surface, or irritation may occur.
  4. The epilator is not held perpendicular to the skin, but at a slight angle so that the tweezers of the device can capture every hair.
  5. It is best to do hair removal in the evening. The skin is the least sensitive at this moment. There may also be slight irritation in the form of redness, which will completely disappear by the morning.

It is best to refrain from epilation if:

  • damage to the integrity of the skin, that is, if there are various wounds, cuts, eczema or inflammation on the body;
  • varicose veins;
  • the presence of convex moles or spherical protrusions;
  • diabetes mellitus

Women during pregnancy also need to be extremely careful, especially when using.

How to properly care for your skin when using an epilator

It is very important to take care of your skin after hair removal. You need to start with the fact that a week before the planned procedure it is better to avoid direct sunlight on the area to be epilated. This will lead to dry and dehydrated skin or cause severe irritation on it.

Before the first use, you need to thoroughly steam your entire body so that hair follicles are easier to remove during hair removal. To do this, you can lie in a hot bath or take a warm shower.

Four days before the procedure, you need to start actively moisturizing the skin using a cream, and one or two days before the procedure, use a scrub to exfoliate dead cells.

After all excess hair has been removed, the skin will also need to be proper care. Every time after a shower, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the body, especially to epilated areas, to minimize the risk of developing inflammatory processes and irritation. You can also use a coffee scrub three times a week. This will help prevent ingrown hairs from appearing.

The epilator is a convenient device for performing home procedures. The device removes hairs from the roots, and the skin becomes soft and smooth. But working with the device has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account. How to use an epilator correctly is described in the article.

Principle of operation

An epilator is a device that has built-in metal discs or tweezers. When the device is connected to the network, the parts begin to rotate and capture the hair, eliminating it from the roots. On almost all modern devices, the rotation speed can be adjusted. It is necessary to take into account the pain and the result you want to get.

The first epilators were designed to remove excess hair on the legs and armpits. Later, they began to produce devices with attachments that can be used for the intimate area and face. Depending on the attachments, you can remove hairs with bulbs, as well as perform a massage. It speeds up blood circulation and therefore the procedure will not be so painful.

Some manufacturers' devices are equipped with a cooling function, which slightly “freezes” the skin, preventing severe pain. The latest devices are ideal for everyone, no matter the pain threshold or the amount of hair on the body. If desired, the tool can be used for the back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, armpits, legs, and bikini area. How to use a Brown epilator or any other brand of epilator is described below. If you follow the established rules, the procedure will be effective and safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

How to use an epilator is usually written in the instructions. The advantages of such devices include the following qualities:

  • You can perform the procedure yourself.
  • Easy to use, store and clean.
  • No additional equipment needed.
  • Hairs are removed from the roots.
  • The result lasts for a long time (3-4 weeks).
  • Affordable price.

The disadvantages include:

  • Loud operation (but not for every device).
  • Duration of the process (compared to depilation).
  • Soreness.

Why you need to use an epilator

As you know, shaving with a machine does not remove hairs from the roots. The blade cuts off only the upper part that rises above the skin. In this case, the bulb will be inside, and new vegetation will appear after 2-3 days. The epilator does not have this feature; its main purpose is to remove hairs from the follicle, the skin remains smooth for 3-4 weeks.

How to use an epilator for the first time? To perform the procedure with such a device, you do not need any special skills. The device is easy to use, so you can do everything yourself. The procedure does not require any additional equipment; all that is required is the epilator itself.

Features of use

When considering how to use an epilator, you should take into account some of the features of using this device. They are as follows:

  1. Speed. The device has a lever with which you can adjust the speed of rotation of the discs or tweezers. At low power, it is necessary to remove hard and short hairs, since due to strong rotation they will break and the root will be inside. If the device is used for the first time, there will be pain, especially at low speed. But you should not increase the power, because this move reduces the processing efficiency. After a certain period of time, the skin will get used to the stress, hair removal will be quick and painless. Only then can you increase the speed, since the hairs will be thinner, so it will be easier to remove them.
  2. Length. When using the machine, you can avoid growing thick hair on your legs, armpits and bikini area. You need to steam the skin and then remove the vegetation. With an epilator, this is impossible; you will need to endure 2-3 days until the stumps grow to 0.4-0.5 cm. To remove hairs from the roots, forceps capture them whole.
  3. Technique. The device must be applied against hair growth, otherwise there is a risk that the device will be applied several times, which increases pain. The device must be held at an angle to the side in which the movement occurs. Do not remove hair by applying strong pressure to the skin from the epilator. The instrument must be played slowly and smoothly.
  4. Steaming. The downside of the device is pain. To minimize discomfort, you need to steam the skin before the procedure. You should take a hot bath with sea ​​salt And essential oils. A hot shower will also do.

How to use an epilator may depend on the areas being treated. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of work on each specific area of ​​the body.

Laser epilator

How to use a laser epilator? Before use, please read the instructions. The device should be tried on a small area of ​​the body to rule out allergies and irritation. Epilation is performed dry and clean skin when the hairs branch by 2 mm or more.

The rules of use are as follows:

  1. The device must be turned on.
  2. It is then placed close to the skin. The correct angle of exposure will allow you to effectively remove hairs. One light flash can cover 3 cm2.
  3. The device is then placed on another site.
  4. If the length of the hairs is more than 3 mm, then they must be shaved, slightly grown and only then epilated.

Hair does not fall out immediately, but within two days after the procedure. Do not apply before the session cosmetical tools.


The most sensitive area is considered to be the area under the knees and ankles. Other parts get used to the procedure quickly, so there will be no severe pain in the future. The most difficult time to epilate is the first 3-5 minutes, but then the discomfort disappears. Due to the fact that the feet have a large and flat surface, the session is quite simple. It will last 30-45 minutes.

How to properly use an epilator to treat your legs? First you need to prepare - steam the skin by taking a bath, and then apply a scrub coffee grounds. This event helps eliminate dead skin particles and remove ingrown hairs. Then you need to disperse the blood using a hard washcloth, rubbing each leg for three minutes.

All manipulations are performed 45-60 minutes before the procedure. After leaving the bathroom, you need to dry your skin and do a massage, which consists of rubbing, patting and pinching. After preparation, the device must be turned on (at low speed) and you can begin to remove vegetation; make movements against the growth of hairs.

Bikini area

This part is the most sensitive. There are many pain receptors in this area, so discomfort will be felt. It is advisable to perform the procedure with a special spray/gel that contains lidocaine.

You can use a special cooling mitt, which is sold in cosmetic stores. Women who are sensitive to pain use painkillers before treatment with the device. Before using the epilator in the bikini area, you need to remove hairs from the inner thigh with tweezers. The skin is then treated with alcohol, vodka or an antiseptic to protect against infection.

After this, you can use the epilator, and then you need to prepare a chamomile decoction. A cosmetic swab is moistened in it and the skin is wiped with it. The procedure helps relieve irritation and inflammation.


How to properly use the Philips epilator for armpits? Although this part of the body is small in area, it requires a special approach. The hairs are in the cavity, so when epilating you need to pull back the skin. To perform the procedure correctly and minimize discomfort, you need to stretch the epidermis at the moment when you move the epilator along the surface of the skin.

If the hairs are very long, then they should be cut to 0.5 cm. Otherwise, the pain will be 2 times stronger. After the end of the session, you need to treat the skin with chamomile decoction, and then apply a healing cream or lotion. Do not use deodorant for the next six hours.


How to use the Roventa epilator on the face? Standard devices are not suitable for this. When removing facial hair with a classic tool, the skin is injured. This can cause irritation and rashes. Many manufacturers produce devices specifically for the face.

Before the session, the skin must be cleansed. It is preferable to exfoliate to remove dead skin particles. It is important that there are no rashes or irritations on the face. If they are, then it is advisable to postpone the procedure. Place the device perpendicular to your body. Movements should be against hair growth. This will prevent their ingrowth and inflammation.

Reducing pain

The procedure often involves discomfort. But there are recommendations to reduce pain:

  1. You can use cooling agents: anesthetic lotions, special gloves. Ice cubes and cold water are suitable. If the skin is very sensitive, then give preference to waterproof devices to remove hair using special foams and gels.
  2. It is not advisable to treat large areas at once. The procedure must be performed without haste.
  3. First, turn on the device at low speed, it is advisable to start with the first and gradually increase. Gradually, the follicles will weaken, the skin will get used to the procedure, and the process will become less painful.
  4. Razor heads should be used with lotions, creams or gels that improve glide. This will protect against irritation.
  5. The skin can be soothed with a cooling pad or special cosmetics.

For sensitive epidermis, especially for the deep bikini area, you can purchase a delicate attachment. The size of this device is smaller, the speed will be lower, which reduces pain. A correctly performed procedure eliminates the occurrence of allergies and irritation.