Ice cubes for the face: effectiveness, recommendations, best recipes. Mint ice cubes for the face. Proper massage with cosmetic ice

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Many people know that ice is incredibly beneficial for the skin. But how to use it correctly so that it really only brings joy to the face, décolleté and the woman in general? Let's figure it out.

You will need:

The benefits of frozen water

Ice – excellent remedy for skin that needs a toning effect. After all, first, under the influence of cold, the vessels begin to narrow, and then gradually expand, the blood flows faster. From this, the skin receives more oxygen and, accordingly, its appearance becomes much better.

If you wash your face with ice in the morning, without using water, you can not only refresh your face, but also relieve fatigue and swelling. This will give him more healthy looking, blush will appear.

Ice slows down aging. It cannot completely rid the face of wrinkles or turn a 50-year-old woman into a young lady, but it helps remove small wrinkles, give elasticity, and a youthful appearance.

If you use ice from medicinal herbs or tea, this can help the skin become saturated with beneficial substances, remove acne, rashes, and redness.

Ice – good way fight very oily, acne-prone skin.

This good remedy for porous skin. It will dry the skin a little and soothe it.

The effect of ice can be compared to a contrast shower - it is very useful. But he can bring good result only if you use it correctly, in right time and in the right proportions. Otherwise, there will either be no point, or the result will be the opposite.


The use of ice sometimes causes controversy: some argue that it is useful and can be used by everyone. Cosmetologists consider ice to be stressful for the skin, and women boldly experiment in pursuit of youth.

Possible contraindications:

  • It does not need to be used if the skin is dry. It will begin to peel off.
  • There is no need to use ice in winter; during the cold season, the skin is constantly exposed to cold stress.
  • Contraindicated for (rosacea).
  • The presence of ulcers, wounds, any damage.
  • At .
  • If you have any dermatological skin diseases.

There is no need to use ice often, because the skin may lose its elasticity and premature wrinkles will begin to appear. If you do such a procedure before leaving home in winter, it is a real crime and torture for your facial skin.

Secrets of application

In order for ice to make your skin truly irresistible, you should follow the recommendations:

  1. Use ice wiping better in the morning. This way the skin will “wake up” and the toning effect will be noticeable.
  2. It is better to wipe your face with ice once a day, or at least twice. You should not rub your face with frozen water several times a day, even if it is very hot and you want to do this often.
  3. Ice should be used for cosmetic purposes in late spring and summer.
  4. If you use ice wiping in winter, wait three hours after the procedure and only then go outside.
  5. For the procedure, ice must be wrapped in a napkin or towel. Do not use an ice cube without "protection".
  6. The ice must be moved over the face very carefully, carefully, as if doing a massage; there is no need to stop anywhere. This should be a fairly quick process.
  7. You need to be especially careful with the skin under your eyes. There, walk through the ice just once.
  8. The entire process should not exceed 4-5 minutes.
  9. Do not use the middle of the ice cube - this is where all the harmful substances collect.
  10. After you finish wiping, let the skin dry. Don't rub it, don't use a towel. After half an hour, lubricate the skin with cream.
  11. If your skin is dry but you still want to use ice, lubricate it before use. vegetable oil, fat cream or regular sour cream.
  12. Ice can be used to keep the décolleté and neck toned.

Cooking features

  • To make ice that is suitable for absolutely any skin, use mineral water. Such an ice cube will give energy and vigor to the skin, because minerals will be able to saturate it and invigorate it.
  • If the skin is problematic, there are redness, rashes and fine wrinkles, it needs ice from herbal decoctions.

Chamomile, nettle, sage, calendula, and oak bark are very useful. If it’s dry, ice cubes made from mint, parsley, rose petals, linden flowers, lemon balm, and chamomile will help. In the event that it appears on the skin of the face, use cubes from a decoction of St. John's wort, birch buds, wormwood, and horsetail.

  • If the skin begins to lose its elasticity, becomes sluggish, and pores are present, you should make ice from very strong black tea.
  • A great way to rejuvenate your skin is with green tea cubes.

It is necessary to use strong, natural tea without additives. When used regularly, such ice can give the skin a rejuvenating effect.

  • Ice from water and lemon can also prolong youth. It will rejuvenate and whiten.
  • If a lady suffers from age spots, it is necessary to use ice made from rice water.

Ice for wrinkles

To get rid of wrinkles, you should take milk and dilute it half with water. To freeze. Use this ice once a day.

Another recipe:

  • Linden blossom 1 tbsp.
  • Boiling water 200 ml

Pour water over the flowers and leave until the mixture cools. Then strain and pour into molds.

You can do the following. Take:

  • Mint 2 tbsp.
  • Dandelion flowers 2 tbsp.
  • Boiling water 200 ml

Mix flowers and pour hot water. Insist. Strain and pour into molds.

You can make flax-based ice. To do this you need:

  • Flax seeds 2 tsp.
  • Boiling water 200 ml

The seeds must be filled with very hot water. They should sit for 5 hours. The mixture is then filtered and frozen. To make the ice more effective, you need to boil the flax on fire for 7 minutes. Then leave for 5 hours, cool, strain, pour into molds. This ice can very well smooth out fine wrinkles and nourish the skin with useful substances.

A good way to get rid of wrinkles would be frozen juice from the following fruits:

  • Sea ​​buckthorn.
  • Gooseberry.
  • Banana.
  • Persimmon.
  • Melon.
  • Watermelon.
  • Avocado.
  • Mandarin.
  • Plum.
  • Apricot.

If you do not have the opportunity to squeeze juice from these fruits, make a kind of paste and freeze.
It's also a good idea to freeze fresh strawberry juice in the summer.

You should wipe your face with this ice either in the morning or in the evening. There is no need to use it twice a day. This procedure must be done after you have thoroughly cleansed the skin.

When the skin is exposed to cold, the following happens:

  1. The skin is saturated with moisture, which quickly solves the problem of dryness and flaking.
  2. When exposed to cold, blood microcirculation improves in the deep layers of the skin. This helps restore metabolism and the appearance of a healthy glow. Moreover, the skin will take on a fresher, more rested appearance.
  3. Exposure to cold promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.

Benefits of using ice on your face

Regular use of ice cubes to rub your skin has the following benefits:

  1. Ability to eliminate wrinkles and acne.
  2. Pronounced rejuvenating effect
  3. Cleansing skin and pores.
  4. Elimination of pigmentation.
  5. The ability to influence the deep structure of the skin.
  6. Saturation of the skin with moisture.
  7. Possibility of preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
  8. Reducing skin oiliness by normalizing the functions of the sebaceous glands.
  9. Tightens facial skin and increases its elasticity.
  10. Cleansing the skin of pathogenic bacteria, which often cause acne.


Indications for using ice on the face are:

  1. Dryness and flaking of the skin.
  2. The appearance of the first signs of aging (for deep wrinkles, this remedy will be ineffective).
  3. Oily skin.
  4. Loss of elasticity of the epidermis.
  5. Acne.
  6. Pigmentation.
  7. Enlarged pores.


Unfortunately, using ice for cosmetic purposes is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to the use of this rejuvenation method are:

  1. The presence of an inflammatory process on the skin of the face.
  2. Open wounds on the face.
  3. Skin damage by various diseases (herpes, dermatitis, rubella, chickenpox, eczema, etc.).
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Too sensitive skin that reacts poorly to cold (breaks out in a rash).
  6. Fever and acute respiratory diseases.
  7. The presence of dilated blood vessels on the face.
  8. Skin irritation.

It is important to know that if there are contraindications, you should not use facial cubes, otherwise you can only worsen your skin condition.

Selection of herbs for the procedure

The selection of herbs used for freezing with water should always be done depending on the skin type.

Thus, for normal (combination skin) herbs such as plantain, yarrow and violet are suitable.

For oily skin can be used:

  1. St. John's wort,
  2. chamomile,
  3. nettle and calendula,
  4. weak decoctions of bay leaves.

Dry skin “loves”:

  • lemon balm decoctions,
  • parsley,
  • chamomile and tea rose petals.

What and how to make ice cubes for facial wrinkles

The following are distinguished: effective recipes making ice for the face against wrinkles:

  1. Herbal recipe:
  • take a herb selected according to your skin type (chamomile, nettle, yarrow or others);
  • pour a glass of boiling water over the grass (preferably purified water);
  • boil the mixture for twenty minutes;
  • cool and pour into ice cube trays;
  • to freeze;
  • Such cubes must be used within the next three days, otherwise their effect will be reduced.
  1. Nourishing product for dry skin:
  • squeeze juice from grapefruit;
  • pour juice into ice trays;
  • freeze and use every morning for a week.
  1. Coffee recipe for toning skin and eliminating wrinkles:
  • brew strong coffee without sugar;
  • pour the liquid into molds and freeze;
  • thoroughly wipe the withered skin every morning for five days.
  1. Parsley will help eliminate various skin defects:
  • chop parsley root;
  • pour a glass of boiling water over it;
  • leave for an hour;
  • strain and freeze the finished liquid in molds;
  • use to wipe your face.
  1. Mint recipe to give skin elasticity and eliminate wrinkles:
  • take a tablespoon of mint;
  • pour a glass of boiling water over it;
  • leave for twenty minutes;
  • strain and pour the mixture into ice trays;
  • to freeze;
  • wipe the skin every day for a week;
    After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the skin with a rich soothing cream.

To achieve a truly rejuvenating effect, before using ice cubes for your face, you should read the recommendations for their use:

  1. You need to move ice cubes over your face quite quickly, without lingering in one area, otherwise you can easily injure the skin.
  2. You need to start the procedure from the center of the forehead, gradually moving to the temple area. Next, you should slightly touch the hairline and move to the tip of the nose. Near the nostrils, move down to the cheeks and lips. Finally, run an ice cube from your chin to your ears.
  3. In the eye area you need to move from the inner corner to the outer.
  4. Don’t forget about the neck area, as wrinkles often form there too.
  5. It is advisable to hold the ice cubes with a towel, otherwise you can freeze the skin of your fingers.
  6. To further enhance the effect of this procedure, the composition of the ice cubes should be different each time.
  7. You should not wipe your face immediately after a massage.
  8. Only constant implementation of this method of rejuvenation can provide desired result on the skin.

Features of care by skin type

Each type of human skin has its own care characteristics.

Thus, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. For skin prone to dryness and flaking all anti-aging products must include essential oils and fortified supplements, since, most likely, pathological dryness of the epidermis is caused by a lack of nutrition and moisture. Can also be used fatty creams and lotions.
  2. If your skin, on the contrary, is prone to oiliness, It is recommended to use mattifying creams and wipe your face with ice with the addition of mint leaves or chamomile infusion.
  3. For combination skin moisturizing and deep cleansing should be used cosmetical tools. Moreover, with this type of epidermis it is very useful to do natural masks homemade (from yolks, honey, kefir, etc.).

What to do after the procedures

After completing the procedure, the face should be carefully blotted with soft paper towel. Apply decorative cosmetics undesirable.

It is important to know that you cannot warm your face after this procedure (you should also not sunbathe in the sun).

Special recipes for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is particularly sensitive, so it is very susceptible to external irritants. For this reason, all products for use in this area of ​​the face should be as “soft” as possible.

The best recipes for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes are:

  1. Take two spoons dry pharmaceutical chamomile and mix it with sage (1 tbsp).
  2. Pour in two glasses of water and boil for five minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. After this, cool the product, but it must not be in the form of ice.
  5. Wipe your face with cold broth every day.

You can also use so-called “cold lotions”.

To prepare them you need:

  1. Make a decoction of the string and add aloe juice to it (1:3).
  2. Soak two cotton pads in the prepared broth and place them in the freezer for a few minutes.
  3. After this, apply the discs to the area near the eyes. Leave for two to three minutes, no more. You can repeat the procedure every morning for two weeks.

To enhance the anti-aging effect, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. It is best to wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning, before applying cosmetics. This is the only way to intensively begin the rejuvenation process, because it is in the first half of the day that a person’s metabolic processes are most active.
  2. You need to wipe your face with slightly melted ice cubes, because if you use them immediately after the freezer, you can freeze your skin.
  3. Before the procedure, you can wash your face with warm water (after using ice, you can no longer wash your face with hot water).
  4. There is an opinion that the longer you rub ice cubes against wrinkles, the better the effect will be. In fact, this is not so, because with a long touch of cold, you can easily catch a cold on your facial nerve. The total duration of such a procedure should not be longer than a minute.
  5. Achieve visible results and improvements in skin condition will only be possible when all ingredients are carefully selected according to your personal skin type. Otherwise, the effect will be minimal.

Possible harm

Rejuvenation using ice cubes, if performed incorrectly, can cause severe dilation of blood vessels and the appearance of rosacea (visible spider veins on the face).

Ice has been used in facial and body care for a long time. Even Cleopatra, whose beauty became famous for centuries, was known beneficial features ice. Noble French beauties from the time of Louis XIV placed a bowl of water next to their bed at night. crushed ice, thus trying to preserve youth. Catherine II used ice washing for this purpose.

This procedure is still popular today. Many beauty salons offer it. Ready-made ice for the face is also sold for home use in plastic containers, which you just need to put in the freezer and it is ready to eat. Rubbing with ice tones the skin and mobilizes its protective properties. Instant cooling of the upper layer of skin causes narrowing of small upper vessels and expansion of deeper ones. This procedure will greatly help those whose skin reacts poorly to cold, becomes red and chapped. If you start washing with ice in the summer or autumn, your skin will be prepared for the winter season and will suffer much less from the cold. Blood vessels are strengthened, and enlarged skin pores are narrowed. This procedure also helps keep the skin young and gives elasticity. Removes fine wrinkles and protects against the appearance of large wrinkles. Dark circles and the swelling under the eyes disappears.

In some cases, ice washing cannot be used. There are contraindications for rosacea (spider veins), skin inflammation or eczema. Use with caution for acne; in this case, it is better to make ice from decoctions of calendula or chamomile and test the reaction on a small area. Use with caution if you are prone to allergies, in this case it is better to take clean water or proven herbal infusions. If you have a severe allergy to cold (to the point of blisters), and a very subtle one, sensitive skin, it is better not to use.

Buy tonics? For what? If you have a freezer (and you certainly do), you can make your own cosmetic ice for your face. The main thing is to regularly refresh your skin in the morning with this tonic, rejuvenating product.

Ice for the face: benefits

Melting on your cheeks, frozen water is perfectly absorbed into the skin, moisturizing it.

This procedure slows down the appearance of the first wrinkles.

The skin is toned qualitatively.

Facial swelling goes away.

Ice tightens pores and also normalizes sebum secretion.

After washing your face this way, your cheeks will become fresh and rosy.

You need to “wash” in this way not only in the morning, but also in the evening, 60 minutes before bedtime. You need to “run” the cube along the massage lines. Important: after the procedure, do not wipe your face, let it dry on its own: this way the beneficial substances will be better absorbed.

What is the recipe for such a healing cube? It may contain plain water. But of course, you can turn on women’s “magic” by adding a healing decoction of herbs, or pieces of juicy fruit or vegetables sparkling with vitamins to the molds.

Ice for the face: Your herbal bouquet

For facial skin care, you can use both an infusion and a decoction of herbs. It is not difficult to prepare such a “potion”. For example: pour one tablespoon of herb (which is most suitable for your skin type) into a glass hot water. Boil for about 15 minutes. Let it brew under the lid for 30 minutes, then strain and cool. Pour the cold broth into an ice tray and you can put it in the freezer. There, healing cubes can be stored for about 7 days.

Calendula, plantain, yarrow, rose, lemon balm, birch buds, sage, mint, St. John's wort, violet, linden, hawthorn, and berries are best suited for ice “baths.” How to choose “your” plant? Read on!

Ice cubes with chamomile

Need to disinfect your skin and relieve inflammation? Looking for relief from acne and pimples? A modest meadow flower will come to your aid. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried flowers, cover with a lid for 30 minutes - the decoction is ready, you can freeze and “wash”.

  • Rejuvenating ice cubes made from ginger and chamomile: salon treatment in 1 minute!

Your green friend parsley

Few people know that this is an effective whitening agent for pigmentation. Finely chop the leaves or root of parsley, pour in the same way as chamomile (a tablespoon of the plant - a glass of boiled water) for 30 minutes. The infusion is ready.

Tea – a drink of beauty

Green tea refreshes and tones the skin. Brew it, let it cool, then put it in the freezer overnight - you’ll get a fresh “tonic” in the morning. You can pour black tea into the molds (it refreshes the complexion), as well as red tea (smoothes out fine wrinkles). This the product will do any skin.

Mint not only calms, but also...

...Can refresh and “encourage” aging skin, as well as support it after aggressive sun or heavy cosmetics. Mint ice accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes. After such rubdowns, the cheeks glow with a blush, and the skin becomes elastic for a long time.

Ice cubes with essential oils

This product soothes the face, refreshes, softens and smoothes the skin. You need to add 3 drops to one glass essential oil geranium, 5 – rose and 2 – mint ester. Shake and pour into molds or ice bags. This is not a final recipe; the proportions of oils can be changed to suit your needs. But don’t forget: per 250 ml of filtered water you need to add no more than 10 drops of oil or a mixture of oils.

Ice berry

Don't have time to fool around with infusions and decoctions? Freeze small pieces kiwi, orange, apple or cucumber. If you wipe your face with these luscious products, your skin will thank you with a healthy glow.

Prepare a compote for your skin.

If you add berry, vegetable or fruit juices to ice, you will get a real youth serum. Citrus juices (orange, lemon, grapefruit) should be diluted with water one to one; Cucumber and watermelon can be frozen in their pure form. Important: store them in the freezer for no longer than 3 days.

Milk ice cubes for wrinkles

If you have mature, aging skin, dilute fresh milk of regular “homemade” fat content one to one with water and freeze. This “ice cream” will prolong the youth of your skin.

Salt ice for face

Dissolve a tablespoon of salt (sea or food) in a glass of heated water, let the liquid cool and freeze it. This product is used to care for problem skin, especially oily and comedones.

Face masks. Simple recipes for every skin type.

To provide the skin proper care, you must first test its condition, find out what type it is, and based on this, choose suitable face masks.

Greetings, beauties! I decided to do cryotherapy. Have you heard of this one? Now that winter is upon us, it's time to freeze ice cubes. Eh, I wish I knew The Snow Queen how good ice is for youthful skin, if only I wouldn’t be so angry. But you and I know that ice cubes for the face against wrinkles are one of the effective ways rejuvenation and maintenance of natural beauty.

What can the procedure improve?

Note: Ice massage is officially called cryomassage. You can entrust its execution to professionals in a beauty salon, or you can prepare ice at home and perform the procedure yourself.

The procedure itself is already minus wrinkles, but if you make ice with filler, the result will exceed all your expectations. Regular cryomassage will give your skin:

  • Anti-aging effect, reduction of deep wrinkles and elimination of small ones
  • Elimination of acne and age spots
  • Slowing down age-related changes
  • Increased elasticity
  • Improved complexion
  • Relieving swelling
  • Narrowing pores

What causes this cosmetic effect? The fact is that by rubbing the skin with an ice cube, we massage and at the same time tone it, and due to the low temperature, the blood vessels narrow and then expand, and the beneficial substances included in the ice saturate the skin faster. All this improves blood circulation and metabolic processes, accelerates cell regeneration, and activates many processes that occur under the skin.

What the Snow Queen didn't know

Most likely, she still guessed, because she was very beautiful (let’s not lie!), and the cold helped her with this. Well, let's get to the point...

To experience all the above-mentioned delights for yourself, you must massage your skin according to certain rules and carefully consider the choice of components for making ice.

How to properly wipe your face? You can only move the cube along the massage lines, and do not stay in one place. So, here is the facial route it is advisable to follow:

  • Forehead: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the bridge of the nose to the hairline.
  • Cheek area: from the corners of the lips to the ears, from the middle of the chin to the ears, from the nose to the ears.
  • Nose: from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, along the wings of the nose, from the back to the wings.
  • Eye area: from the inner corner of the lower eyelid to the outer, the same at the top.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure immediately after water procedures and at least an hour before leaving the house, especially in the cold season. Rub with slightly melted ice to avoid accidentally scratching your face. You can wrap the cubes in a napkin, it will be even more convenient. You should massage for no more than 3 minutes in total and no more than 3 seconds in one place.

Note: After the massage, you should not wash your face immediately; just blot off excess water with a napkin. Allow the beneficial substances to be absorbed into the skin.

Cooking correctly

How to make ice cubes? It all starts with choosing good water. It won't work from the tap! Your skin will prefer ice made from pure (filtered, settled) or mineral water. As shape will fit a standard form for refrigerators or a special silicone one, as well as simple plastic cups.

So, when preparing the cubes, we take into account the rules:

  1. Clean water must be used
  2. When choosing a composition, you should take into account your
  3. Make ice according to different recipes, periodically changing the composition of the cubes; variety here is both appropriate and useful.

Before I tell you about the useful ingredients, I’ll dwell on some features of ice making recipes:

  • The easiest way to prepare infusions is as follows: a tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water → infused → cooled → filtered.
  • Decoctions: a tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water, placed on water bath for 30-45 minutes, then infuse in the same way (less is possible) → cool → filter.
  • Berry and fruit juices are diluted with water (1:2). In some cases, watermelon or cucumber juice can serve as an alternative to water.
  • I do not recommend storing cubes in the freezer for more than a week.

I suggest you visually look at one of the options for preparing today’s remedy:

Directly kitchen

It is important to use ingredients that suit your skin type. But not for the sake of whim, but out of necessity, because each type has its own needs and characteristics.

Dry skin type

Dry skin needs nourishing and moisturizing ingredients that will not dry it out. It is ideal to make cubes with the addition of:

  • juice of red berries (raspberries, strawberries, hawthorn);
  • melon juice;
  • oatmeal infusion;
  • honey;
  • sea ​​buckthorn juice;
  • milk;
  • cream;
  • decoction or infusion of linden, black elderberry, rose petals.

Fat type

For oily skin, in addition to fighting wrinkles, properly selected ingredients will help even out the complexion, solve the problem of oily shine, enlarged and clogged pores. Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and nourish with vitamins and microelements:

  • Chamomile ice dries the skin and, thanks to its antiseptic properties, solves the problem of inflammation and pimples;
  • infusion or decoction of calendula flowers - dries the skin, fights acne;
  • cubes with lemon - very good for oily types, mattify the skin and tighten pores;
  • aloe juice;
  • cucumber juice;
  • oak bark decoction.

Combined type

Ingredients for combination skin:

  • cucumber juice;
  • decoction of birch buds;
  • succession;
  • mint;
  • coffee

With this type of skin, it is advisable to wipe the face locally, on the most problematic areas. And use the right components.

Note: If you want rejuvenation to be accompanied by elimination age spots, then ice with parsley and cucumber juice will come in handy.

Normal type

You are lucky! All you need to do is keep it in this condition for as long as possible. Ingredients suitable for this type of skin:

  • from rose petals;
  • from mineral water;
  • ice from watermelon juice – tones and refreshes;
  • Kelp cubes are a powerful vitamin supplement for the skin. Pour boiling water over dry, crushed kelp and leave for 2-4 hours.
  • sage;
  • mumiyo;
  • strawberry.

Eye area

And here is what we will use in cubes for the area around the eyes:

  • tea (especially green) removes toxins, slows down the process of withering, relieves puffiness;
  • fresh cucumber juice - little eyes love this vegetable.
  • parsley – effective against fatigue and bags under the eyes, rejuvenates and refreshes.

For your convenience, I even compiled a table:

Your skin type

Suitable components

calendula, lemon, birch buds, dandelion, chamomile, cucumber juice, aloe, oak bark, St. John's wort, wormwood, coltsfoot, chicory, apple juice, sage, eucalyptus, burdock
eleutherococcus, milk, cream, honey, linden, rose petals, melon, sea buckthorn juice, raspberries, strawberries, hawthorn, rowan, rose hips, oatmeal, parsley


birch buds, mint, coffee, milk, string, aloe juice, chamomile, mumiyo


watermelon juice, mineral water, milk, sage, strawberries, mint, honey, raspberry leaves, grapes, peach,

Do no harm

Is it useful for absolutely everyone to do this procedure? It is necessary to postpone or completely abandon cryomassage if you have:

  • Allergy to cold
  • Allergy to components in ice cubes (be careful with herbs, honey).
  • Cold, fever
  • Open wounds on the face
  • Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses
  • Vessels close to the surface, rosacea

Ice cubes are an effective help for youthful and elastic facial skin. Make such a massage a daily ritual, and as you age you will accumulate only life experience, not wrinkles!

And yet, I am inclined to believe that the Snow Queen knew how ice preserves youth...

With this, I say goodbye to you today. I hope you learned something useful from the article. Share it with your friends and visit the blog more often, all the best!