Where to find all Barenziah stones in skyrim. How to find Barenziah stones in Skyrim? Where to find stones

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (TES V): Stones of Barenziah

As you adventure through the world of Skyrim, you may come across a mysterious stone that appears to be a floating red gem in an open golden box. After which you will be sent to Riften to look for someone who can appreciate this thing.

When entering the city you will meet Maul, who will tell you that to solve this mystery you will have to join the thieves guild. And he will be right, in their lair - the Ragged Flagon tavern - you need to talk to Vex about this mysterious stone.

She will tell us that these stones are part of Barenziah's crown, which have value if you put them all together. There are 24 Barenziah Stones in total, and they are scattered throughout Skyrim. After which we will receive the quest “Look Under Every Stone” (No Stone Unturned) to find them.

Most of them can be found by completing side quests for the Thieves Guild, but in order not to waste time, here is a list of Barenziah's stones.

Stones of Barenziah in The Elder Scrolls 5:

Whiterun- Halls of the Dead, at the end of the catacombs.
Whiterun- Jarl's room in the Dragonsreach castle.
Whiterun- Jorrvaskr, Kodlak's room.
Solitude- your "High Spire" house, in the bedroom.
Solitude- Jarl's room in the Blue Palace.
Riften- Jarl's room in Mistveil Keep.
Windhelm- Royal Palace (Palace of the Kings), room of the jarl magician - Wuunferth.
Windhelm- House of Clan Shatter-Shield.
Markarth- Treasury House, in Thonar's bedroom.
Markarth- Understone Keep, Dwemer Museum, in the first room on the left.
College of Winterhold- Archmage's room.
Dead Crone Rock, located south of Markarth - opposite the wall with the word of power.
Black-Briar Lodge, located east of Riften - on the second floor, next to the bed. Important! Don't confuse it with an estate in the city itself.
Ansilvund, located north of Riften - on the table between the coffins.
Stony Creek Cave - next to the alchemist's laboratory.
Rannveig's Fast, located south of Morthal - in front of the wall with the word of power.
Fellglow Keep, located northeast of Whiterun - in a room with an enchantment altar.
Ship Dainty Sload, next to the Solitude Lighthouse - on the table next to the chest.
Sunderstone Gorge, located northwest of Falkreath - on the table in front of the wall with the word of power.
Yngvild, an island northeast of Dawnstar- last room.
Hob's Cave, located between Dawnstar and Winterhold - next to the alchemist's laboratory.
Pinewatch, house northeast of Falkreath, next to Helgen - a secret room in the basement.
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, located west of Falkreath - Astrid's room.
Thalmor Embassy- in the ambassador's room on the 2nd floor. We get there when completing the main quest. Important! Don't try to get there before the main quest, as this will lead to a whole bunch of bugs. After completing the quest, getting there is also difficult; the easiest way is to use the console command coc ThalmorEmbassy01.

After mining all the stones, Vex will ask you to find Barenziah's crown itself. To do this, we will have to go to Tolvald's Cave, which is located north of Riften. A rather dangerous place, infested with Falmer, so be better prepared.

After returning the crown, you will receive a unique effect that will increase the chance of finding gems in all chests.

Good luck searching!

On your own.

1. Ansilvund(northeast of the settlement of Stone Shora, “Burial Halls” zone, on the table between the sarcophagi)
2.College of Winterhold(lies on a shelf in the archmage’s chambers. The chambers become available after the quest “In the Depths of Saarthal”)
3.Dragon's Reach(in one of the jarl’s chambers. Lying on the bedside table)
4. Whiterun Hall of the Dead(Catacombs area. On one of the grave beds at the end of the hall)
5. Jorrvaskr(zone “Residential premises”. Chambers of Kodlak White Mane)
6. House of the Shattershield clan(the house is located in Windhelm)
7.Royal Palace in Windhelm(top floor. Room of Wunfert the Unliving. Related quest “Blood on the Snow”)
8. Smoking Cave(next to the corpse of the necromancer. Before patch 1.4, this stone was in the Thalmor embassy)
9.Ingvild(Throne room, room behind the throne of Arondil.
Related quest "Games with the Dead" (Thieves Guild))
10.Fellglow Keep(In a room with an alchemy laboratory and a pentagram of souls. Related quest “Library Books” (College of Winterhold))
11.Dwemer Museum(The museum is located in the Understone Fortress in Markarth. The stone lies behind the golden lattice door, on the table. Related quest “Difficult Answers”)
12.Treasury in Markarth(In Tonar's bedroom, on the nightstand to the right of the bed. Related quest "Conspiracy of the Forsworn")
13. Abode of Rannveig(On the table in the room with the cages)
14. Stone Stream Cave(Next to the alchemy laboratory)
15. Khoba Cave(To the left of the alchemy laboratory)
16. Picky load(On the table next to the captain's chest. Related quest "The Picky Sload")
17. Divided Gorge(Northwest of Falkreath. The stone is on the table in front of the Wall of Words.)
18.Mistveil Fortress in Riften(The Jarl's chambers. The stone lies on the cabinet to the left of the bed)
19.Residence "Black Veresk"(Not far from Riften. The stone is on the top floor, on the nightstand in the room. Related quest “Keep your word”)
20. Blue Palace in Solitude(In the Jarl's chambers)
21.High Spire Estate(Located in Solitude. One of the purchased houses for the main character. The stone is in the room next to the bed)
22. Old Lady's Rock(On the altar, next to the Wall of Words. Related quest "Shards of Past Glory")
23.Pine Outpost(Northeast of Falkreath. The house has a secret passage to the bandit's lair. The stone is in one of the rooms behind a closed door, on a bookshelf. Related quest "Silver Blank")
24. Vault of the Dark Brotherhood(Near Falkreath. The stone is on the table in Astrid's room. Related quests: "Vault" or "Farewell to the Dark Brotherhood")

Via the console

Enter two commands in the console:
setobjectivecompleted TGCrown 20 1
setstage TGCrown 30
After entering the console command to add all the stones to the inventory at once, a bug occurs with the lack of a task to search for the crown of Barenziah from Vex
Solution: Run this stage of the quest manually using a console command setstage TGCrown 40.
If there are strong game lags, when trying to pick up a stone, several stones may be counted at once instead of one, if you have time to press the [E] key several times
. Only one stone will be added to your inventory, but the quest will come to completion faster. If completed this way
quest until you receive all the stones, then the remaining ones will no longer be quest stones. However, it is useless to force such a stone to lie quietly on a display case - it will most likely hang in the air nearby.

This simple mod adds quest markers for all 24 Barenziah Stones (uncommon gems) that you need to find/collect for the "Look Under Every Stone" quest. The Stones of Barenziah are 24 gems that are scattered throughout Skyrim. To start the quest, you need to find any stone, and to continue it and join the Thieves Guild and go to Vex.

1. Dragon's Reach: Jarl's chambers, go up the stairs, and behind the door, on the left, there will be a room with a stone on the bedside table.
2. Hall of the Dead: we go into the catacombs, go down the left stairs and look at the first grave on the left.
3. Jorrvaskr (Companions building): in Kodlak's room, on the shelf to the left of the bed.

4. Blue Palace: the jarl's chambers, the room farthest from the throne, the largest. On the closet, near the bed.
5. "The Picky Sload": ship, not far from the Solitude Lighthouse, in the captain's cabin, right on the table (You'll have to sneak through the whole ship)
6. “High Spire”: this is our own house in Solitude, after purchasing it, go up to the 3rd floor, go into the bedroom, there is a closet behind the door (the most expensive stone, to get it, you will have to pay 25,000)

College of Winterhold
7. Chambers of the Archmage: You will have to go through the first quests of the College. Then go up to the archmage, to the left of the bed there are several cabinets with skulls.

8. Witch's stronghold: located southwest of Markarth, you need to climb to the very top, through the Old Woman's Rock tower and there will be a stone on the table, near the Wall of Words.
9. Treasury: in the far left room, next to the bed.
10. Understone Fortress, Dwemer Museum: room on the left, inside on the table on the right.

11. Clan House Shattered Shield: 2nd floor, first bedroom on the left.
12. Royal Palace: Wunfert's room. When entering, take the first door on the left and then straight ahead to the end.

13 Mistvale Fortress: we rise to the Jarl’s palace, open the door in the middle and there is a stone on the bedside table.
14. Residence "Black Heather": located east of Riften, in the main hall up the stairs, to the left, in the room on the bedside table.

Various locations
15. Lair of the Dark Brotherhood, in Astrid’s room (Immediately at the entrance, room to the left, on the table).
16. Ansilvund. Burial halls: Southeast of Windhelm In the room in which you kill Lu "a. (Columns: eagle, snake, whale, snake.)
17. Stone Brook Cave: just north of Ansilvund. In the cave we go up the stream, we reach a branch, we go into the alchemist’s room, there, on the table.
18. Rannveig Abode: South of Morthal, just below the southern passage of the Cold Rocks. Go down to the very bottom.
19. Fellglow Fortress: in order to get there, you will have to take a quest from the College of Winterhold to find stolen books (given after Saarthal). The stone is located on the second level of the fortress, in the alchemist's laboratory.
20. The "divided gorge" cave at the end, next to the Wall of Words, on a table with corpses.
21. Ingvild: between Dawnstar and Winterhold, the bartender in the Thieves Guild gives another quest to find 4 books of Arondil in this location. In the room behind the throne room, where the 4th part of the diary lies, there is a stone.
22. Hobb's Cave: south of Ingvild, room with an alchemy table, to the left of it on a shelf.
23. Thalmor Embassy: in the second building (Elenwen's personal chambers) on the second floor, first bedroom on the left, on the nightstand next to the bed, on the right or in the Smoking Cave, next to the corpse.
24. Pine Outpost: A small shack in the west of Helgen (Starting location), in the house there is a cache leading to a cave with a bunch of bandits (one of the quests will lead you there for a silver blank). In the room with the draugr tombs there is a door, and behind it there is a lot of stuff. On the shelf on the right lies the last stone. ATTENTION: We read the special quest in the passage “Silver Blank”, it will help you find the 24th stone.

After we have found all the stones, we go to Vex in the Thieves Guild. She will send us for the last, 25th part, for the crown itself.
The cave turns out to be not simple, but with hidden Dwemer ruins, we make our way inside, find the crown, fight off the ghosts and return to Vex.
Now the crown adorns the thieves guild hall and, when activated, gives a bonus in the form of a perk for finding various expensive stones in chests.

Skyrim and higher

Regular version - Drop the files into the Skyrim/Data folder
Steam version - upload files to Steam/Steam Apps/Common/Skyrim/Data

Stones of Barenziah

Hi all. In this manual The location of all of Barenziah's stones is revealed.
Total of them 24 pieces
So let's go
Map of locations where Barenziah stones are located
Detailed description of the locations of all Barenziah Stones

  • Dragon's Reach . Jarl's chambers, go up the stairs, behind the door, on the left, there will be a room, on the bedside table
  • Whiterun .Hall of the Dead, go into the catacombs, go down the left stairs and look at the first grave on the left
  • Whiterun . Jorrvaskr, in Kodlak's room, on the bedside table, to the left of the bed
  • Blue Palace .The jarl's chambers, the room farthest from the throne, on the bedside table
  • Solitude .“High Spire”, our own house, on the third floor in the bedroom Need to buy a house
  • "Picky Sload" . In the captain's cabin, right on the table Special task of the Thieves Guild in Solitude
  • College of Winterhold . The Archmage's chambers, to the left of the bed in one of the closets After completing the quest “In the Depths of Saarthal”
  • Markarth . Treasure room, in the far left room, next to the bed Quest “Rogue Conspiracy”
  • Understone Fortress . Dwemer Museum, first room, left, on the table Thieves Guild quest “Difficult Answers”
  • Old Lady's Rock . Climb to the very top, on the altar near the Wall of Words Daedra quest “Fragments of Past Glory”
  • Windhelm . Shattershield Clan House, second floor, first bedroom to the left
  • Royal Palace .The room of the magician Wunfert, at the entrance, the first door to the left and then straight to the end of the Quest “Blood on the Snow”
  • Mistvale Fortress Jarl's chambers, door in the middle, on the bedside table
  • Residence "Black Heather" . In the main hall, up the stairs, to the left, in the room on the bedside table Quest “You gave your word - keep it”
  • Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary . In Astrid's room, first room on the left, on the table You need to join the guild
  • Ansilvund . Funeral halls, in the room in which you kill Lu
    Stone Stream Cave . In the cave we go upstream, the first turn to the right, in the alchemist’s room, on the table
  • Abode of Rannveig . Go down to the very bottom, on the table
  • Fellglow Fortress. On the second level of the fortress, in the alchemist’s laboratory Quest of the College of Magicians of Winterhold “Library Books”
  • Divided Gorge . Near the Wall of Words, on a table with corpses
  • Ingvild .In the room behind the throne room Quest “The Diaries of Arondil”
  • Khoba Cave . In the room with the alchemy table, on the shelf
  • Thalmor Embassy .Elenwen's private quarters, on the second floor, first bedroom on the left, on the bedside table
  • Smoking Cave .Next to the necromancer's corpse
  • Pine Outpost. In the room with the tombs of the draugr there is a door, behind it on the shelf on the right Special task of the Thieves Guild in Markarth
After collecting all the stones, we return to Vex in the Thieves Guild, she says that only the last detail remains - we need to find Barenziah’s crown itself, and sends us to Tolvald’s cave. After returning the crown, you will receive a unique “Thief's Luck” effect, which will increase the chance of finding gems in all kinds of chests.

The unusual stones in the game are associated with the ceremonial crown of Barenziah, once stolen from Mournhold by a robber named Wulfmar Shadowcloak, and divided into many pieces that were scattered throughout the game world. The quest “Look Under Every Stone” becomes available after you find the Barenziah stones or at least one of them in Skyrim, and then talk to Hammer at the entrance to Riften. He will direct you to the thief Vex at the Ragged Flagon Tavern.

If you passed the test in the market under the supervision of Brynjolf and joined the Thieves Guild, then she will tell you the story of the unusual stones and tell you to find all 24 parts (individually they are not of much value).

12. Old Lady's Rock (find a stone table near the Wall of Words)

13. Black-Briar Manor, located east of Riften (go to the bedroom on the second floor)

14. Ansilvund, located in the northeast of the settlement of Stone Shora

15. Stone Handle Cave, located south of Eastmarch (head to the last room and take Barenziah's Skyrim stone from the table)

16. Rannveig Abode, located southwest of Morthal (you can find the stone near the Alchemy Set)

17. Fellgrove Fortress, located east of Whiterun (climb the stairs up and turn right)

18. Picky Sload (you need to find the ship that is located southwest of the lighthouse in Solitude)

19. Divided Gorge, located northwest of Falkirt (find a table near the Wall of Words)

20. Bedroom behind the throne in Ingvild (an island located northeast of Dawnstar)

21. Hob's Cave on the coast between the College of Wintrehold and Dawnstar (go to the alchemical laboratory there)

22. Second floor of the Thalmor Embassy

23. House located west of Helgen in Pine Outpost (in the basement of the house you can find a button that opens the door to the robbers' hideout)