Scenario “A Magic Tale for the New Year. Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “Save the New Year! New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "In the winter forest"

Scenario for children's theatrical program

« Christmas story or kidnapping magic staff in broad daylight"


Father Frost

Snow Maiden




Before reading the New Year's script, I recommend looking for a gift for yourself in an online household appliances store. A huge range of products is presented here. Come in and choose!
Wonderful fairy tale

On a magical night -

Each of us is there

Wouldn't mind being there.

There the Fairy finds out

What do you dream about.

And everything will come true

Whatever you want!

He's shrouded in mystery

Winter fairy forest.

And in it we will see

Quite a few miracles.

We have a good fairy tale

Everyone is invited.

And the door to magic

Santa Claus is opening!


(Santa Claus comes out with a bag and a staff.

Sings the song “The Last Sheet of the Calendar” to the tune of “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest”)

D.M. (sings)

Last page of the calendar

Left on the wall.

I worked all year not in vain.

It's time for me to hit the road!

I'll travel hundreds of miles in a row,

So that on the night under New Year

Put on a Christmas tree outfit

And she got up in a round dance.

I will give gifts to children,

After all, there is no one kinder than me.

I don't want a better award

What joy to all children!

– I’m tired somehow! But I haven’t congratulated all the forest dwellers on the New Year yet. You need to give gifts to squirrels, hares, and foxes.

Oh, I completely forgot! That's memory! I'm getting old, I'm getting old! Snegurochka and I still need to go to the school Christmas tree with the kids! Hmm, where is my granddaughter, Snow Maiden?

(Calls Snow Maiden. She doesn’t respond)

- What to do? No Snow Maiden! And I still need to get to the animals in time! Okay, I’ll write her a letter so she doesn’t worry!

(Santa Claus pretends to write a letter)

- That's better! The Snow Maiden will read the letter and find me. In the meantime, I’ll go to the forest animals.

(Santa Claus leaves)


(The Snow Maiden comes out and sings a song to the tune of “Ice Ceiling”)

1 verse

I'm the Snow Maiden girl!

I live in the middle of nowhere.

My figurine will flash

And the painted tower

Stands alone snowy

In the middle of winter, gray

Hung with icicles

With a crystal star.


I'll treat the elk

Humpback in the morning,

With titmouses and bunnies

I'll start a game.

The Christmas tree is wonderful

Frolic forest people.

And the snow is a funny song

Crystal sings!

Verse 2:

fluttering small

among your friends.

Patterned mitten

I'll brush the snow off the branches.

It's easy for me to dance here,

Under the lace of birches,

And he admires his granddaughter,

Squinting, Santa Claus.


The eyes are shining clean,

It's like heaven.

And the golden one curls

Waist-length braid.

My name is friendly

Under the sparkles of dawn.

I give you bright smiles

And winter holidays.

Snow Maiden- Grandfather Frost, are you home? (pause) Strange. Where is he? Where did you go? (finds a letter, says in surprise) What is it? (Reads the letter aloud: )

“Dear granddaughter, I went to congratulate the forest inhabitants on the New Year. I’ll be waiting for you in the forest clearing, near the Christmas tree, after sunset.”

- Oh, the sun will set soon. We need to hurry. Otherwise grandpa will wait and worry. (The Snow Maiden leaves )


(Santa Claus enters to the music)

D.M. – I walked around the forest animals, congratulated them all: foxes, hares, wolf cubs, squirrels, all the birds. Looks like I haven't forgotten anyone!

(Walks near the Christmas tree, admires its outfit. Looks at his watch)

How the clearing spreads out!

The snow lies like white fluff.

It’s too early for me to go see the kids,

And the clearing beckons you to lie down.

I guess I'll lie down here,

Let me take a nap for an hour or two,

But I'll set the alarm clock

Wake me up, my friend!

And here is the stump. I'll sit down and take a little nap. I'm tired today! (Sits on a tree stump, snores. Places bag and staff next to him)


(Baba Yaga and Leshy enter to the music. Leshy sings a song to the tune of “Oh, this girl”)

Goblin — (sings)

I met my grandmother, a crescent eyebrow,

There is a mole on my cheek and love in my eyes.

She broke my heart and took my peace.

I met her, and with her came love

There is a mole on the cheek, a crescent eyebrow.

Oh, this mole drove me crazy,

She broke my heart and took my peace.

Oh, this grandmother drove me crazy,

Broke my heart, took my peace

B.I.- How tired of you, Leshy!

You've eaten all my baldness.

Get yourself a comb

Yes, do your hair!

Hair in three rows

And they are not always combed!

I also found a groom. Get yourself in order first!

Goblin- Grandma, it will be New Year soon,

People will dress up.

Look, I'm dressing up,

I'll be your groomsman!

B.Ya.- Oh! I'm dying of laughter now!

Look, this is fun!

I have found a groom!

Tell me, did you wash your face this morning?

Here I am - beautiful, young,

I am Yagusya, no matter where!

I went to the bathhouse this morning,

I've got the curlers on!

Goblin- Stop laughing at me!

Well, stop laughing!

Otherwise I’ll hit you in the forehead with a stick,

There will be a lesson for you!

(The goblin grabs the magic staff and swings at Baba Yaga)

B.Ya.- Why did you swing? Look, it’s better that he grabbed the stick. This is Santa Claus's magic staff!

Goblin- Well, the staff. And what? What difference does it make to me what I use to heat you up?

B.Ya.- What are you, your head is stupid! Yes, with this staff we can do such things! And them!

Goblin- Wow! Your truth, Yagusya! Look, there’s a bag of gifts!

B.Ya.- And it will do! Otherwise, you and I are always left without holidays and without gifts!

Goblin- Now I’ll conjure something for myself! You still won't get anything good from Santa Claus! I'll do something nasty to him! (The goblin waves his staff ) Shushara - mushara - shoot!

(The tiger comes out to the song “My affectionate and gentle beast”)

B.Ya.- What it is? What kind of animal? Well, I got home, you fool! Copperfield is unhappy! I'm getting more focused!

Goblin- Stop swearing, Yaga! Let's find out what kind of miracle Yudo came to us? (Addresses the tiger ) Hey, you miracle - Yudo! Who are you?

Tiger- Hello! We've arrived! He conjured himself, and now he’s asking! Tiger I am the symbol of 2010!

B.Ya.- Here’s a New Year’s gift for you, I brought it to you myself!

Tiger- But - but, be careful, Yaga - bone leg!

B.I. - Is it me?!

Tiger- You are it!

B.Ya.- This, tiger, is something wrong with your eyes! Well, what kind of bone leg do I have? I'm just beautiful! Yaguska is a young girl! Leshy, confirm!

Goblin- Of course, grandma, you are simply beautiful!

B.I. - So, that’s it!

(Baba Yaga sings a song from the film

"New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya")

B.Ya.(sings )

I like birds and fish

The cheerful trill of a stream.

And I can't live without a smile

Watch the flight of a moth A-a-a!

(Baba Yaga coughed. She takes an egg out of her pocket and drinks)

Tiger- Yes, you, Yagusenka - a young thing, it’s time for you to retire, warm your bones on the stove! (Laughs)

B.Ya.- Oh, you tiger - tiger, huge eyes! Yes, I am the most enviable bride in our forest!

Goblin – (whispers to Baba Yaga) – grandma, let’s lure this tiger to our side, let’s deceive him! And without him there will be no holiday!

B.Ya.- Well done, Leshy! After all, your brain is still working. Not completely dumb!

Goblin- That's enough, Yagusya, don't hurt me. I suggested an idea to you, and you call me names!

B.Ya.- Okay, okay, dear! I won't do it again!

Tiger-What are you whispering there?

B.Ya.- Yes, we decided to do a good deed here!

Tiger- Which?

Goblin– Do you see Santa Claus sleeping?

Tiger- I see!

B.Ya.- So, he was tired from the road and dozed off. And before falling asleep, he asked us to take his bag of gifts and a magic staff to his granddaughter Snegurochka!

Goblin- Do me a favor, little tiger, help grandpa! ( Laughs)

B.Ya.- Yes, yes, take it all to his granddaughter!

Tiger-Where does she live? I don't know!

Goblin- And we will show you the way. Go straight. Don't turn anywhere. If you see a hut, go there and wait! That's where the Snow Maiden lives!

Tiger- Well, if this is the case, I agree to help Santa Claus!

B.Ya.- Do me a favor, my friend, help!

Tiger- What about Grandfather? Should we leave him here?

Goblin- Don't worry! Go, and we’ll wake up grandpa and we’ll all come there together! (Baba Yaga and Leshy push the tiger)

Tiger- Okay, okay, I'll go!

B.I. - Are you still here? Go already, go!

(Tiger leaves)

Goblin- Grandma, what great fellows we are! Both the staff and the gifts were stolen! And this beast was outwitted!

B.Ya.- Yes, my dear, Leshy, with the magic staff we will arrange a holiday for ourselves! A real evil New Year!

Goblin-What kind of evil New Year is this? I don't understand!

B.Ya.- What a fool! This means you and I will gather all the evil spirits and celebrate the New Year with friends! (Laughs )

Together- People will have fun!

It will be Zlydnin's New Year!

(They laugh and hug each other)


(The alarm clock rings, Santa Claus wakes up)

D.M. — I slept for a long time. Oh, where is my magic staff? And there is no bag of gifts! What's happened? Who could have taken them?

D.M. – Trouble! Trouble has happened! (screams, groans) Oh-oh-oh!!! Woe, woe is me!

(a fairy enters to the music)

Fairy- Hello Dedushka Moroz! What's happened? Why are you grieving?

D.M.- Hello, good Fairy! Yes, here I am, an old fool, with a hole in my head! He dozed off and left the magic staff and bag of gifts unattended. A-ya-yay! Well, well, I missed it myself, I’ll look for it myself.

Fairy- Where is your granddaughter, Snow Maiden?

(music plays and the Snow Maiden appears)

Snow Maiden- Grandpa, I finally found you! Why are you so sad? Did something happen?

(Santa Claus groans and sighs)

Fairy- Your grandfather was robbed - a bag of gifts and a magic staff were taken away!

Snow Maiden- What to do, how to be? (crying)

D.M.- We need to look for robbers, otherwise we won’t see either a New Year tree or a holiday!

Fairy- Don’t be sad, grandpa, don’t cry Snow Maiden, I will help you in trouble, I will help you out! After all, I am, after all, a fairy fairy!

(Fairy casts a spell)

Help the forest animals,

Help the forest birds,

Tell me who stole

magic staff and gifts from Santa Claus?

Who is this villain and thief?

(Music sounds. A crow is heard cawing.

Crow speaks off-screen)

Crows. Kar! Kar! Why did Santa Claus, the nimble - r - drop the people's goods? The forest evil spirits grabbed your staff and bag - Leshy and Baba Yaga, and your guest - the tiger - helped them! Kar-r-r! Shame - r - r!

Snow Maiden- Oh, that's who the villains are! This is Baba Yaga with Leshim! And they also took Tiger as an assistant!

D.M. - These are scoundrels, these are ugly! Well, never mind, we’ll show them, we’ll punish them!

Fairy“Then it’s time to hit the road and look for forest evil spirits!”

(Fairy, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave)


(Tiger comes out to the music and sees a hut)

Tiger- Here is the magic hut. But it doesn’t look like Santa Claus’s house! And the Snow Maiden is not here! Where am I? Strange, strange!

(Baba Yaga and Leshy enter, singing to the tune of V. Serduchka’s song

“I’m just coming out of the cold”)


Why, why are we evil?

Bad and nasty?

You may ask why we are like this

And we are forest dwellers, oh, forest dwellers!


And we are angry with Frost,

To Grandfather Frost,

Because it's a holiday

He doesn’t invite us with him!

Tiger- And here you are! Something I don’t understand, whose address did you give me?

Leshy and B.Ya. (together)- Whose, whose? Santa Claus, of course!

Tiger-Where is he himself? And where is the Snow Maiden?

B.Ya.- They'll come soon, honey!

Tiger- Something is not clean here! I don't believe you! Are you saying that you are planning something bad? Otherwise I will tell you!!!

Goblin- Look at him! I gave up my orders, you understand! Give me the staff here and get out of here!

Tiger - Look, what are you thinking! Will not give it back!

(The Leshy and Baba Yaga snatch the staff from him and the bag from the Tiger,

Here they are, my dears! There is no way to share someone else's goods! Kar! Kar!

That's it, gentlemen!

Santa Claus is coming here!

He's angry with you!

It will turn into ice now!

(Leshy and Baba Yaga get scared and rush around the tree)

Tiger- Oh, they were scared! Now Santa Claus will show you!

B.Ya.- Leshy, what are you and I afraid of? After all, we have a magic staff - if we want, we will turn everyone into pieces of ice!

Goblin- Exactly! If we want, we’ll send him to Koshchei in Egypt! Let them melt in the sand!

B.Ya.- Better yet, go to Vodyanoy in the swamp! Let's celebrate the New Year with frogs! (Laugh)


(Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Fairy enter to the music)

Fairy- Look! These are the bastards! And the magic staff, and the bag with gifts - they have it all!

Snow Maiden- And even the tiger was involved in this theft!

D.M. - Return everything immediately! Otherwise... . . .

B.Ya.- Something? You won't do anything to us!

Our staff is magical!

Snow Maiden- Okay, then let's do it! We will tell you 2 riddles. Answer - the staff and gifts are yours, but if not, then you will return everything!

Fairy - Agree, agree!

Goblin- We need to consult! (whispering with Baba Yaga)

Tiger- Grandfather Frost, Baba Yaga and Leshy deceived me, but I believed them! Helped them steal the staff and gifts!

Fairy- Don’t worry, Tiger is a tiger, faithful friend! Have you realized your guilt?

Tiger- Of course I realized, forgive me!

Snow Maiden- Of course, we'll forgive! And now we need to take away magical things from the villains!

B.Ya.- Well, we agree to your terms! Make your own riddles!

Goblin- Yes, yes, we will crack them like nuts!

Fairy– Then, listen carefully to the entertaining riddles!

So, the first riddle:

“Ela-ate oak-oak,

I broke a tooth—a tooth!”

Goblin- Well, it's simple. This is Baba Yaga! Yesterday she missed a good fellow, so she began to gnaw the oak tree out of hunger. Now there's a toothless one walking around!

(Baba Yaga gives Leshem a slap on the head)

Fairy- No, my dears, you didn’t guess. The answer to this riddle is completely different and even the kids know it!

(They ask the children to guess this riddle)

B.Ya.- Okay, let's give you the second riddle!

Snow Maiden- Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears!

B.I. - Oh, so this is Leshy!

Goblin- Why is it me?

B.Ya.- Look at yourself in the mirror! Are you a grandfather?

Goblin- Well, grandfather!

B.Ya.– Are you wearing a fur coat in winter and summer?

Goblin- Well, dressed!

B.Ya.“It’s just passion to look at you in a fur coat, but if you take it off, you’ll definitely cry—just skin and bones!”

Snow Maiden- No, gentlemen, that’s not right!

Leshy and B.Ya. (together)- How wrong?

Snow Maiden- Listen to what the guys will tell you!

(Asks the guys to guess this riddle too)

D.M.- Well, forest evil spirits, have you finished your game? You haven't solved a single riddle! So give me my bag and staff, as agreed!

B.Ya.- Oh, hilarious! But where did you see that with evil spirits was it possible to agree?

(Leshy and Baba Yaga laugh and tease)

Fairy- Oh, forest dwellers, you are not acting according to fairy tales, not according to fairness, but if so..... (looks at Santa Claus )

D.M.- Look, Baba Yaga, who is that flying in your mortar? Is it really Koschey the Immortal returning from Egypt?

Leshy and B.Ya. (together)- Where?

(At this moment, the Fairy waves her magic wand, fairy-tale music is heard, everything goes in slow motion: Baba Yaga and Leshy are backing away from the bag and staff, and D.M. and Snegurochka are approaching them and taking them away. As soon as the magical things are in their hands Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the music stops, Baba Yaga and Leshy look at each other,


B.I- Leshy, what happened to us?

Goblin- Yes, I didn’t understand it myself, Yagus!

D.M.- Violent winds fly,

Catch the forest evil spirits,

Spin, twist,

Get away from here!

(Baba Yaga and Leshy spin to the music and fall)

Tiger- Serves you right, scoundrels!

Snow Maiden“Next time you’ll know how to be outrageous!”

(Baba Yaga and Leshy get up, brush themselves off, groan)

B.I- Oh - oh - oh! I beat off all my bones!

Goblin- And I think I have a concussion!

D.M.- Well, will you still steal and misbehave?

Leshy and B.Ya. (together) - No no no! We promise that we will behave well!

Fairy - And now, by my magical command,

Ask everyone for forgiveness!

Goblin- Forgive us sinners!

B.Ya.- Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Fairy, we won’t behave like this anymore!

Goblin- Now we regret that we set everything up like that!

B.Ya.- Yes, and you, Tiger Cub, forgive us for deceiving you into our atrocities!

D.M. (addresses everyone) - Well, friends, shall we forgive them?

Snow Maiden, Tiger, Fairy (together) – We forgive, we forgive!

B.I– We wanted to celebrate the New Year alone with all the evil spirits!

Goblin– And now we understand: The most best holiday, when everyone gathers together for it!

D.M. - Let laughter sound in our hall,

Let the smiles sparkle!

New Year to you all today

Hearty congratulations!

Snow Maiden– Grandfather, what would a holiday be without New Year’s lights?

D.M.- Indeed, granddaughter! I’ve become old and completely forgot about the Christmas tree! Remind me - give me the magic words!

Fairy- Light up, Christmas tree, with hundreds of lights!

You and I, dressed up, will have more fun!

D.M.- Exactly! However, it’s a little difficult for me to light the Christmas tree alone!

The guys always help me with everything!

So that the Christmas tree shines with lights here,

Let the children from the audience help me in unison!

All- One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

(When the children shout the spell for the third time, the Fairy waves her magic wand, and the Christmas tree lights up to the sound of fairytale music.)

Tiger- Come on, come on, kids, to our Christmas tree - “Hurray!”

D.M. - In multi-colored, New Year's

Holiday lights
Snow Maiden- We congratulate you today

To all the gathered friends!


With new joy for everyone!

Fairy(waves his wand )

Let them ring over this Christmas tree

Songs, music and laughter!

Goblin- Let the parting be warm -

We will simply say - “Goodbye!”

B.I. - There are no more beautiful words in the world:

All together- Happy New Year! With new happiness!


Snow Maiden(addresses the children) –

New Year's at the gates

Let's stand together in a round dance!

Let's go around the Christmas tree

Let's sing a sonorous song!

D.M. – We invite everyone to stand in a circle with our Christmas tree- beauty!

(The heroes invite the children and dance with them)

Script prepared

methodologist for cultural and educational work

Kalchenko A.Yu.

Larisa Trofimchenko
Scenario New Year's holiday « Fairy tale on New Year's Eve"

Music hall in New Year's decoration. On the central wall there is a panel depicting a winter forest. On the left is the house of the Joker Snowflakes. Festive a decorated Christmas tree awaits guests.

two girls are standing at the door

Open up New Year,

Fairy doors!

Let him enter this hall

Who in believes a fairy tale!

Let him enter this hall

Who is friends with the song!

We're starting winter holiday,

There is no one more wonderful!

Children enter the hall to the soundtrack of a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree". Form a circle around the tree.

Presenter. Coming New Year!

Children. Hello, Christmas tree!

Presenter. Today we will sing songs

Children. Loudly!

Presenter. Let's go around the Christmas tree.

Children. Round dance!

Congratulations to all the guests.

Children. WITH New Year!

Dance with bells

Children read poetry

1st child.

Let it fly over the country

Our song is loud.

Shine, sparkle,

Holiday tree!

2nd child.

Multi-colored balls,

Beads and firecrackers.

Light up more cheerfully

Stars at the top!

3rd child.

Near the fluffy Christmas tree

Spin, our round dance,

After all, today we have holiday,

Winter holiday.

Children. New Year!

Children read poetry.

1st child

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, happy laughter,

Winter New Year holiday!

Bright, colorful, beautiful

Round dance near the Christmas tree,

2nd child.

Shiny rain pours from the branches,

The thread sparkles like a diamond.

There's a laugh in every ball

Reflection of our eyes!

3rd child.

And sparkles through the needles

Multi-colored sparkle of lights.

About the beauty, about the Christmas tree

Leisya, song, have fun!

Round dance on the last day of December

IN New Year is everywhere

The Christmas trees are lit.

IN New Year is magical

Fairy tales begin

4th child.

Somehow in the winter

Quickly down the icy slide

We went on a sled

And the crowd played snowballs.

5th child.

Laughter, fun, noise and din.

This is all familiar to us.

After all, not only in fairy tales

They ride on sleds.

Music sounds and Snowstorm appears

Maiden Metelitsa,

Spinning and dancing

He waves his sleeves.


Here's a lantern my magical

I took it with me. (Shows a lantern.)

He lights the roads

Forest magical guards.

Santa Claus will be coming.

Don't get lost on the way.

We are waiting for him at the carnival,

To a fun children's ball.

So that the flashlight does not disappear,

So that no one takes him.

And naughty snowflakes can take it away

Cheerful, airy talkative girlfriends

We need to hire a watchman.

Who should I call? (Thinks.)

The bear loves to sleep, the hedgehog too, and hares are cowardly.

There will be a Dwarf, no less,

I'll appoint him as a guard!

(claps his hands and a Dwarf appears.

Dwarf. What happened, girl, girl Metelitsa?


Hello, Gnome. Here I stand and think.

I need your help

She is very important.

I want to hire a watchman

To protect the flashlight.

I agree, so be it

I will keep a vigilant watch.


Thank you, goodbye

Hugs goodbye.

I need to fly quickly

Invite more guests.

I'll fly through the forest and invite D-Moroz

The gnome walks, shivers, yawns.

I start to yawn

It's obvious that I want to sleep.

I need to call my friends

It will be more fun with them.

The slumber will disappear

And I won't suffer.

Dwarves, come out!

Disperse the nap.

Dance of the Dwarves

Let's make a fire by the Christmas tree,

Wolves will not be afraid of us.

Soon Santa Claus will come

And he will bring gifts.

Let's go collect some brushwood. (They go behind the tree.)

Two snowflake sisters run out.

They say to each other:

1. Everyone holiday invited,

2. Only they forgot about you and me.

1. We dressed up in vain,

They combed their hair and washed their face.

2. Everyone knows the craftswomen -

Coloring jokers!

1. We need to put the Dwarves to sleep

And take away the flashlight.

Guests won't find the tree

And on the holiday won't come.

2. We are releasing Dream-Sleep

And we leave it under the tree. (They let me in bubble.)

Dwarfs appear with brushwood, yawn and fall to the floor next to the tree - (Snowflakes check, sleep whether: They: touch hands, feet.)

First. They are sleeping, grab a flashlight quickly, we will hide it, and no one will come to the Christmas tree. What a wonderful prank we are playing!

The music plays and the dog runs out to it. The sisters get scared and run away

The flashlight remains hanging.

I don’t understand, the lamp is on,

The gnome and his friends are fast asleep.

To wake up the Dwarves,

I will beat the tambourine loudly! (Gnomes "sleeping".)

Puppy Dance (dog waltz sounds)

At the end of the dance, the Sisters blow soap bubbles from behind the tree. The puppy yawns, falls next to the Dwarves and "fall asleep". The sisters grab a flashlight and run into their house.

Metelitsa comes out.


Notified the invitees

Everyone on invited a holiday. (Notices those sleeping.)

Why is my watchman sleeping

And the lantern is not guarding?

Where is he? Disappeared.

Yes, there are Dwarves here, Puppy,

Get up, my friend (He gets up, but the puppy is sleeping!

Hey Snowflakes, spin around,

Sleep - dispel drowsiness! (snowflakes run and wave their arms)


I think I know whose trick this is. Let's go to my house. There are naughty girls sitting there. The gnomes approach the house.

Hey Sisters, come out!

Take out our flashlight!

We slept soundly all day

And we didn’t see the flashlight!

Dwarf. Guys, are they telling the truth?

Children. No!

Dwarf. Help us lure the Sisters out of the house.

Hey Sisters, come out

And bring out the flashlight!

Tired of it! We are they said,

Why didn't you see the flashlight?

Dwarf. Let's beat the tambourines loudly, blow the pipes,


Oh! Oh! Oh! Someone is shaking our house,

And the flashlight burns your hands! (They run out of the house.)

Take your lantern

It only produces smoke and fumes!


He is friends only with the good ones,

And it doesn’t serve bad deeds!

What should we do with them?

Maybe invite you to visit?

We forgive your prank and holiday we invite.

Blizzard. And now, it’s time to call Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Song “The sleigh itself runs”

The sleigh itself is flying, the drifting snow is spreading

And the bells ring loudly in the cold


Dingdy-lindy yourself

They're going down the ding-dilin hill

Sleigh with bells.

And behind the sled there’s a mean blizzard and a thorn

Well, Santa Claus and his granddaughter are sitting in the sleigh.


Dingdy-lindy yourself

They're going down the ding-dilin hill

Sleigh with bells

Father Frost. Hello, dear guys! Hello, dear guests!

Snow Maiden.

From distant, snowy forests:

We were in a hurry to get to your Christmas tree!

We're a little late

Because they got lost.

Father Frost.

So we met again,

Happy Christmas tree and guests!

Congratulations on New Year

And we wish you happiness!


D-It’s frosty, but the Christmas tree is sad and doesn’t light up.

Father Frost

Let's say together - one, two, three - Christmas tree, Christmas tree - burn!


We stand up together in a round dance. Let's sing the song loudly.

Song_Join the round dance


Snowflake friends, come down from heaven

Cover both the field and the forest with snow!

Dance of snowflakes

Snow Maiden

It's time for Grandpa play with a magic staff.

Let's give children the opportunity to write poems tell!

Father Frost. What nice guys you are! It's time to give you gifts. Snow Maiden, where is Parsley with the gifts? He’s resting again, but he said he was strong...

Snow Maiden

Let us sing a song, he will hear and come.

Song___On the last day of December

Parsley appears with gifts in a large icicle.


I was in such a hurry and tried.

Dance for me, friends!


(handing out gifts)

Father Frost.

Two thousand and sixteen was born,

He brings joy and happiness to people.

Snow Maiden.

Let abundance come to every home,

It will always be warm and cozy!

Together. WITH New Year! Before new meetings!

On the stage in one corner is the residence of Father Frost. There is a table, chairs, an imitation computer, a telephone, a fax machine, folders and papers laid out. In another corner of the scene is Baba Yaga's refuge, against the backdrop of a hut on chicken
legs. The hall is decorated with New Year's tinsel, and there is a decorated Christmas tree in the corner.
Guys in carnival costumes, wearing masks, gathered to celebrate the New Year.

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Baba Yaga
Fox Alice
Cat Basilio
Old man cooperator

Act one
Father Frost
Snow Maiden.

Father Frost.
On the threshold - New Year,
My head is spinning.
We have to be on time
Do everything, provide,
To celebrate this holiday
No worries and no hassle.
I'll use the old method:
I'll write an order for a year.
Hey! Snow Maiden, hurry up,
Stop entertaining the animals
We have a lot of things to do,
New Year is coming soon!

Snow Maiden.
Did you call, grandpa? What's happened?
Should I make some tea?

Father Frost.
Where have you gone?
I have no time to drink tea.
Get to work
I will dictate the order.
Don't idle around in the future,
My strict order to you!

Snow Maiden.
Don't grumble, because you're kind,
Tell me what you have in mind.

Father Frost.
What I say, write in detail.
Here, take a sheet of paper and a pen!

Snow Maiden.
Hey grandpa, I forgot that the courses
I walked with the computer
And I’ll tell you without force,
I passed everything with straight A's.

Father Frost.
Stop bragging, sit down
And be patient
Listen, get to the bottom of it all
And write.

Snow Maiden.
Don't write, but type!
Father Frost.
Have it your way, go ahead!
Dial my order right away.

Santa Claus dictates an order to the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost.
Order. Paragraph 1.
All honest people should
Celebrate the New Year together.
Paragraph 2.
Masks, dresses for carnival,
Make it super unprecedented
I will celebrate the holiday for everyone,
May the year be a success!
Paragraph 3.
Everyone wants
Dance and sing,
Smile and joke
Laugh, dance in circles.
Who doesn't want to want everything?
So we have to endure it all.
Paragraph 4.
All the evil and terrible wickedness
I command with authority
Engage in education
That is, re-educate!
Become a decent people
Or for the New Year
I won't let anyone in
I'll freeze you, I won't forgive you!
Paragraph 5.
My New Year's order
Print it out right away.
Call the Snowman
Let him prepare for the journey
My order is to spread it to everyone.

Snow Maiden.
Don't worry, grandfather, order
I'll fax it quickly.
And on the pager Snowman
I've been used to resetting for a long time
Your commands.
So you better get some rest
Watch TV
"From dusk to dawn."

The Snow Maiden and Father Frost leave the stage.

Act two
Baba Yaga

Magpie appears on the stage near the hut on chicken legs.

I am the White-sided Magpie,
I love the dense forest
To everything in the blink of an eye
I'm showing interest!
And at the same time - a craftswoman
Spread rumors everywhere.
They say birds are talkative
You can't find it in the whole world.
I love both heat and cold,
I am as light as the breeze
And besides, and besides
Forty are the most curious of all.
I won't yawn anywhere
I like to be on time everywhere,
And on New Year's Day
Be the first to arrive!

Baba Yaga appears, dressed in an old woman's outfit, with a broom.

Baba Yaga.
Who's squealing and squealing here?
Disturbs my peace!
I'll come right now with a frying pan
And I'll roast this bird
It will be a joy to profit.

A magpie runs away, squeaking and chirping.

Baba Yaga.
I am called Baba Yaga,
Here I hold power firmly,
And everyone will be my servant
Forever and indefinitely.
I live, I do what I want,
Knowing no barriers anywhere.
I will erase, smear, trample,
After all, I'm an evil woman.
All devils are true friends,
They are remembered with trembling in the heart,
That only I will order them,
They will do everything, they will fulfill it!

Kikimora comes out from behind the scenes, dressed in green rags.

I am the forest Kikimora,
I don't know the word "honesty".
I have no other joy
How to do nasty things to people!
I am a forest girl
I'm smart and good
With the devil, with Baba Yaga
We are in the company of one.
I am the forest Kikimora,
I suffer alone day and night.
It's hard to choose and decide
At whose expense do I live sweetly!

Baba Yaga greets Kikimora and they hug. Magpie flies in again, all wet and out of breath.

Let me, grandma, sit down,
I brought you news.
Faxed by Santa Claus
New Year's order.

Baba Yaga.
Scared, no urine,
A straight white light brightened.
In my life I have never
Didn't listen to orders.
No match for Baba Yaga
Follow someone's orders!

And on New Year's holiday
Would you like to come?
That's what it was ordered today
Educate your “evil spirits”!
The devils are in a “trance” for two hours
And they tremble in horror.

Baba Yaga.
Yes, my grandfather gave me a problem!
Well, you'll have to withdraw from the bank
A pack of bucks from my stash,
And start a showdown!

Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Soroka leave the stage.

Act three
Butterfly Agya
Fox Alice
Cat Basilio

A rejuvenated Baba Yaga appears on the stage, beautifully combed, in a short skirt, with bright makeup, and shiny jewelry. The hut on chicken legs turned into an ICHVP (Individual Damn Profitable Enterprise), with the sign “Butterfly Agya”.

Butterfly Agya.
This is my residence
And in it I am Butterfly Agya.
I want to go to the new century
And I'm constantly busy.
But things are a blockage, a whirlpool!
All this fabulous people
Everyone strives to get involved in crime,
I don't need this ending.
Everything must be done wisely,
Everything is sewn and covered, who to whom,
What he gave, what he took, what he stole, what he sold,
I didn’t know, I didn’t think, I didn’t guess.
How can I force my servants
What do they think not to blurt out loud?
I'll call a meeting
And I’ll wipe them with sand.

Butterfly Agya goes backstage. The employees of her ICHVP come out: Devils, Kikimora, Alice the Fox, Basilio the Cat. They sit on chairs and quietly communicate with each other. Butterfly Agya appears. The employees express their surprise; at first they simply do not recognize the transformed Baba Yaga.

Butterfly Agya.
How's my appearance? What, good?
So don't rush into thinking.
I gathered you all here,
For the “company” to be successful,
To enter the new century,
We need to become modern.
Remove the tails of all the Devils,
Cut off the horns and remove the hooves.

Oh! Yagushechka, wait,
You've become quite cool.
How can we live without this?
Tempt, choke, rot?

Butterfly Agya.
Primitive, choke, crush!..
You just need to seduce
And a smile, seduction
Get rewards!

Not for our brains...

Butterfly Agya.
But my order is only this:
Change the image urgently
And on New Year's Day
Arrive refreshed!

Butterfly Aga is ringing cellular telephone, she answers.

Butterfly Agya.
Hello, who?
Ah, Kashcheyushka, Kashchey!
I'm withering
From such speeches
Paying tax is crazy!
It would be better if you came to visit us,
This is a different conversation.
Jeep or Opel? What color?
No, no, not black - blue.
OK! I’ll hold a meeting
And I'll come on a date.

Butterfly Agya approaches Kikimora.

Butterfly Agya.
And to you, my joy,
Need to lose a little weight
Dress, change makeup,
I'll give you 100 bucks, so be it.
But this debt is yours
And with one rope
Connected with me now.
That's it, you're free - march home!

Butterfly Agya approaches Fox Alice and Cat Basilio.

Butterfly Agya.
To you, Alisochka, my light,
I have no complaints.
You were always in shape
Seductive, sweet,
And use your brains
I don't need to teach you.
Don't scold the cat,
Okay, tighten it up a little.
Dress up a little more decently.
There will be a great couple
And for the holiday without difficulty
Then you'll get there!

Act four
Old man cooperator
Fox Alice
Cat Basilio
Butterfly Agya

The Old Man comes onto the stage with a bag with “$” written on it.

Old man.
In your garden bed
I earned money.
Worked day and night
Until the seventh sweat!
We need to put them into action,
To continue to live better.

The grandmother comes out and pushes and pulls the old man by the sleeve.

Give me, my dear, for boots,
For a sheepskin coat, for perfume.

Old man.
Leave me alone, old man, is the answer.
Mine to you - no and no.

Grandfather, we need a computer,
To live like people, cool,
I'll connect to the Internet.

Old man.
Wait, it's not time - no!

The fur is peeling off - look!
Grandfather, buy me Pedi Gris.

Old man.
I was daydreaming, my answer is no!

I'm completely lost
At least I'll eat a piece of salsa.
Grandfather, at least for the salsa holiday
Give it to me and my boys.

Old man.
They chewed up my entire barn,
Go away, I won’t give you the salsa!

Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox appear on stage.

Fox Alice.
Grandfather, there is a case, of course, yes!
This is the Pole of Miracles.

Cat Basilio.
Business is true, grandfather, believe me!
Give me your bag quickly
You will receive interest
Not in rubles, but in dollars.

Fox Alice.
In cents!

Butterfly Agya appears. She smiles mysteriously at her grandfather and beckons him with her finger. The grandfather with a bag of money goes to her as if spellbound.

Cat Basilio.
What a great job!

Fox Alice.
She threw us like crazy!

Cat Basilio.
Without a word, she swung her skirt
And she stole all the money...

Act five
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Old man cooperator
Butterfly Agya

On stage is Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. A dejected Old Man approaches them.

Father Frost.
Your troubles
The magpies told me.
I have a lot to blame myself,
Who did you contact, stupid brother?!

Old man.
I'm punished, don't blame me
Everything inside has sank
If you can, help
Take money from Yaga.

Father Frost.
I won’t promise in vain,
It's time to start the holiday.
Look, the kids are tired of waiting,
Let's shout a friendly "Hurray!"
They will come to us themselves
And they will give all the money.

Butterfly Agya appears with her company. They are all festively dressed, just as Agya told them to be.

Father Frost.
I didn’t have time to say “they will come”
And they are right there.
You're not recognizable from the outside.
What do you want to tell me?

Butterfly Agya.
We carried out the order.
Grandfather, will you let us in for the holiday?

Father Frost.
To be decent
It’s not enough to change the image
You need to look inside yourself,
To remove the rotten essence.

Butterfly Agya.
Grandfather, forgive me, don’t blame me,
There was no time to breathe.
Give us time, we will come to you,
Believe, in righteous footsteps!
And take your bag,
Just take us with you!

Father Frost.
I don't want to spoil the holiday
So be it, I’ll grab you,
To make people think
And I would see the vice
Everyone to themselves.
And in diligence, in work
Could we eradicate
"Evil spirits" evil thread!

Snow Maiden.
Stop reading morals, grandfather,
It's time to start the holiday!

Father Frost.
Let's shout together: “One, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!!!”

Leading: Good evening!

Presenter:Good New Year's evening!

Leading:. It's finally a holiday at school,

Finally the carnival.

And, believe me, it’s not in vain

Everyone was expecting it!

Presenter. There will be competitions, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell us: “Don’t slow down!”

Leading:We are tired of studying.

So go ahead! to the masquerade!

But first, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys!

Dance "Tango"

Presenter:A start! Where are Father Frost and Snow Maiden?


Well what the new Year party without Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?! And anyway, where can we get him? Although, on the other hand, why do we need him?

old, with a beard, maybe bald?!

Presenter:Then let's write an advertisement: “Young, handsome, Gillette-shaved Santa Claus is required!

Suddenly the lights go out and a Fairy girl appears .

Presenters(in unison) - Who are you?

Fairy: - I am a Fairy, well, not quite a fairy yet. In general, I was sent to you for an internship.

Fairy Song

"Leaves are yellow"

Can't live in this world, can't live in this world
No miracles, no miracles.
Everyone manifests into this, everyone manifests into this
Interest, interest.
On New Year's Eve, everyone especially wants miracles.
I will do miracles for you today
I will apply my skill and effort
So that your cherished wishes come true

Magic we studied, magic we studied
Witchcraft, witchcraft
I'll show you in this room, I'll show you in this room
Magic, magic

Presenter: - Where is the direction?

Fairy: - Here it is. And he hands over the paper.

Presenter: - A 2nd year student of the School of Miracles and Magic is sent to your holiday to undergo an internship.

Host: - So you can do miracles.

Fairy: - Yeah, well, if it works out.

Presenter: - What could she order?

Presenter: - Come on Snow Maiden::: .

Fairy: - I'll try now. Conjures.

4 snow maidens with magnificent breasts appear on the stage (boys in disguise - breasts made of balloons)

Song of the Snow Maiden
"Such snowfall, such snowfall:"

Such a Snow Maiden, such a Snow Maiden
You'll never see again
Let's dance, let's dance
Let's dance like in previous years

Invite! You invite us

Let the waltz spin here
Hug! You hug us
We were created for you


Leading:Are some Snow Maidens not real? We need real Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.

Fairy:What kind of Santa Claus do you need?

Presenter: Young!

Leading:Young, handsome, in Levi's jeans, a Versace T-shirt, and Camelot boots! And what?

Presenter:And with a bag on your back! Some kind of scavenger!

Leading:I can imagine what the Snow Maiden should be wearing then! As in the advertisement: “Mom, meet Olya!”

The fairy is going to cast a spell

(Santa Claus approaches) The presenter sees him and “faints,” i.e. pretends that he is terribly scared, again, like in another advertisement:

Leading:-Grandfather?! He is real!

Father Frost:

Hello, dear guests!
Welcome to visit me!
With you, dear guests,
We are meeting for the first time this year.
This year for the first time, but we know each other
Of course, a long time ago.
Now tell me, give me the answer,
Who else is not at the Christmas tree with you?
My granddaughter is missing...
Snow Maidens!
Father Frost.
Now I will call the Snow Maiden,
And you will all help me.
Who will sing us a song?

Strikes with a staff.

The Snow Maiden comes out

Snow Maiden

Blizzards and frosts again,

Another snowstorm.

Shouldn't you just freeze?

What a mess!

In big cities and villages

The lights are burning on the Christmas trees,

In every hall, in every school

The holiday makes the kids happy.

What a holiday, eh, people?

It's called New Year!

Father Frost:Today congratulations are heard everywhere, and today class 5B came to congratulate you

(Number of amateur performances)

Leading:This is all wonderful, but there is no special enthusiasm or fun...

Presenter:The other day, three, no, five young men had so much fun from the first floor to the second, from the second to the first...

Leading: AND?

Presenter:Well, three with a cast, one with a compress... from a belt...

Leading: And another one?

Presenter:The director still explains where such enthusiasm and fun come from!

Leading:We need a different kind of enthusiasm! Controlled! So, the “Chairs” competition, beloved by all nations and students!

Game Chairs

Snow Maiden

after the song).
I can't stand still
You have a lot of fun.
The holiday will be honorable,
I want to start dancing!

The class congratulates you!

(Number thin. amateur performances)

Leading:And now we offer to compete in dance art!

Presenter: So, “Dance show 2008”….school…class”

Leading: You also add “Dog.” dot. RU".

Presenter:Why so much? Better just "Dance Show"

The most dancing and reflective will receive a prize!

Dance competition

Father Frost:

Today is a wonderful December day.

And I don’t care about the frost, and the snowflakes are circling

In a whirlwind of kind smiles and songs.

And now it's time to congratulate the class

Snow Maiden:

The students in the class have been ready to perform for a long time.

(Amateur performance number)

Father Frost: Today the gypsies came to congratulate you and tell fortunes! Meet!!!

Song of the Gypsies

Days fly, centuries fly by
A new century is on the threshold
What awaits us in the third millennium
Every person wants to know
Arriving at your place for the evening today
We will tell anyone the secret
What does the New Year's threshold hide?
And what more years to expect?

This is how people are built
want to know, want to know
want to know what will happen

We'll spread the truthful cards
We'll tell you the whole path by hand
Can’t be found in any “Guarantor”
Those laws that apply here
There is a fixed fee for services
Dear, gild the handle
One hundred rubles or a few bucks
Can't you find it?

Well what can I say, what can I say
This is how people are built
They want to know, they want to know
They want to know what will happen

Snow Maiden:The dance group “Vozrozhdenie” came to congratulate you

Leading:Time flew by so quickly

Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

Presenter:A happy holiday is ahead

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the new year comes!

Father Frost: Happy New Year to you -

It’s so nice to congratulate you! -

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

Snow Maiden: Smile more often, easier

And live in peace with dad and mom.

It's fun to laugh,

Truly be friends!

All: Happy New Year!!!

Grandma Winter – Sasha Zakarzhevskaya
she is also the bewitched Baba Deryaba - Nastya Kolbasina
Snow Maiden: Ksyusha Drachuk
Nastasya Petrovna – Anya Roshchik
Snow Baba – Vika Chernyaeva
Witch Echidna – Katya Kasimova
Witch Moroka – Siyana Khokha
Witch Krivda – Christina Krainskaya
Blizzard Wolves (First, Second, Third)–Diana
Auka, master of the Forest Kingdom -Ira Kozik
Underground, master of the Underground Kingdom – ZhannaGridnevskaya
Fairy Servant – Sofia Matygulina
White Wolf, master of the kingdom of Ice and Cold - Dima Chizhevsky
(Winter fairy forest.. Dancing and spinning, the Snow Maiden comes out to the edge)
My dear, my glorious, my fairy forest.
I was born here and raised here.
I live in a winter hut with my grandmother.
And I simply call Winter grandmother.
SNOW MAIDEN. Aw! Grandmother!
VOICE of Grandmother Winter (from afar). Aw! Granddaughter!
SNOW Maiden (addresses the squirrel). Hello, beautiful squirrel! I brought you some gifts - sweet nuts.
(The Snow Maiden feeds the squirrel nuts)
SNOW MAIDEN. And I haven’t forgotten about you, bullfinches and titmice. Here are some grains of wheat, help yourself, dear ones.
(She pours grain into the feeder)
SNOW MAIDEN. Aw! Grandmother!
VOICE of Grandma Winter (very close). Aw! Snow Maiden!
(Winter comes to the edge)
WINTER Why don't you, granddaughter, listen to your grandmother? One ran away again! She didn't wait for me.
SNOW MAIDEN. And I, grandma, fed the birds and squirrels.
WINTER. This is good, but you are too young to walk through the forest alone. The hour is uneven, something will happen.
SNOW MAIDEN. What will happen, grandma? After all, this is my native forest, I feel at home here.
(The Snow Maiden runs, spins around the trees, looks out and laughs. Suddenly a terrible roar is heard. The frightened Snow Maiden hides behind Winter’s back).
SNOW MAIDEN. Oh, grandma!? What is this?! Oh, grandma, who is this?!
(A brown bear comes out to the edge)
WINTER. This, granddaughter, is a connecting rod bear.
SNOW MAIDEN. How scary!..
WINTER. Don't be afraid, Snow Maiden, Teddy Bear won't hurt you. Look how kind his eyes are.
SNOW MAIDEN. Grandma, why is he wandering around the forest, roaring? Why doesn't he sleep in winter?
WINTER. And now we’ll ask him this. (Addresses the magic staff.) Come on, magic staff, make the BEAR speak in a human voice.
(WINTER knocks his staff on the ground three times. The bear’s roar immediately turns into human speech)
BEAR. R-r-woke up the damned ones! They don't let me sleep. And I had such a wonderful dream about raspberries.
SNOW MAIDEN. Who woke you up?
BEAR. If only I had known, I wouldn’t let them down. And now I won’t sleep. I don’t eat raspberries in my sleep.
SNOW MAIDEN. Did you know? So you're not Mikhailo Potapych?
BEAR. No. Nastasya Petrovna I.
WINTER. And you come and visit us in the hut, Nastasya Petrovna, we’ll drink tea with jam and raspberry.
BEAR Really? When should you come?
WINTER. Yes, go with the Snow Maiden right now. So, granddaughter, you will have a guard - Nastasya Petrovna. And I’ll go around the forest and come back to you.
(The Bear and the Snow Maiden leave)
(WINTER walks through the forest, looks around)
WINTER. There has been a lot of snow this winter. Everywhere you look, it’s white and white. Someone left a footprint on the white snow... It's a hare... And over there is a squirrel! Wow! Whose trace is this? Is it really human? Who came to visit me in the forest?..
(The first witch, Echidna, comes out from behind a tree to meet Winter)
ECHIDNA (giggles, having fun). Oh, wow, she's so big-eyed! Well, how perceptive! I figured it out from the tracks! And I thought: I’ll lay low, I’ll hide, maybe she’ll pass by.
WINTER. Who are you hiding from here?
ECHIDNA. From you, Winter!
WINTER. What for? I'm a good winter girl, I won't offend anyone. And this is an empty matter - you can’t hide from me. In my forest, I know every stump, every bush, every path.
ECHIDNA. Yah?! Can't be! I don't believe you! I do not believe!!! Wait, Winter, let's play hide and seek.
WINTER. Hide-and-seek? Why not play?
ECHIDNA. Only, mind you, you drive. Turn away and don't peek! (Runs away).
WINTER (turned away, counting). One two three four five! I'm going to look!
(Winter studies the footprints in the snow, approaches Echidna’s hiding place, is about to find her, but that’s not the case - the witch appears somewhere completely different, laughs, teases Grandma Winter: “Cuckoo!” She runs there , but the witch disappears and immediately appears somewhere on a tree, teasing her again: “By-bye!” Winter wearily sits down on a stump)
WITCH'S VOICE. Hey! Grandma Winter!! Cuckoo! I'm tu-u-ut!
(This cry is repeated from different sides, winter has given up)
WINTER. I won't play with you! You're cheating!
(At the same time, three witches jump out to Winter from three sides. They laugh)
ECHIDNA. Well, did Winter lose?
HAZARD. And she boasted: I supposedly know the whole forest, every path! Every stump!
FALSE. Where can you keep up with us?
WINTER. You are dishonest, so dishonest. I agreed to play with one, but it turns out there are three of you. (Strictly.) If you violate the rules, I will kick you out of the forest! Clear?
ECHIDNA. Well, we'll see about that later...
HAZARD. Wait and see…
FALSE. We, grandma, show up without an invitation and leave whenever we want!
ECHIDNA. We don't give a damn about your orders! (All three sneeze.)
HAZARD. We old hags have nothing to lose!
ECHIDNA. Let's fly, little carp friends! (The witches run away with squeals and laughter)
(Near the hut, Snegurochka and Nastasya Petrovna are making a Snow Woman. Snegurochka helps, rejoices, claps her hands)
SNOW MAIDEN. This is turning out great! What a good helper you are to me, little bear!
NASTASYA PETROVNA (puffs, shakes off her paws). I think it's ready.
SNOW MAIDEN. It's not ready at all. Not at all, not even the slightest bit ready. What you?! Our snow woman will be beautiful. (Talks to the Snow Woman). Wait, wait, honey. Now I’ll draw your eyebrows with charcoal. Like this. Now the button eyes. And another potato nose. And the lips are like a bow! How beautiful our snow woman is!
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Look! Intricate! It’s as if she’s standing there just like she’s alive.
SNOW Maiden (thinking). Something is still missing. Come on... come on...
(She takes off her elegant patterned scarf, which was tied over her shoulders over her fur coat, and wraps it around the Snow Woman.)
SNOW MAIDEN. This will keep you warmer! How elegant you are! How good! (She hugs the Snow Woman). (Winter’s voice is heard from afar)
WINTER. Aw! Aw! Granddaughter!
SNOW MAIDEN. Hey, grandma!
(The Snow Maiden laughs and hides behind the Snow Woman, winks slyly at Nastasya Petrovna: shhh!)
WINTER (goes out to the edge of the forest, sees Nastasya Petrovna). Snow Maiden?! Granddaughter! Where did she go again, the naughty girl? Nastasya Petrovna, have you seen my granddaughter Snegurochka?
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Whom? Eh, Snow Maiden?.. I was just here. I have no idea where it went.
(The Snow Maiden can’t stand it, laughs loudly and jumps out to meet Winter)
WINTER (looks at Snow Woman). Wow! And what kind of lady is this? What regions will you be from? Have you come to visit us or are you staying permanently? Let me introduce myself, Grandmother Winter. What is your name?
THE SNOW MAIDEN (laughs, bursts into tears, jumps out to meet Winter). What are you, grandma?! This is Snow Baba. We made it with a bear out of snow!
WINTER (comes closer, looks at it). And really made of snow. Well, definitely alive! I even identified myself blindly. Oh yes Snow Maiden, oh yes Nastasyushka! Here are the masters! What beauty they created!
SNOW MAIDEN. Look, grandma, I made her eyes out of buttons, drew her eyebrows with charcoal, and dressed her up in my scarf - beautiful?
WINTER. Oh, you are smart, my poor granddaughter. It’s sad for you alone in the forest without your mother’s affection, without your girl friends. You're bored, so you made yourself a girlfriend.
SNOW MAIDEN. But... but... but I have the best grandmother in the world, the kindest, the most cheerful, the most beloved!
WINTER How nice it is for me, granddaughter, to hear your warm words. Well, I was moved to the point of tears.
SNOW MAIDEN. Don't you cry, I love you, grandma!
WINTER. And I love you granddaughter!
SNOW MAIDEN. I don't miss you, grandma. When you and I are bored, a holiday is coming, we need to get ready for the trip, prepare gifts for the kids...
WINTER. I've got gifts. Tell me better, what should I give you for the holiday?
SNOW MAIDEN. Thank you grandma, I don't need anything.
WINTER. Well, tell me, what do you want? Maybe a new fur coat? Maybe some gifts? Or toys?
SNOW MAIDEN. Thank you, Grandma Winter. But why do I need a new fur coat when this miracle is so good. And warm and elegant...
WINTER (thinks). What if... well, well, well... come on, come on... Close your eyes... (whispers). Come on, staff, make it happen Snow woman came to life!
(Winter walks around the Snow Woman, knocks on the ground three times with a magic staff. Magic snow falls from the sky, the Snow Woman comes to life, shakes off the snow flakes)
WINTER. Done, Snow Maiden! Look!
SNOW MAIDEN. Oh! Alive! Real! Oh, how pretty!
(She runs up to the Snow Woman, hugs and kisses her. The Snow Woman stands with her eyes wide open. She doesn’t understand anything)
SNOW MAIDEN. I'm so glad, grandma! Thank you for bringing my Snow Baba to life! What a gift! I will have a girlfriend Snow!
WINTER. Why thank me? You sculpted this gift for yourself out of snow, you put your soul into it while you were sculpting it, and so the Snow Woman came to life. And I helped a little. Just think, I hit the magic staff three times, and that’s it. The main magical power in the world is not in the staff...
SNOW MAIDEN. What about it, Grandma Winter? What is the main magical power?
WINTER. The most important magical power is love. Remember, granddaughter: love works wonders! There is no such misfortune, no such misfortune that real love didn't win.
SNOW MAIDEN. I'll remember, grandma, I'll remember!
(Meanwhile, Nastasya Petrovna approaches the Snow Woman and greets her)
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Well, hello, Baba Snow!
(The snow woman is silent, blinks her eyes in surprise)
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Why don't you answer when they talk to you?
SNOW MAN (stupid). I don't know.
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Let's get acquainted, I'm Nastasya Petrovna.
SNOW MAN (also). I don't know.
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Why did you say “I don’t know” and “I don’t know”...
SNOW MAIDEN. Grandma, what's wrong with her?
WINTER. Yes, she’s just stupid and inexperienced. The first day in the world lives. We need to teach and educate.
SNOW MAIDEN. Bring up? I can do this! Listen, Snow Woman, we say “hello” to everyone we meet. This means we wish everyone health. “Hello” means “be healthy.” Do you remember?
SNOW MAN. Hello!
SNOW MAIDEN. And if someone helped you or did a good deed, then you need to say “thank you.”
SNOW MAN. Thank you!
SNOW MAIDEN. Smart girl! Now let's repeat. What should you say to everyone you meet?
SNOW MAN (joyfully). Thank you!
(Snow Maiden, Bear and Santa Claus laugh and leave)
(Krivda, Echidna and Moroka return to their lair)
ECHIDNA. Yes, we had a great time making fun of Winter! Do you remember how she ran, how out of breath, Krivda? (Laughs.)
FALSE. I remember, Echidna, I remember, we had a lot of fun! She was so confused, so confused!
HAZARD. Well, I know how to fool. That's why they called me Moroka. However, this prank was empty, frivolous. I, my friends, want a real deal. A real big dirty trick, just to confuse the whole world! Just to fool the whole forest!
ECHIDNA. Well, you, Moroka, bent! You don’t have enough strength to confuse the whole world. And there is no such dirty trick in the world that it would confuse everyone.
FALSE. Today I woke up the bear from hibernation, stole his sleep, let him stagger and harm the forest people.
HAZARD. Well, this is a dirty trick of the average order. We wish we could come up with something more harmful.
FALSE. I used to know a spell that could turn all the snow into mud. Only I forgot the words, oh, my girlish memory!..
ECHIDNA. What are you talking about? Yes, for such a dirty trick, Santa Claus will kick us out of the forest alive, he already threatened.
HAZARD. Just think - he threatened! But we'll teach him a lesson! I think I came up with...
(She calls her friends closer, hugging each other, they whisper, giggle, rub their hands with pleasure)
HAZARD. You, Echidna, make a fire! You, Krivda, bring the ladle! I'll go get supplies! Let's brew the potion!
(Krivda, Echidna and Moroka dance around a large cauldron)
The full moon is shining, the witches have no time to sleep at night.
You boil, there is water in the cauldron, not for good - for harm.

Throw thistles into the cauldron - there will be a commotion for everyone,
Wolf berries, quinoa, to bring trouble to the forest.
Throw in nettles and burdocks, spit three times, but don’t drink.
You are strong, but we are not weak! You will be Baba Deryaba!!!
Brew the potion stronger so that you forget all the fun,
So that the good winter becomes harmful itself,
Send such frost that it will bring everyone to tears!
HAZARD. Oh yes the potion! It bubbles, foams, smokes! As soon as Winter takes a sip of our potion, she will immediately turn into the evil and terrible Baba Deryaba!
ECHIDNA. Then they won’t see a happy holiday!
FALSE. Don't let the kids dance under the Christmas tree! Don't receive gifts! (They laugh maliciously and run away)
(In Winter’s hut. Snow Maiden, Nastasya Petrovna, Snow Woman and Winter are sitting at the table, drinking tea with raspberries)
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Well, thank you, Grandma Winter! Respected! Your raspberry jam is wonderful. Eh, good!
WINTER. That’s good, that’s good, but it’s time for us to get ready for the journey, the guys are waiting for us in the cities and villages.
(Three witches take turns looking into the windows of the hut. They quietly talk to each other)
ECHIDNA. There are so many of them, it’s hard to approach.
HAZARD. Don't be afraid. We need to distract them. Come up with something, Krivda, you are the most cunning among us.
(Krivda jumps out to the edge of the house and starts screaming and wailing)
FALSE. Oh, save me, help me! Oh, I feel bad, I'm dying!
(The Snow Maiden looks out of the hut)
SNOW MAIDEN. What's wrong with you, grandma? Come here to us!
FALSE. Oh, I can’t, I can’t go, I can’t! (Falls into a snowdrift.)
SNOW MAIDEN (runs towards her, calling her friends). Grandma! Little bear! Snow woman! All come here! Hurry! Bad for the old lady!
(Everyone runs out of the hut, rushing to help Krivda, who pretended to be sick)
SNOW MAN. Hello!
SNOW Maiden (to the Snow Woman). Well done, you said it right. (To the Witch.) What happened? Does something hurt you?
FALSE. Oh, everything hurts, everything hurts, I have no strength, I’m dying! (Moans.)
(At this time, Moroka sneaks into the hut, drinks tea and pours a potion into Winter’s glass, Echidna steals the staff. Krivda moans, pretends while her friends pour the potion)
WINTER. Are you feeling bad? Is it true?
FALSE. No, it's false!!!
(As soon as the job is done, she quickly jumps up, laughs and runs into the forest, where Echidna and Moroka are waiting for her)
SNOW MAN (shouts after her). Thank you!
SNOW MAIDEN. Hey, wait! Wait! Where are you going?
WINTER. Stop! I recognized you! Stop, I say!
SNOW MAIDEN. Who is this, grandma?
WINTER. I saw this liar this morning. Oh, I don’t like all this, oh, I don’t like it...
(Winter, Snow Maiden, Nastasya Petrovna and Snow Woman return to the table. They continue drinking tea).
SNOW MAIDEN. You know, grandma, I’ve already put almost all the gifts in a bag.
WINTER. Oh my goodness! How quickly you managed!
SNOW MAIDEN. This is because my friends helped me. Snow woman every gift in beautiful paper she wrapped it, and Nastasya Petrovna held the bag.
WINTER. Well done! You have good helpers.
(Winter sips a potion from a mug. Suddenly the light dims. Thunder rumbles. Lightning flashes. A column of smoke rises from the ground. Winter transforms into the evil Baba Deryaba.
Deryaba rose from the table and looked angrily at Snegurochka, Nastasya Petrovna and Snow Woman)
SNOW MAIDEN. Grandma Winter! What happened to you? I'm scared, grandma!
SHIT. I'm not your grandmother! I am the evil witch Baba Deryaba!
SNOW MAIDEN. Not true! You are not Deryaba! You are a kind grandmother Winter!
SHIT (laughs). It was Winter, but everything was out! Ha ha ha! And now I'm angry and cruel! I'll freeze everyone, I'll get cold! I won't spare anyone!
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Don't be afraid, Snow Maiden! I won't hurt you.
(She blocks her with herself. Deryaba laughs angrily, touches Nastasya Petrovna with her finger - and she freezes, becomes icy)
SNOW MAIDEN. What did you do to her?! Nastasya Petrovna, Bear! Can you hear me?
SHIT. I turned your bear into an ice cube! Ha ha ha! My one touch makes everyone’s blood run cold.
SNOW MAIDEN. Grandmother Winter!? After all, you are kind!.. Kind!
SHIT. Don't make me angry, girl! Don’t even say the words “kind” in front of me! Ugh! Nasty. I am angry! I am the most evil-despicable person in the world!
SNOW MAN (repeats after the Bear). Don't be afraid, Snow Maiden! I won't hurt you.
(The Snow Woman steps forward, blocking the Snow Maiden from Deryaba. Deryaba freezes her too. Laughs)
SHIT. Now do you see, girl, how angry I am?
SNOW MAIDEN (through tears). Good!..
SHIT. Ah well?! Good?! Good?!
(The whole forest is covered in twilight. Deryaba comes out of the hut, picks up a handful of snow and throws it at the tree. The tree immediately becomes icy, and the tit sitting on a branch becomes icy. So she freezes everything around)
SHIT. Good?! Now what do you say?
SNOW MAIDEN. It can’t be... My fabulous forest... My dear... my glorious... my poor... (Crying.)
SHIT. Let my servants rush faster than the blizzard and blizzard - past the pines, past the firs, a pack of angry blizzard wolves!
(A strong wind rises, the fairytale forest is covered in darkness, a mournful howl is heard. Either the blizzard is howling, or wolves... Blizzard wolves appear)
There is such a wolf pack
Witchcraft, difficult.
A blizzard swirls across the ground
He serves his master faithfully.
We don't know fatigue
We catch up and bite.
We're winding through the ground like a snowstorm,
If we have to, we will fight to the death.
FIRST WOLF. We are your servants, Deryaba!
SECOND WOLF. Just give the order and we’ll tear anyone to shreds!
SHIT. Forward, my faithful servants! Forward!
SNOW MAIDEN. Grandma Winter! Do not leave!
SHIT. Leave me alone! Don't follow me! I’m different now and I’ll never be the same!
(The wolves growl at the Snow Maiden, bare their fangs. Deryaba sits in the sleigh, the blizzard wolves carry her away to the Kingdom of Cold and Ice)
(Snow Maiden looks around and sees frozen birds on tree branches)
SNOW MAIDEN. My fabulous forest, my favorite trees, my dear birds... How quiet it became, how dark, how scary... Only the wind whistles, only the blizzard howls...
(She enters the hut, rushes to Nastasya Petrovna, but stands motionless, covered in ice)
SNOW MAIDEN. Bear, answer me! Let me warm you up.
(She breathes on her, hugs her, Nastasya Ptrovna remains frozen)
SNOW MAIDEN (crying). Nothing comes of it. Deryaba froze you right to your very heart.
(She approaches the Snow Woman)
SNOW MAIDEN. And you, Snow Woman, why are you frozen? You're Snowy, you can't be frozen.
SNOW MAN (blinks her eyes). Is it true? And I didn’t even know. (Starts to move, hugs Snow Maiden, feels sorry for her.)
SNOW MAIDEN. Alive, you are alive, my friend! You are the only one left for me. Will you come with me to help Grandma Winter out of trouble?
SNOW MAN. But has she become evil now?
SNOW MAIDEN. Something bad happened to her, someone bewitched her. We need to save Grandma Winter.
SNOW MAN. Where can we find her?
SNOW MAIDEN. I know who will help us - Auka, the owner of the Forest Kingdom. He lives in the deepest forest, let's go to him.
(The Snow Maiden and the Snow Woman make their way through the thicket with difficulty. They stop)
SNOW MAIDEN. Well, here we come. It seems to be here. Now, in order to call Auku, you need to shout “au” loudly three times. Help me, girlfriend! One two Three! Aw! Aw! Aw!
(Silence. Suddenly a creaky voice is heard from somewhere)
AUKA'S VOICE. Aw! Who's calling me?
(Auka appears. He vertically challenged, shaggy, bearded, with a bump instead of a nose)
AUKA. Hello, Snow Maiden! Hello, Snow Woman! Why did you come to visit?
SNOW MAN. Hello!
SNOW MAIDEN. Hello, Auka, we are in trouble. Grandmother Winter turned into the evil woman Deryaba, froze the entire forest, animals and birds, and rushed off on a sleigh with blizzard wolves. You are the owner of the entire Forest Kingdom, tell me, advise where we can find her?
AUKA. Eh, eh! Oh oh! My hair is tangled; no one has combed it for three hundred years. Comb my hair, girl, help Auka.
(He hands the Snow Maiden a comb. The Snow Maiden begins to comb her long hair)
AUKA. Just scratch carefully so as not to pull out a single hair! Otherwise I’ll make you angry and won’t tell you anything.
(Snow Maiden continues to comb her hair)
AUKA. Well, well done, Snow Maiden, you are kind, affectionate, you comb my hair well. For this I will tell you what I know myself. I heard that three witches settled in our forest - Echidna, Moroka and Krivda. They say they saw them today in the Underground Kingdom, and they had a magic staff with them, the same one with which Grandmother Winter works miracles. Therefore, this is their tricks.
SNOW MAN. Where is this – the Underground Kingdom?
AUKA. Stupid question. We know where - underground.
SNOW MAN. Underground? How will we get there?
AUKA. If you guess three riddles, I’ll show you the way to the Underground Kingdom. And you, Snow Maiden, sit quietly, comb my hair, and don’t tell the Snow Woman, otherwise I’ll get angry.
SNOW MAN. Oh, I'm scared. I'm afraid I can't guess. I’ve been living for the second day in the world, but I don’t know anything, I haven’t gained my mind.
SNOW MAIDEN. Don't worry, think carefully, maybe you'll figure it out.
AUKA. Well, listen carefully. The tablecloth is white - it covers the whole world. What is this?
SNOW MAN (repeats the riddle several times, mutters). What is this? I don’t know where to look for the answer. There is only snow all around...
AUKA. What did you say?
SNOW MAN (sobs). Snow, I say...
AUKA. Ay, well done! You guessed correctly – snow! Well, listen to another riddle. White, but not sugar, no legs, but walking. What it is?
SNOW MAN (mutters). Ay-ay-ay, poor thing, how can he walk without legs? White is not sugar... Maybe it's a white hare... No, it has legs. What is this? I can't imagine. And I don’t have it, this very mind. Snowy me. There's only snow in my head!
AUKA. Well, repeat it.
SNOW MAN (crying). Snow!
AUKA. Well, she's smart! You guessed it right again! Listen to the third riddle. This one will be more difficult. It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life in autumn. If you guess what it is, I’ll show you the passage to the Underworld.
SNOW MAN (mutters). Does it keep you warm in winter - a fur coat or mittens? Smoldering in the spring? How else can this be understood? It dies in the summer - that's the problem! What a sad mystery. It comes alive in autumn... No, I can’t figure this out for the life of me. And, come what may, I’ll say “snow” again!
AUKA. Well? Did you guess right?
AUKA. Oh yes Baba Snow! Wow, smart girl! I solved all my mysteries.
(By this time, the Snow Maiden had not only combed Auka’s beard, but also braided it into a neat braid).
SNOW MAIDEN. Well done, girlfriend! How clever you are! Now you, Auka, give us the answer. How do we get to the Underworld?
AUKA. Well, I'll take care of that.
(Auka whistles loudly, the thicket suddenly parted, Auka, Snow Maiden and Snow Woman walk forward.)
AUKA. Here it is - the move to the Underground Kingdom! Come down! I bow to the underground king Pereplut!
SNOW MAN. Thank you!
(Snow Maiden and Snow Woman descend underground)
(Underground kingdom. Tree roots hang from above, it’s dark, scary. There are chests with precious treasures everywhere. The fat king Pereplut sits on the largest chest).
SNOW MAN. Hello!
UNDERGROUND. Hello, beautiful girls! Why did you come to my kingdom? Are you looking for a treasure?
SNOW MAIDEN. Hello, Queen of the Underground. The mistress of the forest, Auka, sent us to you and told us to bow to you. (Bows.)
UNDERGROUND I know, I know one, we are old friends.
SNOW MAIDEN. Auka says that you will be able to help our trouble.
UNDERGROUND Maybe I’ll be able to, but maybe I won’t be able to... What’s your problem?
SNOW MAIDEN. My grandmother - Winter is gone. They say that here, in the Underworld, her magic staff was seen. It was as if three witches brought him here...
UNDERGROUNDDo you need a staff? For what? Take better gold and silver. Hey,
(Dwarves open chests with gems and coins)
UNDERGROUND Better stay, the girl is here. Forget about Winter. Your grandmother Winter is no more, but instead there is the evil Baba Deryaba. She will freeze you, turn you into an ice statue. Don't go after her, don't look for her. I will make you a queen, you will walk in gold and precious stones. Hey, my faithful maid!

The gnome servants take out the crown and other decorations from the chests and put them on the Snow Maiden.
UNDERGROUND. I am the richest in the world. All underground treasures, all gold veins, all semi-precious stones are all mine. I’ll give you everything you want, I’ll fulfill your every whim. Stay!
In a dark gloomy dungeon
Where there is no sun or moon.
All caves and gorges
Full of gold and silver.
All treasures and treasures
I'll give it to you as a reward.
Just agree to stay here -
You will be swimming in gold.
SNOW MAIDEN. No, UNDERGROUND. I don’t need your treasures, I don’t need gold and silver.
(She takes off the golden crown and other jewelry from her head.)
UNDERGROUND. Oh yes girl! Well, what a clever girl! Therefore, you love your grandmother, therefore, you will not leave her in trouble for any precious gifts. Hey servants! Bring my three captives here!
(The maid brings three witches entangled in a large net. The witches try to break free and run away, but only become even more entangled)
UNDERGROUND. Here, Snow Maiden, whom I caught, entangled in my net. They did such things at the top that they themselves fell underground out of fear. They also had a magic staff with them. No matter how they ordered him, how they begged him, how they knocked on the ground, their staff did not listen.
(The maid brings a magic staff)
SNOW MAN. And why?
UNDERGROUND. But because the staff is only magical good people listens only to those whose souls are pure, only to those who have love in their hearts. Take the staff, Snow Maiden. He will help you. Wait, don't rush. What should I do with these old hags? They should be punished to the fullest extent. How do you think?
ECHIDNA. Don't punish me! I have nothing to do with it! Krivda and Moroka came up with all this. And I was just standing next to it!
FALSE. Don't believe her, Echidna is lying! She stole the staff!
HAZARD. Who are you listening to, it’s Krivda, you’ll never get the truth from her. It was she who distracted you, pretending to be sick!
(Three witches shout at each other, fight, argue, scratch)
UNDERGROUND. Decide, Snow Maiden. As you say, so it will be.
SNOW MAIDEN. Why punish them? They are stupid and unhappy. They saw little good in life. They have no friends, no girlfriends, there are only grievances and black envy all around. They have a bad life, they punished themselves.
UNDERGROUND. So you forgive them?
WITCHES IN CHORUS. Forgive us, Snow Maiden! We won't do it again!
SNOW MAIDEN. I forgive you.
UNDERGROUNDYou are kind, girl. I, however, do not believe these witches.
I’ll leave them with me in the Underground Kingdom, let them work and guard my treasures.
(The Snow Maiden takes the Snow Woman by the hand and holds the staff with the other hand).
SNOW MAIDEN. Thank you, UNDERGROUND, for the staff! Where should I look for my grandmother?
UNDERGROUND. Point the staff, it will instantly take you where you need to go.
SNOW MAIDEN. Please, magic staff, take us to where we can look for Grandma Winter.
(She hits the ground with her staff three times and immediately disappears along with the Snow Woman)
(The Kingdom of Ice and Cold. A blizzard howls, a blizzard swirls. In the middle of a snowy desert, surrounded by icy mountains, the Snow Maiden and the Snow Woman suddenly appear. The Snow Woman turns her head in all directions)
SNOW MAIDEN. Thank you, staff!
SNOW MAN. Where are we? Where is Grandma Winter?
(The White Wolf jumps out from behind an ice block, he growls, bares his teeth, wants to attack the Snow Maiden).
SNOW MAN. Oh, who is this? What kind of animal is so scary?
SNOW MAIDEN. This is the White Wolf. Don't be afraid, Snow Woman, he won't hurt us. Look, he has kind eyes.
(White Wolf growls)
SNOW MAN. What's that on his side?
SNOW MAIDEN. Blood. He's wounded. (To the wolf.) Come here, my dear, I will help you, I will wash the wound with snow.
WHITE WOLF. Don't come near! I'll bite you!
SNOW MAIDEN. Well, why bite? Lie still.
(She boldly approaches the Wolf, strokes his head. The Wolf calms down. The Snow Maiden applies snow to his wound).
SNOW MAIDEN. Who hurt you like that?
WHITE WOLF. I am the master of the Kingdom of Cold and Ice. I had servants, blizzard wolves. But another gentleman appeared here today - the evil witch Baba Deryaba. My servants now serve her, they attacked me, they bit my side. Who are you?
SNOW MAIDEN. I am the Snow Maiden, Grandmother Winter's granddaughter. It would be necessary to bandage the wounded side with something.
SNOW MAN. Take my scarf, Snow Maiden.
SNOW MAIDEN. What about you?
SNOW MAN. I am Snowy, nothing will happen to me.
(Snow Maiden bandages the wound of the White Wolf)
SNOW MAIDEN. OK it's all over Now.
WHITE WOLF. Thank you, Snow Maiden. My wound hardly hurts anymore.
SNOW MAIDEN. Tell me, White Wolf, where can I find Grandma Winter?
WHITE WOLF. Why do you need her, Snow Maiden? Don’t go to her, she’s evil, her servants, the blizzard wolves, will tear you apart.
SNOW MAIDEN. Baba Deryaba is my grandmother, Winter the Bewitched. She was bewitched by evil witches. We need to help her become kind again. Show me where Deryaba lives?
WHITE WOLF. Do you see the mountain? At the top of the ice mountain, in the ice palace, Baba Deryaba lives. This is a dangerous path. I'll go with you. You helped me, maybe I will be useful to you soon.
(In the ice palace, Grandfather Karachun sits on an ice throne, around the throne are his faithful servants, blizzard wolves. Suddenly, the Snow Maiden, the Snow Woman and the White Wolf appear in front of Karachun.
Blizzard wolves surround uninvited guests, surround them, bare their teeth, growl)
SNOW Maiden (quietly). Magic staff, make Baba Deryaba...
(The wolves growl, the White Wolf bristles, protects the Snow Maiden)

SNOW MAN. Hurry up, Snow Maiden!
SNOW MAIDEN. Make Grandma Winter...
(The snow woman is spinning around, wants to help, but doesn’t know how and only gets in the way.
The Snow Maiden drops her staff, one of the blizzard wolves grabs it and throws it to Deryaba. The White Wolf enters into battle with three blizzard wolves. He fights bravely, but the forces are unequal, and he is mortally wounded).
SNOW MAN. Run, save yourself, Snow Maiden! Don't be afraid for me, I'm snowy, nothing will happen to me.
(The Snow Woman shields the Snow Maiden from the blizzard wolves, the wolves surround her, raise a strong blizzard and attack the Snow Woman.
The Snow Maiden fell to the floor and covered her face with her hands. The wolves surrounded her, growling, chattering their teeth, but did not come closer)
SHIT. Go back, my faithful servants! Why did you come, stupid girl? Are you looking for death? I'll get cold, I'll freeze!
SNOW MAIDEN. No, no, I don’t believe you, you are not like that, you are my kind grandmother, only bewitched by evil witches. You are not Deryaba!!
SHIT. I’m not Deryaba?! How dare you argue with me, girl?!
As soon as I touch you with my finger, you will turn into a ringing piece of ice.
SNOW MAIDEN. I'm not afraid of you, do you hear! You won't do anything to me.
SHIT (menacingly). And why is that?!
SNOW MAIDEN. Because I have the best grandmother in the world! Do you remember what lullaby you sang to me when I was little?
(Probably, the Snow Maiden begins, and then the song is picked up by the voice of Grandmother Winter, from afar, as if from the past.)
Can you hear the blizzard song?
Sleep, baby, in the cradle.
Bye-bye, it's time to sleep.
I wish you happiness and goodness.
Lyuli-lyuli, bye-bye,
I'm rocking the Snow Maiden.
Sleep baby, sweet dreams.
My love keeps your peace at night.
SNOW MAIDEN. I love you, grandma!
(The light dims, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes. Dryaba transforms into Winter. The blizzard wolves, subdued, tails between their legs, come closer to the White Wolf.
A bright light comes on, magical snow falls, bells ring)
Winter. And I love you, granddaughter!
(She hugs Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden hugs Winter, sees the dying White Wolf, rushes to him)
SNOW MAIDEN. Poor thing, are you hurt?
She puts his head on her lap, strokes him, feels sorry for him.
SNOW MAIDEN. Grandma, dear, save the White Wolf!
WINTER.. May the White Wolf be safe and healthy!
(Winter hits the ground with his staff three times, the White Wolf rises, healthy and strong)
WINTER. You fought bravely for justice. Thank you, White Wolf, thank you, friend!
(Blizzard wolves fearfully approach the White Wolf)

FIRST WOLF. Forgive us, master!
SECOND WOLF. It's not our fault. This is all the spell of the evil Deryaba.
THIRD WOLF. We promise to serve you faithfully!
(At this time, the Snow Maiden raises the Snow Woman again)
WHITE WOLF. I order you, blizzard wolves, help the Snow Maiden. So that in a minute Snow Baba would be safe.
FIRST WOLF. It will be done, master!
SECOND WOLF. We'll be there in a jiffy!
THIRD WOLF. Oh, what we did... What a shame.
FIRST WOLF. Forgive us, Snow Maiden.
SECOND WOLF. And forgive me, Baba Snow.
(Snow Baba is ready)
WINTER.. May our brave Snow Woman come to life soon, may she become even whiter and more beautiful!
(Magic happens. The snow woman comes to life again)
SNOW MAN (approaches the wolves, Winter, White Wolf, then the Snow Maiden). Hello! Hello! Hello!.. Why are you crying, Snow Maiden? I told you that I’m snowy, nothing will happen to me!
WINTER. (To the snow woman). Thank you, dear, for saving my granddaughter without sparing yourself.
(Santa Claus gives the Snow Woman a heart)
WINTER. The main magical power in the world is not in the staff... The most important magical power is in love. There is no such misfortune, no such misfortune that true love cannot overcome. Do you remember what I told you, granddaughter: love works wonders!
(Having received the gift, the Snow Woman does not know where to place it, she tries it on her head, neck, stomach, legs... As a result, she presses it to her chest, where people’s hearts are, and freezes, smiling with happiness)
SNOW MAIDEN. Farewell, White Wolf! It's time for us to go back
SNOW MAN (approaches the White Wolf, Snow Maiden, Winter). Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!…
(Winter, Snow Maiden and Snow Woman join hands)
WINTER. Farewell White Wolf! Farewell to the Kingdom of Ice and Cold! Come on, magic staff, bring us back home, to our fairytale forest!
(Santa Claus hits the ground three times with his staff).
(Winter, Snow Maiden and Snow Woman return to the edge of the fairytale forest. Winter looks at the frozen trees, at the frozen birds... Shakes her head).
WINTER. Come on, magic staff, break the spell of the evil Deryaba. Let the forest come to life!
(He hits the ground with his staff three times. Magic happens. Everything comes to life. Nastasya Petrovna comes out of the hut).
NASTASYA PETROVNA. Eh, it’s good how to become alive again! (Stretches, yawns).
SNOW MAIDEN. Hello, Bear!
WINTER. Hello, Nastasya Petrovna!
SNOW MAN. Hello, dear friend!
NASTASYA PETROVNA. And hello to you! And goodbye! I'll probably go to my den. It makes me sleepy. Bears need to sleep in winter. Everyone has been sleeping for a long time, I’m the only one staggering.
WINTER. Here, Nastasya Petrovna, is a holiday gift for you - raspberry jam in a tueska. You can also enjoy it on the side.
SNOW MAIDEN. Pleasant dreams! Snow woman, tell Nastasya Petrovna goodbye! When we part with friends, we say goodbye to them so that we can meet them again in the New Year!
SNOW MAN. Goodbye! Goodbye, Nastasmya Petrovna!
WINTER. So our fairy tale ends. Now we too will say “goodbye” to the guys.
Everything became as before, the spell was broken.
The clock struck, the old year ended.
Do you hear footsteps? The New Year is fast approaching us.
I know that happiness awaits us in it.
And all that we need to be happy with you is
Warm heart and true friendship.