Scenario for Children's Day with games. Scenario for the holiday "Children's Day" for elementary school students. Relay race "Baba Yaga - bone leg"

June 1 is Children's Day and the holiday script will help educators and teachers prepare a fun event. This day is dedicated to children, and as you know, children love to play most of all. Therefore, it’s better suited for Children’s Day game scenario with multiple competitions. Of course, you can’t do without a funny and popular character and a fabulous atmosphere.

All this is provided for on Children's Day, which is recommended for kindergarten and primary school students.

Scenario for the Children's Day holiday

The song “Childhood” is playing

Presenter 1:
June came, June, June-
Birds are chirping in the garden,
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fly apart!
Sun Festival! How many of you,
Dandelions in summer!
Childhood is a gold reserve
For our big planet!

The first verse of the song “Sunny Circle” sounds

Presenter 2:
Dear friends, the long-awaited sun holiday has come for us, the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Festival! Every day of this joyful big holiday will open up like a new interesting and bright page, colorful book. This is a book that will contain songs, pictures, games, fairy tales, riddles, hikes, and adventures! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, holiday! And the most important thing is the peaceful sky above us!

Presenter 1:
Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated International Day protecting children and maintaining peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys. :

Old woman Shapoklyak comes out:
Hi all! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! I am the cheerful old lady Shapoklyak. And you are visiting a fairy tale. Why did you come here? (play, have fun).
Yes?! I also love to play. I know such wonderful games. For example, you can smear glue on a bench, and when someone sits on it, it will be a laugh! Ha ha ha! Good game? (No!)
Then another: a man is walking down the street, and I pour a bucket of water on top of him. Great? (No!)
Well, then one more game. Boy, come here. I was walking down the street and lost my wallet, boy, help me, pick up my wallet. (The boy tries to lift it, Shapoklyak pulls the rope). Oh, how fun! Do you like my game? No?
Oh, how boring you all are... You don’t like my games. Well, what do you like to play? (children's answers).
Okay, I'll play “your games.” But first I want to listen to poems about summer.

Children read poetry:

Child 1:
We celebrate the holiday of summer,
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Come visit us.
We are always glad to have guests.

Child 2:
Birds will fly to the holiday
Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.
They will click and whistle
Sing songs with us.

Child 3:
Dragonflies will buzz around,
Smile poppies, roses.
And a tulip will dress
In the brightest sundress.

Child 4:
We celebrate the summer holiday
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, brighter gray
The holiday will be more fun.

Child 5:
First day of summer, become even brighter!
Celebrate the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is All Children's Day,
It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

Child 6:
First day of colorful summer
He brought us together, friends.
Festival of the sun, festival of light,
A holiday of happiness and goodness!

Presenter 2:
The holiday dedicated to Children's Day is considered open. Hurray!

All together: Hurray!

Guys, if you agree with me, say “YES”
- What’s your mood, huh?
- Is everyone of this opinion?
- all without exception?
- have we grown up?
- We managed everything?
- We made it everywhere?
- one for all?
- and all for one?
- Is your health okay?
- Do you have fun?
- can you play?

Presenter 1:
There are many games in the world,
But I can’t tell you everything.
Loved by adults and children
Play different games.
We are starting the “Fairytale Relay Races”

The song “Come Fairy Tale” plays. Children are divided into two teams.

So, the teams are assembled! And first of all, we need to name our teams somehow! We are given one minute for you to come up with team names related to the fairy tale.

Presenter 2:
And I ask you to loudly introduce your teams in unison!

Competition 1

Before the relay starts, I read an excerpt from a fairy tale; the first team to correctly guess the name of the fairy tale receives an extra point.

The mouse was running, its tail touched it, the egg fell and broke
Answer: "Rocktail chicken"

Competition 2

Carry a tennis ball in a tablespoon and pass the baton to the next person.

Competition 3

The next competition is called "The Little Humpbacked Horse". The little humpbacked horse shook himself, stood up on his paws, and perked up. He flapped his mane, groaned and flew like an arrow.

Running with a basketball on your back to the finish line and back.

Competition 4

The father had three sons, and he left them an inheritance: an old mill, a donkey and a cat. We are starting the "Puss in Boots" competition. The first player puts on the boot, runs to the finish line and back, and passes the boot to the next one.

Competition 5

Carlo entered the closet, sat down on the only chair at the legless table and, turning the log this way and that, began to cut a doll out of it with a knife. Competition called "Pinocchio".

The team is divided into two people: Alice the fox and Basilio the cat. The cat is blindfolded and put on big slippers, the fox leads him to the finish line and back, the blindfold and slippers are passed on to the next pair.

Playing with spectators

Conducted by Shapoklyak:
How are you living? - Like this! (expose thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)
How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)
How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)
Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

Game 2 with spectators

You need to finish the sentence correctly.

-The bunny went out for a walk, the hare’s paws are exactly ...... (four)
- I have a dog, she has as many tails as .... (one)
- There is a funny sign, snow has fallen, welcome... (winter)
-The blizzard howls like a drill in the yard... (February)
– Birthday is around the corner, we baked….(cake)
– Irinka and Oksanka have three-wheelers….(bicycle).

Competition 6

I came up with an idea! I found! Let two of you take the twig in their beaks, and the third will cling to it in the middle. You will fly, but the frog will drive. Let's call this competition "Frog Traveler".

Teams are divided into 3 people. Two children put a stick on their shoulders and hold it with their hands. The third - a frog - hangs by his hands, legs crossed. You need to quickly walk to the finish line and come back.

Competition 7

Remember the fairy tale "Kolobok"? The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom and scraped up two handfuls of flour.

Participants need to roll the ball with a hoop to the finish line and back, pass the hoop and ball to the next player.

Competition 8

The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second one joins him, holding his waist, and now they run together. Then a third one joins, etc.

Competition 9

Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took the buckets and went to the river.

The first participant takes buckets filled with water, runs to the finish line and back, passes the buckets to the next player.

The song “Not Children's Time” plays, all the spectators get up, go out onto the platform and repeat the dance movements of Shapoklyak.

Presenter 1:
For the rulers of the country
The guys are all equal:
Both red and white,
Both strong and brave,
Cheerful and noisy
And very, very smart.
Everyone will receive a gift or prize
And this is all a surprise for you.

Sofia Rotaru's song “I am you he she” is playing.

Summarizing. Presentation of gifts.

The children will remember the holiday, Children's Day, held according to this scenario for a long time and will receive a lot of pleasant impressions. By the way, soon the children will go on vacation, and it will certainly be useful to every organizer.

  1. I . Introduction

-Hello, Hello, Hello!
We are happy to greet you!
So many bright smiles
We see it on their faces now.
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
First summer day of the year
He won't let his children get into trouble.

Speech by the head of the club, chairman of the village women's council.

-We wish everyone Have a good mood and radiant smiles! After all, today is good and fun party- Children Protection Day!

—Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

-Today, on this first summer day
Even an old stump will bloom for us
And every blade of grass will give us a flower
And no mosquito will bite anyone.
All because the holiday has arrived,
He united all the children of the Earth
And the boys from China became brothers,
And sisters - girls from Uruguay.
Let our skin be different in color,
But we understand all the children on the planet by looking at them.
We all dream together about one thing,
So that everyone has a family and a home,
So that both us and we can be loved
And in childhood, we all lived without worries and grief.
Therefore, we ask all people
So that we, children, are protected and valued!”

Song “Adults and Children Know” lyrics. Rakhimova O.E.
(to the tune of the song “33 Cows”)

Adults and children know
Yes, it’s time for us to find out
What does everyone have in this world?
Have legal rights
And it doesn't matter where you live,
Who is richer, who is poorer
And what color is the skin?
You also have the right
As does each of the people.

Every child has the right
Get treatment in hospital if you are sick,
The right to food, to education,
The right to attention, to a place of residence,
Has the right to a beautiful name,
For joy, for happiness,
For a happy childhood.

—Many different smart laws, guys, protect your life and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. Children's Day reminds all people, all over the world, that we must remember the rights of every child and, of course, not violate them.
The holiday dedicated to children comes to us on the first day of summer, when the green forests are rustling, birds are singing in every possible way, the sun is shining brightly in the huge blue sky, summer flowers are blooming, bumblebees and bees are merrily circling over them, transparent wings are sparkling over crystal streams. dragonflies

  1. II . Game part

1. “How are you living?”

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

  1. 2 . Relay Games
  1. “Burn, burn clearly” with the ball.

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The leading child with the ball in his hands is behind the circle. The children and the leader walk in the opposite direction, saying the words:
“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!"
After these words, the presenter quietly places the ball behind one of the players. All children count: “One, two, three! Run!” The leader and the participant near whom the ball was placed run around the circle in different directions. The one who runs around first and takes a place in the circle wins. The second player becomes the leader.

  1. "Hot potato".

Children stand in a circle. At the command of the leader, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. As soon as the presenter says: “Stop!”, the game stops. The player who has the ball in his hands leaves the game. They play until the last player wins.

  1. Puzzles

Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flying over the flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates rose
There is beauty all over the world.
The sun ordered: “Stop,
The Seven Color Bridge is cool.”
A cloud hid the light of the sun,
The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps
Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes
Everyone gives a bow. (Strawberry).

A cap and a leg -
That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

The sisters are standing in the field:
Dresses are whitewashed, hats are green. (Birches).

  1. Relay Games
  1. Relay game "Kangaroo". 2 teams play. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player.
  2. Dance game “How beautiful I am.” Everyone can play, standing in a circle. Players pass a basket of things from each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting it will be.
  3. Game for kids “Collect apples”. Three people play (maybe several times). Rules: apples of yellow, green and red cardboard are scattered on the floor. The players' task is to collect apples of their color as quickly as possible.
  1. Game “Edible-Inedible”

They sow it, they reap it in the field,
They bake it from flour,
They call it rich bread,
He is:
- Edible!

This one is baking in the oven,
Placed on a flat wall,
They call it choice brick,
He guys:
- Not edible!

What grows in the garden
Spreads a lot of leaves
This is a green cucumber
It will be for us:
- Edible!

Made of metal
He knocks like crazy
This is a jackhammer
For us of course:
- Not edible!

It grows on a tree
Everyone knows this fruit
They call it a vigorous apple,
He is:
- Edible!

Bedspreads are made from it,
Handkerchiefs, curtains, blankets,
There are a lot of fashionable clothes,
It's a pity that the fabrics:
- Not edible!

Well done guys, everything is correct, everything is correct.
Chocolate candies,
Cakes and tartlets,
Honey gingerbread,
Boiled lollipops,
Delicate cake,
Ice cream with raisins,
Everything is edible, everything is so tasty,
Prepared expertly!

  1. Fairytale relay

Baron Munchausen Core
Kernel – normal balloon, on which is written large: “Core”. The relay participant must “ride the core,” holding it between his knees and holding it with his hands. Thus, he must travel to the turning mark and back, pass the ball to the next player.

Puss in Boots
The props for this relay race are boots that are very big size(as many teams, as many pairs), wide-brimmed hat for each team. On command, participants put on boots and a hat, run to the turning point, bow there and return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Fox Alice and cat Basilio
Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair.

Frog traveler
Props: gymnastic stick. The two strongest participants place a stick on their shoulders, and the third takes it with his hands and lifts his legs off the ground. At the signal, all three must reach the turning mark. If a player hanging on a stick touches the floor while moving, then penalty points are deducted from the team. At the finish line, the “frogs” unhook from the stick and remain there, and the “ducks” run after the next participant – the “frog”. Thus, the whole team must be at the start.

Baba Yaga
Everyone remembers that Baba Yaga travels in a mortar, assisted by a broom. Instead of a mortar there will be a bucket, and instead of a broom there will be a mop. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket and holds it by the handle with one hand, and holds a mop in the other hand. In this position, he needs to reach the turning mark, go back and pass the props to the next participant.

  1. Pass the ball over the top.

For this and the next two relay races, it is necessary to assemble 2 teams and line them up in two columns, at a short distance from each other. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball reaches the last person standing, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Pass the ball sideways.

Participants stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. The team captains have the ball. On command they begin to pass it to each other. As soon as the ball hits the last person standing, all participants turn in a circle and the ball returns to the team captain on the other side. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Nimble ball.

In this relay the task becomes more complicated - the first two games are combined.
(it is recommended to repeat all tasks first).

III. Asphalt drawing competition

Now take the crayons
And draw, write on the asphalt,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings contain:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

  1. IV . Final part. Summarizing.

May there never be war
Let the cities sleep peacefully,
Let the sirens howl piercingly
Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,
No one is writing a machine gun,
Let our forests ring out,
Only birds and children's voices,
And may the years pass peacefully

All children: “Let there never be war!”

Scenario for the holiday "Children's Day"

I. Introduction

-- Hello, Hello, Hello!
We are happy to greet you!
So many bright smiles
We see it on their faces now.
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
First summer day of the year
He won't let his children get into trouble.

Speech by the head of the club, chairman of the village women's council.

We wish everyone a good mood and radiant smiles! After all, today is a good and cheerful holiday - Children's Day!

Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

Today, on this first summer day
Even an old stump will bloom for us
And every blade of grass will give us a flower
And no mosquito will bite anyone.
All because the holiday has arrived,
He united all the children of the Earth
And the boys from China became brothers,
And sisters - girls from Uruguay.
Let our skin be different in color,
But we understand all the children on the planet by looking at them.
We all dream together about one thing,
So that everyone has a family and a home,
So that both us and we can be loved
And in childhood, we all lived without worries and grief.
Therefore, we ask all people
So that they protect and value us - children!"

Song “Adults and Children Know” lyrics. Rakhimova O.E.
(to the tune of the song “33 Cows”)

Adults and children know
Yes, it’s time for us to find out
What does everyone have in this world?
Have legal rights
And it doesn't matter where you live,
Who is richer, who is poorer
And what color is the skin -
You also have the right
As does each of the people.

Every child has the right
Get treatment in hospital if you are sick,
The right to food, to education,
The right to attention, to a place of residence,
Has the right to a beautiful name,
For joy, for happiness,
For a happy childhood.

There are many different smart laws, guys, that protect your life and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. Children's Day reminds all people, all over the world, that we must remember the rights of every child and, of course, not violate them.
The holiday dedicated to children comes to us on the first day of summer, when the green forests are rustling, birds are singing in every possible way, the sun is shining brightly in the huge blue sky, summer flowers are blooming, bumblebees and bees are merrily circling over them, transparent wings are sparkling over crystal streams. dragonflies

II. Game part

1. "How are you doing?"

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

2. Relay Games

  1. “Burn, burn clearly” with the ball.

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The leading child with the ball in his hands is behind the circle. The children and the leader walk in the opposite direction, saying the words:
“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!"
After these words, the presenter quietly places the ball behind one of the players. All children count: “One, two, three! Run!” The leader and the participant near whom the ball was placed run around the circle in different directions. The one who runs around first and takes a place in the circle wins. The second player becomes the leader.

  1. "Hot potato".

Children stand in a circle. At the command of the leader, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. As soon as the presenter says: “Stop!”, the game stops. The player who has the ball in his hands leaves the game. They play until the last player wins.

  1. Puzzles

Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flying over the flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates rose
There is beauty all over the world.
The sun ordered: "Stop,
The Seven Color Bridge is cool."
A cloud hid the light of the sun,
The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps
Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes
Everyone gives a bow. (Strawberry).

A cap and a leg -
That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

The sisters are standing in the field:
Dresses are whitewashed, hats are green. (Birches).

  1. Relay Games
  1. Relay game "Kangaroo". 2 teams play. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player.
  2. Dance game “How beautiful I am.” Everyone can play, standing in a circle. Players pass a basket of things from each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting it will be.
  3. Game for kids “Collect apples”. Three people play (maybe several times). Rules: apples of yellow, green and red cardboard are scattered on the floor. The players' task is to collect apples of their color as quickly as possible.
  1. Game “Edible-Inedible”

They sow it, they reap it in the field,
They bake it from flour,
They call it rich bread,
He is:
- Edible!

This one is baking in the oven,
Placed on a flat wall,
They call it choice brick,
He guys:
- Not edible!

What grows in the garden
Spreads a lot of leaves
This is a green cucumber
It will be for us:
- Edible!

Made of metal
He knocks like crazy
This is a jackhammer
For us of course:
- Not edible!

It grows on a tree
Everyone knows this fruit
They call it a vigorous apple,
He is:
- Edible!

Bedspreads are made from it,
Handkerchiefs, curtains, blankets,
There are a lot of fashionable clothes,
It's a pity that the fabrics:
- Not edible!

Well done guys, everything is correct, everything is correct.
Chocolate candies,
Cakes and tartlets,
Honey gingerbread,
Boiled lollipops,
Delicate cake,
Ice cream with raisins,
Everything is edible, everything is so tasty,
Prepared expertly!

  1. Fairytale relay

Baron Munchausen Core
The core is an ordinary balloon with the words “Core” written on it in large letters. The relay participant must “ride the core,” holding it between his knees and holding it with his hands. Thus, he must travel to the turning mark and back, pass the ball to the next player.

Puss in Boots
The props for this relay are very large boots (as many teams, as many pairs), a wide-brimmed hat for each team. On command, participants put on boots and a hat, run to the turning point, bow there and return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Fox Alice and cat Basilio
Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair.

Frog traveler
Props: gymnastic stick. The two strongest participants place a stick on their shoulders, and the third takes it with his hands and lifts his legs off the ground. At the signal, all three must reach the turning mark. If a player hanging on a stick touches the floor while moving, then penalty points are deducted from the team. At the finish line, the “frogs” unhook from the stick and remain there, and the “ducks” run after the next participant – the “frog”. Thus, the whole team must be at the start.

Baba Yaga
Everyone remembers that Baba Yaga travels in a mortar, assisted by a broom. Instead of a mortar there will be a bucket, and instead of a broom there will be a mop. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket and holds it by the handle with one hand, and holds a mop in the other hand. In this position, he needs to reach the turning mark, go back and pass the props to the next participant.

  1. Pass the ball over the top.

For this and the next two relay races, it is necessary to assemble 2 teams and line them up in two columns, at a short distance from each other. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball reaches the last person standing, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Pass the ball sideways.

Participants stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. The team captains have the ball. On command they begin to pass it to each other. As soon as the ball hits the last person standing, all participants turn in a circle and the ball returns to the team captain on the other side. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Nimble ball.

In this relay the task becomes more complicated - the first two games are combined.
(it is recommended to repeat all tasks first).

III. Asphalt drawing competition

Now take the crayons
And draw, write on the asphalt,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings contain:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

IV. Final part. Summarizing.

May there never be war
Let the cities sleep peacefully,
Let the sirens howl piercingly
Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,
No one is writing a machine gun,
Let our forests ring out,
Only birds and children's voices,
And may the years pass peacefully

All children: “Let there never be war!”

Radio newspaper dedicated to International Children's Day

It sounds in the recording before the start of the holiday. The sound of a bugle.

Child 1. Merry horns, sound stronger!

The sound of drums.

Child 2. And the drums thunder!

The sound of a bugle and drums.

Child 3.
Sun, sun, shine more cheerfully,
Today is a holiday for all children!

Music starts.

Child 4
(against the background of music).
How much generous sun
And bright light
Day after day hot, more fun,

1st group of children.
This is a holiday of the Earth,

2nd group of children.
This is a holiday of the planet -

Together. World Children's Day!

Child 1. International Children's Day was established at the session of the International Federation of Women in 1949.
The first day of June is
The planet is smiling.

Child 2.
All the guys from end to end
The earth gathered a lot.

Child 3.
The planet will become much warmer
From the songs and laughter of happy children.

Child 4.

Remember these wonderful minutes,
Today, children are the masters of the planet.

Child 1.
On all continents of the vast country,
In all cities and regions
The guys live and meet the sunrises.
People like him and like me!

Child 2.

Children walk on the ground
How many of them are there in this world?
How many children's songs are heard -

Child 3.
Danish, Czech and German,
Polish, Ghanaian and Vietnamese,
European, African.

Child 4.
This is what we sing as we walk, -
Before us is a vast distance!

Child 1.
The most cheerful people on the planet,

Child 2. The friendliest people on the planet -

Together. Yellow, white, black children.

Child 3.
To the guys all over the world “Salute!”
May there be peace in the world
And let them grow up happy
All the children on the planet.

Child 4.
Children on the planet are friends,
Sounding, young as spring.
And only the sun shines for us,
And we have one land!

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet!
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land!

Learn the melody of D. Tukhmanov’s song to the words of R. Rozhdestvensky “My Country”. The members of the propaganda team, running onto the stage one by one, shout out the words of the first verse.

I you he she,
Together - a whole country.
Together - a friendly family.
There are one hundred thousand “I”s in the word “we”!
Big-eyed, mischievous,
Black, red and linen,
Sad and happy
In cities and villages.

The sun is shining above you,
My motherland.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
My motherland.
I love, country, your open spaces,
I love your fields and mountains,
Sleepy lakes and stormy seas.

He will arch his back over the fields
A hundred paths will open for us
Blue taiga.
The time for ripe berries will come again,
And then they will lie on the ground again
White, huge, luxurious snow,
It's like a holiday!
They'll be on you
Look at the stars in surprise
They'll be over you
Kind dawns burn
Quite a bitch!
In the blue heights
The birds will sing joyfully
And the song will ring
Above you in the clouds
On your winged tongues.

Children's Day - holiday script for children "Journey to the Land of Childhood"

Presenter: Good afternoon everyone! I'm glad to see you today. Do you know what holiday today is? (Children answer). That's right, today is Children's Day! And you know, my dears, that not only we celebrate this holiday, but all children all over the planet.
Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!
Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can we not love.

Memories of her.

Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where the world around is brighter
And the bird trills are louder.

Here today my friends,
We gathered for a reason.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and boys!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world, and we cannot live in the world without them. May the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth, may good triumph over evil forever. Far, far away lies the kingdom of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And whoever has been there at least once will remain a prisoner forever. Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible. And also because from childhood we learn kindness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and courage from fairy tales. Really, kids? (Children answer).

The cat Basilio and the Fox Alice come out from behind the scenes to the music. They look at everything and stop.

Cat Basilio: Ooh. Where did we end up?
Fox Alice:(Laughs). Don't know.
Presenter: Hello. Who are you?
Fox Alice: (Approaches slowly to the presenter). Hello. I'm Lisa Alice, eh
Cat Basilio: (Approaches Lesya Alice and the presenter, pushes away Fox Alice). So so so. Don't talk to us, say, where is the gold?
Presenter: What kind of gold?
Cat Basilio: Which one, which one? Golden! As if you don’t know, well, Pinocchio also buried 5 soldi in the ground.
Presenter: Sorry, but where were you going?
Cat Basilio: Where where. To the land of fools. On the field of miracles.
Presenter: A. But this is not the country of Fools, this is the country of Childhood.
Cat Basilio: (Turns to Alice the Fox). Well, where have you taken me?
Fox Alice: Well, how did I know that we would go the wrong way.
Cat Basilio: (Grievles). How did I know? How did I know?
Presenter: Dear guests, do not quarrel. Today is such a holiday.
Fox Alice: What holiday is today?
Presenter: Don’t you know?
Cat Basilio: No. And we have no idea.
Presenter: (Addresses the children). Let's remind our guests what holiday it is today, kids.
The children answer.
Cat Basilio: So what? What's good about this holiday?
Presenter: Well, how's that? Children are gold.
Cat Basilio: O. Gold. So Alice we have come to the right place. Let's go for the gold.
Presenter: Stop. Don't you dare do that! I will prove to you that children are not the gold that glitters, but the gold of the future.
Cat Basilio: Fine. What are you doing here?
Presenter: Today we will travel around the cities. Games to play quizzes. But do you like games?
Fox Alice: Yes, I really like to play with chickens and geese. (Licks lips). But my friend Basilio the Cat loves to play with a slingshot and shoot birds. (Shows a slingshot with his hands).
Presenter: Well, so that you wean yourself from such games and take the first step towards goodness. I'll give you permission to play with the children. Want to?
Fox Alice: Well, you can try.

Game: "Confusion".

Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox become. Behind the cat, the boys become the engine behind them, and behind the fox, the girls become the engine. Then they all stand in a circle, the music turns on, and everyone starts dancing. When the music ends and the two teams must find their hero. Boys have a cat, and girls have a fox.

The cat Basilio and the Fox Alice are quarreling. They pull the girl in their direction.

Presenter: What happened, why are you fighting?
Cat Basilio: We divide the gold.
Fox Alice: Yes Yes. Don't bother us.
Presenter: There is no need to share anything. And finally, let the child go.
Fox Alice: Why is it not necessary to divide?
Presenter: Because I invite you to an extraordinary journey and the first destination is where we will arrive. This is the city of dancing. Well, why are you coming with me?
Cat Basilio: What is needed for this?
Presenter: Nothing. Only your consent.
Fox Alice: And you don’t need money?
Presenter: No.
Cat Basilio: Fine. What will we go on?
Presenter: We will not go, but will sail on a ship.
Cat Basilio: Well, then we agree.
Fox Alice: Yes, we agree.
Presenter: Well, then let's swim.

Dance game.

Fox Alice: I didn’t like this country for some reason. But the children here are good.
Cat Basilio: Yes Yes. Let's take a few children and force them to dig for gold for us in the Land of Fools. But when we find all the gold, we will then give these children to Karabas Barabas. (Start playing palm games).
Presenter: Well, what are you saying? These are good children, they don’t do anything dirty and they will go anywhere.
Fox Alice: Why else?
Presenter: Because I won't give them to you. I will prove to you that my children are very good. And for this I invite you to the next city. The most beautiful, the most cheerful, the most extraordinary.
Cat Basilio: Oh, and what kind of city is this?
Presenter: This is a music city.
Fox Alice: Musical? And what is unusual about this city?
Presenter: In this city, all the people sing. And I know you love to sing.
Cat Basilio: Yes we love. But I don’t think we’ll go there on foot?
Presenter: Of course not. We will go there by train.
Fox Alice: Oh, but I love trains. And sing on the train. (He leaves and sings.) What a blue sky. We are not supporters of robbery.


Cat Basilio: (Dances near the cane and hums music from Pinocchio).
Fox Alice: What got you into singing?
Cat Basilio: I don’t know, I wanted to sing something. The children just sang well, so I wanted to sing.
Fox Alice: Why did you like the children?
Cat Basilio: Don’t you understand? How much money will we earn, they can also sing. And Karabas Barabas loves singing children.
Fox Alice: Ah-ah-ah.
Presenter: And I hear everything.
Fox Alice: So what?
Presenter: And aren’t you ashamed? Whisper.
Cat Basilio: We are not ashamed of anything.
Fox Alice. Exactly. I don't see any evidence. A little more and we will lose patience.
Cat Basilio: Yes. But when I'm angry, nothing can stop me.
Presenter: Good good. Then I invite you to another wonderful city.
Cat Basilio: Oh, you killed me with your cities. There is nothing good in these cities.
Fox Alice: (Hits the cat in the side and smiles at him).
Cat Basilio: Well, okay, I persuaded you! What's the next city there?
Presenter: That's another matter. Next city. This is a city of art, artistry, transformation. This is a city of theater.
Cat Basilio: Wow theater?
Fox Alice: This is interesting.
Presenter: But to get there we will fly by plane. Let's fly.

Game: Fairy Tale"

Cat Basilio
: Wow Wow wow. Wow. Well done. Artistic children. (Rubs hands).
Fox Alice: Are you thinking about what I’m thinking about?
Cat Basilio: (He hits Alice the Fox lightly on the head.) I don't know, what are you thinking? But that’s definitely not what I’m talking about!
Fox Alice: Why do you think so?
Cat Basilio: Because you have the substance with which you think.
Fox Alice: How is it not? I'll show you now. (Raises his hand at Basilio the Cat.)
Presenter: So so so. Quietly, quietly. Do not quarrel. Now we will all stand. Don’t worry, Alice Fox, we’ll now go to the city of Quiz and Riddles.
Fox Alice: And what?
Presenter: Like what? A few riddles and quizzes and you will become smart.
Fox Alice: Is it true?
Presenter: Well, of course.
Fox Alice: Well, then let's go, I want to be smart.
Cat Basilio: It won't help you. You can't brain a tree.
Fox Alice: You yourself are a tree. (Sticks out tongue).
Cat Basilio: Stop. Shall we go on foot?
Presenter: Of course not. We will ride on horses.
Fox Alice: Well, let's go, let's go.

Game: “Quizzes and riddles”

Presenter: I need two teams. These questions need to be answered quickly. I will now choose who will defend the team. And whose team answers the questions faster is the winner. Ready?

Questions for the first team.
1. Tracked combat vehicle (Tank)
2. Paper bag for sending and storing letters. (Envelope)
3. A chess piece that moves in the letter G. (Knight)
4. Circus jester. (Clown)
5. Inventor of the popular cube. (Rubik)
6. Cereal dish. (Porridge)
7. Stowaway. (Hare)
8. Science about diseases and their treatments. (Medicine)
9. Slow dance to the count of 1,2,3. (Waltz)
10. The highest mountain in the world. (Everest)

Questions for the second team.
1. Bird of prey at night. (Owl)
2. Dishes for boiling water. (Kettle)
3. What three-syllable word combines 33 letters. (Alphabet)
4. Rowing equipment. (Oars)
5. Insect that brings honey. (Bee)
6. National Japanese clothing. (Kimono)
7. The smallest length measure. (mm)
8. Gemstone, which is obtained from mollusk shells. (Pearl)
9. A horse of a short breed. (Pony)
10. Red line in the letter. (Paragraph)


Fox Alice: Yes, your kids are smart and so good. Everyone is so beautiful.
Presenter: Did you just understand this?
Fox Alice: Yes. Well, I didn’t look closely at them.
Cat Basilio: Oh, what's good about these kids? All they can do is sing and dance. Nothing else.
Presenter: No you are not right. Our children can do a lot. Not only can they sing and dance, but they also know how to have fun.
Fox Alice: Having fun? I love to have fun.
Cat Basilio: And you should just have fun. You have only one thing in your head: noise and screaming. And who will look for gold?
Fox Alice: Calm down. We have already found the treasure.
Cat Basilio: Found it? Where is he?
Fox Alice: Here in front of you.
Cat Basilio: Is this what you call a treasure?
Fox Alice: Yes. (Addresses the presenter). Well, why are we going to have fun?
Presenter: Well, of course. And we go to the last city. To prove to Basilio the Cat that children are good. Fox Alice already believed. This city of Entertainment. Are you ready, Alice Fox?
Fox Alice: Ready.
Presenter: Are you Basilio the Cat?
Cat Basilio: (Rude). Ready.
Presenter: We'll go by bicycle.


Cat Basilio: Now I see that children really are gold. But not the one that glitters.
Fox Alice: And look at the girl over there with the bows. How beautiful she is.
Cat Basilio: Very very beautiful. I liked it here so much.
Fox Alice: Shall we go up to the children and hug them?
Cat Basilio: Let's come.
Fox Alice: (Addresses the presenter). Can?
Presenter: Well, of course you can. But only if you have changed?
Fox Alice: Well, of course we have changed.
Cat Basilio: Yes Yes Yes.
Presenter: Well, then go.

The cat Basilio and the Fox Alice approach the children and play with them the game Drawing on the asphalt “The world in which I live.”

Fox Alice: I liked it very much. I would have stayed. But we need to go.
Cat Basilio: Yes, we need it.
Presenter: Where will you go?
Cat Basilio: To my home.
Fox Alice: We will tell you about your children in our country. And we will strive to make our children just like yours.
Cat Basilio: Goodbye.
Fox Alice: See you again.
Presenter: Children, let's say goodbye to our guests. Until next time.

Description: small festive program for children with songs and games dedicated to International Children's Day.


Presenter 1
Presenter 2

WITH Good morning, my planet!
The earth is warmed with kind light.
At this good hour at dawn
Children laugh with good laughter.

(Dance "Sunny Bunny", Spanish dance group "Victoria")

SPEAKER 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
We are glad to welcome all guests of our holiday.

SPEAKER 1: Children! So clean, so beautiful
How cute and how different!

HOST 2: When they sing and when they play -
It’s as if the world is being rocked with a smile.

HOST 1: The first day of June, the first day of the coming summer is called Children's Day. This is what the International Democratic Federation of Women decided in November 1949.

HOST 2: On the first of June, all of humanity on Earth demonstrates its ardent desire to protect children. To protect from hunger and disease, from ignorance, from fear and resentment, to protect from the horrors of war.

PRESENTER 1: Guys, guys, today in the world
On the whole planet, children are the masters.
Let's all sing together guys
The owners are children on the globe!

HOST 2: The song “Vesnushki” will be performed for you by the vocal group “Romashki”

/Song "Freckles", Spanish vocal group "Romashki"/

HOST 2: The song is our friend and comrade,
Life is more fun with her,
The work goes hand in hand with the song,
Holidays are brighter and brighter!

SPEAKER 2: Announced competition "Guess the melody". Which of you guys knows children's songs better? Now we will find out! So, the music plays, and you perform one verse from this song.

/Game “Guess the melody”

HOST 1: Accept as a gift a song performed by Svetlana Visloguzova.

/Song about summer.

HOST 2: So that the hour of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster,
Friends, we invite you
Let's get to the riddles quickly.


HOST 1: Accept a dance performed by the Land of Knowledge studio as a gift

/Dance "Waltz"./

HOST 1: Do you like to play? Shall we play with you?


This was an introduction to the script. For purchase full version script go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 49 R ub.