Love potion of the chatterbox sorcerer full version. Daria Dontsova, the love potion of a chatterbox sorcerer. Sorcerer's Love Potion


To investigate the new case, the entire special team of Tanya Sergeeva, accompanied by the chief, went to the Urals. There, in the small town of Loskutovo, the mayor died. Is it really centuries old - yes, that’s right! - has the enmity of two local clans, the Sharov and Brazhkin families, really reached the point of murder? It’s not like Chicago in the thirties, or like Italy during the Borgia era... Moreover, if the mayor was hit by a car, then several more people clearly died from poison. But the local sorcerers Kudryavtsevs, who prepared all sorts of potions, including very dangerous ones, are no longer alive! Is their potion, which caused something like the flu, capable of surviving to this day? As soon as Tatiana dug deeper, it turned out this...

Sorcerer's Love Potion

Sorcerer's Love Potion

Darya Dontsova

Chapter 1

"Never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you..."

Hearing this wonderful phrase, I looked up from studying the menu and looked at two young women sitting at the next table.

I love it! - One of them, a pretty blonde with shoulder-length hair and thick bangs, exclaimed excitedly at that moment. - Smart, beautiful, attentive, creative! Yesterday I brought a bouquet and said: “Darling, I wanted to give you red roses, but then I thought: this is too banal, and you are an unusual girl. So in the morning I went to the forest and picked wildflowers.” Agree, it’s very cute and original, none of our friends would do that.

Wildflowers are so called because they grow in fields and meadows, and not in the forest,” the second girl said instructively. - And you are too gullible. I think your precious lover is a common liar. He simply didn’t bother and rush around the neighborhood, but bought a bouquet at the “Venochek” boutique, where they sell just such things, allegedly picked with his own hands. He's a liar.

No! - her interlocutor got angry. - You, Katka, say nasty things out of envy, because you understand: we will get married soon. And some people don’t even have a boyfriend.

Olya, you’ve gone crazy,” Ekaterina continued. - I repeat: never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you. And even more so, you can’t marry someone like that. Your boyfriend has lost weight lately, he has bruises under his eyes, and he doesn’t look the best. He's definitely in a lot of trouble. Everything is bad for Romeo now, and it will be even worse.

Well, yes, there is grief in his family,” Olga said, “he’s worried.”

Maybe so, maybe not,” the friend did not give up, “it’s better to break off relations with him.”

Why? - Olya asked defiantly. - Whoever I want, I’ll marry him!

Well, in vain. With this you will kill your parents and grandmother. And no one will allow him to marry now,” Katya hissed. - And if you don’t give a damn about everyone and get married, then your parents won’t give you a penny. And then your “bunny” will have even more problems in life. Where will you live? Not in our city, you won’t be able to go outside here.

You, Katya, are very mercantile,” Olya pouted, “you shouldn’t just think about money, there are other values.”

For example? - Ekaterina became interested.

Love! - Olga exclaimed. - Such that at first sight, forever! Like a lightning strike! Has this happened to you?

Mmm... - Katya drawled, biting off half a eclair at once. - To be honest, I don’t remember anything. But what are my years, maybe I’ll still get hit with a bat from around the corner.

But this happened to me! “I met him, and the light turned upside down,” Olya jabbered. - I wish you too experience such a... uh... electric shock to the head.

Mercy, no need,” Katya refused, grinning. - After all, a head that has been hit with electric current stops working like a clock.

Do you think that your brain functions like the floor-standing Pavel Bure in your father’s office? - the beautiful blonde squinted.

Do you have any doubts? - Katerina chuckled.

I’m not talking about that, it’s just that now it’s clear to me why the cuckoo sometimes flies out of you,” Olya sang maliciously.

There was silence at the next table.

Have you chosen? - asked the waitress who approached me.

“Two pies with cabbage and tea,” I ordered. - Tell me, which drink is better?

Of course, it’s our signature,” the girl said proudly. - True, it’s a little more expensive than usual, but everyone really likes it. Here in the menu it is written in detail about it.

“Tea “English afternoon tea in Loskutovo.” Collected from the best plantations in India, processed using unique technology in Italy, packaged in sealed bags in France, this leaf came to us from Germany. We brew it with love according to the traditions of the Russian merchants of the glorious city of Loskutovo. Enjoy the aroma and taste of real English tea, which is preferred by royal courts. Have a wonderful appetite, Have a good mood, good luck and prosperity! The price for a teapot is eight euros.”

I closed the card and handed it back to the practiced smiling waitress. Can anyone explain why leaves from India, which visited a factory in Italy, then traveled along the route Apennine Peninsula - France - Germany - Russia and finally ended up overseas? Ural mountains in the city of Loskutovo, called “Real English tea”? Maybe somewhere in the depths of the kitchen of a cozy cafe there is a British citizen hiding? Is it he, having learned all the traditions of Loskutov’s merchants, who pours boiling water over the tea leaves? And why is the price indicated in euros? We're not in Europe. By the way, given the name of the drink, it would be more logical to issue an invoice in pounds sterling.

I looked at my neighbors again. Olga jumped up and used a napkin to blot her blouse, which had dark brown streaks all over it.

Are you crazy? - she shouted. - Now the blouse is ruined!

“All the complaints are against my cuckoo,” Katya answered calmly, getting up. “You said that she jumps out of me, and cuckoos always live up to other people’s expectations.” The bird heard your words and flew out.

Hey people! She poured coffee on me. Have you seen it? - Olya squeaked pitifully, looking after Katya as she left.

Since there was no one in the cafe except me and the waitress, I said:

When I turned around, the incident had already happened, I can’t be a witness.

Shut up! - Olya stamped her foot. - Since you are so vile here, I won’t pay the bill!

Having spoken, the beauty grabbed her bag and ran away.

Well well! - I was indignant. And she turned to the waitress: “You need to contact the police.”

The cafe worker reacted unusually calmly.

Forget it.

Will you let the impudent person just walk away? - I was surprised. - Judging by the empty cups and the remains of the cakes, the girls treated themselves to glory. The owner will deduct the cost of their order from your salary.

A guy leaned out of the service room.

Who was yelling here? Lena, what happened?

Olya and Katya had an argument, don’t worry, Nikolai Sergeevich,” the waitress answered.

A-ah-ah... - the young man drawled. - Okay, clear the table quickly.

My curiosity awoke.

Do you know these visitors?

No,” Elena snapped.

“We just called them by name,” I reminded.

It seemed to you.

You said: “Olya and Katya had an argument,” - for some reason I continued the meaningless conversation.

Are you not local? - the waitress asked her question. - From Moscow? You say it in the local way. My sister lives in the capital, in Chertanovo, I fly to her several times a year, I know how they say: Maskva-a?a... Each city has its own habits, in Loskutovo we call all unfamiliar women Olya and Katya. The men will see the cute girl and say: “Wow, Olga is coming!” Or Katka. Yes, that's how it is here. Bring some tea?

The bell rang and my boss, Ivan Nikiforovich, entered the cafe.

Where are you! I call, I call the number, you don’t answer. They're expecting us at five in the evening. Did you have time to eat?

Yes,” I lied and looked at the wall clock. - It’s sixteen forty-five now; It looks like we'll be late, we'll certainly get stuck in a traffic jam.

Let’s go on foot, the house is on the next street,” Ivan explained, “it’s five minutes at a leisurely pace.” And in blessed Loskutovo there are no congestions. I'm waiting for you outside, it's stuffy here.

The boss left. I got up.

Sorry, work is calling.

Would you like some tea or pies? - Lena clarified.

Next time,” I replied, “not today.”

As soon as we left the cafe, Ivan reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, held it in his hand, and then suddenly threw it into a trash can in the shape of a red penguin. When I saw her, I was amazed:

Well, you have to! These stood in Moscow during my childhood. They just seemed to be black and white. And now in the capital during the day with fire you cannot find such an urn. Listen, it looks like you threw away the whole pack. Or it seemed to me?

No, it didn’t seem like it,” the chief answered. - I am quitting smoking.

Current page: 1 (book has 16 pages total) [available reading passage: 3 pages]

Daria Arkadyevna Dontsova

Tatyana Sergeeva. Diet Detective #18

To investigate the new case, the entire special team of Tanya Sergeeva, accompanied by the chief, went to the Urals. There, in the small town of Loskutovo, the mayor died. Is it really centuries old - yes, that’s right! – has the enmity of two local clans, the Sharov and Brazhkin families, really reached the point of murder? It’s not like Chicago in the thirties, or like Italy during the Borgia era... Moreover, if the mayor was hit by a car, then several more people clearly died from poison. But the local sorcerers Kudryavtsevs, who prepared all sorts of potions, including very dangerous ones, are no longer alive! Is their potion, which caused something like the flu, capable of surviving to this day? As soon as Tatiana dug deeper, it turned out this...

Darya Dontsova

Sorcerer's Love Potion

© Dontsova D. A., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

"Never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you..."

Hearing this wonderful phrase, I looked up from studying the menu and looked at two young women sitting at the next table.

- I love him! – one of them, a pretty blonde with shoulder-length hair and thick bangs, exclaimed excitedly at that moment. – Smart, beautiful, attentive, creative! Yesterday I brought a bouquet and said: “Darling, I wanted to give you red roses, but then I thought: this is too banal, and you are an unusual girl. So in the morning I went to the forest and picked wildflowers.” Agree, it’s very cute and original, none of our friends would do that.

“Wildflowers are so called because they grow in fields and meadows, and not in the forest,” the second girl said instructively. - And you are too gullible. I think your precious lover is a common liar. He simply didn’t bother and rush around the neighborhood, but bought a bouquet at the “Venochek” boutique, where they sell just such things, allegedly picked with his own hands. He's a liar.

- No! – her interlocutor got angry. “You, Katka, are saying nasty things out of envy, because you understand: we will get married soon.” And some people don’t even have a boyfriend.

“Olya, you’ve gone crazy,” Ekaterina continued. – I repeat: never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you. And even more so, you can’t marry someone like that. Your boyfriend has lost weight lately, he has bruises under his eyes, and he doesn’t look the best. He's definitely in a lot of trouble. Everything is bad for Romeo now, and it will be even worse.

“Well, yes, there is grief in his family,” said Olga, “he is worried.”

“Maybe so, maybe not,” the friend did not give up, “it’s better to break off relations with him.”

- Why? – Olya asked defiantly. - Whoever I want, I’ll marry him!

- Well, in vain. With this you will kill your parents and grandmother. And no one will allow him to marry now,” Katya hissed. “And if you don’t give a damn about everyone and get married, then your parents won’t give you a penny.” And then your “bunny” will have even more problems in life. Where will you live? Not in our city, you won’t be able to go outside here.

“You are very mercantile, Katya,” Olya pouted, “you shouldn’t just think about money, there are other values.”

- For example? – Ekaterina became interested.

- Love! – Olga exclaimed. – Such that at first sight, forever! Like a lightning strike! Has this happened to you?

“Mmm...” Katya drawled, biting off half a eclair at once. – To be honest, I don’t remember anything. But what are my years, maybe I’ll still get hit with a bat from around the corner.

- But this happened to me! “I met him, and the light turned upside down,” Olya jabbered. “I wish you too experience such a... uh... electric shock to the head.”

“Mercy, no need,” Katya refused, grinning. - After all, the head, through which an electric shock struck, stops working like a clock.

– Do you think that your brain functions like the floor-standing Pavel Bure in your father’s office? – the beautiful blonde narrowed her eyes.

– Do you have any doubts? – Katerina chuckled.

“I’m not talking about that, it’s just that now it’s clear to me why the cuckoo sometimes flies out of you,” Olya sang maliciously.

There was silence at the next table.

- Have you chosen? – asked the waitress who approached me.

“Two pies with cabbage and tea,” I ordered. – Tell me, which drink is better?

“Of course, our signature,” the girl said proudly. – True, it’s a little more expensive than usual, but everyone really likes it. Here in the menu it is written in detail about it.

“Tea “English afternoon tea in Loskutovo.” Collected from the best plantations in India, processed using unique technology in Italy, packaged in sealed bags in France, this leaf came to us from Germany. We brew it with love according to the traditions of the Russian merchants of the glorious city of Loskutovo. Enjoy the aroma and taste of real English tea, which is preferred by royal courts. I wish you a wonderful appetite, good mood, kindness, good luck and prosperity! The price for a teapot is eight euros.”

I closed the card and handed it back to the practiced smiling waitress. Can anyone explain why leaves from India, which visited a factory in Italy, then traveled along the route Apennine Peninsula - France - Germany - Russia and finally ended up beyond the Ural Mountains in the city of Loskutovo, are called “Real English tea”? Maybe somewhere in the depths of the kitchen of a cozy cafe there is a British citizen hiding? Is it he, having learned all the traditions of Loskutov’s merchants, who pours boiling water over the tea leaves? And why is the price indicated in euros? We're not in Europe. By the way, given the name of the drink, it would be more logical to issue an invoice in pounds sterling.

I looked at my neighbors again. Olga jumped up and used a napkin to blot her blouse, which had dark brown streaks all over it.

- Are you crazy? - she shouted. - Now the blouse is ruined!

“All the complaints are against my cuckoo,” Katya answered calmly, getting up. “You said that she jumps out of me, and cuckoos always live up to other people’s expectations.” The bird heard your words and flew out.

- Hey, people! She poured coffee on me. Have you seen it? – Olya squeaked pitifully, looking after Katya as she left.

Since there was no one in the cafe except me and the waitress, I said:

“When I turned around, the incident had already happened, I can’t be a witness.”

- Shut up! – Olya stamped her foot. - Since you are so vile here, I won’t pay the bill!

Having spoken, the beauty grabbed her bag and ran away.

- Well well! – I was indignant. And she turned to the waitress: “You need to contact the police.”

The cafe worker reacted unusually calmly.

- Forget it.

“Are you going to let the impudent guy just walk away?” – I was surprised. – Judging by the empty cups and the remains of the cakes, the girls treated themselves to glory. The owner will deduct the cost of their order from your salary.

A guy leaned out of the service room.

-Who was yelling here? Lena, what happened?

“Olya and Katya had an argument, don’t worry, Nikolai Sergeevich,” the waitress answered.

“A-ah-ah...” the young man drawled. - Okay, clear the table quickly.

My curiosity awoke.

– Do you know these visitors?

“No,” Elena snapped.

“We just called them by name,” I reminded.

- It seemed to you.

“You said, ‘Olya and Katya had an argument,’” for some reason I continued the meaningless conversation.

-Are you not local? – the waitress asked her question. - From Moscow? You say it in the local way. My sister lives in the capital, in Chertanovo, I fly to her several times a year, I know how they say: Maskva-a?a... Each city has its own habits, in Loskutovo we call all unfamiliar women Olya and Katya. The men will see the cute girl and say: “Wow, Olga is coming!” Or Katka. Yes, that's how it is here. Bring some tea?

The bell rang and my boss, Ivan Nikiforovich, entered the cafe.

- Where are you! I call, I call the number, you don’t answer. They're expecting us at five in the evening. Did you have time to eat?

“Yes,” I lied and looked at the wall clock. – It’s sixteen forty-five now; It looks like we'll be late, we'll certainly get stuck in a traffic jam.

“Let’s go on foot, the house is on the next street,” Ivan explained, “it’s five minutes at a leisurely pace.” And in blessed Loskutovo there are no congestions. I'm waiting for you outside, it's stuffy here.

The boss left. I got up.

- Sorry, work calls.

– Would you like any tea or pies? – Lena clarified.

“Next time,” I answered, “not today.”

As soon as we left the cafe, Ivan reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, held it in his hand, and then suddenly threw it into a trash can in the shape of a red penguin. When I saw her, I was amazed:

- Well, you have to! These stood in Moscow during my childhood. They just seemed to be black and white. And now in the capital during the day with fire you cannot find such an urn. Listen, it looks like you threw away the whole pack. Or it seemed to me?

“No, it didn’t seem like it,” the boss answered. - I am quitting smoking.

“Well done,” I approved. - For a long time? Yesterday you were still smoking.

“I’ve been without nicotine for an hour,” the boss said proudly. – I don’t understand why people say that it’s difficult to give up a bad habit? I don't experience any inconvenience.

“You're lucky,” I smiled. – When Dimon had a child, Korablev also gave up cigarettes. I suffered for six months, tried all the aids, and barely got out of the habit.

“I don’t want to offend anyone,” Ivan continued after a pause, “I know that Dima is yours.” close friend and a brilliant specialist...

“That’s right,” I agreed, “Korablev is the best computer scientist in the world, even our Robert admits this.”

“But his willpower is rather weak,” Tarasov finished his sentence, “that’s why he struggled with nicotine addiction for so long.” And I'm made of iron.

“Yeah,” I muttered. - Only, you know, just sixty minutes without smoking is very little and...

“You’re wrong,” Ivan interrupted me, “the first moments are the most difficult.”

- Yah? Who told you this? – I was surprised.

– And I downloaded the book – “Life without cigarettes. Simply and easily. “I read the advice of a nicotine specialist,” the chief explained.

- Nicotinologist? – I repeated in amazement. – This is the first time I’ve heard of such a specialist.

“When the world began to fight tobacco smoking, nicotinologists appeared,” Ivan explained condescendingly, “these are psychologists who help people cope with nicotine addiction.

“A-ah-ah...” I drawled.

“My mother advised me,” Tarasov clarified, “she has a lot of friends who quit smoking with the help of this book.” It says in great detail and in simple language how to behave in order to forget about the bad habit forever. Listen here.

Ivan Nikiforovich pulled out his iPhone from his pocket, opened the desired page and began to read:

– “Have you decided to quit smoking? You are well done. I am proud of you. Don't deviate from your intended path. I'm sure you can do it. You are a brave, strong-willed, strong person, you are the master of your body, not a cigarette. Remember this. Say “No” and throw the pack away immediately. If you have a habit of stuffing cigarettes into all your pockets, throw the “cancer sticks” in the trash as soon as you come across them. That’s your task for the first sixty minutes.”

– Cancer sticks? – I muttered. - Original.

Ivan was about to hide the phone.

And then a quiet squeaking sound came from the boss’s hand.

“The text message has arrived,” I said.

“No, the reminder worked,” Tarasov perked up. “So I lasted the first sixty minutes without a cigarette.” What's next? "Dear friend! The next difficult period: two hours without nicotine. To survive it, you need to behave correctly. Tell your parents, friends, and colleagues that you never intend to touch “goat legs” again. If you feel a strong desire to poison yourself with nicotine, go outside and tell passers-by about your decision to quit smoking. You are a man of your word. You are ashamed to break it. The whole world knows that you are planning to give up tobacco. Are you really going to give up? Are you really going to admit your own lack of will? No no no! So, the most important hundred and twenty minutes begin. Survive them with your head held high. You can. I believe in you. I admire you. You are made of iron. You are cast iron. You are flint! – The boss put the iPhone in his pocket. – It’s not for nothing that this book is very popular; it’s a very inspiring text. So cleverly built! It should not be read in one fell swoop. You buy it, download it to your phone, and the program starts working - in right time you receive another piece of information. I lasted an hour, began to feel the urge to smoke - boom, a page appeared with the right words. Suddenly the desire to smoke disappeared. So, I already told you about my decision, mom knows, I’ll have to inform the whole team... We’re here. This is the Sharovs' house.

I looked at the three-story mansion with balconies.

- A majestic building. And even with a memorial plaque.

Ivan Nikiforovich came closer to the wall and began to read aloud:

“The building was built by the architect Kutov by order of Mikhail Ilyich Sharov, owner of the Sharov Posuda plant.” Architectural monument. Guarded by Loskutov City Hall.”

The door of the house opened and a girl came out onto the porch.

– You are probably policemen from Moscow? – she asked. - Father is waiting for you. Please pass.

“Look upstairs,” Ivan whispered when we entered the oval hall.

I raised my head and saw a domed ceiling decorated with a fresco, which would most appropriately be called “Tea Party of the Gods in Loskutovo.” The painting depicted heroes of Greek myths on Mount Olympus, in principle a very common subject for masters of past centuries, but it was distinguished by one detail: Zeus, Hera, Apollo and other celestials of Hellas were treated to a drink from porcelain cups with the bright inscription “Sharov’s Ware”, and the center of the table was decorated with a teapot with the same logo.

“The house was decorated by craftsmen from Italy,” the girl explained, noticing that I was looking at the ceiling panel, “but Mikhail Ilyich, our great-great-grandfather, himself thought out the interior of the mansion, each room has its own name.” Now we are in the front hallway of the “Gods of Olympus”; through the “Roman Holiday” corridor we will get to the small living room “Spring of Florence”. Vasily Petrovich, my father, carried out renovations, and the house became even more beautiful.

“It’s gratifying when people honor the memory of their ancestors,” noted Ivan Nikiforovich, “a person who does not remember kinship does not inspire respect.”

“All the Sharovs think the same,” the girl nodded, leading us into a square room furnished with upholstered furniture, upholstered in soft green fabric with small flowers.

A tall man stood up from his chair and walked towards us.

– Good afternoon, gentlemen, I’m glad that you found the time to fly. How did you get settled? Are the rooms comfortable? I asked Oleg Lazarevich, the owner of the hotel, to accommodate my guests in the best possible way.

Ivan did not keep up small talk for long.

– Thank you, the rooms are good. Let me introduce you to the head of the special brigade, Tatyana Sergeeva. Let's get right to it. We only have general information, we would like to know more details.

The owner of the house pointed to the sofa.

- Please, take a seat. I think you understand that I am Vasily Petrovich Sharov. The beauty who met you is my eldest daughter Anna, she is in charge of the VIP client department at our factory, which produces sets, vases and other custom items.

“Everything the clients ask,” Anya explained, smiling, “any theme, painting according to their wishes, there are no limits to their imagination.” “Then she suggested: “Tea, coffee?”

-Can I have a cappuccino? – I asked.

“Of course, with great pleasure,” the owner’s daughter nodded. And looked at my boss. - And you?

“Any tea to suit your taste,” he answered.

- Oh no! – Vasily Petrovich suddenly protested. “I don’t recommend focusing on her preferences.” She drinks exclusively Lapshang Susong, and especially sensitive people, catching its aroma, faint. A drink with the smell and taste of spoiled fish, frankly speaking, is not for everyone. Anya, do me a favor, don’t scare the Muscovites, treat yourself to espresso in their presence.

“Well, it’s not all that bad,” the girl said cheerfully, “it’s just that dad has a heightened sense of smell, he was even offered to become the “nose,” that is, the person who creates perfume.

- So, what's the problem? – Ivan asked busily, looking after Anna as she moved towards the exit from the living room.

Vasily Petrovich wiped the socialite’s smile from his face.

– I’ll try to tell you sequentially.

I quietly turned on the tiny but very sensitive voice recorder in my pocket.

“In order for you to understand the essence of the issue, you will have to start from afar,” warned the owner of the house.

“We’re not in a hurry,” I said, “the more information, the better.”

“Great,” Sharov was delighted and started a story.

...For a long time, the residents of Loskutovo made their living by producing dishes. The village was very fortunately located near a large ravine, where there was a lot of clay. Local people made simple lopsided bowls, fired them in stoves and sold them at the market. The Loskutovites could not engage in ordinary peasant labor, that is, grow grain crops or vegetables and fruits - nothing good grew on the clay soil. Although, to be honest, the situation with the dishes didn’t matter either; they were ugly and didn’t last long. Pots, jugs, plates quickly became covered with cracks, leaked, people took them only because left-handed craftsmen agreed to an exchange: they gave a bunch of mugs and bowls for a small amount of flour or a bag of rutabaga.

Everything changed in the thirteenth century, when a certain Martha, a widow with three children, sheltered a soldier in her house. The woman let the servant spend the night out of pity; he looked painfully unhappy: long, thin, stooped. A week later, local gossips began to interrogate Marfa how long the soldier would stay in Loskutovo, and she stunned her girlfriends with the announcement that she and Emelyan would go to the priest for a blessing for the wedding. The gossips decided that Martha had completely lost her mind, three always hungry, ragged boys weren’t enough for her, and she also decided to put who knows who on her neck. In short, everyone began to wait for the former serviceman to start beating his young woman.

And a year later, all of Loskutovo, except for the family of Fyodor Brazhkin, worked for Emelyan. Sharov turned out to be not at all stupid, and, as it turned out, he had money. Out of nowhere, the soldier’s friends arrived in Loskutovo, and before the local people could gasp, they launched a frantic activity, organized an artel, and began making dishes, which turned out to be much better than what the local men were making.

Centuries have passed. In the mid-nineteenth century, products from Sharov were in almost every Russian family, and a huge factory was operating in Loskutovo. The village had long ago turned into a city, a good half of which belonged to the Sharov merchants. The descendants of Emelyan and Martha were not only engaged in the production of porcelain, but also opened schools, built several churches, and trained workers. Many in Loskutovo prayed for the health of the owners, who gave the population stable work with a good salary and, as they say now, a social package. However, in the sea of ​​​​people's love for manufacturers there was a liter of poison.

Those who hated the Sharovs also lived in Loskutovo; these were the descendants of Fyodor Brazhkin and their friends. Why did enmity arise between the Brazhkins and the Sharovs? Legend has it that Emelyan, having married Marfa and opened a workshop, had a strong fight with Fyodor, who, living up to his name, brewed mash and sold it. It seems that Sharov demanded that his neighbor stop illegal trade, and when he did not listen, he reported him to the police, and Fedor was sent to hard labor. Brazhkin’s wife was left alone with a bunch of children, all of whom soon died of hunger.

A terrible story, the veracity of which is questionable. Loskutovo in those patriarchal times was a godforsaken place, a tiny village. Were the police there? Did gendarmes exist in Rus' long ago? And if all the poor woman's children went to better world, then how were Brazhkin’s descendants born? But that’s what a legend is for, to be believed in, despite the lack of logic. The main thing: from then on, the Sharovs and Brazhkins bared their teeth at each other. Both families, which had always been the richest in the area, fought tirelessly and measured their wealth.

When, at the end of the nineteenth century, Mikhail Ilyich, Vasily Petrovich’s great-grandfather, built a luxurious mansion, Brazhkin immediately built an estate five kilometers from the town. Sharov developed a crockery business, and Pyotr Fedorovich sold food, had a license to sell alcohol, and his carts traveled around Russia. Mikhail Ilyich sent his son to study in France, Brazhkin took his boys to Germany. At Christmas, the Sharovs gave gifts to the poor - of course, it was dishes. The Brazhkins also did not forget about mercy and with the words: “What is the use of a bowl if it is empty?” They brought food to the poor, and among the dishes there was always a bottle of “little white”. Therefore, the Sharovs accused the Brazhkins of getting the people drunk.

But still, people of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were more loyal than their distant ancestors. Mikhail Ilyich and Pyotr Fedorovich did not start fist fights, did not set fire to houses or shops, and did not put poison in each other’s food. But this has happened before. From generation to generation, Loskutovo members passed on stories about how, God knows what time, one of the Sharovs hacked to death Brazhkin with an ax, for which the son of the deceased allowed the “red rooster” into the killer’s factory. Was it true? There is no answer to this question. But the inhabitants of Loskutov believed the hunting tales. The city was long ago divided into two camps: the Sharovites and the Brazhkinites. People selflessly discussed how ancient opponents were building luxurious houses and trying to outdo each other in everything.

In nineteen seventeen, the Bolshevik revolution broke out, and hostility flared up like a bright torch. The Sharovs were for the Whites, the Brazhkins for the Reds, the power in Loskutovo changed several times... Many books have been written on this topic, there is no need to talk at length about how the descendants of Emelyan and Fedor began to destroy each other. Then 1937 happened, then war broke out. Two of the Sharovs survived: Mikhail’s youngest son, Ilya, and Peter, Ilya’s son, who was born before the war, but due to his young age did not participate in it. There are also two Brazhkins left: Semyon, who was born the same year as Petya, and his father, Konstantin Fedorovich, the same age as Ilya Mikhailovich. The rest of the Sharovs and Brazhkins died. But even the death of all their relatives did not reconcile Ilya and Konstantin. Children appeared in families, and they early childhood inspired: Sharov and Brazhkin are enemies.

When perestroika began, Ilya Mikhailovich’s grandson, Vasily Petrovich Sharov, privatized a dying tableware factory and in a short time managed to make it a successful enterprise. He bought the house of his ancestors, where Soviet years there was a city council, made repairs and now lives safely in a mansion with three daughters, his mother and his beloved wife.

And Konstantin Fedorovich’s grandson, Igor Semenovich Brazhkin, continuing the traditions of his ancestors, opened a large food market, which he eventually converted into supermarkets. Brazhkin's stores have long ceased to be signs only of Loskutov; branches are located in many cities.

In a word, both Vasily Petrovich and Igor Semenovich achieved material success. Besides, they are both happy in family life.

Sharov is married to the quiet Svetlana Alekseevna. The marriage was concluded by passionate love, although Alevtina Stepanovna, Vasily’s mother, told him:

- Son, why do you need a girl without a family, without a tribe? She has neither a father, nor a mother, nor any relatives; she has no idea where she came to Loskutovo from. Now you like Sveta, but what will happen in five years, when the passion subsides? What are you going to talk to her about? What kind of housewife would an awkward girl make? Will she be able to manage her money carefully? Look around, there are many worthy brides equal to you in origin and upbringing. For example, Karolina Kruglova, the heiress of a wonderful wealthy family, is a beauty. And Sveta, forgive me for being frank, is inconspicuous, skinny, has a pale face, speaks barely audibly, and doesn’t know how to smile. Well, what did you find in her?

But, despite Alevtina Stepanovna’s speeches, Vasily got married and has been living with his wife in perfect harmony for many years. They have three daughters: Anya, Katya and Olya. All three girls are smart and beautiful, the pride of their parents.

Pyotr Ilyich Sharov, Vasily’s father, unfortunately, died shortly after the birth of his son. But Ilya Mikhailovich, the grandfather, stepped over the centennial anniversary, replaced his grandson’s father, raised him and died, having managed to see how Vasily Petrovich revived the production of tableware and became rich.

Alevtina Stepanovna, thank God, is alive and quite vigorous; despite the ailments of old age, she manages the household with a strong hand. Svetlana Alekseevna trained as an endocrinologist and is the head physician of the central Loskutovo hospital...

A quiet tinkling sound was heard, and Anya returned to the living room with a tray in her hands. She began putting cups, cookies, and sweets on the table. The father calmly waited until his daughter left again and continued the story. I again quietly turned on the recorder in my pocket and turned into hearing.

...Not so long ago, Vasily Petrovich decided to become the mayor of Loskutov - a successful businessman decided to build a political career and improve life in his hometown. It’s clear that the employees of the association “Sharov’s Ware” gathered together to vote for the boss. Vasily is a good owner, he is respected and loved. But the former mayor wanted to run for a second term and was not going to give up his position without a fight. In fact, there were five candidates for the high post, but everyone understood perfectly well that there were two real contenders, and the rest would not get even one percent of the votes. And here’s the most interesting detail: the name of the current mayor, who does not want to give up the chair to Sharov, Igor Semenovich Brazhkin.

The election struggle flared up, during which the opponents at first behaved correctly, but then resorted to claws and teeth. Vasily Petrovich reminded the mayor of his promise to build a new hospital building.

“And where is the building equipped with the latest medical technology? – asked Sharov. -Where are the spacious chambers? Where is the ultra-modern tomograph? Where did the money allocated for the construction of the clinic go? We see a mothballed pit.”

Igor Semenovich was not taken aback and announced the misfortune that happened at Sharov’s factory.

“The general public has not heard anything about this, but I learned that worker Sergei Vakhrushin died when one of the furnaces failed. Vasily Petrovich silenced the deceased’s family with money, and there was no fuss. But if a person is not able to restore order in his own enterprise, will he be able to manage the city economy?

And there was an exchange of “compliments” that became angrier and angrier. And then Brazhkin died in a banal accident... - Vasily Petrovich fell silent, then asked:

- Do you understand?

“Of course,” I nodded. – Now Loskutovo and the surrounding area are probably actively discussing what happened. Friends of Igor Semenovich openly say that Sharov decided to remove his competitor, they recall the history of enmity between two families...

“To the point,” the owner frowned.

– My son is incapable of mortal sin! – a ringing voice came from the corridor, and an elderly lady in a beautiful dark burgundy dress entered the living room. – But Brazhkin is a criminal, this is a known fact.

Vasily Petrovich stood up.

– Meet, gentlemen, Alevtina Stepanovna, my mother. Mom, these are specialists from Moscow, Ivan Tarasov and Tatyana Sergeeva.

“It’s very nice,” the boss and I said in unison.

– Are you husband and wife? – Sharova inquired.

“No,” I quickly answered, “colleagues.”

“Mom, they are from Moscow,” repeated Vasily Petrovich, “I called the best of the best to find the scoundrel who hit Igor.”

Alevtina Stepanovna raised her right eyebrow.

- The bastard? Well, well... Gentlemen, my son is too tolerant. The scumbag in this situation is Bukhalkin.

“Brazhkin, mom,” the son corrected.

“Whether in the forehead or on the forehead,” the parent angrily waved it off, “the essence does not change.” The man who ran over Bukhalkin bought a bottle of vodka in his store, drank it and got behind the wheel. God simply restored justice; you cannot deceive the Almighty. Who is to blame for Bukhalkin's death? Himself! He shouldn’t have soldered the Russian people. And you want to punish the unfortunate person who cleared the world of black mold.

Vasily Petrovich listened silently to the elderly lady. It was clear: he understands that arguing with his mother is useless; she will remain unconvinced.

- Grandma! – a girl’s voice shouted from the corridor. - Olya broke the blue decanter!

The hostess jumped up.

- The ugly thing has caused trouble again... I’m on my way already!

Alevtina Stepanovna moved towards the door, but on the threshold she turned around and looked her son straight in the eyes.

- You started a stupid thing. Remember our boy, unfortunate Stepan, and think who is to blame for his untimely death.

Sharov was silent for a minute. Ivan Nikiforovich coughed.

– I also live with my mother. Unfortunately, she is sometimes inclined to make hasty conclusions, and it is difficult for her to agree with other people's opinions. Let's return to Igor Semenovich. What happened to him? Of course, we can find out everything ourselves, but I would like to hear the story from you.

– The local police chief Fedor Mikhailovich Dubov will help you. “He’s a mutual friend of ours with Garik,” the businessman sighed, “he was always copying homework from him, then from me, Fedya and I sat at the same desk.

– Was Brazhkin your classmate? – I clarified.

“Now in Loskutovo there are many educational institutions to choose from,” the interlocutor smiled. – Both private and municipal, there is even a gymnasium where Latin and Ancient Greek are taught. But during our childhood, Garik and I had only one, as they say now, elite school. I won’t be surprised if I say that the competition was organized not for children, but for parents. Igor, Fedya and I were included in the first “B”.

– And how did the children behave, whose ancestors had been in irreconcilable hostility since time immemorial? – Ivan asked.

“It’s stupid at first,” admitted Vasily Petrovich. – Until the sixth grade, we fought for any reason, and then we became friends. But, realizing that our parents would not like our friendship, they hid it. Not a single person knew that we often spent time together after school.

– Did Loskutovo begin to grow after perestroika? – I clarified.

“Yes, in the mid-nineties, new houses appeared very quickly - our factory created jobs, and this attracted people from all over Russia,” Sharov nodded. “I am proud that I raised a city-forming enterprise from the ruins. Now it is one of the largest in Europe. Loskutovo expanded and merged with neighboring Novokozhinsk, where there is a factory where they make fan belts and much more from leather. Then the villages of Matveevsk, Brunovo, Lapino joined the conglomerate, Filimonovo also joined a couple of years ago, and the districts of Loskutov began to be called by their names. If this continues, we will have to think about building a metro. Well, this is still a joke, although there is a lot of truth in it.

“Now it’s not at all difficult for two boys who have decided to hide their friendly relations,” I said, “I got into a minibus after class, drove away from the city center, for example, to Matveevsk, and you won’t meet any acquaintances there.” But how did you manage to be friends? Has no one seen the offspring of the local Montagues and Capulets on joint walks and notified their parents?

© Dontsova D. A., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

Chapter 1

"Never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you..."

Hearing this wonderful phrase, I looked up from studying the menu and looked at two young women sitting at the next table.

- I love him! – one of them, a pretty blonde with shoulder-length hair and thick bangs, exclaimed excitedly at that moment. – Smart, beautiful, attentive, creative! Yesterday I brought a bouquet and said: “Darling, I wanted to give you red roses, but then I thought: this is too banal, and you are an unusual girl. So in the morning I went to the forest and picked wildflowers.” Agree, it’s very cute and original, none of our friends would do that.

“Wildflowers are so called because they grow in fields and meadows, and not in the forest,” the second girl said instructively. - And you are too gullible. I think your precious lover is a common liar. He simply didn’t bother and rush around the neighborhood, but bought a bouquet at the “Venochek” boutique, where they sell just such things, allegedly picked with his own hands. He's a liar.

- No! – her interlocutor got angry. “You, Katka, are saying nasty things out of envy, because you understand: we will get married soon.” And some people don’t even have a boyfriend.

“Olya, you’ve gone crazy,” Ekaterina continued. – I repeat: never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you. And even more so, you can’t marry someone like that. Your boyfriend has lost weight lately, he has bruises under his eyes, and he doesn’t look the best. He's definitely in a lot of trouble. Everything is bad for Romeo now, and it will be even worse.

“Well, yes, there is grief in his family,” said Olga, “he is worried.”

“Maybe so, maybe not,” the friend did not give up, “it’s better to break off relations with him.”

- Why? – Olya asked defiantly. - Whoever I want, I’ll marry him!

- Well, in vain. With this you will kill your parents and grandmother. And no one will allow him to marry now,” Katya hissed. “And if you don’t give a damn about everyone and get married, then your parents won’t give you a penny.” And then your “bunny” will have even more problems in life. Where will you live? Not in our city, you won’t be able to go outside here.

“You are very mercantile, Katya,” Olya pouted, “you shouldn’t just think about money, there are other values.”

- For example? – Ekaterina became interested.

- Love! – Olga exclaimed. – Such that at first sight, forever! Like a lightning strike! Has this happened to you?

“Mmm...” Katya drawled, biting off half a eclair at once. – To be honest, I don’t remember anything. But what are my years, maybe I’ll still get hit with a bat from around the corner.

- But this happened to me! “I met him, and the light turned upside down,” Olya jabbered. “I wish you too experience such a... uh... electric shock to the head.”

“Mercy, no need,” Katya refused, grinning. - After all, the head, through which an electric shock struck, stops working like a clock.

– Do you think that your brain functions like the floor-standing Pavel Bure in your father’s office? – the beautiful blonde narrowed her eyes.

– Do you have any doubts? – Katerina chuckled.

“I’m not talking about that, it’s just that now it’s clear to me why the cuckoo sometimes flies out of you,” Olya sang maliciously.

There was silence at the next table.

- Have you chosen? – asked the waitress who approached me.

“Two pies with cabbage and tea,” I ordered. – Tell me, which drink is better?

“Of course, our signature,” the girl said proudly. – True, it’s a little more expensive than usual, but everyone really likes it. Here in the menu it is written in detail about it.

“Tea “English afternoon tea in Loskutovo.” Collected from the best plantations in India, processed using unique technology in Italy, packaged in sealed bags in France, this leaf came to us from Germany. We brew it with love according to the traditions of the Russian merchants of the glorious city of Loskutovo. Enjoy the aroma and taste of real English tea, which is preferred by royal courts. I wish you a wonderful appetite, good mood, kindness, good luck and prosperity! The price for a teapot is eight euros.”

I closed the card and handed it back to the practiced smiling waitress. Can anyone explain why leaves from India, which visited a factory in Italy, then traveled along the route Apennine Peninsula - France - Germany - Russia and finally ended up beyond the Ural Mountains in the city of Loskutovo, are called “Real English tea”? Maybe somewhere in the depths of the kitchen of a cozy cafe there is a British citizen hiding? Is it he, having learned all the traditions of Loskutov’s merchants, who pours boiling water over the tea leaves? And why is the price indicated in euros? We're not in Europe. By the way, given the name of the drink, it would be more logical to issue an invoice in pounds sterling.

I looked at my neighbors again. Olga jumped up and used a napkin to blot her blouse, which had dark brown streaks all over it.

- Are you crazy? - she shouted. - Now the blouse is ruined!

“All the complaints are against my cuckoo,” Katya answered calmly, getting up. “You said that she jumps out of me, and cuckoos always live up to other people’s expectations.” The bird heard your words and flew out.

- Hey, people! She poured coffee on me. Have you seen it? – Olya squeaked pitifully, looking after Katya as she left.

Since there was no one in the cafe except me and the waitress, I said:

“When I turned around, the incident had already happened, I can’t be a witness.”

- Shut up! – Olya stamped her foot. - Since you are so vile here, I won’t pay the bill!

Having spoken, the beauty grabbed her bag and ran away.

- Well well! – I was indignant. And she turned to the waitress: “You need to contact the police.”

The cafe worker reacted unusually calmly.

- Forget it.

“Are you going to let the impudent guy just walk away?” – I was surprised. – Judging by the empty cups and the remains of the cakes, the girls treated themselves to glory. The owner will deduct the cost of their order from your salary.

A guy leaned out of the service room.

-Who was yelling here? Lena, what happened?

“Olya and Katya had an argument, don’t worry, Nikolai Sergeevich,” the waitress answered.

“A-ah-ah...” the young man drawled. - Okay, clear the table quickly.

My curiosity awoke.

– Do you know these visitors?

“No,” Elena snapped.

“We just called them by name,” I reminded.

- It seemed to you.

“You said, ‘Olya and Katya had an argument,’” for some reason I continued the meaningless conversation.

-Are you not local? – the waitress asked her question. - From Moscow? You say it in the local way. My sister lives in the capital, in Chertanovo, I fly to her several times a year, I know how they say: Maskva-a-ah... Every city has its own habits, in Loskutovo we call all unfamiliar women Olya and Katya. The men will see the cute girl and say: “Wow, Olga is coming!” Or Katka. Yes, that's how it is here. Bring some tea?

The bell rang and my boss, Ivan Nikiforovich, entered the cafe.

- Where are you! I call, I call the number, you don’t answer. They're expecting us at five in the evening. Did you have time to eat?

“Yes,” I lied and looked at the wall clock. – It’s sixteen forty-five now; It looks like we'll be late, we'll certainly get stuck in a traffic jam.

“Let’s go on foot, the house is on the next street,” Ivan explained, “it’s five minutes at a leisurely pace.” And in blessed Loskutovo there are no congestions. I'm waiting for you outside, it's stuffy here.

The boss left. I got up.

- Sorry, work calls.

– Would you like any tea or pies? – Lena clarified.

“Next time,” I answered, “not today.”

As soon as we left the cafe, Ivan reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, held it in his hand, and then suddenly threw it into a trash can in the shape of a red penguin. When I saw her, I was amazed:

- Well, you have to! These stood in Moscow during my childhood. They just seemed to be black and white. And now in the capital during the day with fire you cannot find such an urn. Listen, it looks like you threw away the whole pack. Or it seemed to me?

“No, it didn’t seem like it,” the boss answered. - I am quitting smoking.

“Well done,” I approved. - For a long time? Yesterday you were still smoking.

“I’ve been without nicotine for an hour,” the boss said proudly. – I don’t understand why people say that it’s difficult to give up a bad habit? I don't experience any inconvenience.

“You're lucky,” I smiled. – When Dimon had a child, Korablev also gave up cigarettes. I suffered for six months, tried all the aids, and barely got out of the habit.

“I don’t want to offend anyone,” Ivan continued after a pause, “I know that Dima is your close friend and a brilliant specialist...

“That’s right,” I agreed, “Korablev is the best computer scientist in the world, even our Robert admits this.”

“But his willpower is rather weak,” Tarasov finished his sentence, “that’s why he struggled with nicotine addiction for so long.” And I'm made of iron.

“Yeah,” I muttered. - Only, you know, just sixty minutes without smoking is very little and...

“You’re wrong,” Ivan interrupted me, “the first moments are the most difficult.”

- Yah? Who told you this? – I was surprised.

– And I downloaded the book – “Life without cigarettes. Simply and easily. “I read the advice of a nicotine specialist,” the chief explained.

- Nicotinologist? – I repeated in amazement. – This is the first time I’ve heard of such a specialist.

“When the world began to fight tobacco smoking, nicotinologists appeared,” Ivan explained condescendingly, “these are psychologists who help people cope with nicotine addiction.

“A-ah-ah...” I drawled.

“My mother advised me,” Tarasov clarified, “she has a lot of friends who quit smoking with the help of this book.” It says in great detail and in simple language how to behave in order to forget about the bad habit forever. Listen here.

Ivan Nikiforovich pulled out his iPhone from his pocket, opened the desired page and began to read:

– “Have you decided to quit smoking? You are well done. I am proud of you. Don't deviate from your intended path. I'm sure you can do it. You are a brave, strong-willed, strong person, you are the master of your body, not a cigarette. Remember this. Say “No” and throw the pack away immediately. If you have a habit of stuffing cigarettes into all your pockets, throw the “cancer sticks” in the trash as soon as you come across them. That’s your task for the first sixty minutes.”

– Cancer sticks? – I muttered. - Original.

Ivan was about to hide the phone.

And then a quiet squeaking sound came from the boss’s hand.

“The text message has arrived,” I said.

“No, the reminder worked,” Tarasov perked up. “So I lasted the first sixty minutes without a cigarette.” What's next? "Dear friend! The next difficult period: two hours without nicotine. To survive it, you need to behave correctly. Tell your parents, friends, and colleagues that you never intend to touch “goat legs” again. If you feel a strong desire to poison yourself with nicotine, go outside and tell passers-by about your decision to quit smoking. You are a man of your word. You are ashamed to break it. The whole world knows that you are planning to give up tobacco. Are you really going to give up? Are you really going to admit your own lack of will? No no no! So, the most important hundred and twenty minutes begin. Survive them with your head held high. You can. I believe in you. I admire you. You are made of iron. You are cast iron. You are flint! – The boss put the iPhone in his pocket. – It’s not for nothing that this book is very popular; it’s a very inspiring text. So cleverly built! It should not be read in one fell swoop. You buy it, download it to your phone, and the program starts working - at the right time you receive the next piece of information. I lasted an hour, began to feel the urge to smoke - boom, a page appeared with the right words. Suddenly the desire to smoke disappeared. So, I already told you about my decision, mom knows, I’ll have to inform the whole team... We’re here. This is the Sharovs' house.

I looked at the three-story mansion with balconies.

- A majestic building. And even with a memorial plaque.

Ivan Nikiforovich came closer to the wall and began to read aloud:

“The building was built by the architect Kutov by order of Mikhail Ilyich Sharov, owner of the Sharov Posuda plant.” Architectural monument. Guarded by Loskutov City Hall.”

The door of the house opened and a girl came out onto the porch.

– You are probably policemen from Moscow? – she asked. - Father is waiting for you. Please pass.

  • 21.

Darya Dontsova

Sorcerer's Love Potion

© Dontsova D. A., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

"Never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you..."

Hearing this wonderful phrase, I looked up from studying the menu and looked at two young women sitting at the next table.

- I love him! – one of them, a pretty blonde with shoulder-length hair and thick bangs, exclaimed excitedly at that moment. – Smart, beautiful, attentive, creative! Yesterday I brought a bouquet and said: “Darling, I wanted to give you red roses, but then I thought: this is too banal, and you are an unusual girl. So in the morning I went to the forest and picked wildflowers.” Agree, it’s very cute and original, none of our friends would do that.

“Wildflowers are so called because they grow in fields and meadows, and not in the forest,” the second girl said instructively. - And you are too gullible. I think your precious lover is a common liar. He simply didn’t bother and rush around the neighborhood, but bought a bouquet at the “Venochek” boutique, where they sell just such things, allegedly picked with his own hands. He's a liar.

- No! – her interlocutor got angry. “You, Katka, are saying nasty things out of envy, because you understand: we will get married soon.” And some people don’t even have a boyfriend.

“Olya, you’ve gone crazy,” Ekaterina continued. – I repeat: never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you. And even more so, you can’t marry someone like that. Your boyfriend has lost weight lately, he has bruises under his eyes, and he doesn’t look the best. He's definitely in a lot of trouble. Everything is bad for Romeo now, and it will be even worse.

“Well, yes, there is grief in his family,” said Olga, “he is worried.”

“Maybe so, maybe not,” the friend did not give up, “it’s better to break off relations with him.”

- Why? – Olya asked defiantly. - Whoever I want, I’ll marry him!

- Well, in vain. With this you will kill your parents and grandmother. And no one will allow him to marry now,” Katya hissed. “And if you don’t give a damn about everyone and get married, then your parents won’t give you a penny.” And then your “bunny” will have even more problems in life. Where will you live? Not in our city, you won’t be able to go outside here.

“You are very mercantile, Katya,” Olya pouted, “you shouldn’t just think about money, there are other values.”

- For example? – Ekaterina became interested.

- Love! – Olga exclaimed. – Such that at first sight, forever! Like a lightning strike! Has this happened to you?

“Mmm...” Katya drawled, biting off half a eclair at once. – To be honest, I don’t remember anything. But what are my years, maybe I’ll still get hit with a bat from around the corner.

- But this happened to me! “I met him, and the light turned upside down,” Olya jabbered. “I wish you too experience such a... uh... electric shock to the head.”

“Mercy, no need,” Katya refused, grinning. - After all, the head, through which an electric shock struck, stops working like a clock.

– Do you think that your brain functions like the floor-standing Pavel Bure in your father’s office? – the beautiful blonde narrowed her eyes.

– Do you have any doubts? – Katerina chuckled.

“I’m not talking about that, it’s just that now it’s clear to me why the cuckoo sometimes flies out of you,” Olya sang maliciously.

There was silence at the next table.

- Have you chosen? – asked the waitress who approached me.

“Two pies with cabbage and tea,” I ordered. – Tell me, which drink is better?

“Of course, our signature,” the girl said proudly. – True, it’s a little more expensive than usual, but everyone really likes it. Here in the menu it is written in detail about it.

“Tea “English afternoon tea in Loskutovo.” Collected from the best plantations in India, processed using unique technology in Italy, packaged in sealed bags in France, this leaf came to us from Germany. We brew it with love according to the traditions of the Russian merchants of the glorious city of Loskutovo. Enjoy the aroma and taste of real English tea, which is preferred by royal courts. I wish you a wonderful appetite, good mood, kindness, good luck and prosperity! The price for a teapot is eight euros.”

I closed the card and handed it back to the practiced smiling waitress. Can anyone explain why leaves from India, which visited a factory in Italy, then traveled along the route Apennine Peninsula - France - Germany - Russia and finally ended up beyond the Ural Mountains in the city of Loskutovo, are called “Real English tea”? Maybe somewhere in the depths of the kitchen of a cozy cafe there is a British citizen hiding? Is it he, having learned all the traditions of Loskutov’s merchants, who pours boiling water over the tea leaves? And why is the price indicated in euros? We're not in Europe. By the way, given the name of the drink, it would be more logical to issue an invoice in pounds sterling.

I looked at my neighbors again. Olga jumped up and used a napkin to blot her blouse, which had dark brown streaks all over it.

- Are you crazy? - she shouted. - Now the blouse is ruined!

“All the complaints are against my cuckoo,” Katya answered calmly, getting up. “You said that she jumps out of me, and cuckoos always live up to other people’s expectations.” The bird heard your words and flew out.

- Hey, people! She poured coffee on me. Have you seen it? – Olya squeaked pitifully, looking after Katya as she left.

Since there was no one in the cafe except me and the waitress, I said:

“When I turned around, the incident had already happened, I can’t be a witness.”

- Shut up! – Olya stamped her foot. - Since you are so vile here, I won’t pay the bill!

Having spoken, the beauty grabbed her bag and ran away.

- Well well! – I was indignant. And she turned to the waitress: “You need to contact the police.”

The cafe worker reacted unusually calmly.

- Forget it.

“Are you going to let the impudent guy just walk away?” – I was surprised. – Judging by the empty cups and the remains of the cakes, the girls treated themselves to glory. The owner will deduct the cost of their order from your salary.

A guy leaned out of the service room.

-Who was yelling here? Lena, what happened?

“Olya and Katya had an argument, don’t worry, Nikolai Sergeevich,” the waitress answered.

“A-ah-ah...” the young man drawled. - Okay, clear the table quickly.

My curiosity awoke.

– Do you know these visitors?

“No,” Elena snapped.

“We just called them by name,” I reminded.

- It seemed to you.

“You said, ‘Olya and Katya had an argument,’” for some reason I continued the meaningless conversation.

-Are you not local? – the waitress asked her question. - From Moscow? You say it in the local way. My sister lives in the capital, in Chertanovo, I fly to her several times a year, I know how they say: Maskva-a-a... Every city has its own habits, in Loskutovo we call all unfamiliar women Olya and Katya. The men will see the cute girl and say: “Wow, Olga is coming!” Or Katka. Yes, that's how it is here. Bring some tea?

The bell rang and my boss, Ivan Nikiforovich, entered the cafe.

- Where are you! I call, I call the number, you don’t answer. They're expecting us at five in the evening. Did you have time to eat?

“Yes,” I lied and looked at the wall clock. – It’s sixteen forty-five now; It looks like we'll be late, we'll certainly get stuck in a traffic jam.

“Let’s go on foot, the house is on the next street,” Ivan explained, “it’s five minutes at a leisurely pace.” And in blessed Loskutovo there are no congestions. I'm waiting for you outside, it's stuffy here.

The boss left. I got up.

- Sorry, work calls.

– Would you like any tea or pies? – Lena clarified.

“Next time,” I answered, “not today.”

As soon as we left the cafe, Ivan reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, held it in his hand, and then suddenly threw it into a trash can in the shape of a red penguin. When I saw her, I was amazed:

- Well, you have to! These stood in Moscow during my childhood. They just seemed to be black and white. And now in the capital during the day with fire you cannot find such an urn. Listen, it looks like you threw away the whole pack. Or it seemed to me?

“No, it didn’t seem like it,” the boss answered. - I am quitting smoking.

“Well done,” I approved. - For a long time? Yesterday you were still smoking.

“I’ve been without nicotine for an hour,” the boss said proudly. – I don’t understand why people say that it’s difficult to give up a bad habit? I don't experience any inconvenience.

“You're lucky,” I smiled. – When Dimon had a child, Korablev also gave up cigarettes. I suffered for six months, tried all the aids, and barely got out of the habit.

“I don’t want to offend anyone,” Ivan continued after a pause, “I know that Dima is your close friend and a brilliant specialist...

“That’s right,” I agreed, “Korablev is the best computer scientist in the world, even our Robert admits this.”

“But his willpower is rather weak,” Tarasov finished his sentence, “that’s why he struggled with nicotine addiction for so long.” And I'm made of iron.

“Yeah,” I muttered. - Only, you know, just sixty minutes without smoking is very little and...

“You’re wrong,” Ivan interrupted me, “the first moments are the most difficult.”

- Yah? Who told you this? – I was surprised.

– And I downloaded the book – “Life without cigarettes. Simply and easily. “I read the advice of a nicotine specialist,” the chief explained.

- Nicotinologist? – I repeated in amazement. – This is the first time I’ve heard of such a specialist.

“When the world began to fight tobacco smoking, nicotinologists appeared,” Ivan explained condescendingly, “these are psychologists who help people cope with nicotine addiction.

“A-ah-ah...” I drawled.

“My mother advised me,” Tarasov clarified, “she has a lot of friends who quit smoking with the help of this book.” It says in great detail and in simple language how to behave in order to forget about the bad habit forever. Listen here.

Ivan Nikiforovich pulled out his iPhone from his pocket, opened the desired page and began to read:

– “Have you decided to quit smoking? You are well done. I am proud of you. Don't deviate from your intended path. I'm sure you can do it. You are a brave, strong-willed, strong person, you are the master of your body, not a cigarette. Remember this. Say “No” and throw the pack away immediately. If you have a habit of stuffing cigarettes into all your pockets, throw the “cancer sticks” in the trash as soon as you come across them. That’s your task for the first sixty minutes.”

– Cancer sticks? – I muttered. - Original.

Ivan was about to hide the phone.

And then a quiet squeaking sound came from the boss’s hand.

“The text message has arrived,” I said.

“No, the reminder worked,” Tarasov perked up. “So I lasted the first sixty minutes without a cigarette.” What's next? "Dear friend! The next difficult period: two hours without nicotine. To survive it, you need to behave correctly. Tell your parents, friends, and colleagues that you never intend to touch “goat legs” again. If you feel a strong desire to poison yourself with nicotine, go outside and tell passers-by about your decision to quit smoking. You are a man of your word. You are ashamed to break it. The whole world knows that you are planning to give up tobacco. Are you really going to give up? Are you really going to admit your own lack of will? No no no! So, the most important hundred and twenty minutes begin. Survive them with your head held high. You can. I believe in you. I admire you. You are made of iron. You are cast iron. You are flint! – The boss put the iPhone in his pocket. – It’s not for nothing that this book is very popular; it’s a very inspiring text. So cleverly built! It should not be read in one fell swoop. You buy it, download it to your phone, and the program starts working - at the right time you receive the next piece of information. I lasted an hour, began to feel the urge to smoke - boom, a page appeared with the right words. Suddenly the desire to smoke disappeared. So, I already told you about my decision, mom knows, I’ll have to inform the whole team... We’re here. This is the Sharovs' house.

I looked at the three-story mansion with balconies.

- A majestic building. And even with a memorial plaque.

Ivan Nikiforovich came closer to the wall and began to read aloud:

“The building was built by the architect Kutov by order of Mikhail Ilyich Sharov, owner of the Sharov Posuda plant.” Architectural monument. Guarded by Loskutov City Hall.”

The door of the house opened and a girl came out onto the porch.

– You are probably policemen from Moscow? – she asked. - Father is waiting for you. Please pass.

“Look upstairs,” Ivan whispered when we entered the oval hall.

I raised my head and saw a domed ceiling decorated with a fresco, which would most appropriately be called “Tea Party of the Gods in Loskutovo.” The painting depicted heroes of Greek myths on Mount Olympus, in principle a very common subject for masters of past centuries, but it was distinguished by one detail: Zeus, Hera, Apollo and other celestials of Hellas were treated to a drink from porcelain cups with the bright inscription “Sharov’s Ware”, and the center of the table was decorated with a teapot with the same logo.

“The house was decorated by craftsmen from Italy,” the girl explained, noticing that I was looking at the ceiling panel, “but Mikhail Ilyich, our great-great-grandfather, himself thought out the interior of the mansion, each room has its own name.” Now we are in the front hallway of the “Gods of Olympus”; through the “Roman Holiday” corridor we will get to the small living room “Spring of Florence”. Vasily Petrovich, my father, carried out renovations, and the house became even more beautiful.

“It’s gratifying when people honor the memory of their ancestors,” noted Ivan Nikiforovich, “a person who does not remember kinship does not inspire respect.”

“All the Sharovs think the same,” the girl nodded, leading us into a square room furnished with upholstered furniture, upholstered in soft green fabric with small flowers.

A tall man stood up from his chair and walked towards us.

– Good afternoon, gentlemen, I’m glad that you found the time to fly. How did you get settled? Are the rooms comfortable? I asked Oleg Lazarevich, the owner of the hotel, to accommodate my guests in the best possible way.

Ivan did not keep up small talk for long.

– Thank you, the rooms are good. Let me introduce you to the head of the special brigade, Tatyana Sergeeva. Let's get right to it. We only have general information, we would like to know more details.

The owner of the house pointed to the sofa.

- Please, take a seat. I think you understand that I am Vasily Petrovich Sharov. The beauty who met you is my eldest daughter Anna, she is in charge of the VIP client department at our factory, which produces sets, vases and other custom items.

“Everything the clients ask,” Anya explained, smiling, “any theme, painting according to their wishes, there are no limits to their imagination.” “Then she suggested: “Tea, coffee?”

-Can I have a cappuccino? – I asked.

“Of course, with great pleasure,” the owner’s daughter nodded. And looked at my boss. - And you?

“Any tea to suit your taste,” he answered.

- Oh no! – Vasily Petrovich suddenly protested. “I don’t recommend focusing on her preferences.” She drinks exclusively Lapshang Susong, and especially sensitive people, catching its aroma, faint. A drink with the smell and taste of spoiled fish, frankly speaking, is not for everyone. Anya, do me a favor, don’t scare the Muscovites, treat yourself to espresso in their presence.

“Well, it’s not all that bad,” the girl said cheerfully, “it’s just that dad has a heightened sense of smell, he was even offered to become the “nose,” that is, the person who creates perfume.

- So, what's the problem? – Ivan asked busily, looking after Anna as she moved towards the exit from the living room.

Vasily Petrovich wiped the socialite’s smile from his face.

– I’ll try to tell you sequentially.

I quietly turned on the tiny but very sensitive voice recorder in my pocket.

“In order for you to understand the essence of the issue, you will have to start from afar,” warned the owner of the house.

“We’re not in a hurry,” I said, “the more information, the better.”

“Great,” Sharov was delighted and started a story.

...For a long time, the residents of Loskutovo made their living by producing dishes. The village was very fortunately located near a large ravine, where there was a lot of clay. Local people made simple lopsided bowls, fired them in stoves and sold them at the market. The Loskutovites could not engage in ordinary peasant labor, that is, grow grain crops or vegetables and fruits - nothing good grew on the clay soil. Although, to be honest, the situation with the dishes didn’t matter either; they were ugly and didn’t last long. Pots, jugs, plates quickly became covered with cracks, leaked, people took them only because left-handed craftsmen agreed to an exchange: they gave a bunch of mugs and bowls for a small amount of flour or a bag of rutabaga.

Everything changed in the thirteenth century, when a certain Martha, a widow with three children, sheltered a soldier in her house. The woman let the servant spend the night out of pity; he looked painfully unhappy: long, thin, stooped. A week later, local gossips began to interrogate Marfa how long the soldier would stay in Loskutovo, and she stunned her girlfriends with the announcement that she and Emelyan would go to the priest for a blessing for the wedding. The gossips decided that Martha had completely lost her mind, three always hungry, ragged boys weren’t enough for her, and she also decided to put who knows who on her neck. In short, everyone began to wait for the former serviceman to start beating his young woman.

And a year later, all of Loskutovo, except for the family of Fyodor Brazhkin, worked for Emelyan. Sharov turned out to be not at all stupid, and, as it turned out, he had money. Out of nowhere, the soldier’s friends arrived in Loskutovo, and before the local people could gasp, they launched a frantic activity, organized an artel, and began making dishes, which turned out to be much better than what the local men were making.

Centuries have passed. In the mid-nineteenth century, products from Sharov were in almost every Russian family, and a huge factory operated in Loskutovo. The village had long ago turned into a city, a good half of which belonged to the Sharov merchants. The descendants of Emelyan and Martha were not only engaged in the production of porcelain, but also opened schools, built several churches, and trained workers. Many in Loskutovo prayed for the health of the owners, who gave the population stable work with a good salary and, as they say now, a social package. However, in the sea of ​​​​people's love for manufacturers there was a liter of poison.

Those who hated the Sharovs also lived in Loskutovo; these were the descendants of Fyodor Brazhkin and their friends. Why did enmity arise between the Brazhkins and the Sharovs? Legend has it that Emelyan, having married Marfa and opened a workshop, had a strong fight with Fyodor, who, living up to his name, brewed mash and sold it. It seems that Sharov demanded that his neighbor stop illegal trade, and when he did not listen, he reported him to the police, and Fedor was sent to hard labor. Brazhkin’s wife was left alone with a bunch of children, all of whom soon died of hunger.

A terrible story, the veracity of which is questionable. Loskutovo in those patriarchal times was a godforsaken place, a tiny village. Were the police there? Did gendarmes exist in Rus' long ago? And if all the poor woman’s children went to a better world, then how were Brazhkin’s descendants born? But that’s what a legend is for, to be believed in, despite the lack of logic. The main thing: from then on, the Sharovs and Brazhkins bared their teeth at each other. Both families, which had always been the richest in the area, fought tirelessly and measured their wealth.

When, at the end of the nineteenth century, Mikhail Ilyich, Vasily Petrovich’s great-grandfather, built a luxurious mansion, Brazhkin immediately built an estate five kilometers from the town. Sharov developed a crockery business, and Pyotr Fedorovich sold food, had a license to sell alcohol, and his carts traveled around Russia. Mikhail Ilyich sent his son to study in France, Brazhkin took his boys to Germany. At Christmas, the Sharovs gave gifts to the poor - of course, it was dishes. The Brazhkins also did not forget about mercy and with the words: “What is the use of a bowl if it is empty?” They brought food to the poor, and among the dishes there was always a bottle of “little white”. Therefore, the Sharovs accused the Brazhkins of getting the people drunk.

But still, people of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were more loyal than their distant ancestors. Mikhail Ilyich and Pyotr Fedorovich did not start fist fights, did not set fire to houses or shops, and did not put poison in each other’s food. But this has happened before. From generation to generation, Loskutovo members passed on stories about how, God knows what time, one of the Sharovs hacked to death Brazhkin with an ax, for which the son of the deceased allowed the “red rooster” into the killer’s factory. Was it true? There is no answer to this question. But the inhabitants of Loskutov believed the hunting tales. The city was long ago divided into two camps: the Sharovites and the Brazhkinites. People selflessly discussed how ancient opponents were building luxurious houses and trying to outdo each other in everything.

In nineteen seventeen, the Bolshevik revolution broke out, and hostility flared up like a bright torch. The Sharovs were for the Whites, the Brazhkins for the Reds, the power in Loskutovo changed several times... Many books have been written on this topic, there is no need to talk at length about how the descendants of Emelyan and Fedor began to destroy each other. Then 1937 happened, then war broke out. Two of the Sharovs survived: Mikhail’s youngest son, Ilya, and Peter, Ilya’s son, who was born before the war, but due to his young age did not participate in it. There are also two Brazhkins left: Semyon, who was born the same year as Petya, and his father, Konstantin Fedorovich, the same age as Ilya Mikhailovich. The rest of the Sharovs and Brazhkins died. But even the death of all their relatives did not reconcile Ilya and Konstantin. Children appeared in families, and from early childhood they were taught: the Sharovs and Brazhkins are enemies.

When perestroika began, Ilya Mikhailovich’s grandson, Vasily Petrovich Sharov, privatized a dying tableware factory and in a short time managed to make it a successful enterprise. He bought the house of his ancestors, where the city council was located during the Soviet years, made repairs and now lives happily in the mansion with his three daughters, his mother and his beloved wife.

And Konstantin Fedorovich’s grandson, Igor Semenovich Brazhkin, continuing the traditions of his ancestors, opened a large food market, which he eventually converted into supermarkets. Brazhkin's stores have long ceased to be signs only of Loskutov; branches are located in many cities.

In a word, both Vasily Petrovich and Igor Semenovich achieved material success. Moreover, they are both happy in their family life.

Sharov is married to the quiet Svetlana Alekseevna. The marriage was concluded out of passionate love, although Alevtina Stepanovna, Vasily’s mother, told him:

- Son, why do you need a girl without a family, without a tribe? She has neither a father, nor a mother, nor any relatives; she has no idea where she came to Loskutovo from. Now you like Sveta, but what will happen in five years, when the passion subsides? What are you going to talk to her about? What kind of housewife would an awkward girl make? Will she be able to manage her money carefully? Look around, there are many worthy brides equal to you in origin and upbringing. For example, Karolina Kruglova, the heiress of a wonderful wealthy family, is a beauty. And Sveta, forgive me for being frank, is inconspicuous, skinny, has a pale face, speaks barely audibly, and doesn’t know how to smile. Well, what did you find in her?

But, despite Alevtina Stepanovna’s speeches, Vasily got married and has been living with his wife in perfect harmony for many years. They have three daughters: Anya, Katya and Olya. All three girls are smart and beautiful, the pride of their parents.

Pyotr Ilyich Sharov, Vasily’s father, unfortunately, died shortly after the birth of his son. But Ilya Mikhailovich, the grandfather, stepped over the centennial anniversary, replaced his grandson’s father, raised him and died, having managed to see how Vasily Petrovich revived the production of tableware and became rich.

Alevtina Stepanovna, thank God, is alive and quite vigorous; despite the ailments of old age, she manages the household with a strong hand. Svetlana Alekseevna trained as an endocrinologist and is the head physician of the central Loskutovo hospital...

A quiet tinkling sound was heard, and Anya returned to the living room with a tray in her hands. She began putting cups, cookies, and sweets on the table. The father calmly waited until his daughter left again and continued the story. I again quietly turned on the recorder in my pocket and turned into hearing.

...Not so long ago, Vasily Petrovich decided to become the mayor of Loskutov - a successful businessman decided to build a political career and improve life in his hometown. It’s clear that the employees of the association “Sharov’s Ware” gathered together to vote for the boss. Vasily is a good owner, he is respected and loved. But the former mayor wanted to run for a second term and was not going to give up his position without a fight. In fact, there were five candidates for the high post, but everyone understood perfectly well that there were two real contenders, and the rest would not get even one percent of the votes. And here’s the most interesting detail: the name of the current mayor, who does not want to give up the chair to Sharov, Igor Semenovich Brazhkin.

The election struggle flared up, during which the opponents at first behaved correctly, but then resorted to claws and teeth. Vasily Petrovich reminded the mayor of his promise to build a new hospital building.

“And where is the building equipped with the latest medical technology? – asked Sharov. -Where are the spacious chambers? Where is the ultra-modern tomograph? Where did the money allocated for the construction of the clinic go? We see a mothballed pit.”

Igor Semenovich was not taken aback and announced the misfortune that happened at Sharov’s factory.

“The general public has not heard anything about this, but I learned that worker Sergei Vakhrushin died when one of the furnaces failed. Vasily Petrovich silenced the deceased’s family with money, and there was no fuss. But if a person is not able to restore order in his own enterprise, will he be able to manage the city economy?

And there was an exchange of “compliments” that became angrier and angrier. And then Brazhkin died in a banal accident... - Vasily Petrovich fell silent, then asked:

- Do you understand?

“Of course,” I nodded. – Now Loskutovo and the surrounding area are probably actively discussing what happened. Friends of Igor Semenovich openly say that Sharov decided to remove his competitor, they recall the history of enmity between two families...

“To the point,” the owner frowned.

– My son is incapable of mortal sin! – a ringing voice came from the corridor, and an elderly lady in a beautiful dark burgundy dress entered the living room. – But Brazhkin is a criminal, this is a known fact.

Vasily Petrovich stood up.

– Meet, gentlemen, Alevtina Stepanovna, my mother. Mom, these are specialists from Moscow, Ivan Tarasov and Tatyana Sergeeva.

“It’s very nice,” the boss and I said in unison.

– Are you husband and wife? – Sharova inquired.

“No,” I quickly answered, “colleagues.”

“Mom, they are from Moscow,” repeated Vasily Petrovich, “I called the best of the best to find the scoundrel who hit Igor.”

Alevtina Stepanovna raised her right eyebrow.

- The bastard? Well, well... Gentlemen, my son is too tolerant. The scumbag in this situation is Bukhalkin.

“Brazhkin, mom,” the son corrected.

“Whether in the forehead or on the forehead,” the parent angrily waved it off, “the essence does not change.” The man who ran over Bukhalkin bought a bottle of vodka in his store, drank it and got behind the wheel. God simply restored justice; you cannot deceive the Almighty. Who is to blame for Bukhalkin's death? Himself! He shouldn’t have soldered the Russian people. And you want to punish the unfortunate person who cleared the world of black mold.

Vasily Petrovich listened silently to the elderly lady. It was clear: he understands that arguing with his mother is useless; she will remain unconvinced.

- Grandma! – a girl’s voice shouted from the corridor. - Olya broke the blue decanter!

The hostess jumped up.

- The ugly thing has caused trouble again... I’m on my way already!

Alevtina Stepanovna moved towards the door, but on the threshold she turned around and looked her son straight in the eyes.

- You started a stupid thing. Remember our boy, unfortunate Stepan, and think who is to blame for his untimely death.

Sharov was silent for a minute. Ivan Nikiforovich coughed.

– I also live with my mother. Unfortunately, she is sometimes inclined to make hasty conclusions, and it is difficult for her to agree with other people's opinions. Let's return to Igor Semenovich. What happened to him? Of course, we can find out everything ourselves, but I would like to hear the story from you.

– The local police chief Fedor Mikhailovich Dubov will help you. “He’s a mutual friend of ours with Garik,” the businessman sighed, “he was always copying homework from him, then from me, Fedya and I sat at the same desk.

– Was Brazhkin your classmate? – I clarified.

“Now in Loskutovo there are many educational institutions to choose from,” the interlocutor smiled. – Both private and municipal, there is even a gymnasium where Latin and Ancient Greek are taught. But during our childhood, Garik and I had only one, as they say now, elite school. I won’t be surprised if I say that the competition was organized not for children, but for parents. Igor, Fedya and I were included in the first “B”.

– And how did the children behave, whose ancestors had been in irreconcilable hostility since time immemorial? – Ivan asked.

“It’s stupid at first,” admitted Vasily Petrovich. – Until the sixth grade, we fought for any reason, and then we became friends. But, realizing that our parents would not like our friendship, they hid it. Not a single person knew that we often spent time together after school.

– Did Loskutovo begin to grow after perestroika? – I clarified.

“Yes, in the mid-nineties, new houses appeared very quickly - our factory created jobs, and this attracted people from all over Russia,” Sharov nodded. “I am proud that I raised a city-forming enterprise from the ruins. Now it is one of the largest in Europe. Loskutovo expanded and merged with neighboring Novokozhinsk, where there is a factory where they make fan belts and much more from leather. Then the villages of Matveevsk, Brunovo, Lapino joined the conglomerate, Filimonovo also joined a couple of years ago, and the districts of Loskutov began to be called by their names. If this continues, we will have to think about building a metro. Well, this is still a joke, although there is a lot of truth in it.

“Now it’s not at all difficult for two boys who have decided to hide their friendly relations,” I said, “I got into a minibus after class, drove away from the city center, for example, to Matveevsk, and you won’t meet any acquaintances there.” But how did you manage to be friends? Has no one seen the offspring of the local Montagues and Capulets on joint walks and notified their parents?

Vasily Petrovich stood up, took an album from the bookshelf, flipped through the pages and showed one photograph.

– This is Frida Genrikhovna Braude, Doctor of Historical Sciences, author of the popular children's books “The Life of Little Vanya”, “The Adventures of a Boy from the Seventeenth Century”. When I was thirteen, I started reading her adventure novels. Braude was considered a local celebrity. In Soviet times, she flew abroad, spoke there at some conferences, often visited Moscow, and was friends with the capital’s actors and musicians. Frida Genrikhovna was lonely, but she loved children very much and came to the school where we studied a couple of times. After the next performance, the writer asked me: “Vasenka, do you love Mine Reed?” I answered honestly that this was the first time I had heard about this author. Braude handed me a small piece of paper and said:

“Here is my business card, the address and telephone number are indicated here. I'll let you read "The Headless Horseman." Tell your parents that I invited you and come visit tomorrow after school.” Of course, my mother let me go without any questions. And I was literally speechless when I entered Frida Genrikhovna’s apartment. Don’t think that I lived in a slum and was stunned when I saw richly decorated rooms with crystal in the glass and bronze chandeliers under the ceilings. My grandfather earned good money, my mother was a gynecologist, the head physician of a maternity hospital, we lived in complete prosperity. But there were no books in the house.

Vasily Petrovich grinned.

– Or rather, my mother had specialized publications in her bedroom, so I was a very advanced boy in obstetrics and gynecology, which sharply increased my rating among my friends. Grandfather and mother were often absent in the evenings, I invited the guys, and we selflessly looked at pictures in medical reference books. Modern teenagers can freely buy all sorts of erotic magazines and access the Internet, but at their age we did not have such an opportunity. My grandfather also had books, but related to his work, and also art albums, which did not interest me. But at Braude, all the cabinets were filled with volumes, there were bookshelves everywhere, even in the kitchen and in the toilet. The first time I ran to Frida Genrikhovna out of simple curiosity, I wanted to see how celebrities live, because Frida Genrikhovna was even shown on TV once. – Sharov was silent for a second. – Braude gave me Mine Reed, told me to read it in ten days and return it, warning me that he would ask about the contents. I honestly read it, but was not impressed. And then he openly declared: “A book for girls.” The writer laughed and handed me “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne. I really liked him. I began to regularly run to Brauda and a month and a half later I ran into Braudin in her kitchen. Now I understand that the wise woman decided to eradicate the enmity between families and decided to make us friends. At first, Garik and I snorted displeasedly when we met, but then we became interested in being together. What did Braude and I talk about while sitting at round table, covered with a worn velvet tablecloth. They drank strong brewed tea, straight chifir, ate sushi and chatted for hours: about literature, philosophy, history, love, envy, the concept of duty, even sex. In general, Frida Genrikhovna was my university. She died when Igor and I were in our senior year, and our frequent communication with Brazhkin ceased. Then we both went to Yekaterinburg, which was then called Sverdlovsk, and entered different institutes. There were no common interests, but we retained our goodwill towards each other and sometimes crossed paths in common companies. Probably, having returned to Loskutovo, we would have been able to communicate normally as adults. But then the story happened with Karolina Kruglova. – Vasily Petrovich winced. “I don’t like people who blame their parents for all big and small troubles, but my mother actually contributed to what happened, pushing me to marry Caroline. As soon as I drove home for the weekend or holidays, she immediately either invited me to go with her to visit the Kruglovs, or invited them to come to us, and then, when we were left alone, she started up: “Carolina has become so beautiful! A very worthy girl! The father is the most intelligent person, the mother is the sweetest woman. Karochka plays the piano and owns English language, studying to be a therapist...” Kruglova was really pretty, but I just didn’t like her. But mom, if she sets her mind to something, even a global flood won’t stop her. She bought two tickets to the theater and told her to invite Caroline. To avoid a scandal, I agreed and went to the idiotic performance. I barely made it through until the end and almost died from boredom. Then, of course, he walked Caroline home and heard: “Vasya, thank you for the wonderful evening, I am in your debt. I invite you to my birthday on Saturday.” So what could I do?

“They surrounded him like a wolf with flags,” Ivan Nikiforovich said with sympathy. – Sometimes women can be driven into a corner from which they cannot get out alive.

“I had to buy a bouquet of flowers and go where I didn’t want to go,” Vasily Petrovich sighed. “That’s how fate sometimes depends on little things.” No, I would answer: sorry, Caroline, I'm busy. That's all. All! But no, good upbringing interfered. There were a ton of guests, but Caroline rushed to me, forgetting about the others, and didn’t leave all evening. Everyone immediately concluded: we are a couple. And as luck would have it, Brazhkin ended up there. Igor drank, took me by the elbow and asked: “Are you and Kara serious?” I began to twist away: “What are you talking about?” Garik pouted: “I couldn’t understand why Carolina didn’t even want to look at me, now it’s clear who the reason is. Wish you happiness". In short, I didn’t even have time to sneeze when rumors announced that Kruglova and I were the bride and groom. She began to come to our house, her mother called her “my girl.” I, a lousy intellectual, could not muster the strength to clear up the misunderstanding, I was embarrassed... And soon I met Svetlana and fell in love. And finally he started an honest conversation with Caroline: “Sorry, I invited you to the theater then on the orders of my mother, who dreams of me marrying you.” Kara interrupted me: “Are you against it? Don’t you like me at all?” I snapped: “Yes, I love someone else.”

-And you survived? – Ivan chuckled.

“I survived a series of my mother’s scandals,” Vasily smiled. - And Kara married Brazhkin, and after the wedding he stopped greeting me. It was getting ridiculous. Loskutovo was not very big at that time, there were a lot of shops, we would run into each other in some shop, Igor turns away. I couldn’t figure out why this would happen, I decided that his parents found out about our normal relationship and made a goat face at their son. Once, when Brazhkin once again silently passed by, I couldn’t resist: “Maybe we should stop pretending to be teenagers? Grown-up married men, we’ll soon be turning thirty, but we’re acting stupid, sulking like children.” Igor grabbed me by the lapel of my jacket and hissed: “You thought I didn’t know? Kara told me the whole truth. She is not you, honest as a diamond, incapable of living in a lie.” I didn’t understand anything and asked: “Garik, what are you talking about?” And he gave a speech. Like, our relationship with Caroline reached the point of intimacy, passion burned like an oil barrel for several months, and then I went over to Svetlana, because she had a lot of money, and I raised a factory with my wife’s money. Can you imagine the plot twist?

The narrator looked at us with a heavy gaze and continued:

“I was confused and started making excuses: “Igor, your wife and I have never had anything like this. We went to the theater, to the cinema a couple of times, but didn’t even kiss.” And he responded: “Don’t lie! She's the first wedding night burst into tears and laid out who took her virginity.” I told him: “By God, I’m telling the truth, there was no bed! And Sveta doesn’t have a penny. Where would she get capital from?” Then Garik lost it: “Where did you get the money that you invested in the factory?” His question outraged me. “What is your business?” From then on, we became enemies again. When I decided to run for mayor, Igor suddenly called and shouted: “I decided to take revenge because Carolina gave birth to three sons for me, and your Svetka only gets girls? Do you remember the fortune teller? This is how everything will happen according to her prediction!”

Vasily Petrovich fell silent again and rubbed his neck.

– I didn’t want to say, it’s still hard, but you’ll still find out what’s what. Our people will immediately report to Muscovites about the witch; people love fairy tales. There is a local legend. Allegedly, my ancestor Gleb Mikhailovich once met a gypsy woman, and she told him that the Sharov family would be cut short and the factory would pass into the hands of the Brazhkins. This will happen when Gleb’s descendant gives birth to three daughters in a row, and Brazhkin’s descendant gives birth to three sons, and all the children survive. The Sharov family will disappear into oblivion when the youngest girl commits a terrible stupidity. Before this happens, most of the children of the owners of the dish factory and the Brazhkins will die in infancy. – Sharov frowned. – I don’t believe in predictions, I think that the story about the gypsy is a myth started by someone out of envy and anger, but it’s still strange. Gleb gave birth to five daughters and a last son. All the girls died before reaching the age of one year. The boy survived, he had seven children, of whom only my great-grandfather Mikhail Ilyich remained. Of his eight heirs, seven died as infants; only Ilya survived, this is my grandfather. His marriage produced only one son, Peter. That is my father. He has a special story. His grandfather married him early to Galina Stroeva, but she could not get pregnant, and in the end the couple divorced. After some time, Ilya Mikhailovich got his son another wife; you met Alevtina Stepanovna today. Their offspring is in front of you. I have no brothers or sisters, my father died shortly after my birth, I don’t remember him well, my grandfather replaced my dad.

– What about the Brazhkins? – I couldn’t resist, interrupting the owner of the house.

“It’s not easy with him either, and their children died.” But! In our family, boys were a rarity, and our enemies only got boys, no representatives of the fairer sex. And what do we have now? Carolina gave birth to three boys, Sveta and I have the same number of girls. Thank God everyone is alive and well! No, no, this is all an idiotic coincidence. However, my mother believes in prophecy. I remember when Anya, the eldest daughter, was born, she pursed her lips, I didn’t see the slightest joy on her face. I couldn’t even resist making a remark to her: “Mom, congratulate Sveta.” And she shrugged her shoulders. "With what? You chose the wrong wife, now the entire Sharov family will perish. Caroline gave birth to a boy; the Brazhkins will keep their last name. My heart senses that my daughter-in-law will “give” you two more girls.”

Vasily Petrovich pointed to the wall.

– Do you see our family tree?

Ivan Nikiforovich stood up and approached the painting.

- Wow! The first Sharov, the son of Emelyan and Martha, was born in one thousand two hundred and eleven!

The owner of the house grinned.

– Ilya Mikhailovich, my grandfather, decided to compile a family tree. He picked up the church books, which in tsarist times were kept better than the eye, and he managed to find records of the marriage of Martha and Emelyan and the birth of their son. But my grandfather didn’t like the document.

- Why? – Ivan Nikiforovich was surprised.

Vasily Petrovich got up, went to the wall, pushed aside the picture hanging on it, opened the exposed safe, took out a sheet of paper and showed it to us.

– Grandfather believed that Martha and Emelyan lived almost in biblical Old Testament times, but here it says that they got married in one thousand seven hundred and ninety. What added fuel to the fire of his disappointment was the fact that the Brazhkin family had an ancient Bible in which his ancestors meticulously wrote down notes. On the first page there is the date “1254”, it was then that Fedor was born. And what, it turned out that the family of Brazhkin, an unworthy person, was much older than the Sharov family? Grandfather decided to slightly correct the story. He covered himself with all sorts of historical books, atlases, reference books, pored over them for a long time, then called the artist. – The businessman sat down in the chair again. - I have developed logical thinking, so the question immediately arose in my head: how could Emelyan and Fedor quarrel if Brazhkin lived in the thirteenth century, and Sharov led Martha down the aisle more than a century later? The church book is genuine, kept in an archive under lock and key, which means that either the war between the families was invented, or Brazhkin forged his family Bible, or Fyodor lived for who knows how long. The latter is hard to believe. There is only one conclusion: our ancestors probably quarreled not so long ago, a little over two centuries ago, and either Igor’s grandfather or his father concocted a fake Bible. And how can I explain this to Ilya Mikhailovich? As a result of my grandfather’s efforts, a family tree was created, proving that our family appeared before the Brazhkins. In my opinion, this is funny, but my grandfather persistently lied to everyone. By the way, Ilya Mikhailovich did not get along with Alevtina, his daughter-in-law, and was angry with her because she gave birth to only one son, me.

“But, if I understand correctly, your father died early,” I clarified, “your mother simply did not have time to conceive other children.”

Vasily Petrovich rubbed the back of his head.

- Right. However, for my grandfather this was not an argument. Until his death, Ilya Mikhailovich repeated at every opportunity: “It was nonsense - Alevtina deceived me, she pretended to be healthy. When I sent matchmakers, her parents swore on the icon: our family has been prolific from century to century, our daughter will give you a dozen grandchildren. And I, an old fool, believed it. I didn’t realize: they are poor, hungry people, they want to place a sick girl in a wealthy family. Where are my ten grandchildren? One barely gave birth.” And here's what's interesting. Grandfather lived to see the birth of Anya, Katya and Olya. He loved my wife Svetlana, never reproached her for her girls, and adored his great-grandson. He constantly burned Alevtina Stepanovna. And my mother, when she saw the newborn Anya, threw a scandal, shouting: “You shouldn’t have married someone, she didn’t get the boy!” It is strange to hear reproaches against a woman from a professional gynecologist for the birth of her daughter. The father determines the sex of the child at conception, and I reminded the mother of this. At first she became quiet, and then began... to treat me and my daughter-in-law.

- From what? - I did not understand.

“From girl production,” Sharov clarified without a shadow of a smile. – First she told us to go to the resort, drink mineral water, then they used pills, injections, folk remedies. Sveta and I ate kilograms walnuts, choked on sickening herbal tea, my wife became pregnant, and... Katya was born. Well, I won't bore you with unnecessary details. I have beautiful daughters, I love them, I didn’t plan any more offspring, and suddenly Sveta announced that she was expecting a child. Nine months later a boy was born. Here it is, the irony of fate - they were treated, followed a diet, took dietary supplements, but girls were born, they stopped thinking about it, gave up on everything, and Stepan was born. A healthy, cheerful baby who ran and played pranks, like all children. My mother not only adored her grandson, but idolized him, praising him with or without reason. “Did Stepochka drop a vase on the floor and break it? Ay well done! No one can produce such beautiful fragments, only Stepochka, he is an artistic person.” Surprisingly, indulgence did not spoil the child; the boy, having matured, began to make fun of himself. I remember how Styopa once handed me a diary with the words: “Sorry, dad, I was wrong in geography. But you must admit, the two marks I get are much better than Fedya Brazhkin’s two marks, aren’t they? Our enemy’s “bananas” are simple, but mine, a representative of the Sharov family, are talented and highly artistic.” To be fair, I note that my son studied well.

- What happened to him? – I asked.

Vasily Petrovich slouched.

– Styopa caught a cold and fell ill. He was sick for a couple of days, the temperature rose, but not too high, the doctor was not worried. Then bronchitis began, a cough worse than whooping cough developed, the thermometer showed forty. I called the doctor again, he diagnosed the flu and immediately sent the boy to the hospital. And there his blood pressure went through the roof, he was placed in intensive care, but there was no improvement. Doctors administered medications intravenously to Stepa, but they were ineffective. The thermometer consistently showed very high numbers, the tonometer – two hundred and twenty by one hundred and forty. I got scared, with the help of the air ambulance, I transported my son to Yekaterinburg, and there he died, having a stroke due to a hypertensive crisis. Diagnosis: complication due to influenza. Stepan was barely thirteen.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” said Ivan Nikiforovich. - How long ago did the accident happen?

“A year ago,” the owner explained. “That’s why I decided to run for mayor—I hoped that the fight for the mayor’s seat would distract me from the gloomy thoughts that were crowding in my head. Well, I digress, now everyone is saying that Sharov killed Brazhkin in order to seize power in Loskutovo. I ask you, find the one who took Igor’s life, this is the only way to clear my honest name.

I took my laptop out of my bag and opened Skype.

– Now our employee Troyanov will tell you what he knows about that accident. Rob, are you in touch...

- Hi all! At first glance, the case is banal. Igor Semenovich Brazhkin was hit by a car near a busy highway that leads to Yekaterinburg. The scene of the incident is deserted. A new district of Filimonovo is actively being built near it, but the finished houses and those that are just starting to be built do not go to the highway, there is no access to them from there. It is unclear what Brazhkin was doing on the country road. He was dressed formally, in a suit, shirt and tie, but did not have a briefcase with him. His personal car was in the parking lot of the large Loskutov shopping center.

“Brazhkin, not caring about safety rules, drove a Mercedes himself,” interrupted Vasily Petrovich. “They told him more than once: “Your status is supposed to have a driver.” But Igor waved it off: “I don’t want to be a passenger, the driver will annoy me, but I’ve been driving a car since I was fourteen and better than any professional.”

“It was not immediately established how Brazhkin got to the highway,” Robert continued. – I already said that Igor Semenovich’s body was found not on the highway, but on a narrow country road to the right of the highway. The body was anonymously reported by a woman who called the police from a pay phone located at a food pavilion five kilometers from the scene of the accident in the direction of Yekaterinburg.

– Did the applicant drive by without stopping? – I clarified.

“It seems so,” agreed Troyanov. - Incredibly big-eyed lady. I studied satellite photographs of the area, looked at the plan made by the police, and did not understand how she noticed the dead man. The caller did not introduce herself; As soon as the attendant asked her to give her first and last name, she hung up. The store clerk has no idea who used the phone; he is on the street. Law enforcement officers decided that the mayor had fallen victim to a drunk driver. The driver was speeding along the highway, turned onto a dirt road, hit Brazhkin and disappeared. An autopsy confirmed this version - Igor Semenovich died from injuries received when he was hit, most likely by a car. The police decided to explore the area, walked along a country road and found themselves at a workshop for repairing harmonicas and accordions. In the parking lot next to her, an inconspicuous, heavily tinted dark blue “ten” was found. There are many similar ones in Loskutovo. Inside the unlocked car was the mayor's bag. Yes, sorry, I didn’t say: his broken mobile phone was lying next to Brazhkin’s body. According to documents, the “ten” and the workshop belong to a certain Nikolai Fateev, a resident of Loskutov.

Vasily Petrovich coughed.

“He and I studied in the same class.” Kolya came from a dysfunctional family, his parents drank, but Fateev himself had a negative attitude towards alcohol. I didn’t keep in touch with him after finishing school, but sometimes I saw him on the streets - always cleanly dressed, sober, but it was immediately clear that he didn’t have a lot of money. I was very surprised when they told me about Fateev’s workshop. And I really can’t imagine how Igor’s things ended up in Nikolai’s car. Although... We were classmates, maybe Brazhkin was with him adult life were you friends? I don't know about their relationship.

“Nikolai Vitalievich Fateev is registered at Old Boulevard, building six, apartment fifteen,” Troyanov continued, “he acquired the workshop fifteen years ago. But let's talk about the accident first. Based on the marks on the ground and on the corpse, and after examining the fragments of the broken headlight, the expert determined the make of the car: “Ford Focus,” black.

“Hmmm...” Ivan grunted.

“And I mean the same thing,” Robert picked up, “a very common brand and a very popular color.” The police put out a search for a car with a damaged front fender, searched all auto repair shops and garages, but the car seemed to have sunk. Two versions have emerged. First: a drunken driver was driving along the highway, he lost control, he skidded onto a dirt road, the alconaut hit Igor and sped away. Second: the mayor was killed, carefully presenting the case as a banal hit-and-run. Now further...

We listened carefully to the computer scientist's story.

The police interviewed Brazhkin's wife Karolina and all family members, including the housekeeper, Olesya Ivanovna Pirogova. The mayor lived in a country mansion five kilometers from Loskutov; he did not have a large staff of servants. Usually officials of this rank have several drivers, security, a gardener, and maids, but this is not the case with the Brazhkins. There are no drivers, the household members sit behind the wheel themselves, Caroline takes care of the flowers on the property and the housekeeping, and Pirogova helps her. Olesya has been serving with the Brazhkins for many years, and nothing but words: “Igor Semenovich was the best person in the world,” it was not possible to get her out of it.

So what did the local Pinkertons find out?

That day, Caroline called her husband at the mayor's office from home. Why not on mobile? Her husband warned her that he would spend all his working time at his desk in his office, had no plans to go anywhere, and that he had again abandoned his cell phone somewhere and now could not find it. Since Brazhkin lost the phone a couple of times a month, but then always found the phone safely, his wife was not surprised. In the evening she dialed his landline number and asked:

“Darling, when will you be back?”

“What are we having for dinner?” – the husband asked.

“Stewed rabbit, tongue salad, strawberry mousse,” the wife listed. And she explained: “It’s precisely because of the dessert that I’m worried, because it needs to be prepared right before serving.”

"Ooo! – Igor Semenovich was delighted. “I was going to do some more paperwork, but the menu is so tempting... Okay, I’m leaving in five minutes.” I hope I’ll make it through the crossing without any problems.”

You remember that the mayor’s family lives outside the city? To get home from Loskutov, the Brazhkins need to cross the railway tracks, and if the barrier is down, they can stand for a long time. Therefore, when her husband did not return on time, Caroline was not alarmed, but began to watch TV.

Meanwhile, the mayor was already dead by that time. As it turned out, he died almost immediately after a conversation with his wife; her call was the last one the mayor answered. A quarter of an hour after Caroline, his mother began calling Brazhkin’s number. Irina Fedorovna is persistent, and her son did not have the habit of ignoring her calls. But that day he could not answer in any way, because he died, the broken phone was lying not far from the corpse. The eldest Brazhkina was alarmed... The rest is clear.

However, questions arise. For example, why did Igor Semenovich lie to his wife that he was sitting in his office? And what was he doing late at night on a country road?

– I don’t understand how Garik could answer his mobile phone if Carolina called him at the office? – Vasily Petrovich was surprised.

“It’s not a new trick,” Robert began to explain, “there is a program that redirects calls from a landline device to a cell phone.” The subscriber is fully confident that he is calling the person at his home or work number, but in reality the person is having a conversation with him on his mobile phone. Now about Nikolai Fateev. According to the documents, the accordion repair shop is operating, moreover, it is making a profit, albeit a pittance one. Fateev is an individual entrepreneur, pays due date taxes, no complaints against him.

“So,” I drawled, “in principle, nothing special.” A man owns a small business.

“I agree,” said Robert. - True, I have a question. Who needs accordions now? You have a lot of friends who are free time are they playing around in three rows?

“I don’t remember a single one,” I admitted.

- Yeah. Now listen to the conversation between Yuri Klimov, one of the patrolmen who arrived at the scene of the incident in response to an anonymous call, and investigator Valery Okoshkin. I turn on the recording...

Investigator: You noticed a tenth model Zhiguli car. And how did you do?

Patrolman: I was surprised. Why is she here? I walked up a little and saw, well, a workshop. What idiot opened it here? Damn it! He repairs accordions... Laughter! How many people come to him, one cripple every hundred years? And I’ve already found a place for business... No one will come here of their own free will!

Okoshkin: Did you find it strange that they were doing repairs in a remote corner?

Klimov: There are a lot of fools in the world, they don’t think about where to set up an office, and then they cry that there are no clients. My neighbor wanted to open a store for dogs and cats in the village of Bezbozhny. Well, aren't you an idiot? There are only alcoholics living there! But this one, with the accordions, outdid everyone and settled down in Chubareki’s hut.

Valery: Who? What kind of pasties?

Yuri: Chubarek from Filimonov. Still operating. In the spring of this year, he attacked Mitya Prozorov and scratched his entire face with claws. Mitka barely made it home and explained to Tanka, his wife: “Chubarek ran into him. He flew out of the darkness and slashed his cheeks.” I am sure that the same bastard ruined Igor Semenovich. She just didn’t fight, but shoved her under the car. Just ask anyone, many people think so. Everyone avoids the hut at the bottom of the quarry. He appears there because he was friends with the sorcerers.

Investigator: Is Chubarek a surname or a nickname? Do you know the man's name, patronymic, address?

Patrolman: This is not a man.

Valery: A woman?

Yuri: No. Chubarek is Chubarek. How long have you been in Loskutovo?

Okoshkin: What's the difference? I arrived two months ago. And what?

Klimov: Nothing. I realized: you’re new. The locals have heard everything about Chubarek. A thousand years ago a family lived in Filimonov. A gentleman was driving by, he raped their daughter, then killed her and threw her into the Loskutka river. The mother ran to the shore and asked the water chubareka to punish the criminal. Why did she rush to Chubarek? Because the spirit of the river loved the girl and wanted to make her his wife. Is it clear yet?

Investigator: Mmmm...

Patrolman: Chubarek drowned the offender, and then, because he lost his beloved, he lost his mind from grief. And from then on he punishes everyone who behaves badly. Prozorov got it for the job - Mitka wouldn’t let a single woman pass, so he hit Chubarek in the face.

Okoshkin: Your Prozorov was scratched by one of his girlfriends, and he lied to his wife about this Cheburek. You are bulling me?

Klimov: Of course not.

Investigator: Then why the hell are you telling fairy tales? Do you really think that Mayor Cheburek has moved on?

Patrolman: He doesn’t know how to drive, but he can easily push you under a car.

Valery: You got me! Now I’ll call Dubov, let the police chief and his foolish subordinate, who believes in grandma’s lies, sort it out.

Yuri: I just explained what people are saying. I informed you. People have two versions.

Okoshkin: I’ve already heard about Cheburek. And what else?

Klimov: Igor Semenovich was run over by Vasily Petrovich Sharov.

Valery: Owner of a crockery factory?

Yuri: He is the one.

Investigator: Name the motive.

Patrolman: They've been angry at each other for three thousand years.

Okoshkin: Why didn’t they share? Babu? Money? When did the feud start? For what reason?

Klimov: So you don’t know anything? When our Loskutov did not yet exist in the world, the Sharovs and Brazhkins lived in it...

- Do you understand now? – Vasily Petrovich asked Ivan and me. – It is necessary at all costs to find the one who shot down Igor! Otherwise, I will have to bear the stigma of a murderer for the rest of my life. Well, of course, I will lose the elections miserably.

– Who is in charge of the city now? – I asked.

– Marlene Firin, former deputy of Brazhkin. He's a good guy, he's coping for now, but he won't be mayor. Konstantin, Garik's eldest son, wants to become mayor instead of his father. Elections are at the end of summer, you don’t have much time,” the factory owner noted.

– Why does Alevtina Stepanovna blame the late Igor Semenovich for the death of her grandson? – I changed the topic of conversation.

Sharov turned to the window.

“Mother just needs to find someone to blame for this tragedy.” She can’t bear to realize that Stepan died due to the flu. On the day he died, Caroline brought her youngest grandson Evgeniy, who had severe allergies, to the same clinic in Yekaterinburg. The gurney with the unconscious teenager was pushed along the corridor of the intensive care unit past us, who were standing at the entrance to Styopa’s room. Can you guess under what circumstances a crowd of relatives are invited to intensive care? We just left Stepan's. The boy was still alive, but I am grateful to the doctor, who decided that neither my wife, nor my daughters, nor my grandmother should be monitored last minutes child's life.

Vasily Petrovich sighed heavily.

“The doctors were at Styopa’s bedside; they hurriedly brought some kind of equipment there. But I already understood - there is no hope. And Svetlana and my mother kept repeating: “Now our boy will be saved. Three professors are here, the most important cardiologist, a luminary, an academician has arrived.” But he’s not a god! And then Zhenya is being driven past. He is covered in IVs, Carolina is walking behind the gurney, his face is white, like a sheet of paper. The bed on wheels was pushed into the next room. A few seconds later, that same academician left Styopa and went to Zhenya, and a couple of minutes later we were informed about the death of our boy. The mother has since said: “Brazhkin killed my grandson. He called the professor and told him to leave Stepochka and take care of Evgeniy.” I understand that the doctor left his son when he declared his death and immediately went to another child, whose condition was alarming, but my mother believes otherwise.

“I see,” Ivan Nikiforovich nodded. - We'll start work and see how...

At that moment, a pretty blonde with shoulder-length hair and thick bangs flew into the office and said capriciously:

- Dad, tell Katya to leave me alone! Why does she consider herself to be in charge? Do I need to hear from her until I retire: “You’re the youngest, listen to smart people”?

I immediately recognized the beauty who ran in as Olya, the girl from the cafe, the same one who, offended by her companion, rushed away, refusing to pay for the order. Well, now it’s clear why the waitress wasn’t nervous. Probably, the bill has already been delivered here, to the beautiful mansion of the father of the young brawler.

“Sorry, dad,” said another girl, slightly out of breath, also entering the office. - Is Olya here?

I instantly realized that I was seeing Katya, with whom Olya was sitting in a cafe at the same table. The blonde stuck out her tongue, bulged her eyes and fell on the sofa with the words:

- She died a long time ago!

“Meet, gentlemen,” Vasily Petrovich smiled, “my daughters, the middle Catherine and the youngest Olga.”

– Why emphasize age? – Olya immediately got angry. – What difference does it make who was born when?

Katya lowered her eyelashes.

- Good afternoon. Sorry for interrupting, I'm already leaving. Olga, you are with me!

“No, I’ll sit with dad,” my sister chirped.

- Olya, you are with me! – Katerina said imperiously.

“Go, dear,” the father ordered, looking at Olya with a smile, “we have things to do.”

The youngest daughter stood up, straightened her dress and, forgetting to say goodbye, slipped out the door. But as she passed by Katya, she deliberately stepped on her foot.

- Oh! - the middle sister burst out.

– Did I hurt you? – Olga asked with exaggerated concern. - Did not want! Go quickly to your grandmother, she will give her favorite a compress, give her an injection, and put her to bed. You are fragile with us, with a weak immune system, not like me, a hefty horse.

Catherine, saying “goodbye”, disappeared into the corridor. Olya followed her, giggling cheerfully.

The girls' father threw up his hands.

- Children... They are always teasing each other!

Coming out of the Sharovs' house, Ivan reached into the right pocket of his jacket, then into the left, then patted his sides.

-Are you looking for a phone number? – I suggested.

“No, it’s in the bag,” muttered the boss. “I can’t find the cigarettes, there was a whole pack and then it’s gone.”

“You threw it away,” I reminded.

- Crap! “I completely forgot, I quit smoking,” Ivan winced. - My head started to hurt. Do you have any pills? Something like aspirin.

- No. But there’s a pharmacy over there, you can buy it,” I suggested. - I'll wait for you here.

“Let’s go together,” the boss suddenly asked. “Conversations with pharmacists never work out for me. I don’t know why I irritate the women behind the counter, but they are always mischievous, they don’t even give you ascorbic acid without a prescription. Women don't like me.

“Don’t exaggerate,” I laughed. – By the way, men also work in pharmacies.

- Do not believe? – Ivan Nikiforovich squinted. - Now you'll see! No matter how many times I go to buy medicine, I always come across women behind the counter. Guys don't become pharmacists.

Tarasov and I entered a small trading floor, and I whispered to the boss:

– One zero in my favor – here the medicines are dispensed by a representative of the stronger sex.

“He’s a hundred years old,” Ivan objected quietly. – Grandfather is barely alive from old age, he cannot be considered a representative of the stronger sex.

“He may have lost his masculine strength,” I agreed, “but he was definitely never a woman.”

- What do you want? – the pharmacist asked loudly.

Ivan pushed me in the side.

“Aspirin, please,” I asked.

- Which? Soluble, in tablets?

“Better fizzy,” I decided.

– Is it ok with banana flavour? – the pharmacist specified.

- Ugh, never! – Ivan shuddered. - Give me the simplest one.

Grandpa took off his glasses with dark brown frames, put on his pince-nez, which was hanging on a cord around his neck, and became gloomy.

– Who will take the medicine? You're a girl?

“No, my companion,” I explained.

“Then why are you talking to me?”

“Well... Ivan Nikiforovich... shy...” I purred.

“The situation is clear,” the grandfather snapped. - So, young man, do you need aspirin?

“I’m not that young,” Ivan flirted.

– Medicine for what purpose? - the grandfather continued.

“To drink it,” Tarasov gave a brilliant answer.

“Name the dosage,” the pharmacist demanded.

Ivan Nikiforovich blinked.

– Aren’t all pills the same?

“No, dear,” the old man said solemnly. – Which specialist prescribed the medication for you?

Ivan turned to me.

- You are a doctor? – the pharmacist smiled, also looking at me. - Therapist?

- I do not have medical education“I muttered. – My companion has a headache in the back of his head, so I thought about acetylsalicylic acid.

“I see,” the grandfather creaked. – No matter how much you explain to people about the dangers of self-medication, there will always be such individuals who are their own healers. Before dispensing the drug, which, unfortunately, is available without a prescription, I must clarify: is the pain of mild or severe intensity? What caused it? Migraine? Neuralgia? Myalgia, arthritis, menstruation?

“The latter is unlikely,” I said. - Yes, and everything else too.

The old man leaned his palms on the counter.

Ivan Nikiforovich backed away.

The grandfather became dignified.

– Do you take ginkgo biloba? I must warn you: the combination of this dietary supplement with acetylsalicylic acid can lead to blockage of blood vessels in the brain.

“Mmmm,” Ivan became embarrassed, “I’m not familiar with bilboba.”

- Wonderful! – the old man admired. - Now get some aspirin. But! First, I must inform you about side effects use of medicine. Frequent reactions from the patient: nausea, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcer. A little less often: allergic reactions, skin rash, “aspirin” asthma and “aspirin” triad.

- Triad? – asked Ivan Nikiforovich. – A criminal association of people of Chinese origin?

Grandpa tapped his fist on the counter.

- No. The “aspirin” triad is: asthma, eosinophilic rhinitis, nasal polyposis, hyperplastic sinusitis. In addition to the above, a person using aspirin may experience headache, blurred vision, tinnitus, aseptic meningitis, gastric bleeding, liver and renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia. Here's a box for you. Ask.

Ivan Nikiforovich jumped away from the counter.

- No need. The headache went away on its own.

“Wonderful, young man,” the old man nodded. – Let me give you some advice: pain under the skull can occur for many reasons and...

“He quit smoking,” I interrupted the old man very impolitely.

He was delighted.

– Why didn’t they tell you right away? There are a lot of means to make it easier to quit nicotine: chewing gum, patches, suppositories, rinses.

“You don’t need anything,” the boss proudly refused. – I can cope with a trifle with willpower. I haven't touched a cigarette for a long time...

The phone rang. Tarasov glanced at the screen and jumped out of the pharmacy.

- Your husband gave up a long time ago bad habit? - Grandfather asked.

“It hasn’t smoked since breakfast,” I answered seriously. - And we are not spouses. We came to Loskutovo on a business trip, Ivan Nikiforovich is my boss.

The old man opened one of the drawers.

– Honey, take the anti-nicotine kit. The young man is not the first who decided to give up cigarettes without the help of medication. Now your companion is in a euphorically elated mood, but by the evening he will lose his enthusiasm and begin to get angry with you. As soon as you see bared fangs, take out the Anti-Tobacco. It contains several remedies that relieve irritation, insomnia, excitability, tremors, urinary incontinence, stuttering, and aggression.

“You’re probably right,” I agreed, taking out my wallet.

“Dear, Grigory Nikolaevich Frolov is always right,” the grandfather praised himself. - You will still remember me somewhere around midnight today. kind words. If your boss gets completely out of control, here is my business card, you can call at any time, I will always give advice. I am responsible for my clients. You see, darling, this is the era of capitalism, we have to survive. This pharmacy is my personal property. Previously, I didn’t have to worry about living - the enterprise was in the very center of the city, people were streaming in, there were few medicines in Loskutovo large selection there were. And now they are sold in all stores. They opened stalls, but do they follow the storage rules? And people don't understand the difference. I have to fight for every customer, so I am expanding the range of services. You can call with any question. I also opened a free lecture hall, on Sundays I talk about dietary supplements, healthy life.

I took the card.

“Hide it,” the pharmacist ordered, “and don’t throw it away.” You never know what will be needed at any moment. And this is a gift from me. Toffees with an anti-nicotine effect self-adhere in the mouth, slowly dissolve, and help a person who has quit smoking to relieve irritation and attacks of anger.

“Thank you, but it’s better to give the candy to someone else,” I refused. – This is not the first day I’ve been working with Tarasov, I’ve never seen him angry, the boss knows how to control himself.

– How many times do you remember him giving up tobacco? – Frolov asked insinuatingly.

“For the first time today he informed me about this,” I admitted.

“Take the toffee,” the grandfather got a little angry.

- Thank you, you are very kind.

“I just love my clients,” Grigory Nikolaevich smiled.

* * *

I found Ivan a little further from the pharmacy. The boss stood on tiptoes, spreading his arms to the sides.

- Hey, are you okay? – I got worried.

Tarasov shuddered and almost lost his balance.

- I was doing exercises. The book called.

- A book? – I asked again.

- Forgot? – Ivan was surprised. - I explained! Well, yes, a book. The one I downloaded to my phone. She praised me for doing the right thing. And I am no longer a beginner quitting smoking, but a twelfth-grade master.

“Very interesting,” I chuckled. – Now can I ask you a question about work? Is this my investigation? Is my team dealing with Brazhkin’s death?

“Of course,” the boss assured, “I’m just an observer, don’t pay attention to me.” In a couple of hours everyone will gather here: Gleb Valeryanovich, Denis, Robert and Antonina.

I listened to Ivan Nikiforovich in silence.

Antonina Yurskaya is a psychologist and replaced Kochergina in my team. Lisa is an excellent specialist and clever woman, but recently it became almost impossible to work with her - she was offended at every occasion, threw hysterics, cried... I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to complain to my superiors about Elizaveta, with whom we had something like friendship, but Kochergina turned into ballast, I could no longer rely on her. One should, forgetting about good relations, go to Ivan and honestly say: “Liza better rest. I have Antonina Yurskaya in mind, she worked with us, showed herself with the best side. Tonya is not a simple detective, but a professional psychologist, a profiler; such a specialist is very much needed in the team.”

But I kept putting off the conversation, hoping that Lisa was just tired and everything would return to normal. It was also very inconvenient - I have never had the opportunity to get rid of an employee due to his bad character. I felt discomfort, considered myself something like Saltychikha and tolerated Kochergina’s quirks. Thank God, Ivan Nikiforovich himself unexpectedly came to the rescue. He said that during the mandatory medical examination for all employees of the brigade, Elizaveta was found to have a problem with her hormones, she would have to undergo long-term treatment, after which she would most likely find herself in another team and would no longer work under my leadership.

I mentally crossed myself and wished Lisa get well soon and took Antonina to her position. Ivan Nikiforovich and Pyotr Stepanovich, our very big boss, had nothing against Yurskaya. Tonya has been working for several months and every day I like her more and more. She quickly found a common language with Denis, Robert, expert Gleb Valeryanovich Bortsov, does not stick out her “I”, does not suck up to Ivan. I am glad that Antonina is with us and look forward to her arrival in Loskutovo. However, all employees are needed to successfully complete the task.

Now tell me why Ivan Nikiforovich flew beyond the Urals? Tarasov has several teams under his command; it is better for him to stay in the office rather than travel around Russia. Why did the boss leave the rest of his subordinates and join us? I would still understand him if the current matter were extremely serious. But our hit-and-run with the mayor of the city seems to be a banal accident, which not particularly skillful local detectives could not unravel. Vasily Petrovich Sharov, who wants to lead Loskutovo, pulled all his connections, contacted my bosses, and I ended up here. But why did Ivan come? Moreover, this is the second time Tarasov has interfered in the investigation of my team. I remember when this happened for the first time, I became very tense, taking his intervention as a sign of mistrust. But now I know that Ivan Nikiforovich considers me, the only woman in our structure holding the post of brigade chief, to be a strong professional. Why did he need to join us now?

Maybe Gleb Valeryanovich is right? After completing the first case in which Ivan took part, the expert whispered to me: “Tanyusha, Vanya just likes you as a woman, so he’s looking for a reason to be closer to you.”

No, It is Immpossible. I’m fat, ugly, I dress unfashionably, I put on makeup haphazardly, I’d rather not say anything about my ability to cook, sew, or knit. Bortsov was just joking, and like a fool, I remained thoughtful for several days and looked sideways at Ivan. Then she came to her senses, laughed at herself and continued to work calmly. Tarasov was also busy with official affairs and made no attempts to get closer. Well, except that every day he called me into his office for a report and asked me in detail how things were going. The boss doesn’t do this with other crew chiefs, but showing interest in work cannot in any way be considered a desire to have an affair. And so, receiving the task to understand the death of Igor Semenovich Brazhkin, I heard that Ivan Nikiforovich again decided to ride at the head of my army on a dashing horse, with a sharp saber in his hand.

– What are your plans? – the boss inquired, shaking his hands.

“I’ll go to Fateev,” I answered. “I’ll talk to Nikolai Vitalievich, find out what profit he pays taxes on, and find out why the mayor’s bag was in his car. Maybe he will explain why Igor Semenovich suddenly taxied onto a country road.

Good idea, Ivan approved. – And I’ll talk to Irina Fedorovna, Brazhkin’s mother. You do not mind?

- You are the boss. Can I object to my boss's decisions? – I asked.

Tarasov scratched his cheek.

- Yeah. That's what I thought: you think I'm taking the investigation away from you. I was asked to help Vasily Petrovich by... uh... one person. Listen, I don't want there to be any misunderstanding between us. I'm not going to bother you at all...

I felt funny and interrupted the boss:

– In the table of ranks you occupy a much higher position than me.

“I meant that I’m not going to hire another employee for your position,” Ivan muttered. “Can you guess that I’m not the supreme leader?”

“I heard about the man who created the structure of our brigades and now leads it,” I answered calmly. - But it can be compared to a salamander - they talk about it, but no one has seen it. Maybe she doesn't exist at all?

“We definitely have a king.” And he called me,” Ivan lowered his voice slightly, “and ordered me to personally monitor the fulfillment of Sharov’s request. I had to fly beyond the Urals, feeling your bewilderment and dissatisfaction with my skin. Understand, I trust you as I trust myself, but Their Majesty gave an order, I have no right to disobey.

I smiled.

– Ivan Nikiforovich, stop making excuses, let’s get to work. The idea of ​​talking with Irina Fedorovna is great, go to her. You are very good at communicating with ladies who have celebrated their seventieth birthday. They don't like me.

“It’s a great idea for you to go to Fateev,” the boss said frequently, “you’ll get the necessary information out of the guy in one go.” You are great at getting anyone to talk.

Fabulous! Now our relationship with the boss has smoothly moved into the “cock and cuckoo” stage, we praise each other non-stop. However, this is better than swearing incessantly.

I was about to get into the rental car, but I stopped.

“I just now realized: why didn’t the Loskutovo police interview Fateev?” Robert did not mention this conversation.

The boss was surprised.

– Hmm, really... Maybe they didn’t consider it necessary or forgot?

I took out my mobile phone.

– Rob, look, did the chief of the local police, Dubov, talk to Nikolai Fateev? Or was it someone else who conducted the conversation?

“No,” Troyanov clarified after a short time, “we didn’t communicate with Fateev.” Without wanting to offend or criticize anyone, I’ll note that the local guys are very slow - they gathered to chat with Fateev a week after the mayor’s funeral. Then it turned out that Nikolai Vitalievich, the day before the accident with Brazhkin, went to a friend in a village far from Loskutov, the guys wrote down in the file: absent. And that’s it, they didn’t remember the owner of the workshop anymore.

“And that’s it...” I repeated thoughtfully. - Well, well done!

* * *

-Who do you want, girl? – asked the dear old lady, immediately fearlessly opening the door.

– Does Nikolai Vitalievich Fateev live here? – I asked.

Grandmother retreated deeper into the hallway, turned her head and called:

“Natasha, come here, they’re interested in Kolya.”

A young woman appeared from the corridor, holding a cheeky baby of about eight months in her arms.

- Are you looking for Uncle Kolya? – she was surprised. - Fateeva?

“Yes,” I confirmed, “his address is in the reference book.”

- Who are you to him? - Grandma asked curiously.

– Where is Nikolai Vitalievich? – I repeated my question.

“He died,” Natasha answered sadly.

“It can’t be,” I was amazed. - When?

The young mother looked at the old woman silently.

“They buried me the day before yesterday,” she said.

“That’s how it is...” I drawled. - How did he die?

- Who you are? Why are you asking questions? – Natasha went on the attack. – Galina Timofeevna and I are not obligated to outsiders about family matters report.

I pulled out my ID from my bag.

- Tax police.

- Oh! – Natasha exclaimed.

- Please pass. Would you like some tea and coffee? - Galina Timofeevna squealed. – I recently baked sesame cookies. It turned out delicious, I found the recipe on the Internet. Just take off your shoes, we have a child, I wash the floors every day. Here, here...

To the incessant cackling elderly woman I found myself in a small cozy kitchen, received a cup of aromatic coffee and repeated the question:

– What happened to Nikolai Vitalievich?

“The flu killed him,” Natasha explained. “Uncle Kolya has a close friend, a forester, who lives in Zyryansk, which is almost three hundred kilometers from here. Nikolai Vitalievich went to see him three or four times a year. He loved Zyryansk, he said: “The silence around, the air is like milk.” Well, this year I went there. I lived with a friend for a long time, and we began to worry. I arrived two weeks ago, bringing honey, dried berries, and jam. And ten days later he called and asked me: “Go to the pharmacy, buy something for your cough. I’m dying like an old dog, the temperature is high, everything is breaking. Just don’t come to me, put the medicine on the rug and get out, otherwise you’ll give the baby an infection. I have the flu." I did so, and advised him to call a doctor. And then Toad said: “Kolya is dead, we need money for the funeral.” My mother and I didn’t believe her. They thought that the completely disgusting woman had lost her human appearance, she was ready to come up with anything, just to...

“Sorry, I don’t understand anything,” I stopped Natasha. – Why do you live in Fateev’s apartment?

“So she’s ours,” said Galina Timofeevna. “It’s better to tell me yourself what you’re looking for Nikolai.” Why did the tax police need him?

I put the empty cup on the saucer and turned to the elderly woman.

– Thank you for the coffee, it’s very tasty. Start over. Who are you related to Fateev?

Galina Timofeevna was embarrassed.

- Auntie. Non-native. Kolya’s mother had two husbands, the second had a brother, Mikhail, and I was his wife. Kolya is the son from his first marriage. There seemed to be no relationship, but we lived together and never fought.

“I understand,” I nodded. -Who is Natasha?

Now the young woman began to explain.

– I am considered Nikolai Vitalievich’s daughter-in-law. My father-in-law has a son, Zhora...

“Wait,” I stopped her, “according to the documents, Fateev is single, no children, no wife.”

“That’s right,” Natasha nodded, “now I’ll tell you how it happened.” Uncle Kolya lived in perfect harmony with Aunt Lena, they did not sign because Elena Pavlovna has a legal husband, Vladimir. Lena did not specifically file for divorce because her husband was walking left and right. Do you understand, right?

“Not really,” I admitted. – If your husband is constantly cheating, then it’s probably better to end the marriage.

Galina Timofeevna finished her coffee in one gulp and objected:

- But no. Kolya and Lena lived well and gave birth to Zhorik. But they registered the boy as Volodka, his legal husband.

- And he agreed? – I was surprised.

The pensioner clasped her hands.

- So they had an agreement: Vladimir signed the guy up and gave Lenka the money. Although he doesn’t miss a single skirt, he’s not greedy and doesn’t count rubles. And his wife, for her part, is not divorcing him, because Vovka’s business is registered in her name.

“It’s crazy,” I muttered, “I’ve never heard anything stranger.”

“Both Volodkin’s house and the plot all belong to Aunt Lena,” Natasha nodded. “She is disabled; part of her leg was amputated as a child; she walks on a prosthesis.

“He’s running,” the old woman corrected. “And she even dances, you’ll never think that her feet are missing.”

“As you know, disabled people are entitled to benefits,” Natasha continued, “for utilities, for land, for a house, for a business.” Vladimir Ivanovich has chocolate on all sides. If his next woman pesters: “Sign with me,” he immediately goes into the bushes: “Darling, I’m married, I have a son, Lena is sick, she doesn’t have a leg, I can’t leave the wretched woman.” Their marriage is only on paper, it’s beneficial for everyone. The legitimate husband of Aunt Lena pays good money. Elena Mikhailovna cooks for him, cleans for him, they love each other, but not as a man and a woman, but as a brother and sister.

“The son of Lena and Kolya, Zhora, according to documents, Georgy Vladimirovich Kotov, married Natasha,” the old woman added.

The young woman waved her hand.

- It's me. And here is Zhorik’s and my daughter Varechka. According to papers, she is the granddaughter of Vladimir Ivanovich, but by blood she is the granddaughter of Nikolai Vitalievich. Got it?

Indeed, everything couldn’t be simpler. If you look at the official documents, then Fateev is a bastard, but in reality he had a wife, son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, step-aunt and, probably, an army of relatives in addition.

“When Zhorik and I started living together, Uncle Kolya moved in with Toad,” Natasha continued, “he gave us his three-ruble ruble ruble, which he got from his late parents. The location here, however, is not very good; from the window you can see a vacant lot. I've been afraid of him since childhood; Chubarek lives below him in the quarry.

I grinned. Galina Timofeevna saw the expression on my face and rushed into the attack.

– Do you think this is nonsense? But no! Chubarek exists! There used to be a village here, and my mother’s merman carried away chickens, and once carried away a piglet. My father, may he rest in heaven, sinned against his neighbor. Petka Khvat lived across the fence with us; they called him that because if someone had something bad, he would immediately grab it. But chickens and pigs are serious. Dad went to Peter to sort it out, and he started shaking: “Timofey Alekseevich, I won’t touch a bird or an animal. Look at the ground." Dad looked, and from the fence behind which our hut stood, across Petka’s yard, there was a chain of round marks... well, dents like those made by a bucket if you put it on the sand. “Chubareka drinks my cow’s milk,” said Peter, “and now he decided to indulge in your chicken and pig.”

“Let’s forget about Chubarek,” I tried to stop the old woman.

Where there! Galina Timofeevna did not stop talking:

– The house we are sitting in now was built four years ago. And what immediately happened? You can ask people. The men from the new settlers decided to put “shells” in the vacant lot. Artem Ziganov was the first to drag the garage, and that same night a fire broke out. Everything burned down. And around…” the pensioner made a tragic pause, “there are round footprints, the same as my father saw in Petka Khvata’s yard. Chubarek tried. All. Since then, no one goes to the wasteland, even children are afraid. And also...

“I’ll be happy to listen to the story about the spirit of the merman, but later,” I interrupted the old woman, “first I want to deal with Fateev’s apartment.”

“Our nine-story building was the first to be built,” Galina Timofeevna eagerly started, “those whose houses were destroyed for the sake of the new district were moved into it.” Kolya's parents received this ruble. They were old, completely sick, but they drank a lot. Nikolai arranged the apartment for himself.

“The old Fateevs died almost as soon as they moved here,” Natasha clarified, “they held a housewarming party, invited their drunken friends, bought cheap vodka, but it turned out to be a burnt mess.” Uncle Kolya never drank and therefore remained alive. When Zhora and I got married, my father-in-law said: “Young people need to live separately, if you fight yourself, you make up on your own, you don’t need advisers in family life.” And he moved to Toad.

-Who is Toad? – I immediately asked.

“The mother of Elena Mikhailovna, Uncle Kolya’s wife,” Natasha said helpfully.

– The one who, according to documents, is the wife of Vladimir Ivanovich? – I clarified.

“You figured it out right away,” Galina Timofeevna praised me, “and not everyone can understand it the first time.” Oh, Toad is a terrible woman! But she can’t be left alone, she’s very sick - she’s dizzy and falling. Her apartment is healthy. I dropped in to visit her once, and I lost count of the number of times the owner of the room showed me. Now I’ll figure it out... Kolya and Lena are in one bedroom, Toad is in another, five more are free. When Elena went to spend the night with Vladimir, Nikolai himself looked after his mother-in-law, although she was not his mother-in-law by law, but by life. It's clear?

I discreetly pinched my side.

- Yes, it's simple. But at the beginning of the conversation, you said that the apartment where we are located belongs to Natasha.

“Zhora,” corrected the young mother. – When Uncle Kolya fell ill with the flu, he gave three rubles to his son. I called a notary, and he drew up the paper. Then it was registered for about three days, and we received a certificate. Uncle Kolya loved Zhora very much and told him: “Son, I feel bad, the temperature is hot. What if I die? Who will then have what they have acquired? The state will take it."

“They say correctly, a person feels the approach of death,” Galina Timofeevna sighed. “Kolya showed up just in time.” In short, Zhora received the will with seals before his father’s death. It turned out well. If Kolya had passed away earlier, difficulties might have arisen with the design of the living space. But there’s no way to undermine him, first he wrote me off, then he died.

– Who took over the accordion repair workshop? – I asked the question of the day.

Galina Timofeevna and Natasha looked at each other, then asked in unison:

I launched into explanations, mixing truth and lies.

– Nikolay Vitalievich Fateev is an individual entrepreneur. He owns the company "Ni Vi Fat", a name he came up with using his passport details. This is a workshop where you can repair button accordion, accordion and similar instruments. The business brought little profit, but there were some clients. Fateev carefully paid taxes on time, but this year he did not do it, which is why I came to Nikolai Vitalievich. To clarify what the reason is.

I took a breath. I hope Galina Timofeevna and Natasha do not know how tax debts are actually collected.

- Workshop? – Natasha repeated confusedly. – I’ve never heard of her!

- Repairing accordions? – Galina Timofeevna was surprised. – They played them when I was a child, then they stopped. Dad wasn't interested in them, but grandfather was a master. Nata, do you know who has a button accordion now?

“No,” muttered the young woman. - Why is it needed? Everyone has players, you can listen to any music through them. Probably, artists in the theater have accordions. And Uncle Kolya could not repair instruments, because he is a baker by profession. First he worked at a bakery, then at a private enterprise. By the way, he had no hearing at all. Once in the bathroom he started singing, so Aunt Lena rushed to the door: “Nikolasha, are you feeling bad? You’re moaning and making terrible sounds!” Everyone laughed a lot later when he replied: “Hey, what are you doing? I sing with pleasure.”

– So, there is property registered in Nikolai’s name? – Galina Timofeevna perked up. “We will prove that Varya is his own granddaughter, she will get the inheritance.” I recently saw on a TV show that they do a special analysis. It's called TND.

“DNA,” I corrected.

- Exactly! - Grandma was delighted. – Is this considered evidence?

I tried to avoid a direct answer.

- By this issue you are better off consulting with a knowledgeable attorney. But if you start an investigation, the truth about George’s father will come to light, and it will turn out that he is not Vladimir’s son.

– What does Zhorik have to do with it? – the pensioner waved her off. - I’m talking about Varechka.

Natasha patted the old woman on the back.

- Aunt Galya, understand, if Varya is related to Nikolai, then so is Zhorik. Then my husband would not see the inheritance from Vladimir Ivanovich, but it was bigger than some kind of workshop.

- Oh, my God! – Galina clasped her hands. - Isn’t there some way to get out? Zhora will receive a lot of good things from his father by birth, and Varyusha will get something from his grandfather by blood. Where is the workshop located?

“It’s just a stone’s throw from you,” I explained, “her address is Kariernaya Street, house one.”

- Kudryavtsev's gatehouse! – Natasha jumped. “She stands at the bottom of the ravine, you won’t see her from anywhere, and you won’t stumble upon her by accident.”

“It’s strange,” Galina Timofeevna drawled, “people should go to the repair shop, they had to choose a place that would catch the eye.” Maybe you got the address wrong?

I rejected her suggestion:

“It’s like Kudryavtsev’s guardhouse,” Natasha repeated, “I told you so.”

“Kolya couldn’t buy the damn place!” - Galina Timofeevna boiled. - He, like any man, didn’t have much intelligence in his head, but to take the house of sorcerers... In general, he doesn’t climb into any gate! Tatyana, do you know what kind of house this is? No? I'll tell you now. I'll just make some more coffee.

Galina Timofeevna rushed to the stove and, preparing a drink, began to lay out information. I had to listen to the story about Chubarek for the second time.

...The village of Filimonovo, now merged with Loskutovo, was small, only sixty houses. Different people lived there. Neighbors were friends with each other, and were at enmity, and quarreled, had weddings, and gave birth to children. As in any province, in the village they well remembered whose relatives drank bitter, and whose worked from morning to night, whose father fought, who could be trusted, and with whom one should never deal. From generation to generation, the Popovs clung to the Nikolaevs and looked askance at the Fedorovs. The Kuznetsovs, on the contrary, were friends with the Fedorovs and could not stand the Popovs. But all the residents of Filimonov unanimously have long said to the children:

– Never go to the ravine, the Kudryavtsevs, witchers, Chubarek’s friends live there. They are healers, they can heal, but they can also cause damage; if you get sick from it, you will not recover. When the merman began to kill people, he attacked Kudryavtsev’s son, and the old man, in order to save the guy, sold his soul to Chubarek. Since then, all family members have been in the service of evil spirits. Talkative sorcerers hate it when they are bothered in vain; if you make noise, they will come out and turn you into mice.

– Why are Chubarek’s assistants called chatterbox sorcerers? – Galya asked her mother once.

- It's a joke. The Kudryavtsevs don’t talk to anyone,” my mother explained, “they listen to the person, do what he asks, and all in silence.”

-Are they dumb? – Galochka was even more frightened.

“No,” the parent shrugged, “they just don’t open their mouths to strangers, so it’s like they’re called chatterbox sorcerers as a joke.” Although this nickname doesn’t make me laugh, it’s creepy.

Little Galya was afraid of the ravine, at the bottom of which stood the house of the sorcerers, until she fainted. But when the girl went to first grade, teacher Maria Alekseevna explained to the children:

– Soviet children should not believe the stories of illiterate people. There are no good or evil wizards. You will soon be accepted into October, those who believe in superstitions will not receive an asterisk. It's clear? Have questions?

“Chubarek dug a ravine,” Pasha Kharitonov suddenly said, “and the Kudryavtsevs built a house out of stones.” A person can't do that!

Maria Alekseevna got angry.

– The quarry arose due to the fact that for many years clay was mined there for the production of dishes. In the nineteenth century, the deposit was depleted, and then new reserves were found elsewhere. Most of you have parents who work in a factory. Have you never been to the museum there? The Kudryavtsevs, who were watchmen there, had long lived in the hut at the bottom of the ravine. Now there is nothing to preserve in the quarry, but the house still belongs to the same family. On Friday after school, you and I will go there, meet the owners, and you will understand: they are not witchers, just ordinary people. This is an extracurricular activity, participation is optional. But those who refuse will not receive an October star. Cowards have no right to become Lenin's grandchildren.

“Mom won’t let me in,” Katya Egorova whined. “She says that the Kudryavtsevs sell all sorts of potions to people.” When my grandmother’s legs couldn’t obey her due to illness, my mother went to the talkative sorcerers, paid them and brought a jar of broth. Grandma drank from it and recovered. Many people go to healers. You, Maria Alekseevna, recently came to us, so you don’t know that you can’t just meddle with herbalists, idle. They'll get even more angry and turn us into frogs.

- Obscurantism! – the teacher got angry. - Okay, Egorova, stay at home. I have already explained: the hike is voluntary. This means that the October people will not accept you for your cowardice, stupidity and belief in fairy tales. Anyone who did not wear an asterisk will not become a pioneer or a Komsomol member. You, Ekaterina, will remain on the sidelines of life, people will point their fingers at you and say: “Here comes Katya, who believes in Baba Yaga.” Not even one of you Good work they won't take it! Of course, in our country any work is honorable, but it is better to be an accountant, for example, or a teacher, than a janitor.

After such a statement, everyone agreed to visit the monastery of the terrible Kudryavtsevs. Little Galya also trudged into the ravine. The girl was shaking with horror, her legs were giving way, but the prospect of being left without the treasured badge with a portrait of Lenin frightened her more. If a student is not an October child, he is an outcast, no one will play with him. They won’t invite him on a camping trip or to a birthday party, they’ll put him in the last desk, and they’ll only give him bad grades. Well, I don’t really want to work as a janitor; it’s better to become an accountant and sit in a warm room, turning the handle of an adding machine.

When a group of first-graders led by a teacher reached the building, made of carefully hewn stones, Maria Alekseevna knocked on the door and shouted:

- Comrades Kudryavtsevs! Students from school number one have come to visit you.

The door opened slightly, and... Chubarek came out of the house. The children screamed and ran away. And Galya’s feet were rooted to the ground, losing the ability to move and hear. But her vision sharply sharpened, she clearly saw how the teacher backed away, fell down the steps and remained lying on the ground. Chubarek - shaggy, scary, with horns, hooves and a tail - approached the teacher, bent down, then straightened up and moved towards Gala. The baby stood like a pillar. The merman approached her almost closely, and she felt a vile odor emanating from the terrible creature. Chubareka raised his hand, then stretched it forward, and the schoolgirl saw that his fingertips were covered in blood... Then the light in her eyes faded.

The girl woke up in the hospital. A tearful mother was sitting near the bed, who, seeing that her daughter had regained consciousness, burst into tears and spoke:

- Daughter, how you scared us! Thank you, Lord, I woke up... Checkbox, we are so lucky! While you were sick, the folder was offered new job, he now drives the director of the factory himself by car. We left the barracks and were given an apartment in the center of Loskutov. We have three rooms with a bathroom and a kitchen, hot water, telephone. You will go to another school. They bought you a doll! Her eyes close, her beauty is extraordinary. I sewed dresses for her, my father built a house for her and made furniture.

- Mommy, did Chubarek kill Maria Alekseevna? - Galya squeaked.

The mother rushed to hug her daughter.

- No, no, the teacher is healthy, she was transferred to Sverdlovsk to work. You had a terrible dream, you fell out of bed and hit yourself, lost consciousness, ended up in the hospital, and lay unconscious for a long time.

- We didn’t go into the ravine? - Galochka blinked.

“No, no, I’m telling you, it’s just a dream,” my mother assured.

The little girl believed her. After the clinic, she immediately found herself in a new apartment, went to another school, and did not go to Filimonovo. And only after finishing seventh grade did Galina find out the truth. She was going to enter medical school, went to preparatory classes and during lectures I met my former classmate from Filimonov. She said that the trip to the Kudryavtsevs actually took place, and the children saw the sorcerer. But everyone escaped safely, and Galya remained in place. The children rushed to the central square of the village in hysterics, the adults saw them, the police hastily arrived at the scene of the incident and found Galya lying unconscious on the ground and the dead Maria Alekseevna.

The applicant could barely wait for the lectures to end, ran home and forced her mother to tell her about a long-ago incident. It turned out that when little Galya was taken to the hospital, the doctors could not bring her to consciousness. After a week, the doctors split into two groups. Some said that the child would not come out of the coma and would die without waking up, while others were optimistic: the girl would survive, but her mind would not return to her, the first-grader was under too much stress. The director of the factory at that time was Ilya Mikhailovich Sharov. He received an excellent education, came to the porcelain factory as a youth, and despite the fact that he was a descendant of those whose enterprise was nationalized after the Bolshevik revolution, he managed to become a leader. Sharov felt sorry for the sick child. He decided to help the Fedorov family, took Gali’s father as his personal driver, hired his mother as a quality control inspector, and allocated the family a three-room apartment. And then he rejoiced with all his heart when their daughter recovered. A wonderful doll that can open and close its eyes and say “mom” was a gift from kind-hearted grandfather Vasily Petrovich.

Are you surprised that Galya didn’t know the truth for so many years? By the way, there is nothing strange about this. The Internet did not exist in those years mobile phones, with the help of which you can exchange text messages with your girlfriends, too. The parents transferred their daughter to another school, moved to a new area, and all ties with the past were severed. During Galina Timofeevna’s childhood, information did not spread quickly, there was no yellow press, and no television shows were shown on the screen. And they bought their first TV when the girl was already studying to become a nurse. And they didn’t have a phone at home, they ran to call the booth in the yard...

The pensioner took the scarf from the back of the chair and threw it over her shoulders.

I thought about it. And what happens? Chubarek exists, my interlocutor saw him with her own eyes. Nikolai could not buy the Kudryavtsevs’ lodge - his parents are native residents of Filimonov, and as a child Kolya also heard about the waterman a million times. Fateev did not know how to repair accordions.

- Well, wait! – Galina Timofeevna suddenly exclaimed and grabbed her cell phone from the table.

- Lena, it's me. Listen, Kolya had a workshop for repairing accordions? No, I'm not joking or mocking... Yeah! Then I’ll explain... And another question: Did you buy Nikolasha the hut of the talkative sorcerers Kudryavtsevs? Oh, I’m not sick! Well, don't shout! Just answer. I know it's not April 1st today. Yeah, yeah... Thank you. In the evening I’ll tell you why I asked.

The old woman put the phone on the table and grinned.

– Lena decided that I had fat cockroaches in my head... So, Nikolai’s wife had never heard anything about accordions or about purchasing a hut. Why does Kolya need real estate with a bad reputation? Everyone is afraid to go into the ravine; personally, I wouldn’t go there even for a million in cash.

- Baba Galya, where did the Kudryavtsevs go? – Natasha raised her voice.

The old lady thought about it.

“It seems like they were all put in prison a long time ago.” Or they died. I heard something about them, but forgot. It turns out that there is no truth about the house: the nephew did not have the money to buy it, and he did not tell his relatives about the workshop. No, no, there is a mistake in your documents, Tatyana.

“Maybe so,” I agreed. - Now explain how to get to that hut.

Having said goodbye to Natasha and Galina Timofeevna, I went out into the street and headed towards the vacant lot, where several large trees were visible. It seemed like they were very close, but it turned out to be an optical illusion. I managed to send text messages to Troyanov and Yurskaya on the go, talk to Ivan Nikiforovich, but the trees were still far away. It took me about ten minutes to reach my goal. Finally I found myself under spreading willows and saw a dirty river about two meters wide. There was no more bridge over which one had to cross to the other side. The place looked deserted, the crossing was very unreliable, several boards were missing, and the rest were literally crawling apart under my feet.

Somehow I crossed to the other side, and the road immediately went downhill sharply. A staircase, half-buried with earth, with rickety railings on the sides, had been carved out of the slope. I barely went down it, almost fell a couple of times, and when I reached the last step, I discovered that between it and the path leading to the house there was a huge hole, which was impossible to jump over.

Any other person would admit defeat and go back, but the members of the brigade have many interesting devices with them. I pulled out a small bag from my bag, took out a neatly folded dark green rectangle and pulled on the rope hanging on the side. There was a quiet hiss.

Five minutes later, having thrown an inflatable bridge made of extremely strong fabric over the obstacle, I easily got over where I wanted. Then she pulled the string again, folded the pontoon and hid it. Don't ask how the equipment inflates and deflates, I have no idea, I just use it as taught.

A narrow, crooked path led me to the house. Above the rickety wooden porch, which should have been painted for twenty years, hung a sign that read: “Musical Instrument Repair.” Accordions, button accordions, accordions.” There is a sign nailed to the side: “Opening hours: Monday from 6.00 to 8.00 am. The master accepts by prior arrangement. Place your application in the box." An iron box, unlocked, loomed a little lower. I opened the lid and it was empty. Clearly, no one wanted to resuscitate the sick three-row.

I was filled with amazement. Why did Nikolai Fateev come up with the idea of ​​purchasing this house? As a person who was born and lived all his life in Filimonov, he should have been well aware of the history of the Kudryavtsev sorcerers. It is clear to a baby that not a single one of the inhabitants of the spontaneously expanded Loskutov would voluntarily venture into the ravine - legends are tenacious (let us remember, for example, the policeman Yuri, who selflessly reported to the investigator about Chubarek). Okay, let Nikolai play the fool and buy a house. But why did he take it into his mind to repair accordions?

Not finding an answer to any question, I decided to explore the surrounding area. I walked around the house clockwise and saw that to the right of it a country road began, strewn with small red-burgundy gravel. I walked forward along it and realized: you can drive here. About two hundred meters down the road I turned left, and I saw an area where two cars could easily park.

The road turned sharply and brought me to a busy highway along which cars were rushing in a stream. I got out to the side of the road and realized that only someone who knows well where the dirt road is can drive up to the musical instrument workshop - the burgundy crushed stone ended a couple of hundred meters before the exit to the highway, then there was gray-brown soil that looked as if Genghis Khan's cavalry rode on it. And it is unlikely that any of the drivers would have thought of using the forest growing along the highway as a toilet, because right in front of me loomed a sign with the inscription: “Bezbozhny village - 500 m. Shop, toilet, cafe - 5 km.” It’s probably better to be patient a little and use a comfortable water closet.

I stood thoughtfully for several minutes, asking myself various questions. For example, why didn’t the one who built the narrow highway fill it with crushed stone before connecting with the highway? Didn’t want people passing by to guess that there was a road and a house standing at the end of it?

I looked at the sign again. Hmm, it's five kilometers to the toilet. It’s not a distance by car, but my car was left at the high-rise building where Natasha and Galina Timofeevna live. And as luck would have it, I urgently needed... uh... well, you understand. So what should I do? Okay, we'll have to settle down in the bushes.

Having climbed into the forest, I saw a barely noticeable path going off to the left of the dirt road, which, it seemed, was not used at all. In the thick of the trees I noticed something like a cave. That's great, I found a secluded place. But I can’t get inside the grotto, the hole is very small. Well, no problem...

I approached a flat stone lying on the ground and saw a corner of something white sticking out from under it. Taking the gloves out of her pocket, she lifted the cobblestone and found a translucent plastic bag and, forgetting why she climbed into the bushes, began to examine the find.

On the package was the inscription “Road” in red, inside there was a receipt from the store, empty wrappers from chewing marmalade “Dolls”, chocolate bar “Plum” and ice cream “Berry”, a sticker with a picture of Barbie in a purple dress. I took out an evidence bag from another pocket, hid what I found there and, without taking off my gloves, returned to the monastery of the sorcerers.

The door to the house was locked, but humanity had long invented various kinds of master keys, which I, of course, had. A thin stick inserted into the hole turned, the lock quietly clicked, I pushed the door and found myself in the hallway. She rummaged along the wall, but couldn’t find the switch. Well, that's quite expected. For such a case, I had a small, but very powerful flashlight in my bag. A beam of light flashed. Great, now I can calmly look at the interior.

I was standing in a small hall. There was no furniture in the square room, but the scuffs on the wall silently indicated that there had previously been something like a console and a hanger there. There was no chandelier on the ceiling, but it certainly had been hanging recently - in the center of it there was a hook sticking out, to which a lamp was definitely attached.

There was no door between the hall and the corridor leading deeper into the house. True, it was once there, someone just carefully removed the door frame. But the traces remained!

I noticed a niche in the corridor, studied it carefully and realized that there was a wardrobe here, although there were no sliding panels, shelves or crossbars for hanging clothes. Walking along the corridor, I discovered a bedroom about thirty meters long on the left - black circles from the legs of the bed and two bedside tables were preserved on the parquet floor. There were holes in one of the walls. What was hanging here? Paintings? Carpet? Or maybe shelves?

I went to the window and began to study the frame. Yeah! You won’t see something like this in every apartment! Ordinary people, when making repairs, order plastic frames, richer residents install double-glazed windows made of wood. But there is an exclusive offer for those who are willing to spend enormous amounts of money on decorating their home and call specially trained craftsmen. As a rule, their services are used by owners of castles and palaces who want to preserve the authentic look of their property, or by owners who are constructing buildings stylized as antiques. For such expensive clients in the literal sense of the word, they will make windows, so to speak, from any era, install the appropriate fittings, and age the window sills, which will look two hundred years old. But there will be no gaps left, naturally, there will be no drafts moving through the rooms, the frames will open and close silently. And here, in the sorcerer’s house, there was just such an exclusive option.

I walked around the room again and moved to the bathroom adjacent to the former bedchamber. Neither a bathtub, nor a washbasin, nor a toilet was found there; pipe connections remained on the walls. The heated towel rail was unscrewed, the tiles were knocked down, and there were shards of tiles glistening here and there on the floor.

I photographed the bathroom, bedroom and moved into the kitchenette. Here, too, there were no appliances, cabinets, the table, chairs disappeared...

Having carefully captured everything I saw in the living quarters, I wanted to send the pictures to Bortsov, but I realized there were problems with communication in the house. Okay, I'll send the material later.

* * *

Returning to the car, I heard the phone ringing.

-Where have you gone? – Troyanov asked.

- Where are you? – I answered.

“We’re sitting in the hotel, waiting for you,” the computer scientist sighed.

- Fighters with you? – I asked.

“No, he’s in China,” Robert replied.

- Where? – I was dumbfounded.

– Were you at the hotel? – our computer genius giggled.

- Yes. And what?

– Did you go up to the room? Did you look at it properly? - Troyanov was having fun.

“I didn’t have time,” I admitted. “I walked in, dropped my bag at the entrance, went to the nearest cafe to have a snack, then Ivan and I went to Sharov. The plane was two hours late, there was no time to settle in.

“A surprise awaits you,” Robert explained happily. – I’ve already studied everything here. Did you notice that the hotel is called “Star Earth”?

“Like the Earth is a planet,” I interrupted him. - Or I'm wrong? I have never been particularly knowledgeable in astronomy.

“Planet,” the computer scientist confirmed. – But let’s not find fault with the owners of the inn. They decided to get creative: each issue is dedicated to a country. Gleb Valeryanovich ended up in China, I am in America, Tonya is in Zambia, Ivan Nikiforovich is in Japan, Denis is in Germany, you are in the USSR.

“There is no such state anymore,” I reminded.

“But there is at the hotel,” Robert objected. - How long does it take you to go?

“The navigator writes for fifteen minutes,” I answered.

“It’s good to live in Loskutovo,” Troyanov was delighted, “you won’t spend half a day on the road to the office and the same amount back.”

Denis met me in the hall and, forgetting to say hello, began to fuss:

- Let's go to the small conference room. We were all accommodated on the same floor, there were only six rooms and there was a place for meetings. The elevator is on the left, it's strange, for some reason it's pink.

“Perhaps the hotel owner’s wife likes a glamorous color,” I suggested, looking at the glossy walls of the cabin. - Wow, wow, buttons in the shape of animal heads...

“To the right,” Zhdanov commanded when we found ourselves in the corridor, “the third door.”

I pushed the door and saw oval table, members of the brigade sitting behind him and exclaimed:

– Very convenient!

“I thought so too,” Tonya agreed. - Oh, what a cute dress you have! Silk?

“Viscose,” I answered, “I bought it at a sale.” Actually, I wasn’t going to buy new clothes, I went to the store to buy shampoo, but I don’t understand why I ended up in one boutique. I see that the item costs two-thirds less. Well, I couldn’t resist.

“Viscose is better than silk,” Antonina praised my purchase, “it doesn’t wrinkle so much.” And now you can’t find real silk during the day with fire.

“It’s just a pity that the sleeves are too long,” I sighed, “I have to roll them up.”

“You can cut them off completely,” Denis advised.

Antonina and I looked at Zhdanov, he was shy.

- I just said so. Many women wear clothes with bare arms.

“There are no clothes with bare hands,” Troyanov said edifyingly. – Tanya, never buy clothes on sale in our stores. A week before the price reduction, the administration doubles, if not tripled, the cost of outfits, and then on a certain day the frightening figure is crossed out and a lower figure is drawn. And the aunties sweep away the goods, although in fact they do not win anything.

“Don’t spoil a person’s pleasure from an acquisition,” Gleb Valeryanovich stopped Robert. – Tanyusha, the dress is charming, Troyanov was simply jealous, he would never wear something like that.

“You can’t argue with that, you, as always, hit the nail on the head,” the computer scientist laughed. “I think I would look stunning in a frilly silk outfit.”

“Everyone always makes comments to me,” Denis was belatedly offended. – Why did Rob say that there are no clothes with bare hands? Look out the window, full of women wearing one!

Troyanov looked up from the computer.

- There are no windows here, blank walls. And blouse dresses have no arms.

Zhdanov opened his mouth.

- Well, you said it! Gleb Valeryanovich is sitting in a jacket. Or do you think he's wearing a vest?

“The linen jacket that Bortsov put on has sleeves, but not arms,” Troyanov clarified.

Denis was taken aback, but did not have time to respond adequately; Ivan Nikiforovich entered the hall, accompanied by a stocky middle-aged man.

“Hello everyone,” said the boss. – Meet Fyodor Mikhailovich Dubov, the chief of police of Loskutov, who will temporarily help us. Begin! What does it smell like here? Ugh!

“I don’t feel anything,” Gleb Valeryanovich was surprised. - Maybe the girls put on perfume?

“I don’t use perfume,” Tonya and I said in unison.

- This is unprofessional. If you want to go somewhere unnoticed, they will give you perfume.

“The Voronkov case,” sighed Bortsov, “is an old story, about twenty years old.” Our employee secretly entered the suspect’s apartment, and then the owner suddenly returned. The woman had nowhere to go, so she hid behind a curtain, and a second later she received a bullet in the chest. Miraculously she survived. Then it turned out: the criminal looked home for a second, wanted to take some thing and leave, but he felt a strange smell, realized that there was someone in the room, and fired at the curtain. After that incident, at all advanced training seminars they began to repeat: an agent has no right to use perfume, he needs...

“It smells like tobacco,” Ivan stopped the expert, “like it comes from an ashtray.” Who smoked?

“Nobody smokes here,” Robert was surprised.

“There is no smoke without fire, and if there is no fire, the firebrands remain in plain sight,” Fyodor Mikhailovich suddenly said.

“It stinks disgustingly,” the boss did not calm down, “open the windows.”

“They’re not here,” Bortsov stopped him. “And my nose didn’t smell anything.” And yours, Tanya?

I, unlike Gleb Valeryanovich, immediately realized that the boss had begun a period of irritation caused by quitting smoking, and diplomatically turned away:

– Unfortunately, I can’t boast of a keen sense of smell.

The boss twitched his nose.

– It stinks disgustingly, it goes straight to the brain. Don't you feel it?

“The brigade doesn’t smoke,” Tonya intervened in the conversation. “Probably, heavy smokers used to hold meetings here.” Let's turn on the air conditioner.

Without waiting for an answer, Antonina stood up and turned the lever in the wall. A quiet hum was heard.

“It’ll clear up now,” Yurskaya promised.

“I hope so,” Ivan Nikiforovich shuddered. “People who kill themselves with cigarettes should be resettled on reservations.”

“So you yourself are always with a cigarette,” Denis blurted out.

I kicked Zhdanov under the table with all my might, but it was too late, he had already managed to speak out.

“The word is not a cow, it left the yard, you can’t bring it back,” said Fyodor Mikhailovich, who noticed my maneuver.

– Who smokes? I? – the boss was indignant. - I quit a long time ago! Zhdanov, when was the last time you saw me with a cigarette in my mouth?

“Last night, when you told us that we needed to go to Loskutovo,” answered the overly honest Denis.

“That’s true,” the boss didn’t get angry, “but I haven’t touched crayfish sticks since midnight.” Finita! From now on, there is a categorical ban on any type of addiction in our office.

“The defrocked pop chops all the icons into pieces,” said a local detective.

Everyone silently stared at Fyodor Mikhailovich, who was embarrassed.

– My wife is writing her dissertation on proverbs. Her topic is: “Little-known versions of common sayings.” Here, for example: “The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.” That's what everyone says. But it turns out that there are a lot of variations: “The word is not water, it will flow away and cannot be returned.” Or: “The word is not a child, it will run away from the yard, you can’t lead it back by the hand.” Have you heard these?

- No. “Very interesting,” said Gleb Valeryanovich politely.

“Rita has done a great job,” the policeman perked up, “she has traveled throughout the region, collected mountains of material, and is now systematizing it.” There are pieces of paper hanging all over the apartment with lists of sayings, I constantly come across them, so I started quoting them. Never mind. I’m very nervous about my wife, she really wants to get her PhD.

“Tanya, tell me,” the boss ordered, turning to me.

I cleared my throat. It seems that Ivan Nikiforovich, despite his promise not to interfere in my investigation, decided to take the helm.

The boss sneezed. Then he corrected himself:

- That is, I wanted to say - start the meeting. It's like I'm not here.

“You can’t hide a hedgehog in a bag, it’ll cut you so bad that you’ll gasp,” muttered Dubov.

Bortsov raised his hand.

- Will you allow me? I received from Tatyana a photo of the interior of an accordion repair shop.

- What is it? – Denis was amazed.

I tapped my pencil on the table.

– Gleb Valeryanovich, excuse me, but I’ll have to start. You and Robert already know, but the others don’t yet.

I told about my conversation with Natasha and Galina Timofeevna, about how I visited the house of the Kudryavtsev sorcerers and explored the surrounding area.

“Now it’s my turn,” Bortsov rejoiced. – So, what can I say about the gatehouse... Of course, it’s better to visit the place yourself, and I’ll definitely go there, but so far, judging by the photo, an interesting picture is emerging. The bathroom once had plumbing fixtures from Brau.

“I’ve never heard of this,” Tonya was surprised. “But I recently did some renovations and studied the entire market.”

Tatyana recalls I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster.” Note here and below. auto.

Daria Arkadyevna Dontsova

Tatyana Sergeeva. Diet Detective #18

To investigate the new case, the entire special team of Tanya Sergeeva, accompanied by the chief, went to the Urals. There, in the small town of Loskutovo, the mayor died. Is it really centuries old - yes, that’s right! – has the enmity of two local clans, the Sharov and Brazhkin families, really reached the point of murder? It’s not like Chicago in the thirties, or like Italy during the Borgia era... Moreover, if the mayor was hit by a car, then several more people clearly died from poison. But the local sorcerers Kudryavtsevs, who prepared all sorts of potions, including very dangerous ones, are no longer alive! Is their potion, which caused something like the flu, capable of surviving to this day? As soon as Tatiana dug deeper, it turned out this...

Darya Dontsova

Sorcerer's Love Potion

© Dontsova D. A., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

"Never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you..."

Hearing this wonderful phrase, I looked up from studying the menu and looked at two young women sitting at the next table.

- I love him! – one of them, a pretty blonde with shoulder-length hair and thick bangs, exclaimed excitedly at that moment. – Smart, beautiful, attentive, creative! Yesterday I brought a bouquet and said: “Darling, I wanted to give you red roses, but then I thought: this is too banal, and you are an unusual girl. So in the morning I went to the forest and picked wildflowers.” Agree, it’s very cute and original, none of our friends would do that.

“Wildflowers are so called because they grow in fields and meadows, and not in the forest,” the second girl said instructively. - And you are too gullible. I think your precious lover is a common liar. He simply didn’t bother and rush around the neighborhood, but bought a bouquet at the “Venochek” boutique, where they sell just such things, allegedly picked with his own hands. He's a liar.

- No! – her interlocutor got angry. “You, Katka, are saying nasty things out of envy, because you understand: we will get married soon.” And some people don’t even have a boyfriend.

“Olya, you’ve gone crazy,” Ekaterina continued. – I repeat: never go to bed with a man who has more problems than you. And even more so, you can’t marry someone like that. Your boyfriend has lost weight lately, he has bruises under his eyes, and he doesn’t look the best. He's definitely in a lot of trouble. Everything is bad for Romeo now, and it will be even worse.

“Well, yes, there is grief in his family,” said Olga, “he is worried.”

“Maybe so, maybe not,” the friend did not give up, “it’s better to break off relations with him.”

- Why? – Olya asked defiantly. - Whoever I want, I’ll marry him!

- Well, in vain. With this you will kill your parents and grandmother. And no one will allow him to marry now,” Katya hissed. “And if you don’t give a damn about everyone and get married, then your parents won’t give you a penny.” And then your “bunny” will have even more problems in life. Where will you live? Not in our city, you won’t be able to go outside here.

“You are very mercantile, Katya,” Olya pouted, “you shouldn’t just think about money, there are other values.”

- For example? – Ekaterina became interested.

- Love! – Olga exclaimed. – Such that at first sight, forever! Like a lightning strike! Has this happened to you?

“Mmm...” Katya drawled, biting off half a eclair at once. – To be honest, I don’t remember anything. But what are my years, maybe I’ll still get hit with a bat from around the corner.

- But this happened to me! “I met him, and the light turned upside down,” Olya jabbered. “I wish you too experience such a... uh... electric shock to the head.”

“Mercy, no need,” Katya refused, grinning. - After all, the head, through which an electric shock struck, stops working like a clock.

– Do you think that your brain functions like the floor-standing Pavel Bure in your father’s office? – the beautiful blonde narrowed her eyes.

– Do you have any doubts? – Katerina chuckled.

“I’m not talking about that, it’s just that now it’s clear to me why the cuckoo sometimes flies out of you,” Olya sang maliciously.

There was silence at the next table.

- Have you chosen? – asked the waitress who approached me.

“Two pies with cabbage and tea,” I ordered. – Tell me, which drink is better?

“Of course, our signature,” the girl said proudly. – True, it’s a little more expensive than usual, but everyone really likes it. Here in the menu it is written in detail about it.

“Tea “English afternoon tea in Loskutovo.” Collected from the best plantations in India, processed using unique technology in Italy, packaged in sealed bags in France, this leaf came to us from Germany. We brew it with love according to the traditions of the Russian merchants of the glorious city of Loskutovo. Enjoy the aroma and taste of real English tea, which is preferred by royal courts. I wish you a wonderful appetite, good mood, kindness, good luck and prosperity! The price for a teapot is eight euros.”

I closed the card and handed it back to the practiced smiling waitress. Can anyone explain why leaves from India, which visited a factory in Italy, then traveled along the route Apennine Peninsula - France - Germany - Russia and finally ended up beyond the Ural Mountains in the city of Loskutovo, are called “Real English tea”? Maybe somewhere in the depths of the kitchen of a cozy cafe there is a British citizen hiding? Is it he, having learned all the traditions of Loskutov’s merchants, who pours boiling water over the tea leaves? And why is the price indicated in euros? We're not in Europe. By the way, given the name of the drink, it would be more logical to issue an invoice in pounds sterling.

I looked at my neighbors again. Olga jumped up and used a napkin to blot her blouse, which had dark brown streaks all over it.

- Are you crazy? - she shouted. - Now the blouse is ruined!

“All the complaints are against my cuckoo,” Katya answered calmly, getting up. “You said that she jumps out of me, and cuckoos always live up to other people’s expectations.” The bird heard your words and flew out.

- Hey, people! She poured coffee on me. Have you seen it? – Olya squeaked pitifully, looking after Katya as she left.

Since there was no one in the cafe except me and the waitress, I said:

“When I turned around, the incident had already happened, I can’t be a witness.”

- Shut up! – Olya stamped her foot. - Since you are so vile here, I won’t pay the bill!

Having spoken, the beauty grabbed her bag and ran away.

- Well well! – I was indignant. And she turned to the waitress: “You need to contact the police.”

The cafe worker reacted unusually calmly.

- Forget it.

“Are you going to let the impudent guy just walk away?” – I was surprised. – Judging by the empty cups and the remains of the cakes, the girls treated themselves to glory. The owner will deduct the cost of their order from your salary.

A guy leaned out of the service room.

-Who was yelling here? Lena, what happened?

“Olya and Katya had an argument, don’t worry, Nikolai Sergeevich,” the waitress answered.

“A-ah-ah...” the young man drawled. - Okay, clear the table quickly.

My curiosity awoke.

– Do you know these visitors?

“No,” Elena snapped.

“We just called them by name,” I reminded.

- It seemed to you.

“You said, ‘Olya and Katya had an argument,’” for some reason I continued the meaningless conversation.

-Are you not local? – the waitress asked her question. - From Moscow? You say it in the local way. My sister lives in the capital, in Chertanovo, I fly to her several times a year, I know how they say: Maskva-a?a... Each city has its own habits, in Loskutovo we call all unfamiliar women Olya and Katya. The men will see the cute girl and say: “Wow, Olga is coming!” Or Katka. Yes, that's how it is here. Bring some tea?

The bell rang and my boss, Ivan Nikiforovich, entered the cafe.

- Where are you! I call, I call the number, you don’t answer. They're expecting us at five in the evening. Did you have time to eat?

“Yes,” I lied and looked at the wall clock. – It’s sixteen forty-five now; It looks like we'll be late, we'll certainly get stuck in a traffic jam.

“Let’s go on foot, the house is on the next street,” Ivan explained, “it’s five minutes at a leisurely pace.” And in blessed Loskutovo there are no congestions. I'm waiting for you outside, it's stuffy here.

The boss left. I got up.

- Sorry, work calls.

– Would you like any tea or pies? – Lena clarified.

“Next time,” I answered, “not today.”