Library exhibition for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Book exhibition “Defenders of the Fatherland. Creative exhibition for Defender of the Fatherland Day

02/27/2018 A series of events held in the management libraries of the Razdolnenskaya Central Library for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Manager Botanical rural library spent with children preparatory group MBDOU " Kindergarten"Chamomile" hour of creativity "Congratulations to dad."

She told the children about the upcoming holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, held a quiz “Guess the weapon” and offered to make gifts for their fathers and grandfathers. The guys, with great diligence, made bookmarks and made a common craft for all the men. And then they played the “Deliver the Package” relay race.

IN Kropotkin Rural Library A review of the “Military Equipment Parade” was held, during which the librarian told the history of the holiday, and young readers drew pictures of military equipment and weapons. The exhibition “The Power of the Army is Strong” was also organized.

IN Sokolov Library was held game program "Serve, love the Motherland!". The boys showed their strength by doing push-ups and throwing balls at a target, and talked about military equipment. The event was complemented by a book exhibition "Soldier's Everyday Life and Holidays" and a photo poster with army photographs of fellow villagers.

IN Chernyshevskaya rural library as part of the club meeting" Skillful hands"The hour of courage "Defenders of the Fatherland" was held, timed to coincide with the most revered holiday in our country - Defender of the Fatherland Day. During the event, children read poems about the Soviet Army, took an active part in the games "Agree on the proverb", "The best fisherman", "Secret agent ", "The Best Soldier". A book and illustrated exhibition "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day" was arranged for viewing.

Conversation at the book exhibition "The Honor and Courage of Our Fatherland!" went to Ruchyevskaya rural library. The librarian introduced readers to F. Muravina’s jubilee book “Admiral Nakhimov” - about a truly Russian naval commander who is a shining example of devotion to duty and honor of the Russian fleet. Readers were also told about a selection of magazines "Honor of the Fatherland", books "They are named after them", "Moscow Mother See", E. Beschetny "Stars in the palms", A. Veliyev "Muarebe askerleri" tell about the military pilot Akhmet-Khan Sultan and about the Crimean Tatars who participated in the Great Patriotic War, etc.

IN Kukushkino rural library The game program “Code of Honor of a Real Man” was held. 7th grade students from Kukushkinskaya were invited to the event. high school. The song “I Serve Russia” was played, and the participants game program joined the game. Two teams competed: “Soldiers” and “Defenders of Rus'”. Participants were offered several competitions: “Warm-up”, “Military Historians Competition”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Mini Football”, “ Drill", "Collect a proverb." During the game program, students showed good knowledge, showed creativity, erudition, and ingenuity. At the end of the game program, the presenter congratulated the future defenders of the Fatherland on the holiday and presented greeting cards.

IN Novoselovo village library An hour of courage “About young heroes - fighters for the country” passed and a book exhibition “Patriotism - love for the Motherland” was organized. During communication with the children's audience of readers, the librarian told the children about the meaning of the holiday Armed Forces Russian Federation. The video presentation “Young Heroes – Fighters for the Country” aroused the interest of the listeners. The children read poems dedicated to young soldiers by Konstantin Simonov and excerpts from Valentin Kataev’s book “Son of the Regiment.” Wartime songs were sung at the event.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in Ognevskaya rural library An information hour “History of the Holiday” was held for the youth audience. Librarian Svetlana Pavlovna Chuprina introduced those present to the history of the holiday and its origins. Before those present, pages of history from books and magazines came to life, telling about victorious battles, about the strength of spirit of the Russian people: “Honor of the Fatherland”, “Duty and Courage”, Oktyabrskaya R. F. “Storm Years”, Boltunov M. “Kings of Sabotage”, Borisov A. “Meeting with a deceased friend”, Vasiliev V.P. “Lessons of Courage”, Ovechkin K. “Through the Khingan”, “Book of Memory”.

IN Nivovsky rural library For youth, the hour of courage has passed: “Defenders of the Fatherland are the country’s reliable shield.” The librarian, with the help of N. Fedorov’s book “About Our Army,” told us what weapons, what military equipment are in our Armed Forces. We recalled the history of small arms, aviation, artillery, tanks, airborne assault, and the navy.

Hour of patriotism “Glory to the dear Army!” went to Oryol rural library and the book exhibition “Heroes of Our Army” was created.

IN Aurora Rural Library A review of the book exhibition “The Power is Strong through the Army” took place. The books presented at the exhibition helped make a historical excursion into the heroic past of our country, learn about great exploits and commanders, famous wars and heroes, glorious victories of Russian troops who played a decisive role in the history of the Fatherland. Find out how our ancestors defended their land, strengthened the Old Russian state, the heroes of 1812 fought back the Napoleonic army, defended their homeland from invaders during the First World War and the Great Patriotic War.

Special attention visitors were attracted by such books as: L. Tolstoy’s “Sevastopol Stories”, O. Mikhailov’s “Suvorov”, Y. Vronsky’s “The Extraordinary Adventures of Kuksha from the Domovichi”, B. Vasilyev’s “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, magazines “Honor of the Fatherland” and many other. Local history literature telling about the courage, honor and bravery of our fellow countrymen was widely represented. The exhibition was organized for a variety of audiences and was interesting to both adults and children.

IN Ziminsk rural library There was a conversation "About the Motherland. About Courage. About Glory", with the design of a thematic stand "Profession - Defending the Motherland."

Thematic hour "Profession for real men" with a youth group of readers was held in Berezovsky rural library. The librarian invited the children to go through six competitions and choose the best future soldier. Both boys and girls took part in the competitions. The guys chose a commander, and his military unit entered the game. The team was in full combat readiness, the participants “threw grenades”, played the roles of snipers, scouts, and sailors. The guys went through all the competitions quickly and fun. Yes, our warriors are strong! But they are also strong in intelligence, ingenuity, and erudition. A quiz on military topics was also held and the future soldiers answered all 23 questions without errors. Commander Pavel Yaurov did not disappoint either; he was first in all competitions!

Manager Slavic Rural Library conducted a review of the book exhibition “Invincible and Legendary” with 10th grade students from the Slavic kindergarten school. The children were introduced to the literature: P. Grudachev “The Crimson Path of Civil”, where the author describes many interesting events of those glorious years that took place in Crimea and the south of Ukraine, R.B. Gul “Red Marshals: Tukhachevsky, Voroshilov, Blyukher, Kotovsky”, A. Zolotrubov “Life is a feat”, G.I. Lishakov “We ​​never parted with our cap,” A.N. Lutsky “For the strength of a durable hull,” memories and reflections of a submariner, retired rear admiral about his years of service on submarines in the Pacific Fleet.

For Defender of the Fatherland Day Slavic rural library and the school library held a military-historical quiz for students in grades 7-8, from “Chain Mail to Uniform,” dedicated to the history of Russian military costume. The guys happily answered various questions about chain mail; by the way, it takes six hundred meters of wire to make it 2 mm , what a helmet is used for, in the era of which tsar a Russian soldier was dressed in German clothes, for what purposes did hussars wear high shakos, what is a helmet, etc. For the questions, an excerpt from the book “The Long Age of Chain Mail” and an excerpt from an article by V. Kalmykov were read "Thirty-three heroes." At the book exhibition, images of these costumes and objects were selected for each question.

For students of grades 1-4 MBOU "Slavnovskaya" school-kindergarten» manager Slavnovo Rural Library conducted a competitive game program “Boys would like to serve in the army.” The guys took part in the competitions: “Hit the Target”, “Crossing”, “Winders”, “Erudite Quiz”, “On the Minefield”, “Compliment”, “Who is Faster” and others. The boys showed strength, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

The military-patriotic hour “Defenders of the Russian Land” took place with participants children's club"Sunny Bunny"

Under the motto “The Holiday of All Our Soldiers,” a musical and historical quiz “The glory will not cease these days” was held with students of the MBOU “Kotovskaya School-Kindergarten” and their parents. Librarian Kotovskaya Rural Library and the teacher of the MBOU "Kotovskaya School-Kindergarten" with the children read poems about the defenders of Russia, answered questions about fairy tales, danced dances, took part in exciting competitions and games. The children showed all their dexterity, strength and ingenuity. The pupils' fathers became active participants in the competition. Together with the children, they noted the peculiarities of the service of sailors, pilots, tank crews, border guards and their preparation for the defense of the Fatherland. Adults and children played and competed together and showed their dexterity, accuracy, strength and endurance.

Within the framework of the State program " Patriotic education citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020" in Kumovskaya rural library A military-patriotic hour “Defenders of the Russian Land” was held with members of the “Sunny Bunny” children’s club. The head of the library, Elena Vladimirovna Mochkal, told the children the history of this holiday. Since 1995, we have been celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulating not only those who serve in the army and law enforcement agencies, but also those who protect our families every day - fathers, husbands, brothers.

(for Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Exhibition type– thematic, in-library.
By duration– the exhibition was organized from February 15 to 25, 2012.
Reader's purpose– for all groups of readers.
Special purpose– to acquaint readers with materials available in the ICB telling about the great Russian commanders and naval commanders; heroism, courage and patriotism of the defenders of the Fatherland.
Exhibition location– MCB reading room.
Exhibition design– books (28 copies), headings, quotes.
Exhibition efficiency– interested all categories of readers.
Viewed the exhibition: 25 people.
Issued by: 7 copies.

I. Let us not disgrace the Russian land


“Our country is under reliable protection,
When we all take care of it together!
So let it always be peaceful and friendly
Our common, beloved Fatherly home!


1. Begunova, A. The Path Through the Centuries [Text]: fragments of the history of the Russian army in essays, paintings, drawings, testimonies of participants in events and eyewitnesses / Alla Begunova. – M.: Young Guard, 1988. – 303 p.: ill.
2. Vozovikov, V. Kulikovo Field [Text] / Vladimir Vozovikov. – M.: AST: Astrel: Ermak, 2004. – 573, p. – (Golden Library of Historical Novel).
3. Ancient Rus': Rurikovich [Text] / [E. V. Anisimov; ill.: E. V. Dovedova, N. S. Dovedova]. – St. Petersburg: BKK, 2009. – 110, p.: ill. – (Discover the world).
4. Zolotarev, V. A. The story of a difficult victory [Text] / V. A, Zolotarev, M. N. Mezhevich. – M.: Nauka, 1979. – 78, p.: ill.
5. Katorin, Y. Military glory of Russia [Text]: encyclopedia / Y. Katorin. – M.: AST; St. Petersburg: Polygon, 2005. – 447 pp.: ill.
6. Book of the future commander [Text] / D. Furmanov. – St. Petersburg: BKK, 2008. – 101, p.: ill. – (Discover the world).
7. Loschits, Yu. Dmitry Donskoy [Text] / Yu. Loschits. – M.: Young Guard, 1983. – 365, p. – (Life of wonderful people).
8. Lubchenkov, Yu. War of 1812 [Text] / Yu. Lubchenkov; ill.: A. Chauzova. – M.: White City, 2001. – 45 p.: ill. - (Russian history).
9. Lubchenkov, Yu. Knights of St. George [Text] / Yu. Lubchenkov; artist: A. Karashchuk. – M.: White City, 2005. – 42, p.: ill. - (Russian history).
10. Russian commanders [Text] / V.V. Artemov. - M.: Rosman, 2002. - 350, p.: ill. – (Great Russians).
11. Russian commanders [Text] / ed. B. A. Almazova. – St. Petersburg: Golden Age: Diamond, 1999. – 79, p.: ill. – (Illustrated history of the Fatherland).
12. Serba, A. And the battle broke out [Text]: historical novel / Andrey Serba. – M.: AST: Astrel: Transitkniga, 2003. –509, p.: ill. – (Golden Library of Historical Novel).
13. Suvorov, A.V. The science of winning [Text] / A.V. Suvorov. – M.: Military Publishing House, 1987. – 37, p.

II. Bow to the creators of Victory


"For valor, for our happiness
We sacredly honor heroes!
Eternal memory to the fallen!
Eternal glory to the living!


1. 7 great victories and 42 more feats in the Great Patriotic War [Text] / Alexey Isaev. - M.: Yauza: EKSMO, 2010. - 251, p.: ill.
2. Anfilov, V. A. The collapse of Hitler’s campaign against Moscow. 1941 [Text] / V. A. Anfilov; resp. ed. A. G. Khorkov. – M.: Nauka, 1989. – 349 p.
3. Isaev, A. Battle of Berlin. Flag over the Reichstag [Text] / Alexey Isaev. - M.: Yauza: EKSMO, 2010. - 347, p.
4. Clients, A. Civil War [Text] Alexey Clients; artist: Yu. Kashtanov. – M.: White City, 2005. – 47, p.: ill. - (Russian history).
5. Red Army [Text]: organization, structure, uniform, insignia, military awards, infantry weapons, tanks, artillery, aviation / [author-comp. V. N. Shunkov]. – M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2008. – 351, p.
6. Nagorsky, E. 1941. The Great Battle of Moscow [Text]: the turning point of the Second World War / Andrew Nagorsky. – M.: EKSMO, 2009. – 318 p.
7. Chernushkin, A.V. Russian army of the 18th-19th centuries [Text] / A.V. Chernushkin. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2004. – 151, p.: ill. – (Encyclopedia of weapons and military clothing).

III. Walk of Fame. Heroes of our days


“Walk of Eternal Glory!
Here are the names
Great and fearless,
Who fulfilled his duty
Military bravely,
And sparing no effort
And even life
Unity preserved
Your Fatherland.
Raised to attack
By my example,
Didn't drop it
Honor of the rank of officer!


1. Afghanistan hurts in my soul... [Text]: memories, diaries of Soviet soldiers who performed international duty in Afghanistan / lit. recording by P. Tkachenko; preface: Y. Teplova. – M.: Young Guard, 1990. – 254, p.: ill.
2. Bocharov, G. Was and saw... (Afghanistan, 1986) [Text] / Gennady Bocharov. – M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1987. – 60, p.: ill.
3. Entrusted to protect. Muscovites serve in the army [Text]: collection / [comp. A. I. Krikunenko]. – M.: Moscow worker, 1987. – 300, p.: ill.
4. Lyakhovsky, A. A. Secrets of the Afghan War [Text] / A. A. Lyakhovsky, V. M. Zabrodin. - M.: Planeta, 1991. - 269 p.: ill.
5. Border officers [Text]: collection / [comp. V. Ya. Goland]. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1988. - 287, p.: ill.
6. Troshev, G. My war. Chechen diary of a trench general [Text] / Gennady Troshev. - M.: Vagrius, 2001. - 379, p.: ill.
7. Troshev, G. Chechen relapse. Notes of the commander [Text] / Gennady Troshev. - M.: Vagrius, 2003. - 380, p.: ill.
8. The Chechen war: working on mistakes [Text] / [ed. M. Efimova, I. Mikhailova, O. Zinoviev, O. Kolomiets]. - M.: Yauza: EKSMO, 2009. - 333, p.: ill.

/Organiser of the exhibition -
head MCB service department
Barashyan A. A./

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On the first day of spring, let's remember the events of the last February days and holidays. Among them there is no doubt February 23 .
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, we pay tribute and gratitude to those who courageously defended their native land from invaders, and to those who perform difficult and responsible service in times of peace. The holiday of February 23 is a good reason to introduce a sense of patriotism, involvement in the best traditions of one’s Motherland, and the formation of a sense of pride in the glorious defenders of the Fatherland.

February 23 festive program – improvisation “A state is strong with an army” is a joint thematic event for dear men in Razdorsky SDK, organized by club workers and the library. The holiday was opened by the head of the department, Levashova S.A., she warmly congratulated those gathered on the significant day.

Manager Razdorskaya library Popova L.V. told those present about the history of the holiday and gave an overview book exhibition “Memory and Honor of the Feat of Valor.” The men happily participated in polymath - quiz “We are soldiers” , showing good knowledge of the theory of military affairs. Practical skills demonstrated during outdoor game "Marksman" . We were pleased to participate in improvised skit “Locked Border” .

It was festive and exciting game program “If we are boys, then we are heroes!», with students of grade 1 "a" of the Sidorsk school. Girls - classmates happily congratulated the boys - future defenders of the Fatherland.: During various competitionsThe heroes showed their strength, courage, dexterity and ingenuity, dividing into two teams: “Strength” and “Will”. The result is that friendship won.During happy holiday boys and girls said that a real defender is a smart, brave, dexterous, strong, skillful person.Well done boys! You have shown that you will be worthy defenders of our Motherland.

Head Sidorskaya Library No. 22 N.N. Avdeeva congratulated the children on the holiday and wished: “From childhood we must cultivate in ourselves such qualities as the ability to make friends, keep one’s word, be brave, courageous, noble and kind, acquire a lot of knowledge and skills in order to become a real soldier. So don’t waste time, study well and play sports!” 18 people were present.

“A little defender of such a big country” passed under this namecompetitive game program for children V Eterevskaya Library . During the eventlibrarian Tsykanova R.N. introduced young readers to the history of the holiday.
The guys found out 5 commandments that every boy should know received parting words so that the younger generation honors, remembers its history, is proud of its people, and is a worthy successor.The guys staged the humorous skit “Seeing off to the Army” impromptu, then there was a “political lesson” for recruits, where the guys were asked questions on military topics.

Together with the children we remembered different kinds troops, divided into 2 teams - “Pilots” and “Tankers”, the guys took part in game competitions: “Scouts”, “Sound the Alarm”, “Cypherman”. It turned out to be a little difficult competition "Intelligence Reported" , because it wasn’t there before cell phones, and “Morse code” was used; it was necessary to replace a set of dots and dashes with letters and find out the location of the enemy.

Consisted of many questions Competition "Soldier in Training" , to test the reading and erudition of team members as future defenders of the Fatherland.The strict jury rendered its verdict, giving victory to the “Tankmen” team, and advised the “Pilots” to read more and watch educational programs.
Army songs and music created a special flavor for the event. I also liked the attitude of the guys, their attitude not only to serving in the army, but also preserving the memory of those who stood up to defend our Motherland in difficult times for it. In conclusion, the girls presented their congratulations to all the boys who participated in this event.

IN MCBST library competitively - game program "Axe Soup" for Defender of the Fatherland Day was held for 3rd grade students of city school No. 1. The children had to go through many tests and overcome difficulties, but the support of their classmates and their own knowledge and skills allowed them to overcome difficult situations during the event with honor. The script is based on material.

The hall is decorated with balloons, posters, the song “Russian Guy” is played - S. Kuzin

Reader: - Who doesn’t sleep at night so that we can fall asleep?

Who holds a machine gun instead of a book?

Who doesn't celebrate the holiday with us?

Russian army soldiers!

Girl 1. We congratulate the boys

Happy twenty-third of February,

Let's tell all our guys

Only kind words.

Girl 2. My dear classmate,

I congratulate you

On this excellent holiday -

Twenty third of February!

Girl 3. Good luck to you, my friend,

Let there be joy in life,

So that you find everything you are looking for,

Lost melancholy and sadness!

Girl 4. Let your tanks be plastic

And the machines are bright, colorful, -

You are still defenders, soldiers,

You are so strong and dexterous!

Girl 5. Protect the girl and meet her mother

With a heavy bag from the store:

You are still just children,

But still – reliable men!

Girl 6. How many years have you and I studied?

In the same class, at the same desk,

Over the years of study we became friends,

Please accept congratulations on your holiday!

We wish you all A's in your studies, friends!

The boys come out. (acquaintance-introduction)

How does a day begin in the army? That's right, from lifting and building.

1. Construction.

The command “Rise” sounds again, get dressed, and then get into formation!

Quickly, soldier, stand in line and obey the commander in everything!

(Be level! At attention! March in place! One, two - left, left. One, two - left, left.

Around, one, two. To the left, one, two. Right, one, two. Around, one, two. On the spot, march: left, left. Stop, one, two!)

“It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight!” - Suvorov said this, I will repeat it to you.

You, soldiers, show your knowledge and report the correct answer.

1. What are the names of the armed forces of a state, all the military of one country?

2.What is the name of the gun case? (Holster.)
3. What do the military have on their shoulders? (Epaulettes.)
4. What are the names of insignia and awards for merit, including military ones? (Order, medal.)
5. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)
6. What do a fly and a rifle have in common? (The rifle has a sight called a front sight.)
7. Unexpected command. (Anxiety.)
8. News from civilian life. (Letter.)
9. Every soldier dreams of becoming one. (General.)
10. Soldier's house. (Barracks.)
11. Queen of the fields. (Infantry.)
12. Soldier socks (foot wraps)
13.Works with a key. (Radio operator)
14.Who has two stars on his shoulder straps? (Ensign.)
15. Try to correctly complete the expression of Peter I: “The state has one hand, having a land army, and both hands, if there is a need for it (Fleet)
16. Russian soldiers called this weapon “pocket artillery.” What kind of weapon is this? (Grenades)
17. What is the name of the wooden part of the rifle? (Butt)
18 . Who obtains information about the enemy, about his location, numbers, weapons? (Scouts)
19. What is the name of a sailor’s summer headdress? (Visorless cap)
20. What is the winter one called? outerwear soldier? (Overcoat)
21. What is the name of the festive march of all groups and branches of troops across Red Square? (Parade)
22. What do I call a fighter who masters the art of marksmanship? (Sniper).

3. Signalmen

The intelligence officers received encryption, the enemy is unable to decipher it,

But our signalman will correctly and cleverly manage to find the right “key” to it

pick up. (Who can decipher the intelligence report faster and more correctly using the key)

26,20,1,2 3 13,6,19,21 16,23,18,1,15,1 - 20,1,15,12.


On the eve of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, events dedicated to this date are held in the city's municipal libraries. Library visitors get acquainted with publications about the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland in different periods Russian history presented at book and illustration exhibitions.

Book exhibition “Heroes of the Fatherland” in library-branch No. 9

On the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland in library branch No. 9 issued book exhibition “Heroes of the Fatherland”. The books presented at the exhibition will help you take a historical excursion into the heroic past of our country, learn about the glorious victories of the Russian troops, which played a decisive role in the history of the Fatherland.
For the exhibition, literature was selected that reflects courage, nobility, honor, and courage of the strong half of humanity.
We invite library readers and everyone interested in the heroic past of our country to get acquainted with this exhibition.

Exhibition about the history of the Russian army for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the branch library No. 7

For Defender of the Fatherland Day in library branch No. 7 issued book exhibition “Russian Army: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, which is universal in nature. The books presented here will be of interest to younger schoolchildren, older children, and adults.

Books from the “100 Greats” series and encyclopedias on Russian history will tell about the great exploits of warriors and great commanders of Russia, about famous wars, heroes and awards.

Children from fiction history books will learn how our ancestors defended the Russian land from the first centuries of its existence, how they strengthened the Old Russian state, how the heroes of 1812 fought back the Napoleonic army, how our soldiers defended their Motherland from invaders during the First World War and the Great Patriotic War.

For youth and adult readers - a selection of action-packed and adventure literature about modern soldiers and defenders of our Motherland.

Exhibition-video salon for Defender of the Fatherland Day in library-branch No. 4

“You must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us” - this is a quote from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, which was published in the magazine “Soviet Cinema” in 1933. Years have passed, and now cinema can be used as one of the means of patriotic education.
Patriotic films are films that highlight the citizens of a country in good light, promoting love for the Motherland
As part of the "Week of Patriotic Books" in library branch No. 4 issued exhibition-library video salon “Military book on the screen”. The exhibition presents books about the Great Patriotic War, which served as the basis for scripts for famous films. Young readers will learn with interest that “Officers”, “Penal Battalion” and “9th Company” are, first and foremost, books.

Book exhibition “Courage, Courage and Honor” in the branch library No. 8

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an integral part of the history of our country. 20 years ago this holiday had a slightly different name - Soviet Army Day and Navy. However, the meaning and significance of the holiday remain the same to this day. This is the Day of Russia's military glory, which Russian troops earned on the battlefields. Initially, this day had a high meaning - to love your Motherland and, if necessary, be able to defend it, and Russian soldiers had to defend their native land more than once, and the Russian soldier always fulfilled his duty with honor.
By this date, employees Library-branch No. 8 registered in the subscription book exhibition “Courage, Courage and Honor”. An addition to the exhibition was a colorful poster congratulating all men on the holiday.
Bright in its design, but very significant in meaning, the book exhibition covered the historical moments of the emergence of the Soviet Army. It was of interest to those who wanted to learn more about the new look of the Russian army. For those who were interested in weapons, military equipment and real men's professions. The exhibition featured books about great Russian commanders and admirals, great battles at sea and on land.
For the exhibition, literature was selected that reflects courage, nobility, honor, and courage of the strong half of humanity; a chronicle of valiant and selfless service to the Motherland, works of art about the exploits of our soldiers. These are the books: A. Tamonikov “Battalion of Courage”, “On the Line of Fire”; V. Korotkikh “Armored Man”, books in the series “Special Forces. Airborne Forces."
The exhibition aroused great interest among the adult population

In the reading room children's library No. 3 issued book exhibition “Guardian of the Motherland”(6+) with encyclopedias on military affairs and military vehicles, as well as fictional stories about the brave and courageous defenders of our Motherland.

February 20 at library branch No. 5 The Week of Military Glory “Fatherland to the Sons and Glory and Honor” opened, timed to coincide with Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, a presentation took place at the subscription book exhibition “Both the Arsenal and the Shield of Russia”(12+). It presented literature from the library's collections, telling about the main milestones of the Russian armed forces, about the heroic past of our people, about their glorious deeds in the struggle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland against foreign invaders and enslavers.

Literature about the Great Patriotic War occupies a significant place at the exhibition. The bibliographic review “And His Life, Having Gave for His Motherland” (16+), which took place at the exposition, was dedicated to these books.

For Defender of the Fatherland Day in the reading room Library-branch No. 6 was issued exhibition-viewing “Books for real men”. Books on various subjects were presented to the attention of readers, for users with the widest needs.
The men's attention was drawn to the sections “Jack of all trades” and “For lovers of hunting and fishing.” Here are books to improve your skills in construction, repair, and the structure of a car, and books about hunting and fishing tell the secrets of a rich catch and successful hunting (Luchkov G.B. “Encyclopedia of an Avid Hunter”, Gusev V.G. “Everything about hunting”, Losev S.O. “Fox and hunting for it”, T.P. Tomilova “Hares and hunting for them”, Brechkin G.V. “Fishing on Akhtuba”).

Didn't go unnoticed fiction. Young people were interested in books from the “S.T.A.L.K.E.R” series (A. Shakilov “Nuclear Angels”, S. Lukyanenko “Sixth Watch”, A. Levitsky “Call of the Armada”, etc.). Older men were attracted to “Military-historical adventures” and science fiction (A. Semenov “The Other Side”, T. Nedozor “North Star”, etc.). Readers were pleased to familiarize themselves with the presented literature and leaf through the books that interested them. The bright, colorful exhibition attracted their attention. Throughout the day, visitors could freely get acquainted with her and choose a book to their liking.