Christmas. Christmas Scenarios. Scenario of the competition program “Christmas gatherings Scenarios for organizing a Christmas holiday for adults

Scenario of the evening

"Christmas Meetings"

Progress of the event

On the screen there is a screen saver “Russian village in winter”, “Landscape of a church against the backdrop of a winter village”. The presenter comes on stage.


No other country has as many holidays as Russia. But perhaps the most favorite ones are New Year and Christmas is one of the most important Orthodox holidays.


One night, not only the year changed, an entire era changed - the old world left, a new one came. On this night, the Baby Jesus Christ was born in the Bethlehem cave, bringing with him the main miracle - the miracle of human salvation.

From the Nativity of Christ we count the years. What's on our calendar today? year 2012. This means that two thousand and twelve years have passed since the birth of the Savior.

Today, when Christmas has been restored to its legal status as a Great Holiday, when we can again celebrate it joyfully and solemnly, we understand and realize even more clearly what the Greatest event happened on that distant significant night.(The story is accompanied by slides)

People have been on earth for a long time and in the bustle of life they began to forget God. Their souls became sinful and evil. Before the Son of God came to earth, God the Father told him that He could save people by coming to earth and becoming a man. He had to be born a small child, because all people are children at first. God chose the Virgin Mary as his mother. When she was 16 years old, she was betrothed to the kind, caring elder Joseph.


Not long before the birth of Jesus, the Roman emperor, under whose rule the country of Judea was, ordered a census of the people of this land. The future parents of Christ came to Bethlehem, since they were originally from this city. Many people had gathered there, and all the houses suitable for habitation were already occupied. They were asked to go to the outskirts of the city. Sheep spend the night there in caves in bad weather. Maybe there is a place for you too. Joseph and Mary did just that.


The night was quiet and quite warm. The caves turned out to be empty, and there was room in them for our travelers. And that night a miracle happened! In this cave, Marie had a son. Mary swaddled him and, since there was no cradle, they put him in a manger. This is what they call a cattle feeder.

The first to know about the birth of Christ were the shepherds, who came to the cave to warm themselves. At this time, they reported to King Herod: “King Herod! An unprecedented thing! Some magicians from the east have appeared in our city, who excite the whole people, for they ask everyone, “Where is the born king?” King Herod did not like this very much, and he decided to find out from the Magi about this baby, so that he could then execute everyone.


When the wise men finally found that cave, they bowed with the following words: “we came from far away - from the north and east, we offer you incense and myrrh, we worship the king of the whole world, like the clear sun, we offer him gold. And now let us hasten to King Herod and tell him the joy: the king of kings has been born!”


And then the angel exclaimed: “Wait, Magi! Don't go into the city of Jerusalem. King Herod harbored a black anger and decided to destroy the Infant Christ. I'll take you on a different path. Return to your lands and proclaim everywhere about the Nativity of the Savior.”


That's how it all happened. The Magi returned, each to his own home. Along the way they met many people and told everyone about the miracle that had happened - the Nativity of Christ. This news was passed on from mouth to mouth. And today you and I enjoy Christmas just as much as all people did more than 2000 thousand years ago.


Guys, let's see what you know about Jesus Christ, about his teaching?(The presenter asks questions. The questions are displayed on the screen)


  1. What is the Bible? (this collection of sacred scriptures reveals the secret of the origin of the world, man and the meaning of existence).
  2. What two parts is the Bible divided into? (On the Old Testament and New Testament).
  3. In what languages ​​were the Old Testament and the New Testament written (Old in Hebrew, New in Ancient Greek).
  4. Which Testament speaks about the birth of Christ (In the New Testament, it was written after the death of Jesus Christ).
  5. From what time does our chronology begin? (Since the year of Christ's birth).
  6. What is the teaching of Jesus Christ called? (Gospel).
  7. Who was the first to know about the birth of Jesus Christ (shepherds).
  8. How many disciples did Jesus Christ have? (twelve).
  9. What acts confirm the divine power of Christ? (Healed the blind. Bedridden).
  10. On what day of the week did Jesus die? (on Friday).

Russian folk melodic music is playing. Against the backdrop of a Russian hut, girls come out and sit on stage at a table.


How is Christmas celebrated and celebrated in Rus'? Traditionally in Rus', even before the adoption of Christianity, the end of December was pagan holidays. “In order to turn Christians away from godless pagan games,” it was on December 25 (according to the old calendar) that the church fathers decided to celebrate Christmas. It was a quiet and peaceful holiday.


Christmas is preceded by Filippov's fast, and the Christmas goose was served after midnight, when the fast ended. In this case, the owner could turn his back to the table, and the hostess, breaking the goose, asked questions: “Who should I give this piece to?” From these pieces they guessed what awaits each of the guests in the new year:

The head is ahead, studies hard, thinks a lot;

The neck will guide you, because where the neck turns, the head looks;

Breast - love experiences are coming;

Zadok - calm and happy life;

Legs - a journey awaits;

Music sounds - church bells ringing. The music is quieter. A girl comes out

1 girl

Christmas morning

The ringing of bells flows in sonorous waves

Crowds pour into God's temple

People from all over

Both rich and poor.

Waking up from sleep, -

Everyone is in a hurry on the same road,

Everyone has the same idea.

I sensed a solemn ringing,

Everyone goes to the temple.

And with prayer of labor

They contribute as a gift,

As a gift to the One who was born on the night

And among the shepherds

In the manger, Meek, kissed himself,

Volkhov accepted the gift.

Who came to the land of the worst

Justify the sinners

And His lost sheep

Gather to the shepherd.


On Christmastide it is customary to do good deeds: help the old and sick, give gifts, give alms.

At this time, they always guessed about fate, about the future betrothed, about the harvest, about animals.

1 – girl

Once on Epiphany evening

The girls were guessing.

A shoe behind the gate,

Having taken it off my feet, I threw it,

Snow was being shoveled outside the window

Listened, fed

Counting chicken grains,

Bright wax was burned,

In a bowl of clean water

They laid a gold ring,

Emerald earrings,

White boards spread out

And over the bowl they sang in harmony

The songs are amazing.

Girls perform fortune telling on stage to the accompaniment of music. A candle is placed on the table and wax is poured into the bowl.

Two girls run out onto the stage, take off their felt boots and throw them in front of the stage, then run down the steps.

2 - girl

My toe has fallen towards the house, which means I won’t get married this year.

3 - girl

Mine points to Petrov's yard, and my dear one lives on the other side.

4 - girl - telling fortunes on the palisade

Even – odd, even – odd…….

5-girl (suits 4th girl)

Evdokia, why are you so funny?

4 - girl

Yes, I was telling fortunes on the stockade - I got an “even”, which means I’ll get married soon.

Two girls are telling fortunes on logs. They approach the woodpile with eyes closed, take a log, examine it and conclude something about what the future groom will be like.

5 - girl

My log with knots - the groom will be from a large family.

6 - girl

And my log with thin, even bark - the groom is young and handsome...

The girls take their seats on the stage.


There are a lot of fortune telling methods, we will offer you the most popular ones. (The presenter conducts fortune telling with the audience)

Fortune telling by book

They take a book and, without opening it, write down the page number and the line at the top and bottom. Then open this page and read. This line serves as the answer to the question asked.

Fortune telling by water

Water is poured into 5 identical glasses and sugar, salt, rice, a ring, and a toy are added. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and chooses his fate.

Salt - tears;

Sugar fun;

Ring marriage;

Rice wealth;

Toy - birth of a child.

Fortune telling with wax

Melted wax is poured into water and their fate is known from the frozen figures.

Home - moving;

Church - marriage;

Trees are sad;

Fruits are joy.

1 - girl

Enough, enough guessing, let's go to caroling!

To the accompaniment of music, the girls dress up for carols.


In Rus', on Christmastide, young people dressed in skins and smeared their faces with soot. There were some rules and restrictions. Only boys and men dressed up. It was also impossible to dress up in anything. (It’s a sin to pretend to be a dead man, a devil, or a ghoul. It’s a sin too. It’s also a priest. They believed that such jokes could seriously damage your mind and make you sick.) Girls and women - gentle and sublime creatures - were not supposed to dress up.

The mummers knocked on houses and sang carols - special songs containing words of wishes for goodness and happiness. And the owners treated the mummers with cookies, gingerbread, and sweets for their congratulations and jokes.

1 – girl (facing the audience, everyone else behind her).

Merry Christmas,

Happy holiday!

Holy, holy, holy, holy -

And your guys

Your nannies,

Your priests.

Holy, holy, holy, holy -

There is harmony in your home.

All carolers go to the right wing.

All carolers

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

2 girl

Give it to me, don't break it,

But in general, come on.

Whoever gives pie will get cattle, belly,

Whoever doesn’t give us a pie, we take the cow by the horns.

Don't call, go home

I won't give you anything!

3 - girl

Fedul has a wife

She was very greedy.

Her fur coat is not sewn up

And the shirt is not washed,

Yes, and my husband is not very strong

A lazy person is not clumsy!

The carolers laugh and go to the right wing.

All carolers

Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gate.

The carol came on the eve of Christmas

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada - give me some pie!

4 girl

And God forbid that

Who is in this house?

So that the rye is thick,

Rye is ugly...

5 girl

Give you, Lord,

Cattle, belly,

A cow with a calf,

A sheep with a piglet.

Pig and lamb

To the owner and the hostess -

Sun and moon

Their dear children,

To frequent stars -

(All carolers in chorus)

Many summers! Many summers!

6 girl (comes out from behind the scenes with a tray)

Come in, stay!

Help yourself to whatever you want.

Cookie Pies –

For your treat

The carolers refuse to go into the house, but take all the treats and put them in a bag, then go out to the audience.

Carols are read one by one.

1 – girl

I sow, I winnow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

2 girl

For new happiness

Be born wheat,

Peas, lentils.

3 girl

On the field - in heaps,

There are pies on the table.

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

4 girl

Happy New Year, with all the family,

To be healthy.

May they live long!

They go on stage. Together

Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gate.

The carol came on the eve of Christmas

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada - give me some pie!


Today you visited one of the Russian holidays and learned how Russian people lived. What customs and rituals they observed, how they decorated their lives, what they dreamed about. See you soon at our evenings.

I sow, I winnow, I sow,

Happy New Year!

May everyone be healthy.

May they live for a hundred years!


The curtain is closed. The lights in the hall and on the stage go out. Music sounds and the curtain opens.

Narrator's text - 1:

(a boy-angel comes out, illuminated by a spotlight cannon, or an angel comes out with a lit lamp)

In the realm of frost and snow

Crystal gardens bloomed.

Through our window from the festive sky

The light of a twinkling star is pouring.

In every tower, in every little room

The golden-winged angel has arrived.

He lit the Christmas tree (lights up)

And he looked at us with a smile...

Narrator's text - 2:

(children walk through the hall with handmade cards, give them to the audience and go up to the stage, lining up in a line)

All prayers will be answered.

A good angel will touch everyone with his hand

And the cross will overshadow every house.

Let peace take possession of your soul,

There will be happiness if we believe in happiness!

There will be happiness if we wait for happiness!

Angel Boy

Gloria! (angel leaves)

  1. Music number /preferably from those children who distributed postcards/
  1. Music number - no announcement

Music presenter background

beautiful video series

The birth of Jesus Christ was an event for all humanity. The Bible tells about it this way: God the Creator saw that people had become very unhappy on earth. They forgot God's commandments and became mired in sin. They became greedy and evil...

And God decided to send His Son to humanity, so that He would become the Savior of people and teach them to live in kindness and love for each other. And the earthly parents of the baby Jesus were to be the Virgin Mary and the carpenter Joseph. This happened more than two thousand years ago...

  1. Music number - no announcement
  1. Music number - no announcement
  1. Music number

Music presenter backstage background

Everything is beautiful in God's world

The One who created the world is hidden in it.

But He is in feeling, but He is in the world,

But He is open in His mind.

To recognize the Creator in creation,

To see with the spirit, to honor with the heart -

This is the purpose of life,

This is what it means to live in God!

  1. Music number - no announcement
  1. Music number
  1. Music number - no announcement
  1. Music number
  1. Music number - no announcement

Spiritual heritage determines our future. Let there be peace and prosperity in families, let the old people be wise, and the children obedient and attentive. And let this holiday, in a series of long everyday life, sparkle as a bright star and fill our hearts with love and joy.

Yours festive mood you were given:

(list of concert participants)


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Rozhdestvensky and New Year's celebration completes the first half of the year of extracurricular activities “Sun” (spiritual and moral direction) in the 1st grade of the lyceum. In the first quarter, classes were aimed mainly at introducing children to each other, to the school and the rules school life, for the adaptation of children. In the second quarter, the subject of study was the traditions of the Russian people, understanding the meaning of Russian folk tales and their moral educational significance. The development of a script for the New Year is carried out by teachers in various schools across the country, and on our website you can read and download author’s works for the holiday.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is the solemn end of the half-year, its beautiful and emotional “point”.

Purpose of the event: Emotional and spiritual experience of the joy of the New Year and Christmas holidays, creating a joyful, happy and friendly atmosphere in the classroom, a positive end to the first half of the year.

Objectives of the event:

  • Introduce children to the meaning of the Nativity of Christ and the Tradition of its celebration in Rus';
  • Demonstrate the talents and abilities of each child (everyone gets roles);
  • To form the artistic, literary, musical taste of children, a culture of behavior and communication;
  • Involving parents in preparing the holiday (making a nativity scene, costumes, preparing treats) and in their assimilation of the traditions of Russian culture;
  • Combining the efforts of teachers in working with the class (teacher primary classes, music teacher, teacher of spiritual and moral culture).

Forms of organizing children's activities:

Individual, collective, group. Namely:

  • Recitation of poetry;
  • Choral performance of songs;
  • Artistic accompaniment of songs and performance of skits during the event;
  • Making and guessing riddles;
  • Active listening;
  • Perception of music and video;
  • Drawing, art making and cutting when decorating the classroom.

The script consists of an introduction and four component skit parts: “In the Nativity Cave”, “Winter”, “Christmas Tree” and “Carolers”.

The leader is the teacher Orthodox culture(extracurricular activities), he is assisted by the first grade class teacher and the music teacher.

Progress of the event

1. Introduction

The classroom is decorated with a decorated Christmas tree, snowflakes, children's drawings and a Christmas nativity scene. (Nativity scene is an image of a cave where there is a holy family with the baby Christ, animals and shepherds and/or wise men who came to worship with gifts.)

The tables are placed around the perimeter of the classroom in a “P” formation. Parents are sitting in outer circle, children - in the internal. Children are smart, in costumes. The presenter is in Russian folk costume.

Slides are shown on the screen.

Decorated children with a star come out.

Child 1:

Under cover of the starry night
The Russian village is dozing;
All the way, all the paths
Covered with white snow...

Child 2:

Here and there lights on the windows,
Like stars are burning;
Runs towards the fire like a snowdrift
There's a crowd of guys with the star.

Child 3:

There's knocking under the windows...
"Your Christmas" is sung
"Waits! Waits!" -
It is heard here and there.

Child 4:

And in a discordant children's choir,
So mysteriously pure
The holy news is so gratifying
About the birth of Christ...

(A. Korinfsky “Christoslavs”)

The song "Christmas" plays:

A bright star is burning in the sky,
Mom says to the children at the Christmas tree:
“There is a celebration in the whole world,
It's Christmas!
Christmas has come!

Happy holiday, happy holiday
Adults and children
Even pranksters say this
Because the celebration
Because it's Christmas.
Christmas has come.

We don’t want to sleep at all that night,
I want, I want to go to the city of Bethlehem,
Watch the celebration
Where Christmas was.
Where Christmas was.


Good day to all good people!
Let them be cheerful there will be a holiday,
Merry Christmas to you,
We wish you happiness and joy!

We will tell you now about this bright holiday Christmas Nativity and how it was celebrated in Rus'.

2. Scene “In the Nativity Cave”

Presenter: The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest joyful day for people. It was on this day that the Son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. And it was like that.

One day, the Roman governor Augustus ordered a census of the entire Jewish population. Each resident had to register where his ancestors lived. Joseph and the Virgin Mary went from Nazareth to the homeland of their ancestors, to the city of Bethlehem. There, all the places in the houses and in the hotel were occupied. Mary and Elder Joseph had to stop for the night in a cave where shepherds were driving their cattle.

On this night, the Child, the Son of God, was born to Mary. She put him in the manger, where the cattle feed usually lay. A little bull and a donkey warmed the Baby Jesus with their breath, and Mother - the Mother of God - sang a lullaby to Him...

Children (7 people) come out to the music and read a poem by Sasha Cherny. Children can be dressed in shepherd costumes (3 people), bull, dog, and donkey masks.

In the manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of His hair.

A bull breathed on a baby's face
And, rustling like straw,
On an elastic knee
I looked at it, barely breathing.

Sparrows through the roof poles
They flocked to the manger,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
The cat was the most comfortable of all
Warm a child sideways in a manger...

Subdued white goat
I breathed on His forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly.

"Look at the child
Just a minute for me too!”
And he cried loudly
In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, having opened his eyes,
Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart
And with a smile full of affection,
He whispered: “Look quickly!..”

Presenter: This is how Christ was born. Not in chambers, not in rich houses, but in a cave where shepherds kept calves and sheep. He came into the world with humility and meekness.

The shepherds were the first to know about this. The Angel of the Lord appeared to them and announced:

An Angel appears with a candle ( smart girl in a white dress with wings) and solemnly says:


I am God's Angel, I call the shepherds,
I want to proclaim great joy to you.

Our Savior, the Lord, was born,
Incarnated in human flesh.

There is celebration on earth and in heaven,
Christ God Christmas!

Presenter: The angel commanded the shepherds to go to the cave and worship the Child. Then astrologers - magi - came from distant countries.

An unusual star that rose in the east led them to Bethlehem from distant countries and indicated the place where the Son of God was born. From now on, this star is called the Bethlehem star, and it is its image that the Christoslavs carry with them.

And the wise men brought gifts to the baby and glorified Him.

Children dressed as Magi with gifts in their hands read poems by Joseph Brodsky “Christmas”:

1 reader:

The Magi have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
The star was shining brightly from the sky.
The cold wind shoveled the snow into a snowdrift.
The sand rustled. The fire crackled at the entrance.

Reader 2:

The smoke was like a candle. The fire curled like a hook.
And the shadows became shorter,
then suddenly longer. No one around knew
that the count of life will begin from this night.

Reader 3:
The Magi have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
Steep arches surrounded the manger.
The snow was swirling. White steam swirled.
The baby was lying, and the gifts were lying.

They place the gifts in front of the nativity scene, bow and leave.

Teacher: These events are more than 2000 years old. After all, we count the years precisely from the Nativity of Christ and are soon preparing to welcome 2017.

3. Sketch “Winter”

Presenter: Guys, at what time of year does this holiday come to us?

Children: In winter.

Teacher: Do you know songs about winter or winter trees?

Children sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The heroes of the song come out one by one: a bunny, a wolf and a peasant. They are dressed in appropriate costumes and play their roles: a bunny gallops, a wolf sneaks, a man rides a horse, and then chops down a Christmas tree.

Presenter: Well done, you sing well. How can you solve riddles?

Ears on top of head.
Listen carefully,
We'll start, and you'll finish
Definitely in rhyme!

Children come out and take turns asking riddles:

Flew above the ground for a long time
Snow-white blanket.
The sun is a little hot -
The blanket is leaking
And it went into the wells of the rivers.
This blanket is... (snow).

Cold, frost, snowstorms
They spun and spun.
Everyone at home is wearing white hats,
This came to us...( winter).

There was barely a breath of winter,
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you up,
Their names are ...(mittens).

It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon...( New Year).

The needles glow softly,
The pine spirit comes from ...(Christmas trees).

Everyone is spinning, having fun,
They are frolicking near the Christmas tree.
After all, today is a celebration.
What kind of holiday? (Christmas).

4. Scene “Herringbone”

Presenter: And now we will tell you how the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the holiday began. An ancient legend says this...

On the night when the Savior was born, not only people and animals, but also all the flowers and trees hurried to bow to the Baby.

Flower children come out elegant dresses with crowns in the form of flowers (3 girls) and a Christmas tree in a green dress.

1 flower girl:

We are flower flowers
We are growing silently.

2 flower girl:

This night is a night
The most fragrant.

Christmas tree: Where are you going, flowers? You're supposed to sleep at night...

3 flower girl:

This night is a night
The light shines brighter.
Bow down to your feet
We go to the Baby.

Christmas tree: Take me with you, my dear flowers, take me too to worship the Child Christ.

1 flower girl: But there are no flowers on you, Christmas tree, and your needles can only prick a baby. ( leaving)

Christmas tree(sad):

No one. I'm lonely alone.
The night is quiet. The star is calling, burning.
Everybody left. Everyone worship God
They rush joyfully to the holy cave.


I am a prickly, forgotten tree.
Unnecessary, I stand in my own wilderness.
The flowers are right. I'm only for the Baby
Here I will pray quietly from the bottom of my heart.

He prays with his palms folded. The leader from behind comes up to her and puts on a gauze veil, decorated with tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

The lights on the Christmas tree in the classroom are lit.


And the diamonds of sorrowful tears flashed, lighting up on her,
And Christ turned around, smiling at her radiance.
And from now on, people call it the Christmas tree.
And modest needles sparkle in the fire of Christmas candles.

The shepherds and flowers are returning.

In their hands are toys that the children made themselves, as well as beads.

Shepherds: (together) Look, the stars have fallen from the sky!

1st shepherd: The whole Christmas tree is shining!

2nd shepherd: God created a miracle...

3rd shepherd: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, how beautiful you are!

Flowers: You are the most beautiful... God adorned you.

4th shepherd: All in lights! In crystals, droplets!

5th shepherd: For your humility, Christmas tree, for your kindness, the Lord God noted you.

1st shepherd: Now from now on and forever people will glorify you and adorn you.

Flowers: Let's decorate our Christmas tree too.

They hang toys on the Christmas tree, and put beads on the Christmas tree girl.

ANDThe song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter” is sung:

Little Christmas tree
It's cold in winter.
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.
How many on the Christmas tree
Colored balls,
Pink gingerbread,
Golden cones.
The beads were hung,
Bright balls,
Sweets, gifts -
Everything for the kids.
Christmas tree likes
Our celebration.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate Christmas!

Game “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?”

Presenter: We will name different objects to you, and if you hear the name Christmas decorations, clap your hands and say “Yes!”

If we name something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, we must restrain ourselves and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Children come out and read in turns:

That's the holiday has arrived,
Everyone decorated the Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm -
Hanging on its branches:

Is the asterisk the top?
A loud cracker?
Is Petenka parsley?
Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?
Vibrant pictures?
A ball of cobwebs?
Old shoes?

Red lanterns?
Bread crumbs?
Bright flags?
Hats and scarves?

Apples and cones?
Colin's pants?
Tasty candy?
Old newspapers?

5. Sketch “Carolers”

Presenter: This is what our Christmas tree is like – elegant, beautiful, bright! And the custom of putting gifts under the tree came from the gifts that the Magi brought to the infant Christ. How we love the aroma of the Christmas tree and the anticipation of gifts!

And before, Christoslav the carolers went home. Christ was glorified, the owners were congratulated. And they were sure to treat them.

Enter carolers in Russian folk costumes with a star. They have a bag of treats in their hands.

Caroler 1:

Kolyada! Kolyada!
Give me some pie
Ali a loaf of bread,
Ali money about half!
Al wheat relatives.

Caroler 2(sprinkles with grains):

Here's some wheat for you,
We shower you, we wish you well!
Happiness is a free bird,
She sat where she wanted!

Caroler 3.(Sprinkles with peas):

Here are some peas for a heap of luck,
Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost!

Caroler 4: We know how to praise, we don’t dare ask for much!

Caroler 5:

Open the chest, take out the patch.
Serve some candy and make the kids happy!

Children give candy to carolers.

The Russian folk song “Like a little white snow fell on thin ice” is performed. Vanya comes out on a horse, falls, girls run up to him and see him off.

Like on thin ice
A little white snow fell.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

A little white snow fell
Vanechka, my friend, was driving.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

Vanya was driving, in a hurry,
He fell off his good horse.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

He fell, he fell, he lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

Two girlfriends saw
They ran straight to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

Caroler 1:

Ay, thank you, owners,
Peace to your home,
May he be a full cup.

Caroler 2:

Cheerfully shines
A month over the village.
White light sparkles
Blue light.

Caroler 3:

Moon's rays
God's temple is drenched.
Cross under the clouds
Like a candle burning.

Caroler 4:

The soul is light!
Feast of the Saint
The sun has risen.

Caroler 5:

For hello, for the treat, please accept congratulations,
Merry Christmas! We wish you happiness and joy!

They bow and leave.


Oh, yes, carolers!
Ay, well done! (Bows to the teacher)
Ay, thank you, mistress,
Peace to your home,
May he be a full cup.
Well, kids, it’s good for you to study,
Everything will come in handy in life!

Teacher:(brings out a big pie)

We're bringing the pies out of the oven!
Help yourself, good people!
We treat you to pies,
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Russian folk music sounds. Children give bells to their parents. Parents treat everyone to pies, gingerbread, tea and sweets.

Christmas is a family, kind and quiet holiday. But you can meet him not only with your family, but also in the company of noisy friends. To make the holiday truly unusual, it is important to think through the Christmas scenario in advance, as well as prizes and gifts for guests.

How to organize a Christmas party so that it is fun and unusual? We bring to your attention several entertaining ideas for meeting one of the most important church holidays per year.

Christmas scenario - let's celebrate the holiday brightly

It’s not customary to celebrate Christmas with a big, noisy group, but it doesn’t matter if you make an exception. Perhaps you have a big, cheerful and Friendly family, or maybe you want to invite friends and have a special holiday, because the opportunity to get together does not come often.

Preparing a house or apartment

According to tradition, the main attribute of the New Year and Christmas holidays is the Christmas tree. You can get by with a composition of spruce branches. For Christmas, you need to decorate your house with candles, themed compositions, souvenirs, buy or make your own nativity scene. Snowflakes, garlands, and colorful lights will not be out of place. In general, it’s a matter of imagination and the effect you want to achieve.

It’s worth hanging on the top of a Christmas tree or composition. Star of Bethlehem, and add biblical heroes to the branches. You can make them from cardboard or buy them in a store. This decision will allow you not just to celebrate another holiday, but to plunge into the history of Christmas and create a strong friendly atmosphere.

Weave a wreath of fir branches (can be replaced with bay leaves), place candles in the center of the composition. Electric lighting on this night can be completely replaced with candles. Next you need to create a Christmas script.

What is needed for this and how can you organize a holiday?

  1. Prepare costumes. The role of the Virgin Mary will be played by the hostess. Children will play the role of wise men. You will need a star, a manger, a doll. The star on the tree will do, but you can hang another one on the ceiling. The doll is Jesus born to Mary. Rehearse with the children in advance how the wise men, having seen the star, went to Bethlehem.
  2. Prepare gifts for guests. You can bake cookies with wishes and give them along with a postcard and a small themed souvenir.
  3. The attribute of the holiday is a rich table. Mandatory dishes are baked goose, duck or turkey, as well as kutya. Let each guest bring food with them.
  4. When the guests arrive, you need to light the candles, change clothes and prepare for the performance. Let the small scene become a real Christmas miracle for your guests. The rest of the holiday is worth spending in costumes.
  5. Congratulations follow. Let adults and children tell carols, for which they will receive cookies with congratulations. If someone cannot remember the carol, let them congratulate the guests on the holiday. The best and funniest carol, according to the guests, should be awarded a valuable prize, maybe a joke one.
  6. This is followed by a feast, competitions, games, and entertainment. You should also think through the games in advance and choose those that are suitable for the guests of the holiday.
  7. Get positive emotions and a boost of energy by watching a Christmas movie or comedy.

Games for Christmas

  1. Can be carried out table competition according to tradition. Prepare questions and multiple answer options in case guests can't answer correctly.
  2. Hand out pieces of paper and a pen. Let everyone list the Christmas stories they know, including fairy tales, foreign and domestic films.
  3. Make a list of famous Christmas stories and prepare pictures for them. Let the guests of the holiday try to guess what story is depicted. As a hint, you can name the main and secondary characters.
  4. Crossword. On a large piece of paper, write the word "Christmas" in the center. Next, guests, divided into two teams, must continue the crossword puzzle, taking into account certain rules: the words must be Christmas-themed; vertically and horizontally you cannot write close to the previous word, the distance should be one letter.

At the end of Christmas, you can go outside. Let the final note be fireworks, fireworks and just good mood. You can walk around the city and congratulate passers-by on the holiday.

Christmas scenario for youth

Young people love active pastime. Therefore, games, songs and carols can be included in the Christmas script. Costumes and masks must be prepared in advance. Traditional characters - Goat, Baba Yaga, Fox. You also need to take care of a big homemade star and learn funny carols.

Texts of carols

Kolyada, Kolyada

Open the gates

Get out the chests

Serve the snouts.

Even a ruble

Even a nickel

Let's not leave home like that!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

It is appropriate to hold such a holiday on a site where it is possible to install a Christmas tree, a stage and sound. Children and their parents are invited to the holiday. The announcer's text sounds while the church bells are ringing:

It all started with Christmas:
Spring blossoms, new songs,
And triumph and inspiration,
Hope, Faith and Love!

So let forgiveness rise,
Joy will triumph again,
Blessing the cries of birth,
For life, for joy, for love!

Carolers come onto the stage with a nativity scene and the song “Joy has come to everyone.”

Joy has arrived for everyone
This never happened
There is a bright light above the nativity scene
The star shone.

Where Christ was born
The world lit up there
Angels fly
Everyone is notified.

The goose bugs are playing,
The heart stops
This is David with a song
Glorifies God.

Shepherdesses with lamb
There in front of the Child
They got down on their knees,
Christ was glorified.

We carry God in our hearts,
We ask the King
Peace, happiness at home
Your big one.

God bless you,
We wish you with love
Live long life
And praise God!

After the song, the participants of the nativity scene say wishes:

  1. God bless! Peace be with you, people! Let there be joy everywhere!
  2. Live in friendship, do good, give thanks to the Mercy of Christ God!
  3. Let the carols sound all around, They bring joy to your home, They bring health and success, Fun, joy and amusement.
  4. Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!


Truly sacred moments!
“Christ is born!” - we exclaim with you.
From century to century let the world sing and praise
The birth of Christ with clean lips!

Nowadays there is a Christmas tree in every home:
Me and my friends.
And we will be generous
Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas to everyone,
We wish you great joy,
And health and success,
Peace in the house, lots of laughter.

Let sadness not sadden your face,
Let him have a magical dream,
All Dreams Come True,
Moms are smiling!

We wish all the guys
Winter days nice,
And Christmas gifts
Good kids!

See more mercy
Be diligent in your work!
Don't fuss and don't be lazy,
Excellent study for everyone!

Let it awaken in every heart
Faith, Grace, Kindness,
To the glory of God
Beauty is blooming!

We were generous today
We wish you joy.
Now don't be shy
And give us some gifts!

Don't be angry that it's wrong!
Better a ruble than a nickel
Behind Shchedrivki give us
Don't clench it in your fist!

Merry Christmas!
Rejoice, people,
Grace, glory of God
Let it be from now on!


Christmas night knows no darkness,
Her glory thunders in the Highest Angels.
And on Christmas Day, like children, we
And God speaks to us, as in childhood.

2nd PRESENTER: Christmas is a holiday of freedom of spirit, it lives in folk songs, dances and fun.

On the stage concert program, whose repertoire includes folk songs and dances (30 minutes).


Christmas holiday rejoices
U Christmas trees,
Where is Grandfather Frost?
We are waiting for him today!


And Grandfather Frost is on the way...
And here he is! Meet!
At the Christmas tree
Don't be bored today!

To the soundtrack of a solemn melody appear Father Frost And Snow Maiden.


Glad to see the guys
I'm here again today
I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas!


I wish you all peace,
Joy and happiness,
And with love in a good deed
Personal participation.


My nice guys,
You are a joy to your mother
Don't be cunning, don't be naughty,
Everybody work on it yourself.


Be cheerful, healthy,
Respect your elders
Well, kids, guys,
Don't offend.


We are at the Christmas tree today
And we'll sing and we'll dance,
And besides, your prowess
We'll show you in the games!


Christmas! A miracle happened -
God Christ was born!
Light of joy to all people
The whole world lit up!

1st PRESENTER: Thank you, Grandfather Frost, for your congratulations! Thank you, Snegurochka, for your wishes! Now we will have a real winter relay race.

Celebrations are going on in honor of Christmas
To our joy and God's glory!
And we immediately offer
Our winter fun to everyone!

2nd PRESENTER: You see, the teams lined up at the start (names which classes, groups, schools, etc. the teams represent).

These can be the most simple competitions on sleds, skis, with obstacles, you can sculpt snowmen, if the weather permits, take a snow fort, knock out a target with snowballs, etc. When the holiday is held in a large area for large quantity people, it is advisable to divide it into gaming sectors. Everyone holds their own type of winter games or competitions.


  1. Game "Swan, crayfish and pike." Holding onto the ends of the rope, try to pull your opponents.
  2. Game "Race of clubs". Fun for future hockey players. Use a stick to drive the clubs between the flags.
  3. Relay game “On the broom”. You need the ability to navigate when skating fast. Ride the broom and slide between the flags. If you knock down a flag, put it back and continue running. The game is played not only on the skating rink: you can slide on skis or on one ski while sitting on a broom; on a sled - together, or when one, sitting on a broom, carries the other on a sled.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden go around all the sites, leaving bags of prizes for the winners.

FATHER FROST (after the competition): Amused the old man, thank you!


You see, Grandfather, we are welcome.
And now for your reward
Everyone will dance in a round dance!
Are people not dancing here?


How it dances, I know for sure:
The guys don't get bored here!
Who spares his feet,
Doesn't dance in a round dance?

A dance and game program begins at the Christmas tree with a round dance.

FATHER FROST (after the round dance):

Having fun from the heart
On your walk,
I haven't seen it in the whole world
I'm more beautiful than the holiday!
Well, it's time for us to call it a day,
Go home.
Let the parting be warm,
We will simply say: “Goodbye!”

The phonogram sounds for the departure of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.


Guys, it's Christmas
with your sacred fire
Light of Truth and Love
opened over the Universe.


And the light of salvation is burning
In our hearts and souls,
Praise be to you, Jesus Christ,
Glory forever, Savior!
Save and have mercy on us all,
God, our Jesus Christ!

1st PRESENTER: Merry Christmas! Goodbye! See you again!

From the book: P.P. Dzyuba

"New Year's and Christmas matinees"