“Knight's wedding” - preparation and photos. Wedding in a knightly style - dreams come true Wedding in the style of medieval knights

in knightly style. No, not even three; the third is to completely trust the agency and agree with all the proposals of the professionals. But this is somehow not knightly, isn’t it? Therefore, it is better to return to the first two options and choose what suits you best.

Bride and groom in outfits from the era of knights

Wedding in a castle: how to arrange it

You can wear any costumes, arrange whatever feast you want, you can hold a celebration according to the first scenario you come across and to any music - but if all this happens against the backdrop of ancient fortress walls, towers, fireplaces, castle interiors - then the wedding will definitely acquire the charm and romanticism of the knightly era .

The wedding can be held in a castle or against the backdrop of fortress walls

Alas, buying even a small castle in the south of France or somewhere in Scotland is a troublesome and expensive business, so it’s worth looking for something closer and simpler.

For example, you can get by with a low-budget option: sit on a lawn, under the shadow of ancient fortress walls somewhere in the Kaliningrad region, among the ruins of Schaaken Castle. Or in the Ivangorod castle, or the Vyborg castle.

A knight's wedding can be arranged without going into the castle - near its walls.

By the way, white tents decorated with coats of arms will not stand out from the style of the era and will cost less than a castle in Austria.

It is important to understand the principle: in this option, the main thing is the surroundings, real interiors.

It is suitable for romantic natures who prefer walks around the count's pond with lilies to tournaments.

Wedding invitations in knightly style: decor

Wedding invitations should reflect the spirit and style of the holiday. Wedding invitations can be in the form of ancient letters or ancient scrolls.

With the help of our wedding tool, you can easily create such a masterpiece in 10 minutes!

Here it is wedding invitation– we suggest making a scroll with the help of our Master Class!

The main highlight is the text. It can be ornate and magnificent, each guest can be assigned the title of Duke, Count, Prince or Princess. And so that no one is offended, let the guests write down their titles themselves, and the herald will read them out.

Wedding in knightly style: the interior is nothing! Give me swords and spears!

Energetic newlyweds will not like contemplating ruins while listening to medieval music. Historical scenery is, of course, good, but only as the backdrop of a performance. The groom must actively demonstrate courage, nobility and courage, the bride - selfless devotion and femininity. Required script characters:

  • Dragon or Black Knight, who must be defeated to save the beautiful lady;
  • a white horse, he is also the groom’s comrade in arms, he is also a witness;
  • court musician(s) to delight the ears and sing of victories;
  • court jester (instead of the toastmaster who is boring everyone);
  • participants in knightly tournaments (friends of the groom and everyone who wants to compete).

A staged fight is a colorful spectacle for everyone at the wedding!

Tournaments where guests will be participants can be alternated with performances by invited professionals demonstrating combat skills with edged weapons, and, of course, it is necessary to arrange the knighting of everyone.

Wedding dresses in knightly style

The tradition of wearing snow-white dresses to a wedding is relatively young, although traditional ones are mostly in white. According to one version, on February 10, 1840, Princess Victoria wore a stunning white outfit for the first time in the history of wedding ceremonies for her wedding with Duke Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Victoria was so beautiful that all the brides in Europe, and then the New World, wanted to be like her. And before that, during the knightly tournaments, red, purple, lilac velvet, multi-colored heavy silk, embroidery, and lace were honored.

Wedding dresses in knightly style should be bright colors, in red, purple, lilac

They wore the best that was in their wardrobe. Irish women got married in green toilets; in France it was considered a good omen to get married in purple - a one hundred percent guarantee that the husband would love devotedly and faithfully all his life. So a “knightly style wedding” involves wearing brightly colored outfits.

Another important detail: fluffy skirt at a knight's wedding is nonsense. Crinolines appeared much later, even after Queen Victoria's wedding.

Our portal Svadbaholik.ru will tell you about the wonderful possibilities of a wedding in a knightly style.

Wedding dresses

It is advisable for the bride to dress up in a lace wedding dress in a medieval style; you can also choose a regular one long dress With beautiful embroidery. Don't do complex makeup, it will look more natural light makeup. Bridesmaids should also be dressed in medieval dresses, which can be rented.

The groom must be dressed in armor or medieval clothing. Your husband's retinue can be dressed up in outfits bright colors blue, green, purple. And, of course, arm everyone with comic toy weapons in the form of swords and shields. Mysterious amulets and big hats worn by everyone will look impressive.

Progress of the wedding

According to medieval custom, a knight must earn the “lady of his heart” in battles and intellectual games. You can also hold comic horse tournaments between the groom and guests for the bride's heart. All this will look very funny!

The groom in the form of a knight is going to his beloved, but an evil relative of the bride stands in his way and puts an obstacle in the form of evil spell. The groom's talented friends in the guise of the same knights will be able to take them off.

To let the bride know about his arrival, the knight-groom must perform an exciting and sensual serenade song with a guitar, drums or any musical instrument.

You can also come up with a competition to test the groom’s accuracy. You can bet an apple on one brave friend and, armed with a bow and sticky arrows, shoot at the long-suffering apple. After this procedure, you can fantasize and come up with a new test, which will consist in the fact that the future wife is guarded by a “terrible and ferocious dragon,” but also very well-read and wise.

You can arrange a verbal test in the form of various riddles. Make riddles using your ingenuity and, of course, your wits. The groom's retinue, naturally, will help the groom in every possible way.

But when all barriers are broken, the knight-groom can present the rescued bride with a bouquet consisting of white lilies of the valley or wildflowers. Then the lovers go for a walk, which ends with an arrival at the church where their marriage is concluded.


On wedding tables You can lay linen and cotton. Iron cups and iron utensils are welcome as cutlery. For wedding dishes, use well-fried lamb, any game, fish, etc. Don’t forget about bread, fruits and, of course, vegetables. Sugar was very popular in the Middle Ages, so it also needs to be used.

And of course there are many different alcoholic drinks. Guests and everyone present should be relaxed and very cheerful. Screams and loud wedding toasts are welcome at this celebration of life!

Seeing off the newlyweds

At the end of the banquet and before nightfall, guests can present the famous “chastity belts” to the bride and groom. But what they will look like depends on your imagination. A lock with a key for the bride or nice handcuffs for the groom - it's up to your guests to decide.

Our portal www.site is sure if you choose this unusual style for a wedding celebration, this day will become the most unforgettable and unusual in your life!

The mysterious Middle Ages takes us back to the times of valiant warriors and beautiful ladies. Exciting battles and knightly tournaments, valor and honor, loyalty and love are the main components of the overall picture of that extraordinary time. In the Middle Ages, weddings were distinguished by their scale and scope.

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The site provides only informational information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I'm not selling anything ;)

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Many girls dream of being transported back to those distant times, of feeling like a lady waiting for her knight. Therefore, a wedding in a medieval knightly style is an excellent solution for romantic natures. When preparing for the celebration, you can apply all your previous knowledge about the era, use suitable literature, and also search for the necessary information on the Internet. The main thing is to set the general atmosphere of the event so that both the newlyweds and guests can plunge into the world of adventures and tournaments with the participation of brave knights, beautiful ladies and bright ladies-in-waiting.

Where to hold a knight's wedding?

When you mention knights, the first thing that comes to mind is an ancient castle with towers and fortress walls along which armed sentinels walk. Charming girl, looking out of the windows of the tower of her lover, who is due to return from another military campaign.

Old castle.

The ideal backdrop for a medieval-style wedding would be a castle. However, organizing a wedding in an ancient palace will cost the newlyweds a pretty penny. By the way, organizing a medieval celebration is a rather expensive undertaking. At each stage of preparation, new details will appear, the presence of which is necessary to recreate the spirit of the Middle Ages.

If your financial situation does not allow you to rent a hall in a historical castle or palace, but you want to spend your wedding day in a medieval style, there are several ways out of this difficult situation.

The castle as a decoration for a wedding celebration.

It is not at all necessary to rent a room in an ancient palace; you can limit yourself to holding a wedding ceremony against the backdrop of a castle. Typically, in front of ancient buildings, a vast area is dedicated to a garden or lawn with bizarrely shaped bushes, sculptures and lush vegetation. An outdoor wedding ceremony in the garden of a palace will significantly save your budget and will correspond to the theme of your wedding. In this case, you will need a minimal amount of decor; the splendor of a luxurious palace will serve as a wonderful backdrop for your celebration.

A wedding photo shoot newlyweds and guests near the ancient building will give you magical photographs and indescribable impressions.

The close proximity of the majestic castle will add uniqueness to your holiday and put your guests in the right mood.

Restaurant in medieval style.

You can also find a restaurant or hotel, stylized in antique style and reminiscent of a medieval building. In this case, rent will be much cheaper, and the atmosphere of knightly times will need to be created artificially, using attributes and details.

Another option is to hold a wedding event in any room, which needs to be complemented with accessories and antiques.

How to recreate the spirit of the Middle Ages?

Decorating a restaurant for a knight's wedding

Let's start decorating the hall for the knight's wedding. The room must be decorated so that guests lose touch with reality, finding themselves in the grip of the Middle Ages.

Let us remember how the houses of brave knights are described in historical novels. Massive furniture: chairs with high backs, huge oak tables, above which hangs a large chandelier (only it has no lamps, but with a great many candles).

A fireplace with crackling wood, many candles in heavy candlesticks. Portraits and paintings on the walls give way to handmade tapestries.

Often the walls of the rooms were decorated with the heads of animals (deer, bears, etc.), as well as weapons (swords and daggers).

All these details are the perfect decor for a banquet hall! It is important that the lighting is slightly dim. The room may look a little gloomy, but the glow of the fireplace and candles will be enough.

Wedding in knightly style in nature

An outdoor wedding will be no less original and unusual.

The away ceremony, accompanied by tournaments and competitions of guests dressed in knightly robes, will be remembered for a long time. You can settle down on the shore of a pond, in a forest or in a park.

Rough wooden tables and chairs rented, antique or antique-style dishes, bouquets of wild flowers on the table - all this must be provided.

Place vases with bouquets of wild flowers on massive tables covered with heavy tablecloths. They will liven up the tables a little. If possible, use dishes that look like medieval ones. The presence of different candles in antique candelabra will add mystery to the room.

As for the holiday menu, in the old days, mainly meat dishes were presented on the tables. Venison, lamb, wild boar meat, game - everything was served at the knight's table. Fish dishes were also welcome.

Baked poultry, fish, and pig were placed whole on large trays. Any other dishes that need to be served in antique dishes will also work.

Homemade cheese will come in handy.

For drinks, offer guests cider or lemonade poured into jugs. There should be a lot of wine at a wedding in the medieval knightly style. Carafes of deceptively soft, but quite strong drinks must be constantly renewed.

As for fruits, limit yourself to grapes, apples, pears, etc.; you should not put exotic fruits on the tables.

Progress of the wedding ceremony

Marriage is the most touching moment of any wedding ceremony. The bride is escorted to the altar by her father. The entire path to the groom is strewn with rose petals, and little girls support the train wedding dress brides

Guests at this time stand on both sides of this path.

The registry office employee can be dressed in a long robe, reminiscent of a cassock. The newlyweds exchange solemn vows and wedding rings to loud applause.

For a walk, use either a carriage decorated in an antique style, or you can ride on horseback.

Conducting knightly competitions on horseback, archery and crossbow shooting, a foot knight's tournament where gentlemen fight for the lady's favor - all this will bring pleasure to both spectators and participants.

As entertainment program, in addition to the knightly tournament, invite professionals who specialize in action-packed performances. These could be virtuoso jugglers, knife throwers, creators of amazing fire performances, and so on.

Original wedding invitations in knightly style

Invitations to a medieval wedding should immediately set the recipient of the message in the right mood.

Invitations can be in the form of packages or notes on hard, artificially aged parchment. They can be tied with bright ribbons or sealed with wax.

The text is suitable both classic and with a hint of antiquity. Having immediately indicated that the wedding will be stylized as a knightly ceremony, mark the mandatory compliance appearance guests of the general focus of the celebration.

Outfits of young people and guests of the event

Medieval style bride

The attention of everyone present at the wedding will undoubtedly be focused on the newlyweds. Therefore, it is necessary to take care in advance that the images of the newlyweds correspond to the atmosphere of a medieval wedding.

When choosing a wedding dress, the bride is given the opportunity to determine the style and direction of the dress herself. If the choice is a classic white dress, then it should be decorated with medieval elements: contrasting lacing, a pronounced bodice and an elongated silhouette, which is achieved thanks to smooth folds flowing into a train of any length.

However, it should be remembered that medieval ladies got married in their most elegant and beautiful dress. It was not always snow-white. In those days, girls wore bright clothes with contrasting trim and long, flared sleeves. The fabric was decorated with embroidery and precious stones. The richer the bride was, the more luxurious her wedding dress was.

Easy natural makeup I just have to emphasize natural beauty girls. Hair tied up with ribbons and decorated with flowers, flowing smoothly down to the shoulders is the ideal hairstyle for a medieval beautiful lady.

You can also choose any wedding bouquet. It is preferable to opt for small compositions of wildflowers.

Groom image in medieval style

The groom's image must also correspond to the given style. Of course, I would like to wear it on young man armor, but it is very heavy, so you should not subject the groom to such torture.

An elongated tunic over tight trousers and a bright cloak thrown over the shoulders will transform any man into a real knight.

Image of guests at a knight's wedding

Guests warned in advance about the wedding theme can rent outfits. In the costume department of any theater, there will undoubtedly be a couple of clothes corresponding to a given era.

Welcome massive jewelry for ladies and their gentlemen. In addition to necklaces and beads, use large brooches, pendants, rings, etc. Fake spears, shields and swords, bright capes, hats and veils, and much more are suitable as additional accessories for each outfit.

A wedding in the style of medieval chivalry is an extremely exciting adventure for all its participants. Preparation and yourself wedding ceremony, decorated in the spirit of that time, will forever remain in memory.

Have you ever wanted to live in a real castle? Impregnable and mysterious, with secret passages and echoing halls? Not every brave man will dare to settle here, but if he does, adventures and exploits, luxurious feasts, beautiful ladies and battles with bloodthirsty dragons await him. Did you feel the romantic spirit of the Middle Ages? We will be happy to tell you how to recreate it in your own home.

History and name of the style

The emergence and development of the Romanesque style (from Latin romanus - Roman) occurred in Western and Central Europe from the 10th to the 12th centuries. The term itself appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century, when a connection was established between ancient Roman architecture and the architecture of that time. Not surprising - these areas were part of the Roman Empire. However, the name is quite arbitrary - in addition to elements of ancient art, Byzantine, early Christian and other motifs can be found in the Romanesque style.

Thanks to wandering monks, the movement quickly spread throughout Europe. Over time, numerous schools appeared within the direction: French, Italian, Spanish and others. Thus, the Romanesque style covered the majority European countries and became one of the most important stages in the development of medieval art.

Key Features

Romanesque medieval architecture is the architecture of impregnable fortresses, majestic castles and harsh temples, so it will not be possible to implement it in a modern house. But it is quite possible to recreate an atmosphere of restraint and nobility. As they say, we take the fight!

So, the main features of the Romanesque style include:

  • massiveness, severity, lack of frills
  • thick walls, loophole windows, powerful columns
  • semicircular stone arches and vaults
  • simple furniture
  • minimum decor
  • knightly theme
  • stained glass windows, candlesticks, lamps, fabrics and carpets
  • presence of a hearth or fireplace


The early Middle Ages were not a very luxurious time. Therefore, they look most organic simple materials. Favorites include stone as the main material and bronze for decoration. Furniture is chosen from coniferous wood or oak.

Floor finishing

Mosaic floor from natural stone- a characteristic feature of the Romanesque style. As an analogue in a modern interior, ceramic tiles that imitate stone or marble look great. An undoubted plus is that both options are easy to clean, even if you suddenly end up with the rowdy Canterville Ghost from Oscar Wilde’s novel.

Cold floors not for you? Feel free to choose dark wood parquet. To create a complete picture, it can be artificially aged

Wall decoration

Most often, when decorating walls, they try to create the illusion of a medieval castle. To do this, use facing stone, plain plaster of gray, yellowish-brown and beige colors or tiles (suitable for bathrooms and kitchens). The overall picture is diversified by wooden inserts, frescoes and stained glass windows.

Ceiling finishing

The ideal ceiling in the Romanesque style is low, heavy stone vaults. It looks like an extension of the wall, so their color should match. It is unlikely that this option will be implemented in an apartment, so ceiling wooden beams are used as an analogue. They will not only fit well into the interior, but will also create good acoustics.


Furniture in medieval castles, fortresses and temples was simple, bulky and crude in design. Nothing superfluous - just the minimum necessary for life: a bed, a chest, chairs, a table. We had to somehow get out of it, so the chest turned into a bed, a bench, or a place to store things.

1. Swiss chest, early medieval design

2. Early form of chest with heavy forged overlays

3. Scandinavian chair, XII century.

4. Wardrobe with wrought iron lining

5. Wardrobe from the sacristy of the church, XIII century.

6. French forged chest, XIII century. Carnavalet Museum, Paris

7. Early medieval turned chair

8. Turned chair, XI-XII centuries, Aspe

9. Longobard chest from the cathedral in Terracina, VIII century.

10. Church chest on legs with false arcades, transitional form to a cabinet, 12th century.

Much attention was paid to the manufacture of seating furniture - the height of the chair and its back indicated nobility of origin. There was no soft upholstery, so the structure was painted or covered with canvas and covered with a layer of plaster. At the corners, the furniture was fastened with metal plates. Later they began to decorate it with carved elements and forged parts.

Decor and textiles

When creating an interior in the Romanesque style, decor plays an important role - it is this that makes harsh and austere rooms more comfortable. Soft oriental carpets and all kinds of draperies come to the rescue. To this point you can also add curtains, which appeared during the transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic style. That is, when there was already something to curtain.

The knightly theme will fit in organically: armor, helmets, swords, torches, coats of arms. Any medievalist would envy such a collection. A more neutral option is frescoes, stained glass, paintings and tapestries.


In the kitchen, the natural semantic center of the room is a dining place with a rough massive table and the same chairs. This area is illuminated with a heavy wrought iron chandelier with electric lamps that imitate the open flame of candles. Household appliances must be hidden. Have you ever seen a knight use a microwave in a castle?


A massive, wide four-poster bed is a hallmark of a medieval bedroom, so why don't we borrow one? Add a blanket from natural fabric and some pillows different sizes, and at the foot we place a wooden chest with forged inserts. Voila, the perfect sleeping place is ready!


Even the bravest knight would be at a loss if he found himself in a modern bathroom. In the X-XII centuries, such premises were not even heard of - washing was not necessary. And this will not stop us from creating a bathroom in the Romanesque style. We will lay out the bathtub itself with tiles or stones. Stone soap dishes and dispensers, and copper candlesticks are suitable for decoration.

Unfortunately or fortunately, cold, impregnable castles are a thing of the past. And along with them, rough furniture, drafts walking along the corridors, lack of constant lighting and much more. Today we do not have to live in spartan conditions to enjoy medieval romance - this can be done simply by adding a few elements of the Romanesque style to the interior.

The times of knights are long gone, but how sometimes you want to plunge into that amazing atmosphere of courage and nobility. You have a chance to do it! Take advantage of our knightly wedding scenario and organize a stunning celebration with a unique style! The Svadebka.ws portal presents to your attention a short wedding scenario in a knightly style.

The newlyweds and guests enter the hall. The presenter says:

“Dear newlyweds and guests, in a few minutes we will travel with you through time and find ourselves in the Middle Ages, where we will hold our unforgettable wedding celebration.

I invite everyone present to try on the roles of medieval characters. All men will become knights of the Order of Valor, and women and girls will become noble ladies."

Then the giving and introduction to the guests begins. Guests are called one by one from the bride and groom and introduced to everyone present. Different titles should be chosen for all guests. So the newlyweds are the prince and princess, the parents of the bride and groom are kings and queens, the guests are princes and princesses, barons and baronesses, counts and countesses, etc.

When giving a gift to the newlyweds, the bride gives each guest an identification badge and some kind of medieval accessory (hat, fan, sword, etc.). So that guests can fully immerse themselves in the amazing atmosphere of that time.

The presenter makes an opening speech. Gives parents and relatives the opportunity to make toasts.

Then comes the time for competitions and games. The presenter says:

"Once upon a time in the Middle Ages, knights lived everywhere,
And their life was not easy in heavy ammunition,
The knights were proud of themselves, their swords and armor,
The knights played with fate and went to tournaments."

The presenter invites the men to show all their masculinity and valor in knightly trials. The following competitions are held:

"Popularity Tournament"

Participants: men.

Props: none.

The presenter asks the ladies to touch up their makeup (tint their lips). Selects three knights from among those who wish, who for a time must collect as many kisses as possible from noble ladies. Whoever has the most lip prints on his face will receive the title of the most popular knight among the ladies.

"Sonnet to a Beautiful Lady"

Participants: men.

Props: pieces of paper with words.

5-6 knights are invited to participate and are given pieces of paper with words. For example, bride, beauty, braid, horse. Participants must compose a poem from the words given to them in order to win the heart of a noble lady.

There is a dance break. The host invites the guests to make toasts and congratulate the newlyweds. Then the leader says:

“At that time, strict requirements were also imposed on the ladies: they had to be romantic, well-mannered and homely. Let’s conduct tests for our ladies that will show what good housewives our women are.”

The following competitions are held:

"Moms and Babies"

Participants: women and men.

Props: clothes (bonnets, bibs, socks, pacifiers, etc.).

Participants are divided into “m + f” pairs, each of which has a “baby” and a “mother”. Mothers have to put their babies on as quickly as possible, for this they are given a variety of things: a shirt, a bib, a cap (cap), socks and a pacifier. The “mother” who fully equips her “baby” faster than others will be the winner.

“I made him out of what was there”

Participants: women.

Props: paper parts.

To hold the competition, you should cut out images of men in clothes from magazines or posters in advance. full height. Then you need to cut each silhouette into several middle parts and mix them. Every girl must piece together her ideal man. The one that does it faster than the rest wins.

There is a dance break. The guests sit at the table. You can play this game at the table.

"Great Lovers"

Participants: guests.

Props: none.

The host invites guests to name the most famous loving couples from the past: Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, etc. Whoever names the last pair wins.

There should definitely be dance breaks between competitions. You can also arrange a master class on medieval dances, advises the portal www.site. If many guests want to take part in the master class, the result will be a kind of flash mob that will give the newlyweds and guests a lot of positive emotions.

This is how interesting and fun your wedding can be if you hold it according to the celebration scenario in a knightly style!