Best congratulations on a man's 50th birthday. Birthday script. Scenario for a man's anniversary (50 years). Happy holiday, our dear hero of the day

A respectable man today solid anniversary. 50 is not an easy date, a lot has already been achieved and acquired, and there is so much interesting and important ahead. With great respect, I congratulate you, wishing you new achievements. May only good things bring you every new day!

5:0 in your favor! I congratulate you on your anniversary and express my admiration for what you were able to achieve in your not so old years. At 50, you are holding up well and setting a worthy example for the younger generation. Your cheerful attitude, sincerity and open soul warm us, who love you and appreciate not only your successes, but also the human kindness that God has endowed you with.

Let them say that 50 years is the middle of the road, that it’s time to take stock, but this is not at all for you! Silver at the temples gives you solidity and charm. You are strong and confident on your feet, as befits a man in full bloom. A firm look and a strong hand say that it is too early for you to think about peace! We wish you to live twice as long as 50, so that your life position and principles do not change, so that you have enough strength and means to accomplish your plans. May fortune not turn away from you, may those you trust be faithful!

50 years is the age of maturity, wisdom and justice. Everyone listens to your invaluable advice. For everyone in the family and at work, you are a role model. A man in full bloom - today it’s definitely about you! Health and happiness to you!

There's a long road behind us,
It's even longer ahead!
So let me wish you good health,
Many bright and happy days!

You are a prominent and handsome man,
You have nothing to be sad about your years!
Be loved and happy!
And we wish you to live a hundred years!

The age crisis is not a hindrance to you.
50 is not a death sentence.
We wish you for laughter
The auditor didn’t come to see you.

So that gray hair doesn't scare you.
So that everything is always in order.
So that you would be rewarded with merit
And life spun like a top.

So that you admire women,
So that the men's mood would be checked.
To make everyone around you jealous.
What no one would call old.

Your birthday has arrived
We send our big congratulations!
On such a wonderful anniversary,
Gifts to you from all your friends!

Let your health not let you down,
Luck always finds you
The work will be neat,
More big money!

On the wonderful half-centenary anniversary
We wish you loyal friends,
Good health, love,
So that the days of life may be counted for a long time.

So that ours always win,
And dear conductors to you on the trains,
Socks are always in pairs after washing,
And women without whims and nagging.

And shops without queues,
So that there are only joyful people around,
And let my heart always be in love,
May you be a champion in life!

An anniversary is not just a holiday,
This is a feast where you are king.
And you have not reached Pentecostal age,
You have just blossomed in your soul.

May every day be wonderful
And may your health grow with him.
And so that nothing overshadows
Excellent mind, we cherish you.

With deep respect, allow us to solemnly congratulate you on your happy day, happy birthday, and happy 50th birthday. We wish the hero of the day to live another 300 years. To be healthy and cheerful, not to know sorrows, and so that on your hundredth anniversary, you can call us again. Love, understanding, optimism.

A birthday, and especially an anniversary, is a very important holiday. Almost everyone celebrates it. Sometimes it happens that the older a person gets, the less often he has the desire to have fun.

The fiftieth anniversary is an infrequent holiday in the life of every person. But if it comes, it must be special.

To celebrate a round anniversary, you need to prepare in advance.
A very important part of a beautiful congratulation for the hero of the day is a sincere wish. It is customary to always praise the birthday person on his anniversary and rejoice at his successes and achievements.

It is customary to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary on a grand scale, when all relatives, close friends and colleagues gather at the ceremonial table.

Men are a little afraid of their fiftieth birthday. They understand that old age is just around the corner, but they don’t think at all how much they have already done during this period of life, and after crossing this threshold of fifty years, there is still a lot to do. And this is not at all a reason to be sad and upset. You can use it to celebrate your loved one’s anniversary brightly and colorfully.

At the time of their fiftieth birthday, men have already lived enough interesting life full of great achievements and victories. Over the years, the man has become wiser and more experienced. He already has quite a lot of life experience and knowledge behind him, which will allow him to accept right decisions and give appropriate advice. On this special day, we advise you to show your admiration for the person, to notice all his achievements and ups. All these warm words about the hero of the day should be expressed in a beautiful congratulation during the festive celebration in order to once again emphasize his impeccability.

50th anniversary - holiday card

How to choose the right greetings

You need to choose a congratulation on your fiftieth birthday for a man; women also love them, which will emphasize the festivity and importance of the moment. Believe me, he will be from such nice words excited.

Remember that the hero of the day will be the center of attention during the holiday. On this special day, everything is intended only for him: compliments, warm and beautiful words, festive toasts from family and friends. It has long been a tradition to wish the birthday person good health, great love and joy. You can undoubtedly break it and wish the hero of the occasion the realization of all his plans and the fulfillment of his dreams. And you can also wish for what he himself wants and what he strives for.

Be sure to include a couple of lines in your congratulations about the positive qualities of the hero of the day. Both and and look original here.

Sometimes many people have a question: how to beautifully congratulate a man on his fiftieth birthday? How and with what to surprise him?

Some men simply cannot understand that an anniversary is not old age or the end of life. This is an extension of an already mature life, which has its advantages, as well as many opportunities through which you only need to move forward. During these half of his life, the hero of the day achieved what he wanted: he raised children, stood on his feet. In this short period of time, he was able to demonstrate not only his potential, but also impeccable qualities such as kindness, wisdom, caring and love.

On this solemn day, all relatives and close friends gather together to say all this to the birthday boy directly to his face. There's so much to do on your fiftieth birthday. beautiful words I would like to say to the hero of the day. After all, this is a special date for him. And you, in turn, need to prepare well by choosing the most my sincere congratulations. Say everything in your own words the way you would like to hear it for yourself. It is not at all necessary to learn them by heart, the important thing is that they are appropriate and relevant for the birthday person.

To please a man on his fiftieth birthday with something unusual, beautiful congratulations, we advise you to prepare interesting competitions. They will greatly amuse all the guests and delight the hero of the day.

Original competitions for the 50th anniversary

Competition 1
All invited guests take part in the competition. The task is to say as many good and pleasant words as possible about the birthday person. It is also necessary to emphasize all the achievements and victories, his courage and resourcefulness. We must remember that all the words spoken by loved ones should only please and not upset at all. The competition is won by the one present who says the most good and pleasant words. It is imperative to reward this person for his eloquence at the end of the competition. This will amuse the hero of the day; he will be pleased to hear so many new and good things about himself.

Many people believe that you can congratulate a man on his fiftieth birthday with the help of the birthday boy’s favorite song. You can sing the song live yourself. But if you cannot sing, then the song can be given as a gift on CD.

Competition 2

Those who know almost everything about the hero of the day take part in the competition. Questions are asked that relate only to the life of the birthday person, from birth to the anniversary. For the number of correct answers, guests are given sweets. The one with the most wins. A photograph with the autograph of the hero of the occasion can serve as a valuable prize.

Beautiful congratulations on a man's 50th birthday

Our dear hero of the day!

On that beautiful bright day, we want to congratulate you on your first real anniversary!

Remember that your real life begins only at fifty! During these years, you will be able to purchase something that you would like to share with loved ones. May fate reward you with wise advice that will help your children and grandchildren in the distant future.

We sincerely wish you warmth among your family and great success in realizing your plans! Never lose interest in your loved one! Live and enjoy life! After all, you are only 50!

Our dear hero of the day!

Today all your close friends and relatives have gathered here for you, to share your joy with you!

Your anniversary is not just a holiday, it is a very memorable event for all of us. On your fiftieth birthday, may life give you good health like granite, a lot of pleasant communication, happiness, good luck and luck!

Always be as beautiful as you are today. May your soul never grow old and be full of kindness. Happy Anniversary to you!

Our dear hero of the day!

You turned fifty today

But you can’t tell

At heart you are only twenty-five!

And on this bright, good day

Live, don't regret the past.

Let another half hundred pass

No grief and no tears!

We congratulate you with all our hearts

And today we wish you well,

A sea of ​​strength, great love,

Joy and happiness! And live up to a hundred years!

After all, years are your wealth!

On your fiftieth birthday, we would like to congratulate you, our dear hero of the day!

At fifty, all paths are open to you.

Even though you have already lived for half a century,

never look back and don't go astray!

We wish that many close friends come to you on your anniversary.

They wish you a lot of joy and happiness, and many more days to live,

May we all celebrate your centennial anniversary together!

Today with this round date

We all came to congratulate you!

The years fly by, fly somewhere,

But believe me, it doesn’t matter!

Your life experience is rich

Gifted to you for all your efforts,

After all, every year something is dear to you,

And the days are flying by quickly.

You don't need to be sad at all,

After all, today you are 50!

Our dear hero of the day!

Congratulations on your fiftieth anniversary! Believe me, you have not lived these years in vain. You Respected man, a good professional, it’s a pleasure to communicate with you, you always go towards your goal. Let faith and hope become your companions in life, and also help you overcome the obstacles that are inevitable on the path of life.

I wish you good health, happiness, great energy and youth! Let every new day begin with a smile and end with optimism! Happy anniversary!

Dear Friend!

On this wonderful day, we want to congratulate you on the milestone anniversary, your fiftieth birthday!

We are very grateful to God for having you. Let not only today, but also always sound pleasant and sincere words to your address. Know how much we appreciate and love you.

We wish your difficult life to be bright and joyful, like today’s solemn anniversary. May happiness, laughter and love always fill your home, and may your work bring only joy and satisfaction. Happy holiday!

Today we want to congratulate you on your fiftieth birthday!

We wish you, our dear hero of the day, to find what you need. This is love, health, luck and happiness!

Appreciate the moments that fate itself gives you! Always remain so kind, attentive and responsive!
You are 50 today!

Hurray, second youth has arrived!
Fifty is the time of teaching,
This time makes men excited.
Not because of age, no!
Many years have already flown by,
Leaving a good trail behind you.
You are our dear, dear person to my heart,
Happy Anniversary to you!

Our dear birthday boy!

Fifty is the middle of the road.

Fifty is not very much.

How far have you gone?

and how much more you need to go!

There was everything in life: joy and tears,

And happiness and faith, hope, love!

Rejoice, dear, to all the holidays in life.

And to spite everyone, live to be a hundred years old!

Happy anniversary!

Do you remember, friend, just recently

You were only five.

You didn't have time to look back,

How soon the holiday is fifty!

We wish you wisdom

And good health.

Much luck and love!

Happy holiday, our dear hero of the day!

Let this significant date not stop you from enjoying life.

May your anniversary be a celebration of not only memories and experiences, but also new achievements!

Enjoy all the gifts that life gives you. Easily overcome all the challenges that come your way!

Be happy, although it is not at all easy.

Be loved, because love is sacred.

Be healthy, because you will need health for your family, relatives and friends!

Happy holiday!

Anniversary is a memorable event!

Congratulations on your anniversary,

Dear you are our hero of the day!

Today is your holiday,

And here on the road of life

The first fifty showed up!

Live and enjoy life

Why was it given to you?

We wish you good luck, career growth,

Many grandchildren and true friends!

We are sure that you will not forget,

Invite us to your hundredth anniversary!

Fifty is a beautiful date

Gathered family guests

For your important anniversary.

Fifty - which means

You have become more experienced, wiser.

You have a family, work

And full of true friends.

Don't be upset,

Just enjoy life.

Well, friend, don’t be shy,

Have fun with your guests!

Happy fiftieth birthday!

We want to congratulate you with all our hearts

I wish you well and happiness.

After all, today is your holiday

Your cherished fifty!

Fifty is not so much

You still have to live and live.

Don't grieve for no reason.

New plans and discoveries,

Great happiness and good luck

Great achievements for sure,

In your beautiful fifty!

Happy anniversary!

Dear hero of the day!

Please accept our most sincere and warm wishes.

50 years is the age of wisdom and maturity. You have these qualities. You are a worthy example to follow.

50 years is a long time for some. But this is not at all true, because you will have even more years ahead.

Let them go for a long time good days in your life. And the passing years take away everything unnecessary and bad.

We wish you good luck, success and inspiration, as well as health and prosperity in the family. Happy holiday!

Dear hero of the day!

50 years is a very modest holiday; it demonstrates that a person has reached a wonderful time in his life. On this day, our hero of the day hears the best words in the world, the sweetest music in the world, the most beautiful compliments in the entire universe.
Allow us to join in the fantastic action on this day. So we wish you, dear birthday boy, another 150 years of happiness, 150 years of sincere and joyful smiles.

They say that boys don't grow up over the years - they remain tomboys. But by the golden anniversary, representatives of the stronger half of humanity are definitely becoming more serious and wiser. It’s no joke, at this age you need to not only be a real man, but also teach young people this by your example. Not an easy task! Why do real men so rarely hear words full of love and admiration addressed to them? Even on their birthdays, they receive congratulations that are not as touching as for ladies. You can, of course, express your sincere wishes to a man on his 50th birthday in your own words, but poetry will be read much more solemnly on the anniversary. Just a few warm and good wishes, a little humor - and the birthday boy is indescribably delighted. If you don’t have the opportunity to congratulate yourself personally, you can send an SMS to the “newborn”. Festive greetings will certainly brighten this day.

Poems for a man's 50th birthday

A wonderful day - today is 50!

There is no need to be sad and there is no need to be upset,

When your eyes are still burning

And I want to rush somewhere else.

We sincerely congratulate you!

Walk through life boldly and confidently,

Let this day be unforgettable,

And much, much happiness lies ahead.

We wish you to always be in a good mood,

Never retreat from the desired goal,

And let luck remain unchanged,

And at 50 to love as at 25!

5:0 — good score in football,

And in real life he's not bad at all:

You have become just an adult and nothing more,

And I became happier, God willing.

May everything always be in order:

Friends, work and family.

Run through life without looking back,

And happy birthday to you!

At its fiftieth milestone

Accept what you have without regret!

We wish you goodness in your soul,

We wish you happiness and luck.

Let your health not fail,

And there will be many more victories,

Let peace and old age wait

What age is a man?

Fifty is like twenty-five!

There is no reason for sadness

We must live - don’t lose heart!

Forget everything about adversity,

Don't forget about friends

Be friends with physical education

And keep your nose to the wind!

Yes, many years have passed, yes, gray hair has crept in,

Say “Hello” to the new one, because there is still some gunpowder left.

Seize every new moment, taste life to the fullest,

Without missing out on the path that fate gives you.

Do not know fatigue and troubles, do not make friends with despondency,

And cherish the happiness of these long years with love!

This is not the time to sum it up

This is not the time to regret bitterly,

After all, not all roads have been passed,

After all, there is more to want:

Catch luck in a new business,

Do not know sadness and despondency,

Iron health in the body,

I'll completely lose count of my grandchildren.

We set our own age,

We must love our age

To be with family and friends

Live your second youth!

What does the number fifty mean?

Here mathematics will answer:

Twenty five plus twenty five -

It turns out that it is in double bloom!

Twice the skills and intelligence,

And twice as much wisdom

Doubly caring and kindness,

Patience is longer.

Twice as much and success,

Luck accompanies you more often

Double happiness is not a sin

And life will be doubly sweeter!

What can you wish for fifty?

How to congratulate on an anniversary?

Let your eyes always shine

Surrounded by family and a crowd of friends.

The health of the monolith is stronger,

New achievements and victories,

Fewer and easier problems

Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes.

Let happiness flow like a fountain,

There's no point in even bothering

After all, the years have not been lived in vain

And you have to live just as long!

At 50, it's time to look back,

How many roads have been traveled?

Smile at everything that happened,

Without letting melancholy enter the threshold.

There's still a lot to learn

There are still so many ideas swarming,

So much more will happen -

So look at life more cheerfully!

5:0 - not bad with this score

Win beautifully against fate,

And no need for sad sighs:

The winner of this match is you!

The main reward is not medals,

There are more important achievements now:

Your loving loved ones are proud of you,

True friends look up to you.

As for the tiredness, the heavy burden,

It's a pity to waste even words on them.

There's still enough time

To score a couple of bright goals!

50 is a good age for men,

There is something to remember and something to tell.

And there is no reason for sadness and sadness,

There is more to learn in life.

Let your health not fail you,

May it be pleasant to go to work,

Let grief not enter the family,

Let the children give grandchildren and care!

The serious age has come - fifty,

Experience, wisdom, gray hair appeared,

There were many difficulties, obstacles, obstacles,

But there was more than one victory.

Enjoying life should not be lazy,

May we meet more good things,

It doesn't matter if it's a gloomy and cloudy day,

When spring always reigns in your soul!

Who walks cheerfully through life,

Who is happy every minute,

His soul sings

At least at 20, at least at 50!

Who lives cheerfully, honestly,

Rich in family and friends,

His heart sings

At least at 20, at least at 50!

Who boldly takes the peaks,

Who does not seek fame, rewards,

The soul sings with the heart,

At least at 20, at least at 50!

At fifty my eyes have matured,

Wisdom is covered with gray hair,

Don't try to go back

Do not be treated with melancholy over the years!

Shake off the years you've lived,

Keep your eyes on the front

Embrace the whole white light -

There is so much more waiting for you!

It's hard to be a real man:

You need to plant a tree yourself,

You need to build your own house

And raise a son and daughter in it.

The tree needs watering and fertilizer,

The house needs to be made safer and stronger,

Make the family strong and friendly.

Well, where is the treasured and quiet peace?

Children and grandchildren are waiting for detailed answers:

What to plant, what kind of house to build -

I'll have to give out some wise advice.

Men never stand still,

Life runs by in action and movement,

Even if you turned fifty,

The man begins to live a new life!

Congratulatory SMS to a man on his 50th birthday

50 is the age of prime

50 is the age of the mind,

50 - I still want summer,

50 - and gray hair suits you!

For an anniversary birthday

Please accept our sincere wishes!

Let the moments of life make you happy,

Let the memories shine!

Congratulations on your anniversary

And with all our hearts we wish:

A long and boring life,

Prosperous in all matters!

Health, good luck and happy days

We wish you a happy golden anniversary!

Joyful send greetings

Keep your family and friends safe.

Good luck for fresh ideas,

Health for new things,

Support from loved ones

And a whole lot of happiness!

Attention: important message! Please immediately accept congratulations on your 50th birthday! All wishes should be taken into account and put into practice: to always be healthy and strong, to always remain cheerful and kind, to delight family and friends with smiles and laughter, never to despair or lose heart, and to throw a feast for the whole world on your anniversary!

Congratulations on your anniversary in prose

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary and wish you to remain confident, strong in body and spirit, respected by family, friends and colleagues, continue to achieve more and more new goals, easily overcome all difficulties and never cease to feel that you are in the right place !

We wish you all the best and most sincere on your 50th birthday! May your health get stronger every day, may your family continue to be a source of inspiration, may your true friends be nearby! Enjoy everything that you have already achieved, dream about what you have not yet received, never stop and never get tired of living!

The next time of youth has come! A man lives his youth first, then, together with his children, his second, and then with his grandchildren, his third youth. There is no time to count the past years - new ideas are burning ahead, new impressions await, new discoveries are calling. May you be inspired by the desire to love and live life to the fullest!

Each congratulation to a man on his 50th birthday is charged with its own mood. Somewhere sad, nostalgic notes sound, somewhere unfading optimism and fun breaks through, and somewhere jokes and humor flow. By saying or sending SMS wishes to the birthday boy for 50 years, you not only congratulate him, but also share your attitude towards the hero of the day. Don’t be afraid to please your man with words, don’t be shy to give compliments - congratulate him on his birthday from the bottom of your heart. On his 50th birthday, the man definitely deserved poems and sincere wishes.

You are already 50 years old
The best man on the ground,
My dear and glorious,
The main one in my life,

My good, bright,
Take it as a gift
Sun, sea and spring,
New Year's pine,

All the daisies in the meadow,
Full moon in a haystack
Country love
Which makes your blood run cold! ©

Half a century has not been lived in vain!
Today loved ones, friends
Congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish you health for a hundred years!
You don't look at the years:
Such a man - anywhere!
Fire in the eyes, fire in the blood,
We wish you much love!

We congratulate you - you are fifty,
A wonderful age for a man!
We wish you a long life
And full of happiness. Oh, viva!
Well, the first fifty are over,
But youthful enthusiasm burns in your chest.
We send you greetings!
Let there be another fifty years ahead!

The moment you appeared
A star was born in the sky.
And it should glow
At least up to 100 years.
So that everything in life comes true,
Keep your health
And the love that's in your heart
Give it to your loved ones.
We wish you happiness
Grab the jackpot of luck.
At 50, you know for sure
What a beautiful way to live life.

Left behind your back
Fifty wonderful years.
Speeded up, slowed down,
And now their trace is gone.
Multiplying every day
Lifetime experience for everyone
You remain respectful -
For family and for colleagues.
We want to wish you good luck,
Yes, so as not to grow old in soul.
Happy Birthday!
Know that we are always with you.

Well, what is fifty?
Just a number in a world of numbers
It would seem that the years are flying by,
But you, my friend, are cheerful and cheerful.
Good tactician and strategist
You manage your business skillfully,
To the envy of all my colleagues,
You look into the future with confidence.
Health, article, beauty,
You can still boast
And sometimes you catch yourself
The girls have mischievous looks.

Fifty dollars of life rolled up,
And what do you have in the end?
I haven’t conquered all the peaks,
Not all roads are well-trodden.

Yes, you still have to plow,
You are wiry, it’s not difficult for you.
Yes, you and I still have to drink
At least half a century is possible.

You haven't seen the dawn yet,
Don't you dare think about sunset!
With the beginning of you all began,
Let's roll 50!

Order a gun now
Spinning rod and flashlight.
Only your desire -
Well, we'll give it to you!

Life experiences about you:
If you don't drink it, you won't quit.
May fate give you
Whatever you ask for!

Don't be scared, honey, the numbers are
Old age was invented by those
Who didn't value health?
I drank a lot of beer and vodka.

You were involved in sports,
I got up early in the morning,
Went out to exercise
He spun the wheel recklessly.

Don't slow down -
Pour a glass for the guests.
Don't forget your youth -
Raise the bar higher!

You have something to strive for
I need to tinker with my grandson,
Fall in love with your wife again -
Happiness is knocking on the door again.

Left behind your back
Fifty wonderful years.
Speeded up, slowed down,
And now their trace is gone.

Multiplying every day
Lifetime experience for everyone
You remain respectful -
For family and for colleagues.

We want to wish you good luck,
Yes, so as not to grow old in soul.
Happy Birthday!
Know that we are always with you.

The sun is shining outside the window,
Dissolves bad weather.
The holiday is coming into the house again,
Fills the table with people.

The glass is raised
To congratulate you on your anniversary,
The whole day has already arrived,
Fifty - and we believe it!

Let a smile on your face
Fills the heart with happiness
Let all the cards when playing,
They will fall in the desired color!

We drink to you, dear, today.
Fifty dollars is not yet a hundred.
Fate, like an experienced bawd,
I gathered all my loved ones who agree,
What a wonderful husband, friend, and father you are!

And let them toast for this,
And the guests wish you health!
Everyone knows it's not easy to be the best.
Let you keep this brand
You have many good summers!

Half a glass. No dispute needed:
How does anyone see this item?
Fifty for dinner
Healthier than a hundred at lunchtime.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Measured in centuries!
You were never "it"
Holding the rod of truth in his hands.

So live like a cat in sour cream,
Coaching youth.
Let there be money in your pocket.
You'll still go far.

Five dozen - anniversary
Without a doubt gold.
The hero of the day is broad-shouldered,
Smart, brave, businesslike.
There's a reason to have fun
It's okay, well done
You are a real man
Husband, caring father.
Congratulations and best wishes
Positive, happiness to you,
Be like I know you
Young beyond their years!

Please accept congratulations
This is a wonderful anniversary!
Don't reveal it to anyone
The secrets of your vigor!
Let the number be 50
Doesn't bother you with its "weight"
And your eyes always sparkle
With joy and interest!

Success at work, at home and in the family,
May everything and everywhere be successful.
Obedient children, wise wife.
Let your dreams and dreams become reality.

Find your path in the dense forest,
Tell problems: “I will never go away.”
Let your smile always sparkle.
She will be afraid of any trouble.

A real man
Happy birthday!
Let life not be a routine,
And be filled with fun!

To increase your health,
A wallet full of money.
Let's say it all with confidence:
You are a man - the juice!

You are the best of men!
We have only one like you.
Congratulations to you today
We want a five rating.

Be happy and always loved,
We idolize our wife and children.
Let the money flow into your pocket,
From all sides, here and there.

Be healthy, be happy!
Let the sun light the way.
Everything you want
And the best in your destiny!

Today's holiday is dedicated to you,
And we are filled with pride
You are kind, diligent, beautiful and smart,
And everyone trusts you

You won’t offend your friends, you won’t betray your relatives,
You will come to the rescue, we know for sure
Because you are the best example for all of us
We congratulate you from the heart

We wish you success and health
Let luck not leave you,
Only bright moments in your destiny
Let love warm you!

Born many years ago
This kind man.
Grew up, studied and got married,
And he worked all his life.
And now the time has come -
He should be congratulated.
Today, on this birthday
We want to wish everything:
Be strong and healthy,
Fresh, young at heart.
Let youth come again
And also - a great success!

Time adds years,
Makes people older.
Let time bring experience
Instead of old age for you.

I wish you a sea of ​​laughter.
And only tears of happiness.
Just be drunk from success
And I’m not seriously upset.

Let alcohol - without a hangover,
And food is without stomach.
Happy Birthday.
Be as you are, always!

Do you know how to be happy
This is your great talent!
May success and prospects
They will inspire and inspire!
Let everything always happen
Just the way you want!
Be yourself, live high
A bright, joyful dream!

He was born into the world as a man.
So be it always.
Let them be remembered easily
Past years.

And the woman’s caress to you
Always let it be to your heart's content.
There are so many gifts on this day,
That there is nowhere to put them.

Health, happiness, long life
Both money and good luck!
And new joyful victories,
And treasures, and returns!

We wish you a lot of happiness,
I don’t know illnesses or sorrows,
Achieve success in work
And don’t yawn in your personal life!

Happy birthday
And we sincerely wish you
Live without being discouraged for a day,
Foreign currency account adding.

Be young and beautiful
With a loyal and reliable rear.
So that love lives in the soul,
Let things go well!

Birthday is a cool holiday:
Life is all just ahead.
You are so diverse
So come on, don't let me down!
Burn to the fullest, have a blast,
Take away the souls of the ladies,
Like a Phoenix reborn -
And lead your destiny.

Happy Birthday,
You from my sincere heart.
Even though you have been retired for a long time,
Life is in no hurry to change.

May joy and worries
They always surround you.
Let everything go as planned,
And he never fakes it.

We wish you to be strong and kind!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Good luck, good luck, conquering heights!
Ability to fit into any turn!
Favorite business, reliable family!
May your wishes come true at once!
So that all endeavors continue easily
And they ended with a brilliant victory!

Today you have become a year older,
This means he has become wiser and stronger,
I wish you forward
You flew more boldly towards your goals!

So that there are no obstacles in life,
So that the wind is always fair,
So that you are happy, cheerful, glad
Hourly and every minute!

Today is such a wonderful day,
He decorated the century with himself.
After all, he celebrates his birthday
A good, sweet man.

We decided to wish him
Health, happiness and goodness.
So that he would be more happy,
May your soul be young!

Let life go smoothly,
Success in work will be for future use.
We wish you sweet love like honey.
And in general, let everything be “OK”!

What are years for a man?
We often ask ourselves?
Wrinkles appear on the face
But they decorate you

Age is closely related to wisdom
Every moment strengthens us
You must firmly remember:
Experience is the best acquisition

Happy holiday, birthday
We want to congratulate you.
And for this today
We will dedicate poems to you.

Be the soul of the team
Never lose heart
Achieve a lot in life
Conquer all roads.

May luck be with you
Protecting from adversity.
And let success not leave you
Will be with you all year round.

And this is where we end
Relax, have fun
And walk from the heart.

The most worthy among all men
Happy birthday to you!
And live without gray hair and without wrinkles
I categorically and sincerely wish you!

I want strength, vigor and health
Protected from anxiety and sadness,
My heart was warmed by faith and love,
And the years were crowned with glorious victories.

I wish you perseverance, perseverance,
For things to go smoothly,
So that there is no pretense in life,
So that there is a charge of energy.

I want you to achieve your goals
Whatever they are.
So that your eyes always shine,
May all your days be bright!

More strength to your aspirations,
A fortunately favorable breeze,
Simple luck. Happy Birthday!
Let life bubble like a stream.

Stately, important, strict, strong,
Fair and cool
Neat, very stylish -
This is our birthday boy!

Frank, honest, faithful,
Will not let anyone down.
And the first one will come to the rescue,
And he will support and understand.

We wish you on your birthday
Always for the birthday boy
Be in a great mood
And never fall.

Let everything be as you want in life.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Live, create and remain honest.
You won't find anyone else like you!

Congratulating a respectable man,
We are preparing as if for a parade,
Optimistic, as if for May Day,
We are preparing a red banner!

What will we write on the banner?
Health, happiness, wisdom, love?
Live to be a hundred years old? No, take it higher!
Perhaps you’ll live to be a thousand!

Let the years be included in the award lists,
Let the whole country recognize the hero,
And let the words of gratitude from loved ones
They shine like medals!

Birthday boy, happy birthday,
And I wish you many sunny days!
Enjoy fantastic luck,
Be free from false shackles!

May health never leave you,
And wealth will occupy your home!
The sky protects you from everyday problems,
And love sparkles in the heart!

Happy birthday, beloved!
The very best of men!
You are incredibly erotic
I love you a lot!

My God, what a body!
Well, I’ll keep silent about passion!
I melt in your arms,
And my lips are driving me crazy!

I want to wish you
Always be so sweet!
I'm flying from your love,
But don't be so jealous!

If life offers you
A series of difficult puzzles,
Then solve them boldly
You are already fifty!

You are fifty, that's the date
Well worthy of being marked.
Everything was there: luck, pain of loss
And meeting the best woman in the world.

But if you look at everything differently
And don't regret what's behind
Those years meant nothing
Compared to what's ahead.

And ahead are victories and sorrows,
And the fresh wind of various changes,
And so that you don’t get tired of losses,
Open the door wider for friends.

You don’t remember old age before it’s time,
And be young both in body and soul.
Do not trust in the will of fate anymore,
Don't think that love has peace.

After all, fifty is no reason to whine!
The second breath will open,
And the whirlpool of life will begin to boil
Three times more energetic than before.

There is something and someone to live for:
Beloved wife, home and children,
And with the future there is a connecting thread -
Grandchildren are the main treasure in the world.

We wish you not to grow old and not to get sick,
Remain on the right flank in business,
Be optimistic, want a lot,
Don't give up despite the years and failures.

Half of life is measured
And you can stand and look back
So that tomorrow we can move to new heights

On the approaches to the peaks there are hummocks and ditches
But we managed to overcome all obstacles
And you have achieved a lot now
Are you confidently moving towards your goal in life?

IN family life you are a sample for us
You need a family
You are a faithful husband, a caring father
The family is waiting for you and you are always loved

We raise this modest toast
For you, so that you are always healthy
So that you reach the peaks and stars
Which have not yet been conquered.

Fifty is not very many years
The date, in general, is small,
But good riddance
It led to this date.
Let it sparkle with joy
Your wonderful anniversary,
And it will last up to a hundred years
Your life is among friends!

To be healthy, loved by family,
Real good friends
And large and stable incomes
We wish you a happy anniversary!

Half a century has flown by, please accept congratulations,
Today's date is a reason for fun,
All your friends have gathered, we are happy to congratulate you,
You have been with us for so many years, truly a reward!
So continue to make us happy, don’t be discouraged at all,
Make your dreams come true and wish for new ones!

How important it is for a man to manage everything in life,
I would like to have a beautiful wife,
Don’t forget to build a three-story house,
Raise a son, a daughter and plant a tree!
Happy Birthday to you today,
You will have all this, I assure you,
Let only close person will understand you
And then your luck in life awaits you!

Be as beautiful as anyone else
Go to the cinema with your sweetheart.
Be the happiest
Then success awaits you.
Be smiling and beautiful
Getting a lot of strength
Always be a strong man
And quite beautiful.
Be a great person
Even at the end of time,
Celebrate your birthday
And hang out with your friends.

Be a man and an example for children,
One of the important and great achievements
You prove that you are right only by deeds,
And you make important decisions.
And the birthday party will be an evening of happiness,
It promises to be varied
Let people bring positivity as a gift,
Oh, birthday boy, how beautiful you are.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish you health, happiness, goodness.
If time spoils the whiskey -
That's not a problem at all.
Let your heart grow younger
And it never gets old!

Very caring and wonderful
Kind, good, incredibly attentive!
You strive for the goal always and everywhere
Whether you are on land or on water.

You are an excellent activist and entertainer,
The singer and dancer are absolutely decent.
Your nerves are always in perfect order
Not just ahead, but always the very first!

Today I sincerely congratulate you.
I wish you happiness and great success,
New victories and peaks of conquest,
Ups and bright impressions.

To always surround you
Relatives, family and friends!
To always be warmed by love
Long, happy and sunny years!

We will not speak loud phrases -
You are 50 and what can you say?
And we want to wish you a lot -
You can’t tell about him in a short verse.

Let friends not betray you in trouble,
May your parents be healthy
Fun, cheerfulness, loyalty, kindness
You will not be abandoned or forgotten,

May respect, glory and honor
Your work will be glorious
What a reward!
And we will see you after 50 years
We are happy to congratulate you on your centenary again!

And absorb the excitement
Your delight, the sparkle of your eyes,
All your trepidation, intoxication
From the abundance of flattering phrases

Look forward, look back!
Life goes on and on, you are already 50.
So you managed to go through many roads,
There was a lot of anxiety, and not everything was settled.

So there were farewells and bitterness of separation.
So there were joys, but there were also torments.
But even though time passes, and even though the years fly,
Look ahead - you are only 50!

The hero of the day is like a groom today -
It shines so much! Handsome man!
Apparently someone hastened out of excitement,
Corrected the figure 20 to 50!

It’s hard to believe your fifty dollars!
And only fire plays in your eyes!
Let age become just a bridge,
Behind which there is still so much awaiting!

A real man is not afraid
No trouble, no water, no fire.
The real one always strives
Win, protect, understand!

We wish you to be real,
A strong sailing ship.
So that the wind would whistle, but the mast
It did not break down either in a storm or in thunder.

So that the heart blooms with love
And the dream of life came true,
And wealth flowed like a river,
And my soul shone with happiness!

Your anniversary is not much at all,
But the years were not lived in vain.
It's been a long road,
Great things have been done.

Let life always be like this:
So that the years go by and you don’t count them
Never grew old at heart
And they would never sigh bitterly!

You've missed 50 years
There is half a century ahead.
And half a city of friends
The person has it.

You are reliable, like Sberbank,
You have become a brother to your friends.
Let us wish, like Sberbank,
Become even richer!

Let your health not be naughty,
Good luck pleases
For you! And for friends!
Well, how could it be otherwise?

Guys, I’m making a toast to the hero of the day,
Let him live, the prankster, for another hundred years,
After all, you are not old at all,
Apparently you know some important secret from your youth.

Fifty dollars of life rolled up,
And what do you have in the end?
I haven’t conquered all the peaks,
Not all roads are well-trodden.
Yes, you still have to plow!
You are wiry, it’s not difficult for you.
Yes, you and I still have to drink
At least half a century is possible.
You haven't seen the dawn yet,
Don't you dare think about sunset!
With the beginning of you all began,
Let's roll 50!

Wonderful man,
Strong and in his prime.
50 is not the reason
May you grow old and be sad.
Be cheerful and energetic
The golden head of the family.
Be happy infinitely
Drown yourself in great love.
Don't let your wife nag you
Children give joy to days,
Let your income be stable -
Only goodness in your destiny!

You won't believe it, you are an excellent student,
Ten times you get "5".
To this round personal date
We would like to wish
The most joyful events
The best news,
Most festive arrivals
Expected guests.
Be stronger and more fun,
Don't mope and don't get sick.
And on the hundredth anniversary
Gather everyone in the same way.

Today you are the hero of the day.
May all your dreams come true,
There will be good health
A heart full of love.
At 50, the man is stately,
Wise, prominent and pleasant.
You drive women crazy
But one thing is needed - a wife.
The children are all proud of you
They want to imitate you.
You are a family man and a father,
For example, sample.

Living for half a century is not a field to cross
And many roads have already been passed,
May only the best await you ahead,
And in some ways it’s worth summing up.
The house is a tree, the heir is all right,
I wish you peace and health,
You will do the rest yourself
You can. You can do it. I know for sure.

The man is fifty years old.
He will give you the answer to everything,
Earned respect.
He should on his birthday
Have fun and party,
In general, be happy
For the rest of my life.
Oh. Well, hero of the day, hold on!
Let's celebrate cool
. we wish you well,
Are people sad on a day like this?
You're a daredevil at fifty!

Suddenly half a century
You got to live
A real person
You always tried to be.
Happy anniversary!
Don't get lost in the bustle!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Always be on top!

You've already lived half a century
Achieved a lot
Let what you have gained - multiply it,
There is still room to grow.
On the anniversary day we wish
New labor victories,
Bright meetings, endless love,
(For good, not for harm).
Be a support for your family,
Always lend your shoulder
And health. It is important
To live another half century!

Well, is that a lot - 50,
When the soul sings and rushes upward,
When the eyes laugh and burn,
Is your life rich and fulfilling?
Happy anniversary today, keep it up!
Always be stylish and respectable.
So as not to miss anything
And never grow old in soul!

One day a day comes in life,
And you realize that you have lived for half a century.
This is not an edge, but a new step
For a real man. Human!
We wish you on this anniversary
Walk confidently, with hope, with rapture!
And congratulations to relatives, colleagues, friends
Let them be the most memorable moment.

Left behind your back
Fifty wonderful years.
Speeded up, slowed down,
And now their trace is gone.
Multiplying every day
Lifetime experience for everyone
You remain respectful -
For family and for colleagues.
We want to wish you good luck.
Yes, so as not to grow old in soul.
Happy birthday!
Know that we are always with you.

You are fifty today!
Everyone wants to congratulate you
And wish you love, health,
Good luck, happiness, lots of money,
From my wife - only kind words,
So that there is a catch while fishing,
Your soul will never grow old in life
And don't regret anything!

Fifty is a very important date!
It’s no joke to live for half a century!
All the dreams that never came true
I wish you to make it come true.
May life only give you joy,
Let only goodness live in your heart!
Troubles will leave your home,
And let your soul sing with happiness!

In your wonderful years,
We wish you happiness always,
Let luck flow like a stream,
Prosperity, joy to boot.
Health, warmth of family,
And have a bright, bright weekend,
Let it be filled with luck
Life is yours on this birthday!

You lived with dignity for half a century,
Achieved a lot with difficulty
In the circle of his huge family
You will celebrate the holiday at the table!
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you many, many years
To live in health and without growing old,
Give good light to all your loved ones!

Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts!
Five times ten - noble and respectable,
You are a creative and prominent man!
May fortune never leave you,
There are still so many interesting things waiting for you.
We wish you love and happiness,
Let bad weather avoid the house!

Congratulations to the hero of the day!
You're already fifty.
Let the guitar strike a chord
And sings in your soul.
Let there always be only happiness,
Money, joy, faith, laughter.
Let it not be divided into parts
Neither health nor success.
Let the years have no power
Never over you.
All events are wonderful
The heart is always young!

Congratulations on your anniversary
Happy fiftieth birthday!
And we wish you without barriers
May you live to be a century old!
Courage and optimism
Hand strength, male charisma,
And health, and stronger,
Earning money, but it’s easier.
May family and friends
They love, appreciate and honor you!

Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary!
Fifty years have flown by? No problem!
Only the eyes become a little wiser,
Otherwise, you are still the same as you were then.
May your soul only grow younger over the years,
Let your health only get stronger every day.
Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary,
We drink to your success and good luck!

There are already fifty knocking on the window,
Smile for us a little.
And all the troubles will go away,
The mood will lead.

On your anniversary, just have fun,
In life, fall in love again!
Let your dreams come true
All plans will come true!

On your fiftieth anniversary,
Celebrant, you are guilty.
Your holiday has brought us here,
And I removed everything bad.

We must do, create,
You just have to live
Work, achieve your goal,
Climb to your peak,

And there, standing at the top,
You will understand what you are worth
The whole earth lies under your feet,
And your star is shining above your head,

On this 50th anniversary, we wish you,
Don't spare your strength,
Prove to everyone on earth
Show everyone what you are capable of!

Our hero of the day is like a brand new fifty dollars,
Shines with freshness and beauty.
Today is not just a birthday,
And the anniversary is wonderful, golden.
Are you 50? It's impossible to believe
Oh, this hot shine, the fire in the eyes,
The gait is light, and in dancing - the first
There was clearly a mix-up in the passports.