Advice for beginning educators: consultation (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic. The teacher of the younger group begins work. For a young teacher: a test by children How to start the first day as a kindergarten teacher

Elina Kruglikova
Getting started, or dedicated to the beginning teacher...

I remember my first day work. I will never forget him. This first day gives so much experience. So fills the soul. and is remembered minute by minute. The voices and faces of children, smiles and tears, screams and whispers, drawings, games, questions and much more flash through my head.

I came work in the middle of summer to a mixed group of children from 3 to 5-6 years old the day after defending their diploma in pedagogy. And only then I realized that at least half of the knowledge that 6 university courses gave me should have been left behind the walls of the kindergarten. You have to remember and use them only later, but for started try not to repeat after others educators, don’t copy their style and phrases, but just be yourself. Children feel the behavior of an adult so subtly that there can be no mistakes. Here are some important points.

Stay close to your children. Start with yourself, remember yours childhood: how I wanted to chat with my friend, play catch-up, not sleep at quiet times, not eat that tasteless cutlet, and who knows what else not to do. And remembering the feeling when you are forced, you will understand everything. Maybe they should be allowed to chat but after lunch, play catch up with them but outside in a safe place, explain why they need to rest during a quiet hour and sit on the bed, allow them to eat only those delicious potatoes, and who knows what else. And maybe then you will build that first bridge - a bridge to the baby, who is the whole world.

A few observations I made almost during the first week work. Long skirt on teacher- the key to unfailing success. Perception As a child, the formation of clothing occurs instantly; he has developed certain images and concepts of good and evil. And believe me, “auntie” is in black trousers and a gloomy blouse perceived a child is a little different than dressed in a floor-length skirt in a calm tone and a jacket, and if she also wears long beads, beautiful! I'm in " work wardrobe"There are several sets like this, even boys go crazy with all my beads senior group, all children are allowed to play with them, touch them, look at them, but only while sitting in my arms (by the way, children absolutely love this, because it reminds them of early childhood).Many items from the wardrobe are created by hand; children especially love them, be it a cat with buttons instead of eyes or a caterpillar on a T-shirt made of fabric of different textures. Children feel things in which their soul is invested.

One more thing - when talking to a child, go down to his height. Immediately remembered words:

And you lie down on the grass,

It's very, very simple,

And the same height

You will immediately be with children.

As has been accurately said, what is said from the heights of an adult does not always get where it is needed. In practice, I have tested this in many situations: Whether on a walk or in a group, compare phrases and get a feel.

“Sasha stop running,” shouts teacher for the entire playground. Several children nearby were frightened, and several more simply looked around, distracted from the game.

“Sasha, come to me please,” he asks in a calm voice, coming as close as possible. teacher. Sasha comes up and they explain to him why they called him and ask him to be careful when playing with other children. Yes, perhaps not immediately, but you will achieve success.

To be continued later.








In system preschool education Russia has undergone major changes in recent years, which have increased the requirements for the personal and professional development of teachers. The importance of the initial stage of entry of an inexperienced teacher into the educational environment has become even more significant. preschool. Young professionals are reluctant to come to kindergartens; they need a lot of time to enter the profession.

A special feature of the work of novice teachers is that from the first day of work they have the same duties and bear the same responsibilities as educators with many years of experience, and parents, administration and colleagues expect professionalism from them in their work. Often, a novice teacher, although he has theoretical knowledge, lacks practical skills. A newcomer at a new place of work is faced with big amount difficulties.

This work experience specifically reveals organized work adaptation with such teachers can help alleviate problems that arise at the beginning of work and facilitate the entry of new employees into the life of the institution. The more comfortable each of these specialists is in the workplace, the faster his teaching skills will develop.


“Dozens of young teachers worked with me.

I was convinced that no matter how a person successfully finished

pedagogical university, no matter how talented he is,

and if he does not learn from experience,

will never be a good teacher

I myself studied with older teachers...”

A.S. Makarenko

The period of entry of a beginning teacher into the profession is characterized by tension and importance for his personal and professional development. How this period goes depends on whether the newly minted teacher will become a professional, whether he will remain in the field of preschool education or find himself in another field of activity.

The scientific research of K.Yu. is devoted to the problem of professional development of a beginning teacher in the field of preschool education. Beloy, M.S. Gvozdeva, L.M. Denyakina, N.N. Lyashchenko, L.V. Pozdnyak, P.I. Tretyakova, L.I. Falyushina and others. At the same time, the problems of professional adaptation of a novice teacher have not been studied enough. Professional pedagogical activity, according to the candidate of pedagogical sciences S.M. Redlikha, has the following characteristic features:

    Discounts for insufficient qualifications are not allowed;

    high and stringent requirements for professional competence from the educational environment apply from the first to the last day of work;

    the teacher does not have the opportunity to stop the pedagogical process, delay it in order, for example, to receive advice;

    the work of a teacher often requires an instant, but professionally accurate reaction;

    take place high price errors and a significant period of manifestation of the final results of teaching activities, etc.

Every year the requirements for the personal and professional development of teachers increase; both masters of pedagogical work and young, inexperienced teachers work in kindergartens. And in this regard, an objective need arises to organize multi-level, differentiated methodological work in an institution, taking into account the specifics of basic education, individual characteristics, the level of professional needs of the teacher, and his practical experience of working with children.

The importance of the initial stage of entry of a novice teacher into the educational environment has become even more significant. In this regard, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to beginning educators, their training, professional development, and personal development in a preschool educational institution.

Professional adaptation of a beginning educator in the process of his entry into the educational environment will be successful if:

    work motivation and pedagogical orientation are important factors when a teacher enters the workforce and are enshrined in local regulations of preschool educational institutions;

    professional adaptation of the teacher is carried out in inextricable connection with the process of his personal and professional development and is defined in the methodological work of the preschool educational institution;

    in the organization of pedagogical work, there is maximum consideration of personal characteristics and the level of professional training, active support for the personal and professional growth of the teacher;

    The material and technical support of the educational process meets modern requirements and helps the teacher implement innovative approaches.

The fulfillment of the above conditions, which allow novice teachers to adapt, is largely facilitated by the organization of the “Beginner Educator Club”, an activity in which the leading role is given to me as a senior teacher of a preschool educational institution.

The club performs the following tasks:

Creating conditions for identifying professional orientation

Assistance to all beginning teachers in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary in educational activities.

Providing advisory assistance on issues of education and upbringing of preschool children.

The Club includes novice educators and more experienced teachers - mentors.

Beginning Teacher Club classes are scheduled once a month. Their content includes theoretical and practical aspects of educational activities in preschool educational institutions. Before drawing up a work plan for the Beginning Teacher Club, surveys are conducted among beginning teachers (Appendix 1) to determine the topics of classes taking into account the identified problems. It is advisable to involve specialists in education, medicine and psychology in conducting the theoretical block; practical block - highly qualified teachers with successful professional experience - mentors.

In everyday life professional activity For beginning teachers, I draw attention to fulfilling the tasks of preschool education, mastering modern pedagogical techniques and technologies, and communicative culture. Taking into account the difficulties that arise, I am making the necessary adjustments to the work plan of the Beginning Teacher Club.

The beginner teacher's club is, firstly, the most important factor professional adaptation, successful personal and professional development of beginning teachers, and secondly, helps improve the quality of preschool education in preschool educational institutions. I propose a regulation on the Beginning Teacher Club (Appendix 2), regulating the organization and procedure for working with beginning teachers and the work plan for the year.

In our preschool educational institution, 18% of beginning teachers have different levels of training: 3 - have higher education, but not preschool, 1 - secondary vocational preschool, all have up to 3 years of work experience in preschool educational institutions.

The annual plan also reflects such events with novice teachers as visiting open classes from teachers with experience, master classes, consultations on self-education, individual consultations.

Professional qualities largely depend on character and temperament. Therefore, the administration of our preschool institution tries to approach everyone differently. According to the tradition existing in the institution, teachers in groups are selected on the basis of competent professional support, which allows creating tandems of experienced and novice teachers. In our pre-school educational institution, a wonderful tradition has become the holding of the event “Initiation into Gardeners”. At this holiday, a novice teacher undergoes various tests: sings children's songs, lullabies, marches to music, solves problematic pedagogical situations, pronounces the oath of a young teacher, etc. From the mentor, a novice will receive a memo “Rules of behavior and communication of a teacher in a preschool educational institution” (Appendix 2). At the end there is a tea party. (Appendix No. 14)

Various forms of work with beginning educators contribute to the development of his cognitive interest in the profession, mastering techniques for working with children and their parents, and have a positive impact on the growth of his professional significance:

On-the-job training;

Participation in the work of methodological associations;

Self-education, including independent study educational program;

training in advanced training courses;

Methodological support for the activities of young specialists.

Various forms of methodological work. Along with traditional forms justified by practice, such as seminars, consultations, workshops, open classes, alternative ones are also used - psychological and pedagogical trainings, business games, review competitions, solving pedagogical situations.

These forms have the goal of helping beginning educators improve their professional competence in matters of methodology for organizing the educational process.

Solving pedagogical situations. One of the forms of testing a teacher in order to confirm the position held for a teacher. Solving pedagogical situations will require the teacher to demonstrate pedagogical competence, knowledge, skills, and professional qualities. The selection of situations for testing is carried out randomly - from a bank of situations.

"Brainstorm". A method of collective mental activity that allows us to achieve understanding of each other when a common problem is personal to the whole group.

"Master Class". The form of work in which educators demonstrate their achievements in the field of raising children gives practical advice.

Competitions. Demonstration and evaluation of creative achievements of educators. Involves the ability to evaluate results by comparing one's abilities with others.

Workshops .Together with teachers, problem situations are played out or solved; elements of training may be present. The topic and the presenter are determined; they can be either a teacher or a specialist.

Psychological and pedagogical trainings. The most perfect way to improve yourself. It allows the teacher to increase his cognitive activity and acquire the necessary practical knowledge.

"Round table". When discussing any issues round table allows all educators to be placed in an equal position and to ensure interaction.

One of the effective forms is work creative group , the task of which is to encourage teachers to feel that they are not just educators, but also researchers. The forms of work of a creative group are varied: business game, collective creative activity, practical work in microgroups, which allows you to organize a panorama of open classes and routine moments, discuss issues of planning the pedagogical process, analyze the content, teaching methods, techniques, communication style, etc.

In kindergarten practice we widely use this form of methodological work as open views . Young educators are also involved in open screenings.

A significant role in improving the professional skills of educators is given to self-education . The lack of knowledge in preschool pedagogy and the lack of practical skills forces novice educators to engage in self-education. Based on the identified problems, each educator determines for himself the topic on which he will work and draws up a plan, including the study of literature, best practices, a list of practical activities (creation of a subject-development environment, manuals, card files, moving folders, etc.) . To analyze the process of self-education, a memo has been compiled (Appendix No. 13)

The result of self-education work can be a generalized experience of the teacher’s activities, which will be the basis for raising the qualification category.

Business games (Appendix No. 14) allow you to more fully reproduce the activities of teachers, identify problems and the reasons for their occurrence, develop options for solving problems, and determine the mechanism for solving them.

Planning and organization of training are carried out based on the results of studying the needs of teachers during interviews and observing teaching activities. A novice teacher is sent to a group where an experienced teacher works, who can demonstrate by personal example the methodically correct conduct of a lesson, walk, or any routine moment, give the necessary advice, recommendations, consultations, and answer questions that arise. We try to assign each young teacher an experienced mentor who performs the same functions.

Carrying out systematic work throughout the school year to develop mentoring traditions allows the novice educator to receive the support of an experienced professional who is able to offer practical and theoretical assistance in the workplace. In this case, various forms of interaction with each other are used, for example, joint planning of the future working day and summing up the results of the previous one. The mentor's help in drawing up a detailed lesson plan helps you choose the best methods and techniques that will be most appropriate for a particular lesson. If conflict situations arise, we offer various options their decisions. The most important thing is that a novice teacher can be present with his mentor at any security event and ask any questions he has.

With the support of a mentor, the teacher begins to introduce existing theoretical knowledge and skills into practice in working with children and their parents. A mentor helps to master the art of communication, find an approach to any parent, and through him learn as much as possible about the child, and generally establish a trusting relationship with children, and subsequently win the love of children and the respect of their parents. The main thing is the active position of the novice teacher.

Mentoring, aimed at transferring teaching experience from one generation to another, becomes effective means unity of the teaching staff. Nothing brings a team together like a common idea, the desire to achieve a goal through common efforts, when a team of like-minded people represents a single whole, and each of its members competently and conscientiously performs their professional duties. And acquaintance with talented teachers and experience in innovative activities plays an important role in the formation of the pedagogical ideal of a young specialist.

The mentoring process affects the interests of at least three subjects of interaction: the student, the mentor himself and the administration of the preschool educational institution. A beginning teacher gains knowledge, develops skills and abilities, increases his professional level and develops his abilities, as well as his own professional career; learns to build constructive relationships with a mentor, and through him with the entire team. The mentor develops his business skills and improves his professional level in the process of mutual learning.

In order to stimulate the creative manifestations of a novice teacher, competitions are held at preschool educational institutions methodological developments, creative competitions, various product exhibitions children's creativity etc. Beginning educators are invited to participate in conferences and competitions at the city, regional, and interregional levels. As a senior educator, I pay special attention to replenishing the theoretical knowledge of novice educators and developing skills in the practical application of acquired knowledge. This is due to the fact that recently many graduates of non-teaching secondary specialized and higher educational institutions have been coming to kindergarten. The lack of knowledge in preschool pedagogy and the lack of practical skills forces the beginner to engage in self-education. I select the necessary methodological literature for study, introduce them to the teaching room of the preschool institution, and help them choose a topic for self-education.

Today we can already talk about the results of our work in the chosen direction:

The preschool educational institution has created a system of work with beginning educators, which combines the activities of young teachers, experienced mentors, specialized specialists, and administration;

The preschool educational institution uses effective forms and methods of working with beginning educators, which contribute to the further professional development of the young specialist;

Beginning teachers work on self-education, which allows them to replenish and concretize their knowledge, carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise in working with children;

Beginning educators have developed a need for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge, flexibility of thinking, and the ability to model and predict the educational process;

Assigning a teacher-mentor to beginning educators provides the necessary help and support at the most difficult stage of entering the new team and profession;

Thus, the use of a systematic approach to improving the professional competence of young specialists allows them to quickly adapt to work in kindergarten, avoid moments of self-doubt, establish successful communication with all participants in the pedagogical process, create motivation for further self-education, and reveal their individuality.

One of the most popular American experts on success theory, Jim Rome, advises:

Don't go in front of me - I may not follow.

Don't walk behind me - I may not lead.

But walk next to me and be my friend!

Appendix No. 1

Memo for young professionals
"Rules of behavior and communication of a teacher in a preschool educational institution"


    Have a wonderful ideal, a high dream in your soul and strive for it. Be a better person, remembering that there is no limit to improvement.

    Grow professionally, keep abreast of the latest achievements in pedagogical science, and do not stop there.

    Always be in balance, holding back negative emotions.

    Deal with conflict situations with dignity and humor.

    Forgive, sympathize, empathize, be generous and forgiving.

    Living is easy, simple and joyful. See the positive in everything.

    Always be friendly. Friendliness is the basis of your health.

    Bring order and comfort everywhere, create an oasis of kindness, love and beauty - in the soul, in the family, at work. Instill this in your children.

    Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you do will always return to you multiplied.


    "Patience is a gift from Heaven." He who has patience will not stoop to irritation.

    There is always someone who needs your help, who has a harder time than you.

    The great mission of a woman is to bring love, beauty and harmony to the world.

    The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with good thoughts, kind words, good deeds.

    Your explanations should be simple and understandable to children.

    When your child talks to you, listen carefully.

    Don't be stingy with praise.

    Don't create conflict situations.

    Watch your appearance and behavior.

    Your attitude towards work, people, objects is a role model.

When raising children, strive to:

    Love the child for who he is.

    Respect each child's individuality.

    Praise, encourage, encourage, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

    Notice not the child’s shortcomings, but the dynamics of his development.

    Make parents your allies in education.

    Talk to your child in a caring, encouraging tone.

    Encourage your child to ask questions.

In kindergarten it is prohibited:

    Shout and punish children.

    Expose children's misdeeds for everyone to see.

    Visit children in a bad mood.

    Discuss with parents the behavior of someone else's child.

    Leaving children alone.

    Humiliate a child.

Appendix No. 2

Young specialist questionnaire

1. Why did you choose the profession of a teacher? Why is she attractive to you?

2. How do you evaluate the various aspects of your professional training?

3. What difficulties did you encounter in your work? What kind of help do you need most?

4. How do you assess your relationship with the teaching staff?

5. What tasks do you set for yourself in the near future?

6. What are your professional plans for the future?

7. If you had the opportunity to choose a profession again, would you become a teacher?

8. What attracts you to the team’s work:

    novelty of activity;

    working conditions;

    possibility of experimentation;

    example and influence of colleagues and supervisor;

    Labour Organization;

  • opportunity for professional growth.

9. What would you like to change?

Appendix No. 3

Test for an experienced teacher to determine the effectiveness of his work
(N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.V. Miklyaeva)

Please note which of the proverbs of the Russian people, in your opinion, most closely correspond to the ideas about your activities:

1. A kindergarten teacher is:

A. A good horse will carry everything.

B. Without a queen, bees are lost babies.

B. Wrapped under trumpets, nurtured under a mantle, with the end
copy fed.

2. The teaching staff is:

A. In the world that is in the sea.

B. One sheep has seven shepherds.

B. Glued dishes last for two centuries.

3. Educating children means:

A. What goes around comes around.

B. If there was a thread, we would reach the ball.

B. To go on the road - weave five bast shoes.

4. Raising children means:

A. He served for seven years, served seven turns, and even those are gone.

B. If it grinds, it will all be flour.

V. The governor is strong by the order.

5. Developing children means:

A. This day is not without tomorrow.

B. You fly high, but you sit low.

B. A double-edged sword.

6. Working with parents is:

A. Unpurchased paper, home letter.

B. In good times to say nothing, in bad times to remain silent.

B. According to the method of walking.

Key to the test
If your answers prevail:

"A"– You are more focused on performing the teaching, correctional, developmental and cultural-educational functions of a teacher. Therefore, we can say that you already have your own, individual style of psychological and pedagogical activity. The advantage of your work as a mentor is that you are focused on the cognitive practice of working with young professionals, that is, you are able to show what children need to be taught and how best to do it. A negative aspect of a young specialist’s communication with you may be the predominance of a didactic, “instructive” style of interaction. Try to be more democratic!

"B"– You are predominantly motivated by personal communication with children, parents, and colleagues. This is expressed in the fact that you are best able to implement the scientific, methodological and educational functions of a teacher. The advantage of you working as a mentor for young professionals is that you are focused on the emotive and creative practice of working with them, that is, you are able to provide psychological support and demonstrate the full pedagogical potential of your mentee. A negative aspect of a young specialist’s communication with you may be the predominance of an overly democratic and liberal style of interaction. Sometimes your student may need clear instructions to navigate difficult pedagogical situations.

"IN"– the priority areas of your activities at the preschool educational institution are management and socio-pedagogical. The advantage of you working as a mentor for young specialists is that you can teach them to see a pedagogical problem in its various manifestations and simplify it (in complex situations, highlight 1-2 key components of the problem), and also combine their efforts with other preschool education specialists and parents of children to achieve optimal results of the pedagogical process. A negative aspect of a young specialist’s communication with you may be the formation of his ideas about you as an ideal teacher, the level of which is simply impossible to achieve. Try to explain with your usual sense of humor that you started in exactly the same way.

application No. 4

15 mistakes of a teacher (memo for a young teacher)

    poor organization of the lesson;

    constant monotony of the form of activity;

    lack of dynamics of action and interaction between participants in the educational process;

    the teacher’s perception of children as a whole, and not of each individual;

    lack of motivating factors for activity in the teacher’s actions;

    the use of “forbidden” words (“you always forget”, “you constantly talk”, “you never do anything”, etc.);

    absence of assessment of children during the lesson;

    lack of evaluation of the lesson conducted;

    chaotic speech, monotonous or tongue twister (the teacher’s speech should be clear, simple and accessible to any age of the child);

    simple things take too long to explain;

    the teacher yells at the children;

    there is no practical participation or creative activity of children in the lesson;

    the teacher does not attach importance to his appearance;

    lack of dynamics in the development of the lesson.

application No. 5

“Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to repeat mistakes."

Theodore Roosevelt

“Improving your qualifications is
means acquiring a new state,
degree of suitability for any type of work,
to become worthy, active, young, successful.”
IN AND. Dahl, S.I. Ozhegov

"Dozens of young teachers worked with me
I was convinced that no matter how a person successfully
did not graduate from a pedagogical university, no matter how talented he was,
and if he does not learn from experience, he will never be a good teacher,
I myself studied with older teachers..."

A.S. Makarenko

In education, it's all about who the teacher is.

D. Pisarev

application No. 8

Requirements for the GCD structure:

1. Clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;

2. The thoughtfulness and logical interrelation of the studied material of the program sections in each lesson;

3. Interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson;

4. Large information capacity of educational material used in the lesson;

5. Systematic and accessible presentation of the material;

6. The need to comply with the time frame of the lesson

GCD structure

1. Introductory part. A problematic situation is created that stimulates the activity of children to find a solution.

2. Main part. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue based on the content of different sections of the program, based on visualization. At the same time, work is underway to enrich and activate the vocabulary and teach coherent speech.

3. Final part. Children are offered any practical work ( didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate received information or update previously learned information, or two parts are combined during the GCD.

Example of writing a summary

1. Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group

2. Designed according to the theme week “which one?” »

3. Topic: (indicate the topic of the lesson)

4. Purpose: (indicate the purpose of this lesson)

5. GCD tasks (tasks for the main educational area are indicated):

6. Tasks of integrated educational areas (listed, the task can pass through several areas)

7. Expected result:

8. Types of activities: (list those that will be used in the lesson: productive, communicative, etc.)

9. Forms of organizing joint activities.

10. (those forms are prescribed that correspond to the specified types of activities and are used in the GCD)

11. Preliminary work: (if necessary)

12. Material for GCD: (list)

13. Participation of parents in the conduct of educational activities: (if necessary)

14. GCD move:

application No. 9

What is it like to be a teacher?

No one is perfect, but for many parents, the caregivers with whom their children spend most of their time certainly seem far from Mary Poppins. Maybe it's not the teachers? Interesting way A mother from the parent committee suggested taking one step closer to understanding the teacher’s problems:

They divided the parents according to the principle of “who can do as much as they can,” i.e. someone conducted a reception for children, someone did exercises, someone did classes, someone did a walk, etc. The teacher was constantly present in the group, although the experiment with the nanny had to be shortened to dressing and meeting for a walk (everything else requires a health certificate).

I won’t lie, I was shaking like a leaf that day, but it was worth it. The most difficult thing for parents turned out to be to organize their children to do anything, not because the children did not obey (they actually behaved very well), but because they themselves did not know where to start and, most importantly, how and what to say. After all, there are 1-2 children at home, but here there are 20 people!

I won’t say that everything turned out great and smoothly that day, I had to intervene, separate the fighters, calm the howlers, change the strategy and all so that the parents would become at least one step closer to understanding the teacher’s problems!

A few days later, we held a planned group parent meeting and asked parents to express their opinion about working as a teacher; almost unanimously, the parents said that they would not go to work in a kindergarten for any money or persuasion! “After all, here you need to have SUCH nerves or not have them at all!” - this was expressed to me by one very, very demanding mother. Ask why “almost unanimously”? Only 1 father was glad to be in the “shoes” of a teacher - he got to play outdoor games during a walk!

P.S. A child learns from what he sees in his home! Start with yourself!

application No. 10

Identifying the problems of a young teacher.

1. What activities do you have difficulty with?


    daily regime

    play activity

    carrying out a walk


    correctional work

    physical education and health work

    working with parents

    creation of a subject-development environment


    social and moral development of children

    psychophysical features of children's development

    getting to know the outside world

    visual activity

    literacy training

    development of elementary mathematical concepts

2. What do you think are the reasons for these difficulties?

    material conditions

    a large number of children in the group

    lack of uniform requirements for the child from the teacher and parents

    insufficient methodological assistance from management

    lack of teaching experience

    lack of methodological literature

3. Do you have difficulty communicating with:

parents, children, management?

  • No no no

    I don't know I don't know I don't know

    knowledge of features emotional development preschooler and the ability to study him

    the ability to see and understand the motives of a child’s behavior

    the ability to study and develop the abilities of their students

    ability to diagnose a child’s volitional development

    the ability to analyze and evaluate one’s activities and behavior

    the ability to analyze the experience of other educators in order to transfer it to one’s own teaching activities

5. What methodological assistance do you need?

    in listening to lectures on psychology, pedagogy, methods

    in methodological consultations on individual sections

    watching open classes with experienced teachers

    in acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience

Appendix No. 11

Question: Good evening ! This is my second day working in a younger group (age 3 years old), I can’t get the kids to leave the toilet on time, change clothes, and keep running around the group. And the scream, I scream, it gives me a headache. This is not a solution, I become aggressive.

Maybe use the watch method? While the sand is running, should the child be in time? How can I make the children hear my words and react?

The second teacher screams a lot, the children respect her. But I think this is not my method, I like the profession of a teacher, and I want to be able to organize children. Tell! Olya. Thank you in advance.

Lyubov Goloshchapova answers, child psychologist :

First of all, more self-confidence. You write wonderfully that you don’t want to achieve discipline using aggressive methods. Indeed, screaming is not a method. And respect is not earned by shouting. The cry of an adult, big and strong man, can most likely cause fear in the baby. A frightened child will be obedient for a while - very fast and simple way achieve discipline. Unfortunately, its “simplicity” has a negative impact on the children’s health, on the atmosphere in the group, and on the self-esteem and psychological comfort of the teacher himself.

For a person like I see you, a positive and respectful method may be much better suited. I’ll start with a question for you: what do you do with your soul and passion? What are you interested in, what do you like to do, or what are you forced to do for unknown reasons? If you get children interested, they will move mountains, and don’t look at how little they are. Take, for example, your idea about the hourglass – it’s just a great move! Play it well so that the kids become really interested... Then they will not only hear you. The teacher’s unconventional moves, creativity, invention, fantasy - and the children themselves will literally look into your mouth, because I wonder what kind of new games and entertainment you have come up with for them!

I assume that you will still need some time. The children are accustomed to their old teacher, accustomed to the screaming; perhaps they don’t even know that things can be different in the garden. Perestroika in children, thank God, happens quickly. Your task is to stay informed, sensitively monitor the changes taking place in the group, make adjustments to your behavior on the fly, adapt and be as open and sincere as possible. Children value this extremely highly. If you don’t like something in a child’s behavior, simply and calmly talk about it in words the child can understand. And if you like it, be sure to say so! Do not miss a single opportunity to praise your children if there is a reason for this.

About treating yourself as a teacher. Experience in your business means a lot, and it will quickly increase every day. But what is more important is your attitude towards work, towards children, your vision of the role of the educator as a friend, teacher, assistant - above all, respect for the children and for yourself. You will succeed, celebrate your successes every day and praise yourself, don’t be shy. What didn’t work out today will definitely work out tomorrow or in a couple of days. Don't rush things. And remember - everything will be the way you want it. And if the first few days (or, say, a week) children run around the group in some turmoil, you must agree, this is not scary at all, the main thing is that mutual understanding and mutual respect will soon be achieved.

application No. 12

What is important when working in a kindergarten with children and adults?..

1). Understand your functional responsibilities and carefully study the job description.

2). You must have certain psychological attitudes. Children will feel them and will obey. You must be confident in what you say. If you are not confident, the children will play around and run wild. Determine for yourself what is good and what is bad. If you don’t have attitudes, then no fairy tales or playful moments will help you, you will simply feel like one of the children...

3). When addressing children, it is advisable not to shout or whisper. Work on your intonation. You can even practice at home. Sometimes you can speak louder so that the whole group can hear you if you are making a general appeal.

If something is not allowed, then the intonation is one, if you play with children, then the intonation is different. Intonation is very important.

4). Always remember that in theory everything is simpler than in practice. It is important to work on yourself. Education begins with self-education. Be patient with people (Precisely with all the people around you, there are a lot of them in the kindergarten. It can be more difficult with adults than with children).

5). Periodically read books on the topic of education and child psychology. You can find hints in them.

Very good books:

"Communicate with the child. How?", "We continue to communicate with the child. So?", author Yu.B. Gippenreiter.

"From two to five", K.I. Chukovsky.

“A survival book for the school psychologist, teacher, educator, parent. How to stop worrying and start living in harmony with “difficult” children,” by Joyce Divinha.

6). To achieve respect for yourself, you must show it to others. Each child is already an individual who demands respect.

7). You need to be honest with children and obligatory. The words of the teacher should never diverge from the actions. Children will not respect a person who does not believe in what he says.

To work successfully with children, you need to gain their trust and authority. Moreover, this conquest must be carried out from the first minutes of a novice teacher’s stay with children. If you do not have a trusting relationship with your children, then you will have problems with the issue of discipline, which is the main condition for successful and productive work with children.

Where to start? Of course, from the beginning, introduce yourself to the children, tell them something about yourself, get them interested in your personality. Be sure to show interest in each child so that the children understand that you care about them.

8). IN preschool age The main activity of children is play, use this to achieve success. Contact between the teacher and children should be based on play. A real teacher uses play in all areas of children's activities: while walking, during classes, when they wash themselves or go to bed, etc.

9). Look at things realistically. Your task is to help children understand the world, but not to remake them. In each child, already from the first younger group, you can notice both positive and negative traits.

10). Study the experience of your colleagues - their style of communication with children, methods and techniques of organization different types children's activities will enrich your practice. Strive to establish contact with colleagues, be ready to accept their help, try to be useful to them.

Don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. Advice from more experienced teachers is priceless for a beginner. Since they will help an inexperienced teacher avoid many professional mistakes. By listening to their advice, you will show that you respect their teaching experience and they have authority over you.

eleven). Try to solve the problems of a preschool institution on an equal basis with experienced teachers, do not put yourself on a level lower, this will help you gain trust and gain professional experience.

12). The proverb “You are greeted by your clothes...” has not been canceled, so be careful about your appearance: hairstyle, clothes - they must correspond to the status of the teacher.

14). Smile as often as possible - smiling encourages communication.

Conditions in the kindergarten are difficult. There may be many children in the group, among the children there may be people who fight or bite, parents may not understand you, some colleagues may forget how they themselves were without experience and chuckle. People are not Angels. Look at things realistically.

Believe in good result and pedagogical optimism. Without this, working in a kindergarten will not make sense at all. Also remember that we all come from Childhood. This will help you understand children.

Be patient and good luck!

Municipal budget preschool educational institution Kurgan “General developmental kindergarten No. 109 “Crane”

Appendix No. 13

To analyze the process of self-education, a memo has been compiled

1. Did the plan justify itself? How was it combined with the tasks of the preschool educational institution and individual theme self-education.

2. Whose teaching experience and on what issues was studied in accordance with the individual topic of self-education. What literature was studied?

3. Practical conclusions after studying a specific topic (thesis, reports, etc.).

4. Creative cooperation (with a teacher, scientist, methodologist).

5. List of questions that turned out to be difficult in the process of studying literature and work experience.

Appendix No. 15




Any kindergarten modern stage must be an institution that is constantly in search of ways and means that would increase efficiency, optimize, and promote the development of the institution. A preschool institution should strive for the “3 T” model (manufacturability, tolerance, creativity), which arose during the transition to a market economy and determines the success of the educational institution. We must not forget that a preschool educational institution is, first of all, teachers working in it, who must be prepared for constant professional self-development. However, it can often be observed that the work of teachers for years has been reduced to the formal performance of their official duties. Therefore, for continuous professional self-improvement, teachers must have sustainable motivation. Motivation can be both material and moral, leading only to episodic bursts of the teacher’s creative attitude to work.

Portfolio one of the technologies for professional development of teachers, promoting a departure from the formal “accumulation” of material. This type of activity contributes to the development of skills to plan one’s development and analyze the collected information. This technology solves the problem of developing teachers’ motivation for independent research, helping to awaken their interest in organizing the designated type of activity in personal teaching practice, seeing their own changes in work and establishing connections between “previous knowledge” and “new knowledge.”

History of appearance"portfolio"

Portfolio– (from French. porter- to express, form, carry and folio– sheet, page) – dossier, collection of achievements, recording of successes. Concept "portfolio" came to us from Western Europe in the 16th–16th centuries. During the Renaissance, architects presented sketches of their construction projects to clients in a special folder, which was called a “portfolio.” By the beginning of the 21st century, the idea became popular all over the world, including in Russia. Basic meaning portfolio is to show everything you are capable of.

IN Recently, the issues of using portfolios in secondary schools have been actively discussed in the pedagogical literature. Most often we are talking about the student’s portfolio, less often - about the methodological portfolio. What is a portfolio? Is it possible to use it in a preschool?

There are different approaches to defining the concept of “portfolio” (T.G. Novikova, A.S. Prutchenkov, I.Yu. Gaitukaeva, I.G. Yudina, G.K. Selevko, V.K. Zagvozdkin, etc.).

Despite the differences in the justification of the concept, all researchers agree that a portfolio is, first of all, wayfixation, accumulation Andassessment of individual achievements for a certain period.

The main meaning of a portfolio, according to T.G. Novikova, - “show everything you are capable of.”

Thus, the emphasis shifts from what the portfolio author does not know and cannot do, to what he knows and can; there is an integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments, and, most importantly, there is a transfer of “pedagogical emphasis” from assessment to self-assessment. The advantage of the “Portfolio” technology is also that it is aimed at cooperation: teacher and preschooler, teachers and parents, colleagues. And at the same time, it is a form of continuous assessment, a way to improve the educational process.

Technology functions

1.Diagnostic function

2. Goal setting function

3.Motivational function

5. Developmental

Portfolios can be official, professional, business and presented both in text format and in electronic form:

Portfolio as an indicator of achievements:

preschooler's portfolio;

teacher's portfolio;

preschool portfolio;

family portfolio;

portfolio of the team (teaching, creative, children's).

2. By direction: portfolio-property, portfolio-report

3. By goal setting: portfolio of achievements, certification, cumulative, thematic, problematic, evaluation and diagnostic, competitive, reflective

4. By time of creation: short-term; medium-term; long-term.

5. By design: printed version, electronic portfolio (Power Point, Word, website, etc.);


6. By content:

portfolio documents

portfolio works

portfolio reviews

The portfolio may contain sections: documents, works, reviews in quantities from 1 to 3 in various combinations.

Whatever the type of portfolio, it is a set of materials structured in a certain way. Large blocks of materials are called sections, within which headings are distinguished. The number of sections and headings, as well as their topics, may vary and are determined in each individual case. The portfolio structure is built in accordance with the purpose and type.


1. Portrait.


3.Working materials.


Within sections, headings can be identified that help organize the material and form the structure of the section. Rubrics can be mandatory or optional. Mandatory sections are the material that is most important for a given portfolio. Mandatory categories must be specified in the “Portfolio Regulations”. Optional categories, freely chosen by the author, allow you to individualize the content, structure, volume and design of the portfolio.

The number of required headings should be limited - necessary and sufficient to reflect the characteristics of the type of portfolio. The number of selected headings is specified for each type separately. The content of a section is determined by its name, the volume - by the purpose of the material that is included in it, the structure and design - by the individual characteristics of the author.

We offer questions and tips to help you write

How to become a successful teacher? How many people ask this question... Is there a formula for success for a teacher?

It seems to me that I have found my formula for success. Children are delicate and sensitive little people. They immediately sense the falseness. You can’t even imagine how difficult it was to join a group of teenagers after training to be a teacher. primary classes. Where my age was 4-5 years older than the pupils orphanage. I was helped by mentors who had worked for many years with children who found themselves in difficult life situations.

I give the first place in the teacher’s success formula to mentoring professional teachers, their method of work, proven, tested.
Going only the beaten path is not for me. I wanted to stand out with something, to show that I didn’t study in vain, that I was taught to invent, to interest. With the help of educational methodological literature and the experience of others, I began to compile my own notes, conduct and learn lessons. I still carry out some events, since the students are constantly changing. After the first approbation, I put others aside and completely forget about them.

Second place is practice. Only through joint activities with students do you understand what children need, what is interesting to them and in what form.

You can't follow children's lead. They quickly lead you in their own direction, and it is impossible to achieve the result you need. You need to introduce rules for yourself, follow them and demand the same from your children. I think the most important thing is to finish what you start. I teach children to take on small things, but complete them, or divide the work among everyone, and do complex things piece by piece, and then put them together into a single whole. It is quite difficult for my students to immediately achieve success in any business. It is difficult to start speaking and speaking in public. Do a craft and see what you come up with. Strive to do even better next time.

Third place is to see the end result of any undertaking. This is relevant for children with disabilities. The main thing is that the result is not delayed. If this can be done in one lesson, then the students should receive the final result at the end of it. If this is a project, then at each stage you should see the result: what was done and why. Why are we doing this? How we will use it later.

Gathering in a group from all over the region, children get to know each other, get to know each other and their teachers. Sometimes this acquaintance takes a long time and is difficult. The guys often shed tears and miss their family and friends. The teacher’s task is to temporarily become a close person. Start performing actions together: playing together, making appliqués together (some using a template, some ready-made, some falling into the frame of what is shown, and great, well done). At the end of the quarter, you become family, and the students no longer want to part with you.

The fourth place is a joint activity that connects the hearts of children and the teacher.

I believe that by following these seemingly simple rules, the teacher will achieve success in his professional activities!

Walk structure:


2. Outdoor games: 2-3 games of high mobility, 2-3 games of low and medium mobility, games of children’s choice, didactic games.

3.Individual work with children on the development of movements and physical qualities.

4.Children's work on the site.

5.Independent play activity.

The sequence of structural components of a walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity. If the children were in an activity that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at the beginning of the walk it is advisable to conduct outdoor games, jogging, and then observations. If before the walk there was physical education or music lesson, the walk begins with observation or calm game. Each of the required components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of independent activity.


A large part of the walks is devoted to observations (pre-planned) of natural phenomena and social life. Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual children.

IN younger age Observations should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright and interesting. IN older age observations should last between 15 and 20 minutes. They should be carried out daily, but each time children should be offered different objects to consider.

Objects of observation can be:

  • Wildlife: plants and animals;
  • Inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams);
  • Adult labor. Observations of the work of adults (janitor, driver, builder, etc.) are organized 1-2 times a quarter.

Types of observation:

  • Short-term observations are organized to form information about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon (children learn to distinguish shape, color, size, spatial arrangement of parts and the nature of the surface, and when familiarizing themselves with animals, characteristic movements, sounds made, etc.
  • Long-term observations are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, and seasonal changes in nature. Children compare the observed state of the object with what was before.

When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence:

1. facts are established;

2. connections are formed between parts of the object;

3. children’s ideas are accumulating;

4. comparisons are made;

5. conclusions are drawn and connections are made between the observation being carried out now and those carried out earlier.

The surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity to organize interesting and varied observations.

Outdoor games

The leading place during the walk is given to games, mainly active ones. They develop basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, and develop moral qualities.

The choice of game depends on the time of year, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start your walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, and jumping. Cheerful and exciting games Help children better cope with cold weather. In damp, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games that do not require a lot of space should be organized.

Games with jumping, running, throwing, and balance exercises should also be carried out in warm spring weather. summer days and early autumn.

During walks, plotless folk games with objects, such as grandmothers, ring throws, skittles, can be widely used, and in older groups - elements of sports games: volleyball, basketball, gorodki, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey. In hot weather, water games are held.

Time for outdoor games and physical exercise on a morning walk:
in younger groups - 6 - 10 minutes,
on average - 10-15 minutes,
in senior and preparatory classes - 20-25 minutes.
On an evening walk:
in junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes,
in senior and preparatory classes - 12-15 minutes.

Every month, learn 2-3 outdoor games (repeat for a month and reinforce 3-4 times a year)

INyounger age Games with text (imitation of the teacher’s actions) are recommended.

IN middle group The teacher distributes roles among the children (the role of the driver is performed by a child who can cope with this task).

In the senior and preparatory group Relay races, sports games, and games with elements of competition are held.

Outdoor games end with walking or low-mobility play, which gradually reduces physical activity.

Children are not allowed to walk for long periods of time without moving. . Children with reduced mobility and low initiative require special attention and should be involved in outdoor games.

During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with kids:
for some he organizes a ball game,
throwing at a target,
for others - an exercise in balance,
for others - jumping from tree stumps, stepping over trees, running down hills.

Games with a high level of movement intensity should not be played at the end of the morning walk before leaving the site, as children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite.

In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in basic movements, the walk also includes sports entertainment (exercises) . In the summer it’s cycling, hopscotch, in the winter it’s sledding, ice skating, sliding on ice paths, and skiing.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys and equipment. Before entering the room, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, carefully fold and put things in lockers. They change their shoes, put their suit and hair in order and go to the group.

Conducting a parent meeting

Ten secrets when holding a parent meeting

A parent meeting is a necessary attribute of preschool life. How to make it interesting and productive? They can be especially useful for a novice teacher.

1. To hold a parent-teacher meeting, choose the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor the parents of your students have any important activities, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Determine the one most important problem affecting the students in your group, and build a conversation with parents around it.

3. Special attention Please note the placement of parents at the meeting. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can clearly see and hear each other.

4. Prepare business cards with the parents' names, especially if they don't know each other well yet.

5. Together with your parents, come up with rules for meeting participants. For example: shoot outerwear Necessarily; Silence is not allowed when discussing a problem; when rejecting a proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter proposal; call each other by first name and patronymic or only by first name, etc.

6. Protect the time of people invited to the meeting. To this end, establish regulations and strictly monitor their compliance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication at a meeting relaxed and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of members of the parent committee.

10. Strive to ensure that concrete decisions are made at the meeting.

Rules of conduct for a teacher at a parent meeting

One of the main and most common forms with all parents is the parent meeting.

Parent meetings can be;

· organizational;

· current or thematic;

· final;

· general garden and group.

A parent meeting is naturally considered to be no less complex a “genre” than holding an educational activity. Here, two parties involved in the general educational process meet - teachers and parents - in order to listen to each other and discuss the main problems of the third, most important party - children.

1. The teacher needs to relieve his own stress and anxiety before meeting with parents.

2. Using speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the problems that most concern them. Convince them that the kindergarten and family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

4. You should talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that parents of all pupils - both successful and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child.

5. The result of your joint work at the parent meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising their children they can always count on your support and help.

Rules for working with children with behavioral characteristics

Rules for working with anxious children

1. Avoid competitions and any type of work that involves speed.

2. Do not compare your child with others.

3. Trust your child, be honest with him and accept him for who he is.

4. Use physical contact and relaxation exercises more often.

5. Help increase your child’s self-esteem by praising him more often, but so that he knows why.

6. Address your child by name more often.

7. Demonstrate examples of confident behavior, be an example to your child in everything.

8. Do not make excessive demands on your child. If a child has difficulty in any academic subject, it is better to once again help him and provide support, and if he achieves even the slightest success, do not forget to praise.

9. Be consistent in raising your child. Do not prohibit without any reason what was previously allowed.

10. Try to make fewer comments to your child.

11. Use punishment only as a last resort. Don't humiliate your child by punishing him.

12. When communicating with a child, do not undermine the authority of other significant adults.

13. Be patient, as instant results are difficult to achieve.

14. If the child’s fears do not go away and are obsessive in nature, seek the help of a specialist.

Rules for working with hyperactive children

1. Work with a hyperactive child individually, with the main attention being paid to distractibility and poor organization of activities.

2. If possible, ignore the challenging behavior of a child with attention deficit disorder and encourage him good behavior.

3. During lessons, it is advisable to limit distractions to a minimum. This can be facilitated, in particular, by the optimal choice of a seat at a desk for a hyperactive child in the center of the class opposite the blackboard.

4. Provide the child with the opportunity to quickly seek help from the teacher in cases of difficulty.

5. Construct training sessions according to a clearly planned, stereotypical schedule.

6. Teach a hyperactive student to use a diary or calendar.

7. Write the tasks offered during the lesson on the board.

8. Only one task is given for a certain period of time.

9. Dose the student to complete a large task, offer it in the form of successive parts and periodically monitor the progress of work on each part, making the necessary adjustments.

10. During the school day, provide opportunities for motor “release”: physical labor, sports exercises.

Rules for working with aggressive children

1. When presenting your demands to your child, take into account not your desires, but his capabilities.

2. Nip the conflict in the bud by directing the child’s interest in a different direction.

3. Teach your child how to communicate properly with peers and adults.

4. Expand your child's horizons.

5. Include the child in joint activities, emphasizing his importance in the task being performed.

6. Ignore mild manifestations of a child’s aggressiveness, do not focus the attention of others on it.

7. Establish a strict ban on the child’s aggressive actions. Try to understand the reasons for the child’s protest and resistance and eliminate them.

8. Include aggressive actions in the context of the game and give them a new socially acceptable and emotionally charged meaning.

You need to fight aggression:

1. Patience;

2. Explanation: Explain to your child why his behavior is wrong, but be as brief as possible.

3. Distraction. Try to offer your child something more attractive than what he is trying to do.

4. Slowness. Do not rush to punish the child, wait until the action is repeated.

5. Awards. If you praise your child for good behavior, instead of considering it normal, then this alone will awaken in him the desire to hear your praise again.

GCD evaluation criteria.

Cheat sheet for a novice teacher.

Training should be:

1) scientific,
2) problematic,
3) visual,
4) educational,
5) accessible,
6) systematic and consistent,
7) durable,
8) developing,
9) raising:




During the GCD methods used:

1. Explanatory and illustrative.
2. Reproductive.
3. Partial search engines.
4. Research. Organizational activities of the teacher.
5. Teacher’s readiness for GCD.
6. GCD target setting.
7. Sanitary and hygienic standards.
8. Individual work.
9. Norms for assessing knowledge.
10. Availability of feedback.
11. Rational use of time.
12. Organization of the workplace.
13. Practical skills and abilities.
14. Independent work.
15. Self-control and self-esteem.
16. Collective, individual, group work.
17. Speech development, quality of children’s answers.

This system of constructing, conducting and analyzing GCD helps our teachers to work, and our kids to gain the necessary knowledge and prepare for school with interest and ease, without noticing that you are being taught.

Ten secrets when holding a parent meeting

A parent meeting is a necessary attribute of preschool life. How to make it interesting and productive? They can be especially useful for a novice teacher.

1. To hold a parent-teacher meeting, choose the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor the parents of your students have any important activities, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Determine the one most important problem affecting the students in your group, and build a conversation with parents around it.

3. Pay particular attention to the placement of parents at the meeting. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can clearly see and hear each other.

4. Prepare business cards with the parents' names, especially if they don't know each other well yet.

5. Together with your parents, come up with rules for meeting participants. For example: it is necessary to remove outer clothing; Silence is not allowed when discussing a problem; when rejecting a proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter proposal; call each other by first name and patronymic or only by first name, etc.

6. Protect the time of people invited to the meeting. To this end, establish regulations and strictly monitor their compliance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication at a meeting relaxed and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of members of the parent committee.

10. Strive to ensure that concrete decisions are made at the meeting.

Rules of conduct for a teacher at a parent meeting

One of the main and most common forms with all parents is the parent meeting.

Parent meetings can be;

· organizational;

· current or thematic;

· final;

· general garden and group.

A parent meeting is naturally considered to be no less complex a “genre” than holding an educational activity. Here, two parties involved in the general educational process meet - teachers and parents - in order to listen to each other and discuss the main problems of the third, most important party - children.

1. The teacher needs to relieve his own stress and anxiety before meeting with parents.

2. Using speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the problems that most concern them. Convince them that the kindergarten and family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

4. You should talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that parents of all pupils - both successful and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child.

5. The result of your joint work at the parent meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising their children they can always count on your support and help.

Stages of parent meeting.

Stage 1. Organizing a parent meeting.

This stage, of course, begins with setting the agenda for the meeting and inviting all participants to it.

When preparing the meeting, you should also consider organizing the attendance of parents. Practice shows that this part of the work is important. It is very important to create an atmosphere of anticipation for the parent meeting: invite parents in advance, send out personal invitations, prepare albums and video materials covering the life of children in kindergarten. Prepare letters of gratitude in advance for those parents whose children took part in competitions and exhibitions. The organizational part of the preparation stages is completed by the design of the room for holding a parent meeting in it.

Stage 2. Preparing the script and holding the meeting.

The script and conduct of the meeting is the subject of the teacher’s creativity. The teacher knows the parents of the group better and is sensitive to their mood. However, any meeting should, in our opinion, include 5 mandatory components;

- Analysis of the achievements of the children in the group. In this part of the parent meeting, the teacher introduces parents to the general results of the children’s activities; From the very beginning, it is worth warning parents that they will receive answers to private questions only during a personal meeting.

- Familiarizing parents with the state of the socio-emotional climate in the group. The teacher shares observations about the behavior of children in situations that are significant to them. The topic of conversation can be relationships, speech, and appearance children, and other issues. Obviously, parents must understand the mission of kindergarten as the first institution of socialization in which the child gains experience interacting with other children and adults is very important.

It is unnecessary to remind you of the need to be extremely delicate and avoid negative assessments of a particular child, and even more so of a parent. This part of the meeting should not be turned into a list of “childhood sins.”

Psychological- pedagogical meeting. It is important to remember that the task of increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents is one of the most important tasks. It’s not a bad idea to offer parents information about the latest pedagogical literature, interesting exhibitions, films, etc.

Discussion of organizational issues(excursions, purchase of benefits, etc.) consists of two components: a report on the work done and information on upcoming activities.

Personal conversations with parents. At this stage, the number one object of attention should be the parents of children with problems in education and development.

The difficulty is that very often these parents, fearing criticism, avoid parent-teacher meetings, and the teacher should strive to provide them with a sense of security, to make it clear that they are not being judged here, but are trying to help. The tactic of joining is very effective: “I understand you!”, “I agree with you!”

Stage 3. Understanding the results of the parent meeting.

Summing up the meeting begins at the meeting itself: it is necessary to draw a conclusion, formulate the necessary decisions, and provide information about the next meeting. It is important to find out the parents’ attitude towards the meeting; it is wise to prepare in advance the necessary questionnaires for the parents’ assessments and wishes; all this will later become the subject of reflection. The subject of the analysis will also have to be the personal composition of parents who remained for a personal conversation, questions from parents during the meeting, the attendance of parents, reasons for absence, participation of parents in the discussion, etc. Information about the results of the parent meeting should be communicated to the administration.

Working with parents.

Organizing interaction with the group staff requires the teacher to adhere to certain rules of communication with children’s families.

· The teacher must be sincere and respectful in communicating with each family;

· Communication with the child’s parents should serve not only to harm, but to benefit the child;

· Studying children's families should be tactful and objective;

· The study of children's families should involve further education of parents and corrective work.

When studying children's families, the teacher should pay attention to the following information about the child's family:

· general information about parents or people replacing them;

· living conditions and family and its material security;

· educational level of the family, parents’ interests in kindergarten and the child’s life in kindergarten;

· level pedagogical culture parents;

· the degree of significance of the educational influence of parents on the child:

· family traditions, customs and rituals;

· the child’s position in the family (favorable, unfavorable);

· educational opportunities of the family.

Studying families allows the teacher to get to know the child himself, understand the way of life of his family, its traditions and customs, spiritual values, and the style of relationship between parents and children.

To be heard.

The main task of any informant is to make himself heard, that is, in principle, listen to exactly what he wanted to say. Most of the techniques used are aimed at solving this problem.

Starting a conversation.

The main requirement is that the beginning of the conversation should be brief, effective and clear in content. Here are some tips.

Think carefully and write down the first 2-3 sentences of your speech on a piece of paper. They should sound as calm and clear as possible, even against the background of your understandable excitement.

Introduce yourself correctly (if this is your first meeting). Briefly, but emphasizing those aspects of your status and role in relation to children that will form the basis of your authority and significance in the eyes of your parents.

Never start with an apology, even if the start of the meeting was delayed, discrepancies or some misunderstandings arose. We can simply state that the meeting did not start somewhat as planned. An apology will immediately put you at the bottom and reduce the subjective value of your information in the eyes of your listeners.

It is important to start the conversation in silence. Find a way to get attention. It is advisable to do this in a non-standard way. Start the conversation by outlining the very logic of the meeting, its main stages: “From the beginning, you and I...”, “Then we will consider...”, “At the end of the conversation, we will have...”.

Designate the place for questions and remarks from parents during the meeting. For example, you can say that it is better to ask questions right away, as the information is being presented. Or, conversely, ask your parents to listen to you completely first and then ask questions. You can say that you will answer all the questions that will be asked during your monologue later, but for now you will record them for yourself.

It would be great if, after all the organizational issues you will be able to change the position of the listeners, make it more included, relaxed. To do this, cite some recent incident from the life of the group, show something funny or interesting done by the children, etc. If the parents do not know each other, be sure to introduce them.