How to wash a child's hair. How to wash your child's hair without crying. Practical advice on what to do when a child does not want to wash his hair

Hello, dear friends, readers of the blog "". Today I want to touch on a question that worries many parents: what to do if the child does not want to wash his hair? I used to ask this question too – first with my son, then with my daughter. I kept thinking how to wash a child's hair without tears, vomiting, crying throughout the apartment.

With all this, both children really loved and love to swim, I can probably spend hours in the bathroom, splashing in the water, launching boats, fish, pouring water from one container to another, just splashing my palms in the water. They weren’t even against washing the body every day, but the head was a taboo. And seeing that, I began to think about how to solve the problem. Still, it’s not pleasant to see your beloved baby crying while washing. In the end, I found a way out. Now we wash our hair without tears and the child no longer categorically declares that he does not want to wash his hair.

Children, unlike adults, have light, thin hair, and the scalp is very sensitive. For this reason, children need to wash their hair with special shampoos that are designed specifically for babies. It is best if you constantly buy shampoo of the same brand. This way you will already know for sure that this is a proven shampoo and the child definitely does not have any reactions or allergies to it. For example, for 5 years now (since Leni was born) we have been buying washing products of only one brand.

How often to wash your child’s hair with shampoo depends on the child’s age:

  • Children under 1 year old should wash their hair with detergent 1-2 times a week. If you wash your child’s hair more often, the skin film may be damaged, which will cause dryness. To wash your hair, it is better to use mild baby shampoo rather than soap.
  • Children over 1 year of age are recommended to wash their hair 1-2 times a week with “tearless” shampoo. This will allow the baby to get used to the procedure, and he will not be afraid to wash his hair.

How to wash a child's hair

The child does not want to wash his hair and is afraid. What to do? Play!

If every time washing a child’s hair is accompanied by tears, hysterics, and screams throughout the apartment. Then try to distract your baby by turning hair washing into fun game.

  1. Toy. Take your child's favorite toy, such as a doll, into the bath. And offer to wash her hair. Everything is like “for real” - pour water on your hair, soap it, rinse it off. We comment on all this, saying that the doll likes to wash her hair, now she will have clean, well-groomed, beautiful hair.
  2. Own example. My daughter constantly cried as soon as we talked about washing her hair - I saw that she was simply afraid to wash her hair. Then I offered her to wash my hair - my daughter agreed. Well, of course - she will wash her mother’s hair herself, her eyes shone and she quickly ran to the bathroom. I handed the shower to my daughter, turned on the warm water, leaned over the bathtub and my daughter watered my hair (I held her handle with my hand so that the water wouldn’t spill past). Then I applied shampoo to my head, and my daughter happily “soaped” my hair with her hands. Then they washed off the shampoo together and dried their hair. I made it clear to my daughter that there is nothing wrong with washing her hair, that my mother is not afraid to wash her hair and she shouldn’t. After this, my daughter became calmer about washing, well, my mother also washes her hair and doesn’t cry at all, but even rejoices and smiles.
  3. Let's draw. To prevent water from getting into the baby’s eyes, I suggested that my daughter raise her head up and look at the ceiling. But she was bored just looking at the ceiling (well, who would like that). Then, knowing that my daughter loves to draw, I squeezed a little toothpaste onto the wall of the bathtub just above her height and suggested that she draw. My daughter happily agreed and started drawing. At the same time, she had to raise her head higher, because otherwise she could not see what she was drawing there, and in the meantime I was busy washing my hair.
  4. I myself. My daughter is now in the “on my own” period and she enjoys doing everything herself. So I decided to take advantage of this. As always, we went for a swim, turned on the warm water and I suggested that my daughter wash her hair herself. The baby, of course, agreed. I handed the shower into her hands and she poured water on her hair herself (I held her hand with mine, directing the stream). Then we tried to wash our hair ourselves, having received new positive impressions, there was no time for tears.
  5. Foam crown. Another one interesting game, which diversifies hair washing. Place your baby in front of the bathroom mirror and show him what interesting shapes you can make from hair and foam.

That's all the secrets on how to wash a child's hair. Now, if a child is afraid to wash his hair, you know what to do. The most important thing is patience and love. The baby will definitely outgrow this age and love washing his hair. If you have your own secrets on how to wash your child’s hair, write in the comments, it will be interesting to read.

The baby requires close attention and care, care and tenderness. One of frequently asked questions Mom: How often should you wash your baby’s hair? Children's doctors do not give a clear answer, however, there is useful recommendations, which will help you understand how often to wash your child’s hair.

Newborn baby under three months of age

It is recommended that babies aged 0 to 3 months wash their hair daily, as the baby is constantly lying down and may sweat or, for example, burp after eating. And growing up is more fun in cleanliness and comfort. While the child is still very small, it is too early to talk about shampoos. It will be enough to rinse your hair with warm running water.

As early as 2 months, you can try introducing special foams for bathing, but be sure to make sure that they are intended for your age.

From 3 to 1 year of age, you can shampoo your baby's head on average 2 times a week. However, it is worth considering the fact that if it is hot outside, the baby plays sports and actively sweats, then you can wash your hair more often if necessary.

How often should you wash your baby's hair after one year?

After a year, it is enough to wash your hair once a week, again focusing on the circumstances - how often the head gets dirty, how often the child sweats. In general, sebum production in children is much slower than in adults, so there are cases when a child’s head remains clean for two or even three weeks. Everything is conditioned physiological characteristics, the child’s lifestyle and properly selected shampoo.

Until the age of two, we washed our hair with Mustela shampoo, in general I was satisfied with it - hypoallergenic, without unnecessary fragrances, the child did not cry.

Now we are 5 and our daughter already chooses the shampoos she will use, most often focusing on delicious smells or cartoon characters on the packaging. These come in packages with animals, Winx Fairies or princesses.

Our last purchase was shampoos and shower gels from Happy Moments - we took shampoos and shower gel with the Little Fairy, and could not pass by Drakosha - his melon scents simply captivate the packaging. I’ll tell you a secret, at one time I bought Drakosha for myself, I really like the scent. All products are suitable for children over one year old, do not sting the eyes, foam well and have very pleasant smells that children like.

Here are our current favorites:

How to properly wash a child's hair

The first thing you need to do is choose a suitable children's shampoo according to age; pay attention to those shampoos that are labeled “no tears”, this will help you turn bathing into a fun game, and not into an unpleasant moment that should soon end.

Check the water temperature. Pediatricians advise washing a child’s hair with water within 36-37 degrees, however, the baby can vary this range himself. For example, for my daughter, what I feel is cold seems hot to her.

Apply the shampoo directly to the scalp and massage it into a foam using circular movements. If your hair is long, then simply run the resulting foam over it, gently moving it through.

It is better to rinse your hair with warm water. If cosmetologists recommend a contrast shower for adults at the end, then it is better not to do this for children, since the dilated vessels of the scalp after warm water may react inadequately to a sharp temperature change.

It is better to dry your hair with a towel, without using a hair dryer and without damaging children's hair. There are comfortable towel caps that absorb excess moisture after washing and help your hair dry faster.

It is better to comb dry hair, because when the hair is wet, it is more brittle and susceptible to negative mechanical influences.

The most important thing is to make washing your hair a fun procedure that brings joy to the child and good mood. You need to develop a habit so that in the future your baby will be happy to go to the bathroom.

The first days after the baby arrives at home are exciting for parents. In the maternity hospital, care was provided by experienced health workers. Their confident actions seemed simple and natural. When the mother was left alone with the baby, each aspect of everyday life began to raise a number of questions.

Maintaining hygiene is important for a child's health. Should a newborn's hair be washed on the first day after arriving from a medical facility?

When and how often can you wash your newborn's hair?

Sometimes it seems to parents that this little angel, who smells pleasantly of milk, is completely clean and they can put off bathing. Doctors recommend not to delay water procedures. Keeping your skin clean will help prevent inflammation on your delicate skin.

The head is the part of the baby’s body that first needs to be cleansed.

It is quite difficult for a baby to get the first drops of milk, so she often sweats from exertion. An unpleasant odor occurs.

The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been adjusted. Seborrheic crusts appear in 50% of infants.

Properly performed hair washing will help get rid of unpleasant phenomena.

The baby is bathed on the first day after arriving home. If this is not possible, then bathe the child as soon as it appears.

Important! If the child received a BCG vaccination on the day of discharge, bathing should be postponed to the next day.

Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, take only boiled water. It is convenient to wash the crumbs in a small bath. Soothing or wound-healing herbal decoctions are added there if necessary.

To avoid errors in measurements, the temperature in the container is checked with two thermometers. It should be in the range of 36-37 degrees. You can’t rely only on your own feelings, because adults are more tolerant of hot or cold water.

The cleansing procedure must be carried out daily. It is optimal to choose the time between feedings so that the baby is full and calm. Children should not be bathed immediately after feeding. Pouring water over a full tummy can provoke regurgitation. Most often, evening time is chosen, then bathing becomes part of the general ritual of going to bed. But this is not at all necessary. You can carry out water procedures during the daytime. It is advisable to just stick to the chosen time constantly.

Preparing to wash your hair

30 minutes before bathing, lubricate the head with Vaseline oil and gently massage for 3-5 minutes. The baby spends the rest of the time in a cap. This helps soften the dead skin flakes and make them easier to remove.

Waiting for it to work softening composition, you can organize a place for swimming. The bathroom is a cramped space where it is inconvenient for several family members to be present. High humidity makes staying uncomfortable for adults. A baby who is taken out of the warm steam into an apartment runs the risk of catching a cold due to the temperature difference.

Kitchen is perfect for water procedures:

  • no need to carry boiled water far;
  • It is convenient to place the bath directly on the table;
  • a changing mat is also placed there;
  • all means for treating the umbilical wound are at hand;
  • there is no difference in temperature and humidity.

When everything is ready to take a bath, remove the cap and carefully comb your hair with a baby brush with soft bristles.

Care should be taken to keep the bathing container clean. It is washed with an antibacterial agent, rinsed thoroughly and doused with boiling water. Only then fill clean water required temperature.

Even before entering the maternity hospital, you need to buy everything you might need on the first day. Bathing products are included in this list.

There are a huge number of baby shampoos in different price categories. When choosing from this set, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. There should be no strong aromatic fragrances. The child’s defense system is still imperfect, and the pleasant smell that the mother loves can cause an allergic reaction in him.
  2. Not acceptable bright colors, it is desirable that the liquid be transparent or have a light natural tint.
  3. The absence of sulfates is a toxin that is not excreted from the body.
  4. The high density of the liquid will prevent it from dripping. It will be easier to avoid contact with the eyes. Density will ensure economical use.
  5. It’s good if the composition contains extracts of chamomile, string, and calendula. It should be remembered that although they are useful, they can cause individual intolerance.
  6. Marking 0+. Note! Not all baby shampoos can be used from birth.

While the child is very young, it is not necessary to buy a separate product for washing your hair. Can be used liquid soap or baby bathing gel. The selection criteria are the same as for shampoo. Correctly selected the product will do to cleanse the body from head to toe.

Traditionally, the classical baby soap, the release form of which is a solid bar. It has now been proven to cause dry skin. Therefore, having settled on this type of cleanser, you need to carefully observe whether peeling or tightness appears.

Choose trusted manufacturers of children's cosmetics:

  • Eared Nanny;
  • Our mother;
  • Böbchen;
  • Josnons Baby.

It is recommended to wash your tiny head every day. But don’t be overzealous with using special means. A simple rinse with water is sufficient. I remove sweat and fat secretions from the surface of the skin using shampoo or soap once a week. During the hot season, it is permissible to use cleansing products twice in 7 days.

The tiny body is gradually immersed in water. You should first splash the feet a little or wipe them with a damp hand, only then carefully lower the child into the bath. The head should be above the water surface. It is convenient to use special slides for washing babies. This stand is covered with a thin cotton diaper so that the baby does not slip off.

When the baby has become accustomed to the new environment, they begin to wash the head. To do this, water the hairs little by little from the face to the back of the head, preventing liquid from getting into the ears. While the child is very small, washcloths are not used. The best remedy- mother's tender hands.

A drop of water is diluted in the hand detergent and gently rub into the scalp with massaging strokes. The fingers slide progressively, not missing the fontanelle. Despite the apparent vulnerability, this area is reliably protected. Gentle parental touch will only bring benefits.

Light circular movements of the index and thumb stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, improve blood supply to tissues and accelerate the growth of new hairs. Tactile contact calms the baby.

Prevent the formation of excessive foam. It may get into your eyes or ears. Even if the gentle composition does not cause a burning sensation, contact with mucous membranes should not be allowed.

Additional Information! Any product purchased for child care is first tested on yourself.

Wash off the shampoo or soap with your hand, also towards the back of the head from the forehead. The shampoo is not reused. One application is enough. It is important to completely remove the cleanser.

After swimming

The steamed skin is not rubbed, but dried with wet touches of a towel or diaper. When the hairs are dry, comb them thoroughly again. Movements should be light, avoid areas where scales are visible, special attention. If there are birth crusts, they will not disappear in one go. You need to be patient and periodically perform a simple sequence of actions.

Carefully cut off the tangled ends. If you do not do this right away, a larger hairball may form that will be impossible to untangle.

Attention! Make sure there is no water in the ears. They are cleaned with turundas, removing sulfur and excess moisture. A drop of liquid will cause serious discomfort when sucking.

If the room is warm and there are no drafts, then you can let the skin breathe. In the cold season, immediately after swimming, put on a cap. Leave it for about an hour.

During the day, it is advisable to avoid wearing a hat. In a cap, the head overheats, sweats more often and gets more dirty.

A careful approach to hygiene issues will ensure that your child remains healthy. By following simple tips on how to wash a newborn baby’s hair, parents will teach him to love water procedures.

Video: caring for the skin of a newborn’s face and head

An advertisement for one very famous shampoo for children shows us a child who happily lets his hair be washed. Only in reality, many children resist this “terrible” procedure and agree to it only after much persuasion. If you are familiar with a similar situation, do not despair. Use our recommendations - and your baby will begin to enjoy bathing and washing his hair without tears, stress and whims.

  1. Wash your hair in a good mood. Before water procedures, feed your child well, make sure that he is healthy and not tired, otherwise he will begin to be capricious during bathing. Go to the bathroom when you are both in a good mood: your baby will associate washing her hair with a pleasant pastime, so the whims will soon pass.
  2. Try a different shampoo. It is possible that the previous remedy stung the child’s eyes, and now he is simply afraid that the unpleasant sensations will repeat. Buy baby shampoo that says "tear-free" - these won't irritate your eyes.
  3. Cover your baby's ears. Tears and whims can also be caused by water that gets into the ears when rinsing your head, causing discomfort. In this case they will help cotton balls, with which you need to cover your ears before swimming.
  4. Use a special visor for washing your hair. This excellent remedy against whims during bath procedures. The visor will reliably protect the baby’s face and eyes from soap suds, and the streams of water flowing down the grooves will distract and entertain him in the bathroom. We do not recommend using visors frequently and regularly, because... The child will quickly get used to them, and you will have to take him with you everywhere - both on vacation and on visits. And every time the visor is missing for one reason or another, the baby will most likely cry.
  5. Wash your hair properly. Ask the child to look up so that water does not get on his face, while you pour water on your head from the forehead to the back of the head.
  6. Let your child do everything himself. Let him feel like an adult and try to wash his hair himself: wet his hair, lather it with shampoo, rinse off the foam with water. The baby will understand that washing his hair is not at all scary, so this procedure will no longer cause whims. Tell him that he is too old to worry about such a trifle as washing his hair, everyone washes it. Encourage him. Arrange a “show” for him - show grandma or dad that he knows how to wash his hair like adults.
  7. Come up with a defense. Invite your child to wear a diving mask or swimming goggles in the bathroom. In this fun way you will protect your child's face and eyes from soap suds and give him a feeling of security. After all, the right emotional mood is very important when learning to wash your hair.
  8. Play with foam. Children love games: lather the little one’s head and offer to make funny shapes from the foam - horns, a crown, a comb like a cockerel. Then show your child his reflection in the mirror - and he will be convinced that this is a very fun activity. Let the child react according to the situation: if it’s a lion, it roars, if it’s a rooster, it crows, etc.
  9. Comment on what is happening. When washing your child’s head, explain to him what you are doing and why. It’s even better to sing a funny “bath” song or read a poem at this time.
  10. Bath day. When telling your child about the benefits of personal hygiene, invite him to give one of his dolls or toys a bath day. Teach your child to wash the hair of everyone in his care. Pay his attention to the fact that none of the dolls were afraid to wash their hair.
  11. Flower. Tell your child that you will play flower with him during bath time. Prepare a baby watering can or a small jug. Explain to your child that the flower needs to be watered so that it grows strong and beautiful. First, you can offer the baby to water it on himself.

Visor for washing hair

Have you tried all possible persuasion and tricks, but tears and whims remain while washing your hair? Just don't scold the baby. Show maximum care, affection and patience: the child will feel safe next to you and will gradually stop perceiving washing his hair as something unpleasant.

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