If crystals break off from the druse. Natural crystals - varieties, properties, extraction and use. Differences between a geode and a druse

What do we know about crystals? For some, crystals are associated with a museum rarity, and for others - with a magical mystery.

In ancient times, only one mineral was called a crystal - transparent quartz (other names: rock crystal, Arabic diamond, Bohemian diamond). Due to its transparency and glassy sheen, the Greeks named it “krystallos”, which means “ice”. Rock crystal was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who believed that it froze so much that it lost the ability to melt. Along with pearls and amber, rock crystal was one of the most popular talismans - vessels and cups, dishes and mirrors, and fortune telling balls were made from it and decorations. Even then, crystal was considered something divine and magnetic, captivating the minds of representatives of various walks of life.

*Rock crystal vase*

Only in the 17th century did the first scientific views on the nature of crystals begin to take shape. Crystals are not only minerals and gems that the earth’s crust is rich in. They surround us everywhere, and many common substances for us are crystals (ice, salt, sugar, etc.). Thus, crystals are solids that have natural form regular polyhedra. They are formed from melt, solution and gas. In nature you can often find minerals consisting of many single crystals. Large homogeneous crystals are rare.

*Perfectly shaped diamond octahedron*

Natural crystals can vary in size: from huge to microscopic. For example, in one of the corners of the Republic of Buryatia a smoky quartz crystal weighing about 70 tons was found, and in the Baikal region valuable lapis lazuli crystals only 2 centimeters long were discovered. The appearance of the same mineral can vary depending on how it grew. Most crystals in nature grow over centuries. However, there are exceptions - crystals of rock (table) salt and copper, sugar and potassium alum. Such specimens can also be grown at home.

*Home-grown copper sulfate crystals*


Crystals nucleate on the substrate (base) in groups or individually. Fusing together, they form drusen. Druse (from German druse - “brush”) is a mineral aggregate of many tightly fused crystals. That is, each of the crystals of the group has an independent shape, and their general arrangement can be absolutely chaotic. The sizes and number of crystals on the substrate can be any. For example, drusen with low crystals (a few millimeters) is called a “brush”. And minerals that resemble buds in appearance, with crystals directed in different directions, are called “flowers.” Such formations fill the walls of voids, and are also found on open surfaces among rocks of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary origin. Drusen often line the walls of cracks and also serve as filling for many geodes.

*Andradite, crystal brush, 7cm*

*Druze of scolecite crystals*

It is interesting that some crystals are formed not only in the earth’s crust, but also come to us along with meteorites. These space stones include millerite, which is an irregularly shaped grain. Millerite usually grows together with other minerals—crystals in calcite veins look especially beautiful.


*Excellent specimen of millerite crystals*

The crystals inside the drusy live in harmony, representing a living organism that forms slowly and gradually. Each crystal influences its neighbors with its own energy, creating powerful energy for the entire group. Therefore, mineral druses are ideal for creating the right atmosphere in the home.

Many of us have probably felt a certain vibration coming from the crystal in our hand. Each mineral has its own energy, which can carry with it positive and negative emotions. But this is a topic for another article. And now I suggest just admiring the fantasy of nature.

*Rose quartz, druse*


*Druze of rhodochrosite"

*Large aragonite druse mined in 1980*

*Druze of amethyst*

*Druze of alexandrite*

*Druze of emerald green crystals and fluorite twins*

*Citrine crystal*

Natural crystals... They are also called beautiful, rare stones or solids. We imagine a crystal stone in the form of a large, bright, transparent or colorless polyhedron with ideal shiny edges. In life, we more often encounter such solid substances in the form of irregularly shaped grains, grains of sand, and debris. But their properties are the same as those of perfect large crystals. Plunge with us into Magic world natural stones crystals, get to know their structure, shapes, types. Well, let's go...

The mystery of crystals

The world of crystals is beautiful and mysterious. Since childhood, multi-colored pebbles have beckoned and attracted us with their beauty. We feel their mystery on an intuitive level and admire their natural natural beauty. People have always wanted to know as much as possible about natural solids, the properties of crystals, the formation of their forms, growth and structure.

The world of these stones is so unusual that you want to look inside them. What will we see there? A picture of endlessly stretching, strictly ordered rows of atoms, molecules and ions will open before your eyes. All of them strictly obey the laws that rule in the world of crystal stones.

Crystalline substances are very widespread in nature, because all rocks are composed of them. And the entire earth's crust consists of rocks. It turns out that you can even grow these unusual substances at home yourself. It is important to note that "crystal" in ancient Greek meant "ice" or "rock crystal".

What is a crystal stone?

What do school textbooks say about crystals? They say that these are solid bodies that are formed under the influence of natural or laboratory conditions and have the appearance of polyhedra. The geometric structure of these bodies is infallibly strict. The surface of crystalline figures is made up of perfect planes - faces that intersect along straight lines called edges. Peaks appear at the intersection points of the edges.

The solid state of matter is a crystal. It has a certain shape, a specific number of faces, depending on the arrangement of the atoms. So, solids in which molecules, atoms, and ions are arranged in a strict pattern in the form of spatial lattice nodes.

We most often associate crystals with rare and beautiful gemstones. And this is not in vain, diamonds are also crystals. But not all solids are rare and beautiful. After all, particles of salt and sugar are also crystals. There are hundreds of substances in their form around us. One of these bodies is considered to be frozen water (ice or snowflakes).

Formation of various crystal forms

In nature, minerals are formed as a result of rock-forming processes. Mineral solutions in the form of hot and molten rocks lie deep underground. When these hot rocks are pushed to the surface of the earth, they cool down. Substances cool very slowly. Minerals form crystals in the form of solids. For example, granite contains the minerals quartz, feldspar and mica.

Each crystal contains a million individual elements (monocrystals). A crystal lattice cell can be represented as a square with atoms at the corners. These can be atoms of oxygen or other elements. It is known that crystals can react to various energies and remember people’s attitudes towards them. This is why they are used for healing and cleansing. Crystals can come in all kinds of shapes. Depending on this, they are divided into 6 large types.

Different types and types of natural solids

Crystal sizes can also vary. All solid bodies are divided into ideal and real. Ideal bodies include bodies with smooth edges, strict long-range order, a certain symmetry of the crystal lattice and other parameters. Real crystals include those that are found in real life. They may contain impurities that reduce the symmetry of the crystal lattice, the smoothness of the faces, and optical properties. Both types of stones are united by the rule of arrangement of atoms in the lattice described above.

According to another division criterion, they are divided into natural and artificial. Natural crystals require natural conditions to grow. Artificial solids are grown in laboratory or home conditions.

According to aesthetic and economic criteria, they are divided into precious and non-precious stones. Precious minerals are rare and beautiful. These include emerald, diamond, amethyst, ruby, sapphire and others.

Structure and forms of accumulations of solids

Single-point crystals refer to hexagonal stones with a pyramidal top. The base of such generator minerals is wider. There are crystals with two peaks - Yin and Yang. They are used in meditation to balance the material and spiritual principles.

Minerals in which 2 of the 6 side faces are wider than all the others are called lamellar. They are used for telepathic healing.

Crystals formed as a result of impacts or cracks, which then decompose into 7 shades, are called rainbow. They relieve depression and frustration.

Minerals with various inclusions of other elements are called ghost crystals. First they stop growing, then other materials settle on them, and then growth around them resumes. Thus, the contours of a mineral that has stopped growing are visible, so it appears ghostly. Such crystals are used to attract crops in garden plots.

Unusual Druze

The Druze are a very beautiful sight. This is a collection of many crystals on one base. They have positive and negative polarity. With their help, the air is purified and the atmosphere is recharged. In nature, druses of quartz, emerald, and topaz are found. They bring peace and harmony to people.

Drusen is also called fused crystals. Most often, garnets, pyrites, and fluorites are susceptible to this phenomenon. They are often exhibited as museum exhibits.

Small fused crystals are called a brush, large minerals are called a flower. Geodes are a very beautiful variety of drusen. They grow on the walls. Drusen can be very small or large. These are very valuable finds. Druze of agate, selenite, amethyst, citrine, and morion are highly valued.

How do crystals store information and knowledge?

Scientists have found that there are triangles on the edges of the crystals, indicating the presence of knowledge in them. This information can only be obtained certain person. If such a person appears, the stones will give him their true insides.

Crystals are capable of transmitting vibrations, awakening higher powers of consciousness, and balancing mental forces. Therefore, they are often used in meditation. Previous civilizations stored information in stones. For example, rock crystal was considered the precious stone of the gods. Crystals were revered as living beings. Even "cosmos" had the original meaning of "precious stone."


It is important to note that gem crystals in their raw form are not that beautiful. They are also called stones or minerals. They are called precious because they are very beautiful when cut and are used in jewelry. Many people are familiar with the precious stones amethysts, diamonds, sapphires, rubies.

Diamond is considered the hardest stone. A fragile crystal of grassy green color - emerald. A variety of the red mineral corundum is ruby. Deposits of this crystal exist on almost all continents. What is considered his undeniable ideal? Burmese rubies. Ruby deposits in the Russian Federation are located in the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.

What other expensive minerals are there? Sapphires are transparent precious crystals of various colors - from pale blue to dark blue. Although this is a rare mineral, it is valued lower than ruby.

An expensive variety of quartz is the beautiful gemstone amethyst. It was once inserted by the high priest Aaron among the 12 stones of his pectoral. Amethyst has a beautiful violet or lilac tint.

Russian diamonds

So, the hardest crystal - diamond - is mined from kimberlite pipes formed as a result of underground volcanic eruptions. The crystal lattice of this stone is formed under the influence of high temperature and high pressure carbon.

Diamond mining in Russia began in Yakutia only in the middle of the last century. Today, the Russian Federation is already a leader in the extraction of these precious stones. Every year billions of rubles are allocated for diamond mining in Russia. It is worth noting that there are several carats of diamonds per ton of kimberlite pipes.

In this article:

Minerals are sold on the market in different forms, and one of them is druse. The name says practically nothing, so many people want to know what a stone druse is and what its advantages are over other forms of minerals. There are also a lot of rumors about her magical abilities, appearance drusen and its health benefits.

Amethyst druse

What does a druse look like?

So, druses are minerals that are fused crystals. Garnets, fluorites and pyrites most often grow together. Such specimens are not sold in all stores; more often they are exhibited in museums. The shape of the crystal depends on the process of its growth.

Drusen is a consequence of crystal growth. It is believed that this form can be called two or more stones that have grown together. In how a druse, for example, an agate, was formed, scientists distinguish the following stages:

  • The appearance of stone embryos that settle on the wall of the substrate, most often in cracks of another stone.
  • Growth in an involuntary order.
  • The contact of two crystals during growth.
  • The accretion of crystals that grew perpendicular to the base. The remaining crystals stop the growth process upon contact. That is, a selection process occurs and a full-fledged strong druse is formed.

If small crystals grow together, then this type is called brush. Stones that have a common base, but then grow, are called a flower. Geodes can also be called druses, only they form on the walls. Moreover, the size of the drusen can be small, only within a few veins, but even such specimens are valuable finds.

Among the varieties of drusen there are the following specimens:

  • druse of agate stone;
  • selenite druse;
  • amethyst druse;
  • citrine druse;
  • drusen morion.

Properties of druzy

From an energetic and magical point of view, the druse is a symbol of harmony, as it indicates how several crystals get along to form one stone. Thus, even though crystals of the same type grow together in a druse, and not different minerals, each of them still brings its own energy and affects neighboring stones. The stone is an example to follow and at the same time a talisman for many families. Such an instance will not only decorate a room in the house, but will also cleanse it of the negative influence of strangers.

At the same time, in order to achieve results, the druse should be kept in a visible place, and not hidden in boxes. If the druse is under the sun during the day and under the light of the moon at night, then the stone will bring material wealth to the house. However, remember that crystals cannot be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, as they lose color saturation. It is best to place the stone near the computer; it will purify the air and also absorb radiation from the monitor.

Pyrite druse

According to the zodiac sign, Druze are suitable for Leo, Cancer and Aries. Druze is indifferent to other representatives of the signs, but the crystal never attracts negativity. This stone can be kept not only at home, but also in the office, as it helps to motivate team members to work and avoid unpleasant quarrels and intrigues. Raw druses are used as interior decoration.

But if you use a stone for massage, then you have to process and smooth out all the corners. Although in some specimens the upper spikes are left to influence special points on the body. Lithotherapists use only purified stones for massage, such as rock crystal, amethyst, and citrine. But such massage sessions should only be carried out by a specialist, since there is a risk of harming your health on your own. A druse of agate or other stone found illegally may be radioactive.

An amethyst druse is a cluster of gems that are attached to the rock. At its core, druse is an untreated stone that is used in the jewelry industry. It is not difficult to choose a frame for her. It is mainly supplemented with silver or gold. Amethyst particles attached to the rock look very impressive; druses such as quartz or rock crystal are found in nature. But only amethyst is used to make jewelry, and only it is so incredibly popular.

An amethyst druse somewhat resembles a bunch of grapes; the crystals intricately grow together and turn into a cluster of stone. At the same time, it does not require any processing, has a lavender shade, which is so characteristic of amethyst, and for which it has been valued and loved for many years.

Amethyst druse

Crystals fused together rarely have pink tint. Such druses are quite expensive, their cost is equal to precious stones, although amethyst is a semi-precious stone and is inferior in value to diamonds and sapphires.

Stones attached to the rock have unique properties:

  1. They tolerate high temperatures well.
  2. Lose color in water.
  3. They brighten under the rays of sunlight.

If we talk about real amethysts, and not artificial ones, then they withstand the impact quite well high temperatures. You can heat the stone to 200 degrees, it will lighten a little, but after cooling the shade will be restored. If you heat a gem to a temperature of 250 degrees, it will become colorless; The color of the mineral will be partially restored after cooling, but it will not be able to completely return the shade.

If you immerse an amethyst in water, it will become colorless around the edges. In this way, the stone was checked for authenticity hundreds of years ago.

A distinctive feature of the mineral is its ability to change color. Few stones have the chameleon effect; along with amethyst, only alexandrite can boast of similar characteristics.

In the light of the sun, the druse pleases with its violet tint, but in the light of lamps the crystals shine with a delicate pink color.

Place of Birth

Druse amethyst may be found in deposits in the Urals. The lands of this region are rich in various minerals; if we talk about the most popular variety of quartz, then it is in the Urals that stones of the classical purple. The lavender hue makes the crystals priceless; they are known to jewelers around the world under the trade name “deep Siberian”.

The stone is also mined in the following countries:

  1. Mexico.
  2. South America.
  3. Africa.
  4. Uruguay.

The palette of amethyst shades is quite diverse, but the rarest and most expensive ones are mined in the deposits of Uruguay. These gems have a black tint. Brazil has quite a lot of amethysts compared to other countries in the world, but not all of them are different high quality and can be used to make jewelry.

In terms of prevalence, amethyst ranks almost first in the world; it is used not only for the production of jewelry; a low-quality gem acts as an ornamental stone. It is not transparent and may have inclusions in the structure.

Despite its good characteristics (hardness on the Mohs scale 7 points, ease of cutting and processing), amethyst is classified as semiprecious stones, although it is undoubtedly very popular.

Legends and myths

It is believed that the most popular variety of quartz favors widows. In fact, amethyst is a symbol of love and fidelity. In the old days, it was given to a wife or bride in order to preserve feelings.

If a loved one died, the woman would put a ring inlaid with this gem on her finger. Like a symbol eternal love and fidelity, such decoration testified that feelings had not yet cooled down.

The belief that amethyst is a widow's stone arose from a legend that spoke of a woman's endless love for her husband. One day, a man simply did not return from work; his inconsolable wife looked for her beloved everywhere, but never found him. She changed a lot, stopped looking after herself and her children, and one morning she went to the sea and disappeared. Residents of the village where the woman lived were looking for her and when they went ashore, they found stones of a beautiful purple hue.

Amethyst has long been considered the companion of a person who is distinguished by a sober mind and clear memory. For this reason, the gem was always inserted into crowns and goblets. The monarchs believed that the stone would save them from bad habits and will help avoid poisoning.

The Druze were especially loved by members of the clergy; priests decorated icons and crosses with clusters of crystals, and they also wore a large ring with an amethyst on their finger, which was considered a symbol of purity.

Druze magic

In the old days, magicians and sorcerers endowed stones with one or another magical properties. Esotericists of that time believed that minerals that had been in the bowels of the earth for years had various properties. Amethyst is no exception and it has a lot of properties that attract magicians and sorcerers.

So what magical qualities does a druse have?

  1. Acts as the guardian of family happiness and well-being.
  2. Cleanses energy.
  3. Attracts love and enhances feelings.
  4. Gives harmony and tranquility.
  5. Helps get rid of bad habits.

The amethyst crystal druse is a true guardian of the family. It must be kept in a visible place in the house. Gems fused together will absorb negativity and help preserve good attitude to each other. Over the years, feelings will not fade away, but, on the contrary, they will become even stronger.

Amethyst in any form is a powerful energy magnet. It absorbs everything bad, takes away negative emotions, protects the owner or his home from evil people, envious people, and ill-wishers.

Since ancient times stones Pink colour were considered a symbol of love and fidelity. Since pink and even red amethysts exist in nature, they attract love and make feelings stronger and brighter. To win the favor of a girl, to make her fall in love with you, it is enough to present the beauty with a gift of jewelry inlaid with druse.

The stone is used in spiritual practices; it is placed in close proximity to the place of meditation. To find a way out of the situation, just look at the mineral and ask it for advice. The gem will help you find a way out of a difficult situation and solve problems.

Translated from Greek, amethyst means “not drunk.” For this reason, it was believed that the gem protects the owner from bad habits; it helps to overcome alcohol addiction and addiction to alcoholic beverages.

A druse made from amethyst crystals is capable of accumulating not only positive, but also negative energy. For this reason, it must be cleaned periodically. Cleansing with water will help restore the energy of the stone. It is enough just to place the jewel in water for a few minutes, after a short “bathing” the gem will be restored and completely cleansed of negativity.

There are quite a few stones in the world that are not suitable for everyday wear; amethyst is not one of them. It can be a good addition to an evening look or a business suit.