Qualities of a mineral called a precious stone - abstract. Gems - Industrial Applications Uses of Gems

Vedic Astrology is a completely new science for Westerners. But this is also very good, as it gives great scope for research and bringing this “new” into our lives.

Wearing precious stones in our lives is usually perceived as an opportunity to affirm ourselves, decorate ourselves, or, at best, are used as talismans, although the authority of choosing an individual talisman often leaves much to be desired. But the ancient primordial science of gemology, described over 5,000 years ago, shows other benefits of wearing gemstones. Precious stones can be used: as talismans to improve fate, to protect one's home, to prevent accidents, to increase luck and wealth, etc.
Apart from this, gemstones are also widely used for astrological medical therapy. For some, this may seem ridiculous, especially for complete adherents of modern medicine. But the reality remains a fact - stones are treated and treated quite successfully, even the most serious illnesses not treatable by modern medicine.

I will give some examples of the influence of gemstones. These stories listed below are real examples from people's lives. They show how planetary energies can be regulated through the use of gemstones to counteract the unwanted influences of malefic planets in individual horoscopes, strengthening strong planets and in some cases weak planets as well. Often, when people suffer due to chronic, physical or mental illnesses that modern doctors or medicines are unable to cure, the main reason may be an acute deficiency, excess, or imbalance of planetary energies in the person's aura. Any qualified sidereal astrologer who knows the art of "how to invoke the luck of the planets with precious stones" will be able to help a person in choosing the gemstone that is best suited for him.

Story 1:

Several years ago, a famous businessman from Bombay suddenly contracted a chronic fever with very high temperature, which continued day and night. The best doctors cities came to him to diagnose and cure him, but it was all in vain. They tried both Western and traditional Indian treatments, but his health deteriorated day by day until he became partially paralyzed and permanently bedridden. After all medical attempts failed, a famous sidereal astrologer was invited to examine him. While drawing up the natal chart of the patient's horoscope, the astrologer saw that the patient had just entered the main planetary period of the planet Sun of his life, and also, he accidentally noticed on his finger right hand large red ruby ​​ring. The astrologer told the patient that his natal chart showed the Sun in exaltation, and that he had just entered the main period of the Sun, and the ruby ​​on his hand was enhancing the energy of the Sun. The hot, radiant energy of the Sun, transmitted into the man's body by the flawless ruby ​​on his hand, led him to a persistent fever. The patient removed the ring and completely regained his health, without the help of any drug therapy.

Story 2:

In India, in the city of Kanpur, there lived a university scientist who suffered from painful abscesses all over his face. He tried various treatments, but nothing alleviated his unhappiness. Subsequently, a thorough examination of his horoscope showed that his body was receiving the negative energy of the inauspiciously placed Mars in his horoscope. In addition, Mars rules fire, the face and is usually associated with boils. He was advised to strengthen the influence of the Moon by wearing pearls set in silver, and although he felt skeptical about this kind of traditional astro-therapy, he, being skeptical, decided to try astro-gemstone therapy, as it was his last hope. . Within one month of wearing pearls in silver, his illness gradually began to subside, the abscesses on his face disappeared, and he completely regained his health.

Story 3:

Another story told by a sidereal astrologer from the West. The story of Mrs. Chow Tung from Taiwan: "In June, 1992, when we were living in Thailand, my husband bought me a gemstone talisman to protect me from accidents and unseen negative forces. It was a beautiful Moonstone, in a ring of white gold. Two months later, in August, I returned to Taiwan alone to visit my family. My three sisters commented on the beauty of my new ring. One evening, a week later, one of my sisters noticed a large crack in the middle of my Moonstone and it caught my attention. Having become completely convinced that a crack had appeared in the stone, for some unknown reason, we all went to bed and forgot about it. The next morning, we wanted to take a closer look at the cracked Moonstone in sunlight, but when I looked at my ring, the stone was not there! One way or another, he disappeared from my ring. We searched the bed, the floor, the whole house, but found no sign of the stone. That same morning, a friend of mine came over to take me and some old friends shopping in his car. About 15 minutes later, I suddenly remembered that I had to stop at the airline office to buy tickets back to Thailand and asked my friend to stop there. He offered to wait, but I didn’t want to disturb him and my friends, and told them to go without me, that I would meet them later, for breakfast. They drove on without me, and a few minutes later they were in a serious car accident, all of them were very seriously injured and were hospitalized. My friend lay motionless in the hospital for six months and almost lost his leg. When I heard about the accident on the same day, I immediately thought about the crack in my ring and its subsequent disappearance the night before the accident, I had heard similar stories about planetary talismans "warding off" bad luck and preventing unforeseen disasters. When I returned to Thailand a few weeks later and told my husband what had happened, the first thing he did was pick up the phone and order another lucky charm ring for me!"

Story 4:

One married woman, in India, left her husband because she felt he no longer loved her. After moving into her parents' house, she visited a renowned astrologer to discuss her marital problem. After casting her horoscope and reviewing it, the astrologer told her that the current situation depended entirely on the weak position of Jupiter in her horoscope. To strengthen Jupiter and attract the favorable energy of this planet into her body, he advised her to buy and wear a flawless yellow sapphire, but not more than three carats in weight. Her parents immediately purchased this gem for her and inserted it into Golden ring. Wearing this ring, she returned to her husband's house, and through the power of Jupiter attracted by her new ring, she restored her husband's love and affection, and subsequently bore him two beautiful children.

Story 5:

Another example comes from India, where the power of gemstones is taken for granted. It is believed that belief in planetary gemology can protect a person from premature death. In Uttar Pradesh, India, there lived a gentleman who used to wear an emerald good quality, based on the advice of your personal astrologer. One day, while purchasing an airline ticket to Bombay, he noticed a small crack in the emerald. Considering this fact as a bad omen, he immediately canceled his flight reservation and the plane left without him. The plane crashed and all the people on board died!

Story 6:

One American, due to his black market activities, was very afraid of the government. To ward off this danger, he bought himself a flawless gem, cat eye weighing more than 3 carats. About six months later, he was caught by the police in flagrante delicto. After that, he began to cooperate with the government and, ultimately, it was all over. probationary period for him. He was then allowed to move far from his home, where he was freed from reprisals. Cat's Eye, projecting the energy of planet Ketu, helped him overcome his negative karma of government punishment and also saved him from the danger of hidden enemies whom he feared as a result of his cooperation. A study of his sidereal horoscope showed that the position of Ketu (the deity presiding over the cat's eye gemstone) was strongly negative. The increase in the energy of the planet Ketu almost immediately proved its harmfulness. It was a gem of excellent quality, which he must have preserved to this day.

Story 7:

One day, a nightclub owner walked into an astrology showroom for talismans and gemstones in Bangkok. While waiting for her horoscope, she saw a Martian bracelet with a large red coral. She immediately put on the bracelet and left the store, saying that she would be back to pay for the purchase. But less than 10 minutes later, she returned the bracelet, explaining that she had just had a huge argument with her friend, who objected to her wearing red coral. After looking at her horoscope, everyone saw that Mars was in Leo, a very strong fire position, indicating (among other things) romantic conflicts. Increasing the Mars energy by wearing a large red coral immediately had a strong effect on her connection, which was obviously deep.

Story from the Puranas:

The ancient Sanskrit scriptures known as the Puranas contain a famous story describing the power of blue sapphires. One day, the famous king Dushyanta was hunting in the forest and accidentally met there beautiful girl Shakuntala, who captivated him with her beauty. She was the daughter of a powerful sage living as an ascetic yogi in the wilderness. Wanting to marry her, the king gave her a beautiful ring with a blue sapphire to seal his engagement. He then told the girl that she could come to his palace any time she felt ready for family life. A few months later, she stood on the bank of the river and collected water for her father. Suddenly, the sapphire ring slipped from her finger and fell into the river, where a fish swallowed it. When Shakuntala came to visit the king to accept his marriage proposal, the king did not recognize her and could not remember his promise. Greatly upset, she returned to her father's hut in the forest. After some time, the fish that swallowed the ring was caught by fishermen, and a precious sapphire was found in its stomach. Thinking that it must be something important, the fisherman took the ring to the king. The king, looking at the stone, immediately remembered Shakuntala and his marriage proposal. He sent messengers for her, and soon they got married and lived a long life. happy life, thanks to the gem that helped their destiny come true.

Another one of the most famous stories in the Puranas:

(It is described in the 10th canto of the Great Maha Bhagavata Purana: Book 10, Chapter VII.)

More than 5,000 years ago, at the end of Dvapara Yuga or the "Copper Age", Lord Krishna appeared on this earth. During the latter part of His stay on this planet, Krishna was involved in a dispute over a wonderful ruby ​​known as Syamantaka. King Satrajit, who was a follower of Surya (the Sun God), worshiped him for many years and, as a reward for his devotion, received a blessing from him and a gift - an unusual ruby. This ruby, known as Syamantaka, had the ability to produce eighty-five kilograms of gold daily for its owner. The brilliance of this stone was so strong that people mistook King Satrajit for the Sun God wherever he wore the gem. One day Satrajit went to visit Lord Krishna in His kingdom of Dwaraka. Krishna, seeing Satrajit's inflated ego and attachment to the gem, decided to rid him of this unnecessary attachment and asked him for the gem. When Satrajit refused, Krishna relented and said nothing more about it. But the inhabitants of Dwarka were surprised by Satrajit’s act, and soon this news spread throughout the entire kingdom. Later, Satrajit's brother Prasena borrowed the gem and went to the forest to hunt. While hunting, Prasena was attacked by a large tiger and killed him, in turn, the great Jambavan, King Medvedev, attacked the tiger and also killed him, taking the Syamantaka stone into his cave, and gave it to his to play with. little son. Soon the news of the disappearance of the gem turned into ugly rumors that perhaps Krishna was the reason for the theft. To refute the false rumors about Himself, Lord Krishna went in search of the precious stone, accompanied by a large group of followers. After some time, they found the dead bodies of Prasena and the tiger. Finally they came to Jambavan's cave, and Krishna entered the cave alone, leaving his companions at the entrance. Seeing Krishna, but not knowing His greatness, Jambavan attacked Him. Their struggle continued continuously for 14 days and 14 nights. After such a long fight, Jambavan felt that he was losing, while Krishna did not show any signs of loss of strength and, moreover, he became even stronger. In this position, Jambavan realized what kind of person this was before him and offered Krishna the jewel and his daughter as an apology. When Krishna returned with a glorious victory to Dwarka, the truth became known and the Lord returned the Syamantaka jewel to King Satrajit. The legend of the gem does not end here, it continues further and further, but the most unforgettable part of the legend is directly related to Lord Sri Krishna.

These are just a few of the amazing cases associated with the powerful therapeutic power of gemstones, which can influence a person's health and longevity by improving, attracting and enhancing Various types energies of the planets. In conclusion, it can be said that gemstones for planets that are malefic in a horoscope and also gemstones for planets that are of a harsh nature like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu can be used predominantly to pacify these planets through recitation of mantras and performing sacrifices . Used as a means for graha puja or invoking the welfare of the planets, gemstones help to enhance the effect of these procedures. But people can experience nothing but disappointment when using gemstones that represent a harmful planetary influence on their lives. Therefore, to pacify the planets using gemstones, all aspects of these rituals must be followed correctly. Otherwise, it is better to avoid gemstones that can have a harmful effect on your life. One of the most secret aspects of "Planetary Gemology" is the planetary deities who control the gems. These are graha-devas, they belong to the cosmic hierarchy and their influence is manifested depending on the rasi (sign) and bhava (house) they occupy in the horoscope, the main planetary period (approximate influence of 60%) and their sub-period (approximate influence of 30 %). There are many other points that also need to be taken into account: periods of the Sun (30 days), lunar periods, aspects, lords of one's own signs, transits, and many other subtle points that give an understanding of the horoscope as a whole. In the East, the understanding and belief in the influence of the graha-devas or "cosmic hierarchy" is deeply rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition. Where the use of gemstones as a way of invoking the ruling deity of the gemstone planet is still common to this day. This most secret aspect of "gem therapy" is not for those who do not believe in karma or rebirth.

So you are expecting a baby. There can be many pleasant sides in this situation, as well as unpleasant consequences, purely physical ones too, for example, toxicosis during pregnancy. But, fortunately, you can and should fight it, especially if you understand how, what will be most effective in a given situation, what will really help. Our website has prepared simple recommendations for you.

Experienced specialists, and even certified doctors, state: it is difficult to find means that would help cope with toxicosis better than the good old, proven folk remedies. Why? Yes, everything is very simple: the female body is the source of the genetic memory of the family; it stores the memory of past pregnancies of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Relatively speaking, the body itself knows how best to help itself, you just need to listen to it more often and interfere less on this good path.

The mental and physical health your child, overall life expectancy and quality of life. And from a purely practical point of view, it is much cheaper and easier to take care of yourself for forty weeks before giving birth than to spend half your life on medicines, doctors and feel guilty before your own child for being born this way. To track the child's development during this period, it is necessary to keep a pregnancy calendar.

How to relieve symptoms of toxicosis

Constant nausea, unexpected allergies to various foods are one of the most striking, first signs of pregnancy. Coping with toxicosis during pregnancy- not a simple matter. For many women, it never goes away completely, but the symptoms of toxicosis can be significantly alleviated if you know exactly how. Toxicosisduring pregnancy It can be different - for example, early - when you start to feel dizzy at the sight of the dishes you are familiar with, but at the same time, with brutal force, you can be drawn to pickles with jam.

In many ways so strong toxicosis during pregnancy we owe it to the wrong way of life, the harsh rhythm of work, as well as the unfavorable ecology that surrounds us. Want proof? And look at how women who live in villages behave and feel, even those not located close to the city - many work throughout their pregnancy along with others and do not know grief.

Firstly, if you have such an opportunity, it is better for you to change your lifestyle, quit work, live in the country, relax as much as possible, eat, drink, watch movies that calm you down, eat only natural products. But what if you can't afford it all? ethnoscience advises: walk at least several hours a day, at least half an hour in the fresh air, in the park.

In the morning, don’t get out of bed too quickly - lie down a little, stretch, smile at the sun, eat nuts, which you need to prepare in the evening and put at the head of the bed. This will help your baby. Don't force yourself to eat heavily, especially if you don't feel like it at all. Remember, at the beginning of the article it was said that the body itself knows what is best for it?

Coping with toxicosis with proper nutrition

Don't forget about proper, balanced nutrition. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and proteins, such as grains, legumes, seeds, seafood and fish, preferably fresh. Macrobiotics, a nutritional system based on the theory of Georges Osawa, can help you with this. Dairy products are needed by both your body and your child’s body - without calcium, your teeth will begin to fall out, problems with the kidneys and cardiovascular system will inevitably follow, symptoms toxicosis during pregnancy will become more pronounced. If you can’t eat a lot, eat as much as you can, but only the healthiest things.

Sucking lemon or tangerine slices helps some pregnant women. cope with toxicosis, although it may enhance it in others, so be careful, try a little at first, then listen to how you feel. A cracker, lightly salted cucumber or sauerkraut can help. If you have nowhere to rush after eating, allow yourself to lie down a little, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. Some unpleasant sensations can be relieved by breathing exercises, as well as a number of eye exercises. Chamomile tea compresses will help relieve signs of fatigue on the face. Some people find that taking prenatal vitamins at night works very well. In a word, there is no universal recipe for how to help yourself in such a situation, but if you believe that everything will work out, then you will definitely cope with toxicosis!

Precious and ornamental stones have long been used in applied arts to make interior decoration details, jewelry, objects of worship, ceremonial weapons and symbols of power. Finds of tools and jewelry made from ornamental stones are already found in settlements of the Late Paleolithic and Neolithic. In Late Paleolithic settlements, scrapers and spearheads made of jasper and rock crystal were found. The Neolithic was characterized by the widespread use of quartz, jasper, jade, obsidian, chalcedony, onyx and amber. These stones served as decorations; amulets and figurines of gods were cut out of them. During the Bronze Age, stones began to be placed in a metal frame. In many ancient cultures, supernatural properties were attributed to gems, used as amulets that protected against evil spirits and promoted healing, or as talismans that brought good luck, success in business, or victory in war. For example, in Ancient Egypt A scarab beetle carved from lapis lazuli or carnelian was considered a symbol of the immortality of the soul. Prayers and spells were engraved on precious stones; they played an important role in religious rituals. In ancient times, seals carved on stone replaced a personal signature. Scenes from the life and everyday life of the peoples of Ancient Greece and Rome skillfully engraved on precious stones make it possible to learn interesting details regarding the history and culture of the ancient Mediterranean. Ornamental stones have also found wide use in art as a material for small sculptures (glyptics), artistic carvings, works of sculpture, for inlaying furniture, lining vases and boxes (chiefly malachite). In jewelry, ornamental stones often acquire independent artistic significance, acting as their main part.

Precious stones are widely used in jewelry, they add shine, radiance, beauty and a rich look to the product.

precious mineral stone deposit


In the course of my work, I studied the properties of precious stones, gave general characteristics minerals. Studied large deposits of precious stones in the Urals. I looked at the areas of application of precious stones and learned a lot of new things: precious stones are important raw materials for the jewelry industry and have always been valued in all countries of the world.

To write my work, I visited the Ural Geological Museum, where I learned a lot of information about my mineral and was able to see samples of precious stones, which are located on the 3rd floor of the museum.

The museum has a very wide display of topazes, garnets, amethysts, beryls, amethysts and many other precious stones, including alexandrite and chrysoberyl.

Beryls and topazes of the Ural Geological Museum.

Chrysoberyls and tourmalines of the Ural Geological Museum.

Stones (minerals) created by nature, which are particularly transparent, hard, beautiful appearance and the shimmer of light on the edges are called precious.

But this name can be considered conditional. Initially, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and pearls were called precious stones. Other similar minerals are called “semi-precious” (although it is incorrect to divide them by price). Jewelers around the globe use the term “gemstone” to mean meeting the criteria of beauty and the presence of certain properties of the mineral.

Where are precious minerals used?

Beautiful stones have attracted human attention since ancient times. It used to be that minerals had miraculous properties. Allegedly, some of them helped against various diseases, others had a love spell, and others relieved sadness and troubles.

But stones not only brought aesthetic pleasure and “healed,” but were also necessary for the development of ancient man. From hard stones that were tied to sticks, ancient people began their labor activity(they began to make stone axes, knives and other tools).

Now precious minerals also called gems, they are used in production jewelry(rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, pendants); items of artistic value (ashtrays, vases); souvenir products; skillful crafts (boxes, vases, figurines). Gemstones have color, pattern, strength and hardness.

Gemstones are divided into stones for cutting and crafts. Cutting stones are crystals of minerals that can be colored or colorless; have a clear tone; can be transparent or translucent; They have good hardness, are resistant to chemical attack, and can be ground and cut. They are used to make jewelry items.

Stones for crafts are mainly opaque minerals that have an interesting color (sometimes plain or variegated) with an unusual pattern. They can be easily sanded. They are used to create decorative products.

In addition to cutting and ornamental minerals, there are also jewelry and ornamental stones. They are used when large quantities Jewelry, haberdashery and souvenir and stone-cutting items are made for mass demand. Then jewelry items are processed as beads, plates, cabochons (their surface is smooth, convex, polished and without edges).

Precious stones are needed not only in the manufacture of jewelry and beautiful crafts. They are also collected as collectibles, and are also used as financial assets and investments, so they become a sign of good wealth and prestige.

General classification of jewelry and semi-precious stones

Group Order Name of stones
Diamond, emerald, ruby, blue sapphire
Alexandrite; orange, green and purple sapphire; noble black opal; noble jadeite
Demantoid, spinel, noble white and fire opal, aquamarine, topaz, rhodolite, tourmaline
Chrysolite, zircon; yellow, green and pink beryl, kunzite, turquoise, amethyst, pyrope, almandine, moon and sun stone, chrysoprase, citrine
I Lapis lazuli, jadeite, jade, malachite, charoite, amber, rock crystal
Agate, amazonite, hematite, rhodonite, opaque iridescent feldspars (belomorite, etc.), iridescent obsidian, epidote-garnet and vesuvian rodingides (jades)
Jasper, marble onyx, obsidian, jet, petrified wood, listvenite, patterned flint, graphic pegmatite, fluorite, aventurine quartzite, selenite, agalmatolite, colored marble, etc.

Classification of minerals by class

Type (class) Name of stones
Native elements

Oxides and hydroxides



Organic matter

Diamond, gold, sulfur, mercury
Pyrite, sphalerite, galena, cinnabar, orpiment

Fluorite, halite, ammonia
Corundums, spinel, chrysoberyl, chalcedony, opals, quartz, magnetite, hematite, rutile

Malachite, marble onyx, azurite, calcite, rhodochrosite, aragonite

Gypsum, celestine, barite, scheelite
Apatite, variscite, turquoise
Olivine, garnets, zircon, topaz, beryl, tourmaline, jadeite, talc, micas, feldspars, lapis lazuli

Amber, silicified wood, pearls

The history of the use of precious stones dates back thousands of years. People have always chosen something that delights the eye with its appearance and brilliance, is rare and lasts a long time.

Precious stones have always accompanied and helped humanity. Gems served as amulets and talismans. According to ancient legends, precious stones protect their owner from hostile forces and bring happiness and good luck. At the same time, it did not go unnoticed that each precious stone acts in a special way. Some protect from evil, others preserve health, others serve as an antidote and evoke the mercy of higher powers. Sailors of the Middle Ages firmly believed that precious stones contributed to a safe return from a voyage.

Both in ancient legends and in the research of modern scientists, there is indisputable evidence of the effects of precious stones and metals on health and mental condition person. However, for such an influence of precious stones to take place, the selection precious jewelry must be carried out by a qualified professional. Jewelry should always be selected in detail and carefully, observing the person’s reaction. In ancient times, individual selection of precious jewelry was affordable only for rich and influential people.

Few people know, but in ancient times the person who possessed many precious stones was considered truly rich, and this is no coincidence. Precious stones carry strength and power, bestowing good luck on their owner. The forehead of the rulers of any ancient state was necessarily decorated with a crown or other headdress set with precious stones. Ancient sources say that if the crown is made correctly, it protects the ruler from all adversities. On the other hand, no one else can wear it without harming themselves. Remember the famous Monomakh hat - after the death of the owner, no one was able to wear it.

To the ancient Indian Rajas, jewelry made from numerous precious stones bestowed courage, bravery and good luck. From the depths of centuries they have reached us detailed instructions selection of precious stones for the ruler's crown. The stones were selected in such a way as to endow the king with imperious strength and power emanating from them. The Vedic chronicles cite a case when a king, wanting to defeat the ruler of a hostile state, gave him a crown, which a few days later caused an incurable illness in the king.

However, you should not go to the jungle of historical chronicles for examples. Any woman will tell you that it is pleasant to wear one piece of jewelry, as if you haven’t taken it off for many years, while another you want to take off almost immediately. The subconscious desire to remove a ring or necklace manifests itself in frequent touching of the jewelry. We may simply not pay attention to such people, but once we think about it, the image of a woman fiddling with her earrings, as it may seem out of excitement, or a man playing with wedding ring on your finger.

It is difficult to deceive the subconscious - it reacts to the most subtle influences. But not everyone knows how to discern this in human behavior.

How to choose your stone correctly? Your sympathy plays the main role here. You must like the stone. This may well be enough, because it is not uncommon for a person to feel on a subconscious level which stone is right for him.

Some people choose their stone depending on their zodiac sign.

Many people make their choice based on certain knowledge about stones.

Based on their quality, semi-precious stones are divided into 3 groups: ornamental, semi-precious and precious. Precious stones are rare and in fairly small quantities. Precious stones, in turn, are divided into 3 classes:

Diamonds (in cut form are called diamonds), various varieties of corundum - sapphires and rubies, emerald - alexandride, green beryl, euclase.
Aquamarine (greenish-bluish), topaz, amethyst (purple quartz), phenacite, almandine (red garnet), hyacinth (cream zircon), uvvarovite (green garnet), noble spinel.
Garnets, cordierite, kyanite, epidote, turquoise, diopside, green tourmaline, smoky quartz, rock crystal, agate, chalcedony, carnelian, heliotrope, plasma, chrysoprase, Moonstone, sun stone.

The group of precious stones also includes mineral formations of organic origin: corals, pearls, amber. And stones of the third class are also called semi-precious. They have the same properties as precious ones, but only less pronounced, and they are also much more common in nature. Ornamental stones are minerals and rocks, having a beautiful color and, most often, a complex abstract pattern, giving them quite high decorative properties. They polish very well. They are used to make various decorative items - boxes, vases, figurines, etc.

And now more about some stones and their effect on humans.

Since ancient times, diamonds have been credited with amazing healing properties. For example, the ancient Hindus believed that diamonds had a positive effect on certain human organs, especially the brain and heart. In the old days, it was believed that diamonds were able to fight poisons. It was also believed that they drove away bad dreams from their owner, protected him from illness, and fought hypochondria. It is believed that a ring with a diamond (especially a green one, which is a symbol of motherhood) helps a woman during childbirth.

It is not advisable to wear other people's diamonds, as well as jewelry made from low-quality or artificial diamonds. This may have a negative impact on your well-being. People who are impulsive or prone to high blood pressure are not recommended to wear diamond jewelry all the time.

Diamonds in Indian magic are considered the main stones of the 7th chakra, which connects a person with great cosmic forces. Yogis believe that the energy of a diamond, with its vibrations, feeds the brain, heart and subtle “etheric” body of its owner.

The diamond makes its owners invincible in battle. This stone also protects from evil spell. It is believed that only diamonds acquired in an honest way “work.” Otherwise, they can serve their owner very badly. The greatest power is possessed by stones passed down by inheritance or received as a gift.

Diamond is a wonderful talisman and amulet. In ancient times, diamonds were considered symbols of innocence and purity. They also symbolized invincibility, perfection, power and strength. Diamond has always been considered the stone of winners. It served as a talisman for Julius Caesar, Louis IV and Napoleon. Diamonds are able to drive away fears, protect their owner from various negative influences and bring him good luck. But if the diamond is considered a symbol of wealth, power, youth and timeless beauty, then the diamond has become a symbol of constancy and love.

This stone shows its healing properties only when its owner is kind and chaste. Sapphires exert their influence on the Ajna chakra. These stones help with insomnia, colds, back pain, and lower blood pressure. A bracelet or ring worn on left hand, will help with heart disease, neuralgia and asthma. According to popular belief, sapphires can cure leprosy and various “evil growths.” Water in which sapphire has been kept for some time helps with eye diseases. Sapphires are considered an antidote to poisonous snake bites. They treat malaria, fever, stomach ulcers, skin diseases, and plague.

Rich sapphires are considered symbols of wisdom, victory, justice and power. of blue color. Sapphire makes a person calmer, tames passions, and can also influence the passage of time. A sapphire ring helps you sense lies. This stone can help a person find his purpose in life, overcome laziness, fear and inactivity, and awaken the desire for knowledge.

In India, sapphires are considered stones closely associated with the Cosmos. The stone seemed to have absorbed his astral color.

It is believed that rubies can provide the human body with energy, protect it from serious diseases, heal the heart, brain, improve memory and strength, and save it from various poisons. Rubies are also believed to cure diseases of the blood, spine and joints. The unique ability of these stones to prevent epileptic attacks and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system is noted. Rubies can relieve depression, help with schizophrenia and insomnia. You should not wear rubies if you have high blood pressure or nervous breakdowns.

These stones are believed to have the ability to inspire people to do great things.

In magic, rubies are considered clots of the Dragon's blood, capable of giving their owner unlimited power and also influencing people. It is no coincidence that rubies were the favorite stones of the bloodsucker Ivan the Terrible.

Many believe that this stone gives its owner courage and mental strength, and also strengthens his heart. Rubies counteract poisons and sadness, curb lust, drive away terrible dreams, enlighten the mind, protect the human body from danger, warn about it in advance, becoming darker.

In India, rubies have always been the most revered magical stones. They were considered the best exponents of the fire element.

Since ancient times, emeralds have been credited with certain healing properties. These stones help with insomnia, drive away bad dreams, treat various inflammations, burns, diabetes, heart pain, reduce fever, fight infections, help with bladder diseases, help in the treatment of psoriasis, and lower blood pressure. They also serve as a recognized “cure” for eye diseases and help get rid of melancholy and madness. In ancient times, these stones served as a good remedy for scorpion and snake bites. Emerald is considered a stone of wisdom, hope and composure. People believe that these stones attract wealth, give peace and pacify voluptuousness. It is believed that the emerald can even split if one of the spouses breaks fidelity.

Since ancient times, emeralds have been very powerful talismans. They helped in philosophy and scientific research. They protected their owners from all evil spirits and the influence of evil spells, and protected them on long trips. Also, these stones helped pregnant women bear and safely give birth to a child.


Indian yogis consider aquamarine to be a stimulant of the throat chakra, controls emotions and associated with the thyroid gland. This stone can strengthen the body's defenses. It helps with various diseases of the skin and lungs, relieves toothache, has a beneficial effect on the stomach and liver, softens allergic reactions. It is believed that aquamarines help their owners cope with seasickness.

In Tibetan and Mongolian medicine, aquamarines are considered good biostimulants and stabilizers of mental balance. They help relieve nervous tension and find peace of mind. Aquamarines protect their owners from deception and dangers, strengthen spirituality and impart prudence. These stones cool violent emotions, extinguish irritation and anger, and help relieve fears and stress. It is not recommended for dishonest people to wear aquamarines, as they can be quickly exposed. In the East, it has long been believed that aquamarines change color depending on the mood of the owner and the state of the atmosphere. Only in clear weather and when the owner has peace and tranquility in his soul, does the stone turn pure blue. During bad weather, it turns green and becomes cloudy. It also changes its color when its owner is worried about something or is sad.

Aquamarine is a talisman for naval commanders and an amulet for sailors. It is also considered the stone of friendship, courage and justice.

In ancient India, topazes were considered one of the twelve most important gems with strong medicinal properties. This stone is mentioned more than once in the texts of Ayurveda. Topazes protect against colds, treat the digestive organs, gall bladder, spleen, and liver. Helps with severe nervous exhaustion and insomnia, relieves stress, strengthens immune system, protect against various mental illnesses, sharpen the sense of taste.

In the Middle Ages, topazes were considered the best remedy from poisoning, since a change in its color indicated the presence of poison in food or drink. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that cups were decorated with topaz. It is also believed that people wearing topaz are always optimistic and able to enjoy life. Topazes are called stones of inner enlightenment. They bring wisdom to men, and beauty to women. These stones drive away hatred and anger. Topazes are able to dispel uncertain fears and attract material wealth. They also help to concentrate, successfully fight depression, eliminate doubts and anger. Indian yogis considered topazes to be stimulants of the highest chakra - Sahasrara. They used them in meditation. In magic, topaz is considered a precious talisman stone that can protect against the evil eye and any witchcraft, as well as an amulet against all kinds of negative information influences.

This stone is capable of influencing the Ajahn chakra. Contemplation of amethysts brings calm and relieves severe nervous tension. And the water in which the amethyst lay can restore cerebral circulation. This stone protects against intoxication, smooths out wrinkles, reduces freckles, and treats nervous disorders and burns. It is believed that an amethyst worn on ring finger right hand, will strengthen the immune system, and worn in earrings will help improve vision.

Amethyst is a stone of purity and purity. In India, amethysts were one of the strongest magic stones. They are believed to initiate the opening of the “third eye.” With healing violet light, amethysts extinguish anxiety and mental pain, cleanse and calm thoughts, fill the aura of their owner with good intentions and positive energy, help control emotions. Amethyst is a stone of love, it is customary to give it to your loved ones. Since ancient times, a heart-shaped amethyst set in silver has been considered the most the best gift to the groom from his bride. Such a talisman brings peace and happiness to the newlyweds for many years. According to popular belief, amethysts give people insight and help control evil thoughts. It is believed that an amethyst ring can bring good luck in various sports. However, amethyst shows its power if it is worn not constantly, but from time to time. This stone is very suitable for lovers of travel, since a change in its color during the day portends very strong winds and storms. As talismans, amethysts serve as protection against the discontent and anger of high-ranking officials. They are also amulets against drunkenness. If you place jewelry with an amethyst under your pillow, it will help you see only good dreams.


This mineral can improve the activity of the gallbladder, have a calming effect, increase the amount of milk in nursing women, and help with chronic and acute liver diseases such as jaundice. In Mongolia, China and Ancient Tibet, crystal balls were applied to wounds so that the rays of the sun fell on the affected area through the stone. In this way wounds were healed. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of these miraculous healings. The fact is that when passing through this crystal, ultraviolet rays killed bacteria, which contributed to rapid healing. The charms of rock crystal also have an effect on animals, healing their diseases. It is believed that natural crystal is able to stabilize a person’s physical and spiritual strength, promotes the fruitful functioning of the brain and spinal cord, helps with respiratory diseases, varicose veins veins and coronary artery disease, relieves headaches, helps cope with stress and reduces high fever.

A crystal ball is a frequent attribute of soothsayers and magicians who are able to see the future and past in it, receive answers to various questions, and summon spirits. It is believed that rock crystal perfectly concentrates attention, sharpens various thought processes and improves speech, and also gives its owners the gift of clairvoyance.

In Tibetan, as well as in Indian medicine, natural rock crystal plays a special role. It is believed that its energy can easily tune in to the purity of human vibrations, regulate and stabilize them. Tibetan lamas used crystal balls to open the “third eye.” They call rock crystal crystals “living”, because their 6 faces symbolize the 6 chakras of a person, converging to their peak - the seventh chakra directed upward into the Cosmos.

Rock crystals are also used as talismans. They attract to their owner the joy of life, love, luck, sympathy of others, well-being and spiritual comfort. Also, rock crystal has been a powerful hunting talisman since ancient times. It was considered a living creature and was fed by dipping it in the blood of various sacrificial animals. If you put this stone under your pillow, it can relieve insomnia, nightmares and unreasonable fears.

It is impossible to talk in detail about the wonderful properties of half the stones in one article. Therefore, in order not to bore you too much, I will keep this brief. As they say, a little of a lot.

Amazonite - rejuvenates, strengthens the heart muscle, helps with rheumatism and arthritis, improves skin color.

Amethyst or purple quartz is a good gift to your loved ones. Saves from eye inflammation and leprosy. Considered the patron of longevity, family happiness and sobriety.

Beryl (golden yellow heliodor, blue aquamarine, green emerald) - can help with colds, severe back pain, and improve metabolism.

Turquoise - heals diseases of the stomach and eyes, protects its owner from poverty, ensuring his well-being and success. Able to relieve headaches, reconcile hostility and anger.

Jet – facilitates childbirth, prevents cramps, increases blood pressure, reduces pain from gout.

Hematite – is able to protect against poison, infectious diseases and suffocation, and stabilize blood pressure. Considered the patron saint of artists and business people.

Pomegranate – protects against the evil eye, extinguishes outbursts of anger, heals wounds. It is considered the stone of noble ladies.

Jadeite – relieves stress, protects from troubles.

Pearls give women health. Useful for cholelithiasis, conjunctivitis and hypertension.

Serpentine - protects its owner’s house from unkind people and any evil spirits.

Hairy quartz is capable of driving away sadness, gives its owner the ability to predict the future, and is an excellent amulet in matters of the heart. Brings wealth and prosperity to the house.

Coral – improves memory and activates metabolism. It is able to neutralize envy and anger.

Lapis lazuli – improves sleep, calms the nervous system. Considered the patron saint of the winter months.

Moonstone is capable of softening overly self-confident and unyielding people. It is considered a symbol of daydreaming.

Malachite is considered a children's talisman that gives health and protects against fear.

Morion (or black quartz) - can have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, helps in getting rid of drug addiction, as well as in the treatment of heart attacks and strokes.

Jade – can heal kidney diseases.

Obsidian – protects against evil spirits, removes damage.

Onyx is able to relieve irritation and vile passions. It is considered a stone of good mood.

Opal – eliminates melancholy and sadness, calms the heart and nerves.

Mother of pearl – can have a strengthening and stimulating effect on the body.

Rauchtopaz (or smoky quartz) is considered the most “energetic” stone, capable of relieving irritability and protecting the owner from damage and the evil eye.

Rhodonite – can help with liver diseases and strengthen vision.

Rose quartz is considered a children's amulet and can treat eye diseases.

Carnelian - evokes sympathy and love, gives courage, protects from disputes and quarrels, eliminates various nervous diseases. Considered the patron saint of motherhood.

Tiger eye (bull, falcon, cat) - protects its owner from any troubles. Protects from betrayal, damage and the evil eye, preserves love. Also protects against bad dreams. Considered a stone of wealth.

Tourmaline is able to strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the human immune and lymphatic system, and remove negative energy. Tourmaline is also called the “stone of restful sleep.”

Fluorite - is able to increase the analytical abilities of its owner, helps him organize his thoughts.

Chrysolite (or olivine) is a friend of entrepreneurs and traders, capable of healing stomach pain.

Chrysoprase is considered a stone of successful businessmen, it is able to attract admirers to women and protect them from worries.

Zircon is a good amulet for travelers and merchants. It instills optimism and good spirits in its owner.

Citrine (or yellow quartz) – gives good luck to people born under the sign of “Leo”, and also helps to cure diseases associated with metabolism.

Charoite – protects against radiation, is considered a real “energy wand”.

Spinel is a powerful stimulant of passion and love, feeding its owner with vitality and capable of rejuvenating the body.

Shungite – treats allergies, joints, skin diseases, the effects of burns, and purifies water well.

Amber – good remedy from fever, sore throat, goiter.

Jasper – cleanses its owner’s body of toxins, treats stomach diseases and nervous disorders.

In conclusion, I want to talk about the work of one talisman. I recently learned about this, and for some reason I wanted to tell you this particular story, although there are many others that confirm the power of talisman stones.

One young man was convinced by his own example of the effect of the Tiger's Eye, which was his amulet. This stone is considered a very good amulet, taking on negative energy. And Tiger's Eye just loves money. The stone begins to intensely attract them and does not like to part with them. One day this young man went to an ATM to withdraw money and repay a debt to his friend. When it was his turn, the ATM suddenly broke down. Then the guy went to the bank. I came, but the bank was not working.

Stones have the ability to accumulate information. For many years they may not manifest themselves in any way and keep their strength within themselves. It is very important to be able to customize your stone specifically for yourself. Many stones exhibit their properties much more strongly if you inherited them.