Five ways to clean silver jewelry. How to clean a silver ring using improvised means How to clean a silver ring at home

Nowadays, many women wear silver Jewelry, which are undoubtedly pleasing to the eye. But some of them may occasionally experience minor, easily removable troubles - the products may darken. In this article, we will share effective and efficient tips on how to clean black from a silver ring at home.

Why does silver turn black?

Exists interesting fact, proven by scientists:

  • if nitrogen predominates in the human body, then silver items darken less often;
  • if in it a large number of sulfur, then darkening occurs much more often.

Important! Often such a reaction is caused by creams or lotions that contain sulfur.

Before taking a bath or washing dishes, be sure to remove silver jewelry, because due to increased humidity, mold may appear on the surface of the metal. You should also avoid storing jewelry in places with high humidity.

Where to clean silver?

The most effective way to get rid of blackening is to give jewelry for cleaning by a specialist in a workshop or purchasing jewelry liquid for cleaning the alloy. However, carrying out such procedures requires significant financial investments.

There are also several effective home remedies that do not require special costs silver purification methods. After using proven products for years folk ways your items will look like new and shine as if they came straight from a jewelry workshop.

Important! If your products have inserts made of amber, pearls or coral, then these products should be cleaned by a jeweler. These stones are very delicate and capricious, they are easy to spoil.

How to clean silver earrings at home? — 8 useful tips

If your silver jewelry is only slightly dirty, then you just need to soak it in a hot soapy bath for a while. To prepare a cleaning solution, you can use detergent for dishes. After soaking for a short time, brush the product with a soft toothbrush and rinse in cold clean water.

Important! This process will not make the jewelry shine, but it will help remove all dirt from its surface.

If there are no stones in the products, then it can be easily cleaned and lightened by immersing it in a 10% solution of citric acid or ammonia, which should be heated well to obtain the best effect.

Beautiful folk remedy for cleaning silver products obtained from potatoes:

  1. Grate the raw potatoes and fill them with cold water.
  2. Immerse your silver items in the mixture for a few minutes.
  3. Then thoroughly wipe the jewelry until it shines with a piece of dry and clean flannel or wool.

To use the following method, we prepare the following: soda, salt (it doesn’t matter which one - large or fine), any dishwashing detergent and a container.

What to do with all this to clean a silver ring from blackness at home:

  1. Place your decorations in an even layer at the bottom of the container, pour salt and soda in equal proportions, add a few drops of detergent and pour boiling water over it all.
  2. We wait 10 minutes, rinse all items with cold running water and wipe with a dry and soft woolen or flannel cloth.

To remove blackening from silver inserts on your products at home, you will need a regular stationery eraser, a light-colored (less abrasive) eraser, and a little human effort.

Wipe the silver inserts with an eraser, and the blackness on them will disappear with incredible speed.

The following method is considered the most effective, but also the most aggressive:

  1. Take tooth powder or paste, add baking soda and ammonia.
  2. Mix until smooth and apply the mixture to objects with a soft toothbrush.
  3. Leave for some time and wash off with running water at room temperature.

Important! This composition removes blackness from silver items well, but it is often not recommended to use it, as it can cause damage to the metal - microcracks may appear. You can also remove soda from the composition for more delicate cleaning.

For effective cleaning for small silver items, you can use a mixture of chalk and ammonia. It is applied to the product with a soft toothbrush and then washed off with running water.

One of the most unusual ways is the Coca-Cola drink:

  1. Pour it into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, put your decorations there and “cook” for about 10 minutes.
  2. Then we take out the jewelry, rinse it with clean running water and wipe it with a piece of soft and dry cloth.

Important! You should not fanatically clean filigree or blackened silver items from blackening. The noble patina gives them a special chic and sophistication.

How can you clean silver with stones?

Silver items with stones are best cleaned using special liquids sold in jewelry stores. Such compositions will not only not harm your favorite jewelry, but will also cover its surface with a protective film.

Using the following method will help you clean silver inlaid with stones at home without resorting to the services of a master jeweler:

  1. Add shavings to water laundry soap and a few drops of ammonia.
  2. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, but do not boil.
  3. Using a soft toothbrush, apply the cooled mixture to the item you need and clean it.
  4. Clean around the stone using a cotton swab dipped in the same solution.

Important! If you are planning to clean matte silver at home, then under no circumstances use abrasives - soda, salt or acids. Sufficient and effective remedy for cleaning matte products - it is soap shavings dissolved in water.

  1. Try to wash your products more often, preventing plaque from accumulating on their surface.
  2. After cleaning, silver items should not be worn immediately, but should be allowed to sit for several days to allow a natural protective layer to form on them. Or have a master jeweler coat them with a special varnish.
  3. Never use harsh abrasives for cleaning.
  4. To avoid scratching the products, use only soft toothbrushes.
  5. After cleaning, be sure to rinse the product with running water.
  6. Products should be dried on laid out paper napkins or a hairdryer.
  7. After cleaning, it is recommended to polish silver items with dry and clean pieces.

Over time, products made from precious metals lose their attractiveness, but not everyone knows how to clean gold at home without damaging its surface.

Why does jewelry need cleaning?

It is known that gold in its pure form is quite soft, so when making jewelry, an alloy is added to it, including:

  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • cadmium;
  • other metals.

Due to this, over time, an oxide film forms on the surface of the ring, for example, and the jewelry looks tarnished. Other causes of pollution are:

  • dust that exists in the external environment;
  • decorative cosmetics used;
  • products of the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Knowing how to clean gold at home will improve appearance product, it will look like new. In addition to being unsightly, dirty jewelry, such as earrings, can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the earlobe. Therefore, knowing how to clean gold at home, you can protect yourself from possible troubles in the future.

Caring for gold items

In order not to return to the question of how to clean gold jewelry in the future, it is advisable to adhere to proper care for them:

  • it is necessary to protect products from exposure to acids and alkalis (in particular, laundry detergents, solvents, and some cosmetics);
  • It is recommended to remove accessories before starting to work with cleaning substances (especially abrasive ones), paints and varnishes;
  • when visiting a solarium, sauna, bathhouse, it is recommended not to wear gold jewelry;
  • Precious metal products should not be stored in cardboard boxes(the material contains sulfur, so the jewelry may darken);
  • you need to know how to clean gold.

Subtleties that you need to remember when choosing a method for quickly cleaning gold:

  1. Many products (including rings) have places that are difficult to process (various patterns, ornaments, inserts). Purifying gold at home does not allow you to obtain desired result, therefore it is recommended to use a toothbrush to remove the product and then rinse the product with water.
  2. You should choose dishes in which the cleaning solution will cover the items completely.

Using improvised means

How to clean gold earrings often depends on the type of contamination. Copper under the influence of moisture and oxygen from the air leads to the appearance of green or black spots on jewelry. To avoid damage to jewelry, cleaning gold at home should be carried out in several stages:

  1. Washing (a soap solution is prepared, gold items are dipped into it and left for 2 hours). If, after rinsing with clean water, it is clear that the cleaning solution has successfully completed the task, no further steps are required.
  2. Chemical cleaning (the oxide film is removed, for example, from the ring, with an ammonia solution, its optimal concentration should be 25%). The product is placed in a small container, and the products are immersed there for 3 hours. After the specified time has expired, the jewelry must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried.
  3. Mechanical cleaning is used if the desired result was not obtained when using chemical treatment. How to clean gold at home at this stage? You can use a paste whose purpose is to clean jewelry.

Using a piece of fleece, a special paste for cleaning gold is applied to the jewelry, then it is removed with alcohol, and the product is washed under running water and dried.

How to clean white gold at home? To give white The product contains nickel in its alloy. You need to know what you can use to clean gold at home without damaging your jewelry. For this purpose, a product is used that includes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. detergent;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 100 ml of ammonia.

The prepared product is poured into the container and decorations from it are placed in it for 1.5 hours. white gold. After this, the jewelry is washed with water and dried thoroughly.

Cleaning gold jewelry will restore the appearance of the items. It is recommended to mix beer (1/2 cup) and the yolk of 1 egg. The resulting product is applied to the decoration using a piece of fleece.

Not everyone knows how to clean gold at home quickly and effectively. The easiest way is to use a dishwashing detergent. Required:

  • cold water – 200 ml;
  • detergent – ​​1 tsp.

Pour the detergent dissolved in water into a small saucepan, add gold items, place the container on the fire, and boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, the jewelry is thoroughly wiped with a towel.

Jewelry with stones should be cleaned with greater care. For example, bracelets with glued stones are not allowed to be immersed in a soap solution. It is wiser to use only a cloth soaked in the solution when cleaning the surface of the decoration. Vinegar should not be used: it can damage 375 gold.

It happens that a drop of iodine, accidentally falling on a gold bracelet, leaves dark spot. The mood is ruined, and I want to quickly find a way to purify gold from iodine. You'll have to go to the pharmacy and buy sodium thiosulfate (its other name is hyposulfite). Dissolve 1 tbsp in 200 ml of water. l. product and lower the jewelry for 30 minutes.

Ultrasonic cleaning is performed by craftsmen in jewelry workshops. This method restores jewelry's brightness and beauty.

Experts advise cleaning precious stones (for example, diamonds) regularly; there is even a rule: once a month. When a film forms on the stone, it loses its attractiveness and no longer plays with light as before.

How to properly clean gold jewelry with diamonds? Ammonia (a few drops) is added to 200 ml of water, the decoration is placed in the prepared solution and left for 30 minutes. Then washed and dried.

Bringing back the shine to jewelry

The question of how to clean gold at home and restore its shine worries many. There is a simple way:

  • water – 200 ml;
  • baking soda – 2 tbsp. l.

Soda is added to preheated water, foil is placed on the bottom of the saucepan, chains and other decorations are placed on top, and the prepared liquid is poured. It is advisable to leave for 12 hours, then rinse the jewelry thoroughly under running water and dry.

You can clean your gold to restore its lost shine. It is enough to prepare a solution of sugar (1 tbsp) dissolved in water. The jewelry is immersed in the prepared substance and left in it for 4 hours. Afterwards, the products are washed with water and dried.

How to clean Golden ring and make it shine? It is recommended to prepare a composition that includes:

The cleaning composition is applied to the product using a piece of cloth with light rubbing movements. Then the jewelry is washed and dried.

Another method tells how to quickly clean gold (provided that the jewelry does not have inserts that may be highly sensitive to chemicals). Add 2 tbsp to 200 ml of water. l. hydrogen peroxide, 3 tsp. ammonia and a little shampoo. Jewelry placed in a cleaning solution for several hours will continue to look new and shiny.

How else can you add shine to your jewelry? Using onion juice or lipstick. You can use soda or mustard powder, but they are not recommended: they can leave micro-scratches on the surface of gold objects.

Some cosmetical tools, containing mercury, can pose a danger to jewelry: when interacting with them, gold can turn white and its fragility will increase.

Proper and regular care and cleaning of gold at home gives jewelry beautiful view, they will last a long time and will always look perfect.

Cleaning silver with stones at home is an easy task. You can return the product to its original appearance even without contacting a jeweler. It is not necessary to buy expensive products, because traditional methods Silver cleaning is no less effective.

Why do silver things turn black?

Silver is easily subject to oxidation; this feature is inherent in the metal. If the proportion of silver in the alloy is small, then the jewelry will turn black very quickly. This occurs as a result of a chemical reaction.

In addition, rings and chains, pendants and earrings made of silver turn black when exposed to moisture. Jewelry made from 925 standard is considered to be of the highest quality. They are less likely to tarnish and are more durable, so when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the alloy.

Preparing items for cleaning

First you need to remove any dirt and grease that is present on the surface of your silver jewelry. There are several ways. You can wash rings and earrings with soap; liquid concentrate works well. Alternatively, you can use diluted dish soap or shampoo. Dirt must be removed, because this will make the cleaning process easier. It is enough to put the jewelry in the solution and then hold it there for several minutes.

All hard to reach places It is worth going through with a toothbrush, but you need to make sure that the bristles are soft. After the cleaning process is completed, the items should be thoroughly rinsed in clean water.

How to clean products

There are many options for how to clean silver with stones at home, using available products. This can be ammonia, in a 10% solution of which jewelry is soaked. In another case, you can soak a cotton swab in ammonia and then wipe the surface. But this method cannot be used if the jewelry is with pearls, because the color of the pearl will change. But silver with stones will be cleaned very quickly in this way.

There is another option. It involves cleaning items with a special solution that is made at home. To do this, you need to combine hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap, and then add ammonia. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed.

The soaking time must be selected individually for each decoration, because the degree of contamination may vary. After using the solution, items should be rinsed and then thoroughly wiped with a soft cloth.

Every housewife has citric acid. With its help, the dark plaque will come off very quickly. Take an enamel bowl, place copper wire in it and pour citric acid. For 1 liter of water you need to take 200 g of acid. Place the dish on the stove, lower the rings into it, and boil it for a quarter of an hour. Rinse items and wipe dry.

Clean items with baking soda, 2 tbsp. l. pour into 0.5 liters of water. Place the solution on fire. When the water boils, place a piece of foil and decorations in the container. It only takes a few minutes to see great results.

There is another solution option. In 1 liter of water you need to mix soda, salt and dishwashing detergent, taking 1 tbsp of each ingredient. l. Place the silver in the solution and boil for 30 minutes.

Before and after cleaning

You can remove blackness from things by applying a paste on them, it is made from soda. Clean with a soft cloth until the jewelry returns to its shine. In places that are difficult to reach, you can clean them with a toothbrush.

Potato decoction has proven itself to be excellent; it will help restore shine to even very dull objects. Place a piece of foil in the remaining water after boiling the potatoes. Dip the silver and pearls into the water and hold for 10 minutes. In addition to potato broth, you can use the water in which the eggs were boiled.

Toothpaste and tooth powder perfectly clean metal. But this method cannot be used for products with patterns or stones. If you want to quickly rid silver items of plaque, buy special napkins. They are available for sale in jewelry stores.

In order to maintain the perfect condition of your precious metal jewelry and avoid the cost of processing extra funds, it is important to know how to clean gold and silver rings at home.

Jewelry made from precious metals behave differently when worn for a long time, but over time they all become covered with plaque, microscopic scratches and lose their original shine.

Depending on the type and decor, different cleaning products must be used. The peculiarity of rings is that they are susceptible to household pollution almost more than other jewelry, since we wear them every day and almost never take them off before water treatments, sports activities, household and household chores, cooking.

Before cleaning the rings, you should determine the type of contamination. Among them are:

  • Oxide films- appear on absolutely all rings, regardless of our desire. They are caused by the interaction of a metal surface with air, due to which a characteristic coating is formed. Silver is more susceptible to this process. Gold behaves steadfastly, but due to the addition of copper to the gold alloy, it gradually becomes covered with a patina.
  • Fatty stains appear from sebum. They form especially quickly if the owner of the ring leads active image life and plays sports or has increased sweating. This type of contamination is clearly visible in the recesses of the decor and appears in the form of thick putty-like dirt.
  • Chemical pollution- the most dangerous and difficult to eliminate. If the dirt comes from ordinary everyday cosmetics - creams, perfume, lotion, then it is relatively easy to remove. But exposure to household chemicals such as chlorine bleach and acetone (nail polish remover) can leave stains that are difficult to remove with conventional means.

How to clean a gold ring at home

Unlike silver, gold does not patina as strongly or quickly. However, gradually it fades significantly, clearly differing in appearance from the decorations on the display. jewelry store. This is explained by the fact that pure gold is a very soft metal; to create jewelry, other metals (copper, silver, etc.) are added to it, which has a positive effect on the strength and durability of the finished alloy.

The easiest way to answer the question is how to clean wedding ring at home. It will be enough to soak a smooth gold rim in a hot soapy solution and wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth, polishing the metal.

How else can you clean a gold ring? If there are visible contaminants, use the traditional method: wipe the surface with a freshly cut onion in half. Its juice will deal with dirt, after which all that remains is to rinse and polish.

If the gold ring has a deep, complex relief, then the two previous methods will not help you remove dirt from the recesses; How to clean the jewelry in this case? A solution of water and ammonia (in a ratio of 2-3 teaspoons of ammonia per 200 ml of liquid) will help cope with blackening, stains, and dull film.

To clean a gold ring, you simply need to soak it in the solution indefinitely. You can keep the jewelry in ammonia for more than one day: just check the degree of cleanliness from time to time.

Tip: ammonia has a strong, pungent odor of ammonia, so you must choose a sealable container for the solution. By covering the vessel with a lid, you will also avoid evaporation of ammonia and maintain the concentration of ammonia in the water necessary for cleaning.

Ammonia will do an excellent job of removing hard-to-reach stains in the curls and recesses of the pattern. Without harming the surface of the ring and without leaving streaks, it will simply dissolve accumulations of dirt. After cleaning, rinse the product thoroughly in cool water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Despite many tips recommending the use of toothbrushes and abrasives such as soda and salt for cleansing, it is recommended to refrain from such drastic measures. The plasticity of gold is such that if you overdo it with pressing force, you risk disturbing the relief of its pattern.

If, when purchasing in a jewelry store, you received as a gift special remedy to clean gold (usually it is presented in the form of a liquid in small jars with a volume of 100-200 ml), then you should not have a question about how to clean a gold ring - just follow the instructions on the package.

Such cleaning liquids also contain an aqueous ammonia solution, enhanced with special chemically active substances, so it is enough to soak the ring for 15-20 seconds and rinse under running water.

Tip: If you don't have a special polishing cloth from a jewelry store, use a microfiber cleaning cloth or a glasses cloth, which can be purchased at any optical shop.

How to clean a silver ring

Silver products, unlike gold ones, are more quickly covered with oxide deposits and are generally more susceptible to contamination due to the greater chemical activity of silver. At the same time, there are many ways to clean a silver ring at home.

Silver jewelry is resistant to mechanical stress, so the question of how to clean is very simple: an old toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste will come to the rescue. The combination of these products will perfectly cope with any pollution caused by external factors.

How else can you clean a silver ring at home? In addition to the described methods used for gold rings, you can use salt and baking soda as an abrasive. To avoid having to resort to professional cleaning of your silver ring, remember what you can use to wash it at home, and repeat this procedure at least once a quarter.

Between cleanings, keep your silver rings separate from each other so they don't touch. So now you know what to do. But how to clean a silver ring with a stone? The answer to this question depends entirely on the type of gem that adorns your ring.

Cleaning a ring with a natural stone

If you are looking for information on how to clean or use other precious and ornamental stones, then refrain from hasty actions. For some gems, cleaning can be disastrous.

Thus, it is prohibited to dry-clean any jewelry, amber, coral, or turquoise. How to clean a gold ring with a stone in this case? It all depends on its type:

  • Sapphires and diamonds are not afraid of ammonia-based products. The correct answer to the question of how to clean a diamond ring is any of the methods recommended above. Sapphire will not withstand heat, so avoid exposing the ring to heat when cleaning.
  • Other semiprecious stones(such as aquamarine, peridot) it is also recommended to only wash and wipe at home. Most likely, you will not need information on how to clean a stone in a ring, since stones are more resistant to adverse environmental factors and usually do not contain visible contaminants.
  • Ruby, topaz, garnet, amethyst– will withstand care using professional liquids or washing in soapy water without sudden temperature changes. How to clean? Avoid using ultrasound or excessive heat on this stone, as well as on ruby ​​and emerald. Before cleaning the topaz itself in the ring, make sure that the crystal will not be discolored by hot water and aggressive chemicals - it is better to use a soap solution at room temperature.

At home, professional cleaning of gold and silver rings with and without stones is quite possible. The main thing is to be careful and avoid excessive mechanical impact. Start from the very beginning simple way and rinse the jewelry with water. Flowing water, by the way, is also positioned as one of the main ways to clean the ring not only from mechanical impurities, but also from foreign energy.
Watch this helpful video on cleaning jewelry.

Silver rings have always been particularly popular due to their low cost and attractiveness. They also add value medicinal properties, since silver has long been known to kill bacteria. But this alloy also has a serious drawback: over time, the surface becomes dull and becomes covered with a dark coating. This not only reduces its healing properties, but also nullifies all its former attractiveness. There are many ways to clean oxide from a silver ring. We have collected the most effective and popular of them.

Reasons for the appearance of black plaque on silver and jewelry

The main reason for the darkening of silver items is contact with sulfur. In this case, a chemical reaction occurs to form silver sulfide. It can be compared to rust on iron. Since we are dealing with a noble metal, it is not so easy to damage it. The black film does not harm the ring and can be washed at home.

Contact directly with sulfur is very rare. In everyday situations, darkening often occurs from contact with cosmetics, contact with water, and sweating on the human body. In order to avoid such consequences, all experts give advice: remove silver if you plan to wash or swim.

How quickly to wait for darkening depends on care and testing. Moreover, the lower the sample (in the alloy large quantity copper), the sooner blackening will occur. Fortunately, the ring is almost always 925.

Ways to quickly clean a ring

Most often you have to deal with ordinary everyday pollution. It's easy to fight them if you want. Take the soap and grate it. Now heat the water to a warm temperature and add the shavings you just made (or dish cleaner). Immerse the silver ring inside for 5-10 minutes. We take it out and use a toothbrush to carefully wipe the entire surface.

Thus, you can easily deal with dirt. But in the case of the formation of blackness, it is worth using recipes for cleaning a silver ring from it. Other recipes are used for this, but even a 10% solution of ammonia and citric acid helps.

Without any chemicals

People have been coping with this for a long time, so let’s use traditional methods. To begin, take raw potatoes and peel them. Now grate it on a small grater, as is done for making potato pancakes. Add some clean water and mix well. Now you can immerse any silver items in the resulting mixture. It is better to keep them there for 1-2 hours, but longer is possible. Pull out, rinse well to remove any residue and wipe dry. Now polish with a soft cloth to the desired result. Some people recommend making a regular decoction of the peel; it is also no less effective.

Another method is not so gentle; you will have to subject the decoration high temperatures. Use if the potato method did not help. Cannot be used for a ring with a stone. The recipe is simple, pour some water into a pan, add an egg shell and immerse the silver in it. Heat to a boil and leave for 5 minutes.

It is important that there is no sudden temperature change, that is, you should not throw a cold ring into boiling water or wash a hot one in cold water.


When deciding how to clean a ring, they often resort to using toothpaste and powder. But it is worth remembering that the powder has abrasive properties, which is not acceptable for silver. Although all dirt and blackness will be removed in a short time, there is a high probability of scratching the surface. Paste is another matter; it allows you to delicately deal with dirt and whiten the product.

Take toothpaste and apply to the surface so that the entire surface of the product is involved. Leaving a part without the product runs the risk of not being completely cleaned. Leave it like this for an hour. Using a soft cloth, wipe the silver. When you are satisfied with the result, rinse off the residue with running water and wipe dry.

For those who decide to use tooth powder for cleansing, we provide a recipe. It is enough to wet the product and sprinkle it thoroughly with powder. Now you need to clean it in a similar way.

Visual instructions on video:

Baking soda

The most popular disinfectant at home is regular baking soda. The method is effective for engraved products.

To use the cleansing qualities, you need to make a kind of paste. To do this, take a few drops of water and add enough baking soda to form a paste-like mixture. Apply it to a cloth or cotton pad and start cleaning. It is important to perform the procedure delicately so as not to scratch the surface. Now rinse under running water and wipe dry.

Other folk methods

There are other folk methods that have proven themselves well. But do not forget that we are talking about cleaning silver without stones. Acids in general can significantly harm it. And so, how to clean rings at home:

  • 6% vinegar. Heat it to a warm temperature and immerse the decoration there for 15-20 minutes. Wipe thoroughly, rinse with clean water, dry and polish with velvet.
  • Ammonia. An aggressive method that is not suitable for products with stones. Just take the ring and dip it in alcohol for 3-5 minutes. Now rinse thoroughly in clean water to remove the odor and wipe dry.
  • Laundry soap. You need to rub the surface of the decoration with it, then wipe it with a cloth to achieve the result. Suitable for ring with stone.
  • Lemon acid. You need to make a solution; to do this, add 2-3 tablespoons of acid to a glass of water. Now place the decoration in it for 20-30 minutes.
  • Lipstick. Apply it to a cloth and wipe the surface of the silver ring until it shines. Now you need to wash off the residue; a soap solution will do the job better.
  • Ultrasonic bath. If your budget allows, you can buy a bath that can clean tarnish on silver without damage.
  • Coca Cola. Pour into a saucepan, immerse the product and place on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Remove, rinse in warm water and dry.

How to clean silver rings with stones?

There are several methods. Let's start with the following: we need laundry soap and a 10% ammonia solution. Find a saucepan, add soap shavings and an aqueous solution of alcohol. Heat it all to a temperature close to boiling, about 70 degrees. Silver is cleaned with a toothbrush dipped in the resulting mixture, and stone is cleaned with a cotton swab.

Products with less valuable stones can be cleaned in the following way. Make a solution, 20-25 drops of ammonia per liter of water. Soak it in it soft cloth and wipe the decoration with it.

You can clean it using the recipe described above using laundry soap or an ultrasonic bath.

It is best to immediately send items containing pearls and amber to a workshop for cleaning, since it contains organic matter.