Beauty chemistry - we perform medium peeling at home. Preparation for the mid-peeling procedure. How to best prepare for the procedure

Medium (medium) peeling is a cosmetic procedure, during which dead skin cells of the epidermis are removed, restoration processes are activated and the skin is renewed. Let's figure out what serious cosmetic defects can be corrected using this cosmetic procedure.

What is the essence of the method?

The essence of this method is the active influence of devices, chemicals and mechanical devices on skin cells. The liquid evaporates from them, and dead particles are removed with the leaving surface layer. Cell membranes are purposefully disrupted and destroyed. As a result of such an “attack” on the epidermis, it begins to actively regenerate. Rapid recovery occurs, collagen production accelerates, which fills a new layer of the epidermis.

The effect of medium peeling on the condition of the integument

Medium facial peeling has the following positive effects on the body:

  • tightening of integument, increasing elasticity and smoothness;
  • disappearance of scars and alignment of depressions on the face;
  • discoloration, partial or complete disappearance of age spots;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • significant reduction or disappearance of traces of age-related changes;
  • reduction of facial wrinkles, acne effect and acne;
  • youth, well-groomed and radiant complexion.

Indications for the use of medium peeling

Manipulation should be carried out according to the following cosmetic and medical indicators:

  • presence of scars;
  • papillomas and warts;
  • stretch marks;
  • age-related and facial changes;
  • increase in depressions and scars in places of healed acne;
  • accelerated process of cell division of the epidermis with disruption of separation processes.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite all the benefits of the manipulation, it is not indicated for everyone. There are certain contraindications to the procedure:

  • processes of inflammation on the epidermis, including ulcers;
  • acute form of infectious diseases;
  • acute stage of cardiovascular diseases;
  • blood diseases, especially bleeding disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus and oncology;
  • all types of mental and nervous disorders;
  • predisposition of the skin to accelerated scarring.

Basic technologies of medium peeling

Today there are several technologies. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Hardware option

It is performed using a laser and other technological devices, which is why it is called hardware. The cost of this manipulation in the salon is from 1200 rubles. The method is divided into two types.

  • The fractional laser method has many names - partial thermolysis or laser grating. The bottom line is that the effect on the deep layers of the epidermis occurs through laser beams. Their protection forms something similar to a grid pattern. This allows you to actively stimulate regeneration functions, negating possible complications. The recovery period after laser treatment is significantly reduced.
  • Laser grinding. It is performed by exposing the entire area of ​​the epidermis to a laser beam. This can be described as "bombardment" with high energy pulses. The cell membranes are destroyed and the cellular fluid evaporates. As a result of the resulting microtraumas, a rapid regeneration process is launched, and the tissues are actively renewed.

Chemical medium peeling

It has fundamental differences from the previous method. The difference is in the use of various chemical compounds as active substances. The price starts from 1500 rubles per session. The following types of acids are often used in cosmetology:

  • salicylic (appears in the form of a paste or aqueous solution, and for the middle type of effect only a solution with a concentration of at least 30% is used);
  • dairy and fruit;
  • retinol, glycolic and ascorbic;
  • trichloroacetic.

Under their influence, the process of destruction of integument cells occurs, and the process of accelerated recovery begins. Chemical species has many additional effects.

  • Superficial cleaning and exfoliation. The outer part of the skin is whitened and gets rid of the stratum corneum.
  • Narrowing of pores. Active agents will help narrow the fatty pores, which smooths out the surface.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. The pathogenic flora is eliminated.

Experts distinguish the following varieties:

  • In-depth - will help you decide age problems: strengthening turgor, eliminating wrinkles. In addition, it is used for polishing scars from operations or after minor injuries.
  • Superficial. Will get rid of unevenness, acne marks and other defects.

Important! It is necessary to add an allergic reaction to organic acids to the list of contraindications for chemical renewal.

Mechanical medium peeling

An alternative name is grinding. Face after medium peeling rejuvenates: wrinkles, scars and pits are smoothed out. Photos of patients before and after are striking in changes in better side, since the effect is “minus 5 years”. Price - from 1800 rubles.

  • Under influence high pressure tiny particles are sprayed, affecting the epidermis with high intensity. In other words, the stratum corneum is cut off by microscopic crystals flying at high speed.
  • The active elements are particles of salt, aluminum, and even diamonds.
  • Depending on the goal, the strength and degree of influence of the elements is regulated by the cosmetologist.
  • The mechanical type of impact has its advantages: it does not cause discomfort or pain, and the recovery period occurs quickly.

Process Features

  • The manipulation is preceded by an initial examination and examination.
  • Immediately before starting the manipulation you should not use nourishing creams, take preparations of the retinol vitamin group, apply scrubs at home at least two days before going to the cosmetologist.
  • Skin cleansing is performed by the same cosmetologist who will carry out the main action.

Facial changes due to the procedure

The treated areas of the face and body may undergo some changes:

  1. Protein coagulation occurs. In the first few hours, the integument will turn red due to the fact that the protein structures of the cells begin to thicken and fold.
  2. Swelling and inflammation. This is a natural process, since the cells have undergone destruction to which they are forced to react.
  3. Exfoliation can last up to 2 weeks, depending on the technology used and the personal reaction of the face.
  4. Regeneration is the appearance of a new layer of skin. It is already smoother, even and neater. There is shine and freshness.

Median (medial) facial peeling is chemical peeling, the effect of which is to remove some skin cells and penetrate acids into the middle layers of the skin. What does this lead to?

Trichloroacetic acid, often used in exfoliation, stimulates the production of new cells, eliminating aging and mutating cells, allowing for deeper cleansing of the face. In addition, not only chemical, but also physical and mechanical median peelings can be performed.

It is important to understand the specifics of medial peeling, what indications and contraindications exist, what the preparatory stage looks like and what procedures it is combined with.

What is median (medial) peeling?

Peeling is one of the most popular and sought-after rejuvenation techniques and is often used by women who always want to look flawless, regardless of age.

Middle or medial peeling is one of the types of peeling. This is a method of removing dead cells from within the epidermis and down to the basal layer of the skin.

The procedure is applicable for both the face and the neck, décolleté, hands and other problem areas of the skin.

Medial chemical peels differ from superficial peels in that they involve more concentrated acids, for example, one of the most common is trichloroacetic acid (TCA). That is why the deeper layers of the skin are affected.

Medium peeling effectively fights age spots, removes shallow wrinkles, and corrects skin changes on the hands and décolleté, even in mature people.

#3 main types of peeling

What kind of peelings are there?

In relation to the method of exposure, exfoliating procedures are distinguished:

  1. Mechanical peeling. They remove dead cells using abrasive compounds (scrubs, enzymes, masks) or vacuum.
  2. Physical (hardware) peeling. They are performed using professional equipment for fractional laser thermolysis, diamond dermabrasion, and laser peeling.
  3. Chemical peeling. The effect of which on the face is obtained due to acids such as fruit, lactic, ascorbic, glycolic, malonic, trichloroacetic.

Regarding the depth of impact, similar peelings are distinguished: medium-superficial and medium-deep. The contents of the former include either acids. The second is carried out with 25-30% acetic or 20-30% salicylic acids.

Often phenol peeling called the middle one.

However, phenolic implies a deep effect. It is used in exceptional circumstances, taking into account multiple restrictions and unpleasant manifestations.


This cosmetic procedure is used when it is necessary to eliminate specific flaws.


  • wrinkles that appear on the face as a result of solar intensity, causing photoaging, prolonged tense conditions, and the genetic predisposition of the body;
  • , then the procedure is used in complex treatment;
  • chloasma, freckles, shallow keratomas;
  • the need to even out and whiten the color of the epidermal surface;
  • the need to stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands by reducing fat content and leveling it out;
  • the need to increase the degree of skin hydration, reduce the manifestation of acne, and lift the dermis;
  • if you need to enhance blood microcirculation in the facial skin.

Medium peeling is also used to increase dermal tone and elasticity of the skin surface. In addition, the procedure helps remove the darkness of circles under the eyes.


The list of diseases and conditions of the body that exclude the possibility of resorting to the procedure includes the problems and conditions listed below.


  1. pregnancy and lactation period;
  2. existing cuts, wounds, scratches, abrasions, ulcers, other damage to the dermis in the peeling area;
  3. infections in the form of herpes, warts, molluscum contagiosum;
  4. just received a tan;
  5. body temperature above normal, feverish state;
  6. worsening acne;
  7. use of solutions of solcoderm, prospirin, 5-fluorouracil;
  8. allergy to the active ingredients of the peeling composition;
  9. diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  10. impaired blood clotting;
  11. epileptic and other neurological abnormalities;
  12. diabetes;
  13. cancer;
  14. susceptibility of the dermis to scar formation;
  15. , atopic dermatitis, other skin diseases.

Medium peeling is also prohibited for those who take antipsychotics, sulfonamides and tetracycline-based antibiotics. You should also avoid manipulation during the period of using retinoids (for example, renin-A, roaccutane).

What should you consider when starting the procedure?

Despite the extensive list of indications for performing medium peeling, it still does not hurt to provide for some features of the event.

Such manipulation will not completely eliminate scars or scars - they will only become less visible. This is explained by the fact that the treatment occurs in layers both along the borders of the dermal defect and at its bottom.

Medium peeling cannot remove expression wrinkles, as well as those that form in the corners of the mouth and eyes.

But medium peeling will help discolor or completely remove pigmentation.

However, for those who are susceptible to age spots, after some time they may appear either in the old or in new areas.

The motivating circumstances are solar action and microdamage to the epidermis.

To permanently remove acne, a tandem of medium peeling with drug treatment is suitable - this will eliminate the main source of the disease. Peeling will only narrow the pores and reduce the production of sebaceous glands.

Combining medium peeling with other procedures

For reachability maximum efficiency Medium peeling is used together, for example, with injections.

The main condition is to maintain an interval of 2-3 weeks between different cosmetic events.

Medium peeling should be delayed for 6 months or more if the skin surface is too damaged during laser or mechanical dermabrasion.

When planning to use medium peeling to rejuvenate the epidermis, you must, 7 days before visiting the salon, refrain from cosmetic manipulations that are accompanied by damage to the skin (for example, laser or photoepilation).

Preparatory measures

There are 2 ways to prepare the skin surface for the event.

  1. Preparation with special cosmetics. First, you should carry out hygienic cleansing of the face, and then switch to using skincare cosmetics with glycolic acid(saturation up to 10%) in the composition. This will prepare your face for deeper treatment.
  2. Preparation of the skin using superficial peeling with a small number (1-2) manipulations. Exfoliation (so-called peeling) is applied to a clean skin surface. This is also a kind of preparation of the skin for medium peeling.

To avoid the occurrence of herpes, 7 days before the mid-peel, you should start using an antiviral medication (for example, acyclovir).

Question answer

You should not expect that a single peeling procedure will get rid of post-acne - in one session only a reduction in the appearance of the defect is achieved.

An alternative to chemical peeling can be laser thermolysis and resurfacing. In addition, you can use dermabrasion.

The fact is that during this period there is the least activity of the sun, which can negatively affect the skin after exposure to acids. It is worth remembering that even in the winter season you should not forget to use SPF protection.

Medium peeling with trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

This peeling manipulation achieves the following results:

  • keratinized particles of the epidermis are exfoliated;
  • anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effectiveness is achieved;
  • Metabolic processes are stimulated and capillaries dilate.

To perform medium peeling, use special means. This includes Easy TSA Pee l - a composition of a 15% mixture of trichloroacetic acid and fruit acids.

TSA Peel Solution is also used - a product made from a 20% mix with trichloroacetic acid (used for medium peeling).

Cosmetologists also use Only Touch Peel, a substance containing 40% TCA (intended only for deep peeling).

An indispensable condition for avoiding unpleasant consequences is to strictly follow the instructions that come with these drugs.

Conducting TCA (5 stages)

Just sticking step by step instructions, it is permissible to obtain the desired result.

  1. First, the skin surface is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities with a special lotion.
  2. Next, a protective solution is applied to the lips and eyes to eliminate the effects of acid.
  3. Then a peeling composition is applied. It is permissible to use multiple layers within one manipulation. Alternating trichloroacetic acid with nourishing and moisturizing substances is also used.
  4. Then the skin surface is moistened with a neutralizer, which neutralizes the residual effect of the product.
  5. At the end of the procedure, one of the masks is applied, which contains nourishing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components. After the mask has expired, the epidermal surface is lubricated with moisturizer.

In order for the effectiveness of the mid-peel to meet expectations, the first manipulation must be followed by a second. But not earlier than after 3-4 weeks.

Medium salicylic peeling

A similar peeling manipulation is also applicable for those with dark or dark epidermis. This is explained by the gentle effect of peeling components on the epidermal surface. But only if a 30% salicylic acid solution is used.

Medium salicylic peeling is carried out according to the standard procedure. Initially, a preparation with sodium salicylate is applied to cleansed and degreased skin.

After which the harm from its effects is removed by a neutralizer, and special masks and creams moisturize and soothe the skin.

There are 2 methods of applying salicylic acid to the skin surface:

  • soft– with sodium salicylate in 1 or several layers, the epidermal surface is smeared with a cotton swab with a gentle touch;
  • hard– sodium salicylate is rubbed into the skin surface with pressure using a cotton pad.

Confirmation of the onset of peeling action is the appearance of a white layer on the skin (frosting).

Salicylic peeling is used in courses of 3-4 sessions with an interval of 10 days. Course repetition – 2-3 times a year.

Medium Jessner peel (composition)

This peeling manipulation is considered mid-superficial. The product consists of components with a concentration of 14%:

  • resorcinol;
  • salicylic and lactic acids;
  • ethyl alcohol.

The drug is applied based on the thickness of the skin and the desired depth of penetration of the mixture. Therefore, the product is applied to thin skin surfaces with a sterile applicator, and to thick skin surfaces with a gauze pad.

The peeling course includes 3-4 events with an interval of 6 weeks.

Retinoic peeling

This type of peeling also has a superficial-medial effect. In cosmetology it is also called .

Products for this manipulation may contain various acids, but they must contain retinoic acid.

This peeling procedure is intended for patients whose age exceeds 35-40 years.

The interesting thing is that you can go for a session even in the summer, which is prohibited for many peelings. But at the same time, we must not forget to use sunscreen (protection against UV rays must be at least 50).

If you have allergic reaction for vitamin A or there is liver failure, then the manipulation should be abandoned.

Held retinoic peeling in this sequence:

  • The doctor cleans the patient’s face and applies a special solution to prepare the skin. It should contain salicylic or glycolic acid.
  • Next, the peeling itself is applied. There is more than one option. The doctor will select the appropriate method, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person.

The peeling composition can be left on for only 15 minutes. In this case, the doctor himself will eliminate the mixture. But this peeling can be left on the skin for up to 12 hours, then the person needs to wash it off independently, following all the doctor’s recommendations.

Hardware medium peels (3 types)

Not only acids are used for medium peeling. It can be performed using other methods.

The following hardware methods are distinguished:

  1. Laser ter. Laser is used for various cosmetic procedures. It can also be used for medium peeling. The main thing is that it can be used to treat a specific area without affecting neighboring tissues. After laser peeling, rapid regeneration and recovery occurs, and complications are extremely rare. For this purpose, CO2, erbium, and neodymium lasers are used. They differ in wavelength and method of implementation.
  2. Dermabrasion with laser. This is a popular procedure. It is also called . It consists of laser exposure, which triggers regeneration processes and renewal of the skin.
  3. For this manipulation, a special nozzle is used that releases diamond particles. The result is a kind of grinding. With this procedure you can reduce scars, pigmentation, and also get rid of acne.

#5 possible side effects

After undergoing a mid-peeling, the following troubles occur:

  1. Lack of results. There are cases when the procedure does not live up to expectations, and the improvement in the condition of the facial skin does not occur evenly. To prevent this from happening, take your choice seriously. You will have to find it even when such a nuisance has already happened. He will try to correct the situation. In addition, it is worth understanding that with the help of the procedure it is impossible to remove deep scars. They can be made less noticeable, but this will require more than one session.
  2. The appearance of a severe burn. Such a nuisance is extremely rare. This often happens when contraindications are not taken into account. For example, a patient recently underwent a rather traumatic procedure. Therefore, be sure to check with your doctor about all the nuances.
  3. The appearance of scars. This often happens when a person begins to independently remove the scales that have formed after peeling. But you need to remember that they should fall off on their own. You can’t tear them off, even if it’s time for you to go to work.
  4. Herpetic or pustular rash. This mainly happens if a person is poorly prepared for manipulation. 7 days before the session you need to take antiviral medications, and there should be no inflammation on your face.
  5. Irritation, prolonged peeling. This often causes the skin to become red and itchy. These are allergy signals. This is why it is recommended to test any product on the body in small areas before applying it to the face. If symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, and the cosmetologist is powerless and cannot help you, go to a dermatologist. Otherwise, you may encounter, for example, another chronic pathology.

Patients with dark skin should be careful, as they risk experiencing disturbed pigmentation.

How to care for your skin during the recovery period?

After peeling, it is better not to plan important events. The fact is that you will have a recovery period of approximately 2 weeks. But in order for everything to go “smoothly”, it is worth following some rules.

Rehabilitation occurs in stages:

  • Initially, after the procedure itself, the skin looks natural, only a slight feeling of tightness is felt. But later (about the first 2 days) the face begins to turn red and swelling appears. During this period, you cannot wet your skin with plain water, use decorative cosmetics (only creams with UV protection are allowed), or go to the gym or sauna. Many doctors advise using Panthenol to alleviate their sensations.
  • When 3 days pass from the moment of peeling, severe tightening of the skin and the formation of a crust (film) on the face are observed Brown. Be extremely careful, as this film cannot be peeled off; it should peel off on its own. Washing should be done using exclusively a gel composition. It is allowed to use water-based products.
  • These crusts will disappear in about 7 days, and increased peeling is observed. The main thing is not to speed up the process.
  • After complete peeling, the resulting films will have a pink or reddish tint to the face. Don't be alarmed, this is normal. At this stage, you can use creams. A couple more days will pass and your face will return to its usual color.

Medium peeling price range

The average cost of such peeling also includes the price of the components included in the product. Medium peeling with trichloroacetic acid costs 3500-8000 rubles, and -3500-7000 rubles.

You need to pay between 3500-6500 rubles for retinoic peeling manipulation. Cheaper - 2000-4000 rubles for a medium salicylic or glycolic peel.

In the price segment of the procedure, the clinic’s rating and the client’s skin type are taken into account. Also included are the application method and the percentage of acid in the product.

The price includes post-peeling care masks and creams, as well as substances from preparatory measures.

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Many peels are quite aggressive, often leaving the skin feeling like parchment. To avoid complications, you need to contact a highly qualified cosmetologist with sufficient experience. If a person decides to do such a procedure for the first time, then it is better to pay attention to more gentle peelings. In this case, I advise you to postpone the middle one. In addition, there are many other excellent procedures: mesotherapy, biorevitalization. But in the case of medium peeling, I have never seen good results.

Many women are afraid to sign up for a medium peel, considering this procedure to be very painful and unpleasant. Thanks to the use modern technologies, sessions began to be conducted in more comfortable conditions and themselves became safer.

Medium peeling, or, as it is also called, medium, is a type of chemical peeling. The essence of the technique is that the specialist completely removes the epidermis, thereby triggering the regeneration of the skin. As a result of the procedure, skin cells are renewed, and the woman receives the desired facial rejuvenation.

What is a medium facial peel?

Cosmetologists today widely use medium peeling technology not only for rejuvenation and restoration of facial skin, but also to rejuvenate the skin on women's hands, carry out complex therapy for striae (stretch marks).

Indications and contraindications

Medium chemical peeling is indicated in such cases as:

  • the presence of minor and shallow wrinkles on the face;
  • uneven facial skin texture;
  • the presence of age spots, strong pigmentation;
  • presence of freckles;
  • the presence of a type of skin disorder such as chloasma;
  • presence of superficial keratomas;
  • presence of acne marks (post-acne);
  • the presence of hyperkeratosis;
  • aging, fading, loose skin;
  • the presence of warts and papillomas;
  • the presence of foci of hyperpigmentation;
  • presence of scars (hypertrophic and keloid).

Superficial-medium peeling may be contraindicated for women who:

  • have diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • have diabetes;
  • have cancer;
  • there is a predisposition to the formation of scar tissue;
  • there are pustular and inflammatory neoplasms on the skin;
  • blood clotting is impaired;
  • there are open wounds on the skin;
  • there are diseases of the circulatory system;
  • there are chronic and acute infectious diseases;
  • there are mental disorders (including, for example, epilepsy).

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of the technique include the following:

  • chemical peeling is an ancient technique, one of the most scientifically examined technologies in cosmetology (ancient beauties began to use chemical peeling long before the science of cosmetology appeared);
  • the opportunity to receive instant, externally tangible and visible result(the effect is noticeable already a week after the procedure);
  • the ability to maintain results for a long period – from six months to two years.

In addition to the advantages, medium peeling, like other cosmetic procedures, has disadvantages. These are, in particular:

  • painfulness of the sessions (for example, if we compare this procedure with superficial peeling, then the superficial session will be painless and comfortable for a woman) - the patient will feel an unpleasant burning sensation, since the acids will act on the living epidermis;
  • mandatory rehabilitation period at the end of the session (lasts one week);
  • side effects after the session (peeling of the skin);
  • inability to smooth out facial deep and vertical wrinkles near the mouth (this requires a Botox injection, contour plastic surgery);
  • it is impossible to remove intensively developed “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes (this requires a Botox injection, contour plastic surgery);
  • it is impossible to remove deep nasolabial folds (this requires a Botox injection, contour plastic surgery);
  • the likelihood of disrupting skin pigmentation in women with dark skin.

Expected results of medium peeling and the effect after the procedure of medium peeling of facial skin

Through medium facial peeling, a cosmetologist can:

  • make the stratum corneum of the skin more uniform;
  • make deep skin layers more elastic;
  • make the epidermis layer denser.

Types of physical medium peeling

Main types of physical medium peeling

Fractional laser thermolysis basically contains a laser principle of influence and a laser grating, thanks to which instant regeneration occurs, the probability serious complications is reduced to a minimum. The impact occurs through large quantity mini-rays, the entire integument is not irradiated.

Laser peeling (or laser dermabrasion) is based on the principle of “absorption” of a laser beam and a large amount of energy by cells. A series of micro-explosions occurs and the treated tissue evaporates.

Diamond dermabrasion works like this: a specialist specifically injures the skin with a nozzle containing diamond dust. Thanks to this, a woman can easily and quickly say goodbye to problems such as acne, scars, pigmentation and wrinkles.

Necessary medications for the procedure

Medium peeling differs from superficial peeling in that it is carried out with more concentrated acids, for example, one of the most common is trichloroacetic acid (TCA). It can also be fruit and salicylic acid (most often, they are used in synthesized form together with trichloroacetic acid).

This technique has its own complexity - it is almost impossible to calculate the exact depth of action of the preparations on the skin. For this reason, there is always a risk of deep chemical damage to the skin. As they heal, scars will remain on the skin.

Because of this, specialists have now begun to use the so-called “technology” for medium peeling. yellow peeling"and TCA peeling Pro Anthox (it has a gel base, thanks to which the substance can be evenly distributed over the skin, the drug will slowly penetrate into the layers of the skin, therefore, the cosmetologist will always be able to track the entire peeling process and control the depth of the effect).

Preliminary preparation for procedures

The skin must be prepared for the procedure. Preparation consists of leveling the stratum corneum and its thickness, otherwise oxygen will flow in uneven amounts during the session. Also at this stage, the specialist should take care to avoid possible hyperpigmentation after the session.

Experts, as a rule, prescribe that women use moisturizing cosmetics and antioxidants before sessions.

He must spend preventive actions- attribute to the patient sunscreens with more than SPF 15, and whitening components. In addition, antiviral drugs are also prescribed. This is done to ensure that relapses and exacerbations do not occur when treating areas where there were previously signs of, for example, recurrent herpes.

Peeling can provoke its aggravation, which is undesirable. For this reason, serious preparation for the procedure cannot do without antiviral drugs.

Medium peeling procedure

Operating principle

Living cells are destroyed, so the active process of formation of new ones begins, which form the epidermis. In the deeper layers of the skin, capillaries begin to grow rapidly, elastin is synthesized with collagen (they affect the elasticity of the skin) and hyaluric acid (it helps retain moisture in the skin).

Rehabilitation recovery period after the procedure

Medium chemical peeling is a fairly serious cosmetic procedure. After it, the woman must undergo a rehabilitation period. It takes on average a week. During this period, she may experience active peeling of the skin, and “crusts” will form on her face. It is forbidden to rip off these “scabs” - this will not “speed up” the update. In a few days, the “crusts” will fall off on their own.

Within a week to ten days after the procedure, a woman is prohibited from using decorative cosmetics, do facial makeup. You should not use cosmetics either - the skin should rest and recover after peeling.

A woman needs to carefully protect her skin from the influence of biological factors– frost, cold, wind, action high temperatures. Avoid being in direct sunlight. During the rehabilitation period, it is forbidden to go to the sauna or solarium. At this time, you should temporarily stop visiting the pools.

The effect of a medium facial peel lasts up to two years. Compared to others cosmetic procedures, this technique is characterized by a quick rehabilitation period and a low price per session. After such a procedure, a woman receives a good, stable result, which will pleasantly please her.

Medium peeling: video

Many women are afraid to sign up for a medium peel, considering this procedure to be very painful and unpleasant. But your opinion will change after watching this video.

Or to reduce the number of existing wrinkles, the best option is a mid-peel - a procedure that effectively smoothes the skin, giving it a healthy, youthful appearance. Besides, this type eliminates wrinkles and dark spots on the skin. However, medium peeling does not have an effect on facial wrinkles and acne scars; this will require a procedure. For medium peeling, different chemical agents are used. More often, trichloroacetic, salicylic and glycolic acid, as well as Jessner's solution, are used for this purpose.

Medium facial peeling: advantages

In addition to the fact that medium peeling improves skin texture and color, it helps reduce age spots and fine wrinkles, as well as restore tone. In addition, it effectively eliminates acne and eliminates dark spots around eyes. For best efficiency Peeling is recommended to be repeated after 3-6 months. The difference between medium peeling and deep peeling is that it can be performed on people with dark skin, but there is some risk of pigmentation.

Disadvantages of medium peeling

Medium peeling allows you to reduce only fine wrinkles, but does not have any effect on facial wrinkles, deeper ones. To obtain the best effect, it is recommended to undergo a special skin care program before peeling, and repeat the peeling procedure at 3-month intervals. The effect of this type of peeling lasts up to 12 months, and it can be extended with the help of a skin care program, as well as micropeeling.

Preparing for the mid-peeling procedure

To make medium peeling more effective, it is advisable to prepare for it. It promotes deeper penetration of the chemical used, faster recovery, reducing the risk of skin pigmentation, and, accordingly, better results.

To prepare, topical retinoin and whitening agents are usually prescribed for 4-6 weeks before the procedure. Retinoin helps exfoliate dead skin cells, allowing the peel to penetrate deeper. In addition, retinoin enhances the regeneration process of skin cells and accelerates healing. And glycolic enhances the effect of retinoin.

Patients with dark skin are more likely to develop pigmentation after the procedure. To reduce this risk, it is recommended to use bleaching products - before and after the procedure. If you are on a skin care program, this will certainly already prepare your skin for a chemical peel.

Some clinics perform medium peeling without first preparing the skin. But keep in mind that in this case it is difficult to guarantee the best result, while the recovery process will take longer, and the risk of pigmentation will be much higher than on prepared skin.

How does the procedure work? mid peeling

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, in a medical center or a cosmetologist's office. It takes from 15 minutes to an hour. This depends on the area of ​​skin being treated. The procedure is painless, but the doctor may prescribe sedatives or

When peeling, a chemical agent is applied to the skin, for example. After reaching the desired depth, this substance is neutralized with. After the procedure, a burning sensation may be observed, but it goes away after 2 - 10 minutes.

Approximately half an hour after peeling, the skin returns to its normal color. After this, for quick healing and a moisturizing effect, a plant-based or animal-based ointment is applied to the skin. Patients usually do not need painkillers after a mid-peeling.

Recovery period

After the mid-peel, you usually do not feel any discomfort. It is recommended to wash your face 2 times a day using gentle soap and water, and then you need to apply ointment to the skin. At first, there may be redness on the skin. And after a few days, the surface layers of the skin darken and become denser. The skin then cracks and peels off. Peeling usually goes away within 4-7 days. And in place of already exfoliated skin, fresh and new skin will appear. After peeling is complete, makeup can be applied to the skin. And after 2 weeks it is advisable to undergo a skin care program.

Medium peeling results

The effect of a mid-peel lasts on average from six months to 2 years. To prolong the effect, it is recommended to use special post-peeling skin care products.

Medium peeling: conclusions

Comparing simple and complex cosmetology methods, medium peeling gives good results at low cost and a relatively quick recovery period. This procedure is perfect for those women who want a better effect than from superficial peeling, but deep peeling is too expensive for them.

Medium facial peeling is a godsend for those over 30: it is too early to undergo plastic surgery, but prevention of age-related changes is already necessary. The procedure will help relieve the burden of dead cells and improve the penetration of beneficial substances from creams and serums by 80%.

Most often, such measures are thought about in order to preserve youth and to eliminate traces of advanced acne. The specificity of the method requires mandatory consultation and supervision of a dermatologist, that is predominantly salon-based.

To understand what a medium facial peel is and how to choose best method exfoliation, you must first understand the structure of the skin.

SKIN is the largest organ of the human body .

It protects against harmful environmental influences and helps retain nutrients.

The skin consists of 3 main layers:

  • Epidermis- surface cover of 5 layers (outer - horny, the bottom one - basal). This layer is responsible for the shade that changes under the influence of the sun.
  • Dermis- consists of only 2 layers: papillary And mesh. This is where they are blood vessels, hair roots, nerve fibers And collagen and elastin proteins, determining the youth of their owner.
  • Hypodermis- and in this subcutaneous fat layer heat exchange is adjusted And food supplied.

Median exfoliation exfoliates tissues up to the basal septum of the epidermis.

As a result, defects such as post-acne, stretch marks, wrinkles and scars are eliminated.



As a result of an attack on living cells, the body reacts by activating restoration processes and literally “grows” new young tissues in place of old ones.

An entire army led by collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans rushes to “patch” tissue, improving its protective and moisture-retaining properties.

The resulting effect lasts for 6-24 months.


In the same time, Such methods also have disadvantages:

  • PAINFULNESS (for example, acids cause a burning sensation).
  • RECOVERY for at least 7 days.
  • PEELING. After the session, the skin may peel and come off in large flaps (except for some types of laser treatment).

Indications and contraindications


So, what can a medium chemical peel for the face and body handle:

  • Fuzzy oval face;
  • Freckles, post-acne;
  • Bio- and photoaging;


The session cannot be held if there is contraindications:

  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Damages of the cardiovascular system.
  • Acute infections.
  • Predisposition to the development of keloids.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Oncology.
  • Diabetes.
  • Open dermatological lesions.


Median exposure methods come in several varieties.


Basically, we are talking about acids here, but sometimes alkalis are involved in the preparations. Medium chemical peeling for the face can be either mono-acid or multi-acid.

The most popular acid methods are:

Varies depending on molecular weight depth of penetration of acids into the skin. Subtypes of medium chemical peeling are associated with this:


In hardware technologies, it is also possible to influence defects in the living layer of the epidermis using a laser.

In the light latest trends For this purpose, aesthetic medicine resorts to, which allows one to act on human tissue in depth, while maintaining a seemingly untouched surface.

The technology uses “grid” type irradiation mini rays. Those. vaporizes tissue through multiple micro-explosions and involves rapid regeneration. The cells seem to “suck up” the rays, and then fragmentary damage forms the basis for careful restoration.

At the moment laser methods considered one of the most advanced. During regeneration, collagen, elastin and fibroblasts are intensively produced, as a result the skin becomes fresher and younger.

During this mechanical peeling process, the face is treated with a special attachment. cosmetology device with diamond coating.

GEZATON, 150 € Pristine, 6.999 € Kendal Dimond Peel, 135 €

Different types of brushes allow you to get rid of acne, scars, spots and wrinkles.

The method is based on the beneficial properties of the hardest mineral on Earth: diamond. It is successfully used in medicine and dermatology to treat inflammatory processes.

Physical peeling

Another option for medium facial peels is physical peeling. In another way, such exfoliation is called “ ”: within the framework of this technology, aesthetic imperfections are eliminated using liquid nitrogen, which creates a feeling of “freezing” the integument.

Portable cryodestructor "Krioton-3" CryoMini device


Procedure protocol

Medium facial peeling is carried out as follows:

  1. First, we choose a method and make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. 2 days before the session The use of fatty creams is limited; cleansing and degreasing with tonic is allowed.
  3. On the day of the session the treatment area must be prepared in a special way: Free from dirt, grease and makeup.
  4. At the next stage, the composition itself is applied, strictly according to the procedure protocol.
  5. After the frost effect occurs(a white coating representing denaturation of cellular protein) is applied peeling mixture neutralizer.
  6. Finally, a moisturizing and protective mask is applied.

Post-session care

Care after a mid-peel (for example) is especially significant, since any mistake during the rehabilitation period can negate all the benefits. The face may become red and swollen at this time, this is normal.


After the session, the skin peels off for 7 to 14 days. At this time, a crust forms on the damaged tissues, which should come off on its own. Under no circumstances should you tear it off, otherwise scars may form.

Scrubs After a medium facial peeling, use is strictly prohibited!

You can’t wash your face with water for the first 2 days.. Starting from the 3rd day, washing once daily is allowed. boiled water pleasant temperature with mild acidity pH 5-6 (regular soap is prohibited).

Simultaneously with washing, you can use pharmaceutical skincare products like Panthenol.

GlyDerm Gentle Face Cleanser