How beautiful to comb your hair. How to comb very tangled hair? For unruly hair

Combing your hair several times a day, few people think, but are you doing it right? Their further health and beauty will depend on manipulations with hair. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention to the process itself, and combing long hair Right! With long curls, things are a little more complicated, since caring for them takes more time. But if you train, then you can easily and quickly manage them! In this article, you will learn little tricks on how to properly comb long hair.

Combing long hair correctly

Since childhood, we are used to combing our hair, but not everyone does it right. Not only it depends on the quality of combing the hair appearance but also health. This is especially true for long hair, because they get confused much more often than short ones, and require more care.

Many do not even suspect that it is possible to comb incorrectly! After all, as we used to think: he held a comb and you're done. Over time, from such an attitude towards oneself, the hair begins to fall out, becomes more brittle and dull.
To avoid such mistakes, it is worth following some rules in the process of combing.

5 Common Mistakes When Combing Long Hair

1. Combing from the roots

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Many are accustomed to combing, starting from the roots and gradually moving towards the tips. This method harms the general condition of the hair and leads to hair loss. Best Option there will not be a big indent from the beginning of the growth of the strands. It is advisable to comb the roots at the end of the whole process so as not to tangle the rest of the hair.

2. Combing wet hair

When the hair is saturated with moisture, it is subject to strong stretching and is available for any mechanical damage. Therefore, any careless or rough movement of the comb causes great harm.

3. Combing with a massage comb

The use of such a comb for detangling hair is unacceptable! A massage comb will not so much untangle the hair as it will reduce their number at times.

4. Passionate combing

Do not comb your hair too long and often. The less you touch them, the healthier and more whole they will be. Remember that with each procedure, we imperceptibly tear out small hairs. But this does not mean that you should stop caring for your hair altogether.

5. Dirty tool

Another common mistake is an untidy tool. A comb that you constantly use needs to be cleaned periodically, and even washed. Hairs, sebum and scales, dust, dirt and many other unpleasant things accumulate on it. Therefore, the hair brush must be kept clean.

Choosing a comb for long hair

Long hair is best combed with a comb-brush. In addition, such a tool perfectly cleans them from dust. For those who have hair that is not so lush, but at the same time long combs with blunt ends are suitable. They do not scratch the scalp and do not tangle the strands together.
It is important to understand that the selection of a comb is a purely individual matter. Therefore, based on our advice, try to choose the beauty tool that is right for you!

Why is it so important to comb long hair properly?

Everyone wants to look attractive, and our hairstyle is one of the main components of a neat look. But what if the hair looks dull and lifeless? The answer is simple: learn how to comb them correctly!
If your hair suddenly becomes oily, dry, brittle, then these ailments can happen to you due to improper use of the comb! Performing daily manipulations with combing hair, you can either worsen their appearance and condition, or improve it. It all depends on whether you are ready to learn it!

We clean the working tool

When you comb your hair, the cleanliness of the comb plays a significant role. If there are hairs left on it or even worse - dirt, it will all immediately move to your head. Therefore, wash your working tool in a timely manner (at least once a month).

Combs are different, and care for them too. For example, a comb-brush must be washed with a solution of soap and ammonia. To do this, add two tablespoons to one liter of soapy water. ammonia. Plain warm soapy water works well for combs.
IMPORTANT! Any comb, before washing with a solution, should be thoroughly cleaned of hairs.

1. Start combing from the ends of the hair. Long hair is best to start combing from the end, while constantly holding it with your hands for convenience. Do not pull them, use force. With light movements, move from the very tips up the entire head of hair.

2. Comb your hair before washing. Always comb and detangle small knots before each shampoo. Otherwise, you run the risk of stumbling upon micro knots and confusing them even more, which will greatly harm your hair.

3. Do not use force. Even if your hair is very tangled, do not use brute force at the time of combing. This way is destructive! Take a little more time, but detangle each strand gently and with your fingers.

4. Detangle wet hair with your hands. Since wet hair is more susceptible to external influences, do not harm them with a comb. Use your fingers to unravel them. With simple, light hand movements, separate the strands and leave to dry. And remember, do your hair on wet hair highly undesirable.

5. Change the direction of the comb. Direct the movements of the comb in different directions. This will improve the quality of the procedure performed. This method also stimulates the work of blood vessels at the time of combing the hair on the back of the head and crown of the head.

Little tricks for the beauty and health of your hair

1. Use a comb. Comb with frequent teeth correct option for detangling hair. Start the process from the tips, gradually rising higher along the entire length.

2. Use the massage comb only to comb your hair. Do not use a metal massage comb. Only when you have untangled all the knots from the strands, you can proceed to the massage comb. This way you won't damage your hair.

3. Use specialized professional tools for easy detangling of hair. If your long curls are constantly tangled, and combing knots out of them is an unpleasant problem, use it. It will help to greatly facilitate the process, and protect the hair from gross damage. Spreading it over the surface of the hair, you can safely comb them.

4. Periodically rinse the comb. A dirty tool is a source of hair disease. If you want to preserve the beauty and health of your curls for a long time, then once a month wash the comb in soapy water.

5. Let your hair down before bed. It's important to comb your hair before you go to bed so that your hair doesn't get so tangled overnight. And it is equally important to always sleep with loose curls so as not to damage them.

Remember beautiful hair- a profitable decoration for every woman!

It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a guy - if your hair is longer than five centimeters, then you comb it every day. But just because it's so familiar and familiar doesn't mean you're doing it right.

Here are seven mistakes that many people make on a daily basis, and if you continue like this, the health (and quantity) of your hair may deteriorate, not to mention the appearance.

When problems with hair begin, when they become greasy, weak or electrified, people most often try to change - they buy other shampoos, conditioners, masks.

No one even thinks that it may be the inability to comb hair. So, seven mistakes, getting rid of which, you can improve the condition of your hair.

1. Combing from roots to tips

If you comb your hair, brushing it from the roots to the tips, it has a bad effect on the hair: the comb, tangled, pulls the hair out of the follicle, and as a result, you tear it out.

How right?

Comb, starting a few centimeters above the tips, gradually moving up and untangling the knots. This method does not injure the hair and does not tear it out.

2. Combing wet hair

When the hair fibers fill with moisture, they stretch, becoming weaker. During combing, stretched hair is more quickly damaged and broken.

How right?

Wait until, and then comb.

3. Detangling hair with a flat brush

When the hair is very tangled, many use a brush or "massage", while tearing out the hair almost in strands. This is too rough method, no matter if the hair is dry or wet.

How right?

For detangling, it is best to use a wide-toothed comb, but first you need to spray your hair. special means, for example spray for easy combing.

After such products, the comb will glide well through the hair, and they will unravel faster and easier, without damage.

4. Too much brushing

There is such an absurd myth: in order to comb well, you need to brush through your hair 100 times. In fact, such sessions only spoil the hair - break it.

How right?

No need to get carried away with the number of times, it is better to take care of the quality in order to carefully eliminate all the nodules.

5. Wrong brush

Natural boar bristle brushes are much gentler on hair than artificial bristle brushes. In addition, they better distribute natural fats along the entire length, from roots to ends. As a result, your hair will look cleaner longer.

6. Dirty brush

Many people never wash their comb at all, believing that it cannot be dirty. In fact, it accumulates fallen hair, dead skin particles and sebum. Just think about it the next time you brush clean hair.

How right?

The brush should be washed once a week: first remove the hair from it, and then rinse it under water with soap or shampoo.

7. Static electricity

Static electricity can be generated by rubbing the brush against your hair. To prevent this from happening, spray your brush with hairspray before brushing. Alternatively, you can take a couple of drops of hair oil on your fingers and run it all over your head.

Take pity on your hair and brush it right!

Competent combing of hair of any type and most different lengths is of great importance in self-care. A banal, but very difficult question, how to comb your hair correctly, is very relevant and even painful for many.

Someone after this procedure cannot in any way remove whole strands from the comb, hanging on it in shreds. Some delay the moment of unraveling the curls, which are a "crow's nest", but not a beautiful and well-groomed hairstyle.

To make these problems stop being painful, you just need to learn how to comb your hair correctly. This requires a well-chosen tool and knowledge of a few simple but very important rules.

A worker cannot be good without the proper tool. Similarly, with combing hair: how to perform this procedure?

The modern beauty industry offers a wide variety of combs, combs and brushes. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which they are all made.


To date, wood as a natural material for combs is one of the best and optimal options for any type of hair.

Yes, it is difficult to take care of a wooden comb, but compared to a metal one, it is very pleasant for the skin, and unlike a plastic one, it does not electrify curls.

Its main drawback is the difficulty in keeping it perfectly clean and sometimes too intensive absorption of moisture makes the comb unsuitable for its further use.


Another good, high-quality, natural comb material that you should pay close attention to is horn. It also compares favorably with plastic brushes in that it helps to reduce static electricity in curls.

But the most important advantage of the horn as a material for combs is that it is as close as possible in its chemical composition the biological material that makes up our hair.

He also has a drawback, which should also be taken into account when choosing such a tool for combing: with intensive and frequent washing hair with hot or warm water on horny combs, jagged pits and stripes appear that damage the scalp and the strands themselves when combing.


Steel hair tools are very popular as they are affordable and inexpensive. Experts recommend that before combing the hair with metal brushes, slightly warm it up (this can be done by first putting it on a radiator or a hot lid of a kettle, pan).

This advice is due to the fact that warm metal gives a slightly different (more pleasant) sensation than cold. And yet, most hairdressing and trichologists oppose metal combs because of the rigidity of the teeth and their poor-quality processing.


The most common tools for combing hair are plastic. Love for them is dictated by sufficient strength, hygiene, ease of care.

However, the disadvantage is also very significant: with such material, your hair will constantly electrify. So, the material for the comb is selected.

Now is the time to pay attention to their teeth, on which the process of properly combing the most intricate strands will also depend:

  • sharp and hard teeth are excluded: they injure the scalp and lead to various diseases;
  • ideally, the tips of the teeth on the comb should be rounded, not sharp;
  • for the often confused curly hair you need to choose combs with rare teeth;
  • if you need to comb out dandruff, take frequent teeth.

A properly selected comb is a guarantee that the procedure for combing even the most tangled hair will be soft and painless. However, there are a few more very important nuances that you need to keep in mind for proper combing of curls.

Rules for combing hair

To do this, it is enough to adhere to simple and unpretentious rules.

With strict and daily following them, you will feel how your curls are filled with vitality, no longer confused and do not fall out:

  1. Without fail, comb your hair three times a day: in the morning, immediately after sleep; during the day, after work; in the evening, before bed. However, this is far from a limitation: in ancient times, according to old recommendations, a girl had to comb her hair ten times throughout the day, and for each combing, make 10 smoothing movements through the hair with a comb from top to bottom. From the point of view of trichology, everything is absolutely correct: such daily manipulations help to improve blood circulation, secrete subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous glands, and evenly distribute it along the strands.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to comb wet and even damp curls. First you need to dry them (best of all - in a natural way).
  3. To properly comb your hair, you need to tilt your head. This is possible in several positions: lie down with your head hanging down over the edge of the sofa; sit on a chair and tilt your head between your knees; do it while standing (although in this position, many can get tired back). The slope is needed for increased blood flow to the skin. However, there is one very important contraindication here: those who have problems with blood pressure should not linger in these positions for a long time.
  4. You need to start combing your hair from the back of your head evenly, smoothly, slowly in all directions. If you do everything right, after 3 minutes you will feel warm. This is a sign that the blood circulation began to work at an accelerated pace: the maximum amount of nutrients is delivered to the roots, the curls become stronger, gain strength, and begin to grow better.
  5. When combing, alternate movements with a comb (brush) with stroking the curls with the palm of the other (free) hand. Do one movement with a comb, the other with your palm. Stroking the curls with your hands for several minutes is recommended even after combing. This helps to distribute sebum throughout the hair more evenly, which makes them shiny, strong, elastic.
  6. No sudden movements during this procedure can not be made: they must be smooth and soft.

In order not to lose hair in whole strands and prevent them from tangling, you just need to be able to comb them correctly.

Owners of luxurious hair need to know how to properly comb their hair without harming it. Well-groomed, clean, beautifully styled or simply loose hair is the key to the ideal image of every woman, girl or girl. very important with early childhood accustom the owner long curls to the proper care of them, to convince them to comb so that everyday styling brings pleasure.

Hair care

In order for the hair to be combed easily and at the same time not damaged, it is important to organize proper care after them. Of great importance is the hardness of the water with which you constantly wash your hair - the harder it is, the more difficult it is not only to comb the hair, but also to style it. Lime sediment is to blame for everything, which over time forms a thin film on the surface of each hair and increases friction between them. This affects not only the appearance, but also the health of the hair. They become dull, hard, brittle and dry, the scalp flakes off, dandruff appears.

It is equally important to choose a shampoo that meets all your needs. The use of a conditioner gives good results, but it is recommended to use it separately, at the final stage of shampooing.

Never twist your hair or dry it with a hard cloth. It is enough to wrap the curls with a soft dry towel for 10-15 minutes. Only after the hair dries a little, you can start combing.

Brush or comb?

How to comb long hair so as not to damage it and not pull it out by the roots?

Modern combs and combs are made from various materials- metal, plastic and their combinations, but natural products made of wood and horn are considered the most useful for hair.

It is better not to use metal combs for daily combing, since this material is quite hard for the hair: it can leave burrs that will damage the scalp. Plastic combs have gained high popularity due to their reliability, durability and hygiene. They easily comb hair, but at the same time they strongly electrify them. Wooden brushes or combs are rightfully considered the most gentle and delicate to hair. However, their naturalness also has a downside, a negative side - such products are difficult to maintain in perfect cleanliness, as dirt, bacteria and small skin flakes accumulate between the wood fibers.

What parameters should a good brush have? Firstly, the material from which it is made must be of high quality. You should not trust cheap products purchased in the underpass or on the market: the plastic parts of such a brush often cause itching and skin irritation. Secondly, it is desirable that the bristles are placed on a soft rubber base, be long and sparse enough and not pull out tangled hair. No matter which combing tool you choose, remember one thing important rule: It should always be clean and dry.

Combing technique for long hair

How to comb long hair? This question sooner or later every owner of lush hair asks herself. Cosmetologists and trichologists recommend combing at least 2 times a day, including just before washing your hair: this way you will not only improve skin circulation, but also be able to remove impurities more easily.

Before combing your hair, you must remove all hairpins and undo your hair. To avoid tangling strands, remove them to one side, and then, as you comb, divide your hair into small curls.

Start combing with light strokes of the brush from the ends and moving towards the roots, while holding the rest of the hair with your free hand. Gently move the laid strand to the other side and repeat the manipulations until all the hair is combed. After that, comb them behind your back in the direction from the roots to the tips, and then lower your head down and brush again, but this time from the back of the head to the tips. The scalp massaged in this way will receive good blood circulation, which will contribute to the growth of beautiful and strong hair.

In order for long hair care to be comfortable and enjoyable, follow a few tips:

  • comb your hair slowly, easily and patiently straightening tangled areas;
  • if you are a happy owner of charming long curls, use special sprays for curly curls;
  • for combing dry and highly electrified hair, use antistatic sprays or special creams that are applied to slightly dried or dry strands.

By adhering to simple principles for hair care, you can achieve desired result- get a beautiful, well-groomed and healthy hairstyle, which will definitely pay attention.

Healthy and shiny curls - the dream of many girls. Every woman tries to keep her hair natural force as long as possible.

Particular attention is paid to the correct combing, which is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It is from combing that the likelihood of split ends and dandruff, oiliness of the head and a host of other difficulties that concern women throughout their lives depends.

How often should you brush your hair

Hair should be brushed in the morning and in the evening. If you plan to wash your hair, then you need to comb it immediately before applying the shampoo. At the same time, attention should be paid not only to the number of combing, but also number of brush strokes.

Some women believe that regular and frequent combing harms curls. In fact, this is not so, the more often we comb, the more movements are made at the same time, the better.

Confirmation of this can be found in works of art from different eras.
Old Russian beauties wore long braids, which were not only the subject of their pride, but also of special care. The curls were combed long and neatly. Sometimes it took several hours to prepare for the publication.

Modern hairdressers are advised to use the experience of our ancestors, and not be lazy to comb the curls as often as possible. At least 100-200 brush strokes on the head should be made per day.

What and how to comb

Regular combing increases blood flow to the scalp, normalizes blood circulation, accelerates the process of secretion of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Combing is best done with a comb, or a brush of various shapes.


The effectiveness of a comb is directly related to the material from which it is made. On the shelves of shops you can find a large number of:

  1. wooden X;
  2. horny;
  3. metal;
  4. plastic combs.

Each of them has the right to exist and apply:


Using a brush as the main tool, you should pay attention to the following details:

The comb used must be clean. Washed and freed from dead skin cells, curls can quickly become dirty if a brush that is not too clean is used to comb them.

Having figured out how to comb your hair, consider how to do it right. Ideally, the girl should comb her hair while lying down:

Pleasant warm sensations speak of increased blood circulation, which helps to strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

If there is no sofa nearby, or the situation does not allow you to do everything as described above, then you can simply squat down, bend your head down, put your hair between your knees and comb it.

When brushing, use not just a brush, but also a free hand, alternating the movements of the comb and stroking the curls with your hands. Fully combed hair must be properly smoothed with your fingers, which is necessary for a better distribution of sebum, giving hair shine and maintaining their strength.

Fast and sharp combing is not allowed! The movements made should be slow and gentle.

Long hair

correct combing curls- a big problem for many girls. In a hurry to go to work, meet friends and even go shopping, women often try to comb their heads as quickly as possible, which is not recommended.

Combing from the roots to the tips is also a big mistake. With this method, the hair is torn out at the base, and the ends are split. Everything needs to be done in the opposite way - from tips to roots. This method allows you to maintain the integrity of the hair, unravel the knots formed on them.

IN video you can learn more about how to comb properly long hair.

Short hair

Hair of short length must be combed in the same way as long hair, that is, from the tips to the roots, and nothing else. Otherwise, the girl short haircut and may even be without it.

Most problems occur in girls with. Many of them try to moisten their hair before combing, straighten some sections with a curling iron, and only after that proceed with the procedure itself. Such actions are fundamentally wrong.

The best way to prepare for combing is to run the palms of your hands through your hair, separating one curl from another with your fingers.

For combing naughty curls, use brush with sparse teeth, alternating massage movements this tool while stroking the hair with the palms of your hands.

Hair extensions

Not all girls can boast of long hair. Trying to hide the lack of hair, many of the women resort to the extension procedure. However, hair extensions are not eternal, they can also be damaged, fall out, lose their shine.

Leaving consists, first of all, in the correct combing. For this, they are used soft tooth brushes, or villi.

It is unacceptable to use brushes whose teeth are covered with protective heads! They are easily removed, get tangled in the hair and can damage the keratin capsules, which will lead to premature removal of artificial curls.

In the process of combing the hair, it is necessary to hold the hand at the roots and avoid sudden movements.

Thin hair

Thin curls are extremely sensitive to any impact; when combing them, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and material from which the brush is made. It is better to refuse products made of plastic and metal, preferring a brush with natural bristles.

tangled hair

Combing tangled curls begin from the tips and gradually move to the roots.

Do not use brushes with flat, closely spaced teeth! The less frequently the teeth are set, the best result manage to achieve.

In that video you will find out who should not comb their hair before bed. And also how easy it is to comb strongly tangled hair using oil and which comb to choose.

To comb tangled curls, it is recommended to use not a brush, but wooden ones, or horn combs. If preference is nevertheless given to a brush, then special attention should be paid to the presence of sharp teeth, the length, and hardness of the bristles. The choice should be stopped on brushes with bristles of medium hardness.

In order for the hair to be combed well and not tangled, it is necessary:

It is easiest to comb completely dried hair, to speed up the process, you can lightly spray the brush with water, or even foam.