Review of the fairy tale by V. Oseeva “The Hare Hat. Oseeva hare hat main idea

Once upon a time there lived a hare. The fur is fluffy, the ears are long. A hare is like a hare. Yes, such a braggart that you can’t find another like him in the whole forest. Bunnies are playing in the clearing, jumping over a tree stump.

- What's this! - the hare shouted. - I can jump over a pine tree!

They play cones - who can throw the highest.

And the hare again:

- What's this! I'll throw it at the very clouds!

The hares laugh at him:

- Braggart!

Once a hunter came to the forest, killed a boastful hare and made a hat out of its skin. The hunter's son put on this hat and for no apparent reason in front of the guys


“I know everything better than the teacher herself!” I don't care about any task!

- Braggart! - the guys tell him.

A boy came to school, took off his hat and was surprised:

- Why did I really boast?

And in the evening he went down the hill with the guys, put on his hat and started bragging again:

“I’m about to jump down the hill straight to the other side of the lake!”

His sled overturned on the mountain, the boy’s hat flew off his head and rolled into a snowdrift. The boy didn't find her. So he returned home without a hat. And the hat remained lying in the snowdrift.

One day the girls went to collect brushwood. They walk, they talk to each other about each other


Suddenly one girl sees a white fluffy hat lying on the snow.

She picked it up, put it on her head, and how her nose turned up!

- Why should I go with you! I’ll gather more brushwood for you all myself and I’ll be home soon!

“Well, go alone,” the girlfriends say. - What a braggart!

They got offended and left.

- I can manage without you! – the girl shouts after them. - I’ll bring a whole cartload alone!

She took off her hat to shake off the snow, looked around and gasped:

- What am I going to do in the forest alone? I can’t find the road, and I can’t collect the brushwood alone!

She threw down her hat and set off to catch up with her friends. The hare's hat was left lying under the bush. She didn't lie there for long. Whoever walked by found it. Whoever saw it picked it up.

Look around, guys, is any of you wearing a bunny hat?

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Bunny hat

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"bunny hat" - as a property value

Unique designation: hare's hat (story)
Designation: bunny hat
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Bunny hat


Once upon a time there lived a hare. The fur is fluffy, the ears are long. A hare is like a hare. Yes, such a braggart that you can’t find another like him in the whole forest. Bunnies are playing in the clearing, jumping over a stump.
- What's this! - the hare shouted. - I can jump over a pine tree!
They play cones - who can throw the highest.
And the hare again:
- What's this! I'll throw it at the very clouds!
The hares laugh at him:
- Braggart!
Once a hunter came to the forest, killed a boastful hare and made a hat out of its skin. The hunter's son put on this hat and, for no apparent reason, began to boast to the guys:
“I know everything better than the teacher herself!” I don’t care about any task!
- Braggart! - the guys tell him.

A boy came to school, took off his hat and was surprised:
- Why did I really boast?
And in the evening he went down the hill with the guys, put on his hat and started bragging again:
“I’m about to jump down the hill straight to the other side of the lake!”
His sled overturned on the mountain, the boy’s hat flew off his head and rolled into a snowdrift. The boy didn't find her. So he returned home without a hat. And the hat remained lying in the snowdrift.
One day the girls went to collect brushwood. They walk, conspiring among themselves to keep up with each other.
Suddenly one girl sees a white fluffy hat lying on the snow.
She picked it up, put it on her head, and how her nose turned up!
- Why should I go with you! I’ll gather more brushwood for you all myself and I’ll be home soon!
“Well, go alone,” the girlfriends say. - What a braggart!
They got offended and left.

- I can manage without you! – the girl shouts after them. - I’ll bring a whole cartload alone!
She took off her hat to shake off the snow, looked around and gasped:
- What am I going to do in the forest alone? I can’t find the road, and I can’t collect the brushwood alone!
She threw down her hat and set off to catch up with her friends. The hare's hat was left lying under the bush. She didn't lie there for long. Whoever walked by found it. Whoever saw it picked it up.
Look around, guys, is any of you wearing a bunny hat?

State government special (correctional) educational institution for children with disabilities

"Special (correctional) general education school - boarding school No. 68"

Orsk, Orenburg region.

Reading lesson in grade 5 "A".

Topic: V.A. Oseeva “Hare Hat” (fairy tale).

Teacher: Kondrashova E.A.

Topic: V.A. Oseeva “Hare Hat” (fairy tale).


Educational and developmental: continue to familiarize students with the works of V.A. Oseeva (fairy tale), teach reading comprehension, answer questions, role-reading, enrich vocabulary;

Correctional: correction of attention based on memory exercises.

Educational: nurturing motivation to study.

Wellness: alternate activities during the lesson, comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, and conduct physical education breaks.

Equipment: tablets, cards, subject pictures.

Dictionary: hare, forest, stump, pine, pine cone, cloud.

Methods: visual (showing pictures, using technical means), verbal, illustrative, working with a book.

During the classes

    Org. moment: (behind the screen):

    • What's the lesson now?

      What date is today?

II. Phonetic warm-up:

1) Working with standard sounds: try to pronounce sounds in words correctly).

    Open your notebooks, write down the number, cool work (children’s report on the work done: - I wrote the number).

2) Checking homework: an excerpt from the poem “First Snow” by V.A. Oseeva

3) Corrective game: “What (who) is this?”

(demonstration of pictures, children must remember their names and name the words)

b) Corrective game: “Which word is the odd one out?”

(hare, forest, stump, pine, cone, cloud)

Explain why the extra word hare? (answers the question who?)

III. Lesson topic message: (working behind the screen)

    What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Hare Hat")

IV. Working on the lesson topic:

1) reading by the teacher, by children, in a “chain” (textbook page 129).

2) answers to questions:

We will answer questions (behind the screen)

    Who is this part talking about? (about hares)

    What kind of fur does a hare have? (fluffy)

    What kind of ears does a hare have? (long)

    Where do hares live? (In the woods)

    What did the hares do? (played in the clearing, jumped over a tree stump, played cones)

    What did other hares call the hare? (braggart)

3) physical exercise: (for the eyes)

4) reading the first part: (by roles):

Independent work: distribution of roles for reading the first part.

5) Illustration of the first part:

VI. Homework : retelling of the first part.

VII. Lesson summary:(behind the screen).

    What did you do in class?

    Assessment of children.

    How did you work in class?

Bunny HAT

Once upon a time there lived a hare. The fur is fluffy, the ears are long. A hare is like a hare. Yes, such a braggart that you can’t find another like him in the whole forest. Bunnies are playing in the clearing, jumping over a tree stump.

What's this! - the hare shouted. - I can jump over a pine tree!

They play cones - who will throw the highest.

And the hare again:

What's this! I'll throw it at the very clouds!

The hares laugh at him:


Once a hunter came to the forest, killed a boastful hare and made a hat out of its skin. The hunter's son put on this hat and, for no apparent reason, began to boast to the guys:

I know everything better than the teacher herself! I don't care about any task!

Braggart! - the guys tell him.

A boy came to school, took off his hat and was surprised:

Why did I really boast?

And in the evening he went down the hill with the guys, put on his hat and started bragging again:

I’m about to jump down the hill straight to the other side of the lake!

His sled overturned on the mountain, the boy’s hat flew off his head and rolled into a snowdrift. The boy didn't find her. So he returned home without a hat. And the hat remained lying in the snowdrift.

One day the girls went to collect brushwood. They walk, conspiring among themselves to keep up with each other.

Suddenly one girl sees a white fluffy hat lying on the snow.

She picked it up, put it on her head, and how her nose turned up!

Why should I go with you! I’ll gather more brushwood for you all myself and I’ll be home soon!

Well, go alone, say your girlfriends. - What a braggart!

They got offended and left.

I can manage without you! - the girl shouts after them. - I’ll bring a whole cartload alone!

She took off her hat to shake off the snow, looked around and gasped:

What am I going to do in the forest alone? I can’t find the road, and I can’t collect the brushwood alone!

She threw down her hat and set off to catch up with her friends. The hare's hat was left lying under the bush. She didn't lie there for long. Whoever walked by found it. Whoever saw it picked it up.

Look around, guys, is any of you wearing a bunny hat?


Once upon a time there was a girl. And she had a cockerel. The cockerel will get up in the morning and sing:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Good morning, hostess!

He will run up to the girl, peck the crumbs from her hands, and sit next to her on the rubble. The multi-colored feathers seem to be smeared with oil, the comb shines gold in the sun. It was a good cockerel!

One day a girl saw a chicken at her neighbor’s house. She liked the chicken. She asks her neighbor:

Give me the chicken, and I'll give you my rooster!

The cockerel heard, hung his comb to the side, lowered his head, but there was nothing to do - the hostess herself gave it.

The neighbor agreed - she gave him a chicken and took a cockerel.

The girl became friends with the chicken. Fluffy chicken, warm, every day - lays a fresh egg.

Where, where, my mistress! Eat an egg for your health!

The girl will eat an egg, take the chicken on her lap, stroke her feathers, give her some water, and treat her with millet. Only once does a neighbor come to visit with a duck. The girl liked the duck. She asks her neighbor:

Give me your duck - I'll give you my chicken!

The chicken heard it, lowered its feathers, became sad, but there was nothing to do - the hostess herself gave it away.

The girl became friends with the duck. They go to the river to swim together. A girl is swimming and a duck is nearby.

Tas-tas-tasya, my mistress! Don't swim too far - the bottom of the river is deep!

The girl will come out to the bank and the duck will follow her.

One day a neighbor comes. Leads the puppy by the collar. The girl saw:

Oh, what a cute puppy! Give me a puppy - take my duck!

The duck heard it, flapped its wings, screamed, but there was nothing to do. A neighbor took it, put it under his arm and carried it away.

The girl stroked the puppy and said:

I had a cockerel - I took a chicken for him; there was a chicken - I gave it for a duck; Now I've traded the duck for a puppy!

The puppy heard this, tucked his tail, hid under a bench, and at night he opened the door with his paw and ran away.

I don’t want to be friends with such a hostess! She doesn't know how to value friendship.

The girl woke up - she had no one!


Three magpies sat on a branch and chatted so much that the oak tree crackled and waved away the talkers with green branches.

Suddenly a hare jumped out of the forest.

Chatterbox friends, hold your tongues. Don't tell the hunter where I am.

The hare sat down behind a bush. The magpies fell silent.

Here comes the hunter. Unbearable to the first magpie. She spun around and flapped her wings.

Kra-kra-kra! Convenient knot, but the tongue hurts!

The hunter looked up. The second magpie could not stand it either - it opened its beak wide:

Kra-kra-kra! Talk!

The hunter looked around. The third magpie couldn’t stand it either:

Tr-rum! Tr-rum! Behind the bush!

The hunter shot into the bushes.

Damned talkers! - the hare shouted and ran as fast as he could.

The hunter did not catch up with him.

And the magpies were surprised for a long time:

Why did the hare scold us?


The grasshopper jumped onto a hillock, warmed its green back in the heat and, rubbing its paws, crackled:

It's a red day!

Disgusting! - the earthworm responded, burrowing deeper into the dry earth.

How! - the grasshopper jumped. - There is not a single cloud in the sky. The sun is shining so nicely. Everyone will say: wonderful day!

No! Rain and muddy warm puddles - it's a beautiful day.

But the grasshopper did not agree with him.

Let’s ask the third one, they decided.

At this time, the ant was dragging a pine needle on its back and stopped to rest.

Tell me,” the grasshopper turned to him, “what day is it today: beautiful or disgusting?”

The ant wiped the sweat with his paw and said thoughtfully:

I will answer this question for you after sunset.

The grasshopper and the worm were surprised:

Well, let's wait!

After sunset they came to a large anthill.

Well, what day is it today, dear ant?

The ant pointed to the deep passages dug in the anthill, to the piles of pine needles he had collected, and said:

Today is a wonderful day! I've worked hard and can rest easy!


Once upon a time there lived in the same house a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a dog Barbos, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.

One day they all went out into the yard and sat down on a bench: the boy Vanya, the girl Tanya, the dog Barbos, the duck Ustinya and the chicken Boska.

Vanya looked to the right, looked to the left, and raised his head up. Boring! He took it and pulled Tanya’s pigtail.

Tanya got angry and wanted to hit Vanya back, but he saw that the boy was big and strong. She kicked Barbos. Barbos squealed, was offended, and bared his teeth. I wanted to bite her, but Tanya is the mistress, you can’t touch her. Barbos grabbed Ustinya's duck's tail. The duck became alarmed and smoothed its feathers. I wanted to hit Boska the chicken with my beak, but changed my mind.

So Barbos asks her:

Why don’t you, Ustinya the duck, hit Boska? He is weaker than you.

“I’m not as stupid as you,” the duck answers Barbos.

“There are people dumber than me,” says the dog and points to Tanya.

Tanya heard.

And he’s dumber than me,” she says and looks at Vanya. Vanya looked around, but there was no one behind him.


Once upon a time there lived Mashenka, a needlewoman, and she had a magic needle. When Masha sews a dress, the dress washes and irons itself. He will decorate the tablecloth with gingerbread and sweets, lay it on the table, and lo and behold, sweets will indeed appear on the table. Masha loved her needle, cherished it more than her eyes, but still did not save it. Once I went into the forest to pick berries and lost them. She searched and searched, went around all the bushes, searched all the grass - there was no trace of it. Mashenka sat down under a tree and started crying.

The Hedgehog took pity on the girl, crawled out of the hole and gave her his needle.

Masha thanked him, took the needle, and thought to herself: “I wasn’t like that.” And let's cry again. The tall old Pine saw her tears and threw her a needle.

Take it, Mashenka, maybe it will be useful to you!

Mashenka took it, bowed low to Pine and walked through the forest. She walked, wiped away her tears, and thought: “This needle is not like that, mine was better.” Then she met a Silkworm, he was walking, spinning silk, and was wrapped all over in silk thread.

Take my silk skein, Mashenka, maybe you will need it!

The girl thanked him and began to ask:

Silkworm, Silkworm, you have been living in the forest for a long time, you have been spinning silk for a long time, you have been making golden threads from silk, do you know where my needle is?

Silkworm thought and shook his head.

Your needle, Mashenka, belongs to Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga has a bone leg. In a hut on chicken legs. Only there is no path or path there. It's tricky to get it out of there.

Mashenka began to ask him to tell him where Baba Yaga is - bone leg lives.

Silkworm told her everything:

You have to go there not after the sun, but after the cloud,

Along the nettles and thorns,

Along ravines and swamps.

To the oldest well.

Even birds don’t build nests there,

Only toads and snakes live,

Yes, there is a hut on chicken legs,

Baba Yaga herself sits at the window,

He embroiders himself a flying carpet.

Woe to him who goes there.

Don’t go, Mashenka, forget your needle,

Better take my skein of silk!

Mashenka bowed to the Silkworm at the waist, took a skein of silk and walked away, and the Silkworm shouted after her:

Don't go, Mashenka, don't go!

Baba Yaga has a hut on chicken legs.

On chicken legs with one window.

A big Owl guards the hut,

An owl's head sticks out of the pipe,

At night Baba Yaga sews with your needle,

He embroiders himself a flying carpet.

Woe, woe to him who goes there!

Mashenka is afraid to go to Baba Yaga, but she feels sorry for her needle.

So she chose a dark cloud in the sky.

The cloud led her

Along the nettles and thorns

To the oldest well,

To the green muddy swamp,

To where toads and snakes live,

Where birds don't build their nests.

Masha sees a hut on chicken legs,

Baba Yaga herself sits at the window,

And an owl's head sticks out of the pipe...

The terrible Owl saw Masha and howled and screamed throughout the forest:

Oh-ho-ho-ho! Who is there? Who is there?

Masha was frightened, her legs gave way from fear. And the Owl rolls its eyes, and its eyes glow like lanterns, one is yellow, the other is green, everything around them is yellow and green!

Mashenka sees that she has nowhere to go, bowed low to the Owl and asks:

Let me see Baba Yaga, Sovushka. I have something to do with her!

The Owl laughed and groaned, and Baba Yaga shouted to her from the window:

My owl, Sovushka, the hottest thing comes into our oven! - And she says to the girl so affectionately:

Come in, Mashenka, come in!!

I myself will open all the doors for you,

I’ll close them behind you myself!

Mashenka approached the hut and saw: one door was closed with an iron bolt, a heavy lock was hanging on the other, and a cast chain on the third.

The Owl threw her three feathers.

Open,” he says, “the doors and come in quickly!”

Masha took one feather, applied it to the bolt - the first door opened, applied the second feather to the lock - the second door opened, she applied the third feather to the cast chain - the chain fell to the floor, the third door opened in front of her! Masha entered the hut and saw: Baba Yaga was sitting by the window, winding threads on a spindle, and on the floor there was a carpet with wings embroidered with silk on it and a machine needle stuck into the unfinished wing. Masha rushed to the needle, and Baba Yaga hit the floor with a broom and screamed:

Don't touch my magic carpet! Sweep the hut, chop the wood, heat the stove, when I finish the carpet, I’ll fry you and eat you!

Baba Yaga grabbed a needle, sewed and said:

Girl, girl, tomorrow night

I'll finish the carpet and feast with Owl-Owl,

And you make sure you sweep the hut

And I would have been in the oven myself! -

Mashenka is silent, does not respond,

And the black night is already approaching...

Baba Yaga flew away just before dawn, and Mashenka quickly sat down to finish sewing the carpet. She sews and sews, does not raise her head, she only has three stems left to finish, when suddenly the whole thicket around her began to hum, the hut began to shake, tremble, the blue sky darkened - Baba Yaga returned and asked:

My owl, Owl,

Did you eat and drink well?

Was the girl tasty? -

The Owl moaned and groaned:

Owl's head didn't eat or drink,

And your girl is very much alive.

I didn’t light the stove, I didn’t cook myself.

She didn't feed me anything. -

Baba Yaga jumped into the hut, and the little needle whispered to Mashenka:

Take out the pine needle,

Place it on the carpet like new,

Baba Yaga flew away again, Mashenka quickly got down to business; she sews and embroiders, does not raise her head, and the Owl shouts to her:

Girl, girl, why doesn't smoke rise from the chimney?

Mashenka answers her:

My owl, Sovushka, the stove is not burning well.

And she lays down the wood and lights the fire.

And Owl again:

Girl, girl, is the water in the cauldron boiling?

And Mashenka answers her:

The water in the boiler does not boil.

There is a cauldron on the table.

And she puts a pot of water on the fire and sits down to work again. Mashenka sews and sews, and the needle runs across the carpet, and the Owl shouts again:

Turn on the stove, I'm hungry!

Masha added firewood and smoke started to flow towards the Owl.

Girl, girl! - shouts the Owl. - Sit in the pot, cover with the lid and climb into the oven!

And Masha says:

I would be glad to please you, Owl, but there is no water in the pot!

And she just sews and sews, she only has one stalk left.

The Owl took out a feather and threw it out the window.

Here, open the door, go get some water, and look, if I see that you are about to run, I’ll call Baba Yaga, she’ll quickly catch up with you!

Mashenka opened the door and said:

My owl, Sovushka, go into the hut and show me how to sit in a pot and how to cover it with a lid.

The Owl got angry and jumped into the chimney and landed in the cauldron! Masha closed the door and sat down to finish the carpet. Suddenly the earth began to tremble, everything around began to rustle, and a needle escaped from Masha’s hands:

Let's run, Mashenka, hurry up,

Open three doors

Take the magic carpet

Trouble is upon us!

Mashenka grabbed the magic carpet, opened the doors with an owl feather and ran. She ran into the forest and sat down under a pine tree to finish the carpet. The nimble needle turns white in your hands, the silk skein of thread glistens and shimmers, and Masha only has a little bit left to finish.

And Baba Yaga jumped into the hut, sniffed the air and shouted:

My owl, Owl,

Where do you walk

Why don't you meet me?

She pulled the cauldron out of the stove, took a large spoon, eats and praises:

How delicious is this girl?

How fatty the stew is!

She ate the whole stew to the very bottom, and she looked - there were owl feathers on the bottom! I looked at the wall where the carpet hung, but there was no carpet! She guessed what was going on, shook with anger, grabbed her gray hair and started rolling around the hut:

I you, I you

For Sovushka-Owl

I'll tear you to shreds!

She sat down on her broom and flew into the air; flies, spurs herself with a broom.

And Mashenka sits under the Pine Tree, sews, hurries, the last stitch remains for her. She asks Tall Pine:

My dear pine tree, is Baba Yaga still far away?

Pine answers her:

Baba Yaga flew past the green meadows,

She waved her broom and turned towards the forest...

Mashenka is in an even greater hurry, she has very little left, but has nothing to finish it with, she has run out of silk threads. Mashenka cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Silkworm:

Don't cry, Masha, you're wearing silk,

Thread my needle!

Masha took the thread and sewed again.

Suddenly the trees swayed, the grass stood on end, Baba Yaga flew in like a whirlwind! But before she had time to descend to the ground, Pine presented her branches to her, she got entangled in them and fell to the ground right next to Masha.

And Mashenka has finished sewing the last stitch and laid out the magic carpet, all that remains is to sit on it.

And Baba Yaga was already rising from the ground, Masha threw a hedgehog needle at her: the old Hedgehog came running, threw himself at Baba Yaga’s feet, stabbed her with his needles, and did not allow her to get up from the ground. Meanwhile, Mashenka jumped onto the carpet, the magic carpet soared right up to the clouds and in one second carried Mashenka home.

She began to live, to live, to sew and embroider for people’s benefit, for her own joy, and she took care of her needle more than her eyes. And Baba Yaga was pushed into a swamp by hedgehogs, where she sank forever.

Once upon a time there lived a hare. The fur is fluffy, the ears are long. A hare is like a hare. Yes, such a braggart that you can’t find another like him in the whole forest. Bunnies are playing in the clearing, jumping over a stump.
- What's this! - the hare shouted. - I can jump over a pine tree!
They play cones - who can throw the highest.
And the hare again:
- What's this! I'll throw it at the very clouds!
The hares laugh at him:
- Braggart!
Once a hunter came to the forest, killed a boastful hare and made a hat out of its skin. The hunter's son put on this hat and, for no apparent reason, began to boast to the guys:
“I know everything better than the teacher herself!” I don’t care about any task!
- Braggart! - the guys tell him.

A boy came to school, took off his hat and was surprised:
- Why did I really boast?
And in the evening he went down the hill with the guys, put on his hat and started bragging again:
“I’m about to jump down the hill straight to the other side of the lake!”
His sled overturned on the mountain, the boy’s hat flew off his head and rolled into a snowdrift. The boy didn't find her. So he returned home without a hat. And the hat remained lying in the snowdrift.
One day the girls went to collect brushwood. They walk, conspiring among themselves to keep up with each other.
Suddenly one girl sees a white fluffy hat lying on the snow.
She picked it up, put it on her head, and how her nose turned up!
- Why should I go with you! I’ll gather more brushwood for you all myself and I’ll be home soon!
“Well, go alone,” the girlfriends say. - What a braggart!
They got offended and left.

- I can manage without you! – the girl shouts after them. - I’ll bring a whole cartload alone!
She took off her hat to shake off the snow, looked around and gasped:
- What am I going to do in the forest alone? I can’t find the road, and I can’t collect the brushwood alone!
She threw down her hat and set off to catch up with her friends. The hare's hat was left lying under the bush. She didn't lie there for long. Whoever walked by found it. Whoever saw it picked it up.
Look around, guys, is any of you wearing a bunny hat?