Is it worth throwing away old things? Why you need to get rid of old things

Not everyone is used to getting rid of old ones, unnecessary things. It happens that a person’s apartment is filled to the brim with rubbish, but it doesn’t even occur to him to throw something away - maybe it will come in handy, just in case. The accumulation of various objects in the house is a serious psychological problem, called Plyushkin syndrome in honor of the unfortunate hero of the famous work.

By collecting everything in his house, a person thus tries to protect himself, barricade yourself from reality. However, this action only aggravates his confusion in life, while littering his home. unnecessary things and never ending in dust.

Why do you need to get rid of old things and stop bringing random things into the house? Here a few reasons, with which it is difficult to argue. Perhaps this will change your opinion about your usual way of life, maybe, with the help of these arguments, you will convince one of your relatives to stop collecting.

Why you need to get rid of junk

Throw old things and thoughts into the trash without any regret! If you really hate to throw it away, give it away. , it must be harmonious and constantly updated.

Living your life surrounded by rubbish is a sad prospect, as is living, always being in the past, remembering what has already happened and will never return. You may not have so many things, but they will all be of high quality, updated, and functionally justified. This is a guarantee that the world will help you and not pull you back. Why do you need an anchor if you have a sail?

We need to get rid of the old. Neat and careful people manage to keep kitchen utensils in perfect order for quite a long time. Their dishes rarely break, forks never bend, and pots and pans never burn. Sometimes they just start to get bored with this whole set of necessary things. Therefore, dishes that have lingered in the kitchen for too long must be forcibly broken or helped to get lost. Moreover, if a crack or a notch appears on the plate, if the cup has lost its pair and is left without a saucer. Don't look for new plastic pot handles in the store to replace them. In the wardrobe, it is also necessary to periodically carry out an “inventory”. Things that have become too big or, on the contrary, small, that were poorly washed or accidentally torn, clothes of grown children - all this needs to be torn, given away or disposed of. There will definitely be a person who will find a more worthy use for these things. While all this is stored, awaiting repair, fashion will “squeak” in a different way. And you have to keep up with it, managing to update your wardrobe. But the abundance of unnecessary things does not allow you to do this recklessly. As always, there is nowhere to put it and nothing to wear. And for some, a stack of these things can become a real gift, the very renovation that needs to be done in their own home.

Several compelling reasons

Logic dictates that new acquisitions are more likely when a person needs something. Therefore, you need to get rid of the old, making way for the new. As soon as the old thing disappears, another one will be immediately bought, unless, of course, it is really needed. So, unexpectedly and unexpectedly, a test will be carried out that reveals the need for this very thing. It may happen that it is no longer needed. There is a wise saying that tells the unreasonable “Plyushkins” that until the old goes away, the new will not come. Change is moving forward. And preferably without looking back. And if you touch a little on superstitions and mysticism, you can remember the Almighty, who supposedly does not help change life for the better. He simply does not see the lack, does not see an empty corner where he can throw manna from heaven. Old things are rubbish and rubbish that take up the wrong place. They do not add any life-giving energy or positive emotions, but, on the contrary, slow down all life processes. Due to their accumulation, no changes or updates occur in life. By carefully storing all sorts of old things, people try to protect themselves from problems in the future, thinking about possible lack of money, but forgetting that the thought is material. Why program yourself for problems? Poverty and misery will haunt a person until he learns to throw away everything unnecessary from his life without regret, until he learns to easily and simply renew everything around him. Old things, like anchors of the past, pull you to the bottom. Music from yesteryear is good, it's nostalgia. And old perfume, pants and jugs are bad. This is programming yourself for life without change. Every thing from the past brings back some memories and makes you look back. And this is dangerous, you can’t go back to the past, you can miss the future. It must be mercilessly and irrevocably broken, torn, given away, disposed of. Anything needs to be done with old things, but just don’t store them, don’t fill the mezzanines, suitcases, boxes with rubbish, which will certainly be sent for later storage to the garage or basement.

We save, save, add and think that someday it might come in handy. But life goes by very quickly.. You need not to regret, but to properly throw away old things and make room for something new, at least for air..

There is a law of abundance - in order for the new to come, you need to get rid of the old. Otherwise, for the new, the Universe does not see a place where to “send” it to you.

2. In China there is a saying “The old will not go away, the new will not come.” Old things (trash, garbage) do not allow the life-giving energy Qi to flow freely, and therefore there can be no talk of any changes in life or new things.

3. Another conclusion: when we put on an old thing, or use scents that we haven’t used for a long time, or hear music from the past, we are literally taken back to the past. But the fact is that not only emotions appear - old thoughts appear in us, but this is very harmful, because thoughts, as we know, shape life. So we shape our lives with old thoughts and don’t get what we want.

4. By holding on to old things with the thoughts “What if I don’t have the money to buy new things, and I’ll never have this again?”, we resonate with the mentality of the poor and get poverty. If we calmly throw away unnecessary things with the thoughts “I’ll buy more or the Universe will give me better,” we resonate with the mentality of abundance and receive wealth.

Over time, a lot of things gradually accumulate in every home. The older its inhabitants become, the big amount things they “overgrow”.

The accumulated goods are crowded into bedside tables and closets, cluttering mezzanines, storage rooms, balconies, leaving the owners less and less space. But are all these things used, is there any completely unnecessary junk among them that you can painlessly get rid of, freeing up the space they occupy and thereby ensuring a more comfortable existence in a house filled with light and air?

Why do you need to get rid of unnecessary things?

If you don’t get rid of old items from time to time, your house will gradually turn into a waste warehouse. And its owners will become slaves to this rubbish, forced to constantly move, carry, sort, clean and repair it. As a result of a falsely understood frugality, things begin to belong to the owners, and not vice versa.

A house that has become a warehouse for unnecessary things is never truly clean, no matter how much you clean. Placed here and there, they accumulate dust and do not allow for thorough cleaning, which has a negative impact on health. Clutter of things has a strange way of growing, like a magnet attracting more and more rubbish to itself.

How to throw old things in the trash

How to throw old things in the trash? The furnishings in the house to a large extent accurately reflect the thoughts and inner world of its inhabitants; it is their unique psychological portrait. If the “horse thoughts” are not ordered, chaotic, if there is no spiritual harmony, a person unconsciously creates around himself the disorder that is familiar to him and everyone available means resists the establishment of harmony.

Usually such people say that they have neither the desire, nor the time, nor the energy to clean. In this case, cleaning up your home and throwing out unnecessary things means organizing your thoughts and harmonizing your state of mind.

A huge number of things in a small area (you must admit, not every one of us lives in a mansion of fifteen rooms) is oppressive, burdensome, creates the impression of space overload and does not contribute to effective work, beneficial rest, or good mood.

The more things there are in the house, the less space there is for people. The fewer things, the fewer problems.

The main and irreplaceable resource in the life of every person is time. And is it worth wasting it on accumulating rubbish that supposedly might someday be useful, and on a long search for really necessary things lost in its depths? How much useful could be done if you didn’t have to constantly rearrange the accumulated goods and wipe off the dust from them!

The accumulation of worn-out and unnecessary things cannot but cause feelings of despondency and psychological discomfort. The owners of the house are often haunted by the thought that someday they need to take it all apart and finally put things in order. But I don’t want to take on this, because just shifting and reviewing all these rubble will take so much time and effort that it’s scary to even start clearing these “Augean stables.”

This is how the years of some families’ lives pass among the rubble of accumulated junk, constant chaos and confusion. Is there a way out of this situation? The answer is obvious: gradually get rid of unnecessary things and restore order, correctly and conveniently organizing the storage of the remaining necessary things.

Why is it so difficult to part with unnecessary things?

We hold tightly to the things around us. We get used to them, they give us a feeling of stability and security. Keeping them for decades, we are guided by the considerations “what if it comes in handy someday”, “for growth”, “for a rainy day”, “for the time when I lose weight” and consider them “temporarily unnecessary”.

We need to throw away old things

Should you throw away old things? Thus, an out-of-fashion coat or a shabby, but not yet at all dilapidated, tsigeya fur coat takes up residence for a long time on the shelves and in closets, carpets that were once obtained with considerable difficulty accumulate dust, obsolete household appliances move into the pantry, broken chairs and bedside tables clutter the balcony. . What just recently was proudly called acquired property has, in fact, already migrated to the category of old junk that is unlikely to ever be needed.

Oddly enough, the more things there are in the house, the less they are needed for life. Thrift is good quality, but it is important that it does not reach the point of absurdity, turning into “Plyushkin syndrome.”

Often we leave things behind, feeling nostalgic for the past. School diaries, university notes, Greeting Cards, sent by relatives back in the last century, sleds on which long-grown children rode, their children's toys, so dear and beloved... You have left them as souvenirs Wedding Dress? Have you ever wondered how much space this memory takes up?

Yes, getting rid of familiar things dear to your heart can be difficult. After all, throwing away unnecessary things can be compared to parting with some part of yourself and your life. It’s a pity for every rag, every piece of paper, because any of them reminds of some event in life, is associated with a certain history of the appearance of this thing in the house.

Often people prone to “Plyushkinism” experience a huge sense of loss, akin to grief and anxiety, if they are deprived of accumulated things.

One of the reasons for the reluctance to throw away unnecessary things is disorganization, disorganization, mental disorder, which, although not related to medical diagnoses, nevertheless have a serious impact on a person’s well-being. In this case, it is worth analyzing your experiences, fears, memories, getting rid of everything that clutters your inner world, and the problem of home chaos will disappear by itself.

It's a shame to throw away old things

Many people who nevertheless decide to sort through the rubble of old things and throw away some of them often experience a syndrome called “as soon as I get rid of this thing, I will need it.” The amazing thing is that when they reluctantly get rid of some of the junk, after a short time they really certainly need to
you will need something from the discard. There is a feeling that they are as if connected to the trash by an invisible, strong thread.

This phenomenon is explained by subconscious fear, which makes us hold on to an object because it seems to us to have some kind of value. It is no coincidence that there is a humorous aphorism: “Trash is a thing whose value you understand only when you throw it away.”

How to deal with Plushkinism in children

The tendency to clutter, like many other tendencies, often begins in childhood. Many children from the age of 4-5 begin to accumulate their children's “treasures”. They collect and carefully store boxes, candy wrappers, small plastic items, pebbles, inserts, stickers and other nonsense, from the point of view of adults, gradually cluttering up their room or corner. This is the child’s first independently acquired property, which he values ​​and is proud of.

If you notice that your child’s hoarding is becoming painful and goes beyond the bounds of reason, try to deal with the problem in acceptable ways, while at the same time instilling in him the habit of putting his things in order. At the same time, first of all, adults themselves should not be “junk dealers”, and your home should not be a waste dump.

Don’t be angry at the filled bins, don’t offend your child by calling little things dear to his heart trash and ordering him to immediately throw everything in the trash. Together with your child, find a place to store his “wealth” and help sort all the little things into boxes and boxes (pebbles in one box, paper crafts in another, scraps in a third, etc.), which in turn place in a nightstand or closet.

While sorting, under the pretext of lack of space in the closet, tactfully offer to get rid of some of the “valuables”. Never arbitrarily throw away objects accumulated by your child, especially his drawings and crafts: for the baby they are an extension of himself. Would you like it if someone took charge of your things? Would you want to throw away a part of yourself?

From time to time, invite your child to sort through what he has accumulated and conduct an audit with him, convincing him to part with part of the “treasures,” arguing that otherwise there will be no room for new “jewels.”

What are considered unnecessary things?

The fight against junk comes down, in essence, to just two actions. First, you need to understand that this is him in front of you. Secondly, you need to find the strength to throw him out of the house. And this must be done without heavy internal struggle, experiencing not the pain of loss, but the joy of liberation, so that not only your home, but also your inner world is cleared of unnecessary things.

Should I throw away old things?

Do you need to throw away old things and how to separate necessary things and junk? Trash can turn out to be very useful and even somewhat unique things that are valuable to others, but you do not need at all. For example, an electric waffle iron that you once received as a gift is junk, but you never used it because you are not an avid cook.

You don't need the collection of geological rocks left over from your grandfather either. It is also worth recognizing as useless those things that, although good, are completely outdated and therefore cannot be used in the future (we are not talking about antique things and family heirlooms). So, trash is:

- very good, but clearly unnecessary or hopelessly outdated things;
- things that you have not used in the last few years and even essentially forgot about their existence;

- things that lie like dead weight and do not warm the soul, but only make you want to put them away so that they do not interfere;
- broken, broken, non-functioning items, as well as those items, some parts of which are missing or lost;
- clothes that either do not suit you or your household as a result of changes in figure, either do not like, or are out of fashion.

If you find it difficult to decide whether to part with this or that item, answer the following questions:
When was the last time you used this item?
Is this item necessary?
Do you have the same thing, but more modern?
Do you need two of the same thing?
What emotions does this thing evoke in you?
Can you safely do without this thing?

If you realize that you don’t need this thing and will never need it again, get rid of it without regret! If a thing does not evoke positive emotions, it should not poison your life with its presence in the house. The things around you should be your helpers or decorations of your life.

Decluttering will be more productive if you imagine yourself moving into new house. You won’t take all your things with you, but start sorting them. And if the item turns out to be unnecessary for you, is it worth keeping it further?

When is the best time to inspect home debris?

Dismantling household rubble should be planned in advance. Mark the expected cleaning date on your calendar. Then you will not only not forget about it, but you will also be able to prepare for it psychologically. Clean up your house exactly at this time when you are most productive, in this case the likelihood that you will finish the job you started is higher.

Don't try to finish cleaning in one go. It's practically impossible. Work no more than two to three hours at a time and be sure to leave at least half an hour to throw away everything unnecessary or put in another place what you have prepared to give away.

Find an attractive reason for you to sort through your accumulated wealth. Maybe you want to fully appreciate the beauty of your recently purchased furniture? Enjoy the cozy atmosphere of a clean kitchen? Or, finally, host friends so that you won’t be ashamed of the eternal bedlam? You will have to start dismantling the rubble even when the accumulated things, instead of pleasant memories, only cause dull irritation due to the need to constantly fight dust.

A good reason for clearing the house of unnecessary things can be the birth of a baby, moving to a new apartment, as well as renovations, you can even do a little cosmetic work on purpose.

It is appropriate to unload your wardrobe in the off-season, when you somehow remove/take out autumn-winter or spring-summer clothes.

In Italy it is customary to New Year throw away trash and old things from the house. A wonderful tradition, isn't it? A sort of holiday of renewal, a holiday of getting rid of the unnecessary, the superfluous, that which makes life difficult. Shouldn’t you start celebrating it regularly, at least twice a year?

Do not overdo it!

If you intend to empty your house of this or that item, first ask your household members whether it is worth throwing it away.

We are, of course, not talking about outright rubbish like dried out felt-tip pens or torn socks, but about things that may be of some value to them, say, an old piano, on which many of the keys are stuck and which has not been used for its intended purpose for several decades, for a long time Grandma's broken rocking chair, a collection of beer mugs that accumulates an incredible amount of dust, a pile of computer wires and parts that will most likely never find use.

How to properly throw away old things

How to properly throw away old things? Such things clearly fall into the category of pseudo-necessities, but your loved ones may not share this opinion about them. You will consider the package with pieces of iron, screws, bolts and nuts rusted from age, collected by your husband in an unknown place and when, that you found while dismantling the rubble, you will consider it to be real rubbish.

But for my husband, this package is a treasure that can no longer be found in any spare parts store. Is it worth throwing away such a find without thinking? Before you give an unambiguous assessment of things that do not belong to you, listen to the opinion of their owner.

To prevent cleaning from developing into a scandal, discuss the fate of the accumulated property in advance and, if your arguments about the need to get rid of it do not convince your household, accept it and compromise, because peace and tranquility in the house is more valuable.

When clearing your house of clutter, it is important not to go to the extreme and get rid of everything that has to do with your past. Every home has things that are dear to the heart. Photos, wedding ring great-grandmothers, great-great-grandfather's onion clock, a box with letters that great-grandfather wrote while at the front, the corner in which you were discharged from the maternity hospital, your children's first booties...

Such family heirlooms often have no practical value, but they are filled with some special meaning and have a unique value for you personally, thanks to the stories with which they become overgrown. long life in the circle of your family. They unite entire generations with memories of their ancestors, their origins, traditions and help maintain respect for the history of their family.

The desire to preserve something for posterity, to create a home archive, is supported in many families, but it is important that it does not grow to the size of a small museum. It is equally important to systematize it, store it in a separate closet or nightstand and maintain order in it.

When conducting a general home inspection, do not throw away those things that give your home originality, coziness and comfort. After all, the atmosphere in the house is made up of little things that prevent it from turning into a cold, uncomfortable office with perfect order or a faceless room in a budget hotel.

And lastly, don’t try to throw away a lot of things at once, otherwise you risk experiencing something like an emotional vacuum.

Dismantle household rubble gradually and wisely

You need to start cleaning... with the right attitude, if you want, with inspiration! In order for it to visit you, you cannot think of dismantling the trash as a punishment. Properly organized cleaning can make your home more comfortable and change your life for the better. And for this it is worth working hard.

It is impossible to get rid of everything unnecessary at once, so start small by preparing large garbage or construction bags in advance, where you will put all the accumulated rubbish.

Take a look around your home. Select one problem area. Where has the most unnecessary stuff accumulated: on the mezzanine, in the wardrobe, on the balcony? This is where the revision should begin. Next time, try a different area of ​​the apartment. And so on, step by step, until there is nothing left in the house that is unnecessary.

Experts recommend dividing all the things that you decide to sort into the following categories:

1.Leave. These are definitely necessary things that you love, use often and cannot do without.

2. Throw it away. Without hesitation, you should send everything that is worn out, torn or broken, obsolete, and of no material or emotional value to this package.
3. Try to sell. This category includes whole, but old furniture, used and in working order household appliances, clothes in decent shape, unnecessary dishes, toys, books, collections of coins, stamps, badges, in a word, everything that is no longer yours. necessary, but it might also serve someone else.

You can remove items that have become superfluous to you using advertisements in newspapers, via the Internet on popular Internet portals, various communities or online auctions. Selling things involves some hassle, but if they are not a burden to you and the income is worth it, then why not do it.

4. Give it to other people. If you don’t want to sell things that are quite good, but that you personally don’t need, give them to those who need them more. This way you will give things a second life and feel the satisfaction of having helped someone. You can offer them to young parents, students, low-income families living in your neighborhood, give them to Orphanage, shelter, boarding house, Red Cross branch, charitable organizations.

It's a pity to throw away old children's things

Do you feel bad about throwing away old children's clothes? Many people, without wasting time searching for a potential new owner of this or that item, carefully put everything unnecessary in a bag and place it next to the trash containers.

Read and unnecessary books, boring movies, music CDs, records, cassettes, toys, flowers you don't like and empty flower pots, which you are ready to part with for free, offer to your family and friends, give to children's social centers or libraries, in the end, leave them in a visible place in your entrance, and the one who needs them will take them.

5.Take him to the dacha. The dacha is often a “lifesaver”, helping to easily and without remorse rid the house of a table that has become unnecessary, curtains that have gone out of fashion, a kettle received as a gift, old jeans, etc. But here it is important not to go to extremes, now cluttering the dacha itself.

6. Think about it for a year. This package is for those things that you are not entirely sure you need. It is recommended to put them aside and put them somewhere away for a year. After a year, if you never needed any of these things, you can throw away the entire package without even opening it.

7.Repair. In this bag you need to put broken things that will be quite suitable for use after repair. Determine for yourself the time frame for their repair. If the item is not repaired during this time, most likely you simply don’t need it and it’s time to get rid of it.

8. Remake. You will only need this package if you want and know how to extend the life of your favorite things by remodeling and updating them with new original elements. For many, “reanimating” old things with their own hands is mainly not a necessity due to lack of funds, but a creative need.

If you are interested in sewing and needlework, then it will not be difficult for you to remake children’s clothes from adult ones; remake an old fur coat, for example, into fur vest, its sleeves are turned into fur leggings for shoes, and the remains of the fur are used to make a fashionable beret or soft toy. All you have to do is show your imagination, and you can make a lot of useful and original things from old jeans...

A home handyman can easily build cozy beds for pets from used suitcases, shelving from old cabinets, and a clothes hanger or bench from a crib...

As a result of such metamorphoses, you acquire new stylish things that no one else has, and, importantly, save your family budget. In addition, scraps, scraps of leather, pieces of wood, old magazines, etc. may be useful for making crafts with children in the country on rainy days.

How to avoid accumulating junk again

1. When planning to make your next purchase, always ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I really need this thing?
— How often will I use it?

Do I already have similar thing and how is it worse than the one I intend to buy?
— Can this thing make my life more comfortable?
— Will life change for the worse if I delay the purchase?
-Where will I store it?

By honestly answering these questions, you can save yourself from many unnecessary purchases and unnecessary expenses.

2. Having bought a new, let’s say, more modern thing, get rid of a similar old one. This tactic gives excellent results: you keep control of your own property, free up space on shelves or in closets.

3. Most likely, everyone has clothes or shoes that were apparently purchased during a moment of temporary insanity. You come home from the store, try on a new thing and are completely disappointed in it. If this happens to you, do not forget about the buyer's right to exchange and return goods. Don't be lazy to get rid of unnecessary things, otherwise they will replenish your bins of unused junk. Small things gradually add up to mountains of garbage.

4. Shortly before your birthday or holidays, unambiguously hint or directly tell your family and friends what you would like to receive as a gift. Don’t be afraid to seem immodest; on the contrary, by doing this you will only make life easier for the donors, and also save yourself from the need to store more New Year’s candles, symbols of the year, unnecessary household appliances, dishes, etc. in the house.

5. Get several trash bins or boxes and place them in places where potential trash most often accumulates, for example, near the desk where you work at home, near the sofa where you sit on where you watch TV (read newspapers, knit, do crossword puzzles), in the children's room, etc.

Put in these baskets everything that you don’t know where to put or everything that, in your opinion, will still be useful, but it is not yet clear where and how. Regularly, say once a week or month, mercilessly throw away the contents of the baskets. By that time, the really necessary things will have already been taken out of it, and everything else is trash.

Find the strength to get rid of unnecessary things in a timely manner, and you will see how such a simple action, but such a difficult decision, will change your life for the better.

Have you ever encountered the fact that sometimes everything just falls out of your hands and the day is not going well as soon as you feel your foot on a slipper and go to the kitchen to make coffee? And the point here is not at all that you got up on the wrong foot. The problem lies much deeper. Take a look around, and if you find something from our list, get rid of it right away. And don’t feel sorry: peace and harmony in the home are much more important!

1. The first thing you do as soon as you step out of bed is look for your favorite slippers. In most cases. That's where we'll probably start! Under no circumstances should you store old, worn or torn slippers in your apartment. After all, they attract negative energy, and you don’t need it at all. You can be smarter and replace the usual model of house flip-flops with a beach version - both fashionable and durable.

2. The same goes for basically your entire wardrobe. Torn old clothes and shoes have no place in your home. Go through your wardrobe, and what has already fallen into disrepair or has not been worn for more than two seasons can be safely disposed of. By the way, you need to part with things according to the rules. How to do this so as not to harm yourself - read.

Photo GettyImages

3. Let's move on to the dishes. If your favorite set, which you inherited from your grandmother, is broken or cracked, feel free to take it to the trash heap! And no matter how much you like your cute cup, if a piece breaks off from it, then it must suffer the same fate as the set. After all, as you know, a plate is a symbol of family. Therefore, imagine what your opinion of your family is, that you allow dishes with cracks, chips or defects to be in the house. In addition, it is unsafe for health and disrupts the energy of the products.

4. Fresh flowers are, of course, wonderful and useful for the home. But! This does not apply to climbing plants. They can wrap around the house, but only from the outside. It is believed that loaches attract diseases, but if they are located on the outside, then, on the contrary, they protect and protect your walls.

5. This also applies to reeds. Especially in dried form! They attract illness and misfortune. Feather grass is also not recommended to be kept in the house. You don't want to be widowed early, do you? But if suddenly you need to improve the well-being of your family or simply balance the situation, buy begonia urgently! This plant is considered a symbol of a happy relationship.

6. If you suddenly find yourself with pansies at home, immediately put them out the door! These flowers definitely have no place in your apartment. Traditionally, these plants are planted near churchyards, so you don’t need such a neighborhood. But, for example, if you have dried flowers in your house, then it’s not a big deal. Dried flowers (except reeds and feather grass, as we already wrote) will help neutralize negative energy and even protect against diseases.

7. This item will be especially useful for those who like to throw away christmas tree closer to May-June. In fact, coniferous branches in a vase are appropriate only during New Year's holidays, and the rest of the year keeping them at home is a bad omen.

8. A little mysticism. Photos of deceased people should not be displayed in a visible place. The fact is that photographs are still a connection with the other world, where we, the living, can look once again to nothing. Therefore, it is recommended to keep photographs of relatives who are no longer with us separately from photographs of living ones, best of all - in a separate album. And don't look at them too often. Don't get carried away.

What to do with the belongings and photographs of a deceased relative? Is it possible to wear or use the belongings of a deceased relative? Is it possible to give a child the name of a deceased relative?

In the lives of each of us, sooner or later, losses occur - someday our grandparents pass away, then our parents and other close people. After all the unpleasant ceremonies, we are left alone with many questions: “What now to do with everything acquired by our relatives?”, “Can I keep their things in my house?”, “Can I wear their clothes, jewelry, shoes? ?.

This article will be dedicated to everyone folk signs, all beliefs, as well as church instructions regarding the belongings of deceased loved ones.

Is it possible to sleep on the bed or sofa of a deceased relative?

  • There is an expression: “It is better to sleep on the grave of a dead person than on his bed!” Perhaps there is some truth in this. If a person was sick for a long time, experienced crazy torment on the bed, and eventually died on it, then it is of course better to part with such an inheritance
  • People related to extrasensory perception argue that it is better to replace the bed of a deceased person. If it is not possible to buy a new bed, but you need to sleep on something, then it is better to carry out a ritual of cleansing the deathbed loved one. To do this, you can go around the bed on all sides with a lit church candle, passing it over and under it, sprinkle it with holy water and sprinkle with salt.
  • If the deceased person had some otherworldly capabilities, then to get rid of traces of him strong energy It is better to invite a clergyman to the house. The church, as a rule, meets its parishioners halfway and helps them overcome their fears of the unknown
  • If you turn with similar thoughts to someone more down-to-earth, such as scientists or doctors who are skeptical about this kind of activity, they are unlikely to find anything reprehensible in keeping the sofa or bed of a deceased person for themselves. Their only advice may be to disinfect furniture or reupholster it. This is especially true for those options when a person died from an infectious disease or virus

  • The Church, in turn, may take a reprehensible attitude towards the desire of relatives to keep the deathbed of their loved one. It is not Christian to sleep on a bed where another person has come face to face with death.
  • The psychological side of this issue is also very important. A person who has lost a loved one may not immediately be able to get rid of grief and melancholy. An object associated with this person can often remind you of him and excite sad thoughts in your head
  • However, there is a category of people for whom, on the contrary, memorabilia gives only positive emotions and memories. Falling asleep on the bed of their relative, they can meet them more often in their dreams and enjoy such spiritual communication
  • In other words, the choice is yours. If you are able to subjugate your feelings of fear and give up superstitions, then put the bed of your loved one in order and sleep on it to your health!

  • This is perhaps the most controversial issue. We have long been accustomed to the fact that in the houses of our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and parents, numerous portraits and general photographs of their ancestors and loved ones hung on the walls. In the old days, this was not considered something dangerous or reprehensible. But today there are a lot of ideas that photographs of the dead carry negative energy and can affect the health and fate of living people
  • First of all, let's talk about a portrait of a person who has just died for a funeral procession. It should be a photo that both you and he liked. The portrait can be framed in a mourning photo frame or have a black ribbon placed on it in the lower right corner. After burial, the portrait of the deceased must remain in his house for 40 days. What to do with the portrait later is up to his loved ones to decide.
  • If after this time the wound of loss is still too fresh, then it is better to remove the photograph until calmer times. If relatives have already managed to survive their loss and have coped with their nerves, then the portrait can be placed in the living room or another room other than the bedroom

Photos of deceased relatives in the house - the opinion of the church

Church's opinion on photographs of deceased relatives in the house
  • The Orthodox Church does not see anything wrong with photographs of deceased relatives being in the home of their relatives. We are all equal before God - both the dead and the living
  • Therefore, photographs of loved ones, especially loved ones and loving ones, can only bring a bunch of pleasant memories and fill the heart with purity and love. If the loss is too severe, then at first it is better to remove the photo out of sight. But there is absolutely no need to get rid of it forever. The time will come when the appearance of the deceased begins to blur and gradually disappear from a person’s memory - that’s when his photo will come to the rescue
  • It is also better to temporarily hide a photograph of a deceased person with whom there is resentment or misunderstanding. After a certain period, all negative emotions will fade into the background, and then you will be able to see your loved one with a pure heart

What to do with old photographs of deceased relatives?

  • Of course, they need to be stored. Now, if we imagine that the relatives of great writers or other outstanding people would not keep their photographs, as we would imagine them to be. It is always interesting to compare a portrait of a famous person drawn in your imagination with the original. So in this situation, our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other heirs will want to know what their ancestor looked like. Photography will help them with this.
  • By preserving photographs of our relatives, we preserve a piece of our history, which will be important for our offspring
  • But the question of whether to expose these photographs to the public and ours, including daily viewing, remains open

Is it possible to hang portraits of deceased relatives on the wall?

  • Psychics claim that a photograph of the deceased can become a portal to the other world. By hanging a portrait of the deceased on the wall, we can open the door to the world of the dead. If this door is constantly open, that is, the portrait will always be in sight, living people living in the house can feel the energy of the dead
  • Some relatives who have hung photographs of their deceased loved ones on the walls claim that they are constantly tormented by headaches, impotence, and various kinds of diseases. All this may be just a far-fetched theory, but it may also have some truth.
  • It is especially not recommended to place portraits of the dead on the walls in the bedroom, especially among children. Being under the constant gaze of the dead, you can think of anything you want.
  • Photographs taken on the day of the funeral have especially strong energy. It’s not clear why people take these kinds of pictures at all. After all, they only bear human sorrow and grief. Such photos are unlikely to bring goodness and positivity into the home. It would be better to get rid of them

According to the instructions of psychics, photographs of deceased relatives should be stored as follows:

  • It is advisable to separate photographs of the dead from photographs of living people
  • For photographs of the deceased, it is better to select a special photo album or photo box
  • If there is no separate album, then it is better to place such photos in a black opaque bag or envelope
  • If the photograph is general and there are also living people in it, then it is better to cut out the deceased from it and store it separately
  • In order for the photograph to be stored longer, it is better to laminate it
  • Photos of the deceased can be scanned and stored on a separate medium - disk, flash drive, website

  • The clothes of a deceased person can preserve his energy, especially if they were his favorite clothes. Therefore, you can either store it or get rid of it
  • The best way to get rid of a deceased person's clothes is by distributing them to those in need. The person will be grateful to you for the gift, and you can ask him to remember the deceased kind words and pray for him
  • If a person wore clothes during an illness on the eve of death, then it is better to burn such things

What to do, how to deal with the things of the deceased?

  • It is best to deal with the deceased’s belongings in the same way as with clothes - distribute them to the poor. If among his things there are things close to his heart, then they can be kept somewhere in a secret, remote place and taken out only when you want to remember your relative
  • If the thing is directly related to the suffering and death of a sick person, then it is better to get rid of it by burning
  • If during his lifetime a person gave instructions to his relatives regarding certain things, then it is best to deal with them in the way the deceased wanted

Is it possible to keep and wear the things of a deceased person?

Is it possible to wear things of a deceased person?
  • As mentioned above, it is best to get rid of such things. However, there are some things that are very difficult to part with. They can be preserved, but it is not recommended to take such clothes out of the closet for a long period of time. You can wear clothes after the deceased no earlier than 40 days after his death. Some people recommend holding off on doing this for at least a year.
    after the death of a person
  • Psychics offer to clean the clothes of the deceased using the same holy water and salt. The item can simply be soaked in a water-salt solution for some time, and then washed thoroughly

  • If a relative himself insists that he would like to keep a memory of the deceased in the form of one thing or another, then he should not be denied this. You just need to ask him to pray for the soul of the deceased
  • If, being in full health, the deceased bequeathed his things to one of his relatives, then it is better to fulfill his will and give what was promised

Is it possible to keep the belongings of the deceased at home for relatives?

  • Of course, it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person, but is it necessary?
  • It is believed that after a person departs for another world, his house, apartment, room needs to be put in complete order. The best option Of course there will be new renovations. However, if this is not possible, then it is necessary to remove all the rubbish from the premises, throw away old, outdated things, distribute suitable things to those in need, and do a general cleaning with disinfection
  • If the thing is as dear as a memory, then it can be hidden away from human eyes. It is best to wrap such a thing in a rag or an opaque bag and put it in the “far corner” for a while.

  • The fate of the deceased’s shoes is the same as the fate of his clothes and his other things - it’s best to give them away, but you can also keep them as souvenirs
  • There is only one rule common to everyone - in no case should you wear clothes and shoes taken from a deceased person, especially one who died a violent death.

  • It is believed that a person’s name has extremely strong energy. It can greatly influence the character and destiny of a person.
  • By naming a child in honor of a deceased person, parents doom him to a life and destiny similar to that relative. The baby’s karma will be heavily imprinted by his predecessor, because the trace of his stay in this world remains too obvious while his loved ones remember and mourn him.
  • However, it is also believed that if a deceased relative lived a happy life, interesting life, then naming the baby after him, the parents deliberately wish him the same fate

  • The pectoral cross is a powerful source of spiritual strength and human karma
  • According to Christian customs, it is customary to bury a person together with his cross.
  • If for some reason the pectoral cross did not end up in the coffin with its owner, then it can be stored in the house in a separate box or bag
  • If the owner of the cross was a bad person, died of suicide or violent death, then it is better to say goodbye to such a cross - give it to the church, the needy, or melt it down for something else

  • If a person has lived decent life, then you can ask church representatives whether his relatives are allowed to wear his pectoral cross. Perhaps the clergyman will offer to perform a cleansing ritual over the cross
  • You can also soak the cross yourself at home in holy water for several days, or even months.

Is it possible to wear a deceased relative's watch?
  • A watch is a rather personal item that can retain the imprint of its owner for a long period of time.
  • If the deceased person lived happy life and was with his relatives in good relations, then nothing will come of wearing his watch
  • If the deceased led an unworthy life and was at enmity with his loved ones, then it is better to get rid of his watch
  • In any case, when you put a watch on your hand, you will feel whether you want to wear it or not

Is it possible to wear jewelry from deceased relatives?

  • Precious metals and stones have a very good memory. They are able to remember their first owner for years and even decades
  • If relatives received the jewelry from a benevolent deceased person, then there should be no harm from wearing it. Some stones, such as opal, very quickly adapt to new energy and forget their previous owner
  • If the deceased was engaged in witchcraft or other magic with the help of this jewelry, then it is better to get rid of it altogether. It is advisable only for those heirs to whom the deceased passed on his secrets and knowledge to continue the work of his relative, that is, to connect himself with the world of magic.

What to do with the gold of a deceased relative, is it possible to wear it?

As for gold, it can be compared to jewelry.

  • Icons are considered heirlooms - in the old days, when there was a fire, the icons were taken out of the house first
  • It is best to take the icon of a deceased relative and place it next to your icons

  • The dishes of a deceased relative, again, are best distributed to those in need.
  • If the deceased’s archive contains family silver or sets, then they can be washed, cleaned and continued to be kept.

  • The telephone is a relatively new thing in our lives, so neither the church nor our grandparents have a clear opinion on this matter.
  • If the phone is expensive, then you can continue to use it
  • If the device is already quite outdated, then again you can do a good deed and give the phone to the poor - let them pray for the deceased once again
  • If the phone was in the pocket of the deceased at the time of suicide or violent death, then it is better not to keep such a thing.

What to do with the things of a deceased person: Video