New Year's party in kindergarten: preparation and holding. Scenarios for New Year's holidays in preschools; methodological development on the topic New Year for children in preschools.

New Year- the favorite holiday of mischievous children, and New Year's party could be its culmination. To the fairy tale in kindergarten It was a great success, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail, take into account the age and preferences of the kids, and choose a good script.

With children, you need to learn poems, songs, dances in advance, and discuss masquerade costumes, but there is no need to involve them in the plot of the magical action. New Year's scenario matinee should turn young spectators into participants amazing adventures Father Frost, Snow Maiden and, of course, negative characters, without whom not a single fairy tale can do. Here's one option.

Scenario of the matinee “Baba Yaga and the Leshy against...”


Snow Maiden, Father Frost (DM), Snowman, Baba Yaga (BY), Leshy

A cheerful melody sounds. The little participants, accompanied by a teacher, walk in a chain into the hall where their parents and other invited guests are waiting and stand in a semicircle near the Christmas tree. The Snowman appears, who will be the host of this holiday.

I tried, I hurried to you,
Covered everything with snow,
To make the Christmas tree sparkle
Decorated with lights
Our magical New Year.
Santa Claus is about to come.
In the meantime, we are waiting for him,
Let's start doing a round dance.

Children do two or three circles of a round dance to the New Year's song, adults can also join. The presenter offers to look at the Christmas tree and admire beautiful toys, tinsel. The music stops, the children take their seats.


Everyone enjoys our beautiful green Christmas tree. But no matter how hard I try, the lights on it don’t light up. Apparently I can't do it alone. Let's call the Snow Maiden for help.

All in chorus several times:

Snow Maiden!

The snowman encourages it to be loud and fun. If it’s quiet, let adults join in.

The Snow Maiden appears:

Hello my little friends! How elegant you all are, the tree is so beautiful. And the fact that the lights are not lit is not a problem. Let's say the magic words together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”

Everyone loudly repeats the phrase in chorus, and the garland turns on. Snow girl continues:

Here the Christmas tree is sparkling,
Santa Claus is rushing towards us on a sleigh.
Who will read poetry to us?
Or will he dance deftly?

Children take turns or stand in a line and read poems prepared in advance. The host praises them and invites them to dance. The song “Ice Palms” or another song of your choice is played. We must try to involve all children and willing adults in the dance.


What do you think, friends, is Grandfather Frost lost? Let's call him together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus.

To the melody of ditties “Babok-Ezhek” from the cartoon “ flying ship"A colorful couple appears: Baba Yaga and Leshy. They are dragging a huge bag of gifts. In fact, it is filled with small balloons or other light balls white. Baba Yaga wears a kokoshnik on her head. Her companion has a white beard, a red cap, and a staff in his hands.

Snow Maiden:

Who are you?

I am the Snow Maiden, and this is my Grandfather. Here we have a bag of gifts and we know how to make kids happy. They begin to dance to the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been” from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute” and actively invite children to take part in the general fun.

Suddenly the music stops. At this time, the Snowman approaches the bag, unties it and pours out the contents.

There are snowballs in the bag instead of gifts! They deceived us and their staff is not real.

No, the real one! Grandpa gave it to us himself when he decided to take a nap in the forest under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

So you bewitched my grandfather, and he confused our Christmas tree with a forest beauty? Children, let's help the wizard! Let's play in the snow, he'll feel how much fun we have and he'll find his way sooner.

Snow battle.

By this time, two assistants dressed as hares or buffoons had collected the scattered balls and divided them into two equal parts. Children are also divided into two teams. The playing field is divided by a rope, ribbon, or any strip. Teams are located randomly on both sides of the line and try to throw the maximum number of “snowballs” into enemy territory.

The Snowman and the Snow Maiden encourage the players. After 3-5 minutes, the winner is determined and awarded with sweets or small prizes. The losing team also receives incentive prizes. The children take their seats.

At this time, any New Year's melody begins to sound quietly and Santa Claus appears with the words:

I hurried to the children's Christmas tree,
But I accidentally got lost.
Apparently Leshy tried
And he bewitched me.

He is without a bag, in his hands instead of a staff there is a broom on a long handle. The goblin and Baba Yaga show concern and whisper. They are trying to hide the bag and the staff.

Indeed, Leshy is here, and even with his girlfriend Baba Yaga. Well, give me back, robbers, my magic staff, which you fraudulently lured out! Take your broom Bone Leg, fly to your hut on chicken legs and take your friend.

We'll return the staff if you can solve three riddles.

Scared me! Make your own riddles! My little friends crack them like nuts. Can you help me guess, guys?

After Baba Yaga's affirmative answer, the children say the answer in chorus, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden thank them and treat them with sweets.

Riddle #1:

Who is prickly, but not a hedgehog?
Tinsel, balls and rain
The needles sparkle merrily.
From the forest came to us... (Christmas tree).

Riddle #2:

He comes only in winter
In a warm fur coat with a beard,
Sly look, burgundy nose.
This is old, but cheerful, kind... (Grandfather Frost).

Riddle #3:

The carrot nose doesn't freeze,
He's used to the cold.
When spring comes, it will melt.
Who is this?.. (Snowman).

Well, we must have guessed everything!

Yes guys, thank you! The grandfathers helped out with their intelligence and ingenuity. Give me the magic staff, Baba Yaga, take the broom and fly for yourself. (Exchange staff and broom).

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, we can’t let these deceivers go, they have a bag of gifts.


Return your gifts immediately or Santa Claus will turn you into icicles!

Okay, we will return your gifts if the kids can show how clever and brave they are.

What a task! Yes, these girls and boys will outdo anyone. Let's show the forest evil spirits what we are capable of? And for warming up - dance. Raise our beauties and heroes, Snowman, and let's start dancing.

Everyone dances to any cheerful tune and after a while takes their seats. During this time, assistants prepare equipment for competitions. You will need 2 chairs, 2 pairs of small skis, and an “icicle” made of silver foil. The snowman runs the competitions, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden reward the participants with sweets, trying not to outshine anyone.

Magic icicle.

To the music, children stand in a circle and pass an icicle to each other. The music is periodically interrupted, and the one who at that moment happens to have an icicle recites a rhyme, sings, dances, or at least makes a funny grimace.

Ski race.

Participants are divided into two teams and each receive a pair of short children's skis. Opposite each team, a chair is installed at some distance. Having put on your skis, you need to run around the chair, come back and pass the baton to the next one. Children may need adult help.

New Year's garland.

You will need two chairs and the same number of teams. The first participants, having heard the signal, run, go around the chair, returning to their team, drag the next one by the hand and do the same thing together. Then a third participant is added to the chain, a fourth, until the last player. You need to run holding hands, you cannot break the “garland”.

Everyone goes to their places, assistants remove equipment.

Well done, you tried your best to make the old man happy! Baba Yaga, Leshy, bring the bag. The kids are already tired of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, they ran away and took the bag of gifts with them.

No problem, granddaughter! Magic staff With me, it means the matter is fixable. At the same time, I will break the spell of this evil spirit. And one, and two, and three! My glorious staff, work wonders! (Hits the staff on the floor three times.)

Baba Yaga and Leshy appear and return the bag to Santa Claus. Their appearance changed. Leshy in a forester's uniform cap. Baba Yaga with makeup, wearing a coquettishly tied scarf.

I’m no longer Leshy at all, but a forester. I will take care of nature, teach mushroom pickers to be smart, and plant new trees.

I thought too and decided to open a restaurant in my hut. I will treat tired travelers with tea and buns.

Well, fine! And we invite guests to spin around our beautiful Christmas tree and receive gifts from Grandfather Frost.

During the round dance, the heroes of the performance say goodbye to the little participants New Year's fairy tale and give them gifts.

Who do you think is looking forward to the attack the most? New Year's holidays? Of course, children! They make wishes and write letters to Santa Claus, expect gifts, a decorated Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And I really want to meet their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to choose interesting scenario New Year's party in kindergarten and arrange a real holiday.

When choosing a script, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Some people like the adventures of Emelya and Baba Yaga, while others dream of seeing Superman or Batman as their guest. You may spend a little more time preparing the New Year's party in kindergarten, but can this compare with the delighted eyes of a child during the performance? Your favorite hero can become both a part of a fairy tale and a presenter who will play, read poetry and call the Snow Maiden and Father Frost along with the kids. The script for the New Year's party should not only entertain, but also involve children in magic game.

When reworking the script for kids, don’t forget about the funny ones, beautiful decoration hall and parade of costumes. And let this holiday become unforgettable!

A universal scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten: "New Year's Tale."


Here comes the New Year!
It's snowing outside the window!
People celebrate this holiday
And they buy gifts!
We are with you today
Let's make the gifts ourselves!
We will sing, we will dance,
Let's decorate the Christmas tree!
So let the New Year come,
After all, the people are waiting for him!
The presenter calls all the children to the center of the hall.
What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance!
Children hold hands
The Christmas trees are curling around,
Driving away the evil blizzard,
Dispelling sadness and boredom,
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Round dance is now for everyone!

Children dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “An elegant Christmas tree - lots of lights” and other songs learned in advance.


The round dance is just lovely!
Do you hear the rustle of needles?
This Christmas tree is tired
She told us all to rest!
Come on, kids, let's sit in a circle,
And let's look around!
Our Christmas tree is shining
Why is she sad?
She doesn't have enough toys
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
We have an idea too!

Presenter: Guys, let's dress up our Green Beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where did you go?

The light flickers and the Villain appears.

The villain: That's it, little ones, your songs are over! I stole your balls! The Christmas tree will stand very, very sad! And I’ll take the colored lights for my collection! (The lights on the tree go out.) I'm tired, I'll go take a nap.

The villain leaves.

Presenter: What should we do, what should we do? Has our holiday really disappeared? Who can help us?

The children shout out the names of various heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone has flown away somewhere and cannot help. Here the Hero appears.

Hero: Heyyy! Have you forgotten about me? They left me in charge here, now I keep order.
Presenter: You're not following well, my dear. Look, the Villain stole our holiday!
Hero: This cannot be! Well, I'll show him, the prankster! Only I need your help! Will you help me, children? We will find the lights, cheer up our Christmas tree and bring back the holiday!

Maybe paints
Hidden in fairy tales?
In the thicket of the forest
And wild flowers?
In old huts,
With red freckles
Those who are on the stars
Looks like he's not sleeping?
In warm windows,
In elegant nesting dolls
A brush and palette will help you along the way.
Find paints for the holiday tree.
Lisa appears:
I'm a kind fox -
Simplicity itself...
Orange paint
At the tip of the tail.

The fox leaves an orange circle for the Hero and runs away, wagging its tail.
Snowflakes appear, dance and give the Hero a blue circle.

Hero: It was getting dark for us. Hey, sister Luna, show yourself and light the way for us!

The Moon appears, dances and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you Luna
You know alone
Where should we go?
Where to find paints.


There is a light in the distance.
Your path is not far
Will help you along the way
Lunar horse for you.
The horse leads everyone to the fire.


Red cheeks burn in the cold.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparkles sparkle in the field,
The red fire warms the traveler
I will give you this sparkle.
Its color can color the dawn,
Red feathers of bullfinches...
A holiday is always more fun with me!

Fire gives the Hero a multi-colored spark that shimmers in several colors.


Look, guys, how many colors are on the palette. I think we are no longer afraid of the Villain’s machinations. It's time to disenchant the sad Christmas tree! (They shout “The Christmas tree is burning”). The lights don't come on! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (Name).
The Snow Maiden comes and sings:
With your magic wand
I will light thousands of lights.
My wand, spin around,
Christmas tree, light up quickly.
The lights on the Christmas tree light up.


May every light on this tree
Will fulfill your best dreams.
You will become friends with a fairy tale for a long time,
When you know how to believe in miracles!

The Villain Appears: Look! The lights are back! They sing songs and don’t let the old man sleep! Take your balls, the Blizzard swept them white, I don’t need them anymore!
Presenter: What should we do with the balls?
Hero: Are there any colors? Eat! Snow Maiden, bring a shiny snowball! We need to make decorations! We will paint the Christmas tree balls ourselves!

The presenter herself shows what can be drawn on the ball, and then invites the children to try their hand at drawing. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children paint balloons and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Oh yes Christmas tree, oh beauty! The holiday has arrived! Time to call my grandfather! Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. The children read poems to him.

Every home has a lot of light
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring you.
Exactly at midnight they will flash brightly
There are garlands of stars in the sky.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday is Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree

Merry round dance:

Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and firecrackers.
Nice gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Walking the street
Santa Claus,
Frost is scattering
Along the branches of birch trees;
Walks with a beard
White is shaking,
Stomping his foot
There is only a crash.

Father Frost: Thank you for making grandpa happy! And your tree is so beautiful, elegant, and cheerful!

I wanted to give you gifts,
But I can’t lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to hire helpers.
The hero and the animals help bring a bag of gifts. Santa Claus congratulates the children.

Father Frost:

Well, now I'll tell you
See you again, my friends!
We'll come to you again in a year
Both Snow Maiden and me.

Together: Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Music plays, the holiday ends.

This scenario children's matinee Your kids will definitely like it, because they will not only watch the performance, but also take part in it themselves. You yourself can choose a name for the Hero and the Villain, figure out who will be the host and what other colors the kids can find at the holiday. And even more New Year's tips, fun competitions, pranks and ideas for relaxing your children and friends can be found in our section!

Staromazinsky municipal preschool educational institution"Sun"

Menzelinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Scenario for the New Year in kindergarten

Festive re-enactment

New Year's concert

Hello, dear friends! I'm glad to see you at our holiday. We hope that you will enjoy our stay and that you will be the most active participants. New Year's performance. Perhaps the New Year is the most wonderful holiday children and adults. In the New Year the most beautiful people come to us fairy tale characters, the most cherished dreams come true. At our holiday, of course, you will meet Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and many other fairy tale heroes.

Peeking out from behind the curtain


Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

All of you, without exception,

We invite you to our fun!

Let's dance and dance

Let's play games!

Together: Come! Hurry up

Dance with us!

(Immediately the introduction to the dance “Ducklings”).

You dance wonderfully!

Hello to you guys!

From whom?

But from whom: He arranged skating rinks for us,

The streets are covered in snow,

Built bridges from ice,

Who is this?...... Santa Claus.

And hello again.

From whom?

She doesn't need a hot stove,

She doesn't care about frost, cold, cold.

The cheerful... Snow Maiden sends you greetings

We are also waiting for her to come to us for the holiday!


Come and sort it out, there are riddles in my tub.

In a tub there are ditties, two buckets:

In one proverb,

In the other - sayings.


And here is the first riddle:

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,

But dad loved his son



He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And one day from the swamp

He pulled out the hippopotamus.

He's famous, famous

Good doctor.....(Aibolit)


One day the day and hour come,

Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival,

And the miracle happens again -

And this is a miracle - New Year!


Because you are so happy to meet me,

For the kindness of open eyes,

We would like to present you with an award -

Let's give you a fairy tale now.

Gentle music sounds, it comes out Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden:

I love frosty frost

You can't live without cold.

Santa Claus chose a name for me:

I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree and admires it.

Snow Maiden:

What a tree!

What a wonder! So elegant and beautiful.

For whom, why, where

Did this miracle appear?

You can see the Santa Claus tree

Brought here from the forest

To prepare a holiday,

He sent me ahead

Because today I

I'm opening the winter ball!

The Snow Maiden turns to the guys and smiles at them.

Snow Maiden:

Hello, my dear girls and boys!

How many of you are in the room today?

You were probably all waiting for me

And I was in a hurry to see you guys,

And I’m very glad to meet you.

My grandfather will come soon

And the New Year will come again!

Are you all cheerful and smart?

But I'll check it now.

Snow Maiden: I know such a game. I will ask questions. If I say correctly, you will clap your hands cheerfully, and if I say incorrectly, then you will stomp. It's clear?

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? - Right!

He arrives exactly at seven. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? - Right!

Wears a fur coat and galoshes. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? - Wrong!

He is friends with Snegurochka. Right? - Right!

We went to the Christmas tree with you. Right? - Right!

Soon Santa Claus will come. Right? - Right!

He will bring gifts to everyone. Right? - Right!

Snow Maiden: Well done guys! I see that you are all cheerful and smart.

Snow Maiden: Now let's sing a funny New Year's song.

Grandfather Frost will hear her and come to us for the holiday. I will sing and you will sing along.

There is noise, whistling, stomping. The Snow Maiden looks into the distance and says confused.

Snow Maiden:

Willows bend, spruce trees groan,

The roads are covered in snow

really... really

Is it Santa Claus coming?

(The phonogram of the melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds)

Coming out Baba Yaga and Leshy

Baba Yaga: Hello, girls and boys!

Hooligans, braggarts,

Leshy: Slobs and fighters,

Incompetents and liars!

(Baba Yaga pushes him after each phrase.)

Leshy: I am a cheerful Santa Claus

I brought slingshots for you all (takes out a slingshot)

I brought you some chewing gum (takes out a large pack of chewing gum))

I brought you cigarettes

(Baba Yaga pushes him hard in the side.)

Leshy: A!!! I am a cheerful Santa Claus

I brought you gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! What's wrong with you!

You're somehow not like that

You are insidious, cunning, evil -

A real Waterman.

Baba Yaga: Why are you saying that!

Look carefully.

Demonstrates Santa Claus.

The real Santa Claus

Here is the hat, here is the nose.

There is a gas canister

And the staff is disposable.

Snow Maiden: Who are you?

Baba Yaga: Me? Snow Maiden - a slender figure

Long braids, black eyelashes.

I’m friends with you, kids.

Snow Maiden: Oh, you don’t look like Santa Claus, do you guys? And even more so for Snegurochka, because Snegurochka is me.

Baba Yaga: Oh, fathers, we're late!

Leshy: I told you, get dressed quickly, we’ll be late. The real Snow Maiden has already arrived.

Baba Yaga: Don't push! I had to put myself in order, I’m a woman!

Snow Maiden: Guys, did you recognize them? Right! This is Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Baba Yaga: Yes! I am Babusya, I am Yagusya.

I'm very proud of this!

Leshy: And I am Leshy, not at all evil,

Not old and not young.

I live in the forest, I carry out service,

And who will come to me in the forest,

It will fall into my clutches!

The phonogram of the melody of the song “Sailor” by O. Gazmanov sounds. Baba Yaga and Leshy are dancing.

Baba Yaga: I live in the wilderness of the forest

Yes, in a bone hut,

I'm friends with kikimora

I often go to visit her.

I don't like cheerful laughter

I'm more harmful and meaner than all of you,

I never bother

I'm proud of myself.

Chorus: I am Babusya, I am Yaga

I'm a bone leg

I'll ruin your holiday

I won't let you have fun.

I'm a grandma, I want it that way

I'll conjure, whisper

Santa Claus will not come to you,

New Year will not come.

Leshy: Sings the song “My Bunny”

My grandmother, I am your Lekha.

I feel very bad without you.

My hedgehog is evil-evil

My dear grandmother

Baba Yaga: You are my goblin, evil, treacherous

So cunning and terrible,

You are my headless bunny,

Hedgehog, you are my stupid one.

Together: My bunny!!!

Santa Claus will not come to you

New Year won't come,

It won't come, it will never come.

We'll outwit everyone around us,

Let's do something here

We are the most harmful in the world, yes, yes, yes!

Snow Maiden: Where is Grandfather Frost?

Baba Yaga: He sits in his hut

Frogs guard him

So don't wait for him

Everyone get out of here.

Snow Maiden: But this is not possible! The guys gathered for the holiday, they were looking forward to it,

Baba Yaga: But we will test them,

We'll tell them riddles.

1. Everyone bypasses this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses

No leg support?

2. It’s not fire, it’s burning,

It’s not given into your hands.

Grew up under a willow tree

Call her...(nettle)

3. He stood in the forest

Nobody took it

In a red hat, fashionable

No good.

(fly agaric)

4. He grew up angry and prickly in the field,

Needles in all directions.

5. The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly.


Snow Maiden: Well done, guys! All the riddles have been solved!

(Addresses Baba Yaga and Leshy)

Well, we are convinced that the guys are smarter and smarter than you.

Baba Yaga: Yes, it's very sad,

But this is probably accidental.

But my Leshak and I

We dance and sing better than them.

Who wants to compete with us?

And then we will laugh.

Place the children in a circle.

Baba Yaga: Show your achievements, repeat all the movements after Lekha.

Leshy: Grandma and I are now

We will show you the highest class.

Baba Yaga: Well, Lesacek, don’t let me down!

Hey, whoever is brave, come out!

Excerpts of modern songs are heard, Leshy and Baba Yaga dance. The children's task is to repeat their movements.

Snow Maiden: Are you convinced now?

We dance better than you.

Goblin: Oh, grandma turned pale.

What, Yagusya, are you sick?

If you get sick, it’s no problem

Eat the frog from the pond

There is no more reliable medicine

Than the natural environment.

Baba Yaga: These children are smarter and stronger and more friendly.

I'm burning with anger,

I'm losing my strength. (falls)

Leshy: I’ll go for help,

I will help the hedgehog,

I'll find my hammer

I'll bring her to her senses.

He takes a hammer, taps her on the knee, her leg jumps, a strong creak is heard, Baba Yaga stands up.

Baba Yaga: Our deception failed,

Santa Claus will come now.

Eh, we didn't succeed

They will ruin the New Year.

Music is playing. Included Father Frost.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear guys!

Happy holiday to you!

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers

Over frozen seas

Over the fields, over the forests.

Because at the gate

The New Year is knocking on us.

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,

I decided to visit you,

My dear guys

I'm very, very glad to see you.

Snow Maiden: Today, guys, on our holiday

We will sing, play, dance

So that there are only happy faces around

Today, friends, we will have fun.

Grandfather, the Christmas tree is standing sadly,

Why doesn't it light up?

Santa Claus: Of course, Snow Maiden, what would a New Year be without festive lights, we will fix this problem! Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, guys, it's time to light the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Yes, friends! Now let’s light it (looks for a star in the bag). But where is she?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what are you looking for?

Santa Claus: Magic star?! Where could I leave her? My memory has become completely full of holes (she walks with her hands on her head.

Snow Maiden: "At the hostess's copper mountain"

Santa Claus: (Hearing) Exactly. At the mistress of the copper mountain. (The lights go out. Music sounds. Sparkling precious stones, included Mistress of Copper Mountain. She holds a large five-pointed star in her hands.)

Santa Claus: (Walking towards her) How glad I am, how glad I am that you didn’t let me down. I completely forgot that I left my magic star with you. It's time to light the Christmas tree, the guys are worried. Now, guys, you can rest easy, now we will light the Christmas tree.

The mistress of the copper mountain gives the star to Santa Claus. When you touch Santa Claus, the star lights up. Santa Claus carefully carries the star in his hands, approaches the tree, touches its branches and the tree lights up. Everyone claps their hands. Snow Maiden: If only there was a song about a Christmas tree

We sang in chorus

The song would sound loudly,

With fire, with enthusiasm!

The tree suddenly danced,

Everything around would sparkle,

The round dance would spin -

The best holiday is New Year!

We sing the traditional New Year's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, the guys have been waiting for you. And they want to dance to you “Dance of the Snowflakes.” Together with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, children dance the “snowflake dance”.

Santa Claus: Same thing. And now, friends, we continue to have fun and play, sing and dance.

Presenter: Santa Claus, our dear children have prepared gifts for you. Now they will dance for you, read poetry, and sing.

Santa Claus: Well done, guys, you amused the old man. And now I’ll rest a little, and you, Snow Maiden, tell the guys my riddles.


To the first step

A young guy stood up

To the twelfth step

A gray-haired old man came.

No boards, no axes

The bridge across the river is ready

The bridge is like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light.

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth.

Santa Claus: Well done, guys! We solved all the riddles.

Snow Maiden: So as not to stand still,

I ask everyone to dance.

Guys, let's dance Santa Claus's favorite dance, "Lady".

Everyone is dancing "Barynya"

Snow Maiden: Guys, Grandfather Frost doesn’t know modern dances, let’s teach him.

Everyone is dancing a modern fast dance.

Now guys, tell Grandfather Frost poems about the New Year.

(children's story)

Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, but the gifts have been prepared for the children a long time ago, come on, my assistant, help me distribute them to the children. Children receive gifts.

Snow Maiden: The tree also shakes its branches,

He must be saying goodbye to us.

Let's say to the Christmas tree together:

"Farewell, see you next winter!"

Santa Claus: Friends, the minutes flew by,

The Palace was full of ringing laughter,

We played, joked, sang,

But everything comes to an end.

Snow Maiden: Seeing off guests today,

So that we don't get bored while apart,

Santa Claus: We wish you goodbye:

Let's meet again!

Santa Claus: Goodbye, dear friends!

New Year's scenario for preschool educational institutions.

New Year's holiday in kindergarten "Visiting Grandfather Frost" (for children of senior and preparatory groups)

Children run into the hall to cheerful music and dance around the Christmas tree.


A wonderful day is coming

New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and inventions,

Fairy tale holiday for children!


How beautiful it is in our hall,

We called our friends,

Our people are having fun.

All. We are celebrating the New Year!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers,

With new toys!


Congratulations to everyone in the world,

We sincerely wish you all:

So that your hands clap,

For your feet to stomp,

To make children smile

We had fun and laughed.

Child. Hold your hands tighter,

Stand in a wide circle,

We will sing and dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Children perform a round dance "The New Year is Coming to Us", music. V. Gerchik, lyrics. 3. Petrova.


New Year, New Year,

But Santa Claus still doesn’t come.

He was delayed on the way...

Child. Maybe we should go to the forest to see him?


It's just a long way, friends,

Aren't you afraid, kids?

Children. No!


Then we get into the sleigh,

We are rushing along the snowy road!

Children perform the song "Sleigh", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina. Then the lights go out, a table, a chair, and a bag of toys are brought out. The light comes on.

Presenter. Well, it seems that we have arrived!


Oh, what a wonderful forest -

It's full of wonders here!


Here is a clearing, and here is a Christmas tree,

The needles smell like pine.

Look this way

And inhale the aroma! (Breathe.)


Oh guys, look:

Kulkov, a whole cart of toys.

Oh, my heart feels, it feels:

Santa Claus is somewhere nearby.

Well, to whom, what gift?

Our Santa Claus will bring -

That's the question, guys.

Children perform the song "What's Hidden Under the Christmas Tree", music. N. Peskova, lyrics. P. Sinyavsky. There is the sound of a stick and footsteps.


Oh, be quiet, someone is coming, let's hide quickly.

I think it's Santa Claus.

Children sit on chairs. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost.

This morning we woke up early,

We did some exercises on the sofa (stretching).

After all, soon, soon the New Year...

Snow Maiden. Did you miss the guys, Santa Claus?

Santa Claus sits down at the table.

Father Frost.

Yes, I just sit and dream

It’s like I’m visiting them on holiday.

I collect toys for them,

Candies, cookies, crackers.

He puts everything in a bag. The Snow Maiden carries a balalaika.

Snow Maiden.

Come on, grandpa, come on,

Better tune the balalaika,

Rehearse ditties quickly,

To sing them for the children!

Santa Claus plays and sings "Chastushki".

You play, play yourself

My balalaika,

Let's celebrate the New Year,

Songs to sing and dance.

Oh, winter-winter,

Was snow-white

How to hit with my heel -

It will snow immediately. Wow!

Santa Claus is dancing.

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, you've gone crazy, you forgot that children

They are waiting for you in kindergarten.

They are looking forward to seeing you

Your best friends!

Santa Claus began to fuss and get excited.

Father Frost.

I'll put toys in the bag

I'll hurry to the guys!

He spins, collects himself, wipes the sweat from his face.

Father Frost. Oh, and I'm all exhausted!

Children. And we’ve been here for a long time, grandpa!

Father Frost.

What happiness, how glad I am, friends,

Welcome to the fairy forest, children!

Snow Maiden.

What a surprise, wow!

We are always happy to have children!

It's good in the forest in winter.

The forest is decorated with fringe,

The spruce sways quietly,

The old year is ending.

Father Frost.

Let the frost shine silver

Let the white snow sparkle!

Children perform the song "First Snow", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. A. Gorina.

Father Frost.

Hey, forest animals,

Squirrels, mischievous hares!

Meet the kids soon,

Songs and dances begin!

Children in costumes of forest animals come out one by one and sing the song “Who’s Hidden in the Forest”, music. D. Lvov-Kompaneyts, lyrics. V. Viktorova.


Let's say to all forest peoples:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


And here is the beautiful Christmas tree

So elegant and magnificent!


It's time to celebrate the New Year,

We need to light the Christmas tree!


Oh, well, this is nonsense,

Give me matches here!


What are you saying, Misha, is it possible?

Bring matches to the tree,

After all, it’s not difficult to start a fire -

Very difficult to put out!

Bear. Well, and candles with a lighter...


No, then there's trouble again,

Here, guys, Santa Claus

We need magic words.

Father Frost.

Yes, for guests, for children

I'll light the lights on the Christmas tree.

I’ll touch it with my staff: one, two, three...

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, shine!

The Christmas tree lights up.

Snow Maiden.

Well, cheerful people,

Get into the round dance.

Children perform a mass dance "Polka" in a circle around the Christmas tree, music. N. Sizova.

Father Frost.

How friendly, all together

You pleased me with a cheerful song!

Children sit on chairs.


And now it's a game for everyone,

Everyone will like her.

Santa Claus, come out,

Take the stick quickly!

Just mind, friends,

I'll be at the gate!

The game "Hockey" is being played.

Father Frost.

Well, little animals, well, kids,

You are an expert at playing hockey.

Be on your guard now -

I'll read you some poetry now.

I ask everyone to answer:

First I'll ask everyone:

Who here loves songs and laughter?

All children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Father Frost.

Answer in chorus instantly:

Who is the most spoiled person here?

Children(they are silent).


Well, grandpa, there is an answer:

We don't have kids like that!

Father Frost.

Who is used to our order -

Does he do exercises in the morning?

Children. It's me (continue).

Father Frost.

Who doesn't know a toothbrush?

Forgets to wash your face?

Children(they are silent).


Again, grandpa, there is an answer:

And there are no such children!

Father Frost.

And one more question:

Which of you doesn't wash your nose?


We have one answer:

There are no such guys, grandpa!

Snow Maiden.

And now I'll ask you:

Do you like it, children, in the winter forest?

Grandfather and I didn’t know that you would come to us,

But the forest was decorated as if for the arrival of guests:

White snowflakes sparkle

Icicles and ice floes are ringing.

Children dressed as ice floes and icicles run behind the Christmas tree. The ringing of bells and triangles is heard.

Snow Maiden.

Hear, it’s heard in the forest -

This magical, enchanting ringing.

Icicles and pieces of ice are playing today

At our New Year's tree!

“Icicles” and “Icicles” perform “New Year’s Polka” on triangles and bells, music. A. Alexandrova.

Father Frost.

In the New Year's forest, look, it's creeping

Light, transparent, white snowstorm.

The Snowstorm girl runs out with a gauzy white scarf. They will perform a dance to a soundtrack.


I, a blizzard, as soon as I notice,

I'll cover all the roads.

And we are not afraid of you,

Because we're having fun.